#star lostboys
legal-lost-boy · 2 years
I need some Dwayne/ Star/ Laddie family moment dodle plssss
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They're letting him jump between them 🥰
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mayonnaise2004 · 4 months
Meeting and Dating Alan Frog Headcannons
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✰ Sorry I haven’t been posting in awhile!! (Been having massive writers block) made this just in time for Valentine’s Day!<3 ✰ (requests are open!)
Alan met you through Sam.
Sam had dragged you into the comic shop because he wanted you to meet the ‘amazing, yet kinda grungy’ frog brothers! :)
Edgar didn’t really mind you, since you didn’t really talk, But Alan was staring at you like you had a extra eye. Like poor boy wouldn’t look away 😭😭
(Being the insecure teen you are) Your mind turned to the worse, and you thought he didn’t like you.
Little did you know Alan was comparing you to some of the most beautiful women he knew in his mind. (Godiva, Farrah Fawcett, Etc.)
It took about 10 visits before he actually had a conversation with you. (Definitely almost had a heart attack when you said you thought he didn’t like you)
You two got comfortable around each other pretty quickly, and in august, he asked you out. (You obviously said yes.)
Alan will turn bright red if you give him any form of PDA (kisses, hand holding, compliments, etc.)
Hanging out in the comic store
Boardwalk dates
Watching old movies/musicals
Hanging out with him, Edgar and Sam
Being a anatomy model for his paintings (HE PAINTS. AND IS AMAZING AT IT.)
listening to him ramble about vampires over the phone
Sneaking away from the group to kiss
Having to stop him from killing random civilians
Sitting in the rain
Getting little trinkets he found as gifts (crystals, cool looking rocks, necklaces from the lost and found, pins, etc.)
Overall, I think dating Alan frog would be a amazing experience.
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marypsue · 1 year
I'd like to try to get a spiral perm, but I feel like if I go to a hairstylist, they may misunderstand me. They may think that I don't know very much about hairdressing terminology (true), and that the classic spiral perm is rather dated (true), and that what I would really like is something a little more modern (false). And I don't know how to impress upon them that no, actually, I want the spiral perm because it is dated. I want it to look dated. I want to look like 1987 called and just said 'keep it up, kid'. I want to look like an extra who just walked off the set of an SNL sketch about jazzercise. I want people to look at me in the grocery store and wonder where the costume party I'm going to is, and why they weren't invited. Don't make it sleeker. Don't make it smoother. Don't try to make the curls larger and looser. If I come out looking like Carrot Top, then that's on me.
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mlentertainment · 2 years
my mom complained that all the episodes of family ties are focused on alex and while she's right i unfortunately am a slut and i enjoy it
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jinna-aka-ninja · 1 year
Calling Of The Souls ~ Poly!LostBoys X Fem!Reader Part 7
A/N: So I was asked by someone to be put on a taglist? I've never done that before, and I am HONORED! Thank you! I'll be honest at this point I'm just sprinkling in gifs I think are funny.
I made a Masterlist for this though!
Word Count: 2,433
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“She’s not a... what?” Michael asked flabbergasted at the mere mention of this. Star had wanted to remove what she believed to be a curse so much, it was the one thing that she wished for help with. Hearing Y/N say that she wasn’t a vampire was too much for his muddled brain to handle at that moment.
“Michael. I just said it more than once! If I say it again I will be upset with you!” Y/N said to him with a sigh, “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t be mad at you. I am, I am very mad at you; but I shouldn’t be. It’s not your fault you’re still human enough to fall for the effects of a succubus. She’s not the strongest one, but that is what she is. Vampire blood forced her powers out too early so she’s weak compared to most.”
It made perfect sense to Y/N; it was hard to believe that anyone else was not able to comprehend this information. “She wants to be human again when she never had been human to begin with. Her abilities are like that of a vampire... except she doesn’t feed on blood.” With the last few words she looked at Michael thinking that he should obviously know exactly what that meant.
Michael stared at her, open mouthed, making Y/N believe he was trying to come to terms with the information he gathered...except.. “What’s a succubus?”
