#sword to a gunfight
diver5ion · 5 months
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buccellato · 11 months
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I know it's supposed to be a very serious point of contention between Vash and Wolfwood but the way Wolfwood just continues to fill him with lead after already taking him out makes me snort
He's not getting back up! Just one bullet would've sufficed! Now you're just wasting money!!
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infernal-general · 3 months
Not really inspired but discovered her in other characters
If you thought she's sane, boy I have news for you.
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Murder jacket era / Road Rage Rick Grimes
Snapped Scarlet Witch
Let's pretend her madness arc was well written Daenerys Targaryen
Hysterical breakdown first movie Elsa
I will wage war on the World because it wronged me and killed the ones I loved Captain James Flint
I am tired of this bullshit and this 🤏 close to commit second degree murder Miguel O'Hara
The fact that all six either would go or had gone absolutely batshit because the loss of family/loved ones has Rozy yelling ‘Dominic Toretto ain't got shit on me!!’
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graviconscientia · 5 months
△ why wouldnt you use a needler gun with knock out drugs? or explosive constuction foam that traps a person in their tracks, or a taser or a tranq gun, there are so many choices that are not nothing or death
Do you think I aim to kill every time? A sword can incapacitate. Completing a task is much more difficult when you have a knife in your thigh. Please. I do not want to kill. I don't. But you think that when you are facing down these threats you will make the correct choice every time? You think you will find the Sufferer's voice in your heart and be rational enough to disarm? Confident that you'll be successful? Unafraid of if you aren't? You must be stronger than I, or have less to live for. I do not keep any weapons like those on me. I am not a sharp enough shot for them to have any sort of value in my hands. 5/10
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xamaxenta · 6 months
aw man young sephiroth got me in a chokehold
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thatboxylady · 1 year
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wandafantasy · 1 year
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queer-chnospinci · 2 years
Since when do they have guns in star wars
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hellonoblesky · 2 years
Obsessed with the fact that Chuuya jjust. Has a box of bullets ans throws them at people because he literally does not need a gun he just… gravities them. insane. love him
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astrummorte · 5 months
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zhao keqing tags
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stellarhistoria · 9 months
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ke.qing tags
♡.   keqing.ic     ⁄ ⁄   a sword to a gunfight .
♡.   keqing.aesthetic     ⁄ ⁄   a sword to a gunfight .
♡.   keqing.visage     ⁄ ⁄   a sword to a gunfight .
♡.   keqing.v01 ( main )     ⁄ ⁄   the yuheng of the liyue qixing .
♡.   keqing.v02 ( au )     ⁄ ⁄   your armies cant keep me out .
♡.   keqing.about     ⁄ ⁄   orchids & showdowns .
♡.   keqing.bond: ( andrii )     ⁄ ⁄   careless ; reckless ; efficient .
♡.   keqing.thoughts     ⁄ ⁄   too much unknown ; too little time .
♡.   keqing.asks     ⁄ ⁄   always questioning .
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"Brought a sword to a gunfight, eh cowboy?"
collab with my bud Taldaris on Twitter
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An alternative/closer angle
I prefer the first tbh
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agentbuckshot · 3 months
incomprehensible eddie ramble about an insignificant feature that may have not even been on purpose Pt 2
thinking about how differently during the chorus trilogy that Tucker and Felix weilded the energy sword
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Tucker’s stance is more exact, more careful and more firm, because he has a lot more experience than felix, but it’s defensive. Oftentimes throughout the series he’d hold it more so like a shield, while it is a sense of pride for him, it’s an even bigger source of protection, Tucker knows this. Yet he still seems uncertain
Felix, on the other hand, is extremely open, and takes to the sword like features rather than the wide blade, holding it out like any other sword. He’s confident, he’s offensive. He doesn’t use it to protect himself, because he doesn’t even think of that. He thinks he’s too fast for anything to hit him. He’s significantly less experienced than tucker who had his for I believe 7 years, yet he doesn’t seem uncertain in the slightest.
Tucker is always loud mouthed, audacious, and confident, but felix is that and more.
