cricketnationrise · 10 months
4:24pm jack's apartment tater
okay for some reason my instinct is to write sad tater but i battled against that bc i didn't want to be sad today. thanks for the prompt, hope you like it!
want your own ficlet? TWO DAYS LEFT rules here.
jack's apartment, 4:24pm
“But consider this,” Jack is saying, as Bitty pushes him towards the door, “I could stay here instead.”
“You are just the sweetest thing, aintcha? But we both know you’ll melt if you’re away from ice any longer you big Canadian moose. Go skate with Shitty – I know you’ve missed him somethin’ fierce since he was here after the Cup.”
Tater sniggers into the couch cushions at the sight of Jack Laurent Zimmermann – college graduate with honors, top five for the Rocket Richard and Art Ross, runner up for the Conn Smythe, Calder Cup Winner, and Stanley Cup Champion – pouting at his boyfriend.
“Get out of here, Mr. Zimmermann,” Bitty laughs. “We’ll be just fine on our own, and we’ll be here when you get back.”
“Fine.” Jack leans in for one more kiss and Bitty pushes up into the contact so easily that Tater actually looks away, feeling a little like he’s intruding – only looking up again at the sound of the door closing.
Bitty collects Tater’s evening meds and a slice of pie for both of them before making his way back into the living room, shaking his head fondly. “Never thought I’d see the day when Jack Zimmermann was whining about going to the rink. Somewhere pigs are flyin’.”
“Seem to me like good reason to pout: Little B staying home.”
“You’re sweet as all get out.”
“Am best,” Tater confirms before shoveling blueberry pie into his mouth with a groan of pleasure.
“How’s your leg today? Still sore after PT today?”
“Da. But feels stronger. I’ll be back to start next season I’m thinking.”
Bitty does a little dance in his seat in celebration. “Tater, that’s fantastic! I’m so pleased for you, hon.”
“Is rough, no skate, no running, only bike and swimming sometimes. Feel с ума – not sure what English is – like not wanting to sit still, but forced to.”
“Oh, stir-crazy?” Tater nods. “I totally get that – I got a bad concussion my frog year, couldn’t do anything with impact until the start of the next season. I didn’t think I would miss running in the Georgia heat, but Lord, I would have given anything just to go for a jog, I was so bored.”
Tater lifts his plate and waggles his eyebrows. “Pie helps lots. Would be sad without.”
“Well we can’t have that,” Bitty says, mock seriously before sitting up straight. “Now, to business. Jack will be gone for at least two hours, probably closer to three since Shitty will drag him out for dinner after.”
“We have time to finish Drag Race?”
“We do indeed.”
“Was wrong before. Little B is best.”
Bitty doesn’t say anything, just smiles at Tater fondly, grabs the remote and settles himself against Tater’s side, tucked safely under Tater’s arm. His leg is sore, he’s itching to get back to the ice and conditioning, but Bitty has a way of making all his frustration melt away. 
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doggernaut · 4 months
Oh hello, you've found the fic most likely to be published sometime soon, if only because when I was looking at it I realized it's really just a short little Jack character study and only needs a little bit of work to make it publishable.
I have posted about this more on my main Tumblr account, but I'm a runner and in the past year and a half have been struggling with what seems like endless post-Covid lung issues and injuries. I went from running a PR marathon in April of 2022 to barely being able to run three miles at a pace five minutes slower than my PR pace. For somebody who has never really had to contend with injuries over almost 30 years of running (I took several months off when I strained my calf in 2016, but got into barre classes during that time), it has been humbling. And frustrating. I spend like an hour a day doing my stupid PT exercises and it feels like I've accomplished nothing. And I figured I could take all my feelings about being an aging athlete and give them to Jack. Because you know who would be pissed off about being forced to slow down due to a minor injury? Jack Zimmermann.
(Projecting all of my feelings onto Jack, by the way, has not really helped. But maybe other readers will see themselves in this fic and feel not-so-alone?)
