#thaï show
nbvcx12 · 1 month
Episode 2 of Wandee Goodday I really like the vibe of the series it's easy to get attached to Wandee and Yoyak the chemistry is there
Ter is literally the worst person at the event lmaoo all for a scholarship
The reason Wandee doesn't want to kiss Yoyak on the mouth makes me laugh out loud but I accept it because people really do that.
Excited for episode 3
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illustratus · 4 months
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Virgil shows Dante the Shade of Thaïs by Gustave Doré
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thenebuleuse · 4 months
Thoughts (since I don't write on Tumblr often
I've been following Jeff's career since like...mid-Kinnporsche airing, I don't remember exactly when but like he had the first 3 songs from his new chapter phase. And honestly, I'm really proud of the guy, like from the cutesy songs he started with to working on a well-defined style and universe, to his now international stardom...Congrats!!
I'm also wondering about the album since he said there was 12 songs, (and we're missing single 9) and Stranger might be released inside the album but there's at least 1-2 new songs. He basically gave himself the opportunity to promote for a long-ass time with all these MVs (and thanks the sponsorships+the money he made for this clip budget) but that also means very little new songs. Like for album 2, is it going to be a mini-album? Or a normal-sized one? Is he going to go the one MV one song way again?
I don't know how thaï music industry works but it's going to be interesting. I hope there's Covid precautions in place at his concerts because I would hate for him to have his career shortened that way. Like fans, please wear masks. I wanna hear the high notes, and he's basically set himself up by having one high note per song (no, you don't need it Jeff) and that makes it hard to not to have public, embarassing false notes (is it how you say it in English? I'm French btw)
The studio posting in advance the Cartier Paris event schedule is funny, I've visited the museum and it's absolutely a visit during opening hours on a normal opening day. They probably privatized it with lots of money, but if they don't it's gonna be funny to see random art students going "who's that guy/why is there so many celebs??"(Paris museums are either closed on Monday or Tuesday, depending if they're state museums or city museums)
He's made quite a lot of connections last year, going from the first partnerships (the cat food one was mandatory) to high-end partnerships with luxury brands. I would love to know what made him choose these ones and reject the others but we will never know what has he been offered.
Also, Chuang! Except for one of the mentors I didn't know, it feels weird to see people I've seen being rookies listening to seniors becoming the judges of today, when the judges used to be people who weren't known celebrities to the idol fan watcher. Now my idols are another idol's idol! Like I'm going to watch a show (on and off because I'm busy) because of the judges and not the contestants! In terms of the competition, I wonder how they're going to be promoted, especially since it's a girl group. Like, when Produce/Chuang was created, it looked unrealistic, and here we are! I think the girls version of the show tends to be the first, and idol girls seem less "guaranted success" than the nth boygroup. Idk about thai music industry again, so idk how idols survive, because the only idol girls I kow in Thaïland are Sizzy from GMM..We'll see, but I hope the show fulfills its role of career launcher without scandals or evil editing.
Back to the actual topic, seeing the Jeff pyjama pic for the show's filming is making me wonder if he's going to be styled in Valention the whole time. If it's the case, we could literaly have a guessing party before the episode teasers, though he's a wild card since he picks women's clothes too. Please show, make him wear a skirt! A pantaskirt?
Also, his haircut, an actual discussion topic (but kpop idols announce comebacks by hair colour, so why not?) is making him look like he's somewhere between 18-22. Like it's only when he styles it back that it doesn't give him too much of a baby face. For his movie, I think they're filming backwards or not in order in terms of time period, because I don't think they're going to do bald cap if he needs to have no hair. We might get short military-like (I hope he doesn't keep it, I love the long hair). But also, is it me or he's started working out the Dorito back way? Like, he's got more arm and shoulder muscles than without workout, but last singing appearance he really looked "guy who works out to have a triangular back" and that may be movie-related as well? Again and again, idk.
I don't really write about stuff a lot, the thoughts often stay in my head, but yeah, here they are!
For his next career moves, I'm mostly curious about how much space he's going to give to acting or being in reality shows, since he's a singer first. I think Wuju is going to be his last work with Barcode as a partner, but I'm curious about where he's going to be casted if he does series again, like he has more options than just the BOC productions (unlike Barcode) and he may become a "pass-around, no fixed ship actor. But we're making plans on a comet now, and I really should go back to working, so bye for now!
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malicedafirenze · 2 months
Unfiltered thoughts about Court of Wanderers by Rin Chupeco
Untagged spoilers below the cut, click at your own risk
For a proper review that makes a bit more sense, see here. This is just my unedited notes I took while reading
Love that Remy and Zidan are back to being bitchy
Lol only one bed but on purpose 
Did Eugenie just fuckin decapitate a guy with her long nails are you fucking kidding me 😂
Ugh Valenbonne showing up in person. Idk if I dislike it bc he’s a hateable bastard or because it lacks believability…
The overgrown castle and night empress cocoon give big video game boss lair energy 
She‘s described with „dark skin, the same shade as Remy‘s“
Oh I‘m glad Remy is finally giving his father a bit of honest ranting about his abusive bs 👀
Lil bit cringe that the kids at the Fata Morgana would ask if Remy, Zidan and Xiaodan are lovers, and take an interest in how Zidan slakes his thirst
Remy telling the kids stories feels a bit indulgent 
Malekh offering to let Remy take control 😍
Again, very self indulgent, could do with more subtlety but well
Good to know that she pegs him sometimes I suppose 😄
They‘re just so transparently horny the whole time. Like I‘m here for it but it gets cheap so quickly if there‘s extended focus on that
Ooov the villain was Aluria‘s colonialism? 👀 (remy‘s mother, re. her motivations, in his dreams)
Vampire pigeon 😂
Them arguing while fucking is funny but also a bit goofy 🙈🙈
I‘m on board with some bdsm familiar shit on display, but the presentation of it somewhere between kink and obligation is a bit off
Lady Rotteburg‘s apologies for her treatment of Remy ring a little hollow/indulgent too
I find it odd that Remy still meets with and gives info to his father‘s messenger?
