#such shiny and beatiful art
michaela-o · 8 months
Okay not really an art post but i was just thinking about the whole 'humans are cute' mixed with cybertronians thing and here's what i'd like to add :]♡ ( this is my first ever writing post sorry if it sucks :[ )
Okay so i imagine most cybertronians being almost always kinda stoic and more serious-faced because of all the war that has been going through their lives for dozens of years (but of course there are exceptions <3 ) but imagine cybertronians just observing those little creatures called humans and them being excited and curious about almost ANYTHING that they find or how clever they can be or how they can give to a simple rock so much meaning :3
( i picked IDW Perceptor for this one <3 )
Reader: " Wow...look at this beatiful piece of amethyst Perceptor !" *proceeds to show him in their small hands holding it up to him*
*Perceptor lowers his helm looking mostly confused, back and forth at the purple rock and the excited little human*
Perceptor: "It's just a simple mineral form from your home planet."
Reader: "But it's so shiny and purple and pretty! I'm gonna keep this one on my special made shelf." *they held it close to their chest pure adoration on their face*
*he still didn't understand what the human saw in a simple purple colored mineral but for the sake of them being just adorable he let them be*
Perceptor: "Err..yes very pretty indeed."
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emiliemaria · 8 months
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Emiliiiiie my beatiful gorgerous friend !!! I really like the ideas you share so far with us ! The way you combine materials in your art, even 3D, and "child" things like fun stickers, they inspire me so much ! For real one of my objective in art is managing to use holo tape in a similar way you did on 0.5cm on the shoes of Belette years ago. And the piece you did where the paper drawing was on top of a blue shiny paper that did the dress and the glove ? I genuily hope to one day manage to do things as fun, whimsical and creative as you do !
So, you know. You dont HAVE to share ideas if it's personal. But if you ever do, I would love to hear your inner workings on constructing stories ! (I may not know Charmac as well as you but they seem to have a hold on your mind and that's a great honor, given your mind. So feel free to share ! I love you so so much ❤️💕💖💕❤️💕💖❤️💖)
Clemmm do you want to make me cry or whattt😭💞💞💞
Thank you I love you so much, I actually need to read that🥲 haven't been feeling confident in anything I've been creating lately, like I wish I couod be as creative as I used to be, right now I feel like my brain is fried😭
But yeah friend thank you so much i love you💞💞💞
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paniwarhamauser · 11 months
I just realized I never finished posting Grot crusade write-ups here! Last was week 3! And that Crusade has ended back in May, and new one starts in a month😅
Guess I'll just dump weeks 4-10 here all at once.
And also end-of-crusade art for my guy 😁
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Week 4
Me and ladz 'ere rollin' around lookin' for da good scrap. And dere it was. Da shiny fishboy Devilfish, dem curves glistenin' in da sun!
Nachurally we WAAAAGH'd!
Fishboyz are ded shooty, but you know wot? Stompa is ded STOMPY! 
Afta Bigtoof turned deir kommander into da kanned fishpaste dey 'ere done for!
Only one fishboy on da floaty fingie flew off. Looked so smug too. As if 'e was not running away, but akchually won. Weird...
Speakin' of winnin'. Zippy better deliver on 'is promise to build anuvva Gargant!
Da ladz collected enuff scrap today ta finish da job!
Week 5
Gorksome is da beatiful little Gargant.
Zippy did da mighty gud job. Not dat I'd ever tell it to 'is face. Not givin 'im any ideas of bein betta at sum fings den da greatest Grotboss in 'istory!
And Gork was pleased by it too. We did not even had to look for da fight dis time! Bugboyz came to us!
Dis was a glorius day! Fighting everywhere! Gorksome got to shoot its first targetz! Even Zippy remembered 'e can fight too!
Too bad bugboyz 'ave nuffin' ta scrap. No matter, dey go SQUISH funny! Ladz larfed deir rumps off! And 'e got bugboyz snaks for dayz too!
Week 6
'E made it, ladz! Da 'umie Empra's shiny boyz (mega nobz beakies or whateva dese Kustardes are?) came ta fight us! And everywun knows dey fight only da most dangeros foez!
