#summer carnival 93
smbhax · 11 months
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Summer Carnival '93: Nexzr Special (PC Engine Super CD-ROM²)
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crockettmarcel · 1 year
160 location prompts
credit to spaceskam (it bothered me that the keep reading opened a new post instead of. showing the rest of it lol)
1. Kitchen 2. Closet 3. Stairway 4. Foyer 5. Art gallery 6. Museum (history, wax, science, etc) 7. Library  8. Bathroom 9. Hospital 10. Church 11. Funeral home 12. Wedding venue 13. Parking lot 14. Bookstore 15. Flower shop
16. Grocery store 17. Coffee shop 18. Tattoo parlor 19. Bar 20. Their bedroom 21. Office cubicle 22. Pool house 23. Living room 24. Hallway 25. Balcony 26. Roof 27. Basement 28. Attic 29. Art studio 30. Salon/barber shop 31. Game room 32. Locker room 33. Classroom 34. Computer lab 35. Dressing room 36. Ski lift 37. Pool table 38. Fountain 39. Bleachers 40. Playground  41. Train tracks 42. Ice rink 43. Hot spring 44. Junkyard 45. Golf course 46. Boxing ring 47. Hardware store 48. Club 49. Lighthouse 50. Laundromat 51. Carnival/fair 52. Zoo 53. Police station 54. Abandoned building 55. Ambulance 56. Bakery 57. Cruise ship 58. Practice room 59. Basketball court 60. Football field 61. Waiting room 62. Tennis court 63. Track 64. Cemetery 65. Gas station 66. Summer camp 67. Garden 68. Bank 69. Workshop 70. Ballroom 71. Wine cellar 72. Lakehouse 73. Cabin 74. Boat 75. Bus 76. Plane 77. Study 78. Garage 79. Guest room 80. Someone else’s room 81. Backyard 82. Shed 83. Motel room 84. Playroom (innocent or not) 85. Darkroom 86. Throne room 87. Dungeon 88. Forest 89. Cave 90. Lobby 91. Choir room 92. Auditorium 93. Tearoom 94. Car 95. Lake 96. Park 97. Armory 98. Tent 99. Stockroom 100. Storm cellar 101. Pool 102. Ocean 103. Arcade 104. Sauna 105. Car wash 106. Baseball park 107. Fire station 108. Skate park 109. Barn 110. Ski lodge 111. Photo booth 112. Restaurant 113. Diner 114. Casino 115. Aquarium  116. Daycare 117. Pantry 118. Laundry room 119. Boudoir  120. Sunroom 121. Panic room 122. Greenhouse 123. Mechanic shop 124. Bed of a truck 125. Desert 126. Front porch 127. Back porch 128. Rollercoaster 129. Movie theater 130. Airport 131. Dormitory 132. Boardroom 133. Dining room 134. Ferris wheel 135. Train 136. Weight room 137. Elevator 138. Party 139. Sidewalk 140. Street 141. Deer stand 142. Bridge 143. Orchestra pit 144. Stage 145. Field 146. Cliff 147. Drive-in 148. Ball pit 149. Picnic table 150. Treehouse 151. Blanket fort 152. Bowling alley 153. Alleyway 154. Dock 155. Under a tree 156. Race track 157. Green room 158. Furniture store 159. Beside a bonfire 160. In a hammock
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herosone111 · 6 months
❶Super Contra(超级魂斗罗)
❷热血时代剧(ダウンタウンスペシャル くにおくんの时代剧だよ全员集合)
❺帝国战机(Crisis Force)
❻Summer Carnival '92(烈火92)
❼Bram Stoker's Dracula(德拉克拉伯爵)
❽小美人鱼(The Little Mermaid)
❾脱狱(Prisoners Of War、P.O.W)
❿龙珠Z外传-赛亚人灭绝计划(ドラゴンボールZ外伝 サイヤ人絶滅計画)
⓫孤独战士-惑星戒严令(Isolated Warrior、Max Warrior)
⓬怪鸭历险记(Dark Wing Duck)
⓭西游记世界Ⅱ天上界的魔神(西遊記ワールド2天上界の魔神、Whomp 'Em)
⓯Jurassic Park(侏罗纪公园;英文,很难)
⓰雪人兄弟(Snow Bros)
⓱敲冰块(Ice Climber)
⓲松鼠大作战(Chip 'n Dale Rescue Rangers;有一代二代)
⓳气球大战(Boalloon Fight)
⓴Snake Rattle 'n Roll(双蛇城)
㉑航空小英雄(Tale Spin)
㉔Solomon's Key(所罗门之钥)
㉕七宝奇谋(The Goonies)
㉖迷糊蛋(へべれけ、HEBEREKE、Ufouria:The Saga)
㉗Cosmic Epsilon(宇宙战机)
㉘Hard Drivin'(超级赛车)
㉙Bill Elliott's NASCAR Challenge(比尔艾略特之云斯顿赛车锦标赛)
㉚RESCUE-The Embassy Mission(救援-大使馆任务)
㉛無賴戦士(Burai Fighter)
㉜口袋里的魔鬼(Monster In My Pocket)
㉟热血新纪录(びっくり热血新记录 -はるかなる金メダル、Crash'n The Boys Street Challenge)
㊱8 Bit Music Power(8Bit音乐力量)
㊲奥瓦的觉醒(Alwa's Awakening)
㊳Splatter House(腐尸之屋)
㊴魂斗罗力量(Contra Force)
㊵恶魔城传说(Castlevania III - Dracula's Curse)
㊶Solomon's Key Fire 'n Ice(所罗门之钥火与冰)
㊸大金刚JR(Donkey Kong JR)
㊹忍者茶茶丸(忍者じゃじゃ丸くん、Ninja Jajamaru Kun)
㊻超越地平线(Over Horizon)
㊼突袭班戈灵湾(Raid on Bungeling Bay)
㊽Fire Hawk(火鹰)
㊾碰碰车(City Connection)
㊿双截龙(Double Dragon;有一代二代三代)
51 Cabal(勇士们)
52 Bee52(小蜜蜂52)
53 Commando(戰場の狼、战场之狼)
54 Kickle Cubicle(迷宫岛;推冰块)
55 Super Mario USA(超级马里奥USA、梦工场ドキドキパニック、Yumekojo DokiDoki Panic)
56 Super Mario Bros3(超级马里奥兄弟3)
57 月宫桌球(Lunar Pool)
58 天使之翼2(キャプテン翼Ⅱ Super Striker)
59 冒险岛(高桥名人の冒險岛;有一二三四代,有的有汉化版)
60 アルマジロ(Armadillo、仙人掌)
61 Startropics(热带之星;游戏内信件密码747,有一二代)
62 Metal Slader Glory(メタルスレイダーグローリー)
63 火炮(GUN-DEC、Vice: Project Doom)
64 重力装甲(Metal Storm、重力装甲メタルストーム)
65 Bat Man-Return Of The Joker(蝙蝠侠2)
66 剑王(Sword Master)
67 圣铃传说(聖鈴伝説Lickle、Little Samson;密码5555)
