stovepiperat · 2 years
terror camp ‘22 day 1: an informal reclist
HOW A-FUCKING-BOUT that CAMP huh guys!! Good shit!! Anyway, here’s two (variably) related recs (that weren’t previously mentioned in the server, to the best of my knowledge!) for every TC22 panel. Just because. 
Please click through to AO3 to see full individual taglists, warnings etc. Other half of this post is in progress. Also, you may have noticed that the descriptions get a little bare-bones as the post goes on. This is because I am slapdash and sleepy. Sorry. But please let me know if I need to fix anything, as always!
(Get in contact with the mods at terror.camp to get access to recordings and Discord!!) 
‘There Will Be Poems’: Franklin, The Terror and the Noble Failure Narrative
Principles of Magnetism (a Comedy of Manners) by acaramelmacchiato (Fitzier, 21k)
Less horrific consequences than in canon, but this IS a noble failure narrative, one which, fittingly enough, pivots nimbly around a pastiche of Britishness and features the futility of attempting to reason with Sir John Franklin.
the waiting room by Ias (Fitzier, 10k) 
Maybe the real noble failure narrative was the delirious, calcifying regrets that haunted us along the way. I think there are deeper reasons this fic relates to the theme, but it would be a disservice to its understated angst for me to try and drag it all out and dissect it here.
Imperial Apparitions: Victorian Periodicals and the Search for Franklin (1848-1860)
My Name Is John Franklin And I Like To Fuuuuuuuuuck by Charlotte_Stant (Lady Jane, 1k)
I know the title is... but it’s a Lady Jane character study! I promise! Gosh, speaking of things I love about Terror fandom, EXEfest is so neat.
Three Winters, Four Springs by halotolerant (Fitzier, 50k)
“Han,” I hear you say, “I love psychic wolf sex, but what does it have to do with contemporary British imperialist propaganda takes on the lost Franklin expedition?” Well, that’s a fair question, but there’s some really fascinating worldbuilding specifically relating to the gaps between the filthy, miserable, selfish-surviving reality of expedition life and the memoirs that make mint on it.
Always Simple & Sincere: Protestant Doctrine & Difference In The Franklin Expedition
Like Unto a Man by disenchanted (Hickey/Crozier, 6k)
Crozier has weird psychic powers like in the book, but good. This fic is basically just him lying there and unwillingly astral projecting into Hickey’s sex memories but he is very Protestant about it, somehow.
old habits die hard by MOUSE9000 (Terror lieutenants, 5k) I don’t really want to explain how EXACTLY the modern AU vampire roommates and their ambiguous relationships are kinda Protestant with it, but they are.
The C, the C, the open C: Classics and The Terror
A More Appropriate Hole by chatterleysghostwriter (Hodgson/Dundy, 6k)
Hodglove, Catullus, having an ever-so-slightly anachronistic depressionwank. What more could you need?
Ex Illustri Vagantium Ordine by annecoulmanross (Fitzier, 3k)
Meta-classicism with a touch of everyone’s favorite (Latin footnotes.)
(I’m going to level with you guys 100%: I feel like probably most heavily classics-referencing fics in the fandom are Bridglar, which I don’t really read (just not my thing) and as such that’s just, like. A gap in my knowledge. Sorry, Bridglar, I don’t want to erase you from this narrative! If you want to add your own rec in reblogs, feel free.)
and sang no more: The Fictional and Historical Impact of Traditional Music in The Terror
all seasons, at all hours, and in all places by Gwerfel (3k, Hickey/Tozer) “Rat Catcher’s Daughter” song played for horror. Spooky and crawling.
A delightful God-fearing man by Lilliburlero (3k, Gibson/Irving)
Irving seeks out a songbook, in a delightful romp which also happens to be very well-cited.
Poetic afterlives of the Franklin Expedition
Something different for this one—let’s have a little fanpoetry!
Northwest Passages by kitsuneartemis
Spoon River Anthology, but make it The Terror.
