#sorry its late!!
onboardsorasora · 2 months
*clears throat* paging Mael, *taps mic* paging @mael-talks-too-much
Hidden Pregnancy AU | Part 2
Part 3 
Lewis had noticed that Daniel had been distracted lately. Staring off in a daze in the middle of lunch, looking unseeingly at the laundry. He’d left his keys in the fridge as well, beside Roscoe’s food bowl that wasn’t supposed to be there. 
Something was off. 
He waited until Ava was down for her nap before approaching Daniel while he laid in their bed. 
“Is everything ok?” Lewis curled up behind him like a comma, pressing his nose into the base of Daniel’s neck. 
Daniel’s scent was rich and heady, still slowly losing the last bit of warmth and spice of his most recent heat. 
Lewis remembered how he’d hesitantly brought up the subject since they’d only recently just reunited. He had understood his hesitation but had been more than happy to learn about the upcoming time. There was nothing more intimate than spending a heat or rut together, in his eyes. There was a level of trust that was needed to take care of someone during a time when they were completely incapable. To meet their need. 
Daniel admitted that he hadn’t thought he’d gained back Lewis’ trust enough and had been worried that his heat would have been more of an imposition. 
“I could just order my new dose of birth control earlier.” He’d offered, holding Ava while she fed. Lewis looked at the two most important people in his life, a fond smile tugging on his lips. 
“No, I’ll be honored to take care of you.” Lewis had watched as Daniel’s face softened and he'd nodded.
Daniel's heat had come the week after the Monaco Grand Prix and they'd been able to focus on each other while Lewis' mums took care of Ava for them. 
Lewis pulled Daniel's lax body closer as he remembered how lovely the week had been. How connected he'd felt with his omega afterwards. By the end of the week, Daniel hadn't wanted Lewis to be away from him. Whining the moment Lewis would move from however they were pressed together and he would coo in contentment when he returned. 
Currently, Daniel turned in his arms and tucked his head under Lewis' chin. Lewis carded a hand through messy curls.
“Promise you won't be mad?” Daniel whispered and Lewis drew back to look at him in confusion.
“Why would I be mad? Are you ok?”
Daniel looked up at him through his lashes. “I think– I um haven't confirmed it yet, but I think I might be pregnant.”
Lewis blinked, stunned. “Pregnant? Like- like another baby?” He asked softly, voice tinged in wonder at the thought, at what it meant. He could be a dad again, Ava would be a big sister. They would have another baby to fall in love with, a baby he would be able to watch grow in Daniel's belly.
“Yeah. I'm sorry, we haven't talked about it and–”
Lewis kissed Daniel's forehead then tilted his head upwards to kiss his lips, silencing his rambling.
“This is wonderful news!” He breathed, lips pulled wide in a grin. He rolled them until Daniel was on his back and Lewis scooted until his face was in line with Daniel's still flat belly. He pressed his face into the skin of his stomach and inhaled deeply, trying to catch a whiff of their potential newest one.
Daniel watched him with soft eyes, brushing his curls from his forehead. Lewis looked up at him and grinned so hard his eyes made crescents. A baby! Another baby!
“How do we like confirm? Do you just take a test? Do we need to go to the doctor?” He asked excitedly, pressing a kiss to Daniel's stomach again. 
Daniel choked out a laugh, he hadn't expected this reaction. “I have a test in the bathroom, I haven't taken it yet.”
Lewis scrambled up and scooped Daniel into his arms, “do you need help?” He asked walking them into the bathroom. Daniel laughed, wiggling out of his hold. 
“Out, I'll take it and we can wait together.” He playfully pushed at Lewis’ shoulders.
Lewis kissed him soundly, pulling Daniel close. “I'll be happy no matter what the test says.” He kissed Daniel's jaw and the side of his lips. “I know we haven't talked about it but I would love to have more kids with you. Whenever we get blessed with them, they will be cherished.”
“Oh.” Daniel sniffed and wiped at his eyes, he pressed his lips to Lewis’ kissing him wetly before shooing him softly.
Lewis checked on Ava then sat on the bed to wait- playing anxiously with his fingers, Daniel came out of the bathroom and sat nervously beside him. He pressed their thighs together and Lewis tugged him onto his lap.
“Is it weird that I'm nervous?” He asked into Daniel's neck. Daniel shook his head.
“No, I'm nervous too. Like it's a big deal.”
“How long do we have to wait for?”
“Three minutes for the test to be like accurate.”
“Longest three minutes of life.” Lewis groaned.
“It felt way longer with Ava.” Daniel mumbled and Lewis kissed his jaw.
