#supernatural lucifer x y/n
Said, I was sorry
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Summary: You’re pissed at Dean, and Sam and Bobby find it amusing.
Word count: 0.9k
A/n: Once more not my favorite, but still hope you guys enjoy :)
The silence you gave off aggravated Dean to a higher level. And he didn’t know how to fix it. He’d apologized, tried to cheer you up with a slice of pie, he even listened to both Sam and Bobby on how he could make it up to you. 
But to no avail, you barely spoke to the poor man. 
He knew it was his fault, anyone could have told him that. In fact you reminded him plenty of times on the ride back from the case. God, that ride back to Bobby’s was dreadful, you made Sam sit in the backseat and wouldn’t even let Dean turn his music up all the way either. 
But, he would take that as punishment, if that would mean you would speak to him again. 
“So,” Bobby started, voice low as he watched you leave the small library of his. “What did you do to her?”
Sam bit back a laugh, hand coming up to his his smile from his brother. “Shut up.” Dean told him, hands coming up to rub his face. The long quiet drive back having drained his battery. “I don’t want to talk about it.”
Bobby leaned against the desk, arms crossed over the other as he stared at the younger man. “What do you mean, ‘I don’t want to talk about it’? She’s barley looked or even spoken to you since you’ve been here. Now, what the hell did you do?”
“I- I messed up on the hunt, ok.” He finally told him, head hanging low for a second before meeting the man’s eyes again. “We were hunting the shapeshifter, and we were lead to an old drinking well out at a farm.”
Dean let out a deep sigh before continuing, “And you know Sam and I were to big and too heavy to go down the well, so Y/n had to do it.”
“So you, what? Forced her down the well, threw her down?” 
“No.” Dean muttered, slowly pacing the small library. “No, we tied a rope around her and we hoisted her up and over into the well, and-“
“We?” Sam asked, a playful smile dancing across his lips. “I think I went back to the farm house and tried to find the shapeshifter.”
“Ok, then, I hoisted her up and into the well.” He corrected, shooting an annoyed look at his brother. “And it was going great, I had a firm grip on the rope, she didn’t slip. But…”
Bobby quirked an eyebrow, “But?”
“But, we found the rope in an old shed, and as I was lowering her down the well, I saw- I felt a uh.” Dean lowered his voice, embarrassment seeping its way into his body. “A spider.”
“A what?”
“A spider.” Dean told him a bit louder. 
Bobby looked between both Dean and his brother, taking in the shame one had and the other trying to hold in his laughter. “Dean, what did you do?”
“I let go of the rope, by accident.”
A chuckle forced its way past his lips, a hand coming up to hide his ever growing smile. “So, what your telling me is that you dropped Y/n down a water well, because you saw a spider?”
“You wouldn’t understand,” Dean tried to defend himself, his tone rising as both Sam and Bobby erupted into fits of laughter. “It crawled up my hands, got under my shirt. It was gonna bite me.”
“She had to ride the whole way here in soggy clothes, because we didn’t bring any dry clothes with us.” Sam told Bobby, 
Bobby laughed a bit more at the younger man actions, a hand coming up to wipe away at his eyes. “Look kid, just be nice to her, she’ll have to forgive you sooner or later.” He told Dean, keeping his voice low as he heard you make your way back to them. 
You came back with three beers in hand, passing two off to both Sam and Bobby before opening your own. Dean held out his hand expecting you to place a glass bottle in it for him, but just watched as you sit behind the desk taking slow deliberate sips of your drink. 
“I would like a beer.” Dean told you, hand coming back down to rest by his side. 
“Ran out.” You told him bluntly, flicking through a book that sat on top the desk. 
Dean pulled his lips into a thin line, dodging both Sam and Bobby’s eyes. “What do we have?” He asked, needing something to quench his thirst. 
You looked up at the older man, pretending to ponder the question. “We have water.”
“Then can I have water?” A cough came from his side, glancing over he caught Bobby and Sam giving him a look. “Please?”
A sigh left your lips before you got up once more, disappearing past the doorway and into the kitchen. “See,” Bobby told him, taking a quick sip of his beer. “Just be a little nice and she’ll forgive you in no time.”
You retured quickly, placing a cup onto the bookshelf next to Dean. Reaching over he picked up the cup, twisting it in front of him, a small scowl resting on his face as he faced you. “This is ice, Y/n.”
“Yep.” You told him, returning to your seat. 
“I asked for water.”
“You can wait.”
Dean let out a sigh, placing the cup back onto the bookshelf, “I can wait.”
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supernaturalfreewill · 8 months
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You were doing your best to hide your trembling, but it wasn't working. Lucifer's eyes seemed to bore right into you.
"You're so pretty," he purred, his eyes flickering over your face. "Is that why Sam and Dean keep you around? Eye candy? So, so pretty... Sometimes you humans can be truly beautiful, you know?" He got up and paced around you, circling like a shark. "Beautiful, but fragile. So easily broken..."
You steeled yourself and managed to find your voice. "If you're going to kill me, just do it. I'd prefer that to this deranged monologuing."
Lucifer froze and, to your surprise, smiled and chuckled. "Kill you? Now why would I do that? That would be quite a waste."
Prompt: "You're so pretty. So, so pretty. Sometimes you humans can be truly beautiful, you know? Beautiful, but fragile. So easily broken."
Happy Supporting Character Saturday!
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raz-writes-the-thing · 3 months
The Odd Cuddle (Supernatural Drabble)
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Casifer x GN!Reader / requests are open
Summary: Flirty Casifer cuddles. That's it, that's the fic.
A/N: I saw this post from @peacockwinchester and idk- it sparked some inspo
Fic type: fluff
Supernatural: @wereallbrokenangels @nervoussystemss (send an ask to be added to a tag list!)
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
Lucifer, your beloved. Your Liege, your Lord, your Prince of Darkness. To be quite frank, you'd never been worried about what he could do to you if he so pleased. You were nearly as old as he was and had seen him in many forms with many faces since the dawn of time. You'd loved them all the same.
You'd had many faces, too, of course. You'd tried them all. Like a card collection, almost. But Luci had always been most fond of your original- and when he'd finally been able to bust free of the Cage in Castiel's form, he'd used up some of his archangel juice to restore you a corporeal form true to your very old, very original body.
"Oh, how I missed this," you breathed out, feeling out those long-lost and yet familiar contours of your form.
"Mm, me too. No such views in the Cage, it would seem," your love replied, pulling you closer so he could wrap you up in his arms. Upon seeing your eye roll, he added, "Darling, no view anywhere could compare to the sight of you."
You allowed him to pull you closer and against his chest. Trailing a finger down his stubbled cheek, you teased him with the promise of a kiss only to pull back at the last moment.
"I quite like this face on you, dearest. It's handsome, and... cuddly," you said, trailing your hands down his chest to wrap around his middle. You sighed contentedly, settling into his chest as he wrapped his own tighter around you.
"Me too, pet," he answered, pressing a little kiss to your forehead. "I have to admit- after spending several millennia in the Cage, I've grown quite fond of the odd cuddle."
"And I am pleased for it. You know I am all for a good, long, cuddle," you told him affectionately. Luci released one arm from you and snapped his fingers. Suddenly you were both lying down in your shared, luxurious four-poster.
"Now this is the life," you stretched out like a cat, practically purring as you pressed your warm cheek to his colder, now-shirtless chest. He always did run cold.
"It sure is, cupcake," Luci tapped your nose, lips upturned in a cocky smile. "It sure is."
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devilsmoth · 3 months
Dead Rising (TFW x reader, Lucifer x reader?????)
Authors Note: I know this isn't the best thing I've ever written, but this is more just writing practice for me :] trying to get back into the swing of writing. Either way, I hope you enjoy it ! If not then I'm sorry ;w;
Warnings: Nothing, really. Language?
Pairing: I didn't write one in mind, though the way I ended up writing Lucifer I suppose it could be Lucifer x y/n if I make a sequel to this?
Prompt: "I thought you were dead!" / "Wow! The miracle of life!", "Just wishful thinking."
Words: 1,741
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It was....weird. Death was weird, but then again it'd also be weird if it wasn't weird? Some sort of weird paradox. A weirdadox, if you will.
One moment, you were there, ready to fight alongside team Free Will, and then next you were just....gone? What was weird was that there wasn't even any pain, or if there was you certainly don't remember it. You've flirted with the concept of death many times before, all of them filled with unbearable pain and slight panic, but you've never actually died.
You weren't sure what happened, but there was no reaper to meet you, nobody to guide you to the other side. Dean and Sam were too busy fighting some stupid group of angels to notice you had died so abruptly. Or, at least you think you died? Question mark?
Your brows furrowed as you took a look at your surroundings, only to see Lucifer standing there with a smug smile on his face, and wiggling his fingers at you in some strange form of a wave. He was quiet, for now at least, instead pointing to something on the ground. Confusion was clear on your face as you followed where he was pointing, only to see your body on the ground.
You looked over yourself, searching for any signs of a wound, anything that would've attributed to your cause of death, but there was....nothing. No blood, no wounds, no gore, nothing. You looked back to Lucifer with a strange gaze, expecting him to explain just what the fuck is going on.
"Now," He begins, hands in front of him, "I bet you're wondering, 'Oh no, what happened, what am I, mehmehmeh,'" Lucifer takes on a high pitched, mocking tone, hands moving side to side as he speaks, "All good questions."
There was a long, silent pause, with him just staring at you.
"Oh, you want me to answer them." Lucifer announces in a bored tone.
"I think that would be the polite thing to do, yeah," You nod in agreement, "Especially since you were the one that killed me, I feel like I'm owed some kind of explanation."
"Huh?" He questions, but whether it's genuine confusion or he's exaggerating himself to mock you, you've no idea, "Dead? Do you see any reapers, y/n?" He asks, arms out as he turns around, as if he was looking for them himself, "You're funny, or maybe just stupid...Either way, no you're not dead."
"Dean!" You hear Sam call, "DEAN GET OVER HERE, NOW!"
