have a turtle from about 2 months ago
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oh yeah then there's this absolute creature
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nomadicrusalka · 2 years
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A photo study
I’m really enjoying mixing up the texturedd brushes together, also the colours in this one aaa 
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lotrfics · 4 years
Thanks for the ask about FrodoxReader! I also agree That there should be more AragornxReader and also BoromirxReader 💛
Honestly, yes, Boromir x Reader is almost nonexistent here. One reason is probably because how much of an asshole he is made in fanfiction, influencing some people’s opinions of him. It makes me sad how Boromir barely gets any love, and I will never get tired of ranting about the hate he gets.
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randomfandomimagine · 4 years
Hey :) could you do an imagine - scenario with Aragorn and Boromir helping the Reader with Anxiety/PTSD?
I added it to my writing list as an scenario, thanks for requesting! :D
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freebelieverforever · 5 years
which way will you go?...
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Elrond is proud of you for getting through breakups! Especially if it’s a tough breakup and/or you were the one broken up with, he knows that it can be really difficult and he’s proud of you for getting through it! 
@textureddeer I hope this is alright?
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mearzu-puayto · 7 years
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Michael Kors Acorn Oyster Gold Hayley Large NS Texturedd Tote Bag $198- #013 http://rover.ebay.com/rover/1/711-53200-19255-0/1?ff3=2&toolid=10044&campid=5337410313&customid=&lgeo=1&vectorid=229466&item=371990377553
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sensor-bility · 7 years
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textured BPA free, twist, silicone, texturedd pendant necklace, great for teething, autism, anxiety, ADHD, add, apraxia
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randomfandomimagine · 4 years
Hey there, would you mind shipping me with someone from LOTR and Marvel? I am female, 6"1 tall, dark brown hair, pale skin and dark brown eyes. I work in Media/Press, enjoy Videogames, reading for hours on end and doing crossfit. I can be withdrawn and sarcastic, but with friends there is always much laughter. Thank you so much :)
I ship you with Merry and Sam!
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freebelieverforever · 5 years
twists and turns, jumps and leaps 😋
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randomfandomimagine · 4 years
They Comfort You (Lord of the Rings Scenario)
Requested by @textureddeer:
Hey :) could you do an imagine - scenario with Aragorn and Boromir helping the Reader with Anxiety/PTSD?
Warning: Mentions and brief descriptions of PTSD and anxiety.
A/N: Sorry that it’s a bit short, but I hope you like it :)
That was the worst nightmare you remember in a while. Even when you sat up and opened your eyes, flashes of terrible events replayed in your mind. You breathed evily and clutched your head, wishing your mind stopped racing.
“Y/N” Aragorn, you sat next to you, was quick to wrap his arms around you. “Are you alright?” 
You couldn’t find your voice, not even briefly enough to say no. Because you were not okay. Aragorn knew, he knew you. He gently shushed you as he tenderly cradled you in his arms.
“Do you want to talk about it?” 
You shook your head, sensitive to even his soft whispering. Instead, you hid your face on his chest and wept there. Aragorn carefully rocked forth and back, hoping the movement was soothing. It was, as he had found out several times before.
“That’s okay, you’re alright” You felt his lips leaning against your hair as he spoke. “It’s alright, you’re safe now. It’s over now, it’s gone” 
You clung on to his clothes, hurting your throat with the sobs that repeatedly left you. His presence and closeness was as comforting as usual, and his attentive cares proved more efficient in calming you down than anything you could think of.
Needing to feel him even closer, your put your arms over his shoulders and nuzzled his neck. He gladly allowed you as his own arms gently tightened around your frame.
“I’m here, Y/N, I’m here” His hand rubbed circles in your back. “Everything’s alright”
The latent flashes and memories in your mind slowly dissipated. With Aragorn by your side, everything felt a little bit easier and calmer.
Your hand felt sweaty against Boromir’s. The calm atmosphere that surrounded you didn’t seem to reach you as a restlessness nested within you. Mind racing, you stopped walking and turned to him.
Immediately, feeling something was wrong, Boromir peered at you.
“What’s the matter, Y/N?” He asked, the utmost concern written in his expression.
“I... I...” You mumbled, not finding the words to describe your anguish.
“You don’t feel okay?” He ventured, knowing how unexpectedly anxiety could reach you. “Do you want to stop and rest?”
You nodded, feeling tears well up in your eyes. It was almost like you were too close to falling apart, and you needed to put an end to that distress fast, before it grew worse.
“It’s alright, I’m here” He reminded you, wrapping an arm around your waist to support your weight. “You will be alright”
Letting him look after you, you walked with him to a more shielded part of the path. That helped you a bit, as before you were slightly too exposed. Now the crowns of the trees protectively hung over your head and seemed to give you intimacy from anyone that might pass by.
His hand wrapped around yours as you walked off and sat down together. Then, he whispered sweet nothings to you while his free one went to lovingly caress your hair.
Tag list: @dancewaterdance02 / @fortheloveofbenyandtom / @of-stardust-and-dreams / @caswinchester2000 / @okay-j-hannah​ // If you want to be added or taken off the tag list for these fandoms or characters, let me know!!// Reblogs and comments are appreciated!
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