#spirit evolution
rebuiltproject · 1 year
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Nível Híbrido/ Hybrid
Classe Adulto (Adult-Class)/ Perfeito (Perfect-Class)
Atributo Variável
Tipo Fada
Campo Tropa da Selva (JT)/ Guardião dos Ventos (WG)/ Espíritos da Natureza (NSp)
Significado do Nome Saeth, flecha em Galês.
Este fantástico Digimon nasceu nos tempos antigos, resultado da fatídica batalha entre os Dez Guerreiros Lendários e Lucemon. Quando a vida voltou a nascer e o solo até então infertil do Mundo Digital voltou a florescer, em meio a nova vegetação surgiu o artefato que deu origem a Guerreira da Relva.
Nascida do tal artefato, o Espírito da Relva, Saethmon é conhecida como a Guardiã dos Campos, vista por muitos como uma divindade da natureza e a protetora da flora do Mundo Digital.
Dotada de extrema magia, essa criatura domina a chamada Feitiçaria do Vento, um dos poderes primordiais das terras de Witchelny, o qual é um dos pilares que equilibra e trás vida a tal mundo.
Os cabelos Dourados e cintilantes de Saethmon possuem propriedades curiosas, são capazes de dar vida a solos inferteis, curar ferimentos graves e até mesmo se tornarem armas para combate. Cada fio, embora sedoso e macio, pode se tornar rígido e afiado como uma lança, capaz de perfurar até a mais solida armadura sem dificuldade, além de poder crescer indiscriminadamente e de forma muito rápida, como raízes mágicas.
Sua personalidade é bondosa e protetora, o que contrasta com seu impetuoso espírito de luta variando entre golpes físicos graciosos e sua extrema habilidade com seu arco Gwraidd e sua flecha Glaswellt, artefatos criados por sua magia e influência sobre a natureza.
Glaswellt - dispara sua flecha banhada em energia contra o inimigo;
Ergyd Wyllt (Conflito Selvagem) - realizando movimentos graciosos desfere poderosos golpes com seu arco Gwraidd;
Ysbryd Coedwig (Espírito da Floresta) - faz florescer poderosos ramos e raízes do solo;
Ffotosynthesis - seus cabelos crescem como raízes mágicas, sendo usado tanto como forma de ataque quanto como um mecanismo de defesa.
Informaçoes Adicionais
Espírito Humano da Relva
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É um artefato antigo com sua origem atrelada à Guerra entre Lucemon e os Dez Guerreiros Lendários, originado a partir dos dados de muitos Digimons que lutaram a favor dos Guerreiros e morreram com o sentimento de dever cumprido e paz em seus corações. 
Através do Espírito Humano da Relva, o utilizador é capaz de evoluir para Saethmon, sendo capaz de controlar a Magia da Natureza e a linguagem de programação avançada da Feitiçaria do Vento de Witchelny.
Artista Caio Balbino
Digidex Aventura Virtual
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vcreatures · 9 months
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A two for one post today.
Dragon posts for Smaugust.
The Maple Leaf Drake is a small to medium sized woodland dragon that populates temperate forests across the globe. Their unique body morphology allows them to hide, almost seamlessly, amongst vast maple forests. This physiological adaptation also extends to seasonal color changes throughout the year. They will live their lives hidden amongst the leaves, using their long proboscis bill to pierce through the bark of Maple Trees to extract the sweet sap, which makes up the majority of it’s diet. 
Incredibly skittish, the Fearful Precious Red Coral Drake lives it’s life hidden amongst Red Coral. It’s long proboscis-like mouth snatching up small unsuspecting pray. 
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crossflux · 1 year
It’s Spirit Evolution time!
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fddarchive · 2 years
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Misa Tsuki Spirit Evolving, a screencap edit by Shmelanna - From Shmelanna’s Deviantart account
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kursed-arcana · 5 months
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wayti-blog · 10 months
“He allowed himself to be swayed by his conviction that human beings are not born once and for all on the day their mothers give birth to them, but that life obliges them over and over again to give birth to themselves.”
Gabriel García Márquez
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Barbara Kraft - The Restless Spirit: Journal of a Gemini - Les Femmes - 1976
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macksartblock · 7 months
I know it won’t happen but what if Normal had a little Fabian Seacaster FHSY moment
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potahun · 9 months
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done with this mini series! the tsme quatuor as captain he, bai pu, jing bang, and papala - 3 men with daddy issues and the very lady who renamed her husband "Suitable" (he liked the name) follow-up to this
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National Indegenous Peoples Day🖤❤️💛🤍
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Elisa Maza, Gargoyles, 
Katara and Sokka, Avatar: The Last Airbender
Kai Green, Ben-10
Kuzco, Emperor’s New Groove
Joseph Gribble, King Of The Hill
Naarah, Catghost
Nani Cloud, Horseland
Kodiak, Summer and Eddy Skycedar, Spirit Rangers
The Guardians, Guardians Evolution
Little J & Big Cuz
T-Bear, Raven, Talon & Devon, Wapos Bay
Do u know any other Indegenous characters in media? I’d love to know💖
Made a similar collage last time if anyones interested
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euphorictruths · 1 year
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Orb Evolution- Jason Limon; 2015
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picodart · 5 months
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noosphe-re · 1 year
The Great Chain theorists, beginning as early as Leibniz, began to realize that the Great Chain could best be understood as a holarchy that is not given all at once, but rather unfolds over enormous stretches of historical and geographical time—starting with matter, then the emergence of sensation in life forms, then perception, then impulse, then image, and so on. And thus, about a century before Darwin, it was widely accepted in educated circles that the Great Chain had actually unfolded or developed over vast time. And—this was crucial—since the Great Chain contained no "gaps" or holes (because the plenitude of Spirit fills all empty spaces), the research agenda was to find any "missing links" in evolution.
