#t2 simple and clean
eossa · 2 months
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Simple & Clean
Theme 2 Revamp by @eossa
A super minimal theme for your blog. Updated version of the revamp, now supports both NPF and legacy style posts.
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Previews: Live (legacy) + Static (NPF)
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sgiandubh · 5 months
San wears PINK 'chapstick'. There have been multiple smear shots. It appears similar to lip gloss. It makes him look very feminine, more than Tony, who you claim wears lipstick. How is Sam's very pink chapstick, different than what you claim Tony wears? How can you say one is gay, one is not, when the look is very similar? Wearing any lip balm, lip stick, whatever, does not change someone's sexual orientation, btw, anyone who believes it's as simple as that, is very small minded.
Dear Pink Anon,
I cannot believe I am actually answering your shite, to be honest: I am probably bored and unwilling to start cleaning up this flat until tomorrow morning, which is absolutely pathetic.
Let's see what all this fuss is really about:
T0- Bitchy Anon returns with a pic reference and claims - not me, punk! - T and C's lipstick shade was identical. I asked a logical question: what manly man wears lipstick in public? There was no smearing, therefore no smooching. Also, I should hope you Anons know that long lasting lipstick was invented by Baudecroux, in Paris, in 1927, under the name of Rouge Baiser (come on, Anons, my feisty Grandma used it until the day she died!), so how do you explain that very mysterious transfer? Right. You can't. Never mind. McIdiot's lips still look like a forensic exhibit on that pic. I mean, get real, Anon - how is that orange lipstick supposed to look normal on him?
T1- Lipstick Anon comes with a false syllogism I immediately debunked, explaining S is an actor and wondering why the fuck the successful businessman needed lipstick in public. I offered the possibility of tinted lip gloss, as far as S is concerned, and I explained why I think he does it. Does it look conspicuous, at times? It does. Does that mean S is gay? Nope, it doesn't.
T2 - Lip Balm Anon comes forward with a common sense comment that probably infuriated you.
FYI, I do not base my gay AF opinion about McIdiot on this very trivial detail.
And a question for you: how the hell can a #silly chapstick make someone like S look feminine? And how is this shit you wrote not narrow minded, huh?
Come back and you'll get a block.
PS: "multiple smear shots". You people are sick. Seriously.
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fish-boy-ardee · 10 months
Kazui Mukuhara is Gay - Milgram Theory
Firstly, before I start 2nd Trial voice drama translations from @onigiriico https://www.tumblr.com/onigiriico/723866431247220736/kazui-audio-drama-t2-english-tl
So! Cat is out and the gay Kazui theory has very quickly become something I thought was a meme to being something I believe fully in. I wanna go through each piece of evidence and point in the theory in the most thorough manner I can. But for people who don't wanna read this long ass post.
TL;DR: Kazui's 2nd MV uses a lot of imagery that depicts him as an odd one out and shows him ripping apart a white dove, a common symbol at marriages. His voice drama implies he has been lying about himself and stopped lying which his wife to killed herself in response. His acting motif from his first video makes it appear he was acting in his marriage out of obligation for heteronormativity.
Now. The meat.
The Apples. These are a constant in Kazui's videos. In trial one we saw the green apple to represent Kazui and a red apple for his wife, with the red one shattering when she died. However what cat does is put that into perspective. Preceding the shot on the right we see Kazui's marriage and all the people who attended, drawing parallels immediately.
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In half we see Kazui represented as a green apple, or sour apple. But in Cat we see that red and green disparity, painting him as an odd one out. He is different from everyone there and is trying to fit into that crowd. Every mask he puts on is an attempt to blend more into that norm and not be an odd one out in society. What do we see Kazui as in his own reflection in Cat? A sour apple, the odd one out.
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"Let's Keep it Simple" Or Societal Norms One of the biggest aspects of Kazui is his relation to acting, stage magic in this video and stage acting in the first one. Both are used to imply forms of lying on his part but what those lies were about are still a bit unclear however we can assume things.
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Everyone at Kazui's marriage are paired up (minus the middle guy but we will get to that). @ older people, 2 younger people on the left and then even the background characters can be made into groups of two. This is also at his wedding meaning these are the people Kazui is most likely closest to, everyone around him pairing off can push people into marriages out of pressure of those around them. Not to mention Kazui's age, being born at a time where not pairing off would be seen as odd is another push.
Additionally the line "Victim and Perpetrator" in the MV is set up to play into expectations of marriages and cheating. The man is the perpetrator of the affair the the wife is the victim stereotypical. Based on where the text is it could imply either line is talking about who the text is covering or who is shown at the time. BOTH wife and husband here are both victim and verpetrator in this scenario, both are pushed into a pressured relationship and both push the other into it.
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That Damn Bar(tender) aka the long section The bar from Kazui's first video has appeared in every one of his MVs. It's a pretty pivotal location in his life since we know the MVs take from the prisoners mind directly implying locations that show up in great detail have been very relevent in the persons life. The bar could mean many things, Kazui could be a host, it could be where he finds woman to cheat with. BUT! Based on his voice drama Kazui says he never committed infidelity, and based on his emotional outburst I am inclined to believe it
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So what the hell was that bar about? And if it was infidelity then who was he confessing to in this shot- what where was he drinking that type of drink again- at the bar. But if he wasn't cheating on his wife that means he got rejected? These shots are preceding by Kazui admitting to being drunk, meaning he would have a harder time putting on a mask and lying due to his state. But him getting rejected by a woman wouldn't have made him need to come clean to his wife, nor should it have caused her massive reaction to his attempt at cheating if he was honest with her.
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Remember that one dramatic shot of Kazui dropping the glass? It can be assumed that was still at the bar and most likely would be following him getting rejected by whoever he was talking to.
Now, who was the ONE man at Kazui's wedding that had a ring that wasn't paired off.
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The bartender. Milgram only shows facial features when needed, and avoids adding lookalikes due to this, everyone shown is important in some way. Potentially worth noting is that the Bartender appears to be at Kazui's marriage with a ring but is ringless in half (either a divorce, he was never married and the ring in cat is symbolic of Kazui's pressure or desire, or just a detail not included in half since its side character) What is 100% wort noting however, is Kazui's line of sight in half. Remember Milgram doesn't show people for no reason so why the bartender in half? The shots would have worked just as well without him there. Well, trace Kazui's sight line. Following his eyes lead the viewer to-
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-the bartender.He talked to women at the bar but he went there to be close to the bartender. All of his shots have his sight line in that direction, even when the bartender is not in frame. When viewed from the audience seats following his eyes across the stage will always lead you to him.
I have covered that Kazui feels like the odd one out in society, that his marriage was pressured due to external forces and a heavily implied rejection from another man, so whats the point? Well if I am correct Kazui's experience mirrors a lot of my own in getting multiple girls into relationships with me in some bid to find that I was straight and just haven't found the right one. No one was just a "victim" and no one was just a "perpetrator" it was a messy situation that no one benefited from. Like the video states, the way I am "I can't be normal" in the eyes of society. If that's the the case then I have two choices. I can lie about this and keep pretending to be happy with the way things are and not rock the boat or-
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-I can be honest with my feelings and tell the truth to those who got wrapped up in me figuring myself out, regardless the consequences of what others do with that information. If some how that decision was linked to that person killing themselves-
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I would also find it hard to forgive myself and tell the truth again too.
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titanfall-moddy · 6 months
Huge Update
Goal: Rework Northstar Prime Titan to sound and behave more like Mihaly and the XO25f from Ace Combat 7
1.Change offensive ability from Cluster Rocket to Multi-Target Rocket Core.
2. Create two new skins for NSP. Draw color palett inspo from XO25 Erusian fighters from AC7.
Skin 1 will be sleek and and clean. Mostly black with white and orange accents.
Skin 2 will be more weathered and beat up
3. Fix voiceline Mod
4. Change hud look to resemble AC7 hud. Main changes will include - changes to missile lock crosshairs - changes to taget acquisition crosshairs. Square = titan/vehicles. Octagon = pilot/grunt - change color scheme to green/red depending on situation - add elevation meter, maybe even double hover height, just for fun. kinda broken but whatever.
Lessons learned so far.
T1. Changing the offensive ability is actually really easy. all you have to do is go to /scripts/weapons/wpn_name and swap "shoulder" for "dumbfire" between the two files. While simple, bear in mind that the game will crash if player has not deselected both "Enhanced Payload" - Northstar "Multi-Target Rocket Core" - Monarch
from their Titan Kit. Having either ability selected will cause a crash on Titan spawn.
T2. Getting models into blender and editing them is simple enough through either the VPK tool or Legion+, however the real trick right now is getting them back into the game files in an edited/acceptable state. T3. I learned that nearly all audio for the voiceline mod (especially the viocelines) needs to be on Channel 2, otherwise called stereo. this mean that when you're looking at your audio file in whatever program you're using, there should be two audio waves right on top of each other that are identical. You must almost make sure that there is no meta data in the file, and that it's exported at 48K hz otherwise the game will not play the sound correctly.
Another note, it does not matter what you name the audio file so long as it goes into the proper folder, although giving it a similar name does help with organization.
T4. Changing the crosshair is probably the easiest thing to do in the game files. They're always in weapon .txt files and always at the very bottom. Also, there are plenty of lists online that have all the crosshair names so you don't even have to guess which ones are which or go sleuthing through the game files. I was able to change the mutli-lock crosshair to the smart-pistol reticle easy enough but struggled in getting the target- acquisition marker to show up even though it's coded into the multi-lock file. Weird, I know.
T1. Figure out whether or not it will be easier to add an entirely new titan via copy/pasting asssets and changing the names, or if I should change all existing assets for the game to XO25. In my brain the latter would be the easiest as there's some background stuff I won't have to change in order for the game to still function properly. However…
T2. My guess is that the easiest way to go about changing the skins is to edit the base model titan and then replace the existing model with my own. That way the edited version is the default skin in-game. However…
T3. I do not know why the mod isn't working anymore. Changing the vpk files shouldn't have affected it at all. I must figure out what's causing the issue. I've boiled it down to three guesses. 1. It's my computer, it just doesnt like or doesn't want to cooperate. 2. There's something actually wrong with the mod, i.e. it's not using the right dependency or something 3. somehow. palpatine returned.
T4. Changing crosshairs is very easy, thankfully. Getting crosshairs to behave is somehow another task entirely since I don't fully understand the games language/structure yet. For this, I need to get a hold of the Ace Combat game files and to be honest I haven't even begun to look into that yet. Hopefully it won't be too much of a hassle to import the assest into the game since they've both been out forever. I'd also like to take this time to stop myself before I add another task onto my already full plate. However…
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aoife-asturmaux · 1 year
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Moogle Tome Farming Uniform
decided to document my temporary blu glam while i work on unlocking the lv 70 artifact gear. I’d made glam similar to this before endwalker, but quickly replaced it with the clown outfit and never made an EC post for it. it was fun coming back to it, this time with a snazzier pair of pants and a cane i’d been wanting for a while!