Lucifer smiles when he hears the panic in Sam's voice. You turn to look at Sam, only to see him trying to shake you awake, calling your name. Dean comes running over, and checks you for a wound of any kind, and quickly becomes frustrated when he can't find one. Sam and Dean argue with one another for a good minute before they both finally agree on just getting you back to the car and heading back to the bunker as fast as humanly possible.
"Just, let's just get 'em in the car, alright?!" Dean commands, "Did you see what happened?"
"No, no, I-" Sam's words falter when he sees the angry and disappointed look on Dean's face, but he picks your body up easily, "I was fighting off Heaven's bodyguards Dean, just like you were!"
"I told you to keep an eye on 'em! You were the one that wanted them to come!" Dean argues as he opens the door for Sam to put you in the backseat, "I told you they should stay back at the bunker and work on researching, but nooooo-"
"Dean, they're obviously not dead!" Sam argues back in frustration, "So how about we wait to blame me for it, okay?"
Dean just grumbles as he gets into the car. The sight would've made you smile, if you weren't incorporeally separated from your own body, with still no explanation as the what the fuck happened, or what was even going on. Your gaze is back on Lucifer, this time with less confusion and more anger. Were you just here for his fucking amusement, or was he gonna get to talking? You glare at him, already plotting a way to kill him, and as if reading your thoughts, he puts his hands up in surrender.
"Hey, look," Lucifer begins, "I'll return you to your body, just as soon as I can get what I want."
"Oh yeah?" You question, "And what's that? Jack? A new haircut? Maybe a shower-"
"You wound me," He puts a hand over his heart in faux offense, "Don't worry your pretty head about it, alright?"
"So, what?" You question, crossing your arms, "You're just going to leave my body to rot until who fucking knows how long, just to have some leverage? You expect the maggots to avoid my decaying body just because I asked nicely?"
Lucifer just stares at you for a moment, and you swear you see a twinkle of amusement in his eyes. He sighs out heavily, whining in annoyance before he rolls his eyes and looks back to you.
"Fine," He snaps his fingers, and you feel a part of you...spirit? lurch, "There. Happy?"
"..." You look around, wondering what the Hell he did, before looking back at him like he was fucking insane, "What the hell was that?"
"I'll explain on the way, I'm not staying here until the sun rises just chatting with you," He ushers you forward, and you comply, mostly because what else were you gonna do? "Come on, there we go."
He raises his hand to snap his fingers a bit, before a thought crosses his mind, and he squints before looking down at you.
"Uh, hold your breath," Lucifer warns, "Otherwise you'll find out what astral projected spirit-vomit looks like."
You shoot him another crazed look before listening to him, and just as you start to wonder what the hell he was talking about, he snaps his fingers and suddenly you're teleported to his throne room. Ah, that makes sense now, Cas would tell you something similar. You also recall Dean mentioning something about angelic teleportation and constipation as a side effect.
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Back at the bunker, Sam and Dean had managed to get you--or, rather, your body--back inside. Sam had set you on a couch nearby so that they could keep an eye on you while they tried to research what was going on with you. It just...didn't make sense. You had a pulse, a weak one, but a pulse nevertheless. There was no wounds, no blood no signs of some kind of spell, no hex bags, nothing. Not even a sign of a struggle. So what gives?
A couple hours had passed in mostly silence, occasionally broken up by one of the brothers chiming in with an idea, and the other shooting it down because you didn't have any of the symptoms. Poor Jack was also confused, but he was still trying his best to help Sam and Dean come up with an answer within the many books of the bunker.
Suddenly, without any hint or warning, you had sat up from the couch. The boys didn't notice you at first, until you had passed behind Sam, and Dean's hunter instincts kicked in. He looked up, and his eyes nearly bulged out of his skull. He kicks his brother to get his attention, and Sam looks up in confusion, only to see what he was looking at and grow even more confused.
"Uh," Sam begins as he grabs your arm to stop you, "Woah, woah, slow down,"
"Yeah," Dean chimes in as you turn around with a raised brow, "What the hell happened to you?"
You simply shrug, "I'm not a fucking oracle, I don't know."
The response nearly gives them whiplash, you never talked like that. Dean's first idea was that you were possessed, and Sam puts a hand out to stop Dean moving to get his gun.
"Okay, okay," He speaks, thinking you're angry, "Do you remember anything?"
"I remember this place sucks," You shrug again, your tone flat and emotionless, "And that there's leftovers in the fridge I'd kill for right now."
"Oookay," Sam speaks cautiously, and the familiar sound of wings can be heard before a familiar presence enters the room, "So, you're okay?"
"I dunno, I guess?" You shrug again, "I could go for some cake right now."
"Okay, what the hell?" Dean chimes in again, "I thought you were dead!"
"Just wishful thinking."
"I feel I have missed something." Castiel announces a bit awkwardly.
"Y/N was dead, but now they're not." Jack explains with a smile.
"Wow! The miracle of life!" You roll your eyes and yank your arm out of Sam's grip, "I'm going to go make me something to eat, since the Brady Bunch is all caught up."
With that, you had left the room, and Castiel watched silently as you left. His eyes squinted for a moment, analyzing you before you disappeared into the kitchen. This was not good news. You were soulless, and given that Sam, Dean, and Jack were all confused as to what happened to you in the first place, Castiel is doubtful that they know who did it to you. The good news is that there's not a whole lot of candidates that could've done it.
A lot of people are dead.
Not that dead is a good thing, but it is in this instance. The bad news, is that really, it's just the one person he's suspicious of, and if it is that person, then there's no way they're returning your soul without something in return. He dreads to think of what Lucifer could want in exchange for your very soul. Oh boy.
"I know what is wrong," Castiel announces as he comes out of his thoughts, realizing Sam and Dean were arguing with each other again.
They both look to the angel, who quietly looks back at them.
Dean rolls his eyes, "Alright, you gonna tell us, sparky?" He shoots Castiel a look, who nods.
"Yes." Castiel takes in a breath, "Y/N is soulless, and given our short pool of candidates to choose from these days, I suspect it to be Lucifer's doing."
Sam and Dean were both quiet for a moment, looking to each other like they were having a silent conversation.
"You can do that?" Jack asks, and Castiel hesitates.
"Your father can, yes."
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bubblegumfrosting · 2 years
Dean: Y/n, you start the interrogation
Y/n: Okay, Lucifer
Lucifer: *silently looks at Y/n*
Y/n: *visibly flustered*
Dean: He legit just looked at you
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Wrongfully Accused Part 15 (Lucifer X Reader)
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PART 1: Here  PART 2: Here PART 3: Here PART 4: Here PART 5: Here PART 6: Here PART 7: Here PART 8: Here PART 9: Here PART 10: Here PART 11: Here  PART 12: Here   PART 13: Here  PART 14: Here
Later that day when you got home you did what you always did when you were upset or angry and needed to channel it. You got out one of your canvases and your best paints. You made yourself a drink and got comfy on the couch as you started to paint. A little while later your phone rang. It was Lucifer. "Hey," you answered. He could pick up on your mood just by your tone.
"That bad huh?" he asked.
"Yep, Sam handled it well but you know Dean," you said.
"how about I pick up dinner for us and we just spend the rest of the night inside," he suggested and you smiled.
"That sounds amazing," you said, "don't forget something sweet,".
"I'd never forget you beautiful," he replied and you couldn't fight the smile that appeared on your face. After you hung up and decided to put your painting away, for now, you went ahead and picked a movie and had two glasses and a bottle of fancy cider ready on the table when Lucifer arrived with Chinese takeout and a chocolate cheesecake.
"Oh nice choices," you said giving him a hello kiss.
"Just let me grab a quick shower and we'll eat beautifully," he said placing the food on the counter in the kitchen.
"Hm, feel like some company for the shower?" you asked with an innocent smile on your face.
"Lead the way gorgeous," he said as you took his hand and headed for the bathroom. After your much needed shower, you two got comfy on the couch and enjoyed dinner. You two were cuddled up watching the movie. "I think since you took a big step today that it's my turn to take one," Lucifer said. You shifted so you can look at him.
"What step are you thinking of taking?" you asked.
"Well you finally faced your brothers and told them about me," he said kissing the back of your hand softly, "so I think I need to finally face my past. I'm gonna go to the book event,". You sit up and took his hands in yours. "I'll be right there with you," you said before giving him a kiss on the cheek. A few days later Lucifer was at work. It had been a busy day. Cars seemed to show up one after another but he didn't mind. He could use the money. 
"Shurley!" Bobby called, "Come in my office for a moment!". Lucifer grabbed his grease rag to wipe his hands as he hurried into Bobby's office.
"Yeah Bobby?" he asked leaning against the door frame.
"Why don't go on home for the day?" Bobby suggested. Lucifer was a little confused.
"Why should I go home?" he asked.
"Your father is coming in with a car," he said, "I didn't think you'd want to be around him,".
"I can just hang out in the crew room until he leaves," Lucifer said as there was a knock on the door.
"Hey Bobby," Dean greeted before he spotted Lucifer. Lucifer just looked back.
"I'll go see about the last few cars Bobby," he said as he went to leave.
"Shurley wait," Dean ordered, "we need to talk,".
"We really don't Dean," he said.
"Yes we do," he said anger clear in his tone, "I want you to leave my little sister alone,".
"Nort gonna happen," Lucifer said standing his ground.
"You will leave my little sister alone!" he ordered getting in Lucifer's face, "she can do better than some ex-con loser like you!". Against every fiber of Lucifer's body telling him to fight back he just took a slow breath.
"You know what Bobby?" he said stepping back from Dean with a smile, "I think I will take the rest of the day off. My girlfriend hasn't been feeling well so I should be taking care of her," with that he headed out.
"You just wait you son of a bitch!" Dean said going after him but Bobby stopped him by pushing him back into the office.
"That's enough Dean!" Bobby said making him sit down.
"No Bobby I don't like this!" Dean said running his hand through his hair, "He is not right for her!" "Dean you don't even know them together so you can't really make that call," Bobby pointed out as he leaned against his desk.
