#sunstone Soldier
cat-attack1701 · 11 months
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TF2 Gem AU: Offense Classes! (Just a little bit of fun because I love designing things like this. I blame @honestcactusblog for infecting me with the idea!) 
Offense ~~ Defense ~~ Support
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hzdtrees · 1 year
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Streams and bridges
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theanoninyourinbox · 1 year
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Another Tf2Gem! Presenting a gem so manly he’s two gems, The Soldier!
The components of Sunstone were assigned together under Blue Diamond during the war - a bold, brash, and reckless Ruby, and a calculating, calm, and ruthless Obsidian. They were tasked to gather information on the tactics and leaders of the Rebels, and were efficient at their duties - Ruby keeping Obsidian safe while Obsidian tracked important Rebels. However, the cool Obsidian began to feel simultaneously jealous and overprotective of his bodyguard. How dare he be able to express his emotions - and if anything happened to him I’d shatter everyone else and then myself. When they were finally spotted by some Crystal Gems, Ruby tried to hold them off to save Obsidian, but Obsidian refused, and when shoving his stalwart IDIOT of a friend out of the way of a shattering blow, only one body hit the ground. One very confused orange man. Who promptly bolted, both sides in agreement that retreat was a Good Idea. Later tracked down by a Skinny Mookaite, the new gem joined up, half out of fear of poofing, and half out of Finally Understanding Why War Was Happening - what someone might do to protect something/one they care for. When sent off by their Boss Buddy Bismuth, along with that Mookaite and a fix-it type, he survived the Revenge of the Diamonds, and they were forced to unfuse - but causing subtle mayhem was Obsidian’s specialty, and keeping him safe was Rubys favorite job. When Mookaite got in touch, with news of surviving Crystal Gems, the pair ditched the Grand Library they’d been working in, and fused back practically the second the ship was out of Gempire range.
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gracefireheart · 25 days
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Once again, did some fanart of @lenny-link TF2 x SU AU, but tried making more fusions! :]
First one is Andalusite [Heavy + Medic] (who I've drawn before already), second one is Iolite [Cheavy + Medic], and the third one is Ametrine [Demoman + Soldier].
[Below the keep reading line, I'll show off the fourth fusion I drew as well, but ended up just-- disliking to hell and back o(-( Also, some notes and such about each fusion]
First off, here's the fourth fusion I did, which was Cat's Eye Tourmaline [Scout + Sniper]. (Side note: I picked out Tiger's Eye as Sniper's gem)
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After looking at Steven's fusions with other gems (since Scout's a half-human half-gem in this AU fusing with Sniper who's a full gem), I did notice that basically all of them (besides Obsidian) had some kind of oddity to them. Like Smokey Quartz has three arms instead of four or just two, Rainbow 2.0 is the first gem with male pronouns and has a tad bit strange legs, and Sunstone isn't as humanoid as the other (non-corrupted) gems and fusions.
So I wanted to show that off here, but uh, I just ended up giving up on it in the end o(-( Mostly 'cause I had no clue how I wanted to color them based on the Cat's Eye Tourmaline gem, but also 'cause the overall design ended up leaned a bit more towards Sniper's design than I intended it to do.
Anyways, onto the notes for the other fusions.
Andalusite [Heavy + Medic]:
The duo that imo would probably fuse the most out of the TF2 crew, whether for battle or to just relax together (like reading a book or whatever). So with that, Heavy and Medic would have had plenty of time to refine how their fusion would look like, and making sure both of them like how they look together.
For their fusion weapon, I was thinking about them either having something like Garnet's upgraded gauntlets (the ones with spikes jutting out of it's knuckles), or letting the gauntlets have claws or something.
Iolite [Cheavy + Medic]:
I mostly did this one 'cause of one of the drawings in Lenny-Link's original piece, which made me thinking of Lapis and Jasper fusing into Malachite and all that, which lead me to this. I wanted the design to 1. Make it look chaotic due to the two people that are fused here, but also 2. Make it lean a tad more towards Cheavy's looks to make said guy think that he's the one mostly in control of the fusion, only to have Medic take over take over and do something to trap the fusion and/or get them the hell away from the TF2 crew. Something something angst idk lol
Decided to make Cheavy a [blue] Topaz. Since Heavy's a Topaz as well. I don't have any other reason than that :') Also, I placed his gem on the side of his right shoulder.
The eye goggles change color depending on who is in control. If the two weren't fighting for it, it would be one eye blue and one eye magenta. But since they are, whenever Cheavy's in control, the eyes are blue. And whenever Medic's in control, the eyes are magenta.
Ametrine [Demoman + Soldier]:
Originally, I was going to have them be a Morganite, but decided on Ametrine instead as it fit their color scheme more. Also originally, I was going to give them a knight helmet, but I wanted to draw their hair, so I instead gave them a bandana covering their possibly one eye. Possibly.
Assuming Soldier's helmet (with or without the horns) is Soldier's gem weapon like Jasper's helmet, I thought it would be neat if their fusion weapon [(horned) helmet + sword] would be something like a Morningstar, which they would be able to duel-wield without much trouble.
I've got other lil' ideas as well for this AU, like how Jeremy/Scout was the one that gave these gems their nicknames (Spy, Sniper, Engineer, etc.), how Medic grew a fascination for the organic lifeforms of Earth and how exactly they healed/was able to treat their wounds, and how- instead of Spy being all dead and gone Rose Quartz style when Jeremy was born- Spy is a lot weaker than he should be due Jeremy getting half of his gem. But uh-- I don't wanna go too overboard when this ain't even my AU :')
Either way, I'll probably go and relax a bit before drawing some regular TF2 stuff. But I might do some more fanart for this AU whenever I feel up for it. 'Cause genuinely, I love this AU sm <3
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sonicasura · 13 days
TFP x Knack, Ratchet would probably have a robot aneurysm trying to figure out Knack, Bumblebee would definitely become brother #2 (with the tfp kids probably adding to the sibling numbers), Optimus would be dading all over the place, and Miko is probably bombarding him with questions, but what about the Decepticons? I imagine they'd be appalled by his existence, or try to snatch him. They'd probably get their scrap rocked though.
They found out about Knack right after the kids joined as he became quite well known after the first game. Miko and Raf are fans to put it simply so a discussion about our hero was bound to happen in base. The bots were immediately perturbed considering Knack's chest looks a bit too much like a Spark Chamber. (Imagine seeing someone with their heart, a very vital organ, exposed if I have to describe it.)
Ratchet already had difficulty trying to use relics and sunstones since these power sources are a bit tricky to handle unlike others. So Knack is a bigger walking conundrum for him. Anyway, the bots decide to ask Fowler a favor as Optimus' believes the chest orb keeping our hero together might actually be Cybertronian in origin.
