#stephanie archer
boundtoletters · 7 months
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📖 books i read in 2023: behind the net by stephanie archer
“With the right person,” he says, holding my gaze, “you just know.” I could kiss him right here.”
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maddiesflame · 15 days
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myloveforhergoeson · 3 days
ash's april 2024 reading round up
find all the books and fics i read this month under the cut with a link to the synopsis and my reviews/ratings attached :)
this is just for fun! i'm not a professional, i just like to read <3
The Fake Out by Stephanie Archer (18+!)
review: ALKGNALGBLGSLBVLSHGWL i don't even know where to begin!!!!!!!!! so good! so good! i don't know what this woman puts in her books that make them so good! not only were the main characters rory (pro hockey team captain) and hazel (team physiologist) so interesting, but the way they help each other accomplish their goals AND grow into the people they want to be was beautifully done. rory, stepping into his first year as team captain wants to make sure his less than steller reputation stays in the past and agrees to fake date the team physiologist to maintain good image... all the while she needs to fake date him in order to get back at her shitbag ex who was drafted onto the team this year. one problem though, hazel hates hockey players (see: shitbag ex) and rory's been in love with her since she tutored him in high school... oh my god... their struggles, while sensationalized, still felt realistic for their situation, and i specifically loved rory's arc of becoming the hockey player he wanted to be instead of the player his father wanted to be. and hazel's dream of opening her own inclusive fitness studio to help her mother work through her body image issues... sobbing... a whole wealth of untapped love and affection all coming from this fake relationship and i lapped every little bit of it up. the dragon imagery (and rory's dunk dragon tattoo) was adorable! the multiple perspectives really solidified their story for me - archer just kills the he falls first storyline and i loved the way hazel fell even harder even after swearing she wouldn't!!!!! i can't decide if this book was better than the first one... i think i liked the story of this one better, but the characters in the first more? why am i pitting two bad bitches against each other??
tw: mentions of a secondary character (hazel's mom) struggling with body image issues
rating: 4.5 times i was kicking my feet and giggling and shit throughout the story!!!!!
2. Secretly Yours by Tessa Bailey (18+!)
review: if you're a regular here you know tessa bailey is my favorite author <3 she's literally incapable of writing a bad book i'm pretty sure. anyway! what happens when you mix an out of control, free spirit gardener (hallie) and an uptight, schedule oriented history professor and vineyard heir (julien)? one of the best opposites attract romances i've ever read! while i know nothing about wine, the napa valley setting felt so cozy and homey; i felt like i was right there with hallie and julien! despite being so wrong for each other, of course their romance was so right!!!! hallie's secret admirer letters to julien were so so cute, and julien's struggle of wanting to be with hallie so bad while writing back to his mystery admierer was so captivating. little did he know (though he'd been dreaming) it was hallie all along! also... god... the way he spoke to and about her... i don't think a man has ever been more in love in the history of ever. also he literally couldn't stand to see her sad so he literally revitalized the local economy????? hello?????? i <3 fictional rich men <3!! and lucky for me this book is part of a duology, with the next novel focusing on julien's sister which i just started yay!
rating: 4.5/5 times i was embarrassed reading this book in public because i was worried someone would look over my shoulder...
fic list!
Gotta Dream Big Time by WeAreBTR (641)
fandom: big time rush (tv)
pairing: logan mitchell & kelly wainwright (note the & and not /!)
SOOO CUTE! i've never seen a fic written about these two and the dynamic the author formed between them was so sweet :)
We're Much Better Together by WeAreBTR (1,790)
fandom: big time rush (tv)
pairing: lucy stone/jo taylor
yeah. this is how it should have gone down in the show. sooo much characterization packed into such a short fic. really incredible to read... and lucy and jo are so adorable! <3
3. You Just Can't Walk Away by WeAreBTR (537)
fandom: big time rush (tv)
pairing: carlos garcia & katie knight (& not /)
the emotion in this one literally had me worried for katie... such power in so few words!
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reading-moongirl · 2 months
whoever needs a good spicy hockey romance please read Behind the Net and The Fake Out from Stephanie Archer ✨
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notadryseatinthehouse · 9 months
I don’t know what this feeling is in my chest. It’s a blend of wanting to give her a hug that lasts for hours and the fierce need to prove her wrong about this “problem” she thinks she has.
Is this what being a man in love feels like?
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rinndjarin · 13 days
Book Review: "The Wrong Mr. Right" by Stephanie Archer
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Rarely do I experience such a strong connection with a romance protagonist. I can often detect bits and pieces of myself in the characters, but Hannah Nielsen in Stephanie Archer’s “The Wrong Mr. Right” was like looking in a mirror. She’s a romance novel junkie who wants to make people proud, and more than anything, to find her true love. I have never felt so seen.
Initially, I worried about the “hot man teaches shy woman how to get a boyfriend” trope. It can derail rapidly because of its potential to spotlight misogynistic behaviors and force its female characters to change into something they are not. This story, however, takes a different approach and delivers something truly moving and beautiful. Wyatt does not force Hannah to change. He encourages her to be herself but also to step out of her comfort zone, take chances, and experience embarrassment, supporting her in overcoming her anxieties. He gives her the opportunity to become the “hot girl” she so desperately wants to be. And, in the process, he becomes bewitched by her, body and soul. His commitment averse world view of living in the moment and not for the future is shattered, and it’s delightful watching him squirm.