"I don't need to know them together!" he said standing up, "I know him and he is not good enough for Y/N!" he stormed out as Bobby just shook his head. You were sound asleep on your couch when the sound of a slamming door woke you up. You looked around but didn't see anyone. You figured maybe it was from Lucifer's apartment so you got up and walked out into the hall. You knocked on the door.
"Babe?" you called, "are you home?" He opened the door and you could tell he was a little upset. "What's wrong?" you asked caressing his cheek.
"You're brother stopped by the shop today," he explained, "got in my face. I walked away so nothing happened,". You sighed.
"I'm sorry," you said, "he can be a jerk,".
"Y/N are you sure you want me to come between you and your family?" he asked. You took his hand and sit down on the couch with him.
"Lucifer, you are not coming between me and my family in any way. If my brother can't accept you that's his issue. I love you, and thats all that matters,". He pulled you into his lap and hugged you close as he kissed your cheek.
"I love you too," he said as he gently rubbed your stomach, "are you feeling any better?".
"Still a little bleh, but yeah a little bit,". He gently swept you up bridal style causing you to giggle a little as he carried you back to your apartment. After making sure you were comfortable on the sofa he headed into the kitchen to make you some soup as you watched TV. The next day when lunchtime rolled around you barged into Sam's office where you knew Dean would be.  "We need to talk," you said, "now,".
"Y/N don't start," he said rolling his eyes.
"Don't start!" you crossed your arms, "you started when you got up in Lucifer's face yesterday while he was at work!".
"Really Dean?" Sam shook his head.
"I can't help it!" he said, "Y/N he's bad news,".
"No Dean, you just like almost everyone else in this town are too busy kissing his dad's ass to see beyond what his dad has made him out to be. I'm telling you this one more time. Back off or we will no longer be talking," and with that you stormed out.
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My Main Masterlist - Rules - ask away 18+ MINORS DO NOT INTERACT + All content are works of fiction. A/N: under construction
Lucifer x F!Reader: x Lust x Ride Me x You're mine x Take off your clothes
Sam Winchester x F!reader: x Butterflies x Taste x Spank you very much
Dean Winchester x F!reader: x Listen x You know what
FP Jones x F!reader: x Don’t Stop x The Blossom Secret x Shut up
Archie Andrews x F!reader: x I can’t be your friend x Kinktober day 17 - Threesome
DC Universe:
Jason Todd x F!Reader: x Shower's on x Kinktober day 2 - Titjob x Kinktober Day 6: Dirty talk x Kinktober day 18 - Spanking
Stardew Valley:
SDV Sebastian x F!Reader: x Kinktober day 1 - Pegging x Kinktobver day 9 - Stripping
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fandomimaginesftw · 2 years
Can I request a fic for Lucifer where he overhears the reader arguing with the Winchesters because they found out she has feelings for The Devil & she stands her ground & pretty much tells them to piss off because it's her life & her choice & partly because she actually understands & can relate to the reasoning behind why Lucifer does the things he does & acts the way he does.
I actually want to do a part two to to this, let me know if you'd be interested! I hope you like it, I know it's kinda short, sorry
SPN Tags: @carryonmyswansong @mogaruke @hobby27
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“Y/N! I can’t even believe what I’m hearing right now!” Dean growled, hitting the table out of frustration. Sam’s brw was more furrowed than Y/N had ever seen it, but at this point in time, there was no going back. Y/N locked eyes with Dean, anger crinkling their features.
“I don’t care what you guys think about this! You can’t bully or scare me into changing my mind. I’ve felt this for a long time.” They crossed their arms, straightening their posture to make sure their words came across how they wanted them to, like they were confident in what they were saying, because they were.
“How can you say that?” Sam asked softly, as if he had just been betrayed by someone he cared about. Which was valid for Sam. Y/N did feel a little guilt, knowing what Lucifer had put Sam through. They weren’t excusing that, none of that was okay, but they understood to a certain extent.
“Look, all I’m saying is…I understand where he’s coming from. I don't think what he’s done to Sam or the rest of your friends and family is okay, I’m not encouraging that in the slightest. However, I’m just saying maybe he’s really not all that bad. I mean, if my dad said I was his favorite and then replaced me with someone that wasn’t even great to begin with, I’d be a little pissed!” Dean and Sam scoffed, shaking their heads. “Have you ever read the bible? Huh? Lucifer was the most loved angel by God, and then one day he’s replaced by us, humans. Impure, sinful, and greedy human beings. God held them so highly that Lucifer couldn’t believe it. But even now, he does God’s bidding! God sent him to hell to punish the humans that went against his fathers word. Loyal to his father to the end, no matter how messed up he might be, sounds familiar doesn’t it?” And with that, there was nothing but silence. The brothers looked up at Y/N, then at each other. Neither of them could really deny Y/N’s words, when they put it that way it was hard to argue, especially when they brought John into it. 
What the three of them didn't know, though, was that a certain archangel was listening to these words, in utter shock that a human perfectly described him. Lucifer listened, some strange feeling tugging at his heart. He’d never felt so seen, and he had no idea how to deal with it. His eyes glowed red and he felt his angel wings flutter at each word they said. He needed to let them know how it made him feel, and he would when they all dispersed from each other.
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ilycxss · 2 years
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Castiel as Lucifer x F!Reader
You know that Lucifer is in Castiel, but come on, this is the last of your problems. You always had a crush on Castiel but also on Lucifer, now that the two of them became just one, you can have your trip for the paradise.
tw: Manipulation, blood, cussing, daddy kink, mentions of sex, aftercare.
Well, you were at the bunker, reading some random books that Sammy recommended to you. It was a boring time, cause you were alone. The boys were hunting some shapeshifter at Ohio so was just you, books and the internet. You felt another presence in the bunker. It was strong and with a mixed aura. You knew exactly who was it. “Hello?” You said. “Hi, sweetie.” Here he was, Castiel. Or Lucifer? The two of them. “W-what are you doing here? Weren’t you supposed to be with the boys?” Y/n exclaimed. “Oh let’s don’t play pretend right now, okay? You know exactly who i am, don’t you?” He said it with a smirk in his face, and you too have a smirk in your face aswell. “See? You’re not that silly like Castiel thinks you are. I can see behind those sweet big eyes you have, my dear. And i gotta say, you’re the baddest, you know?” Lucifer approached. “Stay away.” You gave a step back. “Oh you don’t want me to stay away from you, dear. I know how bad you want me. In Castiel’s vessel still? I can give you the bliss.” He said convinced. It was true. You wanted to feel him so bad inside you, but you couldn’t. You wish you could, but come on! It’s Lucifer. He will cause the death of you someday with all that sarcasm and all that charm he got. All of this combined with Castiel’s body? He wasn’t wrong when he said that he could give you the bliss. “Lucifer! Stay away! I’ll call my brothers if you don’t!” You threatened. “Oh you wouldn’t dare, little girl.” Lucifer said bringing a hand up to Y/n’s hair and janking her head back down, forcing you to make eye contact with him. “What’s the matter, huh? Why can’t you just kick me out from that old ass bunker? Oh! I think i know. Do you mind if i tell you?” He said with a sarcasm tone in his voice. “You want me to be inside you so bad, don’t you?” He whispered in you ear. “Now tell me, i wanna hear you saying it.” He pulled your chin. You were looking in his eyes. Those big blue eyes of Castiel were the best thing you have ever sawed in you whole life. That voice, the way he had control over you. “Come on, kitten. Don’t make me wait more to hear the magical words in your pretty mouth, k?” He said and you swallowed hard. “Or do you want me to put Castiel in control? Well, he’s not good as i am but i think he can do it. Or you would be ashamed of confessing your passion for the silly little angel? Oh! Sorry! I just did it for you. Now say it.” Shit. He screwed all up. “F-fuck you!” You said. “No no no my darling. You said the wrong word. I want you to say “fuck me, daddy.”” You were wet as fuck in that moment, Lucifer was still holding your chin, he was almost kissing you, but he wouldn’t, you know he wouldn’t. “Come on, Y/n! That’s not a hard job. You can do it, baby.” He exclaimed “Don’t call me baby you little shit!” Lucifer laugh. “Little shit? What’s this? An compliment? You know, i always wanted to make out with you too. But all those big mans defending you? Hell nah, i wouldn’t be stupid. I was in a weak vessel, the old man couldn’t even be standing up without crack his knees.” He joked, and well, you laughed because it was kinda truth. But still, you were vulnerable to him, one of his hands now was on your waist, moving it in circles to your hips. “Come on, doll. Say it. I promise i won’t tell anyone. But yeah you know, Cass will know it.” He was pleasing you but you had to fight it. Soon your brothers would be at home, and it wasn’t going to be a good idea having their little sister and the Lucifer making out in the living room. “Go away, Lucifer! I won’t!” You said. “Oh my father! You’re so hard to deal. Come on, i’m in Castiel’s body now. That’s a good thing, don’t you think? All you need to do is say the words i need you to say. We both know what do you want. I can read your silly little mind. And there’s two things in there right know. “Cass, fuck me!” And “Daddy, fuck me!” Now, is the “Daddy” Me, or Castiel?” He released you. Now you were beneath him because of the heights. “Screw you, Lucifer!” You was mad. All the rights. Castiel didn’t know about the crush you had on him.
And well, now he did.
“You know, pumpkin, i’m getting tired of waiting for you to say. I am a bad guy but i won’t do that stupid thing that humans call r4pe. But i’ll let a mark on you, your doggies will know who was there, with their sweet little girl.” Fuck Fuck Fuck. Lucifer was cutting your belly. He wasn’t using a knife or something, he was doing it with his powers, and it hurts as a bitch. The mark Lucifer was talking about, well, was nothing less than his name craved with a heart in your belly. After that, Lucifer was gone. Castiel was standing in front of me, still choked. But as soon as he take a glance in my body covered with blood, he decide to wake up. “Hey hey hey slow down, i’ll take care of it.” The blue eyed boy said while picking you up and getting you on the couch. “Cloths, i need cloths. God where are the cloths.” He was nervous. Not because of the blood or because Lucifer was just here. He was nervous because of you. Because of your crush on him. He didn’t know what to do, cause you are literally an Winchester. He wasn’t supposed to be in love with you. After he helps you to clean yourself up, you guys were together on the living room, in completely silence. “I screwed all up, right?” You said, kinda sad. “No no no, don’t say that. Everything’s good. I’m just…you know. Trying to process all of it.” He said softly, bringing comfort to you.