Of course I ALWAYZ knew I am da most dangeros! But 'tis nice ta be aknowleged.
And da best fing? Da stompa went BOOM. Dis was glorius! I almost kried of joy - ta witness da wrath of Gork and Mork wiff me own eyez!
'E even got enuff of goldy scrap ta fix stompa right up.
Week 7
Da fightin' is da most fun, but 'e gotta make anuvva Gargant. And dis means 'e need more scrap.
Mork smiled upon us today. 'E 'eard 'BLOOD FOR DA BLOOD GOD' warcry, and I knew my ladz 'ere sent anuvva gud fight! 
Red and spikey beakies are ded fighty. And dey charge like da best of orkz too. Gotta respect dat! Also dey brought tanks! Wich mean dere was plenty of spikey scrap to collect afta da battle.
Da ladz even charged da spiky rhino and stole deir icon! Scrap and trophiez, da best life all around!
Week 8
Would you look at dat! Stuntiez again! And dey have a new trukk too! Time to scrap it! WAAAAGH!
'Tis was fun! DAKKA-DAKKA-DAKKA! Dead stuntiez everywhere! 
And den weirdgurl and hammergurl 'ere at it again. Is Gork'n'Mork trying to tell me somefing by sendin' dem at me again? That I should I get a weirdboy and a hammer too? Interestin'...
Either way, a message from Gork and Mork is always a WIN FOR DA GROT WAAAGH!
Week 9
I was an idiot! Surprised at me sayin' dat? Da greatest grotboss is not afraid to admit mistakes!
I thought Devilfish were shiny! But Empra's goldie boyz showed me how wrong I was! Deir gravy-tank is proppa shiny! I 'ave never seen such a beauty in me life before!
Nachurally I called WAAAGH and sent ladz ta get me dat gravy-tank at all costs!
'Tis was a good fight. We krumped deir boss and deir nob too! Gargants are da best! Not as best as me, but close! Though I only cared for gravy-tank, if I'm honest. Nuffin else mattered.
Always keep da eyez on da prize, as dey say!
And wot a prize it is! Now I has da Goldy Throne of me own!
Week 10
I was sittin' on Da Goldy Throne, surrounded by me trophies, pettin' me squig and thinkin' of changin' me title from Grot Boss to Grot Empra. No uvver boss has Da Goldy Throne, after all!
Me thinkin' was interrupted by watchlad screaming 'SCRAWNIES ON DA HORIZON'
Scrawnies are sure need to be krumped. Let me finish my shroom brew and den we WAAAGH!
W-wot is happenin'? Why I can no move? Wot is dis green glow? Did Gork and Mork came to see me and name me deir new profeet? Now dat's a REAL WIN FOR DA GROT WAAAAGH!
Trazyn closed the tessaract and chuckled to himself, - 'Don't you just love when a specimen arranges itself into a nice display, saving me the trouble!'
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miioouu · 4 years
Headcanons for Midoriya, Bakugo and Todoroki for their crush getting to clean their face off for them? Maybe it's training, or a cooking incident, or some random thing that gets their face messy enough that their crush notices
Ummmmm why are y'all ideas so cute?! Like seriously! Thank you so much for requesting!! ❤️💜❤️
Midoriya Izuku 💚
- This boi!! He's messy and clusmy, so it wasn't unusual for him to get stuff all over his face.
- Tonight it was your turn to watch Eri together.
- The little girl always liked creative activities, so drawing and art crafts were always in the day's schedule.
- So right now, the three of you were sitting together, helping the little girl decorate the wooden spoon doll. (did you guys do that as kids or was it just me?)
- And being the kid she was, she wanted to put gliter on the skirt, so Deku decided that he'll be the one to help her.
- With glitter all over his hands, he rubbed his cheeks. As you tried to tell him about it, Eri suddenly got tired and demanded to go to bed.
-Coming back from finally tucking Eri in bed, you noticed that Midoriya had cleaned everything, except the big spot of glitter on his face.
- Laughing, you made your way to the confused boy. "Deku, you have glitter on your face. Let me help you!"
