#takuya x izumi
tutituticafe · 6 months
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Finally after 5 Days I can finished this piece. Ehem, it's really nice drawing them especially Mimi and Taichi.
Here's the one by one Picture.
Takuya & Izumi
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2. Takato and Juri
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3. Takeru and Daisuke
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Actually I wanted draw him with Hikari but ended up drawing him Takeru, I love their hate-love dynamics better than others. And I'm excited see them in new movie because the movie will coming in my country.
4. Taichi and Mimi
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My favorite one and really hard drawing it tooks 2 days more since the dress Mimi is difficult, but I love it.
My Commission are open you can commission me here :
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grandramian · 1 month
Digimon favorite couple
Adventure and 02
Taichi x Koushirou
Taichi x Takeru
Yamato x Joe
Takeru x Daisuke
Henry x Takato
Ryo x Kazu
Takuya x Tomoki
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ran-orimoto · 9 months
If you were to give crests to Zoey and J.P from the og which would you pick and why
Thank Heavens you haven’t asked me about the whole Frontier group because I wouldn’t have been able to write a single word. Maybe I would have said both Takuya and Tomoki would share the Courage Crest, and ,honestly, I won’t hide I’m kinda in the same situation now, because Junpei and Izumi seem so perfect for the same crests as well.
I’d give them a mix of Friendship and Sincerity, because their arcs are two sides of the same coin and also deal with them starting to be more sincere to themselves, more genuine. They have got opposite yet complementary issues about friendship, so that crest spontaneously came up in my mind. However, let’s also talk about the fact their problems were lingering because they derived from a stagnant state in which they stubbornly refused to change or, as far as concerns Junpei, refused to accept they needed to change, pretend there was no need to.
In my opinion, Junpei could also be perfect for Love. No guys, not Knowledge. Junpei is a bad student. He might be kinda wise sometimes and have an academic knowledge, but the very first drama states he becomes a maths genius when he fuses with Bolgmon. Returning to the Love Crest…Yeah. I’m not saying it only because of his crush and devotion for Izumi, but also because this kid really didn’t know what bonding with people truly meant. He couldn’t really open his eyes in front of the fact friendship is one of the many shapes of love. Friendship led by shallow intentions and pursued with, again, shallow methods is nothing without love, which is what Junpei lacked at the beginning of his journey. I’d say Junpei’s path to discovering friendship is something that’s much deeper than what it is for Izumi. Izumi mostly discovers herself and her flaws through her development in DW; Junpei discovers what creating bonds with people, bonds of any nature, is like.
Still, I guess a Love Crest would be interesting for an older Junpei embracing unconditional love tbh. I can personally see him as that kind of person when he’s grown up but don’t mind me🤣💕.
I’l stand with them being a mix of Sincerity and Friendship, yes, -which is hilarious when it comes to the Sincerity side, since both Izumi and Junpei have got a lot of Mimi in their personality-.
Thank you for the ask and sorry for being late💕!
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otakween · 1 month
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Digimon Frontier - Episode 14
Visually, this episode was pretty dull, as you may be able to tell from my lack of exciting screenshots. Plot-wise it was decent though. Junpei's time to shine and we finally got rid of that pesky Grottomon!
I'm very bored/disappointed by the digimon designs this season. The villains are kind of interesting, but the heroes are pretty...eh. Borgmon doesn't look different enough from Blitzmon and he doesn't even look very "beast" like. They're both just bug-like mechas. Snore. I feel like the designs have way more of a "boy" appeal than a "girl" appeal since Borgmon is basically a tank. I'm sure that's exciting to someone out there lol.
Every time I see Whamon I just think "why'd they have to make him so nasty looking?" I love whales IRL so it's just a shame that they made him look so gross. (Neemon and Bokomon wondering where his tears were coming from was funny).
IDK what they were going for with Arbormon. He make sense in the dub but in the original Japanese he says a bunch of non sequiturs about doing your chores or something? I'll need to hear more dialogue from him before I can figure this out...I like his beast form (Petaldramon)
It was kind of confusing how Takuya and Koji randomly digivolved when they saw Whamon struggling. Like it seemed like they were getting ready for a fight but Whamon wasn't attacking them. Were they doing it just in case?
