#sorry actually never getting over this momemt
im-tempted · 7 months
Hey guys don't worry 'I'd give you all my memories' on earth *sobs*
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ushisrever · 2 years
Pair: Ushijima Wakatoshi x reader
Genre: fluff
Summary: Ushijima tries his best to show you or tell you that love isn't bad at all.  It just takes time. 
A/n: Finally, I managed to post something 😭. I just wrote this after thinking of a certain topic lol. Hope you guys like it 😊
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How long has it been? He really doesn't know.  He doesn't know how long it has been since his thoughts have been mostly about you rather than volleyball.  Sounds cliche, right?  Though, it just sort of happened.  One day, he first meets you in his own volleyball court while you are directing your own staff in terms of the documentary you are making.  Then the next thing he knows, you two are very close to the point that you two will hang out late at night in his apartment (or yours) or in a late night coffee shop.  
Ushijima has been told that you two have quite an interesting dynamic.  It's as if you two understand each other even if no one talks at all.  Perhaps, a telepathy of sort?  Though, when he was told of that, he only then realized.  He only then realized how much he seems to remember every little thing about you that he just understood you very well.  Probably, it's been around that time when he realized…damn…he's in love with you.  
 Though, ever since he's known these feelings of his, he stays quiet.  He doesn't want to be  compulsive.  He'll feel it out first.  He'll try to figure it out and actually understand what he wants out of it before he confesses.  (He'll be sure to confess that is for sure). 
Though, one night when you randomly went to a coffee shop that closes very late, you began talking.  You began talking about love…dating.  He's not exactly sure what struck you to start the conversation.  Maybe it's because of the romantic music.  Maybe it's the dreamy and comfortable silence.  Maybe it's the couple waist by waist at a corner table.  He's not sure.  Though, he just listened. 
"Have you ever thought about romance?" 
"What do you mean?" Ushi asked. 
"I mean you know…have you ever thought about dating someone?"  You asked.  Ushi couldn't utter a word.  He wants to say it right there and then,  but he knows he shouldn't say it yet. 
"Sorry.  That was an uncomfortable question," You awkwardly smile.  You take a sip of your own drink.  Ushi turns to you and he could feel there is something you want to say regarding that topic.  Therefore, he speaks. 
"How about you?  Have you thought of dating?" He asked.  His hand clenched into a fist under the table. 
"Me.  Hmm, yes and a no? I don't know," You laugh a bit.  "A part of me wants it, I believe.  I want to meet someone who will be my strength and vise versa. Someone's complete existence just makes me feel at home.  And I guess I also want the story that comes with it from the momemt we meet.  Kind of like a hopeless romantic's dream," 
Those words gave Ushi hope.  He can be that person.  However, the next words may have placed a barrier between the two of you. 
"Though, a part of me is kind of repelled by it," you sigh. 
"Yeah.  Dating or romance tend to make men and women foolish.  I mean, that's what I've seen over the years. It's not like some giggly foolish kind of thing. They turn to some foolish…annoying…sometimes blind the moment they find these so called the one," you take a sip of your drink.  
"And sometimes…their foolishness hurt other people.  It has hurt me too. I just don't get it especially if these people they found is so so red flag.  Don't get me wrong.  I've seen some couples that made me dream of such a romantic life too," You then fall silent for a moment.  You may not notice it, but Ushi's gaze never left yours.  The hope he has seems to be just a lousy string wrapped on his finger the moment he heard those words. 
"I guess I'm just too scared to go into a relationship because I don't want anyone to get hurt.  I don't want to be foolish," You turn to him and notice his gaze.
"Shoot! Have I been blabbering too much? I'm sorry about that," You laughed.
"It's fine.  I asked anyway," Ushi gives a soft smile. 
"...do I sound weird when I said those?" Ushi knows you've just said something more personal.  He is ought to respect that. 
"No.  It's not weird to say your opinion," Ushi said. You then smile in appreciation. 
"Thank you," you mumbled.  "It's getting late.  Maybe we should get going?" You asked.  Ushi simply nods. You two then leave the cafe and walk toward the condominium you two live in (you two have the same condo, coicindentaly). 
It's quiet for awhile because the two of you have some deep thoughts running in your head.  For Ushi, it is for the words you just told him.  With what you said, he doesn't know what to make up for it.  He doesn't want it that you two end up in a sour note if he asks you on a date and you refuse.  He then realized there is a big chance you'll refuse him. 
