#space marine tactical squad
nightscalestudio · 11 days
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The second test Blood Angel for the Horus Heresy. Which one do you prefer, with battle damage or clean? painting tutorials: https://www.patreon.com/Nightscalestudio
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titanomancy · 7 months
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My absolute favorite part of the new Terminator sculpt is the backup camera on the trailing edge of the carapace. Vitally important for the cramped confines of a space hulk.
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Bummer that they haven't brought back the Wolf Guard Terminators belt-fed assault cannon, though. That was a pretty premium look and actually took advantage of the Terminator trailer hitch.
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indiana-farm-nerd · 1 year
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My first full squad of imperial fists is now done
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PIC INFO: Spotlight on Firstborn Space Marine Brother Kalius of the Raptors Chapter, 3rd Company, 2nd Tactical Squad, deployed during the Taros Campaign, wearing a modified suit of Mark VII Aquila Power Armour.
Source: https://wh40k.lexicanum.com/wiki/Kalius.
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Space Goat List Design (temp title)
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Today's topic: Deathwatch
Alright, due to popular demand let's try and do this
@strumwulf , @trat-yrrebeulb, @saintnuke-ac, I hope this sort of post is what you expected, and if anyone wants me to cover a specifc supposedly "bad" faction, just drop an ask into my inbox.
Todays's topic is the Deathwatch. As by a Metawatch article from three weeks ago sitting at the very bottom of the roster with a miserable 42% winrate, right there with Admech. In this post I'll put together a list that definetly will pack a punch on the table and definetly perform better than 42%.
Let's see what we are working with first. Our Army Rule is "Oath of Moment" - essentially "each round pick a target, go fuck them up with full hit rerolls". The detachment rule is 3 tactics to pick for a round, which is Sustained Hits 1, Lethal Hits, or Precision on a 6. All in all pretty simple, just fire up whatever is needed. Nothing here gives us specific instructions on list construction, so let's look at the Stratagems:
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Aside from Armor of Contempt, each of those targets either ONE regular unit or TWO killteams. Adaptive Tactics is fairly lame as well, so we will spend our command points mostly on a) teleport 2 killteams around with Teleportarium and b) turn on one of the Rounds-Boost depending on the situation, either Hellfire or Kraken.
That gives us the first order to be effective: slap two Killteams in there, and we can effect the most points (and firepower) with this by using Proteus Killteams. Two big units are priced 360p each, which gives us a neat 720p core to work around. There's just a problem with that: those boys will never hold objectives. Ideally you always have them placed at max range, have them blast away, and then jump back up.
So what DOES actualy hold the objectives for us? For the homefield that is fairly simple: 5 man Infiltrator Squad. Their 12'' deepstrike denial shuts down so much possible enemy nonsense, making their inclusion for the homefield a no-brainer. We are now at 820p with that.
But what about other objectives? In general Space Marines are not good at holding objectives unless they throw a Terminator Brick on something. Their units are too pricy to be relegated for holding duty most of the time. Luckily, we don't have to be good if we can just grab the enemy homefield instead. Usually that's not easy for the faction, but among the exclusive Deathwatch units there is an Aircraft Transport: the Corvus Blackstar.
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And would you look at that, it can transport EVERYTHING.
So what is the most annoying, hardest-to-remove, packs-a-punch unit we can send right on its way to the enemy homefield? Centurion Devastators of course! A squad of 3 with Grav Cannons should be able to deal with any big stuff the Blackstar's Hurricane Bolters can't shred - and would you look at that, they even get full rerolls when shooting a target on a marker. But wait, there's more! We still got three unit slots left on our party cruiser! It's a bit cramped, but we can still fit a unit of Eliminators in there! Very useful if the marker is full of units and you can't directly disembark on it: they can move after shooting, so you still got a shot of scoring the objective after blasting the enemy off it.
Adding that all together with what we already have that puts us at 1260p, and oh dear, we don't have any characters yet!
Remember the pitiful 5 man infiltrator squad we left to defend our base? Those people will just get shredded away by any sort of serious indirect fire, or especially ballsy deepstrikers, and then our primary scoring takes a nosedive. Turns out for just 70p you can eliminate that risk entirely: a Librarian in Phobos Armor gives essentially the entire unit Lone Operative. Since the enemy cannot deepstrike within that range due to the unit's ability, that means they are now ultra-safe. With the homefield now at maximal security, we are now at 1330p.