-Running to the bathroom, you came back with a damp cloth to remove the mess on his face.
-Your soft touch on his skin, made him feel some type of way, never being this close before. You pulled back with a shiny smile on your face when you were done.
-" Tha-thank you y/n..."
Todoroki Shoto💙❤️
-Todoroki loved training with you. Not only you were a good opponent, but it also meant that he got to spend more time with you.
-As you two were fighting, he was usually very serious, never once losing against you.
-But this time, it was different.
-For some reason he couldn't focus on fighting, all his attention on you; the way your body flows and turn, escaping his attempts of hitting you.
- He kept telling himself that it was because he was tired and had been studying all day, and not because you looked so beatiful, sunlight hitting your face perfectly, changing your eye color so slightly that drove him insane, or the way your training clothes looked perfect on you today.
- So lost in his train of thoughts, he didn't have the time to register what was happening, suddenly finding him self face planting the ground.
-You ran as fast as you could to his side, helping him up, apologizing over and over again.
- Noticing the little mud that was on face, you went and grabed your towel to clean him up.
- The simple contact of your skin in his, lit his heart on fire, this type of actions only happened in hia day dreams.
-"You could've told me, I could've taken care of it by myself you know?"
Bakugo Katsuki 🧡
- He usually found cooking a relaxing activity to take his mind out of things, but with you beside him, it wasn't as relaxing anymore.
- You had begged him to help you cook something to level up your skills.
- So he decided to help you do something simple, like spaghetti bolognaise or something for sure you can't mess up.
-Oh but he overestimated you, you were really bad. Like how is that even possible.
- Somehow, you managed to burn the pasta, and the onions, and the garlic and....well you burned everything.
- And now Bakugo had to restart again because the whole dorm was starving and he's his only source of food.
- He assigned you to the chopping, hopping that you wouldn't chop your fingers off.
-Even though you were so terrible at cooking, he couldn't help but find you so cute focusing on the task he has giving you, brows scrunched in concentration. You were adorable.
- So lost in his thoughts he didn't hear you call out his name twice, before you were nudging him, waiting for him to turn with a huge smile in your face trying to hide the laughter that was threatening to escape your lips.
- "Bakugou, you dumb bum, you have sauce all over your face! Let me clean you up!"
- Standing on your tippy toes, tissues in one hand, the other grabbing his shoulder to help steady yourself.
- He was so lost, so in love, looking at you with wide eyes.
-"Y/n! I can clean myself, I'm not a baby!"
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campeyourdiems · 3 years
Hello i saw you stuff and was wondering if you could give me a matchup.
Okay so i have amber eyes, jaw beaty mark, birthmark lots of scars, (want flower tattoos but parents would kill me) brown thick shoulder length hair, almost never feels good, super flexible, paints nails, pretty tall and my aesthetic is like pastel, pastel goth, space, cottage core.
Also im omnisexual she/they/ze and sometimes he
My persomality is laidback, realist, understanding, charismatic, pretty confident, not afraid to speak up, dad jokes, bit of twisted morals, very specific, sassy, jealous, touch starved, polite, great with kids, daydreamer, wise, protective, picky, stubborn when i want to be, deep, not used to any form of affection, eccentric, trouble taking care of self but loves helping others, fears-not being enough/being hated by everyone/being forgotten/sophacateing also this sounds ridiculous but doing dishes causes tons of axiety to wear ive peeled off my skin on my foot (five times) while doing dishes. Also severe ptsd, depression, and god knows what else with what ive been through.
And my hobies are aerial silks, hiking, reading/writing, colleting stuff, wants to start cosplaying, walking, watching tv, theorist, just doing whatever, gets into a hobbie really easy, art- wood carving, painting, sculpting, animateing, ect..
Favorite things are seals, chickens, ravens, foods, coffee tea and Orange juice, stuffed animals, music lots of alternate, jazz, pop and rock or a mix of them, anime, comics, zombies, supernatural stuff, superheros and villains, history, collects and loves snowglobes, suvoniers, purple, white and red, has a sweet tooth, blood, mystories, likes the thrill of stuff and adventure. ;D theres what i could think of good luck and love your work.