You…rejecting him.
Ushi's thoughts are cut off when you clear your throat.  He turns to look at you.
"Though, I must say…even if I have that kind of opinion…a part of me wants to feel the excitement in romance.  The dates.  The deep personal conversation with each other. The intimacy.  The sweet kisses," You then laugh. "Then, because of that, I couldn't even fanthom myself dating someone.  Look at me.  I haven't even kissed anyone yet.  I'm already working…some friends I have already have friends," you laugh again at this running thoughts in your head. 
"Sorry.  I just find it so ironic, you know.  If anything, someone very handsome may as well just grab my arm, and pull me into a kiss. I'll accept it…so that I can check off that on my list.  I wonder how I can make someone do that,"  You smile cheekily at the thought.  
You turn to him with an innocent look on your face.  Little did you know, the man in front of you is in full dilemma.  You've practically forgot to pull your reins in just blabbering what you want to say regarding about these stuff.  Well, why would you pull your reins?  It's Ushijima Wakatoshi.  Your dearest and trusted friend.  He can know everything.  
"Well…you can ask?" He said.  He doesn't know what to say.  When you mentioned about the kiss and how you'll accept someone to pull you into a kiss…he might have malfunctioned.  He couldn't fanthom the idea.  What if it's some asshole who did it? He doesn't want that.  
"Where's the element of surprise in that?" You chuckled. 
"So, you want to be surprised?" Ushi asked. 
"Probably.  It'll be nice to experience a kiss even if it's just a kiss at the end of a blind date that didn't quite work out.  Or maybe a drunken mistake.  A kiss doesn't really have to lead to a relationship, right?" The last sentence was almost like a mumble.  It's as of you don't believe those words at all.  Ushi doesn't miss that implication at all. 
You already turn to climb up the staircase to your condominium lobby.  You are about to climb up when you notice Ushi stopped walking. You turn to find him a few steps away from you. 
"You good?" You asked.  
Ushi is looking down on the ground for a moment and he looks up at you.  
"I have a question," He asked. 
You raise your eyebrows in anticipation. 
"Do you think I'm…handsome?" 
You blink for a moment to process the words.  Ushi is going free rein on whatever he just impulsively asked and plan to do. 
"Is that even a question? Why'd you suddenly ask?" You chuckled. 
He takes a few steps and stops again. "Do you ever think someone would want to be with me…to go on a date?" He looks away for a moment in embarassment. 
You don't reply for awhile.  Ushi's heart is pounding against his chest the more he just hears silence. Then, you spoke.
"If I were them, I'll be the luckiest person in the world," 
Ushi's heart stills then.  He looks up and finds you about to go up the stairs.  At that moment, he does the most impulsive thing ever.  He catches up to you and pulls you by the arm.  The swift movement had you not being able to process it.  The next thing you know, your lips crashes against his.  It took you by surprise that you don't know how to properly respond against the soft kiss Ushi is doing.  It takes awhile before you respond into the sweet kiss.  You can taste the hot chocolate on his lips.  For a moment, you felt like there is something more to the kiss.  An statement of feeling. A sincerity…therefore you kissed back, wanting to feel tje warmth. However  It doesn't take long before he pulls away.  
"What's this kiss? Is it just to help me take it off from my list? That's quite…generous of you," you try to smile. 
"It takes time…love that is," Ushi blurts out.  When he sees your confused expression, he continues on. "Sometimes, we tend to see more of what's the surface of romance and sometimes we think that is all it is.  I believe that's the reason why some people…tend to be foolish.  However for me…" 
He doesn't leave his gaze at you.  He then takes your hand on his. 
"...for me, I believe that love takes time.  It doesn't have to be all about just impressing each other, but rather about learning more about each other…making each other happy…making each other the better version of each other," He wraps his arms around you in an attempt to hide his face as he tries to…confess. 
"I….for the past months we've known each other, you have no idea how much you've made me happy and how much you've made me a better person.  I am so thankful for that, and I want to be…that person for you too," He said.  You feel his grip tightening.  
"I…wait…do you like me, Ushi?" 
Ushi doesn't speak for awhile.  He doesn't let you go. "Isn't it obvious?" 
