#summer patios
wanderingwynns · 1 year
Cleveland's Best Patios
Beautiful weather is rolling in and that means it is time for everyone's favorite time of year here in Cleveland, patio season! Check out some of our favorite patios all over the city and some we can't wait to visit!
Beautiful weather is rolling in and that means it is time for everyone’s favorite time of year here in Cleveland, patio season! Cleveland has so many different restaurants with patios so whether you are looking to go with family or friends I am sure you can find the perfect spot to enjoy the beautiful weather! Here are a few of our favorite Cleveland restaurant patios | Collision Bend Brewing…
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eternallyphan · 1 year
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Houston Outdoor Kitchen Outdoor Kitchen
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sincerelytennessee · 2 months
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ginger-by-the-sea · 5 months
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seasonalwonderment · 2 months
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Patio Decor Ideas: 4 Chic Themes for Creating an Outdoor Oasis at Home
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jankwritten · 4 months
Jasico Bingo Challenge: sharing a bed
It took all of ten minutes for Jason to cave and climb into Nico’s too-big bed. His weight dips the mattress to one side, and as he slides under the blankets, Nico gets hit with his fan’s frigid breeze. 
“Told you,” he mutters, flipping over onto his left side. He sticks his hand under his pillow. 
Jason makes a face, wrinkling his nose and giving Nico a sort of side-glare, before he settles fully down, hugging Nico’s spare pillow. “I don’t like disobeying Miss Sally.” 
Two months ago, Nico would’ve been right there with him. He’s lived under her roof long enough to know which rules they can nudge, though. “Percy constantly lets Grover share his bed.” 
“Percy and Grover are different,” Jason says, his voice just a shade above a whisper. “You know it’s different.” 
Nico shrugs. “Sally doesn’t know that.” 
Jason looks far less amused than he should. “I’m serious,” he says. 
This is what Nico gets for dating a serial rule-follower, he supposes. Rules are rigid and unbending, in Jason’s mind, no matter how insignificant. He approaches “entrance” and “exit” signs like he’ll get arrested for mixing them up. 
It’s something they’re working on, together. It’s something Nico can help with. It’s always tricky, with Jason, working around the thorny patches of his logic, but Nico knows firsthand that once Jason can tame that anxiety, he’ll feel so much better. 
Nico is also aware it took him almost half a year to even start changing his own habits regarding rules, or moreso his perception of them, and that was only after a few years of built up trauma around it. Jason has his whole life to unwind. 
But, there is still progress, which Nico makes sure Jason knows he’s proud of. It’s easy to start with things Jason wants that he sees as outside the rule-boundary, things like sneaking dessert out of the pavilion at camp so they can eat it somewhere peaceful, or sharing Nico’s oversized princess bed so he doesn’t have to sleep on the floor.
Sometimes it feels a little bit like treat-training a dog. Nico did something similar with Mrs. O’Leary and Cerberus, after all. It’s a guilty thought to have. Jason isn’t a dog, and Nico isn’t his owner, isn’t trying to train him. He’s just…he wants Jason to feel free. He hates when Jason mentally butts up against one of the walls of his cage and physically recoils from something that would make him feel better. Make him feel good, and human, and normal. 
“I want you up here,” Nico says. He matches the gravity of Jason’s tone, watches Jason’s eyes dart around, lit by the dimmed string of star-shaped lights over the bed. Nico reaches out, slowly, and pokes Jason’s wrist. “I know I’ll sleep better if you’re here.” 
Jason swallows. He shifts his weight on the mattress, his foot kicking out just barely into Nico’s space. “What if Miss Sally comes to check on us, and she sees-? Will she get mad?” 
“Maybe.” He wants to temper Jason’s fears, not lie to them. He hasn’t seen Sally get mad at anything other than when the dogs chew on shoes, or when he and Percy fight too loud in the backyard. This, something easy enough to explain, he doesn’t think she’d mind. “But she would never punish me, or you, over it. Over anything. The worst she’d do is give us a stern talking to, and maybe make us sleep on the couch next time.” 
“The couch is an option?” 
Ugh, no, the couch is not an option. Nico taps his fingers against Jason’s wrist bone and wrinkles up his nose, tucking himself up more in his comfortable blankets and pillows. 
Jason, finally, breaks into a little smile. “You’re spoiled now.” 
“Hush. I’m allowed to like having a bed, and I’m allowed to want to share it with my b..with my boyfriend.” 
The room hushes over, the sound of the fan hiding how hard Nico’s heart thumps. 
It’s still new, that part of this. It’s still hard to say it out loud. Pushing out of his comfort zone is something Nico is working on himself, though. 
Jason beams. He’s probably blushing, though it’s too dark to see and Nico’s half buried his face in the pillow to hide his own face.
“Shut up,” he grumbles. 
Jason turns his hand around and laces their fingers together. He finally lets go of the tension in his arms, lets himself sink into the bed. Nico feels how the blanket moves with it. 
“You’ve convinced me,” Jason whispers. “But if we do get caught, you’re doing the talking.” 
“Deal,” Nico says, and squeezes Jason’s hand. He peeks, just to see another glimpse of that smile. He likes Jason’s smile. It doesn’t even ache to admit it anymore. “Go to sleep, now.” 
“Can do.” 
(Sally pokes her head in at eight AM, after Nico and Jason miss breakfast. She blinks, at first confused to see the empty pallet at Nico’s bedside, then understanding when she sees the bed itself. 
Jason is fast asleep at the edge of the bed, peaceful and relaxed, hugging a pillow to his chest, the blankets tangled around him. Just over the slope of his shoulder, she sees Nico’s curly head of hair nestled close. 
She’s careful not to let the door squeak as she leaves them in peace.) 
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kindahoping4forever · 1 month
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Ash IG Story
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1lifeinspired · 2 months
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Patio Decor Ideas: 4 Chic Themes for Creating an Outdoor Oasis at Home
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coolthingsguyslike · 9 months
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forestgreenivy · 14 days
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I love growing things. Turned this little concrete patio into a very green space - and an edible one too. Now I just need to help eating all of this. Who wants to come chill on the patio?
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toyastales · 11 months
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Love the seating arrangement. Comfortably sits six people.
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wtfuckevenknows · 2 months
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Now this is how I like my evenings (feat the new @cha-melodius) 💝
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rabbitcruiser · 1 month
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Benches/Chairs (No. 29)
Borgholm Castle, S (three pics)
Karlskrona, S (seven pics)
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zarkus-sims · 2 years
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Rosemund Patio
The set includes 8 meshes: - Pergola - Canopy - End Table - Lamp - Lounge Chair - Cushions - Cushions and Plaid - Watermelon Snack DOWNLOAD
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seasonalwonderment · 9 months
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~ Summer by the Shed ~
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petitepinard · 2 years
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