I figured the Doctor needed a bit of a break from dangerous first greetings for this one. He wasn't expecting a government agent to show up at his home so suddenly. Nor for Fowler to reveal the Autobots' existence to him, Lucas, Charlotte and Knack. However Optimus believed the group would be at risk of Decepticon due to his greatest creation.
One analysis by Ratchet later, Knack is officially the first youngest unconventional Sparkling in Cybertronian history after their eons absent. Bumblebee is officially no longer the baby of the group and takes it in stride whenever the golem's present. Knack gives him more opportunities to act like any normal young person than just a soldier.
Optimus is absolutely running on fatherly behavior however there's actual foundation to this. Knack's chest orb isn't just Cybertronian in origin but has a solid connection to the original Primes. This makes him kin to Optimus in a mystical way. It isn't uncommon for the gentle giant to teach Knack about Cybertron's history.
Miko fully believes our relic hero should be a wrecker. Knack is a gentle sweetheart but we can't forget how much damage he can cause even if accidental. She convinced him to play Cybertronian games with Bulkhead in her stead and hasn't regret it since.
The Decepticons definitely want to capture Knack upon discovering his existence. I don't think any of them see our hero as an abomination though. Megatron and Starscream do hate that he was made by a human. (Prime's organic xenophobia isn't as bad as Animated.)
Considering Knack can grow up to 32 ft in size(TFP Optimus is 30 ft while Megatron is 35), utilize sunstone/relic energy, and incorporate other material to bulk up... He absolutely beat the shit out of the cons. Look at the second and third giant bosses in Knack 1 then tell me otherwise.
Megatron/Soundwave/Predaking will fair better than the other Cons but our hero definitely give them a run for their money. Those three and Shockwave also want Knack alive instead of dead. Our hero is still Cybertronian in origin so he should be on their side, not helping organics.
Soundwave's claim on Knack has to do with his cassettes as Lazerbeak is the only one he has left. Predaking believes the golem could be Predacon in origin and thus kin to rule over. Shockwave is pretty obvious considering the mad emotionless scientist he is.
But yeah, Knack definitely added a lot more reason for both factions to continue fighting.
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morebedsidebooks · 1 year
LGBTQ+ Characters in Comics from the 21st century I like
A few years back I did a post on LGBTQ+ characters in comics from the 20th Century I have a soft spot for. When it comes to the new millennium, the last two decades have seen an explosion of such comics and characters. So here is my short little follow up for the 21st century.
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Starting off the new millennium the French comic series Djinn with Belgian writer Jean Dufaux, illustrated by Spanish artist Ana Miralles would run through three arcs for 15 years. I’ll never forget the first time during a comics exhibition I saw an absolutely captivating illustration of the character at the heart of the series, Jade. A fascinating, queer, and amoral enigmatic figure, Sultan’s favorite in the last years of the Ottoman Empire spoken of as a djinn who also seems the key to an immense treasure.
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  Fumi Manjôme
With little nods to Japanese girls’ literature and culture Sweet Blue Flowers by Japanese artist Takako Shimura is an enduring yuri series around high school girls and maturing. The shy lesbian Fumi and messy feelings are a major focus. Later adolescence can be an emotional time for anyone. Shimura softly explores when and how her characters mourn disappointments and disenchantment along with finding their identity.
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  Kevin Keller
Archie Comics were a staple of my childhood. The quintessential US slice-of-life comic focusing on a group of teenagers goes way back to 1941. However, the 21st century saw a reinvigoration of the Archie brand. Among the successes the gay Kevin Keller created in 2010 by US comic artist Dan Parent debuted in Veronica #202 and has since enjoyed huge popularity. Eventually, I was also drawn back as an adult reader with the gang grown up in the Life with Archie series. In 2012 Life with Archie #16 saw Kevin not only following in the footsteps of his dad as a soldier in the Army but marrying Dr. Clay Walker. Despite protests from bigoted groups the installment of the series would be another sold out hit earning Kevin the designation as “most important new character in Archie history.” Further a character that has also represented fighting the epidemic of gun violence in the US going on in the series to become a State Senator on the issue.
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  Richard III
Japanese artist Aya Kanno inspired by Shakespeare’s tetralogy Henry VI, Richard III and the famous 15th century War of the Roses in her series Requiem of the Rose King goes in a different direction, making her Richard intersex. Only the first of many choices in this girls’ comic which has also garnered attention from other well-respected artists. YMMV but the saga of this Richard has consistently been one of the more compelling examples over the last decade.
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Lisa Williams and Ally Carter
Beginning as fetishistic illustrations and short strips by Croatian artist Stjepan Sejic (under a pseudonym) on DeviantArt, BDSM comic series Sunstone was a notable read for me in 2015. With genuine class and smart use of humour, the characters Lisa and Ally and their growing relationship are wonderfully relatable on many levels.
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If you love the movie Grease but crave something 1950’s vintage queer the webcomic Rock and Riot by Chelsey Furedi might fit the bill. The cast is as wide and beautiful as a rainbow. Among the many teenage delinquent characters is the 17-year-old agender, asexual, demiromantic Ace. And founder of their own gang the Bandits and who definitely does things their own way.
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Another of the top titles from the 2010s I first came across the exquisite mystery webcomic Heart of Gold in the (now defunct) digital magazine Sparkler Monthly. The atmospheric ongoing series features Ionel a panromantic asexual pianist with albinism who is losing his sight and a gay priest Father Dunant who is known as a faith healer.
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  Milagro Villa
I’ve seen feathers, wings, and birds stand in for representations about abuse and trauma before. In the short comic Songbird For A Vulture US artist Naomi Franquiz does exactly that. Crafting one of the most poignant examples of an abuse survivor, found family, and healing included in Power & Magic The Queer Witch Comics Anthology.
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  Ed Fiedler and Lucardo von Gishaupt
Forgive me the terrible pun but I’m a sucker for vampires, especially the queer variety. Letters for Lucardo by Finnish artist Otava Heikkilä is a delightful erotic comic series with a romance between vampire Lucardo and the older Ed.
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  Ryô Watari
I’ve gone on about self-actualization in fashion before. Series Boys Run the Riot by Japanese artist Keiko Gaku acutely presents a comic about trans teenager Ryô building confidence, friendships, and a street fashion brand.
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anosrepasi · 5 months
So I'm having Nil thoughts. Take a portion of a fic that will eventually be finished and make it's way to AO3.
The new cell in Sunstone Rock is completely dark except for an hour each day when the sun’s light aligns with the air tunnels built into the deep rock and the light can trickle down to his cell, dusty and dim. He doesn’t know this on the first day, and doesn’t think of it as fact until the fifth.
Janeva tells him that the room is used for “temporary relocations,” that the violent and the bloodthirsty go in and come out docile, one way or another- that man is not supposed to exist so long in the dark.
They say this as they stand at the threshold of the cell as he stands in the middle of the space, straining his eyes to see as much as he can with the light that floods in from the hallway and the open door. The warden’s voice brings his attention back to them.