"...are you sure, Ushi? Because I…I don't know if I'll ever be-"
"Why think of the ending when we haven't stepped on the beginning yet?" Ushi pulls away to look at you.  That takes you back for a moment.  
A soft smile forms on your face.  "Right…you're right about that.  I keep forgetting that I shouldn't be too…overthinking of the ending.  I just…" you look at his eyes.  His adorable beautiful eyes.  You then reach for his cheek. 
"I just hate for what we have to disappear.  It's really special, you know.  I really love how we hang out, you know," 
He grabs your hand from his cheek and gives it a soft kiss on the back of your hand. "It doesn't have to disappear, you know. Nothing has to change.  We'll still be like usual.  The only difference is that, we get to hold hands," he squeezes your hand for a moment.  
"We get to be so closer than usual," he takes a step closer to you. 
"We get to…kiss," he gives you a kiss on the cheek.  He's only a gap away from you  "alot of kisses as you want," 
You could probably drown in his eyes.  It's the expression in his eyes that made you believe in his every words.  You know.  You just know this isn't some joke the universe has on you. 
"That's a nice proposition.  Since you've been honest to me, I'll be honest with you too," you take a deep breathe. "I know for myself that a part of me has always…liked you.  Liked you as more than a friend.  Though, I never really thought you'll be…interested.  For one I thought, you're married to volleyball," you chuckled. 
He smiles. "Well, we don't see a ring,"  
You laugh then.  He laughs as well.  It took seconds for you two to stop laughing.  Comfortable silence sinks in between the two of you.  
"Will it be weird of me to say I want to kiss you again?" Ushi shyly said.  
"No.  It's not weird," Ushi then thinks that his cue to lean forward, but you stop him. 
"Though, before that…I want you to promise me something," Ushi looks at you expectedly.  "If slowly even just for a little bit there is something that's making you unhappy with us, we talk about it.  Never ever leave me hanging, okay?  And…and if ever…if ever we end up having to break up, let's not end it in a sour note as much as possible.  At least in this way, we'll never have a sad ending," 
Ushi nods.  "I understand.  I'll do what you say. But about the last one you said, I'll do as you say too.  However, I'll do my best never for us to break up at all,"
"I'll do so as well," you do not let a second pass before you crash your lips against his.  He doesn't hesitate to kiss back as well. 
Ushi didn't expect how this night has turned.  He's glad that for a moment he acted on impulse.  If he didn't, he's not exactly sure how he'll go about being able to convince you that it's alright.  It's alright to date….to love.  Though, he knows this story with you doesn't stop here.  It's the beginning of a much happier story.  He'll make it do so.  He'll make sure to show you that this thing between you and him will not be foolish.  
He'll make sure to make you believe that it takes time…love that is.  
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Gone In Codenames And Vehicle Record
MARACAIBO, Venezuela above average wages, nice benefits and cheap credit that brought home ownership and visiting abroad within reach for several workers, careers at Venezuela's condition-function gas giant PDVSA were coveted for for many years. I mean, it is not that I can NEVER EVER manage a Brilliant car... I would have worked towards that and became a multi millionaire right now perhaps easily wished it poorly enough. But a complex program of vehicle credits that were clear, made to supply versatility in achieving the sales goal to automakers, has resulted in a glut of credits, based on experts. It wouldn't also enroll to him, not he's constantly losing sight of his method performing excellent deeds and , but more from a totally unknowing of people that are other viewpoint. That by utilizing the energy of fire they'd weaken their weight to cool. While Floridais statewide pollutants of smog-growing pollutants have diminished by more than 50 percent since 1990, the ongoing famine threatens to undo their state's improvement, according to the 2015 record Floridais Progress Toward Clean-Air that has been unveiled by the Florida Airpollution Control Officers Association. The reason being chocolates includes 60-70% chocolate, and mister, milk products, and also other ingredients than light sweets do. Dark-chocolate also contains cocoa liquor and cocoa butter, but significantly less than its counterparts do. I jogged Wednesday that was last in the morning around 5am, after a few minutes i started to feel the itching on my feet...and it had been not hot. Cheers all and start to become wise each of them scammers keep away from this scum they not totally all terrible! Luckily, my hubby grew up in an exceedingly useful property where he'd role-models that were good. Not quite happy with a dull solo function for the day, I discovered the Truly Amazing Bay 5K in Stratham NH that seemed good for