68 Power Blade2(Captain Saver)
69 忍者蛙(Battle Toads)
70 蝙蝠侠(Bat Man)
71 Dragon Fighter(龙战士)
72 Zanac(银河号)
73 加纳战机(GUN-NAC;在片头长按AB键进入作弊模式)
74 Q版沙罗曼蛇(Parodius)
75 鳄鱼先生(The Adventures Of Bayou Billy)
76 赤影战士(KAGE、Shadow Of The Ninja)
77 忍者猫(キャッ党忍伝てやんでえ、Samurai Pizza Cats)
78 炸弹人(Bomber Man)
79 B-Wings(B计划)
80 Mappy Kids(少年快乐鼠)
81 The Lone Ranger(独行侠、长枪手传奇)
82 Felix The Cat(菲力克斯猫)
83 双翼人(Legendary Wings)
84 特救指令(Shatter Hand)
85 马里奥拆屋工(Wrecking Crew)
86 Rampage(大猩猩拆楼、怪兽拆楼)
87 SD快打旋风(Sd Final Fighter、Mighty Final Fight)
88 星之卡比梦之泉的物语(星のカービィ_夢の泉の物語、Kirby)
89 Chack'n Pop(拯救爱心、流行恰克)
90 ELITE(精英、银河侵略者)
91 彩虹岛(Rainbow Islands)
92 泡泡龙(Bubble Bobble;有一二代)
93 Double Dribble(二次运球、篮球)
94 迷宫组曲(Milon"s Secret Castle)
95 杀戮战场(Combat)
96 超级中国人2龙之子(Super Chinese 2: Dragon Kid、Little Ninja Brothers)
97 弹珠台(Pin Ball)
98 Batman Returns(蝙蝠侠3)
99 Thundercade(雷电节奏、摩托车特殊部队)
100 影子传说(影の伝説)
101 Flappy(顽皮精灵、フラッピー)
102 Paper Boy(送报童;有一代二代)
103 ココロン(Cocoron、魔法世界)
104 唐老鸭历险记(Duck Tales、わんぱくダック夢冒険;有一二代)
105 超惑星战记(超惑星戦記メタファイト、Blaster Master)
106 踢王(Kick Master)
107 龍牙(Ninja Crusaders、龙牙)
108 激龟快打(Turtles Tournament Fighters)
109 上尉密令(Captain America and The Avengers)
110 红巾特攻队(Sky Destroyer)
111 梦之勇士(Little Nemo - The Dream Master)
112 Rock man(洛克人、Mega Man;有1到6代)
113 Exerion(火凤凰、凤凰战机)
114 Silk Worm(中东战争、联合大作战)
115 前线大作战(Front Line)
116 CLU CLU LAND(金鱼、克鲁克鲁世界)
117 魔法门之英雄无敌(Heroes Of Might & Magic)
118 嘉蒂外传(The Guardian Legend、ガーディック外伝)
119 绘描衛門(描绘卫门)
120 Super Spy Hunter(超级间谍猎人)
121 Devil World(恶魔世界)
122 重装机兵(Metal Max)
123 阿尔戈斯战士(Argos No Senshi、阿格斯战士、未来战士)
124 忍者龙剑传(有123代,很难)
125 希特勒复活(トップシークレット ヒットラーの復活、Hitler no Fukkatsu: Top Secret、Bionic Commando、生化尖兵、希魔复活)
126 魔道士阴谋(リトルマジック、Little Magic)
127 龙珠英雄(半熟英雄)
128 天神之剑(God Slayer - Haruka Tenkuu no、Crystalis)
129 WILLOW(威洛之旅、风云际会)
130 Daiva(DAIVA Story 6: Nirsartia no Gyokuz、超人迪瓦)
131 Shadow Gate(暗影之门)
132 Joy Mech Fight(快乐机器人)
133 ミッキーマウスIII 夢ふうせん(米老鼠3梦幻气球、Mickey Mouse III - Yume Fuusen、Kid Klown in Night Mayor World)
134 外星战将(Bucky O'Hare、バッキー オヘア、宇宙野兔)
135 G.I. Joe - A Real American Hero - The Atlantis Factor(特种部队2亚特兰蒂斯行动)
136 特种部队-一个真正的美国英雄(G.I.JOE - A Real American Hero)
137 Puzznic(连锁方块)
138 成龙之龙(ジャッキーチェン、Jackie Chan's Action Kung Fu)
139 Wizards&Warriors(巫师与武士、巫师与战士;有多代作品)
140 Gimmick!(吉米克)
141 Star Soldier(星际战士)
142 双鹰-乔兄弟的复仇(Twin Eagle-Revenge Joe's Brother)
143 The Flintstones(摩登原始人;有一二代)
144 六三四の剑(六三四之剑、Musashi no Ken-Tadaima Shugyou)
145 AbadoX:The Deadly Inner War(阿贝道X)
146 Terra Cresta(神鹰一号)
147 The Immortal(不死传说)
148 えりかとさとるの夢冒険(Erika To Satoru No Yume Bouken、绘里香与悟的梦冒险、少年梦冒险)
149 Ikari Warriors II - Victory Road(怒2-胜利之路)
150 西武ロードリスト蘭のチップチューン地獄(Seibu Roadlist Ran no Chiptune Jigoku、Seibu Roadlist Ran's Chiptune Hell、Run's Chiptune Hell、Chiptune Hell、西武大道_清单兰花之芯片音乐地狱、西武路单兰奇普顿地狱、西武路清单兰花芯片地狱;日文。有体验版(Trial版)但未找到正式版ROM,出品公司ProgressiveGames)
151 Iron Tank:The Invasion Of Normandy(Great Tank、铁坦克:入侵诺曼底、铁胆坦克)
152 Nespeccy(演示DEMO,用点的改变做出方格旋转)
153 Tokumaru Raycaster01(演示DEMO,可控制,德军总部)
154 Heoh Demo(演示DEMO,做假旋转场景)
155 High Hopes By Aspekt(演示DEMO,多种效果,模拟器未必支持)
156 AxelayNesMusic(256ko)(演示DEMO,假地平线扭曲)
157 BladeBuster(刀锋战机)
158 Race America(上下分屏双人赛车)
159 Bio Force Ape(生化猿人、生物力量猿人)
Celeste Mario(蔚蓝马里奥)
RockMan 4 Voyage(4代之前没充分使用FC机能所以123代claw和2Bm和7Ep都不收录)
RockMan 4 Miuns Infinity
RockMan 4 Burst Chaser X Air Sliding
Blazing Blocks(炽热方块)
Salamander_Arrangement Chronicle(沙罗曼蛇高画质版;是日版,日版有三个子机,美版只有两个)
Gradius_Arrangement Chronicle(宇宙巡航机高画质版;有一代&二代)
Prisoners Of War-2Players(脱狱双人版)
◇〓坦克大战过关版4.0_Zeng Ge Hack 2012.12.24
〓Binary City(坦克大战双子星_2009_Shederv.Org.Ru)
Rockman 6 Unique Harassment(洛克人6稀世侵袭)
Over The Moon(月亮之上、非常高兴;银河战士改版)
〓Balloon Fight-4Players(气球大战四人版)
〓Super Mario Bros-2Players(超级玛丽奥兄弟双人版)
Bad Apple(演示视频,作者未知)
〓Battle City 4Players(坦克大战四人版)
〓Chip 'n Dale Rescue Rangers 2-4Players(松鼠大作战2四人版)
◆生化危机(精卫填海、Bio Hazard;从Game Boy移植并修改剧情为1代)
Gemini Wing(捉虫敢死队;盗版商台湾人从街机移植,Rom已遗失,特色是拿到的炸弹都拖在机尾,还可以互相飞过自己或敌人机尾截获对方拖着的炸弹,FC版没大威力炸弹还只能带三个炸弹,不好也不可玩)
〓Street Fighter Zero 2(StreetFighterZero97 2、少年街霸2;)
〓Sterrt Fighter Ⅲ(街头霸王3、九人街霸)
◇快打旋风3(Mighty Final Fight 3)
Street Fighter2010(街头战士2010阿木一坑改版)
Hell Fighter(地狱战士)
Rockman6 Spirits Of Hackers(洛克人6黑客精神)
Rockman Install Metal(洛克人5安装金属)
Megaman In The Mushroom Kingdom(洛克人在蘑菇王国)
SteinsGate(命运石之门,Steins Gate (U) (IRQ scanline fix);英文版,修复IRQ问题,让实机游戏中对话框不再随着DPCM鼓点抖动,这是因为DPCM的DMA会占用CPU周期,以及将PPU帧中写入调色盘的操作带来的杂信尽量移动到屏幕边缘)
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dessola1 · 1 year
Adesola Stephanie Adepoju.
Zendaya Maree Stoermer Coleman .
