#souseki natsume
Normal Kids when they see their parents stressed: are you OK? I made you a card. can we play? 
Normal parents : I’m fine. It’s nothing darling. 
Kid Dazai noticing that Natsume is stressing with something:May I be informed on what is on your mind? 
Natsume: i’m working on a system that will keep Yokohama safe, so I can enjoy my retirement and give you all the attention you need.
Small Dazai: What’s stopping for making that? 
Natsume: the port mafia were more like their current boss is too reckless and is going to die soon. There’s an underground doctor that will be a good replacement for him, but I need a way to keep an eye on him.
Dazai: if you don’t mind me asking, what is this doctors name? And where would he most likely be.
Natsume: the doctors name is Ōgai Mori, and he usually goes shopping near the river with the lovely bridge downtown. Why do you ask? 
Dazai: No reason
Also Dazai, who proceeds by jumping off said bridge into the river in order to be saved by Ōgai Mori to become close to him and pretend to be his wardso he can keep an eye on the port mafia for Natsume::D
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neo--queen--serenity · 8 months
Since calico cats can, by genetical makeup, only be female (outside of extremely rare mutations), this leads me to the completely obvious conclusion that Natsume is a trans man.
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solunstell · 1 year
Notes I've taken from the first three bsd novels... brainrot included
Entrance Exam:
Dazai is a terrible driver
Kunikida is scared of ghosts
Kunikida actually makes lots of references to Christianity. From the direct quote "Let there be light" when using a flashlight to "There is no difference between myself and them. Are we not all born on the same planet, only to ultimately return to the eternal heavens together in death? O divine creator, answer me." (I say Christianity because I know for a fact that the first quote is directly in the bible)
Karen Dazai
Dark Era:
Dazai is repeatedly noted as appearing younger than he is or compared to a child by Oda
This novel really helped me understand Dazai's relationship with suicide better. The way I read it, it seems like it's not about dying but almost dying to him, similiar to the dopamine rush of skydiving or mountain climbing. This lines up with the fact that he always makes dumb mistakes that fail the attempt, something that would be out of character if it were accidental mistakes.
I love Oda's narration. A bit dry and blunt. Very fitting for his story.
Untold Origins:
Naomi's suggestions for the entrance exam all being [redacted]. Also her characterization in this novel was great. Really helped me understand how the author intended her be written in a way that wasn't as transparent in the manga or anime.
Dazai says "methinks"
Kid Ranpo's voice is compared to a chicken
He also seems to have terribly hand-cut hair
Fukuzawa plays by the rules of the secretary's maze of papers, Ranpo does NOT
Oh my god Oda my boyyyyy
I noted that he is vengeful even in his assassin days
Also kinda funny how Oda's youngest appearance in the series and one of his oldest appearances in the series are both in scenes with Ranpo. I wonder if Ranpo knew...
The fact that Oda talks down about V killing for justice is very ironic.
Also, V being after a skill-less world is very similiar to the whole Fyodor Dostoyevsky thing
Natsume owed a debt to Ranpo's father
Throughout the novel, Fukuzawa notes how bad he would be at being a leader or in power. Ironic.
He also didn't know he was a skill user until after starting the agency haha. An interesting world building question is how many people have abilities that they just never know?
Ranpo autism moments:
Not eating the mochi
Getting confused over if he was using the word granted right ("You can’t take connections like this for granted… Wait. Taken for ‘granite’? ‘Granted’? Uh…”)
Immediately calling Fukuzawa's business card and saying “Please help me, Mr. Bodyguard, sir. I don’t have a job, and I’ve got no place to stay tonight. I’m going to die.”
Fukuzawa can hear him doing this over the phone and across the cafe
Actually the phone call is a bit desperate.. this entire meeting has been a bit desperate on Ranpo's part. It feels like he is trying to reach out to Fukuzawa and practically begging for help. The most interesting thing about the phone call is that it is the most honest Ranpo is about his emotions and motives in the entire meeting, and yet, he has his back to Fukuzawa the entire call. And when he gets what he wants - when he is accepted - he turns around with a big grin.