“Michael. Have you ever been curious about the occult? Ever just looked into a random book in the occult section of the library? You really just don’t know the signs of things that are laid out in front of you? The moment you laid your eyes on Star, what led you to her? Your heart or your second head?” Y/N asked him feeling like she was talking to a child learning of the dangers of the world when it had already been far too late for them to save themselves.
“... You don’t understand Y/N. When I first saw Star that night, the way she moved to the music. When our eyes met and she looked away from me, playing hard to get. There was something that made me want to go closer.” His attempts to reason with his decision were failing him. The more he thought about it, the more suspicious he felt. “I felt a pull to you too when I first saw you!”
A hiss came from Y/N as she took a sharp breath at his words, “Do not compare the pull of a bond to that of a half-assed Succubus’ lure.” She said to him feeling hurt and offended all over again. The nerve of this guy to compare the bond of a mate to something that was just pure carnal.
“How do you know about this stuff, Y/N? I doubt you just so happened to look at a book randomly to learn.” Michael said wanting an explanation to her knowledge.
“You were brought into this world of monsters you believed to be in stories and nothing more; I was born into it, raised in it. I know this stuff because it was taught to me from a very young age and through my years I have been learning more and more.” It was the honest truth, “You can’t tell the boys I know yet! I need to be the one to tell them now. If you just go and say it then they might think that I’m planning something..I just needed to come to terms with it too.”
“Come to terms with what? You didn’t drink from the cup, you aren’t a half vampire.” Michael groaned feeling like he was at a loss, and he was correct. He was at a loss.
Y/N felt sympathy for Michael. “I did try to stop you, but no, you had to be a part of the boys and just do what you could to fit in. Face it Michael, you’re more in love with the guys than you were Star.”
Maybe Michael hadn’t quite realized his own feelings yet because the look he gave Y/N was one that showed he was clearly not amused. “Don’t say that.”
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“It’s 1987 Michael. There’s nothing wrong with it.” She said to him rolling her eyes. “Go home Michael. The sun is up and you’re going to pass out from the exhaustion. Don’t you dare let me find out you’re trying to find a way to break your being a half vampire. You were selfish enough to go through with something without thinking it through, don’t make the mistake of ruining the lives of others by trying to change fate.” 
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With that, Y/N turned and walked off. Leaving Michael behind to go home and sleep. With this outcome she knew she had to tell the guys that she knew, but now how could she explain to Tyr that she had more than one soulmate? Worse so, that one of them wanted to try to break this being a half vampire.
From the distance she could hear Michael’s bike start up and speed off to go home. Y/N didn’t get far though. The sudden feeling of being spun around, hand in another hand, coming face to face with Tyr had her surprised.
“You’re awake. I thought you needed more sleep?” She asked him watching as the smile on his lips turned into a grin.
“I had enough sleep. You really think I’m going to let you wander around with vampires for long?” Tyr teased but that just made Y/N think of one thing. It’s freaking Daytime!
Y/N watched him, a trace of irritation flashing in her eyes. “So you showed up after the sunrise, to what? Protect me while they sleep?”
“What makes you think I showed up just now? I’ve been hanging around you since the diner.” The words Tyr spoke shook Y/N. If he had been around since the diner then he knew that she wasn’t with Michael, the half vampire, she was with four full vampires. “Did you know.. that when a human becomes a vampire, their soul dies. Not entirely, but most of it does. I told you they are dead souls Y/N. So why was it you were with four vampires and a little half vampire.. and then another half vampire showed up?”
There was no anger in Tyr. He was curious, worried maybe, but there was definitely no anger. It was wrong hiding something from Tyr. It felt so wrong, her heart felt like someone had placed weights on it and thrown it to sea.
“Because ... I think that I have more than one soulmate.” She said to him speaking the full truth, he deserved to know it. “I feel the things I feel to Michael to David, Paul, Dwayne and Marko. I don’t know why I do, but I do. A part of me thought I was wrong about it, but after tonight I know it’s true. I feel it.” Y/N was sure that he would deny this. That he would insist it to not be real.