1. Have a picnic at the playground.
2. Kick off your day with donuts and smoothies at the park.
3. Host a cookout.
4. Roast marshmallows over a campfire and make s’mores.
5. Camp out in your backyard.
6. Go for a family bike ride.
7. Have a water gun or water balloon battle.
8. Play shaving cream twister.
9. Play backyard Yahtzee with giant dice and a bucket.
10. Blow bubbles.
11. Play frisbee and kickball.
12. Fly a kite.
13. Play water balloon baseball.
14. Cool off at a free spray spark.
15. Place the sprinkler under the trampoline or jump on it with water balloons!
16. Go hiking.
17. Have a nature scavenger hunt.
18. Sit on the ground with your kids and identify the shapes of the clouds.
19. Put on old shoes and go for a stroll in a stream.
20. Pick strawberries at a local farm.
21. Go to a baseball game.
22. Watch a movie at the drive in.
23. Visit the local zoo.
24. Go to a parade.
25. Make a sensory bottle aquarium.
26. Join the Summer Storytime program at your local library.
27. Go to a beach.
28. Spend the day at the pool or waterpark.
29. Go to a carnival or a fair.
30. Visit an amusement park.
31. Take your scooters to a local skate park.
32. Watch a fireworks show.
33. Play a round of mini golf.
34. Watch the sunrise.
35. Build a sandcastle.
36. Make your own tire swing.
37. Turn your slide into a water slide by placing a hose at the top and a baby pool at the bottom!
38. Make water bombs out of sponges.
39. Create your own backyard splash pad!
40. Take a dip in a small pool filled with water balloons.
41. Make goop.
42. Make a pet jellyfish in a jar.
43. Play with soap foam.
44. Make your own cloud dough.
45. Make homemade slime or fish in a bag slime.
46. Play with a shaving cream sensory bin.
47. Cover your slide with shaving cream.
48. Make homemade play dough.
49. Make Moon Sand.
50. Decorate the driveway with sidewalk chalk and have a photoshoot or draw a hopscotch board and play a few games.
51. Whip up homemade aqua sand.
52. Make your own homemade bouncy balls.
53. Make DIY stress balls.
54. Play with sand foam.
55. Perform an easy science experiment by making soap clouds.
56. Create a river out of a rain gutter.
57. Play with the slip n slide and the sprinkler.
58. Have a car wash using ride on toys.
59. Make mud pies and splash in mud puddles.
60. Make homemade ice cream.
61. Buy a popsicle mold and make homemade popsicles.
62. Make milkshakes.
63. Whip up some sand pail pudding.
64. Make pudding pops.
65. Decorate under the sea graham crackers.
66. Make rootbeer floats.
67. Make frozen banana pops.
68. Surprise your kids with jello aquariums or Beach Party Jello Cups.
69. Make banana splits or have a sundae bar.
70. Make slushies or snowcones.
71. Stay hydrated with ocean water.
72. Make homemade iced tea and lemonade.
73. Make homemade ice cream sandwiches.
74. Paint with squirt guns on a canvas.
75. Make thumbprint dandelions or fingerprint flowers.
76. Create pressed flower window gardens.
77. Paint with bubbles!
78. Make an easy foil fish craft with cardboard, foil and permanent markers.
79. Make initial art using painter’s tape on a canvas.
80. Create salt fireworks and shaving cream fireworks prints for the 4th of July.
81. Make a bird feeder.
82. Make puffy paint ice cream cones.
83. Whip up your own lip gloss.
84. Create puffy paint sand art.
85. Plant a fairy or a dinosaur garden.
86. Watch a movie in your backyard.
87. Catch lightning bugs.
88. Stargaze with your family.
89. Work a lemonade stand.
90. Have a water bucket relay.
91. Smash water balloon pinatas.
92. Making a shaving cream ball pit in a baby pool.
93. Pittsburgh natives: Visit the water steps, take a stroll along the river and ride the incline.
94. Play “tennis” with (clean) fly swatters and balloons!
95. Build a fort.
96. Paint with colored ice cubes.
97. Play freeze tag, sardines in a can, hide and go seek and flashlight tag.
98. Tie dye a piece of clothing.
99. Enjoy story time, crafting, block play or coloring outside.
100. Have your kids create a Summer Scrapbook by keeping a journal about their favorite Summer activities, and adding mementos and pictures.
Adesola Stephanie Adepoju .
Zendaya Maree Stoermer Coleman .
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999 Googolplex Chinese Yuan Renminbi .
Date today : Sunday December 18 2022
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lomowall · 2 years
2021 beyond wonderland socal
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Tickets for Beyond Wonderland 2021 SoCal go on sale Thursday, October 1st at 12PM pst for ONLY $9.99 down. And for the first time since 2009, Insomniac will be opening up the famous Racetrack inside the NOS Events, which is super exciting news. June 2021 come get lost down the rabbit hole with 5 NEW Stages hosted by Bassrush, Basscon, Dreamstate, Factory 93 & Much More. Time will tell on that news, as well as the exciting prospect of what artists we can all share our first rave back with. Though the end of the COVID pandemic still depends on a variety of circumstances, attendees could see the implementation of a streamlined testing process that looks something like what Rotella was trying to establish for EDC this year. What’s more, are upcoming shows in Vegas, SoCal, and Arizona.These dates mean a lot to SoCal Ravers, as they’re the original dates for EDC Las Vegas and nothing says “Summer is Here” like partying at the very first Summer festival with thousands of beautiful people. Countdown is still on as well as the return of Okeechobee next year. We’ll stay tuned for the lineups as the team works hard at curating them. Next is Escape in October, Day Trip, Beyond Wonderland Gorge, EDC Las Vegas, Dreamstate, and Audiotistic Bay Area. Following that is Beyond Wonderland SoCal, which moved a few times but is set for August. What’s next is HARD Summer, the return of large festivals and just in time for summer. This is a moment in time that won’t be forgotten.” Pasquale Rotella Also, thanks to the extraordinary group of humans whose desire to serve & create for you all made these events possible, from the artists to the build crews to the Insomniac team. THANK YOU to the 250,000 of you who ventured through Electric Mile, the 85,000 who attended more than 70 of our Park ‘N Rave drive-ins & the millions who tuned in to our rave-a-thons & InsomniacTV. Even when a path doesn’t exist, it has reaffirmed the importance of creating new lanes, never giving up & living our lives in a positive state of mind no matter what. Our goal this past year has been to continue to bring happiness during uncertain times. It’s a privilege to be able to do what I do & I appreciate every moment. You give me the strength to keep moving forward. Insomniac Attendees should expect an even more extravagant event than previous years, with five new stages, three full-sized carnival rides, and. “I want to send some love to those who have joined me on this crazy journey over the past year & give you some Insomniac updates.įirst, I want to thank those who showed support through the EDC date change while the team & I worked to address everyone’s concerns. Insomniac shares the Beyond Wonderland 2021 lineup. What’s your first event back going to be? Firstly, A Word From The Founder As Insomniac’s festivals trickle back in, we’re excited to get back into it. He includes updates, summaries, and new adventures that await us. LOS ANGELES Discover a world beyond your dreams as Insomniac has announced the lineup for the next chapter of Beyond Wonderland SoCal, taking over the NOS Events Center in San Bernardino, CA on Friday, August 27 and Saturday, August 28, 2021. By now, you’ve seen the updates and excitement Pasquale Rotella shared via Instagram this morning.
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buypiner · 2 years
Edc afterparty orlando
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Following other number of artists like G Jones, Excision, HALIENE, JOYRYDE, Jason Ross, Kayzo, Kaskade, Joseph Capriati, KILL SCRIPT, Liquid Stranger and KSHMR.
All of these will have the incredible opportunity to be on a great stage, after the good result they have had in the last year.įor the first time at EDC Orlando will be Amelie Lens, in addition to artists like ANNA, ATLiens, Armin van Buuren, Blunts & Blondes, Cosmic Gate, Coone, Dimension, DJ AniMe, Code Black or Dr. In the last few months, Insomniac Events have been one of the great promoters in Florida, turning to have artists in the rising lineups. What has surprised the most about this edition has been the significant number of emerging artists, rather than big names. Insomniac's brands par excellence will be present, as usual, for basscon, Bassrush, Insomniac Records, dream state & Factory 93. Two days can be perfectly insane and by extending it to one more day, it can turn into one of the best events in the world. Introduce one more day to an experience of Insomniac Events is more than a plus, especially if we talk about Electric Daisy Carnival. With the lineups announced for events like EDC Las Vegas, dream state, Nocturnal Wonderland, HARD Summer, Escape Halloween, Audiotistic, Lost In Dreams, Beyond Wonderland SoCal & The Gorge, announce the Line Up for EDC Orlando. Later days, Insomniac Events announced the dates for the celebration of EDC Orlando in 2021. Given the impossibility of carrying out the second edition of these three days in 2020, a Virtual Rave-A-Thon. In XNUMX the Pasquale Rotella, Insomniac Events added one more day to the experience of Orlando for the same price, increasing production and Line Up. The second edition of Electric Daisy Carnival Orlando composed of a total of three days, it will arrive again in November XNUMX. Tickets are on sale for EDC Orlando with three-day GA passes starting at $199.99 and VIP passes starting at $399.99.įor the latest news, be sure to follow EDC Orlando on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.EDC Orlando announces Line Up for its second three-day edition to take place from November 12 to 14, 2021. Full performance and venue details will be announced soon. Since its first edition in 2011, Insomniac’s EDC Orlando festival has continued to grow in size, now totaling more than 40 acres, festival experience, now with five stages of music, and attendance, nearly tripling in just the last three years.ĭowntown Orlando’s lively hub of entertainment and nightlife will also transform into EDC Orlando’s official pre-party and afterparty destination, hosting various events across multiple nights. Last year’s high-energy festival brought a sold-out crowd of 300,000 Headliners together for three days of blooming beats inspired by the nature of the kineticZEN festival theme. The Ryno Bus Art Car will also host the best local talent from the region, including a day dedicated to Florida breaks. From ethereal trance music and heavy-hitting bass to the dance floor sounds of house and techno, Insomniac’s curated music lineups continue to strengthen the behemoth reach to electronic dance fans across all genres. Many of Insomniac’s signature brands will champion EDC Orlando’s four iconic stages, including Dreamstate, Bassrush, Insomniac Records, and Factory 93.
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wisteria-blooms · 3 years
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** = smut
G E O R G E ❀ W E A S L E Y
ferris wheel You, George, and the rest of the Weasley family spend the day at the summer fair. You realize there’s more to be won than just a carnival game; George’s heart is also up for grabs.
today There are only two times George Weasley has left you without him. Little do you know, he has more than a safe return in mind this time.