“Can you explain it to me?” Bitty asks. “Euh … I’ll try.” Jack isn’t sure if he can explain what he’s feeling to Bitty because he’s not sure he understands it himself.  Bitty gives Jack’s shoulder a little squeeze, a nonverbal cue that he’s ready to listen whenever Jack’s ready. It takes Jack a minute to gather his thoughts. “I know I need to rest,” Jack begins. “I know I need to slow down and let things run their course, and I know it’s good for my body. Healing. But my mind just …” Bitty presses a kiss to the back of Jack’s neck. “I know.” “Sometimes my thoughts get a little out of control,” Jack admits. “Not in a bad way. Not like before. But I’ve been wondering if this is it. Maybe this time I won’t heal. Or I’ll fall so far out of shape that I’ll never get back to where I was. And I’ll just keep falling behind until they tell me I’m done. I’m not as young as I used to be. There are new guys who are faster, hungrier. Whenever I face off against some young kid I think about how I was at eighteen, how I thought guys my age had one foot out the door.” “Well, first of all,” Bitty murmurs soothingly, “nobody is gonna tell the Jack Zimmermann that he’s done.” Jack manages a smile in spite of himself. “I know it’s not rational.” Bitty presses another kiss, feather-light, to the back of Jack’s neck. “Honey, I know how you feel about slowing down, but maybe you should try to change the narrative,” he says gently. “What do you mean?” “Well, instead of telling yourself you’re lazy, try thinking of it as recovering. Right now the best thing you can do for yourself is rest a little so you can start the new season healthy and strong. When’s the last time you gave yourself permission to slow down?
Permission? That’s a new concept. Jack can’t recall ever giving himself permission to slow down. His overdose forced him to slow down, but that wasn’t a choice. This doesn’t feel like a choice either, but Bitty is right. Jack’s been in therapy long enough to know that there’s a difference between then and now, that slowing down now is something he has to do if he wants to keep moving forward.  “Just remember,” Bitty adds, “every rest day, every easy PT session, is an investment in a stronger, more resilient you. And it’s all gonna pay off big time next season.” “You’re good at this. You sure you don’t want to get into coaching?” “Oh, it’s hardly me at all! I’ve just been spending a lot of time on the inspirational, body positive side of Instagram.” “You have?” Seven years together, and Bitty’s still surprising Jack. Bitty shrugs. “I know it was a million years ago, but I used to be an athlete, too. Long enough ago that my body definitely isn’t the same.” There’s a hint of resignation in Bitty’s tone. “I know that’s not a bad thing, but it’s still hard to accept sometimes. Especially living with you, looking like you do.”  “Bits, you’ve never said anything,” Jack says, feeling a little guilty for not picking up on the fact that Bitty’s been going through this too. “And I wasn’t gonna,” Bitty says, “because most days I don’t think about it. My life is a lot different now, and that’s a good thing! But I can’t lift as much as I used to at the gym, and you know I can’t always keep up with you on our morning runs. And it’s my choice, I know. I’m happy with my yoga class and running most mornings and doing the Turkey Trot once a year, but sometimes it’s still—” Bitty shrugs. “Honey, you’re a professional athlete. It’s hard not to compare myself to you. Or who I was just a few years ago, for that matter. So I follow a few accounts that help keep things in perspective. There’s this whole community of former athletes, and people who are recovering from illness or injury, and people who are just starting on their fitness journey, and they remind me I’m not alone. Your pace isn’t my pace, and that’s okay.”   Jack laughs in spite of himself. “Okay, now you sound like an influencer.” “And you honey—” Bitty places a gentle hand on Jack’s chest—“your pace today doesn’t have to be your pace yesterday, or last year. We’re all works in progress.”
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sitp-recs · 5 months
#18 in the fic rec ask game!
Thank you!
favorite characterization?
Astolat’s works. Going for a new Drarry fic, I’ve really enjoyed the characterization in jerk/off by @oknowkiss. So fun!
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indestructibleheart · 10 months
12 and 31!