“And the Succubus? Any chance she enchanted you into thinking they were your soulmates? Their power over the heart is strong.” Tyr was trying to find reasons to not believe her; knowing that Y/N wouldn’t tell him a lie straightforwardly. If she believed them to be her soulmates then that was what she really did feel.
This form of not believing it was better than him instantly trying to take her away from here. “No. I know how it feels to be enthralled by a succubus and an incubus. This isn’t that.” She assured him as they walked, hand in hand back to the home. “Will you meet them?”
“I have to meet them! How else will I see if I should kill them or not?” Tyr said to her, Y/N laughed thinking he was joking, but he didn’t join her making her laugh fade away.
“Tyr...” Y/N spoke looking at him with worried eyes as they reached the door.
He just opened the door and led her inside, “I’m not going to let you be placed in danger after everything I’ve done to keep you safe Y/N. If they kill you, if they hurt you... I’ll destroy everything.” The violence of an angry demon was unmatched by most, except perhaps a devil.
The only thing that Y/N could do was silently enter the home. She was sure that they wouldn’t do anything to hurt her. It would be unnecessary for her to mention this to him. “Tonight then, after you feed.”
Tyr shot her a grin as he went off to rest some more. He hadn’t fully recovered, but it was clear he didn’t want her out there on her own. Not when he was so sure that something dangerous was lurking in the dark. There always was, but this was something so close. Unavoidable. “Wait... WAIT TYR THATS MY ROOM! INSTIGATOR!”
Why was he an instigator? Because that made her have to sleep in his bed. Freaking Demons and their need to constantly create chaos in everything that they happen upon.
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When the next night had approached Tyr was up before even she was. Tossing her clothes over her sleeping body. “Wake up! It’s time to make some vampires angry!”
“You know for someone who thinks they are the ones with dead souls, so far I think you have been instigating them more into showing their fangs.” Y/N said with a groan as she got up from the bed. “I’m not wearing this!” she said tossing the clothes to the floor after seeing what he threw at her.
“Good luck with that because I hid all your other clothes!” Tyr sang as he made his way out of the room. It was like living with a child sometimes. There were times Tyr had been sophisticated, walking with his head held high like the aristocrat he had pretended to be so long ago; but then there were the times he acted like a spoiled brat!
However, no matter how annoying he may be, Y/N would never trade him for anything in the world. He was her annoying demon.
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The clothes he had picked up was a skirt and a sleeveless blouse, and his own coat. Simple but it was a freezing night out there and she would have to wear his coat if she was to stay warm. Or so he HOPED. She was going to freeze. Leaving the coat on the bed as she marched out of the house, Tyr hot on her trail behind her.
“I didn’t get to enjoy this place! I want to go to a concert!” He said to her taking a hold of her hand and rushing off. Y/N did not fail to notice him wearing the coat he had left for her now.
The walk to the boardwalk was uneventful. It was just a simple walk, when they did get there had been a concert playing. The entire time Tyr would not let go of her hand. Y/N had a suspicion that he was afraid she would run off on her own to find the vampires and he wasn’t wrong.
“You didn’t get tired of waiting for us to show up, did you?” a voice spoke from behind her making Y/N turn to see David looking at Tyr with what seemed to be anger.
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“David...” The name came out sounding as if Y/N had been holding her breath and finally was able to breathe again. “No.. this is Tyr. My roommate.” She said to him trying to remove her hand from Tyr’s ironclad grip to no avail.
“Ah the one who has been sick.” Marko said walking up from behind David, Y/N watched as these guys seemed to almost appear out of thin air from behind David to stand behind him. “So he’s all better, more time with us now.” He said holding his hand out to Y/N, but as he did so his eyes never left Tyr.
She had told them before that Tyr was like family but with how he had been with her right then, they weren’t sure that Tyr had the same sentiment. Marko wanted her by their side before he felt he had no choice but to make a move against Tyr.
Y/N reached her free hand to hold Marko’s when she was pulled up against Tyr’s chest. Her eyes wide as she looked at him. “What the fuck are you doing?” she asked him.