Sure anon! Sorry, this took a bit to get out, been a bit cloudy-headed today and I sorta had a panic attack in the middle of writing ah-ha. Hum,,, as for your matchup, I think both David and Daniel could work! Here's why: [Notice: This may be written as more of a poly out of habit, I apologize]
Both would adore your appearance and your aesthetic. The pastel goth and space would match Daniel pretty well and the pastel and cottage core would match David. Your personality suits them both quite well in certain aspects. As I've said with another matchup IIRC, David could use someone with a laid-back personality, and IMO, Daniel could too. Both are a bit..tense in their own ways. You may want to be careful with your realism, however. It could unintentionally hurt David if you're too blunt with it and Daniel,, his reaction to it depends on how you use it- Both enjoy your charisma and confidence, though David enjoys your dad jokes a bit more than Daniel would- Your ah...morals are likely a draw to Daniel however given his own sense of morality or perhaps lack thereof in some cases. Both are sassy, jealous, and stubborn in their own respects so they'll have no problem with it. David's rather touch starved and Daniel's just not used to affection in general, so that'll be interesting. They won't mind reminding you to take care of yourself or helping when possible. They can both relate quite a bit to many of the fears you listed, though they may be confused by the dishes until you explain it to them a bit. David won't mind doing them and Daniel understands a bit, he just hates doing dishes- Daniel himself has a sort of PTSD though he'd never admit to it and David struggles with his own depression. They'd both find your aerial silks interesting for sure and I'm certain they'd love to watch at some point. David would obviously love to hike with you and both of them would enjoy reading your work if you'd allow it. David also tends to collect things, mostly things he's found in nature that he's found pretty. I feel like Daniel would collect a few things too, but just a small box of shiny things. Neither has cosplayed before but I know David would be interested in trying it with you! They'd both have very different preferences in terms of shows but I'm sure you'd be able to figure something out! Whatever hobbies you get into, they'd both end up interested in it at least somewhat. All the favorites you listed make me imagine a few gifts they might give you, actually. =w= Ha! Sorry again that it took so long, dear. I've been struggling a lot today. ;w; Hope you enjoy it!
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alaynasemojireviews · 6 years
Alien Emoji Review 1/2
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this extraterrestrial has an unsettling gaze but a creative coloring that strays from the common bright green. he kind of looks like a bug. 7/10
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very unoriginal by copying Apple. his chin is pointy and his smile is too big. also his eyes are very far apart. kinda terrifying. 1/10
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his green color is nice and basic. but his eyes are beaty and it looks like he has green lipstick. 2/10
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a serious lad. his coloring is very odd but his facial features are realistic. 6/10
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umm...he’s very happy. positivity is good, but his smile is unsettling. 4/10
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a plain fellow. his eyes are elongated a bit too much. he seems to be friendly. i don’t know how i feel. 3/10
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i hate him -12/10
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a classic pal. his forehead is a bit large but it’s okay. 6/10
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good for an art contest, but not for a practical text conversation about extraterrestrials. good effort though 5/10
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he looks like he’s gonna cry. he makes me sad. i have sympathy for him. maybe he lost his spaceship or maybe he’s sad because he’s shiny. i support him 9/10
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beatiewolfe · 5 years
PaperSpecs reviews: Beatie Wolfe ‘Raw Space’ NFC Cards
The US authority on print design runs its second feature on the singer-songwriter Beatie Wolfe…
It’s not often that musical artists push the boundaries of printing technology, but my good friend, singer-songwriter Beatie Wolfe, has done it twice now: most recently with “Raw Space,” a limited-edition collection of NFC cards so envelope-pushing, they even taught printer MOO a thing or two. Like how not to melt the delicate technology inside them.
Known the world over for her experimental blending of art and technology in addition to her music, Beatie first grabbed our printing attention with her 2015 album “Montagu Square,” which was made available as a deck of (near-field-communication) NFC cards, each of which played one of her songs – as well as additional multimedia content – when tapped by an NFC-enabled smartphone.