competitiveness and age bracket gifts. I that was last heard the record was placed by the bugatti for fastest production car in the world. Above the Enzo, although Atom below the Veyron they've actually powered, because the second fastest automobile. In case your aged loved one needs a bit of support getting around or perhaps existing living (lifestyle gets hard to dwell when one is 95...) here is another of my articles that will involve some excellent practical gifts - you will discover daily living products, consuming aids and those sorts of items on that report. They function the typical purchaser about a moderate 1000 thousand compared to the bugatti which is a routine and a half and also the car can be an awsom everyday driver.Check out the movie of jay leno concerning the stated all of it in a single statement(It signifies National made.)Sorry SSC Remained aerodynamically stable at nasa's wind tunnell in a bit above was limited by a two lane stretch of country highway by Guinness to have the-world document. People from all over the planet bring about HubPages by sharing phrases and photographs become familiar with us a bit by reading what everyday people need to state about Cars, and Standard Car Safety The depth of information on HubPages is extensive, but each article is particular in its unique way! I'm offering these fellas a stopper simply because they tackled a challenge that I've had for a couple decades now and did a very good work in a great cost, same-day company. On http://lejardin-delabelle.info/xpert-konjac-perte-de-poids-naturelle-et-saine/ , I'll explain to you just how to determine the real price of the carrental in Mexico. It could be that the air bubble discovered its solution to the tank during the time you had been standing there (I Will guess it was a few momemts when you shut the vehicle off). I shed my pal that was small in a car accident a week ago, it got as a distress his removed ca n't be however believed by me. Although http://lejardin-delabelle.info used many years cranking petrol that is solely cheap out -operated vehicles, by 2008 it was prepared to exhibit its first all-electric styles, as well as the moment could not have already been greater. The guidance is inadequately portrayed within the Highway Code - where it might not be safe to request a-car to press past highways are exactly. It could not be inadvisable to restore it having a normal power steering push off a low -ABC auto that uses the exact same engine. My popular Facebook carseat ordeal was evidence that nurturing criteria are hard not core impersonal, although that appears intense. Sorrell - child of Lisa, was loaded in the start, the vehicle was established unstoppable and she perished from smoke breathing.
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miraculouslbfangirl · 6 years
Ladrien June: Day 18 - Valentine -  Cloudy day
Days (connected story) 1   2   3   4   5   6   7(see day4)   8   9  10  11(19)  
One-shots   20
Valentine’s day; a day of love confessions, inevitable heartbreaks and predictable akuma attacks. Adrien just didn’t expect one to start when he was finishing his love letter to Ladybug.
This year he hadn’t tried to write a poem, settling to put his feelings into a simple letter; it was much easier that way. He had been reviewing it when the akuma stroke and was actually proud of his work. He sighed folding the paper and putting it carefully in his pocket, this would have to wait. Adrien exited the classroom with his classmates, but once outside he went in the opposite direction of them to transform. 
Unfortunately for him, he almost crashed into the akuma that was, once again, targeting the school. Had not been for ladybug sweeping him up on her arms he would be crying his heart out in the school hallways. The akumatized girl was making everybody cry just like she did when she was rejected earlier.
 “Are you ok?” Ladybug asked as she placed him gently on the ground.
 “Yeah, I’m fine” his pounding heart and his legs that felt like jelly said otherwise, but he couldn’t tell her that her proximity caused such effects on him. She was asking about his encounter with the akuma after all, not his lack of control over his own body when he was near her.
 Ladybug looked him up and down to certify that he was really okay when a pink paper near his feet caught her attention. She bent down to pick it up with jealousy already bubbling in her veins. She knew he used to get plenty of cards and gifts and even have girls confessing to him, especially on Valentine’s. However have one of this cards in her hands was almost too much to bear. She tried to play it cool and conceal her feelings despite the sting sensation in her heart.
“You dropped this. You must have a lot of admirers, hum?” she joked and Adrien gave her a nervous smile.
His mind raced. She had the letter he wrote to her in her hands. It was a chance, would he have another one? He was most likely going to chicken out again, so he blurted out without much thought “It’s to you”. 
“To me?” she asked in disbelief and he jus nodded.
