theskanderbeg · 1 year
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useless-catalanfacts · 2 months
La qüestió de pel·lícules catalanòfobes té més trascendència que no pas ens pensem. A més de reforçar i expandir estereotips discriminatoris a qui ja els té internalitzats (conscientment o inconscientment), també els exporten a altres parts del món.
Fa uns quants anys, parlant amb l'admin que portava el blog de useless-venezuelafacts, em va explicar (tot entre jijis jajas) coses horribles que el seu pare deia sobre els catalans, que a l'admin li semblaven molt gracioses al no ser conscient de com això estava lligat a estereotips i la discriminació que patim. A mi em va sorprendre molt que un veneçolà-nordamericà tingués tants prejudicis i una actitud tan discriminatòria (per no dir directament etnocida) —de fet, normalment ja em sorprèn una mica quan la gent de tan lluny sap que existim els catalans, però que l'únic que sàpiguen sobre la nostra existència és que som tots males persones, que sempre enganyem i robem i que s'ha d'anar amb compte si es troben amb un de nosaltres, que som súper tancats i tractarem malament a tothom que parli castellà (sense més informació sobre el context de discriminació lingüística i la persecució que ha patit el català) i que som uns pesats que ens creiem millors que ningú, doncs bé, diguem que sorprèn més. Preguntant com és que sap aquestes coses, la resposta va ser que el seu pare havia sabut de l'existència dels catalans perquè havia mirat la pel·lícula Ocho apellidos catalanes a Netflix. I d'aquí, a fer acudits de catalans que havia tret d'Internet amb els seus amics que també havien mirat la pel·lícula.
Ara, el mateix creador de Ocho apellidos vascos i Ocho apellidos catalanes ha estrenat una nova pel·lícula seguint la seva lògica habitual de burlar-se de les minories nacionals. Aquest cop, la pel·lícula passa al Matarranya (a la Franja de Ponent), una de les comarques més fortament catalanoparlants dels Països Catalans, però que la pel·lícula fa veure que parla únicament castellà. A la pel·lícula hi van sortint com a gag recurrent grups de catalans que van a robar-los aigua i obres d'art (per si no era prou amb l'estereotip de lladres, sumem-hi referències estúpides al trauma de Sixena), i els protagonistes fins i tot insulten als catalans a crits, cosa que sembla que ha de ser divertida.
Més del mateix. Siusplau, que algú li tregui ja el finançament a aquest home.
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sillylittleosc · 1 year
I on brreaks for sumem and I fitted supeew bored and this personss ais and storiess make me feel happy!!! so this is a gitffor @ferns-forest-agere !!! Go supporting them!!!/nf
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ask-team-bucciarati · 3 months
To everyone, what’s your favorite season?
I think Summer would be my favourite. -Bruno Bucciarati
Winter. -Abbacchio
I'm a big fan of Spring, if I'm being honest. -Giorno Giovanna
Um... Autumn? -Pannacotta Fugo
probably autumn too for me -Mista
sumemer!! -narancia
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fanficfish · 1 year
Why i love honkai star rail as a disabled player, part 2
part one
alright time for part teo now that im properly into the game. Ive added it to my phone now so this will also cover the mobile. I also dont rememebr what i talked about the first time so forgive any repition
spoilers as usual
Mobile controls are so easy. Im sure i mentioned how intuitive the controls are but its the same for both pc and mobile (idk about any other platform). And its vwry easy to jump from one platform to another, no rememembering where buttons are kn different decices. As long as youve played videogames before it all makes sense.
The turn based stuff is still great. I love battling, and i hate numbers but ive actuslly gotten into my characters and their stats. Like, in what world? Its satisying seeing s character do an AoE and then everything dorps becaus elf the high damage output, turn base goves some nice opportunity to admire your work.
i will say im not into some of the outfits of the characters. Seele is a bit much for a girl livijg in an underground crazytown and Bronya's cloak looks like a safety hazard. Herta is msotly fine (a bit short but ig it work since shes basically in doll form) but March....honey please we walked through a freaking blizzard and you were the one in nothing but a sumeme dress. Did the ice make you immune??? Clara i can understand though, and i have heard Seele was based off her H3 design but still. Some of those outifts look a little inlpractical....then again its a gacha game where the main selling poitnsbare "lookat out cool characters". And i like the male trailblazers ourfit mroe then the male traveller from Genshin
music. Omg i love the music so much. You dont even knwo. Ive been singing the melodies all weekened. Its gonan be one of those legendary themes i think
font size. Good on Pc, wish it was slightly bigger kn mobile esspecislly for some stuff where being sble to see the words is usually a good thing.
Pom pom. Unlike Paimon, they are not mildly annoying and are very cute. They need to be protected at all costs especislly from the memory guardian person. The Breakfast light cone is just so funny too lol. This has nothign to do with the design or anything i just needed to say jt.
even as a FTP player its actually pretty easy to get stuff if you dont mind apending a few mintues or an hour chasing down a frw achivements even just playing the mossions can nab you the premium currency and the grind is the least annoying thing ive played since Monster Super League (which was annoying but was the point kf the game so i couldnt fault it). And dont forget the freebies and gifts! And level rewards! And 50 other things!