Tucker holds his like a shield. Tucker isn’t inherently aggressive, rather he does what it takes to protect his friends and himself , a primary theme of his arc throughout this season. He’s often made out to be an assertive idiot but that cannot be further from the truth and it shows in every mannerism from the way he holds his weapons
Felix, on the other hand holds his like a sword, becayse he’s so stuck in his own head that bringing a knife to a gunfight will work, because he’s the best. He doesn’t question himself, but he makes others question themselves, even if they’re doing it right and he was doing it wrong. His confidence is misleading that it makes others defensiveness look like fear. Bringing out the question, does felix know what he’s doing? He does not
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infernal-general · 3 months
Rozy accepts dance off challenges from anyone. No matter the class they belong to if she's approached with the challenge & presented with a song. She's versatile, well versed in most dance styles; acrobatic, playful, elegant & this woman has the smoothest, most sensual hip-waist-upper body movements of all time.
This whole challenge is a great opportunity for her to both workout and do something she genuinely loves and passionate about. And no one gets killed or permanently disabled! Most of the time. Also, if there's a mutual sizzle during, the fastest (and probably best) way to her bedroom where she continues to show those hips definitely don't lie, neither does her stamina.
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treedaddymcpuffpuff · 2 months
Excessive Force : Tom Ludlow x Fem Nurse Reader (COLLAB W/ THE INCREDIBLE @johnwickb1tsch) - Chapter One
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Summary : After you treat him in the ER, Officer Tom Ludlow asks you out. You turn him down, thinking you know his type, but he’s not willing to take no for an answer. In fact, you find out he’s more than willing to abuse his authority in his pursuit of you. Maybe Ludlow seems like an asshole, but when you are drawn into a dangerous conspiracy that could go all the way to the top of the LAPD, he might be the only thing that stands between you and a shallow grave.
TW : Abuse of authority, alpha male, sexual harassment, the word “no” is not in this man’s vocabulary
The ER is overflowing tonight. There was a huge drug bust down on South Hampton Avenue that ended in a fire and gunfight: turned out to be a big enough debacle that they had to call a code black throughout the hospital, which basically means, at least for you, no breaks or time between patients. In times like this, charting even takes a back burner thanks to a hospital policy where everything you learned in nursing school flies out the window and you don’t have to document what you’re doing. 
It’s a good thing, because you don’t have time to log onto a computer let alone write something down with pen and paper. Burn victims, gunshots, every bed full, people boarding in the waiting room and hallways with broken limbs and makeshift pressure dressings on bullet holes and stab wounds.
The once chemical, pristine floor and walls now look like something from a SAW movie, and you’re not much better off. Bloody, dirt caked scrubs, exhausted, sweat stains. You’ve probably done more chest compressing tonight than you have in your entire career leading up. And you’ve seen more people die tonight… well, more than you’d like.
You wipe some tears off your cheeks, pretending it’s sweat, before walking into the lobby to catch the stragglers. “Thomas?”
“Call me Tom.” He’s a cop, still in uniform, sitting on the floor with a big puff of gauze pressed into his shoulder. You kneel down beside him. 
“I’m y/n, can I take a look?”
“Sure.” He winces, pulls the bloody dressing away to reveal a big, messy gash slicing into his left shoulder. It will need stitches, that’s for sure, but other than that it looks like a fairly clean cut. 
“Knife?” You ask him, pulling back on his shirt. 
“Some fucking idiot crackhead with a sword, actually,” he grits. 
You laugh a little bit. “I’m having a hard time believing that.”
“So am I.” He tries to grin at you, but it comes out more like a snarl because of the way you’re poking and prodding at him. 
Maybe it's just because you're exhausted, you've had a terrible night, and you hurt all over, but you can't help but notice how handsome this man is, even after his own ordeals on the mean streets of the City of Angels. He watches you with sharp dark eyes that miss nothing. You almost feel sorry for the criminals who find themselves on the receiving end of that stare. As it is, you almost feel a little unnerved yourself, until you notice a sparkle of humor for you in those dark orbs. However, you still get the feeling like he's studying you while you are tending his wound.
“I gotta stitch this,” you tell him, a little shy under his gaze, now. 
“Are you good at that?” 
You’re kind of in your own little world when he asks that, looking at his arms. Solid and big. Nice veins. It takes you a minute to register that he even said something. Yeah, you chastise yourself, why don’t you just start fucking drooling while you’re at it? 
“Good at what?” 
His grin tips higher. “Stitches…” 
“No, but I'm going to stab you repeatedly with a needle anyway…”
He chuffs with laughter. “You just seem a little distracted.” The way he smirks at you, you just know you're caught out. Get it together, you scold yourself. Maybe act like a professional instead of oogling the nice police officer.