He tilts his head at them and asks if this is a temporary relocation.
The warden levels him with a blank stare. “That’ll depend on you, I guess.”
They close the door and the only light in the cell becomes the thin stripe falling across the floor from the eyeslot where Janeva currently regards him. “Either way, you can’t keep killing your cellmates. The Sun King can’t “rehabilitate” you all if you’re killing everyone else imprisoned here with you.”
They slide the panel closed and leave him to the dark.
It doesn’t take him long to pace the entire length of the cell, mapping out the meager features in his mind and spinning around a few times and fumbling around until he’s confident in his surroundings. He finds himself propping himself against a wall, chilly to the touch in contrast with the heat of the cell.
He spends the first however unknown amount of time contemplating his temporary relocation and the charges landed by the Warden.
They are right, technically, he has killed every fellow prisoner they have placed in his cell. His confusion stems from what else they expected from him. He is a tool for killing- killing people, preferably. Were they not wanting him to kill the prisoners?
…why in the sun’s name did they put them in his cell then?
His mind goes in circles trying to detangle the paradox presented to him. Logically, he knows it’s possible to coexist in a space with another person, he trained in the barracks like every other soldier of the Sundom. He hasn’t shared a space since then, however, nearly two decades prior. They had assigned him his own tent since his first campaign, out of reward or fear he had never bothered to learn. The other soldiers kept their bunking with shared tents. He had never thought to question why his treatment was different, it just was. It had suited him fine enough.
And now he had been assigned a cell in a similar fashion. But Warden Janeva said it like it was.. a punishment? To be honest, the solitude and the darkness appealed to him. But again, he could recognize that his experience wasn’t everyone’s truth.
He could see boredom becoming a problem.
But that was equally a problem in his previous lodgings.
Perhaps that’s the true root of the problem. Being “rehabilitated” as the Sun King so decreed is rather… tedious. Like waiting for a table of commanders to finish arguing over a table of paper and wooden tokens instead of just letting him take to the field.
He is not a creature of words or theories. The maps and mile markers on a general’s table will not win a war: his hands around enemy throats will prove far more effective.
He sighs in the dark, feeling foolish.
He’s getting worked up about a conflict that’s been supposedly laid to rest–getting attached to that particular avenue of bloodshed is pointless.
Perhaps he’s made a miscalculation on what exactly is required of him for “rehabilitation.” Well, at least he’ll have a question for the Warden when they return.
He’s so caught up in his thought he almost misses the flash of movement to his left.
He reacts on instinct, his right hand darting out to catch whatever threat has suddenly appeared and lets out a bur mused laugh as his right hand clamps down on his own left wrist. He must have been gesturing with his hands while he was thinking.
He strains his eyes in the murky dark and can just barely make out the outline of his hand and wrist, suddenly visible if barely in the dark. He watches, with vague curiosity, as the darkness slowly, slowly recedes into dim light–never enough to illuminate the cell or completely thaw his hand out from the shadows, but it’s enough to recognize general shapes and edges in the dark.
Janeva had said the cell was entirely dark.
Wasn’t that the point of the supposed punishment? Scare the people of the sun with unending shadows? Not that he felt particularly threatened.
He stands, turning to observe the wall he had previously been sitting against. It’s indistinguishable from the rest of the darkness he puts his hands to work instead– running his fingers over the stone until he finds a gap. He finds it rather quickly, roughly the same hight as the base of his breastbone, slightly above where his head rested against the wall.
He squats down and presses his face to the wall, allowing his eyes to focus and find the angle of the gap. He’s rewarded with the sight of a small stone tunnel chiseled into the rock with a width no larger than the circle of his own wrist. The tunnel ends some distance into the thick rock foundation, highlighted at the end with a bright light from an unseen opening above it.
He watches the stone tunnel until his body is still and the light at the end dims away completely, leaving the room once again left in utter darkness, the outline of his hand before just a memory of sight.
Did they design the cell to do that?
Or is it just an unintended consequence of nature, much like him himself?
He resumes his former contemplations, his thoughts returning like clockwork machines to the temporary diffusion of light, and he quietly eats the meal provided sometime later, waving off the questions of the guards outside as he returns to his newly designated spot along the wall.
Eventually, he sleeps. He’s awakened at some point by the sound of the door opening, Janeva standing once again at the doorway.
He has to blink away the tears at the light that streams into the room from behind the warden’s silhouette. It’s surprising, how quickly he’s become accustomed to the dark. “Warden.”
“Prisoner.” The reply evenly. “It’s been a day to the hour since we left you in here, hopefully the experience has been enlightening.”
He stores away that information, cataloguing a general sense of how much time has passed since he first walked into the cell and assigning a sense of a “Day” to the passage of the time. In the dark it’s impossible to tell time, but between the short hour of dim light and the meal served sometime before he slept a day having passed sounds rather reasonable.
The Warden continues, “Are you going to kill your next cellmate?”
“Yes.” He is honest, if nothing else.
The Warden sighs.
They turn and the door closes behind them. “As I said yesterday, this is all dependent on you. I’ll speak with you again tomorrow.”
Well, that answers one of his questions. They really do not want him killing the other prisoners they keep putting into his cell. Huh.
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macbetha · 25 days
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preview of four of hoards, a haikyuu au - kiyoomi x kenma (sakuken?) / ossaka - omegaverse / royalty / fantasy + shifters / dragon king omi / panther shifter kenma
As a dragon, Kiyoomi has always been warned about flying too close to the sun. With life comes bright, golden lies he’ll want to chase, but he must reign his focus on the gold in his hoard - for that is what makes the sun rise and fall in a world of dragons. But Kenma’s eyes are gold like sunstone and no dragon can fly higher than Kiyoomi. Or: A Hades and Persephone AU - what if Hades left the underworld to join Persephone in her springland home?
Preview below the cut!
Kiyoomi loathes regions of eternal summer with a special kind of repugnance, yet he’s the guest of honor at a mid-year wedding in the desert.
The desert sand at the stronghold of the Black Jackal seems to magnetize to him. This event also happens to be a Miya affair: a nine-day celebration, which is tradition in these parts. Nine days of nauseating comradery and glutinous posturing.
It’s all for the nine-tailed marriage goddess the twins and their people worship. Kiyoomi’s own physician will be one of those people soon. It’s hard to swallow.
Kiyoomi soldiers on for Akaashi’s sake. He has enough to worry about with final preparations and trying to persuade Osamu to save some things for their wedding. Osamu has already spoiled Akaashi as any king should when it comes to their intended, but Osamu is still an alpha.
Resisting the urge to bite is nearly impossible once an omega has given permission. Osamu is devoted to his regional traditions but the rule about waiting until the ceremony to bite might just do the fox king in. Oikawa has assured Kiyoomi it will be a delicious scandal.
