stars-inthe-sky · 10 months
🐜 Recommend a fic that makes you laugh! A crack fic, or something that's just really funny!
The first thing that came to mind, if you enjoy the Old Guard, was the reveal at the end of this thoroughly great post-canon number, which always makes me chuckle.
I then started scrolling through @starred-fics for a bit before I remembered that the answer to this question is a tie between @diaphenia's "Safety Zone" and @stillscape's "Brandi Maxxxx's Masterpiece"—neither of which I've revisited in years but both of which sent me into giggles merely remembering how terrific both authors are with sitcom fic. Gosh but the heyday of Parks fandom was such a special thing.
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village-skeptic · 1 year
Cabinet position, please
@stillscape, this administration simply would not function without your vital work as Secretary of College AUs... not to mention your former position as UK Cultural Attaché for Religious Affairs, embedded in the office of the Thin White Duke (CHURCH ON TIME).
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daphnefangirling · 2 years
Thanks for the lists!
It’s my pleasure! Here’s hoping they spark your muses 😊
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thekatebridgerton · 1 year
Today on Polin 146 aesthetics project, Prompt #110 this one was picked by @stillscape
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Polin Road trip romance au
Penelope Featherington hadn’t seen Colin Bridgerton since that disastrous confession of love she’d all but shouted at him on her highschool graduation day. She’d been so inlove with him, but he thought she wasn’t girlfriend material and she overheard him say it quite clearly to his brothers that same night. To think she’d been planning of following him and Eloise to Cambridge too. Thank heavens she came to her senses at the last minute and accepted a scholarship in Dublin instead.
Now five years later, a newly minted lawyer ready to go back home, she’s faced with an impossible choice, ride cross country with Colin back to England, or miss the job offer of a lifetime. Because sure, just as all flights to England are cancelled for Airport issues, It’s just her luck that Colin Bridgerton happened to be in Dublin for her graduation and coincidentally decided to be a good brother and offered to drive his sister’s best friend all the way home. He looks twice as handsome and devious as she remembered, and just as delectable.
Colin on the other hand, always regretted letting Penelope go without apologizing that fateful night. He never realized how much he relied on Pen, until she abruptly cut off contact and moved to Ireland after hearing him essentially laugh at their friendship. Now he’s seen her again, and she’s more beautiful and confident than he remember. This new version of Pen is guarded, vibrant and strangely seductive. Colin knows he shouldn’t want her, but he does, he’s missed her like a piece of his own heart, and now that he’s realized how much she’s always meant to him, he’s going to take her to all the romantic places he knows in their little cross country trip, hoping she will forgive him and hopefully give him a second chance.
This road trip is the last thing Penelope needed to mess with her head. Not now when she's so close to her dream, or at least, what her mother thinks should be her dream. Now Colin has got her second guessing her future, her career and... Her heart. Right when she thought she was over him. But two can play the game and if he wants to seduce her while they get to England, she can raise the stakes too.
All Colin and Penelope know is that once they get home, things between them will be irrecoverably changed
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imreallyloveleee · 1 year
Hi, do you have good Bughead fic recs of their reunion after all those years?
you bet i do!
these are all a) complete and b) have a happy ending, but as always, mind the tags.
Adventures with Uncle Hobo series by @edgarsabandonedrocketship
An Antonym for Serenade by ForsythiaRising
Consent to Cuddle by @lovedinapastlife
I Miss You More Than Life by @middleagedresidentofriverdale
no greater gift by @heartunsettledsoul
only good things happen here by @sweetsoundsofignorance
seven years by @thetaoofbetty
to excavate by @stillscape
we sit in your car (and our love is a ghost) by @thesunflowerx
you'll always be my favorite ghost by @heartunsettledsoul
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stonerbughead · 1 year
Bughead Fandom Love Day
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I appreciate all the talented humans in our fandom so much! I've been active in the Bughead fandom since 2018, and while we've seen brighter days, I wouldn't trade meeting so many of you for anything! And I will stan our precious investigative duo till the end of time. In celebration of Bughead Appreciation Week 2023, here are some recs!
Favorite Bughead gifsets
@simon-eriksson's series of fanfics she loves! i will forever be obsessed with the one Lourdes made for my fic.
@bugheadchemistry's Bughead Touches series! so many soft moments captured.
@bettycooper's "that time" series ! no one's doing sassy bughead gifsets like Cat.