After some hours, the boys finally arrived at the bunker, they saw you with cloths stewed with blood and they just run into you. “Hey, Y/n what happened?” Dean asked “Nothing…i’ll be fine. Don’t worry about me.” You said knowing that your siblings already had too much problems. “Y/n.” Sam said firmly. “This is not true. Tell us the true, or we will find out.” You surrendered and took the cloths off. There it was. A big and capital L of Lucifer, and a little heart, obviously. “That motherfucker. I’ll kill him!” Dean said angry. “I’m sorry…i couldn’t do nothing to beat his ass.” You were sad. “No, don’t blame yourself sweetie. That’s fine okay? Now, go get some rest.” Sam said and you nodded.
After a good and hot shower, you were on your bed, watching silly cartoon movies, alone. Your brothers should be asleep so you didn’t have company. You heard footsteps approaching. Castiel opened your door and entered in your room, closing the door behind him. “Can i watch it with you?” He said innocently. “Yeah, of course, come here.” You said pointing to your side on the bed, the guy layed in there with you.
“I’m sorry Cass.” You said low tone, but you sure Castiel heard it. “Don’t be, sweetie. I also like you, but you’re young for me.” He wasn’t wrong. Well, you’re almost an adult now, you was going to college and stuff but you just turned nineteen. “I’m not a teenager anymore, Castiel.” You sighed. “I know. But your brothers, what do you think they will think about it?” The boy looked at you. “They will be happy, i promise. Sam and Dean, they’re not bad. They just jealous as much but they don’t care. They know you Castiel, you’re a good guy.” You said with a smile in your face. “I am but…the things that Lucifer did to you today, he was using me. Using my body. Using my memories, my voice. That was terrible even for me. I can’t forgive me.” He was really sad. “Hey, look at me.” You pulled his chin. “It wasn’t you, was Lucifer. That’s okay.” The guy smiled back. “So, can i kiss you now?” He said and you nodded.
He kissed you. You waited for so long for that moment. You guys spent the night hugging each other, giving kisses and stuff. Was the best moment of your life. You were happy, Castiel even more. It was a little fight when you two were waked up by Dean. He was happy for you guys but it was rough to swallow the idea of having his little sis and a angel of the lord dating.
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godofstory · 2 years
so after being SO invested in @quicksilver-castiel 's "the best damn thing" fic and @mikeluciraphgabe 's "have each other" fic all I wanted was to be part of the Shurley children gang in normal world😭 and I don't care how old I get,high school AU always gonna be my favorite; so today when I was writing my daily thoughts I decided to go a little further and here I am😬
this is my first attempt at writing and English isn't my first language so I'm really sorry😢
it's mostly gonna be around Gabriel and reader being best friends and doing stupid pranks together (ngl I just wanted to be included in their life😑 ) but with a little relationship stuff involved
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My wife, even better
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Summary: Dean can’t stop talking about you, his wife.
Word count: 0.5k
A/n: Not really any use of Y/n, but it is pretty cheesy. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED. ;)
“And she has theses eyes, wow.” Dean let out a sigh, his own eyes practically in the shape of hearts as he continued to talk to the bartender. “I mean, look, if you’ve ever seen them, then you could see all these different shades mixed into one. It’s awesome.”
The bartender just nodded her head, the damp rag moving quickly back and forth on the counter tip. “Mhm.” She hummed, not even listening to what the love struck man was even saying. 
“Plus, the way she talks is so beautiful, if I were to listen to one sound the rest of my life it would be her voice.” 
The bartender then turned her back to the man, trying to focus on her work and not on the man that had been rambling on about you since he sat down. With nothing else to do Dean just let his eyes wander through the bar, catching his brother and you talking to a few people about the case that you were working on. 
Dean played with his empty beer bottle, watching as the light reflected off the glass. His thoughts wandered over to you, not that they weren’t on you to begin with. But, he thought of how just days ago you were his simple girlfriend, how you and him used to tease and flirt with one another before you were officially together. 
And now, now you were Deans forever. Til death do you part, in both sickness and in health. You were his wife, and he was your husband. The thought made a smile drift onto his face and warmth creep up the back of his neck. 
“Hey,” You suddenly said from behind the man, dragging him out of his thoughts. “Sam and I have some intel on the case.”
Dean quickly turned back to the bartender in front of him, who had her hands busy with cleaning the glasses and counter for the night. “What did I tell you?” He asked her, dragging her away from her work. “The voice of an angel.”
The bartender gave a quick nod before getting back to work, not even sparring the two a second glance as she walked away. You hit Dean with the back of your hand, not hard enough to hurt him, but hard enough to let him know that he needed to focus. 
“I told you to stop that.” You gently scolded, your ears slightly turning pink. “Nobody wants to listen to you talk like that.”
“But, I want to.”
“And that’s amazing, D.” You pulled his hand in yours, giving it a tight squeeze. “But, not everyone wants to hear about our marriage.” 
“But, how could I not tell the world about you?”
You gave him a light peck on the cheek, pulling him off the bar stool and towards the exit. “Do you know how cheesy you sound?”
“Very, but I love you.” Dean quietly told you, leaning down to give you a kiss on the lips. “And I want the world know that, my beautiful wife.”
“And I love you, my gorgeous husband.”
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lxkeee · 4 months
—Angel! Lucifer Morningstar x Mermaid! Reader
Fandom: Hazbin Hotel
Genre: Fanfiction/Romance with slight angst
Synopsis: what if there are other supernatural beings that existed alongside angels?
Notes: If only I wasn't lazy in making my titles have ombre colors I would've had pretty colorful titles rn>:(
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Long before humans, supernaturals have already existed. One of these are the angels.
Lucifer was a curious angel, one of the first angels that was created by God. One of the most beautiful angels to have ever existed and one of the few who has the purest of hearts and intentions. Three pairs of wings adorning his back.
Despite his good intentions, the elders do not agree to his way of thinking as they think his ideas are a threat to the order they tried so hard to maintain.
With this, he was often alone as the other angels tend to avoid him.
So most of his time, he often flies around the vast lands of the earth. Getting his mind away from spiraling into insanity.
Lucifer wonders about the other supernatural beings, he knows they exist but he hasn't met one though.
One of the kinds he wanted to meet were the mermaids, he read about them when he spent his time in the heaven library. He thinks they are fascinating and beautiful based on the descriptions written on the books.
Oftentimes, he made sure to fly nearby the ocean waters. Enough that his body barely touched the cold water.
Unfortunately, he hasn't made any progress in seeing one with his own two eyes.
He sighs as he twirls in the air, large majestic wings flapping to keep his body in the air. His reflection is mirrored by the sparkling sea water. The light blue skies as his background, white fluffy clouds passing by his body. Strong winds caressing his face. A gentle smile on his face. He loves flying so much, he's free.
Folding his wings back, allowing his body to dive down. Spreading it once more to stop himself from diving into the cold ocean water, the gust of wind made by his wings made small splashes in the water.
He maintained this distance, his body a few inches away from the water. Keeping his body stable as he glides through the air.
A laugh escaping his lips, the angel genuinely enjoying this pastime of his.
Somewhere in the distance, a splash was heard. Catching his attention, his eyes whipping in the direction of the sound. His eyes widened when he could see a light blue and dark blue ombre colored mermaid tail splashing through the water and disappearing once more down to the depths.
A mermaid!
The discovery was enough for him to lose his focus as his wings stuttered. Making him fall into the cold ocean water. Halo disappeared when he made contact with the water.
His eyes widened in panic, his wings would be soaked and that means he couldn't fly. He could feel his body getting heavier as his clothes got dense from the water. He struggled to keep himself afloat, his wings adding a weight for him to carry.
Water begins to fill his lungs as he struggles to breathe, his consciousness begins to slowly fade away. Before his world was enveloped with total darkness, he swore he could see a blurry figure swimming towards him.
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[y/n] groaned in annoyance, she just went for a small swim. She didn't expect to see an angel and she surely didn't expect the dumbass to fall into the water.
Watching as the angel struggled to swim upwards, she sighs softly to herself as she began to swim towards the drowning male. Worry in her heart when she saw him close his eyes.
Catching him into her arms, his head on her shoulder. Keeping him steady as she swam upwards, her powerful light blue and dark blue ombre tail moving against the current.
Their heads are finally out to the surface, [y/n] turns her head around—left and right as she looks for a nearby land. Finally seeing one, an island a few distance away from them.
The angel is still unconscious in her arms, carrying both of them against the current. Making sure his head remained on the surface. To avoid more water getting into his lungs. Her gills open slightly as she breathes in the oxygen in the surface.
Finally arriving at the shore, she drags the heavy angel. Muttering something in her language, annoyance in her voice.
She finally managed to bring him to dry land, the angel was a mess, his light blond hair all over his face. Moving away his hair so she could perform CPR on the male, as she did so. She pauses.
He's... He's beautiful.
Red circles adorning his pale cheeks, highlighting his beautiful angelic face. Plump and soft lips.
[y/n] shakes her head to shake off the intrusive thoughts. Pressing her hands against his chest, pushing it so the water in his lungs would be pushed out.
Tucking her long hair behind her ear as she leans down, pressing her lips against his and breathing back oxygen back into his lungs.
Removing her lips from his, she returns to pumping his chest again to remove the water and then once more pressing her lips against his to give him air.
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The taste of salty sea water fills his throat as he finally coughs, coughing out the water that filled his lungs. His ear finally registering different sensations around him—the familiar feeling of sand against his skin, the sound of the ocean waves hitting the shore.
He breathes heavily, trying to catch his breath as he opens his eyes to see.