They clearly showed Grottomon turning into an egg when they defeated him, so maybe that's been happening to villains this whole time and I just didn't notice?
Junpei got the Earth spirit data...I've said this many times now but, does he get to use that in any way? I wonder what they're going to end up doing with all of these spirits when the world is saved.
We got some Izumi x Junpei developments. I don't feel like I buy their chemistry, but it's a cute ship nonetheless. Better than pairing main boy x main girl like every shounen (they're going to do that anyway, aren't they?)
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nymphilily · 1 year
IDOLiSH7 x Transformers Seiyuu
I am mentally ill
Every single Seiyuu from the Joseimuke game IDOLiSH7 (as collected by the IDOLiSH7 Wiki), and whether or not they voice a character in the Transformers Franchise; human and crossover characters included
Any characters that are not animated as of the ending of IDOLiSH7 Third Beat are listed in the SPOILER CHARACTER section. Please tread with caution
IDOLiSH7 Toshiki Masuda (Izumi Iori) - NULL Yusuke Shirai (Nikaido Yamato) - NULL Tsubasa Yonaga (Izumi Mitsuki) NULL KENN (Yotsuba Tamaki) - NULL Atsushi Abe (Osaka Sogo) - NULL Takuya Eguchi (Rokuya Nagi) - NULL Kensho Onō (Nanase Riku) - Hot Rod (Q-Transformers)
TRIGGER Wataru Hatano (Yaotome Gaku) - Optimus Prime (Robotmasters) Sōma Saitō (Kujo Tenn) - NULL Satō Takuya (Tsunashi Ryunosuke) - Hot Rod (Cyberverse)
RE:VALE Sōichirō Hoshi (Momo) - Tracks (Q-Transformers) - Yukimura Sanada (Sengoku BASARA/Q-Transformers) Shinnosuke Tachibana (Yuki) - NULL
ŹOOĻ Yūya Hirose (Isumi Haruka) - NULL Subaru Kimura (Inumaru Touma) - NULL Kōtarō Nishiyama (Natsume Minami) - NULL Takashi Kondō (Mido Torao) - NULL
AGENCY STAFF Satomi Satō (Takanashi Tsumugi) - NULL Kazuyuki Okitsu (Oogami Banri) - Smokescreen (Prime) - S.S. (Prime) - Kenzan (Go!) - Scrapface (War for Cybertron Trilogy) Susumu Chiba (Takanashi Otoharu) - Jetfire (Armada) - Wheeljack (Armada) - Sideways (Cybertron) Katsuyuki Konishi (Yaotome Sosuke) - Optimus Prime (Superlink) - Cliffjumper (Energon) - Angry Archer (Animated) - Spike Witwicky (Animated) Yoshihisa Kawahara (Anesagi Kaoru) - Farnum (RID15) Makoto Furukawa (Okazaki Rinto) - NULL Hiroki Takahashi (Tsukumo Ryo) - Starscream/Hellscream (Beast Wars II) - Mantis (Beast Wars II) - Autolauncher (Beast Wars II) - Optimus Prime (Animated)
FAMILY MEMBERS Rina Hidaka (Kujo Aya) - NULL Fumihiko Tachiki (Chiba Shizuo) - Cyclonus (Rebirth) - Silverbolt (Rebirth) - Spasma (Rebirth) - Meltdown (Animated) - Dino (Dark of the Moon) - Megatronus (RID15) Rikiya Koyama (Osaka Soshi) - NULL Kenjirō Tsuda (Kujo Takamasa) - Thundercracker (Q-Transformers) Chiwa Saito (Sunohara Ruri) - NULL
OTHERS Wataru Takagi (Mr. Shimooka) - Cheetor (Beast Wars, Beast Wars Returns, Cyberverse) - Generation 1 Megatron (Beast Wars) - Glen Whitmann (Transformers) - Jetstorm (Animated) - Safeguard (Animated) - Jazz (RID15) Junichi Yanagita (Hyūga Akihito) - NULL Ryota Takeuchi (Douglass Rootbank) - NULL Tomokazu Seki (Sakura Haruki) - Skids (Revenge of the Fallen) Hirofumi Nojima (Thorvlad) - NULL