Tyr wouldn’t have hidden his smirk if he could as he looked at the guys. Their faces seemed to grow dark with anger at the movement. “This is my first night up and about, I want to spend it with you Y/N. After spending all day in your bed, might as well spend all day out with you.”
“Bastard.” Y/N whispered under her breath in shock. He was really trying to provoke them. The four vampires’ nose twitched as they took a quick sniff. Sure enough, Tyr was coated in her scent, and she was covered in his. “I wasn’t in the bed! I was in his bed!”
“Is that any better?” Tyr asked her laughing at her attempt to keep things from escalating.
“Let go of me Tyr.” Y/N spoke quietly to him hoping to get him to listen to her before the guys felt the need to step in. Pushing him away from her, this time he did let her go as she fell into the arms of Marko. She had expected him to hold her back so she pushed more than she needed.
Marko’s arms wrapped tightly around her, holding her to his chest as if he was afraid Tyr would rip her from his grasp. “Thought you were just friends?” Marko whispered to her.
“Seems like he is a bit more than a friend.” Paul spoke out in a hiss, eyes still locked onto Tyr who shrugged his shoulders, that dashing smile still on his lips.
“Are you okay?” Dwayne asked Y/N, the only one who had not had his eyes locked in on Tyr but looking at her instead, concern in his eyes.
“I’m fine really. Tyr just likes to start trouble I promise.” Y/N said not wanting any misunderstandings, but it looked like it was all that Tyr wanted.
“Y/N please, undead blood suckers are not worth it.” Tyr said without a care in the world that he had just told them that he knew what they were, but in turn either she had known or she knew now.
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I hope I am doing this right... TagList: @simplyreading96
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pugaisdreaming · 1 year
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Artwork was inspired by such musicians as Dj Lostboi, Himera, Varg2, Scandinavian Star, t0ni, DARK0, Yung Gud, Torus.
The beautiful collage background is made by @localghxst "Précis"
made by pūga (me♡)
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deep-dive · 1 year
albums: Alex G - God Save the Animals Alex G - We're All Going to the World's Fair Anthony Naples + DJ Python - Air Texture VIII Big Thief - Dragon New Warm Mountain I Believe in You Björk - Fossora Bladee & Ecco2k - Crest Broadcast - Maida Vale Sessions Carla dal Forno - Come Around Carly Rae Jepsen - The Loneliest Time Cass McCombs - Heartmind Charli XCX - Crash Daphni - Cherry Dawn Richard & Spencer Zahn - Pigments Hikaru Utada - Bad Mode Huerco S. - Plonk Isabella Lovestory - Amor Hardcore Junior Boys - Waiting Game Kali Malone - Living Torch Malibu - Palaces of Pity Marina Herlop - Pripyat Oren Ambarchi - Shebang Oren Ambarchi, Johan Berthling & Andreas Werliin - Ghosted Organ Tapes - 唱着那无人问津的歌谣 / Chang Zhe Na Wu Ren Wen Jin De Ge Yao Phoenix - Alpha Zulu Physical Therapy - Teardrops on My Garage PPJ - Trindade Rachika Nayar - Heaven Come Crashing Raum - Daughter Sally Shapiro - Sad Cities Sam Prekop - The Sparrow Sam Prekop & John McEntire - Sons Of Shinichi Atobe - Love of Plastic Shygirl - Nymph The Soft Pink Truth - Is It Going to Get Any Deeper Than This? Torus & DJ Lostboi - The Flash Two Shell - Icons The Weeknd - Dawn FM William Basinski & Janek Schaefer - “ . . . On Reflection “