Ooh okay that was in discussion with Malekh
I find it a bit toothless that xiaodan (and malekh) are so utterly supportive of remy‘s choice re. humanity/vampirism. They seem a big too perfect and potentially boring to me at the moment?
Ok good Zidan is weirdly controlling re. Remy‘s dreams shortly after
I‘m 12 Chapters in and a bit dismayed that I‘m finding it alright so far :')
Missing any acknowledgment of pressure/equalizing when Zidan drags Remy underwater 😑
Malekh‘s past with the night king 🤝 Raihn from TSatWoN
That the whole gathering of court leaders would pause to speculate on what remy has with zidan and xiaodan feels kinda cheap
I‘m here for the exhibitionism but I find it odd in its presentation. Like, ok their whole thing is submission, but it‘s still a weird af combo of a council meeting and an orgy
Like ffs her mother is watching 🙈
I just don’t love how much of the actual dialogue is so self indulgently about „oooh so a reaper is in bed with the third and fourth court leaders“. Like sure make that part of the conversation but it‘s so cheap if that‘s all there is to it
Some of the exposition is presented in sort of plump dialogue 
I‘m bothered that apparently Remy still doesn’t know precisely what being a familiar entails
Elke recapping the development between Allegra and herself feels v much like it could have been much better woven into the story :‘)
So much interpersonal stuff is just really plump. „Hi remy sorry for my lord attacking you I seriously want to be friends. Ok sure I‘ll then immediately answer your deeply personal question that perfectly mirrors your own internal struggle re. getting turned“
Ok them fucking on Ishkibal‘s throne to help Malekh make new memories of it is fun and hot
Gah why does everyone else need to keep talking about it afterwards though, including with Valenbonne 🙉
Still feel like everyone‘s being entirely too generous and forgiving towards valenbonne
I don’t mind the focus being political, but I feel like there’s too much tell vs show
Remy being hurt by Thaïs being one of the traitors rings a lil hollow, calling her a friend when they‘ve only interacted a handful of times and one of those was her being pushy af
And Xiaodan figuring out all the details of the priestess‘ plan is also a bit much? idk
Them both being in a frenzy and remy getting malekh back by insulting him is cute
The whole thing where it uses the nth court leader instead of names is so grating 
I‘m not a fan of how valenbonne is still their ally tbh
Increasingly bothered by everything that makes him appear sympathetic again
He apologizes but he‘s not really rueful about any of the horrible shit he‘s pushed remy to do??? 
This Jost twist is also kinda coming out of nowhere??
Not sure I got completely why and how Ishkibal is using the Night Empress‘ body
I do not like Valenbonne being all badass, using breaker to protect Remy etc, who is this for 😭
Valenbonne‘s „I should have died the day I realized you were still out fighting in those caves“ rings so fucking hollow what 😭😭
“I think the only legacy he wanted to leave behind was you” 
How tf is any of this earned
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rey-jake-therapist · 26 days
I don't know if others feel like me, but one thing that always annoys me when I watch a TV show, particularly american TV shows, is that the characters seem to eat only take aways, or grab some filthy fast food instead of just you know, put some pasta in boiling water or fry an egg... Like, sometimes you've got the glimpse of a kitchen in the background, but it seems to be here only for the sake of decoration because I doubt that the main characters use it EVER.
It's always, "hey, let's eat chinese tonight!", "nah, let's order a pizza", "or what about thaï?", "Sweetie, we already had thaï for lunch..."... It's always filthy stuff full of grease and sugar, and YET they somehow manage to remain skinny to the bones. And then sometimes they eat that shit every day, then complain about never having any money. That's the worst cases because I want to yell at them that they would save A LOT of money if they just bothered cooking, but nahhh they'd rather lose their apartment rather than making one small effort that would also improve their health. Stupid fuc*s.
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Nowadays, I'm getting totally lost into asian dramas but I can't convince my friends to watch my recs so I'll try to find people who need recs or want to talk about those dramas here. My absolute faves are still being aired. So please go watch those (or rec me new ones if you like all those five):
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"Summer Strike", Korean drama, ep 5 and 6 just aired. This is so soft and hopeful, I'm in love with all the characters (and I'm a librarian so this one really speaks to my heart).
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"Between Us", Thaï LGBT drama, ep 4 just aired. It's a spin off of "Until We Meet Again" who is way better than the original serie imo (sorry sorry sorry). Five stars for consent in this show.
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"May I Help You", Korean drama, 10 episodes aired for now. Another soft story with lots of tears but not painful ones, and with magical undertones.
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"My Tooth Your Love", Taiwanese drama, the unexpected one for me, ep 9 just aired. The title is ridiculous but the story is so good. Lots of unexpected healthy reactions and dentists can be sexy, what a revelation!
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"Revenge of others", Korean drama, episodes 9 and 10 will air tomorrow. I'm obsessed with this one, even if I know the end will destroy me. It's rare that a thriller manages to hook me more than 4 episodes on but I can't get enough of this show.
Have you seen any? Or know similar ones?
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mangeur-detoiles · 1 year
Get to Know Me
I was tagged by @greatcanadian-eh-hole thank you ;)
Relationship status - married
Favourite colour - orange and red
Lipstick or chapstick - neither
Three favourite foods - I can’t pick only 3, it’s impossible. I love japanese food, nikkei food, italian and lebanese food are dear to my heart too. Don’t let me start about thaï, laotian and vietnamese food. And i love taiwanese cuisine and tea so much, i could come back to Taiwan only for the food! And also french food and pastries :)
Food is life :)
Song stuck in my head -  Son of a preacher man by Dusty Springfield
Last song listened to - Dive by Olivia Dean
Last movie I watched -  Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom
Time - 18:30 CEST
Dream trip - I’d like to come back to Japan and Iceland.
