#tequila bar manchester
letstalkbeautyuk · 2 years
Manchester Photo Diary 2022
Manchester Photo Diary 2022
Manchester was home for me for over 5 years, and it is where my husband went to University and where we got married. We still have so much love for this city and visit as often as we can (our hairdresser is still based here!). So a couple of times a year we head up from Cornwall for a bit of city life and a decent haircut. I always take so many photos and thought I would start sharing them in a…
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lotstradamus · 1 month
inspired by the manchester anon haha but do you have any tips and suggestions for visiting leeds? 🩷
I've lived here for 2 years now (!!!) but somehow I still don't really know my way around and just go to the same 5 places and use google maps to get anywhere else. it's sad. but here's some shit I love:
Grindhouse - cheap drinks, loads and loads of seats, never too full, music a reasonable volume, and they project 80s movies on the back wall. we once sat in here for 2 hours cos Stand By Me was on. one time we watched the bar staff earnestly tell a group of women on a hen do that the bar was closed and they weren't serving any more drinks, at 7:45pm. 10/10.
Rudy's - only 9 cities* in this fair nation have a Rudy's, so I'm going to keep reccing it for everyone else. perfect Neapolitan pizza. *Leeds, Manchester, Sheffield, Birmingham, Nottingham, Durham, London, York, Liverpool - if you live in one of these places and haven't been to Rudy's yet, sort it out.
Neon Cactus - go here on a Wednesday and order wings, and you'll get half price margs. lots of great Mexican scran. don't take anyone too picky or over 50, because the price for the great food and vibes is that at least one thing you order will be incorrect. but roll with it. half price margs, man.
Empire Cafe - book in advance if you want to sample the delights of Empire Cafe, cos there's like 6 tables max. everything is seasonal, changes on the daily, and is insanely delicious. if you want to experience heaven, order the steak and chips with salsa verde. there is NOTHING like it.
Stuzzi - another seasonal, small plate sort of place, but Italian. amazing food and a gorgeous restaurant. go with a big group and order one of everything.
Eat Your Greens - ANOTHER seasonal restaurant! this one is farm-to-fork and organic. I can’t speak to the quality as I haven’t actually been, but I am a frequenter of their GREENGROCER, which is MEGA. last time I think I left with natty wine, pâté, some insane tinned fish, a jar of harissa and a bag of sunset potatoes. if you like food, go here.
SARTO - fresh, handmade pasta and picky bits. another great place to go with a group and order all the starters. I had a celeriac pasta there last year that I think about on a fairly regular basis; I picked it cos it was the weirdest sounding thing on the menu and it was fucking mouthwatering. good quality and good people! and it's next door to The Wardrobe, so perfect for a pre-gig tea.
Santiago Bar - like Grindhouse (alternative, casual) but the music is louder and you'll find yourself doing tequila shots at 1am and screaming along to, like, Don Broco. it's the best.
Blue Collar Boys - as a rule I hate 'vintage' clothes shops (overpriced, ugly, everything is XXS), but this place seems to specialise solely in American t-shirts and sweatshirts from the 90s in exactly my size, and everything is £10. this is amazing and a huge bargain if you find something like vintage Wranglers and a Playboy bomber jacket (£20, my wife) but not so amazing or a bargain if you find 3 t-shirts with holes in (£30, me). we've never been without finding shit we love. they only open on random weekends, and they always seem to have more stuff than they could possibly ever sell. it's a freaky vintage alternate universe.
The Corn Exchange - a big gorgeous ol' building full of little businesses. vintage, handmade, tattoos, coffee, jewellery, independent brands, yarn, shoes, a barbers, a bookshop, they've got it all. very easy to spend £100 and 6 hours. every so often they have a market on the bottom floor. perfect tiny representation of Leeds: quirky, independent, delicious, cool.
Silver's Deli - this is a 9-minute train ride away in Bramley (my ends!) but has become THEE buzzy foodie spot recently. go on a sunny saturday morning (cos you will probably have to sit outside) and order the everything sandwich. thank me later. if they have scotch eggs or sausage rolls on, I beseech you, order both. and if you want the sunday special prepare to get there at 11 and fight.
Against the Grain - if you've come to Bramley for Silver's, you may as well trundle 10 minutes up the road and visit the best bar in Leeds. cosy, casual, full of locals, hidden in Swinnow Mills. it's a sit-around-and-chat-to-people sort of place, with bonus charcuterie boards AND a pizza van on weekends. we are here A LOT, because Gray's Salon and Rose and Thorn Tattoo are both in the Mill, and we give them all our money. oh! and dog friendly. sooo many dogs.
Project House/Galleria - if you've gotten the train out to Bramley for Silver's and ATG, jump on the 72 back to town and get off at Project House to eat MORE food. Galleria is a great place to get breakfast, lunch, and dinner, and Project House has EVERYTHING (depending on the day). yoga! gigs! vintage fairs! a bi-annual tattoo convention meets makers market with food vendors called Hand of Glory! check what's on and head on down to support local!
Kirkstall Bridge Inn - another one local(ish) to me, but worth travelling out of town for; a PROPER pub (i.e. no tv, no sports, no shite) that does roasts upstairs and lets dogs in downstairs. outdoor seating right by the canal, and every so often they put something on and the car park turns into a tiny festival. Kirkstallpalooza is a highlight. great place to finish a nice canal walk (who am I?!).
tl;dr sorry that this is obnoxiously long, I love Leeds
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lfcthelovesofmylife · 2 years
how i think different football players would behave on a night out
Declan Rice - 
Would 100% be the one to propose a night out for the boys (and you). It hasn’t even hit 10 o'clock and he’s already passing around tequila shots and apple sourz. You already know you’re going to be left trying to drag him away from the bar and make sure he gets home safe. You won’t let a repeat of the last night out happen where he was found asleep on his driveway at 4 in the morning. 
Aymeric Laporte - 
Literally one of the weirdest guys ever on a night out. First of all he wasn’t even invited, he’s meant to be in Manchester not Bond Street. All he does is sit in the corner of the club and quietly observe everyone. You know he’s judging you but realistically he’s the most harmless guy in the world.
Kai Havertz - 
You’ve never properly spoken to him before but he saw you have an alcohol induced breakdown in the corridor by the toilets and he sat with you for a good 15 minutes to make sure no creepy guys would try and crack on with you (Laporte). You then felt bad so you bought him a pint and he promised not to tell anyone about your instability. 
Mason Mount - 
He’s cute and you have a fat crush on him. He has a fat crush on you. He keeps asking you if you want another drink, or if you need water or something to eat. Every time he asks you feel like crying because he’s arguably the nicest guy there. He’s also almost as drunk as you so you know without a doubt neither of you will remember this night and you’ll forget that you made out on the balcony while John was singing Valerie. 
Phil Foden - 
He’s not actually underage but he keeps getting refused service so he has to ask John or Jack to buy him drinks. Jack keeps buying him vodka quads and pretty soon Phil is absolutely hammered. He keeps trying to dance with you and you have to be restrained by Mason because you almost punched Phil in the face. Phil starts getting really stroppy and won’t talk to anyone so Mason makes you apologise to him before the night gets ruined. 
Jack Grealish - 
He disappears halfway through the night. You won’t be surprised if you find out he’s gone on another drunk joyride in his new Range Rover. Him and Phil are inseparable and insufferable. You all have to pretend to not know him because otherwise you might get thrown out by the bouncer. The guys behind the bar are already sick of him asking for vodka quads every 15 minutes so they put him on a ban. John ends up buying more quads. 
John Stones - 
He’s usually fairly responsible until these nights out. Jack’s on a quest to get him drunk as fast as possible because it’s the only way John does karaoke. Pretty soon he’s up on the stage and you can’t get him back down. He sings Valerie while you’re outside making out with Mason and as soon as you’re back inside he forces you to sing Wonderwall with him. He did make it quite a fun night so you can’t hate him.
Alex Oxlade-Chamberlain - 
Absolute life of the party. He’s taken over the DJ booth and is playing non-stop R&B bangers. He’s also put on a hell of a lot of Little Mix songs but no one has the heart to tell him that ‘Salute’ isn’t exactly the right vibe for the club. Is non-stop bantering Trent and at one point you had to tell him to leave Trent alone before he got annoyed and left. Is also very responsible for bringing out shots. You spent a good 15 minutes at the bar with him slamming jagerbombs before you got taken away by Hendo so you wouldn’t get hammered at 10:15. 
Andy Robertson -
You two would have been inseparable. You’re like the better version of Jack and Phil. Ant and Dec have nothing on you two. You barely see each other in normal time so you’ve spent the whole first hour at the club catching up. As time’s gone on and he’s gotten more drunk you can tell his Scottish accent is getting stronger. He tries to do a bit of stand up comedy but no one wants to listen to his jokes apart from you and Trent and everyone’s throwing limes at him until he gets off the stage. 
James Milner - 
He offers to buy you a drink because he’s really old and still does that kind of thing, but he leaves before you can tell him what drink you want. 5 minutes later he’s back with either 2 pints of Guinness or Stella Artois. He challenges you to a race to see who can down their pint the fastest. He thinks that’s what the ‘young kids’ do nowadays. They don’t, but you don’t have the heart to tell him that. After that interaction you didn’t speak to him for the rest of the night because you were afraid you’d have to drink Guinness again.
Trent Alexander-Arnold - 
Surprisingly quiet for a night out with his friends (and Laporte). You’ve noticed he’s been avoiding Ox so you try and talk to him a bit and manage to convince him to have a few drinks to loosen up a bit. Soon enough he’s dancing and having the time of his life. Ox has been filming the whole thing and you already know Trent’s never going to hear the end of it. He’s also a bit mad at you because he thinks you’re taking his best friend (Robbo) away from him. 
Jordan Henderson - 
Stone cold sober. He feels responsible for making sure absolutely everyone’s safe and not too drunk. He calls Declan an Uber at 11:30 because he’s already out of it. You keep trying to get him to have a drink or two but he shuts you down every time. Everyone makes fun of him for being the dad of the group, but he shrugs his shoulders and says ‘it’s what any good captain would do’. Ends up sitting in the corner and listens to Alicia Keys through his earphones so no one else will bother him.
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clumsyclifford · 3 years
hello!!! so i would be very interested in a fic based on all i want to hear you say by sea girls??? i know i’m promo ing them a lot but i think it could be a good fic concept??
you know what’s wild meg is i have had this prompt in my inbox for fully almost seven months and i was just reaching a point where i figured i would never write it. and then i did. so there’s your lesson in never deleting a prompt am i right
thank you @allsassnoclass for your invaluable feedback i love you
read it here on ao3
Calum only sees it because he has Luke’s Twitter notifications turned on, although if Michael asks, Calum doesn’t even know Luke’s on Twitter.
@LukeHemmings Tweeted:
missed u manchester!!
At which point he does the only logical thing: he excuses himself to the bathroom in the back and hyperventilates for about five minutes. And then he does a second, decidedly more idiotic thing.
“...Hello? Calum?”
“Hi, uh,” Calum clears his throat. “Hi. Luke.”
It is Luke on the other end. Somehow he hasn’t changed his number. Not that people typically change their numbers after only a year, but Luke is different. Luke is famous now. Not like Calum, whose band has been playing this bar since he was old enough to drink here. Since they were old enough. 
Calum wonders what would have happened if Luke had never left. Maybe the band would have gone somewhere. Now he’ll never know.
“Calum,” Luke says. It might be wishful thinking, but Calum is pretty sure he sounds happy. “What’s up? Haven’t heard from you in a while.”
Yeah. Since Luke moved to London. Well. Since Luke got cast in a play in the West End and relocated in less than a week. Calum knows exactly when they last spoke was, and not only because there’s a time stamp on the text messages. Luke’s play — okay, the play Luke is starring in — had been a smashing success, and after he’d left Calum on read three times in a row, Calum had gotten the unsent message loud and clear. 
He’d thought they were the kind of friends distance could never conquer, but apparently he’d been mistaken.
Now he’s not sure what to say.
“Yeah, sorry,” he manages, awkwardly chewing the inside of his cheek. “It’s, life got busy, you know, uh, you know how it is.” Duh. Of course he knows how it is. He’s fucking Luke Hemmings. If anyone’s going to understand life getting busy, it’s Luke. “I just, I saw you were in town.”
“Oh, yeah,” Luke says, laughing a bit. “I am, yeah. I should’ve called, my bad.”
“No, no,” Calum says quickly. “It’s — no worries.” Lucky I’ve got you on Twitter notifs, isn’t it, he doesn’t add. “How long are you here?”
“Just the weekend,” Luke says. “I go back on Monday.”