Kiyoomi takes it upon himself to gather the flowers Akaashi wants at the ceremony. The gardens are indoors, and Kiyoomi feared he was going to step into a claustrophobic nightmare, but he shouldn’t have let the term “indoor” deter him from finding the gardens quicker.
Kiyoomi expected some flowerbeds, perhaps a fountain – not a landscape that rivals the size of a gladiatorial arena. There’s enough space for hills to stretch out pillowed by wildflowers. The air is candied, pure.
Clean waterways and spotless paths make Kiyoomi almost salivate; this trip has been nothing but sandy grime. To make matters more enriching, an oversized sundial floats midair. The dial ticks as sunlight moves through the glass ceiling.
Kiyoomi can admit he’s dazzled. Rainbow phoenixes soar overhead, teleporting across the gardens in a fiery burst, and his brain quickly stops feeling like a pulled muscle.
He tucks his basket at his elbow and follows one of the irrigation rivers with his list in hand. Koi fish trail after him, hoping for a snack. Akaashi was thoughtful enough to add rough sketches of the flowers he needs, but Kiyoomi has no clue where to find individual blooms.
He isn’t too concerned. This isn’t the worst place to get lost and better odds have tried to keep him from certain treasures in his hoard. He’s never failed in that category.
Hours pass in which Kiyoomi’s natural curiosity implores him to rest on the ground and study certain plants. He can’t name many of them. Some petals are so vibrant, it’s hard to settle on which color best describes them. These ponderings don’t weaken the happiness in him.
Gradually, he finds what Akaashi needs. Kiyoomi is quite disappointed as he reaches the end of his list. The light around him deepens with the sunset’s crimson flares. The glass ceiling opens with a mechanical groan and the phoenixes fly through for their nightly hunt.
Kiyoomi’s pointed ear twitches when music starts up somewhere outside. Dinner is about to start. He sighs profusely. His hold tightens on his flower basket, and he heads in the general direction of where he came from.
Kiyoomi tries so hard to commit all his senses to memory: the moonlight is soft and pearly, the breeze sharpening as it rips through the flowers to push Kiyoomi’s curls back. He stumbles to a stop and looks around, horns illuminating the night. Kiyoomi breathes in deeply.
His wings arc to attention. Kiyoomi studies the flow of wind through the flowers to track its path. He follows the push to the north section of the garden. Suddenly, all the perfumes around him are annoying. He can’t name the smell the wind brought to him.
He can’t even describe it or fully remember it from that initial whiff just a few moments ago. It was just… new, odd. Maybe even good. Something about it makes Kiyoomi hungry. He’s never eaten as indulgently as he needs to right now.
He wants to slash his arm across a table and push over the frilly centerpieces, wants to eat with the candlesticks overturned and the curtains burning. He wants to rip his teeth through fruit flesh and salted meat, wants to be so fucking greedy -
What is he even searching for? A particularly smelly flower? It wouldn’t be right to take one when it wasn’t on Akaashi’s list, and it wouldn’t live long. The air shifts in another direction and Kiyoomi breathes, tongue light on his bottom lip. His fangs ache in his jaw.
It's not a flower but by the gods, Kiyoomi wants it. He alters his path and walks up a steep hill. He can’t explain why he’s creeping along and being mindful of his steps while his heart urges him to hurry.
That scent clings to his open mouth. His wings move on their own, spreading to catch attention and impress. He drops the flower basket. Kiyoomi is passed deciphering these responses; he must train his eyes on the source of it all.
White flowers glow over the hilltop – moonflowers yawning awake and twisting in their search for nocturnal light. Kiyoomi finds it before the flowers do.
Cloud-cover allows only a blade of moonlight over the hill, yet an omega found it perfectly and decided to nap there. Curled up on his side with his arms folded under his cheek, he is incredibly small to have such powerful pheromones.
The skirt twisted up around the omega’s knees is patterned in golds and reds Kiyoomi should recognize as the colors of a certain noble house, but right now, he is missing the faintest memory that could remind him what the world was like before this moment.
He can’t describe the omega’s scent, but Kiyoomi eats it up with gluttonous vigor. This is what red would smell like, he thinks: warm, deep, disarming. That scent is melting into Kiyoomi’s very pores and his skin tingles as his own pheromones flare in kind.
The omega’s nose twitches as he sniffs. His eyelids flicker before bolting open. The omega loops to his feet quicker than Kiyoomi’s eyes can follow. They watch each other with abundant confirmation that the omega thinks he’s about to become some sort of prey.
Kiyoomi tips his head to the side, showing his neck as if he’s ever done it before. The omega’s breath rasps to a complete halt. His tension eases a bit, as does the warning in his smell. His sunstone gaze is calculated enough to leave Kiyoomi feeling dissected.
Kiyoomi is willing, keeping his neck arched with his head bowed in submission to ensure the omega no harm will come to him. Kiyoomi peeks up from keeping his eyes low to the ground. A flush pulses down the omega’s throat.
His small hands lower from their crooked defensive position to wring together. He combs through the long hair at his hip before tucking some behind his ear. The omega hesitates, lips parting as if he’ll grace Kiyoomi with an apology, a word, anything -
He darts away, fleeing so gracefully the flowers aren’t even disturbed. Kiyoomi’s wings fall as he pants, lightheaded. One hand finds the earth where he sinks and the other touches his chest. He feels the wardrum of his heartbeat through his shirt, his glove.
Kiyoomi rises to his feet and wavers. He walks closer to the omega’s napping spot and toes the plate of crackers and cheese. A sticky knife and spoon are nearby. Bloody fruit juice splatters the grass and Kiyoomi crouches, following the trail to an opened pomegranate.
Kiyoomi takes off his glove and scoops into it with two fingers. He touches them to his tongue, but the sweetness does not ease his frustrations - it just enhances the fact he could have handled that interaction better in a hundred different ways.
Motoya’s forcing their familial bond open like he’s trying to kick in a fucking door. Kiyoomi hurries to find his basket at the bottom of the hill. He struggles to gather himself. This isn’t the first time he’s needed to be alone to process something and can’t.
This won’t be the last time he doesn’t get what he needs. Kiyoomi’s snarl flashes in the moonlight as his wings beat and rip flowers from the earth. He launches toward the open ceiling. 
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knighteclipsed · 10 months
11. A memory that may or may not have happened
memories. (still accepting)
// description of injury, eirika route spoilers
Your arrival had been delayed.
Such were the workings of the army—with enough power and prestige, you become the one who has to clean up the messes of those less competent. You had been delayed by the need to finish a skirmish that should’ve been won easily, and because of that, you were too late.
(You see her drive the blade of her rapier into his chest before turning and fleeing like the coward she is.)
You only had a few soldiers with you, the rest sent back to the capital after the battle was over. You had expected to fight with him, but he and his troops were now dead. If only you had more soldiers, you would’ve given the command.
(‘Rout their army. Make sure Eirika ends up dead.’)