**on the table (NSFW) The best time for a romp in the sheets? Flitwick's class.
coming home A couple weeks into your relationship, George Weasley calls you after a night out, and it's not what you expect at all.
F R E D ❁ W E A S L E Y
fancy you Fred was certain you would be the one he’d go to the Yule Ball with, the Durmstrang boy flirting with you be damned.
tomorrow August 31st, 1996. A day spent savouring the last summer of normalcy with Fred Weasley.
**wildflower (NSFW) Your first time with Fred Weasley is full of surprises - on his end.
cots for christmas After moving out of the upstairs unit of 93 Diagon Alley, you and Fred are ready to embark on life as real married couple.
yesterday (angst) Time is not limitless as Fred Weasley would soon come to realize: what he puts off to tomorrow, he should’ve done yesterday.
miss black (1, 2): As you try to weather through your newfound lineage, Harry's trial, the Order, and growing pains in general, Fred shows you that love can be found even in the coldest of places - within the walls of Grimmauld Place.
time after time (7/7) Every summer like clockwork, Fred Weasley is paid a visit by a woman from the future. Every encounter is a chance to learn a little more about himself as he heads into adulthood. She divulges all he wants to know, but leaves one question unanswered: why is she here?
chapter directory: [one] [two] [three] [four] [five] [six] [epilogue]
B I L L ❁ W E A S L E Y
long hair & tattoos (fake dating trope) *malfoy!reader* When your father, Lucius, puts down an ultimatum, you’re forced to find a lover for next week’s dinner. With his long hair, tattoos, piercings, and your father’s worst nightmare reincarnated in a man, who better to bring than a much older Bill Weasley?
**strawberry wonderland Unbeknownst to you, you have more of an effect on Bill than you could ever imagine. And he can't stop thinking about all the things he wants to do to you in Nice.
fly away on my zephyr You and Bill make post-graduation plans.
**sunburns and dragons (fake dating trope) *malfoy!reader* Getting your parents off your back proves no easy task, and in typical (Y/N) Malfoy fashion, you get yourself in a predicament with your smart mouth. Now, you have to find a boyfriend in two weeks. With slim pickings, and a first-choice in Bill Weasley out of commission, his younger brother, Charlie Weasley falls into your lap.
like father, like son
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cg29 · 3 years
Last night I visited insomnia city. As I was lying awake I began contemplating the amount of fluffy prompt vs whump lists. Now, I adore fics where my favourite characters get hurt and then (sometimes) fixed at the end. However, lately I’ve been needing the comfort more. I began considering what I could do to inspire my own and others output of fluff which inevitably led me to the conclusion: ‘why not create my own list.’ So, I did, and here it is now for anyone to use…
... ...
Bring on the Fluff
100 prompts for fanfiction, your own stories and any style of art.
Prompts are for fluff, comfort, humorous, romantic, comedic, and any other aww moments. Hurt can feature but should  only be used to aid the soothing comfort.
Prompts can be mixed together or used on their own.
Stories can be of any length.
The list can be used for your followers to send you requests, or if you prefer to work through at your own pace. (I will, very slowly, be doing the second option)
Enjoy 😊
1. Angel 2. Anniversary 3. Art 4. Back Rubs 5. Beach 6. Bedtime 7. Birthday 8. Blind Date 9. Bonfire 10. Breakfast in Bed 11. Brother 12. Cake 13. Camping Trip 14. Carnival 15. Cherished Memory 16. Cherished Item 17. Chocolate 18. Cottage 19. Coffee 20. Cookies 21. Countryside 22. Cuddles 23. Dad 24. Date Night 25. Dinner for Two 26. Drunken Conversations 27. Enchanted 28. Engagement 29. Family 30. Fireplace 31. Fireworks 32. First Dance 33. First Date 34. First Kiss 35. First Steps 36. Floor is Lava 37. Flowers 38. Forest 39. Game Night 40. Gift 41. Grandma 42. Grandpa 43. Handmade 44. Holidays 45. Holding Hands 46. Home 47. Horse Riding 48. Ice cream 49. Island 50. Journal 51. Jukebox 52. Kaleidoscope 53. Karaoke Night 54. Lake 55. Moonlight 56. Mother 57. Mountain View 58. Movie Night 59. Music 60. Napping 61. Nature 62. Ocean 63. Oneness 64. Painting 65. Pet 66. Picnic 67. Pillow Fight 68. Pillow Fort 69. Playing Twister 70. Playground 71. Portrait 72. Prom 73. Quilt 74. Quiz Night 75. Radiant 76. Reunion 77. Road Trip 78. Sand 79. Secret 80. Sharing Clothes 81. Sharing a Blanket 82. Sharing an Umbrella 83. Sister 84. Snowman 85. Stars 86. Summer 87. Sun 88. Swapping Beds 89. Swimming Pool 90. Talent 91. Telescope 92. Truth or Dare 93. Universe 94. Valentines 95. Victory 96. Whisper 97. Wingman 98. Wish 99. Yawning 100. Zoo
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spaceskam · 3 years
160 Location Prompts
I spent a lot of hours compiling a list of prompts for your characters to argue, pine, or make out in. Or other things. Whatever floats your objects. Hopefully it can give you some ideas. I think I pretty much thought of every possible location, but if I missed one, I can always add to it.
1. Kitchen 2. Closet 3. Stairway 4. Foyer 5. Art gallery 6. Museum (history, wax, science, etc) 7. Library  8. Bathroom 9. Hospital 10. Church 11. Funeral home 12. Wedding venue 13. Parking lot 14. Book store 15. Flower shop
16. Grocery store 17. Coffee shop 18. Tattoo parlor 19. Bar 20. Their bedroom 21. Office cubicle 22. Pool house 23. Living room 24. Hallway 25. Balcony 26. Roof 27. Basement 28. Attic 29. Art studio 30. salon/barber shop 31. Game room 32. Locker room 33. Classroom 34. Computer lab 35. Dressing room 36. Ski lift 37. Pool table 38. Fountain 39. Bleachers 40. Playground  41. Train tracks 42. Ice rink 43. Hot spring 44. Junkyard 45. Golf course 46. Boxing ring 47. Hardware store 48. Club 49. Lighthouse 50. Laundromat 51. carnival/fair 52. Zoo 53. Police station 54. Abandoned building 55. Ambulance 56. Bakery 57. Cruise ship 58. Practice room 59. Basketball court 60. Football field 61. Waiting room 62. Tennis court 63. Track 64. Cemetery 65. Gas station 66. Summer camp 67. Garden 68. Bank 69. Workshop 70. Ballroom 71. Wine cellar 72. Lake house 73. Cabin 74. Boat 75. Bus 76. Plane 77. Study 78. Garage 79. Guest room 80. Someone else’s room 81. Backyard 82. Shed 83. Motel room 84. Playroom (innocent or not) 85. Darkroom 86. Throne room 87. Dungeon 88. Forest 89. Cave 90. Lobby 91. Choir room 92. Auditorium 93. Tearoom 94. Car 95. Lake 96. Park 97. Armory 98. Tent 99. Stockroom 100. Storm cellar 101. Pool 102. Ocean 103. Arcade 104. Sauna 105. Car wash 106. Baseball park 107. Fire station 108. Skate park 109. Barn 110. Ski lodge 111. Photo booth 112, Restaurant 113. Diner 114. Casino 115. Aquarium  116. Daycare 117. Pantry 118. Laundry room 119. Boudoir  120. Sunroom 121.Panic room 122. Green house 123. Mechanic shop 124. Bed of a truck 125. Desert 126. Front porch 127. Back porch 128. Rollercoaster 129. Movie theater 130. Airport 131. Dormitory 132. Boardroom 133. Dining room 134. Ferris wheel 135. Train 136. Weight room 137. Elevator 138. Party 139. Sidewalk 140. Street 141. Deer stand 142. Bridge 143. Orchestra pit 144. Stage 145. Field 146. Cliff 147. Drive-in 148. Ball pit 149. Picnic table 150. Treehouse 151. Blanket fort 152. Bowling alley 153. Alleyway 154. Dock 155. Under a tree 156. Race track 157. Green room 158. Furniture store 159. Beside a bonfire 160. In a hammock
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Finally Answering Questions for y’all
Q1: How tall or short do you wish you were?
I used to wish I was taller because I already am tall for an (AGAB)female (5′8 1/2) but then I learned about platforms so. 
4: What was your favorite video game growing up?
Monkey Ball or Sonic Adventure Escape the City...I only had a Gamecube.
6: If you had a warning label, what would yours say?
Warning: Uses humor as a defense mechanism but will quickly become extremely invested in you  and give you immense amounts of unending love if they vibe w you
8: What is your Greek personality type? [Sanguine, Phlegmatic, Choleric, or Melancholic]
9: Are you ticklish?
extremely, on my back and sides (use this information wisely. I take no responsibility for involuntarily punching anyone who tickles me)
10: Are you allergic to anything?
absolutely nothing, allergies are to weed out the weak. (jkjk no eugenics here sis you slay that epipen)
11: What’s your sexuality?
