#suggested: phoebe.
olympiainspo · 4 months
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puppetsoftomorrow · 6 days
what if more legends had swapped bodies?
ray and mick
some kind of Shenangians means ray has to go rob a bank and mick has to give a presentation to palmer tech investors. ray is Very apologetic at the robbery, and gives everyone in the bank $200 'for the inconvience' until snart hits him upside the head with the gun and they leave. mick loses ray's prepared speech and ends up going on a tangent, but the investors find his honesty and plain language refreshing, and the stock price rises, netting the legends more money than the bank robbery did
ava and gary
ava, extremly embarrased by the whole thing, hides in her office and completes all of her paperwork And gary's, then reorganises his filing cabinets, then sleeps on her couch bcos she is mad that sara is just teasing her the whole time. gary goes out and decides to fufill his ambition of getting ava to dress in anything other than smart casual, and goes full on barbie dress up mode with nora and mona. he spends over $500 and ava pretends to be mad but gary actually has Great fashion sense and she looks amazing in her new clothes
sara and charlie
sara loves it, especially the ability to shapeshift, and only takes the form of various famous actors for a week. ava is uneffected as her knowledge of actors is terrible. charlie on the other hand sneaks off and decides to go on a mission with team flash, and they only realise she's not sara when she makes off with the proceeds of the bank robbery they were meant to be stopping, and befriends the evil metas along the way
zari and gideon
this wld definitly happen if zari was messing around with gideon's programming. zari finds it Trippy becoming a supercomputer but is very happy when she realises she can now Hack with her Mind. gideon is like a baby deer in her new body, but gets immense joy from the small things. when they swap back, she sometimes asks zari to describe the taste of apple pie to her again
nate and z2
z2 does nate's make up (in her body) bcos she isn't going to go on missions without full glam, which nate loves so much he insists on going to an award show to be on the red carpet. zari decides to use her Man Priveledge to go walking at night, ends up getting into a fight and gives nate a criminal record. she considers it pay back for the Terrible poses nate did on the red carpet
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rainmidnight · 4 months
secret shanghai characters as tortured poets department titles (based purely on vibes since it's not out yet)
juliette: guilty as sin? roma: down bad rosalind: i can do it with a broken heart orion: loml oliver: so long london phoebe: fresh out the slammer silas: i can fix him (no really i can) marshall: florida!!!
(bonus) lourens: the alchemy
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soft-study-vibes · 2 years
Just because things didn’t turn out as expected doesn’t mean that you won’t get the dream life you deserve. Sometimes life may have better things in store than what you envisioned. Sometimes the universe finds something better for you that you haven’t even considered. Think about that the next time things don’t go according to plan.
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anonymouspuzzler · 2 years
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ok back to your regularly scheduled Lobotos. featuring design notes, parenthood speculation, and some primo Crossover Content slash preview of some more shit you're gonna be seeing in this queue real soon
(alt text/image IDs under the cut!)