Murmurs abound already regarding his death—General Glen, the Sunstone, slain by the lunar princess of Renais. Your wyvern lands not too far from his own, and you dismount, inspecting the body.
You’d be hard-pressed to ready that for a proper burial.
Cuts and stab wounds grace the general’s features, clearly having been worn down before the final blow. The attack was merciless, you can tell. He didn’t have a chance of survival.
(And the dullness in his eyes, as though he never shone at all…)
It’s too gruesome to think of, such a brilliant light cut down so suddenly. Stomaching a bout of illness, you pick up the Sunstone’s body—it’d be best to return to Grado. The emperor must know of this loss.
There’s no way Cormag would believe that. (Valter knows the boy too well.) When he arrives in Grado Keep, Glen’s corpse on full display, Cormag will sensibly and rationally deduce the true murderer, and lash out in a bout of vengeance.
To that end, Valter could probably kill him too. Imagine: a soldier of lower rank suddenly attacking one of the Six Generals– It would be a treasonous act, and treason is punishable by death.
It would be a pity though, Valter thinks. The general wouldn’t grow any stronger from such a victory. He’d much rather that Eirika kill him—it’d prove something of her strength.
Luckily for the Moonstone, Cormag was hardly ever sensible. In response to his brother’s corpse, there’d be a rogue wyvern rider flying all the way to Carcino.
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poppypopp · 2 years
Can we discuss soulmate AUs for Niloy? I mean can you even imagine?
If it's the one where they're born with their first words written on each other's skin. "There's danger ahead, girl," and "Danger for you, outlander." She spends her childhood wondering if her soulmate is trying to protect her or threaten her, and he spends his wondering what faraway land she's from if she's calling him 'outlander.' Wondering if he'll meet her during the war and hoping not, because of all the horrible things he sees and does during the Red Raids.
Or maybe it's the kind of soulmates where you get a mark on your skin everywhere they're hurt. She goes through her childhood from 8 to 18 watching strange black marks appear and disappear on her skin over time and wonders why her soulmate gets hurt so much. Rost notices and never tells her about the Red Raids, knowing her soulmate is probably a soldier. They go through bandit camps together and it takes one of them taking a hit to the face and watching a black mark blossom on the other one's face for them to realize who they really are to each other.
Or maybe it's the kind of soulmates where they can write to each other on their skin. Since they don't really have ink pens, maybe drawing a finger on their skin leaves a mark on the other person's body. They spend years writing back and forth before they ever meet in person, getting to know each other. She learns all about the Red Raids as a child, and he tells her what places to avoid when he knows there are Carja squads near the borders of the Sacred Lands. Having that connection to her is the only reason he stays sane when he goes to Sunstone Rock.
So yeah, I think soulmate AUs are fun and we should have more in the Niloy fandom.
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gobs-o-cs · 6 months
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"No, I think you're the one who's misunderstandin' the situation, here, Baron. You made your opinion perfectly clear when you were willing to leave everyone else in there to die and then tried to have us arrested when we went ahead and saved 'em anyway. So, let's make sure there's no misinterpretin' how we're all feelin' about that."
Cassidy "The Cracker"* Sunstone
*[As in, "of boulders, tough problems, skulls"]
Tiefling Fighter, Gunslinger
Chaotic Good
Folk Hero Background - Saved people during a natural disaster [Mining accident] / Trained peasantry to use [mining] implements against a tyrant's soldiers / A lord rescinded an unpopular decree after I led a symbolic act of protest against it
Dice Set #28 - Desert Topaz
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gladdygirl18 · 1 year
Snowballs and Laughter
Happy Holidays, everyone! Surprise @sunstone-smiles! I was your Secret Santa for SquealingSanta2022! I cannot tell you how happy I was to get you! I tried to make it Christmas/holiday-themed. I really hope you enjoy this fic!
A round of applause for @hypahticklish for orchestrating this year's Squealing Santa!👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾
This fic contains all of the Golden Deer students and contains spoilers for Fire Emblem Warriors: Three Hopes, Blue Lions route.
Theme for this fic: Sibling / Family/ Friend shenanigans. Playfully stealing something, banter, or playing a game (etc.) that then turns into tickling.
Summary: Christmas time was on the horizon, and the Leicester Alliance planned on spending the holiday season in Faerghus. While some of the Golden Deer enjoying the snow, others prefer to stay warm. Claude, being Claude, comes up with the best way for his friends to have fun in the snow and stay warm.
Word Count: 2706
The war between the Holy Kingdom of Faerghus and the Adrestian Empire was over, and the orchestrator of the Tragedy of Duscur was no more. As soon as they tie up some loose ends in the empire's western regions, the era of peace that Dimitri and his friends longed for was on the horizon. But onto more pressing matters: it's almost Christmas!
Christmases in Faerghus are like living in a winter wonderland. Cold winters aren't uncommon in the northern regions of Faerghus, but when the temperature is low enough, it will start to snow. It's always a white Christmas in Faerghus, something that never gets old for the kingdom subjects. Now that the kingdom was in allegiance with the Leicester Alliance, the two territories had agreed to spend Christmas in the kingdom. Right now, some of the Golden Deers were enjoying their first snowfall.
"Wow! I never imagined snow to be so beautiful!" Hilda exclaimed, twirling around as the snow fell.
"It feels magical!" Ignatz said, catching snowflakes in his gloved hands.
Raphael and Leonie were competing to see who could catch the most snowflakes on their tongue. Claude smiled as he watched his friends enjoy the snow, gliding a hand over a snow-covered fence. In the center of the castle courtyard, some soldiers decorated a large pine tree while others decorated the courtyard for a Christmas party that evening, the Blue Lions helping out however they could.
"Enjoying the snow?" asked a stray voice behind Claude.
The leader of the Golden Deer turned around and smiled when he saw Dimitri.
"You bet!" Claude exclaimed, "It's been a while since I've seen snow. I almost forgot how pretty it could be."
The young king smiled and nodded toward his friend. Dimitri turned around and tilted his head as he watched some of the Golden Deers play in the snow.
"Where are Lorenz, Marianne, and Lysithea?" Dimitri asked.
"Oh, they're inside," Claude answered, "They're not the biggest fans of snow... or the cold, for that matter."
The young ruler nodded, understanding that not all people are as used to the cold as he and his kingdom.
"Surprisingly, it is not as cold today as it was the other days," Dimitri commented, "However, it will grow colder with each passing day. While I am not one to encourage someone to step out of their comfort zones, I implore Lorenz, Marianne, and Lysithea to enjoy this weather's easy chill before it grows colder."
"I hear you, Your Majesty, but you know how those three can be," Claude sighed, "Birds of a feather flock together, as they say."
Dimitri chuckled with a fond eye roll, silently agreeing with his childhood friend.
"But don't worry, I have a plan to get them out here and enjoy the snow." Claude said.