So what to do with the remaining points? Well, the Proteus Killteam does have a mirror: the Fortis Killteam. While the first gets a bonus for aiming at targets above half strenght, they get a bonus for hitting units below that. There's just one problem: they don't have deepstrike and out other Killteams are clogging up the Teleportarium. So we add a regular Apothecary with the Beacon Angelis enhancement to a squad of 10. Just in case those Plasma Boys blow themselves up, we now got a medic on standby.
Adding that to what we have puts us at 1640p. To make the most out of this, let's add a Watch Master and 5 Deathwatch Veterans - they are just there to carry the following Enhancement:
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This levels up Oath of Moment to its old glory, AND gives you an extra use. Meanwhile the special weapons on the Veterans can pack quite the punch as well, even when they are just a small unit. The "makes stratagems more expensive" skill is also neat.
Overall: 1920 points by now.
What we do with the last 95 points is completly up to preference. I just threw a Callidus Assassin in there for scoring purposes, and that fits thematically with the Proteus Teams jumping around.
Librarian in Phobos Armor
Apothecary (Beacon Angelis)
Watch Master - Warlord (Tome of Ectoclades)
Deathwatch Veterans (5 models)
Centurion Devastator Squad (3 models)
Corvus Blackstar
Eliminator Squad
Fortis Killteam (10 models)
Infiltrator Squad (5 models)
Proteus Killteam (10 models)
Proteus Killteam (10 models)
Imperial Agents: Callidus Assassin
With a total of 1995 points. Weapon options are to be taken as common sense dictates (= no Frag Cannons on the Proteus, Fortis goes full Plasma, high damage weaponry on the Blackstar).
Notes on playing this list:
The most interesting part about this: the list has an extreme advantage when going second. Not only can you start deepstriking on the first turn with your Teleportarium, you can also RAPID INGRESS THE CORVUS BLACKSTAR in the enemy T2, meaning for your T2 you can already zip over to their homefield. The list is not ideal for secondary scoring (you will most certainly not even consider Investigating Signals with just the Callidus), but it does not have to be, for your focus is to ruin the enemy primary scoring by directly putting their homefield into your focus. And hey, "Capture Enemy Outpost" is 8 points, so having your Centurions parked there at the first chance you get definetly will also score a bit.
Your biggest worry is running out of command points for you have no generator in your list but that is something one can play around. The operating procedure should be fairly obvious: mark Oath of Moment Target -> let the Proteus Killteams blast them off the table. Eventually strike in the Fortis Team for cleanup duty. Meanwhile the Blackstar with its cargo has its own gameplan mostly independent from that.
The biggest issue for this list in a competititve setting is time, for your goal is to win the primary game in the long run. I recommend unit trays for the Proteus Killteams so taking them off the board and putting them back down is easy.
Last fun bit: I am not sure how this works on the rules specifically, but in this list you would have TWO instances of "make a enemy battle tactic stratagem worse". Of course that means you target their best + Command Reroll, but I am not sure if you can stack them. Putting Command Reroll at a 3CP cost sounds hillarious tho...
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hadrians-wall95 · 1 month
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Ser Octavius surveyed his battleline. Preparing for the assault to come.
The Saguine Knights, Fleet Based Successor Chapter of the Blood Angels, had come to Forgeworld Snifflick after hearing the Distress Calls of the Covenant of the Omnisiah. The Skitarii defenders had done well to contain Hivefleet Behemoth, but they had been unable to push into the most corrupted parts of the Forgeworld. Today, Ser Octavius and Court Librarian Merlinius would change that.
The Tanks of Trebuchet Company were deployed. All that was left was the order to assault. The objective: to open a hole in Tyrannid Line, and to cleanse the birthing pods scattering the battlefield (the orange leave piles. Work with what ya got). He gave the order, and the treads of the Emporer advanced.
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The Company advanced, bringing the full might of the Emporer to bear. Lascannons scoured the flesh of the Xenos, bringing down great beasts before they could even react to the assault. On the right flank, Ser Octavius and the Rhino Carrying Black Squadron ran into early trouble. The genestealers meant to break open the Rhino and Slow the Tactical Squads advance. Ser Octavius, in response, heroically charged the brood, sure he could bring the beasts low before they could open up the APC.