It’s out before Calum can stop himself: “D’you want to have lunch or dinner or something?” He swallows. “While you’re here?”
Someone knocks on the bathroom door. “Calum?” Michael. Fantastic. The last person Calum needs to hear from right now.
“Give me a minute!” Calum says, kicking the door. He winces. “Sorry. Mi— I’m, uh, possibly hiding in the bathroom. During my shift.”
Luke huffs a laugh. “I’d love to get lunch or dinner or whatever,” he says. It doesn’t even sound like he’s lying. Then again, this man is nominated for an Olivier. He could convince Calum he was interested in diving into an active volcano.
(He certainly managed to convince Calum that he was interested in him, so Calum should probably know better by now.)
“You could come to our show,” Calum says, because he’s petty. Or a fucking masochist. It’s possible to be both. “The band, I mean. We have a gig on Saturday night?”
“Oh!” Luke sounds surprised. Probably because he hadn’t anticipated the band staying together after he’d left. This isn’t fucking Take That, Calum thinks bitterly. Maybe being famous has gone to Luke’s head more than Calum had originally thought.
Except then Luke says, “Shit, I’d love to come to a gig. I’ve missed you lads. You want to get dinner before? After? What time is the gig?”
And Calum’s right back where he started: hopelessly infatuated.
“Gig’s at six, so yeah, dinner afterwards,” Calum says. He shifts nervously on his feet. “Don’t get excited. Our venue hasn’t changed.”
“Still the pub?” Luke sounds fond. “Aw, I miss that place, though. I’m looking forward to coming back.”
You don’t need an invite, Calum thinks. You can just show up.
That might not be true anymore, though.
“Sure you can handle it?” he says drily. “I mean, you’re not worried about crazed fans?”
Luke laughs awkwardly. “In a cheap bar in Western Manchester? Think I’ll be okay.” Calum’s trying to work out whether that’s a subtle dig when Luke adds, “Look, I’ve gotta run, actually, some — press things, but, uh, I’ll be there at six.”
“Great,” Calum says. “Fantastic. See you then.”
“See you then,” says Luke. He hangs up. Calum puts his phone in his pocket and stares judgmentally at himself in the mirror.
“Stop looking at me like that,” he mutters, rolling his eyes and turning away to return to his job. 
The fucking A string is fucked up. Calum has been trying to tune his bass to no avail — no matter how much he turns the tuning peg, the tuner won’t declare it a clear A. “Michael,” he says sharply, “my bass won’t tune.”
Michael materialises, his guitar slung over his shoulder. “Because you’re turning the wrong fucking knob,” he says. Calum looks over at his fingers. 
“Oh,” Calum says embarrassedly. He moves his fingers and tunes the A string, then moves to the D string, which has gone completely flat thanks to Calum’s mistaken fiddling.
“You’re all nervous because Luke’s coming,” Michael says, shaking his head to let Calum know exactly how he feels about that. “Stop worrying about it. He didn’t give a shit about the band when he was in it, he definitely won’t give a shit now that he’s out, alright?”
“Not helping,” Calum says, glaring. “And that’s not fair to Luke and you know it. He cared about the band. What was he supposed to do, not accept a life-changing opportunity?”
Michael just rolls his eyes. They usually avoid discussing Luke. It always ends with Michael disparaging his name and Calum jumping to his defence, with Ashton stuck uncomfortably in the middle. Ashton had only been in the band about two weeks before Luke left — he’d never gotten the chance to know Luke. Calum also suspects Ashton just doesn’t want to get involved, because it had been clear to anyone in the room during rehearsals that Luke loved it. Calum doesn’t blame him for leaving. 
Just because he misses Luke like a lost limb, doesn’t mean Calum holds it against him.
“Whatever,” Michael says. “Long as he doesn’t try to rejoin.”
They could use Luke in the band again, but Luke’s more likely to dive into that active volcano than ask to rejoin the band, especially if Michael’s got that look on his face. “Yeah, Mike, I promise I won’t let the Olivier-nominated Luke Hemmings rejoin our band if he asks,” Calum says flatly.
Michael makes a face. Calum makes one back. 
“Boys,” Ashton interjects, sensing the tension lifting. “Less flirting, more setting up, please?”
Calum immediately throws an arm around Michael’s shoulders and grabs Michael’s head. Michael doesn’t protest when Calum smacks an exaggerated kiss to his cheek, because he’s amazing and the best friend ever. “But father, I love him.”
Michael clutches Calum melodramatically in return. “You can’t keep us apart, Ashton! You’ve been against intra-band love since the very first, but Calum’s the only man for me!”
And then he dissolves into giggles, taking Calum down with him.
“I can’t fucking stand the pair of you,” Ashton says, grinning wryly down at them.
“Someone’s jealous,” Calum snickers. “Mikey, I think Ashton wants in.”
“Hey, Luke’s here,” Ashton says. Both of them jerk upright like soldiers called to attention. “Sure, Luke can get you to behave and he’s not even in the band anymore, but when I ask it’s like talking to a wall? I see how it is.”
Michael kicks at his cajón. “Fuck off.”
Calum tries to turn subtly without looking like he’s turning. Sure enough, Luke is standing at the bar, chatting with Alex who’s behind it and preparing a drink. Probably a tequila soda. That had always been Luke’s order. He glances over at the stage and catches Calum’s eye.
Calum might as well be a year younger for how it still feels to meet Luke’s gaze.
This isn’t the Luke that left a year ago. Calum hadn’t expected that Luke. The news feeds have provided him with both mental and literal images of this new Luke, Luke Hemmings of the stage. Swanky clothes. Longer hair. Gone are the lip piercing, the ratty snapback that used to hide what Luke deemed “bad hair days” as if his hair ever looked different, the beaten trainers. If Luke looked worse, Calum would feel better.
But Luke doesn’t look worse. He just looks good in a different way. In fact, he looks better. More importantly, he looks far too expensive to be hanging around this sketty pub. Despite seeing photographs of him online nearly every day since his departure, Calum is taken aback by how much has changed in a year.
He’s not equipped. That much is clear. This had been a mistake. Calum’s going to open his mouth and instead of saying hello he’ll say I can’t believe you became more gorgeous and  you’re back just to mock us and laugh at the band you used to front and make me feel like even more of an idiot for thinking you liked me.
“It’s six,” Michael informs Calum, tapping his shoulder. Calum whips around, startled. The neck of his bass almost knocks over the mic stand. Michael raises an eyebrow. “We can start playing, yeah?”
“I’m ready,” Calum says. Michael gives him a Look. “I am,” Calum repeats. “Are you?”
“Yes,” Michael says huffily. He steps up to the microphone and turns it on. Calum takes his spot at his mic and waits for Michael to introduce them — “We’re 5 Seconds of Summer, and we hope you like our set!” — before going straight into ‘Unpredictable.’
He tries not to watch Luke for the whole set, but he can’t really help it. Not only is Luke the most magnetic person in the bar no matter how much it fills up, he’s also sitting directly in Calum’s line of sight. Intentionally? By coincidence? Calum decides he doesn’t want to know. Because it’s probably the latter. 
He does see someone approach Luke for an autograph and a photo at one point, though. Which is so weird that Calum forgets his next lyric and Michael shoots him another Look. 
The audience grows slowly throughout their set; Calum recognises a lot of the regulars, smiles and waves to the ones who smile and wave first. Behind the bar, Alex air-guitars along to their cover of ‘What’s My Age Again,’ as usual. Before Calum knows it, they’re playing their last song.
There’s no pretending they wouldn’t be better with two guitarists instead of just one, but Calum has to admit: as three-piece bands go, they’re pretty fucking incredible. Even if they never make it big, Calum can rest easy knowing it’s because of bad luck, not lack of talent. 
“Thank you so much,” Michael says into the microphone. “We’ve been 5 Seconds of Summer, check out our Facebook page for information on future gigs.”
“Thank you, everyone,” Calum contributes, then steps away to let the scattered applause wash over him. 
Luke is clapping loudest of all. He would do that, as an alumnus of the band. If bands can have alumni.
When the attention of the room at large moves away from them, they set to taking apart and packing up their equipment. Calum is coiling up the cord for his bass when someone taps him on the shoulder.
“That was wicked,” says Luke. Like they’re not the first words he’s said to Calum’s face in a year. Calum stares at him. His face is glittering. Oh. That’s makeup. It’s shimmering on his eyelids when he blinks. Gold, sparkly. Pretty. Does Luke wear makeup now? Or is he only wearing it tonight because it’s a special occasion? Even though it’s really not a special occasion? It must be the former. Luke wears makeup now. He doesn’t post a lot on Instagram — yes, Calum has notifications on for him there, too — and when he does it’s usually show-related stuff, in show makeup. Point being Calum’s earlier theory is once again proving itself true: he is not equipped.
“Thanks,” he says after he’s made is sufficiently awkward with his fucking staring game. He smiles. “Could’ve probably used another guitarist, but we do alright, yeah?”
Luke ducks his head. Great, really well fucking done, Calum. Way to guilt him. “I’m teasing,” he hurriedly assures Luke. “Thanks for coming.”
“Do you need a hand?” Luke gestures at the mess of cords around Calum’s feet.
Calum opens his mouth, but Michael, unfortunately, beats him to it. “We’re okay,” he says, stepping forward. “Hi, Luke. Nice of you to make an appearance.”
“Michael,” Calum hisses.
Luke bites his lip. “Hey, Michael. It’s, uh. You guys sounded sick, I was telling Calum.”
Even Calum can hear the no thanks to you on the tip of Michael’s tongue. “Which I agreed with,” he says, looking at Michael like be fucking civil. “Because we did.”
“Yeah,” Michael scoffs. “Well, Cal, if you want to go on your date, Ash and I can handle the rest of the cleanup.”
Calum frowns and blushes at the same time, which feels funny. “I’m — I can —”
“Honestly, go,” Michael says, sighing. “If it��ll get Luke out of here, then go.”
“Jesus Christ, Michael,” Calum snaps. “Get your head out of your arse, would you? If you’re offended that Luke took an opportunity for success, then one of you is a dickhead and it’s not him.”
Michael’s face hardens. He snatches the half-coiled cord out of Calum’s hands. “Go,” he repeats. It’s not a request this time.
Calum grinds his teeth and turns to Luke, who’s frozen in place with a pained expression. 
“Ignore him,” he says tightly. “He’s been a dick about the whole thing. Let’s just go.”
Luke hesitantly follows after Calum. “I didn’t realise —” 
“Great set!” Alex calls, wiping down the bar. Calum manages a smile just for him. 
“Thanks,” he says, then glances over at Luke. “Yeah. I reckon I should have warned you.”
“I meant it that I’ve missed you lot,” Luke says mournfully. “I mean, I knew he wasn’t pleased, but…I sort of hoped he’d have gotten over it? Not that— I know I left, so I did ask for it —”
“Luke, come on. Don’t be thick.” Calum scoffs as they leave the bar. “It’s a Michael problem. He just thinks it’s an Olympic sport to hold the longest grudge or something. I love him, but he’s a fucking arsehole when he wants to be.”
“I — I know, but…” Luke sighs. “Yeah. I guess.”
The evening air is cool. Around them, shops and street lamps flood the road with illumination. The gold on Luke’s face catches the light like it’s being paid to do it. Calum only glances briefly at him before looking back at the pavement ahead and asking, “So…what do you fancy for dinner?”
“I seem to recall a Maccies this way,” Luke says. “I know it’s not the most elegant of places, but…”
“Say no more,” Calum says. “You never need to convince me to get Maccies.”
They sit across from each other, quiet for a few minutes as they both devour their burgers. Luke’s nails are painted with clear gloss. Calum isn’t sure if it’s the theatre effect or just the London effect that’s given him this extra glamour. Or the fame thing. Which is still decidedly strange. And also reminds Calum:
“Congrats, by the way.”
Luke looks up, confused. “Huh?”
“On the Olivier nomination,” Calum says. Luke smiles. “That’s a big deal.”
“It’s, uh, yeah. A bit.” He laughs. “Okay, a lot. It’s mad. Thank you.”
“You deserve it,” Calum says. “The play’s —” No. Nope. That’s not something he wants to admit to. “I’ve heard it’s good,” he amends quickly, but it’s too late. Luke, who is the definition of selectively perceptive, squints.
“Have you seen it?”
Calum presses his lips together. His silence could probably speak for itself, but whatever. “I saw it last month,” he confesses. “My mum got us tickets, me and her and Mali.”
Luke stares. “And you didn’t think to tell this to me? Or ring me while you were in London?”
“You didn’t ring me when you came here,” Calum retorts. 
Luke bites his lip. “Touché. But why didn’t you say hello?”