songs: Alex G - JLB's Drawing Bibio - Off Goes the Light Björk - Ancestress (ft. Sindri Eldon) Bladee & Ecco2k - Faust Bladee & Ecco2k - The Flag is Raised Call Super - Swallow Me Carla dal Forno - Side by Side Carly Rae Jepsen - Anxious Carly Rae Jepsen - Talking to Yourself Cass McCombs - Belong to Heaven CFCF - After the After (Bodysync Remix) Charli XCX - Sorry If I Hurt You Charlotte Adigéry & Bolis Pupul - Haha Coco & Clair Clair - Bad Lil Vibe Cole Pulice - City in a City Daphni - Take Two Dawn Richard & Spencer Zahn - Sandstone Demi Lovato - Substance DJ Heartstring - Can't Stop the Night Doss - Look (All Night Mix) Doss - Strawberry (Singin' Club Mix) Double Virgo - Kicked Out by Seven Ecco2k & Bladee - Amygdala Ela Minus & DJ Python - Pájaros En Verano Embaci - Tiniest Whisper Hikaru Utada - Somewhere Near Marseilles Hudson Mohawke - Bicstan Isabella Lovestory - Exibisionista Job - Lore Junior Boys - Thinking About You Calms Me Down Kelela - On the Run Luis - Jack Anderson Malibu - Iliad Marina Herlop - Abans Abans Merely - The Killing Sun Mr Twin Sister - Resort Mura Masa & Erika de Casier - e-motions Objekt - Ballast Oren Ambarchi - I Organ Tapes - Burnout Organ Tapes - heaven can wait Physical Therapy - Chain Reaction PinkPantheress - Boy's a liar PPJ - Dar Um (Lauer Remix) Purelink - Butterfly Jam Rachika Nayar - Gayatri Raum - Walk together Sally Shapiro - Sad City SG Lewis & Tove Lo - Call on Me (SG's Dub Edit) Shinichi Atobe - Love of Plastic 1 Shygirl - Firefly Two Shell - Unrequited Yasmine - Doce Atração Yung Lean - Lips Yves Tumor - God Is a Circle
games: Elden Ring Kirby and the Forgotten Land Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak Signalis Sonic Frontiers Squaredle Tactics Ogre: Reborn
film: Aftersun (Charlotte Wells) Ambulance (Michael Bay) Avatar: The Way of Water (James Cameron) Crimes of the Future (David Cronenberg) Decision to Leave (Park Chan-wook) I Thought the World of You (Kurt Walker) Jackass Forever (Jeff Tremaine) Kimi (Steven Soderbergh) Nope (Jordan Peele) Orphan: First Kill (William Brent Bell) Pacifiction (Albert Serra) Sharp Stick (Lena Dunham) Stars at Noon (Claire Denis) Tár (Todd Field) Three Thousand Years of Longing (George Miller)
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tiagssssspace · 9 months
7038634357 - Afterall (snufkin stoker edit); Erwan Sene - Lowghost; Kointähti - Hearth; Andriy Kostyukov - shelest dub pt.1; CORIN - sunta; Europa - Bacon Boy; dj lostboi - SEE INSIDE; Evian Christ - Trance Party; Croatian Amor - My Brother (is a Star); fαɳɳყ - pearl┗(`Д゚中; Murrettumeri - trance369; BABY KEEM & KENDRICK LAMAR - THE HILLBILLIES (BLOOD OF AZA REMIX); Snufkin – DJ Baby?! (Kablam x Sega Bodega).