It is unfortunate, then, that Ser Octavius has the wrong of it. The Xenos was Cunning this day, and knew that killing him and the Librarian would be worth a hundred line brothers. The Assault Marines deployed from the landraider, hoping to save their Warlord.
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Unfortunately, it was too little too late. Ser Octavius was thrown from his bike, his armor torn asunder. As he lost consciousness, his thoughts were only of vindication, praying that Merlinius would finish the Job.
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Merlinius would have no such luck. I'm fact, it was all the Librarian could do to survive and avoid a rout. Both Landraiders had collapsed under Tyranofex fire, and the objectives seemed impossible to secure. Meanwhile, Behemoth was out for Blood, bringing weapon after weapon crashing down on the Wizard and his honor guard. As the terminators around him fell, Merlinius ordered one last charge. They'd take this objective, or die trying.
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A final charge was ordered, to some success. Tactical Squad Green was able to take and hold the left objective, giving a path to victory. Tactical Squad black charged into the frey, hoping to hold the center and steal a victory. A last desperate push.
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That ended not with a bang, but a whimper. Ineffective charges meant that time would decide this battle. Merlinius, the last of his Bodyguard dead at his feet, sounded a fighting withdrawal. The retreat saw the death of most of the enemies great beasts. The biomass lost today would be a terrible blow. They would hold the Xenos this day, true. But this was no victory. Just like the Skitarii before them, the Space Marines had failed to cleanse the planet. This would be a long campaign. Merlinius have the order. The Death Company would son be Unleashed.
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drgairyuki · 1 month
My 1st Randomly Generated Marine Chapter
This was my first attempt at creating a Space Marine Chapter randomly.
So I decide to randomly create and generate a Space Marine chapter by using and messing around with 1d6chan(rip 1d4chan)'s Space Marine Chapter Creation Table and Roll A Die to get the results. Why? Because I thought it would be fun. Note; I did for fun, and there is going to be a lot of interpretation and speculation on my part, but I guess that's the part of the fun.
So here are the results of this me messing around;
Chapter Origins: Why Was The Chapter Founded? (d10) 10: Crusade - "We need people running around and hitting the Imperium's enemies. Found a Chapter!"
When Was The Chapter Founded? (d100) 97: M41/M42; Ultima Founding consisting of Primaris Marines. Actually in two waves (+ intermittents in-between), first in 999.M41 and 000.M42, intermittent foundings during the intervening years to replace destroyed chapters or garrison key areas, and the second in 012.M42 after the first phase of the Indomitus Crusade ended with victory at the Battle of Raukos from the last core of Unnumbered Sons veterans, capping off the largest founding in history.
Who was the Chapter's Progenitor? (d100) 71: Dark Angels
Chapter Properties and Flaws: Gene-seed purity (d10) 10: Flawed - Chapter's gene-seed is flawed and sets them apart from their progenitor - roll on Chapter Flaws table
Chapter Demeanour (d10) 10*: Uphold the Honour of the Emperor - Performing unheroic acts? *BLAM* NO or alternatively, since I'd already rolled 10 once for above, I decide to roll again and I got... 1: Swift As The Wind - Going slowly and thinking things out? BLAM NO
Based on the Chapter's Progenitor, how likely are they to suffer gene-seed mutation? (d100/d20) Dark Angels - 10% (1-2) d100; 44/d20; 12
If they have a new mutation, what is it? (d10) 7: Lost zygote - Something's gone. One of the silly EMPRAH-BLESSED things like the Betcher's Gland or Melanchromic Organ, not something critical like the Black Carapace
Progenitor-specific mutation Dark Angels Lost zygote
Lost Zygotes (d100) 60: Oolitic Kidney Since I got really confused and didn't know really about interpreted them above as I didn't know if it there only need to be one lost zygotes or two, I decide to roll again 100: Roll twice on this Chart 68: Neuroglottis 59: Oolitic Kidney* I'd already rolled for Oolitic Kidney, so either the above is good enough or I reroll again 27: Occulobe
If one exists, what is the Chapter's Flaw? (d10) 4: Pride in the Colours - The Chapter hates doing anything that covers their livery, including wearing Deathwatch black.