Traces. Relics, and light cones are all vpretry intuitive menus. Took me a hot minute to figure out how tk level up a character but now i got it. As long as you know vaguely what atats you need ktsball good.
thats all i really have for now, ill make a part three if j think of more. I did want to add that if you have shaky hands, not having to aim March's bow or aim for an enemy and just tap where the enmh is in the turn based is so much ncier.
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hauntedwitch04 · 2 years
Guess who’s back!
Hi my loves! I’m so sorry, I know I pratically disappered during this sumemer, but I had to admit that I was really lazy (in fact I didn’t really even did my homework, and I had to do them all pratically these days) and techonology don’t really love me (my computer broke, my tumblr got crazy and where I went on holiday there wasn’t internet) 
But now I’m back, I don’t know for how much time, but I promise I’ll try only that I’m on my last year of high school so I have a lot of exams. 
Thank you for supporting me even during this time, I just saw that I reached the 600 followers and I’m like WHAT!? SINCE WHEN!? I started crying from happiness, so really thank you. 
Hope to write something soon, with all my love 
your Becky <3
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kemafili · 2 years
if you dony liek wehn i post about ants.... maybe erm... lol literally get a job and a life and touch some grass and maybe even pick up an acorn and even so pick up some nuts and maybeeee even get stuck in a poddlge of honey during the sumemer, even better, just get stuck inside a tree and get discovered by new species 1000 years later on
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fishandshesmygills · 10 months
check out the beers by the front bottoms. song of tje sumemer
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blissfali · 2 years
Too damn cold in this house iam argbur tonight genetlemen.ITS SO COLD GOTDAMN CANT A MAN JUST COAL MINE IN HIS BASEMENT IN PEACE ILL TAKE SUMEMER BAXK CPLEASE IM SO COLD Im like Ghpstbur i am ghostbur.Lioterally me
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ukerox314 · 2 years
I learnt this hack from my best friend’s ex. Well I never met her, but apparently Valeria always wrote her thoughts out on her tumblr. And I feel like doing this right now, because I want to hold myself accountable.
I want to be a bad bitch. The baddest bitch. And I’ve always had the potential, but now I think I’m ready. I’m done with the NPC bullshit and I want to focus on me. Focus on my fitness, on my diet, on my LSAT, on my work and on relationships that ACTUALLY matter to me.
I’ve had people treat me like shit over and over and over again and I’m so fucking done with it. Not in an angry way, but rather, I’m mature and I’m moving on way. Any person who wishes to talk away from me at this point, good for them because that leave me more time for myself and to improve myself. I will become the most successful version of myself by the end of this summer I promise you. I will be so fit and so at peace and I’ll score so high on the LSAT, you’ll see. And then I’ll leave these jealous small bitches in the dirt while I live a better like without me. After all, I’m beautiful, talented, intelligent, kind, genuine and caring. I have so many qualities and attributes that some people can never had. And I was born with it. I will become amazing, and once people notice this, they’ll want me. But they won’t. I will always be myself. SELF IMPROVEMENT SUMEMER TAKEOVERRRR
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agernext · 4 months
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Tot i tractar-se d'una zona geogràfica eminentment seca, amb poc més de 400 mm d'aigua de pluja a l'any, la nostra parcel·la de 17 hectàrees presenta alguns racons que són dignes d'aparèixer en zones més humides del país. Si, a més, hi sumem els dies de boira, la sensació és més intensa. La raó d'aquesta realitat la trobem en el fet de ser una finca orientada a nord. El que alguns anomenen "obaga" i d'altres, "frescal".
Això presenta, com tot, els seus pros i els seus contres. Per exemple, el període de gelades s'allarga més dies durant l'any, escurçant la temporada de conreus ben bé un mes respecte a altres finques properes situades en solanes. En contrast amb això, els estius són més frescos, permetent que es pugui treballar a l'aire lliure en les hores centrals del dia.
A la foto veiem una de les feixes situades a la part superior de la finca. Un espai que, sens dubte, té la seva màgia en aquests dies d'hivern.
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tuportavoz · 11 months
Sumem Onil presentarà la seua candidatura com a última opció per tindre un govern d’esquerres da- vant del bloqueig del PSOE a les negociacions.