A very gorgeous woman in front of him.
That surprises him, causing him to jolt upwards.
Accidentally headbutting her in the process.
Both of them yelled in pain, their foreheads aching from the impact.
“Is that how angels treat their saviors?” the girl asked, eyebrows furrowed as she glared at him slightly. Her hand rubbing the painful area on her forehead.
Lucifer finally got a good look at her, she's beautiful. Like an out of this world beautiful.
His eyes landed on the gills and light blue scales on her neck, his eyes widened as he finally remembers why he drowned.
His eyes moved downwards to her body to see the large and majestic beautiful light blue and dark blue ombre mermaid tail on her body.
Though, heat filled his cheeks as he realized the girl was naked.
Avoiding her gaze, hand on his collar as it suddenly felt tight than usual.
“Sorry and thank you for saving me.” he says shyly and the girl just raised an eyebrow. Finding the angel cute, especially when she knows he got shy when he realizes she's topless.
“It is no problem, though, make sure not to drown yourself while flying.” she says with a deadpan making Lucifer cover his face with his hand in embarrassment.
“Sorry, you just caught me off guard that's all. Normally, I'm not that careless.” he explained shyly, [y/n] raising an eyebrow at him.
“So it's my fault you almost drowned then?” she asked with a small glare, Lucifer began to panic and [y/n] laughs softly.
“I am just teasing you.” she says with a smile, her laugh reminding him of the soft bells that often ring in heaven that were pleasant to listen to.
Lucifer's tensed shoulders relaxed as he calmed down.
“I am really sorry for being reckless.” he apologizes sincerely and the mermaid smiled softly at him.
“No worries, though, I have a favor to ask you.” she says and Lucifer raised an eyebrow, “What is it?”
“May I know the name of the angel I just saved?” she asked him, giving him a close eyed smile.
He blushed slightly and smiled, “Lucifer, Lucifer Morningstar.” he introduced himself.
“Lucifer Morningstar, what a beautiful name for someone as beautiful as you.” She says with a smile, the compliment making Lucifer's cheeks heat up more. How befitting for him, Morningstar. The star you can see during earliest dawn.
“Nice to meet you Lucifer, my name is [y/n], [y/n] Soleil.” she introduces herself.
Soleil, that means sun. How fitting for someone like her, she looks like she shines the brightest like the sun.
“Nice to meet you, [y/n].” he says, gently holding her hand and placing a kiss on her knuckle.
[y/n]'s cheeks heat up slightly. Heart beating erratically.
Both of their hearts are thumping so loudly against their ribcages.
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They spent most of the day by the sandy shore, [y/n] keeping him company as he dried himself.
They have gotten to know each other, having a similar mindset and interests. Made them bond.
The sun was finally setting on the horizon, the shades of orange, pink, blue, yellow, and red adorned the ocean as the sun finally kissed the sea.
Lucifer has finally dried himself up, his wings now lightweight now that it's dry.
The day has finally come to an end. Standing up from where he was sitting.
Both of them know that they finally need to say their goodbyes.
“I... I need to go now...” Lucifer whispers hesitantly and [y/n] smiled, lacing her hand with his to give it an assuring squeeze.
“I know, it has been truly fun spending the day with you. If you want to hang out again, I'm just swimming around these areas. So you know where to find me.” she says with a wink at him making him smile.
“I'll keep that in mind, I'll see you around [y/n]. Farewell.” he says sadly, spreading his wings and finally took off. He looks back down to see her returning to the water.
Her tail disappearing back into the deep depths.
Her head popping back out into the surface, he could see her waving at him and he waved back.
Both of them left at the same time. Maybe they'll see each other soon.
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@adaizel @xx-all-purpose-nerd-xx @thedarkkitten @selvyyr @froggybich @brithedemonspawn @kottenox @totallymitya @many-fandoms-lover @dou-dou @mezzyb0nb0n @n1chxyaaenthusiast @cherry-4200 @koirb @galaxyj3lly @crystalplays28 @luleck @scootinonyourmom @rory-cakes @mixplara @crescent-z @bitchyzombienacho @kalisha2004 @altervex
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dwonfilm · 3 months
There’s no life after you. | Dean Winchester x Reader (one-shot)
Summary: Dean felt like he had no other option than to push [Y/N] out of his life completely. When he and Sam find a case in her hometown, he’s hit with all of the emotions he’d tried for so long to bury.
Warnings: swearing, mild-angst, mostly sadness and ending with fluff.
Pairing: Dean Winchester x Reader
Flashbacks are in bold.
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Dean and Sam had found a case in Reno, Nevada—a city that had a lot of memories particularly for the older Winchester. Sure they’d worked a dozen or more cases around here over the years but that wasn’t the type of memories that kept playing on his mind. He only wished it was that simple. Sam had opted to take the backseat, needing some extra rest on the drive and Dean usually drove his precious ‘67 impala anyway. Ever since they’d found this case, the eldest Winchester was uneasy. Not because it was anything special, from the details online it seemed like it was just another vamps nest—maybe even just a handful travelling together.
No, what began to plague his mind was something that cut much deeper than that. All he could think about was you.
It had been roughly two years since he’d last seen you. Every other second of the last year and half had been him fighting the urge to reach out, knowing two things for certain. One: you’d be far better off without him holding you down. Two: even if that wasn’t the case, he’d really hurt you the last time you spoke and despite how much he missed you.. you’d likely never speak to him again—but that’s what he’d wanted right? You to move on, you to live a life that wasn’t plagued by the dangers of all things supernatural. Find a good man, a normal man, settle down.. get married and have kids. Not have to worry about tending to someone who had spent his entire life broken. Shaking his head to try and rid himself of these thoughts, it seemed the universe had other plans.
It seemed at some point in the drive his playlist had changed and delved into the ‘divorced dad rock’ side of things—the first few notes of what he recognized as a Daughtry song began to play. Seemingly just as they’d finally crossed the state lines into Nevada, the lyrics began..
“Ten miles from town and I just broke down, spitting out smoke on the side of the road. I’m out here alone, just trying to get home to tell you I was wrong but you already know. Believe me I won’t stop at nothing to see you so I’ve started running.”
Now Dean knew exactly what song this was and it damn sure wasn’t helping with his desperate need to stop thinking about you. He reached out to change the song but when the chorus hit, he stopped and his finger merely hovered above the button.
“All that I’m after is a life full of laughter, as long as I’m laughing with you—and I think that all that still matters is love ever after, after the life we’ve been through. ‘Cause I know there’s no life after you.”
It was as if the song was delivered down by the hand of God himself, which only made the ache in Dean’s heart that much worse. He’d been in pain ever since he left two years prior, but he had no right to be—he knew that. After all, the reason he didn’t have you by his side was because he left. It was because he walked away. Deeply he’d sigh as the next verse again would line up with the exact thought in his head.
“Last time we talked, the night that I walked burns like an iron in the back of my mind. I must have been high, to say you and I, weren’t meant to be and just wasting my time. Oh why did I ever doubt you? You know I would die here without you.”
Death had truly paled in comparison to how he felt seeing the look in your eyes. All of the pain, the hurt as he watched you break in front of his very eyes. You’d been together three years in total, but what you didn’t know—what he refused to tell you is that his worst fear was becoming a reality. Lucifer had threatened you in order to make Dean comply with his demand. He’d figured out the only way to get to the elder Winchester was through you, seeing as Lucifer himself needed Sam for his own personal vendettas. It wasn’t long after this that Dean knew he had to get as far away from you as possible. All the pain and suffering he’d endured in his lifetime would be nothing if your death was due to him. He couldn’t live with that and more importantly, you deserved more than that out of this life.
“All that I’m after is a life full of laughter, as long as I’m laughing with you—and I think that all that still matters is love ever after, after the life we’ve been through. ‘Cause I know there’s no life after you.”
Sam began to stir in the backseat, which he’s caught sight of through the rear view mirror and so Dean quickly changed the station. He’d use Metallica specifically to shift the mood before his brother woke up and started asking too many questions. Questions that Dean wouldn’t have the answers to and he was already battling his mind to keep it all at bay.
Gripping Baby’s wheel tightly in his hands, he’d continue to path to Reno. About fifteen minutes later was when Sam’s eyes actually opened. “Mornin’ sleeping beauty.” Dean said with a (fake) smile on his face. “Ha-ha, very funny. Wait.. how long was I out? Are we in Nevada already?” He asked, rubbing the sleep from his eyes and noting their desert-like surroundings. “I don’t know, hours Sammy. Yeah we’re in Nevada—about an hour or two ‘til Reno.” Just saying the name of the city was enough to have him nervous again. There was a brief bit of silence between the brothers, Sam had a thought on the tip of his tongue but he didn’t know whether he should say it. Dean’s eyes had fixated on the road ahead and he sensed that his younger brother was gonna bring it up—bring you up, he’d always really liked you. Besides that, he could always seem to tell when things were troubling Dean despite his best efforts to hide it. “You know you could-“ Sam started but knowing it was coming, the elder brother immediately shut it down. “Sam, don’t. Please. I can’t and you know that.” Dean’s voice was shaky and that let him know that he’d already been thinking about things far too long. “You’ve been thinking about it. I know you, man. You think I didn’t see the look on your face when I told you we had something in Reno?” He sighed, knowing that his older brother was struggling with this didn’t make him feel good but he also knew it was making Dean feel worse. “Sammy, please.. I don’t wanna talk about it anymore.”
Sam would shake his head but he let it go, rehashing this with Dean while he was attempting to drive wasn’t gonna end well for either of them. Not to mention an hour and a half of odd tension in such a small place wasn’t ideal either. Instead, the younger brother’s eyes averted from the front of the car altogether as he turned to gaze out the window next to him. Sighing partially in relief and partially from the lingering thoughts, Dean would fully place his attention on the road and on the directions to this particular motel. They needed to get in, solve this case and get out before he did something he’d been trying for quite some time not to do.
