Is Elrond proud of me if LOTR is the only source of my happiness in life ? I don't have much friends or a good family and I feel bad and sad that I depend on it only...
(I miss your posts so much !!♡)
absolutely! Elrond is always proud of you, anon. He wishes you had better people in your life, but he also wants to remind you that there's no shame in finding things that bring you joy. Even if most of what brings you joy is a book series, that's still a valid source of happiness. Elrond is very proud of you for finding something you enjoy, and he hopes that you find more people and things to make you happy.
(Mod note: thank you, I'm sorry I haven't been posting much lately. Life happens, you know? I hope to post more soon.)
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I've been basically shut up in my house for almost eleven months now due to quarantine. Before Covid, I had a lot of diverse interests and was really engaged in current events and learning. But over this past year, my interests have slowly eroded and now I barely have the attention span to do anything but draw. I really want to return to my old self but I've been trying for months and I just can't seem to. Is Elrond still proud of me?
Elrond is proud of you no matter where you are in your life. COVID is hard and scary for everyone, and he knows that it can be a struggle to continue with your previous interests when such a huge, life-altering event happens. He is still very proud that you're doing your best every day.
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I have just found this blog and I am in love. Elrond is such an inspirational character to so many of us and you can see how much his opinion is valued so. You are wonderful for making this. OP. Have a lovely birth month!
Thank you anon! I know this response is very late, but I appreciate the ask very much.
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though the real question is.... am i proud of elrond?
I'd hope you are, but either way, he'd still be proud of you.
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Yesterday I confessed my suicidal thoughts and depressed feelings to my mom and now I will go to a psychologist.I regret it but she is supportive.I don’t know what will happen or what will I do
Another old ask. I hope things have gone well with your mental health, anon. Elrond is very proud of you for seeking help, and he hopes that you get shown kindness and support from the people in your life.
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I've just put the bi flag as the background to my social media pfps-- most of my friends are homophobes/transphobes, etc. I'm a little scared but also fascinated how and if they will react
This is an old ask, but I hope things have gone well for you, kind asker. I know that no matter how your friends reacted, Elrond is proud of you for having the courage to be your true self even in face of people who might not understand. You are very brave and he is very proud.
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Elrond is proud of you if you are LGBTQ+/queer in any way! He knows that it isn't easy to face all the bigotry you do, and he is so proud of you for being here and being proud anyways. He is especially proud of you if you are in the closet, not supported by the people around you, or living in a hostile place. You are so brave and Elrond knows you will survive this.
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I have not been on this blog in a good while, and probably won't be, but I'd like to say: happy pride month everyone! I love you all, and friendly reminder that this blog is an LGBTQ+ safe space.
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One note one day (please boost as much as possible)
This is a one note one day post for @i-love-side-characters, one of my dearest friends. Please signal boost it, she’s an amazing person and deserves the whole world. I would be devastated if anything happened to her, and I know a lot of other people would be as well. So please reblog this as much as possible, it means so much.
 @all-eternity @make-kotlc-gayer @keefeinnit @eating-mooncakes @keefes-hairgel @fysticalmorest @hazellevesque4life @loki-the-trikster-god @pyrokinetic-loser @catboyruy
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Hi Auriel (that's a super awesome name, by the way)!! I just wanted to tell you that your blog is SO amazing!! You are a truly wonderful person to spread kindness and joy like this, especially when life is challenging. *sends all the loves your way*
Aw, thank you so much anon! I’m glad you like the blog, even when I’m not too active on it. *sends some good vibes and happiness your way in return*
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Hi, just a few months ago i was at my granny ad grandads house and the topic of the LGBTQ+ comunity came up. They are extreamily homophobic and were saying some pretty homophobic things, and since i am a closested bisexual you can tell things weren't going to go well. After a fue minutes i snapped and stormed out. After that i walked tk my friends house who lived near by and slept over at her house. I haven't talked to them since. Is Elrond still proud of me?
Elrond is very proud of you, anon. It takes a lot of courage to stand up for yourself, and he’s so sorry you’ve had to go through that. It’s never easy to know that people who are supposed to love and support you don’t, but Elrond is very proud of you regardless.
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Does your new name have any relation to Auriel from the Elder Scrolls? Either way it's really cool and you're awesome
Ah sadly not, I’ve never played! Thank you, though, I’m quite attached to the name. 
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Mod Update
Hey folks!
I know I haven’t been active on this blog in forever; It’s been a really rough year for all of us. And I’m one of the luckier ones, even. Still, I’ve spent most of this year incredibly overwhelmed to the point of finding the blog too much to keep up with. However, even if 2021 doesn’t end up being my year, hopefully I can make it a good year for this blog! 
While I’m on break, I’ll be queuing up as many posts as I can get written, and we’ll see how long those last me once school starts up again. Even if I don’t end up posting consistently, though, I will answer every ask and take requests for any posts you specifically want to see! Make sure you specify that it’s a request in your ask if you want a separate post made, otherwise I’ll just answer the ask.
One last important announcement: I changed my name! While Semper is still one of my names, I primarily go by Auriel now. Mod posts will still be tagged as ‘semp speaks’, but I generally prefer to be addressed as Auriel; Semper is more of a middle name now. Ah, the trans journey of finding names. 
Anyways, have a lovely day, and remember: Elrond is proud of you!
- Auriel
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Is elrond proud of me if I cry easily? My dad makes fun of me for being delicate all the time and I feel really bad about it
Yes, Elrond is proud of you! Crying and releasing your emotions is healthy, and it’s not fair or kind of your dad to make fun of you for it. Elrond knows it can be very difficult to feel sensitive or delicate, but it’s also incredibly valuable to be in touch with your emotions. He’s very proud of you, and he hopes you don’t let the world make you feel like being sensitive is wrong because you are wonderful the way you are.
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Sometimes when I'm sad i look through your blog and feel better, i love you♡♡♡
I’m so glad this blog can help, anon! I love you too, Elrond is proud of you.
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Hi, so I think my friendship with one of my close friends just ended because of a mistake on my part. I've betrayed their trust and I really am sorry for that and regret it. Everything is a mess right now with my friends and I can't tell truth from lie. I just want this to end. Is Elrond still proud of me?
Hey anon!
First off, that sounds really rough. Friend breakups might not be talked about much, but they can really impact you. Still, Elrond is proud of you! Acknowledging that you were the one who made a mistake can be very difficult, and he’s especially proud of how mature you are in realizing your responsibility. He also hopes that you and your friends are able to work things out; sometimes people in your life can’t stay, and you might not end up making all your friendships work, but he hopes you find people who see the good in you. 
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I love y’all so much and when I asked for help at the beginning of the pandemic, y’all came through.
The US national eviction moratorium ends Dec 31st 2020 and I’m going to be evicted from my apartment. I lost my job in April due to the pandemic and haven’t found work since. I’m disabled, queer, high risk, and very unsure where I’m going to go after this. I’m struggling to pay my past due utility bills, medical, rent, and food for me and my cat.
If y’all could help with anything, and I mean anything, my paypal and venmo are below.
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