SPOILER CHARACTERS Takahiro Sakurai (Utsugi Shiro) - Sideways (Armada) - Blurr (Animated) - Vince (Prime) Yuichi Nakamura (Okazaki Rintaro) - Lambor (Q-Transformers) - Sunstreaker (Q-Transformers) - Steeljaw (RID15) Kaori Nazuka (Takanashi Musubi) - NULL Shin-ichiro Miki (Seto Ranvalt von Northmeir) - Inferno (Beast Wars) - Sentinel (ep18 only) (Beast Wars) Kenichi Suzumura (Bernard Kenneth) - NULL Yasuyo Tomita (Haruka’s Grandmother) - NULL Ryota Osaka (Tanigawa Mon) - NULL Kazuhiro Nakaya (Producer Matsunaga) - NULL Mai Fuchigami (Hanamaki Sumire) - NULL Shugo Nakamura (Tsunashi Sotaro) - NULL SOUNGDOK (Oda Hiroto) - NULL Shoya Ishige (Matsunaga Taro) - NULL
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monsterwithasweater · 11 months
Also the first 5 for the salty asks lol
To answer your first ask, if I wasn't convinced to watch NOTR before, I certainly am now!
As for the Salty Ask List...
1. What OTPs in your fandom(s) do you just not get?
Kenyako and whatever you call Optimus Prime x Megatron (specifically their G1 versions). For the former, I just really don't care for it all that much. For the latter, enemies to lovers just isn't my cup of tea.
2. Are there any popular fandom OTPs you only BroTP?
Taiora. I'm not too fond of it romantically (see 5), but I really like it platonically.
Takuma x Minoru. I don't mind it romantically, I just prefer them to be best friends lol.
Optimus Prime x Bumblebee. I just like Optimus Prime being more of a dad to Bumblebee more lmao.
3. Have you ever unfollowed someone over a fandom opinion?
Someone was still mad at Daisuke for the horrible sin of, oh god forbid, having a crush on Hikari! The nerve of him for trying to break up the pure and sacred bond of Takari!!! *sarcasm intensifies*
4. Do you have a NoTP in your fandom? Are they a popular OTP?
Takuya x Izumi. It's just not for me.
5. Has fandom ever ruined a pairing for you?
(Sorry this one got really rambly I just got frustrated for a minute lmao)
Takari, and to a lesser extent, Taiora. The shippers are just so obnoxious about their ship not becoming canon.
Maybe it's just my aromantic ass, or maybe it's just me not taking shipping seriously in general, but I really just don't get why people get all angry over ships not becoming canon. I especially don't get it in a show like Digimon Adventure where actual romance takes up a very small amount of the actual story.
Oh, and remember when Taiora shippers tried to retcon the epilogue (and in some cases even 02 as a whole) just so their ship would become canon? Yeah, that was a thing that happened.
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looniestrumble · 7 months
People You Would Like To Get To Know Better
As requested by @ladynightlark. If anything, it ought to be fun.
Three ships:
InoAoi (Inosuke Hashibira x Kanzaki Aoi): I love Aoi as a character, and if anything I just want to read THE FIC that does the ship justice even if it's an AU.
Akagi x Kaji from Tsurezure Children: The troublemaker and the Student Council president is a troope I enjoy, specially with the spin it has in this manga.
Togame x Shichika from Katanagatari.
First ship ever:
Takuya Kanbara x Orimoto Izumi from Digimon Frontier: Was too young to even know what a ship was, then there was a chapter dedicated to them, somewhat, and I just assumed there was something going on there.
Last song:
Ghost in the Sun by PrinceWhatever: There's a thing in music that I love, and it's when the same notes repeat themselves for a moment as a sort of build up, it may be short when it happens but it has me addicted.
Last movie:
The Sherlock Holmes movies: Was in the mood for some discombobulate action.