Surprisingly this case was a little more difficult to follow through on, these vampires were incredibly elusive and their nest wasn’t the easiest to find. However, after a couple days lingering around they finally located the nest and were able to kill the three vamps that had been killing the locals. As it had become part of the job, Sam and Dean went out to a local dive bar to celebrate the victory—but Dean was trying to do more than that. He was trying to drown the lingering thoughts of you with whiskey, swallowing the liquid and letting it gently burn his throat. This would end up having the opposite effect and only made him think of you more. Over the first hour and change the brothers spent at the bar, three separate girls tried to hit on Dean but he didn’t really pay them any mind. Around the two hour mark the elder of the brothers decided he needed some air, getting up and walking outside. Dragging his dominant hand over his face he was doing anything to cling to that last bit of pride that he had. You were better off and he knew that, but every day that had been lost it was eating at him slowly. He needed a distraction and so he walked over to his precious car, getting into the driver’s seat and sighing. One flick of the wrist and the lights would come on, the radio coming in clear as day: it was that goddamn song again.
“You and I, right or wrong, there’s no other one. After this time spent alone it’s hard to believe that a man with sight could be so blind, thinking about the better times.. must’ve been out of my mind. So I’m running back to tell you.”
Again it seemed like the universe had intervened and Dean Winchester was far too drunk to fight it. Tears threatened to spill from his eyes and right now, all that he needed was you. He opened up the driver’s side door and got out just to come face to face with Sam, who had been worried when he couldn’t locate his brother in the bar. “What is it Dean?” He asked, noting the emotional state it was clear he was in—confused but not entirely. It wasn’t like him to be so open with his emotions, but you’d helped him with that. “I need to see her, Sammy. I can’t do this anymore.” There was enough emotion in his voice for his younger brother to know what he meant. Nodding Sam would approach the driver’s side door. “I’m driving, we’re not risking it with you.” Dean normally would protest but right now? All he needed to do was get to you. It didn’t matter how, he just needed to fill the void that he’d put there himself.
“All that I’m after is a life full of laughter, without you god knows what I’d do.”
Dean’s eyes were technically gazing out the window, but that’s not what he saw. His mind was flashing different images in rotation—one happy memory with you followed up by something he’d done to chase your memory away after he’d run away.
“All that I’m after is a life full of laughter, as long as I’m laughing with you and I think that all that still matters is love ever after—after the life we’ve been through. I know there’s no life after you.”
It seemed fast, but it had probably been about thirty minutes of time that had passed. Not that you lived very far at all, if you were even still at the last address the Winchesters had for you—Sam took a longer route hoping that Dean would sober up a little more before talking with you. Anyone would be able to smell the whiskey on him at this moment, but his words needed to be coherent if there was any chance of you hearing him out. It seemed that he had sort of the same idea because even when the impala had pulled into the driveway, he just sat there. “What if she doesn’t wanna talk?” Dean asked, somber tone to his voice as his eyes remained fixated on the front door of what he hoped was still your home. Mind racing almost as fast as his heart. “Dean, if I know anything about [Y/N], she’ll at least listen—even if she’s incredibly pissed and still hurt.” Sam reassured his older brother. Dean sighed again, not wanting to waste another second and also wanting to see have some alcohol in his system for this conversation. Slowly he opened the passenger side door and stepped out onto the asphalt driveway. Gently closing the door, it had still alerted a dog inside the home who was barking just a little bit every couple of seconds. He carried himself up the few cement steps, turning to see the front door closer than ever. Now more memories of the last time he was here were coming back.
“Dean, please.. why are you doing this? You can’t possibly just have stopped loving me, that’s not..” Her sobs were breaking his heart but he knew this was something he had to do. “Why are you walking away from this? From us? After everything we’ve been through.. after the life we’ve built from the ground up.. you’re just throwing it all away.” She felt as if there was a fire in your chest, she’d been sobbing so intensely for what seemed like forever. Mascara and eyeliner were smudged and made a mess of the space underneath her eyes. “Say something, Dean—please.. why are you pushing me away? What did I do?!” Every word became far more intense and the actual words were hard to discern from the sobs. Dean had just been staring at the floor since the words left his mouth. Three years next to her and he never imagined this day would come, but if you died just so Lucifer could get one up on him? He’d never survive. He’d never be able to carry the weight of your death or your blood on his hands—so this was the only way you got to live a long and happy life without him putting you in harm’s way. “[Y/N/N] I.. I just don’t think we were meant to work out. I’m sorry, I just-“ he was cut off by her intense sobs hearing him saying it again. “Please Dean.. don’t do this.. whatever I did wrong, whatever’s not working we can fix it. Please..” She pleaded, voice already hoarse from the crying and the wailing. “Sweetheart you didn’t do anything wrong. It’s me, I’m just, not made out for this relationship stuff.” He’d barely lifted his gaze again to meet her own, but only for a second. Seeing her like that was too hard for his heart to bare. “Why Dean.. please.. it’s been three years. Three years of this and we can talk about it. Whatever it is we can move past it together, don’t you love me anymore?” She sobbed out, arms wrapped around her own chest as Dean looked up to her face and met her gaze one last time. “Honey, I’ll love you ‘til the day I die.” Sighing he turned to walk out the front door, closing it and never looking back. He couldn’t look—his heart had already shattered.
Now here he was again, roughly two years later, taking the last few steps to fully stand at your front door. Lifting his hand which had formed a loose fist, he’d knock three times upon the wooden material of the door. There was no answer and no sign that anyone was home other than the dog barking that he’d heard moments prior. Dean was about to turn and walk back down the pathway when he heard the doorknob turning after the lock clicked out of position. “Do you know how late it is, what do you nee—“ her eyes widened when she realized who had just knocked at her door. “D-Dean.. what are you..” she felt her bottom lip quivering. Dean could tell this was the last thing she’d ever thought would happen. “Hi, sweetheart. I-“ before he could get another word out of his mouth, he was met with a harsh slap to the side of his face. His eyes fell as he collected his thoughts, waiting before speaking again. “I deserve that. I deserve that and so much more. [Y/N/N] I’m so sorry.. I’m so fucking sorry.” He got out, not being able to look back up at her just yet. “You’ve got some kind of nerve showing up here, this late at night.. Dean you broke my heart and you stomped on it to boot. Why do you think after two whole years that I’d listen to whatever the hell you have to say?” It was obvious that there was sadness and hurt laced within her voice, more so than the anger she’s trying to push forward. Slowly his head tilted back into its usual position and his eyes found hers again. “I know there’s no life after you.” It was all he could say in that second and her expression softened, before she’d built the wall back up. “You came all the way to quote a Daughtry song?”
“No, I’m quoting that damn song because for the three days Sam and I have been in Reno I’ve heard it everywhere. My car, in a store, hell in my head—[Y/N] I’ve been trying every day since I left to push your memory from my mind. I wanted so badly to forget about you and know that you were free to have a normal life. I also know that I’ve got no right to stand on your doorstep telling you how much pain I’ve been in since the second I walked out this door two years ago when this whole fucking thing is my fault.” He paused, tears slowly falling as he tried to blink them away. “[Y/N] I was afraid. I was so afraid.. I couldn’t lose you like that-“ Again he was cut off but just by her words this time. “Dean you did lose me, you pushed me away—fuck you pushed me out of your life altogether. You’re absolutely correct, you don’t have any right to stand here talking about your pain. I didn’t eat, I barely slept, for weeks after you left. All I did was lay on that couch and sob. Endlessly. After I couldn’t physically sob any more I thought, there has to be some kind of monster or witch doing this and so I researched for weeks and still barely ate and slept only a fraction more. All I came up with was dead end after dead end and so I finally had to realize the truth.” She sobbed out, pausing to try and steady her own voice. “You chose to leave on your own.” She’d opened her mouth to continue talking but now it was his turn to sob out, which caught her completely off guard. “He made me feel like I had no other choice..”
Now you stood with a perplexed look on your face as tears were streaming down your cheeks. “What.. who-“ before the question could even fully leave her lips, the man she loved began to speak again. “Lucifer. He needed Sammy, you know all that one true vessel shit, so he couldn’t hurt me that way. He knew any threat he put to Sam wouldn’t stick because deep down I knew that Lucifer needed Sam alive and well to complete whatever sick and twisted plan he had thought out.” She felt both her heart and her stomach drop, figuring out exactly where this was going. “[Y/N] he said he’d kill you and not think twice. I couldn’t.. I wouldn’t be able to live with myself if you died all because I love you. I wouldn’t be able to breathe knowing that your death was my fault and I’d never get your blood off my hands.” His confidence had wavered, the alcohol mostly wearing off. You sighed, a silence falling over the two of you as you attempted to process what he’d just said. “Dean.. why didn’t you just talk to me? Tell me what he said and we could’ve talked about it.” She asked, the venom gone from her words and a sadness settling over them. “I was scared. I didn’t know how to admit that I was scared especially to you, I’m the one that was supposed to keep you safe. I know that’s not an excuse and I’m not trying to excuse me hurting you like I did—that image of you hugging yourself and crying the hardest I’d ever seen someone cry has haunted me all this time. I never wanna hurt anyone but I damn sure never wanted to hurt you.. at all—let alone like that..”
Again a silence fell between them, it felt like a lifetime between their words and the action she’d finally take. Stepping forward she used both of her hands to cup his face, both having glassy hues due to all the tears. “I forgive you, Dean.” She said almost in a whisper. He felt his heart racing and he eyes searched hers for any sign that this might not be true. Seconds felt like hours but he couldn’t find any sign of deception and instinctively, he plunged forward to connect his lips with her own. It had caught her off guard but she was returning the kiss with an explosion of passion. They chased the other’s lips in a back and forth motion until they both couldn’t breathe. After pushing the limit a little further they’d separate but remain forehead-to-forehead. “I know there’s no life after you.” She spoke in a soft tone before pulling Dean inside of her home and re-locking the door.