An Arctic Sonnet by hangingfire
Sonnet 130, but make it Fitzier.
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pobopolybius · 1 year
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Tc22 translation
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m0gelf · 6 months
New headcanon: O'Brien had an emo or edgy stage in his adolescence
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Real footages
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mirror-imaged · 2 years
i read thats catch 22 and help i genuinely did not understand anything that was going on in it but it was also very entertaining sheffield is such a little bastard
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raylovesdonuts · 2 years
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Tell me what Camp has a better line up? I’ll wait. These are our keynote speakers for Power Hour each night. We are truly blessed with an exceptional group of teachers and staff at TITUS Camp. #TC22 #MinorProphets #MajorMessage #HCU #TITUSCamp #powerhour (at TITUS Camp) https://www.instagram.com/p/CffaMLxDx3h/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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Okay but the funniest thing (sorry like i'm really into mood of thinking of funny headcanons with all kinds of megaten crossovers lately) that would come out of information that Akechi and Sheffield were canonically born in the same year (both '98 liners) would be an P5/DDS (but more like P5/TC22 actually lol) AU where both of these fuckers are present at the same time and have an INTENSE, massive online beef with each other for no reason (despite being somewhat likeminded indviduals with sharing some viewpoints like glocking your rivals that they also in bromance with with cold blood lmao)
Like tbh I headcanon Sheffield being not white, but half American (father) half Japanese (mother) (maybe because of QDS book where he is fully japanese? Idk, like he's just not fully white to me) and therefore Japanese being his second language and him being a genius being as fluent in this language as in English so when he was still a Yale student (so like 17/18 also when Akechi was active lmao) he was visiting a Japanese message boards forums a lot and there, one day he saw HIM. And just for some reason begin to hate him with burning passion instantly (maybe he kinda saw him as a rival despite him not even living in the same country lol). And he started a whole hate capaign against him instantly, like just at some point just sitting in his dorm room and making 1000th alt accounts just to leave a hateful comments on Akechi Goro, just hating everything about him from his looks, to his personality to what he said in TV lately etc etc. Sheffield just become a full-time hater lmao. Also it got so bad that Akechi started having paranoia irl because of him 😆. And also once Mishima got involved with all of this shitshow because some people started supsecting someone from the Phan-Site was behind all the hate campaign while it was Sheffield all along (also no, he didn't supported PT either (cause they are going after people like him in the first place lol), he just hated everyone and just was a hater with narcissism and god complex lol)
Anyways one day, he DM'ed Akechi from one of a many his alt accounts and they started a heated argument with each other and after some time he send him a message (in japanese) something like "You act like you're so brave, but in reality you're just pathetic coward and I'm still more superior than you and have more guts than you. Bet you would never kill your rival if you had a chance LOL" (and in his thoughts he added: " because I totally will when I'll have an occasion" - like idk why but imo I think he was thinking of killing O'Brien since first day they met lol and just looking for a good reason to do so?)
And then Akechi would be like "I wouldn't do it?? i wouldn't do it?? BITCH, HOLD MY BEER-"
...and some couple months later 10/20 incident happened 😆
So yeah, an AU where 10/20 solely happened because Akechi had an online beef with Sheffield lmao that would be funny (in a dark humour sense lol)
Sorry just the fact they are both 1998 liners and they are both shot their rival (whom fandom heavily ships them with) will be forever funniest coincidence in Megaten for me lmaoo
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megaclaudiolis · 2 years
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He Xiang & Qu Zheng being bffs at CHN Gymnastics Team Championships 2022
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does anyone know where the other qds novels after 1 and tc22 can be found i want to read them again
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kromer · 2 months
2 and 3 about Shin!