@bettyjugheads' investigative duo bughead set
@katherineebishop's beautiful blue and gold bughead set
Some favorite Bughead fics
a dark world aches (for a splash of the sun) by @heartunsettledsoul
a revelation in the light of day by @iconic-ponytail
Betty Cooper, Girl Reporter by @sullypants
step by step by @imreallyloveleee
Let it Snow by @go-ldy
speak by @heavy-lies-the-crown
I’ll be the one by @literatiruinedme
The Space Between by @bugheadsextape
modern love by @stillscape
i'm letting go (of everything but you) by @thetaoofbetty
A Perpetual Estrangement by @satelliteinasupernova
A Written Life series by @darknessaroundus
Waking Druantia by @likemereckless
Viper Radio by @lucivar
The Lightning by @thepointoftheneedle
it's so nice (to be stoned) by @ms-maj
Written in Blood by @kesleyjo
to all the boys (but especially you) by @lovedinapastlife
april come she will by @flwrpotts
swept up in your hurricane by @jugandbettsdetectiveagency
Serpent Strings by @bluevelvetvideo
Some favorite Bughead fanart
bughead makin out against jug's motorcycle by @celandineitsaflowerdickward
a kiss at the center of the universe by satelliteinasupernova
bughead dancing by @alpacalypseartb
1x06 kiss by @archiesart
Bughead and toffee by @edgarsabandonedrocketship
Other Must Follow Blogs:
@ketelonebotanical @winterlovesong1 @thatiranianphantom @lurker-no-more @stillhidden @middleagedresidentofriverdale @bughead-bones @onlyalittlebookworm @underrmyumbrellaella @feisty-aquarius4 @edamamechips @bugheadcuddles @mrscolesprouse @daphnesvieira @raymondebidochonlifechoices @bettsc @djgrannyglasses @good-night-dodger @theheavycrown
it made me stop tagging people i believe, so i'm sorry if i missed anyone!!! i'll try to tag in the replies anyone i remember <3 LOVE YOU ALL, HAPPY BUGHEAD FANDOM LOVE DAY!
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andsmile · 1 year
Day 1 (15 January)—🔹 Bughead Fandom Love Day 🔹  Spread the love across the fandom. It’s been years of NonsenseTM, so let’s celebrate our favorite content creators, meta-ists, people making memes, and so on.
i had no time to prepare anything because i haven't been on tumblr and didn't know, and i probably won't be able to post for any other dag, but here's a shout-out to some of my favorite writers in this fandom, my buggie besties who inspire me so much: @sullypants, @heartunsettledsoul, @stonerbughead, @anniemurphys and also the writing legends @iconic-ponytail, @heavy-lies-the-crown, @stillscape and @stillhidden! 😍
and a huge amount of love to baby girl sara @satelliteinasupernova who is the best fanartist in this fandom! 💋
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Day #4 @riverdalepromptathon art post is from @stillscape‘s classic Valentine’s day fic Dianthus Caryophyllus. It might not be the right season, but sometimes you need Valentine’s day in November lol
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jjonesin4 · 5 years
I am so thankful for this feast of fanfiction from this week! Updates from some of my favorite WIPs by @lovedinapastlife, @sunshinebunnie, @darknessaroundus, and @stillscape!!
I will be sure to say grace before I dig into this cornucopia of tropes.
I’m thinking I will need a big helping of:
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And definitely some:
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A side of:
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A heaping spoonful of:
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Seconds of:
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And for dessert, a generous slice of:
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iconic-ponytail · 4 years
Happy birthday, lovely!
Thank you thank you, dear <3 
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stars-inthe-sky · 2 months
15 questions for 15 friends
Tagged by: @village-skeptic
Are you named after anyone? My Hebrew name (Ariel B'rucha) is allegedly to do with two Benjamins, which I've never fully understood but remain grateful my parents went with that instead of Benyamina, in general but also because with Jewish day school I ended up getting called Ariel half of every school day for six years.
When was the last time you cried? Probably in November or December. Morning sickness suuuuuuucked.
Do you have kids? One extant, one en route, one dog that I refuse to call a "fur baby" but she definitely thinks she's people
What sports do you play/have you played? I played softball from ages 9 through 18; you'd think I'd've been better at it. I had a brief kindergarten-era stint on a soccer team but was very much the kid who made daisy chains for both teams (including during gameplay). As an adult, I've been much more into solo enterprises like running and skiing; I'm not especially remarkable at any athletic endeavors, but those make me much happier.
Do you use sarcasm? Frequently, although I try to tone it down around Bébé, who is incredibly verbal and soaks up anything you say like a sponge but doesn't quite appreciate the nuances of adult conversations yet.
What’s the first thing you notice about people? Clothes? Hair? I don't know. If I'm just wandering around the neighborhood it's probably whether they have a dog along.