Chapter Legends: Figure of Legend (d100) 96: Battle-Brother (roll d10 twice to determine company and squad). I decided to roll both 2d10 once and roll 1d10 twice 6 & 7: 7th squad of 6th Company or alternatively, 5: 5th Company 4: 4th squad
Deeds of Legend (d100) 69: The figure led an action against an Eldar craftworld, boarding it and inflicting grievous casualties before withdrawing. He and his Chapter are especially hated by the pernicious Eldar, for whom the event is still fresh and raw.
Chapter Homeworld and its Properties Chapter homeworld (d100) 35: Feral World
Fleets 10+d10 vessels: 8
Homeworld terrain (d100) 29: Desert
Rule of homeworld (d10) 3: Stewardship - "Hi, Planetary Governor? It's me, the Chapter Master. Just calling you to remind you that I outrank you, even if I don't do anything."
Not Fleet-Based, so I can ignored that
Tactical and Strategic Organization d10 Result - Chapter organisation and Variant Base Chapter 10: Unique organisation/Unique(Codex)
Combat doctrine (d10) 6: Drop Pod
Characteristic Chapter Training (d100 Result) 44: Endure Anything: Training in this chapter emphasizes the need for any squad to be ready to endure any trials they find themselves in. They produce tough, durable brothers with diverse specialties.
Chapter Specialities Specialty restrictions (units the chapter cannot field) - Only roll if Unique Organisation was selected (d100) 15: Apothecary (someone still needs to collect the progenoids)
Special equipment- Roll once if Divergent was selected, twice if Unique Organisation was selected (d100) Rolling 2d100 81: Preferred Fighting Style: The Chapter has a specific way in which it prefers to go about killing the enemy in the name of the God-Emperor of Mankind. Examples: Bolt Pistol and Chainsword, dual Power Swords, special Bolter pattern or ammunition 99: Modified Weaponry: When the Chapter’s forges produce a weapon, they produce them in a style that is specific to their Chapter. Examples: Power Sabre, Bolt Pistol with weighted butt for clubbing. or alternatively, Rolling 1d100 twice 58: Blessed Wargear: It is common for members of this Chapter to have their Wargear blessed by a Chaplain before battle. Doing so puts the Battle-Brother’s mind at ease and more focused on the task at hand. 81: Preferred Fighting Style: The Chapter has a specific way in which it prefers to go about killing the enemy in the name of the God-Emperor of Mankind. Examples: Bolt Pistol and Chainsword, dual Power Swords, special Bolter pattern or ammunition
Chapter Beliefs What form do the Chapters' beliefs take? (d100) 84: Totem Creature - "You know how we've got an animal as our Chapter symbol? Yeah, we're going to stick that everywhere."
Chapter Strength At what strength is the Chapter? (d10) 2: Under Strength: The Chapter is recovering from a defeat or accident that occurred several decades ago, or has recently suffered heavy, but not irrecoverable losses. It is probably at a minimum of half strength, and should return to nominal strength within a decade.
Chapter Relations Who are your Chapter friendly with? (d100) 24: Another Chapter (choose one) Hhhmmmm… Maybe either the White Scars or the Space Wolves, depending on how your interpreted it.
Who are the Chapter's enemies?(d100) 27: The Tau Empire (alternatively, you may select a particular Sept, Commander, or Ethereal)
Ooooooo, the Tau Empire, my favorite faction in 40k (mostly due to the battle suit, so sue me :P), but I think I'll go with selecting a particular Sept, Commander, or Ethereal option. But i'll most probably do that in one of the reblog of this post.
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I am sad at the passing of first born marines, they have been the iconic space marine for me ever since I got into the hobby 26 years ago.
It is sadly happening, thep only first born kits left are Vanguard Veterans, Devistators, Chaplin, tactical squad, some tanks and flyers.
I am guessing at the next Primaris round of releases, we will probably see the elimitation of that.... And I will be sad, because it is the passing of an age.
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Entry #012.3v2.(fennion).uncompressed.