~ pansexual  ~ (prefer agab [not cis, those are two different things] females)
12: Do you prefer tea, coffee, or cocoa?
tea, then coffee with cocoa. I don’t enjoy cocoa or coffee as much separately.
37: What is your eye color?
38: Introvert or extrovert?
I’m ambiverted but lean toward introversion. 
44: Do you like tattoos and piercings?
oh yeah absolutely, I personally just prefer that the tattoos aren’t on your face.  Or with piercings that they don’t take up so much of your face that I can’t see what you really look like.
54: What color would you like your hair to be right now?
pink, red, or platinum 56: Something that calms you down?
reading, playing instruments, taking a bath, cooking or baking
57: Have any mental disorders?
yessir. ADD, anxiety. and I used to have really bad depression. Now my depression is simply manageable lol. 
73: What is your MBTI type?
INFP (enneagram 4)
86: Can you run a mile within ten minutes?
surprisingly yes, will I come close to passing out? Maybe. But I can.
87: Do your socks always match?
never, I hate matching my socks unless the socks are funky and need to match to give them the biggest bang for their buck. 
92: A store you hate?
Dick’s sporting goods. I have been dragged around that place for hours and absolutely nothing there interests me. (edit: I found a beanie that I liked but my previous opinion still stands)
93: How many cups of coffee can you drink in one day?
start counting and never stop. If you mean in terms of actual measurements like cups/ounces, I can drink 20. What can I say I’m from New England.
94: Would you rather be able to fly or read minds?
Definitely fly because that might help lessen my fear of heights
95: Do you like to wear camo?
literally shoot me if you ever see me wearing camo. please, I beg you. that will be me at my lowest point 
96: Winter or summer?
Autumn. Next question.
97: How long can you hold your breath for?
3-4 minutes. It’s all that breath control from musical theatre.
99: Someone you look up to:
Jughead Jones. Yes I said that, fight me. He is completely himself and he allows the different facets of his personality to shine through to people that he loves and cares about. He is loyal and caring but also unique and resilient. Plus his fave food is burgers which is an instant win for me.
100: A store you love?
Hot Topic, Barnes and Nobles, Savers or any thriftstore 
102: Where do you live?
New England bb (; gettin that dark academia aesthetic straight from the source
104: What is your favorite mineral or gem?
105: Do you drink milk?
You mean out of the glass? Like a psychopath? Like a serial killer? Absolutely not
106: Do you like bugs?
I do! Except for spiders and mosquitoes (although I’m warming up to spiders)
109: Can you draw:
Eh yeah ig, well enough. I draw realistically but I’m not great at animated style. 
111: A question you hate being asked?
“Are you a boy or a girl?” (like why? does it personally affect you? are you planning on boning me? if not then buzz off)
113: Do you like the sound of waves at the beach?
Yes, but only at night when the beach is quiet. I’m not a huge fan of the beach during the day
114: Do you prefer cloudy or sunny days?
Rainy or sunny. Don’t go givin me the clouds with none of the drizzle.
119: Favorite thing about a person: 
Personality first and foremost. Humor and kindness. But physically; their smile and mannerisms. 
120: Fruits or vegetables?
Veggies (or berries i like berries)
121: Something you want to do right now:
Run away... ahah. But in all honesty I would love to go mushroom foraging rn, or possibly go on an adventure. Maybe go put on clothing meant for an entirely different time period and run around Target idk.
123: Sweet or sour foods?
Definitely not sour I hate sour. Spoonfeed me wasabi, that I can handle. But if you make me eat a Warheads I will cry. 
129: What would you want written on your tombstone?
I personally have a lot of problems with the funeral industry, so I would rather not take up space and rot preservation chemicals into the earth. But if I had an interim tombstone with no body underneath, it would read “Live Laugh Love” bc ~irony~
131: What is something you love but also hate about yourself?
that I’m very individualistic and stubborn
132: Do you smile with your teeth showing for pictures?
Yes absolutely, that’s what they’re there for.
134: Do you like roller coasters?
Do I like feeling like I’m about to full send through the crust of the earth and die? No. No I do not. (I am a simple person, I go to carnivals for the food and to feed off terror.) 139: What nicknames do you have/have had?
141: Have you ever seen a therapist/shrink?
OH YEAH absolutely, I am a repressed gen z homosexual raised in a homophobic religious atmosphere, I am practically born with a therapist assigned to me.
142: Would you say you are a good or bad influence to others?
Definitely good -_- unfortunately. Catch me bein the mom friend.
143: Do you prefer giving or receiving gifts/help?
I prefer giving, but I am learning how to recieve. 
144: What makes you angry
People who live their lives in willful ignorance despite the endless resources available to them and let that ignorance hurt others.
146: Do you prefer boys, girls, and/or non-binaries?
All of em. Gimme em all. I don’t like boys as much currently but I would still probably lay my life on the line for some. 
147: Are you androgynous?
Yes. It’s more fluid than it is being in consistent limbo between masc and femme. Usually I’m androgynous but I often swing wildly between both ends of that socially perceived spectrum. 148: Favorite thing about yourself physically?
My hands or smile(product of bracesTM). But I have been told I have nice hands. 
149: Favorite thing about your personality:
I am a very strong blend of wise and class clown. I can do em both, I can do em well, and I can do em whenever. I also care a lot about others but I don’t change myself to be accepted by them. 
150: Name three people you would like to talk to right now in person.
MLK Jr. --> I want to gain perspective on some of the current global issues. Jesus --> I’ve got a lot of questions for that dude. JRR Tolkien bc he’s incredible or Joan of Arc for the same reason
151: If you could go back into time and live in one era, which would you choose?
Ooh well, as a woman not many eras are desirable. But um probably either the 70s or Ancient Greece
154: Do you like to kiss others’ foreheads or hands for platonic reasons?
YES. GIMME UR FINGERS > i meant that to sound much less threatening than it did but my statement still stands. 155: Do you like to play with others’ hair?
Yes it’s literally one of my favorite things to do. I hab empty lap. *pat pat* U may lay your head on it and watch Rilakkuma and Kaoru with me while I play with your hair. pls. 157: Something that makes you nervous/anxious:
Women..... That’s it. That’s the tweet.
158: Biggest lie you have ever told:
That I am not a member of the alphabet mafia. (It’s not currently safe for me to come out) Now tell me *shines light in your face* who are your contacts?
164: Do you have long or short hair?
I have medium hair. It’s around the length of a bisexual bob or a good mullet. 
165: Shortest/Longest your hair has ever been:
Shortest was a pixie cut, almost buzzed, amazing. Longest was to my butt and was literally the worst experience in existence. I shall to this day actively rebel against having hair like that again. 
166: Why do you like, dislike, or have neutral feelings about religion?
Organized religion can suck it. You can’t organize your relationship with God, nor can you stick it into a little manmade box and pretend that you have the ability to create a perfect faith which others have to either follow or perish. It’s arrogant and damaging and hurtful and not at all what Christianity is supposed to mean. 
167: Do you really care how the universe and world was created?
I do. I think it’s important and something we need to think about. I do believe there is something after death, and I like to believe that my life has meaning. I think that questions of creation are important questions to ask and we can’t just ignore them.
168: Do you like to wear makeup?
Yes! It’s fun! Pretty colors!
170: Did you answer the questions you were asked truthfully?
Absolutely. And the ones I didn’t feel like answering I simply omitted.
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isabellovelaces · 4 years
spilling show biz tea pt 1
I was in this academy called “Compañía 93″(Company 93). We used to preform in a lot of cities (I live on an island so it wasn’t much of a problem) and we had beef with another dance academy which was situated in the town next to were mine was, and it was mostly because they weren't as professional/good as we were (not bragging, our space was super toxic and overwhelming bc we always HAD TO be better than anyone else, Thanks Mary) so basically, the events all towns and cities organised, started to call us to perform more than them and they got that as a “threat”??? so soon everybody knew we were kind of rivals.
There was point where, people from both studios started attacking each other but I was really never in the whole rivalry thing since everyone else went to school together and new each other, but I didn’t so I only knew those at my studio.
But the other studio got to a level where they would (and I am not exaggerating) literally copy EVERYTHING we did, choreographies, songs,costumes... Did I mention we weren’t low budget AT ALL??? Yes, we had amazing costumes that the other academy couldn’t afford but it could easily cost up to 150 euros, (163 dollars from what google its telling me, correct me if I’m wrong) so they couldn’t really compete with us, which I did not find okay at all because, first of all, whO the fuck turns literal KIDS against others for such dumb thing? so anyways I got a bit carried away.