The “Raw Space” album deck debuted last year at a multimedia exhibition at London’s Victoria & Albert Museum and promptly sold out in the UK; it will soon be available in the U.S. in a limited print run directly from the recording artist’s website.
Rethinking the place of albums in a world filled with different music streaming options, Beatie decided with “Raw Space” to craft a new audio-visual vinyl experience for the 21st century.
Designing the ‘Raw Space’ NFC Cards
The “Raw Space” album deck was designed in collaboration with another good friend, Sean Adams, acting chair of graphic design at the ArtCenter College of Design, who worked closely with six other renowned artists from around the world, including Erik Spiekermann and Marian Bantjes, who interpreted each song through the artwork they came up with for each card.
These were offset printed CMYK by MOO on Arjowiggins Conqueror CX22, which was then duplex laminated onto Arjowiggins PowerCoat Alive. Each sheet of that latter paper comes with near-frequency-communication (NFC) chips built right in.
In the case of “Raw Space,” the NFC chips in each card were encoded to take a specific action whenever a person taps it with an NFC-enabled device such as a smartphone. Not only does doing so play the specific song for that card, it also brings up liner notes, lyrics, artwork, and even virtual reality music videos. This multimedia content will be updated over time, transforming the deck into a type of living album.
For the most part, this was the vision for Beatie’s earlier album, too, with one crucial difference. Back when “Montagu Square” was released, NFC-reading technology didn’t come standard on iPhones as it does today.
This time around they decided to add foil stamping to the “Raw Space” cards to make them even more visually engaging. Interestingly, after all of their technological envelope pushing, it was the application of good old hot foil stamping that turned out to be the point where the envelope started pushing back.
In the first run, the heat used to apply the foil melted the NFC chips inside the paper! Undeterred, MOO kept fine-tuning the process until they found a temperature hot enough to transfer the foil to the card without damaging the tiny components inside the sheet.
Originally they’d planned to include a box for the deck – matte Black with Gold foil to match the cards. Though it was designed and comped, tackling the NFC/foil issues above forced them to abandon that packaging due to a lack of time, Sean explains. Instead the cards, available in the U.S. exclusively through Beatie’s website, arrive in a gold Mylar envelope, a shiny reminder that when you spend your entire career pushing the envelope, occasionally the envelope pushes back.
Project Details
Title: Beatie Wolfe ‘Raw Space’ NFC Cards
Client: Beatie Wolfe
Design: Sean Adams, Erik Spiekermann, Marian Bantjes, Astrid Stavro, Yuma Naito, Rafael Savvy, Lucienne Roberts
Print: MOO
Paper: Arjowiggins Conqueror CX22, Arjowiggins PowerCoat Alive
Production Details
Printing Method: Offset
Finishing and Binding: Foil stamping
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wrflmusic · 6 years
WRFL 30th Birthday BASH RECAP
Friday By Noah Oldham WRFL Birthday Bash: Day 1
30 years calls for more than just one celebration – it calls for three. That’s why WRFL threw a three-day Birthday Bash in celebration of the college radio station’s 30th anniversary. The weekend kicked off Friday the 2nd at the Burl with musical acts, Idiot Glee, Helado Negro and Washed Out.
Idiot Glee
Local musician and former WRFL D.J., James Friley (A.K.A. Idiot Glee), opened the show. Idiot Glee’s poppy and enchanting music entranced the full crowd of the sold-out concert. The songs ranged from broody and mysterious to lighthearted and danceable. Consistent across the songs were dreamy, chill vibes and Friley’s impressive vocal range. “I don’t remember the words, but whatever,” joked Friley as he went into his third song.
Idiot Glee’s performance was certainly appreciated by the audience. They watched, transfixed, nodding their heads to the smooth electronic beat as the soloist performed songs like “Pinkwood,” and “I Don’t Feel Right.” One audience member said she had seen Idiot Glee before in her hometown of Ashland, where Friley is also from. She thought Idiot Glee gave a great performance at the Birthday Bash. WRFL D.J., Cameron Childress, later likened watching Idiot Glee for the first time to a, “religious experience.” “One or two more?” asked Idiot Glee towards the end of his set. “We want three more!” shouted an audience member in reply.