The timer Daniel had set went off and they pair stilled and looked at each other apprehensively.  
They held hands and went into the bathroom slowly– as if waiting for something to jump out at them. 
“You look.” Daniel whispered and Lewis looked at him with wide eyes in the mirror. Taking a step forward, Lewis glanced at the white stick as if it could hurt him.
“Holy shit.” He breathed, grabbing it in his free hand to look at closer. He looked over at Daniel, brown eyes wide in wonder. “You're pregnant.” He whispered. Daniel's mouth dropped in shock. “We're gonna have another baby.”
“Holy fuck.” Daniel looked down at himself, his free hand now clutching his flat belly. 
Lewis scooped him up and twirled them in a circle, giggling his joy.
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winedark · 5 months
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nine best/first watches of 2023, tagged by @ahaura & @lestogrifoni (thank you both so much!!!! 💕)
i think everyone has already done this, so i won't tag people but if you'd like to do it take this as your invitation! i'm tagging YOU!
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alixlives · 2 years
Day 5 for lee tommy week! Almost done!
Link for the prompts: https://fizzthelee.tumblr.com/post/690344255616663552/ah-why-ello-there-what-is-this-a-lee-tommy-week
Lee!Tommy, Ler!Ranboo, CC’s
warnings: pinning, build-up, swearing
Tommy would be lying if he said he wasn’t enjoying this chase around Ranboo’s house. He had stolen Ranboo’s favorite hoodie, again, and Ranboo wasn’t very happy. (he wasn’t actually angry he just wanted to mess with Tommy)
Ranboo was right on Tommy’s tail. Tommy took a whole ass U-Turn, dodging Ranboo. Ranboo audibly groaned as he slowed to a stop to turn around.
“Take the L, bitch! HAHA!” Tommy let out his signature laugh before he began to run faster.
“Give me back my hoodie!” Ranboo yelled as he also began to run faster, almost faster than Tommy.
“I’d like to call it our hoodie!” Tommy retorted, a few giggles slipping after the sentence.
“I’m so gonna get you, Tommy!” A smirk formed on Ranboo’s face as he noticed Tommy slow down a bit.
“Try me, bihitch!” Tommy’s giggles only increased, and he tried his hardest to supress them. Tommy ran into Ranboo’s bedroom, shutting the door, and hiding under the bed. Ranboo entered the room seconds after.
“Oh, Tommy~! I’m gonna getcha~” Ranboo wanted to build up the anticipation, so he could really get Tommy.
Tommy had a hand covering his mouth to supress his giggling, and he was shaking from silent laughter.
“Come on, Tommy~ You know you want this. The same thing happens every time you take my things, but you still do this. Don’t think i haven’t caught on to the fact you just love being tickled until you are absolutely helpless, at my mercy~!” Ranboo teased. He knew exactly where Tommy was hiding, but he wanted to pretend he didn’t.
Tommy slapped his other hand ontop of the hand covering his mouth. He was not gonna give himself away!
“Still gonna be quiet, giggles? Don’t worry, I’ll find ya!” Ranboo exclaimed as he looked around the room for Tommy.
“Oh when I find you Tommy..” Ranboo spoke lowly as he continued his ‘search.’ “When I find you, I’m going to wreck you until you’re begging for mercy. I’m gonna start by wiggling my fingers on your neck and shoulders, and of course you’ll scrunch up your shoulders to try and stop the feeling, but it won’t work! You’ll only have trapped my tickly fingers, making the sensations so much worse~!”
Holy. Fuck.
Ranboo sat on the bed to continue talking.
“And then I’ll walk my fingers up and down you’re sides, I know it’s a bad spot for you. You fold at anyone simply touching them~!” Ranboo let out a giggle of his own, an evil one.
“Then I’ll make sure to start squeezing your sides to really get you laughing. I’ll make sure to count those ticklish ribs of yours as well~!” Tommy curled into a ball under the bed.
“Don’t think I forgot about your tummy! I’m gonna spider my fingers all around that little tum of yours, and I’ll make sure to hook my finger into your giggle button! You know, i’ve gotta get you squealing and shrieking too! You’re pretty lucky I don’t have neighbors, huh? They’d think someone’s gettin’ killed! Well, I guess technically you will be once I drill my thumbs into your hips,” Ranboo spoke so calmly, yet in the most teasing tone Tommy had ever heard. Holy fuck he was not messing around.
Ranboo got up from the bed, and he paused.
Please don’t look under here, please dont look under here.. Tommy thought to himself as his body shook in supressed laughter.
