#southern continent
acourtofantumbra · 11 months
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Ok, I've already spent time wildly speculating about this random scene from ACOWAR where Feyre is struck by a memory of her "Prince of Merchants" father and a lapis lazuli pendant "from the ruins of an arid south-eastern kingdom, where the Fae had ruled as gods"...
So imagine my surprise when I come across this scene during my reread of HoF. Lapis lazuli mentioned specifically, along with gold, in the decoration of a knife that came from Eyllwe and was purchased from a merchant from the southern continent...
Both the memory and presence of these items seem to inspire uncontrolled, but visceral, memories for both Aelin and Feyre.
I've talked at length about the significance of lapis lazuli in particular (and what it could mean for these items), but mostly I'm here to say... "That's suspicious."
Heir of Fire, Chapter 34 & A Court of Wings and Ruin, Chapter 43
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shallyne · 2 years
This or That TOG edition
Let's play a game: I give you two options of which you have to chose one. Comment or reblog your answers
Wendlyn or the Southern Continent
Witch or Shifter
Fire powers or Ice powers
Valg or Ilken
Damaris or Goldryn
Blueblood or Yellowlegs
Fleetfoot or Abraxos
Terrasen ruled by Aelin or Adarlan ruled by Dorian
Doranelle ruled by Maeve or Adarlan ruled by the King of Adarlan
Undercover in Morath or Undercover in a circus
Stone castle or Glass castle
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krisrampersad · 2 years
Her Majesty meets the Maharani The Nonagenarians' Commonwealth game of Queen 'n' Mouse
Her Majesty meets the Maharani The Nonagenarians’ Commonwealth game of Queen ‘n’ Mouse
A sneak peak at the epic encounter 2 Matriarchs Across 2 Centuries & Worlds apart … what could they possibly have in common to be stuck together for all eternity? – inside the new creative genre … the MultiMedia MicroEpic Her Majesty & The Maharani The Nonagenarians mDNA MotherContinent The MultiMedia MicroEpic the Legacy of Queen Elizabeth II & Commonwealth Inheritance of King Charles III New…
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elwynten · 2 years
Chapter 3
Chapter 3
Next day: (Pern) PP 15 - 5 - 16
I slowly opened my eyes. I felt pinned in, with a leg over my left leg and an arm over my chest from my right side. Lifting my head so I could look around a little. I saw Kangee was the one that had her arm across my chest, and Jett had her leg over mine. Looking a little farther around. Taima was curled up in cat form at the foot of the bed, and most of the other girls were scattered around the HUGE bed. Trying to untangle myself, while trying to not wake anyone up, is not easy. Especially when there are so many people in the same bed. Since Taima is attuned to me, she woke up almost as soon as I started moving. Kangee woke up as I tried to move her arm off me.
"What are you doing?" Kangee asked in a sleepy voice.
Still trying to get out of the bed. "It's morning and I'm trying to get up." I told her.
She gave a little giggle. "Now that I'm awake I'll get up too. And I could use the bathroom and a bath."
Scooting off the bed, I reached out my hand to Kangee. "Well come on. There's more than enough room in the Bath House for everyone here." I said.
As Kangee tried to get out of bed she woke others up. There were grumbles and yawns. Crystal, Gina, Heather, Violet, Snowdrop, Sucki, Jett, Robbie, Willow, Amber, Opal and Hong, were all in the huge bed. I'm guessing the others were either in the other master bedroom and/or the guest rooms.
"What's going on?" "What time is it?" "Why'd you wake me up?"
I answered all the questions from the girls. "Getting up and going to the Bath House, it's morning time, because we were trying to get out of bed." I reached down and started tickling knees, sides, and foot bottoms, of the girls, to shrieks and giggles and "That's not fair" and "It's too early for that". But they started getting up and out of bed.
"Well, if you don't like getting up when I do. You can sleep in the other master bedroom or a guest room." I teased.
Almost in unison. "No, I want to sleep in bed with you." With several of the girls nodding their heads in agreement. I laughed. "Well then don't complain when someone gets up, out of bed." Kangee had gotten out of the bed by then and was standing beside me.