Helado Negro
Roberto Carlos Lange, who performs under the moniker, Helado Negro, took to the stage second. Helado Negro was accompanied by his “Tinsel Mammals,” two backup dancers dressed in Cousin Itt-like costumes made of shiny tinsel. The Tinsel Mammals moved slowly behind Lange throughout the performance with the grace of two massive lava lamp blobs. “I loved those furry monsters,” said one audience member, Kathryn, who thought Helado Negro gave a fantastic performance. “I wish that was my job, to dance around in one of those costumes.” Lange performed a set showcasing his variety including “It’s My Brown Skin,” and “Lengua Larga.” To say Lange knew how to play to his audience would be an understatement.
The singer, with his wild curly hair and mustache, carried himself with an aura of pure sexiness. As he crossed from one side the stage to the other, Lange often flirted with the audience members closest to the stage. Groovy techno music accompanied the Latino singer’s suave voice and romantic, bilingual lyrics.
Washed Out Washed Out
Finally, the most anticipated act of the night, Washed Out, took to the stage. The excited crowd concentrated closer to experience lead singer, Ernest Greene Jr., in all his glory. The alternative pop band gave an energetic and psychedelic performance, playing songs like “Feel It All Around,” and “It All Feels Right.” As the band played, a projector covered the performers and the screen behind them in a colorful and trippy film. Throughout the evening many attendees mentioned coming to the Birthday Bash to see Washed Out. The band did not disappoint. Their fast-paced yet hypnotic music had the audience excitedly dancing along with them.
The sold-out concert at the Burl was an exciting kickoff to WRFL’s 30th birthday. Every artist brought their A-game to an enthusiastic audience that was passionate about the music. http://heladonegro.com/ https://ift.tt/2pFFcR6 https://ift.tt/1kY6wTd
Saturday Birthday Bash Day 2 Jason Schroeder March 3, 2018
WRFL’s 30th Birthday Bash started off with bang and the drum keeps beating on. Last Saturday the old mixed with the new as current and former WRFL staff attended the WRFL 30th Year Homecoming Reception held at the Downtown Arts Center. WRFL Alumni had the chance to see how the station has been doing and how it has progressed since they worked there.
a collection of WRFL Ephemera
“I remember when we were ten kids in a moldy basement in Miller Hall,” said Mark Beaty, one of the co-founders of WRFL. The day also featured an art exhibit titles “F.M.Era: 30 Years of WRFL.” The exhibit was curated by incoming general manager Franki Arroyo “There were old RiFLe magazines, posters, name tags and stickers there. It was a bunch of memorabilia,” said Tre Lyerly, the assistant promotions director at WRFL.
a collection of WRFL Ephemera
The event had a good turnout of both past and present DJs and workers from WRFL and reeled in some familiar WRFL faces. People like Uncle Bill, a long time DJ and the designer for the Yellow Belts concert poster, and Keen Minter who designed many covers for RiFLes in the 90s, were at the event.
a collection of WRFL Ephemera
The homecoming lasted from noon to 4 p.m and Kakie Urch, another co-founder of WRFL, hosted a small pizza party afterward as a side event. The fun didn’t stop with the reception and instead continued on to the Burl where the bands Cults and Hair Police played alongside emcee Devine Carama and house producer Ellie Herring. Thank You For Coming To Our Parties closed out Saturday night at the Burl and the audience went home knowing there was more fun to have on Sunday.
Sunday By Noah Oldham March 4th, 2018 Day 3
WRFL’s Birthday Bash concluded on Sunday, March 4, with a Brunch Bash at the Burl. Local bands took to the stage to celebrate 30 years of WRFL. Many of the artists were former WRFL D.J.’s.
The Brunch Bash kicked off with Duck Fat, the band of married couple, Nick and Eli Warner and their newest band member, three-year-old Oscar Warner. The family, all dressed in bright and colorful outfits, sang “Happy Birthday” to WRFL. Oscar Warner also delivered an unplanned yet thrilling rendition of “The Alphabet Song,” receiving tons of applause.