Visuals by @vvverse
tiags.space/4k-lento/oxymoron/ ‎
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noxrose · 2 years
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The official Cry Little Sister music video by G Tom Mac comes out today!!! It only too Warner Brothers 35 years to allow this to happen... 🦇🍾🍷✨🏍️🎷🤘🏻💀🌙 Can we all agree Cry Little Sister is among the best songs created for a movie? 🤘🏻😜🤘🏻 Here's one of my favorite cosplays of one of my favorite characters from one of my favorite movies, Paul from the Lost Boys‼️ I worked so hard on this cosplay to get a bunch of the details screen accurate. When I really love and relate to a character, I tend to put extra passion into those cosplays. Paul is among the cosplays I'm most proud of ☺️ 🤘🏻 📸Photo taken and edited by @imperialgreatlakesphotography @imperial_cosplay_photography This photo shoot was a BLAST‼️ 🤘🏻😜🤘🏻 I found Paul so weirdly relatable as a character and I love him 🖤💖♥️ Brooke McCarter created something special with this character. RIP Brooke McCarter. He was a talented actor, musician, and model. I hope his daughter and rest of his family is doing well. 💖 I'm tempted to wear him to Youmacon this year. Should I wear Paul or Star or both? I'm hoping to have my Eddie Munson cosplay done for Youmacon too. I'm open to suggestions for what cosplays you'd like to see me wear more. 😊 Let's hear it for the BEST Vampire movie EVER, The Lost Boys‼️‼️‼️ 🦇🍾🍷✨🏍️🎷🤘🏻💀🌙 #thelostboyscosplay #lostboyscosplay # #thelostboysstar #thelostboysmovie #thelostboys1987 #brookemccarter #ripbrookemccarter #murdercapitaloftheworld #theyreonlynoodlesmichael #lostintheshadows #vampirecosplayer #santacarlavampires #bloodsuckingbradybunch #80svampires #80svampire #80scostumes #thelostboys #vampires #lostboys #santacarla #itsfuntobeavampire #vampire #allthedamnvampires #maggotsmichaelyoureeatingmaggots #beoneofusmichael #80scosplay #vampirecosplay #sayhellotothenightlostintheshadows https://www.instagram.com/p/CjsmrMvOdYr/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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mayonnaise2004 · 7 months
David dating headcannons
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David is a controlling yet loving asshole, so have fun with that.
Wearing something of his whenever you go to the boardwalk (Gloves, jacket, Necklace, ect.)
He’s constantly touching you. (Finger in your belt loop, Hand in your back pocket, Fingers intertwined.)
Kisses with David are unhurried and passionate, or quick pecks. He definitely wants you to kiss him while he’s upside down.)
David has already turned you, You were just a little knocked out from melatonin.
Not very big on PDA some days, but other days that’s a whole different story.
He’s always taller than you, So if you ever wear heels he’ll probably cream in his pants
Speaking of being short, if you're below 5’3 prepare to be his armrest
He randomly nips at your neck to make you jump
Snarky ass remarks and sarcasm 24/7
You sorta replace star, (She obviously doesn’t care) and you two get along pretty well.
Hanging out with Laddie and Star when the boys go out to hunt
Listening to twisted sister with Marko and Paul (David gets jealous.)
You sometimes go to the comic store and sneak Sam comics, The frogs don’t exactly like you.. but you are a paying (and not stealing randomly) customer.
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marypsue · 8 months
What if. What if. Crimson Peak Lostboys AU.
Thomas is Star.
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im charlie
about me
they/xe/it/no pronouns
im a minor
genderfluid, grey-aroace, lesbian, neptunic
i love the rain
my fav series and movies:
young royals
money heist
outer banks
i am not ok with this
percy jackson
star wars
the grinch
my fav books (nd audiobooks):
girl in pieces