12. Are there any clichés or tropes that you actively avoid in your fics?
Mmm, other than my own squicks... I can't think of anything that I actively avoid? And I wouldn't say that I actively avoid my squicks because I just don't get ideas for those kinds of stories lol.
31. Do you prefer writing from a single character's perspective or switching between different viewpoints?
It depends on the fic, but I like honing into one character's perspective best. If it's needed for the reader to fully understand the story, I'll switch, but I think I gravitate more towards single-POV storytelling.
Ask me shit.
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8 and 31!
8. Your favourite graphic and or gif created by yourself
Answered this one here: personal favorites
31. The most notes a graphic / gif of yours has ever gotten. (Link it!)
The answer to this one took me by surprise. Lol. It's actually a gif set from The Neverending Story. I think it took off because people started adding a lot of interesting discussion points—about dreams, power, hope, and the way we use the time available to us in our lives. I highly recommend wandering through the comments, but I'll link to a few in particular that really stuck with me:
"Time is life itself, and life resides in the human heart"
A play on words that cannot be translated
The villain was willing to destroy everything
All of that said, if you're looking for a more fandom-specific gif set in response to this one, I give you:
My most popular set for The X-files – Mulder absolutely smitten with Scully's ability to talk all things supernatural
My most popular set for Schitt's Creek – Catherine O'Hara talking about what it was like to film Open Mic
Thank you so much for the ask, @sweatersinthesummer!
So, I first posted this ask game in September… and then mostly fell off the face of tumblr. Gah. But I'm excited to finally get to these asks, now that I'm more active again. :)
Ask a graphic / gif maker
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swiftlythebest · 2 years
what IF the leaves are real?!?!
Well, IF they were real, they’d be called Flutters and everyone would have a Flutter that came out at emotional moments. And MAYBE, Charlie’s would be leaves and Nick’s would be flowers and the Flutters would be spectral matchmakers.
The common consensus for the Flutters was that they appeared in moments of high positive emotion, a way to outwardly show feelings that were too big to contain. Charlie remembered them whizzing past his ear the first time he kissed a boy and sneaking his eyes open just a crack to see what Ben’s Flutters looked like. But all he saw were his own leaves, circling around their heads, nothing else mixing with them.
He figured they would make an appearance eventually; sometimes people repressed emotions to hide them so as not to embarrass themselves. Maybe Ben was nervous that Charlie would be turned off by any eagerness. Months went by, dozens of kisses were exchanged, and Charlie had still never seen Ben’s Flutters. He tried to convince himself that it didn’t dent his heart.
I have a lot of WIPs so ask me about them!
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swearphil · 2 years
4 and 28 for the gif asks!
4. A set that flopped but deserved better
This was an interesting one to answer because it made me evaluate what I consider to not be a lot of notes? I'll go with this David/Patrick Taylor Swift playlist set. Admittedly, it's a set that I actually think I could make a lot better now if I were to redo it
28. Have you ever posted a set, regretted it and immediately deleted it.
I don't remember ever immediately deleting a gif set? I did delete this Taylor Swift Shake It Off gif set from this blog to post on my tswift blog
Ask me questions about gif-making!
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stereopticons · 2 months
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Thanks for the tags, @kiwiana-writes @rmd-writes @hgejfmw-hgejhsf! Truthfully I hadn’t written anything since I shared Sunday’s snippet, but even though I am in bed, I banged out a few sentences just so I could have something to share. I’m only sharing two of them because I don’t want to give anything away!
“We could have, if we’d gone to that sex club like I suggested.”
“And as I reminded you then, there wasn’t time to get an NDA from everyone in attendance. I’m certain Shaan would have had you drawn and quartered for the mere suggestion.”
@hippolotamus @inexplicablymine @jamilas-pen @myheartalivewrites @ninzied @welcometololaland @lizzie-bennetdarcy @alienajackson @jettestar @ships-to-sail @indestructibleheart @beaiola @tyfinn @likerealpeopledo-on-ao3 @chelle-68 @missgeevious @smblmn @celeritas2997 @nontoxic-writes @dinnfameron @apothecarose @ramonaflow @treluna4 @sweatersinthesummer
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citrusses · 2 months
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I wish I could give this amazing binding by @sits-bound aka @sweatersinthesummer the gorgeous Thames photo shoot it deserves (maybe one day) but for now here is the (in my unbiased opinion) most beautiful binding ever made. Thank you so much @sits-bound for creating this bind of Our Objective Remains Unchanged and sharing it with me.