Duck Fat
Following Duck Fat, People Planet took the stage. The teenage rock band included Jack Quinn on drums, Madeline Farrar on bass, Charlie Overman on guitar and Daisy Helmuth on guitar and singing lead vocals. People Planet’s music has a mellow and classic sound.
Sour Cream
Especially impressive was Helmuth’s vocal performance with both range and emotional expressiveness in their song, “Moment of Silence.” The entire band showed great potential. Next to take the Burl stage was the teenage heavy metal band, Sour Cream. With talent comparable to rock bands well beyond their years, Sour Cream rocked the Burl. The band includes Colby Grant on Bass, Haran Cecil on guitar and Jon McGee on drums. Their music is loud and wild but at the same time well composed and expertly performed. Grant and Cecil jumped excitedly around the stage as they played, flipping their long hair and banging their heads. The ecstatic audience danced along to the ear-blasting loud music.
Following Sour Cream was the first of the three headlining bands, Johnny Conqueroo. Johnny Conqueroo includes Grant Curless on guitar, vocals and keys, Wils Quinn on drums and vocals and Shawn Reynolds on bass and keys. The band performed their signature style that’s a mixture of vintage blues and psychedelic rock. The band, which has been around since 2014, is a local favorite. Next up was 10 Foot Pole, a band that’s been together since 1988. Band members include Billy Quinn, David Farris, John Turner, Brian Arnett and Danny May. The band gave an energetic performance. The band’s music is a fusion of rock and jazz- a feat the band compares to walking a tightrope, without a net. Their songs are funky and upbeat and got the crowd dancing along with them.
Johnny Conqueroo PC: Jack Smith
Finally, Nine Pound Hammer, a band that has played together since the mid 80’s, concluded the show. Band members include Scott Luallen with vocals, Blaine Cartwright on guitar, Brian Pulito on drums and Mark Hendricks on bass. “I’m excited to see Nine Pound Hammer play, I haven’t seen them in years,” said Dan Shorr, owner of POPS Resale, a WRFL underwriter. Nine Pound Hammer has a southern rock sound. The band is influenced by Johnny Cash, Willie Nelson and the Ramones among many others. The band gave an outstanding performance to an excited crowd. The Brunch Bash was a great celebration of WRFL. Local bands, new and old, came together to jam out and pay tribute to a station that has served as inspiration and support to local artists for 30 years.
9 Pound Hammer PC: Jack Smith
source http://news.wrfl.fm/wrfl-30th-birthday-bash-recap/
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kelvingodson-blog · 7 years
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Good day beautiful people, please help my sis from another mother boost her chances of winning in the MBGN beauty pageant by liking and commenting her pictures with the following hashtags #Silverbird@30, #mbgn2017, #mbgnfinal15 on her Instagram handle Okereke_Solobi. Please, LIKE AND COMMENT. Thank you and GOD bless. #I'm unstoppable# go gurl 👍🏼 #fashion #style #stylish #love # #me #cute #photooftheday #nails #hair #beauty #beautiful #instagood #instafashion #pretty #girly #pink #girl #girls #eyes #model #dress #skirt #shoes #heels #styles #outfit #purse #jewelry #shopping #fashion #style #stylish #love #me #cute #photooftheday #nails #hair #beauty #beautiful #instagood #pretty #swag #pink #girl #girls #eyes #design #model #dress #shoes #heels #styles #outfit #purse #jewelry #shopping #glam #nails #nail #fashion #style #cute #beauty #beautiful #instagood #pretty #girl #girls #stylish #sparkles #styles #gliter #nailart #art #opi #photooftheday #essie #unhas #preto #branco #rosa #love #shiny #polish #nailpolish #nailswag #hair #hairstyle #instahair #hairstyles #haircolour #haircolor #hairdye #hairdo #haircut #longhairdontcare #braid #fashion #instafashion #straighthair #longhair #style #straight #curly #black #brown #blonde #brunette #hairoftheday #hairideas #braidideas #perfectcurls #hairfashion #hairofinstagram #coolhair #makeup #instamakeup #cosmetic #cosmetics #TFLers #fashion #eyeshadow #lipstick #gloss #mascara #palettes #eyeliner #lip #lips #tar #concealer #foundation #powder #eyes #eyebrows #lashes #lash #glue #glitter #crease #primers #base #beauty #beautiful #beautiqueen #beautipagaent #beatiful #mostbeautiful #beautyatitsbest