I took the pics in Binding Coil T2 because.... well, if you know you know
shader: neneko simple & clean 2
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selectrun0 · 2 years
5 Essential Elements For iptv
Gfgfgfgfg.xxx. There are many IPTV boxes to choose from, however this MAG424/W3 IPTV box is among the most well-known. It is a top-quality product with high technical specs and high-end performance. It supports high-efficiency video codecs, which reduces the load on networks. It can also support a range of video and audio formats, for instance, H.264 or MP3. Additionally, the box has a an easy-to-use interface, and it supports different types of connectivity like HDMI 2, Micro SD, and Ethernet. If you're looking for a top-quality, affordable device, the FORMULER Z8 may be an ideal alternative. This IPTV box comes with Android 8.1 as well as being easy-to-use. https://phtvmedia.com/iptv-formuler-box/ include mytvonline2, a 4K video playback, and dual-band premium network service. The remote is equipped with 2 AAA batteries, an 8GB eMMC drive, as well as a variety of connections options. The Backlit Remote is also very useful for viewing in low illumination. Although Apple TV costs PS200 the Roku Express is an IPTV device that is compatible with all streaming providers. The Roku Express is highly capable of adapting, can be USB-compatible and be used with multiple gadgets. It is therefore the IPTV box that's best for consumers who are on a budget. Also, since Roku is renowned for its aesthetics and its ease of use and design, the Roku Express can be the ideal choice for budget-conscious consumers. Apart from its stunning looks, Roku also offers great audio and video quality. The top IPTV boxes are created by well-known brands. An established brand is more likely to produce a quality product than a less popular or unreliable model. Additionally, IPTV boxes from big name manufacturers tend to have lesser prices than Chinese equivalents. You should purchase one that is backed by a solid track record and comes with a guarantee. Be sure to search and you will likely find the most suitable model from the many options with a reasonable cost. The BuzzTV XR4000 budget IPTV box is an ideal alternative. The IPTV box can be capable of providing HDR and 4K resolutions. Its excellent image quality and a user-friendly remote control it is my top pick to buy an Android IPTV device. The T1 IPTV box is a great choice for those on a budget. However, the T2 offers more advanced capabilities.
If you're not concerned with load times, the MAG 254 IPTV box is a great choice. The MAG number 256 is an ideal option for those whose internet connection is wired. The MAG 256 IPTV box is superior in terms of specifications. The menus in the MAG 254 run quicker and wi-fi signals are better than those of its predecessor. Although they have some similarities, both offer similar streaming speeds. Formuler is a well-known company. This model provides top quality hardware for a fair price. Its interface is clean and intuitive, with a beautiful appearance. It's the top IPTV box that is available at the moment. This model Formuler Z8 has 16GB internal storage. With this much internal memory, it's able to record a lot of content. If you're searching for HD channels with a cheap cost, then this IPTV box is an ideal choice. SuperBox is a great IPTV box designed for novices. SuperBox S2 Pro is easy to install and offers dual-band Wi-Fi. The S2 Pro comes with a 70 percent faster streaming speed, and an easy-to-use interface. It's a great choice for families. IPTV Box is a good option for parents wanting to buy their first IPTV. This is also a good option for those who are new to the world of IPTV and want to get an IPTV box with a simple interface. Because it's easy to use and has a simple interface, this box is the ideal choice for families with kids. IPTV allows you to view live television channels on the internet. IPTV services are provided through a packet-switched network, and the IPTV boxes transform information received via the internet connection to the television's format. A majority of them come with an input that can be used to connect to a TV tuner, so users can view the signal via their television. They can also stream UHD 4K video. An IPTV box has many advantages as well as drawbacks. You should shop around for an IPTV that best is suitable for your needs when contemplating the purchase. The XR4000 is an IPTV Box that comes with an array of functions. The XR4000 IPTV box features 4K HDR resolution as well as remote access. The box also offers great performance and reliability. Other impressive functions include 16GB internal storage as well as a backup function. Another great feature for this model is its built-in Bluetooth 5.0. Even though it's expensive, it's worth the investment if you want a device which is suitable for an environment at home.
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loulougoingsolo · 4 years
Spot the big bird
I woke up this morning around 6 a.m. to the sound of a pheasant rooster screaming toot-toot under my window. After that, there was wing flapping, as the bird hopped to another spot. He kept making noise all morning, making it impossible for me to sleep. I don’t normally wake up at 6 a.m. on a Saturday, so the rest of my day has been more or less foggy. But I think I get 50 points for spotting a big bird, right?
In this week’s vlog, Rhett and Link go biking by the L.A. river. I know we are currently mostly making jokes about Rhett’s hair going wild, but can I just say that Link looks a bit like an older lady who has just removed the curlers from their hair after the night and forgot to do the final swoop through the curls, in the beginning of the video? (I admit I occasionally have that hair-do, too, even without the curlers. But I feel I had to mention his hair.)
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I’m a simple girl living in the country side, and for me, the idea of a river turned into a concrete ditch is a bit odd - even though I know my brother living in a more urban environment, often goes biking by a similar “constructed” river. Not knowing anything about the L.A., I went on to google the bicycle route the guys are taking in this video, and was glad to find out it has its own Wiki page, in case you’re interested!
It seems there is a bit of a power play going on between the guys, as the drive to the start of their path. Rhett is driving this time, but Link is more familiar with the biking route, so who is in charge? I don’t quite know how a bike trip could be turned into a commune living arrangement type of a situation, or how a commune could suddenly turn into a sex cult, but evidently, whoever tells the others they can only have sex with the one in charge, but not with each other, is the leader. So...how does this apply to biking? Also which is it, if there is always a leader? And how the heck did we get to sex cults this early in the video?
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I just love how self-concious Rhett is feeling about wearing the bicycle helmet. And, he actually asked for Link’s opinion about which helmet he should wear. I think it’s very adorable, really, and I just love how Link always finds new, innovative ways to compliment Rhett’s mane. This is the first time I’ve heard the word asinine, but Link says it in the most loving way possible, and to be quite honest, he isn’t wrong. But thankfully, Rhett fixes his lopsided hair, and everything works out just fine.
I have to say, bicycle helmets make me feel very self-concious, too. I actually have a helmet that is almost identical to the one Link has - solid black and practical. Why do we need to feel stupid when wearing something that can literally save our lives? (But since helmets do look kinda stupid, at least solid black goes with everything.) And here’s a Grandson of Anarchy, Rhett McLaughlin, for y’all to enjoy, in his full glory:
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We have more lakes than rivers around where I live, and most bicycle routes here are basically dirt roads surrounded by rural landscape, but I think I prefer it that way. The scenery around the L.A. river is too open, too loud and way too constructed for my liking, but there is something very grandiose about the river. Rhett also looks pretty grandiose next to Link. I should be used to their size difference by now, but Link looks so tiny, again. He’s small enough to fit in Rhett’s pocket.
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I wasn’t getting at all bored by watching the guys on their bikes, but I admit, the idea of a scavenger hunt is pretty appealing, even if the guys probably won’t find people with old money in the river. But there might have been someone rich there, since who in their right mind throws away a fairly functional looking stroller? Don’t they cost a fortune?
I don’t think the river cleaning crew was joking about finding dead bodies in the river. I know in the nearest bigger city in my area, which has a rapid with dams running across the centre, they empty the river of all water every now and then (usually in the spring), and bodies have been found more than once. (Which reminds me, one time I was on a bicycle ride with my mom, and we took a short cut through the woods, and found a dead goat there. It was horrible. It smelled so bad. There were flies everywhere. And now I’ve given everyone reading this nightmares. Sorry.)
I just realized that the L.A. river was probably where they filmed that one chase scene in Terminator 2. Am I right? I knew those concrete slopes looked somehow familiar. No wonder I had an unpleasant feeling about that river. I saw T2 way too young - they should never have allowed me into the theater at the age of 12. But never mind about that.
There is a lot of junk in that river, and it does make me kinda mad, too, just like Rhett. I once found a whole VCR  in the place I like to go pick mushrooms, so a VHS tape in a river isn’t surprising. One thing good about the digital age is that there aren’t quite that many old VHS or mix tapes lying around. The mix tape of 2020 is a Spotify playlist, I guess.
Since I clearly have nothing better to do, I ended up doing an internet search on different cross symbols, to find the one carved in the tree stump Rhett and Link find. It appears to be a cross potent. No idea why one would be in L.A. river, unless it’s just a very complicated way to make the tree stump rot quicker.
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I think my new favourite thing is seeing Link just give up and start laughing, after trying to get Rhett talk about littering without threatening to kill someone. I think it’s only fair to talk trash about people who throw their trash in nature, and a message coming from an angry biker is probably a good idea. But I just love hearing Link snort and giggle.
After the rat chase vlog, and today’s episode, I think there soon is enough material for a full Rhett and Link horror movie. I would love to hear what the people, who asked if everything was okay with the guys, were thinking. One day, the title of these vlogs is going to be “The One Where They Get Arrested”.
I’m not a qualified gif maker, so I can’t capture all the pelvic thrusts of this vlog in their full glory. As enjoyable as it was to see the guys do their solo acts, some things just are more fun when done together. My only excuse for the edit below is that if they have the audacity to film something like this without even moving the camera between takes, they are asking to be edited together. It took me less than 5 minutes to do the edit, which, yes, is pretty crappy, but I just couldn’t miss the opportunity, when it was served to me on a silver platter.
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lbibliophile-mcu · 4 years
Tony Stark Bingo 2020 Masterpost - 3096
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The @tonystarkbingo is complete! Thank you to the mods and other participants for making it so much fun.
With the new system of adopting less popular prompts, I have a blackout!
This round saw a lot more art fills than previously:
10 moodboard/gifset/graphic
6 fanfic (325-1200 words)
5 fanart (4 DUM-E’s Drawings and one actual sketch-set) 
5 drabble/ficlet (3 with moodboard)
2 poem
1 craft
Fill links and details under the cut
Duckling Therapy II
S1 – stay still Link/s: AO3 Tumblr  Fill type: drabble (100 words) Characters: Tony Stark & Bucky Barnes Tags: ducklings! Summary: This was not how Tony expected to finally catch up to Barnes. 
T1 – fireplace Link/s: AO3 Fill type: fanfic (970 words) Characters: Tony Stark & Bucky Barnes Tags: Touch-starved, Bucky Barnes needs a hug Summary: Conduction n, the transfer of heat energy via contact. It is a small thing that makes him notice. A simple clap on the shoulder, emphasis for whatever point he is making. But when he moves to take his hand away, Bucky follows, just for a moment, prolonging the contact.
Situational Analysis
A1 – kidnapped Link/s: AO3  Fill type: fanfic (1200 words) Characters: Tony Stark/Bucky Barnes Tags: Tony Stark has terrible coping mechanisms, sleep deprivation, headaches, kidnapping? Summary: As awareness gradually seeps back in, the first thing Tony notices is the headache. Not that this is exactly an uncommon state of affairs; but depending on the reason for the headache, his day will have drastically different outcomes. Aka, is he waking up to a mild annoyance, or a rather unpleasant morning, or an increasingly miserable however long until he manages to get himself back home?  
Employee of the Year
K1 – Obadiah Stane/Iron Monger Link/s: Tumblr Fill type: gifset Characters: Pepper Potts Tags: Pepper Potts appreciation, down to murder for her boss Summary: “I do anything and everything Mr Stark requires. Including, occasionally, taking out the trash.” She was expecting the scheduling, and the fetching and carrying, and even escorting out his overnight ‘guests’. She was not prepared for literally replacing her boss’ heart, hacking into their own company, or killing the CEO gone rouge. But she is Virginia ‘Pepper’ Potts; whatever Tony Stark needs, she will make it happen.