Psychoanalyzing Egawa and being confused as to why she gets mad
You have to be exact in what you ask with him or he WILL NOT know what you're really asking
My babyyy adults get mad when he speaks the truth cuz he's smart and blunt
"What's a skill user" sweetie it's the middle of a play
Ranpo NO TALKING in the middle of THE PLAY
He's very physically expressive
He is often portrayed as more cool and collected by fanon, but this scene of the play, although it takes place when he is younger, really shows the depths of his emotions. He is confused. He is agitated. He is angry and scared. He doesn't know how to deal with his emotions and he doesn't know how to ask for help. And he has a breakdown at a really really dumb annoyance because it tips him over the edge. Probably one of my favorite scenes for his characterization.
And Fukuzawa doesn't invalidate his feelings.
His parents raised him so well. I would live an au where they didn't die and were able to bring him up the way they planned to. I think that would be fascinating to see how Ranpo would turn out.
Ranpo doesn't look down on others cuz his mother taught him not to.
Fukuzawa dad moments:
Says he'll feed this kid he doesn't know later if he keeps talking
Tempted to tell everyone in the restaurant that the kid just followed him there
“Hear that? Those are the wails of the mochi you left behind”
Tempted to say he's only thirty two when Ranpo calls him old
Ranpo basically adopted him as his dad
"Three times, Fukuzawa told Ranpo to quiet down as he whined for candy. Twice, Ranpo wore down Fukuzawa’s patience until he caved. Three times, Ranpo asked Fukuzawa why planes could fly. Four times, Fukuzawa convinced Ranpo to keep walking when he complained his legs were tired. Four times, Fukuzawa carried Ranpo on his back."
Keeps imagining ways to leave Ranpo
When Fukuzawa lashes out, Ranpo is legitimately stunned, even shaking for a while afterwards
Using a chi attack to make Ranpo think the glasses did something lmao
Fukuzawa chewing out Ranpo for the whole plan
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cosplaying-memester · 2 years
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Funni haiku man
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straycatboogie · 1 year
2022/12/20 English
BGM: Tavito Nanao "エンゼルコール"
At last, I received the extra money, the so-called "bonus" from the company. I checked how much it is, and try to imagine how much it could be if I had worked at a different company for over 20 years. It is more than other people who had worked like me? less? ...if I had chosen another company to work, for and had worked by now? I cared about that. The members at the meeting yesterday showed an interest in my career. Indeed, I go my way. It's a certain thing, but the idea I said might have value to think about.
Always I return to this conclusion if I think about this issue. That's the fact that I am the person who chose this life so I never want to blame someone else. If I got bothersome this situation, then I could change my job. At least, I could try it. I could say goodbye to my friends and start my lonely life... I don't want to do so. It doesn't concern how much my income could be, but I am really feeling thankful for various things so I never want to lose them. They are precious friends, the job which suits me exactly, and my group home which always eases me. They are great treasures to me so I don't want to lose them. I want to grow up with them, so I choose this way. Yes, walk this way...
I exchanged some messages with a friend I always trust on LINE. The topic reached the issue I wrote about above, and I had to reflect on the meaning I am here, or the reason I am here. She gave me a really great message. Ah, I had been treated as a creepy person. Yes, I had been treated as a fool. Now I can feel that various people admit me. Yes, they are precious so I can't show misery myself. I worked today as usual, and after that, I went to the library and borrowed Yoko Tawada's diary. I want to read it again to get something. If I finish that, then I want to read Mayumi Mori.