“Sorry. It's just been a really long night. I promise, you're in good hands.”
“Looking forward to it,” he answers, with a beam of direct eye contact that nearly brings you to your knees. 
This is where you catch your lucky break, because this is where you start to get annoyed. Mostly, at yourself, but partly at him too. He clearly knows how attractive he is. He's just that kind of asshole. And it's been fucking forever since you've gotten laid, because the world is just so full of assholes… It's not fair, the way he uses this advantage to tease you, when you feel like an extra in a Rob Zombie film. You do your best to appear unaffected as you walk away to retrieve supplies. You also pretend not to notice him staring at your ass, which, okay, you have to admit, it’s a little bit of a confidence boost. 
It’s almost stupid to put towels under his arm as you spray him off with sterile water - this floor could actually use it. You get the edges pink and shiny, uncake the blood and the viscera. Grateful for the distraction - distraction from the big, brown eyed cop who won’t stop looking at you. 
He has that type of stare that has weight to it. You feel it, on your skin– and you hate to admit it– in the aching throb between your legs, which is the last thing you need to be distracted by right now. Ah, the stupid lady parts, always making their vote known at the worst possible time. 
Even though you let the anesthetic sit for a while, modern medicine can’t account for all the pain. He’s wincing and grunting while you tug his open flesh back together, and those gruff sounds are not helping this whole being attracted to him situation. You feel like your skin is on fire from his overwhelming stare, from the noises coming out of that long throat. Christ, he’s not even touching you…
“You alright there sweetheart? I'm the one under the needle.”
You look at him, some of that anger escaping in your tone. “Please don’t call me sweetheart.” 
“Sorry. Been a long night for me too.” He lifts one of those sculpted dark brows at you, and you feel it as your heart tries most earnestly to tap dance right out of your fucking chest. 
You sigh, narrowing your eyes so that he knows he's not in the clear. Unfortunately, he just seems to find that adorable, those dark eyes sparkling like black diamonds. 
“Just…let me finish you off so you can get out of here.”
“Didn't know you performed that service here,” he quips with a smirk, and you're almost relieved he drives this final nail into his coffin, even if the suggestion makes a spear of desire shoot through you. 
“I'm starting to side with the crackhead now.”
“Ooo, ouch,” he snarks, unaffected. “Take your time, this is the most fun I've had in a while.”
You decide not to answer, concentrating on your work. This man has a quick comeback for everything, you have a feeling. Worse, you kind of doubt a girl like you has a chance in hell of outmaneuvering him.
As you're bandaging him up, he senses your time together is coming to a close. His demeanor changes a little– if you didn't know any better,  you'd think he was sad about it. “Thanks for stitching me up,” he says, surprisingly humble. He rolls those big dark eyes up to yours, and you feel your resolve to be a stone cold professional crumble–a little.
“You're welcome.” It's possible your touch on his shoulder lingers just slightly longer than it should. 
“Hey…” He clearly feels bold enough to catch your hand in his. And holy shit, that hand. Your little mitt disappears in his, wrapped up in long, blunt fingers. The things you bet that hand could do to you…
It's definitely not a helpful thought.
“Any chance I could give you a call sometime?”
Your initial, knee-jerk reaction to this question, from this fine-ass man, is Yes, please and thank you. You're sure he sees it in your eyes, the way you're practically ready to sit up and bark for him.
But then, past experiences raise their hands to the situation, and how grateful you are. 
You know this guy's type, you convince yourself. Handsome, and macho, and they think they're so cute they can say anything and you'll just keep eating out of the palm of their hand, grateful to be their girl. You've starred in this show before– and it always ends in tragedy, with your heart in shreds, and them shrugging you off before moving on. 
Not tonight. 
“Sorry, but…I think it's best we keep this professional.”
Why does it hurt to say it?
You expect him to sulk, maybe even get mean, the way so many manly men do when a woman bruises their fragile egos. However, it seems this man is different. He just smirks, and you realize with a skip of your heartbeat, that he is not deterred at all.
“If you say so, sweetheart.”
With your heart in your throat, you have a feeling this is not the last you see of detective Tom Ludlow.
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Meta Knight: Only a heathen would bring a gun to a swordfight.
Ranger Kirby: Only a moron would bring a sword to a gunfight.
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