#starscream cyberverse
ploppymeep · 1 year
im not even two minutes into s2 ep14 but this is all i can picture
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cozzzynook · 6 months
the elite trine x bee pls 🙏🫶
- Thundercracker is the easiest to talk to casually. He’s also the first one to pick Bee up after they botnap him and hold him to his chassis while reading old Vosian novels.
-Skywarp is by far the funniest and helped Bee get comfortable by pranking him and enjoying the pranks Bee could pull right back.
- out of them all Bee complained the least about being warped though he had the harshest reaction. His tanks would churn and he’d purge after doing it more than once. So Skywarp only does it during emergencies.
- Starscream is the one who got Bee to open up. It was in private just the two of them gazing at the stars when Bee told him he missed his sire most. That he doesn’t remember his original carrier or sire, far too fresh from emerging to etch their plates to core bitlet memory. That Optimus is the only sire and creator he’s ever known.
- Starscream reveals pieces of his difficult and complicated relationship with his own carrier and that he took care of Skywarp and Thundercracker when they were all younglings.
- Skywarp and Thundercracker get a little jealous seeing how close the two become after their time alone and want in on being close to Bee’s spark like Star. They’re surprised when Star tells them as trine leader to let Bee open up at his own pace. Let it be natural.
- oddly Skywarp is next and its Skywarp getting comfort from Bee after an injury do they connect a little deeper. Skywarp doesn’t want to be separated from his family again and Bee tells him other than Optimus he doesn’t really have a family, not above the surface anyway. He’s friends with the bots on the ark, everyone - even Prowl, but he’s not close with them. They may tell him things but he doesn’t share anything of himself. Skywarp wants to ask so badly of Bee to tell him something, anything. But he wills himself quiet and Bee reveals he finds he likes holding Skywarp like this.
- skywarp flutters his wings as he buries his helm further in Bee’s lap. For the rest of seven cycles he flutters his wings happily.
-thundercracker is all but feel left out and ready to share his feelings with Bee when the mini comes and sets himself upon Thundercrackers lap with a warm blanket. Curling himself into a small ball and falling asleep like he owned the spot. He may not have gotten words of the past or tender touches like Star and Sky but he was Bee’s safe spot to rest and for that he was happy.
Just them all healing in every cycle ways they didn’t know they needed.
When Bee is found he isn’t in a hurry to go back just yet and makes up a story on them being able to set up neutral ground. The trine goes along with it because, hey they want peace believe it or not and it means more time with their future conjunx so they don’t complain.
They just fear for their sparks when Optimus comes after them with the spark fire of a sire missing their bitlet.
Bee is so oblivious to how terrifying Optimus looks as he hugs him.
As always free 🇸🇩🇵🇸🇨🇩🇭🇹🇾🇪
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nevis-the-skeleton · 2 years
Would Starscream make a good leader?
So today I'm going to answer a new question about Starscream. Yes I really like this character, so it's often on him that I do analyses X). Anyway ! The question is: Would Starscream make a good leader?
Here, I will answer on each series that I know, except RID15 since it's linked to TFP. So, I will be presenting on these series: G1, Animated, Prime, and Cyberverse.
First, the G1! So I honestly think yes, he could be a good leader. In Decepticon logic. Let me explain. Starscream is rather quite head-burned in this series, it's true, as well as a little oblivious sometimes (not to say often).
But that is what is expected of a soldier, and especially of the leader of the Seekers. If he doesn't set an example for his troops, it's not Thundercraker and Skywarp who will go into battle, very clearly…
The Decepticons need a leader who does not hesitate to fight, and Starscream never hesitates, he is even the first indignant when Megatron sounds the retreat. In fact, the G1 Starscream is the bravest of the Starscreams. The only thing that seems to scare him is Megatron (and still, not that much).
He proved himself capable of creating effective plans, and his scientific knowledge kept the Decepticons out of terrible trouble.
Also, I remember an episode where everything went wrong with the Decepticons, mainly because Megatron was not there, but also Starscream, because of Blitzwing and Astrotrain. And just because the leader and the SIC were absent it became a huge mess!