Ranboo then bent down and grabbed Tommy’s ankle. “Gotcha~!” He exclaimed. Tommy squealed as he was pulled out from under the bed and thrown onto the matress.
Ranboo immediately pinned him down, sitting on Tommy’s thighs and his hands underneath his knees.
“I’m gonna getcha, Toms~!” Ranboo exclaimed, wiggling his fingers at the blonde below him. And the dam broke. Tommy started giggling like mad at the sight of Ranboo’s wiggling fingers.
“Rahahan! Juhust goho alreheheady!” Tommy whined as Ranboo’s hands rested on his shoulders.
“Your wish is my command, big man!” Ranboo exclaimed, wiggling his fingers all on Tommy’s shoulders and neck, just like he said he would.
Tommy scrunched up his shoulders and squealed at the touch, “RahAHAnbohOHOHOO!”
“This isn’t that bad of a spot for you, the anticipation worked! Letsgooo!” Ranboo cheered as he switched to walking his fingers up and down Tommy’s sides, causing his laughter to raise an octave and start squirming.
“RAHAHAHAN! NAHAHA!” Tommy bucked his hips, nearly throwing Ranboo off.
“Jesus! You’re like a bull!” Ranboo shouted over Tommy’s laughter, squeezing up and down his sides. Tommy let out a loud, high-pitched squeal.
“RAHAHANBOHOHOO! IHIHIT TIHIHICKLES!” Tommy yelled out, and Ranboo chuckled.
“That’s the point, Tommy!” He brought up one hand to boop his nose, and Tommy wrinkled his nose up in response.
Ranboo suddenly switched to scribbling his fingers all over Tommy’s tummy, and Tommy let out a shrieky squeal.
“AAHAHAH! RAHAHAN NOHOHO! NAHAHAT THEHEHEHERE!” Tommy thrashed and bucked wildly, Ranboo giggled at the reactions.
“tktktktktktk~! I’ve gotcha now, Toms! Tickle tickle~!” Ranboo teased, hooking his pointer finger into Tommy’s bellybutton, causing him to shriek.
“AAAHHA! RAHAHANBOHOHOO! PLEHEHEHEASEE!” Tommy screamed, desperately pulling at his hands but failing.
“Please what? Please continue to tickle you to pieces? Okay!” Ranboo drilled one thumb into Tommy’s hip, keeping his pointer finger in Tommy’s tum button while the rest of his fingers scratched at his torso. That was enough for Tommy.
Ranboo stopped immediately, getting off of him and letting his hands go. Tommy curled into a ball, still giggling his heart out. Ranboo rubbed whatever of his torso that was exposed to help get rid of the ghost tickles.
“I’ll go get you some water, alright Toms?” Ranboo asked with a now sweet voice, and Tommy nodded.
When Ranboo came back with two bottles of water —one for him, one for Tommy— and some snacks, Tommy was sitting up on the bed, smile on his face and still blushing a bit.
“You alright, man?” Ranboo asked as he handed Tommy a water and set the snacks down on the bed. It was a genuine question.
“I’m alright, thank you Ran,” Tommy looked up at Ranboo as the taller teen sat down next to him.
“Movie?” Ranboo suggested, and Tommy nodded happily.
Ranboo put on their favorite movie to watch together, Monsters Inc. (its my favorite movie therefore it’s their favorite movie fuck off/lh) Ranboo wrapped his arm around Tommy.
“..Can i keep the hoodie?” Tommy asked, gesturing to Ranboo’s hoodie that he was still wearing.
“How about I let you have it for tonight and tomorrow?” Ranboo suggested.
“I’m alright with that. I’ll probably steal it again though,” Tommy muttered the last sentence but Ranboo still heard it.
“Then I’ll just wreck you again,” Ranboo said teasingly, wiggling his fingers on Tommy’s side with a smirk.
“Ahahahaye! Quihit!” Tommy giggled, lightly smacking Ranboo’s hand as a bright pink hue formed on his face, and Ranboo giggled with him.
“You lohove mehe,” Ranboo poked Tommy’s cheek, and Tommy giggled again. The two continued watching the movie in silence for about 5 minutes.
“Ranboo?” Tommy spoke up suddenly.
“Yeah, Toms?” Ranboo looked down at him with a smile.
“Soft tickles..?” Was all Tommy said, and Ranboo cooed outloud.
“Aww, Toms~ Of course, anything for you,” Ranboo said before lightly tracing circles, hearts, and stars into the side of Tommy’s stomach. Honeysweet giggles emitted from the blonde teen, and Ranboo just melted.