2. Favorite canon thing about this character: He's an improvement on Sheffield in nearly every aspect I can think of. Going into TC22 (can't believe that was 7 years ago holy shit), I was honestly a little disappointed by the relative lack of info on his background because one of my main hopes out of the novella was learning what exactly made him *like that*. Shin's upbringing, goals, struggles, complexities, and even his death make canon Sheffield look like a blank slate in comparison (and I'm honestly not sure if this was Satomi's intention (in the spirit of Serph being a mysterious silent protagonist) or if deadlines were too tight for Sheffield to be given O'Brien's amount of attention). I know this is more meta than canon but I can't decide on just one favorite thing about him as a character lol
3. Least favorite canon thing about this character: His casual dehumanization of Angel early in QDS3 (although I get why Godai included it). That wasn't easy for me to translate.
Thanks for the ask :D
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stovepiperat · 2 years
terror camp ‘22 day 2: an informal reclist
Well, it’s been like a month (stuff came up) but Terror Camp was still SOME GOOD SHIT and honestly I’m not even a little bit done thinking about it yet. Here’s part two of: two (variably) related recs (that weren’t previously mentioned in the server, to the best of my knowledge!) for every TC22 panel. Just because! (Part one is here, if you missed it.) Please click through to AO3 to see full individual taglists, warnings etc. and please let me know if I need to fix anything, as always!
(You can still get in contact with the mods at terror.camp to get access to recordings and Discord! While it’s now closed to participation for another year, it’s still a good place to find all the resources discussed.)
Imagining the Northwest Passage
This panel posited that perception is an important aspect of imperial control of a thing. This post, while vaguely themed, is about one million percent less serious than any of the legitimately thrilling and insightful academic & theory work floated at camp, so, with my jester’s apologies, here is the connection I draw: two works about the power of naming a thing, one of which also involves a penguin. I won’t say which.
awaken ancient feelings by wildcard_47 (Fitzier, 11k)
animal spirits by attheborder (Crozier & Jopson, 5k)
Interesting and Pathetic Relics: The Franklin Expedition and British Museums
Something Rich and Strange by hangingfire (Goodsir-centric, 18k)
I am a simple man. I see the phrase “garden of forking paths” and I go so apeshit. (Is every museum not in its way that sort of garden?) Anyway, even if you do not share that inclination, this fic is both interesting and pathetic (in the root sense of being rich with pathos) and reflects on museums and evidences.
Blood on the Concrete by pointyshades (Hickeytozer, 22k)
What’s a museum but a heist waiting to happen? (Heck, a colonizers’ museum swollen with stolen artifacts, as so many of the British ones are, is a heist that already happened!)
“This is what you tell them”: Presenting what remains of the Franklin Expedition
cutting steps in the roof of the world
 (Fitzier, 4.5k)
Post-canon, on legacy, and self-determination with the devastating handicap and antagonism of Britishness. So sweet, excellent Sophia, which seemed apropos to me.
Because this is my made-up reclist and I can do what I want, I’m going to rec the whole of Unwellness Week, a super fun fest that produced a lot of thought-provoking and terrific fic. We’re literally presenting what remains of the Franklin Expedition, every day, mostly on Twitter, in ever more inventive manners!
The Summer of Doug: Douglas Mawson, the Construction of Society, and the Most Underrated Antarctic Expedition Ever!
Since this one’s a little harder to directly seek in Terror fic, I have honored Mertz and Ninnis’s choice of reading material with loose inspiration. (Hey, I said that it was all very loosely related. This is still true.)
contact light by threelions (Fitzier, 3k)
The Hound of the Baskervilles is, I agree, a capital novel, masterfully unfolding a character-driven and atmospherically spooky mystery. This fic is also those, and it’s sci-fi, and epistolary with an artfully crafted Crozier voice.
stiff by TomBowline (Goodsir/Hickey, 3k)
Vanity Fair is a colorful satire of Victorian social roles and the ways in which they get their hooks in each other, with a side of unromantic romance and deconstructing the artistic convention of the hero-protagonist. Just like this fic, which has the excellent logline “lonely rich spinster/handsome scheming servant but they’re both huge bitches.” Is this an admission that Hickey is like Becky Sharp, to me? Maybe a little bit.