Taima shifted into human form and sat up on the edge of the bed. "You don't need a bath with that one cleaning ability you have. You can just use it and be all clean without a bath." She said as she raised her arms over her head and stretched like a cat.
"That's true, even though I didn't think about that. But a bath is still a good way to wake up in the morning." I leaned down and kissed her on the top of her head. "You coming?" I asked Taima. Then to the room in general. "Anyone else hitting the Bath House with us?" I asked those in the room.
Of course, Kangee and Taima wanted to go with me.
Once in the Bath House. Kangee and Taima took off their clothes and placed them on one of the benches. Then walked into the water. I took my clothes off and put them on a bench also. As I turned to get in the water, I spotted a wooden bucket I hadn't seen when we took the tour of the house. It was a bucket of rubber ducks. They are all different designs. I reached in and pulled out a couple of them. One looked like a pirate with a patch over one eye and a black hat on its head with a skull and cross bones on it. The other one had a Santa hat on its head and a white beard under its bill.
Looking to see where Taima and Kangee were. I tossed one of the rubber ducks towards them and said. "Quack, quack." While it flew through the air. Then I tossed the other rubber duck towards them and quacked again.
Both rubber ducks landed in the water close to the two girls. Both Taima and Kangee squealed at seeing something flying towards them. They picked up the rubber ducks to see what I had tossed towards them.
I reached into the bucked again and pulled out two more rubber ducks. I tossed one out into the middle of the pool. I wanted to see where the current would carry it. The other one, I kept in my hand as I walked into the water and over to Taima and Kangee.
As I reached the girls. "Where did you get these?" Kangee asked me.
I pointed to the walkway. "In a bucket over there. It's full of them." I answered.
The pool looked like a natural pond. Although there were seats made out of stone in the water all along the walkway, and it looked like there were sitting areas all around the pool. The whole pool seemed to be the same depth, about three feet deep, except in a few areas where it was four to six feet deep. And I could see what looked like a few places that were one to two feet deep as well. The deeper areas were towards the middle of the pool, whereas the shallower areas were towards the outer edges of the pool.
There were also small tables scattered around the pool. I guess they are to put soap, shampoo and wash rags, on. I guess you could put drinks on them if you wanted to have a long soak.
"Hey, you didn't wait for us." I heard one of the girls on the board walk say. I looked over to the walkway and the girls that had spent the night with me were getting undressed and walking into the water.
Since I wasn't sure who spoke, I responded to the group in general. "Y'all are just slow."
We found out that the depth could be altered whenever we wanted. So, if there as large group, we could have a larger area that was deeper. We also discovered that seats could be raised or lowered to have places to sit, and even though the seats were 'stone' they were comfortable to sit on.
After bathing and getting dressed, I headed to the bakery to get something for breakfast. Only a few of the girls joined me in the bakery, the rest went to the cafe.
"After breakfast I need to go back to Earth and get a few things. Anyone that wants to go, can tag along." I told those that were with me in the bakery. "It won't be anything thrilling, but you'll get to see what Earth looks like and what my house there looks like." I looked at Kangee. "I already know you'll want to go with me." I told her. Kangee looked down at the table blushing, but nodded her head, yes. Jett, Willow and Crystal said they would go with me, along with Topaz and Verdi. The rest of the girls decided to stay and finish settling in. I told those that were staying to stick close to the house.
Outside the girls gathered close to me. "Ready?" I ask as I looked around at the girls. I got nods and, "Yes'", from them all. I concentrated, picturing my back yard on Earth and the time 60 seconds after I left Earth. A moment later a portal appeared in front of me. I motioned for the girls to precede me. When the last one walked through the portal, I follow behind her. Once through, I closed the portal. Then I point out the boundaries of my yard. I walked over to Gina. "It is usually okay to go into other people's yards if there is no fence, but it can be considered rude unless you have their permission to enter their yards." I told her. "OH, and everyone here knows me as Randy. So, if anyone asks, you can tell them you're visiting Randy, and they will not bother you." Heading to the door I call back. "I need to get some things from inside. You can stay outside or come in with me." I finish as I reach the door with key in hand. Unlocking the door, I entered with Taima and Kangee close behind. I turned to Taima. "It might be a good idea if you stay out here and keep an eye on everyone that stays outside. I don't think there will be a problem, but just in case."