The collage of rowing posters as the cover is inspired, the fonts are stunning, the rowing icon headers are perfect, and that cover page actually made me weep.
This fic is very special to me and holding it in my very own hands is so damn cool, I am so full of love and gratitude right now. @sits-bound is so phenomenally talented 💙
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thedrarrylibrarian · 10 months
hey, do you know of any drarry podfics?
Hello! Your holds have arrived!
Yes, I do have some podfics for you! I love listening to a podfic while I'm puttering around the house, or even occasionally on a long trip! It's so calming to have something to keep my mind engaged while I'm doing a repetitive task.
I hope these podfics are exactly what you've been looking for! And don't forget to check out my previous Podfics list!
Podfics 2
Your Presence Against My Skin written by @bafflinghaze, read by JocundaSykes (4 min, rated G)
Nightmares are a part of Harry's life; but so is Draco.
Too Many Potters written by @phdmama, read by @reveriepi (13 min, rated T)
Draco blinks, trying to make sense of what he's seeing.
“Weasley,” he says, not taking his eyes off the sight in the cell, “why are there eleven Potters in Holding B?”
“Twelve, actually,” Weasely replies from his desk. “I think one’s tucked away back in the corner.”
Harry Potter and the Incredibly Organized Personal Assistant written by megyal, read by @HappyHanabi (22 min, rated T)
Harry Potter's new assistant is snarkily organized.
5 times Draco Malfoy lied because of Harry Potter (and 1 time he was uncharacteristically honest) written by Ingi, read by ETL_Echo (26 min, rated G)
Although Draco Malfoy had no qualms against lying, he'd been taught from a young age how to benefit the most from his lies.
His Father had repeated the same over and over again, as Draco grew up: You shall never do anything that provides you no benefit. And Draco had never broken that sacred rule of his family, mostly because he'd never felt the compulsion to do so.
Of course Harry bloody Potter would have to come tumbling and ruin it.
Five Little Things written by @bixgirl1, read by ETL_Echo (38 min, rated T)
Harry was supposed to be good at this.
Still written by alexmeg, read by @reveriepi (47 min, not rated)
Dating Draco Malfoy, Harry thinks, will mean being at arms length outside of sex. No unnecessary physical contact or displays of affection. He wants him anyway, inexplicably. Perhaps that is exactly the kind of person he should be with, someone who will never need Harry to kiss him first, because Harry doesn't think he'll ever be that person.
The Full Monty written by @magpiefngrl, read by @sweatersinthesummer (1 hour, rated E)
Harry poses for a naked Auror calendar and Draco goes batshit crazy with lust.
Pinky Promises Are Powerful Magic written by megyal, read by @reveriepi (1 hour, 11 min, rated T)
Ickle Harry wants to stay with his newest hero.
the way you make me glow written by @softlystarstruck, read by @roseszain (1 hour, 14 min, rated M)
In a cottage next to the sea, love blossoms. Or perhaps it’s been there all along.
Potter written by Quine, read by @peony-podfics (1 hour, 17 min, rated T)
"Potter," Blaise muttered, a strewn over salt shaker in front of him.
"Where?" Draco asked, searching in vain for the raven-haired saviour.
Theo was grinning as he watched their exchange.
"Well," Blaise began, "As you're so fond of blaming all your problems on Potter, I thought I'd give it a try as well."
Crimson Neon written by @xanthippe74 and read by Spades (1 hour, 42 min, rated M)
Winter, 1999. Harry thought going to New York would help him get his head on straight, but all he has to show for it are sore feet and a fridge full of takeaway containers. And now he’s homesick on top of everything else. It doesn’t help that his mysterious neighbour in 2C keeps cooking dishes that remind Harry of home and all the people he lost or left behind.