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--The Second Company, Part 4 of 9 5 9-- +Header Item: Pict-Capture, Sergeant Harmik Fennion, retrieved from archived sensor-capts, Avaricum Tercius, Demeter Campaign, approx. 963.M41. The Departmento Photartem formally apologises for hue losses and degradation encountered during processing.+
Continuing this entry on, and I quote "names that should be known" (??) within the Iron Fists' Second Company, we come to Harmik Fennion. Chapter readiness records, as delightfully reliable as they are, suggest that Fennion was the sergeant of the seventh squad, second company, from 932.M41 at the latest. This is according to a few cross-referenced accounts of the Emerigo campaign, in which Fennion is described as:
"a proud graduate of the Gygar Octavian School of Unsubtle Grox-Headedness" by one Ensign Ebosan, and
"...adequate..." by the aforementioned Sergeant Gygar Octavian himself.
Despite this...ringing endorsement by his peers, Fennion seems to have enjoyed a fairly successful career as far as space marine sergeants go. His squad attained consistently high kill rates, relatively few casualties, and battle commendations across Demeter, Poros and a number of other campaigns. However, a few noted statements in his log stand out as unusual, and detail explicit rejection of bionics, in apparent confliction with the chapter's general adherence to the teachings of Ferrus Manus. This appears to have even gone so far as to merit him an official warning from Company Command for "deliberately slowing tactical replenishment rates". Odd. What is also odd is that the best-quality pict-capt I could find of Fennion depicts him wielding a power sword of a pattern that is generally not seen outside the armouries of the Ordo Malleus. I;ve asked Yandin about the sword, and he has refused to comment.
+Supplementary Log, Cosrau Yandin, Captain, 7th Company Iron Fists+
"Fennion was...well, you couldn't have asked for a better sergeant, in my books. The line between mechanical obedience and radical initiative is a hard one to walk, especially as a sergeant, but he managed it, and managed it well. He never cut corners, never took shortcuts, but always managed to find little ways of improving things. For example, I remember him wrapping ammunition belts around his wrist rather than using magazines, because 'the burst rate never quire lines up right with the clip capacity.'" "By the time he took me into the seventh squad, his reputation for clean efficiency was known well outside the Second Company. It was a reputation that got him places, no doubt about that. Fennion's reputation put him alongside First Captain Aurastra, when we charged at a Shadowsword on Avaricum Tercius. Fennion's reputation also put him on the plainwards flank of Verchen's rearguard during the siege of Taralus. It put him against two score Kakophoni noise marines of the third legion. It put him in his grave, that day...."
+End log.+ +Addendum. I refuse to comment on Fennion's sword. -Y.+
Throne knows I try, Hester Vinchix Calimorre, Historiographer-Moderatus, Logos Historica Verita.
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shoehedd · 6 months
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Painted up my Genestealer Sanctus conversion yesterday!
His torso and arms are all from the regular Hybrid Neophyte sprue, with his barrell elongated with a super old skeleton warrior spear.
The scope is outta a Space Marine tactical squad.
Silencer is from @anvilindustry
Legs are from an enforcer I think?
His head is a Hive Scum head I swapped to at the last minute
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A mix of vanguard miniatures affray squads and some galactic crusaders totally-not-mk-vi-armor printed for me by excellent miniatures on hand sculpted bases. Two tactical formations for epic armageddon, painted up as salamanders space marines ona very purple alien world by me.
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nightscalestudio · 1 month
Angel of the Emperor is leading us! Blood Angel for the Horus Heresy. https://www.patreon.com/Nightscalestudio
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titanomancy · 1 year
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The lack of a heavy flamer or cyclone launcher has me wondering if these are just the starter set Terminators and we'll see a separate multipart kit at a later date.
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segersgia · 4 months
Warhammer 2023 - My list of favourites this year
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The new year is almost upon us, and this means I'm attempting to list off my favourite Warhammer miniatures of this year. And just like last year, I'm including Forge World stuff.
10. - Alchemite Warforger:
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The first in what I hope is a returning series of Lore-specific wizards for AoS. The Alchemite Warforger is a wizard from the Gold College, seconded to the Freeguild armies to be used as a specialist in alchemy and Metal-magic.
Much like their ancestors from Warhammer Fantasy, the Warforgers work their magic on both friend and foe; their allies gain a sharper edge, while their enemies might die after their armor is melted off through sorcery.
