#sorry the photo is ass my shelf is both in a hard to reach spot + i felt kinda faint from dusting
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Finally dusted my figure shelf so here's a kind of blurry photo of it.
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impala-dreamer · 4 years
Two Weeks Notice - Day Eight
~With the world practicing self-isolation, Y/N and Dean break all the rules of social distancing and common decency as they explore an empty bunker and use the time alone to their playful advantage…~
Dean x Reader
3,575 Words
Warnings: NSFW. Toy Play. Edging. Remote Control Vibe. Dom!Dean. Sir!Kink. Sex in an uncomfortable place (not the back of a volkswagen).
Two Weeks Notice Masterlist ~ My Masterlist ~ Become A Patreon ~ My Original Works on Amazon
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Y/N stood at the side of the bed and checked the time on her phone again, deciding enough was enough.
Very slowly, she slid into bed beside Dean and curled up next to him, tucking her knees and hands against her chest. She was careful not to touch him, not wanting him to wake just yet. She stared for a while, like she loved to do, attempting for the thousandth time to count every freckle on his sleeping face. She never made it past thirty before he either woke to disrupt her or she got so distracted by his beauty that she lay into kissing him instead.
She interrupted herself this time, too excited not to rouse him. With the tip of her index finger, Y/N softly traced the line of his nose from bridge to tip and then again as she whispered his name.
He wriggled his nose and huffed. “I’m asleep.”
She laughed under her breath and ran her finger over his nose again. “Time to get up.”
He groaned and jerked his head to the side, trying to swat her away. “You promised me a nap.”
“And nap you did. It’s nearly three. Get up.” She leaned forward and kissed the tip of his nose. She meant to hop out of bed immediately after, but Dean’s reflexes were quick, and he grabbed her arm, yanking her down for a proper kiss.
His arm locked her to him, clamping down and around the small of her back like a gate closing. He moaned into her mouth, leisurely licking at her gasping lips, and Y/N felt the stir of desire ready to distract her fully.
“Nope!” She pushed him back and sat up, quickly shaking off the shiver of need.
Dean popped up as well. “Excuse me?” His forehead creased adorably as he questioned her departure.
Y/N crossed her arms. “I have plans for today.”
Dean groaned and fell back against his pillow. “You always have plans.”
Offended, Y/N pushed at his nearest shoulder and damn near rolled him out of bed. “We can stop anytime you want. Just sit here and stare at the walls for another week.”
Dean sighed. “Fine.”
“Don’t fucking sigh at fucking. What’s wrong with you, old man?”
He half turned, glaring over his shoulder at her.
“Stop being grumpy and go get the blue box from under my bed.”
“You get it.”
Y/N swiftly removed her shirt and tossed it in his face. “You get it.”
Dean rubbed a tired hand down his face and sat up, swinging his feet over the side of the bed. “Why do you need your photos now?”  
“Photos are in the green box,” she corrected. “I want the blue box. It’s towards the headboard next to the hatchet.”
He paused, hand on the doorknob. “Why do you have a hatchet under your bed?”
Y/N shrugged and settled into the pillows. “Grimes Protocol.”
Dean laughed and shook his head as he stepped into the hallway. “The Walking Dead isn’t real, Y/N!”
Grinning, she shimmied out of her panties. “You don’t know what this Corona-thing is gonna do! I’d rather be safe than dead!”
Her room wasn’t very far and even if it was, with the empty hallway, it was easy enough to talk through the space between. His voice was a little muffled by the distance, but Y/N could just picture his face.
“Holy crap!”
“Pick one!”
“What do you mean pick one?”
Y/N sat up and pushed her voice towards the open door. “I mean, pick one and get back here with it!”
“Can I pick two?”
She chewed her lip for a moment. She knew what was in the box and would not be opposed to him using more than one at a time. Not at all.
Before she could reply, Dean yelled, “Hey, what’s this pink squiggly thing?”
Her eyes lit up and her nipples hardened with excitement. “Bring it!”
The ‘pink squiggly thing’ was an internal, remote controlled vibrator, and one of Y/N’s favorite toys. Dean was a little annoyed that she had never shared the contents of her toy box with him, and thus decided to use the remote control app to his advantage, in a little game that he was making up as he was going along.
For the rest of the day, Y/N was to wear the toy, and only the toy, as she went about her usual routine. There were plenty of chores to be done around the Bunker, and Y/N was going to do them all while Dean did whatever he wanted. The catch was simple: whenever she got buzzed, she would fall to her knees and crawl to wherever Dean was and service him in any way he chose. It was only fair.
After all, she had disturbed his nap.
There was something intensely erotic about walking around the Bunker naked. Dean had been nice enough to let her wear socks, as the floors were always cold, but the rest of her was completely bare, on display for the ghosts that haunted the tiles.
Of course, there weren’t really any ghosts, but as she walked down the halls, she imagined the Men of Letters of old gasping and clutching their hearts as they saw her defiling their sacred underground lair. Oh, how they’d lose their minds.
With a proud smile, she shook her hips a little more as she carried the laundry basket to the machine. Even under quarantine, socks must be washed.
As she set the basket down in front of the washer, she felt a wave of vibration deep inside her cunt. Her body stiffened and her muscles squeezed against it, momentarily blocking any brain function as the pleasure took her by surprise. When she could think, she immediately dropped to her knees on the cold tile and turned, ready to crawl to her newly appointed master.
Dean wasn’t far, leaning in the doorway with a smirk on his lips and his phone in hand. He swiped his finger across the app and the vibration intensified, making Y/N shiver as she crossed the room to sit at his feet.
“Very good!” he praised, resisting the urge to reach down and pat her head like a dog. He knew she liked to be degraded, but that would probably have earned him a hard flick in the nuts.
Y/N licked her lips and sat back on her heels, clenching her thighs as the buzzer kept doing its job. She looked up and smiled, waiting. “How may I service you, Dean?”
He hummed and dropped the intensity. “Dean,” he echoed. “Sounds so... informal.”
She bit back a smirk. “I’m sorry.” Clearing her throat and squeezing her tits together, she tried again. How may I service you, Mr. Winchester?”
“Better,” he said with a shrug, tapping his screen to make the buzzing pulse at a steady pace. “But...let’s try… Sir. I think I’d like to hear that.”
Y/N closed her eyes as a wave of pleasure overtook her momentarily. She’d been wanting to call him that forever, that and more, but it was an awkward conversation. However, if they were already playing, and he was offering…
“Yes, Sir,” she cooed, looking up at him and batting her eyes. “How may I service you?”
A smile broke out across his face. “Oh, I like the sound of that.” He cocked his head and looked her over, deciding where to start. “Why don’t you rub those pretty tits for me? I want to see how hard your nipples can get.”
Y/N bit her lip and nodded. “Yes, Sir.” Both hands cupped her breasts and she bounced them for him, watching as his eyes widened with delight. A few twists and tugs on her nipples had them standing tall and each tweak made her shoulders twitch.
When her breath began to get heavy and her eyes refused to open, Dean turned off the app and her vibrator and shoved his phone in his back pocket. “That’s all for now. Get back to work.”
Y/N’s eyes were huge as he spun on his heel and walked away, shocked that he was actually leaving her like that. “Fuck,” she whispered to herself as she climbed to her feet. “It’s gonna be a long day.”
Dean was in the Library when Y/N walked in with her duster. She and Sam had a routine worked out where she knocked the dust onto the floor and he mopped it up. Seemed sort of silly for her to be reaching up so high when he was so tall already, but she figured the boys liked watching her climb and stretch and bend.
Dean was certainly appreciating it now. He pretended to read a book, something he had grabbed from the shelf without looking at the spine as he jumped into the armchair to beat her into the room, but his eyes were glued to Y/N’s bare ass as she fluttered around the room, cleaning.
As she dusted, she hummed to herself. It was a sweet familiar melody, something that Dean felt had a Disney ring to it. He smiled and gave up the ruse, closing the book in his lap and resting his chin in his hand, elbow on the arm of the chair.
Her nakedness stood out starkly against the stacks of books; she looked like a faerie floating about, whipping away dust with her feathery wings.
“So this is love...do do do do... so this is love…” Y/N made her way through the Library, flicking away every drop of dust and totally ignoring Dean. She could feel his eyes on her body, following wherever she went, but she kept her mind on her task. When she felt that she’d done enough, she looked around, hands on her naked hips, and nodded. “Very nice.”
Another swoosh of feathers against the nearest shelf and she took off, heading into the next room. As her foot hit the bottom stop, her vibrating bat signal went off.
Taken so by surprise, the feather duster fell from her hand like an angel falling from heaven. “Oh my…” She moaned at the violent pulsing against her g-spot and sank to her knees, slowly turning towards Dean.
His eyes were dark and mischievous as he controlled the toy, thumb sliding back and forth across the screen, mucking with the intensity and speed of the vibrations. With his free hand, he crooked a finger at her and puckered his lips, calling to her with two quick air kisses. “Here, kitty, kitty.”
Y/N crawled to him, hands and knees flat on the polished floor, bare ass high and open for any eyes that would have a week ago been passing by. She shivered at the thought and bit her lip, holding in a tiny moan of weakness as Dean drove the toy to its highest setting.
As she grew closer, he let her stimulation ebb, slowly subsiding to a light and steady wave. She sank down further, laying on her forearms, panting slightly as she looked up at him.
Dean set the book down on the end table next to him and leaned forward, clasping his hands, elbows on his knees. “Hey there,” he grinned, body tingling with the power he held over her. “How ya feelin’?”
Almost out of breath, Y/N looked up, stretching her neck awkwardly to meet his gaze. “I’m pretty fucking horny, actually.”
Dean laughed and licked his lips. He scooted to the edge of the chair so he was even closer to her and whispered, “Is your pussy nice and wet?”
His voice ran down her spine like fire, and she nodded. “Very wet, Sir.”
He tapped his upper lip with one finger and then sat back, getting comfortable. “So play with it,” he ordered casually, resting one hand on his right thigh, watching.
Y/N swallowed hard and sat up, spreading her knees wide as she rested on her heels. One hand fell behind her, palm flat on the cold floor as the other slid down her belly and tapped gently on her clit. She bit her lip as the pleasure rolled through her; the vibe inside, her hand on her clit, it was all breathtaking and delicious.
Dean watched on as she rubbed, fiddling now and then with the controls. He loved the tremble in the soft flesh of her thighs; the way she began to bounce as if on his cock as she got closer to cumming. He kept a closer eye on that edge, making sure she rode it as long as possible without tipping over. When her stomach tightened too much, he eased up on the vibrations. When her panting ceased, he turned it up. When her eyes began to roll and her jaw hung slack, letting out heated moans, he cut the power, turning the toy off completely.
“Wha-hey!” Y/N’s eyes popped open and she pouted, near to tears as she was denied once more.
“Hands off, Princess,” he told her, clearing his throat and picking up his book. Dean crossed one leg and turned to a random page, tearing his eyes from Y/N’s shivering body. “Get back to work.”  
She grumbled to herself as she struggled to her feet, using a nearby chair for help. “You suck.”
Dean lifted a brow, but not his head. “What’s that?”
Dinner came and went with Y/N still naked, sitting at the table on a dishcloth. Dean let her be for a while, keeping his phone and the app safely tucked in his pocket. She had even gotten used to being naked in the open. It felt sexy, freeing, if not a little chilly now and then.