"Oh, and what might that be?" Dimitri asked.
Claude smiled before winking at the blonde ruler. The young alliance leader then explained his plan to the king, who simply scoffed.
"If that plan works, I will double your gifts for Christmas." Dimitri joked.
"It will trust me," Claude said, "I just need the knights in the courtyard to play dead. Can you spread the word? They can drop the act when they hear me call out fire."
Dimitri chuckled and nodded.
"I can't believe you drew me into one of your antics." Dimitri confessed.
Claude laughed before walking away from the young king to round up the other Golden Deer. Dimitri chuckled as he watched the five alliance members converse. The young ruler soon left Claude and the others to spread the word about Claude's prank on his knights. To the king's surprise, most of the knights agreed without question. The reason behind their excitement was something Dimitri was afraid to ask.
"Do you really think that'll work, Claude?" Hilda asked as she sat up from making a snow angel.
"Positive," Claude said, "If there's one thing Lorenz can't stand, it's me being in some sort of danger."
"So, what do you want us to do?" Leonie asked.
Claude grinned before explaining his plan in full. When the others smiled in agreement, they put Claude's plan into motion. While the plan is a bit on the devious side, it was rather simple: Ignatz would paint fake frost on Claude's face and make it look like he was frozen. Then, the young archer would drive two arrows through his leader's sleeves and have him pinned against a tree. To add to this scene, Ignatz planted some whole and snapped arrows around the young alliance leader. While Hilda and Ignatz go and warn the other three that they were attacked, Leonie and Raphael would wait behind some mounds of snow before they ambushed their friends with snowballs.
"Alright, let's do this!" Claude exclaimed.
The others nodded before scattering. Claude grinned before hanging his head in fake exhaustion as Hilda and Ignatz rushed inside the castle, and Leonie and Raphael hid.
"Mari! Thea! Lorenz!" Hilda cried in feigned panic.
The three people in question were sitting by a fireplace with tea cups sipping tea. Their heads perked up when they heard their friend's frantic outburst.
"What's the matter?" Lysithea asked.
"We... we were attacked!" Ignatz said, pretending to pant, "They got Leonie and Raphael!"
"WHAT!?" Lorenz questioned as he stood up, "And what of Claude?!"
"W-We don't know!" Hilda exclaimed, "He told us to run and get you three!"
"What happened to the kingdom knights in the courtyard?" Marianne asked.
Ignatz slightly panted as he turned away from the blue-haired girl. Lorenz growled before gripping his lance.
"To hell with the cold!" he said, "We need to save Claude!"
Ignatz and Hilda nodded before sprinting toward the courtyard with the other three in tow. When they were outside, a chilly breeze kicked up. The three nobles gawked at the "lifeless" kingdom soldiers.
"Oh, my!" Lysithea exclaimed, "This is awful!"
Lorenz gripped his lance as he walked around the courtyard. When he turned around, the young noble's eyes widened as he dropped his lance into the snow.
"CLAUDE!" Lorenz cried as he sprinted up to Claude's "frozen" body.
The alliance leader pretended to shiver as his friends sprinted up to him. Ignatz and Hilda smiled before sneaking away from the other four to join Leonie and Raphael.
"Claude! What did they do to you?" Marianne asked, grazing Claude's cheek before pulling away, "You're as cold as ice!"
"There were... s-so many of them..." Claude shivered, "I-I thought we h-had them... G-Guess I w-was wrong..."
"Don't worry, Claude," Lorenz said, removing the arrows, "Do you remember anything about your attackers?"
Claude trembled as he leaned against the purple-haired noble for support.
"T-The whole time... they would c-cry out..." Claude began.
"Cry out what?" Lysithea asked.
Claude looked up at his friends and grinned.
"FIRE!" Claude called out.
Then, the three nobles felt themselves being pelted with something cold. When they looked around, they saw the kingdom soldiers back on their feet, continuing their decorating. Lorenz turned around and saw Leonie and Ignatz compacting snow to throw them.
"Why you-" Lysithea's sentence was cut short when Hilda threw a snowball at her face.
Marianne was taken by surprise when Raphael threw a snowball at her chest, causing the blue-haired girl to stumble back into the snow.
"Hey! What was that for?" Marianne questioned, trying to suppress a smile.
"Aw, c'mon, Mari!" Raphael said, "Just havin' a bit of fun, that's all!"
Lorenz blinked in confusion as he watched the scene before him. Claude smirked before standing up on his own and began compacting snow.
"Lorenz heads up!" Claude called out, releasing the snowball.
When the purple-haired noble turned around, he got a face full of snow. Claude couldn't help but laugh at his friend's powered face.
"Okay, my aim has definitely gotten better!" Claude commented through his laughter.
Lorenz growled as he felt his face heat up, melting parts of the snow on his face.
"Claude, you...! You!" Lorenz stammered, "Why!?"
"It's a snow day, Lorenz!" Claude said, tossing a snowball and catching it, "Live a little and have fun!"
When Claude released the snowball, the nobleman picked out his spear and sliced the snowball in half.
"Is your brain half-frozen or something?" Lorenz asked, "What made you think any of this was remotely sane?"
"Now, thinking about it, this would be something Claude would do." Marianne commented before tossing a snowball at Leonie.
"Definitely one of his best pranks so far," Lysithea said, dodging Ignatz's snowball, "You really had us going, Claude. Nice work."
"Thanks, Thea!" Claude expressed.
Lorenz groaned and pinched the bridge of his nose.
"I refuse to engage in something as childish as this." Lorenz expressed.
"That can be arranged." Claude said immediately after.
Lorenz looked up at his leader with a quizzical look.
"What is that supposed to mean?" he asked as Claude walked up to him.
Claude smirked before tackling the young nobleman into the snow.
"Has your brain completely frozen over!?" Lorenz asked, "What in the world are you doing?!"
"Making sure you're having fun!" Claude said before skittering his fingers across Lorenz's torso.
The nobleman inhaled sharply before letting out deep giggles.
"Clahahahahaude, you bruhuhuhuhute!" Lorenz giggled, "Enohohohohough!"
"Not until you join us in our snowball fight," Claude said, "Until then, laugh for me, Gloucester!"
Lorenz giggled as he scraped his heels into the snow. The other Golden Deers stopped their snowball fight and started watching Claude wreck Lorenz.
"Claude, stohohohohop!" Lorenz giggled, "This is sohohoho unnecessaryhyhyhyhyhyhy!"
"No, it's not!" Claude said, "You're having fun, aren't you?"
"Hohohohow is this fuhuhhun?"
"Allow me to demonstrate!" Leonie suddenly said, "Mind if I lend a hand, Claude?"
The young archer sprinted to the hilarious scene and sat next to Lorenz's head. The orange-haired girl then took hold of the nobleman's wrists and held them over his head.
"Nohohohoho! Leonihihihihie!" Lorenz cried, "T-That's cheheheheating!"