The release of the new cities of Sigmar range featured a lot of good stuff. It was very difficult to pick just one. Any part of the range looks stunning, but for me, the Warforger was the first miniature that made my jaw drop. It is a wizard that actually fits its function and profession instead of being a guy in robes and it is a nice centerpiece for a small Freeguild force.
9. - Skabbik's Plaguepack:
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To be perfectly honest. I forgot that this warband was a thing. Yet I would do it a disservice to leave it at that.
The Plaguepack are Skaven dedicated to the diseased teachings of the Clans Pestilens. They've traveled to the carniverous jungle of the Gnarlwood, in search of an ingredient for one of the legendary 13 Plagues. Their search eventually leads them to the undergrowth of the Wyrdhollow.
This warband is a microcosm of all that encompasses Clan Pestilens and it is one of the most characterful warbands released this year. And there were some strong contenders! However, what I see in this release is a glimpse at the potential for a big Skaven rework in the future. 4th Edition AoS is rumoured to feature the Ratmen in great supply, and I can't wait to see more.
8. - MKIII Tactical Squad:
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This year's award to best Space Marine goes to the MK3 pattern of power armor. I've seen a lot of divisive opinions on this one.
MK3 "Iron Armor" was an adaptation of its previous armor mark, with added protection and frontal plating. It was the answer to the cramped and confined spaces of Space vessels (and in older sources, was specifically used to fight the Squat Empire). Even after millenia, the armor is still favoured by certain chapters and chaos legions.
I don't care what anybody says. This is a massive upgrade to their previous iteration. I have seen people complain that they look too lanky and that the spike makes no sense. I don't understand these opinions.
From the better proportions to a better and more faithfully designed helmet, it is a straight upgrade. It is also an amazing treasure trove for conversions. I think a lot of Chaos Marine players will be using this set for their own projects.
7. - The Drakfang Thirsters:
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Vampires are almost perfect players for Blood Bowl. Their supernatural strength and agility gives them the perfect physique, with each vampire being a Star-player in their own right. Their penchant for hypnosis also helps in sabotaging the opponent. Their big weakness is their lust for blood, which they need to constantly sate.
The Drakfang Thirsters are the most famous of Vampire teams. Owned by the Pavalence Estate, they were the ones who first suggested adding in thralls to their roster, allowing the vampire players an easy blood-source to keep their urges at bay.
Games Workshop always manages to nail the Vampire aesthetic in their model line, and Blood Bowl is no different. They in fact went with a more classical approach, while still maintaining the bat-like aesthetic in their armor. I even like the thralls, who look malnourished and clearly show signs of getting their blood drained, with certain limbs being tied down to restrict blood flow.
I'm also glad to see the vampiric philosophy of "boobs-out" still shining through.
6. - Adeptus Arbites Exaction Squad:
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I was excited for this Kill Team since being teased in the New Years reveal, and they didn't disapoint. Necromunda Enforcers are nice, but the Arbites is what everyone wanted out of Evil Space Police.
The Adeptus Arbites are what many might refer to as the "Federal Police Force" of the Imperium. They concern themselves with more important issues than what a local enforcement agency deals with, which includes overseeing if a planet pays its tithes.
When a planet in the Imperium revolts, the Arbites are usually the primary targets to take down. A precinct of Arbitrators is oftentimes better equipped and protected than the local army, and those wishing to secede from the Imperium know this.
An Exaction Squad is a specified team of arbitrators and enforcers tasked with hunting down a high-profile individual for interrogation or imprisonment.
It is so nice to see the Arbites return after all these years, and I hope more is in stock for them. I like the more knightly design of their armor and the fact you can model all of them to have either a shotgun or a riot shield and baton is surprisingly generous.
I do have some gripes. Like with the Navy Breachers, I dislike certain choices made by the design team. I've noticed for example that Games Workshop really likes making models have their upper scalp exposed, and I just wished that was not the case. I also wish there was more variety in the helmeted options and that they looked at the old concept art for inspiration. I also wished the Proctor had an overcoat, though they might want to save that for a proper judge.
5. - Fellgor Ravagers:
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I'm going to give props to the Kill Team designers for bringing in a diverse range of new units that probably would've remained unsupported and forgotten in mainline 40k. Nobody would've ever expected Beastmen to get a unit.