Taima nodded her head. "Good idea. But can I change form?"
"Sure, you can, but stay close to the house so no one is likely to see you. Change to the wolf. That way you can keep an eye on the girls and maybe chase a ball around or something." I told her putting an arm around her to hug her to me for a moment, then kiss her on the top of the head, then I let her go. Turning back to Kangee. "Let's go." I told her. "I'm not really sure what I want to take back. I just know I want some if my things there so it's more like home. Looking around the living room, I remembered something. One of the weirder abilities I should have. Remembering this, I started walking around the room, touching different objects. To make sure I was correct about this. I stopped in the middle of the room and concentrate on the last object I had touched. The object, a book, materializes in my hand. Or rather an exact copy of the book.
Kangee stared at the book. "Where did that come from?" She asked me.
"I copied it. Anything I touch I can make copies of. This will make it a lot easier. All I have to do is touch anything I want at the house on Pern, and I can make a copy of it once I'm back there." I grinned at her. "I don't have to fill boxes with a bunch of stuff and haul it back." I chuckled and went back to touching items I wanted to make copies of.
She looked worried. "Does that mean you can make copies of us?" Kangee asked me.
I shook my head, no. "No, I can't copy living things. I can't even make copies of plants. I can make copies of food but nothing living." I reassured her.
"That's good to know." Kangee said heaving a sigh of relief and smiling. "I pictured a dozen copies of myself running around the house." She added with a shudder.
I chuckled. "Having one of each of you is more than I can handle. A dozen each, would drive me over the deep end." I told her.
Kangee giggled and hugged me. "We wouldn't want that to happen." She told me.
When I finished touching everything I wanted or might want copies of. I hooked up the printer to my laptop and printed out the pages I needed. I'm not sure if a copy of my laptop would include all the files I've saved. So, taking a few extra minutes to print out what I need now could possibly save sometime later.
It still took a while to go through the whole house to touch everything I wanted. But it took a lot less time than if I had packed everything up in boxes. There are a couple other options I could have used, but they still would have taken longer. One option would have been opening a portal to one of my pocket dimensions and putting everything I wanted in the pocket dimension. Then once back on Pern opening the portal to the pocket dimension and unloading the stuff into the house there. It would have been quicker than packing boxes, but it isn't faster than just touching anything and everything I wanted to take or might want and making a copy of once I'm back on Pern. Or even on Remnant.
Once I had touched everything, I thought I would want, I locked up the house and Kangee and I walked to the back yard where the girls were.
Out back the girls had found a ball, and were tossing it around letting Taima run after it and bringing it back. Every once in a while, Taima made the girls run after her to get the ball back. They were all laughing and giggling, having fun. Taima spotted me and ran over to me still in wolf form. *All done?* she asks me. I nodded my head, yes. *So soon? That didn't take very long. Oh, I understand.* Then she shifted back to her human form.
Calling out to the girls. "I'm all finished. Y'all ready to go back?" The girls looked at each other and I hear a couple yes', some nodded heads and a couple shrugged their shoulders. "We can come back later, so everyone can have a look around more." I inform them. "For now, we'll go back home." Again, I opened a portal to Pern, to in front of the house there, with us only being gone 60 seconds.
Back on Pern, I headed into the house with Taima and Kangee. Willow, Jett and Crystal decide to go with me as well. Topaz and Verdi headed to the beach for a swim. Inside I found Amber, Eve, Gina and Heather in the Theater deciding what to watch. I stuck my head into the room. "We're back." I told them.
Looking up from what they were doing, Amber spoke up. "You just left." She said with a confused look on her face.
I laughed. "In a way we did just leave. But we were there for about three hours. It's just that when I make the portals, I can choose when I want to go or the time I want to come back. So, we were there for three hours and when I opened the portal to come back, I just pictured that we had only been gone one minute, Pern time."
Still looking a little confused. "Ooookkkaaayyy. If you say so."