Human written by @ghaniblue, read by @reveriepi (3 hours, rated E)
Harry isn't dealing well with being bitten and turned into a werewolf. Draco isn't dealing well with Harry packing up and leaving like a thief in the night. Things come to a head in a forest cabin in the German Ore Mountains.
Never Grow a Wishbone written by @shanastoryteller, read by SeaSage (10 hours, 41 min, rated T)
Draco returns to Hogwarts.
He has a duty to his blood and his name and his house, and he will fulfill it.
Always Already written and read by @aibidil (19 hours, 45 min, rated E)
Harry and Draco are perfectly fine, separately minding their business in 2004, when the Unspeakables conscript them into service... in the First War against Voldemort.
Come for mutual pining and forced proximity in a 1980 hotel room, stay for young Sirius and philosophising about immortality and wormholes. And an eighties cowboy soap opera.
❤️ As always, if you find a fic you enjoy, please remember to leave the author a kudos or a comment! ❤️
Lots of Love and Happy Reading!
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omgauplease · 1 year
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Hey y’all! Today’s the day: creator reveals are here!!
A sincere thank you to everyone who participated in this fest! Prompters, creators, readers, listeners, rebloggers, etc - you all made this a HUGE success!
Without further ado, here are our incredible creators for AU, Please!!!
(P.S. if we got your tumblr name wrong or missed it entirely, please send us a message and we’ll update the post)
Subtext & Symmetry by bonepicker (@siocliath)
Triple Bee by thesleepyskipper (@thesleepyskipper)
Flying, Fears, and Falling in...Something by VampireGalileo (@vampiregalileo)
*bleep* Late Night Radio by iknowwhyulikeoscarwilde
fond by Local_Queer (@a-very-gay-disaster)
[Podfic] It's an Emergency! A Romance Emergency! by RattleandHum (@thirdeye1234)
A Blessing in Disguise by WrathoftheStag (@wrathofthestag)
siegfried, you are not my savior by TheElectricSpecter (@zimmerdouche)
Center Ice by maanorchidee (@forabeatofadrum)
Those Tangled Olive Threads of Fate by McBangle (@mcbangle)
shall i compare thee to a summer's day? by dairaliz (@schitthappens)
Multitask Magic by StarDryad (@lutzgocelly)
A little bit of a misunderstanding by sweaters_in_the_summer (@sweatersinthesummer)
Haus of Leaves by HowOldAreWe
your ivy grows by Tufted (@pinkviper)
There Have Been Five Kisses by cricketnationrise (@cricketnationrise)
for whom the bell tolls by ThirdEye1234 (@thirdeye1234)
[podfic] Just Spit It Out by dairaliz (@schitthappens)
Call Incoming... by Local_Queer (@a-very-gay-disaster)
things got weird (when we made out) by inyourblackheart (@intothenightosphere)
Even Doubt Can Be Delicious by petrodobreva (@petrodobreva)
hold me like you'll never let me go by hullomoon (@hullomoon)
The Sunset Haus by bonepicker (@siocliath)
Welcome Aboard the Samwell by McBangle (@mcbangle)
What You Will by cricketnationrise (@cricketnationrise)
Won't Eat Crow (But It Might Eat You) by Thunderhel (@dexondefense)
nobody knows the trouble i've seen (glory, hallelujah) by queenofthestarrs
the whole world is all yours tonight by dessertwaffles (@dessertwaffles)
[Podfic] Special Delivery by cottagepodfics (@cottagepodfics)
Dream of the Pale Blue Lobster by ThitherStarling (@breatheinpurejoy)
Et Cetera by milou407 (@shipalltheboats)
out of tune by feuertatze (@elgoeshollywood)
Samwell Acres by iknowwhyulikeoscarwilde
And I'd choose you by StarDryad (@lutzgocelly)
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Complete fics posted on AO3 this day
1. Meet You In the Middle by toomuchplor [E, 1k]
►Harry and Draco share a massive bed, because they need their space, but that doesn't mean they can't still collide in good and bad ways.