I used to ignore what the other studio used to do trying to bring us down, but when we did get mad (me included oh boy) was when, in the summer carnivals which were like the most important thing because you got the fame from your performances there and what the town said about you so you get paid to do other stuff, we had been working for EIGHT MONTHS, choreographies for all the groups (we were separated in three groups due age, and then smaller groups one had to audition to get in, I was in three groups at the moment) so the group of the “big ones” was actually the group that represented the whole academy and everyone was waiting to see what our group did that year.
We decided to do a Beyonce tribute (I’ll post the pics later) and we spent eight rough months in our choreography to go on stage. The other studio was not performing that day with their “big ones” group, but they were there in the audience, recording OUR dance to then, when we had to do the same dance in their town, while we waited about to go onstage, we hear the name of the studio and saying they were mysteriously Also doing a Beyonce tribute that mYsTeRiOuSlY also had a bunch of our choreography steps and pretty much the same music in some parts. They tried (again, tried because we were so mad in that moment our only thoughts were “they have NOTHING on us”) to do this really cool canon we had in group, EXACTLY how we did it, same steps at the same piece of music. We obviously got so angry we killed it on stage with all our furious energy when we got on.
conclusion: Please don’t start riots/wars/anything negative for this kind of stuff, it is frustrating seeing someone do such thing when you took a lot to come up with a bomb routine, but really, it just made the environment more toxic and stressful and sadly I’ve got a lot more of stories from there.
Well, hope you enjoyed?? 
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weaverlings · 5 years
Slightly Shortened WTNV Episode List
Okay so my charming wife asked me to put together a shortened list of WTNV episodes to help them catch up.
Aaand I still only got it down to 89 episodes. I’m going to share this anyway, though, because I put a lot of thought into it. Like I was originally trying to keep more in, based on maintaining some pacing/narrative space between certain episodes. That didn’t work.
If nothing else, I know a lot of people stopped around year 3 or 4; this has a combined total of about 35 episodes from years 5-7, so it should make catching up easier if you want to hop back in for recent stuff!
Mostly this was made from the angle of: what will help keep the continuity from getting confusing? I also tried to keep in at least some episodes that are just weird and fun and not connected to anything, because those are also a cool part of the show. If nothing else, a lot of continuity-central episodes have fun weirdness, too. 
Also yes I know time is weird, but there’s still continuity from an audience perspective! And this is an extremely ymmv thing, but I do feel like sometimes things can have more weight/impact if you know what led up to them! It can, at the very least, change the experience. 
So, the list:
Year 1
PTA Meeting (4) Feral Dogs (10) A Story About You (13) The Man in the Tan Jacket (14) The Phone Call (16) The Sandstorm (19A+B) Poetry Week (20) The Mayor (24) One Year Later (25)
Year 2 First Date (27) Summer Reading Program (28) Dana (30) Yellow Helicopters (32) Lazy Day (35) Missing (36) The Auction (37) Orange Grove (38) WALK (41) Visitor (43) Cookies (44) A Story About Them (45) Parade Day (46) Company Picnic (47) Renovations (48) Old Oak Doors (49A+B)
Year 3
Rumbling (51) The September Monologues (53) A Carnival Comes to Town (54) The University of What It Is (55) Homecoming (56) Antiques (59) Hatchets (62) Voicemail (65) worms… (66) [Best Of?] (67) Faceless Old Women (68) Fashion Week (69) Taking Off (70A) Review (70B)
Year 4
The Registry of Middle School Crushes (71) Civic Changes (74) A Stranger (77) Lost in the Mail (79) A New Sheriff In Town (80) Skating Rink (82) One Normal Town (83) Past Time (84) The April Monologues (85) Standing and Breathing (86) The Trial of Hiram McDaniels (87) Things Fall Apart (88) Who’s a Good Boy? Part 1 (89) Who’s a Good Boy? Part 2 (90)
Year 5
The 12:37 (91) Big Sister (93) Zookeeper (95) Negotiations (96) Josefina (97) Flight (98) Toast (100) Ash Beach (103) The Hierarchy of Angels (104) Filings (106) The Missing Sky (107) Cal (108) A Story About Huntokar (109) Matryoshka (110)
Year 6
Summer 2017, Night Vale, USA (111) Council Member Flynn (114-116) A Door Ajar (124-126) A Matter of Blood (127-129) A Story About Us (130)
Year 7
Are You Sure? (133) The Birthday of Lee Marvin (139) Pioneer Days (143) The Dreamer (144) The Veterans (145) The Birthday of Lee Marvin (146) The Protester (147) The Broadcaster (148) The General (149) The Birthday of Lee Marvin (150)
For the most part, I didn’t make changes based on preference. I did leave out most Kevin-centric episodes past year 3, because I’m just not really a fan of Kevin. But I also cut some favorites.
Those Kevin-centric episodes are: Triptych (73), All Smiles’ Eve (120), and The Mudstone Abyss (135-137)
Episodes that I would highly recommend if you get a chance:
Station Management (3) Faceless Old Woman (26) Cassette (33) Numbers (42) The Retirement of Pamela Winchell (52) Well of Night (72) Michigan (99) Save Dark Owl Records (141)
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All the weird asks
Oof, okay. Seeing as probably no one else would send this to me, I’ll do it. But next time, I would rather do just certain numbers off the list.
1. coffee mugs, teacups, wine glasses, water bottles, or soda cans?
2. chocolate bars or lollipops?
3. bubblegum or cotton candy?
4. how did your elementary school teachers describe you?
Loud but really interested in my education
5. do you prefer to drink soda from soda cans, soda bottles, plastic cups or glass cups?
Glass cups
6. pastel, boho, tomboy, preppy, goth, grunge, formal or sportswear?
7. earbuds or headphones?
8. movies or tv shows?
Tv Shows
9. favorite smell in the summer?
Early morning when there’s that morning dew on the ground
10. game you were best at in p.e.?
11. what you have for breakfast on an average day?
12. name of your favorite playlist?
The Siren (it’s my OC’s playlist)
13. lanyard or key ring?
Key ring
14. favorite non-chocolate candy?
Swedish Fish
15. favorite book you read as a school assignment?
Fear Street: Bad Moonlight
16. most comfortable position to sit in?
Sitting on a recliner with my legs up
17. most frequently worn pair of shoes?
Gym Shoes
18. ideal weather?
Thunder and lightning with heavy rain
19. sleeping position?
On my side with a body pillow
20. preferred place to write (i.e., in a note book, on your laptop, sketchpad, post-it notes, etc.)?
21. obsession from childhood?
Doctor Who
22. role model?
My grandpa
23. strange habits?
It’s a tick I picked up from my grandpa, but sometimes when I have too much energy or excitement I end up just shaking to expel the energy for a few seconds.
24. favorite crystal?
25. first song you remember hearing?
Barbara Ann by The Beach Boys (apparently I would try and sing along and just sing ba ba ba ba ba ba)
26. favorite activity to do in warm weather?
Take a walk or swim
27. favorite activity to do in cold weather?
28. five songs to describe you?
Kryptonite by 3 Doors Down / The Bullet by Birdeatsbaby / Through The Other Side by Riverside / Branded by Natewantstobattle / Dearly Beloved from Kingdom Hearts II
29. best way to bond with you?
Really it’s just if you feel comfortable with me gushing at you and being willing to listen to me at all because I feel like no one wants to hear me
30. places that you find sacred?
My bedroom away from everyone
31. what outfit do you wear to kick ass and take names?
If I had the body for it, black leather leggings, black leather high heeled boots, and a black corset to match.
32. top five favorite vines?
Aaron Doh, King Bach, Brandon Calvillo, David Lopez, and Patrick Willaim Charlton
33. most used phrase in your phone?
34. advertisements you have stuck in your head?
ummmm.... none that I can think of off hand?
35. average time you fall asleep?
2 A.M.
36. what is the first meme you remember ever seeing?
I know it’s not the first meme I saw but the free real estate is the first to come to mind
37. suitcase or duffel bag?
38. lemonade or tea?
39. lemon cake or lemon meringue pie?
Lemon Cake
40. weirdest thing to ever happen at your school?
I guess it was the senior prank my freshmen year. We were stuck in our first period because these seniors greased most of the stairwells and set chickens loose in the school.
41. last person you texted?
My sister
42. jacket pockets or pants pockets?
Jacket Pockets
43. hoodie, leather jacket, cardigan, jean jacket or bomber jacket?
Leather Jacket
44. favorite scent for soap?
Lemon? I guess?
45. which genre: sci-fi, fantasy or superhero?
Sci-fi, but Fantasy is a close second
46. most comfortable outfit to sleep in?
47. favorite type of cheese?
48. if you were a fruit, what kind would you be?
A pineapple, because even though I have defenses all around me, I’m sweet on the inside.
49. what saying or quote do you live by?
I don’t have one.
50. what made you laugh the hardest you ever have?
I was in a call with some friends and we were talking about our rp characters as cats. I found this picture for The Siren and I couldn’t stop laughing at it.