the heartstopper series
music taste:
that typa stuff u can cry to
random bullshit
stuff w mentally ill lyrics
my fav songs rn (5/30/24)
hide your kids by ThxSoMch
i smoked away my brain by A$AP Rocky, Imogen Heap & Clams Casino
kenn ich schon by Triple & Lostboi Lino
random facts:
i speak three/four languages
i have more online friends than irl friends
im trying my best
have a good dayyyy
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alexegan · 1 year
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Interview / Video / Audio: http://offtherecord.net/phonica-friends-family-mix-series-13alex-egan/ Tracklist: 01. The FLK – We Know Where The Time Goes (Part 1) (Excerpt) [Utter] 02. Cheb Runner – 3097.7 km / 3097.7كم [Oddball Fantasies] 03. Cass. & Niklas Wandt – Schicht um Schicht [Candomblé] 04. DJ Plead – RT3 [Boomkat Editions] 05. Golden Axe – Yaatra [Arma] 06. Zazou / Bikaye / CY 1 – Ey! Yaye [Crammed Discs] 07. Carcass Identity – Things To Forget [Phase Group] 08. Black Merlin – Scape One [Artificial Dance] 09. Waak Waak Djungi – Mother I’m Going [Efficient Space] 10. Luis – Timmy Chalamet [AD 93] 11. Boards Of Canada – In A Beautiful Place Out In The Country [Warp] 12. CiM – Cable Car [Delsin] 13. DMX Krew – Archimedes [Expanding Vision] 14. Internal/External – Trespass [Kode] 15. Single Gun Theory – Open The Skies (Extended Remix) [Nettwerk] 16. Uni Son – Untitled For Now [We Play House] 17. Le Petit – Niente [Maga Circe Musica] 18. Frank Rodas – Ritual (Forthcoming on Utter) 19. J.S.Zeiter – B2 [Expanding Vision] 20. Delia Gonzalez & Gavin Russom – Relevee (Carl Craig Remix) [DFA] 21. Anatolian Weapons – Acid Research 63 [Byrd Out] 22. Rolando Simmons – Yes It’s That Pluzz [Analogical Force] 23. Submersible Machines – When  Whales Fall [Lunar Disko] 24. Tin Man – Jack It Acid [Acid Test] 25. Akasa – One Night In My Life (Nectar Mix) [WEA] 26. Skatebård – The Bells Of Mist [Balsa Wood] 27. Experimental Products – Glowing In The Dark [Vinyl-On-Demand] 28. Amor Fati – Stanton Carlisle [Forthcoming on Deep Cover #7]* 29. Sepehr – Servants Taunt [Squirrels On Film] 30. Mr. Fingers – Inner Acid (Aleksi Perälä Remix) [Alleviated Records] 31. Biochip – Bremerton [WéMè Records] 32. Alden Tyrell – Shift Cycle [Dub Recordings] 33. Mike Ash – Robotik [Ozone Recordings] 34. Mathew Jonson – Ultraviolet Dream [M_nus] 35. Paradise 3001 – Sunspots (Solenoid Version) [Sound Metaphors] 36. Nathan Fake – Outhouse (Fluffy Mix) [Border Community] 37. Bochum Welt – Radiopropulsive [Rephlex] 38. MNLTH – Meadow [Organic Analogue Records] 39. Misha Sultan – Kaleidoscope [DIG] 40. Hans Berg – A Floor Of Stars [Klasse Wrecks] 41. Böhm – Single Scene [Dolly] 42. Quad – Spires ‘n’ Towers [Casting Shadows] 43. DMX Krew – Orange Cat Milk [Under The Radar] 44. Furyon – Trance Exploder (Trance Out Mix) [Stroom] 45. Vein Melter – When You Feel It (Remix) [La Bella Di Notte] 46. Priori Presents RED – The Hammer [Garmo] 47. A∞x – Ceramic City [Nduja] 48. Modern Art – Hello/Goodbye [Domestica] 49. Steffi Grafs Innere Ruhe – Gute Freizeit [The News Cycle] 50. Krampfhaft – Meanwhile At The Old Warehouse [030303] 51. Black Point – Forest Lore [Out To Lunch] 52. Poly Chain – Cobalt [Die Orakel] 53. Vangelis – Tears In Rain [Audio Fidelity] 54. DJ Lostboi – Little Prince [Self-Released] 55. Piero Piccioni – It Means Love [Dirty] 56. Chris & Cosey – Melancholia [Conspiracy International] 57. Brian Eno – Final Sunset [E.G. Records] 58. Acoustic High-End Research – Nature Ensemble [Running Back] 59. Coil – Strange Birds [Dais] 60. Sandra Cross – The MMs Bar Recordings [Trunk]
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radiophd · 1 year
firstlin3 & user4am ft. yayoyanoh -- lostboy
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spiderdudeposts · 1 year