Somehow, Dean managed to keep his hands off of her the entire day, not even accidentally brushing against her or playing footsie under the table. Nothing stopped him from looking, however, and he spent his quiet time memorizing the curves and movements that he never got to see in the dark. She was perfectly imperfect, just like him.
After dinner, Dean disappeared, leaving Y/N alone to do the dishes and clean up. She’d just about finished putting the utensils away when her page went off, sending jolts of pleasure through her body.
“Fuck.” She turned around, but Dean wasn’t in the room with her. “Dean?”
There was no answer, but the buzzing increased. Y/N dropped to her knees and crawled quickly from the kitchen, wondering where he’d gotten to and hoping the remote didn’t have too long of a range.
“Dean?” she called again to no response, growing more aroused and annoyed as the stunt went on. She’d have to crawl the entire Bunker looking for him if he didn’t answer. Her knees were starting to protest as she toddled up the steps into the War Room, but the pulsing in her cunt took some of the edge off.
“Where the hell are you?”
“Tisk. Tisk.” His voice boomed through the giant room, her toy speeding up as he scolded her. “Mind your manners, missy.”
Still on her hands and knees, Y/N looked around the War Room, unable to find him anywhere. He was a disembodied voice teasing her from another world.
“Dean, come on…”
“You need to crawl to me,” he said loudly, “that was the deal.”
She gasped as he pushed the toy to its limit. “Yeah but...where- fuck- are you?”
Y/N teetered on her knees as Dean laughed at her predicament. She crawled on, moving towards the table.
Biting her lip, she listened to his echoing directions, crawling closer to the table. When she reached it, the buzzing subsided enough to catch her breath, and she turned towards the Library archway.
Y/N spun back and continued through the room. As she neared the stairs, the vibrations increased and Dean guided her home.
Slowly, she sat back on her feet and looked up the long metal staircase.
Dean waved and grinned smugly from his seat at the chess set on the balcony. “Boiling.”
Y/N’s hands instinctively flew to her hips. “Are you kidding me?”
With a swipe of his finger, Dean upped the pleasure and Y/N fell back down into crawling position.
“Imma kill you.”
Dean laughed. “I don’t think that’s likely.”  
One step at a time, Y/N climbed, fingers curling into the ornate grates, knees pushing into the smooth metal. It was cold and hard but she managed, keeping her mind in the gutter, comforted and fueled by the intimate pleasure of her favorite toy, controlled by her favorite asshat.
Dean hid his surprise well when she reached him, figuring Y/N would have given up halfway up the winding staircase. “Welcome,” he teased, lowering the speed. “Nice of you to join me.”
She was panting already, out of breath from her climb. “Nice of you to pick such an easily accessible location.”
Her sass was vibrant and Dean bit his lip, grinning.
“How’s your sweet little cunt doing?” he asked, tip of his tongue pressing between his teeth.
Y/N shivered. “It’s...good.”
“Just good?” His thumb waved over the controls, brushing the toggle back and forth.
“V-very good.”
Dean let her linger in that moment of fluctuating pleasure and sat back, opening his jeans while he watched her twitch. He set the control to a setting called “fireworks” and lay his phone down, taking his cock in his hands instead. He stroked it slowly while the explosions went off inside her pussy.
“What does it feel like?” he asked, lips puckering as he jerked his cock.
Eyes closed and lips shaking, Y/N shook her head, unable to find an answer. “Like...like you’re drumming inside me. Like lightning… like… fuck- I don’t know.” Her eyes popped open and locked on his erection, mouth flooding at the sight.
Dean smirked. “Do you want it?”
She nodded.
“Tell me where.”
She chewed her lip hard, brows furrowing tight, chest heaving. “I…”
Dean fisted his cock, squeezing at the base. “Tell me where you want it.”
“In my pussy,” she begged, chin quivering, near to tears. “Please, Dean. I need you to fuck me so bad.”
“Get up here.”
Moaning with relief, Y/N jumped up into his lap, kissing him wildly as his hands locked around her back. She licked into his mouth, bit at his ear, sucked his lip between her teeth. She’d been too crazed all day, too desperate to hold back any longer. She felt his cock against her belly and bounced, rubbing her throbbing clit against his veiny underside.
Dean grunted. His blunt nails dug into her ass.
“Fuck me, Dean.”
Her whisper floated through him and he grabbed her tight, standing up and spinning, dropping her onto the empty chess set. She gasped but settled quickly, wiggling into place on the oversized antique gameboard. He dropped his jeans, letting them collect around the tops of his boots and then reached down to yank the still vibrating toy from her cunt.
Y/N cried out as the toy dislodged, a flood of hot built-up slick running down her ass as it went. “Fuck!”
“I’m getting to it!” Dean huffed back, tossing the toy over his shoulder. It hit the railing and disappeared down below, to be remembered only by a faint buzzing as it danced across the glowing table.
Y/N grabbed hold of the back of his neck and scooted down to the edge of the board, wrapping her legs tight around him. He sank inside without hesitation or restriction, covering himself in her wet flesh, hiding deep inside.
It was fast and hard, the way she came on his cock; her pussy clamping down on him as he thrust in and out. Hours of torture, being played with and edged had left her a sloppy mess, and Dean savored every second. He kissed her breathless, keeping his eyes open so he could watch hers roll. He nipped at her collarbone and rubbed at her clit.
She had been waiting all day, but so had he.
The pawns and bishops rolled inside the table, safe in their velvet cubbies. The pink toy died a slow death, battery draining somewhere around South America.
Above the empty Bunker, not far from the big steel door,  Dean made her cum again, rolling her first orgasm into another, his thumb winding around her clit until she screamed at the soreness, slapping him away.
He set his hands beside her head, fingers curling around the edges of the old wood, pulling it close as his hips pushed forward. The thick muscles of his arms strained against his shortsleeves and Y/N pressed her nails deep into his biceps, clawing at him, her teeth grit, eyes dark and exhausted.
“Come on, Dean,” she urged, voice deep and cracking. “Give it to me, please.”
His jaw clenched, sweat beading on his upper lip and brow.
“Cum inside me, Dean. Please.”
Another rough jerk of his hips sent him over. Dean trembled over her, phantom thrusts pushing him even deeper as he emptied into her.
When the best had passed, he looked down with a goofy smile. Green eyes glazed, freckled cheeks bright, lips swollen and red as he laughed, “Checkmate.”
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2020 Forever Tags:
@akshi8278​ @alwayskeepfightingsweetheart​ @amanda-teaches​ @because-imma-lady-assface​ @broiderie​ @burningcoffeetimetravel​ @cheritzie​ @cosicas-cuquis​ @covered-byroses​ @crashdevlin​ @deansotherotherblog​ @deansgirl215​ @deanwanddamons​ @defenderrosetyler​ @dontshootmespence​ @feelmyroarrrr​ @focusonspn​ @hannahindie​ @herbologystudent252​ @ilsawasanacrobat​ @justcallmeasmodeus​ @ladyjenny19​ @laxe-from-outer-space @mariekoukie6661​ @missjenniferb​ @msjava1972​ @mylovelydame21​ @mysticmaxie​ @pilaxia​ @sandlee44​ @spn-dean-and-sam-winchester​ @squirrelnotsam​ @tatted-trina6​ @typicalweirdbookworm​ 
@rebelemilu​ @pastathighs​ @deans-baby-momma​ @bobbie3939​ @peachyafshawn​ @spencer-reids-babygirl @akrasiaev @shadowkat-83​ @deangirl7695​ @foxyjwls007 @bxbyizzy​ @chenshemesh1 @pandaxo79 
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It Was Like A Movie
Summary: Whats an innocent movie night amongst friends? Every Friday night, for months? What are these feelings when Jack changes plans? 
I needed an excuse to write fluff while in amongst writing so much Angst. 
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You don’t know when it had become your weekly routine but sometime ago Friday nights had turned into movie nights with Jack. Mostly at your place because you had a ridiculous amount of movies. Most you got from Tony before he left and others you’d collected over the years. Jack always brought over the icecream and you order take out. It was something fun and chill to do after a long week and neither of you liked it when a case got in the middle of your plans.
“So pizza?” Jack slipped off her boots, hung her beige trenchcoat up and walked into your living room where you were sitting cross legged on your sofa. She walked past the couch, into the kitchen and placed the icecream of the night in your freezer.
“Is that even need to be asked?” You huffed, flicking through the pizza menu on your phone.
“We had it last week!” She laughed, walking back into the living room and sitting down on the couch beside you, grabbing her already full glass of wine.
A smile spread wide across your face and an eyebrow raised at her attempt at a complaint. “And?”
“You’re insufferable.” She laughs and bumps your shoulder, leaning over to read the menu with you even though you both know what pizza you both like.
“We can order something else?” You needed to offer just in case she was serious in her attempt to change your mind.
“I never said that.” She nudges your shoulder again and you can only chuckle at her antics, she was the insufferable, incorrigible one.
“You drive me nuts.” You sigh and continue scrolling down the menu.
“Thank you.” Jack said it like a proud accomplishment with a cheeky grin curving her lips. She rests her chin on your shoulder and you lean your head against hers.
It only takes a few minutes and you both decide on one ham and pineapple with cheesy garlic bread. To be fair you usually only get normal plain garlic bread but you felt like the added calories were needed. The case you just wrapped was a long, hard one.
“And the one before that wasn’t?” Jack sniped and you sighed with your lame excuse.
“Just drink your wine and pick a movie. It’s your choice tonight.” You breathed and took a long sip of your wine. It wasn’t the nicest wine but it was doing the trick. You could feel your muscles starting to relax.
Jack scanned the shelf for a movie, holding her glass in one hand and slipping her other into the back pocket of her jeans. You knew she was only dragging out her perusal of your selection. She’d had a few in mind since last week, she was slowly going through all your soppy romantic movies. Something about enjoying the fairytale on screen because it never worked out like that in real life.
On queue she selected the dvd, slipped it into the player while you refilled your glasses and grabbed the blanket from behind your sofa before sitting back down. You were ten minutes into the movie when the pizza arrived and enjoyed the icecream towards the end. It was another perfect relaxing movie night. Jack had enjoyed too many glasses of wine because she insisted on opening the third bottle of wine into the second movie with the second bowl of icecream. She crashed on your couch, just like the time before and you left some advil and a glass of water on the coffee table for her when she woke up.
The next movie night was postponed until Saturday night because of a case that only wrapped up Saturday morning. You told Jack that you could just have it next Friday but she insisted she needed the movie night. She’d just have it by herself if you didn’t feel like it and of course you couldn’t have that.
“Let me guess, pizza again?” Jack teased as she shut your front door and hung up for denim jacket on your coat rack.
You laughed and shook your head. Her sass was on fire for the past few days. Kept you awake and on your game when you just wanted to crumble on the floor because the case was just too draining. A child had been kidnapped and held for randsom. Something you’d never get use to. Gibbs, obviously, was extra grumpy but so was everyone. McGee was wokring himself to the bone because he just couldn’t seperate his kids from the situation, kept thinking if it was his twins. So when everything came to a head this morning you were all running on empty.