To summarize: Astrotrain created an army of trains, Blitzwing took a football field hostage, and the Constructicons created a large labyrinth, at the request of Blitzwing. And in the end, it ended in a general fight against Blitzwing and the Constructicons. While Astrotrain was flooding the city…
Starscream and Megatron were out for an hour maximum, and the other Decepticons had time to do all this disaster…
Also, some of those who reblogd my blog "Why Megatron keeps Starscream in his ranks" talked about a theory that said Megaton didn't kill Starscream, because he kept him always alert. And that if Starscream was able to defeat Megatron, that would mean the Seeker deserved the place of leader. Well, of course this is a theory that can clearly only work in the G1… In Prime, that would greatly surprise me, and let's not talk about the other series. But, in the G1, it could easly be true. It's in fact a really good theory.
But, therefore, that would mean that Megatron sees leadership potential in Starscream, otherwise he wouldn't give him a chance of living.
* Animated:
Next, let's see for Animated. So, I'll be honest: no, he clearly wouldn't make a good leader… I remind you that he isn't even capable of managing his clones…
And those are just parts of himself, so kind of like him. Plus, there are some that aren't necessarily insubordinate, but the original Starscream can't even handle those…
Imagine the carnage it would be with an entire army… Not to mention that as soon as Megatron “died” all the Decepticons jumped ship, leaving Starscream in the lurch… He's a strong fighter, but he hasn't really shown anything that proves any form of leadership abilities.
Now let's see for the Starscream from Transformers Prime. So, my answer is simple: yes definitely! There's no doubt that he would make a good leader. In fact, the only thing stopping him from being one are his doubts and psychological issues, most of them because of Megatron.
Without Megatron, Starscream has proven to be far more capable and gifted. It's Megatron who blocking him, but in truth, he would surely make a better leader than him.
As a reminder, he lead the Decepticons for 3 years on Earth. He allowed them to have one of the most thriving energon mines, he didn't specifically mess with the Autobots for a long time, simply because it wasn't necessary. In fact, prior to Megatron's return, the Decepticon cause was doing extremely well. And even better.
Also, if Starscream led the Decepticons during Megatron's absence, it was because the latter asked him to. Megatron realizes that Starscream is capable of leading, if he wasn't, he would never have given him leadership. Whatever Megatron says afterwards, telling him that Starscream mishandled things. It was clearly a lie to belittle Starscream, so that the latter would lose the self-confidence he had regained during the absence of the leader of the Decepticons.
But it could also indicate that Megatron sees Starscream as a threat. I think that's why Megatron hurts Starscream so badly it's because even if the Seeker is power hungry, he would still make an excellent leader, and Megatron know it.
Not to mention that Starscream was a political leader of Vos, and the Commander of the Seekers on Cybertron. He has leadership experience, no doubt on that. Also, he was the one who created most of the attack plans, not Megatron. He is practically the mastermind of the Decepticons, Megatron is just the representation.
Without forgetting that when things degenerate, Starscream is aware that it's not necessary to be stubborn! Kof Like facing a space bridge that explodes Kof. So, even if Megatron is intelligent, it does not prevent Starscream from being more thoughtful and less oblivious than him (running away from a space bridge which is about to explode is not cowardice but common sense).
And finally, Cyberverse. So in the series, after "killing" Megatron, he seemed incapable of making decisions. When the others asked him what to do, he just looked confused.
But I just feel like the directors forgot he's the leader of the Seekers. In addition, he seems to be perfectly respected by them. So if he can lead the Seekers, why can't he lead the Decepticons? Even though it was quite comical, I still found it quite strange. The Seekers are still more loyal to Starscream than to Megatron, so that means they respect his leadership, right? * So, it can be concluded that basically Starscream has the abilities to be a leader, and even a good leader. It's just that his own issues and flaws prevent him from fully reaching that potential. * So, that was my answer on a few series. Of course I can't answer all of them, simply because there are some that I haven't seen ^^; … But, whatever X).
Do not hesitate to suggest me analyzes that you would like me to do ;). Have a nice day (~ ̄▽ ̄)~.
