poetailurofilica · 3 months
tal vez haya muchos sintiendo algo parecido o acaso son las siluetas que me abstraen al abismo como pistas escondidas entrelíneas de estos papiros es que me agrada y me sonroja cuando me adornan tus cumplidos es un tanto de compinche no por la facha sino los matices no es por tu boca pero qué alivio conocer mejor la impronta pues ¡eres atractivo!
sin negar las comisuras las poses los desvíos las travesuras sé quién eres aunque no te roce sé lo que quieres aunque no lo nombres aunque realmente no seas mío sólo no te confundas más bien, despéjate las dudas el sol se aprecia mejor cuando las nubes se disipan es el clímax de la razón la experiencia vs la premonición
tampoco es la condecorosa actitud que reclamo es que soy mosca para tu telaraña soy como esa vasija mágica nunca acabo doy más de lo que realmente tengo y al final, siempre me dan la espalda no es tanto por mis propios anhelos sino porque me aferro incluso, a la nada tal vez si sólo voltearan pidiendo masajes o arena sería mejor la estrategia pero jamás podremos cumplir expectativas ajenas
la vida también nos enseña que es mejor la dicha de los sueños que con tan sólo sentir entereza compartamos la misma a pleno no hace falta el resaltador ni que subraye algo concreto lo que amerita es la simpatía si puedo dibujarte un comienzo se sabe que todo quien medita encuentra su propio fallo, al juicio final me enternece porque me invitas a tu merienda casual, la cita, y aquí estoy yo con mis “té (quiero) “ y tú con tu café y silbar
extiende tu tentáculo de nuevo vacíame de promesas y vulgaridad me entrego a Cthulhu mi dueño como sirviente que enaltezca su majestad preguntaría dónde está el truco pero insisto: es tu simpleza mi tierra crea surcos a la marea para redirigir todo el manantial albergo contenta este espléndido sentir, que brota en mí tu ansiedad merecemos todo mientras lo deseemos y te aseguro que el cielo nos regalará aún mucho más
lo que le vale a un corazón herido no es ejercer castigos no es dañar ni cometer delirios no es manipular y obtener beneficios no es mandar para ordenar un suplicio no es competir pero con gracia te digo es todo un arte encariñarme contigo forjando mejores cotas por si algún que otro filo confunde el trigo con la maleza y el quejido tras cizañas de enemigos mejor escondo el laberinto mi origen no tiene más que un solo testigo
me es grato cruzarte entre sueños susurros cálidos que alivianan mi ego tu voz me trasciende cual brisa amable mi abnegación es cortejarte hasta que llegue tu carruaje incendias el iceberg que aún alberga mi lecho encendedor cuando atraes pareciera que manifiestas infierno me ardes justo en medio de la raíz cómo le explico a la Reina de copas que el Loco anda suelto que me tientan tus botas gato de paso y rodeos forjamos nuestro imperio por alimentarnos con lonjas
eres digno de la corona si hubiere anillo que quepe en tu dedo aunque es más gigante que mi derrota y tu estandarte fascinación a mi clero las amenazas no son de doma si el toro acepta pastar en el rancho darles a las vacas lo que más añoran y reproducir el ciclo sostener la historia un castillo impenetrable es más fuerte cuando el miedo se agota por alinear nuestras mentes en pos de un veredicto y a mucha honra
© Todos los derechos reservados
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omgafhsfanin2024 · 2 months
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No se, quería dibujar mi Sona con el estilo del Owynn de mi au... Quedó cool creo (?)
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#latinas4tomkaulitz 🤭
(hell yeah I can! Enjoy!)