The server I belong to of Discord starts having various book clubs to discuss books. I made a group talk about Souseki Natsume's essay. Souseki had passed away at the end of his 40s, almost the same age as current me. I would live my 50s as an ordinary person, without understanding the stage of "lose myself and follow the outside" Souseki reached.  I will live more than the age of Souseki and Fernando Pessoa... being born in this world and staying alive might be a miracle. I feel slightly embarrassed because I couldn't read Souseki's books completely, so I might start reading Souseki's "I am a cat" again. After that, I might read "Meian". Learning a lot from Souseki is the idea now I have.
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syunkiss · 2 months
you guys ever think about the fact all the gingers in bsd are not cisgender
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knopaddd · 10 months
can we PLEASE!!!! talk about how. if natsume-sensei was in yokohama during the whole shibusawa fog thing. he HAD TO HAVE BEEN literally fighting his cat form ??!!?? in his regular human form?????? just as atsushi fought the tiger.................... im begging you all to imagine natsume souseki quite literally battling a little insanely strong kitty cat near a dumpster . . . . ..... truly the legendary ability user of all time
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bsd-bibliophile · 1 year
All you do is think. Because all you do is think, you’ve constructed two separate worlds—one inside your head and one outside. Just the fact that you tolerate this enormous dissonance—why, that’s a great intangible failure already.
Natsume Sōseki, And Then
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paimonial-rage · 2 months
unintentional- thoma [random writing event] | requested by anon
It was a breathtaking sight. With the full moon up high without a speck of clouds to the way the moonlight illuminated the ocean down below, you found your breath stolen away. It was rare to have such a clear night in your homeland. The sands of the desert often colored the sky in a dirt-colored haze as the cold often made it difficult to stay out for long. 
You had arrived in Inazuma a month prior as a diplomat from Sumeru. During your month stay, you had a splendid time. The Shirasagi Himegimi and her assistant, Thoma, were there to show you around and explain the various aspects of Inazuman life and culture. There was much you learned and hoped to take back home with you to Sumeru. 
And dare you say it, though this was a diplomatic mission, you couldn’t help but feel you made some friends along the way. Both Ayaka, as she asked you to call her, and Thoma were incredibly kind. Though they were only tasked of showing around during the day, you often found yourself with them late into the evening simply chatting. There was even one night they invited you to hot pot!
So as your trip was coming to a close, you couldn’t help but feel a bit sad. You weren’t ready to leave yet. There was still more you wanted to see. If you decided to come to Inazuma on your own for vacation and not for work, you wondered if they’d host you once more. Glancing at your companion to the side, you smiled.
“The moon is beautiful, isn’t it?” You asked with a twinkle in your eye.
When you asked that question, you really didn’t expect much, only for him to agree. It was a simple question, after all, one without any deeper meaning. So imagine your surprise when, instead of agreement, you were met with a wide-eyed Thoma and a few blushing housekeepers that happened to be walking by. Nothing could stop the start of panic that was beginning to tighten your chest.
“Did… I say something wrong…?” You asked hesitantly.
Thankfully Thoma was quick to recover. 
“Oh, no, it’s nothing. Don’t–”
He was suddenly cut off when one of the housekeepers rushed over and smacked him with a washcloth. 
“Don’t just brush off their feelings, Master Thoma! They were brave enough to confess how they feel on such a beautiful night. Show them the respect they deserve!” 
Your jaw dropped as the housekeeper then rushed away to peek at you both from behind the corner with the others. You felt tears beginning to form at the corners of your eyes. Oh archons, you really did say something wrong. What in the world did you confess? What did the moon symbolize in Inazuman culture? That you were having a bad time? That you hated him!? 
And Thoma, poor Thoma. He seemed just as caught off guard as you. His cheeks were flushed and his posture tense. Was it because of what you said? Yes, it definitely was. You said something completely wrong that ruined your friendship with him.
“Whatever I did, I’m sorry for saying that. I didn’t mean it,” you stuttered. “I… I’m going to head in. Goodnight, Thoma.”
“Wait, I–”
Ignoring the way he reached out to you and called your name, you then rushed back to the comfort and security of your room. 