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pixa-apearl · 10 months
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Why did not Starscream judge so cool like that, IT'S SO CUTE FACE😳
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fluffyspaceowls · 1 year
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cyberverse starscream is my baby girl 
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The moan of the Scream at the end💀
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parallelpie · 4 months
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It's shocking at how many versions of this bot can fit this motto to a T.
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toricoriot · 7 months
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request: Breakdown and Bee (Earthspark), Starbee, Cliffjumper and Bee, Bee and Starscream (Cyberverse)
*request event is closed
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kusakichan15 · 3 months
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= NSFW comm under cut =
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Yall chose to click here okay 0-0)☕
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noritaro · 11 months
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the Cyberverse absolute territory garterbelt straps got me on my knees
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enilde · 4 months
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tf doodling... and I tried to translate it into English with my poor skills 😅 enjoy!
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ploppymeep · 1 year
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school doodles
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cozzzynook · 6 months
also loveee your writing 🫶
- Starscream tries to deny it but he clings to Bumblebee during recharge.
- Starscream sucks on Bee’s helm antenna when they recharge, its soothing and not at all sexual with the amount of lubricant he drools onto Bee.
- It annoyed Bee to no end at first but now even he needs it to fall into peaceful recharge. They hate to admit it but they need the other or they won’t get a nanoclick of rest.
- Bee may be a mini bot but’s actually capable of holding Starscreams weight. They get so many odd looks from other bots who see Starscream clinging to Bee as the mini roams the halls doing datapad work completely unfazed by the mech three times his size holding onto him glaring at onlookers.
-Starscream has a nasty tendency to get jealous. He didn’t realize how many bots had a crush on his bumblebee till they sparkbonded and the war was over. He leaves claw marks and denta bites where everyone can see, especially Bee’s door wings.
- Starscream doesn’t like thundercracker near Bee because Thundercracker used to have a serious crush on the mini. Skywarp teases Starscream that if he doesn’t stay on Bee’s good side Thundercracker will swoop in and take him. It doesn’t help Starscreams spark that Thundercracker looks him dead in the optics without saying a word whenever its brought up.
-Bumblebee will without hesitation be a little scrap and slap Starscreams aft, dip him in a kiss and go back to working when somebot tries to flirt with either of them. The mini has no shame and gets his point across without even looking like the bad guy. Starscream is envious.
- the two don’t like talking about it but they both have deep unseen scars from the war and spark merging every lunar cycle helps lessen the pain. The emotional closeness helps repair the deep seated psychological damage inflicted and they never tell a soul the hidden and unknown secrets they learned of the other.
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nevis-the-skeleton · 2 years
Why does Megatron keep Starscream in his ranks, and why as Second in Command?
Today we are going to answer a question that I have often asked myself: Why does Megatron keep Starscream in his ranks, and more importantly, why as Second-in-Command? I recently saw a video dealing with this subject on Youtube (in French), but I was not at all satisfied with the answer, I found it too short and skimpy. The answer is actually, in my opinion, much deeper and more complex.
The video's response was this: "Keep your friends close, and your enemies closer." I'm summarizing, of course, and I'm not saying it's wrong, but it's just that it's not just for that. It's true that this is one of the reasons why Megatron keeps Starscream close to him. To keep an eye on him. Because letting a Starscream alone is just too risky. Example, in some series:
G1: Starscream creates the Combacticons. I mean, you leave him alone, he creates a Combiner, clearly you always have to keep an eye on him. Not to mention the time he created a bomb capable of destroying the Earth.
Animated: So here, although Megatron kills Starscream, he still ends up coming back, and with a clone army! As well as immortality, thanks to the All-Spark.
Cyberverse: Megatron kills him there too. But, clearly leaving him for dead was not the solution. As a reminder, Starscream succeeds in stealing the All-Spark, rallying the Seekers to his cause, stealing Vector Sigma, and then merging with the All-Spark to practically become a god.
So, small note: Never kill a Starscream, it's clearly not the solution. He might end up coming back for revenge… (we also remember the G1 when he owns Cyclonus or Trypticon, hm, hm)
Prime: I think it's one of the worst with Cyberverse… Because, to sum up it: he allowed Orion Pax to discover the truth and become Optimus Prime again, by talking to Orion and giving the location of a space bridge to the Autobots; created a clone army to kill Megatron; stole the Apex Armor from Optimus and Dreadwing; and collect the Omega Keys to trade with Megatron.