You heard jack walk in and hop up on your breakfast counter. “What are you cooking? Thought we did takeout on movie nights?” The curiosity peaked in her voice, her eyes watching you move and almost float around your kitchen.
When you got home, you couldn’t sit still so you decided to cook. It was one thing you did when you needed to relax and take your mind off things. Another thing you needed after a rough case was comfort food and this is how you came to be making your grandma’s mac and cheese. “You love my cooking! And movie nights are Friday nights and I needed the distraction.” You let out a deep sigh with the last word. Jack would no doubt ask you what’s up because she knew cooking was a stress relief for you. Better to just bite the bullet.
“Smells scrumptious. I figured you might had wine but it seemed like a beer kind of night.” You looked over your shoulder and saw jack lifting out two beers from the cooler she had perched beside her on the counter and handed you one.
“You know me too well.” You stopped stirring the cheese sauce for a moment to bang the lid on the counter and it came flying off. It was a skill you’d perfected over the years.
Jack laughed and handed you her beer just to see you do that again. “You need to teach me that.” She hummed, swigging her beer.
“Nah, have to have one thing on you. You already own me at Darts and I use to be a pro at that from college.” Turning back to your cheese sauce, it’s almost ready so you take it off the stove while the macaroni cooked. “How about you pick a movie while I put this in the oven.”
“But it’s your turn to pick?”
“I know but i’m busy. So you pick this one and I’ll pick the one after that.” You quickly move around the kitchen, straining the pasta and mixing it in the sauce.
The mac and cheese was a hit, not that you had any doubt that it wouldn’t be. There was too much cheese for it not to be and mixed with Jack’s beers it was perfection. The movie was an easy watch and you chatted throughout. You were glad she insisted on the movie night tonight, for some reason you didn’t think you could be alone after his case.
“Wanna stay over? We can head to the markets in the morning?” You said it lightly, trying to not sound desperate and put pressure on her but by her sweet, soft smile you knew she wanted to as well.
“Okay. Sounds great. Another then?” Jack got up from her spot close beside you on the couch and grabbed two more beers from the fridge. She brings them back and lets you do your thing with the caps against the coffee table. You like that it makes her laugh and smile. She rests her arm along the back of the couch and you rest back into it.
The one night movie turned into three. You’d dozed off a few times throughout the third one to which Jack giggled at but she was asleep by the end. You managed to hop up without waking her and stretched out her legs so she wouldn’t have a sore body in the morning. The blanket that was already spread out over you both, you tucked it around her and brushed a few strands of hair away from her face. She was so cute and peaceful when she was asleep. Like no sass or smart ass remark could never cross her lips. Like many times before you placed a glass of water and Advil on the coffee table and went to bed.
This was the routine now. She’s more than likely crash on your couch unless she had any plans the next day and you’d happily let her. She was nice company and you’d become best friends over the past few months. Always bantering and grabbing coffee whenever you could. Unfortunately work had gotten hectic over the next month so movie nights weren’t as routine.
This week’s case was actually not that intense. Just a lot of paper trail, no body or gruesome murder. It was a nice change. Some had just tried to get away with robbing the wrong Admiral. Was there a right person to rob?
Jack waltzes into the bullpen, stopping right in front of your desk. You look up from your computer with a bemused look on your face “Hey sorry to be a party pooper.” Her face saddens slightly, she shifts her eyes around nervously and you suddenly don’t want to know what’s coming out of her mouth next. “Can I do a rain check on tonight’s move night? My date tonight off instead and asked if we can change it to tonight?” She doesn’t look you in the eye. She looks around at the objects on your desk, her fingers fiddling with your posted note stack before she finally looks at you.
You can see she’s torn, you don’t want to have to make her choose and be the reason she’s not happy. After all it was just move night, you two could do it any other time. Although you’d missed last weeks because of a case and the week before was cut short because you got a call to a case. This job really knew how to stuff up your plans.
“It’s fine Jack.” You plaster on a smile and wonder why this is hurting you so much. It was just movie night with Jack. Friends ditched friends plans all the time to go on dates.
“You sure?” She seems nervous for some reason, all her tells are showing and you can’t think why.
Her fingers shift to run along your photo frame and you reach up and halt her movements with you hand. Resting your hand on top of hers, the simple gesture shocks her, you can see her eyes widen slightly which makes you pull your hand away. “Absolutely, it’s just movie night.” You grimace slightly at how easy that came out and how wrong it sounded. Why did it sound so wrong?
Jack nods slowly, still unsure about your answer but then shrugs. The movement instantly changes the mood and she smiles. “Great, now I have to find an outfit to wear.” You both laugh and she walks out of the bullpen. Your eyes catch Ellie’s who is looking at you knowingly. She’d come along to a few movie nights in the beginning but then ditched saying she had other plans and never rejoined again.
The rest of the day was boring. You couldn’t concentrate. Your mind always going back to how hesitant Jack was to ask you about the rain check and how weird you felt about it. She was just your friend right? Best friend? You really enjoyed spending time with her and all. But both of you had but a line in the sand a while back. Not interested. Ellie had teased you both and you both joked it off saying you were just friends. You shared a look and that was that.
You groaned and got up from your desk, you needed chocolate because the realisation just hit you like a tonne of bricks. You hated the idea of Jack going on a date instead of spending the night at your place. You enjoyed her company, her smile, her laugh, just about everything that was her. No matter what you’d both said weeks, months ago that feeling had never changed. You’d just been lying to yourself about it. Hoping that the lie would ring true. She just wanted to be friends so that’s how it was going to be. And you’d be the supportive friend that just want to see her happy, even if it was with another person.
The vending machine didn’t have the right chocolate you wanted so that made the rest of the afternoon even worse. By the time home time hit, you couldn’t get out of the office fast enough. You preemptively bought enough ice cream for you and Jack the night before so now you had it all to yourself and that would just have to do for tonight. The movie you had picked, because it was your turn, would have to wait. You couldn’t watch it without Jack plus it was a silly rom com. You only watched those with Jack, how you’d managed to lie so well to yourself for so long was beyond you.
Your apartment seemed less inviting when you got home. Not as inviting as it had been when you left this morning. The shower helped a bit, so did the chocolate icecream. You were half way through the small tub (you never bought large ones just in case you had the urge to eat it all. Tonight you had that urge.) when there was a knock at your door. The buzzer didn’t sound so it must be one of your neighbours, you looked down at your sweat pants and sloppy joe and shrugged, your neighbours had definitely seen you in worse. You’d definitely seen some of them in worse. You shuddered at the memory of seeing Mr Johnson on the bottom floor, mowing his little patch of lawn last summer in just his underwear. He wasn’t a fit man, he also liked a lot of takeaway.
The knock came again and you shook the image out of your head and walked towards the door. You peeped through the little spy hole and was shocked to see that it wasn’t your neighbour. Now you really wished you’d chosen something nicer to wear but she wasn’t meant to be coming tonight.
“Jack, what are yo-?” You stepped back as she sprung into your apartment, not giving you the time to step properly out of the way. She seemed frazzled. Where was her date? “What happened, weren’t you on a-?”
“Got to the bar and turned around.” She was chewing her thumb nail. She was adorable whenever she did that but you knew something was definitely bothering her because that’s what she did. “Needed to ask you a question.” Her hand moved away from her lips and she paced the small area of your living room.
You close the door and turn back around to her. She’s still pacing and it’s very unsettling. “You couldn’t text me? What’s so important you had to run out on -” She was having a good effect on cutting off your sentences tonight. Her deep frown and sudden stop in pacing caused you to rethink what you were going to say. “Sorry, what do you need to ask me?” You can’t help but swallow. She was making you nervous now and the outfit she had on wasn’t helping your case.
Jack was wearing your favourite dress of hers. It was white with an intricate pattern all the way down and along the sleeves, you’d say it was pretty see through too but it wasn’t revealing. It fit her perfectly and she looked stunning (As per usual). She shifted back onto her heels, which was dangerous considering she was in heels but you suspected she’d be able to run in heels so a little balancing was easy.
“Why did your smile and words seem so forced in the squadroom today? Like you said it’s fine and it’s just movie night but it didn’t seem.. fine.” Her eyes were boring into yours now, you couldn’t look away even if you wanted to.
The question wasn’t at all what you were expecting, you weren’t sure what you were expecting. This wasn’t meant to be happening. She was meant to be across town having a date while you sulked and ate your feelings away in the form of chocolate icecream. You ran your hand through your hair, feeling very in the spotlight right now and you hated the way Jack was looking at you. Analysing your every twitch and shift.
“Why does it matter to you so much?” You knew answering her question with a question was a dangerous move but you couldn’t answer her honestly. How could you? You didn’t want to ruin your friendship with this incredible woman, you didn’t want to risk that. You couldn’t!
You saw the disappointment cross her face, she wasn’t doing very well at hiding her feelings right now. Your wall was barely standing at this point.
“Jack, I can’t answer your question and I don’t want to lie to you.” The moment those words left your lips, you couldn’t look at her anymore. Your eyes landed on her feet then on the floor beneath them because even looking at her feet hurt. You felt so stupid.
Jack took a step towards you and then another. You saw her hand reach up before you felt her cup your cheek and you couldn’t help but lean into her touch. Her thumb moving softly back and forth across your cheeky slowly. She ever so slowly guided your head back up so you had to look in her eyes, the distance between you was small. You could now smell her perfume, it invaded your senses and you didn’t like it. Not that it didn’t smell good, it just didn’t smell like her. You loved her scent (you realised how stupid), the smell of her floral shampoo, mixed with her cherry blossom hand moisturiser and something else you couldn’t quite name. It was just Jack.
“Jack..” The words didn’t come, they couldn’t. How had it all gone so wrong in the last 8 hours?
“Y/n, I didn’t want to go on this date tonight. I wanted you to say you wanted me to come over. That we missed last week’s and it’s too difficult with our job’s to get a night off together.” She eyes were soft, sad and her thumb was still stroking your cheek softly.
“Together?” You breathed. Trust your brain not to respond to her properly right now. That was the word or part of her speech that you were hung up on?
“I know we said things a while back about us, not being an us but..” She drifts off and you are hung up on her words.
“But?” There was too much hope and possibility in that word. She saw your eyes light up, hers did too when she saw the possibility become a reality.
You watch as her eyes flick down to your lips, you can’t help but part them slightly. Your breath hitches when she moves in closer, your noses brush against one another and her hand on your cheek curves round, her fingers splaying into your hair to draw you forward. Her lips ghost over yours, her bottom lip catches yours and you can’t help but let a soft whimper escape. Jack captures your lips then, like the whimper was all the confirmation she needed. Your hands cirlce around her waist, pulling her in close, her other hand rests at the base of your neck, helping her dominate and guide the kiss. Her tongue glides along your lip and you give her enough room to slide her tongue along yours, letting her explore and devour you in one.
Breathless you both pull apart far enough to catch some far too important oxygen. Your arms still wrapped around her waist, keeping her close. Her hands still in place, keeping you still. “What was the answer you couldn’t tell me?” Her eyes dancing mischieviously, her lips curving into a sweet, teasing smile.
“That I wanted you to be with me tonight. That I want you to be with me every night. That those words I said  were just a lie I’ve been telling myself and I almost believed it until today.” It was true, every single word. You would never lie to Jack, never again. And you’d try your best not to lie to yourself either.