Top three shows - Bron (The bridge), Galactica, the x files
Books I am reading -  The Cartographers by Peng Shepherd
How many blankets do you sleep with - none in summer
Last thing I googled - Roberto Bolaño
Random factoid - While some birds are born knowing how to sing innately, many need to be taught how to sing by adults – just like humans. Those birds can develop regional dialects, meaning their songs sound slightly different depending on where they live.
tagging @helloanxietyattack  @hatchetation  @halforcdad @this-url-was-not-yet-taken and anyone else who wants to have a go
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Passion and cuteness reunited in a show to warm you up for this winter (* ̄3 ̄)╭
LOVE IN THE AIR (Romance/school life/Action) 2022 – 13 episodes
Thaï BL
Rating: 10/10
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Who said autumn was the season of cold weather coming back and leaves falling from the trees on this side of the hemisphere? Because this autumn, we were served with one of the hottest shows ever, so hot that it could warm your heart in a second! I know you guys didn’t miss it out but in case you did, here’s a short review to make you crave for Love in the air in a few words. I swear you will run to watch it after reading that paper, thinking you were a fool for missing such a needed thing in life to make it complete.
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Rain is a student in architecture. Very innocent and a little dense, he is easy to tease for someone who likes playing people they have a liking for. His carefree side will create trouble for him, and intensify the sparkles in his relationship with his soon-to-be boyfriend. Crossing paths with Payu, one the most handsome senior of his faculty, he will start to see him more and more due to what seems to be coincidences to him. But the more he gets to know him, the more he finds himself drawn to this charismatic man who makes him discover a way of love he didn’t think he had in him. Letting go of his attempt to seduce the Belle of his prom, he will realise soon enough that he might as well have someone else in mind, for an experience he doesn’t have control over at all.
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Left alone at one of the races Rain asked him to bring him along, Sky will also find himself drawn to a man he never thought he would have a chance to get close to. With a darker past that will give him many hardships in his new relationship, Sky is initially reluctant to let Prapai, Payu’s best friend and a renowned playboy, into his life. Trying to heal himself while allowing him to experience love, Sky’s relationship with Prapai is not nearly as smooth as Rain and Payu’s. Facing their insecurities and fears, they will have to dive into themselves to find a safe ground for their overwhelming feelings for each other.
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Giving you the high intensity of a passionate relationship, Love in the air doesn’t lack in delivering an interesting story with well-construct characters to whom you will quickly become attached to. Using a classic picture in BL couples, the sweetness the two couples deliver will make you yearn for more of them. Excellently played, you feel the quality of the direction through those way-too-short 13 episodes, making it one of the reasons this series is so good.
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Through this use of unoriginal patterns, they perfectly manage to shine a light on what makes it unoriginal and people coming back to it. Delving into the feelings of love from four different points of view, the highlight of the series on the chemistry between the lovers and their feelings is a success. Trust me, you won’t be able to get free from it!
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Perfect for lazying around, this easy-going but not-too-simple story will make you feel hard the loneliness of being single. Don’t get me wrong. Even if you feel this way, you won’t be able to stop yourself from rewatching it. You will slowly drown in this sweet addiction of not being able to go on from a show that made you feel the feeling you were craving. A piece of advice: don’t spend one more day not knowing Love in the air. You will regret it later.
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wontonsoupho · 1 year
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© Artist the Author
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(from top to bottom)
AGE : 35
AGE : 36
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(from top to bottom)
AGE : 57
AGE : 53
SÔNIA BRAGA (circa 1976-early 200s) as SOLANA YZABELLE SOSA aka ‘MAMA SOSA’
AGE : 53
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(from top to bottom)
JAZZY AMRA (circa 2016-present) as YAMILETH ÉMIE CASANOVA aka ‘KAGOME’
AGE : 34
AVA MCCLURE (circa 2019-present) as YANIIS ARACELY CASANOVA aka ‘NANI’
AGE : 7
AGE : 26
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(from top to bottom)
AGE : 62
AGE : 43
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(from top to bottom)
LOLA BROOKE (circa 2021-present) as THAÏS ASHANTI HENDRIX aka ‘FLOJO’
AGE : 34
AGE : 19
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(from top to bottom)
SKEPTA (circa 2018-present) as MATEO ARMANI DEMUN aka ‘MAC 3’
AGE : 37
AGE : 19
AGE : 36
* there will be other members added to the cast as the show progresses and i will give them a mini character profile when/if necessary. for now these are the names and faces of those to lookout for and pay attention to.
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castielhereforyou · 2 years
I, because of my friend's support😭💗doing this posttt!! Thank u too yall for showing me support!! That made so confident😭<3 hope y'all will like itt, cause that something I'm so excited to dooo ^^
Introducing my OC <3:
Imporant informations first ^^:
Name: Leanna ^^ but she prefers to be called Léa!
Age: 22 years old :3 she is a 2000's line!
Birthday: 15.04.2000
Ethnicity: Thaï-italian^^ her Dad is Thaï and her Mom is italian! She was born in France, went to Thailand from her 10years old to her 12yo, then from her 12yo to 16yo she lived in Italy and then she came back to France in September 2017 where she is now living^^
Language she speaks:
(A fact about this part: I tbh was afraid to get called a mary-sue xD😭😭like it's just that my OC is bi-racial😭plus I wanted to add the language I speak!! That's all I promise😭)
-She currently speaks: Thaï-Italian-French-English and arabic^^
Occupation: a student at university ^^
Fav color: everyshade of Blue~
What does she looks like:
-She is a very tall girl ^^ her actual height is 176cm! She has a slim body, short dark brown hair with green eyes, one mole under her left eye and another under the right side of her mouth💙
-A round smol shaped head^^, small nose, Big eyes and small mouth!
-I assume she is kinda sporty, she practice dance since she's 3yo, plus she does some pilates sometimes ^^ but she doesn't have a certain diet! She eats whatever she wants!
Fun? Fact: She exactly looks like her Mom<3 just like copy and paste xD❤
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(Here's a pic of her with her boyfriend hehe AKA Castiel ^^ <3)
Her passions/studies/hobbies:
-Léa's been into dancing since her childhood! But growing up she is also a big fan of Theater and of courseee her big passion the ✨Photography✨
-Currently still practicing dance, graduating from High School, she pursues her big passion, the photography in university ^^
-Beside that, she doesn't have a certain hobby! She loves dancing it's one of her passions, but her student life taking so much time :( the dance slowly became only a hobby she does in blank time.