So, clearly, impossible to banish him out of the group, even alone he is very dangerous. And in some series he actually creates his own side (Animated and Cyberverse). For Megatron it's more beneficial to always have Starscream in sight, also under the watchful eye of Soundwave, rather than leaving him in the wild to do what he wants.
But then, why doesn't Megatron kill Starscream? Hoping he doesn't come back to life. Well, there is an explanation: The Cat and Mice Theory. Well, I know it sounds super weird what I'm presenting, but you'll see, it's going to become clearer.
First, before explaining my theory, let us place knowledge bases. Starscream wants to be the leader, he wants to dethrone Megatron, we agree on that, right? Good.
Now, you have to know one thing, he's clearly not the only one who wants power! There are bound to be more traitors among the Decepticons! Robots against Megatron!
Now that you understand that, we will come to the explanation of The Cat and Mice theory.
A cat, it lives in your home, it keeps you company, OK, but it is independent of you. And often, like any animal, he wants to support his dominance in the house. This is the reason why he rubs against furniture, it's to mark its territory. It's therefore up to the master of the house to support his authority over the cat, so as not to let him take control. So Starscream is the cat. Then there are the mice (or the rats, as you wish), anyway! The mice also want to take over the house! The mice want to invade it. They steal food, nibble furniture and cables, destroy clothes, etc. The mice are the other traitors. And the cat, well, he eats mice, because for him, it's his house, so he has to defend it.
And that's where Starscream comes in handy to Megatron. Starscream gets rid of the traitors, because he wants to be the leader! He won't let someone else kill Megatron and take the throne. We can see it in one of the G1 episodes, where the king of the Atlandes plans to kill Megatron, and Starscream then does everything possible to protect the leader of the Decepticons.
Also, even if Megatron knows that Starscream is a traitor, it's still less dangerous to have only one you know, rather than several in the shadows! Plus, basically, Starscream also serves as an example against those who would think of dethroning Megatron. And this "thanks" to the corrections that Megatron gives to Starscream. So, two birds with one stone. Starscream gets rid of more daring traitors, and deters (in spite of himself) more cowardly traitors. Sigh… How unhealthy…
Now, why is Starscream the Second in Command? The answer is simple, it's because, no matter what we can say, Starscream is very useful, and also powerful (in his own way). Let me explain :
G1: In, the G1 he's a very strong fighter, as well as a scientist without doubt. We have lost count of the number of times he has warned Megatron of a danger, thanks to his knowledge of science. He is also a master of the sky, although we can see it less often than in the other series.
Animated: He's definitely a fighter, he's super strong. He was able to compete with multiple Autobots all alone (several times in the series), and even when wanted, he was not an easily caught robot. He is also a master of flight, he showed two, three prowess during many episodes.
Cyberverse: He is also a fighter here, as well as a scientist (for example, he hacked the Cube, or even tampered the badges that Wheeljack had created, making all the Autobots bad). He didn't show us a lot of aerial exploits in this series, but hey… The previous things are still awesome.
Prime: In this series, he's an undisputed master of the sky, clearly; he is also an excellent strategist (too many plans to be remembered); a scientist, he was able to figure out how to create the clones, and I think he was a scientist before the war. Also, he is able to find energon without problem, you give him any material, even human technology, he will be able to find energon. We haven't actually seen him in combat on the show, but clearly if he were braver he would be a formidable fighter.
So, Starscream is a really, really, really useful robot. He has skills that can be useful to the cause.
Just see, in Transformers Prime, the Decepticons started running low on energon after Starscream left, and their attack plans were less elaborate.
And, in Cyberverse, Megatron lost the support of most Seekers after Starscream's presumed death.
So despite everything, despite the fact that he's a real traitor, Megatron needs Starscream. And it's why he keep him with him. And, Starscream is the SIC, because he deserve it. He have all the abilities to be the SIC.
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yandere-wishes · 2 months
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The more I study electronics the more I'm positive whoever came up with Transformers smut terms was studying something in the electronics engineering field.
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fluffyspaceowls · 1 year
its all i could see, im sorry
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