Hannah’s been living in a rut, running her late mother’s outdated book store. She knows it’s time to modernize, but her father is resistant to change, afraid of forgetting and dishonoring his wife. Wyatt’s encouraging, steady presence helps Hannah find the courage to take a leap of faith and save “Pemberley Books.”
I use the term “book boyfriend” sparingly. It is a title I reserve only for the absolute finest of MMCs. My “book boyfriends” inspire patience and the belief that true love is worth the wait. I recognize myself in Hannah for this reason. We both want the ultimate love story: our “Mr. Darcy,” as she claims. Wyatt is charming, easygoing, supportive, passionate, and protective. The summer romance between him and Hannah feels so genuine, and seeing him fall for her is a cathartic journey that makes me cheer for Hannah and wish I could be her. Everyone deserves the love that Wyatt has for Hannah. He sees her for who she is, not just the shy book seller who has never had a boyfriend, but a compassionate, gentle, funny, and brave soul who only needed a little push to embracing her whole, wonderful self.
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readyforbooks · 2 months
He smells incredible. It's that un-pin-downable scent of men's deodorant—sharp, spicy, bold, fresh, and clean all at the same time. The scent is probably called Avalanche or Hurricane or something powerful and unstoppable.
—Stephanie Archer, Behind the Net
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libertyreads · 2 months
February Wrap Up--
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February was a pretty odd month for me reading wise. I got to a lot of the things I've been wanting to find time for and read, but my overall average rating for the month was still pretty low. The highest rating I gave this month was 4 stars. The lowest was 2.75 stars. But almost all of it sat in the three star range. I'm hoping next month gets a bit better on that front. Let's see the books.
Comics/Graphic Novels-
Novellas/Short Stories-
Novels- 1. Iron Flame by Rebecca Yarros--3.5 stars.
2. The Exiled Fleet by J.S. Dewes--3.25 stars.
3. Cursed Cruise by Victoria Fulton and Faith McClaren (NetGalley)--3.5 stars.
4. The Fake Out by Stephanie Archer (Kindle)--2.75 stars.
5. Floating Hotel by Grace Curtis (NetGalley)--3 stars.
6. Iron Wolf by Siri Pettersen--3.25 stars.
7. Such a Lovely Family by Aggie Blum Thompson (NetGalley)--4 stars.
8. Live Your Best Lie by Jessie Weaver (Library)-- 3.25 stars.
Overall, that gives us an average star rating of 3.30 stars for the month.
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booksteacupandreviews · 3 months
Behind the Net by Stephanie Archer - slow burn hockey romance
Behind the Net is enjoyable, slow burn hockey romance with amazing character development. Behind the NetSynopsisReview You might like Behind the Net if you enjoy,Book Links Behind the Net (Vancouver Storm #1) by Stephanie Archer Publication Date : June 30, 2023 Read Date : February 10, 2024 Genre : Romance / Hockey Romance Source : Kindle Unlimited Pages : 424 ⭐⭐⭐ Rating: 3 out of…
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maddiesflame · 8 months
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maepolzine · 4 months
The Read-Cap: Week of January 20, 2024
I managed to finish two books this week so I figured I would share them even though I'm still technically away revising my own book.
As I mentioned in my BRB Time to Revise post, I am currently in the middle of revising my own book so I haven’t had as much time to focus on other books. Which is why there was not a Read-Cap last week. However, with that being said I did manage read and finish two books this week so I thought I figured I might as well write a Read-Cap for this week. Before I get into everything that I’ve read…
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omeioamargo · 5 months
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Resumo: Pippa está na pior; não bastava levar um pé na bunda do seu namorado, um músico famosinho, seu sonho de também seguir na carreira na música foi destruído, ela está ocupando o sofá do micro apartamento de sua irmã, e sua última esperança de conseguir o emprego estável que seus pais vivem cobrando, está nas mãos do novo goleiro do time de hockey, que além de ser um ranzinza, é também o cara por quem ela tinha uma mega crush no ensino médio. HA! O destino definitivamente está rindo da cara dela. Jamie não tem tempo para distrações; entre se adaptar ao novo time, cuidar da sua mãe, e todas as outras obrigações que a carreira de um jogador de hockey profissional demanda, ele definitivamente não tem tempo para distrações. Mas o destino não parece entender isso e coloca no seu caminho uma cachorrinha de rua que é fofa demais para que ele consiga deixar em um abrigo, e uma nova assistente que é ninguém menos do que a garota por quem ele era secretamente apaixonado no ensino médio, e que sem perceber está quebrando todas as barreiras que ele cuidadosamente construiu ao longo dos anos.
Eu quero adiantar que essa resenha é baseada em uma opinião totalmente enviesada, e dessa vez não é porque eu sou uma fã de hockey. 