Moodboard for Status Report
S2 – major injuries Link/s: AO3 Tumblr Fill type: moodboard Characters: Tony Stark, JARVIS Tags: Heavy angst, Major character death, AVALON protocol, self-sacrifice Summary: Iron Man is a superhero, but Tony Stark is only human. And sometimes, what is asked of a superhero is more than a human can give. So Tony makes contingency plans. He makes the AVALON protocol. He makes sure that Iron Man is able to help the Avengers even when human Tony Stark… can’t. 
T2 – time travel (to the future) Link/s: Tumblr Fill type: moodboard and ficlet (170 words) Characters: Tony Stark & Morgan Stark Tags: Major character death, angst, time travel Summary: Time travel is real, and Tony has to make a choice: to ignore this chance to restore the Dusted, or to risk all he has gained since. Strange had told him that there is only one future in which they succeed; he needs to know if this is that one. But… he has a time machine.  
Iron Man is Red
 A2 – cliche Link/s: AO3 Tumblr Fill type: fanart [DUM-E’s Drawings] Characters: Tony Stark, DUM-E, U Tags: DUM-E’s Drawings, Valentines day, Roses are red Summary: Valentine’s Day again, and DUM-E talks U into helping with TON-E’s card.
Go the Fuck to Medical
R2 – day-in-the-life Link/s: AO3 Tumblr Fill type: poem (200 words) Characters: Phil Coulson & Avengers Team Tags: Hiding medical issues, Language (as per title), Avengers family,  Phil Coulson has the patience of a saint - and this is his breaking point  Summary: Phil Coulson likes the Avengers, likes working with them. But when it comes to convincing them to seek necessary medical attention... the next person to complain is getting dragged there by their ear!
What Matters
K2 – image [comics old!Tony] Link/s: Tumblr Fill type: moodboard/graphic Characters: Tony Stark & Morgan Stark Tags: Tony’s masks Summary: Tony has played many roles in his life, each famous in their way. But he is never more proud of a title he’s earned than when Morgan calls him “Daddy”.
Love is Comfortable
S3 – limping Link/s: Tumblr Fill type: moodboard Characters: Pepper Potts / Natasha Romanoff Tags: Fluffy socks Summary: As a woman, being beautiful is painful. So when they're together, they prefer to be comfortable.
Just Apply STE-V
T3 – matchmaker Link/s: AO3 Tumblr Fill type: fanfic (425 words) Characters: Tony Stark/Steve Rogers, DUM-E Tags: Mutual pining, developing relationship, DUM-E ships it Summary: When TON-E is sad, DUM-E finds ways to cheer him up. When TON-E is pining, DUM-E finds him STE-V. (Steve would rather prefer to have been consulted on this before being ‘delivered’.)
On Being Tony Stark’s Friend
A3 – free Link/s: AO3 Tumblr Fill type: drabble (100 words) Characters: Tony Stark & James Rhodes Tags: non-codependent friendship Summary: To be Tony’s friend, Rhodey had to learn to step back. They must complement each other, not complete. 
Trauma Bingo (the Avengers need ALL the therapy)
R3 – shared trauma Link/s: AO3 Tumblr Fill type: fanfic (1180 words) Characters: Bucky Barnes & Avengers Team Tags: Angst and humour, PTSD (many traumatic topics mentioned briefly - see fic tags) Summary: SHIELD remembers that trauma therapy exists, and their sights are set on the Avengers. Aka. How many issues can you fit in one team, and can you also get them all in the same person. Succeeding at trauma bingo is not actually winning…
DUM-E Draws a Bath
K3 – miscommunication Link/s: AO3 Tumblr Fill type: fanart [DUM-E’s Drawings] Characters: Tony Stark & DUM-E Tags: DUM-E’s Drawings, literal interpretation, DUM-E is a disaster bot Summary: DUM-E tries to be helpful, but interpreting English is hard.
Gift of the Universe
S4 – resurrection Link/s: Tumblr Fill type: moodboard and ficlet (150 words) Characters: Tony Stark & infinity stones Tags: Sentient infinity stones, resurrection Summary: Tony Stark. We see you, we know you. Everything comes with a price, but you – our champion – have paid enough. Accept our gift, and wake!
Brooklyn Boy
T4 – Writing format: non-prose Link/s: AO3 Tumblr Fill type: poem (350 words) Characters: Tony Stark / Steve Rogers Tags: Filk, Pining, Happy ending Summary: It’s just not fair that Steve is so perfect... How could Tony not love him?
Cleaning up the Evidence
R4 – writing format: dialogue only Link/s: AO3 Tumblr Fill type: moodboard and drabble (100 words) Characters: Tony Stark/Bucky Barnes, Steve Rogers Tags: De-aging, Parent Tony Stark, Bubble-bath Summary: Tony discovers the unexpected pitfalls of an artistic toddler
TON-E and PET-R; or I-N Man and SPID-R Man
S5 – Peter Parker / Spiderman Link/s: AO3 Tumblr Fill type: fanart [DUM-E’s Drawings] Characters: Tony Stark & Peter Parker, DUM-E Tags: DUM-E’s Drawings, puns Summary: DUM-E meets PET-R, TON-E’s new young friend, and has fun with their superhero names. He also discovers how to improvise a ruler.
With me or Against me
T5 – angst Link/s: Tumblr Fill type: moodboard Characters: Tony Stark &Steve Rogers Tags: Betrayal, Sokovia Accords Summary: He and Steve have always had their disagreements, but he’d thought that being Avengers together meant something. Apparently not.  
Storyboard for Define Winning
A5 – Writing format: missing scene/epilogue/coda Link/s: Tumblr Fill type: graphic/storyboard Characters: Stephen Strange Tags: Time stone / Eye of Agamotto, Mapping the future, Infinity War Summary: When fighting against impossible odds, you need to know exactly what you are trying to achieve; what is the one battle you cannot lose. Sometimes, success all comes down to asking the right question.
Surprise Superpowers: the Good, the Bad and the Awkward
R5 – supersoldier serum Link/s: AO3 Tumblr Fill type: fanfic (1020 words) Characters: Tony Stark Tags: Extremis!Tony Stark Summary: When Tony injected himself with a modified Extremis, it was supposed to keep him alive long enough for the arc reactor to be removed, then quietly fade away. It was not supposed to be this strong. It was not supposed to stick around. And it was not supposed to combine with Dr Cho's Cradle and the suit implants to create some really weird side-effects. Tony's not sure what to think about these new superpowers, so he decides to write it all out.
Learning Curve
K5 – image [DUM-E] Link/s: AO3 Tumblr Fill type: fanfic (325 words) Characters: Tony Stark & DUM-E Tags: MIT era, DUM-E is born, DUM-E is a disaster bot Summary: Tony never intended to create an AI as uniquely special as DUM-E, but he recognises it instantly when he does.  
DUM-E’s Revenge
Adopted (January) – Sunset Bain Link/s: AO3 Tumblr Fill type: fanart [DUM-E’s Drawings] Characters: DUM-E, Sunset Bain (past Tony Stark/Sunset Bain) Tags: DUM-E’s Drawings, Vicarious revenge Summary: DUM-E really doesn’t like people who hurt his TON-E.
Adopted (March) – facial-hair bros Link/s: Tumblr Fill type: craft Characters: DUM-E Tags: Dum-e is a disaster bot, Tony’s goatee Summary: DUM-E likes TON-E’s goatee, and U is an enabler.
DUM-E plays dress-ups
Adopted (June) – KINK: role-playing Link/s: Tumblr Fill type: fanart Characters: DUM-E Tags: Dum-e is a disaster bot, dress-ups Summary: The Avengers are some of DUM-E’s favourite people, so he tries to copy them. With varying degrees of success.
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tonystarkbingo · 4 years
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TSB Week 9 Roundup!
No badges this past week, so go forth and enjoy the nifty content our creators have provided!
Title: Incalescence Collaborator: eirlyssa Link: AO3 Square Filled: K2 - Huddling for Warmth Ship: WinterIron Rating: Gen Major Tags: Arc Reactor Issues, Metal Arm Issues, Getting Together Summary: The cold had always bothered Tony, especially considering the Arc reactor in his chest. When he realizes he's not the only one suffering, he decides to do something about it. Word Count: 900
Title: In My Dreams I Turn You On - Chapter 2 Collaborator: ceealaina Link: AO3 Square Filled: K5 - Mutual Pining Ship: WinterIron Rating: Explicit Major Tags: Mutual Pining, explicit sexual content Summary: Tony’s crushing hard on his new massage therapist, but doesn’t want to be a sleazy businessman. Bucky’s crushing hard on his latest client, but doesn’t want to take advantage of him in a vulnerable position. So they handle it like any sane adults - pretend it’s not happening and refuse to discuss it. At least they both have terrible friends to help them through it. Word Count: 11,067
Title: Situational Analysis Collaborator: lbibliophile-mcu Link: AO3 Square Filled: A1 - Kidnapping Ship: WinterIron Rating: Gen Major Tags: Sleep Deprivation, Headaches, Kidnapping Summary: As awareness gradually seeps back in, the first thing Tony notices is the headache. Not that this is exactly an uncommon state of affairs; but depending on the reason for the headache, his day will have drastically different outcomes. Aka, is he waking up to a mild annoyance, or a rather unpleasant morning, or an increasingly miserable however long until he manages to get himself back home.  Word Count: 1200
Title: The Paper Football Champion Collaborator: newnewyorker93 Link: Tumblr Square Filled: R3 - Games Ship: None Rating: Gen Major Tags: None Summary: Nebula has her paper football and she’s ready to play! Word Count: N/A [Feltie]
Title: let the soft animal of your body love what it loves - xv Collaborator: deathsweetqueen Link: AO3 Square Filled: S2 - Occupational Hazard Ship: Stony Rating: Explicit Major Tags: Time Travel Summary: In 2023, Steve Rogers, after burning his husband's body, goes through the timelines to return each of the Infinity Stones. In 2015, Tony Stark’s husband returns to him and for the first time in years, he has hope for his marriage. Word Count: 66,332
Title: Caught Out Collaborator: JacarandaBanyan   Link: AO3 Square Filled: S5 - fake spell Ship: WinterIron Rating: Teen Major Tags: Mentioned sex, established relationship Summary: After Steve introduces a new rule about over-the-top PDA in communal spaces, Tony and Bucky hatch a plan to get around the rule. In hindsight, maybe they should have thought of a better plan. Word Count: 1224
Title: Anywhere You Go, Let Me Go Too Collaborator: cami-chats Link: AO3 Square Filled: A2 - Abducted R3 - First Date T2 - Kink: Rushed Sex K5 - Anticipation S4 - Interrupted Kiss Ship: Tony Stark/Peggy Carter Rating: Explicit Major Tags: Time Travel, Period Typical Homophobia Summary: What should have been a regular fight with Doom sends Tony hurtling back to the ‘40’s in the middle of World War Two. Maybe that would have been fine except he lands right in the middle of Project Rebirth and gets roped into becoming Howard’s assistant. Now Tony’s in love with someone that’ll be senile when he returns to the present, and he doesn’t know how to be fair to Peggy while trying to save himself a broken heart. Fortunately, Peggy doesn’t plan on being left behind. Word Count: 19,778
Title: Spring Blossoms Collaborator: eirlyssa Link: AO3 Square Filled: A4 - Gardening  Ship: WinterIron Rating: Gen Major Tags: Getting Together Summary: There wasn't much Tony had that was truly his, but this was one of them. Until he noticed Bucky struggling and decided to help. Word Count: 1392
Title: Cleaning Up the Evidence Collaborator: lbibliophile-mcu Link: Tumblr Square Filled: R4 - Writing Format: Dialogue Only Ship: WinterIron Rating: Gen Major Tags: De-aging, Parent Tony Stark Summary: Tony discovers the unexpected pitfalls of an artistic toddler [+moodboard] Word Count: 100
Title: Blue Blankets and Bright Giggles Collaborator: HogwartstoAlexandria Link: AO3 Square Filled: A2 - Sunrise/Sunset Ship: Happy Hogan/Tony Stark Rating: Gen Major Tags: Non-Sexual Age Play Summary: Ever since Afghanistan, and Obie, Tony's become averse to loud noises. He was never a fan of shouting matches, but now, they're his worst nightmare as a little, and Happy can't have that can he? Word Count: 1031