"All's fair in love, war, and tickling, my friend," Leonie said.
"Thanks for the assist, Leonie." Claude said.
"My pleasure, Claude!"
Lorenz giggled loudly as he slammed his legs against the snow-covered ground.
"Who knew Lorenz was so ticklish," Lysithea commented, "That's definitely  something I never expected."
"I figured as much," Raphael said, "Why do you think he wears that fancy armor all the time?"
"Now that you mention it, it makes sense." Ignatz chuckled.
Lorenz giggled madly as he tried to pull his arms from Leonie's grip.
"Leonihihihihie! Plehehehease!" Lorenz begged, "Let gohohoho of mehehehe!"
"Sorry, Lorenz, but you're not going anywhere until you have some fun with us." Leonie declared.
"Yeah," Claude commented.
"You twohohohoho are ahahahhawfuhuhul!"
"What was that?"
The Golden Deer leader moved his hands and started raking Lorenz's ribs, sending the young nobleman into a frenzy of giggles.
"Ahahahahehehe! Clahahahaude!" Lorenz cried, "Stahahahahap!"
"I'd choose your next words wisely if I were you, Lorenz," Hilda said, "You're at Claude's mercy, and you know how he is about handing out quarters to people with smart mouths."
Lorenz cackled under Claude's merciless fingers, pinching every bone it can find.
"Claude, plehehehehase!" Lorenz begged, "Enohohohohough!"
"Are you gonna have a snowball fight with us?" Claude asked.
"Absolutely nohohohot!"
Claude sighed before halting his attack, allowing the young nobleman to catch his breath.
"You're a stubborn one, Lorenz Hellman Gloucester; I'll give you that," Claude said, "But you have a weak spot that'll make you break in seconds. Where is it?"
"Why... would I... tell you, of all people...?" Lorenz panted.
"So you could finally play with us, duh!" Hilda commented as she waltzed over to her friends.
The pink-haired noblewoman grinned as she kneeled beside the purple-haired man's head.
"You're in luck, Claude," Hilda began, "I know exactly where Lorenz's weak spot is."
What Hilda said made Lorenz's eyes widen.
"H-Hilda, you promised you wouldn't tell anyone!" Lorenz panicked.
"Yeah, but it's so much work keeping a secret as juicy as this~!" Hilda smirked, "We'll have him playing with us in no time."
"Now this I've gotta see." Raphael said, strutting over to the others.
Hilda grinned as her pink eyes locked with Lorenz's amethyst eyes.
"Hilda, plehehehase! I'll do anythihihihing!" Lorenz begged, nervous giggles slipping through his lips.
"Well, there is something you can do for lil' ol' me." Hilda smirked.
"W-What is it? You name it."
The young noblewoman only grinned at the nobleman. Lorenz saw a glint of mischief behind the young woman's eyes, making him shudder.
"I want you..." Hilda began, raising her hands, "To laugh!"
When Hilda pounced on Lorenz's armpits, the young nobleman screamed with laughter.
"Wow! Awesome find, Hilda!" Claude commented, "How did you find out about this spot on ol' Lorenz?"
"Well, when I was telling him about my day, he wasn't listening to me," Hilda said,  "And when I poked him in the armpit, he screeched like a newborn wyvern."
Claude and the others laughed at Hilda's description of Lorenz's laugh. Though, her description is proving sound.
"He made me swear not to tell anyone about his little weakness, but drastic times call for drastic measures." Hilda said, ignoring Lorenz's pleas.
Claude chuckled before scribbling his fingers across the nobleman's ribs, causing Lorenz to arch his back and cackle.
"Will you play with us if I do~?" the orange-haired archer asked.
When Lorenz didn't respond, Leonie gripped Lorenz's wrists with one hand and fluttered her fingers against the nobleman's neck, causing him to squeal and scrunch his neck.
"Play with us, and we will!" Hilda said.
When the pink-haired noblewoman hit a sensitive part of Lorenz's armpit, the young nobleman was thrown into hysterics.
"Promise?" the other Golden Deer asked.
When Claude, Leonie, and Hilda were satisfied, the tickling stopped. The purple-haired nobleman heavily panted, his breath visible in the chilly air.
"You... will all rue this day..." Lorenz proclaimed tiredly.
"Sure, we will..." Hilda grinned before jumping to her feet, "Come on! We still have some light left before nightfall and the party!"
The young noblewoman picked up a snowball and threw it at Ignatz.
"Hey! I thought we were on the same team!" the young archer laughed.
"No teams anymore!" Hilda declared, "Free-for-all snowball fight!"
Leonie left Lorenz and Claude to join her friends in their snowball endeavors. Claude grinned as he climbed off Lorenz and sat beside him.
"Doin' alright, Gloucester?" Claude asked sincerely.
The young nobleman glanced at his leader with a tired smile.
"Never better." Lorenz said.
The purple-haired nobleman sat up and brushed off the snow from his chest.
"This never would've happened if I had my armor on..." Lorenz mumbled.
"Bet you wish you had it on, didn't you?" Claude asked with a cheeky grin.
Lorenz growled at the Golden Deer leader as he gathered some snow and threw it at Claude's face. Claude blinked before laughing as snow fell from his face.
"Now we're talkin'!" Claude said, jumping to his feet and darting away.
Lorenz got up and chased Claude around the courtyard with a snowball in hand.
"I'm not letting you off that easily, Claude!" Lorenz said with a smile, "You will experience first-hand the might of House Gloucester when we are vengeful!"
For the rest of the day, the Golden Deer enjoyed their snowball fight until it was time for the party and tree lighting. That evening, after the large tree was beautifully lit with rainbow lights, Claude, being Claude, started another snowball fight, but with Dimitri and the Blue Lions. It took some time, but Claude eventually convinced the young king to join them, something that Dimitri didn't regret after agreeing. It was certainly a fight to behold, but it was a fight neither side would forget.
Seeing their friends happy, having fun, and being safe was all Claude and Dimitri ever wanted from their allegiance, and they got it. If every winter was going to be like this with one another, the kingdom and alliance couldn't wait for next year's Christmas. I wonder what they plan on doing for New Year's?
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autumnsartblog · 1 year
Listing all the Gems for my DSaF Gem AU :
Henry = Pink Beryl/Morganite (Pink diamonds assistant/advisor)
Dave = Purple Topaz (Deformed Body Guard)
Jack = Amber (Soldier)
Spite = Black Fossil Coral (Half-Corrupted)
Dee = Black spinel (Entertainer)
Peter = Blue-red Pietersite/Sapphire/Opal
Steven = Heliotrope/Ruby/Black opal
Both of them are helpers
Rolando = Bloodstone/Sunstone
Charles = Golden Beryl/Heliodor/Rubelite
Jimbo = Moonstone (Cleaner)
Matt = Howlite (Mime)
Martha = Green Beryl/Emerald
David = Unakite
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grimmgrinningghouls · 10 months
Go on about ash I dare you. (Interpret this as me legit asking about ash)
OKAY OKAY There is SO much to say about Ash where do I even start bro. She's been plaguing my brain for a fucking year now she won't leave. She's a skywing from WoF but we made wings of fire dope as shit and cured the series of its straight white woman author disease. She's essentially a spartan warrior version of a dragon and she's so silly.