-But, in her blank time, she likes to watch movie and series ^^ (with her bf<3, friends or alone :3), also listening to music!
Her through the year:
-The story of my OC starts in Sep 2017! when she moves to the country she was born in, France! She goes there to study her last year of High School in Sweet Amoris^^ because basically because of her Dad's work! (Just like Candy hehe, I like canon things sometimes^^)
-In 2017-mid 2018 she looked like this!
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(Long hair héhé<3)
Last 2018-first 2020, She was like this:
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(The hair a little more shorter^^)
Then from mid 2020-now, She looks like that^^
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(She completely cut her hair haha<3)
And sometimes she wears glasses^^
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Taste in music^^:
-She listen to several music genres!! Doesn't have a fav one She likes too many songs from different genre haha!
-But just like mee😭, my baby is a K-pop Girl<3, listen sometimes to Pop songs but not that much^^, Also! Sometimes is into Rock, She likes the Rolling stones and ofccc Crowstorm😌<3
Little bonus^^ : She plays Guitar and Ukulélé!
Her friends:
-In High School^^, She quickly become Friends with her classmates!
-Her two best friends are: Rosa and Alex<3
-She also get along with all the boys^^ Castiel<3, Nath, Armin Kentin and Lysander :3
-Moving to University, She is still friends with almost everyone beside the one who went away :")
-Her friends now, I would say are^^: Rosa and Alex ofcc, Nath, Armin, Kentin, Lysander and also CROWSTORM Members^^ Especially Gabin she likes him a lot <3
Her Love Life<3
(Hope y'all were waiting for this one xD)
-Léa arrived in Sweet Amoris, September 22th!
-She quickly notices Castiel, because of his red hair^^ and attitude!
-She, like Candy^^ quickly become friend with Castiel<3
(Btw😭The love story is veryyyy long😭so I think I'll probably make a whole post about it so I'm going to talk about it briefly)
-From friends to Lovers<3, They become a couple the March 09th, 2018<3
-1 year after, they decide to live together in Castiel house^^ (I didn't follow UL time lap, they didn't break up and neither waited 4years hehe, the story is still a lil complicated to explain but yes after 1 year they live in the same house!)
-They are now together since 4 years^^ and they live together with Demon who's still alive in my story❤
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Haha I'm sorry but doing picrew is soo funny😭😭
And the best for the enddd<3333
A gift from my bestiiie😩😩😩 @black-parade-phantom <333
My OC with Her OC<33 hehe, they look so hot for this world😡💗💗
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alexeiis · 10 months
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nicholas   galitzine.     he/him.     cis   male.      ›      spotted   at   the   met   steps   ,   alexei   rakov   ,   most   likely   listening   to   owner    of   a   lonely   heart   by   yes   with   their   airpods   pro   .   the   twenty   six   year   old   gained   quite   a   reputation   ,   known   to   be   - sensitive   yet   + compassionate   to   anyone   who   knows   them   .   you'll   easily   spot   them   when   you   hear   about   the   playing   of   multiple   instruments   but   a   true   passion   for   the   violin   and   guitar  ,  going   back   and   forth   from   blonde   to   black  ,  greek   with   his   mother   and   russian   with   his   father  ,  a   difficult   time   allowing   himself   to   love   and   to   be   loved   which   results   in   songwriting   to   drown   everything   out   ,   followed   by   the   scent   of   peace   for   him   by   bond   no.9   .   latest   nepoupdates   article   talks   about   alexei   rakov   spotted   visiting   rock   legend   stevie   swan’s   grave  ,  we   thought   they   didn't   get   along?   ,   but   i   guess   any   reputation   is   good   reputation   .  
subplot #21 ;
muse 2q and their band – achilles antinous andō, muse 2t, alexei rakov and muse 2v have been making waves in the music industry since moving to new york city three years ago. they’ve got a good thing going with appearances in vanity fair’s time capsule series and a featured spread in rolling stone magazine. but when their manager brings in muse 2r, a singer-songwriter with budding talent, tensions start to rise. muse 2r’s free-spirited and impulsive quickly makes them a fan favorite. muse 2q can’t stand them. the constant clashes have led to writer’s block, plummeting ticket sales and canceled shows –– putting the band’s success at risk. and to make matters worse? drama is brewing with the rest of the band. achilles antinous andō and muse 2t are secretly hooking up, worried about the band’s reaction if they find out. alexei rakov is hiding a secret that could potentially ruin their career if it gets out. and muse 2v? they’re jealous of muse 2q’s success and wants what they have. tensions continue to mount and the band’s future hangs in the balance. can they learn to work together and put their differences aside? or will personal drama and clashing egos seal the band’s fate?
muse 2q  –  open. muse 2r  –  open. muse 2s  –   achilles antinous andō. muse 2t  –  open. muse 2u  –   alexei rakov. muse 2v  –  open.
