#spine pain relief
delalles-2023 · 1 year
Como aliviar dores na coluna e lombar com o Alongador de Coluna
Você já sentiu dores nas costas ou na região lombar após horas sentado em frente ao computador? Infelizmente, essa é uma realidade para muitas pessoas que trabalham em casa ou no escritório. Mas existe uma solução simples para esse problema: o Alongador de Coluna. Neste artigo, vamos explicar como esse equipamento pode ajudar a aliviar as dores na coluna e na lombar.
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O que é o Alongador de Coluna e como ele funciona?
O Alongador de Coluna é um equipamento que ajuda a corrigir a postura e a aliviar as dores na coluna e na lombar. Ele funciona através de um sistema de tração que estica a coluna vertebral, reduzindo a pressão sobre os discos e as articulações. Isso melhora a circulação sanguínea na região e reduz a tensão muscular, aliviando a dor e o desconforto.
Como usar o Alongador de Coluna para aliviar dores nas costas e lombar?
Antes de usar o Alongador de Coluna, é importante ler as instruções de uso e seguir as recomendações do fabricante. Geralmente, o equipamento deve ser usado deitado no chão, com os pés apoiados em uma superfície elevada, como uma cadeira ou um banco. Em seguida, é necessário ajustar a altura e a inclinação do equipamento para que ele fique confortável e seguro.
Depois de ajustar o Alongador de Coluna, é hora de começar o exercício de tração. Isso pode ser feito de diferentes formas, dependendo do modelo do equipamento. Alguns Alongadores têm uma manivela que permite ajustar a tração gradualmente, enquanto outros utilizam o próprio peso do usuário para esticar a coluna.
Independentemente do método escolhido, é importante começar com uma tração suave e aumentar gradualmente a intensidade ao longo do tempo. É recomendável fazer o exercício por 5 a 10 minutos por dia, sempre com cuidado e atenção à postura.
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Benefícios do Alongador de Coluna
Além de aliviar as dores na coluna e na lombar, o Alongador de Coluna oferece outros benefícios para a saúde e o bem-estar. Ele ajuda a corrigir a postura e a prevenir problemas como hérnia de disco, escoliose e cifose. Também melhora a circulação sanguínea na região e reduz a tensão muscular, promovendo o relaxamento e a redução do estresse.
Conclusão: O Alongador de Coluna é uma excelente opção para quem sofre com dores nas costas e na lombar. Com seu sistema de tração, ele ajuda a esticar a coluna vertebral, reduzindo a pressão sobre os discos e as articulações. Além disso, o equipamento oferece outros benefícios para a saúde e o bem-estar. Se você trabalha em casa ou passa muitas horas sentado em frente ao computador, considere investir em um Alongador de Coluna e alivie as suas dores nas costas e lombar.
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queerlyloud · 4 months
Pain relief euphoria is a helluva drug 🎉🥳😶‍🌫️🦄👑📯✨️🎊🚀🌠⛱️🌈💐💞👏🏻💃👯‍♀️🤸
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oatflatwhite · 5 months
my back is killing me today :))))))))
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amnt777 · 2 years
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ruvviks · 2 years
thought about how mikhail's neck/back cyberware is the result of a horrible horrible accident he was in and i went :))))))) pain soup
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txpainspecialists · 1 month
Discover joy and relief with Texas Interventional Pain Specialists as patients share their journey to a pain-free life.
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newhopephysio · 1 month
Say goodbye to back pain with our comprehensive guide to effective exercises! Join us in this informative video where we demonstrate simple yet powerful techniques to alleviate discomfort and strengthen your back. Don't let pain hold you back – watch now and take the first step towards relief!
Book an Appointment: 📞: 905-846-4000 https://www.newhopephysio.com/ 170 Sandalwood Pkwy E #1, Brampton, ON L6Z 1Y5 https://maps.app.goo.gl/y2YrFYp97h1sKnaUA
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breakthroughpain123 · 2 months
Find Relief Today: Shoulder Pain Clinic in Newcastle at Breakthrough Pain and Performance
Your premier destination for addressing shoulder pain in Newcastle. Our clinic specializes in providing comprehensive solutions to alleviate shoulder discomfort and restore optimal function. Take the first step towards a pain-free life by scheduling an appointment with our Shoulder Pain Clinic in Newcastle today.
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fivedock-chiropractic · 2 months
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With our 80+ plus years of experience.  We understand the frustration of being in pain, feeling stiff or suffering inflammation and how this stops you from being able to do the things that bring you joy.  
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moreover-clover · 2 months
Nothing like twisting my back and feeling my spine crack like a glowstick so many times omg my back feels so free now. Is this what it feels like to temporarily not feel pain??
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Back pain? Try removing your third or seventh vertebrae. If you wish it to be gone and make a sacrifice to the dark powers, you never know, they might just do it. Then your nerves and spinal fluid can just wiggle freely in that little gap and it has to be good for you. The nerves will be your noodles and the spinal fluid your sauce. You will have delicious spineghetti in you at all times. Mama Mia!