You could not apologize enough that it was only after that misunderstanding was cleared late the next morning that the housekeepers finally let poor Thoma off the hook.
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yozora-bunko · 1 year
Bungō Seichi Junrei, Asagiri Kafka
On June 19, 2020 - Bungō Seichi Junrei (『文豪聖地巡礼』) was released.
• Bungō -> great writer
• Seichi Junrei -> pilgrimage
As you might know, in Bungō Stray Dogs the relationships between the characters are very different from the irl authors' relationships, while it stays accurate in Bungō to Alchemist.
I thought that it could be interesting to translate the correlation tables that were in Asagiri Kafka's book so here you go:
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If you can read Japanese, please support Asagiri Kafka by buying his book! I might translate some more pages in the future but definitely not the whole book. Feel free to DM me or comment which chapter you would like to read, or about which author you would like to know more!
9/01/2023: updated the slide for chapter III -> @haganeproductio rightfully nitpicked about the "shinkan kakuha" which should be romanized shinkankakuha. (or shin kankaku-ha but this romanization is a lot less used)
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ive been damn inlove with dazai natsume father child pairing for at least 2 years now maybe i have never found anyone else with this in mind i feel like ive just stumbled across a gold mine with u!! they make me think of simon and marcy and honest to god theyre my everything keep up the great work!!
Thank you so much and as a little thank you enjoy this.
I’m debating if this should be part of Natsume and his book kit Osamu or is separate AU I’m thinking about of Dad Natsume and is dumb kit Osamu
Taneda: Ah, Master Natsume welc- Who’s that?
Natsume who currently has little feral Dazai in his arms: Is something wrong, why did you stop speaking? 
Taneda: Oh no, who is that in your arms?
Natsume: Oh this, this is Osamu, he’s going to be my son after you get me the papers and files to officially make him my son.
Taneda: Y-your son!?
Osamu: yes I’m going to be his son. Are you deaf or something? Now please hurry up and make a legally family. 
Natsume: Be nice please, and yes, this is why I asked to meet. I wish to officially make Osamu my son.
Taneda: A-Ah all right very well.
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lovelastart · 4 months
Some late night thoughts about DoA's arc
Maybe Fukuchi had a special bond with his comrade that died in his arms, the one who lost his right arm and eyes bandaged. The one who didn't want to die like a fly. But it's a tragedy.
Maybe that was the time he old Fukuchi died, or buried deep inside the new Fukuchi. Come to think of it, the time Fukuchi went to the war was the time Fukuzawa probably started being bodyguard. Then, several months after that, Fukuzawa met Ranpo for the first time.
When the theater case happened, the V organization was already there with Fyodor. So, perhaps, Fukuchi met Fyodor who offered him the world peace and joined the organization, creating Decay of Angels. After the war, Fukuchi's mind was so unstable and full of grief.
And Fyodor has good ability to persuade people, so he easily wormed into Fukuchi's mind, maybe manipulated him into agreeing with him. Then, after the DoA was built, they started with kidnapping Natsume Souseki. (Maybe because he knew world secrets?)
But they failed. In fact, it was Natsume who put himself into the trap (but for what?), maybe Natsume predicted that he could escape if he was in enough danger. I thought Ranpo solving the case and saving Natsume was a coincidence but I guess Natsume kinda planned that too?
So that Natsume could pay Ranpo's father by making Ranpo meet Fukuzawa, so Fukuzawa could take care of the kid (why Natsume didn't take the kid himself? Why Fukuzawa? Because he already saw that Fukuzawa needed a guidance? A lighthouse?)
Also what if Fukuzawa didn't take Ranpo? Would Natsume do that himself?
Then, after a year Ranpo and Fukuzawa having a journey of life, full of enrichment, especially for Fukuzawa, that he could dream again about protecting people, about his code of justice, because, being with Ranpo, Fukuzawa felt like he could be his better self and achieve more. He opened his heart and his mind into accepting people in his life, caring about people, becoming the one who would command people to protect more people.