Calum huffs a laugh. “You ignored my last three texts, Luke. I know how to take a hint.”
At this, Luke smacks his palm to his forehead. “Fuck. Shit. Fuck. I never replied to you. I’m so sorry. I kept reading them at the worst times and then forgetting to respond. I’m so sorry.”
“It’s fine.”
“I’m really sorry,” Luke repeats. “I didn’t mean to fall out of touch, honest. I just…”
“Got busy,” Calum finishes. “I know. You don’t have to tell me. And look, not for nothing, the play’s bloody brilliant. So your hard work hasn’t been in vain.”
“God, I’m a fucking idiot,” Luke says, like he hasn’t heard Calum speak. “Just the other day I was thinking of you. Wondering why you never reached out. I figured you were upset at me for leaving. Like Michael.”
“What? And you didn’t think to shoot me a text, maybe?”
“I thought you were cross! I didn’t think you would want to hear from me!”
“Luke —” Calum breaks off and shakes his head. “Can’t believe I thought you were any different when you’re actually the same fucking moron who left here.”
“Hey,” Luke halfheartedly protests. “Fucking moron who’s nominated for an Olivier.”
“Oh, excuse me,” Calum says, rolling his eyes and grinning. Luke laughs almost to himself. “Look, it’s okay. We’re good now, yeah?”
Luke nods. “Promise to text you back from now on. And if I don’t, it’s not because I don’t want to hear from you. Just keep texting me. I’ll — I’m —”
“Don’t tell me you’re busy,” Calum says. “I know you are. I read the articles. How you find the time to do interviews and also a show eight times a week is beyond me.”
Luke quirks his lips. “You read those?”
“Of course I do,” Calum says. At first it was just to see if you’d say anything about me, he does not say. “Number one Hemmo fan.”
Luke laughs. “You didn’t even wait at the stage door to say hello. You’re nowhere near the number one fan.”
Calum scoffs in mock offence. “Yeah? Do your other fans know your drink order? Do they know who your first concert was? Do they have your phone number?”
“That’s not being a fan, you idiot, that’s being my friend,” Luke says, laughing.
Calum waves him off. “Same thing.”
“So what have you been doing?” Luke prompts once he’s polished off his burger. The napkin crinkles in his hands when he wipes his fingers, an action which becomes entirely pointless as he munches on the oily chips that had come with his meal.
“I still work at the bar,” Calum says. “Mike and I both. My, uh, my life is basically the same, honestly. Except we get paid slightly more to play now.”
“You should be playing the O2,” Luke says. “You’re really good.”
“Yeah, well.” Calum shrugs. “Can’t all have our dreams come true.” 
Remorse crawls over Luke’s face. Shit. Calum isn’t doing it on purpose. It’s just that sitting here, eating greasy fast food, it’s so easy to forget that they live in different worlds now. Passerbys peering through a window at them could surely tell, though. Calum’s Rolling Stones shirt and black snapback are no match for Luke’s carefully styled curls and leather jacket. It’s not a ratty leather jacket, either, but one of the really nice ones. Probably Gucci or something equally outrageous.
It doesn’t mean Calum’s any less smitten. Just that the crater between them might be too vast to cross, and Calum keeps forgetting there’s a crater at all until he nearly trips over the edge. Moments like now, where the look on Luke’s face is that of a kicked puppy. 
“Calum,” he starts, but Calum shakes his head.
“Never mind, sorry,” he says. “I didn’t mean it like that.”
“You did a bit, though,” Luke says. “Right? You wouldn’t have said it if you didn’t mean it a bit.”
“I’m not guilting you for doing what you love, Luke,” Calum says firmly. “I’m not. Anyway, I’m doing fine. Better, even. Don’t get a guilt complex, please. I’m happy for you, I’m happy myself, everything is fine.”
Luke grimaces and stuffs several chips in his mouth. Calum chomps down on one of his own. It’s a bit soggy but at least sufficiently salted. Not the best chips he’s had, though far from the worst.
“We left things a bit weird, though, didn’t we,” Luke says, staring determinedly at the table.
Calum nearly chokes on his chips.
A bit weird is probably the right way to put it. Calum’s been rejected in some pretty harsh ways, but having the boy in question pack up and move to a whole new city had been a first for him. If it had been a clear-cut rejection then maybe Calum could have handled it. It was the uncertainty that had done him in. Maybe that’s why he never made a real effort to stay in touch.
It’s one thing when your friend won’t answer your texts. It’s another when you really thought that friend had been into you, only for him to turn around and announce that instead of going out with you he’d be moving to London.
“I don’t mind if we just move past that,” Calum says now, hoping in vain that his voice won’t betray how much he has not moved past it. He’s an adult. He can be friends with someone he also fancies an embarrassing amount. He hadn’t intended to mention the whole will-we-won’t-we thing they’d done just before Luke had left. There’s not a lot to say about it.
“Do you mind if we don’t move past it? Yet?” Luke says nervously. “Can I say something and then we can move past it if you still want to?”
Calum swallows. What the fuck could Luke possibly have to say about it, other than to maybe apologise for leading Calum on the way he did? “Uh, I suppose?”
Luke clears his throat. “Okay. Well, um, I just wanted to say that…I think when I left, that you maybe got the impression I was turning you down. And. I wasn’t. At all. I didn’t want to leave you, it was just what made the most sense, being in the play and everything. Um, and I didn’t really say anything because it wouldn’t have been fair of me to tell you I liked you when I was also moving four hours away — like, I didn’t want to do that to you.” He laces his fingers together on the table. “But you, um, seemed. Hurt. And I didn’t know how to tell you before, so I’m telling you now, it wasn’t because I didn’t like you. I did. I do.”
Calum must forget to breathe, because it’s dead silent around them. Luke finally looks up and winces. “Also, this isn’t a guilt trip, so like— if you have a boyfriend now, that’s— sorry, I guess I should have checked?”
“I don’t have a boyfriend,” Calum says. “The bloke I was hoping would be my boyfriend decided to move to London and become a star, and I haven’t exactly gotten over him yet.”
A small, tentative smile pulls at Luke’s lips. “Really?”
“You sure took your time clearing that up,” Calum says. His heart is beating unreasonably fast, but he thinks it’s probably excused on the basis that the boy he’s fancied for two years and who would’ve broken Calum’s heart had Calum gotten the chance to share it with him is now returning his feelings. Exhilaration flutters around his chest, and he smiles. “But yeah, really.”
Luke’s face breaks into a genuine smile. He pushes a strand of hair behind his ear. “Oh, thank God. I thought after this long—”
“Underestimating just how much I like you, obviously,” Calum says. Luke brightens like a fucking spotlight. “Though it’s been the same amount of time for you, so if I have problems, then so have you.”
“Who’s got problems?” Luke says. “This is the opposite of a problem. I’m thrilled.”
“You do still live in London,” Calum points out, because again: masochist.
A shadow crosses Luke’s face, but it quickly disappears. “That’s— it’s only four hours.”
“Okay, it’s—” Luke squeezes his eyes shut. “I don’t— shit. Look. I know it’s not practical, okay? But can we just pretend it is? So this isn’t a complete loss? I’m here until Monday morning.”
“One whole day,” Calum says. “Lucky us.”
“Yes,” Luke says decisively. “Be my boyfriend for a day, Cal. We’ll figure it out from there.”  
Every objection Calum has flies from his mind at Luke saying be my boyfriend. Struggling to maintain his composure, he hedges, “Really? You want to have a boyfriend who lives in Manchester and works in a bar and doesn’t even know how to identify what makeup you’re wearing? Which looks fantastic, by the way? And did I mention the whole living-in-Manchester thing? You know, four hours from London?”
Luke fixes him with a look. “Yeah, I want you to be my boyfriend, Calum. And all of the things that includes. It’s worth it to me.”
And. Well. Shit. “It’s worth it to me, too,” Calum admits. 
Maybe if he’d said that a year ago, Luke would have listened. Maybe they’d have gotten here much sooner. But at least they’re here at all.
Luke reaches across the table and his lips quirk up. “That’s all I want to hear you say.”
For a moment, Calum imagines that life is easy. Luke could always leave the show. Move back to Manchester. Spend late nights and early mornings in Calum’s flat (having made up with Michael, who splits Calum’s rent and living space). Do his makeup in their bathroom mirror and explain it all to Calum as he goes. Rejoin the band despite Michael’s initial stubborn grudge, and finally reclaim his role as lead singer, finally doing justice to melodies Calum and Michael could never quite sing the same way. If Luke had never been cast, Calum wonders if that’s how their lives would be. 
But it’s not how their lives are, and Calum doesn’t want that anyway. Luke is doing what he’s born to do, and Calum would never forgive himself to pull him away from that. He doesn’t want it to be easy. The fact that Luke knows it won’t be easy and is willing to take it on anyway means far more, to Calum.
They can figure it out.
He laces his fingers with Luke’s and squeezes once, smiling when Luke smiles. So much is different, but fuck if that’s not the same beaming, blushing smile that’s always been just a little too big for Luke’s face. There’s hope for them yet. Calum can feel it.
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A Week of Harry One Shots #3
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Request: A one Shot based on the movie Love, Rosie would be fantastic! 
Friends will come and go throughout life. One day you’re friends with this person and then you two grow apart and move on. Best friends are something one can find many a times over the years and still might grow apart. However, there is one type of friendship that is quite rare, life-long friends. Very few people are blessed with the chance of meeting their person before at such a young age. 
The person who understands you and gets you when no one else can. Someone who will always been there for you, well before you even know you need them. The person who will always be your ears when you need to get something off your chest and won’t judge you. The person who will wrap their arms around you whenever you need a shoulder to cry. The person who is everything to you and more. 
Fortunately, you met your person at the age of three. Your family had just moved to a new city and a new neighborhood. You were sitting outside on your front porch, holding your favorite stuffed bear to your chest, as your parents told the movers were to take everything. You still weren’t sure about moving. Just as you were getting used to your first home, you were moved away. 
You looked up when you saw someone standing in the driveway. A woman with brown hair and a little boy with green eyes. He stood behind her legs as she held dish covered in foil in her hands. 
“Hello,” the woman smiled. “Is your Mum or Dad home?” 
You hid your face behind your bear as you pointed into the house. The woman smiled before looking back at the little boy standing behind. 
“I’m Anne,” she smiled. 
“H-Hi,” you whispered. “My name’s Y/N.” 
“Nice to meet you,” she smiled. “This is my son, Harry. Harry why don’t you and Y/N play while I go meet her parents and give them the casserole.” 
The little boy, Harry, nodded and sat down on the opposite side of the step from where you were sitting. Neither of you spoke for awhile, but you noticed he slowly moved closer to you. 
“I like your bear,” he said softly. 
“Thank you,” you said. “He’s name is Beary.” 
“I like your shirt,” you told him. “I like Mickey.” 
“Me too,” he said. 
You reached into your pocket and grabbed two lollipops you had taken from your mother’s purse during the car ride. You held one out to him and he quickly took it with a smile. 
“Thank you,” he smiled. 
You giggled opening up your own lollipop and popping it into your mouth. 
And from that day on you two were pretty much inseparable. 
It was your 18th birthday, your best friend Harry was taking you out for a night on the town. It had been a few weeks since you had last seen him, thanks to him to being apart of the band One Direction, but you couldn’t be happier for his success. There was a knock on the door just as you finished getting ready. 
You knew exactly who it was, so you quickly ran to the door and opened it. Harry stood there holding a huge bouquet of flowers and a bag of presents. You screamed wrapping your arms around him as you jumped in for a hug. He laughed holding you to him and walking inside your house. 
“Happy birthday,” he smiled. 
“Thank you!” You smiled. “Now, I’m finally caught up with you.” 
He laughed, “It’s only been a month.” 
“Yeah, we’ll it’s still weird when we’re not the same age,” you giggled. 
“Yeah, it is,” he laughed. 
You jumped down from his arms, taking the flowers, and putting them into some water. 
“Want to do presents now or head out?” He asked. 
“Um, let’s head out. I want to give the presents proper attention and I can’t do that right now,” you laughed. “Bye, Mum! I’m leaving.” 
"Wait, your mum’s here?” Harry asked. 
“Yeah. Like she’d let me come to London for the weekend by myself,” you laughed. 
“Did she want to come?” Harry asked. 
“You can’t be serious right now,” you asked. 
“What it’s the proper thing to do,” he said. 
“No, it’s not,” you said. “Now, come on.” 
The night was going great. It had been so long since you and Harry had just spent time together for yourselves, so it was nice to be able to spend time with him. You both were dancing around, signing karaoke, and throwing back shots. It wasn’t exactly the first time you’ve ever been drunk, but it was the first time you were doing it legally. 
