#terran unification
tagedeszorns · 2 years
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It's the Imperial Palace-Halloween-Party and Alpharius/Omegon have just arrived!
Nobody knows what their costumes are referencing (the ancient terran texts they are based on are very obscure), but that's exactly how they like it: Being their own meme suits them very well.
Fulgrim is pissed, because he wanted to do a cool couple's costume with Ferrus, but being the piece of slag the Lord of the tenth is, he went with a boring "Error 404 costume not found"-shirt. So Fulgrim latched onto Perturabo, who, of course, dressed up as daVinci. So now there's daVinci and the phoenician-Mona Lisa.
Russ read an ancient terran text, too, but mixed it up. He is dressed up as "Riding Hood the Killer of the forest" accompanied by his Lumberjack- and Granny-wolf. Both wolves ate their costumes within minutes. Bjorn flatly refused to dress up as sidekick "kid" and therefore had to stay outside.
Since Lorgar already looks like the Emperor, he dressed up as their father and now is patronizing everybody just like the original. He forced Kor Phaeron to wear a Malcador-costume, too. No one would have thought it, but they are actually hilarious and very amusing in their roles. Amusing enough that the real Malcador can only with difficulty stop the real Emperor from angrily throwing papier-mâché pumpkins at his seventeenth son.
Vulkan loves his Godzilla-costume, because this pre-unification terran god (it had to be a god, since there were so many little statues!) is so damn cute! And kind of a dragon!
Then he spots Mortarion as Mothra and tackles him in a hug, since they both chose that ancient myth, oh glory day!
Magnus decided on a stage magician-costume, but every time he asks one of his brothers to "think of a number, I'll tell you which one you thought of!" or "pick a card and put it back into the pile!", they just go "Bro, you're a Psyker, that's nothing special!".
Curze is sulking beneath the buffet-table, because all the comments he gets on his very authentic "toatally normal imperial writing clerk"-costume are "Serial killer! They look just like everybody else, don't they!".
There he's joined by Stormseer Targutai, who brought a big plate of everything down under the table with him. Jaghatai wanted to dress up as one of the most famous race horses in terran history, Nijinsky, and so he needed two more legs. Since Targutai is way too good-natured to refuse, he humoured his Khan - at least for about ten minutes. Then he wandered off, spotting the buffet table. Now the back-half of a horse is happily munching on fingerfood, sharing it with a sweater-vest-clad Night Haunter.
About an hour into the party, the two are getting more company, as Corvus appears under the table as well. He shares Curze's fate, since everybody is mistaking his thoughtfully build (yet horribly sewn) Rosa Luxemburg-costume for Mary Poppins. How can it be nobody is recognizing one of the most courageous revolutionaries terra ever produced? It can't be because Raven Guard suck at anything artsy-crafty. No.
The only one of the brothers wo bothered himself with reading about classic terran Halloween-customs is, of course, Guilliman. But unfortunately for him, the texts are very old and very fragmented, so all he could take away was "scary things, but make it slutty". His zombie-make-up and fishnet-stockings are still getting him quite a few admiring (it has to be meant admiring!) comments, though.
It's a little bit frustrating for Dorn, that he really did his best with a "very dangerous inwittian predatory cat-like monster"-costume, but all of his brothers just want to cuddle the incredibly adorable furry-thing that's sweating like hell next to any open window he can find.
Sanguinius has plastered himself with about a hundred goggly eyes of all sizes, because he wanted to look like an angel. Surprisingly it isn't working. But Magnus is squinting at him, muttering "You look like someone I know, but I can't remember for the life of me ...."
Horus employed three of the mournival for a clever group-costume (he thinks it's clever). They are impersonating one of the most famous para-military strike-teams of ancient Terra. Now the Warmaster is sporting a big grin and a cigar, while Abaddon is visibly seething, because he wanted to be "the pretty one", but instead has to wear about a ton of gold chains, while Aximand is constantly telling him, having to wear a blonde wig is not that funny, either. Loken and Tarik played rock-paper-scissors for the remaining spot, Gavriel lost (on purpose) and now Torgaddon is very happy with a baseball hat and the license to behave crazy (within limits).
Angron is running around naked, bodypainted very green, yelling at everybody "I'M SHREK, GOD OF ORK!!!! WAAAAHHHG!!". The palace serving staff is now hiding from him. He counts this as a win. He makes no effort to explain why he is naked.
The Lion is pondering joining team "under the table", since Vulkan has spotted his very authentic Saint George-costume and continues to pounce at him, happily exclaiming "I'm a dragon, fight me!".
Now I have written an incredibly long text, although I only had the idea of drawing Alpharius and Omegon as Spy vs Spy. But that was fun! The Imperial Halloween Party is sure to be a great success.
Also, it seems Horus' costume isn't that obvious. Well ... 😊
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farsight-the-char · 19 days
SiFI setting rambling.
Humans are stereotyped by the other cultures as being warlike, in part because a lot of veterans of "The Unification Crisis"* were among the first to emigrate to the territories of other Alliance members, in part because of their disillusionment from the Terran Federation.
Federation Veterans, those who were displaced by the Unification Crisis, and others impacted by the conflict, were granted new homes by sympathetic alliance members.
These people happily accepted the help, and adjusted to their new cultures well, though some spending years, some decades, in the Everdawn warzone, left a mark, and from that, humans were assumed to be like that by those aliens who did not know the full context of their lives.
