#standing in front of my tv
florencepout · 1 year
thinkin about ebba playing norwegian lesbian icon thelma on this fine evening
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iracundiias · 9 months
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astarion standing like dads who stand in front of the tv and watch it for 20 minutes instead of sitting down
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stromer · 2 months
my favorite thing in the whole world is when dak gets in a scrum, and garly rushes in there, but he's so tiny you literally cannot see him in the pile of big ole men and trying to find him is like looking for a needle in a haystack
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thewilddreamerrr · 5 months
Honestly I love how these gen z kids are really out there calling out their family a God Level Mess and how they simply don't want to keep repeating any more toxic traits just so they can make them proud and they refuse to continue to betray and backstabbing one another for their own benefit instead choosing to stand up and be better and do therapy maybe once the quest in finished idk but good for them
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ivyithink · 2 years
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they, at least, were supposed to be unbloodied, no?
catch me losing my mind about these two again … sorry?
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dayurno · 2 months
one time i was stoned & wanted 2 know what my good friend dayurno was saying so i went to the tumblr search & looked up www.tumblr.com hoping it would lead me 2 ur page. just wanted u 2 know
i think this is the second or third time one of you sends an ask talking about getting inebriated and immediately going through my blog and this is very very very funny to me!!!!!!!!!!! AND ALSO just typing out tumblr stop.................... tumblr lead me to dayurno. tumblr bring me your MOST psychosexually deranged blogger. tumblr i want a girl with old man moe
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i miss hanging out with the boys (my gf and her peculiar roommate)
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pagerunner-j · 1 year
Hey, video game developers? I need to talk to you about tiny text, and why you need to STOP DOING THIS.
To demonstrate the problem, I’ll provide a couple photos of what the Forspoken demo looks like from where I’m sitting in relation to my TV.
This, for example, is in-game lore. The text that matters is in the lower left, dwarfed by the completely useless picture of books. Yes, I know I’m meant to be reading. I can’t accomplish that, given that I CANNOT SEE THE TEXT.
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Here’s another of the upgrade menu. Same problem. Lots of empty space that serves no purpose. The text is doing its best to curve off the side of the screen. And good luck reading the controls in the lower right. They’re tiny.
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I mean: guys, I get it. You’re all sitting at computers crunching away and you’ve got your noses five inches from the screen at all times. But if you’re developing for consoles, you need to back your chair up about five feet every now and then and re-evaluate whether or not anything stays readable.
Because this ain’t it. And if I can’t see what I’m doing or how to do it, I will not play your game.
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nintooner · 10 months
Sometimes when my dad and I take my grandma's dog for a walk, we see houses where they've got the curtains wide open and you can see what they're watching on TV
On today's walk, we actually saw someone playing Mario Kart, and it was Double Dash specifically which was surprising. It was only one person playing and they were on Daisy Cruiser
Idk if the person playing was either:
An adult Nintendo fan, or
A kid whose parents played the GameCube back in the day and passed it down to them (similar to how I played the SNES when I was a kid even though it was the early 2000s, because my parents used to play it before I was born)
Either way, it's fun to know that there's someone in my grandma's suburb that's a GameCube Enjoyer... Makes me wish I could find people to play Double Dash (or various other games) with 😔 They exist, but I don't know how to find them
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shenweilaoshi · 8 months
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Are you done? [south wind knows my mood episode 29]
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m-eltdown · 1 month
i can’t listen to music when i'm cleaning most of the time because i usually end up in a maladaptive music video daydream or something & it takes me forever to get literally anything done
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hey-cringelord · 10 months
being a kenpachi zaraki fan in a dudebro way and not a i-have-the-hots-for-him way is kinda funny bcus a lot of what i see (mostly via tik tok) is kenny fans being like “oh hes so big and sexy and mean” and all that silly giggling, swinging my feet, doodling hearts by his name in my diary stuff
meanwhile any time he gets the slightest amount of screentime (which, might i add, was fucking a lot for todays episode and his fight with gremmy was, like, fucking magical to me) i get hyped up the way a middle aged man does for his favorite sports team
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binch-i-might-be · 2 months
I got a super cute little storage box thingy that doubles as a lil bench! it's pastel pink and I'm gonna put blankets in it :))
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1kari · 4 months
deep cleaned half of my room today yay
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robotpussy · 1 year
people with blue eyes belong in the mii plaza
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puirell · 7 months
the moment it happened <3
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