“Can we have another?” Harry asked the bartender. “Two more.” 
“No, no, I can’t,” you groaned. “I’m pretty sure my blood is all tequila right now.” 
He laughed, “One more and we’ll switch to water, promise.” 
“Ugh, fine,” you said. “You’re such a bad influence.” 
“Says the one who stole their father’s scotch stash when we were fourteen,” he smirked. 
“Yeah, well,” you said. “Fuck you.” 
He laughed handing you your shot and you both downed in on the count of three. When you brought your head back to normal, you lost your balance and fell forward, Harry catching you before you could face plant. You weren’t sure what it was about that moment, but you were feeling different. Maybe it was the bottle of tequila flowing through your veins or maybe it was something you never allowed yourself to feel. 
Harry was looking down at you and you were looking into his eyes. Your lips were inches away from each other, a force pulling them towards each other like two magnets needed to connect. And you did. As soon as your lips touched his, it felt like your body was on fire. 
His arms snaked around, pulling you closer to him, as he deepened the kiss. Your hands found their way into his hair as he pressed your back into the bar. 
And that was the last thing you remembered. 
After what happened on your 18th birthday, neither you or Harry brought it up again. Even though you knew it was best to keep your friendship as is, especially since he obviously didn’t feel anything, it was hard denying to yourself that you were in love with him. And you had been ever since that night. 
But instead of telling him that, you just accepted the fact that since he never said anything, it was best that you never did either. It didn’t take very long after that night for you to see Harry with a rumored girlfriend in the papers. You couldn’t exactly blame him though, he was this up and coming superstar, while you were finishing up school and heading to university. Why would he want you as more than his best friend from back home, when he could have someone who was more than that. 
To take your mind off it, you were focusing on your studies and your grades. However, one night, you decided to go to a party to destress... and you did... with one of the “popular” guys in your classes. And a few weeks later, you learned of the consequence from that night. 
You were pregnant. 
And just like that all of your dreams and ideas of what you wanted your life to be like, were gone. 
After you found out, you never told Harry. You even had Anne and Gemma promise they would say anything either. You still talked to him, here and there, but he was busy traveling the world, so it wasn’t like you two talked all the time either. You weren’t exactly sure why you didn’t want him to know about the baby, but you couldn’t find it in yourself to tell him either. 
He was the one person you knew that could help you through this, but you didn’t want to put your problems on him when he was living his dream. However, eventually, he did find out. 
And it wasn’t pretty. It was during a surprise visit home. He had went out for a run before his mom came home and saw you walking with a stroller down the street. When you saw him, you immediately froze. There was nowhere to go and even if there was, it was too late because he had already seen you. 
“Y/N,” he asked almost as if he was unsure. 
“Harry, hi,” you smiled awkwardly. 
“Um-” he said. “Are you babysitting?” 
“Actually,” you sighed pulling hair back from your face. “She’s uh... she’s mine.” 
“You-you have a baby?” He asked shocked. 
“Uh..Surprise,” you joked. 
“This isn’t funny,” he said. “You have a fucking baby and you didn’t tell me.” 
“Well, it’s not like you’ve exactly been around to tell,” you mumbled. 
“There’s a such thing called a fucking phone, Y/N!” He said. 
A sound of a baby cry, broke the tension between the two of you. You reached down to take your daughter out of the stroller and hold her in your arms. Harry’s eyes widened when he saw the baby girl in your arms. You kissed her head and looked over at Harry. 
“Her name is Poppy,” you whispered. 
“She’s beautiful,” he whispered. “Looks just like you.” 
“Thank you,” you whispered. “I’m sorry... I’m sorry I didn’t tell you. Do you want to have some tea.. so we can talk.” 
He nodded and followed you into your house. 
That day you and Harry talked for hours about everything. From the night of the party when you hooked up with Poppy’s father to when you found out you were pregnant. It’s been four years since that day and Harry loved Poppy so much. You two had seen him on tour at his hometown shows in both London and Manchester. You always face-timed him whenever you got a chance and Poppy always wanted to listen to One Direction songs. 
You were happy, you were, it’s just... there was a part of your life missing. You wanted to find love. You hadn’t dated much since you were a single mother. It was easy to say raising Poppy was the main reason you hadn’t dated anyone, but the truth was because your heart already belonged to someone else. 
And he didn’t know it. 
Not that it really mattered because he had been dating the same person off and on over the last few years, so the odds of him even feeling the same were slim to none. And he was in no shape to be a dad. 
You knew that. 
It was one thing to be the Godfather, but it was entirely different thing to be a father. Especially, to a little girl who needed one. 
Poppy’s father wanted nothing to do with her. As soon as you told him about the baby, he told you, you could do what you wanted with him, but he didn’t want anything to do with it. As far as he was concerned, he didn’t have a baby. 
Even though you knew Poppy needed her father in her life, you were happy he wasn’t around. 
But still, you wondered if there would ever be a day when you would meet someone you could give your whole heart to and who would want to be there for Poppy like she was his own. You hoped so, but if ended up just being you and Poppy, then you would also be happy with that. 
Two years later and Poppy was getting ready for her first day of school. You were rushing through the house making sure she had everything she needed. You were freaking out at the fact that your baby was starting Primary school and you couldn’t believe it. 
“Mummy! Let’s go!” She giggled holding her little backpack by the door. 
“Just let me get my keys and we’ll go,” you smiled. 
Once you had everything, you opened the door, seeing Harry standing there with his hand in the air, mid knock. 
“Harry!” Poppy squealed running into his arms.
He picked her up, squeezing her tight, as he kissed her head. “How’s my girl?” he smiled. “Ready for your first day of school?” 
“Yes!” She nodded. “Look at my bag, Mummy got me!” 
Harry smiled, “She did a great job.” 
“W-What are you doing here?” You smiled hugging him. 
“I was in town, so I thought I’d pop over to see her off on her first day of school,” he smiled. “Is that okay?” 
“More than okay,” you smiled. “I’m really happy you’re here.” 
“Thanks,” he smiled. “Now, want to ride with me?” 
“YES!” Poppy smiled rushing towards his Range Rover. 
You laughed, “I think she’s more excited that you’re here than school, now.” 
“Well, it is, school,” he laughed. 
“Thank you for being here,” you said. 
“There’s no other place I’d rather be,” he smiled. 
A few minutes later, Harry pulled into the parking lot of the school. He helped get Poppy out of the car and the two of, each holding one of her hands, walked her into the school. Poppy’s eyes widened when you got to the classroom and you could tell she was a little hesitant about going inside. 
“There’s so many people, Mummy,” she whispered. “What if they don’t like me?” 
“How could they not like you, love?” Harry smiled. “You’re Poppy Y/Last/Name. The best girl I know. You’re smart and funny. You’re going to have loads of friends, but you know... sometimes all you really is one. So, why don’t you just focus on making one friend today and if you do, then who cares if everyone else likes you.” 
She bit her lip before wrapping her arms around him, “I love you,” she whispered. 
Harry smiled kissing her head, “I love you, too,” he whispered. “So much.” 
“Now, what’s the motto?” He joked. 
“Treat People With Kind-ness,” she smiled. 
“Good job,” he laughed. “Just remember that and you’re golden.” 
You smiled watching the two of them interacting. 
Poppy, then turned around, hugging you, “I love you, Mummy.” 
“I love you, too,” you smiled kissing her cheek. “I want you to have the best time today, yeah? And I’ll see you this afternoon, when I pick you up.” 
“Will Harry be with you?” She asked. 
“I-” You said looking at Harry and he nodded. 
“Yes, we’ll both be here to pick you up,” you smiled. 
“And go get ice cream?” She asked hopefully. 
“I don’t see, why not,” Harry laughed. 
“Yay!” She smiled. 
“Go on, now, love. You don’t want to be late,” you told her. 
“Right! Bye, Bye!” She giggled bouncing into the classroom. 
You both watched her from the doorway for a few minutes before leaving. 
You and Harry ended up going out for breakfast and catching up on everything you two had missed in the few months since you’ve seen him. Throughout the entire conversation though, you could see something was bothering Harry. 
“Hey, is everything okay?” You asked. “You seem a little out of it.” 
He sighed running his hands through his hair, “There’s another reason I stopped by today, Y/N.” 
“Okay, what is it?” You asked. “Is everything alright?” 
“Do you remember the night of your 18th birthday?” He sighed. 
“You mean you got me pissed drunk?” You laughed. “Of course, I remember.” 
He smiled a bit at that, “Well, other than that, do you remember anything else?” 
You froze, why was he asking that. Of course, you remember, even though you were blackout drunk, you still remembered. 
“That depends,” you whispered. “Do you remember?” 
“Us making out for half the fucking night? Yeah, I remember,” he sighed. “And I’ve been remembering everyday since that night. Remembering how it felt to pressed against you and your lips on mine. Remember that I realized I was fucking in love with you in that specific moment and that I’m still fucking in love with you after all of these years.” 
“What?” you asked shocked at what you were hearing. 
“I’m sorry to lay this all out right here, like this,” he sighed. “But I couldn’t... I couldn’t keep my feelings for you inside any longer. I-I-I love you, Y/N. You’re my best friend... hell, you’re more than my best friend and you always have been. You’re my person. I love you and I love Poppy. God, do you know how many times I’ve wished she was mine? I know, I know this is a lot and I know this is going to be difficult... but I want... I want us to try... give us a shot... I mean that is.. if if you feel the same way.” 
“Harry-” You sighed. “I-I don’t know what to say. Why didn’t you ever tell me this before? Why didn’t you say something after that night?” 
“Because I was scared? I mean we were best friends... I thought maybe... maybe we just happened to kiss because we were both drunk. But I couldn’t get it out of my head... and then I had to go. I figured if it had been more than just a drunken kiss, you would have brought it up, but you didn’t. So, I hid my feelings until that day I came home to see you,” he whispered.
“When you found out about Poppy,” you stated. 
He nodded, “I know this selfish, but I was only nineteen. I was traveling the world in this huge band... I couldn’t be a dad and I knew I would have to be one if we were to be in a relationship. I wasn’t ready for that and I don’t think either of us would have been ready for that either.” 
“I understand that,” you whispered. “And I never, I never would have asked you to do that. You wouldn’t have had any obligation.” 
“I know that, but I would have had it for myself,” he whispered. 
“Why now?” You asked. “I understand why you never said anything back then, but what’s changed now?” 
“What’s changed is that I know I’m never going to be happy unless I told you how I felt,” he whispered. “And I did. I’m not asking for an answer now. I’m not asking you to jump into my arms and we’re suddenly in a relationship. I just... I needed you to know how I felt.” 
You looked down at your half eaten plate of food. You no longer had an appetite as you were soaking in everything that had just happened. For so long, you’ve wanted to hear those words from him and now that you have, you didn’t know how to feel. 
“I’m... I-I don’t know how I feel about this,” you whispered. “All these years, I’ve longed to hear you say you love me, but now that I have, I don’t know I feel about it. If this were just about me, I would probably jump into your arms right now, but it’s not. I have Poppy to think about, Harry. I know you would never hurt her or me. But we also know that there is a huge chance that we wouldn’t work in a relationship. And if we were together and Poppy looked up to you as a Dad, she’d have to experience losing one... and I just.. I can’t put her though that.” 
“She wouldn’t lose me,” he whispered. “I’m not going anywhere.” 
“It’s easy for you to say that now, but you don’t know how you’d feel if the moment of us ending our relationship would be,” you whispered. “I just... I need some time to think about this.” 
“Okay,” he nodded. “Take all the time you need.” 
Three months had passed by since Harry had told you he loved you. You still hadn’t given him an answer or even told him how you truly felt. This was a huge decision. Yes, this is something you’ve always wanted, but you were terrified. Terrified it wouldn’t work out. Terrified you would get hurt or even worse Poppy. 
How would it even work? Harry didn’t even live in London half the time due to work and personal reasons. But that wasn’t even the thing you were most worried about it. Harry was still young, hell, you both were. But asking him to take on the responsibility of being a father, you still couldn’t do that. 
You were finishing up dinner while Poppy was drawing at the kitchen table. When she was done, she ran over to you, handing you her drawing. 
“Thank you, baby. Why don’t you go wash up, dinner will be ready soon,” you told her. 
She nodded, running to the bathroom, while you took a moment to look at her drawing. It was a picture of three stick people with hearts all around. There were two taller stick people, and a smaller one. Under them where the names, Mummy, Daddy Harry, and Poppy. You gasped as you read it, almost dropping it to the floor. 
When Poppy came back into the kitchen, you both sat down for dinner. After she had taken a few bites, she looked up at you. 