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joinfitlife · 3 months
Effective Back Pain Relief Exercises 2024
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Effective back pain relief exercises are listed which will benefit the affected person. Read More
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aquaticaberration · 5 months
Every day I fantasize about what it'd be like having a wheelchair, and then my brain goes "But you can walk???" And then I go "You're so right, what am I thinking." despite being very aware that ambulatory wheelchair users exist.
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thebibliosphere · 9 months
Every time someone well-meaning suggests I see a chiropractor for my migraines, I have this little moment of "ah, you're new here. You weren't here prior to 2018 when a chiropractor very gently adjusted my neck for my migraines, and I ended up having to get an emergency MRI because the ensuing symptoms were indicative of a brain bleed."
It wasn't a brain bleed. The muscles on the entire right side of my neck "just" tore (Spoiler there is nothing "just" about that kind of traumatic injury. I am still in physical rehab for it), and I couldn't hold my head up, see straight, walk or do any of the things I'd previously taken for granted until several weeks later when the area finally started to heal.
This was before I knew I had Ehlers Danlos, btw. But this is true even for people who don't have a connective tissue disorder: Don't let chiropractors touch your neck.
There are a lot of vital nerves and blood vessels there, and even gentle adjustments of the area can have life-threatening consequences.
I know chiropractic care can be pain relieving--I still get it for my lower back and hips because I work with a chiropractor who knows about Ehlers Danlos Syndrome, and sometimes my hips need to be popped back in at short notice, and it's easier to hop walk in and see her than wait for physical therapy--but it is a short-term relief that doesn't actually correct why something is happening.
If you can afford it, physical therapy will likely help more in the long term. I know not everyone can afford it, and that's why chiropractors have such a booming trade in the US, but please, I'm begging you, don't get your neck adjusted.
The spinal cord specialist I saw after my injury told me the number one reason he used to see people for traumatic brain injuries was car wrecks, followed by other major roadside injuries. He said those numbers were still the highest, but after that, the majority of his patients were survivors of chiropractic injury.
Do Not Get Your Neck Adjusted.
It's been over 5 years, and I still can't move my neck properly on my right side. I still struggle to eat and drink because my muscles will randomly seize up. It feels like my skull no longer fits on top of my spine because of the scar tissue. Please. I just want people to be safe.
And if you are a chiropractor reading this and thinking, "Well, I've never injured anyone, skill issue." No. You Have Gotten Lucky. Rethink how you apply your trade. Please, you can still help people while recommending safer options for specific body parts. Learn to do pressure point release and acupressure. Teach patients how to stretch and relax the area safely. Just fucking stop cracking people's necks like pop rock candy.
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fitnessmantram · 8 months
Best Posture for Sleeping | Best Sleeping Position | #sleep #sleeping #s...
Sleep is essential for good health and well-being, and sleeping posture plays an important role in getting a good night's sleep. The best sleeping posture is one that keeps your spine in a neutral position and reduces pressure on your joints.
There are three main sleeping positions: back, side, and stomach. Sleeping on your back is generally considered the best sleeping position for spine health. It helps to keep your spine in a neutral position and distributes your weight evenly. Sleeping on your side is also a good option, especially if you have neck or back pain. Sleeping on your stomach is the least recommended sleeping position, as it can put a strain on your neck and back.
Read More :  6 Ways to Improve Your Sleep Posture
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drkarljawharidc · 9 months
Boosting Your Immune System: The Role of Chiropractic Care
The immune system is necessary for protecting our bodies from harmful pathogens such as bacteria, viruses, and other invaders. A strong and healthy immune system is essential for overall well-being and optimal health. Many people are looking for ways to boost their immune systems, and one approach that has gained attention is chiropractic care Texas.best chiropractor dallas tx 
Let’s delve into the role of chiropractic care in supporting and enhancing the immune system.
Spinal alignment
As you know, the spine and nervous system are connected, which is responsible for the overall body functioning, including the immune system.
Spinal alignment using chiropractic adjustment can help restore the functioning of the spine, leading to a positive impact on the nervous system.
Reduce inflammation
Due to injury or infection, your body can develop inflammation, which affects the normal functioning of the body, and if the inflammation becomes chronic, then your system weakens over time.
Chiropractic care can help you strengthen the immune system using different techniques, especially spinal adjustment, which is mainly responsible for the functioning of the immune system.
Eliminate Stress
Stress can have a negative impact on the immune system, making it more susceptible to infections or allergies. Due to stressed or tense muscles, your immune health can suffer.
A Chiropractor, with the help of adjustments and other techniques, can help eliminate stress, which relaxes your muscles and supports your immune system, improving your overall health and well-being.
Lifestyle changes
Chiropractic treatment is a safe and natural way to support your immune health. However, it’s not the only solution for the immune system. You need to use another approach, along with chiropractic adjustments.
Visit Dr Karl Jawhari, the best chiropractor in Dallas, TX. By addressing the root cause of the problem, he can provide an excellent solution for your immune health based on your requirements.
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