51. current stresses?
Too many to mention here.
52. favorite font?
No clue
53. what is the current state of your hands?
They’re dry and healing cuts because there’s not enough moisture in the air.
54. what did you learn from your first job?
Customers never know what they want.
55. favorite fairy tale?
Little Mermaid
56. favorite tradition?
It was when I was a kid, Santa would leave a note for my sister and me that mentioned all the good things we did during the year.
57. the three biggest struggles you’ve overcome?
I’m better talking to people, I’m better at being onstage, and I guess dealing with my depression better?
58. four talents you’re proud of having?
I can do a British accent, I know how to use photoshop, I can make a grilled cheese without burning it, and I’m learning how to do video editing.
59. if you were a video game character, what would your catchphrase be?
“I might not be as strong as the others, but I believe in you.”
60. if you were a character in an anime, what kind of anime would you want it to be?
The quiet one with a troubled past.
61. favorite line you heard from a book/movie/tv show/etc.?
WEAR A WATCH! Time is precious thread in the fabric of the universe, it deserves it’s own tool of measurement!
62. seven characters you relate to?
Ariel from The Little Mermaid, Donna Noble from Doctor Who, June from Alleluia! The Devil’s Carnival, Crona from Soul Eater, Paula from Black Butler, Camille Preaker from Sharp Objects, and Renfield from Dracula
63. five songs that would play in your club?
Show Me Your Hands / Not A Common Man / Cards / You’ll Be Back / The Reynolds Pamphlet (I’m lame so it’s just musical songs)
64. favorite website from your childhood?
65. any permanent scars?
I have one in the center of my head for when I picked at one of my chicken pox when I was younger and I have two around my stomach when I had a gallbladder removed
66. favorite flower(s)?
Honestly I’m not sure.
67. good luck charms?
68. worst flavor of any food or drink you’ve ever tried?
Cherry Sparkling Water, because it lied to me. I thought it’d be sweet but nope, just tasted like lies.
69. a fun fact that you don’t know how you learned?
I can’t think of any right now.
70. left or right handed?
Left handed
71. least favorite pattern?
72. worst subject?
73. favorite weird flavor combo?
I like Munchos and Vanilla Ice Cream
74. at what pain level out of ten (1 through 10) do you have to be at before you take an advil or ibuprofen?
Well I feel my pain level is pretty low but probably a 5?
75. when did you lose your first tooth?
In Kindergarten
76. what’s your favorite potato food (i.e. tater tots, baked potatoes, fries, chips, etc.)?
Probably Potato Pancakes
77. best plant to grow on a windowsill?
I don’t know, flowers?
78. coffee from a gas station or sushi from a grocery store?
Coffee, because I hate sushi
79. which looks better, your school id photo or your driver’s license photo?
School ID
80. earth tones or jewel tones?
Jewel Tones
81. fireflies or lightning bugs?
82. pc or console?
83. writing or drawing?
84. podcasts or talk radio?
84. barbie or polly pocket?
85. fairy tales or mythology?
86. cookies or cupcakes?
87. your greatest fear?
Being a failure
88. your greatest wish?
To make my family proud
89. who would you put before everyone else?
My sister
90. luckiest mistake?
Falling on my ass in front of someone that worked at this film company I’m a huge fan of. Since I fell the guy who owned the company came out to see what happened so that was kind of cool?
91. boxes or bags?
92. lamps, overhead lights, sunlight or fairy lights?
Fairy Lights
93. nicknames?
My sister calls me Bread in her phone so there’s that
94. favorite season?
95. favorite app on your phone?
96. desktop background?
The background the computer came with
97. how many phone numbers do you have memorized?
98. favorite historical era?
Victorian Era
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cg29 · 2 years
Mainly screenshots :D Had to remove some so I can post...
I posted 3,172 times in 2021
284 posts created (9%)
2888 posts reblogged (91%)
For every post I created, I reblogged 10.2 posts.
I added 7,023 tags in 2021
#thunderbirds are go - 1818 posts
#thunderbirds - 1092 posts
#virgil tracy - 994 posts
#scott tracy - 624 posts
#gordon tracy - 534 posts
#thunderfam - 513 posts
#thunderbirds fanfiction - 498 posts
#thunderbirds 2015 - 336 posts
#alan tracy - 308 posts
#john tracy - 306 posts
Longest Tag: 132 characters
#i love tumblr but lately it’s been hiding my posts from the feed and unless i physically click onto a mutuals page i will miss stuff
My Top Posts in 2021
Best Grandma 💜
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80 notes • Posted 2021-01-29 22:25:16 GMT
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The Long Reach Part 2 aired a year ago today...
And was therefore the last time we saw these adorable faces...
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I am not okay with that! 😭
89 notes • Posted 2021-02-22 10:38:17 GMT
Thunderfam Roll-call 👋
Hello you beautiful lot - Noticed a few have not been appearing on my feed lately. Not sure if it’s Tumblr hiding stuff from me again or you’re spending less time on here. So thought: ‘Hey, why not do a Thunderfam shoutout and see how everyones doing!’
Big Tracy hugs to you all 🤗 🥰
95 notes • Posted 2021-09-26 15:13:44 GMT
Wait... Do you mean this Virgil
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Or this one...
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Exhausted Virg, Virg in danger or injured Virg...
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Then there’s shy Virgil...
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And wrapped up warm Virg...
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Mmm 🤔 All of them are loveable, oh and if you’ve not yet worked it out Anon the answers No! No, I will not stop posting anything containing this wonderful guy.
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If you don’t like it then you know where the unfollow button is!
99 notes • Posted 2021-02-26 20:00:16 GMT
Last night I visited insomnia city. As I was lying awake I began contemplating the amount of fluffy prompt vs whump lists. Now, I adore fics where my favourite characters get hurt and then (sometimes) fixed at the end. However, lately I’ve been needing the comfort more. I began considering what I could do to inspire my own and others output of fluff which inevitably led me to the conclusion: ‘why not create my own list.’ So, I did, and here it is now for anyone to use…
... ...
Bring on the Fluff
100 prompts for fanfiction, your own stories and any style of art.
Prompts are for fluff, comfort, humorous, romantic, comedic, and any other aww moments. Hurt can feature but should  only be used to aid the soothing comfort.
Prompts can be mixed together or used on their own.
Stories can be of any length.
The list can be used for your followers to send you requests, or if you prefer to work through at your own pace. (I will, very slowly, be doing the second option)
Enjoy 😊
1. Angel 2. Anniversary 3. Art 4. Back Rubs 5. Beach 6. Bedtime 7. Birthday 8. Blind Date 9. Bonfire 10. Breakfast in Bed 11. Brother 12. Cake 13. Camping Trip 14. Carnival 15. Cherished Memory 16. Cherished Item 17. Chocolate 18. Cottage 19. Coffee 20. Cookies 21. Countryside 22. Cuddles 23. Dad 24. Date Night 25. Dinner for Two 26. Drunken Conversations 27. Enchanted 28. Engagement 29. Family 30. Fireplace 31. Fireworks 32. First Dance 33. First Date 34. First Kiss 35. First Steps 36. Floor is Lava 37. Flowers 38. Forest 39. Game Night 40. Gift 41. Grandma 42. Grandpa 43. Handmade 44. Holidays 45. Holding Hands 46. Home 47. Horse Riding 48. Ice cream 49. Island 50. Journal 51. Jukebox 52. Kaleidoscope 53. Karaoke Night 54. Lake 55. Moonlight 56. Mother 57. Mountain View 58. Movie Night 59. Music 60. Napping 61. Nature 62. Ocean 63. Oneness 64. Painting 65. Pet 66. Picnic 67. Pillow Fight 68. Pillow Fort 69. Playing Twister 70. Playground 71. Portrait 72. Prom 73. Quilt 74. Quiz Night 75. Radiant 76. Reunion 77. Road Trip 78. Sand 79. Secret 80. Sharing Clothes 81. Sharing a Blanket 82. Sharing an Umbrella 83. Sister 84. Snowman 85. Stars 86. Summer 87. Sun 88. Swapping Beds 89. Swimming Pool 90. Talent 91. Telescope 92. Truth or Dare 93. Universe 94. Valentines 95. Victory 96. Whisper 97. Wingman 98. Wish 99. Yawning 100. Zoo
129 notes • Posted 2021-03-04 15:51:12 GMT
Get your Tumblr 2021 Year in Review →
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bestdjkit · 3 years
Alison Wonderland, Subtronics, More to Perform at Beyond Wonderland 2021: See the Full Lineup
The two-day festival will return to the NOS Events Center this summer.
Insomniac has officially confirmed that Beyond Wonderland is returning to the NOS Events Center in San Bernardino, California on Friday, August 27th and Saturday, August 28th.
It's been a long and rocky road to the return of live events, but it seems like Headliners will finally be able to rejoice in the fact that the two-day dance music wonderland is right around the corner.