*The "Unification Crisis" aka the Everdawn Wars, was when a distant group of human colonies, located in the "Everdawn Star Cluster" had seceded from the main Terran Federation, but then broke into conflict among themselves (with many splinter factions wanting to rejoin the Federation), with the Federation getting involved when Federation star systems were raided by Secession forces.
Conflict lasted about 30 years, growing hot and cold repeatedly, before ultimately silencing when the Terran Federation made first contact with the Galactic Alliance, using the threat of Alien Allies to end the last of the rebellions (with those surrendering being granted pardons).
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indignantlemur · 5 months
In need of knowledge: Andorian money systems? How do they work? What is the split (like a dollar being 100 cents)? Do they have banks? Interest (compounded/uncompounded)? What is the conversion rate to other currencies?
Hey, Horta! Sorry about the delay, but I wanted to spend some time thinking about your question and bouncing a few ideas off of folks.
I'm going to come right out and say that I am not an economics major. It's not something I ever studied, and the one lecture I was compelled to attend on the subject was the first and only lecture I ever fell asleep during. Partly because the presenter was speaking in a flat monotone the entire time.
So, at this point, Emigre is taking place roughly 10-ish years after the last episode of ST:ENT, which means the Federation has had about that long to try to get on the same page. We know from later canon that the Federation uses credits, but Starfleet will also pay their members in latinum or latinum-adjacent currency if they're posted somewhere where credits are functionally worthless. That's way off in the future, however. Right now, the world of Emigre is one in which four wildly different species with wildly different economies are trying to agree on something that works for all of them.
It is, to put it bluntly, very slow-going. Humans and Vulcans are already functioning on the same credit-based system, since their development became closely intertwined early on, but the Tellarites and the Andorians use vastly different systems and are reluctant to change their ways without cause.
Historically, Pre-Unification Andorians used trade and barter systems between Clans, and each Clan had their own kind of currency. It was a mess, and more than one feud started up as a result of one Clan feeling that another shorted them on what was supposed to be a fair deal because they valued the two currency-forms differently. The only thing that was universally valued more-or-less equally across the Clans were metal ores and especially refined metals, and this ultimately expanded to include precious metals as well.
When the Imperial Clan dragged everyone kicking and screaming into a modern era, they imposed a new currency - the Imperial toog. Toog coins were thin strips of metal, rectangular and roughly the size of a small USB stick, imprinted with the Imperial Clan's insignia. The value of the toog was worked out to be the average value of a set amount of pure, refined precious metals based on traditional measurements. A single toog would weigh approximately 3.75g in Terran units, equivalent roughly in value to that of the same weight in silver. Smaller demarcations of toog, such as the zuu'toog (bit-coin) was worth 1/10th of the value of a toog, while larger demarcations such as the dol'toog (heavy coin) were worth 100 toog strips.
Given that Andorian and Terran engineering is at least somewhat compatible, it made sense to me that they use base-10 mathematics like we do. Otherwise, I can't imagine the Imperial Guard's Kumari and her crew's efforts to help repair the Enterprise during ST:ENT would have resulted in anything but shouting matches and possibly bloodshed. Ergo, their currency also functions on a base 10 model.
I'm going to be honest, this is largely for my own sanity at this point. Sometimes I look at numbers and they swim around a bit, and I'd really rather not. Just in general. No thank you.
As for banks, Andorians do have banks and interest, simple and compounded, and even some very interesting investment opportunities... but their paperwork is notoriously byzantine. Most outsiders and off-worlders prefer to stay with their own financial institutions wherever possible, rather than deal with the nightmare of trying to open an account with an Andorian bank.
In current-day Emigre 'verse, the Andorian people have begun to switch over to Federation credits. Credits aren't universally accepted everywhere on Andoria and quite a few folks would rather barter goods directly than take credits, but the transition is progressing reasonably well. The Federation credit-Andorian toog exchange rate is surprisingly decent, with the toog having slightly more economic weight at the moment and slowly, steadily dropping as credits become more predominant. Andorians rarely convert their currency to anything else but latinum otherwise, but they will deign to change Imperial toog for other Federation currencies upon special request - assuming you've filed the proper paperwork. The currency rate varies wildly, however, which the Andorian banks wash their hands of once the paperwork is completed. If you didn't like what you got for your toogs, why'd you go any change them to Tellarite marqs in the first place?
Side tidbit: Dagmar gets paid in credits, since she's a Federation citizen of Terran origin. Unfortunately, this means an extremely overworked finance specialist has to manually convert and transfer her paycheques, navigating the minefield that is interplanetary financial laws and regulations every month. Poor man.
Thanks for the ask! <3
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sorormaior · 1 year
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Finally getting into it! I found a really nice couple of pens and textures i like and began slapping them on everything. Ideally i would have like to make Angel’s armour bigger and more yknow Warhammy but I couldn’t make it look right. I’m happy with the rest of it though!
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The Emperor's Terran Unification 1st Anniversary 'Grand Slam Pajama Jam All-day PJ Party'. 89 dead, 2154 wounded, 6 totally missing and 9 arrests for arson, embezzlement or both at once.