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afro-hispwriter · 3 months
The French Mistake was a mistake
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Dean Winchester/Jensen Ackles x reader
Soulless Sam x reader(brief mention)
Summary- Dean is starting to believe you and him aren't meant to be in any universe
Warnings- 6x15(doesn’t follow it completely), mentions of suicide, mentions of being admitted to a facility, break ups, so much angst, mentions of anna, lisa, and ben, dean is a asshole lowkey(in the situation at least)
Not edited
Sam and Dean burst through the window and landed on a blue mat but before they could stand up someones yelled,
"CUT!" Bells rang, clapping, and whole bunch of talking started. The brothers looked around, Balthazar was gone and that's when the confusion started.
 "Great solid fall." Someone slapped Deans ass making him jump.
"Jared, Jensen outstanding. That was just great!" Said a old man in a chair and from behind a kid started speaking nonsense.
"Supernatural, scene one, "Echo." Take one, tail slate. Marker." And closed one of those movie boxes.
"So no angels?" Sam says.
"No angels, I think."
"Should we be killing anybody?"
"I don't think so."
Sam and Dean looked at the group of guys sitting around tv screens all talking. Then one yells "Moving on" and lights start turning on.
"Thats a wrap on Jared and Jensen." 
"Who the hell are-?"
It went by quick after that. Dean got dragged up to makeup stations and got the makeup he didn't think he had on him. Sam got dragged into an interview he had no idea how to answer.
They met up again, settling on being sent to another universe where they are actors who play Sam and Dean. They walked out of the building and the sight of Baby gave Dean a huge smile. But he watched a guy throw stuff over it and saw a whole bunch of Baby's. 
"Im gonna be sick." Dean says and starts to back away.
"We need Cas." Sam says and Dean tries to do some sort of "prayer"  but that was short lived when they spotted the man. 
That ended up being fake too. Cas' name in this universe was Misha. Misha? They kept walking around the lot until they saw the trailer that said "J. Ackles." 
"Thats fake me." Dean says and pointed at himself.
"This mist be fake mine." They walked in and Dean was instantly in awe. The fish tank and the freaking helicopter. Dean looked around the trailer and noticed a framed picture on a table. It was of fake him and a woman with brownish red hair. Maybe his sister? But the picture looked a little too intimate to be that.
It made him think of you. You left the team after the showdown with Lucifer. But he couldn't blame you. He hurt you, deeply. From Lisa, all the way too Anna. He really did like you but his connection too Anna was too great. And Lisa, Lisa and him are good. He loves her and he loves Ben. But every once in a while his mind would drift off to you, wondering what you were up too.
It was a dick move. Sam called him out on it, as did Bobby and Ellen. 
All this thought of you made him want to see if you were in the universe. Sam was typing away on fake his computer.
"Hey Sammy, I want to check something." Dean says and takes the laptop and plops on the couch. He starts typing in your name.
Y/n L/n Supernatural 
Pictures of you popped up, along with a description of your character. And again the bottom in the little box there were drop down choices with answers.
Why did Y/n Carter leave Supernatural?
Why did Dean and Y/n break up?
Do Y/n and Sam get together? 
That made Deans eyebrows furrow. Why would you and Sam ever get together? But he immediately groaned. When Sam was still soulless he apparently went to go see you, wherever you were. Because apparently Sam and Bobby were the only one to know where you went. He then proceeded to heavily dropped hints that he slept with you. It had taken everything for Dean not to beat up his soulless baby brother. 
Y/n Carter must be your name in this universe. Ironic how fake you and real you share the same first name. He clicked on the option that said why you left the show.
It was released that she left the show due to personal reasons but fans speculate it has something to do with her ex of 7 years Jensen Ackles(who plays Dean Winchester aka her love interest), leaving her and marrying a now former mutual friend, Daneel Harris now Daneel Harris-Ackles. 
"Holy shit" Dean mumbled, "Im a dick here too." 
"Whats wrong?"
"I looked up Y/n, wanted too know what she was up to. Apparently im an asshole here too." He passed the computer to Sam and he started reading. 
“At least you’re aware.” Sam mumbled and Dean shot him a look. “Huh seems like you guys broke up in this universe just after dad died in ours and she left the show around the time our Y/n left us." 
"You know where she is and wont tell me." Dean says with a slight glare.
"She doesn't want you too know, and for good reasons." Sam says.
"We need to find a way to get back to our universe." Dean says and looks over at the framed picture of fake him and the woman. It gave him a great unease. 
After trying to drive fake Baby. Sam and Dean just settled on getting driven to 'Jared's place as they should say. Fake Sam had a huge house, a freaking mansion. Dean noticed a tanning bed and opened it. 
"What am I Dracula?" Sam asks and shakes his head. Dean walked over to the large curtains as he heard animals making noises.
"Dude you have a freaking camal in your backyard."
"It's an alpaca, dumbass." A familiar woman's voice made them whip around. A woman at the top of the stairs, wearing a short black dress. 
"Ruby?" Dean looks at the woman is shock and she scoffs. 
"Gen, who is it?" The next voice that popped up was so sweet but sounded tired. Another woman appeared behind fake Ruby, dean let his eyes trail over her figure before his breath hitched.
"Y/n." He breathed out and took a step forward. He watched you swallow harshly all the way from where he was. You looked so beautiful, beautiful in every universe it seems. 
"G-Gen." you shakily said and grabbed her hand. "You said he wasn't going to be here."
"I know honey, I told a certain someone not to let another certain someone into the house even though I thought I didn't have to worry about it." Fake Ruby said all of that while glaring at Sam which made him shrink back. 
"I can't be here." You let her go and start to rush down the stairs. 
"Y/n wait let me talk to Jared and I'll take you back to your hotel room."
"Y/n." Dean walked towards you as you made it to the bottom of the stairs. "Hey." It had been more than a year since he last saw you, at least the real you. 
"Hey? Thats all you had to say after you admitted me to a fucking psych ward!? Dean took a step back and you took a step forward. "Got me written off the rest of 5?" You shoved your finger into his chest "You didn't even bother to visit me!" You shoved him fully this time.
This must have been what the internet was talking about.
“I-I-.” Dean tried to think of something to say but he was blank.
“Oh now you don’t have anything to say. Nothing about this being good for me, that everything is going to go back to normal after I get it. News flash Jensen, nothing worked. Fuck! WHY DIDNT YOU JUST LET ME DIE?” You screamed and shoved him hard making him almost fall back. 
“Okay Y/n honey go wait in the car.” Gen grabbed you by your arms and guided you to the door. 
“Fuck you Jensen, I wish I never fucking met you.” Gen opened the door for you and the boys watched fake Ruby watch you go to the car. She took in a deep breath before whipping around to the two boys. 
“Seriously Jensen, nothing you couldn’t say anything too her? Do you know what this could do to her?” Dean bit his lip and wiped his eye with the back of his hand. “Crying, you’re crying? Jesus I don’t want to see you talking to her outside of work, you’ve ruined my friend for the rest of her life.” 
Dean looked down at his shoes in shame and it felt weird too. This wasn’t his life, so why was it affecting him this much?
“And you.” Fake Ruby looks at Sam. “We’ll talk later.” She walks up to him and wraps a hand around his neck and pulls him down to her lips. He didn’t kiss her back, the shock of the whole thing has Sam stumped. She pulled away and let out a disappointed sigh before walking about of the house. 
It was quite for a mom between them. 
“Sammy we need to go home now.” Dean says, it was so quite Sam almost didn’t catch it. He didn’t sound like Dean.
“Dean, you okay?” He watched his brother bring bath hands up and wipe his eyes before turning around.
“Im going too stop asking you about her from now on.” He says and Sam cocks his head.
“About Y/n? Dean what’s happening in this universe, is nothing compared to what was happening back home.” 
“No you don’t understand! This just proved that me and Y/n don’t work, in any universe.”
“You don’t know that.”
“Yes I do. Fake me left her first another woman after 7 years Sammy. And I left her for a woman who ended up wanting to ruin us. And them I didn’t even try to go after her after you disappeared, like you told me too. Im fucked up Sam, its better this way for her.” 
“Dean don’t say that-.”
“Sammy please, let’s just find a way back.”
A/n- if people want it, planning on making more about dean x reader, but the Jensen situation in this one… there is no coming back from that kinf of situation.  so no. But I have a big plan for Deans, I really hope people want more and want too know about it😁Feedback appreciated, I will love you forever
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Wrongfully Accused Part 14 (Lucifer X Reader)
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PART 1: Here  PART 2: Here PART 3: Here PART 4: Here PART 5: Here PART 6: Here PART 7: Here PART 8: Here PART 9: Here PART 10: Here PART 11: Here  PART 12: Here  PART 13: Here  PART 15: Here
Things went smoothly for the next two months. You and Lucifer were happy. He passed every random drug test and visit Billie threw at him. Lucifer got his license renewed. As you predicted Bobby did end up liking him enough to give him his own car to keep and fix up. An old 1985 black Porsche. That's how you knew Bobby considered him a hard worker. He only gave the really good old cars to the employees who did the best and most work. Jessica and Sam were getting more anxious as Jessica just entered her eighth month mark. You were standing in your kitchen. Today was the day you were finally gonna tell your brothers about you and Lucifer. You were especially worried about how Dean would react. You know your oldest brother. It was more than likely not gonna end well. You grabbed a ginger ale from the fridge as Lucifer walked out of the bathroom ready for work. Your stomach always acted up when you were nervous. "You sure you wanna do this?" he asked as he walked over and gently rubbed your back.
"It's time they knew," you told him, "especially if we decide to go to your dad's book thing,". He nodded
"Ok, well call me if you need me," he said kissing your forehead "Bobby will let me go early if he knows you're upset,". You grabbed your bag and keys. Bobby was the only one who knew you were together and though he didn't like it he promised to keep it between you three.
"Have a good day my sexy mechanic," you said giving him a kiss. He softly patted your butt as you left. You got settled in your car and tried to calm your nerves. You hated feeling so nervous. "I can do this" you chanted to yourself as you headed off to the restaurant you decided to meet your brothers at. You decided on a public place so hopefully, your brothers wouldn't make a scene. You pulled up to the restaurant and cut off your engine. "You can do this," you told yourself again. You grabbed your bag and threw your keys in it before getting out of the car. You scanned the parking lot and spotted Dean's Impala so you knew they were already here. You walked in and up to the hostess.