The thing once he avoided, now he sought out. And still, with the intention so that Ranpo could be the greatest detective and be safe. That's why he would go through the obstacles of being a director, a leader, no matter how he hated having attachments before.
(I rambled lol) so, when Ranpo solved the theater case and failed the DoA's plan to kidnap Natsume (which made Natsume go into more secure hiding place) had they thought about Ranpo being their obstacle? Perhaps, but now Ranpo was with Fukuzawa so that they decided to wait until the right moment? They watched the ADA grow bigger, with Fukuchi being the one who watched over them? And being Fukuzawa's old friend, maybe that's why he tried to maintained the fractured bond? Maybe for Fukuzawa, the bond between them was still the same. But, for Fukuchi, the bond was already fractured. But Fukuchi played along as if nothing happened? That's why Fukuzawa could still trust Fukuchi? While Fukuchi just played along, being the good old friend, but he was watching the main obstacle for DoA? Maybe, Fukuchi knew he was the bad guyAnd the world would eventually know that he's the bad guy? So he decided on his own that there should be a hero in this story. That hero was Fukuzawa.
At their last fight on the airport, Fukuchi went so far hurting people, including his comrades, and put Tanizaki and Kunikida into weird dangerous machines just to ignite Fukuzawa's anger, so Fukuzawa would kill him. It was his plan so that the hero would kill the villain. But Fukuchi didn't actually kill the agency members right in front of Fukuzawa. Why?
Wouldn't it be more dramatic if Fukuchi killed one of them? So Fukuzawa could be angrier? Or, he could just kill Ranpo on the spot to make Fukuzawa instantly kill him. Anyway, Fyodor should have suspected that the ADA was their main obstacle to gain their goals.
Maybe they decided that Fyodor would take care of Dazai, and Fukuchi would take care of Ranpo? But, maybe Fyodor didn't know, that Fukuchi wanted to make Fukuzawa and ADA into the heroes?
Also, I still wonder what kind of negotiations Ranpo had with Bram. One that Ranpo asked of Bram was probably pulling off all the vampires, and killing Fyodor in that helicopter. Maybe Ranpo said that Fyodor was Bram's main obstacle from achieving his freedom.
Anyway, Bram had no other business with the world. Maybe not now, since he was jailed by Fukuchi for a long time, maybe Bram wanted to go home and build his castle again? But then, what Ranpo offered to Bram?
There was a panel where Ranpo collapsed after he woke Atsushi. Why he collapsed? Because he's too tired from going here and there to fix all the mess? Or he offered Bram his blood so Bram could get more power? Idk did Bram really consume human blood? Human, not ability users?
And while I'm sure that the Poe's book of Fukuchi and Fukuzawa's past was stolem from Ranpo, so Ranpo already thought that a book with their past would at least open Fukuchi's eyes and remind him of his past self, his true self. So Fukuchi wouldn't lose himself.
That meant, either Ranpo knew their past and told Poe the story, or Fukuzawa told Poe himself about their past. Either way, it was Ranpo who decided that the book should be about their past, not about a murder case. It was all predicted.
Maybe one thing Ranpo didn't predicted that he had to negotiate with Bram, but he could adapt to that improvisation so that they could still achieve their main goal. But with a price that made Ranpo collapsed.
And one thing he didn't predicted was about the new Fukuchi-like villain in the end of S5? Maybe it was the amenogozen that steal Fukuchi's body?
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whimwolves · 1 year
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another silly redraw warmup that I ended up taking too far
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ao3screenshotss · 1 year
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annemariearcher · 3 months
When you think about it, Natsume Souseki has an amazing retirement plan...
I mean, who wouldn't want to be a lazy, pampered housecat that occasionally foils villainous schemes to destroy a major city?
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sovrianis · 2 years
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[happy robot souseki noises]
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