Beastmen are a type of "Abhuman" typified by their bestial physical traits, such as horns and hooves. Oftentimes, they were mutated either through heavy pollution or high exposure to the Warp. Similar to their Fantasy/AoS counterpart, many of them are corrupted by Chaos.
Fellgors are Chaos Beastmen who have climbed the ranks to be considered the elite of their pack, and favoured by the Dark Gods. The Warp-tainted gifts they've received, have turned them into apex hunters, becoming a way more dangerous threat than would first appear.
While I'm slightly disapointed by the Chaos-heavy angle they went for the Space Beastmen, the overall execution of this Kill Team is still top-notch. Once again, the personality and flavour of each specialist is awsome to see and I especially love the gas-masked Toxhorn throwing gas grenades...
...Now stop being cowards and give us Beastmen Auxilia for the Militarum.
4. - Lictor:
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10th Edition was heralded by the 4th Tyrannic War, and this included a new and updated range for the Tyranids. My favourite this year was the humble Lictor.
Lictors are terrifying Tyranid assassin's, known in infamy for being one of the deadliest bioforms the hive mind can bring to the table. They are expert hunters unbeaten in their field. They can lie motionless for days before striking a target, and have been documented to visibly stalk people to completely traumatise them. Their proboscis tentacles can suck out brains, and from that they gain the memories of their victims. These creatures are absolutely horrific.
I want to emphasize with the Lictor one of the things I love in a Warhammer sculpt, which is modeling options. The updated tyranid range gained some well deserved kits with a lot of fun options, including the Termagants gaining a boatload of weapon options. The Lictor is similar. While I love the updated look of what was an incredibly ancient kit, it also came with multiple posing options, including two different heads. I love the hunched down Lictor the most (not including the fact that Hive Fleet Behemoth is also the best paint scheme).
3. - Gorger Mawpack:
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I screamed when these were revealed, as I've been waiting for them to redo the Gorgers since I first saw them.
Gorgers in their original iteration, were the forsaken and malnourished runts of Ogre society; abandoned inside the dark caverns of the Mountains of Mourn to become sacrifices for the Great Maw. The infants that survive their first few days try to survive by eating anything they can find in these pitch-black caves, which eventually leads to them consuming Warpstone.
In AoS, Gorgers are those unfortunate Ogors who have succumbed to the dreaded Empty Belly Curse; an affliction that destroys their guts and forbids them the joys of eating any food. Anything they try to eat tastes like ash and gives them no nourishment at all. They are basically endlessly starving.
This kit surpassed anything from my wildest imagination, as it is one of the best glow-ups of the century. They look more gnarly than their resin predecessor and the kit benefits from way more options. I also love how these could both fit the Old World and Age of Sigmar. I just wished their original background lore was still relevant in the Mortal Realms.
2. - Corpse Harvesting Party:
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I've probably already said this, but Necromunda as a setting blows 40k out of the water, and the Corpse Harvesting Party is a prime example of that. It is such a great deep dive into the Imperium's horrid society, while also showcasing how diverse just one planet can be.
The Mercator Pallidus or Corpse Guild is the merchant guild associated with the collection of the dead, which they turn into a food-source called Corpse Starch. To do this, the guild sends out a corpse harvesting party to act like vultures in the Hive city, searching for freshly killed corpses to bring back to their processing plants.
It always excites me to see anything coming for Necromunda, since they always hit their mark. The Corpse Harvesting Party oozes personality and aesthetic brilliance, while also remaining consistent to the Imperium's overall design. I love how the Corpse Grinders in the retinue resemble their khornate counterparts, while the Bone Scrivener is just plain "Blanchian". I wonder if it's actually a Squat.
1. - Slann Starmaster:
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2023 saw the refresh of a couple ranges, including Tyranids and the Flesh Eater Courts. However, my favourite of these refreshes was the Seraphon. The Old lizardmen gained a glow-up like no other, and their masters followed suit.
The Slann are creations of the Old Ones, and were spawned to aid in the development of the Great Plan. When the Old Ones disappear into the void, they become the regent rulers of the Lizardmen. They are the most powerful Sorcerers in Warhammer; being able to destroy mountains with a flick of their wrist.
During the End Times, the Lizardmen had to eventually flee the Warhammer World and flew off into space. Then, after eons of flying into nothingness, they would be guided to the Mortal Realms by Dracothion, and would recommence the Great Plan to eradicate Chaos from reality once and for all.