What’s your eye color? Green
Scary movies or happy endings? Happy endings, for sure. I'd even take unhappy endings over anything scary or horror.
Any talents? I've been told reaction gifs are my superpower, but most people don't know that's just being on Tumblr for too long.
Where were you born? Philadelphia
What are your hobbies? Knitting, running/exercise (though less so at the moment because third trimester), this hellsite
Do you have any pets? Phoebe the mini goldendoodle!
How tall are you? 5'5"
Favorite subject in school? English/literature/creative writing, although I majored in political science in college and took enough extra math and science classes in high school that the college counselor thought I wanted to go pre-med.
Tagging: @angstyteenagesam, @ballroompink, @clubgetright, @gallifreyburning, @hondagirll, @iloveyouandilikeyou, @kyrafic, @lulabo, @miabicicletta, @poehlaris, @ryeloza, @sadieb798, @stillscape, @sullenaquarian, and @whimzical
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village-skeptic · 2 months
Thanks to @burberrycanary and @vivelarevolution13 for tagging me in this catch-up meme. 💜
Last song I listened to: "Dripfield" by Goose. (But on and off today it's been "obsessed" by Olivia Rodrigo and "Too Sweet" by Hozier, both of which are pushing the "tasty riff" buttons in my brain.)
Last thing I read: This oral history of the making of Clueless, which is a Vanity Fair piece excerpted from a longer book!
Last movie I watched: Sholay (1975), which has EVERYTHING. Romance! Tragedy! Buddy comedy! A train robbery! Satire of imperialism! Canadian tuxedos! Groovy color! A young Amitabh Bachchan! A 1970s amount of chest hair! You will watch three hours of this 1970s Indian musical Western (yes really) and think to yourself "Honestly, I could have watched some more of this."
Last TV show: "Ugliest Houses in America" on HGTV, which is worth it just to hang out with Retta for a while.
Last thing I googled: "Apothic Dark review" (my thoughts: it was fine to cook with, but not my favorite drinking wine)
Last thing I ate: A s'more (toasted over a stove burner).
Sweet, salty, or savory: I really prefer any two of these in conjunction tbh...but probably sweet? (The real answer is "bread.")
Sleep: Soon, thank you, yes.
Currently reading: I just finished How I Won A Nobel Prize (which I would honestly very much like to discuss with someone) and am preparing to start North Woods.
Tagging (as always, with no obligation): @imreallyloveleee, @earthlaughsinflowers2, @hieronymus-bush, @stillscape, @stirringsofconsciousness
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stillscape reblogged your post and added:
To those of you who keep encouraging me in...
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thekatebridgerton · 1 year
hello! i’m quite new to the fandom and id love it if you could give me some polin regency fic recs? love your blog btw :>
Hmm Polin huh? Well I haven't been that active lately but here's a list of my favorites A lot of them are from authors who have used a prompt from here, so I love to give them shout outs:
To Form a Diamond by MalSpinningYarns
A Little More Convincing by Apeygirl
The scent calls, like my love in the night by Crizzadile
Just Mates by ravenpuff1956
As You Would by CreoleSiren
bound by stillscape
Mistress of Choice by some_mad_lunge
U Up? By DollyPop and Stillpink
Romancing Mayhem by Crizzadile
Tempting Scandal by Stillpink
Always by ninjamanda
Fanfic I'm currently obsessed with: I Wish You Love by noveltyromance
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imreallyloveleee · 10 months
WIP Title Tag Game
thanks for tagging me @burberrycanary! <3 <3 <3
Rules: reveal the titles of the documents in your wip folder and tag as many people as there are documents. Let others ask questions about the ones that interest them and post snippets or explain the contents as you see fit!
I have an absurd number of documents floating around my drive, so I'm just going to limit this to a) things I've opened in the past year, and b) things unrelated to WIPs i've already posted. they're all Riverdale/Bughead, let me know if you're interested in knowing more!
presque vu
we used to be friends - ch 1, 2, 3
road trip to ohio
s5 murder mystery outline
we'll marry our fortunes together
time loop fic
tagging: @sullypants @heartunsettledsoul @stillscape @iconic-ponytail @satelliteinasupernova @kesleyjo @absnow @stonerbughead <3
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onceuponamirror · 5 years
stillscape replied to your post “been recovering from a concussion so trying to scale back my screen...”
Yikes! What happened?
bumped my head incredibly hard on the corner of my windowsill while cleaning. extremely mundane way to get a concussion but the next day i felt like there was something quite wrong with me and the doctor confirmed it and i’ve been slowly recovering since. kinda scarier to me that you can really hurt yourself doing something totally banal tbh 
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