"I know it's a little confusing, but you'll get used to it. One of these day's I'll show you." I told her.
I lead Taima, Kangee, Jett, Willow and Crystal into the Cafe. Taking a table large enough to hold all of us, I took a seat and motion for the others to sit down. As we took our seats a young girl came out and asked if we wanted to order. She was wearing a name tag with the name, Cammie, on it. She took our orders and went back to the kitchen to fill them.
As Cammie walked away, I pulled out the pages I had copied off my laptop. I handed a copy of each set of pages to Jett, Willow and Crystal. "These are the papers I was telling you about yesterday. Go through them and make your choices." I separated the pages into two different sets as I handed them out. I pointed out a couple places on the pages. "Don't worry about these areas. They are already decided, but you need to pick out what's in the other areas. And pick out one of the choices on these pages for your weapon." I shifted the pages and pointed out what else they needed to pick from. "Write down your choices on the back of one of the pages so I know what you want. And like I said before, y'all have a day or so to decide what you want. If you can get them done before that it would be better, but it's not that big of a deal. I just want to get y'all ready for Remnant and let y'all have enough time to get used to everything before we go there." I told them.
Cammie brought our orders to us. Some drinks and snacks. "Thank you, dear." I told her.
Kangee got my attention. "Yes, Kangee?" I asked
"Do I get to go to Remmant too?" She asked.
"Remnant." I corrected her. "Sorry no. I need you to stay here and help guard and protect the house and property. Besides, even though we'll be at Beacon Acadamy a week at a time, we will only be gone here for one minute. So, we'll be back before you can even miss us." I told her and gave her a hug.
Still not too happy about not being able to go, she gave me a weak smile. "Ok." Is all she said. Then points at Taima. "But she gets to go though." Kangee said accusingly.
"Taima's my Familiar. Not the old witches familiar but a Familiar/Companion. Wherever I go she goes. But I'll make a deal with you. Once we get settled in, you and some of the other girls can visit for a weekend, now and then. How's that sound?" I told her.
Kangee perked up a little. "I guess that won't be to bad. Deal."
"Besides, we'll be in classes and training. So, there won't be time for much of anything else. You'd just be sitting around waiting for us to get out of classes." I told her.
"I plan on being here for around one and a half to two weeks before we go to Remnant. Because starting day after tomorrow, I'm going to start surveying and mapping the land. Of course, any of you that want to go with me are quite welcome to go." I continue.
Crystal looked at Jett and Willow, then at me. "We'll all go. If we're going to be a team, we might as well get used to working together." She said, while Willow and Jett nodded their heads in agreement.
"Sounds good. I'll give the other girls the choice to go with us or stay home." I told those at the table. "Oh, if you go through what weapon y'all want. We can go to the Armory and get them for you before we leave. There aren't any humans around to worry about, but there are wild animals that might need to be delt with." I added.
Crystal cocked her head to the side. "I don't know how to use a weapon. So, what good will it be for me to have one?" She asked me.
Since they don't know about the Armory, I grinned. "Once you take one of the weapons from the Armory, it'll give you the knowledge of how to use it. So, you don't need to know how to use a weapon, you'll gain the knowledge. There are even books on hand to hand and martial arts that you can read, and once you read them, you'll be proficient in them. You might want to get one of the books to take with you to read in the evenings. That way you can kill two birds with one stone."
With her head still cocked to the side. "I'm not sure how that works, but if you say so." Crystal picked up the pages I gave her and started going through them.
"I'd suggest a melee weapon. I'll be giving you ranged attacks, so you won't need any guns or bows." I added. Crystal nodded her head as she kept looking at the pages. It looked like Jett and Willow had decided to do the same. They both had the pages spread out and were looking through them.
I made three copies of a pen for them and placed one beside each girl.
Getting up from the table. "I'll go and let the others know when we'll be heading out and see if anyone else wants to go." I looked at Taima then to Kangee, and motion for them to follow me. Stopping, I turned back to the table. "Crystal, don't pick a weapon. I have something picked out for you; I think you'll like. But go through that paper and pick the one rune for the weapon." I added before I left.
Crystal staired at me for a moment. "Okay." She said as I reached the door to exit the room.