(Bonus: I would be remiss not to link the one work in the Mertz/Ninnis tag for Their panel, so let the reclist be not technically a Terror reclist for a moment:
come rain or come shine by saltstreets (Mertz/Ninnis, 2k)
Mertz and Ninnis do not make it to those holidays. Read it and weep. Do I say that too often? Well, make the fandom stop writing such considerately heart-wrenching fics.)
Let’s Talk about Grief, Baby – The Terror, Tragic Fandom, and Anticipatory Mourning in the Age of Climate Grief
Fun fact: I live captioned this one, which is hard to do when you’re dry sobbing a little bit like everyone else attending the talk! I think I already plugged the recordings in this post but I’m going to do that again. Anyway, have some fics about trying to mourn something of terrifying scale! Trying to sleep against the howling of a ghost inhumanly old, and unable to take the final step and completely die! (They both happened to be modern horror series crossovers. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯)
C L O S E by Mothfinder_General (SCP Foundation crossover, Little, 4k) experience, and its decay by attheborder (TMA crossover, Fitzier, 4k)
Next Door to the Promised Land: The Franklin Expedition and National Belonging from Richler to Rogers
I’ve already recced a lot, obliquely or not, about British nationalism, so let’s interpret this theme a little differently and have some tunes. 
Terror & Erebus: This 2006 ambient album themed after the Franklin Expedition is also available to listen on Spotify, and it’s great music to write fic and coldly morb to. Also, consider this post yet another appeal to AMC or whoever is stopping DK from doing it to RELEASE THE TERROR (2018) SCORE, PLEASE, I’M BEGGING YOU, I’LL PAY MONEY! IF YOU MADE A VINYL, I’D BUY A VINYL EVEN THOUGH I DON’T HAVE A RECORD PLAYER! PLEASE!
CHANGGWI: A great song by Ahn Ye-Eun and a chillingly atmospheric vid to go with it from polarsirens. Also, I mean, it’s about Britishness red in tooth and claw!
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pobopolybius · 2 months
5, 12, 25 for serph sheffield o/
5. What's the first song that comes to mind when you think about them?
Oh anything Of Montreal or Sticky Fingers, depends on the mood. Probably Paranoiac Intervals/Body Dysmorphia like with Shin!
12. What's a headcanon you have for this character?
Hmmmm I have way too many.. I think my personal fav is that he just sort of moved in with O'Brien after the events of tc22. Nothing was ever really said about anything, he just started spending more time there, doing more coursework there, until they were just living together. They never moved away from each other even during The Horrors because O'Brien really wanted to force himself to believe his best friend still was a decent person. Decent in a Sheffield way, but decent.
25. What was your first impression of this character? How about now?
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m0gelf · 17 hours
Drive update where you can read Quantum Devil Saga and That's Catch 22 It's more than anything to make it more comfortable, I also transferred the translations of Lemniscation to docs
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mirror-imaged · 10 months
trying to get back into writing i might write sheffbrien fic cuz they make me mentally ill atm. um. yeah!
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raylovesdonuts · 2 years
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Each day we have a chapel service. Monday and Saturday we will have split chapel and class offerings. Here is our keynote speakers and teachers. We are truly blessed with an exceptional group of teachers and staff at TITUS Camp. #TC22 #MinorProphets #MajorMessage #HCU #TITUSCamp #chapel #split (at TITUS Camp) https://www.instagram.com/p/CffAhlTJvvY/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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OH ALSO. since i read that fic. o'brien and sheffield
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Also congrats we have the first bingo :D
For free space - Sheffbrien is literally Shuake of Megaten PS2 era no one tell me otherwise lmaoo like all the toxic yaoi of shuake applies also here ESPECIALLY if you also read TC22 lmaoo
Anyways thanks for the 2nd ask I really enjoyed it!
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megaclaudiolis · 2 years
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