2. Symptom of Your Touch by @ghostofnoir [E, 115k]
►St. Mungo's Healer Draco Malfoy is used to being pushed to his limits when providing aide to the ailing, but when an unexpected encounter with an out of character Harry Potter throws his life out of balance one night, he is forced to ask himself how far he's willing to push his own levels of discomfort to be of aid to a man in need of help that only he can provide. And once that need for aid is over, how will he find balance in his life again?
3. Welcome to Schittsmeade by @sweatersinthesummer [T, 3k]
►Draco Malfoy and his family end up in the town of Schittsmeade after they lose all of their money. He wants to open a very specific potions shop. That's where small business consultant Harry Potter comes in.
1. 0 + 0 = 1 by Anonymous [G, 2k]
►Harry and Draco go on Taskmaster. That's it. That's the plot. ★ Lights Camera Drarry 2023 | @lcdrarry
2. Perfect by Anonymous [E, 3k]
►After Scorpius is born Draco realsises that his emotions don't match the euphoria the baby books promised. ★ HD Mpreg 2023 | @harrydracompreg
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doggernaut · 1 year
Got a comment from @sweatersinthesummer about the Divorce AU mentioned in this WIP post, so here are a few details:
This is probably my most developed WIP and the only thing holding me back from finishing is that I've committed to finishing fics that have deadlines. The first draft is ... probably about 50% complete?
Bitty and Jack are both recently divorced (not from each other) in this and become friends through Chowder (Bitty's BFF, Jack's teammate).
Bitty's two kids play a pretty big role in this fic.
That awkward moment when the hot guy who is totally just a friend meets your ex:
Jesse looked from Jack to Eric, as if he couldn’t quite believe Eric and Jack Zimmermann were friends. “And you and Eric are …”
“Friends. Jesus, Jess, he’s just a friend who happened to be there when I needed him. I’m allowed to have my own friends.” Eric wanted to say more about how Jesse didn’t get to know every detail of his personal life anymore, but he didn’t want to fight in front of the kids and Jack. Jack might have taken the whole babysitting his kids and bringing them home thing in stride, but he certainly didn’t sign up for a front row seat to their family drama.
“Well, thanks again,” Jesse said. “Come on, guys. Get your things. We’ll stop for ice cream on the way home.”
“Aw man, do we have to?” Lizzie whined. “Mr. Zimmermann’s reading to us, and then Daddy said we can have sundaes.”
“It’s your dad’s night,” Eric reminded them. “We’ll have sundaes when you get back on Sunday evening.”
“But Mr. Zimmermann won’t be here on Sunday,” Sam protested.
“Maybe Mr. Zimmermann would like to join us for dinner on Sunday,” Eric said, trying to placate the kids so they’d get moving with minimal hassle. “If he’s not busy,” he added, giving Jack an out.
“I’ll be here,” Jack agreed, surprisingly quickly. Maybe he was eager to get this awkward moment over with as quickly as possible, too. “We have to finish that chapter in Matilda. Hey, have you guys read The Phantom Tollbooth? That was my other favorite when I was a kid. I’ll bring it with me.”
“Cool!” Sam said. Lizzie didn’t say anything, but smiled adoringly up at Jack and hugged him around his legs.
“They both did tonight’s homework,” Eric told Jesse as the three left. “Don’t forget to sign Lizzie’s reading log this week.”
“I won’t.”
“If you forget, you can deal with it.”
“Got it.”
“And throw their practice gear into the laundry as soon as you get home. Lord, if I have to open one more hockey bag with overripe clothes—”
“Eric …” 
“Okay, fine. Bye, sweetpeas! Have a great week with your dad and Christian. He knelt down to give each of his kids a hug and then they were following Jesse down the walk to his car.
“It must be hard to say goodbye,” Jack said.
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tackytigerfic · 2 months
Word excerpt ask game
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Send a random word to my inbox and I'll post a line/passage containing that word from a released or unreleased fic.