I'm starting to get used to Taima and Kangee always wanting to be with me. But then I'm going to have to get used to having Jett, Willow and Crystal with me almost all the time when we go to Beacon Academy. I'm not used to having so many people around me practically all the time. But it's nice to have so many friends around like this.
Heading to the Theater and looking in, I saw the same girls that were in there before we left, were still in there. Stepping into the room. "Amber, if I can interrupt for a minute." Amber and Heather turned to look at me while Robbie and Gina keep watching the show. "I just wanted to let y'all know, that the day after tomorrow I'm going to start surveying the land. And anyone that wants to go is welcome. Taima, Kangee, Jett, Willow and Crystal have said they want to go with me. Just let me know before tomorrow evening if you want to go." Amber nodded her head, yes and Heather said, "Okay". Robbie and Gina just waved their hands in acknowledgement, still watching the show.
I headed to the lab; I'm sure Mercedes would be in there. I informed her what was going on. No surprise, she said she would stay here and work in the lab. Then I headed to the beach with Taima and Kangee with me. I told Topaz and Verdi what the plans are.
Since we are going to be camping out and possibly be around dangerous animals. I decide to give the girls some 'enhancements', so everyone would be less likely to get hurt. Walking over to the gazebo and taking a seat. "Kangee, take a seat, please." I motion for her to take the seat in front of me. After she sat down. "Since we're going to be out and about, and there are some dangerous animals around, I thought I'd give y'all some abilities to help you out. Not to be an insult, but I'm not sure how to do this. I'm guessing it's like everything else." The last, I said more to myself than to Kangee. I took her hand and concentrated.
I am going to give Kangee and the other girls, 'physical enhancement', where they will be faster, stronger and their endurance will be increased. They'll be a lot harder to hurt and they will regenerate from any wounds they might receive. 'Convenience', so they don't have to eat or drink, and they won't have to breath or sleep, and no bodily waist. They can eat, sleep, and drink if they want to, though. 'Warp Reality', so if they get into a fight, it feels like time slows down, so they have time to think about what to do next. 'Blink', where they can teleport short distances. 'Arcane Missile', that acts like a ranged attack, kind of like a gun. 'Poison Protection', so they don't have to worry about being poisoned. 'Closet Dimension' so they have a small storage space wherever they go. And last but not least, 'Immortality'. This immortality does not prevent them from being killed, it just stops them from aging. Besides I was going to have all their names put on the grave stones so if they do die, they'll be brought back here whole and healthy.
It took about 5 minutes to explain everything to Kangee and to give her all the abilities. "Now remember everything I gave you and be careful while you get used to all your new 'abilities'. Practice them either in the sparring room in the Armory or out away from everyone else. Unless someone wants to practice with you." I told her. "Now would you please get one of the other girls, so I can do the same for her. And after I'm done with her get the next girl. But leave Jett, Willow and Crystal for last. Thank you." Kangee got up, walked down the beach and talked to Topaz and Verdi and brought them back to the gazebo. I explain about giving all the girls some abilities and had them sit down. Kangee went into the house, I'm guessing to get a couple other girls.
And two hours later the only ones left were 'my team'. Kangee brought Jett, Willow and Crystal to the gazebo. I do the same for them, but I added a few abilities, so they will be able to fight Grimm easier. The extra abilities/powers are Magic shotgun, the ability to fly, immunity to magic, true sight (to see thought illusion), Limited Magic, won't give them the ability to cast spells, but it will give them unlimited magic reserves. I'm hoping this will give them unlimited Aura. So, their aura won't run out no matter how much they use it as well as their Semblance. So, they will be able to fight without running out of aura or their Semblance.
I gave Crystal the ability to create and control metals. Jett will be able to control plants, and communicate with animals, like a Druid, and Willow will be able to summon and control earth/dirt/rock. Kind of like an Earth Bender, but without all the martial arts moves.