She pulled you back in then, this time the exploration was softer, drawn out more. She nipped at your bottom lip before pulling away again. “I want that too.” The teasing gone from her lips, the games gone from her eyes. All you saw was truth, devotion and certainty.
It was your time to pull her in for a kiss, you smiled, she smiled and the kiss wasn’t near as long as you hoped it would be but that was ok. You had all night to kiss her as many times as you liked and hopefully the next day too. Plus the day after and the day after that. “Stay?” You hummed against her lips. It wasn’t for anything more than to be with her, to have her in your arms and she knew that but that didn’t stop her from the sass returning, the cheekiness she loved to tease you with.
“Well aren’t we forward.” She smiled, her eyes sparking and kissed the corner of your mouth before pulling away.
“You come to my house in that dress, ditching a date and would rather spend the evening with me. And I’m the one being forward?” You laugh at her shocked, playful hurt expression. “Shut up and kiss me.”
She does as you command because you were hers and she was yours and you’d both known it for a long time but now you were living it.
“I feel over dressed.” She laughs, looking down and you flush.
“I feel frumpy.” And you laugh as she rolls her eyes.
“You look cute.” She hums, brushing her nose against yours.
You can’t help but smile. “You look hot.” Your hands running up her sides and back down, pulling her in by the waist.
She hums, kissing you again, sucking at your bottom lips before pulling back. “Got that old NCIS shirt and boxers I can borrow, again?”
“That seems like still too much clothing.” You get a shove to the shoulder for that sass before pulling away and grabbing her hand.
She gladly followed you into your bedroom. Hugging you around the waist and dropping soft kisses to your neck while your searched through your drawers. Maybe you took a little longer, enjoying her against you and her lips against your skin.
“You keep doing that and we won’t get to the movie and icecream.” You turn in her arms, placing a peck to her lips, snaking your arms around her neck, pulling her back in for longer, teasing, moan causing kiss.
“That such a bad thing?”
The movie and clothes long forgotten. The ice cream you’d share later. Movie nights got infinitely better and more frequent after this. 
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themaskedwriter · 5 years
Put Your Head On My Shoulder
Pairing: Bucky x Reader
Summary: A love story told in reverse.
Warning: Fluff and sprinkles of angst
Word Count: 1.7k
Clues: People tend to ask me if I watch Game Of Thrones - and yes, I do! - because of my name. I never know where I am. Bucky and Spencer Reid are two of my favourite characters. 
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There was a purpose, a reason you had agreed to be here. Not because he begged, but because you needed an excuse to see him again. Quietly tapping along with some overplayed song you’d heard on the radio, you waited. With every swing of the glass door, your eyes snapped to the entrance - but it was never him. The mini marshmallows in your drink had already sunk to the bottom of the mug five minutes ago. He promised and didn’t come. Maybe you should’ve learned your lesson the first time.
“Mind if I sit?”
A smile danced on his lips and acknowledging the slight shake of your head, he relaxed into the chair. You stole one swift glance - he still looked as handsome as ever, just like the complete sweetheart who’d impressed you with his charm that very night he entered your life. However, the moment of peace shattered as he took note of the now empty mug your fingers were curling around. 
“Oh, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean - “
“It’s fine,”
The conversation died, but, you could tell he wanted to say something, anything that gave him an excuse to look at you for all the times he couldn’t. He didn’t give up though - opting for an inside joke that treasured an unforgettable moment between the two of you.
“Still can’t believe this is considered as music,” His eyes were shut, a soft groan escaped him at the string of profanities repeated in every other line. A giggle from you and he released a breath he didn’t realise he was holding in.
“Well, it’s not like back in your day anymore,” A teasing glint in your eyes, he scoffed at your lousy attempt of imitating his voice.
“That, was an exceptionally terrible impression of me,” He leaned forward, arms folded and resting on top of the table. “I’ve taught you better than that.”
“What do you want Bucky?” He flinched - not used to the way his name now fell out your lips, it was new and he did not like it.
Bucky looked away - a young couple in the distance giggling and stealing kisses from each other - his rueful sigh filled the deafening silence between the two of you. “All I want is you.”
“You lost me when you left.”
He knew this was coming and as much as he tried to flush those memories away with several punching bags - it was the cold hard truth. He’d heard from Steve of all those sleepless days and nights you spent lost and broken.
“Y/N…Doll,” Bucky reached for your hands, firmly holding on to your touch. He expected you to pull away, swallowing the heavy, strangling feeling in his throat. “Look me in the eyes and tell me you don’t want this anymore.”
His grip on your hands tightened - not that you had the heart to pull away - no words formed in your mind. He was desperate and vulnerable, a deadly combination of love.
“Tell me you don’t - ” He bit his quivering lip, blinking away the pain in his heart. “You don’t love me anymore.”
Longing eyes stared into yours, waiting - no hoping that you wouldn’t say what his mind was screaming at him. He felt cold all of sudden, your hands slipped away from his. Your eyes flitted to the door every time you dared to look up. Bucky leaned back, his gaze fixed on the mug. The air carried scents of caffeine, sugar and a dash of regret.
It was a powerful instinct to fight. He was usually more composed than you, more thick-skinned, seeing him shattered and not helping him wasn’t easy. Never was, never will be. The sound of your chair pushing against the wooden floor was his tipping point.
He grabbed your arm in haste. A long moment passed before he slid a piece of card into your hand. It was the last exchange of touch, warmth and love. 
“I’m sorry, I just couldn’t resist, and that was adorable.”
He laughed as you wiped the remnants of the snow off your face. A quick swipe of his fingers on your face and the red in your cheeks deepened as he hooked his arm with yours. Footsteps in sync and the same shy smiles on your faces - it felt too good to be true.
Bucky feigned annoyance when you dragged him into a library. He chased you through the maze of tall bookshelves - enough so that the librarian gave you a stern look with her dagger-like eyes. After all the extremely tiresome giggling around, both of you chose a book and settled in the quietest corner.
It was a thirty-minute comfortable silence of just focused reading, well until -
“I didn’t do anything,” Bucky held his hands up, a teasing glint in his eyes. He nudged your foot with his, the librarian snapped her head at the noise, to which Bucky whispered an obnoxiously loud shh.
“Quit staring, stalker.” 
“Mhmm, can’t help it Doll. Just making sure no one else is eyein’ my girl.” He shrugged, hiding his smirk with his book.
You blinked.
In less than three seconds, your hand was pressed to your mouth, eyes rapidly becoming blurry. Bucky watched as you clutched your stomach in pain, wiping the stray tears from your face.
“Are you reading Sex and The Single Mother: Finding Your G-Spot?”
His face lit up in amusement and he began reading the first sentence in the most serious face he could muster. To no one’s surprise, the two of you were kicked out of the sacred establishment as soon as your laugh attacked the prestigious quietness.
The snow had covered the empty streets as you were walking back to your apartment. Bucky grabbed your hand and pulled through the white plains, to get home faster was his reason - of course he just wanted to hold your hand again. 
“It’s snowing pretty hard, guess you’ll have to stay over.” You joked, rolling your eyes when he mimicked your expression.
“Now, why is that so bad, huh?” He wrapped his arm around your waist, stopping you from opening the door.
“’ Cause I’ll have to tell my other boyfriend to come another time then.”
“You better not be serious, Doll. I’m a little too tired to kick someone’s ass today.” He stifled a yawn, practically crashing on your couch.
“You’re never too tired to kick someone’s ass, James.” That earned a nod from him, and a pillow to your behind.
The smell of cookies and hot chocolate teased Bucky’s senses, he leapt off the couch as soon as you placed them in front of him.
“Y’know my ma used to do the same thing. Cookies, hot chocolate and perfect music, she even brought out the huge puzzles from the secret shelf.” Bucky’s eyes twinkled as he recalled his childhood. There were moments where he brought up his past, usually the good parts and how he’d love to keep those memories alive.
And that’s exactly what you did.
Bucky stuffed your freshly baked cookies in his mouth and brought out his most innocent face when you snatched the plate from him. You stood up to get a refill and the song changed. A quiet “finally, real music” escaped Bucky’s lips before he stood up, catching you with his arms. He slid the plate on the table, guiding your hands to his shoulder, his own gently grasping your waist. 
Put your head on my shoulder Hold me in your arms, baby Squeeze me oh so tight Show me that you love me too
You know how it kinda sucks to be alone in a huge place with strangers? Yeah, that’s exactly what was going through your mind at that moment. The place was especially packed with eager children, pacing parents and overly touchy teenagers. You slipped off to a less crowded area and fiddled with your phone to not look weird. And as if she had some telepathic ability, Wanda’s name appeared on your screen.
“Wanda! I can’t believe you bailed out, it was supposed to be a fun night for us.”
“I know, I’m sorry, Y/N. Something really important came up,” You sighed at her response, looking around at the overwhelming number of people.
“It’s fine, guess I’ll find something to do for a while. Can’t be that bad right? Only a few thousands of people here.”
A deep chuckle from the opposite table caught you off-guard. Eyebrows raised in question, you looked around, but everyone seemed too focused on their phones.
“Oh come on, aren’t carnivals your thing?” You scoffed at her question, shutting your eyes in exasperation.
“Yeah, I love being almost run over by people trying to get pretzels.”
Another laugh - more like, giggle - and your eyes found the most astonishing shade of light blue. He looked away shyly, clearing his throat.
“I’ll call you back, Wan.”
“Y’know, I can be your friend for the evening, I’m alone too,” He suggested, anxiously waiting for your answer. “Oh - if you want, of course.”
After careful consideration and one look his cute expression, you agreed. James, he introduced himself, but he preferred to go by Bucky. Whatever mindset you were in quickly disappeared as soon as Bucky insisted on going on the rollercoasters, despite your vigorous head shaking. In the end, he was right - you dragged him to the line again.
The sun was beginning to set, the sky blazing with streaks of pink, purple and orange. Both of you were somewhat exhausted from roaming around for hours, you leaned into the stuffed bear he won for you, sighing at how soft the fur was. Bucky pointed to a photo booth ahead, a soft smile on his lips.
Wanda’s text lit up your phone as you stepped out of the booth. I’m at the entrance. You turn to Bucky, who was already staring at your eyes, standing on your tip-toes, you press a quick kiss on his cheek. Bucky blushed, scrunching his nose to control the redness of his face. He watched you walk away before beaming down at the pictures on the piece of card in his hands. 
Oh, boy. He’s screwed.
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daredevile · 5 years
Put Your Head On My Shoulder
Summary: A love story told in reverse.
Warning: Fluff and sprinkles of angst
A/N: Hey guys! This was my submission for The Masked Writer! I know I haven’t written anything in a while so I hope this makes up for it. Also, gif is not mine. Love you all :))
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There was a purpose, a reason you had agreed to be here. Not because he begged, but because you needed an excuse to see him again. Quietly tapping along with some overplayed song you’d heard on the radio, you waited. With every swing of the glass door, your eyes snapped to the entrance - but it was never him. The mini marshmallows in your drink had already sunk to the bottom of the mug five minutes ago. He promised and didn’t come. Maybe you should’ve learned your lesson the first time.
“Mind if I sit?”
A smile danced on his lips and acknowledging the slight shake of your head, he relaxed into the chair. You stole one swift glance - he still looked as handsome as ever, just like the complete sweetheart who’d impressed you with his charm that very night he entered your life. However, the moment of peace shattered as he took note of the now empty mug your fingers were curling around.