“Mummy, do you like my drawing?” She asked. 
“I do, love,” you smiled. “But, you do know Harry... Harry isn’t your Daddy.” 
She sighed, “I know,” she nodded. “But I want him to be. My friend Alex was telling me all the things he does with his Daddy and I started thinking that Harry does that too! He isn’t here a lot, but he loves me and I love him!” 
“You know Mummy and Harry have been friends for a long time, yeah?” You asked. 
She nodded, “Since before I was born!” 
You laughed, “Yes, way before that. Well, what if Mummy and Harry wanted to be more than friends.” 
“What that mean?” She asked. 
“Well, really, nothing would really change accept, we would see Harry more and he and I would kiss and hold hands,” you said. 
“Ew!” She groaned. “No, kissing.” 
You laughed, “Okay, no kissing around you, how would you feel?” 
“Make Mummy smile?” She asked. 
“Yeah,” you nodded. “It would make me smile very much.” 
“Then yes!” She nodded. 
And with that, you knew what you had to do. 
Harry was no longer in London, so you had to book a flight to LA. Poppy had insisted on coming because she knew you were going to see Harry, so you brought her along too. You didn’t tell him you were coming because you didn’t want to tell him your feelings over the phone and ruin the trip. You did, however, talk to Jeff and he said he’d get you a car to pick you up at the airport and Harry’s address. 
Once the plane landed, you went to the hotel to freshen up and Glenne offered to watch Poppy while you and Harry talked. You couldn’t believe that you were about to do this. You were about to get what you’ve waited so long for. When the car pulled up to Harry’s house, your stomach was doing flip-flops. You took a deep breath before getting out and heading to the front door. 
You gave it a quick knock and Harry opened it within a few minutes. 
“Y/N-what are you-” he asked. 
“Wait! Don’t. I.. I let me get this out,” you said. “I love you. I’m in love with you. I have been since, well most of my life. Poppy loves you and I know how much you love her. I want to give us a try. I know... I know it’s been a while since you told me how you felt, but I-”
Just then, you saw someone standing in the house behind Harry. You instantly recognized her, she was Harry’s ex. And she was in his house. 
“God, I can’t believe I’m so fucking stupid,” you whispered. “Of course, of course, I can’t believe that I thought you would actually give me proper time to think without going back to your ex. But clearly I was wrong.” 
“I’m just going to go,” you said turning around. 
“Y/N!” Harry sighed, chasing after you. 
“Just forget about it,” you said. “This is just another sign that we shouldn’t be more than friends, Harry. I mean, we’ve been friends for 22 years, right? Why change it now.” 
Harry couldn’t even respond to you before you were back in the car and leaving. 
You had the driver drop you off at a park nearby. You needed time to think. You couldn’t face Poppy like this. This was exactly what you were afraid of, getting Poppy’s hopes up only to have them shattered. You never should have told her. You should have never told her or even brought to LA. 
You were sitting on a swing in the playground area. It was a bit rainy, so there weren’t many people there, but the weather reminded you of home. About fifteen minutes after you arrived, someone sat down on the swing beside you. You didn’t have to look over because you knew exactly who it was. 
“I’m not with her,” he said. “I know it looked bad, but she was just over to hang out. We’re friends... that’s it.” 
“Just like we’re friends?” You whispered. 
“Not even close,” he whispered. “Y/N, when I told you I love you and I wanted to be with you. I meant it. I still do.” 
“And I want to be with you too,” you whispered. “But honestly how is this going to work... logistically.” 
“I’m going to be spending time in London more,” he said. “I’m working on some things in London and I might have to travel some more here and there, but I’m not going anywhere too far.” 
“And what happens when you go on tour?” You asked. 
‘You two can come with me or fly out whenever you can,” he said. “I won’t lie and say it won’t be hard, but we’re only going to know if it’s going to work if we try.”
“Are you sure you’re ready to be a father?” You asked. “Poppy drew this the other night. She already looks up to you like a Daddy. I don’t know what I would do if this did work out...” 
“I promise you, Y/N,” he whispered. “Even if we don’t work out, which I don’t know know why we wouldn’t, but if for some reason we didn’t, you two would never lose me. I promise.” 
You bit your lip as you looked down. Harry reached over for your hand. 
“I love you,” he whispered. 
“I love you, too,” you whispered back. 
“Then let’s be together,” he whispered. “We’ve already spent years apart. This is finally our time.” 
“Okay,” you nodded. “Let’s be together.” 
He smiled widely, leaning over still in his swing and pressed his lips against yours. 
An hour later, you and Harry met Jeff and Glenne with Poppy. As soon as she saw the two of you walking up, hand in hand, she ran up to you two, wrapping her arms around your legs. 
“Mummy! Harry!” She smiled. “Happy?” 
“Yes, we’re both very happy,” Harry smiled picking her up. “What about you?” 
“Very Very Happy!” She giggled. 
You smiled kissing her head. 
“Are we a family now?” She asked. 
You looked over at Harry, who was looking at you. “Always.” 
“Hey Poppy,” you smiled. “Cover your eyes, love.” 
She giggled, placing her hands over eyes, as you leaned up to press your lips against his. 
And just like that, you had everything you ever wanted. 
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Crazy Pedro's Boss Opens New Taco and Tequila Restaurant in Withington
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RAHUL SHARMA DEBT CONNECT IN MANCHESTER, UK, https://www.messengernewspapers.co.uk/news/7226047.altrincham-grammar-school-for-boys/
A new late-night bar and restaurant is preparing to open its doors in Withington for the first time this week.
Southside will specialise in tequila and tacos, taking over the former Solomons Cafe Bar on Wilmslow Road.
The seating spaces inside have been extended and revamped ready to open to the public on Wednesday July 8.
It comes from former Solomons owners Rupert Cade and Rick McClean, who have teamed up with Crazy Pedro's boss Lyndon Higginson.
Higginson also owns Wolf At The Door in the Northern Quarter, which revamped its menu earlier this year from seasonal small plates to creative tacos.
In the Thomas Street venue, fillings range from cauliflower shawarma to jerk chicken.
Southside will have additional seating both in the downstairs area and outside on an open-air terrace.
Snippets posted on social media show a ceiling plastered in music posters, bright orange booths, and graffiti-style artwork.
Source: https://www.manchestereveningnews.co.uk/whats-on/food-drink-news/southside-withington-tacos-tequila-bar-18551503
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kyliexc · 5 years
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hey everyone ! i’m mini and i’ve had my eye on this rp for awhile, so im v happy to be here. let me introduce to you my bb kylie ! this is a big long so i sectioned off the parts explaining what’s what. you don’t have to read it all ! <3
❛ chicago’s very own kylie castillo has been spotted in new york city in a bentley continental gt, welcome ! your resemblance to becky g is unreal. according to tmz, you just had your twenty first birthday bash. your chance of surviving new york is uncertain because you’re hot-tempered, but being brave might help you. i guess being an aries explains that. three things that would paint a better picture of you would be hot cheetos with lime, clean makeup brushes, and soccer on the street. & ( cisfemale & she/her ) + ( mini, 22, she/her, est. )
*also, bc i always have to say this when playing becky g. im latina. :)
also pls like this and i will come to you for plotting bc i know ppl can be shy. (like me)
Basic Information
Full Name: kylie valentina castillo
Nickname(s): bean, ky, kyky, kc, k.
Age: 21
Date of Birth: April 15th 1998
Zodiac sign: aries
Hogwarts house: slythindor (slytherin + gryffindor)
Ethnicity: mexican
Nationality: american
Gender: cis female
Pronouns: she/her
Orientation: bisexual
Religion: agnostic-catholic
Language(s) Spoken: english + spanish
Accent: american with a hint of spanish
Weather: fall
Colour: yellow or pink
Music: sebastian yatra, reik, travis scott, 
Movies: halloween or selena
Sport: soccer, basketball, hockey, volleyball
Beverage: tequila
Food: chicken or carne asada tacos
Animal: lions + dogs
Father: alejandro castillo, soccer player (jersey #7)
Mother: lupe castillo (molina), seamstress
Sibling(s): jaime castillo + luna castillo
Pet(s): sushi and lola (dogs)
parents history
kylie’s dad is a notable soccer player in latin america, he has played throughout a couple world cups and has been on notable teams, even in europe (Manchester United? Barcelona FC? get back to me on this ahahah) He wore the number 7, believing it always brought luck to him and his family. kylie’s mom was just a normal girl who worked in a dress shop, sewing together sweet 15/16 dresses, which she really enjoyed and was good at. her mom’s family had a business and all the women in the family ran that little shop bc they made sure things ran smoothly. kylie’s parents met unexpectedly in a bar when her dad didn’t want to be noticed and her mom was out on the town with her friends. this turned into a fan marrying her idol sort of thing. it was super cute. 
kylie’s dad got chosen to be a part of the US soccer team, this was after he was dating her mom for about a year. before he could leave he didn’t even realize that lupe (ky’s mom) was pregnant with her older sibling jaime. that led to a quick marriage BUT lupe didn’t want to leave mexico just yet SOOO while her dad went off to the states, her mom stayed in mexico working on her business and it worked out really well for the two. 
two years later, after 2 years of a long distant relationship and the family dress business blowing up in Mexico, turning into a whole fashion empire, lupe finally decided to pack up and go to the U.S.A
along came kylie
kylie was the first born in the U.S.A, so she is american but she frequently travelled to Mexico during her childhood, therefore she understands both english and spanish. she is 100% proud of her ethnicity no matter how much hate she got for it growing up. 
kylie was always closest to her dad, he taught her how to have thick skin and go for your dreams. every night they would play soccer on the streets and he pushed her to be better. Kylie was on several soccer teams growing up, and has a lot of photos, awards, and memories to prove it. all her siblings were in some kind of sport. kylie’s was soccer while her siblings would be volleyball or basketball. they were known on the block as the golden 3 for being involved in sports. 
it didn’t mean she was a tomboy, oh no. while her dad taught her sports, her mom taught her how to be presentable. she would always say ‘let them judge you by what you wear so you can prove them wrong with who you are.’ those are words she lives by everyday when it comes to her appearance. 
her parents really taught her the value of working for what you want, even when kylie did grow up comfortable. her mom’s business was growing so much it was known in chicago and some other parts in the U.S. her dad was known for being one of the best soccer players coming out of latin america (up there with ronaldinho), but they both got to where they were through blood sweat and tears.
on her down time she got really into makeup and fashion, she did it a lot for prom season, posting it up on insta that some celebs hit her up to do their makeup and of course she couldn’t say no to that. kylie makes her own makeup out of natural ingredients that she uses with her clients, it’s something she doesn’t sell exclusively, it’s her best kept secret. 
she’s really popular within the latin american music scene and has done some collabs with english speaking people. those are just passion projects for her. it’s like, she’s known for different things, so she does them, but she’s not sure what she wants specifically.
since she’s tiny, people tend to make fun of her height A LOT, which she doesn’t mind, it pretty funny to her. it’s just something that’s been with her foreverrrrrr.
kylie still plays soccer in a league on her free time. it’s something that keeps her mentally grounded.
life isn’t so perfect * TRIGGER WARNINGS: anxiety, depression *
so being mexican in the U.S.A is never easy, and it definitely wasn’t for kylie that didn’t speak english until she entered school. she was constantly bullied and pushed around because of her ethnicity, because she was tan, unlike the other girls. 
of course she made other friends of color and non-color that accepted her but when you grow up seeing that there are people that hate you for what you’re born into, it damages a person.
for a long time she didn’t accept her body image, trying to lighten her skin or make herself look more accepting, it caused her to spiral into depression, she had a lot of fights with her family about this.
kylie developed anxiety where she overthinks and gets panic attacks, but thats why she still plays soccer competitively. 
kylie’s personality
kylie is literally F I E R C E. she’s got two types of personalities, one where she’s a home body and loves her family, will beat you in a quick game of soccer. she’s that bubbly girl with the laughter, sarcastic remarks followed by a smirk at the end of it
she is also that girl that when it’s time to work, she is scary. she knows what she wants, she know how she wants it and she will get flustered when it’s not like that. she’s got a whole ‘that BIIITCH’ personality, like when she’s on the red carpet, she just has it going for her kind of thing. 
but she’s a goof, and that’s something everyone will notice. she loves to make people laugh and smile. if you’re an asshole, those are her favorite types where she’s just drawn to those people. 
old school friends
old school enemies
makeup clientele 
ride or die
drunk friends
sibling like friends
exes ( good + bad + messy + angsty )
crushes ? 
former lovers to friends
um, anything? let’s brainstorm ! :)
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lminlovewithmycar · 5 years
Dancing With our Hands Tied - Part 2
A/N: Sorry this took so long! Holidays delayed me a bit, I hope you enjoy! Also I felt this gif goes well with the balcony bit ajdsjenuwu
**This fic takes place in 1974 just before their Sheer Heart Attack tour! Sorry if anything is misspelled, grammatically wrong, or doesn’t make sense. I really want this to be good sorry if it sucks uwu SEND ME FEEDBACK**
This fic is loosely based off the song Dancing With our Hands Tied by Taylor Swift. Go listen to it if ya want!!!