Currently reading:
The Shadow of the Gods by John Gwyne: Bought on a whim because it had a cool cover, was regretting it for a few chapters but took a turn for the best not long after.
Currently watching:
Nothing in particular. Not much of a series watcher.
Currently consuming:
Home made lunch cooked by my parents.
Currently craving:
Ramen with my friends, but by the end of this week that should be sorted out.
I seldomly talk to people in Tumblr, but there's one person I have interacted with a bit in AO3 comments, so I'm tagging:
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momantaichi-blog · 7 years
It never gets old...
First both of them...
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Oh Takuya, isn’t Takumi adorable?
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C’mon, Kouji, we all know you like it.
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Because @animegenork @imaginedigimon indirectly gave me an idea when I saw their headcanons for Takuya x Kouichi as a ship. I could make a series of text messages but for now let’s just go with these.
Kouji would ABSOLUTELY go to Izumi because he needs someone to confide in. Alas, he failed to take into account that she’d get overexcited and talk to Takuya about it anyway.
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Editing to include source here.
Next part: here
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magicalxgirlsxrp · 5 years
"Hey, Izumi, Happy Valentine's Day." Takuya presented her with a bouquet of purple and white lillies and a small red box of chocolate shaped like a heart. He blushed, "I, uh, hope you like it." He turned his head away trying to look cool again. "Uh, but if not that's okay, I just thought, you'd know, it'd be nice."
Izumi looked rather surprised when the other boy wished her a Happy Valentine’s day and even had flowers and chocolate for her. For a moment she wasn’t sure how to react but she couldn’t stop the bright smile that formed on her lips. “Takuyaaaa!” she she opened her arms wide and run up to him, giving him the biggest hug ever. 
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“Oh my god, this is beautiful.. Happy Valentine’s Day to you too!” 
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rz-jocelyn · 2 years
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[NEWS UPDATE] Fire Force: The Release of the Blu-ray/DVD for "Enn Enn no Shouboutai Stage -Hakai no Hana, Souzou no Oto-" has been Announced
Story Description
250 years ago, The Great Disaster engulfed the world in flames and destroyed most nations, rendering the world mostly uninhabitable. The survivors took refuge in the Tokyo Empire. In the Year 198, special fire brigades called the Special Fire Force are in a fight against Infernals, which are human beings that are turned into living infernos through spontaneous combustion.
"Enn Enn no Shouboutai", also known in English as "Fire Force", follows the story of Kusakabe Shinra as he joins Company 8 of the Special Fire Force.
Makishima Hikaru as Kusakabe Shinra
Yokota Ryugi as Arthur Boyle
Kimisawa Yuki as Akitaru Obi
Baba Ryoma as Takehisa Hinawa
Sena as Maki Oze
Isobe Karin as Iris
Saotome Yuu as Tamaki Kotatsu
Tanaka Ryousei as Viktor Licht
TAKA as Vulcan Joseph
Iikubo Haruna as Risa
Miyazaki Yuu as Yu
Ukai Mondo as Dr. Giovanni
Kawaharada Takuya as Yona
Sakura Karen as Arrow
Izumi Shuhei as Joker
Goumoto Naoya as Sagamiya Konro
Sato Ryuji as Shinmon Benimaru
Release Date: June 24, 2022
DMM Pre-Order/Purchase Bonuses
Special Cast Talk 01: Makishima Hikaru (Kusakabe Shinra) x Yokota Ryugi(Arthur Boyle) x Tanaka Ryousei (Viktor Licht) x TAKA (Vulcan Joseph)
Special Cast Talk 02: Sato Ryuji (Shinmon Benimaru) x Goumoto Naoya (Sagamiya Konro) x Kimisawa Yuki (Akitaru Obi) x Baba Ryoma (Takehisa Hinawa)
Pre-Order/Purchase Links
Blu-ray: HERE
[1] VPN might be required to access the site. 
[2] For more information about the proxy services available for Japan, please refer to this link: HERE
Source(s): ( x , x )
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citrus-cactus · 2 years
FrontierFest, Day 17
Any (romantic) ships?