And that was just from Malcador’s Uno game session. The Emperor swore never again
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askmalal · 2 years
Further thoughts on 11th Legion Lore, for those with an interest in such things, from the Mortal Scribe(tm). More for A’s ongoing work on the project and how to think of it conceptually, but they note that some of you also seem to be interested in this sort of thing:.
Operational Organization of Legio XI (Dust Raisers):
According to the official “timeline,” the fourth Primarch to be rediscovered seems to have been either the 2nd or the 11th, while the other Lost Primarch was discovered relatively late (third or penultimate to last.)
If we assume that the more recent books and stories are accurate (no story bible) Corvus Corax took part in the Crusade for at least a century, or right around that much, and Corax was the last to be rediscovered (as opposed to the original timeline, which says Alpharius was the last) we can assume the second of the Lost Primarchs was probably active from about late Middle to early Late Crusade. Oddly, Russ seems to have been involved in discovery of both.
For my purposes, I assume the 11th was the formermost, rather than the latter, which accounts for most of the Primarchs having knowledge of him (or her, if you prefer.)
At the apex of its growth, the 11th Legion consisted of approximately 63,500 combatant, divided into eleven Companies, divided between four Great Companies. This makes them among the smallest of the Legions - larger than the Thousand Sons and smaller than the Raven Guard prior to Gate 16. The 11th took part in the Unification and the Early Great Crusade prior to the rediscovery of their Primarch.
The Legion was organized initially into three Great Companies or “Ibutho”, each comprised of four Companies, or “Iviyo.” The Primarch expanded the size of each Company (stabilized gene-seed, larger abundance of recruits) and increased the number of Great Companies from three to four.
Although Pariah System was colonized by Afrik and Hibernian families, the Terran Legion was drawn almost exclusively from cultures with strong reputation for navigation: this was predominantly then comprised of Sud-Afrik and Ost-Afrik Legionaries. As such, when elements of the Primarch’s local forces were inducted into the Eleventh, they were actually more familiar with Hibernian terminology flavored with Afrik cultural influences. This means that the recruits got on well with the veterans but were initially unfamiliar with the Terran organizational terms.
As such, the Primarch chose to reorganize with terminology that would allow for a smooth integration. The Ibuthos were redesignated “Musters” (a literal translation of the word), whilst the Iviyos were redesignated “Warbands” (the meaning of ‘Iviyo’ can be read as ‘Regiment’ or ‘Warband’.) For the Parians, who were mostly familiar with a system of “Scaitha” (Regiments,) this helped to ease transition, while minimizing issues for the veteran Terrans.
Each of the four Musters were now comprised of three Warbands. Warbands were numbered sequentially. 1st-3rd Companies were part of 1st Muster, 4th-6th part of 2nd, etc. For tactical purposes, the Musters were assigned High Gothic numerals and color codes. Color meant very little to most 11th Legionaries, as most developed rod-monochromatism upon implantation of the modified Occulobe, but they were necessary for tactical integration with the remainder of Imperial forces, while numerals were useful for those in the Legion with no color sight.
The Warbands, meanwhile, had often been given nicknames by the Terran veterans. They were encouraged to keep these names, and after about three decades of fighting together, the companies each had cognomen based upon Afro-Hibernian traditions.
Colors and numbers were displayed on right knee, with optics matching Muster number. Helmet crests were usually black.
Muster I (Red)
1st. “Horned Vipers” (Red)
2nd. “Washers of Spears” (Red/White)
3rd. “Red Caps” (White/Red)
Muster II (Yellow)
4th. “Bees” (Yellow)
5th. “Earth Shakers” (Yellow/White)
6th. “Hellfighters” (White/Yellow)
Muster III (Black)
7th. “Sluagh” (Black)
8th. “Reavers” (Black/White)
9th. “Man Eaters” (White/Black)
Muster IV (Green)
10th: “Wild Hunt” (Green)
11th. “Sons of the Shuk” (Green/White)
12th. “Warp Phantoms” (White/Green)
Unlike many of the other legions, Legio XI did not concentrate its most veteran formations in 1st Company (Warband) and a Company’s number did not indicate seniority or prominence. From the standpoint of experience, IV Muster’s three Warbands held an arguably high concentration of both long time veterans and new rankers.
10th Warband was fleet based. It was comprised of a heavy concentration of Legion cavalry and reconnaissance units, along with at least one third of the Legion’s air assets. Most of the attached Questoris and Titan assets could also be found here, for operational purposes. As such, 10th Warband was often sectioned in detachments to support the other Companies.
11th Warband was one of two “Reserve” Warbands, and was the theoretical home formation for the Primarch, his retinue, and most of the Legion’s super-heavy assets. The inner circle of the Legion’s interred (Dreadnoughts) could also be found here. The Legion Forge was headquartered here
12th Warband was the second “Reserve” Warband. It was oversized, consisting of the garrisons of the Pariah System, the training cohorts, and the Apothecarion Primus. For unknown reasons, the senior most Legionary Psykers (the Caith-Sidhe) were attached to the 12th.
Finally, the typical pattern in each Muster was to feature two ‘Light’ Warbands and one ‘Heavy’ Warband, though this was reversed in the 4th Muster.
A “Light” Warband featured two units of foot or cavalry for every one unit of armor, with a supporting unit of artillery. A “Heavy” Warband featured two units of armor for every unit of infantry or cavalry, with two units of supporting artillery.