Title: Keep You Safe and Warm Collaborator: eirlyssa Link: AO3 Square Filled: A3 - Free Ship: WinterIron Rating: Teen Major Tags: Implied/Referenced Child Abuse Summary: When Tony comes to see Bucky, it's easy to tell that something is very wrong. Word Count: 1234
Title: Maze of Horrors - Chapter 2 Collaborator: ABrighterDarkness Link: AO3 Square Filled: A5 - Phobia Ship: Stony Rating: Explicit Major Tags: Psychological Horror, Temporary Character Death Summary: “How long?” he asked despite really not wanting to know the answer. How long had he lost this time? How many times was this going to be his reality? How many times would he be forced to see the evidence of those he loved moving on and living their lives while he was left in the dust again? How many years was he destined to lose before he was allowed to live in some semblance of peace? When Tony spoke there was an unusual hesitance to his tone and the words were quiet and carried a similar pain to what Steve felt rushing through his mind and body. “Fourteen years,” he answered. He cleared his throat and gave a slight self-depreciative smile before continuing, “Fourteen years, two months, and seventeen days, if you want the whole of it.” Word Count: 5953
Title: N/A [Moodboard] Collaborator: chel Link: Tumblr Square Filled: A3 - Free Ship: ironsastiel Rating: Gen Major Tags: supernatural crossover Summary: a hunter, a superhero, and an angel walk into a bar…and sass each other and fall in love and live happily ever after Word Count: N/A [Moodboard]
Title: Give Me Support for Being Alive Collaborator: polizwrites Link: AO3 Square Filled: K2 - Writing Format: First Person Ship: WinterIron Rating: Gen Major Tags: CA:WS Canon Divergence, First Person POV, pre-slash Summary: Bucky finds out why Tony doesn’t hate him. Word Count: 1169
Title: Maze of Horrors - Chapter 3 Collaborator: abrighterdarkness Link: AO3 Square Filled: T1 - Wake up! Ship: Stony Rating: Explicit Major Tags: Hurt/Comfort, Recovery, Fake-Science Summary: “It’s okay,” Tony continued lowly, one hand cupping the back of Steve’s neck, thumb stroking over the base of his head when Steve shuddered into the embrace. “We’re okay. It’s only been three days. No time lost and I’m definitely not married.” Steve gave a choked laugh but his hold tightened fractionally, “It’s over?” “Seems like,” Tony answered. “I think we’re home safe and sound.” Steve slumped back against the bed in relief, pulling Tony down with him. Word Count: 16,905
Title: Bot Connection Collaborator: newnewyorker93 Link: Tumblr Square Filled: Adopted - robot family Ship: Dum-E/Opportunity Rover Rating: Gen Major Tags: moodboard  Summary: Word Count:
Title: Conduction Collaborator: lbibliophile-mcu Link: AO3 Square Filled: T1 - fireplace Ship: Tony & Bucky Rating: Gen Major Tags: Touch-starved, Bucky Barnes needs a hug Summary: Conduction n, the transfer of heat energy via contact.  It is a small thing that makes him notice. A simple clap on the shoulder, emphasis for whatever point he is making. But when he moves to take his hand away, Bucky follows, just for a moment, prolonging the contact. Word Count: 970
Title: Death Shall Have His Dominion Collaborator: MagicaDraconia16 Link: AO3 Square Filled: S5 - dark Ship: none Rating: Teen Major Tags: Dark, death-fic, nobody lives Summary: When Thanos arrived at Earth looking for the Infinity Stones, he found it already dead. He, too, found death there. And now, thanks to his armada, the Merchant of Death has a way to travel beyond Earth. And death is what he lives for. Word Count: 1335
Title: N/A Collaborator: dr-stxrk Link: Tumblr Square Filled: S5 - galaxy Ship: none Rating: Gen Major Tags: gifset/edit Summary: N/A
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puzzlette-blog1 · 4 years
Mechanical keyboard test 2017 comparison and buying advice
Mechanical keyboard test 2017 comparison and buying advice On the other hand, the letters are arranged in a curved form and in 2 separate blocks. If you only write on the PC occasionally, simple rectangular keyboards are sufficient. If you work full-time on the computer and want to use the keyboard in your office, for example, ergonomic designs with a suitable design and a high level of user-friendliness are recommended. Models with matching gaming buttons are ideal for computer games. With a little rinse we also get the fat deposits on the fingers from the keys. Care should also be taken not to use harsh cleaning agents. These would ensure that the legible numbers and letters on the keyboard are rubbed off. The low volume of a notebook keyboard is not achieved. The bright click is no longer necessary, the keyboard clinks dull. The half-height buttons mean a good compromise between accuracy and noise reduction. Space and backspace are louder than the rest. Keyboards often have so-called hotkeys, also media keys, shortcuts, or freely assignable shortcut keys. These increase the functionality of a keyboard by enabling special input commands for certain programs at the touch of a button. They are particularly useful for gaming, video and image editing, but also for music lovers who want to play and control their music on a PC. Depending on the equipment, the price can also be significantly above this price range. With a special adapter, you can also connect your USB keyboard to the PS / 2 interface of your computer. Modern Both keyboards and the latest computers are hardly equipped with PS / 2 cables or
the spacebar, a quite annoying metallic feather when you hear it clicks.
These are noticeable bumps in the form of a point or a line (feeler bar [16]), or a noticeably different shape of the keys.
In contrast to Cherry MX switches, the switching point at Buckling Springs cannot be felt when the button is released.
The keys on which the umlauts are in German have a completely different meaning on an English QWERTY keyboard.
Even if cleaning the keyboard is annoying, you should do it regularly.
The Alt-Gr key was also introduced. It is advantageous that the required device drivers are included in every operating system and that we can insert a USB keyboard even during operation. Only with the AT keyboard was the dust cleaning mud a> Interface bidirectional, so that the LEDs for the Num Lock, Scroll Lock and Caps Lock keys could be illuminated by feedback from the computer. Data typists, court clerks or editors reach a very high number of hits. Since then, many wired and wireless keyboards have been developed by Microsoft. If you like it colorful but otherwise rather minimalistic, you should rather use the BAKTH gaming keyboard. The keyboard ends exactly sleeps, where the keys end. In Games.ch's mechanical keyboard practical test, the Razer BlackWidow keyboard was rated particularly well because of the better grip compared to its predecessor, the Razer BlackWidow Chroma V2 Esports mechanical keyboard. Over time, dirt and dust accumulate in the spaces between the buttons. If you eat at the desk, you will also find some bread crumbs there. Illuminated keyboards are popular with gamers, but are also used in other areas. If the keyboard is illuminated, however, it consumes more power. Only the SSD, which is bound to Apple's T2 security chip, criticizes iFixit. If you regularly knock the keyboard over and vacuum it off, then no stubborn lint carpet will collect between the keys. The switches are soldered directly onto the circuit board, which should not be put in the dishwasher. If there is no other way, at least 2 days in the sun and blow dry a few minutes in between. Perixx keyboards are available for prolific writers, normal users as well as gamers. These keyboards are equipped with numerous features, such as key lighting, additional programmable function keys and a stylish design.
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eossa · 2 years
hello i had a coding related question. i'm using simple and clean (beautiful theme btw!) and i wanted to return the "edit post" feature to the blog. where in the code should that be added?
Hello and thank you for using my theme. I‘m assuming that you are using the revamped version of Simple & Clean. Restoring the default controls should be quite easy; there is a toggle in the customization panel called "Custom Controls" (5th toggle in the panel) which you can disable (= gray color), then the default controls with post editing are visible. I hope this answer helps you!
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Double Trouble Reunion, part 7.5
fandom: Stony (Steve x Tony), Avengers,
universe: Double Trouble universe (Steve and Tony, T2 and S2)
summary: With both couple beings at peace, a promise of a happy foursome times was near. Foursome?
length: 4 728 words
a/n: trying something new! if remember the times when I posted DT, you will notice that I went back to my evil ways, muhahahaha... feedback, likes and reblogs are greatly appreciated!
Double Trouble Reunion, part 7.5
"What the hell did you do?!"
That was unexpected. Steve looked up and saw S2 standing directly in front of him. Steve was on the couch, sitting near the edge while Tonys were on his right and they all had been waiting for S2 to come back from the kitchen with popcorn, almost ready to start their movie night. And yet, holding a bowl of freshly popped popcorn smelling of butter and salt, was S2 with an angered face, sending him a harsh look. Not at Tony, not at T2, but at him. Even Tonys leaned out curiously, wondering what that was about.
"Uh… What do you mean?" Steve asked, not understanding what he could have done to upset the other him. Quite opposite, they were on good terms lately and the sudden hostility was really unexpected.
"Where are the crab and lobster shells I left in the fridge?!" S2 yelled, his face set in firm anger.
"Uuuuuuuuu," a low sound from Tonys, temporarily distracted S2 who send a quick glare at the brunets. Tony looked up innocently, avoiding the gaze, while T2 smiled sheepishly and reached hands for the bowl with popcorn, making grabby motions.
Steve also looked at Tonys, not understanding what was happening. He threw them out. What good were those shells for?
"In… the… trashcan…" Steve answered, watching as with every word S2's face was changing. Anger. Bewilderment. Shock.
"What?! Why-why-why would you do that?!" S2 yelled more sounding a lot like a broken record, and Steve heard Tonys munching on popcorn, the crunching sound vivid in his ears. Getting him yelled at by the other him was probably a great spectacle for their boyfriends.
"What do you mean why?!" Steve yelled more, feeling as if he was being tested. Why S2 just couldn't get to the point? "Those were just shells, they were trash anyway---"
"Trash?!" S2 yelled, wobbling weakly on his legs as if he heard something awful. How could the other him be so ignorant? "I planned to use them for stock! And you threw it away!"
"Stock?" Steve repeated, hearing the crunching sound intensify. Tonys were having too much fun watching their yelling match.
"Yeah, stock! Like, you boil bones for meat stock, you boil shells for fish stock! How can you not know such things?! We would have perfectly good crab and lobster stock and it could last for days, do you know how many amazing dishes we could prepare using that?! Lobster is expensive at it is already, you should use every ounce of lobster---"
Too many words. Too many words, spoken too quickly, mingling into one. Steve didn't even know he was capable of talking so quickly. He started to catch some heavy notes of the Brooklyn accent, and whenever that was happening, the conversation was entering a dangerous zone.
"Okay, okay, okay!" Steve yelled, trying to be louder than the other's rant. "I am sorry, alright?! I didn't know! Tomorrow I will go to the city and buy you a new lobster!" he offered, clearly panicking.