This trip down the rabbit hole will be one for the books and will feature more than 80 top-tier artists. Alison Wonderland, Flosstradamus, Tiësto, Dillon Francis, Deorro, Kayzo, Subtronics, Gryffin, and many more have all been confirmed for this summer's event.
Tickets for Beyond Wonderland SoCal go on sale Thursday, May 13th at 12PM PT here. Check out the full lineup below. 
Insomniac shares the Beyond Wonderland 2021 lineup. 
Attendees should expect an even more extravagant event than previous years, with five new stages, three full-sized carnival rides, and an expanded layout that will cover previously unused sections of the NOS Events Center. Curating the stage takeovers will be Audiotistic, Basscon, Bassrush, Dreamstate, Factory 93, Insomniac Records, Space Yacht, and for the first time, Diplo's Higher Ground. 
In conjunction with the announcement, Insomniac founder and CEO Pasquale Rotella released a statement on his socials thanking his fans who have stuck by him and the brand throughout the turbulent news cycle of postponements and cancellations. He revealed that in the following weeks we could expect to see lineups from Escape, Day Trip, EDC Las Vegas, Beyond Wonderland Gorge, and Audio on the Bay. You can read Rotella's full statement below. 
View the original article to see embedded media.
Facebook: facebook.com/BeyondWonderland Twitter: twitter.com/beyondwland Instagram: instagram.com/beyondwland
from Best DJ Kit https://edm.com/events/beyond-wonderland-socal-2021-lineup
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orbemnews · 3 years
Two Hollywood Executives, Awash in Awards and Admiration, Step Aside LOS ANGELES — One of corporate Hollywood’s most enduring double acts is calling it quits. Steve Gilula and Nancy Utley, senior executives at Searchlight Pictures for 21 of its 27 years, who shaped global culture with Oscar-winning hits like “12 Years a Slave,” “Black Swan,” “The Grand Budapest Hotel” and “Slumdog Millionaire,” announced their surprise retirement on Tuesday. They will leave the Disney-owned specialty studio by the end of June, adding to a conspicuous changing of the guard at Walt Disney Company. “You don’t want to be the show that stays on the air two seasons too long,” Ms. Utley said. “Get out while everything is still going well.” She was joking — mostly. Searchlight has long been the gold standard of art film studios, packing its slate with diverse offerings long before Hollywood got the memo, and thriving in a changing marketplace — the DVD collapse, the rise of streaming competitors — even as once-formidable competitors like the Weinstein Company imploded. If the latest Searchlight success, “Nomadland,” wins the Academy Award for best picture on Sunday, as many expect, Mr. Gilula, 70, and Ms. Utley, 65, will have taken the top prize in four of the last eight ceremonies. That is a run unmatched by any specialty studio, even Miramax, which at its height won three best-picture Oscars. Searchlight’s previous best-picture winners have been “The Shape of Water” (2018), “Birdman” (2015) and “12 Years a Slave” (2014). “Slumdog Millionaire” won in 2009. At the same time, however, Sunday could mark a symbolic shift in Hollywood: If Searchlight loses, it will likely be to Netflix, which could win its first Academy Award for best picture for “The Trial of the Chicago 7.” Netflix has been chasing such a victory for years as the ultimate symbol of supremacy in Hollywood. Searchlight has been rising to the challenge of streaming. “Nomadland,” from the Chinese-born filmmaker Chloé Zhao, was released in theaters and on Hulu, a Disney streaming service. But competing with Amazon, Apple and Netflix — and their seemingly bottomless wallets — for talent and material has become harder and harder. That has made the art film market more precarious for traditional studios like Searchlight, which will now be run by David Greenbaum and Matthew Greenfield, the current presidents. “Every time my contract was up, to be candid, I always questioned whether I had the intestinal fortitude to fight through the next set of changes,” Mr. Gilula said. “Ultimately, pride and loyalty kept me going. And there has always been another fantastic film in the pipeline. Well, maybe after ‘Shape of Water,’ maybe after ‘Three Billboards.’ But this is it. With ‘Nomadland,’ which has shown that we haven’t lost our edge at all, adapting quickly to the pandemic, there is a great feeling of fulfillment.” Mr. Gilula and Ms. Utley are leaving amid a broader brain drain at Disney. Robert A. Iger, executive chairman, is departing in December after 26 years at the company. Alan F. Horn, the top creative executive at Walt Disney Studios, has been edging toward retirement, as has Alan N. Braverman, Disney’s top lawyer. Jayne Parker, Disney’s powerful human resources chief, will step down in June after 33 years at the company. “The people you mentioned have contributed mightily — myself excluded; I’m not talking about myself in this regard — to the success of the company, and in doing so have groomed people behind them who will take over the mantle,” Mr. Iger said. “I try to ease people’s concerns as much as possible. It’s certainly way too premature to express concern.” Searchlight was one of the assets that Disney acquired from Rupert Murdoch in 2019. Mr. Iger, who orchestrated the deal, heaped praise on Ms. Utley and Mr. Gilula. “It takes a really deft hand to bring these smaller but extremely high-quality films to market, and they have Ph.D.’s in it,” he said. Does their retirement signal a change in direction for Searchlight? The mini-studio, which has about 100 employees, is beloved by fans of grown-up cinema, especially as Hollywood has leaned harder toward all-audience franchise films. “No, not at all,” Mr. Iger said. “We haven’t been particularly vocal about this, but we intend for Searchlight to play a big part in supplying content, not just for theaters but for our streaming platforms. We are going to invest more and more. Expect more output rather than less.” Searchlight’s coming films include “Summer of Soul,” a documentary about the 1969 Harlem Cultural Festival from Ahmir Thompson, better known as Questlove; Wes Anderson’s “The French Dispatch,” a comedy-drama-romance; and Guillermo del Toro’s “Nightmare Alley,” about a manipulative carnival worker. Searchlight also has six television shows on the way with stars and directors that include Keira Knightley, Yorgos Lanthimos (“The Favourite”) and Darren Aronofsky. All have worked with Searchlight before. “When I started in the American film industry in ’93-’96, I heard often the word ‘family’ to describe film studios: ‘We’re a family here’,” Mr. del Toro said. “In my experience, what they must have meant was the Manson family. But not with Searchlight. It is a true family, one that nurtures you.” Mr. del Toro, who wrote and directed “The Shape of Water,” continued: “I remember pitching them the story — it was a huge gamble! not something most studios would make! — and by the end I got weepy, and then they got weepy, and they said, ‘Go make your movie.’” Ms. Zhao said she was impressed that Mr. Gilula and Ms. Utley met with her for an hour every week “for months” as Searchlight worked toward a pandemic-suited distribution and marketing plan for “Nomadland,” which stars Frances McDormand as a grief-stricken van dweller. “I always hear horror stories about how, at some studios, once you finish your film you don’t know where it is going — what is happening with it,” Ms. Zhao said. “Not only was I informed every week at Searchlight, I was allowed to be a huge part of making all of the decisions.” Mr. Gilula and Ms. Utley agreed to a theatrical release, even though it was a money-losing proposition because of the pandemic. “They don’t say, ‘We have a system that works for us so that is how you are going to work,’” Ms. Zhao said. “They really listened to us and trusted us.” Searchlight was founded in 1994 by Thomas E. Rothman, who is now Sony’s movie chief. At the time, specialty films — auteur-minded cinematic trinkets — were raking in money at the box office. “The Full Monty,” released by Searchlight in 1997, cost $3.5 million to make and took in $258 million worldwide (or nearly $430 million in today’s money). Over the years, market conditions changed markedly, particularly in the late 2000s, when an economic downturn dried up production financing. As competitors like Rogue Pictures, Paramount Vantage, Picturehouse and Miramax faded away, Ms. Utley and Mr. Gilula kept Searchlight vibrant. Her specialty has been marketing, scripts and casting. He is a distribution ace who co-founded the Landmark Theaters chain in 1974. “There has never been a spreadsheet that Steve didn’t love,” Ms. Utley said dryly. Aside from exquisite cinematic taste, the two executives, who both hail from the Midwest, are the rarest of species in Hollywood: genuinely nice people. Neither crave the spotlight. They are widely known in the film industry for campaigning for awards with integrity. “Hopefully, we have set an example,” Mr. Gilula said, “showing that you don’t have to be the other kind of person to be successful in this business.” Both insisted that Disney’s takeover of Searchlight (called Fox Searchlight while owned by Mr. Murdoch) played no role in their decision to retire. “We were frustrated at Fox because Fox just didn’t have a streaming strategy and was very slow to react to marketplace changes,” Ms. Utley said, adding. “I think the transition to Disney has gone really smoothly, which is one reason I have all the faith in the world about the future of Searchlight.” Source link Orbem News #Admiration #Awards #Awash #executives #Hollywood #Step
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