Terminators were available to all formations. With the exception of Nullificators (pioneered by the 11th,) who were equipped with Cataphractii or Saturnine Pattern armor, the vast majority were equipped with Tartaros armor. The 11th did not officially use Indomitus pattern, which had not been developed by the time of Rangdan.
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acidlake · 2 years
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The Parliament of the Ode, or the Ode to a Near and Total Permanence, or, simply, The Song Political Structure: Pluralist Federated Parliament Population: 115 Billion Citizens across 402 recognised systems Current Ruler: Conductor Rein-Telas, of Verse 17, Line 2 Age: 1606 standardised Terran years as a multi-system entity, 441 years in Heliopause. Seat of Power: Lulralen, Homeworld of the Yall’ul and birthplace of The Song,
Founded by the alien culture of the Yall’ul, and arranged around their central work of epic politico-poetry, The Ode, the key text that had underpinned the unification of their home system, their discovery of Mirror Exploitation, and their grasping expansion into the void. The Parliament is arranged into the 628 verses, each 4 lines long, each line is to be filled by a representative of an exemplar group, state, or civilisation within The Ode. The key belief being that if each line is filled by a true exemplar then, like before back on the homeward, permanent and just order will fill all the space it can reach. Currently 342 of the Lines have seated Exemplars, and The Song calls out to fill its remaining seats.
In all things The Song preaches symbiosis and practices exploitation. A voracious culture of discovery subsuming all into its technological and cultural milieu, every new idea and idiosyncrasy can become a tool for the finding, and the ensnaring, of new parliamentarians. Each newly absorbed polity, corporation, and wilderness is assessed, mined, and then shuffled into the super-structure assuring that it could never usurp power from the founding direction of The Song.
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earltheartist · 5 years
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thunder warrior or terran-born astartes in MK1 power armor. ps both used the same MK1 “pattern”
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canaries-in-dungeon · 3 years
I love how my current Warhammer OCs are:
A nostraman woman who works in sci-fi retail and is being stalked by Konrad Curze.
A Terran noblewoman who won the fucking husband lottery by marrying a Primarch.
A perpetual from the unification wars era who is terrified of Space Marines.
And a bisexual rememberancer who used to be a model.
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trve-grimdark · 4 years
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ALTERNATIVE PRIMARIS MARINE LORE (Fixing Primaris so they don’t seem as shoe horned into the game)
So, Primaris. Yes they exist. And, lets be honest, they are stupid. Just admit it. Its ok. They are a wrench in the narrative of 40k and a symptom of the “New” GW, the GW that is focused more on sales and growth numbers than on creating lore and good story telling. The Primaris are probably the biggest and most glaring symptom of this new mindset. Blank Slate cardboard cut out “Super’er Super” Soldiers, who have no ties or stake to the history or even current setup of 40k.
So how does one take something so un-40k and non-grimdark and make it work for the game in a creative and narrative friendly sense? And possibly make it viable to almost any edition of 40k one would want to play?
Well sitting over a cup of cold brew coffee this morning, an idea struck. And so I’m going to share some of this musing with you all.
The Thunder Warriors of Mars
Lets erase everything we have currently about the Primaris. Erase Guilliman’s secret “Final order” 10k years ago. Erase the thieving of Chapter Gene Seed by Mary Cwal Sue, and erase the idea that the primaris are marines at all.
Instead lets give them a new back drop. Cwal is indeed part of the picture. A magos of considerable age perhaps, wise and ambitious beyond what a proper servant of the Omnissiah should be. In his musings and agitated state, Cwal has come to a conclusion. Mars and Terra have languished in Technological and expansionist limbo for too long.
The time has come to reclaim the Red Planet’s Birthright, independent of the restrictions that may or may not be in place by the Lords of Terra.
A Schism is forming on Mars. One that perhaps has not been seen since the blighted day of the Horus Heresy.
Cwal has gathered the minds most likely to follow him to his side, and, in direct violation of Terra, and the Fabricator General’s authority, has begun to engineer a new breed of warrior. A breed that while few in number, will be able to secure far more for the glory of Mars and the Mechanicum than it’s reliance on the armies of Terra and its worlds. Warriors crafted in the image not of defenders and upholders of tradition and Imperial values, but ones of conquest, domination and heartless cruelty.
These are the Thunder Warriors of Mars. Titanic bio enhanced monstrosities that, like their forebears of the Unification Wars, bear resemblance to their noble kin, the Astartes, but little else. These are not the Imperium’s great defending angels. These are monsters bred for a single and terrible purpose. To burn the worlds of their enemies to ash, be they heretic, alien, or Imperial ruled systems that do not see the need to forge a new order in the galaxy.
Cwal, now in direct conflict with the ruling powers of the Terran Mars confederation, is forced to play the hand of both politics, technocrat and warlord. But will he shatter the bounds of unity between the two worlds? Will he cause yet another costly civil war?
Surely these...things, cannot be allowed. The Thunder Warriors of old where beasts, created and then purged once the goal of their creation was achieved. These will be no different. How can one control such Mentally and Physically unhinged soldiers, who now have at their disposal the higher echelons of techno-weaponry, enhancement and armor?
Lore of the Mars Warriors.
With this new concept in hand, it would be fairly easy to find a way of slipping the idea of “Primaris” into the armies of 40k.
Cwal has played his hand. Perhaps he has demonstrated the effectiveness of these few but powerful warriors to the Imperium, and now, debate rages over if what he has done is heresy, or in the best interest of man, or simply the best interest of Mars or himself?