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"There it is Wendy, second Star to the right and straight on till morning!" ✨ Today is the 70th anniversary of Disney's Peter Pan so y'all know as a Pan myself (official title given by DLP's Peter Pan) I had to do an edit of myself in my Peter Pan outfit, I will always be Peter Pan and never grow up because that is who I am and as he says "once you've grown how, you can never come back" but anyway I'm heading back to Neverland to deal with the old codfish Hook *crows* ✨ ✨ #peterpan #peterpan70 #peterpan70thanniversary #theboywhonevergrewup #boywhonevergrewup #secondtotherightandstraightontillmorning #secondstartotherightandstraightontilmorning #nevergrowup #lostboy #Tinkerbell #Neverland #tolivewouldbeanawfullybigadventure #todiewouldbeanawfullybigadventure #faithtrustandalittlebitofpixiedust #faithtrustandpixiedust #youcanflyyoucanflyyoucanfly #disney #disneypeterpan #onceyouregrownupyoucannevercomeback #offtoneverland (at NeverLand) https://www.instagram.com/p/CoSs67_t9N3/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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30032 · 1 year
Ahnnu - Pattern Play (2020) Nuovo Testamento - New Earth (2021) Biosphere - Insomnia (1997) Nailah Hunter - Spells (2020) 1000 eyes - 1000 eyes (2021) Nene H - Trifecta Ssaliva - Honeycomb Giant Swan - Fantasy Food sideproject - kingfisher (2022) Omaar - Marcha (2022) Kelela Raven DBBD, Miss Bashful - SLUT BOPZ VOL.II (2022) Caroline Polacheck - Desire, I Want to Turn Into You Frou Frou - Details (2002) Doon Kanda - Celeste Docx - iN Docx - AHHHHHHH!!! EP Fatima Al Qadiri - Gumar EP Tim Garland, Jason Rebello - Life to Life Aksadk Maboul - Une aventure de VV (Songspiel) Made to Measure Vol.48 water feature - Various birds Tsuzing - Green Hat Bobby Caldwell - What You Won't Do For Love (1978) Cruel Diagonals - Fractured Whole Dj Lostboi - The Blue Stallion (2020) Jessie Ware - That! Feels Good! Tim Hecker -No Highs Martyna Basta - Slowly Forgetting, Barely Remembering Colin Steton - When we were that what wept for the sea Asma Maroof, Patrick Belaga, Tapiwa Svosve - The Sport of Love Logic1000 - In the Sweetness of You Leon Vynehall - Nothing is Still (2018) Wilson Tanner - II (2019) Carlos Niño & Friends - Flutes, Echoes, It's All Hapenning! (2016) MATRiXXMAN - Dust World Vantage - Metro City (2015) stud1nt - undertones (2020) Desired - FRESH (2021) Ashley Henry - My Voice Disclosure - Alchemy Lustmord - Heresy (1990) 1tbspn - It's Very Loud Jim O'Rourke - To Magnetize Money and Catch a Roving Eye (2019) BABYNYMPH - Pornopop: Abhorrence Urias - HER MIND Lustmord - Carbon/Core (2004) Addison Rae - AR Blank Banshee - 4D crimeboys - Very Dark Past Docx- Docx Nueen - Dusting Intersection (2022) Klein - STAR IN THE HOOD (2022) Tirzah - Trip9love...??? Mhm, Mhm - CALLING FOR A PEOPLE TO COME (2022) Hajj - No Soul, No God, No Devil, No Existence Jonnine - Maritz Tinashe - BB/ANG3L Eartheater - Powders Slayyyter - STARFUCKER LSDXOXO - Delusions of Grandeur Severin Black, Vanessa Bedoret - First Passage / Excommunicated Laurel Halo - Atlas Oneohtrix Point Never - Again KOAN Sound - Led by Ancient Light Hans Appelqvist - In the Basement of Apollo Hall Troye Sivan - Something to Give Each Other Purelink - Signs Ylia - Ame Agaru Gigi Masin, Greg Foat - Dolphin Klein - touched by an angel Odetari - XIII Sorrows Aleksi Perala - UNITY III III III Aleksi Perala - ALITHIA A' Aiden Marceron - seede.(ep4). Dean Blunt - Burberry ss24 ML Buch - Suntub Actress - LXXXXVII Pinkpantheress - Heavens knows André 3000 - New Blue Sun Kelly Moran - Vesela J. Albert, Will August Park - Flat Earth Lucy Railton - Corner Dancer Dj Ramon Sucesso - Sexta dos Cria Celia Hollander - 2nd Draft Odetari - DOOR TO DUSK Chuquimamani-Condori - DJ E
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