[Image 1 ID: A design sketch of Loboto standing upright with a neutral expression, wearing only black boxer shorts, missing his prosthetic arm and shower cap. His left arm is sticking straight out in a t-pose. There is a detail shot of his head in profile to the side. Next to him are design notes reading: - about 1 head taller than Sasha/Milla, nearly 2x coach - stick build, but with tummy; legs taper out at ankles - numerous stitches on head, sloppy stitches on arm stump, scar on side (stolen kidney), throw misc injuries (scars, burns etc.) where appropriate - sparse body hair; hair on head is in uneven chunks (growing unevenly around scar tissue) - avoid making feet too long, they're actually pretty tiny - extremely minimal chin; profile should always look slouched at neck/shoulders]
[Image 2 ID: An additional design sketch based on the previous image, showing how the shower cap and prosthetic layer on top of Loboto's body type; the glove on his left arm and a pair of torn-up jeans have been drawn in as well. Next to him are design notes reading: - prosthetic slightly out of proportion with real arm, a little too short - harness tightens at shoulder, possibly buckles for straps underneath, release at end of sleeve where wooden arm starts? (built to stay on tight, not for easy removal; muted pain response minimizes discomfort) - forearm & hand is fully just a pepper grinder with thin claws (leave deliberately unclear how it moves; unconscious TK?) - in close-up make bolts & stitches uneven and sloppy; done one-handed, no finesse, poss. w/non dominant hand - 3 cap patches, far left, small far right, one at top/back; covers most hair & scars - pants should always be a little too short unless implied to be specially tailored; he's too dang tall for fast fashion - all "his" clothes should be worn out, torn up, poorly/not repaired; intact clothes should be visibly stolen slash "borrowed"]
[Image 3 ID: Three drawovers of the Loboto design from the first image, showing him in different sets of clothing, labeled "alt outfit samples". The top option shows him in a baggy t-shirt that hangs off his shoulders and only reaches midway down his stomach, and drawstring-tied shorts that are baggy at the legs, cinched extremely tight at the waist, and barely cover his boxers; this set is labeled "coach". The rightmost option shows him in a bulky turtleneck with the sleeves rolled up, over which is a long sleeveless dress; this set is labeled "sasha & milla". The final, bottom-and-leftmost option shows him in his usual boots and torn-up jeans, as well as a better-fitting turtleneck with only the sleeve on his prosthetic rolled up, and an apron reaching mid-thigh with the Psychonauts logo on the top-left corner; this set is labeled "uniform".]
[Image 4-5 IDs: A two-panel black-and-white comic showcasing Puzz thinking through Loboto design options. A doodle of Puzz, wearing a t-shirt and overalls and looking thoughtful, thinks "I wonder... what IS the best way to stylize Loboto with his eyes closed?" There are three drawings of Loboto's head with his jaw hanging slightly open as he snores. In the first, there are half-moon shapes drawn in his lenses to imply closed eyes, labeled "just shaping the eye part is simple, but do you lose the 'lens' feel...?" The second shows him with his eyes looking completely normal, labeled "is it funnier if his eyes always look open?" The third shows half-moon eyes and the lens frames shaped to match, labeled "you COULD squash and stretch the lenses but that reads like eyebrows..." The second panel, labeled "SOLUTION:" in bold text, shows Loboto lying in bed asleep with his prosthetic removed and left hand draped over his chest, snoring. Rather than any of the previous eye options, he's just wearing a quilted sleep mask over his eyes, with the shape of the lenses visibly bulging underneath.]
[Image 6 ID: A two-panel comic of Loboto and Oleander, asleep next to each other in bed. Loboto is wearing a baggy t-shirt and has his prosthetic off, his left arm behind his head under the pillow, his head tilted to one side. Oleander is to his left, right arm behind him under the pillow, left arm crossed over his chest. The second panel shows Loboto's eye lenses suddenly lighting up with an audible "CLICK.", making Oleander jolt awake.]
[Image 7 ID: A real photo of a sculpted molar on a chain hanging from a big round business sign-frame, which previously made the rounds on Twitter. Drawn on top is Loboto, beaming and holding a nervous Raz over his head, shouting "RAZ GET THE TOOTH".]
[Image 8 ID: A drawing of Loboto reaching up rapturously towards a photo of a calzone. I can't explain this one.]
[Image 9 ID: A drawing of a shirtless Loboto, wearing his shower cap but not his prosthetic, sitting up sleepily in a pile of pillows. He is covered from the waist down by a thick blanket with a wavy pattern.]
[Image 10 ID: A black and white drawing of Loboto, grinning and giving a thumbs-up at the camera with his left hand, and the G-Man from Half-Life, smirking at the camera and holding his left arm at his side, shaking hands. I can't really explain this one either.]