There are several points to the lore to make this story possible. #1 There are few of these warriors.
No Thousands upon thousands of “New” marines here. In this narrative the Mars Warriors are few in number, perhaps going only up to a few thousand at best. Perhaps even a thousand period, as it is with SM chapters. This makes each squad of these new warriors a precious and unique resource, that can have their characteristics made more unique and personable.
#2 Unsanctioned testing.
These warriors are neither sanctioned (nor yet condemned fully) by the Imperium. Meaning that any general, Magos, or chapter master wishing to field such units does so at great risk.
Will they be accused of Heresy themselves? How did they secure the use of such warriors from Cwal’s rogue faction within the Mechanicus. What secrets lie between such alliances. Surely these new warriors must be properly tested before being given the blessing of the Imperium, but at what cost, and what happens if they fall into the wrong hands?
#3 Superiority, at a cost.
One of the most glaring issues with Primaris Marines is their Deus Machina lore of being better in all respects to...everything. Because reasons. No draw backs, no problems.
In this alternative narrative, the Mars Warriors are superior to most, foes and allies alike, but this comes at a cost.  Like their forebears, the Mars Warriors are prone to mental disorder, psychotic behavior, physical overload, and some times erratic and violent tendencies. The enhancements and raw material used to create such soldiers is a dangerous at best, and down right suicidal and possibly heretical at worst, and this is part of the make up of these new warriors.
#4 They can be found anywhere.
No more of this giant oversize catalog of space marines. These warriors can be fielded as a form of “Any situation” style army.
Mechanicum, Guard, Inquisition, Space Marines, Possibly...even Chaos. All have access to these super soldiers, at a price and a risk, giving them limitless narrative and backstory potential.
#5 Meaningful Personas
No more “Rubicon” characters. With this new lore, one can create Personalities within the small faction of Mars warriors that have their own meaning and part in the grand narrative of 40k.
Mayhap there is a Leader, A warrior set above the rest as a chapter master would be.
A distinguished squad commander. A banner Bearer.
All of this and more can be added into this revised concept in order to flesh out better and original characters for the “Primaris”.
Perhaps I am dreaming a dream, or hoping against all odds with this. I may continue this line of thinking in future entries.
For now, its something for all to think about.
Until next time!
Happy Hobbying!
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farsight-the-char · 1 year
Bit of stuff for my SiFi setting:
“Humanity, in the present Galaxy, is known as a Culture of War.
It is however, not of Spartan Warriors, but of Athens.
Artisans designing and crafting weapons, tactics and strategy studied at all hours, theoretical battles debated in grand forums.
Warriors who fight with mind just as much as body.
The Terran Federation’s economy empowered in selling Arms and Amour to the other members to the Galactic Alliance, against the Pirate Menace and The Divine Scourges.
Humanity is cursed and blessed by War in this Galaxy.
How Long Can We Control It?”
The Terran Federation, before it joined the Galactic Alliance, was stuck in the “Unification Crisis”, as various Human Colonies had started attacking each other and the Federation, either wanting independence or dominance, with the Federation wanting to establish the “Rift Gate” network to Unify Humanity.
The Galactic Alliance, upon discovering the Waring Humanity, sided with the Federation, to gain access to Rift-Gates, and to access the Federation’s Military Infrastructure/Production Capacity. 
Humans are now one of the Major Powers in the Galaxy, the Southern Sections especially.
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doopcafe · 3 years
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Star Trek: The Michael Burnham Show, Unification III (3x07)
Comments: What an absolute shit show. I didn’t learn what the title of this travesty was until just now, but it makes me even more disgusted than I already was. Poor Gene Roddenberry. Is this what your hopeful vision of the future looked like?
The purpose of the previous episode was to get a third black box because, we were told (incorrectly) that Burnham needs three to “triangulate” the origin of The Burn. At the beginning of this episode, Tilly explains to Burnham that, while that’s true for two-dimensional space, it’s not true for three-dimensional space (literally the physical world we live in) and so they need another black box. As "Chief Science Officer," how does Michael Burnham not know that?
Ultimately, this means we get another McGuffin plot: gotta find SB-19. We didn’t know what that was because Burnham just invented it now in response to Tilly’s objection, but it’s a science project of the Vulcans, who think they were at the center of The Burn. (Okay, so my stupid predication was actually partially correct; so I’m disgusted).
Anyways, Burnham gets special treatment on Vulcan because she’s like, the adopted “sister” of Spock (or whatever) and since Spock started the unification process between Vulcans and Romulans (back in TNG), they hold him (and his “relations”) in high regard. So Burnham invokes T’Kal-in-ket, some made-up Vulcan thing, where three humans wearing Vulcan ears stand around and have emotional outbursts—do the writers literally not know what a Vulcan is?
I would think “emotionless alien” is probably one of the easiest things to actually get right when raping the corpse of Star Trek, but this show even managed to fumble that as well. It’s honestly pretty impressive. I hope they do The Borg next. They can make a bunch of high-tech, friendly cyborgs who express their individuality by learning beekeeping and knitting sweaters.
Anyways, Burnham believes the data from SB-19 can help her pinpoint the origin of The Burn, but the “Vulcans” don’t trust Starfleet and don’t wanna give that data to them. So Burnham’s mom shows up and... just...