basic stats ;
⟶ full name: alexei antonis nikos rakov ( first name pronounced ah-lek-say, or click here for pronunciation ) ⟶ nicknames: likes alexei, but doesn’t mind being called alex considering over 90% of the people he meets don’t know how to pronounce his name ⟶ three things he likes: instruments of any kind, summers in greece, olives ⟶ three things he dislikes: people who just want sex, slow wifi, the instability he’s felt his whole life ⟶ gender: cis male   ⟶ height: 6 ‘ 0 ⟶ age: 26 ⟶ birthday: february 19, 1997 ⟶ zodiac: pisces sun ( aquarius - pisces cusp, known as the ‘cusp of sensitivity’ ), cancer moon, virgo ascendant   ⟶ right handed or left handed: left handed   ⟶ eye color: hazel, shooting more towards green, shifts depending on the lighting ⟶ hair color: naturally blonde, constantly dyes it from blonde to black and back and forth ⟶ piercings and tattoos: left ear pierced, little music symbol on his right wrist ⟶ languages spoken: russian ( father’s native tongue ), greek ( mother’s native tongue ), decent spanish and english   ⟶ sexuality / romantic orientation: demisexual / homoromantic  ⟶ place of birth: manchester, england ⟶ last five songs listened to: time by pink floyd, vitamin c by can, für elise by beethoven, méditation from thaïs by massenet, happiness is a warm gun by the beatles ⟶ five aesthetics: the intense feeling of feeling unworthy of being loved by anyone, shirts stained with black hair dye, a soft british accent, peach flavored tea and fat free biscuits, crying over things you have no control over ⟶ character inspo: prince willhelm from young royals, charlie spring from heartstopper, adam groff from sex education ( season 3 adam )
background story ;
alexei was born on a cold night in manchester to nikola ganos and sergei rakov, two twenty year olds who fell in love through music. his mother was a famous piano player ( think maybe like yiruma or ludovico einaudi ) while his father was getting more of a name for himself as a cello player. both classical musicians who fell in love and had alexei, very unexpectedly 
his parents are both really well off. his mother’s side owns one of the biggest olives and olive oil companies in europe while his father’s side owns plenty of vodka brands originated in russia but sold all across the world. they were young, but they knew their son would be coming into the world very well off financially, planned to give him the perfect childhood, even got married when he was merely five months old
and for the first six years of alexei’s life, that’s what it was. two parents who were devoted to him and wanted to give him the best life possible in england, even though neither one of them were british. but as he went from six to seven, all that love his parents had for each other seemed to dissolve more and more each day. his beautiful early childhood turned into him listening to his parents fighting constantly, and even though he was so young, he couldn’t help but ask himself – where did my parents’ love for each other go?
and if you guessed it, they ended up getting a divorce when he was barely seven, but the thing is… his parents weren’t like normal parents. it wasn’t the typical case of custody with one parent while the other has visiting rights, or even shared custody of 3 days a week here, and four days a week there, or even complete custody of him to just one parent, no, his parents were determined to fight for hm until the bitter end
it turned into a game of who alexei liked more, they couldn’t even stand to be in the same room together, and it was really difficult to tell a little kid ‘who do you love more?’ or ‘who do you want to live with more?’ or ‘you have to pick’ or even just his father trying to put him against his mother while his mother did the same thing to him with his father. sometimes, alexei felt like they didn’t even really love him, but just wanted to prove to the other that he could love one or the other more
eventually, they settled for custody in the worst way possible. alexei would live with his mother for six months, then he would live with his father for six months, and maybe this wouldn’t be so awful if they both decided to stay in england, live maybe a city or two away from each other, but no, definitely not. they immediately left his birth place, his mother going back and forth between greece and spain, while his father traveled from canada to russia repeatedly, and well… this is what alexei’s life became
maybe to some people, it might sound ideal. not staying in one place for too long, constantly moving from one city, knowing you wouldn’t be staying there for longer than six months, perhaps to any traveler, this is the dream life, but that certainly wasn’t the case for alexei
this going back and forth put a serious strain in every aspect of his life. he would enroll in a school, make a friend or two, only to be ripped away from that scene for the following six months to go to another school, halfway across the world, for the same thing to happen to him, over and over again
and the worst part was that his parents didn’t seem to understand that it didn’t make him happy, all the going back and forth. he was unstable, he didn’t even know how to really talk to people at one point, because he knew deep down, that there was no use in trying to make any friends if it would just be taken away from him sooner or later
basically, a loner. he spent most of his childhood to early teenage years dodging conversations, definitely ate his lunch in the bathroom vibes. the only consistency his parents had was their love for music, which, is the one thing that did make alexei happy. he was a virtuoso. from the piano, to the cello, to the bass, even the drums, saxophone and viola, he loved it all, though his true love was in the guitar, and more especially, the violin. he grew a real love for this, had multiple instruments at his mother’s and multiple instruments at his father’s, again, the one consistency in his life
while he wasn’t big on singing, he basically had the voice of an angel. could switch from a soft tone to a rather loud one, a male soprano range… truly a gift, tried to break glass to see if it was true and it in fact, wasn’t a myth ( at least in his case ). pretty much any orchestra teacher’s wet dream, a typical band nerd
anyways, when he was sixteen, he convinced his parents to enroll him in a boarding school in los angeles, very pca from zoey 101 vibes, and they surprisingly agreed since it was neither with his mother nor his father, but a spot in between. for the last two years of high school, he had some type of stability
though, during his senior year, he became the talk of everyone through the most unfortunate event. simply put, alexei met a guy. at this time, he wasn’t even really sure of his sexuality. he figured he wasn’t straight, but he didn’t think it was just that. he felt like there was more depth to what he liked and didn’t like, but this guy was charming. gave him attention, treated him kindly, and he was incredibly good looking. this was his first relationship ever. prior to this, he shared his first kiss when he was fifteen with a random girl near his mother’s house in athens, and simply put, he didn’t like it
this was different though. he enjoyed kissing him, but he didn’t feel like doing anything else but that, and the more the guy insisted they take it further, the less inclined he felt to give him what he wanted
alexei, however, is a people pleaser. he didn’t want to have sex with him even though at this point, they had been dating for well over two months. he didn’t know why he didn’t want to, he couldn’t pinpoint why having sex was such a weird and touchy subject for him, but basically, he felt, in a way, guilt tripped by this guy. it was the constant questioning of ‘why don’t you like me?’ or ‘what’s wrong with you?’ or even ‘i promise i’ll make it worth your while’ and one day, they both get drunk and even though alexei has been drunk plenty of times before, well, he caves, instantly lives to regret it
the following day, as he’s walking towards his first class, people are whispering about him, not so discreetly pointing, giving him looks, and it takes him a matter of fifteen minutes from getting to his first period before one of his friends sends him a text message with a link attached, much to his horror. the message reads ‘is this you?’ with a link to a video. the video is them having sex the night prior
he had filmed it all and posted without his consent. they were both of age, but it literally made alexei sick to his stomach. for one, he felt really used, and two, he hated the attention this was getting him. he’s always been one to fly under the radar, and now this was all anyone was talking about, lost count over how many times he’s cried over this
the following months reaching towards graduation are literal hell for him. the video gets to his parents which is quite literally his worst nightmare become a reality. legal action is taken and they thankfully manage to remove the video from the web completely, but the damage has already been done, he’s miserable. worst graduation ever, doesn’t even walk the stage because he’s just so humiliated, and for once in his damn life, he wishes he would have been in that constant moving back and forth life. maybe then, he could’ve ran away from the problem the second it started, sad boy hours, really