Adrien watched her unfold the paper and her expressions change as she read it. It went for surprised to serious with, what he could only call as a lovesick one in the middle.
She looked at him with the saddest eyes he had ever seen in her, shattering his heart. “I’m really sorry, but I can’t return your feelings, Adrien.”
His mistake hit him full force. He wasn’t Chat Noir at the momemt and she would never get involved with a civilian in her superhero form. Even if that lovesick expression that he swore he had seen meant that she liked him back, she wouldn’t risk it. He was glad he hadn’t had the time to sign it or he would have exposed his own identity. 
“I know. I wasn’t going to deliver it anyway.” Adrien paused as screams in the distance reminded them of the attack. “You’d better go.” He reached out to take the letter back. “Just pretend you never read it.”
Ladybug looked at his outstretched hand and shook her head. “You wrote this to me and I’ll keep it. I may not be able to return your feelings, but I won’t pretend they don’t exist.” She wanted him to love her civilian self, but she wouldn’t reject the little bit of love he was giving her. Even though she couldn’t exactly accept it, she was going to treasure that piece of paper inside her diary. At that moment she wished he was Chat Noir. She looked away and pushed that silly thought off her mind. “I need to go. See you around.”
 Adrien watched her go feeling dejected. “If I could only tell you who I am.”
 “But you can’t and you messed up.” Plagg said knowing too well that Marinette would be in cloud nine if Adrien had given her that letter instead of Ladybug. “You gotta help her.” He grumbled.
 Adrien transformed somewhat relieved that there was still a chance for him, maybe when they finally revealed their identities. He smiled and went after her looking forward to that day to come.
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ijustwant2write · 7 years
The Quiet One Part 4 (Final)-Halfdan The Black x Reader
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(GIF credit to owner)
Part 1/ Part 2/ Part 3
Summary: Although the newlyweds are still not fond of each other, things are starting to get easier. However, many people are still doubtful.
Characters: Halfdan The Black x Reader
Meanings: (Y/N)= Your name (Y/F/N)= Your friend’s name
Warnings: a bit of fighting but mostly fluff
“Wow (Y/N), you’ve actually improved.” (Y/F/N) giggled.
“Do not mock me. At least I’m hitting the target.” I defnded myself, holding up the bow and arrow again.
“Here, just tilt the arrow slightly higher. There you go, you should get a better aim now.”
Now my usual routine, (Y/F/N) and I were training early in the mornings, now having moved on to archery. This was a lot easier than swords, there wasn’t as much to think about. Letting go of the string, I watched the arrow fly through the air before it hit the target again.
“You’re getting closer. I think archery is your calling.”
“I wouldn’t speak too soon.”
Once I arrived home, I was surprised to see Halfdan still there. Things had calmed down between us though there was still some tension. We weren’t sure how to act around each other. But I knew that Halfdan was no longer perusing other women because he would sleep beside me at night; quite far away from each other but still in the same bed.
“I didn’t think you would be here. Isn’t there a raid that needs planning?” I smiled as I took off my cloak.
“Isn’t there always?” he replied as he finished his breakfast.
They were to go raiding across the seas for gods knows how long. I had never even heard of the country they were sailing too. Of course, this had been the only thing that was ever talked about now, especially amongst the wives who were staying behind. They all seemed so sad but proud of their partners. A part of me felt guilty that I had not thought about what could happen to my own husband. Would he be injured or killed? What were they doing over there?
Before I could finish my sentence, someone knocked on the door. I decided to answer it and forget about my questions. Harald stood there, smiling as I opened the door. We too had made amends, he was finally accepting me for who I was.
“(Y/N), it is good to see you on such a lovely morning.” he beamed.
I was slightly confused but smiled back.“And to you Harald. Why are you so happy?”
I took his cloak and shut the door as the brothers embraced. Grabbing a jug and two cups, I set them down in front of the men before pouring them a drink each.
“Well (Y/N), I am so happy to be raiding again. Especially somewhere we have never been to.” Harald explained.
“It sounds very exciting. Do you know how long you will be gone for?”
“Not too long I hope.”
“And will you be safe?”
He laughed.“Listen to her brother, she is starting to sound like a proper wife!”