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Skipping over that for a moment, Burnham's mom convinces Burnham to be honest/sincere in front of the “Vulcans” to like, emotionally convince them to share the data. This manages to win over the “Vulcan” president, who gives Burnham the data on a future!USB drive, and the episode ends exactly where it began: Burnham once again has all the data she needs to find the origin of The Burn. That feels really good, show. /s
In the M-Plot (because the A- through L-plots are about Michael Burnham), Tilly is made first officer. For some reason. Maybe because (1) the audience really liked when she played the role of a Terran officer (TBH, that was pretty amazing though) or (2) the only other characters I know after two-and-a-half seasons are Saru, who’s already captain; Booker, who has his own ship; and Stammis, who needs to power the spore drive.
There’s a lot to not like about this episode, but I only want to make one point. It’s about the dialogue. Let’s examine. Burnham’s mom shows-up with a cliché cloak over her face so that she can do the dramatic reveal after transporting aboard Discovery. One of the major mysteries of this season has been the location/status of Burnham’s mother. Rightfully, Burnham immediately asks, “Did you ever make it to Terralysium?” and the mom replies:
No, landed right back on Essof IV. (chuckles) Wasn’t pretty. Ah, colonists brought me to the Qowat Milat who healed me. Seems like you could use a bit of that yourself.
That is super condensed dialogue. Just one third of a line of dialogue is used to handwave away one of the biggest mysteries of the season.
Anyways, I had stopped writing here several days ago and am just now returning to it, and I don’t feel like trying to make my point. The dialogue on this show sucks, okay?
My enjoyment: 1/5
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ask-tribune-ra · 3 years
Censure Force Dynasty
Dark Angels
The twenty thousand warriors of the first legion are Terran veterans of the unification wars and conquest of the solar system, before the finding of the Lion this force would rotate over a period of three years.
The commander of this force at the time of the Triumph of Ullanor was Lord Commander Galas Cebius Eskaton of The Dreadwing, one of the few remaining Terran Legionnaires with such high command. When he took command Galas brought with him one thousand of Knights Cenobium.
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aboyandhisstarship · 4 years
Human are weird: The GTO/SICON verse Reboot
The GTO, Or Galactic Treaty Organization is a military and political alliance between a number of species in the alpha quadrat of the galaxy.  The GTO is a rather new organization only founded nine years ago following the first contact incident, where The Klendthu’s crash landed on a small cold planet on the edge of a solar system at the edge of the galaxy, and encountered a small outpost, one mis understanding later, and The Klendthu’s spent 6 Terren months fighting the creature’s from the fourth planet.
Once diplomacy was able to be established through communications a cease fire was called, and the strange race who called themselves Humans started a dialog.
Over the last nine years the alliance has grown to be a massive power house in economics, Politics and Defense.   They are 4 major races in the alliance
The Klendthu Congress: an insect race with a regional hive mind, but don’t let that fool you, they are wicked smart and industrious.  They have developed some of the most impressive mining tech available. Their planets is ruled by a Queen there entire government by the high queen, the average worker has about the same level of intelligence of a human 6 year old, but when working groups then can easily compete with a genius level human.
The Kalbur Merchant Empire: a race that vaguely resembles the big foots of earth legend. They are the economic Backbone of the GTO, there race is built around the building and creating of wealth, money heavily influencing there culture. Their government is run by a council of officials elected from the top business and workers unions on their world.  In terms of technology they tend to lead in interstellar coms and other commercial type tech, with their military tech sorely lacking…as such they maintain an allied Military presence on their worlds.
The Verkia technocracy: an Aquatic telepathically floating species that vaguely resembles the squids of earth, they are the most advanced species in the known galaxy in almost every way. As such however they tend to be stiff and follow a very strict social custom; it is considered taboo for a student to leave the sciences in exchange for another discipline, sometimes leading as far as disowning by family and friends, or worse case total exile from Varikan society.  There government is run by a council of appointed top scientists that are generally the heads of top instuites within Verikan space.”
The Strategically Integrated Collation of Nations:  The Humans, the youngest race in the group as well as the craziest, Hailing from a death world on the edge of the galaxy where everything can and will kill you they are a society still recovering from finding out aliens even exist and there conflict with them. SICON was formed after the Pluto attacks from several of the earths major nation states, pushing aside the last barriers to unification. SICON is a democracy, with each former earth nation state, and Human colony earning a seat in the SICON Parliament with the majority seat holder winning said election with the party head becoming the Prime minster, Underneath them is the Star Marshal, commander in chief of the SICON Navy, and the ODT’s or Orbital Drop Teams… highly trained and equipped soldiers who go through a strict selection process.  The nature of the human world as well as their Military technique’s make them the leader in Military technology by miles, with standard issue power suits for ground forces, the entire concept of Orbital insertion, air support and deep space carriers being introduced by the humans. These advantages are only enhanced by their natural predatory nature and ability to hone their bodies into killing machines….
T’Las groaned scratching her fur groaning “Great I keep making the humans sound terrifying.”  The Kalbur sat back in the far too tall chair. It was built for a human after all she groaned, she sat in a gray metal room, the thick bulkheads joined into a thick window showing the swirls of hyperspace outside the window.