La coalició d’esquerres destaca que han aportat al-ternatives fins a l’últim moment, però des del PSOE han prioritzat els personalismes i les cadires a la vo-luntat del poble. «Havent presentat fins a 4 solucions de govern, elPSOE ha quedat immòbil des del minut 1, mentreque des de Sumem hem fet propostes per tald’aplegar al que Onil ha demanat a les urnes: ungovern d’esquerres, sense majories…
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Compromís acuerda presentarse a las generales con Sumar con marca propia y autonomía
La coalición valencianista reúne a sus órganos de gobierno para ratificar el acuerdo con la plataforma de Yolanda Díaz, que se llamará en las circunscripciones valencianas Compromís-Sumar-Sumem per Guanyar — Leer en www.eldiario.es/comunitat-valenciana/politica/puestos-salida-marca-propia-autonomia-parlamentaria-compromis-vota-acuerdo-sumar_1_10279771.html
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sumemlloret · 2 years
Sumem Lloret
Los exconcejales socialistas Lara Torres, Eduardo López, Cristian Fernández y Arantxa Jiménez se han sumado a la formación Independents de la Selva , que se presentará en las próximas elecciones municipales con el nombre de Sumem Lloret. La formación se ha presentado a la ciudadanía este pasado fin de semana en el marco del día de Santa Cristina, la patrona del municipio.
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444names · 2 years
the entire list of star trek aliens from wikipedia
Acept Acidation Acit Ackly Aclate Acquil Acting Ades Adjortles Affer Aiddilow Alassia Allocal Ally Alow Alpirly Ammens Ande Andes Anduals Antion Antlee Anushey Aper Aphatings Approk Aqually Arcere Arcy Arrough Asing Astopurn Atil Aureper Aurest Aurs Auted Awar Awara Awne Axand Bell Belly Bene Bent Beres Bese Betuldere Beyon Bing Bioned Biote Bize Brimaged Brism Buical Buldide Butazon Bute Butpord Butworp Caltule Cans Cappig Cappirmle Carimple Catual Chan Ched Chescast Cholverly Cifte Clan Clansic Colly Colocce Colon Colvere Comeadmis Comed Comemed Compaced Compan Conded Coneening Cons Conts Coodison Corp Cors Cove Coventhen Cred Creve Crieste Crorps Cybelit Cygniage Dameres Dating Datived Davisphe Deack Deatica Deld Denished Dent Derewory Dertrus Devera Dian Dinetursh Ding Dint Dinvend Dirdists Disherry Dist Distain Docce Dole Dordard Dosicul Dost Dostrie Drulues Dure Earation Easentace Edosont Egglimmar Emiclaing Emientic Emine Empedes Emulunt Enist Enotaked Enrection Enth Ently Esperved Euty Eversims Examic Exced Exil Exper Exted Exterry Extious Extrana Extrily Fame Fased Feased Feliggs Fers Ficte Fient Fignal Filardift Fing Fiship Flard Fless Floned Foubjecto Fuge Gamis Gate Genticle Gons Grable Gratend Greed Grencenly Greng Gres Grotions Hamon Hanin Harnee Havelint Hazient Heresplay Hipmer Holan Horly Hoserato Hubjector Human Humply Humsel Hunassial Hund Hundetat Hunist Huniver Ictivery Ides Imaken Imard Inced Ineele Inge Inges Ingic Ings Inister Inst Ints Iraning Iratall Ited Joidded Joyearg Keles Kell Kelly Kliver Kraying Lariblect Lased Leas Lement Leviank Lian Ligmenzit Likeuthip Linct Liptar Lomiles Loty Lowers Luction Mages Maint Maired Manne Mated Maturrive Maysid Mently Merring Mids Miesing Milans Milowne Mistrids Moced Moction Mooked Motacist Muts Naled Nastra Nating Nesids Netterown Nise Noing Nommook Nons Nonsay Noth Nown Obsed Ocks Ofics Olononced Onsing Ophy Opprecong Opuler Orienoste Orionfor Othared Othim Othing Oubers Ouncits Oved Overy Pactort Paing Parmand Pated Pating Peatiolly Perityper Pers Phin Phinoids Phip Phisto Pland Plard Pleeng Pold Pose Preades Preafted Preary Pred Preer Pres Prianip Pribenox Pribleat Pric Prike Prindon Priow Promul Prons Pront Prot Proth Proundese Punde Purtact Quallon Qued Quity Railave Rdip Rearly Recivel Rect Rected Recting Rectiouwd Reenter Refe Regints Regsixent Rele Rember Rent Rescifing Righow Ring Riothor Riven Rompans Romuldist Samen Sans Sardi Sasing Saumal Saus Scriliam Secese Seed Sefeatted Sexa Sexiss Shars Shet Shilly Shing Shins Shoophels Shoser Sion Sionar Sitage Sking Slants Smated Sologin Somp Sones Sparpand Speasks Sphigamed Sprotil Stal Stanter Sted Stor Sualeps Sudishest Sumem Supack Suppeary Suppesed Tapant Tark Telve Temat Ternic Theal Thement Thenowers Thes Thets Thor Thuble Thumorith Thunts Toned Tory Totarated Totazed Trefin Trid Trimity Trin Tring Triont Trized Tron Trousnoid Trught Trule Ulte Uning Unly Unted Vagerry Vardes Vards Vark Viereans Wareve Waysta Whing Wimea Wind Winfor Wing Winingest Wolvess Worin Worps Wous Woutted Xenciter Xinalm Zakillies
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