Everyone was gathered in the great hall, a send off feast was occuring before a sacrifice. With Halfdan sat on my left and (Y/F/N) to my right, I felt happy. My friends were surrounding me and I was finally getting along with my husband. However there was still a little voice at the back of my mind constantly reminding me that something could happen to our people on this raid. Halfdan was a strong fighter but accidents happened. I had been praying to the Gods to watch over him though I never told Halfdan that.
After a couple hours of dancing, I found myself out of breath and in need of a small rest. Laughing as I walked away from the crowd, someone stood in my way. I politely asked them to move, instead they turned to face me.
“(Y/N), how’s married life treating you?” the man said to me. His face was slightly bruised as if he had recently been in a fight.
“Do I know you?” I asked, wanting to get away from him.
“No but I certainly know you and your husband.”
“Please let me past.”
“Did he tell you about him attacking me?” It suddenly dawned on me that this was the man who spoke badly of us, stating that we weren’t in a consumated marriage. I turned on my heel quickly but got nowhere as he grabbed into my arm.
“Get off me!” my raised voice seemed quiet amongst the amount of talking that was going on.
“You seem all hot and bothered, perhaps it’s because your husband isn’t doing his duties?”
I struggled against him as he got closer. He wasn’t going to give up easily and there was no way I could fight him off. No one could see us in this dark corner unless they were really close, which no one seemed to be. Just as I was about to start screaming, the man fell into his back, Halfdan standing above him. Without anything being said, he crouched down and started punching him. Now people were finally noticing.
“Halfdan! Halfdan stop!” I shouted as the crowd started to cheer him on.
He wasn’t giving up quickly, anger radiating off him. Eventually Harald stepped in after watching for a while, pulling them apart. The man looked furious, his face now a bloody mess, though he knew to back away. The crowd dispersed, disappointed by the outcome. I followed after Halfdan who had stormed away from his brother outside.
“Halfdan,” I caught his attention as he leaned against the wall,“are you ok?”
“No.” he answered, his breath still heavy.
“Are you hurt?” my eyes looked him over for any injuries.
“I am fine. Just angry.”
There was no point arguing with him.“Thank you for doing that. Let us forget about it now though, there is a sacrifice that we must attend.”
Although Halfdan still seemed tense, I stood by him during the sacrifice. I wanted all of our men and women to have as much luck they could get. The crimson blood flowed as the animal was killed, the silent crowd erupting in cheers. I was so captivated by it all that I hadn’t noticed my husband’s disappearance. Just as I went to look for him, he appeared again, as if by magic. In his hands was a small bowl filled with blood. Dipping my fingers into the bowl, I smoothed them over Halfdan’s face, saying a silent prayer. He did the same to me. I thought that this was the gentlest I had ever seen him. We stayed staring into each other’s eyes for a momemt, as if no one else was there. It was….strange.
The whole of Kattegat was gathered by the docks the next morning. The vast number was ships was overwhelming as well as the people going off the raid. I waited by as Halfdan prepared his ship. I had already said my goodbyes to the Ragnarssons and Harald; I wanted to save Halfdan’s farewell for last.
“Are you sure you have everything?” my voice was trembling, why was I getting so upset?
“Yes, you have asked me five times this morning.” he chuckled.
“Sorry. Just…please do not be reckless.”
“I will be safe. I will bring back many treasures and you will be proud of me.”
“Yes, I will. But the most important thing is that you come back to me.”
Without thinking, I reached up and placed a small kiss on his lips. We were both surprised by my actions. I blushed deeply. Halfdan was more confident though, putting a hand on my cheek as he stroked it with his thumb, kissing me again. With that, he walked away to the ship, joining his brother. Everyone waved and shouted their goodbyes as the ships sailed away. I ran got the edge of the dock, staying there until the ships disappeared. Halfdan had to come back to me, He was my husband and I loved him.
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adorkablepeter · 7 years
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Title: Life Changing ( Part 3 ) 《 Part 1 》《 Part 2 》
Summary Finally having some privacy in Peter’s room, Peter and Y/N talk about Y/N’s friends and the fact that things are different now but they end up doing other things.
Words: ~ 1900
Makeout Session!
Arriving at the flat he shared with his aunt May, Peter pulled out his keys and opened the door before he yelled, “I’m home.” I closed the door behind us and Peter continued, “And I brought Y/N. I hope that’s fine.”