T’Las was grateful to the human for letting her take his office as he called it, but honestly being on a human ship was scary…well the entire assignment she was given was scary. 18 terran months ago a Verkian science ship crash landed on a Pre FTL society and well the folk on the planet went crazy fighting over the tech they could barely understand, by now only two groups remained on the planet before the GTO sent an intervention team, well Humans falling from the sky into your main base would put the fear of god into anyone and the sides agreed to moderated peace talks, she had actually been invited to dine in the captain’s cabin with the Ambassador, the Captain and the ODT Commanding officer, and had to quickly get ready. She put on her formal fur clips and quickly moved through the ship.
The Valley Forge is what the humans called it and as human ships go it was on the small side, only 400 meters long and 600 across. The vast majority was taken up by the Chekov drive core and the small retrieval ship and drop tubes for the ODT team.  She left the section of the ship past a group of humans joking about something called a date, before she left the ODT region of the ship.
It took her a couple of minutes and asking for direction’s before she arrived at the metal door. She knocked and a human voice called “come in.”
Inside were to humans before dressed in their formal uniforms, one had more bars across her shoulders and was a human female, T’Las was able to identify as she introduced “Hello, you must be the reporter joining us, I’m Captain Hernández.”
The male human who was also in Dress uniform had shoulder patches on the side of his jacket that looked kind of like the Human drop pods as he introduced “Lieutenant William Erickson, ODT senior officer.”
T’Las carefully took the offered seat “Nice to meet you Captain Hernández, Lieutenant Erickson.”
There was sound of something scraping and a robotic voice saying “May I enter.”
Erickson and Herandez stood up as the door opened, in stepped a creature that walked on four legs, it was armoured and had 4 side facing eyes, attached to its chest was a small box, Herndez smiled “your Majesty.”
The creature screeched before a second later the robotic voice spoke “Captain, Lieutenant…we have known each other long enough to dispense with the Niceties surely.”
Erickson laughed “I’m sorry to say its official orders, they don’t want us causing too much trouble.”
Herndez chuckled as she said “you’re Majesty Queen of Gamma prime, this is T’Las of the Kalbur.”
T’Las had never seen a klendtuian queen before and muttered out a “Hello…your majesty.” She quickly added bowing slightly.
The queen made a chirping sound that robotic voice translated to a disjointed human laugh before saying “there is no need we are all equals here.”
The three of them sat down as a small platform elevated the queen to the table, Erickson took a sip of water saying “the squad says hi, and Futuba was real bummed she could not join us.”
The queen somehow betrayed a guine response through the robotic voice as she responded “I’m sorry they were unable to join, it has been for too long since I last saw dagger squad.”
A couple of humans still in there dress best placed done four plates, for the humans it was a simple salad meal with Erickson grinning “SICON figured streaks were not a good look.”
The queen chirped again as a plate of strange green slush was placed in front of her and T’Las got a salad in the style of her people. T’Las asked “so how do you all know each other?”
Erickson smiled without showing teeth “long story, it involves a lot of explosives.”
The queen scratched “it was my vessel that crashed on Pluto, then private Erickson, and then flight Lieutent Hernández crash landed in my den, we were lucky enough to have gotten our…talk box open…they were the first to talk to us…they helped us build peace.”
Erickson smiled “we got a cease fire and spent 3 weeks talking, we had to live off my mom’s cookies.”
The queen chirped “I’m sorry you could not eat our food.”
Herndez grinned “I thought the food was ok, the company was awful.”
Erickson looked genuinely hurt as the conversation moved to a different topic.
 17 hours later:
T’Las was sitting in her quarters/ borrowed office mussing about the nature of Human space travel. Most other GTO races have adopted the supercharged carrier system, where the engines have a certain particle run through it in an infinite loop that somehow results in faster than light travel; Humans on the hand adopted the Chekov hyper drive, named after the human scientist Anton Chekov who invented it. The Chekov drive punches a hole in subspace allowing the human ship to enter into another dimension allowing the vessel hundreds time faster than the speed of light.
 T’Las did not pretend to be well versed on the subject of interstellar Star ships but she started to write “as I fly on the human ship I noticed something interesting about the difference in the FTL Technology employed by SICON as opposed to the employed by the rest of the GTO, but first some background, for any ready who is not aware Humans are pursuit predators, what does this mean? imagine for a second that you are a terran creature, you see a human coming and run away. The issue is you are faster than the human but the human can chase you as far as they need to, sometimes for kilometers and days at a time.”
T’Las read that and said “NOPE.” She quickly edited “Being a Pursuit predator means they chase their prey, sometimes for days and across vast landscapes, just about anything can out sprint the average (non -power suit wearing) human, but in a distance race…you lose every time. What is the relevance of what I’m saying? Well Most FTL tech we know of is faster than Human hyperspace, but the Humans can go farther and for longer…Example, A Kalbur ship and a human ship need to cross GTO space, the distance is say 15 Cubic light years, The Kalbur ship would rock ahead of the ship until about 5 light years at which point it needs to slow down to let the engines recharge, by contrast the humans will stay be coming and easily overtake the Kalbur, once the Kalbur engines re charge they will jump and yet again overshoot the humans until uh oh, they have to stop again, meanwhile the humans have being moving at a steady pace this entire time and easily yet again over take the Kalbur and hit where they want to be  easily hours before the Kalbur vessel.”