I truly believe this miniature deserves the win this year. It probably won't since Angron and Lion El'Johnson came out this year, but the Slann Starmaster trumps them both in sheer design and personality. I love the amount of options you can get with this kit as well, from the items the Slann itself carries, to the amount of Skinks you can add as a servant. You can even add a tiny Coatl to his stand, and doesn't that deserve the instant win?
I really liked this year's releases. We gained a new edition of 40k with a splendid release of Tyranid models, while also gaining the refresh of multiple AoS ranges, with most of them being absolute bangers. We gained some great character models, from Vashtorr to Eternus, and the Kill Teams this year were some of the best.
Next year proves even more promising. The Old World is soon approaching and I can't wait to see what it brings. AoS is approaching its next edition, with potential Skaven releases to herald its arrival. I already have two new models I can add to next year's top 10, and both are vampiric in nature.
If I would wish for anything next year, it would be more Kill Teams for Xenos players and an update to the Clans Skryre for Skaven.
Anyways. I wish all of you a great holiday and winter season.
Until next year.
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agentldiddy · 5 months
An idea for a custom chapter of space marines I had a while back:
So this chapter is a very generic one. They follow the codex astartes to its extent, they don’t have any tactics or practices that are unique to them, their names don’t stick out much among the other chapters, they descend from the ultramarines. To most, they would just be ultramarines in a different coat of paint.
Then, one day, they test their geneseed for purity. They are shocked to find that none of them seem to have Guilliman’s blood in them, but rather the blood of traitors. All of them, specifically. As in each marine either has geneseed from one of the traitor primarchs, a chimeric geneseed consisting of two or more different traitors, or a rare few having geneseeds from primarchs with no records in the slightest.
So, the perfectly ordinary chapter is secretly a fully heretical organization. As such, the only thing they think to do is to earn redemption. A local inquisitor calls for what essentially amounts to a suicide mission on an already dying world. Seeing this perfect opportunity, the chapter decided to earn a glorious death to make up for their heretical origins.
And yet, when they do engage in combat, they emerge victorious. The threat is fully deterred, and the planet is saved. Even more curiously, not a single marine is injured. Most members attributed this fact to an unfortunate bout of good luck, but then one sergeant spoke up. He told about how he distinctly remembered losing an entire hand in battle. He remembered the sheer brutality of the initial injury and the agony of the wound. And yet, by the end of the battle, his hand was back on his arm, perfectly fine. As if the sergeant didn’t personally see it’s dismemberment and mutilation.
So, the chapter tries again. They sign up for another suicide mission. Once again, they win solidly. There are more reports of marines suffering major injuries that completely vanish after time.
And so the try again. This time, they see their members very clearly get mutilated, mauled, and maimed, suffering clearly lethal wounds, and one poor sap getting tore to tiny shreds. After they miraculously won that battle, said marine described in perfect detail how painful his “death” was, and stated his utter confusion on how he is still alive.
So they try more and more suicide missions. Flawless Victories each time. Some missions get reports of marines falling in battle, only to get right back up as the lethal blow disappears in an instant. In others, a squad goes into dangerous territory and comes back with more members than they went out with. No one knows where the new marines come from, e specially the new marines.
Some marines try to take their own life in an attempt to repent. They all end up somehow killing a foe during their attempts. During a meeting with the highest-ranking inquisitor in the sector, the chapter master confessed about their heretical origins, hoping they’d send an order to purge them in the emperor’s name. And this inquisitor was rather stereotypical for an inquisitor, one would burn planets at the mere possibility of a single chaos cultist hiding in a hut on one of them. So the chapter master was extra surprised to be responded by only an unamused “hmmmm” before the inquisitor went back to their business.
To this day, they are still fighting hopeless battles in an attempt to repent, only for them to utterly fail at their perceived redemption.
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enriquemzn262 · 1 year
On the subject of plot armor, who would win: A Jedi who's the main character of their story, or a basic Space Marine tactical squad that belongs to the chapter the story is about, but doesn't contain any primary or secondary characters?
I know nothing about WH40K other than its parent company are greedy dicks, space marines can only have dicks, boob armor is more controversial than tr*mp, and those kickass Astares animations.
So I have no idea, any fan of WH that can help us out?
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