Following Peter into the living room, I already felt home, exactly like the times before. The atmosphere in this flat was so much better than in my family’s flat. Not that I didn’t like it at home but this flat was Peter’s home. And that’s what made it so comfortable, I guess.
“Of course it’s fine!”, May exclaimed, standing up from the couch and walking towards us to give me a hug. “Good to see you again, honey. Peter told me about yesterday…” “He did?”, I chuckled before I gave him a quite nervous look, unsure of what to say. Peter only shrugged with a smile. “Yes, he did. And it was about time! I used to believe that project you were working on was actually a physical project if you know what I mean.”, she laughed loudly and I laughed rather awkwardly, not really knowing what to reply.
Fortunately, I felt Peter’s hand grabbing mine and tugging me with him. “Aunt May…”, he only mumbled, giving her a strange look before pulling me into his messy room.
“Sorry, I wasn’t… expecting anyone… today.”, he laughed while collecting some of his stuff which he threw in the cupboard. “It’s okay. My room’s not any better.”, I claimed, stripping my shoes from my feet.
He sighed quietly as he sat down on the bed. “I can’t believe you’re here.”, he started, “No project, no homework. Just you being in my room with me.” I laughed at that before I sat down on the chair which I had put in front of him. “I like it here. It’s welcoming and comfortable.”, I put my feet on his tigh playfully to tease him but it was actually a nice position and he didn’t seemed to care.
“Also I feel comfortable around you.”, I began, having his complete attention, “I don’t worry about saying something stupid or doing something wrong. That’s why I was a bit… sad today… because my friends… let’s just say they are not my friends anymore.” Peter’s eyes stared into mine in confusion and disbelief, not saying a word. “They said they don’t want me to date you because you’re too unpopular. We, I quote, are from different categories and it wouldn’t work out.”, I continued, seeing hurt in Peter’s eyes, which I could feel too, “They said we don’t belong together and then made me choose.”
There was shock and sadness in Peter’s eyes. Only for a moment. Because he realised that I was sitting in his room, telling him about my friends. Because he realised that I wouldn’t be sitting in his room, telling him about my friends if I had chosen my friends.
I chose him. And that made him smile so much he had to bite his lip to remind him in what situation he was in. After all, I just told him my friends let me down because I was dating him.
“I’m sorry. I shouldn’t… be happy that, uh… I’m awfully sorry. Really, I’m-”, he stuttered, his eyes roaming over the ground to avoid eye contact. “Peter, it’s fine.”, I interrupted, my hands reaching out to grab his. A moment of silence lingered between us after he looked up in my eyes, this intense stare making my cheeks turn to a slight pink.
“It’s just… I don’t want to… bother you but, uh, I can sit with you at lunch, right?” He chuckled at my question, slightly shaking his head with a smile, “Sure! You don’t need to worry about that.”
“Okay, great!”, I sighed in relief and again there was silence. Not a weird silence. Both of us simply didn’t find the right words in a short period of time.
Suddenly the door opened without warning and May stood in the door frame, a plate full of cookies in her hands. This scenario had happened a couple of times before when Peter and I were working on our biology project but I still got a mini heart attack every time. I placed my feet on the ground, taking my hands away from Peter to put them under my tighs. “Just wanted to make sure, you have something to eat when you get hungry.”, she smiled softly and placed it on Peter’s table. Peter and I thanked her and then she stood in the middle of Peter’s room, her hands in her hips. “What are you doing?”, she asked casually, looking back and forth between me and Peter. “Just talking… about school.”, Peter replied, his voice raising at the end of the sentence making it sound like a question. She left with the words “Oh, okay.”, quickly opening the door before she closed it in slow motion.
Peter looked at me apologetically, his hands resting in his lap. “You know what she’s like. Always checking up on me.”, he mumbled, clear annoyance in his tone. “She simply cares for you.”, I replied, shrugging my shoulders. “She’s just curious if we are actually talking and doing our homework or if we are… doing other things.”
I smirked at him as an idea popped into my head, standing up to sit down right next to him on the edge of his bed. He turned his body towards me instinctively, supporting his weight with his hands on the matress. “Other things like that?”, I whispered slowly before I closed my eyes and leaned forward quickly, pressing my lips on his.