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lucachirivi · 5 years
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Work in progress Thanks for watching, Luca Chirivì https://www.artstation.com/lucachirivi Youtube channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCQBH... Facebook //www.facebook.com/lucachiriviart/ Tumblr http://lucachirivi.tumblr.com/ Devianart http://lucachirivi.deviantart.com/ #wip #workinprogress #working #art #illustration #drawing #draw #envywear #picture #artist #sketch #sketchbook #paper #pen #pencil #artsy #instaart #beatiful #instagood #gallery #masterpiece #creative #photooftheday #graphic #artoftheday #beatiful #abstracto #stayabstract #instaabstract #art #artist #artistic #artists #arte #dibujo #myart #artwork #illustration #graphicdesign #graphic #color #colour #colorful #lightspacetime #painting #drawing #markers #paintings #watercolor #watercolour #ink #creative #sketch #sketchday #pencil #cs6 #photoshop #beatiful #blancinegre #monochrome #bw_lover #byn #blancoynegro #irox_bw #art #be_society #nero #blackandwhite #ic_bw_bw #bwstyles_gf #bandw #beatiful #perfect #nb #noir #bw #good #mono #bnw #monoart #black #igersbnw #bwoftheday #noiretblanc #noirlovers #bwbeauty #white #design #designer #designed #designs #fashiondesign #artist #classical #clean #perfect #shiny #amazing #best #craft #antique #vintage #retro #line #cyberpunk #linedesign #styling #stylist #graphicdesign #graphic #graphics #adobe #illustrator #photoshop #cs6 #vector #professional #printers #site #website #artfair #artgallery #artinfo #artnews #artshow #callforart #callforartist #onlineart #onlineartgallery #paint #paintings #selfie #selfportrait #urban #wallart #photostudio #photoday #myart https://www.instagram.com/p/BtWSYDHAum5/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=igarr0cpyewn
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kelvingodson-blog · 7 years
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Good day beautiful people, please help my sis from another mother boost her chances of winning in the MBGN beauty pageant by liking and commenting her pictures with the following hashtags #Silverbird@30, #mbgn2017, #mbgnfinal15 on her Instagram handle Okereke_Solobi. Please, LIKE AND COMMENT. Thank you and GOD bless. #I'm unstoppable# go gurl 👍🏼 #fashion #style #stylish #love # #me #cute #photooftheday #nails #hair #beauty #beautiful #instagood #instafashion #pretty #girly #pink #girl #girls #eyes #model #dress #skirt #shoes #heels #styles #outfit #purse #jewelry #shopping #fashion #style #stylish #love #me #cute #photooftheday #nails #hair #beauty #beautiful #instagood #pretty #swag #pink #girl #girls #eyes #design #model #dress #shoes #heels #styles #outfit #purse #jewelry #shopping #glam #nails #nail #fashion #style #cute #beauty #beautiful #instagood #pretty #girl #girls #stylish #sparkles #styles #gliter #nailart #art #opi #photooftheday #essie #unhas #preto #branco #rosa #love #shiny #polish #nailpolish #nailswag #hair #hairstyle #instahair #hairstyles #haircolour #haircolor #hairdye #hairdo #haircut #longhairdontcare #braid #fashion #instafashion #straighthair #longhair #style #straight #curly #black #brown #blonde #brunette #hairoftheday #hairideas #braidideas #perfectcurls #hairfashion #hairofinstagram #coolhair #makeup #instamakeup #cosmetic #cosmetics #TFLers #fashion #eyeshadow #lipstick #gloss #mascara #palettes #eyeliner #lip #lips #tar #concealer #foundation #powder #eyes #eyebrows #lashes #lash #glue #glitter #crease #primers #base #beauty #beautiful #beautiqueen #beautipagaent #beatiful #mostbeautiful #beautyatitsbest
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