Quando eu comecei a ler esse livro eu confesso que não achei Pippa lá grandes coisas, inclusive por alguns momentos quase paguei a passagem dela para a Coitadolândia, mas no momento que ela abre a cabeça para contar aos leitores sobre a dinâmica do relacionamento dela com os pais, eu me identifiquei como quem está se olhando em um espelho, e passei a ver Pippa como uma amiga passando por situações que coincidentemente eu tinha acabado de discutir com uma grande amiga na vida real. Na nossa mesa Pippa teria um lugar para desabafar sem se sentir culpada.
Mas se Pippa se tornou uma amiga em potencial, Jamie era o meu protegido. 
Jamie é um cara que quer resolver tudo para as pessoas que ele ama, mas ele também apoia, dá a confiança quando a pessoa precisa, e acima de tudo ele acredita no potencial da pessoa. E só quem já teve um Jamie na vida sabe como ele é importante. 
A dinâmica de Jamie com a mãe, que se recusa a admitir que as constantes crises de pânico que ela tem são um problema, me davam muita raiva, e me deixava frustrada, porque eu queria que Jamie tivesse atitudes que não era dele, eram minhas, mas ele se recusava a ter raiva, impaciência, ou ressentimento. E por isso ele é uma pessoa melhor do que eu e eu o admiro. 
Gosto de pensar que bons romances (bons livros em geral, mas como meu foco aqui é em romances, vamos nos ater a só essa categoria), fazem você olhar além da trama da jornada do casal, para ir destrinchando os plots secundários que vão construindo os personagens nos bastidores, e começar a questionar coisas da sua própria vida, refletir sobre suas próprias atitudes, a forma como você agiria, ou age, em determinada situação, conseguir amadurecer através da vivência do personagem, ou no mínimo plantar sementes de discussões de determinados tópicos que talvez você não fosse discutir tão cedo. 
Eu sei que esse livro chegou para mim em um momento muito específico onde eu usei a experiência dos personagens para analisar coisas da minha vida, e isso totalmente afetou a forma de enxergar a história. Mas como isso não é motivo de desculpas, eu não vou pedir, só vou avisar que enquanto esse livro definitivamente está em um lugarzinho quentinho no meu coração, talvez quando/se você for ler, ele não tenha esse mesmo impacto em você.
Em uma análise mais fria e calculista para aquelas que gostam; a escrita da autora é boa, o ritmo dos acontecimentos não é corrido, existem pontos que são meio irrealistas e a gente aplica a teoria da suspensão de descrença? Tem sim (como em todo livro). A parte do hockey não foi nada fora da curva que merece uma menção honrosa, para minha colegas torcedoras que estão se perguntando (inclusive, a quantidade de gente solteira no time é algo totalmente doido se fosse na realidade kkkkkk). Você tem vontade de chacoalhar os personagens e mandar eles acordarem pra vida em certos momentos? Sim. Mas também fica orgulhosa quando eles começam a ouvir a razão e parar de dramatizar a vida mais do que precisa e são felizes. As cenas hot são boas, sexy, mas não são muitas, o que nesse livro eu acho que foi uma escolha acertada no contexto do plot. E é isso. Beijos.
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kookbookery · 6 months
He bought her flowers because she had a bad day. 🥺🫶🏻
📖 That Kind of Guy by Stephanie Archer
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ouabhlover · 6 months
from “do not be tricked by his charming dimples” to “you know, i’ve always loved your dimples.” 😻😩🤭
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marinareads25 · 6 months
ACFTL fav moments!
- Jacks fucking up Apollo!!! MAJOR SLAY!
- Evangeline slapping Apollo!! That’s so mean… do it again!🤪
- Apollo turning into an ugly tree! Also major slay! (Can u tell I hate this mf?)
- Jacks watching Evangeline sleep awwww
- Jacks carrying Eva’s letter with him everywhere PLS THIS HURT
- Jacks best day being one of the days he spent with Evangeline in the Hollow IM SCREAMING
- Jacks crying blood tears when Evangeline confesses she loves him OUCHHH😭
- Chaos and Lala tension?!?!? Like would you two just kiss already?!
- Jacks becoming immortal because he did not want Chaos to go through it alone😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 he said if my friends jump off a cliff, I will too!🤪
- Jacks confessing he lied and that he did want another ending to their story!!!
- Jacks wanting to tell Eva he would go anywhere with her STOPPP😭😭😭
- the fact that jacks’ heart is described as rays of sunlight, colorful, golden and iridescent!!!! SOMEBODY SEDATE ME⁉️
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whisperingreader · 9 months
When I say “Jacks is the blueprint” I don’t mean I think all male mcs should be murderous fate princes. (Though I wouldn’t complain.) I mean Jacks is a character who despite the dark heart he claims to have, he can’t help but love Eva. He goes through a push and pull with her, and if he could be with her, he would. Despite the urges he has to kiss her, he doesn’t. All because he wants to keep her safe and alive. Unlike Tella, he isn’t willing to risk Evangeline’s life. She’s dear to him, even if he won’t admit it. When Jacks shows up in book 3, I’m going to scream. When is October going to get here?!
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