Steve closed his mouth, corners of his lips turned down, forming an upside down u shape. "Okay," he said, and heavily sat down next to Tonys, somehow still sounding pouty.
Even Tonys stopped eating, feeling the change of atmosphere. S2 crossed his arms and sat perfectly still, clearly still upset. S1 didn't know what to do.
"I really am sorry," S1 said, leaning out to look at the other him.
"It is fine."
"I promise you will get a new lobster. I would even go now, but it is late and the shops are closed already---"
"It is fine. Really."
There was not much more to add.
"Okay," Steve said, sitting back.
More silence.
One of Tony's coughed, while the other kept chewing popcorn, as silently as possible.
"Well… I guess more lobster for us then?" it was T1 who said the words, and T2 nodded happily. More lobster was always good.
Steve tsked and leaned out again. "Hey, if it is really okay, come here," he said, meaning S2.
"Just come here."
Reluctantly, S2 leaned out too. It was a bit of a stretch, but Steve moved more to the front and gently kissed the other him on his soft lips, while Tonys had the perfect view of it. Nice.
"I am sorry. We are good now?" Steve said, looking into the other eyes.
S2 sighed softly. Maybe he did overreact. "Yeah. Good now," he answered, sounding and looking placated.
Tonys exchanged some smiles, and when Steves sat back they cuddled to their boyfriends, the calm and happy atmosphere filling the room again.
"At least I still have the clam shells," S2 said, sounding hopeful.
Steve choked on the handful of popcorn he had stuffed in his mouth. S2 leaned out hearing that, eyes narrowed dangerously.
"You didn't."
Steve smiled in apology, wiping his mouth from butter and salt. He could feel Tonys shuffling to get a better view of the new wave of upcoming drama. "Okay, before you start again, those shells were perfectly clean, there was no way you could make a stock out of them---"
"I wanted to make candles in them!" S2 screamed.
Some more silence, before S2 realized his mistake, and some pinkish blush showed on his face as he hid into the couch.
"I am sorry, what?" Steve said, when the words registered, his lips twitching into a smile.
"Be careful, baby, your housewife side is showing," T2 murmured around some popcorn in his mouth.
"Housewife?" Tony asked, looking at the other him, also holding back a smile.
T2 nodded, eating some more popcorn. "Steve loves all home DIY projects. Back in our home, we have a bath mat he made out of wine corks, he made a patchwork cover from my torn shirts with band logos on them, used empty milk bottles to make holders for fresh herbs in the kitchen--- ow!" T2 squeaked when his boyfriend pinched his side to quiet him down. Enough of embarrassing details.
"That's cuuuute," Tony laughed warmly, not imaging S2 having such a domestic side. "And you can only knit," he turned to his Steve. Getting a sweater knitted by Steve every Christmas was their small tradition.
Steve was holding back a laugh, imagining S2 with a glue gun, putting corks together. Maybe the other him was rough on the edges but had some softer side that showed after knowing him better. "I will buy clams too," Steve said, seemingly ending the topic. He could feel the embarrassed vibes from the other end of the couch and didn't want to add to the other him's discomfort.
"Seems we will have another seafood feast," T1 grinned, and T2 clapped in his hands with an excited laugh.
The four of them made themselves more comfortable and dimmed, the lights, the movie starting. Steve wasn't really present. His thoughts kept traveling somewhere else, and the image of S2 with a sewing machine, surrounded by pieces of fabric was pretty clear among other similar scenes. The deep voice just started saying 'a long time ago, in a far away land of ancient Greece' when Steve's shoulders jumped and he huffed his cheeks out, stopping the wave of laughter, only some small snort giving him away.
"I am gonna kill him."
Then it was a lot of screaming as S2 tried to make his way to openly laughing S1, crawling over protesting Tonys, all accompanied by a song and guitars and pianos and saxophone playing.
One would think that buying a lobster in California shouldn't be hard. The ocean was near, seafood should be abundant, right? Wrong. The place S2 had sent him too, had fresh lobster deliveries twice per week, which technically should be today, but it didn't happen. Something about the cargo getting late. There was also no oysters, as they would come with the lobster and other seafood. Steve was left with a choice - he could either hang out in the city and patiently wait for the delivery, or he could buy something else and hope that S2 wouldn't rip his head off. Giving himself a moment to think, Steve decided that he was a reasonable person and so was S2 (or should be) and he won't make a tragedy out of this. Instead, he bought a rotisserie chicken. That seemed not enough, so he bought two. And then two more. He knew that both he and S2 were capable of gobbling down an entire chicken and Tonys could be quite gluttonous. Any leftovers wouldn't go to waste, because cold chicken was amazing too.
The closer to home he was getting the more doubts Steve had. Somehow an image of nagging S2 was appearing in his mind a lot. He snorted as a vision of himself ripping off a drumstick from the chicken and shoving into the other him's mouth to shut him up was quite humorous. At the driveway, he decided that it would be fine, and walked in light footsteps inside the house, holding a bag with still hot chicken wrapped in silver tinfoil. Maybe he could whip out some simple garden salad really quick and they could eat in the garden---
As Steve was passing the couch in the living room on his way to the kitchen, an ear-piercing shrill made him stop in his tracks. A lot of laughter. A lot of trashing sounds and kicking. He peaked over the couch and saw Tony, his Tony, stretched out on the floor, his shirt rolled up to his chest, showing a tanned belly and S2 sitting near his head and holding his arms pinned down to the floor, while T2 was on Tony's thighs, wiggling his fingers mercilessly over the bare skin.
It was the first time, Steve saw the other couple ganging up on his boyfriend, and yet, while he should have expected that to happen sooner or later, it still came as a surprise. He kept looking at the scene and remembered that when he left, the three of them had been on the couch, and by the pillows tossed to the floor it showed that Tony did put up a fight before the other couple got him in their clutches.
"Heey, S1 is back," S2 said, suddenly noticing the other him and smiling at the newcomer.
"Oh!" T2 said, suddenly moving his hands away and straightening up. "We were not doing anything!" he quickly lied, as if almost startled with being caught. S2 didn't have any of that guilt in him.
Well… It was alright. They were allowed to do that. Both T2 and S2 were allowed to have their moments with his Tony, without necessarily including him. It wasn't like S2 threw a fit and got rid of him on purpose. It wasn't some elaborate scheme.
Yet too many things lead to this moment to call it a coincidence…
A weak voice got him out of his head. Tony was looking at him through half-lidded eyes, his face heated up and there even was some wet shine near his lower eyelashes. Tony almost never teared up from laughing. Unless…
"How long you have him like this?" Steve asked, looking from S2 to T2.
"Not long," T2 quickly answered with a bright smile, while S2 shrugged. Suuure. Steve looked back at Tony's face, then slid his gaze lower at the rhythmically rising and sinking belly, as Tony was greedily sucking air in. On the tanned skin could see some redness from nails that dug too hard into too delicate spots. Some long streaks of bothered skin showing a pattern of fingers. And Tony's outie - the little nub was basically glowing red, being on the receiving end of tickle torture for far too long. There was a ring of damp skin around the belly button, indicating some long raspberries, something that almost always sent Tony into a hysterical mode which would also explain why he started to tear up.
"This looks like at least forty-five minutes," Steve said sternly, looking at the other Tony, just because he knew that the brunet would be easier to intimidate. T2's mouth fell open before he closed it and muttered 'damn, he is good,' to his fiance, and S2 laughed as an answer.
Seemed that the other dimension couple had found themselves a nice pastime while he was getting lunch for all of them.
"Where do you think you are going?!"
Steve saw Tony struggling weakly, trying to wriggle out. Ten fingers almost descended on his already tired belly and Tony shrieked in panic.
"Noo! Stop! I cahahahan't anymore!" Tony yelled, sucking his stomach in and avoiding the hovering fingers.
"You had a break, I think you can last another forty-five minutes," T2 said sweetly, putting his fingers against the skin and drawing the smallest circles, more teasing than actual tickling.
Tony shrieked again and arched his back, such light touch having an immense effect on his already sensitive skin. "HAHAHAHA!"  there were no pleas, no threats, nothing, just an ongoing, steady laughter.
Steve debated joining in but somehow felt out of place. This was their moment. He almost went into the kitchen to prepare lunch, while he was stopped again.
"We will let you go, under one condition," T2 said, threatening to tickle the little nub of Tony's outie and drawing some circles around it.
"Ohkhay!" Tony quickly agreed, trying to pull himself up and shaking his waist from side to side, trying to dislocate the finger before it could strike.
Steve saw T2 and S2 exchanging quick looks. They had his fiance just where they wanted him. In that state of mind when he wasn't thinking clearly anymore and was too overwhelmed to protest. Steve knew that, as he had Tony many times in the same place, knowing how and where to touch. He had to get used to the thought that he wasn't the only one with that kind of knowledge anymore.
"We will let you go if later on, you will go down with us to the basement," T2 said, stopping his finger and pressing to the top of the outie, gently tapping.
Steve listened carefully.
"Yes-yes-yes, okahahay!" spilled out from Tony's mouth, the threat of another long tickling taking up his mind.
"And we will choose the bondage we want you," it was still T2 who did the bargaining, changing the tapping into a firmer pressing, pushing the outie in a bit and letting it pop back.
"And the tools."
"FIHIIHIHINEE!" Tony howled, when two fingers twisted around his outie, tickling the very edges of the small nub. Steve was sure that T2 learned that from him.
"Just the three of us."
Steve felt his nerves tingle with something cold and unpleasant. Three? Tony, T2, S2?
Hearing Tony agree was as if someone hit him with a brick on the head. He couldn't blame him though, T2 was playing him as he wanted.
"And no cameras."
This time it was S2. Steve snapped his head to look at the other him, but S2 was fully focused on Tony, and the way he was laughing as T2 flicked his finger over the outie, and Tony was shaking and giggling wildly, more tears shining in his eyes. He didn't even have the strength to agree, just nodded briskly. It did hurt.
"I need a yes, other me," T2 advised in an evil voice, still unmerciful on the little outie. If Steve wasn't so shocked with what he was hearing and would focus more, he would notice a rare, almost sadistic smile on T2's face, something only T1 noticed in the other him.
"Ohkhahayohkhayay!" Tony shrilled out eventually. The tickling came to a stop. The other dimension couple stood up, both with pleased smiles on their faces, while Tony rolled on his side and curled, still giggling and feeling tingling on his skin.
For Steve, time slowed down a bit. He heard S2 and T2 talking, saw them smiling as S2 took the bag with chicken and said something about using leftovers for ramen tomorrow and T2 nodding enthusiastically to the idea. Steve felt so disconnected. He really felt pushed aside, which was a ridiculous feeling to have in their situation, but he couldn't help it.
"Uhhh…" Tony slowly uncurled and lifted up on his elbows. The shirt fell back in its place with the movement, hiding the tickled out belly, and Tony looked a bit groggy.
"Babe, you okay?" Steve asked, walking to his boyfriend and pulling him up.
"Yup," Tony answered, wobbling a bit, and leaning into Steve's side for more support. He still felt weak and his head was spinning.
"Hey, you lasted more than I expected to be honest," T2 laughed and Tony groaned at the other him.
"Never leave me alone with him again," Tony turned to Steve, sounding half serious. Steve heard the other dimension couple laugh at the comment and he smiled weakly, not wanting to ruin the atmosphere.