T’Las read it over before nodding approvingly “that’s better.” Adding “now the logical next question, what about in combat and yes it is as terrifying as you would think, the humans with their massive over gunned ships firing hunks of metal at a quarter of the speed of light at you, so you make a break for it…and you think you are in the clear then boom, they appear out of nowhere (reminder that we have yet to have anyway detect someone in Chekov travel, and if the humans do they are not sharing.)  You can’t run you can’t hide you can only that they are feeling merciful.”
T’Las re read the last paragraph saying “way to dark…” deleting the last paragraph she smiled sending the story off, as well as her other noted on the function .
 7 hours later:
T’Las heard a small knock on her door, and opened it to see a human with a strange shape on her face the human grinned “Hiyo.”
T’Las blinked “uhh hi?”
The human smiled “Specialist Futuba Kurogane, Dagger Squad, intel and Communication’s.”
T’Las nodded “Pleasure…uhhh not to be rude?”
Futuba grinned “oh yea right, this came for you from your boss,” Handing T’Las a drive saying “have a good one.”
T’Las played the message and it was her boss telling her “that last story is a gold mine! We have re run it 4 times and they still want more! Keep up the good work!”
T’Las rewatched the message 4 times saying “people are really that interested?”
2 hours later:
T’Las backed up as the creature advanced towards her, it was on four legs and bore it’s teeth as it sniffed her, the humans office door had closed cutting off her escape from the predator, T’Las considered making a break for it  when a human shouted in a language her translator did not recognize. The creature instantly stopped sniffing her and trotted back towards the human, the human was a female of darker complexion who smiled sheepishly, saying to T’Las “sorry about Porthos here.”
The human rolled her eyes “she is a MWD.”
T’Las said “what!?”
Erickson rounded the corner saying with crossed arms “heard some yelling, what’s the issue Specialist?”
He reached down petting the creature as the other human said “Porthos seems to put the fear of god into our guest here.”
Erickson sighed “Abebi, you know we had aliens onboard who would be scared of Porthos.”
Erickson looked at T’Las before saying “come on, I will fill you in.”
Mess hall:
Erickson drunk a glass of water explaining “there is a creature on earth called a dog.”
T’Las nodded following, as Erickson sighed “these animals have amazing sense of smell so we train them to find things for us; Porthos for instance is a bomb sniffer….so if you ever see him sit run….Abebi, is his Handler she takes care of leads the dog on mission’s…that make sense?”
T’Las sighed “sure you humans have trained a deadly predator to find equally deadly explosives for you…great…”
Erickson glanced at his wrist “we are almost at the planet get ready.”
Clapping T’Las on the shoulder
Hanger bay:
The ship rocked as it dropped out of hyperspace, Ericson was dressed in strange 4 piece garments with dark lens over his face as he explained “this place was a warzone a few days ago, so stay close and do as we tell you, everyone follow?”
The queen squawked her affirmative and T’Las nodded awkwardly as they boarded the military drop craft.
4 hours later:
The conference had been going on for hours now with the creature Porthos and his handler walking around constantly as the rest of the humans eyed the assembled crowd, so far everything was safe and secure. The peace was signed But then the meet and greet and the glad handing with the all the ambassador’s started, and well T’Las was happy she had her camera drone on for what happened next.
 The drone had been flying around the room for about twenty minutes when an alien stepped forward to speak to the ambassador’s, Porthos walked towards the alien sniffing before sitting facing him. T’Las remembering what Erickson said looked for something to hide behind as all the humans in the room stiffed, The queen knowing what Porthos was as well changed color, however the aliens on the planet did not know what was about to happen. A tense second later, small sliver looking weapons appeared in the humans hands as Erickson yelled “hands in the air!”  
Porthos rose up barking as Erickson yelled “Abebi!”
The handler nodded “on it sir!” yelling something in a strange human language, the dog advanced on the now terrified alien, sniffing before looking at the creatures jacket and growling. The humans moved in as Erickson said “Futuba call for evac, Abebi.”
The handler interrupted “checking the entire room got it.”
Erickson threw the alien down pulling out a bomb he quickly defused he said “Valley Forge we are pulling out over!”
The delegation quickly moved out to the waiting drop ship, handing the would be bomber over to the locals they blasted off, the humans visibly relaxed and started chatting with each other and the queen like they all almost didn’t get blown up, leaving T’Las to come to the conclusion “Humans are weird. “
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fliath · 4 years
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Blindmistress Nicopolis. "Leader of the Blinded Ones A rare veteran of the Terran Wars of Unification amongst the Angelis Noctem, Nicopolis was a potent psyker and a cunning commander, though one who refused higher office even when offered it. It was only in the wake of the Solar Rebellion and the proven efficacy of Nicopolis and the newly created Blinded Ones, Nullifactors armed and armoured for rapid strikes, that Nocterra gave them no choice, elevating them to the rank of Blindmistress as they underwent the change all high ranking Angelis Noctem did, standing on a level with the Sentinels that guided the legions actions. " . Month Of Lemons is in place, but not for long! 25% off on any agreed upon commissions until the end of September. Message for info. . . . . . #CommissionsAreOpen #Illustration #SpaceMarine #30k #OC #40k #MonthOfLemons https://www.instagram.com/p/CFKQVaCnxwc/?igshid=pv5gh9fh637h
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earltheartist · 5 years
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Arik Taranis Thunder Warrior
by George Abalayan
original design by John blanche
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