“Oh, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean - “
“It’s fine,”
The conversation died, but, you could tell he wanted to say something, anything that gave him an excuse to look at you for all the times he couldn’t. He didn’t give up though - opting for an inside joke that treasured an unforgettable moment between the two of you.
“Still can’t believe this is considered as music,” His eyes were shut, a soft groan escaped him at the string of profanities repeated in every other line. A giggle from you and he released a breath he didn’t realise he was holding in.
“Well, it’s not like back in your day anymore,” A teasing glint in your eyes, he scoffed at your lousy attempt of imitating his voice.
“That, was an exceptionally terrible impression of me,” He leaned forward, arms folded and resting on top of the table. “I’ve taught you better than that.”
“What do you want Bucky?” He flinched - not used to the way his name now fell out your lips, it was new and he did not like it.
Bucky looked away - a young couple in the distance giggling and stealing kisses from each other - his rueful sigh filled the deafening silence between the two of you. “All I want is you.”
“You lost me when you left.”
He knew this was coming and as much as he tried to flush those memories away with several punching bags - it was the cold hard truth. He’d heard from Steve of all those sleepless days and nights you spent lost and broken.
“Y/N...Doll,” Bucky reached for your hands, firmly holding on to your touch. He expected you to pull away, swallowing the heavy, strangling feeling in his throat. “Look me in the eyes and tell me you don’t want this anymore.”
His grip on your hands tightened - not that you had the heart to pull away - no words formed in your mind. He was desperate and vulnerable, a deadly combination of love.
“Tell me you don’t - ” He bit his quivering lip, blinking away the pain in his heart. “You don’t love me anymore.”
Longing eyes stared into yours, waiting - no hoping that you wouldn’t say what his mind was screaming at him. He felt cold all of sudden, your hands slipped away from his. Your eyes flitted to the door every time you dared to look up. Bucky leaned back, his gaze fixed on the mug. The air carried scents of caffeine, sugar and a dash of regret.
It was a powerful instinct to fight. He was usually more composed than you, more thick-skinned, seeing him shattered and not helping him wasn’t easy. Never was, never will be. The sound of your chair pushing against the wooden floor was his tipping point.
He grabbed your arm in haste. A long moment passed before he slid a piece of card into your hand. It was the last exchange of touch, warmth and love.
“I’m sorry, I just couldn’t resist, and that was adorable.”
He laughed as you wiped the remnants of the snow off your face. A quick swipe of his fingers on your face and the red in your cheeks deepened as he hooked his arm with yours. Footsteps in sync and the same shy smiles on your faces - it felt too good to be true.
Bucky feigned annoyance when you dragged him into a library. He chased you through the maze of tall bookshelves - enough so that the librarian gave you a stern look with her dagger-like eyes. After all the extremely tiresome giggling around, both of you chose a book and settled in the quietest corner.
It was a thirty-minute comfortable silence of just focused reading, well until -
“I didn’t do anything,” Bucky held his hands up, a teasing glint in his eyes. He nudged your foot with his, the librarian snapped her head at the noise, to which Bucky whispered an obnoxiously loud shh.
“Quit staring, stalker.”
“Mhmm, can’t help it Doll. Just making sure no one else is eyein’ my girl.” He shrugged, hiding his smirk with his book.
You blinked.
In less than three seconds, your hand was pressed to your mouth, eyes rapidly becoming blurry. Bucky watched as you clutched your stomach in pain, wiping the stray tears from your face.
“Are you reading Sex and The Single Mother: Finding Your G-Spot?”
His face lit up in amusement and he began reading the first sentence in the most serious face he could muster. To no one’s surprise, the two of you were kicked out of the sacred establishment as soon as your laugh attacked the prestigious quietness.
The snow had covered the empty streets as you were walking back to your apartment. Bucky grabbed your hand and pulled through the white plains, to get home faster was his reason - of course he just wanted to hold your hand again.
“It’s snowing pretty hard, guess you’ll have to stay over.” You joked, rolling your eyes when he mimicked your expression.
“Now, why is that so bad, huh?” He wrapped his arm around your waist, stopping you from opening the door.
“’ Cause I’ll have to tell my other boyfriend to come another time then.”
“You better not be serious, Doll. I’m a little too tired to kick someone’s ass today.” He stifled a yawn, practically crashing on your couch.
“You’re never too tired to kick someone’s ass, James.” That earned a nod from him, and a pillow to your behind.
The smell of cookies and hot chocolate teased Bucky’s senses, he leapt off the couch as soon as you placed them in front of him.
“Y’know my ma used to do the same thing. Cookies, hot chocolate and perfect music, she even brought out the huge puzzles from the secret shelf.” Bucky’s eyes twinkled as he recalled his childhood. There were moments where he brought up his past, usually the good parts and how he’d love to keep those memories alive.
And that’s exactly what you did.
Bucky stuffed your freshly baked cookies in his mouth and brought out his most innocent face when you snatched the plate from him. You stood up to get a refill and the song changed. A quiet “finally, real music” escaped Bucky’s lips before he stood up, catching you with his arms. He slid the plate on the table, guiding your hands to his shoulder, his own gently grasping your waist.
Put your head on my shoulder Hold me in your arms, baby Squeeze me oh so tight Show me that you love me too
You know how it kinda sucks to be alone in a huge place with strangers? Yeah, that’s exactly what was going through your mind at that moment. The place was especially packed with eager children, pacing parents and overly touchy teenagers. You slipped off to a less crowded area and fiddled with your phone to not look weird. And as if she had some telepathic ability, Wanda’s name appeared on your screen.
“Wanda! I can’t believe you bailed out, it was supposed to be a fun night for us.”
“I know, I’m sorry, Y/N. Something really important came up,” You sighed at her response, looking around at the overwhelming number of people.
“It’s fine, guess I’ll find something to do for a while. Can’t be that bad right? Only a few thousands of people here.”
A deep chuckle from the opposite table caught you off-guard. Eyebrows raised in question, you looked around, but everyone seemed too focused on their phones.
“Oh come on, aren’t carnivals your thing?” You scoffed at her question, shutting your eyes in exasperation.
“Yeah, I love being almost run over by people trying to get pretzels.”
Another laugh - more like, giggle - and your eyes found the most astonishing shade of light blue. He looked away shyly, clearing his throat.
“I’ll call you back, Wan.”
“Y’know, I can be your friend for the evening, I’m alone too,” He suggested, anxiously waiting for your answer. “Oh - if you want, of course.”
After careful consideration and one look his cute expression, you agreed. James, he introduced himself, but he preferred to go by Bucky. Whatever mindset you were in quickly disappeared as soon as Bucky insisted on going on the rollercoasters, despite your vigorous head shaking. In the end, he was right - you dragged him to the line again.
The sun was beginning to set, the sky blazing with streaks of pink, purple and orange. Both of you were somewhat exhausted from roaming around for hours, you leaned into the stuffed bear he won for you, sighing at how soft the fur was. Bucky pointed to a photo booth ahead, a soft smile on his lips.
Wanda’s text lit up your phone as you stepped out of the booth. I’m at the entrance. You turn to Bucky, who was already staring at your eyes, standing on your tip-toes, you press a quick kiss on his cheek. Bucky blushed, scrunching his nose to control the redness of his face. He watched you walk away before beaming down at the pictures on the piece of card in his hands.
Oh, boy. He’s screwed.
Taglist: @zoesbucky | @panicfob
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jon-daddy-dominus · 3 years
Kitten's Collar
Chapter, 27
The inside of the little treasure chest, filled the air, with the smell of cedar.
Alexis closed her eyes, and let the natural sweetness wash over her, as she inhaled deeply through her nose.
When she opened her eyes, Alexis was staring into a pile of pictures, similar to the ones she'd found in Clint's closet.
There were some of Clint, around five, or six with whom Alexis assumed was his grandmother. He was sitting in her lap, in an old recliner as she hugged him warmly, and they smiled at each other. She found a few of him, where he looked to be around eight, or nine, with a man she guessed was his dad, as they knelt, smiling on opposite sides of a medium sized whitetail buck.
As she continued flipping through the pictures, she came across a few, of an older model truck, upside down, and heavily damaged on one side. There appeared to be a large amount of blood on what was left of the windshield.
The next pictures were of Clint wearing a suit, standing timidly next to another man, in front of a church. Alexis couldn't help but notice how sad he looked in the picture. Seeing a slight imprint from the back, she flipped it over, to see, (Desmond 31, Clint 10). Alexis slipped the photo back in order, and continued flipping. The following pictures were of Clint at about the same age, but looked as though they were taken in a doctor's office. Clint looked terrified as he stood nervously in his underwear. His little chest, back, arms, legs, and face were covered in horrible bruises. Alexis began crying, as she slowly thumbed through the last of the pictures.
"Forget which gun, go's where?" Clint laughed, poking his head around the corner.
Alexis whipped her head in his direction, tears streaming down her face. Quickly replacing the pictures, and putting the box back in the chest, Alexis jumped to her feet, rushing over, throwing her arms around him.
"I'm so sorry, baby!" She cried. "I'm so so sorry that happened to you! Why didn't you tell me?"
"Not much to tell. My dad died in an accident, and uncle Desmond was a mean drunk." Clint said, solemnly.
Still crying, Alexis buried her head in his chest, and squeezed him tight, mumbling. "Don't act like it's not a big deal."
"But it's not a big deal. It happened, it wasn't my fault, and there's nothing I can do to change it now, so why sit around wallowing in self pity? Shit happens. The way I see it, I can sit around all sad, and depressed, dwelling on some shit that I didn't have any control over, or I can accept the fact that some unpleasant shit happened to me, a long time ago, and move the fuck on with my life."
"Have you ever talked about it with anyone?"
"No, never really saw the point." He responded.
"Will you talk to me about it?" She asked, wiping her face in his shirt.
"Did you just wipe your nose on me?"
Pulling her head back to face him, "No, my eyes, and don't do that. Don't try to change the subject."
"I'm not trying to change the subject. I just don't see the point in talking about it. It's not like I'm the only person that bad shit has ever happened to. There are plenty of people who've had way worse things happen to them."
"But Honey, it's part of who you are. What happened to you, is part of what made you the person you are now, and I want to know everything about you! The good stuff, and the bad stuff. I don't want you to have to carry that all by yourself."
"I'm good, I promise." He smiled. "The bread boat's done, you ready to eat?"
"No." She grumbled. "You said, you wanted me to be honest with you, about everything, no matter what! And that me belonging to you was about trust! That shit go's both ways. So, I'm asking you to be honest with me, and trust me."
"I do trust you, and I am being honest with you. It doesn't bother me anymore, and I don't feel the need to talk about it." He grinned.
Pushing passed him, Alexis stomped off into the living room.
"Alexis, please don't be like that." Clint said, following her.
"What are we doin?" She snapped.
"What'dya mean?"
Spinning around angrily, Alexis yelled. "I mean, I love you Clint! And I wanna know everything about you! I wanna be honest with you, and trust you, but I want you to be honest with me, and trust me too!"