The chicken remained warm and was met with enthusiasm and approval, but for Steve, it had barely any taste at all.
The day progressed surprisingly calmly. They ate, went to the beach together, made dinner. The four of them. As if almost preparing Steve that soon it won't be the four of them. Steve was hoping someone would bring the awkward situation up. Say that something was wrong with leaving him behind like that. S2 was avoiding his gaze. T2 seemed cheerful as usual. Tony was nervously chatty. Maybe they all were waiting for Steve to snap. He didn't cave in.
After dinner, Steve stayed in the kitchen, offering to wash the dishes, while the rest could go on with their plan. He was hoping that in that way he was sort of giving them a green light, even if no one asked him for a permission in the first place. Sometimes he thought about the other dimension couple having his Tony to themselves. Not in all his thoughts he was participating and active, but at least he was present, silent and observing. In reality, he won't be. He wasn't allowed to be downstairs with them or even watch on cameras like he and S2 saw Tonys' moment. It seemed so unfair.
Steve looked down and saw a pair of hands wrapping around his waist and hugging to him from behind. He could recognize that heat and the smell anywhere.
"Yeah, babe?" Steve forced a cheerful note into his voice, trying to show that he wasn't bothered. Nope, not at all.
Tony was silent for a while, unsure how to start. He stood on his tiptoes and put his face into the side of Steve's neck, his breath puffing on the skin and tickling distractedly.
"I am sorry it turned out this way," Tony said in one breath, guilt hearable in his voice. "If you don't want me to, I won't go. They will have to understand."
Steve left his hands in the soapy water, processing what he just heard. If Tony would go, only Steve ended hurt. If he would stay, they all would end hurt. There was a simple solution to this problem, but Steve felt he wasn't the one who should offer it and force on the three of them.
"It is okay, Tony, go," Steve said, resuming washing the dishes.
Tony didn't answer straight away. He nuzzled into Steve's neck. "Are you really sure about this?" he asked, sounding insecure, but even so, Steve felt the excited energy buzzing in his fiance. Tony really wanted to have that experience.
"I am sure," Steve said, smiling in a more genuine way and dried his hands putting them on Tony's. He caressed the silver engagement ring, the visible proof that Tony even if they would be apart for a while, at the end of the day they are together and Tony was still his. Only his. He just had to share him for a bit. "Go and have fun," it wasn't the appropriate thing to say for the upcoming situation, but Steve couldn't think of anything better. He felt Tony relaxing against him, feeling that he had permission. He wouldn't be able to enjoy any of it, knowing that Steve was hurt.
"You are the best, you know that?" Tony said, leaning more on his boyfriend, urging Steve to a kiss. Steve took the offer, a bit surprised that he tasted mint on Tony's lips as if his boyfriend wanted to be prepared for everything. Wonder if he shaved his armpits or anywhere else on that matter. "Don't wait up for me," Tony laughed clumsily and quickly backtracked, holding closer to Steve, "oh God, I am sorry, lame joke," he quickly amended himself, sounding adorably worried, which made Steve laugh.
"It is fine, just go," Steve said, patting Tony's round butt for encouragement. Another smooch and Tony happily skipped out of the kitchen. The smile Tony had put on his face, stayed there for a bit longer as if Steve was trying to fool his brain into thinking that he really was happy. He wasn't. He turned back to the dishes. When he was washing the last plate, his head cleared up a bit, until he heard a knocking.
"May I?"
Oh. It was that guy.
Steve didn't turn around, hearing the heavy footsteps.
"We have a dishwasher, you know," S2 said in a teasing voice, and Steve heard a chair being pulled to the back for S2 to sit. Seemed it would be a longer talk.
"Washing dishes calms me down," Steve said, which really shouldn't be said, as S2 perfectly knew that and shared that habit. Well, that's how it was back in their days.
"Listen, about today and what is going to happen---"
Steve lowered his head. He was feeling conflicted, but as he was progressing with his chore it made him realize something.
"Can I talk first?" Steve turned around, seeing S2's surprised face. After a while, the other him nodded. Steve took a deep, cleansing breath through his nose and put his back against the counter, crossing his arm below his chest. "I am not gonna lie, I was pretty pissed at you at first," Steve said, his voice coming out heavy at first. Just as he felt getting close to S2, the schmuck had to backstab him. "But I thought about it, and I see from where this is coming from. I had a month to be close to your Tony and those were the moments you won't be able ever to share or see. When we got here, I told you that this is your time to make memories. I have to come to terms with that those memories won't always include me. I may not agree with this, I may not be okay, but this is for me to work out and not for you," Steve said, meaning every word. He remembered the jealousy he felt from S2 during their first encounters. It wasn't even about making things even. It was about making memories with the people they loved in any way they found suitable. S2 was just doing that.
By the other him expression, Steve could guess that it wasn't what he was expecting to hear. S2 lowered his shoulders and chuckled warmly. "I guess I don't have anything to add when you put it this way."
It was probably the first time Steve won an argument with the other him and, well, that was a good feeling. "This time I am not giving you any tips. Find your own way to make Tony crumble," Steve sneered playfully.
"I plan to," S2 said, standing up. He hesitated for a second, and instead of walking out, came closer to Steve. They shared a gentle smooch, something that healed up the wound a bit. "You still owe me a lobster, though!" S2 called on his way back and Steve rolled his eyes. Sure, the other him always had to have the last word.
It wasn't long after S2 left, when T2 trotted to the kitchen, looking all giddy and excited. He brightened even more with seeing Steve and demanded a quick cuddle and a long kiss, energy oozing out of him. "See you in a bit, handsome," he said with a wink and flicked Steve under his chin affectionately, disappearing from the kitchen as quickly as he appeared. Steve felt some remorse about the lack of opportunity of seeing all that energy being spent on his Tony. He left the kitchen and looked with a longing feeling at the stairs leading to the basement. The downstairs area was soundproofed and no voice ever traveled upstairs and the whole house became so quiet. Feeling that he won't be able to last, Steve took his training shoes and decided to go and take a run near the ocean. He had some energy to spare on his own.
Steve definitely lost track of time. When he felt that his fingers became too cold and numb and that his lungs were full of salty air, he slowly headed back, watching the sunset on his way. At home, he was greeted with more silence and saw that only half hour had passed. It was the longest half hour of his life. Feeling cold, Steve decided on taking a shower and made it to the bedroom, trying hard to not look at the stairs leading down and thinking of what might be happening there. It was just the first test, and in the bedroom he saw the remote laying innocently on the nightstand, almost calling him. He could turn the TV on, find the right channel and see with his own two eyes what was taking place downstairs. Just a quick peek. He had a right to know. He took the remote in his hand and it felt heavier than ever. He put it back after a second. It would feel wrong. He went into the bathroom planning a long shower and maybe reading some book later.
The hot water cleansed his body and warmed up his skin, but he couldn't get rid of the memory of Tony, on the floor, spread between S2 and T2. Just this time a lot fewer clothes were involved and lot more bondage. Steve didn't want to keep thinking about it, feeling numb and empty. It would take a while before he would get rid off this feeling. He dried himself off and went out of the bathroom with a towel around his hips and noticed that the sun already settled down. Maybe he would go earlier to sleep as his long run did tire him a bit.
On the bed, in the gentle light of the night lamp, where two people. T2 and S2. They were sitting on opposite sides, smiling gently, wearing only underwear.
"Um, hi," Steve said back, frowning. He would expect Tony to be with them, but he was nowhere to be seen. "Where is Tony?"
"He is resting," T2 replied cheerfully. "Sleeping in our bedroom. We didn't want him to be disturbed."
"Disturbed with what?" Steve asked, and then his eyes fell to the middle of the bed and his face immediately turned red.
On the covers, he saw proudly displayed two stiff, milky white feathers, two toothbrushes, an ink brush, and a blindfold. There was also a pair of handcuffs and velcro straps. Perfect for hooking under the bed and using for bounding ankles.
"I guess you were right about me," Steve heard S2 saying and looked at the other him, who was grinning at him. "I am always planning something."
"You see, Steve, the reason we didn't want you to watch what we were doing to Tony is because we want to do the same thing to you," T2 explained, sounding shy and in love, "it probably won't be that great as your and Tony's spots differ, but it would be a fun experiment, don't you think?"
Steve had no words, his eyes flickering with different emotions. He was dying to know what kind exactly of treatment the other couple indulged his Tony with. But experiencing it on his own?
"So, doll," S2 said, sounding pleased with seeing the other him so stunned, "are you in or out?"
<– previous part // next part —> 
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blogsweet824 · 2 years
Download Catalina Macos Installer
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Download macOS Catalina - macOS Catalina gives you more of everything you love about Mac. Experience music, TV, and podcasts in three all-new Mac apps. Where to download MacOS Catalina Installer? Hi, I am re-imaging my 2013 iMac 27' using the restart and clean image install utility (Command-R), at reboot, to.
Download Macos Catalina Installer Usb
Download Macos Catalina Installer Without Mac App Store
After months of beta testing, Apple has rolled out macOS 10.15 Catalina to public users. You can download and install macOS Catalina if you have a compatible Mac. The macOS Catalina brings tons of new features such as the Apple Arcade, Screen Time, Voice Control, Sidecar, and Find My app. It has also replaced iTunes with three independent apps – Apple Music, Apple Podcasts, and Apple TV.
Is your Mac compatible with macOS Catalina?
Here’s the list of Mac devices compatible with the new software update:
MacBook (Early 2015 or later)
MacBook Air (Mid 2012 or later)
MacBook Pro (Mid 2012 or later)
Mac mini (Late 2012 or later)
iMac (Late 2012 or later)
iMac Pro (2017)
Mac Pro (Late 2013 or later)
How to clean install the new software update
Upgrading to macOS 10.15 Catalina is pretty simple. Tap on the Apple icon in the top-left corner of the screen, then go to System Preferences > Software Update to download it. Alternatively, you can download it directly from the Mac App Store.
But sometimes upgrading macOS from the previous version to the latest one is not the best way. You might want to clean install macOS Catalina to give your Mac a fresh start without any issues from the previous installation. Here’s how to clean install macOS Catalina from USB drive:
Steps to install
Take a full backup of all your important data. Save it to the cloud or an external drive
You have to create a bootable USB drive. Here’s how you can create it. Make sure the USB drive is at least 8GB in size, and nothing else is stored on it
Download the macOS Catalina installation file using this link
Turn off the Mac and then insert the bootable USB drive
Now turn the Mac back on while holding the Option key
It will take you to the boot menu where you can select the USB drive. If your Mac has the T2 security chip, you have to first enable booting via external drives from macOS Recovery
After a while, you’ll see the macOS Utilities menu on the screen. Select Disk Utility and then Continue
Check to make sure you’ve selected the main drive of your Mac. Also ensure that the format is set as APFS or Mac OS Extended
Now click Erase to wipe out the drive
Once the drive has been erased, select Install macOS and then Continue. Just follow the on-screen prompts to clean install macOS Catalina
Once you’ve successfully installed the new software, you can transfer all your data back from the cloud or external storage drive to the Mac. Also, head over to the Mac App Store and re-install all the apps you want.
To Download Macos Catalina Dmg File Ver-10.15.4, typically, we will need to head into the App Store and download macOS Catalina DMG from there, but here’s another way.