"Can I help you?" she asked
"Yes, I'm looking for a table under the name of Winchester?" you told her.
"Yes, right over here," she said walking you to a corner booth where your brothers waited. She handed you a menu and went back to her podium.
"Hey Y/N," Dean said getting up and hugging you.
"Hey little one," Sam greeted pulling out your chair for you.
"Hey guys," you said sitting down, "have you ordered yet?".
"Not yet," Dean said, "what's this news?". You wanted to tell them but not too soon.
"Later," you told him, "let's just talk for a bit,". So you and your brothers enjoyed your lunch and talked. You listened intently as Dean bragged about taking down a killer who proudly called himself Hitler So now Dean goes around saying he killed Hitler. Which is completely something his goofball self would say. Sam went on about his worries over being a dad soon. You knew he could do it.
"Come on Y/N, we've finished eating," Dean said, "tell us what you need to tell us,". You took a calming breath as your stomach started to feel queasy again.
"Ok, but before I do I want you two to remember I am a smart woman and I am fully grown got it?" you asked and they nodded. "Sam you remember that pin pal project you started for your law class?" you asked. He nodded. "well one of the guys caught my eye," you admitted.
"Y/N did you enter the program?" Sam asked.
"Not exactly," you said.
"What does that mean?" Dean asked confused.
"I snuck a file out of the folder," you admitted, "the guy just caught my attention and we started writing each other and now we're in love,".
"Y/N most of these guys could be dangerous" Sam pointed out.
"He's not," you said.
"Who is he?" Sam asked. This was the moment you knew they'd freak out, but like you told Lucifer you were tired of hiding him. You looked your brother straight in the eye and confidently answered.
"Lucifer Shurley," you said.
"No, absolutely not Y/N," Dean said.
"Dean you are not dad," you pointed out, "and we've been dating for a while and it's been the best relationship I've ever had,".
"He's a criminal Y/N!" Dean said raising his voice causing people to look over at your table. You didn't care.
"No he's not," you said, "He was accused wrongly of a crime,".
"Oh come on Y/N," Dean argued, "did you really fall for whatever sob story he sold you?".
"It's not a sob story!" you spoke a little louder than you meant to, "Lucifer's story has never not once changed Dean,".
"He ripped his own father off Y/N," he pointed out, "stole from his own parent,".
"Oh please Dean," you said, "everyone knows how shady Father Shurley is,".
"He's always done the best for the town," Dean pointed out.
"No Dean he kisses up to the biggest names to keep funding for his lame ass books," you corrected.
"His books aren't that bad," Dean said.
"Seriously Dean?" you asked raising your eyebrow, "have you even read any of them?"
"Well, no," he said, "but people talk about them all the time,".
"Yeah and do the stories sound at all familiar?" you asked.
"What?" he asked confused.
"Like his novel A Fated Hunt. It's literally about dad accidentally killing Jo's dad during a deer hunt,". you pointed out, "and how her mom never fully got over it,".   "So he wrote a story matching a real life event doesn't mean anything," Dean said.
"Or the story of Sam's tiny drug use in college," he asked, "which he cheesily titled Demon Blood,".
"I guess that was bad," he agreed.
"And what about his book about you?" you asked.
"Me?" he asked back confused.
"Heart Throb," you said, "he talked about how you were the lady's man of the high school and how you had that daddy scare with Lisa Brady,".
"Oh yeah, I still don't see how he knew about Ben," he admitted.
"He probably paid Lisa to tell him," you pointed out.
"Look it doesn't matter," he said standing up, "he isn't good enough for you Y/N".
"He is beyond good for me Dean!" you said getting up, "You don't have to like it Dean. But you will not big brother your way into breaking us up and you will not tell me who I can and can not date! I love him and he loves me," you grabbed your stuff and hurried out of the restaurant. Dean started to head after you but Sam stopped him.
"Dean, she's right," Sam said, "it's her life,".
"He's an ex con Sam!" he argued.
"I know and yeah I'm worried too, but she's not a little girl anymore,".
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couldyouimagine-that · 5 months
Cuddles With Satan
Genre; Hurt/Comfort, Flufffff
Word Count; 1.2k
Warnings; None, just the reader being exhausted beyond belief and Lucifer convincing you to let him hold you while you go to sleep.
Pairings; Lucifer (Supernatural) x Reader
I know that soft!Lucifer isn't everyone's thing, but I haven't found enough fics like this so I am filling the gap myself! I guess he's inherently OOC for being soft, but I've written him as in character as possible if he decided to be affectionate towards the reader. (Also comment if you think I should do something similar with Casifer, I am very much considering it). Enjoy!
Here's part 2!
“I know you don’t really believe it yourself, but you are right.”
You had told Dean, Sam and Castiel that it was okay to leave you alone with the Devil. That if he wanted you dead, you would be.
“Besides, why would I kill you? That little moral dilemma that you’ve got going on is far more interesting than your corpse would be.”
That little moral dilemma was that you liked Lucifer. And he knew it.
You were incredibly tired. You didn’t feel well, you hadn’t been sleeping or even eating properly and you had convinced the others to go so that they could get a break from Lucifer’s antics. You knew that if someone hadn’t left, you would have ended up with a full-blown fight on your hands, and you didn’t want to have to deal with the fallout of one of your friends conveniently forgetting that they were nothing more than an insect to an archangel. You’d already had the job of patching up Sam and Dean when one of them got a little too self-righteous and a flick of Lucifer’s hand had sent them both flying. Castiel at least had slightly better control, but you’d had to hold him back from starting something in retaliation more than once. Not that pushing the angel back by his shoulders would actually do anything if he had a mind, but so far it had served as a good enough reminder to stop him from antagonising the Devil.
You turned around to face him, arms crossed over his chest and head resting in one hand, leaning against the edge of the table. Utterly relaxed and confident. He tilted his head just slightly as he watched you, a smile pulling at his lips.
“I need to go and get some rest before I pass out. Please, please don’t do anything while I’m gone.” He stayed quiet, enjoying the look you were giving him, pleading him to help you out. Until you dropped it, huffing a sigh and shaking your head. You were going to fall asleep regardless and you’d rather not be in the main room of the bunker when it happened. You made for the corridor at the back without another word, heading to what had become your room. Naturally, Lucifer followed.
“How about I come with you?” You said nothing, allowing yourself a silent sigh. “What? Two birds, one stone – that way you get to rest and you know where I am and what I’m doing.”
Not for the first time, you cursed yourself for having ever opened your mouth. A few weeks back, whilst sharing some beers with the boys and reminiscing on happier times, talk had turned briefly to partners. Sam and Dean had mentioned that in each of their longer-term relationships, their girlfriends had said they felt safer being held when they went to sleep. You had agreed, saying that you usually also slept better if someone was holding you. The conversation had moved on, that had been it. Apart from the fact that Lucifer had been hanging around somewhere and heard every word, and hadn’t left you alone about it since.
“Not today, Lucifer. Please.” You could hear the smile in his voice when he answered and you knew he’d heard the defeat in yours.
“Come on, Y/N, just this one time. What harm will it do?” He just kept walking behind you when you didn’t answer. “It’s not a one-way ticket downstairs, if that’s what you’re worried about. You’ve got far worse on your resume than ‘cuddled with Satan’.” You could feel your fight draining with every passing second.
“Why do you even care about this so much?” You asked at length, leaving the door to your room open out of habit since you were still having a conversation. By the time you considered that maybe slamming the door in his face would have ended the conversation, he had already walked inside.
“Curiosity. Angels don’t sleep, as you know, so I’ve never experienced holding someone until they drift off. I want to know what it feels like.”
You stared at him for a moment, uncomprehending. You knew your powers of reasoning weren’t operating at full capacity, but that sounded so… genuine. Gentle. Usually bad things when associated with Lucifer but you were running out of both reasons and time remaining before you collapsed where you stood.
“Come on.” His voice was so quiet, so soft, that you would never again wonder how he had convinced anyone to do anything. You just hoped you were right in thinking that there were worse things you could be agreeing to.
“I- alright. Fine.” You raised your hands briefly in surrender then collapsed onto one side of your bed, faced away from him.
You felt the mattress shift beneath his weight as he laid down behind you, felt his gaze on you as he lightly traced two fingers down your spine. You had to fight to hold back your sigh. His hand moved ever so gently along your side, up to your shoulder where he applied just a little bit of pressure to push you onto your back. His expression was soft, one arm beneath his head as his eyes tracked the path of his hand. He didn’t even have to lean to reach over you and your eyes shuttered when he slipped his hand beneath your back, pulling you over to him with no effort at all. You found yourself pressed against his side, head on his shoulder and with nowhere else for it to go, your arm resting on his chest.
His hand started a gentle passage up and down your back and you gave up on trying to hold back your contented sigh. Lucifer smiled genuinely at the sight. He rested his chin atop your head as he moved his flat palm to your lower back, again pushing gently to reposition you how he wanted. With sleep already winding its tendrils through your mind, you figured in for a penny, in for a pound. You received an appreciative squeeze when you crossed your leg over one of his, and another when you wrapped your arm around his torso, laying your hand against his ribs. You played with his soft shirt for a few moments, moving the material between your fingers, before tucking your face more firmly against his shoulder. Lucifer shifted slightly and you felt the scratch of the scruff on his chin against your forehead and a gentle pressure before he moved back again. Even mostly asleep, that woke you straight back up again.
A forehead kiss? That had nothing to do with wanting to know what it felt like to hold someone as they fell asleep. You looked up questioningly to find his expression caring – caring – and his gaze already trained on you. He would only offer a minute, one-shouldered shrug in response. Just felt like it, the movement said. I don’t really care. You simply chose to lay down again rather than start another conversation, and Lucifer’s chin returned to your head and his hand resumed its path across your back. You eventually let your train of thought go so that you could finally get some rest, but you couldn’t help but wonder what it was going to mean to have Lucifer’s affection.
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