Tom K. x Latina!Reader
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We all know Tom is gonna be stolen by your aunties
He's getting all the tea and literally being fed every second
Your family does not stop asking about Tom
Especially because he's fuking famous and dating you
No offense
Tom is literally so shocked and tired on how long parties can go on
He was literally falling asleep on a chair when it hit two AM
He was fucked up as well
He most likely drags Georg, Gustav and Bill along as well to your family parties
And you know damn well your family gets their asses drunk
Not even on purpose Tom just challenged your uncle to drinking
Your family literally drops everything about you to Tom
Your mother showed him baby pictures of you while your aunt told embarrassing stories
You walk in with him and he is swept away by your aunties and mother the second they see him
They give him so many weird but funny nicknames as well but some are cute
Main one is Germany though because you're family ain't creative
Your cousins are dragging Tom around as well
Especially when Bill tags along
Your little cousins are all over them and having the time of their life
Especially after they learn about their fame
Tom just loves when you speak Spañish
Especially cussing him out
It may be toxic but he loves that shit
He cannot take anything seriously when you are mad at him and yelling at him in Spanish
He slips in so many flirty and dirty comments
He cannot stop
He likes learning about your culture as well
Keep the spice down for a bit because he may not be able to take it all at first
But he will fuck that shit up because it tastes so fucking good
He never leaves without a plate of food
Or beer
Also please make him be a chambelan
@billsjum6ie @bigbootahjudy @ilovebill-and-gustav @r3dheadedw0rld @kiwitsune @V4mpyboyy @novaaisstupid @billybabeskaulitz @yas-v @iischafer @dilfverz @ahswhore0 @graciegizmo3184 @sweetpuffy12 @80s-tingz @ryiana @yuriayato5 @bunnysenpai31 @banshailey @bellastoner420 @victryzvv9 @stxngnr @killed-kiss @stilesandjames @m00nzyblogs @sylisan @lyzit @trixiekaulitz @laylasbunbunny @5hyslv7 @limaswife
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angelleplaytoonbeary · 9 months
😱😱😱 How did I get obsessed with this mod??? 😱😱😱
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🖤💉 I will come with more WI art soon :D 💉🖤
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🇪🇦 Spañish 🇪🇦
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name-brand-nessie · 5 months
What language are you learning?
Spanish. Or as they say in Spain, “el spañish”
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enzosansdemon · 2 years
Sonic exe x needlemouse spañish
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SasuNaru Doujinshi Español 2017: Tal Vez Mañana Seas Solo Un Recuerdo
NOTA: Tumblr me distorsiona las imágenes cuando son muy grandes, pueden leerlo en Deviantar o descarga el Doujinshi en Mediafire
Characters: Masashi Kishimoto
Anime: Naruto
Pareja: Sasuke x Naruto ( SasuNaru)
Texto edición: SasuNaru Paty-Ita
Historia: Sasuke es un demonio que come almas a cambio de un deseo, naruto recoge a un gatito de unos días de nacido lo cuida, pero un mes después encuentra al gatito muerto en su patio, desesperado todo su mundo se vuelve negro, apareciendo Sasuke que le ofrece salvarlo a cambio de su alma.
Tarde…. como lo prometí aquí está el doujinshi para que lo disfruten me costó un poco, pero decidí terminarlo y descansar la otra semana, eso creo yo jeje. ESPERO LO DISFRUTEN LO HICE COM MUCHO DEDICACION PARA USTEDES
NOTA: Pronto hare un doujinshi SasuNaru R18 10% Hard
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larien-elendil · 7 years
Channel me
Me tienes aquí, amarrada de raíces  Historia, que no te quiero contar porque me desvelas las noches y temen mis fantasmas psicóticos, psiclotímicos,  configurando la matriz de las albas  para interrumpir el polémico ascenso
Te falsificas para digerir las letras sobrantes y vas a repartir limosnas a los ignorantes  y todo ¿para qué? si estamos infraganti deseosas de ser mártir
Podrías olerme y aún así no sentirías nada ni el salmón es tan rosadamente contradictorio asqueroso, vulgar y repulsivo ser mediocre te bastó el ardor de la sangre para undirte te crucificaste con más vueltas que San Pedro
Quitaré mi esencia para perdurar en los granos de arena forjaré mi estandarte con los colores del destino y daré nombre a mis azañas si los dioses lo permiten tejeremos la enredadera al más allá  y no saldremos a flote, porque así estaba escrito
Las fauces de estos lobos que me rodean, chorrean enfermos de sed, rabiados por el despecho  que otra luna los abandone, luchan agónicos, contra sus más profundos deseos es el característico comportamiento salvaje 
Profetizan las estrellas que alguna sirena nacerá de entre las manadas mamíferas, su voz se alzará y fluirá junto con los aullidos para el despertar ¿tendrás agallas para permanecer despierto? ¿te alcanzarán las dudas para tapar la única verdad?
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Una y otra vez
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camilaadrianaa · 7 years
Playlist, SaDay
No puedo imaginar una vida sin ti…
En tiempos difíciles, sé que fuerte serás…
No quiero crecer más, ya es suficiente…
Lo siento mamá, me enamoré de un criminal…
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honeycloverbee · 2 years
Hello dear, I have questions, so I saw a gifs trending and a cute video, that lead me to ask my brother the anime expert 😄 to get me the episode for spy but he watches with the spañish subs, it was okay but I don't like the subs, we saw it together and I ADORE IT.
It's like my second anime and my brother has zero info about it but we loved it. So do you know where to watch it with good quality and english subs because that usually works better than the sometimes bad translations that most latin pages have.
Also do you know where I can read the manga with english subs, idk if that exists. But I hope it does, also do you know how long the story is?