The upcoming huge software upgrade for macOS has engaged in public beta following a couple of betas. The general public beta is essential for everyone interested in learning more about the operating system’s cool features. However, there are lots of chilling features which we’ve pointed out some, here’re a few of the prime attributes Apple has been working on.
Here we will help with installing and Download Macos Catalina Dmg.
If you’re a Mac user, specifically a secondary one, you’re good to update today. But it’s limited to some Macs that performed through a software upgrade or have Download Macos Catalina Dmg. Installing Catalina at this point is well enough peril that may turn your Mac into a mess. But with backup, there is no danger in any way.
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Related: How To Download Macos Catalina Vmware & Virtualbox Image – Latest Version
Assuming that, if you’re a Mac user who would love to give a shot, you’ve less to perform. While Catalina will be accessible through the App Store shortly, but it’s pretty simple to get today. We have provided the Download macOS Catalina DMG Direct Links.
When it’s completely released from App Store, search for it, and download it straightly. But frequently, there’s a problem downloading from App Store. The problems are different, like the downloading failed errors or failing to download or similar to these problems. The fantastic news is that we have covered you up with repairing macOS common issues.
But difficulties mightn’t always fix even you try. In this case, chances are you may search for download macOS Catalina 10.15 DMG file, which is rather simple to get. Also, but it’s also more dependable to get, particularly with the internet download manager. You may make a bootable installer for Mac and install macOS on a Hackintosh PC with this image.
Related: How To Download Macos Catalina Iso For Vmware & Virtualbox
Concerning installing macOS on Windows, there’s less option. As there’s no Program shop or like it on Windows to get macOS, there’s a little difficulty. The struggle is to obtain the macOS Catalina picture that’s complex to find. But don’t worry, we have covered you up with download macOS Catalina VMware & VirtualBox image. Additionally, here’s the way to download macOS Catalina VMware & VirtualBox image. Full pc game iso downloads.
If you want to set up macOS Catalina on the previous version on your PC with Hackintosh, this image will not work. That means you would need to download the macOS installer file, which isn’t possible to get from App Store on Windows. In this case, we have brought the macOS Catalina DMG file so that you may test, install, and experience all of the new features on it. This image works flawlessly for installing, creating a bootable installer, and works with everything that needs the picture, including installing macOS Catalina on Hackintosh. So let’s begin Download Macos Catalina Dmg File Direct Links.
Related: How To Download Macos 10.15 Catalina Iso + Dmg + Vmdk
Download macOS Catalina Dmg File Ver-10.15.7 (Direct Links)
Downloading macOS might seem simple, but actually, there are problems around it, including downloading from App Store. The same as the problem with the App Store was downloading macOS images in a couple of kilobytes. Even if it’s alright with no issue and you attempt to get from App Store, it will take much longer since it is overcrowded and may crash. Apart from that, downloading from App Store requires a reliable internet connection. So when you download from App Store, in the event the internets go down or slow for a second, the downloading will restart from the first.
DISCLAIMER: The macOS Catalina DMG file The sims 2 super collection mac download free. is created only for testing & educational purposes. We are not responsible if anyone is misusing the macOS Catalina DMG file.
In cases like this, we have provided you to get into the macOS Catalina DMG file into components which you can download by part.
Latest Files
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Download files directly from our Forum. (Free Sign-up)
Download macOS Catalina dmg 10.15.7 (MediaFire)
If you get a Quota exceeded error, check this- How to Download MEGA files without Limits: 16 Easy Steps in 2021
Old updates
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Download gamehouse gratis untuk laptop repair. The DMG file is around 7.56 GB, so you will need a good internet connection to download the Download Macos Catalina DMG file. So, here is a tool that you can use to speed up the download process. Internet Download Manager tool that will help you enhance your downloading speed. You can download the full version here.
IDM 6.27 Build 2 Registered (32bit + 64bit Patch) (Techrechard.com) – This file is password-protected, and the password is www.techrechard.com. You can extract this file using WinRAR download free and support: WinRAR (win-rar.com).
MacOS 10.15.3 Catalina Final DMG (One Full)— As recently, Apple updated Catalina with the final version for users on their official website, but we’ve covered up you with this document. For people who have Catalina installed on their PC, they could update from there. Others who would love to try, they have the perfect opportunity to try.
MacOS 10.15.3 Catalina Final DMG (7-7)— The macOS Catalina DMG is splitting into two parts in this part. As we supply downloading macOS Catalina 10.15 DMG, we have also provided the macOS Catalina DMG password. It is Geekrar.com
macOS 10.15.3 Catalina Final DMG (One Full — MediaFire) — Apple’s new macOS Catalina is officially out. In cases like this, we’ve made and created exactly the macOS Catalina recent image prepared for downloading. Get it and install macOS Catalina now.
Notice: The macOS Catalina ISO for both VMware and VirtualBox is encrypted using the next password.
You can also read:
Download Macos Catalina Installer Usb
How to change the working of the function keys in Catalina How to Install macOS Catalina on VirtualBox on Windows: 8 Step Ultimate Guide How To Install macOS Catalina On Virtualbox On AMD Systems: 2 Step Ultimate Guide How to Install macOS Catalina on Unsupported Mac: 9 Easy Steps How To Download Macos Catalina Vmware and Virtualbox Image – Latest Version How to Create Bootable USB Installer for macOS X on Windows 10: 3 Easy Steps How to Save Tabs in Safari after Closing? Touch Bar: How to fix Touch Bar freeze? 3 Easy Steps How to manage battery status on macOS Catalina? Common macOS Catalina Problems and Solutions: 11 Key Errors and their Fix
Luckily, they are direct download links that aren’t catchy enough to get just like Google Drive. The document is compressed into a zip file, served on a powerful server, making it super-easy to get. Since we’ve uploaded the latest version, we will keep updating you with all the new variants.
Download Macos Catalina Installer Without Mac App Store
Related: Fix Google Drive Download Limit (Quota Exceeded) Error
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lookhunter659 · 3 years
How To Make A Bootable Usb For Mac Os X Tiger
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Apple hasn’t shipped operating systems on physical media in a full decade, but there are still good reasons to want a reliable old USB stick for macOS Catalina. Luckily, it's not hard to make one—either with a handy graphical user interface or some light Terminal use. Here's what you need to get started:
How To Make A Bootable Usb For Mac Os X Tiger Download
How To Make A Bootable Usb For Mac Os X Tiger King
How To Create A Bootable Usb For Mac Os X Lion
Plug your USB stick (8GB, better more) into the computer. The file system should be set to MAC OS X EXTENDED (NOT journaled) 4. Follow the guide above from step 3 til step 8. Best audio enhancer for pc. You're now in open firmware. Type in dev / ls and a list with all files will appear. Press space to scroll down. Now, you have a tree structure, you have to choose.
A Mac that you have administrator access to. We've created a USB stick from both Mojave and Catalina, but your experience with other versions may vary.
A 16GB or larger USB flash drive or a 16GB or larger partition on some other kind of external drive. A USB 3.0 drive will make things significantly faster, but an older USB 2.0 drive will work in a pinch; 8GB drives worked for Mojave and older versions of macOS, but the Catalina installer is just a little too large to fit.
The macOS 10.15 Catalina installer from the Mac App Store (in High Sierra or older macOS versions) or the Software Update preference pane in Mojave. The installer will delete itself when you install the operating system, but it can be re-downloaded if necessary.
If you want a GUI, take a look at Ben Slaney's Install Disk Creator from MacDaddy. There are other apps out there that do this, but this one is quick and simple.
This USB can be used to install a clean copy of Apple Mac os x tiger 10.4 or to update your existing system to Mac os x tiger 10.4 Installing, Recovering or upgrading your software from a USB is NOT a quick process and can take 30-45 minutes to complete. Please be patient and allow the process plenty of time to finish.
Make Bootable USB flash drive for Tiger, Leopard, Lion, Mountain Lion, Mavericks OS X.
I've downloaded Mac OS X Snow Leopard Install DVD from the Internet Archive. Keep in mind that this is an.iso file, not.dmg. I don't need a full step-by-step guide, just need to know how to format the drive ( MBR / GPT?) and how to copy the.iso file to it.
I hate to be a dick but I swear the people who answered this question can't read. Hes not trying to install OS X on a windows computer hes trying to make a bootable USB so he can install a fresh copy of OS X on a mac.
If you want to use this USB installer with newer Macs as they are released, you'll want to periodically re-download new Catalina installers and make new install drives. Apple rolls support for newer hardware into new macOS point releases as they come out, so this will help keep your install drive as universal and versatile as possible.
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There's also one new consideration for newer Macs with Apple's T2 controller chip—as of this writing, that list includes the iMac Pro, the 2018 Mac Mini, the 2018 MacBook Air, and 2018 and 2019 MacBook Pros, though Apple keeps an updated list here. Among this chip's many security features is one that disallows booting from external drives by default. To re-enable this feature, hold down Command-R while your Mac reboots to go into Recovery Mode and use the Startup Security Utility to 'allow booting from external media.' If you're trying to install an older version of macOS, you may also need to go from Full Security to Medium Security to enable booting, but if you're just trying to install the current version of macOS, the Full Security option should be just fine. And if you're just doing an upgrade install rather than a clean install, you can run the Catalina installer from the USB drive from within your current installation of macOS, no advanced tweaking required.
The easy way
Once you've obtained all of the necessary materials, connect the USB drive to your Mac and launch the Install Disk Creator. This app is basically just a GUI wrapper for the terminal command, so it should be possible to make install disks for versions of macOS going all the way back to Lion. In any case, it will work just fine for our purposes.
Install Disk Creator will automatically detect macOS installers on your drive and suggest one for you, displaying its icon along with its path. You can navigate to a different installer if you want, and you can also pick from all the storage devices and volumes currently connected to your Mac through the drop-down menu at the top of the window. Once you're ready to go, click 'Create Installer' and wait. A progress bar across the bottom of the app will tell you how far you have to go, and a pop-up notification will let you know when the process is done. This should only take a few minutes on a USB 3.0 flash drive in a modern Mac, though using USB 2.0 will slow things down.
The only slightly less-easy way
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How To Make A Bootable Usb For Mac Os X Tiger Download
The Install Disk Creator is just a wrapper for the terminal command to create macOS install disks, so if you’re comfortable formatting your USB drive yourself and opening a Terminal window, it’s almost as easy to do it this way. Assuming that you have the macOS Catalina installer in your Applications folder and you have a Mac OS Extended (Journaled)-formatted USB drive (which is to say, HFS+ and notAPFS) named 'Untitled' mounted on the system, you can create a Catalina install drive using the following command.
sudo /Applications/Install macOS Catalina.app/Contents/Resources/createinstallmedia --volume /Volumes/Untitled
How To Make A Bootable Usb For Mac Os X Tiger King
The command will erase the disk and copy the install files over. Give it some time, and your volume will soon be loaded up with not just the macOS installer but also an external recovery partition that may come in handy if your hard drive dies and you're away from an Internet connection. If you would like to create an install drive for a macOS version other than Catalina, just tweak the paths above to refer to Mojave or High Sierra instead.
How To Create A Bootable Usb For Mac Os X Lion
Whichever method you use, you should be able to boot from your new USB drive either by changing the default Startup Disk in System Preferences or by holding down the Option key at boot and selecting the drive. Once booted, you'll be able to install or upgrade Catalina as you normally would. You can also use Safari, Disk Utility, or Time Machine from the recovery partition to restore backups or troubleshoot.