after graduation, he immediately moves out of california. for about two years, he just travels. ironic considering it’s something he didn’t like to do when he was younger, but at that point, he just wanted to get away from everything
anyways, he’s twenty three when he finally moves to new york, settling there for good. models on and off, plays the violin at the subway for fun, lives off his mother and father’s money until eventually, he starts making it on his own, with his talent and with the band he’s a part of ( aka the subplot ), things are looking okay, but then you know, they’re not
moral of the story is once again, he meets a guy ( notice how nothing good comes from him meeting a guy ever ), when he’s twenty four and the guy is thirty one. this guy is none other than stevie swan, who would basically come to be the equivalent of a young anthony kiedis, pretty much a rock legend, everything he touches musically turns into gold, you get the gist. his band happens to be huge competition for alexei’s band, they’re pretty much meant to not like each other but things take a swift turn
only this time around, despite being a rockstar, well, this guy isn’t a total jerk. everything is kept a huge secret, but stevie never once pressured him into anything. everything went at a pace alexei was comfortable with, he basically ends up falling in love with him, really got to know him, literally became the only person he’s felt comfortable enough to be vulnerable with in every aspect of the word. everything would be great, but like most rockstars, alexei came to know that stevie had a drug problem
the only thing alexei has ever done in his damn life was drink and smoke on occasion. however, as nice as stevie is, he easily influences alexei. at one point, they’re both doing drugs together, every minute of the day
it seems like they have everything under control, until one horrible morning of partying too hard later and when alexei wakes up beside him, stevie is gone. died in his sleep from an overdose, and alexei was so out of it himself, he didn’t even realize, not until it was too late
this is where the secret from his subplot comes in. he got so nervous from seeing the scene before him, not only did he have a major panic attack, but he left without saying anything. not a phone call, nothing, just panicked big time and left in a fountain of tears, wasn’t spotted by anyone. this happened when he was twenty five, about a year into their secret romance
the headlines were big, all over the place, rock legend stevie swan dies of an overdose, all of which he was around for, but didn’t do anything about it. this is his secret, that he woke up to this scene and just left. he’s kept this a secret for a while now, as he knows it could potentially ruin his bands career and that’s the last thing he wants, but truthfully, he doesn’t know how to say it. that moment was so traumatizing, it’s difficult for him to even think about it without getting teary eyed, let alone talk about what happened. now the question is, will this come back to bite him in the ass, or can it somehow stay concealed for the rest of time?
headcanons ;
natural blonde, but constantly dyes his hair black, then switches. dying his hair is almost therapeutic for him, has even gotten buzzcuts during times where he was really depressed, but he prefers longer hair
regarding the gossip in his app, it’s totally true. he went to go visit stevie’s grave and didn’t know he was photographed, played it off as him paying his respect but little do people know, that was basically the love of his life
the guitarist of the band from the subplot, back up vocals here and there, first time he feels like he actually belongs somewhere, even though he’s hiding a big secret from all his bandmates
he has a british accent, literally nicholas galitzine’s voiceclaim. not too strong, but it’s there
speaks russian with his father in absolute shame, my guy is definitely free ukraine all the way, just wants peace and love
because of his past relationships, he has a very difficult time trusting people, loving people, or even allowing people to love him. the whole idea with love really confuses him. it’s something he wants, but it isn’t something he’s sure he understands, and he hates not understanding things
has been confused with his sexuality his entire life! he’s always felt like an outcast around other guys his age because they all typically wanted sex, meaningful, meaningless, just a typical guy thing, and that definitely didn’t apply for him. for ages, he thought there was something wrong with him, but it wasn’t until he learned about demisexuality that he finally understood… kind of. he just wants it to be meaningful, wants to have a connection with the person, the idea of meaningless sex and hookups literally makes him super uncomfortable, but it’s what most people seem to want these days
his drug phase with stevie was short lived. after the incident, he stopped completely. literally even smoking weed gives him anxiety, but he can drink. call him a typical russian or whatever, but it’s crazy how much he can drink, can practically outdrink anyone, no one believes it but it’s very true, tolerance through the roof, doesn’t even get sick and rarely ever even gets hungover, but he doesn’t make this an everyday thing
his dirty habit, one that he’s definitely ashamed of, is every now and then, he’ll smoke a cigarette. definitely not those pack a day smokers and really not even a regular smoker? he kind of just does this when he’s really stressed, depressed or angry. think like amy santiago from brooklyn 99, not a heavy habit but when he’s going through some bullshit, he’ll have one, definitely trying to outgrow that habit though
he’s a pescatarian! probably will never become a vegetarian because he loves salmon way too much, loves salmon in every form possible. meat and chicken gross him out and he doesn’t like eggs either, just fish, heavy seafood lover
close friends of his roast him for this, but he’s an olive fanatic as well. greek olives, peruvian olives, spanish olives, any type of olives, he’s obsessed. when he was younger, there was always olives at his house, because of his mother’s company, and he would dead ass eat them out the jar, finish the entire jar in like five minutes, still does that to this day. at his house, you’ll likely find two large jars of olives, minimum, a snack he will never get tired of
he likes to write music too, aside from playing instruments. has written a few things for his band, and definitely has unpublished songs he’s written that he’s never shared with anyone
what you would call a typical pisces – very sensitive! he doesn’t show this publicly, but if it hurts his feelings, he’ll cry when he gets home. literally the type to cry over sad videos, movies or tv shows, very emotional. pisces sun and cancer moon combo, he’s a literal mess, he feels things a lot, feels things on a whole different level than most people which makes him a very compassionate and understanding person, definitely a shoulder to cry on, a very loyal friend to have by your side
he forgives a lot. he’ll forgive you time after time after time, but when alexei genuinely gets tired of your shit, you will never hear from him again. he’s very forgiving, but once he says ‘i’m done’ there is no changing his mind. it takes a lot for him to get to this level, but he can only be taken advantage of for so long before he gets sick of it. once you lose him, you lose him for good
he has a bearded dragon named jake long and a beagle named pawl mccartney. he named the bearded after one of his favorite shows as a kid and his pet beagle was named after iconic paul mccartney, of course. jake long is one and pawl is two, alexei adores both of them, pretty much his emotional support animals
loves his parents, but still somewhat holds a grudge over them for his childhood, even though he isn’t one to hold grudges. they definitely messed him up one way or another. even if it wasn’t their intention, being so unstable for so long has kind of permanently scarred him. he has a very hard time getting genuinely close to people, whether it be friendships or romantic relationships, it’s hard for him
super nice guy, but quite literally remembers every bad thing that has happened to him ever. his energy is crying over something that happened when he was a literal child that he had no control of at three in the morning, might as well have the memory of an elephant. he’ll forgive, but he won’t forget, like ‘you remember what you did august 15th, 2016 at 4:57 pm? i do too’ like… isn’t one to hold grudges, but if you thought he forgot, you thought wrong
wanted connections ;
you don’t know that i know: i’d die for this connection, but someone who saw or heard of his sex tape, whether they never tell anyone or act like a little shit about it is utp, but alexei doesn’t know that they know, you know?