[Image 11 ID (MAJOR PSYCHONAUTS 2 SPOILERS IN DESCRIPTION): A four-panel comic of Loboto. In the first, he is grinning nervously, left hand on his hip and right prosthetic arm gesturing vaguely, saying "Sorry, kid, can't tell ya aaanything 'bout this job"; in the background, roughly where he's gesturing, is a figment of Truman's brain case on a shelf. In the second panel, his grin has grown even more anxious, and he is shrugging up towards a lamp that resembles Gristol's crown, saying "Yeah, just. Nothin' I can say 'bout my boss." The third shows him standing on a representation of the swirling pattern outside the Astralathe, gesturing broadly with a very anxious expression, under an even larger crown-lamp and surrounded by framed posters with various telling images (an egg in a basket, the mobster tooth fairy, Maligula's eyes, a box with an arrow pointing inside, a skull with crossed-out eyes) and text ("SHHHH", "NOT YOUR REAL DAD", "HELP", "VISIT DROWNED GRULOVIA", "THEY HAVE MY KID'S ADDRESS"). Loboto, frantic, screams "LOOK AT ME HERE SAYING NOTHING *OUT LOUD* ABOUT MY BOSS". The final panel shows a confused Raz and frustrated Sasha standing nearby, both in their suits, Sasha smoking a cigarette and saying, "He's giving us nothing". Loboto, collapsed in an anguished heap on the floor, whimpers, "I'm going to die here."]
[Image 12 ID: A black-and-white drawing of Loboto, grinning and giving two thumbs-up, wearing a crop-top t-shirt reading "WORLD'S LEAST-ISH ARRESTED DAD".]
[Image 13 ID: A black-and-white drawing of Loboto leaning out of the window of a beat-up, welded-together franken-car, smiling widely and waving with his prosthetic arm. There is smoke emitting from the back, a vanity plate reading "T33TH80", and bumper stickers reading "HONK IF U HAVE TEETH" and "MY CHILD IS AN HONOR STUDENT". Standing behind the car, slouched-over and holding a suitcase in his left hand, is Dart.]
[Image 14 ID: A black-and-white drawing of Loboto speaking into a phone held in his left hand, twirling the cord in one of the fingers of his prosthetic. He says into the receiver, "Heyyy, kiddo, it's dad. Listen, you know cool pre-teen slang, don't you? Can you explain 'cringe' to me real quick? I gotta figure out if I'm being flirted with or insulted or both."]
[Image 15 ID: A sketchy black-and-white drawing of Loboto speaking on a phone, sitting backwards in a wooden chair. The phone cradle is sitting on the floor, and the cord is tangled in the fingers of Loboto's prosthetic, which is hanging over the back of the chair. He glares at the receiver and says, "Look, I know the brain's still in his head, but you didn't *specify* it had to be *removed* in the contract, so I say you owe me that bonus! C'mon, work with me here! My kid wants to go to band camp!" Phoebe, sitting in a beanbag to the left of him listening to a walkman, looks up disdainfully and corrects, "I said I wanted my tracks *on* Bandcamp, dad."]
[Image 16 ID: A black-and-white illustration of Phoebe sitting at a drumset, with Loboto lying on the floor in front of it, reading a dentistry book, head leaning against the bass drum. Phoebe is holding a drumstick in each hand and glaring down at the set, steam coming out of her ears, saying, "Ooough...!! This stupid solo's getting me so steamed!!!" Loboto replies, "Mmm, steam's fine, but no fire, sweetie, all right? Remember the hospital blocked daddy's number."]
[Image 17-18 IDs: A two-panel comic of Loboto and Phoebe. In the first, Loboto is kneeling on the ground hugging Phoebe tightly, shoulders shaking and a tear leaking out of his eye. Phoebe, dangling slightly even with Loboto crouching, grabbing at his arm with one hand, groans, "Daaaaad you're so *embarrassing*." The second panel shows Loboto, now standing with Phoebe hanging limply in his arms and looking back at him with mild irritation, staring dumbfounded at a wrecked, burning car. The speech balloons read: Loboto: "This isn't one of yours is it sweetie" Phoebe: "No one can prove anything" Loboto: "okay it's just daddy's car is still three towns over and we were gonna get a ride home from daddy's boyfriend in this car" Phoebe: "your *what,*"]
[Image 19 ID: A black-and-white illustration of Dr. Habit from Smile for Me and Loboto having an animated conversation. Puzz's anxious yet furious face is barely peeking into frame from the very bottom of the image.]