Pairing: Ben Hardy!Roger Taylor x Reader
Word Count: 2.4k
Warnings: Depictions of sex, language, I think that’s it. If I missed something please tell me!
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“Alright everyone let’s move quickly, we have a show to prepare for!” You heard Freddie’s voice chirp out to the little crew followed by a clap. The little crew that included you now. As you climb out of the bus, you sigh in relief to be able to have just a few moments to yourself.
Of course, you had gotten stuck in the bus that included the band. Because Freddie had technically given you the job because of your closeness with him, you were automatically grouped with the band for any and all bus rides. You assumed that it would just be calm and no tension at all. But as you took the first step onto to the bus, you realized how wrong you were.
Immediately, you had made eye contact with him. You had tried to avert your eyes, but they kept going to him as if he was some kind of magnet. You constantly felt his eyes on you and in an attempt to distract yourself, you sat next to Freddie, who was writing in a journal, and decided to spark a conversation with him. After a little while, you saw Roger stand up and walk himself to the back of the bus. He picked up a bottle of tequila on the way and disappeared out of sight. Sighing in relief, you tuned into Freddie’s words talking about some new song.
You bolt out of the bus as fast as you could and walk over to the side of the bus where the luggage was stored. You clutch your things in your hands and make your way to the hotel.
First world tour. Night 1. First show. Manchester.
You toss your suitcases onto the ground and flop onto the pristine hotel bed and shut your eyes, taking a moment of relaxation to prepare yourself for the chaos of the rest of the night. After a few breaths, you pick yourself up and walk over to the bathroom and stare at yourself in the mirror. After touching up your appearance, you decide to gather everything that you needed into a small bag. Brian eventually stops by your room and knocks on the door.
“I think we’re all heading out now,” he reminds you, and you nod. “On my way,” you smile.
You gather your bag and exit your room, looking to your left to see everyone in the crew heading down the hallway. A little gust of air brushes against your arm as the door next to yours opens and you realize you forgot your jacket. You whip around with your room key to hurry and grab your jacket and almost ran into the person that came out of the room next to yours. Someone that you were wishing that you could avoid.
“Sorry,” you instinctively say, turning your eyes downwards to fit your key to your doorknob.
“You’re fine,” he responds back to you. You shove your key into the door and let yourself in. As you turn to close it, you see him walk away through the crack of the door. And you didn’t know why your heart broke just a little bit.
As you storm through the room and grab your jacket, you took a deep breath. You knew tonight was going to be hard. You knew every night would be hard. You just hoped that they would eventually get slightly easier.
As you arrive at the venue, you put your professional face on and head to the local people helping put the show on and start to talk to them about legal matters including the band.
”I just want to make sure of everything that will be-“ you state, deep in conversation, when Freddie struts up next to you and slings an arm over your shoulder.
“Sorry to interrupt, Y/N, but I have some inquiries about what attire will be legal for me to wear tonight,” he winks at you.
The worker nods you off and you sigh at Freddie. “You can’t be doing that for the whole tour, you know. I have a job to do here.”
“Oh hush, no legal matters need to be handled just yet. Your job can be whatever I say it can be, darling,” he smiles and leads you to his dressing room.
You did seem to connect with Freddie the most when you met him. You just understood him and his personality. You enter the dressing room and gaze at the array of outfits before you. 
“This one, for sure,” you smile and pull at an all-white bodysuit with flared pant legs and a fringey top. 
After helping Freddie accessorize and get into his outfit, you exited the dressing room, following Freddie to the stage. Showtime.
As you help Fred smooth out his sleeve, John approaches you and asks to help straighten his bass strap. You smile slightly as you helped, and you saw Roger approaching over John’s shoulder. How does he look so good? Like all the time? His hair hung loosely around his perfect face and he wore a button up grey shirt that was left open, showing his beautifully crafted torso. You tap John’s shoulder with your hand to tell him you’re done and he turns around to thank you. As you were having small talk with John, you look over his shoulder and meet eyes with Roger. His eyes flash to you for the slightest moment and then flash away to focus on something else. And you hoped that the hurt in his eyes that appeared for just a second was real. 
As the boys take the stage, you gaze from the wings of the stage, in awe as always. You always enjoyed Queen shows. There was a certain aura about them that was addicting. You also loved watching Roger from the wings, knowing he would be yours, just for the night.
It was a smaller, earlier gig that Queen was playing. You got to be backstage with the crew, as always, per Freddie’s request. You knew Roger wanted you backstage as well, for easy access of course, but he could never request for you. Of course, the band knew you and Roger were fooling around, but Roger was so paranoid of the band assuming something more or the press finding out, he never even did as much as mutter your name unless you two were behind closed doors. So Freddie would request for you, as a favor for Roger. 
You stepped closer to the curtains while your eyes traced Roger’s figure behind his drums. He always looked good drumming without fail. The way he twisted his drumsticks in his fingers and would flick his hair out of his face had you weak at the knees. How he looked playing his heart out and putting his heart and soul into every song attracted you so much. You didn’t know that you were actually falling for him. You just thought it was attraction. You thought, at the time, that your brain had it under control. Oh, how wrong you were.
The show came to an end eventually, and Roger immediately made a beeline for you. You eyed him up and down as he walked to you, taking in his full appearance. Your body buzzed from head to toe. You felt warm and shaky. Roger slung an arm around you and you followed him to his dressing room, completely under his spell. After the crowd outside died down, you snuck out of the venue incognito and climbed into Rog’s car. 
Arriving at his house, you followed him up the stairs to the door, and he let you in and followed behind.
As soon as you shut the door, your back was pressed up against it by Roger. His lips immediately attached to your neck and you moaned in response. His hands worked their way up to your chest and grappled your breasts in his calloused hands. Your fingers immediately tangled into his hair and pulled on his blonde locks. A hand moved down to your thigh and moved it up to latch your leg around him. His hand moved up and down your thigh as he began to grind against you. You felt his hardening bulge as he moved against your core and you sucked in a sharp breath. 
He pulled away and whispered into your ear, “Let's go to my room, baby.” You nod and bit your lip, following him into his room like a little lost, innocent puppy. 
"Y/N,” Mary nudges you. You snap out of your trance and tear your eyes from Roger to look at her, and by the look on her face you know she knows that something’s wrong.
“Y- uh, yeah?” you stutter, shifting your weight uncomfortably. 
“Is everything okay?” she asks, concern written all over her face.
“I’m fine,” you slap on a fake smile quickly, shaking the feelings off your shoulders, business face back on.
“Oh, okay,” you can tell Mary doesn’t buy it one bit, but she doesn’t bother with it. “Some of the band crew wanted to meet with you after the show.”
After the show. After the show, you would be talking to the crew about legal matters. And Roger would be in his hotel room. With another girl. Another girl that wasn’t you. You felt the hurt pang against your chest like a brick.
You nod and smile another big, fake smile and thank her. She gives you a weird look and nods as she walks off to greet Fred as the band leaves the stage. 
Roger tosses his drumsticks into a box backstage and shares a few words with Brian before turning and leaving from backstage. You turn to him and watch him discreetly as he leaves, shirt waving side to side as he walks. He ducks into his dressing room, and you look to the ground. Brian slings an arm around you and startles you, making you jump.
“You coming to get some drinks with us? Fred has a mini bar in his room and we’re about to go have some fun,” he smiled. He was probably expecting you to party with them like you usually did. After shows in the past, you would go to bars with the band, as ‘Freddie’s best friend’, and would have your fun, eventually ending up in a bed with Roger.
“Not tonight, I’m afraid. Work to do,” you force out a choked laugh. 
“Oh, you’re no fun,” he drags out the ‘n’ in fun and rolls his eyes, removing his arm from your shoulders and walks over to his fiancé, Chrissie, and greets her with a heated kiss. 
Another pang to the chest.
You silently leave the backstage area and walk over to the room that the crew is gathered in. 
Eventually, you arrive at the hotel at an ungodly hour of the night, body tired from the long conversation about legal matters and liabilities. You pause at your hotel door and glance at Roger’s door. There was another girl in there. That wasn’t you.
You trudge into your hotel room, immediately craving a shower to distract you from crying. To no avail, however. You rinse yourself off in the shower and wash all your makeup off, tears mixing with makeup and water. You brush your hair out and towel-dry it, tossing on a robe and sucking in a deep breath, wiping your eyes one last time.
You sit on the bed and get out some papers you were given a few hours ago and begin to look over the print and the contracts. Since the band was planning to write another album under EMI records and some new potential producers were watching the show to get a feel for the band. You look over the different contracts that you were supposed to look over before presenting them to the band.
After a few minutes of reading, all the words were beginning to run together and your head begins to pound at the thought of Roger in the room next to you with some other girl. You throw the papers to the side and place your head in your hands.
“This was a mistake,” you whisper to yourself.
You stand up and walk over to the balcony and slide the large door open. You step out onto the cool air, feeling the wind whip against the bottom of your robe. You place your hands on the rail and gaze out onto the skyline of the city. 
“Why are you awake at this hour?” a voice startles you out of your feelings. You turn and lo and behold, there stands Roger, leaning against his glass door frame to his own balcony. He is shirtless with some boxers on, and one of his hands holds a bottle of Crown Royal and a cigarette hangs from his lips. Your eyes latch onto him without fail, drinking in his full appearance.
“Uh, something like that, yeah,” you mutter, quickly turning around to hide in your hotel room. 
“Why are you avoiding me?” he asks, moving to the rail closest to your balcony. His words halt you in your tracks and your hand clutches the glass door handle.
“What?” you ask barely above a whisper, not moving an inch.
“Every time you look at me you make it so obvious that you don’t want to be around me,” He states, eyes burning into your head. “You don’t have to act like I am an awful human. I did get you a job.”
“Yeah, I guess,” you mutter again, letting go of the door handle and itching the back of your head. “I don’t know, Rog. It’s harder than I thought it would be,” you turn your head to look at him and you lock eyes with him. And then it all comes back.
Your forehead touching his and eyes staring into each other. Midnight. His lips hung open ever so slightly as his hot breath flows against your cheek. His hair frames his head on the pillow like a halo. And he looks perfect. 
Just attraction, your brain whispers. But you love him, your heart whispers back. 
“It’s hard for me too,” you hear him say in a whisper. His eyes bore into yours. The words hung in the air for a second, the only other sound being the distant sounds of the city below and the sound of wind whipping through your hair.
“What?” you ask, not believing the words you just heard. He tears his eyes from yours and takes a quick shot of the Crown in his hand and turning away from you. 
“Nevermind. Forget I said anything,” he shakes his head and puts out his cigarette on the little table next to the door. He slides open the door and disappears into his room with whatever girl that laid in there. You press your back against the cool glass as you feel the hot tears fall down your cheeks.
TAGLIST: @smile-nine @taylorroger-s @shishterfackisback @emmieliabedelia @benhardysfleshlight @soulmates8 @musicprincesslikestorock @headlong-for-roger @filmvinyls @mistier-mists-hazier-days @magicwithaknife @itsametaphorbriansblog @5secsofbowie @lfcbvb @soloosunflower @ksqueenie @vesoleil @2busydancing @parasiempretumelancolia @soberandfurious @cassidyiscool
if you want to be tagged please SEND ME AN ASK. it’s easier than looking through the notes seeing who wants to be tagged.