Thanks for the tags @thecouchsofa and @wolfpants!
I am feral for getting a glimpse at people's wips so let's have it @blamebrampton @boxboxlewis @dracognition @fluxweeed @thehoneybeet @lastontheboat @lqtraintracks @maesterchill @magicalrocketships @skeptiquewrites @sweatersinthesummer @sweet-s0rr0w if you would like to do this with your own wips! and everyone else who fancies a go, no presh but this looks like a fun easy sharing game for the timepoor among us.
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cha-melodius · 8 months
9 books
I have been tagged by a bunch people on this (thanks @cricketnationrise, @clottedcreamfudge, @kiwiana-writes, @tintagel-or-cockleshells, @myheartalivewrites, @cultofsappho), so I guess I better do it even though choosing my 9 favorite books sounds impossible. A bunch of these are series, almost none of them are in any way new. Let's go!
Lord of the Rings by JRR Tolkien A perennial favorite. Fun fact, I once planned to pull a Christopher Lee and reread these every year but then my hyperfixation faded a bit lol. Still love the story and Tolkien's prose.
Dune by Frank Herbert This counts for the whole series, yes, even God Emperor. It took me a while to get to the last two books but I love them just as much, actually.
A Song of Ice and Fire by George RR Martin Still obsessed with this story and desperately hoping we get the full ending that it deserves and not just what D&D butchered on the show.
The Thursday Next series by Jasper Fforde The perfect combination of literary nerdery, comedy, and crime-drama intrigue!
The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy by Douglas Adams Quite possibly the funniest book I've ever read, full stop.
Into Thin Air by Jon Krakauer A nonfiction entry! I love all of Jon Krakauer's books but I'm also obsessed with mountain climbing (reading about it, not doing it lmao), and this one is one that still haunts me.
Blindness by Jose Saramago Read this in college, became obsessed with the poetry and imagery of it.
A Marvellous Light by Freya Marske Became absolutely obsessed with this one very quickly. Also I'm pretty sure the third book is going to become my entire personality when it comes out.
Dracula by Brahm Stoker Gonna be a hipster and say I've been obsessed with this book since I was in high school, which was long before Dracula Daily.
(Also reading everyone's lists has reminded me that I really need to actually read the copy of Circe sitting on my shelf...)
I can no longer remember who has and hasn't done this, so apologies for any double tags. @indomitable-love, @mirilyawrites, @loki-is-my-kink-awakening, @wolfpup026, @tedlassc, @beskarsoshiny, @lilythesilly, @jettestar, @iboatedhere, @pragmatic-optimist, @thesleepyskipper, @heytheredeann, @swearphil, @sweatersinthesummer, @petrodobreva, @b13-maybethistime, @liminalmemories21, @nontoxic-writes, @designatedgrape, @noahreids, @leaves-of-laurelin, @celeritas2997, @orchidscript, @athousandrooms, @welcometololaland, @rmd-writes, @dumbpeachjuice, @ikeepwatchinghelicopters, @okilokiwithpurpose, @thetamehistorian, @hummingbee-o0o
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rmd-writes · 7 months
on this nice ask week: please tell us 2 truths and a lie (unhinged edition) 😂
okay these aren’t unhinged but I had to come up with stories that weren’t so specific that I’d dox myself and it was tricky 😂
1. I crossed out the waiver of liability in the event of death or injury on the waiver form when I went skydiving. They accepted it anyway 🤷🏻‍♀️
2. I was 15 the first time I went into a nightclub. I was invited to go by US Navy sailors. They slipped the bouncer $100 to let me and my friends in.
3. I have aspirations to write a novel and have it published.
Feel free to guess which are the truths and which is the lie in the comments!
Also, cos it’s Friday night, I’m tagging @welcometololaland @clottedcreamfudge @lemonlyman-dotcom @goodways @heartstringsduet @guardian-angle22 @inkweedandlizards @carlos-tk @cricketnationrise @kiwiana-writes @danieljradcliffe @swearphil @sweatersinthesummer @apothecarose to play two truths and a lie too
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