I mean yeah! Given that Taichi x Yamato was basically my first ship waaaaay back when, it's hard not to be a fan of Takuya x Kouji as well. That good old gogglehead/lone wolf dynamic :3 I still like Takouji conceptually for how direct the two of them are; these boys don't bottle anything up, and yet they (mostly) respect each other and (eventually) work well together. Also they’re idiots.
*Glances around nervously* also a bit embarrassing to admit, but looking back through my old notebooks, there was a period of time when drew a LOT of these two either a) fighting or b) about to make out (and you know the fighting was always going to LEAD to making out... yeah, I know how your brain works, me-from-the-past, you can't hide anything from me-from-today).
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I also really like Junpei x Izumi! Other advocates of this ship have pointed out both the positives and negatives (which I totally agree with!), so liking this ship feels complicated, but ultimately I think it has the potential to be really sweet (kind of the same reason I like Daikari, tbh!). Once Junpei matures a bit, and assuming Izumi returns his feelings, I think he would treat her like a queen, which is without a doubt what she deserves. I'm happy to see a lot of other people out there rooting for these two!
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Girlboss and malewife? Am I even using those terms correctly? ^^;
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trashexplorer · 2 years
BLCD 2021: November Releases
✓ - have      
💡 - interested
✘ - not interested (but will probably still listen to)    
🙏 - dying for
1. Murikon ✓
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Release Date: 2021/11/17
Cast: Furukawa Makoto x Saitou Souma *FINALLY!
A couple who became husband and wife with 0 days of dating.
"It all started when a man and a woman of two feuding villages committed lovers' suicide because their love wasn't approved. Both villages then suffered from various kinds of disasters. After that, scared of the punishment, both villages would present a pair of man and woman who would then married to each other, so that to appease the wrathful spirits and avoid disasters."
Due to such legend, one night Shirakawa Momoki suddenly became Kurotaki Chikage's bride just like that. Lost to the pressure of both families, Momoki accepted his fate and wore a white kimono to start a newly married life with a stern Chikage, whether they like it or not!! There's no chemistry whatsoever between their hearts and bodies?! A BL story about a marriage with inevitable divorce!
2. Remnant 5 ~Juujin Omegaverse~ ✓
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Release Date: 2021/11/22
Cast: Kawahara Yoshihisa x Satou Takuya
Synopsis: Adaptation of the sequel of the same name.
3. Risouteki Ren'ai no Jouken 💡
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Release Date: 2021/11/24
Cast: Satou Takuya x Taku Yashiro 
Synopsis: Katagiri's new editor was looking forward to working with his talented handsome boss Nishiwaki. However, for some reason, he ended up in a sticky situation with Nishiwaki. Can the incident be blamed on the vicissitudes of love? The answer is unknown… On top of that, Katagiri is also treated like a jerk…!
4. Cosmetic Play Lover 💡
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Release Date: 2021/11/26
Cast: Itou Kento x Kobayashi Chiaki
“No or stop, you unexpectedly say cute things.” 
The beautiful assistant, Natsume, is forced to do pair sales with his junior Sahashi. Sahashi, who doesn’t take Natsume or his work seriously, overtook him in sales and annoys Natsume as he’s trying to act as a good superior… Once his act gets discovered, he’s threatened into becoming his sex friend?! Plus, he carelessly flipped Sahashi’s switch on! 
“Is it all right if I get serious?” 
This is a story set behind the cosmetic shop counter, with feelings of love appearing as Natsume finds his heart beating fast, although it irritates him.
5. Kuroe to Mesu no Sono ✘
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Release Date: 2021/11/26
Cast: Tachibana Shinnosuke x Yamaya Yoshitaka *should be reversed
Synopsis: Sonogi, an employee at the host club "Eden," is in the biggest crisis of his life. He's woken up with female parts in addition to his male ones! After hearing that the number one host at the club, Kuroe, with his beautiful face, baritone voice, and relentlessly womanizing nature, went to med school, Sonogi tries confiding to him in private. Not only does Kuroe wildly misunderstand him, he's weirdly intrigued. Even after hearing Sonogi's story, he's still keen to "study" up on what's happening inside Sonogi's pants!