you think you can outdrink me?: a muse who thinks they can outdrink him, but they never can, could turn into a whole little competition, could be really funny
classical music lovers: title says it all, two nerds passionate about classical music, bonus if this muse is a fan of his parents or has heard of them
slow love: a poor, unfortunate muse that likes him. they could like how nice and down to earth he is, alexei could even know that they like him, but considering how iffy he is about relationships, well… yeah
all my friends are fake: someone who doesn’t like him because they think his whole nice guy act is fake, or maybe doesn’t like him for whatever other reason
cry baby: another muse who is sensitive like he is, they’re just soft besties and want peace and love, very wholesome friendship
or we can brainstorm!
birthchart ;
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nbvcx12 · 2 days
I started watching the love sea the serie so my first motivation is the GL couple but Fort and Peat Have good chemistry so I'll keep going.
It was fun, we'll see how it goes in the middle of the series.
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gaelic-symphony · 11 months
Nine People Tag
Thanks for the tag @mrscap!
Last song: Meditation from Thaïs
Last movie: God, it’s been so long since I watched a movie! Maybe Shrek?
Currently watching: I recently started an X Files rewatch, and my current bedtime show is Archer.
Currently craving: a good night’s sleep 😩
Tagging: @blackbird-brewster @sweetmidnights @prentiss-theorem @pomsephone @leftoverenvy @baubeautyandthegeek @sassymoon @tvmilfs @foxy-eva
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metablood · 2 years
Shouta !!! On ice ! (En/Fr)
In English
The shy little Shouta, 5 yo, see figure skating at TV and asks if he can do that instead of that boring baseball.
Granny-Aizawa takes him to his lesson every week, then to his ballet class, as the coach recommended. This coach sees a great potential in him.
Shouta loves to dance, what he hates is dancing in front of too many people. He has a terrible case of stage fright, it plummets his prestations during contests and shows.
With time, the pressure to get a good ranking spoils skating and dancing for him. He quits and focus studying and the UA exam.
After Oboro's death, he need to let off steam. He goes back to the skating rink as the crack of dawn so he can be alone on the ice. He discover how he loves to skate again, and he keeps practicing regularly, without any pressure.
Obviously, Hizashi is very happy to have a dance partner, even if Shouta prefers to dance at home or within their small friend group.
Shouta takes Eri to the skating rink, and teaches her the basics. Hizashi is uneasy on skates, but he films every session with his phone.
Eri watches Shouta skate with stars in her eyes, and wants to take lessons. Hizashi is more than happy for the opportunity to be a wholesome dancemom, pick her outfits and cheer. Shouta makes very clear with the coach that Eri is here to have fun, and not to make her cry.
Meanwhile, other heroes think Aizawa owns his mobility and core strenght to the practice of muay thai.
En Français
Le timide petit Shouta, 5 ans, voit du patinage artistique à la télé, et demande s'il peut faire ça plutôt que le baseball ennuyeux.
Mamie-Aizawa l'emmène chaque semaine à son cours, puis aussi au cours de danse classique, comme recommandé par le coach qui lui trouve du potentiel.
Shouta adore danser, ce qu'il n'aime pas, c'est avoir un trop grand public... Il souffre d'un trac terrible qui sabote ses performances en compétition.
Au bout d'un moment, la pression pour obtenir un bon classement lui gâche le goût du patin et de la danse. Il abandonne pour se concentrer sur son entrée à UA.
Après la mort d'Oboro, il a besoin d'un moyen de se défouler. Il se rend à la patinoire dès l'ouverture au petit matin pour être seul ou presque. Il re-découvre la joie de patiner, et continue de pratiquer régulièrement, sans se mettre la pression.
Naturellement, Hizashi adore qu'on l'emmène danser... Mais Shouta préfère que ce soit à la maison, ou parmi leur petit cercle d'amis.
Shouta emmène Eri à la patinoire et lui enseigne les bases. Hizashi n'est pas très à l'aise sur des patins, mais il documente ces sessions avec son portable.
Eri admire Shouta qui patine avec des étoiles dans les yeux, elle veut apprendre aussi. Hizashi est très heureux de cette opportunité d'accompagner Eri et choisir ses tenues. Shouta a une conversation ferme avec l'entraineur sur le fait qu'Eri est là pour s'amuser, et de ne pas la faire pleurer.
Pendant ce temps, les autres héros pensent qu'Aizawa doit sa mobilité et son corps gainé à la pratique de la boxe thaï.
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oceannacaldin · 1 year
2022 word round up
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I started 2022 with the acute sense that my brain was not equiped to write fanfiction anymore, and that it would be a sort of private grief I would have to deal with on my own. My goal that year was just to try and write regularly again, start having a habit again and hopefully... enjoy writing my original projects, even if it was painfully lonely and I was putting too much pressure on myself.