Clint just stood there silently, looking into her eyes. Seeing the tears running down her face, and how upset she was over something that happened to him, so long ago, caused a heavy feeling in his chest. The pain in her eyes, over his childhood trauma, made him want to cry. Not that his past bothered him, but realize how much she cared, about what had happened to him.
"Okay..." He mumbled quietly.
"Okay, what?" She growled.
"What'dya want to know?"
"Are you gonna be real with me, or are you just gonna answer a few questions, then shut down on me?" She asked, sternly.
"Alexis, I'm sorry Sweetheart. I didn't realize you care that much. I tell you whatever you want to know."
"Okay." She said, wiping her eyes, and taking a seat on the couch.
Clint sat down next to her, turning to the side to face her. "What'cha you wanna know, Sweetheart?"
Alexis twisted around, sitting cross legged facing him. "What happened to your dad?"
"Uncle Desmond was at the bar, and he was shit faced. The bartender called daddy to come get him, so he wouldn't try to drive. Daddy got there, and Desmond showed his ass when daddy tried to make him leave. The witnesses said, Desmond took a swing at him, and daddy laid him out. Another guy helped daddy get him in the truck, and the cops said, daddy was already dead when they got there, but Desmond was so drunk, he was still arguing with him, when they pulled him out of the truck. They said, they were pretty sure that Desmond woke up on the way back, and started fightin daddy while he was drivin. They couldn't be sure, but they think that's what caused the wreck."
"Oh my god, that's horrible." Alexis said, beginning to tear up again. "They made you go live with the man that killed your dad?"
"Well, Daddy was dead, nobody knew where momma was, and Maw Maw died a year or two before that. So, it was Desmond, or strangers. I guess they thought Desmond was the better choice."
"Did it happen alot, or just the one time?"
Laughing out loud, Clint replied. "Once? Ha! Desmond felt guilty about what happened to daddy, and I blamed him for it. So, him whipping my ass, was almost a daily thing."
"I'm so sorry, Clint." She whimpered, sympathetically.
"Hell, it wasn't your fault." Clint chuckled.
"I know... but I still feel horrible, you had to go through that."
Alexis stared down, hard into her lap, thinking about what she wanted to say next. Rolling her head slightly, sideways, and cutting her eyes up at him. A tear trickled down the side of her nose, stopping just short of her mouth, barely clinging to the ridge on her upper lip.
Reaching out, Clint wiped the tear away, with the back of his finger. "Don't cry Baby, I'm okay."
Forcing herself to show him a halfhearted smile, she nodded her agreement. She took a deep breath, and blew it out hard.
Pointing at the spare room, Alexis asked. "Was that, the last time he hurt you, before they took you away from him?"
"They didn't have much choice, but yeah, that was the last time he beat me."
"Oh yeah, cause he went to jail, right?"
Clint didn't say anything. Lowering his eyes, to gaze at nothing, he thought back to the night he received the beating.
*** The small mobile home, was dark all the time. Desmond had spray painted the windows black, and hung thick dark sheets over them to keep the light out when he was suffering from another, self induced headache. The stinch of body odor, dog, and stale beer saturated every inch of the ageing dwelling, broken up only, by the powerful smell of one of Desmonds freshly lit cigarettes.
Quietly, Clint sat indian style, on the cold, bare wood floor, in his underwear. The old plywood was hard, and uncomfortable, but other than Desmonds recliner, the only other furniture, was a wobbly kitchen table, covered in random items, and empty beer cans.
Desmond had nearly finished the eighteen pack he started earlier that evening, and was beginning to doze off.
It had been over seven hours since Clint had eaten lunch at school, and his stomach was grumbling, and achy. Looking over at Desmond, nodding off in his chair, Clint slowly climbed to his feet, and began sneaking toward the kitchen, making every effort, not to do anything to draw attention to himself.
Clint knew the refrigerator didn't have anything in it, but beer, and condiments. He checked it as soon as he got off the bus earlier that day, while Desmond was outside. So, he bypassed it, and headed for the tiny pantry cabinet, next to the washing machine.
He quietly opened the door, and started scanning the nearly empty shelves. A half a box of macaroni noodles, two cans of beets, an unopened bottle of hot sauce, a one gallon can of green beans, and a bag containing a few slices of bread.
Little Clint took the bag of bread down, and tiptoed to the counter by the sink. He opened the bag and pulled out the three remaining slices. Two greenish, grey circles penetrated all three slices. One about the size of a quarter, the other the size of a penny. He held up each piece, and began tearing the molded areas out. Being careful to take just enough, and not waste any of the good part.
When he'd finished, he sat the torn pieces on the counter, while he used the top of his underwear to wipe off a saucer from the pile of dishes, next to the sink. Moving the bread to the small plate, he stepped over, and eased the refrigerator open. He decided against the ranch, when he noticed the brown liquid settled at the top of the bottle. An out of date jar of mustard sitting in the door had a little bit left in it, but only enough to put in a few bites of the bread. Leaning down, he spotted a packet, left over from a fast food meal, under the loer shelf. Taking the packet, and the mustard, Clint returned to his humble plate. Using his teeth, he tore open the packet, and started squeezing from the opposite end, being sure to get every last drop he could, on to the plate. After opening the mustard, he realized the jar had fooled him. It was empty, except for the scrapings left clinging to the sides of the jar. Looking at his bread, he knew there wasn't enough sauce to cover all the bread, and the parts he'd managed to save, we're stale, and didn't taste very good. He held the jar out, and caught some water dripping from the faucet. After replacing the lid, he used both hands, and shook the jar, as had as he could, to try and mix all of the remnants, but when he poured it into the saucer, it was watery, and began soaking into the piece of bread, on the bottom of the stack.
Other than, some clothes, and cheap toys, one of the few items Desmond hadn't gotten rid of, from when Clints father was still alive, was Clints plastic He-Man cup. He smiled for a second, as he picked it up, remembering his daddy, and how much better things were before. But the longer he thought about it, the sader he became, and he cried as he filled the little cup with tap water. He lowered himself to the floor in front of the sink, and sat his cup down next to him. Sitting his plate in his lap, he folded his hands, and began quieyly, reciting the prayer his father taught him.
"Flowers that bloom, birds that sing, thank you God for everything. Amen."
He dipped the smallest piece of bread in the packet sauce, took a bite, and immediately began coughing, as the unfamiliar, overpowering flavor of horseradish took his breath.
Clint struggled to muffle his coughing, and catch his breath, before he woke Desmond up, when he heard.
"Will you shut the fuck up? I'm trying to watch the news." Desmond grumbled, in a drunken slur, not even realizing the news had already gone off.
He picked up the soggy mustard bread, and took a bite. He smiled a little to himself, and nodded his head in approval, that he'd made something, that in his hunger driven opinion, wasn't too bad.
Down to his last few morsels of nasty, stale bread, and all out of mustard water, he decided to give the horseradish another go. He dipped it, and took a bite, but it was still too strong, and he began coughing, and gagging again. Hurrying to wash the harshness away, with tap water, he choked, and had to spit the wad of bread, back on his plate.
"I thought I told you to shut up?" Desmond snarled. Turning to look in the kitchen, he dropped his beer can in his lap, and the liquid spilled everywhere.
Stumbling to his feet, he screamed, "Goddamnit boy! Look at this shit! You done made me spill my beer!" before throwing the half empty can at little Clint, still sitting in the kitchen floor.
"I'm sorry uncle Des, I'll clean it up!" Clint quickly replied.
"Clean it up? You done ruined my goddamn chair, boy!" He yelled, standing there, wobbling back, and forth. "Well? Don't just sit there... Get a fuckin rag or somethin!"
Scrambling to his feet, Clint hurried into the bathroom, grabbed a towel off the floor, rushed back, and began trying to soak the beer out of the recliner.
Standing over Clint while he pressed the towel down on the chair, Desmond snapped. "What the fuck were you doin anyway?"
"Eatin supper."
"Eatin supper? What supper?"
"Bread, and mustard."
"Bread, and mustard? You eat all that bread?"
"Yes Sir, I was hungry, and there wasn't nothing else." Clint whined, nervously.
"You ate all the damn bread, now what the fuck am I supposed to make my sandwich with, when I go to eat lunch tomorrow?"
"I'm sorry, I didn't think you wanted it, cause it had mold on it."
"That bread didn't have no mold on it. I just bought that bread a couple days ago." Desmond snapped.
"It did have mold on it. I had to throw some of it away, cause it wasn't no good." Clint whimpered, as he started to tear up.
"What'cha mean, "you had to throw it away?" Desmond snarled, stomping toward the overflowing trashcan.
Clint stopped cleaning the chair, and stood there nervously, his knees beginning to shake.
"Get your narrow ass over here, boy."
Clint cautiously made his way over to where Desmond was standing, staring into the trashcan.
"That the bread you wasted?"
"It ain't no good, uncle Des." Clint whined.
Desmond snatched Clint by the hair on the back of his head, and dragged him closer to the trashcan, and yelled. "Pick it up!"
Clint began crying as he held on to Desmonds arm, with both hands, trying to keep his head from jerking back, and forth.
"Goddamn it! I said, PICK IT UP!" He screamed.
Still holding on with one hand, Clint reached out with the other, and picked up the wad of stale, molded, green bread from the trash.
"Now eat it!" Desmond growled.
"But it ain't no good, Uncle Des." Clint cried.
"Ain't nothin wrong with that bread, except you bein a wasteful lil'shit! And you aint gonna waste food in this house! You understand me, boy?"
"Yes Sir, but it ain't no good, Uncle Des. It's got green stuff on it." Clint continued crying.
"Boy, I said... EAT IT!" Desmond screamed, shaking Clint by his hair.
Tears streaming down his face, and his nose running from crying, Clint shoved the handful of spoiled bread in his mouth and began chewing.
"See! I told you, wasn't nothin wrong with that bread."
Clint began to gag, as the rancid taste of mold covered his tongue. He struggled to swallow, but every time he tried, he would gag, and bring it back up. Unable to hold back any longer, Clint gagged hard, and coughed up the bread.
In one swift motion, Desmond released Clints hair, and flung his arm back. WHAM! Clint fell backwards, and slid across the kitchen floor when the massive backhand landed across his cheek.
Clint opened his eyes to see Desmond stomping toward him. Scrambling, he managed to slip past him, as he reared back to swing a punch. Spinning around, Desmond swung his leg, and caught Clint in the ankle, knocking him off his feet, causing him to face plant into the hard floor.
The salty, metallic taste of blood filled his mouth, as he struggled to get up from the floor.
A sharp pain emanated from his foot, and leg, as he felt them being pressed hard, into the floor, by Desmonds big work boot.
Glancing over his shoulder, Clint saw Desmond pulling his belt free from his beltloops, and wrapping the notch end around his hand.
In expectation of the pain to come, Clint covered his head with his arms, and tried to curl into a ball.
The belt buckle made a strange, THWAP!, sound, as it made contact with the boys back. Clint screamed out in pain, as over, and over, Desmond swung the thick leather strap, slamming the heavy metal buckle into Clints small body.
When his arm began to grow weak, Desmond stepped off of Clints leg, and turned to walk away, snarling. "Stop all that crying, you little faggot. It's a good thing ya daddy ain't here to see what a pussy his son's turnin out to be."
Still balled up on the floor, Clint mumbled between his cries. "If... m, my... d, daddy was... h, here... he, he, he'd kill you."