Since it was close to supper time, I let my 'team' know I was going to get something to eat in the Cafe. They all decided to join me. Walking into the cafe, I noticed that we weren't the first to think about eating. Most of the other girls were already sitting at a couple tables. My group took a table close to the others. We didn't have to all eat at the same table all the time. Talking loud enough for everyone to hear me. "Does everyone know if they are going with me or not? You still have until tomorrow evening. I'm just asking." I asked those at the other tables. I already knew the answer for those at my table. Topaz, Robbie, Snowdrop, Hong, Violet and Sucki all said they wanted to go. Whereas Amber, Heather, Verdi, Gina, Mercedes, Opal, and Yuki were staying. I wasn't surprised about Mercedes, Opal, and Yuki staying. Mercedes preferred to work in the lab, tinkering with, and building things. Along with the radio station and all the things that go with it. Opal preferred to be a maid. So, she really wasn't interested in going. And Yuki needed to stay at the house so she could get her body back. Once that happened, she would be able to go with us, if she wanted to.
With 'Convenience' I - we don't need to eat. But for one thing, it's habit to eat, and for another, I like eating and the taste and flavor of the foods I eat. So, I know that is the reason I'm eating. And I'm sure the others weren't thinking about not having to eat.
I brought up that idea, to the others. "You know because of the 'Convenience' ability I gave y'all, you don't have to eat." Those at the other tables had already started eating, and I received several stairs and blank looks.
Mercedes looked at me, then down at her food, and back at me. "I wondered why I wasn't really hungry."
"Same here. I'm not hungry but I thought I'd get something to eat. I thought if I didn't, I'd be wanting to eat shortly anyways." Heather said.
I grinned. "You don't need to eat, as I told you, but you can if you want to. The same with drinking, sleeping and breathing." I told them again. "But as you see." I raise my hands, in an, I'm guilty also gesture. "I'm in here eating too. It's hard to get out of the habit of eating, even when you're not really hungry. And, I like the taste." I chuckled.
Verdi spoke up. "Speaking of that. Since some of us are not going. Are you going to take back the abilities you gave us, or are they permanent?"
I shook my head, no. "You get to keep them. You might need them later on. So, there's no reason to give them to you, then take them back, then give them to you again, later on. Now if you decide to become a C-R-I-M-I-N-A-L," I pronounced each letter as I grinned at her. "Then yes, I'll be taking them away from you. But I trust that, that will never happen." I was sure none of them were the least bit interested in being criminals of any kind.
Gina and Amber were whispering and nodding their heads. Amber looked at me. "We can rob some banks before you take these powers from us." She said with an evil grin and wiggling her eyebrows up and down. Then she and Gina broke out laughing.
Laughing along with them. "One major problem with that. They don't have banks here."
Gina snaps her fingers. "Well that puts a damper on our crime spree then." She crossed her arms in front of herself and give a dramatic huff. Then broke out in giggles.
Jett looked concerned. "If we don't need to eat, what about all the people working in the kitchens? Will they be out of work?"
I shook my head. "No, they won't be out of work. For one, we're here eating, even though we don't need to eat. Two, once we get settled in we can have those in the two kitchens make different kinds of food and take it to Gathers and sell it. And before you ask, Gathers are what they have here on rest days, or days off, when there is no thread going to fall in the area. Different crafts set up booths to sell their products or food. Some of us could set up a booth now and then at gathers and sell different baked goods from the Bakery and we can have pizzas, hamburgers, and other foods made in the cafe here and sell those things at gathers as well. So, they will not need to worry about being out of work. And three, once the Hold is fully set up. We can see about hiring people to help with the animals and farm. They can use the cafe and bakery to eat in. So again, they'll have work.
"What is a hold?" Snowdrop asked.
"A hold is where people live, or what they call a house or home. And it is the land around the building. All the land I own is my Hold. Y'all should read the 'Dragon Riders of Pern' books so you will know about Pern. That way you'll understand their terms, politics, crafts, and so on." I explained.
Snowdrop nodded her head, yes. "Thank you. I'll do that."
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rainhaunted · 6 months
marsh with fridge magnets stuck to his eye spikes
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dromaeo-sauridae · 5 months
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ah shit here we go again. behold, a cat. 2 cat
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Oooooh do you think gnomes would have their own language/dialect??
Short answer: Yes. Technically.