Then I watched KinnPorsche with only @veliseraptor enthousiasm to convince me. It was the second week of what seemed my second worst NaNo camp. In the middle of the last three episode, I started to want to write fanfiction again, with the kind of excitement I didn't have for a very long time. I was having fun! It was - easy, to write, even if I was writing in English for the first time, and it was my first Thaï show.
I'm endlessly grateful for that. It still feels like a one in a million chances, because Lise is still the only one person I was following back then who watched it.
So - here it is. I feel like I'm stable enough to think about editing and posting instead of forcing myself to put words on a page. I'm playing with the idea of writing in French and starting old projects again.
In numbers, out of 109 833 words written :
29407 words written in my original projects - 1 original fiction posted
80427 words written in fanfictions - 2 fanfiction posted
Average number of words per week : 2055
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fredborges98 · 3 months
*Tributo a Yuan Yuan Tan.*
Por: Fred Borges
Ela ingressou na Escola de Dança de Xangai aos 11 anos. Inicialmente, seu pai se opôs, pois queria que ela se tornasse médica. Sua mãe, no entanto, deu muito apoio. Seu destino foi decidido no sorteio - a moeda caiu em cara e Yuan Yuan Tan começou sua carreira de dançarina.
Ela ganhou vários prêmios internacionais ainda jovem; incluindo uma medalha de ouro e o Prêmio Nijinsky no 1º Concurso Internacional de Ballet e Dança Moderna do Japão (1993) e uma medalha de ouro no 5º Concurso Internacional de Ballet em Paris (1992). Aos 18 anos, tornou-se dançarina solista do San Francisco Ballet. Dois anos depois, em 1997, aos 20 anos, ela foi promovida a bailarina principal, alcançando a posição mais alta de bailarina, um caminho ascendente invulgarmente rápido.
Naquela época, ela era a dançarina principal mais jovem da história do San Francisco Ballet.
Hoje, ela é um nome marcante para a companhia, enquanto o próprio San Francisco Ballet é amplamente considerado um dos melhores do mundo e, nas palavras do coreógrafo Mark Morris, a "melhor companhia da América do Norte".
Ela dançou papéis femininos principais em Giselle de Helgi Tomasson, Lago dos Cisnes, Romeu e Julieta, Quebra-Nozes, Dom Quixote de Tomasson/Possokhov, Sylvia de Morris e Otelo de Lubovitch.
Ela criou papéis em The Fifth Season, Chi-Lin, Silver Ladders e 7 for Eight de Tomasson; Magrittomania, Amaldiçoado e Estudo em Movimento de Possokhov; Continuum e Quaternário de Wheeldon e Tu Tu de Welch. Seu repertório inclui Thaïs Pas de Deux de Ashton; Sinfonia em Dó de Balanchine, Tema e Variações, Concerto Barocco, Filho Pródigo e Apolo; Without Words de Duato, In the Night de Robbins, Dances at a Gathering e Dybbuk; e Paquita de Makarova.
Ela apareceu nas versões chinesas da Vogue, Esquire e Tatler. Atualmente ela também é embaixadora da marca Van Cleef & Arpels e Rolex.
Em 16 de outubro de 2013, Tan apareceu em Ghosts and Cinderella, de Christopher Wheeldon, no David H. Koch Theatre e no mesmo ano apareceu em Symphonic Dances, de Edwaard Liang.
Em 2020, após 7 meses fora dos palcos desde março de 2020 devido ao COVID-19, Tan apareceu na segunda temporada de Dance Smash, um show de talentos chinês produzido pela Hunan Satellite TV que apresenta tecnologia para capturar diversos estilos de dança em movimento.
Em janeiro de 2024, Tan anunciou sua aposentadoria da companhia San Francisco Ballet. Sua última apresentação foi como Marguerite em Marguerite and Armand, de Frederic Ashton, em 14 de fevereiro de 2024.
Três palavras - Três adjetivos alcançados por Yuan Yuan Tan:
O termo Transcendência, pode ter diferentes significados: Como a superação de limites, por exemplo: um atleta que bate um recorde olímpico, superando uma marca jamais atingida por outro ser humano.
A transcendência trata-se daquilo que está além do mundo material, refere-se aos fenômenos de natureza metafísica. Tem origem na palavra latina "trancendere", que significa ultrapassar.
Compreender o sentido da vida sempre esteve dentre as mais importantes buscas do ser humano.
A transcendência tem a ver com a vida e a morte e com a possibilidade da existência de algo que vá além da vida terrena.
Excelência é um conceito que está presente em diversas áreas da vida, seja no âmbito pessoal ou profissional.
Trata-se de um padrão de qualidade superior, que vai além das expectativas e que se destaca pela sua eficiência, eficácia e resultados excepcionais.
Uma pessoa equilibrada emocionalmente no trabalho é aquela que tem clareza e segurança para sair de problemas e conflitos, procurando sempre resolver da melhor forma possível e objetivando as decisões mais acertadas.
Estas três palavras são definidoras da identidade, personalidade e caráter de Yuan Yuan Tan ou YuanYuan Tan, poucas bailarinas se mantém no topo do ciclo de vida tão extenuante, sacrificante e debilitante como a de uma primeira bailarina de uma companhia de dança, disciplina é um dos pré requisitos, aliás o ballet é a escola que transfere conhecimento, técnica, harmonia, disciplina, competição, cooperação, visão de espaço, perspectiva, percepção e as palavras ou adjetivos que tanto caracterizam e foram incorporadas por esta bailarina.
Treinar de 08 a 12 horas por dia, chegar duas horas antes de cada apresentação, ter uma dieta rígida, equilíbrio físico, emocional e espiritual para não fazer da dança ou qualquer coisa na vida uma obsessão, ter prazer antes de tudo, amar, amar muito!
Sem dúvida ela é um exemplo de determinação, resiliência e paixão pelo que ela, durante 27 anos, fez, se mantendo Prima Bailerina do San Francisco Ballet.
Vida longa Yuan Yuan Tan!!!
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