Stopping dead in his tracks, Desmond turned back around. "You think so, huh?"
Desmond walked over, and kicked the boy, before sitting back in his recliner. "Get the fuck outta my floor, and go to bed, you little pussy."
Clints arms trembled, as he fought to push himself up from the floor, and stagger through the kitchen to the junk filled spare room, with the old military cot he used for a bed.
Clint was using the kitchen counter to sturdy himself, as he made his way to his room. He stopped at the sink, and looked down at his cup, crying. In the commotion, Desmond had stepped on it, and crushed it, busting the bottom in half. Clint weeped heavily, as he held on to the counter, and slowly squatted down, to pick up what was left of his plastic treasure.
"You still crying, ya little pussy? Lord, your daddy would be shamed if he could see you now."
Still crying, Clint growled back. "No he wouldn't. He'd kill you for hurtin me."
Desmond never even turned Clints direction. "He'd kill me? That's funny. You know why your daddy wrecked the damn truck?"
Clint didn't say anything, he just stood there, staring down at the broken cup in his hand.
"That fuckin pussy ass brother of mine, sucker punched me, to get me in the truck that night. And when I woke up, I suckered his punk ass right back." Desmond chuckled. "Hell, I didn't know the stupid fucker was gonna run off the damn road."
Clint couldn't believe what he heard, and between Desmonds confession, his busted keepsake, and the harsh beating he'd just endured. He couldn't take it anymore, he screamed as loud as he could, and threw a plate at him, hitting him in the side of the head. "I HATE YOU! I WISH YOU'D DIE!"
"You little mother fucker!" Desmond snarled, leaping from his seat, and running at Clint.
Desmond had beat Clint unmercifully, many times before, for little to no reason, but this time, Clint had just given him a reason, and he knew, it was going to be worse than ever.
Desmond grabbed the boy by his throat, and lifted him off the ground, slamming him against the wall next to the window. Clints body landed next to the sink, scattering all the dishes across the counter, knocking some to the floor. With his free hand, Desmond began punching Clint in the side of his head.
His mind was growing fuzzy, as little stars began to buzz in front of his eyes. Clint desperately felt around on the counter for something to defend himself with. Hitting Desmond with another plate didn't work, it actually seemed to increase his attack. Clint felt something round and handle like. Beginning to lose consciousness, he snatched it up, and began slamming it into Desmonds head, and neck.
Clint felt himself drifting off, just as Desmonds blows began to slow down. As the drunken man began to loosen his grip on the boys neck, Clint began to come back around. He watched as Desmond stumbled backward, holding his the side of his head and neck, as blood poured from both. Looking down, Clint was still holding the ice pick, and his hand was covered in blood up to his elbow.***
Shaking himself awake from his memories, Clint looked back up at Alexis, and replied. "No, not because he went to jail... Because I killed him, Sweetheart."
0 notes
roh-tae · 6 years
sweet lies - II
part 1
words - 2,667
genre - a mix
featuring - jackson wang x reader x lee jooheon
a/n - loved the feedback I got after the first part so I tried to write part 2 as quickly as I could for you all :)
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Your manager quickly pulled you aside before you had to head out for your appearance. “They are going to ask about the hoodie, we know that. But that also means they will ask you about Jackson. Now I’m not expecting you to lie about Jackson. But, the hoodie, you gotta make something up about that one. You don’t need it getting out that you spent the night with Jooheon.”
“At Jooheon’s, I slept alone.” You quickly corrected your manager as he apologized. “Spent the night at Jooheon’s, sorry. Just, you know what I mean.”
“Don’t worry, I’ll think of something.”
“So, y/n, we have to ask a question that I think you might have been expecting. Fans spotted you earlier today with this hoodie, and they discovered that it is the hoodie of Monsta X member Jooheon. Rumors are now of course spreading that you’ve broken up with Jackson and have moved on with him, is this true?”
You took a deep breath, still unsure as to how you were going to get yourself out of this one. “Well, the rumors and stuff online are half true. That is Jooheon’s hoodie, there’s no hiding that. It’s got the same rip in the sleeve as his. But, at a music program the other day, we both actually had worn the same hoodie. We were getting ready backstage in the same area, I had gotten cold and grabbed his by mistake. I just haven’t had the chance to give it back to him. And I forgot today when I put it on it was his.”
You just laughed as the interview looked right over your words about the hoodie and went back to what you said about the rumors being half true. “So then what wasn’t true about what they were saying?”
Now came the hard part. Having to confess that you and Jackson had broken up. “Well, Jackson and I did break up. But I haven’t moved on with Jooheon, I could never move on that soon. I’m just, wanting to take some time for myself right now while dealing with the split.”
“Oh,” the host along with the audience sighed, of course no one knowing that you’d just broken up with Jackson. “I’m, I’m sorry y/n, I didn’t know the break up was recent.” 
The interview just continued on, luckily getting away from the topic of Jackson or Jooheon. And once finished you were off to another music program to continue on with your life, having to hide how you were truly feeling and most likely deal with the questions from other idols.
Once backstage at Music Bank, you immediately went looking for Jooheon. Knocking before entering the Monsta X dressing room. you walked in to find all the boys smiling at you as Jooheon quickly walked over.
“Hey.” He smiled wide at you as you handed him the hoodie. “I think this is yours.” He laughed, taking the hoodie from you and tossing it on a nearby chair. “Yeah, and apparently you have the same one? And it got switched with mine at Inkigayo?”
You covered your face embarrassed as you just laughed. “I, I couldn’t admit to sleeping over at your place. And I didn’t know what to say. I’m sorry.” The two of you just laughed, Jooheon rubbing your arm as you looked up at him. “It’s okay, I get it. I mean, you’re already dealing with a lot, with, you know. So I get it, not the best thing for people to know you were staying over another guys house.”
He reassured you he wasn’t offended by you lying about the hoodie, and the two of you spent a few more minutes talking before you’d have to go get ready for your stage.
“I do appreciate you letting me stay over, I know I didn’t really get to thank you since I rushed out. I’m dreading having to go to my apartment later. Having to deal with all the pictures, all his stuff he left there. It’s just, I mean we were together for almost two years. Having to get rid of two years worth of memories and such, it’s not gonna be easy.”
Jooheon could see that though you tried to not let it show, you were really hurt by this breakup. He figured the least he could was be there for you, since no one really knew what your relationship with Jackson was like before you’d split.
“Well hey, I don’t have plans later. How about I get us some food, come over and help you go through everything. So you don’t have to do it alone.”
You were a bit shocked, not that you and Jooheon weren’t close, you had become close because of Jackson. But you were surprised that he was so willing to be there for you, to get you through this even though Jackson was one of his best friends. “Really? You’d do that? I don’t want you to feel like you have to, I can do it by myself really.”
“Y/n, stop. It’s really no trouble. I’ll text you when I’m heading over?”
You couldn’t help but smile at him, then wrapping him in a hug before you left to get ready. “Thank you Jooheon, really. This means a lot. I’ll see you later.”
“Have you thought about what Jackson will think when he does find out that you and y/n are spending time together?”
Hoseok asked Jooheon as he returned to his seat once you’d left. “Dude, I’m not going to go after her when she just broke up with him. I’m not that much of an ass. Obviously I’m gonna give her time, I don’t even know if she likes me. But, if things happen, I can’t help that. I know Jackson is my friend, but you can’t help how you feel. And if she likes me and I like her, then, we’ll just have to see what happens.”
As promised, Jooheon texted you when he was on his way over. Shortly after you’d received his text he arrived with food in hand.
“So I wasn’t sure what you liked, but I remember Jackson ordering you food sometimes when we were together, so I went off of what he would order.”
You laughed as you took a bag from Jooheon, setting it on the counter while he removed his jacket along with his mask that he obviously wore so he wouldn’t be spotted by anyone. “Ugh, this is perfect. All my favorites, thank you!”
You quickly took a few bites before returning to your spot on the floor, surrounded by picture frames. Jooheon leaned against the counter as he ate, looking down at what you were doing. “Have you gotten far?”
“I just started. I have so many pictures of Jackson and I, and of course I put all of them in frames. So it might take us awhile to get rid of them all.”
Jooheon took a few more bites before leaving the food behind to join you on the floor. “Okay, where should I start?” He smiled wide at you as you handed him a larger frame with multiple slots for photos. “You can start with this one, it’s a bit tricky to get the pictures out, it always gave me trouble...”
Your voice trailed off as you pulled at the small pieces of metal keeping the back of the frame you were working on intact. Jooheon just taking the frame you’d handed him and going to work. Your apartment soon becoming silent except for the sounds of you two working on the frames.
Jooheon put the frame to the side once all the photos were out and in a pile, then taking a minute to glance at them. He looked through them one by one, slightly smiling to himself. This not going unnoticed by you as you tucked some hair behind your ear, questioning his smile.
“What is it?”
You tried to glance at the photos he was looking at before he looked up at you. “You just, you look so happy in these photos.” You smiled, slightly laughing as he set them in the small box you set out to collect them in. “I was.”
Jooheon watched as your smile faded while you grabbed another frame to work on. “Have you, heard from him? I mean I know it’s only been like a day, kind of. But, has he reached out to you?”
“Nope.” You tried not to think about it, having to empty all these frames and all the memories these photos hold was enough. “And no offense, I don’t really want to talk about it.”
Jooheon just nodded, understanding it was making you upset. The two of you just continuing on with the frames in silence. And after what seemed like an hour later you’d finally finished. Leaving all the frames in a pile while you put the lid on the box of photos, carrying it to your bedroom. Jooheon following close behind.
“So I guess now all that’s left is to take care of his clothes and stuff.”
Opening your closet you put the box of photos on a shelf while Jooheon grabbed a larger box, unfolding it as you began pulling hoodies and shirts of Jackson’s from the hangers. Jooheon folding them before setting them in the box, still not saying much as he wasn’t sure what to talk to you about. Not wanting to upset you, but also not sure how to cheer you up.
It wasn’t until he heard you trying to muffle your sobs that he snapped out of it and finally spoke up. “Y/n, what’s wrong?” He stepped away from the box and walked over to you. Seeing you trying to wipe your tears and act as if nothing was wrong, but he knew better. He’d been there before when arguments with Jackson had made you cry. He’d gotten used to knowing when you weren’t okay.
“I just, two years. How am I supposed to throw two years worth of a relationship in a box, stuff it in the back of my closet, and act like it’s nothing?” Jooheon rubbed your arms as he tried to calm you down. “No one is asking you to act like it’s nothing. No one is saying you can’t be upset y/n.”
“Yeah well it feels like it. I’m supposed to just put on a smile and go out on stage or do interviews like it’s nothing. Everyone feels bad for me, but they still want to know what happened, they still want to ask me questions. Can’t they respect the fact that I don’t want to talk about any of it right now. Do they think I’m not upset, I’m not heartbroken? Why does it seem like you’re the only one who cares or understands Jooheon?”
You turned to face him and for the first time, Jooheon really saw how hurt you were. Sure before he had thought about and considered what Hoseok said. That this could be his chance to possibly see if you and him could work out. But right now, you didn’t need another boyfriend. You just needed a friend.