This continued until Tommy fell asleep, Ranboo falling asleep not long after. The two were definitely embarrassed when Aimsey, who was also staying at Ranboo’s, woke them up in the morning and showed them a picture of the two boys cuddling.
The Alliumduo were definitely going to wreck her later.
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heavens-sin · 5 months
✆ [from medicus-mortem, Law is glaring at me right now]
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                                 @medicus-mortem sent : ✆ Accepting
𝐑𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐓𝐎𝐍𝐄 : Welcome to the black parade
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onebadnoodle · 6 months
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merry christmas!
were you visited by three ghosts?
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nenayaquisieras · 3 months
Simon has always been confused on why you gift him toys. Sure, most of the gifts you gave him were some of the things he liked. Bourbon, masks, gloves, make up for him to smudge his eyes with, some daggers and knives. Things that we're useful for him, just him. But later, you gifted him a toy airplane. He makes a comment about it, saying he is not a child anymore and you were better off giving it to Johnny instead.
"No, this is specifically for you, take it."
When he gets to him room, he walks toward his trash can, opening it with the tip of his boot. He gives one more look at the toy, his mood souring before throwing it into the trash. He goes on about his day, training, signing paper work, drills. Doing anything to ignore the pain stinging memories that the toy brought back. Emotions that were buried thousands of feet deep it could reach hell itself. Later, he lies awake in bed, staring at the ceiling, avoiding looking at the cylinder shape that's calling for him in his peripheral.
He pulls the covers off vigorously and stomps over to the trash can. He is standing over it like he's trying to intimidate it, as if it was an enemy he's trying to get rid of in battle. To anyone else, the scene would look comical.
He sighs to himself and reaches down to take out the toy he so cruelly threw away. He sets it on his desk and quickly walks toward his bed, facing away from his desk.
The next day, he wakes up feeling different. He swears he sees his room more vibrant, more lively. That energy follows him through out the day, having his other teammates notice his rather bright mood.
You catch him in the hallway. Pulling him aside to ask him about the paper work you left at his desk this morning. Of course, he notices the way you smile brightly, more so than usual. But he notices that you're not looking at him. More like looking at something next to him.
"What's got you so cheery?"
You turn to look up at him, feeling a bit embarrassed.
"I just..." You take a quick glance at the spot next to him, before bringing your eyes back upon his.
"I just hope you liked your gift." The same bright smile appearing on your face.
He stares at you, examining your words. Your expression.
You think you see his eyes crinkle a bit.
"I liked it."
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qiinamii · 10 months
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"Xiao does things" (and friends) twitter log part 2
-- UPDATE: removed some of the arts to make its own individual post since I am bad at organizing, sorry! (but the last one is new lol) xD
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arsenicflame · 8 days
Bonus round! Do you use a queue tag?
#ive been super curious about this because people seem to have really strong opinions on the queue! so many people seem to HATE it#but i love using the queue! i dont really know exactly why i like it so much- i started using in like... 2016 and its a fundamental part of#my tumblr experience now. i think i started off just using it for offline hours so id hit most my american mutuals (/ for aes posts)#but these days basically everything goes in my queue (cept time sensitive things & like. current hype and original posts-#anything 'normal' posting is in the queue)#idk it feels. nice to me! i like to spread out my posting and not rb 30 things in half an hour and then disappear for the rest of the day#esp since my spaces are so circular- the same post runs on my dash a dozen times minimum. and i get to put it on ur dash a week late!!!#and its so nice to have small interactions with mutuals in incompatible timezones; to open up my notifications in the morning#and go: oh! my friends were here <3#its such a Part of the tumblr experience for me i dont think i could ever truly change now. maybe switch to timed queueing#but my availability changes so much i prefer to just. know i guess#but (i am so sorry for all that) im curious about how other people feel!!!!!! itd be so interesting to hear abt why people do/do not like i#i know some people like the experience of spamming and going. some people think it makes this seem to much like influencing or whatever#everyone has their reasons and i want to know!!!!!!!!!!!!!!#nyxtalks#poll#queue#no see answers option because you must fall into one of these
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lotus-pear · 2 months
have you ever done . . . . genderbend dazai . . . . . . ebef ore .e.e. ... . .
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when i tell you i speedran coloring this,,,,,,I LOVE WOMEN SO FUCKING MUCH
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kagoutiss · 2 months
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what if there were 2 old fucks… can u imagine
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raggedytiger · 3 months
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pomni & ragatha's bucket list for real life
no text vvv
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ladybeug · 1 year
I drew the same comic twice because I didn't think the first one was funny enough. I don't know if the second comic is funnier though??