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aangvs · 5 years
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hey !!    it's kit coming back at you with a second muse !!    tequila is my first character and i'm neutralizing the asshole energy he puts on the dash by throwing in this soft,    sweet summer child.    to read more about my    (  precious  )   boy aang, continue on !!
tw: mentions of physical abuse, unhealthy relationships with family, vague implications of depression, cancer and killing other players (and my shitty writing tonight).
before velia...
he grew up with four siblings. four older siblings. angus was the youngest by three years, then followed his sister, then his other sister, then his two older brothers. 
the house he grew up in was always filled with yelling and laughter and to his chagrin, a whole lot of fighting. his father was oftentimes absent and when he was home, his parents would bicker until it turned to shouting that would turn to... well, to angus having to hold his father back from getting too violent. 
the eldest two of the siblings were never home. they were out with friends, at the mall with no money, staying at a friends house, partying-- anything to avoid being in their own house. 
his oldest sister was the first to get married and move out. they hardly heard from her after that. his other sister was distant and lived in her bedroom, angus could never quite get her to smile, not really, not to actually smile. 
after their parent’s divorce, angus was the only child present enough to take care of their mom. she had been receiving treatment for cancer ever since he turned seventeen, and he stopped pursuing higher education after two semesters in college for programming in order to take care of her fulltime.
by this time his mother found it difficult to get up in the mornings, and with his nonmarried sister already in college, he had to be there to make her breakfast, lunch, and dinner. to make sure she took her meds and to give her company in such an empty house. being around his mother was never a chore, angus never wished someone else would do it, he just wished his other siblings would help. 
he began freelance work as a web/graphic designer for small companies who commissioned him. with the money a few of his siblings would provide for their mom, the money the government granted for unemployment due to health issues and his mother's severance pay from her last job, he made ends meet in the house. 
videogames were not an escape, but a distraction. despite his friendly and outgoing nature, angus didn't like leaving the house for more than a few hours at a time. he was afraid that his mother would fall and he wouldn't be around to help her up, and the thoughts worried away at his head every time he decided to go out to the bar with friends.
he purchased velia    ( cue approaching shark song )   after a particularly well-paid commission, drawn to its immersive gameplay.
angus became aang and never got out.
he nearly died one too many close calls. he did not know how to survive on his own-- he was lost, he had never had to defend himself from physical assault, he had never had to kill to save his own life.
he killed another player on the first month. the floor was saturated, they were all confused, violence was at a height-- if he had not killed him while defending himself, aang wouldn't be alive. he knows that, but the trauma has never let him escape.
he joined unity when the guild was starting out. he firmly believed in their cause, and after being saved by them from a group of violent players during an attack, it was a no-brainer. 
it took time, but aang eventually came to be second in command within the guild. as a mystic, he often went out of his way to heal other players even if they were not in his own guild. he believes that everyone deserves medical attention, no matter who they are. so, while he greatly dislikes the circus guild, if it came down to it, he would not turn down a call for help if one of their members needed healing. 
ever since the game began and they realized they were stuck inside, angus has never stopped worrying about his mom. the boy has no idea who is looking after her with him in here and hopes that his siblings have stepped up to the occasion, and while he wishes he did not feel this way, a part of him doubts it.
trivia: aang is a vegetarian. he can't kill animals to cook and he'll cry if his hand is forced to defend himself from one.
wanted connections! 
ex, taken: he met luna in the game and absolutely fell head over heels for her. she was his silver lining for the months they dated. their relationship was a secret, she was a catalyst member, he was in unity-- luna didn't want others to find out, and aang was just happy that he could be with her at all that he agreed to keep it a secret. after a battle where luna was torn between helping her guild and helping aang, she broke it off. angus knew how the catalyst guild operated, but it still hurt being the second place when he was willing to do anything to help her. he’s still in love with her, although he'll never speak about it even if that means he has to suffer in silence. 
rescuers, open (0/2): two members from unity who saved aang during the attack that took place before he decided to join the guild. he owes his life to them, and he'll never stop thanking them for it.
the person who witnessed aang kill another player, open: someone who saw aang kill the player who attacked him in self-defense ! must be in circus ( for the drama ), but aang most likely tends to avoid this person because of the memories he associates with that situation. if you like, they could have helped aang kill the player.
best friend in-game, open: any guild/solo. aang gets along with this person very well, and even if they're not in the same guild, he would do anything for them. the two are often found together, and if you see one, you know the other is not far behind.
frenemies, open: any guild/solo. if your muse has a hard time with friendly and chirpy personalities like aang's, chances are, they find him annoying! and he very much can be, as he's often being a dumbass.
these are just a few ideas, but i'm the type to brainstorm for plots, so hit that heart button and i'll go to you for plotting  !!
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bobbybrooklands · 5 years
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Órale Peach at Rikyū Bar in the @radissonbluedwardian #manchester; @tequilatapatio Reposado, @distilleries_provenceuk RinQuinQuin, orange bitters and @fevertreemixers Indian tonic #cocktails #peach #vermouth #manchester #rinquinquin #provence #radission #rikyu #japanese #tequila (at Radisson Blu Edwardian Manchester) https://www.instagram.com/p/BsYDb35FtXe/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=odc07z929f5r
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fmcgresearchblog · 2 years
Ready To Drink Cocktails Market Overview, Key Market Trends, COVID-19’s Impact, Demand Analysis by 2028
The global Ready To Drink Cocktails Market is expected to be valued at USD 1.82 Billion in 2028, registering a CAGR of 12.1% through the forecast period. Soaring demand for varied flavored drinks with limited alcohol because of the rising health consciousness worldwide is a crucial factor promoting the market growth. Convenience, premiumization, and on-the-go trends among youth population or millennials are further fueling the market. Additionally, consumers are seeking out various convenient beverages like ready-to-drink (RTD) cocktails and alcopops, for not preferring spending time at restaurants or bars. These alcoholic beverages have gained enormous demand among the teenage population inclined towards products that cater to their social lifestyle. Furthermore, the escalating need for outdoor picnics, pool-side parties, social gatherings is further benefitting the industry for RTD cocktails.
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However, a few religious and cultural beliefs across various countries, heavy taxation, and health related issues due to alcohol consumption are obstructing the industry’s development.
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The COVID-19 Impact: The pandemic outbreak raised a global concern and had a negative impact on the sector of food and beverages, with the sudden shutdown of manufacturing facilities. As the COVID crisis has elevated, the primary focus was on curbing the SARS-CoV-2’s spread among the healthcare professionals. However, to curb revenue losses any further, the industry players are highly focusing on accelerating their operations along with fostering their supply chains.
Further key findings in the report
Based on type, the spirit-based cocktails segment contributed to the largest industry share and is predicted to occupy an outstanding CAGR during the estimated timeline. This segment is rising at an exponential rate in the industry due to their varied taste. Spirit-based beverages are mostly made from tequila, gin, whiskey, vodka, and rum. Among them, tequila and gin-based products are gaining high demand.
On the perspective of packaging, the bottles segment is registering the largest market revenue. The cans segment is foreseen to gain traction in the market, delivering the fastest CAGR in the analysis period. The growth of this segment is attributed to the rising demand for on-the-go and easy-to-carry packaging. Cans are lighter than other containers like bottles and can be easily recycled.
Among various distribution channels, the supermarkets segment is occupying the highest revenue in the market owing to having designated shelf space for ready to drink cocktails.
Region wise, Asia Pacific is projected to be considered as the fastest-growing market in the estimated timeline because of the increasing demand for several convenience products in different countries of Asia. Additionally, rapidly changing lifestyles and high influence of the western culture are further propelling the regional market growth.
In December, 2020, the company Trader Joe’s has launched a new series of RTD beverages, especially cocktails. These cocktails comprise Whiskey Sour and Old Fashioned, consisting 35 percent of ABV and are predicted to be sold across the supermarkets in nearly 750 milliliter bottles.
Leading industry vendors include Brown-Forman, Diageo, Manchester Drinks, Pernod Ricard, Asahi Group Holdings, Ltd., Bacardi Ltd., Halewood Wines & Spirits, Suntory Holdings Ltd., Simple Skiff Beverages, LLC., and Shanghai Bacchus Liquor Co., Ltd.
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For the purpose of this report, Reports and Data has segmented the global ready to drink cocktails market on the basis of product type, packaging, distribution channel, and region:
Product Type Outlook (Revenue, USD Billion, 2020 - 2028)
Packaging Outlook (Revenue, USD Billion, 2020 - 2028)
Distribution Channel Outlook (Revenue, USD Billion, 2020 - 2028)
Liquor Stores
Regional Outlook (Revenue, USD Billion, 2020 - 2028)
North America
Asia Pacific
Central & South America
Middle East & Africa (MEA)
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Key questions answered by the report
At what rate will be the Ready To Drink Cocktails Market grow? What will be the value of the market in 2028?
What are the key factors driving the Ready To Drink Cocktails Market?
What would be the impact of Ready To Drink Cocktails Market across different regions?
What are the strategies adopted by players to enter the APAC region?
What are the future growth strategies in the Ready To Drink Cocktails Market?
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mattattridge-smith · 3 years
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Posted @withregram • @eatmcr COMPETITION // We have 100 sets of x4 tickets (400 total) for the opening launch party of @thefirehousemcr — a new Ancoats bar and restaurant from the team behind @ramonamcr on Thursday 29th July! 💫 FREE BOOZE, FOOD AND ENTRY. The tickets will get you access to the first opening party in Manchester without any restrictions - with free booze, Firehouse food tasting, tequila and cocktail sampling AND DANCING! throughout the night with special guest DJ’s until late. HOW TO ENTER 🚨 - Tag which mates you’re taking, you can comment as many times as you’d like - Follow @thefirehousemcr and @eatmcr - Share this post to your story PLEASE READ. WINNERS WILL ONLY BE CONTACTED BY THIS ACCOUNT, NO OTHERS. WINNERS WILL BE ANNOUNCED ON WEDS 14TH . — MORE DETAILS ON THE FIREHOUSE — ‘The Firehouse has been an idea of ours for a long time, inspired after spending summers in California and Ibiza. The sort of places that we just never wanted to leave. Intimate, yet epic and all lovingly made. Where everything is enticing, the welcome, the food, the music, the drinks. All the best it can be. For everyone. We just wanted to open somewhere that gives the sort of experience we’re after when we go out’ - Adelaide Winter - Owner / Founder The Firehouse menu has a ‘Slow Fires Open Kitchen’, Coal - roasting, charring and blistering, the freshest ingredients over a wood grill. The Firehouse bar will specialise in the Wild Spirts of Latin America - Tequila, Mezcal, Pisco, Rum and Cachaça and also the ingredients and regions that produce them. Agave, sugarcane and grape all grow in wild abundance across Latin America, and these spirits are often also made in the wild with wild fermentation and techniques.  Alongside the spirits, The Firehouse is framed by a wall of wine, specialising in new world  wines from craft beers and specialty coffee from Blossom Coffee Roasters and house juices to complete their specialty drinks range. @thefirehousemcr @thefirehousemcr @thefirehousemcr (at Manchester, United Kingdom) https://www.instagram.com/p/CRIusC3FeQR/?utm_medium=tumblr
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Bring on the Ice & Chocolate!
We are not able to contain our excitement about this upcoming weekend! Not only is Theater in the Wood hosting their very first ICE BAR on Friday and Saturday, but Sunday is the annual Chocolate Festival presented by MWV Ski Touring and Showshoe Foundation! First join BIBLF staff Friday and Saturday as the Winter Entertainment Series takes things outside!  Locals and visitors alike are encouraged to enjoy an evening of ice and dancing with a specially designed ICE BAR carved by Ice Breakers Ice Carving from Manchester, NH.  There will be signature cocktails featuring Casimigos Tequila along with an Ice Luge.  To keep the party going, DJ Kristen Corrigan will be mixing up the tunes! To keep your fuel up for all of those dance moves we expect to see, Sausage Express will be on site to provide some warm and yummy snacks and Elevation 6288 will be able to cool you back down with some boozy gelato, sorbet, and shaved ice! Tickets for this event are only $25 and can be purchased in advance online or at the Theater in the Wood the day of and include one signature cocktail.  This event is a 21+ only event so keep the kiddos at home and enjoy a great night in the 100-Acre Wood! We round out the weekend with the “sweetest day on the trails” on Sunday for the annual Chocolate Festival presented by MWV Ski Touring and Showshoe Foundation. The 100-Acre Wood Sugar Shack will be open for visitors on Sunday from 11:00 am to 4:00 pm as one of the stops for the Chocolate Festival.  Visitors will not only be able to taste warm 100-Acre Wood NH-Made Pure Maple Syrup but will also be able to taste white, milk, and dark chocolates with maple syrup as an extra treat!  To participate and learn more about the Chocolate Festival, go to https://www.mwvskitouring.org/Chocolate-Festival.html.   We cannot wait to see you in the 100-Acre Wood this weekend!