[Image 20 ID: A black-and-white illustration featuring Loboto and Phoebe alongside Habit, Putunia and Kamal from Smile for Me. Phoebe, grinning mischievously, is using pyrokinesis to light Putunia's boxing glove on fire, to her visible delight. Habit has gone into a panicked crouch at the sight, while Loboto, looking over a jar of teeth, looks over in mild surprise. Kamal is running up holding a fire extinguisher from the other side of the screen, motion-blurred and screaming.]
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jerichogender · 9 months
Donna & Joey’s friendship means so much to me. Here are just a few examples of the times they:
Protect Each Other
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Tales of the Teen Titans #48
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The New Teen Titans Vol. 2 #27
Respect Each Other’s Opinions
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The New Titans #57
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The New Teen Titans Vol. 2 #33
Give Each Other Comfort
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The New Titans #68
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The New Teen Titans Vol. 2 #25
Support Each Other During Big Moments in Their Lives
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Tales of the Teen Titans #58
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The New Titans #55
And See Each Other Through Moments of Celebration…
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Tales of the Teen Titans #50
…As Well As Times of Tragedy
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The New Titans #82
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reborrowing · 7 months
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maybe trying a comic of a stupid scene ive had in my head for them for like a year? we’ll see
Comic making really is kinda alien to me tho
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theghoulboysblog · 2 months
you've infected me with the better oblivion community center bug, i listen to their songs daily and have had multiple epiphanies whilst doing so, and now i gotta know: what's your top 3 songs by them and are there any lines that you love particularly?
OH MY GOD THANK YOU FOR ASKING!!!!! 😭 a long time ago, i made a list of what i thought the best better oblivion songs were in order! here it is:
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although i do believe those are the best songs in order, big black heart, their single little trouble, and my city will always be number ones in my eyes! for lyrics that I love, i have so many:
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louwhose · 7 months
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Shining Smooch Week | Day Five | Heart
Color Scheme: Pink
For @shiningsmoochweek! Chlodwig and Phoebe. I love them and think they are adorable but you also cannot convince me they are NEVER on the same wavelength (I blame that mostly on Chlodwig).
Source of inspiration under the cut
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For those of you who have not read Please Take My Brother Away, I am sorry, and highly recommend it in order to realize and fully appreciate the ridiculous shenanigans that lead to situations like the one pictured above.
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Would any of you guys be interested in me writing a nsfw alphabet for Chandler Bing? Because lately I've been in the mood to write some more stuff for friends
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coachbeards · 23 days
happy mother’s day to beard’s qanon supporting mom who rejected him after prison <3
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© PANIC STATION Phoebe Tonkin
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puppetsoftomorrow · 4 months
legends movie night ideas:
watching time travel movies and yelling loudly when they get something wrong
showing the tarazis hit movies of the early 2000s which sara Insists are classics and everyone indulges her
silent movies with gwyn to not expose him to modern media. he's fascinated by the tv remote.
watching movies about a time period then visiting there the next day check the film for inaccuracies. nate Loves doing this
book club rom com movie night, started by mona, which nora pretends to hate
watching conspiracy theory documentaries about themselves to see what the public thinks about them
astra works her way through ray's 1000 best films list (don't tell me he doesn't have one) to catch up from her time in hell. spooner joins in too
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ezraphobicsoup · 5 months
so much music,,, so little time
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soft-study-vibes · 2 years
Let go of the concept that there’s only one way to love and accept the idea that you’re going to love in different ways. People are individuals and each one has their own love language, so take the time to ask them what that language is! Sometimes it can be outside the realm of physical affection, and could be something as simple as saying good morning or goodnight to them. It could be buying them a little something because “it reminded me of you.”, or even just co-existing in the same room together and doing your own thing. Love can’t be boiled down to one way of feeling and can come in all shapes and sizes. Take the time to understand one another, both romantically and platonically.
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blondiest · 1 year
guys what is it about sadgirl music in particular. why does it fuck so severely. it will always have a grip on my soul
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