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themoviefashion · 3 years
wan McGregor cotton jacket
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The T2 Trainspotting is a British black comedy-drama film, which is the sequel of the old film Trainspotting. The sequel continues the old story in which the director talked about where all the characters are and what they are up to? In this movie, all the old characters are still alive. Renton (Ewan McGregor) has been living medication-free in Amsterdam for the past 20 years yet is getting back to Edinburgh following his mom's passing. The hapless Spud (Ewen Bremner) has been falling flat to avoid heroin, moving away from a spouse and child all the while. Begbie (Robert Carlyle) has been in jail, where his waistline, his mustache, and his fierce streak have all extended. Furthermore, Sick Boy (Jonny Lee Miller) has been grunting cocaine, running his auntie's grotty bar, and extorting the customers of a Bulgarian whore (Anjela Nedyalkova). In this movie, all characters wear appealing outfits. Here we are presenting a quick guide on how to wear Ewan McGregor Cotton Jacket in a different style.
Tracking down the right jeans, pants, shirts, shoes, and boots are basic to styling this Ewan McGregor cotton jacket appropriately. You can pull off an exemplary style with chinos or pants, a captured shirt, and clean white shoes. For a more present-day look, thin pants with a black shirt and shoes or boots will make a stylish design explanation. 
The cotton fabric of this jacket makes it lightweight and smooth. You can add this to outfits for warmer days by wearing it over a perfect white shirt or use it as a layering piece by wearing it over a turtleneck shirt. This jacket can add a refined completion to your regular look. 
This cotton jacket is a unique piece that requires some expertise to wear well, yet by focusing on the remainder of your outfit, you can pull it off with stunning outcomes. Since this jacket is intense, pair it with neutrals all through the remainder of your outfit. Give it a short top of dark or dark pants, an exemplary white or dark T-shirt, and dark or white shoes for an exemplary look. 
Easily cool and simple to wear, this green jacket is adaptable and functions admirably with a wide range of styles. The most famous green cotton jacket consolidates with ripped skinny jeans, a shirt, white shoes, and your most favorite top. This advanced and relaxed look is in vogue, and elegant however can be worn all in and out of town without looking awkward. 
This Olive green cotton jacket draws vigorously on their tactical legacy, reflecting the green dull of the first pilot's jackets. Olive tone is a staple in menswear; don't be hesitant to utilize it widely. Pick an easygoing look with dim wash pants, boots, and a T-shirt, or layer it on top of your number one brilliantly shaded hoodie for those colder cold weather days. For a more refined and chic look, wear a white turtleneck under your olive jacket.
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handyguypros1 · 3 years
Best Riding Lawn Mowers for Hills HandyGuyPros
Your property has a slope. The uneven ground makes it challenging to cut the grass when you’re on foot. That’s why you need one of the best riding lawn mowers for hills.
But we won’t lie to you. There are limits to what is safe to do with a lawnmower or a lawn tractor. For example, a zero turn radius mower is best for slopes of 10° or less. And a lawn tractor shouldn’t be used on a slope over 15°. The reason is that either kind of vehicle is likely to flip or tip. Also, they may simply not have enough power to handle the climb.
So what’s the solution? One answer is to purchase a commercial lawn tractor designed to mow hills. And another method is to purchase a rough cut mower. This is basically a trailer with blades that you can hitch to another mower or tractor. Then you can drive along the top of the hill where the ground is flat and allow the rough-cut mower to do the work for you on the slope below.
How do you know if your slope is too steep for a riding mower? You’ll need to do some measuring and a little math. Get two stakes and plant one at the top of the steepest section of the hill and another at the bottom. Tie a string between them. Now slide the string up the bottom pole until it’s level.
Now measure how high off the ground the string is on the bottom stake. Then find out how far apart the stakes are. Divide the first number by the second and you’ll discover the slope.
When you mow a slope on a riding lawnmower, you’ll drive up and down, not across as if you were pushing a mower. You might not be able to use attachments like a rear bagger if the hill is too steep. That’s because it makes the back of the mower too heavy and likely to flip.
For extra security, select a mower that has the US Consumer Product Safety Commission ANSI B7.1 Certification for traction and stability.
Top Riding Lawn Mowers for Hills
We researched to find the most powerful riding lawn mowers for hills. We hope these reviews help you find the best fit for your needs.
Husqvarna YTH24V48 24 HP Yard Tractor, 48-Inch
Husqvarna makes several models of riding mowers for tackling uneven terrain. This one features a 24 hp Briggs & Stratton V-Twin engine that makes it easy to mow up to 15° slopes. Not only does it have a hydrostatic pedal transmission, but it also has cruise control and electric blade engagement. A simple turn of the key starts the motor.
You can adjust the cutting height on the fender, then mow both forward and in reverse. The air induction system lists the grass to make sure you get a clean cut every time. Moreover, you can equip the tractor with a mulch kit or other towable accessories.
Snapper SPX 22/46 46-Inch 22 HP Riding Tractor Mower with Hydro-Gear T2 Hydrostatic Transmission 2691344
Snapper’s 22 hp tractor mower also has a Briggs & Stratton V-Twin engine. The hydrostatic transmission ensures smooth control. But the main highlight is the 14-inch turning radius. That makes it very easy to maneuver considering its size and power.
There are seven cutting heights between 1 ½ and 4 inches. Additionally, the mower comes with anti-scalp wheels and electric blade engagement.
Toucan City Tool Kit with Gas Can and John Deere E140 48″ Lawn Tractor-California Compliant BG2107
The John Deere E140 lawn tractor is compliant with strict emissions standards imposed by California state law. It has a 22 hp V-Twin gas engine with speeds up to 5.5 mph. There is also electric blade engagement plus side-by-side foot control pedals for the hydrostatic transmission.
Husqvarna YTH1942 Loncin Hydrostatic Gas Riding Lawn Mower
Husqvarna’s 42-inch riding mower has a 19 hp engine and a pedal-operated hydrostatic transmission. That way you can keep both hands on the steering wheel. The price of this mower is more accessible because it has a Chinese-made Loncin motor. But it’s compatible with both a mulch kit and Husqvarna’s towable attachments.
Husqvarna LTH1738 Hydrostatic Gas Riding Lawn Mower
The Husqvarna LTH1738 has a 17 HP Loncin engine, which is an economical motor made in China. The 38-inch cutting deck makes this mower easier to store in a garage or shed. Even though it’s compact, it’s still compatible with many accessories.
It has Husqvarna’s air induction mowing technology that lifts the grass for precision cutting. It also has a pedal-operated hydrostatic transmission so that you can keep both hands on the ergonomic steering wheel.
Troy-Bilt 382cc 30-Inch Premium Neighborhood Riding Lawn Mower
Troy-Bilt’s Neighborhood Riding Mower may be one of the best-selling models of all time. It’s very compact yet powerful enough bumpy terrain. It’s recommended for relatively flat yards and it has a standard 18-inch turning radius. In other words, this one may be attractive due to its low cost, but it’s not our top pick for mowing hills.
Poulan Pro 960420195 Automatic Gas Front-Engine Riding Mower
Poulan Pro’s 46-inch riding lawn mower can handle hilly terrain with its 17.5 hp Briggs & Stratton engine. This company is a subdivision of Husqvarna, so it’s no surprise that the mower has the same air induction cutting technology.
The mower has six speeds and six cutting heights with a spring -assisted deck lift. The anti-scalp deck wheels help you avoid creating bald spots in your lawn. And the 16-inch turning radius is impressive for a mower of this size.
XT1 Enduro Series LT 46 in. 22-HP V-Twin KOHLER Front-Engine Riding Mower
Cub Cadet’s 46-inch riding mower comes with a three-year unlimited hours warranty on the Kohler engine and a five-year warranty on the chassis and front axle. It has a hydrostatic transmission controlled by a pedal and a spring -assisted deck lift. You can set it to 12 different cutting heights between one and 4 inches.
The 5.5 mile-per-hour top speed beats pushing a lawnmower yourself. And the neutral start, brake pedal lock, and reverse mowing technology helps you stay safe. There also LED headlights and a digital meter to remind you when to service the mower.
MTD 13A277KS066 Products 420cc 42″ Lawn Tractor
MTD’s 42-inch lawn tractor has a Troy-Bilt engine and a seven-speed transmission. It comes with a two-year limited warranty, but can’t be shipped to California. This is another less expensive option if you need a lawn tractor for light duty.
Toucan City Toro TimeCutter HD 24.5 HP V-Twin Gas Zero-Turn Riding MowerWhen you have a lot of property to mow with slopes not exceeding 10°, you might prefer a zero turn radius mower. ZTRs are highly maneuverable and very fast. This one goes up to 8.5 mph while mowing.
This ZTR from Toro has a 54-inch cutting deck with three blades powered by a 24.5 hp commercial engine. It keeps the ride from feeling too jerky with a specially-designed suspension system and anti-vibration mat. Plus, it gives you precision control with 13 cutting positions between 1.5 and 4.5 inches in height. Finally, it comes with a hitch for pulling attachments.
Swisher ZTR2454BS Response 24HP 54-Inch B&S ZTR Mower
Swisher sells their 54-inch Response ZTR with three gator mulching blades on board. In fact, it arrives fully assembled. With a 24 hp Briggs & Stratton engine, it speeds up to 8 miles an hour in forward and reverse. Moreover, the Ogura clutch and Hydro Gear 2800 transmission gives you smooth control over all that power. With an eight-gallon fuel tank, you can work for hours without having to stop.
Swisher RC14552CPKA Commercial Pro Rough Cut, Black, 52″Hitch the Swisher rough cut mower to a lawn tractor and make quick work of big jobs. It comes with its own 14.5 hp Kawasaki commercial engine with electric start. Furthermore, it can handle up to 3-inch thick stems with its stump jumper and breakaway swinging blades. The only thing you’ll need to do is add a standard 12 V lawn and garden battery.Snapper 560Z 61-Inch Zero Turn Lawn Mower w/ Cargo Bed, 5901563
Snapper makes this 61-inch ZTR with a built-in cargo bed. It features speeds up to 9 mph with the 24 hp Kawasaki engine. And the 10-gauge steel deck is so sturdy it comes with a lifetime warranty.
Ryobi 38 inches 100 Ah Battery Electric Rear Engine Riding Lawn Mower RY48111
You might be curious whether an electric battery-powered riding mower is powerful enough to handle slopes. The Ryobi RY48111 is. It handles 15-degree slopes without a hiccup. One owner commented that they mowed a steeper hill by simply driving down it instead of up.
The 100AH lead acid batteries charge through a standard 120 V outlet and last for up to 2.5 hours of runtime or 2.5 acres of mowing. The batteries endure this long simply because the mower has three brushless motors for top performance.
The advantage of a battery-powered mower is that you’ll never have to deal with gas, fumes, oil changes, or excess noise. And this one is compact enough that you can store it in your garage.
In conclusion, other benefits include the following. First, there are 12 positions for cutting heights between 1.5 and 4.5 inches. Second, the mower has cruise control and a USB charger for your portable device. And third, the headlights and under 70dB noise level let you work early in the morning if needed.
The top riding lawn mowers for hills have the power you need to tackle slopes. Select a zero turn radius mower for superior maneuverability and speed. Or choose a lawn tractor for steeper climbs. In any case, while most riding lawn mowers are gas-powered, electric models are also a viable option.
Source: https://handyguypros.com/best-riding-lawn-mowers-hills/
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