She's also the daughter of two rich dragons, her moms a decorated war hero, and her dads just a rich prick. Her moms a vile dragon who doesn't care about her children outside of them ending up like her, as in also being decorated and valued members of skywing society. The only attention she gives them is putting them through the whole spartan 9 yards. Much like spartans, she started training around the age she learned to fly, which is 7 years old in dragon years. She was 2 in actual years, but maturity-wise she was 7.
Most skywings are required to go into some form of military training, at least for a few years. Its legally required for them to be in boot camp for 2 years, afterward they can choose to join the military or just do what they wanna do. Most of them join the military bc skywings heavily value their soldiers though. Still, the 2 year boot camp they go through teaches them basic reading, writing, math, and all that fun stuff. Ash didn't go through that however. Due to her mother's rank, Ash was allowed to be home indoctrinated lol.
Which in turn meant she was never taught to write, read, or do math. She can read maps and basic words, and do basic math, but she can't write at all and struggles with reading. All of her time was focused on military. She spent the first 5 years of her life doing grueling exercises, including being starved, whipped, threatened with a snake that could kill her with one bite, verbally abused, and generally just neglected unless she was training. Poor girl went through hell. Ash DOES have siblings tho, in the form of Singe, her older sister, who went through much of the same torment, and her two younger twin sisters, Soot and Smog.
Soot and Smog were left pretty much alone by their mother. Their mother was a very materialistic dragon, she only saw others for their use, she saw Singe and Ash as her future killing machines, and Soot and Smog as nothing more than tokens she could marry off once they were of age to richer families in different tribes to further expand her families influence. Soot and Smog were spoiled and pampered since they had nothing else to do, their father was very uninvolved and tbh a lil bit scared of his wife, while their mother put her focus on Singe and Ash. The twins are incredibly spoiled and like to mock their older sisters.
She did intend to marry Singe and Ash both off as well, she was planning on trying to marry Ash into the royal family, and Singe to whatever dragon she thought would increase their family's riches and power.
Around the age of 19 in human years, conflict began breaking out in pyrrhia thanks to the rainwing queen getting bitter. Their mother (Candle btw) saw this as a lovely opportunity to shove her two oldest daughters into the horrors of war. Singe and Ash are both incredibly competent soldiers due to their upbringing and get praised heavily. It catches the eye of Sunstone, the queen's right-hand man and the top general of the entire army. Essentially, Sunstone has the strongest army in pyrrhia at his command. He's impressed by them, so puts Ash under the mentorship of another very high-ranking general named Aelous, and mentors Singe himself.
Aelous is rough around the edges but treats Ash better than her mother did. Sunstone is a very carefree dragon, so he and Singe end up being besties. These are the first real connections Ash makes outside of her older sister. Sunstones not all he's cracked up to be however, he's a jealous, bitter, and downright delusional monster who doesn't care at all for any dragons life but his own. He thinks that all the queens are doing shitty queen jobs, so is planning to overthrow them all and put rulers he finds more adequate on the throne. To do this, he's working with the previously mentioned bitter rainwing queen who he plans to double cross.
Sunstone sabotages his own army and sends soldiers to their dooms, secretly helping the rainwing queen take out the biggest threat to her from the inside out. Enough about him though.
Ash, after just returning from a scout mission, goes looking for her older sister in the skywing barracks. Lots of stuff happens, but for now, all yall need to know is Sunstone killed Singe. This shook Ash and completely uprooted her entire world. I don't want to go tooo into detail with it, but like I mentioned before, Ash was severely neglected outside of her soldier training. She was never taught how to deal with her emotions and is prone to outbursts of rage, sadness, and even joy. She doesn't know how to express herself, so goes through a very rough grieving process.
Won't spoil any more, but she meets some dragons from another tribe who help her with her grief and in finding herself, and in the end, she's the one who takes down Sunstone and stops the war, commits some war crimes, goes to prison and almost dies at one point, accidentally kills her mother and helps her little sisters not be little shits, as well as cuts off her father, falls in love, and gets over (most) of her trauma
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bebewrites · 2 years
find the word tag
tysm @pinespittinink for the tag!
Asher shouldered his pack, gripped his crossbow, and addressed his soldiers. “This is what we trained for. No one panic, and try not to make any noise—”
But Asher’s blood froze as he was cut off by not one but several bone-cringing screeches shattering the night.
Everly attempted to light the candles on the bedside table, but the fire in her veins had been completely extinguished. She couldn’t summon even a wisp of smoke to her fingertips. There was only that sharp numbness. She’d just given up when the door opened and Asher quietly slipped in.
“You’re awake,” he said, a tray of food in his hands. His eyes went to the shirt, her bare legs. “Do you have a moral objection to Anverian night clothes?”
“No,” she said, giving a little shrug. “Night clothes in general.”
Asher’s lips pressed into a seam, suppressing a smile. “Guess I should have known that.”
“Yes, you should have.”
She came a step closer, her thumb brushing over his cheekbone in a long, delicate stroke. He couldn’t have looked away from her even if he’d tried.
“I’m not sure that what I want is a good idea. For either of us.”
She turned to leave, but he gripped her hand.
“I’m not afraid,” he said, staring directly into her eyes. “I’m not.”
Her fingers gently squeezed his before she pulled out of his grasp, heartache etched onto her lovely face. “Maybe you should be.”
“Anveria’s been trying to take these lands ever since the kingdom fell. Which reminds me.” Her hand slipped into the jacket of her uniform and withdrew a tiara. “You might need this.”
Everly stared at it. Then she stared at Vega. Her emerald eyes were firm, but pleading. Everly took the little crown of twisting gold and tiny sunstones. “You’re not allowed in my room anymore.”
“That’s fine. Your clothes are about a century out of style anyway,” Vega said with a toss of her hair and a wink.
Everly Penvellyn stood at the southern edge of the courtyard that overlooked the city. It was autumn, which was like being suspended in a moment of great possibility. Like the whole world had taken a deep breath and was ready to release it along with all of the things that got caught up inside a person over the course of a year. Things that tangled in the forests of a place, of a heart.
tagging (feel free to ignore): @zmwrites @space-cadead @mr-writes @italiangothicwriteblr @howsweetthewords and your words are confuse, whisper, bone, feel, flow​​
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mysticplies · 2 years
What are sunstones and smokey quartzes for?? ((Single gems))
smoky quartz has the same role as all quartzes do, a soldier. Sunstone maintain stars.
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