A scary-faced, lovable psychopath toys with a vulnerable, shaved, and untouched new "girl" in this gender-bending romance!
6. Love Nest 2 part 2 🙏
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Release Date: 2021/11/26
Kawahara Yoshihisa x Saitou Souma
Okitsu Kazuyuki + Furukawa Makoto
Yamanaka Masahiro
Synopsis: Adaptation of the sequel of the same name.
7. Sugar Drug 💡
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Release Date: 2021/11/26
Cast: Terashima Takuma x Kobayashi Chiaki 
Synopsis: Izumi Haruaki from the research institution specializing in uncommon drugs has been assigned to become the assistant and lover of his boss. After refusing the harassment, he is instead transferred to aid the genius researcher, Amaki Hisashi. 
Comment: For some reason, Takuma sounds like Nojima Hirofumi here while Chiaki sounds like Saitou Souma lmao
8. Tadaima Okaeri ~ Kagayaku hi~ 💡
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Release Date: 2021/11/16
Morikawa Toshiyuki x Tamaru Atsushi
Toriumi Kousuke + Taku Yashiro
Terashima Junta
Synopsis: Adaptation of the sequel of the same name.
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ran-orimoto · 1 month
If you could give the frontier kids a different spirit what would it be and if you could change the designs how would they be
Among the asks I’ve received in a month ,this feels so connected to my mood and I’m happy it gave me a kick-start for a new asks row!
Takuya: THUNDER⚡️. Face it: Junpei and Takuya are two sides of the same coin and have been given the most explosive elements matching that bursting bomb of personality they have got. There’s no other element I can see for someone as impulsive as Takuya ahahah. He also ends up in the Thunder circle when they land in Sephirotmon. HHHHH MY THUNDER-FIRE WISH CONNECTION. Due to ATLA, it works so perfectly to me, idk HHHHHHHH. And also imagine an Agnimon with electric hair… He already has got a mane similar to mine when my freaking hair gets messy.
Kouji: Wind🍃. Besides the fact he also ends up in the sphere of the Wind in the Sephirotmon, I think he has always had some sort of connection with the wind? Like, in ep 2 he comments about Digiworld’s wind, he is often represented with his long hair in this wind and he’s a free spirit. Wolfmon couldn’t be absolutely called such any more ahahhahah. But tbh he could also be a sort of ninja moving as fast as the gusts of wind? Kouji can use things such as steel bars (again, ep 2) and climbs mountains, can hide pretty well (the tickle scene episode), can survive to falls. He should take on kendo imo.
Izumi: Fire🔥. The concept of the phoenix, I beg? Imagine the arc of the stolen spirit being handled much better with not only Junpei caring about her own well-being, but also with her coming to terms with a little depression about being the weakest and going through a symbolic rebirth? I’m so obsessed with Izumi’s stolen spirit arc and how dirty it has made her because it barely focused on how she felt FROM HER PERSPECTIVE It’s not right Junpei had to be the vehicle of her emotions? And do things for her while she sat there?????? Izumi???? Moreover, if she got Fire, she would be the mc and I would love it; we would, wouldn’t we?
Junpei: Water💦. To be honest, Junpei would fit Wind as well and it would be hilarious because he wouldn’t go along with his element at all, a bit what I can see Izumi x Water to be, since she always drowns in lakes and seas. Junpei has got a little funny scene featuring him wanting to understand how to orientate through the wind and failing miserably (ep 2). Then, you also have got the EXHILARATING, well-known moment from ep 4, where he tries getting Izumi’s spirit and Fairymon just surpasses him at high speed🤣 (even if Junpei being attacked and Izumi yelling his name is what wakes Fairymon up). EHM, yeah, I could joke about that and also about someone heavy getting an element making him feel as light as a feather yet still retaining his weight. Again, funny, I’d be into it, I have got my hcs about a bond between Fairymon and Junpei, but I prefer imagining Thunder and Wind bonding with each other.