Jooheon wrapped his arms around you, pulling you in close to his chest. Letting you cry as much as you needed. Hating to see you so upset, to know that his best friend was the reason for you feeling this way. He wished he could fix things, make you happy again. Make you smile like you did in all those pictures with Jackson.
“I think, we’ve done enough packing up of things for one night. How about, you just get some sleep?”
Jooheon led you over towards your bed, tossing Jackson’s clothes he’d laid on there in the box and pushing it to the side. “Here.” He pulled back the covers as you climbed in, then turning to straighten up a bit.
He stopped picking up clothes, looking back at you concerned. “Will you stay, please?” He smiled at you softly, nodding his head as he folded a shirt then placed it in the box.
“Of course, I’m just gonna straighten up in here and out there first okay? You go ahead and go to sleep. I promise I’ll be here when you wake up, I won’t leave.”
Rolling over, you felt an arm tighten around your waist. Causing you to snuggle closer to the chest you felt next to you. Softly sighing, you opened your eyes, looking up to see Jooheon laying next to you. At first you wanted to pull away, but you didn’t want to startle him by saying or doing something. So you just pretended to go back to sleep.
You weren’t exactly upset with him being next to you, you were able to sleep through the night for the first time in awhile with him by your side. You’d become so used to sleeping next to Jackson that even one night without him you’d hardly get any sleep. You felt safe with Jooheon, comfortable even. So you snuggled closer to him, eventually not having to pretend to be asleep as you’d drifted off into a dream.
“Oh, shit.”
You woke up to Jooheon’s arm lightly moving your head as he’d scooted a bit away from you. Clearly he’d surprised himself waking up to see you cuddled close to him. He must have forgotten that he ever climbed in bed with you.
“I’m sorry, did I wake you?”
He looked down to see your eyes fluttering open, but you just laughed. Telling him that you had woken up earlier, but didn’t mind so you went back to sleep. “I’m sorry, I just. When I finished straightening up, I came in and you were having a nightmare. I was gonna sleep in the chair over there I swear. But I just, I felt like maybe it would be better if I slept here. To make you feel safe or something.”
The two of you sat up, stretching as you laughed. “No, it’s fine really. It happens sometimes. My body just got so used to having someone sleeping next to me I guess.”
The room became silent again as the two of you felt a bit awkward, not knowing what to say next. You glanced around the room, noticing the box closed and pushed to the side. “Oh, did you?” 
“Yeah, there wasn’t much of his stuff left, so I figured I’d just pack it for you. So you didn’t have to go through what you did last night. I can put it in the closet for you.” Jooheon softly smiled as he stood up, stretching and then taking the box and putting in the back of your closet. 
“So, any plans today for you or the boys?” 
Jooheon sat back on the bed shrugging his shoulders as he thought about it. “Not really, I mean we do have to practice for the MAMA awards in Japan, since those are coming up. But, other than that not much is going on right now. You?” 
You too shook your head, “Kind of the same, nothing much. Maybe going to the studio. I’m not sure yet. I just want to keep busy you know?” He did, and he understood completely. Sitting in your apartment would only cause you to think too much, which would lead to you thinking about the breakup. Which you definitely didn’t want. 
“Well, I’ll be at practice, but if you need anything. I’m just a text or phone call away. Okay?” You smiled up at him, giving him a hug and thanking him for all his help before he bid you farewell. 
Heading into your living room you looked at all the empty frames Jooheon had placed on your couch and coffee table. You took a deep breath, reassuring yourself you were fine. Then heading to your bookshelf, you pulled out a few photo albums to look for some pictures to fill all the newly emptied frames.
so this part is kind of a filler-ish part, so sorry if it isn’t exactly what you were expecting. but things will start to pick up soon, there’s just always gotta be some background info in there and slow stuff to help the story along :) hopefully you all are still liking this, part 3 is in the works and should be posted soon, I’m gonna try and keep updates pretty regular for this if you all are liking it!
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fandomwoorld-blog · 7 years
Kill Queen (part 3) Joker x Reader
Ok guys so I haven't posted an imagine in a long time but this one was highly requested so here ya go! Hope it's not to bad and you'll like it! 🖤 Warnings: smut You've just finished putting your vanity on the wall in your gorgeous room in Jokers hideout. You had a huge golden bed with silky curtains falling from the ceiling. Next to the bed, on both sides, there was a vintage black nightstand with four drawers each. You filled them with your framed photos, music albums and other things you love. Across the bed there was a gigantic black closet full of your clothes. It must've been big, you had a lot of clothes. You stepped away from the vanity. It didn't really fit with room vibe, but you'll probably replace it eventually. Other two walls were kinda empty, both had one door, one leading to hallway and other to bathroom. Next to ones that lead to bathroom there was a huge shelf. You looked at it and sighed. You bent down and took one box from the floor, saying books and begun taking them out and putting them on a shelf. You were a big reader so you had bunch of books of all kinds. You didn't expect it to be this beautiful here, because of the fact that's in a warehouse. Maybe this isn't so bad... * knock knock * "Come in!" you said at the knock on the door. "I'm sorry on disturbance miss, but the dinner is ready. Come down to eat" said the woman peeking through the crack of open door. It was miss Mandy, Js' maid. "That sounds great Mandy, I'm starving. I'll be right up!" you said and she smiled, shutting the door and leaving. You putt the box back on the bed and went to the vanity to tie your hair. You tied it in a high bun and exited your new beautiful bedroom. Hallway was, of course, huge and bright. It had long stairs that lead to bunch of doors every one of them saying which room is behind them. You walked over to ones that said dining room . You opened them and saw J sitting at the table. The table was long, like those you see in movies about princesses, you thought. "Sit down" he said, not looking at you, eating his dinner. You rolled you eyes and sat across him. You picked up fork and knife and started eating gorgeous-looking stake. "Is it good?" He asked, finally raising his head. You took a bite. "It's great" you said and smiled. But he didn't smile back. He just nodded and said "Good". You looked at your joker tattoo and started thinking that this all was just a huge mistake. And just a moment ago you loved it here. You lost your appetite. You ate the stake, got up and casually walked out the door, shutting it closed. But right after they shut you ran to your bedroom. Now you really didn't know how or if you could work with him. It's not just because of this, that'd be stupid. You've been living together just a few days and he already isn't treating you the way he should. You had one job together and he's been the one in charge all the time, treating you like one of his henchmen and you didn't sing up for that. But you didn't want to think about that now. You just wanted to unpack completely and go to bed. You'll deal with shity partner in crime tomorrow. You walked over your vanity and let your hair go. You took a deep breath and then jumped at the sound of knocks on the door. You sighed. "Mandy, I already ate. I wanna sleep now!" you yelled, getting kinda annoyed at her for calling you again. But the door opened anyways. "Hey, I said- Oh..." You stopped at your tracks. You sighed "What do you want?" "Why did you ran of like that?" J asked You just stared at him for a moment, with your mouth slightly open and then you calmed down and sat down, next to the book box. He walked over to you and took your hands. You looked at his beautiful eyes and raised your eyebrows. "Seriously? Are you playing dumb J?" you asked getting even madder at him for not even realizing what's he doing. And he just stared at you. You looked away. "Whatever. I doesn't even matter, I didn't run" He squeezed your hands. "Baby you really think that I can't hear your footsteps behind the door?" You blushed and pulled your hands back "Tell me what's wrong" "I forgot to do something" you quickly said. "Really? I'm not buying that" he answered "Say it. And don't lie" You took a deep breath. "Well first of all don't baby me cause I'm not anything to you. And second, you've been treating me like one of your servants, all the time!" you raised your voice "I wanna leave. Pack my things and leave." you saw him frown "We agreed to be partners in this. To work together. And you didn't do that." you finished. His lips formed a thin line and he grabbed you by the waist and pulled you up. "What are you-" you felt his hot lips on your neck. Feeling was unforgettable. His tongue touched your skin and you shivered. He pulled you closer at the sound of your moans. His lips traveled all around your soft neck. "J... S-stop" you said, just to sound mad, but you didn't want him to stop. Not really. He moved his lips away for a sec, saying a few words between every kiss "Are you... sure babygirl... that you... want me to... stop, huh?" he grinned. You sighed and wrapped your hands around his cold neck. You didn't say anything, just raised his chin with your fingertips and took his lips with yours. He clearly expected that because he kissed back instantly, and with a tongue. He moved one of his hands from you and shoved down the box down. Books fell all over the ground. He turned you two around and sat on your bed. You held his face upwards so you could kiss him, but he pulled you into his lap. You spread your legs and pulled yourself above his member. You ran your hands through his green hair and he did the same with the skin under your top. You wanted to kiss his neck so badly... You pulled away from his lips, breathing really fast and then found his neck. He groaned loudly. You knew what every guy that was ever with you wanted. And apparently J wasn't any different. You took his large hand and unzipped your pants, pushing his hand in them. You smiled on his neck. His fingers started working its magic and you moaned. He added another finger in you and moved it around, making you moan loudly. He added another finger without a warning and you screamed. You couldn't hold your lips on his neck anymore. He grabbed on you butt and raised you on the bed, on top of him. He took of his shirt, exposing all of his tattoos and muscles. You traveled with your fingers across them. "You like daddy's tattoos doll huh?" he asked rhetorically. You did like them. You liked every part of him. You unbuttoned his pants, taking his boxers of with them. He took of your top and you did the same with your pants. You bent over and gave him a wet kiss on a collar. He was now completely naked and you were in your bra and thongs. He took your butt with his warm palms. "Lay on me doll" he said, and you listened to him. You heard his unexpectedly steady heart beats. He took your pantie-line and dragged them off of you, then going on your bra. He ripped it off and you frowned at that. But now your clit touched his hard member. You sat up, his cock entering your wet core. Your head went back and a loud moan escaped your lips. He turned you on your back instantly. He loved being the one in control. So did you, but you could make an exception this time... You didn't really have a choice either. He begun banging on your walls as he held his arms under your waist. You started moaning tenderly. "Call me daddy babygirl" he whispered his order in your ear. "Daddy..." you whispered back. You've never called anyone daddy before but you liked it. So. Fucking. Much. "Louder baby, louder" he repeated You sat up again, Js cock going even deeper in you and yelled, as loud as you could: "Daddy!" He reached your g-spot and you could barely talk now. His trusts became even harder and faster. He squeezed your waist so you'll definitely have bruises there. He pushed your legs on his back as your hands went up in his soft green hair. "Yes... Like that doll. Now... Be steady for... a minute baby..." he said and you listened to him. You putt your hands on his sweaty shoulders as he thrust into you, fast, groaning with every single move. He took one of your nipples in his mouth and you screamed at his bite. His saliva went down your breast. You couldn't help but cum again and he grinned. He raised himself up on his knees, grabbing your inner thighs and pushing your legs around his waist. You raised your arms above your head, taking silky sheets in your tight grip. You let out a long moan as you closed your eyes and your head went back. Then all of a sudden his movements slowed down and then stopped as he came inside you. You laughed as he fell on the bed next to you. He pulled you with him, so you were lying on his body. You could feel his heartbeats slowing down. He slid his palms n your ass and squeezed. "Are you sure you want to leave (y/n)?" he said and let go of you, pushing you off of him. He got up, dressed amd left the room, not even waiting for your response or looking at you. That's it for this par, hpe it's not too boring, and if you want another one I'll be glad to write it! I've got some ideas 😉
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