ANONIEEEE hello!! if you are in asia, muse asia in youtube is your best choice, but if not, bilibili is a good place to watch it too,, you can read the manga on the mangaplus app, but it only shows the first and last three chapters, so you gotta pay for it. currently there are 62 chapters so yeah 😁😁 i hope you enjoy spy x family!!
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charlott2200 · 5 years
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💛💚💙❤💛💖💜 💛💚💙❤💛💖💜
June 15th - Draw any drag queen
Super drags 💖
 I like a lot super drags ,is actually a big step for latinoamerican animation ,the characters are really likeable and their problems are real  ,is so important for brazilian lgbt+ people now with the politics in brazil
But when it premiered in english it started a ...
controversy with the series:
1- some say that the characters are stereotypes and it is not good for the LGBT + community
Yes the characters are stereotypes but is a comedy series
2-the humor is too hard and repulsive
Heres a thing that i would like to explain ,yes there were jokes that go too far ,but most of them are fine ,cause latino america has a very agressive humor ,when you watch some latinoamerican show it will be very hard jokes ,even in the kids shows (example villanos (mexico) or golpea duro hara (chile) theres is blood ,double sense jokes ,even swear words (but is the definition u.s.a has cause here saying demonios /infierno (hell) estupido (stupid) maldito ( damned) (etc) are not swears )
So if you think some jokes are really too far maybe dont watch it or do it in BRAZILIAN PORTUGUESE (ORIGINAL) or LATINO AMERICAN SPAÑISH there will be more contex
3- horrible representation who did this dosent know anything
ALL of the people who made super drags are part of the community
Even the voices actors who are drag queens
Original :
Pabllo vittar drag queen and singer is goldiva
Silvetty Montilla drag queen is Vedete Champagne
In the english dub theres :
Trixie Mattel
Ginger Minj
 Willam Belli
4-english dub dont do justice
Even with all of these talented drag queens it wasent the same as the original ,the jokes were changed and worst it erased one of the most important part of safira/ralph  character their love for ANIME ,here in latam we still refer as people who love anime as an otaku (even when is know it meaning ) and the community here is huge brazil and mexico being the first places ,so ralph represent that, even safira desing takes elements of it (the wand  ,miku hair ,the references ) so erasing that part of the character was a really bad move
But theres something more important
 the politics in brazil since the election of its president bolsonaro has worsened every time more for lgbt + people
The president of brazil is racist homophobe who actually have change the laws in brazil to NOT protect lgbt people
He has say :
"I would not be able to love a homosexual son, I'm not going to be a hypocrite here, I'd rather have a son of mine die in an accident than to appear with a mustachioed man out there" (2011, interview with a magazine).
"The thinnest Afro-descendant there weighed seven arrobas (old unit of measure) They do not do anything, I do not think they even serve to pro create " (2017, after visiting a "quilombo", a redoubt where people of African descent live, and comparing them with  cows).
"I'm not going to fight or discriminate, but if I see two men kissing in the street I'm going to hit them" (2002, in an interview).
"The poor only has a use in our country: to vote, the voter's card in his hand is a donkey diploma in his pocket, he serves to vote for the government that is there, it only serves for that and nothing else."
"The mistake of the dictatorship was to torture and not to kill" (2016, during an interview on a Brazilian radio). He was talking about latino american ditatorships in the 80s where my granfather was tortured
"I do not take the risk because my children were very well educated" (2011, in an interview on TV, when questioned about how his reaction would be if one of his children fell in love with a black woman).
And this is the most important reason super drags IS IMPORTANT EVEN IF IS NOT PERFECT  it gives strength and hope to a lot in the country when this awful men is making laws that why we supported
Goldiva and scarlet faced the same problems with their family even when goldiva grew up rich and scarlet in a fabela
Ralph being discriminate by his father and thrown out of the house
Lemon having low seftautoestime
Hope you like💖
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whocaresaboutmyurl · 4 years
here a conversation you are not ready for: Disney songs in latin spañish > Disney songs in english
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comononito · 6 years
Will this story appear in comic format?
mmm i dont know... maybe :} but i wanted to animate the episodes like shots with songs but you know thats hard and also it takes a long time  soo  i was thinking about make them in comic format but i have to learn more about drawing in digital soooo maybe i will..... maybeeeee :’’’u Everything has its moment -puedes preguntarme en spañish si quieres igual respondo >:)
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gringoslur · 6 years
I dont even know whats the meaning of queer, theres a spañish translation or something?
Search the meaning online, i'm in mobile rn! but i don't think that there's a exact translation? I've seen queer being used in spanish as well.
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itsyunoshonoya · 4 years
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Among us memes in spañish
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