Ken Wilber, A Brief History of Everything
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crypticroyals · 3 months
Ok. This might sound controversial but I need to get this out there.
Some people (not a lot and definitely not everyone) are saying it's cultural appropriation to use their or native American folklores for things outside of the native's context.
Alright I guess Greek and Norse and Japanese mythology can't ever be used again anymore guys. Remove all the fiction we have ever made. Library of Alexandria style.
Like, yes, I get the concept of not bastardizing a folk myth in the sense of like, "oh here's a w*ndigo, they're a hero!" when the creature is an embodiment of evil and represents all the negative things racist people ever associated with native Americans. Yeah I get that, but that shouldn't mean someone can't take the story and use it in their own in the right context.
That's what native America groups have done in so many different tribes. There is like 5+ different versions of the myth that are all native culture (all are Algonquian in close region iirc but still they have different things) so why can't I keep the main features that all cultures explain, use it in the same context but the lore is changed slightly to fit the story I'm representing it in?
Don't get me wrong, if someone took a creature/being from folklore and made it something completely different and than tried to use the name of it, that isn't the same myth anymore and should be given a different name, not the one they tried to say was their new depiction. But that still shouldn't mean I can't use a myth. The main reason Im upset about this is because you have a small amount of people saying it's bad and shouldn't be done even if used accurately even tho pretty much every other culture does.
Norse mythology? Look at Marvel with it's Odin, Thor, Hel and Loki. Greek mythology? That existed years ago and a few modern day pagan Greeks use it outside context and allow others to use it because it's ancient stories full of culture heritage. Same with Roman mythology which is basically Greek mythology but changed for a new context and many use that. Hell we have planets named after them!
I'm not saying "take a myth and make it something no longer that myth but claim it is" because that would be super rude as it ruins what the myth ment and stood for. But things change constantly. No two versions of a myth are exactly the same. Who's to say I can't represent it in my own way? I love learning about cultures and all sorts of myths and tales and cuisines and traditions. But if people can represent Zues or a Kirin and no one bats an eye than why do some people get mad when someone uses a native spirit of greed and winter hm? I know some people of native groups prefer to not speak certain terms as they see it as taboo. The W*nd*go for example. But some do. So why can't I represent cultures in a fantasy setting? Sure the myths aren't real life and consist from cultures all over with different contexts, but if we can't use windigos why can we use fairies and elves and gnomes? Is it because those are white myths? If so that seems very rude. But I'm not sure that's what it is because we have Asian myths and Greek myths in which are used. So I suppose it's because how people back than treated Africa and the Americas. That and how some "modern" takes resemble nothing of the cultures' actually things. Like in Africa Voodoo is now some "heebe jeebies murder witchcraft" and in Algonquian cultures the windigos are now for some reason weird deer minotaurs???? Like, why are they deer now? That's a new thing now, give it a new name please.
Anyways, I do not wish for people to believe this is some angry rant about how people should be allowed to steal and bastardize cultures. Because that isn't true. That's also something wrong people really shouldn't do. But what I guess I mean by all this, is that cultures spread and change over times everywhere and so many connect and change and show heritage and history. We should love each other and other's cultures no matter differences. In the end, we're all human. We shouldn't be fighting someone who wants to make a story about some sorcerers and rogues trying to hunt down a monstrous thing of evil that has been torturing a scared town that represents native cultures. We should be fighting the people who try to make a movie about a myth for the thrill factors that completely change the myth till nothing of the old tale remains and dare to call it the same.
I'm pretty sure this won't get a lot of representation besides hate from the few I spoke about but I felt the need to at least get this off my chest and I apologize if this offends anyone no matter how.
Hopefully one day humanity can get along better than it does. 🤞💕🤝
#also my little pony has windigos in a different context and i have yet to see anyone mad about it#maybe there is some but i haven't found anything#i hope noone sees this as agressive in any way#i just love reading so much about everything and loving the connections and difences of cultures#but im so tired of being terrified to represent anything in anything#i worry about race i worry about culture i worry about accents and disabilities and diseases and so much#all because i see a few people getting so so mad at someone who wanted to share a story about a spirit outside of the big three mythologies#aka norse greek and japan#i know many people get mad at others for anything#but we should be getting along 😔#i guess im just tired and hopeful#i try to use inspiration from things as a way to let unrepresented people that at least someone cares about who they and their people are#i hate when people try to hate on someone for being different#i hate when people think they're better than anyone else because of who their people are#i hate how i feel like im on stepstones over harsh waters because im worried i will offend someone for trying to show i love who they are#i don't wish for ill intentions on anyone and i apologize if anyone sees this as rude to them#i just hope people understand where im coming from with this and why i felt the need to share#i just want to love others cultures and show that i care#and wish to share fantasies and speculative evolution of their myths and legends in a way to connect with others and the unknown#im sorry if i upset anyone that is not my intentions at all and i apologize for repeating this#im just worried this will come off the wrong way and i end up with hate spam in my inbox#i never get inbox stuff but i hope my first ones aren't hatemail#culture#planet earth#mythology#Love of Humanity and Unity
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pokemon-cards-hourly · 6 months
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