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ryanhazel123-blog · 5 years
Menagerie Manchester Bar Menu
Phone: +44 161 832 3818
Website: menagerierestaurant.co.uk
Head Office address: One New Bailey, New Bailey St, Salford M3 5JL, UK
Grey Goose Vodka 70cl Price: £180.00 Grey Goose Le Citron, 70cl Price: £200.00 Grey Goose La Poire, 70cl Price: £200.00 Grey Goose L’Orange, 70cl Price: £200.00 Grey Goose Vanilla, 70cl Price: £200.00 Grey Goose Vodka 1.75L Price: £375.00 Grey Goose Vodka 3L Price: £850.00 Grey Goose Vodka 6L Price: £1500.00
Star of Bombay 70cl Price: £200.00 Bosford Pink Gin 70cl Monkey 47 50cl Price: £160.00 Hendricks 70cl Price: £180.00
Patron Silver 70cl Price: £150.00
Jack Daniels Single Barrel 70cl Jack Daniels Tennessee Honey 70cl Gentleman Jack 70cl Remy Martin XO Price: £300.00
Bacardi Cuatro Barcadi Ocho Anos Bacardi Oakheart Sailor Jerry 70cl Price: £150.00
Disaronno Amaretto Price: £150.00 Patron XO Cafe Price: £180.00 Jagermeister served with Red Bull Price: £180.00
Menagerie Manchester Bar Coupons
Who doesn’t love to save a little cash? With that in mind, we’re always rounding up as many restaurant coupons and discounts. Check the current offers below and get saving at your favorite restaurant right away.
About Menagerie Manchester Bar
Menagerie Manchester Bar is a restaurant and he provides Special Drinks, fast&food and breakfast. He Located in One New Bailey, New Bailey St, Salford M3 5JL, UK.
Hopefully, We helped you to get some information of the Menagerie Manchester Bar menu, price and location.
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Research for Final major project
 Only 11.58% of all crime across England, Wales and Northern Ireland were solved between 2016 and 2017.
the number of solved crimes has decreased by 26% over the past year.
The area with the most unsolved theft was the Manchester Metropolitan Borough of Trafford. Worryingly, 225 crimes were recorded, while not even one was solved.
the region with the most unsolved crimes was Rushcliffe in Nottinghamshire.
Tesco petrol station has had 1 burglary, 1 other theft, 3 public disorders and 8 shopliftings within the last three months.
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 Crimes near booth:
Lynbrook Road December 2018 Violence and sexual offences
December 2018 Burglary on Hungerford Road
December 2018 theft on Mill Bridge close
On university way (roundabout by booth) there were 7 crimes reported in December 2018,
Anti-social behaviour, violence and sexual offences, public disorder.
Crewe road two sexual offences 2018 December
Multiple car crimes.
Since Manchester metropolitan Uni has been opened in Crewe, they have had on average 35.2 reports surrounding the ideas of burglary, sexual offences and burglary.
 No one is charged in 9 out of 10 petty crimes
60% of Britons believe in conspiracy theories.
Rum and coke is the most popular drink to have to kill someone followed by tequila
Greenland’s the country where most murders happen
Los Cabos is the most dangerous city in the world MEXICO
9PM is the highest point when most crimes occur
70% of people have done something that could put us in jail.
Most common crime In the uk is Arson
17-21 is the age group which scored the highest number of crimes committed.
 Known murder cases
 Serial Killer: Ed Gein
Spine-chilling lyric: "Aprons of flesh corpse scaled hair with skin upon my face."
Mild-mannered farmer Ed Gein is the real-life inspiration for movie madmen such as Buffalo Bill in Silence of the Lambs, Leatherface from Texas Chain Saw Massacre and Norman Bates from Psycho.
I’ve never killed anyone, and I’ve only been the inspiration for one movie character … Dirk Diggler.
"Dead Skin Mask"
Serial Killer: Ed Gein
Spine-chilling lyric: "The brush of dead-warm flesh pacifies the means / Incised members ornaments on my being."
In the '50s, Steady Eddie was known to dig up the corpses of women, remove their skin and fashioned masks from it. Thankfully, that's not how Corey Taylor designed his first Slipknot mask.
"Jeffrey Dahmer"
Serial Killer: Jeffrey Dahmer
Spine-chilling lyric: "They feed the need of his cannibal mind / Bloodymurders he left behind."
One of many songs about this psychopath from Milwaukee who confessed to killing, mutilating, committing necrophilia and eating his victims
"Ted, Just Admit It"
Jane's Addiction
Serial Killer: Ted Bundy
Spine-chilling lyric: "Now sister’s not a virgin anymore / Her sex is violent."
Back in 1988 when Jane’s Addiction released the album Nothing’s Shocking, they were right -- including the vicious, senseless killings of at least 30 young women at the murderous hand of Ted Bundy in the mid-'70s. Then again, when they proclaimed that nothing was shocking, how were they to know that Metallica would eventually record and release an album with Lou Reed?
"The Ripper"
Judas Priest
Serial Killer: Jack the Ripper
Spine-chilling lyric: "When you least expect me and you turn your back, I’ll attack."
Killed five or more prostitutes in the late 1800s in London’s East End by slashing throats, mutilating abdomens and disembowelling them. Long before Night Ranger, the original Jack Blades.
"Killer on the Loose"
Thin Lizzy
Serial Killer: Jack the Ripper
Spine-chilling lyric: "But honey I’m confessing / I’m a mad sexual rapist."
To this date, still the most baffling unsolved mystery next to Nickelback's popularity.
Bloodbath in Paradise"
Ozzy Osbourne
Serial Killer: Charles Manson
Spine-chilling lyric: "There’s blood on the walls when Charlie and the family make house calls."
Charles Manson is the most famous sadistic mastermind in American history. When you carve a swastika into your forehead it’s the only title you can hold.
Even more frightening is that after 40-plus years behind bars and credited with conspiracy in seven killings, an 80-year-old Charlie is marrying his 26-year-old girlfriend. In 40-plus years of freedom and ZERO killings I still haven’t found ANYONE willing to marry ME.
The song murder on the dancefloor where people were killed in a club
0 notes
I would write something about my journey in Brussels. I arrived there Tuesday on the 12th of February 2019, I checked in my hotel, Hilton Grand Place and I took my time, since I wasn’t going to wait for Julia to come.. her flight was canceled due to a strike... So this little trip turned out to be my second solo travel! Exciting, but also a bit annoying since in the evening you can’t really do that much. I visited a bit Brussels by night the same evening, not so many people around that time, but I was excited already to visit it by daytime. Unfortunately, I encountered a weird guy on my way back to the hotel... the same blah blah stuff, weirdos say to a girl alone. At the end he wanted a kiss for his birthday, like if I care it was his birthday lol. Of course, I didn’t give such a freak a kiss and he surely went away. I went back to the hotel and went to sleep after a call with my babe.
13 February: I woke up around 9:00 in order to get the nice Hilton breakfast, I was so looking forward to having a breakfast there. It was good food! Then I chilled a bit in the room, listen to music and spend a nice time alone. Afterwards I went around the city to visit it. Pretty Brussels, especially the main square! I loved the fact that the sun was shining! I walked to see the Manneken Pis, but then I realized that I went to visit the “Het Zinneke” haha which was the pissing dog. I changed my route and went to see what I really wanted to see and le petite Julien was really small haha! Then I went back to the Galerie du Roi and drank a coffee at “Askum” a cool place inside the galeries. I have to say that the coffee was expensive, I paid 3.50 or 4.50 euro for a cappucino... I stayed in the cafe a bit and organized my calendar and modify a bit of the pictures I took. Later that day, I walked a lot from the Galeries to St. Michel Church, to Mont des Art and then to the hotel around 5.30 pm. I wanted to try the Executive Lounge and once they opened it around 6 pm, I went there and ate my dinner, pommes frites. They were good and free! Later that day, I didn’t do anything anymore... because I didn’t know what to do... the beer tasting I wanted to do it the next day, on my last night.
14 February: Good morning! Got up around 9.30 am and went to another good breakfast! Then I chilled again in the room, got ready with some good music and went out to see the Atomium. The weather was great again! I don’t have so much to say, but I think that if you are in Brussels, you must see the Atomium, it’s quite cool to see big balls in the sky! (if the sky is so blue, like when I was there!). Afterwards I went to Ixelles, a beautiful district of the city, plenty of beautiful cafes! I went in one where they sell also donuts, yummy it was good. Anyway Happy Valentine’s Day to my man back home! I loved the interior design of that place... When I was in the cafe, I registered to do the Beer tasting tour! Sometimes you just need to go out of your comfort zone, so I pressed the button “buy”! Let’s do it, I said! I went back to the hotel around 4 or 5 pm, because the tour started around 6 pm.
Beer tasting tour: so where to start.. the meeting point was at Scott’s Bar, 5 minutes on foot from my place. Even though I didn’t want to come early, I still came pretty early. I hate coming early, it makes me anxious haha. Anyway I waited a bit outside and then I went inside, I didn’t know where to go haha so I waited a couple of minutes until I asked to the bartender, where was this tour. He pointed out where the team members were and I went to them and said I was doing the tour. They asked for my ticket and told me to wait. Other participants came and then we went upstairs. They were a group of 5 guys from Argentina, a couple from Romania and Italy but both living in Manchester, a guy from Toronto, a group of three girls from Basel, Switzerland and then two couples from Australia and a woman from England but originally from Finland. It wasn’t that awkward at the beginning, because we talked to each other, which was cool! The guide was funny and relaxed, but a bit disorganized in my opinion. Anyway he started to talk about the history of the Belgian beers and then we finally could pour our drinks and drink it! I chose a beer called Chimay, it had a strong taste, but still drinkable haha damnnnnn it was 9% and I just ate a chocolate bar prior this beer tour. To be honest with you I was already a bit drunk after once beer. But the guys told me the same, so I didn’t feel that weak haha I had fun talking to the Canadian guy next to me! He told me something about his life and that he lived 18 years in Australia. Following that, the tour guide said we were going to another bar, so we put our jackets and went out. We crossed the Grand Place and I saw it in another perception, from a drunk view lol. Quentin showed us where we could buy nice beers and then we went to the bar and drunk other 3 beers, which we’re not that good in my opinion. Especially the last one was really bad. In this second bar, I sat next to the Romanian-Italian couple and they were so cute together.. we talked about our travels. I was a bit sad that the guy from Canada couldn’t sit next to me.. we had a good conversation before. I also talked a bit to the Australian guy and he was also kind, his friend was so drunk already haha. The tour beer ended. The Austrialians were the first to go, then the nice couple and the Finnish woman living in England. The group of guys a girls sat in the table next to mine and were still talking.. my table was mostly empty, the one who remained were me and the Canadian guy. We agreed to go and eat something together. We said buy to the rest of the group and thanked again Quentin. (Lol his look at me, when he understood that we were both going to eat together lol like goooo guy and girl). We walked until this famous restaurant named Chez Leon, we ate mussles with french fries, apparently a typical Belgian food. So good the mussels! Wow what a great connection we had... I mean he is older than me for sure, I understood that because he already a cardiologist and went for 18 years to Australian, I’m pretty sure you don’t move before finishing your studies to another country. Anyways he asked me so many personal question that I was happy to be questioned haha he asked my about my future, my hobbies, etc. It is nice talking to someone that you can’t disappoint or someone who can’t judge you, because he doesn’t know anything about me.  After our dinner, we went to the Delirium TapHouse, so cool that place! We talked to some locals and asked them which beer they like. This guy suggested us to Barbar and it tasted amazing! We ordered two beers and sat down. I don’t exactly remember anymore about what we talked, but it was just nice talking to each other. One thing just shocked me.. he told me this story about his two friends who gave a ride to a couple who was hitchhiking in Canada, they shared contacts and one month later one of the friend received an email, where it says that the couple wanted to kill them, but they didn’t, because they treated them good and that they should never pick up people from the road like them! OMFG, how lucky they were. We talked about travels, about life, about sports (he won a deal, because I thought Kobe Bryan was smaller than 1.80m), about tequila and he was saying that I was hilarious, because I was already drunk. We changed contacts and then around 1 am, we decided to go and take a tequila shot in my hotel. On the way there we took some pics at the Gran Place and they are all so cute any funny haha. Once in the hotel, we realised it was already closed :I Oh God, I didn’t want to cheat on Flo, but I also did feel to just following my feelings. As single, in the moment I would have said, let’s go and let’s spend time in my room. But I’m an honest and not cheater girl, so I hugged him and told him good night, beside the fact that I was drunk, I was also really tired. I took a quick shower and then fall asleep right away. 
Let’s talk about this. I do think you can fall in love many times in your life, but you need to choose what is good for you and for the people that are in your life. You can’t be selfish, you just can’t. You made your choice, many days ago and you need to respect them, it’s doesn’t matter the circumstances. You want to be respected? Then respect first those who love you. I will fall in love with another people, but until my heart belongs to my baby. It’s just for my baby and me. Will I regret that I am not having that fun? I don’t know about that, but at least I am following the values I grew up with. I spent a nice moment with Matthew Henry, but that was it. Thank you for the nice evening we spent together and thank you for being you, kind, gentleman and not pushy.
Brussels, thank you for the memories.
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