So I’m giving Junpei Water because he sings like a merman tempestous boy can get an element making it rain, generating storms but in another kind of form, in a more active fashion. No, I don’t want Junpei to completely part from his element because that’s an amazing part of his writing, despite how little attention it has got: his fear of thunders, which in a similar rewrite could become fear of storms in general. I don’t think Junpei has got that great relationship with rain, either, if I have to be sincere. That day he forgot the umbrella mustn’t have been that nice on his body. Moreover , do not forget his Beast spirit was found in the sea like Ranamon’s and Fairymon’s and I have always found it so fascinating. Wind x Thunder x Water, my beloved *cough* *cough*. Idk his spirit could be based on a whale and its chants. Kill me.
And now the same suffering point to overcome: Kouichi and Tomoki, whom I don’t think about that much and I always show it. I’m sorry, guys. I’m sorry. Junpei gets two paragraphs and he balances this miserable last part.
Tomoki🪨: Earth. And don’t ask me why Train of Hope has given me this idea of Tomoki ending up being so strict and determined and kinda “I’m a person with my feet firmly pressed against Earth”. In truth, in the anime he kinda was peetty determined and down to Earth (lmao), despite being such a baby? He had his values and held onto it during the Asuramon episode, showing how much he cared about them. Idk? This is my half-assed idea and I hate it, thank you. He could still be a bear, if you ask me. Something similar to Ursaluna.
Kouichi❄️: Because Kouichi can’t be parted from his near-to-death experience in any rewrite, if you ask me, and the only thing I can connect with death is ice and cold. Do I need to explain it…? No idea how he would look like. Something closer to Duskmon than Loweemon.
Thank you for the ask~💕
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redthreadoffate · 2 years
digimon adventure masterlist
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*header: @/earlgreymon
requests open! characters and ships under the cut
digimon adventure written works (all)
digimon secret santa 2021
the four times takeru takaishi confessed his feelings (and the one time he did not) [takeru x hikari] • AO3
2022: mimato year • it’s just like in the movies • 
the surviving crowns [yamato x mimi, takeru x hikari, taichi x sora]
you can’t always protect yourself [taichi x sora]
stalker [yamato x mimi]
reincarnation au [yamato x mimi]
group project turned chaos [slight taichi x sora, slight yamato x mimi, slight takeru x hikari]
the hunger games au [takeru x hikari]
taichi x sora [ i  • ]
yamato x mimi [ i  • ]
takeru x hikari [ i  • ]
*last updated: 03-29-2022
characters (adventure/zero two/2020): taichi, yamato, sora, koushiro, mimi, jyou, takeru, hikari, daisuke, miyako, iori, ken
characters (adventure/zero two/2020): taichi, yamato, sora, koushiro, mimi, jyou, takeru, hikari, daisuke, miyako, iori, ken
characters (digimon partners; adventure/zero two/2020): agumon, gabumon, piyomon, tentomon, palmon, gomamon, patamon, tailmon, v-mon, hawkmon, armadimon, wormmon
ships (adventure/zero two/2020): taichi/yamato, taichi/sora, yamato/mimi, jyou/mimi, takeru/hikari, ken/hikari
characters (tamers): takato, ruki, jenrya, juri, kazu, kenta, shiuchon, ryo
characters (digimon partners; tamers): guilmon, renamon, terriermon, leomon, guardramon, marineangemon, lopmon, cyberdramon
characters (frontier): takuya, koji, izumi, junpei, tomoki, koichi
ships (frontier): koji/izumi
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kiebs · 2 years
FrontierFest 2022
Day 17 - Any (romantic) ships?
Once saw someone mention a poly-pile with Babysitter Tomoki and I gotta say I do enjoy that since I've become just "Love triangle? Polyamory that shit" lol
But nah, that's not my go to shipping tbh
When I was young was VERY into kouzumi (Kouji/Izumi), like to the point I hardly read fics with anything else or read them begrudgingly
Now I'm more laid back with shipping lol I don't really have a set ship anymore, other than my oc x canon trash ass that has not changed since I was a kid lololol
(Which means, yes, I did ship Takuya and Kouichi with mine and my friend's OCs and that hasn't really changed too much 😂)
(I do lean more towards lesbian Izumi and ace Kouji now tho)
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