Long answer: I have. Feelings. About how language is treated in fantasy. Like “this race has their Own language” despite living in vastly different areas of the same world. Like. Humans having their Own language. Elves having their Own language. Elves, orcs, etc etc. Its not Bad but its definitely like A Thing that pokes at my sides a little lol.
Humans have hundreds of spoken and visual languages! Id like to imagine that in a world with other races, they would have their own variety of spoken language 😊 So yes; Gus does speak in his own native tongue. And he has absolutely badmouthed someone who got on his nerves without them realizing it lol
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maybe the reason why the dwarves ( senshi, namari) have inexplicably japanese names is to draw parallels between them and the ppl from the island of wa where family bonds and bonds of the clan are paramount and if u transgress and get sent into the out group youre essentially a persona non grata w no rights
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spotsupstuff · 11 months
Wait wait now I dont know if Im misinterpreting anything but
Doesn't the game canon actually acknowledge the iterators' personhood to some degree? The one pearl about political discourse in Metropolis, "parental obligations," and recognizing the iterator has likes and dislikes. Like sure theyre slaves but I dont think objects is how the Ancients really saw them.
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not to be like. mean or anything. but i do keep stating that i am very much not aiming to stick to canon with this stuff. i am refering to my things as the Serotonin Take for a reason. i do with this what makes Me happy no matter how much it goes against the finer details of canon
but if i gotta bullshit an explanation, here:
1. the teacher is biased towards this conclusion because of his personal experiences and opinions. just like some iterators may see themselves as personhood-less and more machine-like, some Ancients are going to see them as weird objects. this ideology, even if possibly not accepted in the whole society, might be seen as beneficial for a certain field 2. it's a result of Boreas' attitude towards just about everything. Boreas is both the one who carries the capital city of the Eo group and the iterator all the students familiarize with first. looking after his systems and dealing with him as they would with their ultimately assigned iterator is a final test for the Mechanics. the idea that Boreas' grumpy very callous-like self is all the teacher knows isn't such a far fetched idea because of his importance 3. different continent, strikingly different history, strikingly different opinions
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i originally went out of my way to establish the Eo group on a completely different continent Specifically so i could have a free reign on the local opinions, ideas, politics- just about everything except the Global Religion and the status quo of higher and lower circles in the Ancients' society- once again- for the sake of my enjoyment derived from worldbuilding without having to constantly lose my shit over possibly not conforming to canon
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boyruggeroii · 10 months
There really is something to be said about usamerican's (and european, but you know what prompted this) passion for cheap anthropology, and to be fair much has been said about the connection between imperialism and anthropology, so I'll just say that it's annoying as fuck
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tmae3114 · 1 year
also I appreciate the reconfirmation that every living thing on Lore is connected to the mana core and requires it to live, further driving home just how bad the whole situation with the Rose is
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usaitbari · 1 year
Baker Mayfield joins struggling Los Angeles Rams as former No. 1 draft pick battles to revive career | CNN
Baker Mayfield joins struggling Los Angeles Rams as former No. 1 draft pick battles to revive career | CNN
CNN  —  The Los Angeles Rams claimed former No. 1 overall pick Baker Mayfield off waivers on Tuesday as the team looks to strengthen its quarterback room in the wake of recent injuries. A player is waived when a team deems the player is no longer needed. The player is then placed onto the waiver wire, allowing them to be claimed by other teams – under the conditions of their current contract.…
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puddlejumper38 · 2 years
Started rereading Bands of Mourning, I'm only a few chapters in and I'd forgotten most of this
Possibly should have done this more than 2 days out from the Lost Metal...
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desperatepleasures · 2 years
I've been trying to save all the maps of shinmakoku I can find in my notes and it's becoming increasingly clear that like. there is no one single canon geography for this place???
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note-a-bear · 2 years
what about eating your ass and kissing your boot?
See. That's a reward and people who disrespect the impact of the afrodiaspora on food cultures nearly everywhere don't deserve to eat this ass, seeing as it is part of the afrodiasporic foodways
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jesterwaves · 2 years
got so hyped up about the idea of a dnd beach episode i forgot its literally winter in the campaign rn...
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