Here's both of them
Side by side because i couldn't decide which one to put first - knowing the punchline changes the experience?? pick your adventure. read either one first.
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which ones funnier i honestly can't tell
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swedenis-h · 1 year
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This an old au idea I had with my friend keylime about Luke and Leia going to ✨political parties✨ to gain allies for the New Republic! Of course dinluke shenanigans occur, we can’t have politics and daddy issues the WHOLE time 🙄✋
June 11th prompt: The Senate Deals with DinLuke Shenanigans (@dinlukeweek)
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specshroom · 5 months
★ I think Choso is obsessed with kissing ★
At first he thought the concept was a bit weird like alot of human things. You just... put your lips on someone else's...and hold it there????
 Yeah he was confused. But you were patient with him and from the moment you two had your first kiss the man was hooked. (I'm imagining like fireworks and stars in his eyes with a deep red blush like a comedy anime lmao) 
He's a bit clumsy at first, he's just eager and inexperienced. You can only find it cute, honestly. 
Even much later in the relationship, after he's gotten the hang of it and has settled into casual physical touch. Choso still has such an eagerness for kisses. Unlike sex which has a defined begining, climax and end. Kissing can go on forever, it doesn't have to ever end. Even a half curse like him gets tired and overstimulated eventually and while he obviously loves fucking you, he also loves the ease and casualness of kissing. 
The way he sees it, It still riles you up and allows you to express love and passion for eachother while not being as exhausting. 
When he wakes up? Lazy kisses. When you're making breakfast together? Playful kisses. Cuddling on the couch? Cozy steamy make out kisses. Good bye kisses, Hello kisses, Good morning kisses, Good night kisses, kisses in the shower, kisses in the kitchen, Eskimo kisses, butterfly kisses, cheek, forehead, nose kisses. This man is a fool for literally all of it. 
He loves the sweetness of a simple peck and he loves the spit slick mess of french kissing. He loves the feeling of your lips moving perfectly against his. He loves the feeling of your tongues sliding against each other.  
He loves that it could turn into more at any moment or it could just stay the same for as long as you both want. He loves when you run out of air and release from the kiss with breathy pants, your forehead resting against his. He loves when both of you kiss so much it makes your lips hurt but neither of you want to stop so you just end up rubbing your tongues together to keep the sweet friction going. 
He's so normal about your lips in general. He sees you apply lip stick, lip gloss or lip balm? Mans is already chubbed up. You lick your lips while eating? His mind is wandering right into the gutter. God forbid you pout or bite your lip in front of him. 
His eyes unconsciously go to your lips when you talk. He can't help it, he feels embarrassed if you point it out. 
Now because he holds kissing in such high regard, I don't think he likes kissing you in public that much. It's just such a personal thing for him that he feels weird doing it Infront of other people. That being said, you both have been caught mid make out session multiple times by multiple people. Even though he finds it embarrassing he can't deny you if you offer him a big wet kiss on the cheek. 
He absolutely LOVES kissing during sex. He just thinks it makes the already intimate moment even more intimate. When you're using your pretty mouth to suck him off he can't help but pull you off his dick so he can sloppily kiss you for a bit before letting you get back to it. Your lips just look so good around his dick. His love for kisses also extends to your lower lips btw. He looooves making out with your cunt and kissing up your thighs. Once he's already made you cum, he likes to place gentle kisses on your sensitive clit to watch you shake at the soft touch.
He makes sure that every time you two cum your mouths are also joined. That's why he likes positions where you're face to face so he can easily kiss you when you two cum together. Although he will make sure that even in positions like doggy or when your back is to his chest you will still get that intense messy kiss every climax. 
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garfield-milk · 1 month
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when your sisters boyfriends monkey steals YOUR bf so true sokka....
this is actually a (very very very) late Christmas gift so .... happy Christmas sree, i guess?? hope you like it !!!
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monteruu · 2 months
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let's see how far we've come :)
[image id: digital illustration of john egbert, jade harley, rose lalonde, and dave strider from homestuck. they are all laying on a blue checkered picnic blanket laying on top of one another in a familiar manner and smiling.
john is at the center laughing heartily while jade is to the right laying down on her side. dave is to the left and is in a comfortable lounging position with one leg over one of john's and is resting his head in rose's lap who is smirking at john and jade's antics.
they are all in their respective godtier outfits. around them are some lush grassy hills with variously colored wildflowers spotting the landscape and the sburb sun setting behind them. end image id.]
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