He reacted quicker than expected, his hands instantly being on my hips while my fingers interwined behind his neck. I felt my heart running a marathon in my chest after our lips startet moving and everthing else worked out on its own. “That’sexactly… what I meant…with other things.”, he mumbled against my lips, causing me to laugh briefly. My fingers found themselves in his hair seconds later, tugging at it while his hands carefully wandered up my sides. I hummed when I felt the tip of his tongue against my lip, not expecting him to make a move so fast. A moan left my lips as soon as the kiss got more and more passionate and Peter pulled me on his lap, impatiently closing the last bit of space between us and making my body heat up.
Heavy breathing filled the room while Peter and I obviously couldn’t get enough of each other, his hands roaming over my back and my fingers messing up his soft hair. I pulled back for a moment, catching my breath while me and Peter held eye contact, Peter being out of breath as well. His cheeks had coloured in a deep tone of red and I couldn’t help but return the huge smile on his face. “Definitely the right decision.”, I told him as I rested my fore head against his and put my hands on his shoulders. “I agree.”, he breathed before pecking my lips, “Kissing you is so much fun.” He pressed another kiss on my smiling lips.
“I still can’t believe you chose me over your friends.”, he admitted, pulling me even closer and holding me tightly, a smile on his face and a sparkles in his eyes. “They’re not really good friends if they don’t want me to be with you. And therefore to be happy.”, I explained, not only to him but also to myself. I knew that Peter was better company and that he was good for me.
There was silence again. Silence and our heavy breathing. But it didn’t last very long since it was nearly impossible for me to look at him and not kiss him in this momemt.
So our lips melted together again, tongues dancing and exploring. Moans coming from our lips, especially after I started to grind my hips against his occasionally. His hands still on my back and on my side, fingertips pressing against me while my right hand wandered to his neck. I pulled back slightly only to pepper his neck with sweet kisses, noticing the chills on the back of his neck. A shaky breath left his mouth after my kisses turned into open mouthed ones, starting under his left ear and making my way down to his collar bone. “This feels really nice.”, he breathed out and I brought my lips to his ear, “That’s good to know.”
My hands went down to the hem of his shirt, tugging it upwards before looking at Peter and checking if this was fine with him. And it was. It totally was. Peter pulled it over his head in a millisecond and I pushed him softly on the matress, letting my gaze wander over his body. “Jesus, I didn’t expect that.”, I exclaimed quietly, knowing that we weren’t alone in this flat. My fingertips roamed over his abs, as I felt myself getting hotter by the second, my face probably being as red as a tomato.
Peter blushed, looking up at me shyly before I leaned down, pressing a kiss on his lips, then on his cheek, then under his ear. I started nibbling at his neck, once again earning moans from him after licking over the sensitive spots. He gasped as I sucked under his ear, revealing his sweet spot which I tried to memorise. Suddenly, Peter turned us over, hovering above me with a flirty smile on his lips before he pressed them on mine. My hands ran through his curls while my legs sneaked around him. Peter pulled back slightly before his mouth was next to my ear, his lips brushing over my ear. “It’s my turn now.”, he whispered in a deep voice I never heard him use before. My heart jumped to my throat the moment I felt his lips on my neck, immediately starting to nibble and suck. I turned my head to the side, giving him more access and soon I couldn’t controll my breath anymore, tugging harder on his hair and making him groan.
“Peter?”, we heard Aunt May yell and I quickly passed him his shirt which he pulled over his head. “Yeah?”, he responded, his voice an octave higher than usual. He stared down at me, his breath on my skin and his eyes not even fully opened.
But he didn’t get answer. So he stood up to open the door and ask again. “You want some snacks?”, Aunt May wanted to know, coming out of nowhere but Peter only groaned as he took the snacks. “What are you doing?”, she asked in the same tone as before.
“Nothing.”, Peter replied quickly, closing the door before leaning against it. I laughed at him and he joined in, climbing back into the bed after placing the snacks next to the untouched cookies. His arms sneaked around me, fore head leaning against forehead. All the needy tension turning into sweet, innocent cuddles.
“I’m hopelessly in love with you.”, Peter admitted, eyes glued to the ceiling.
“I know. I feel exactly the same… and I’m actually not that sad anymore.”, I realised, making Peter grin proudly.
alternative Part 4:《 Innocent Boy 》
Life Changing Taglist: @imnothavingkids @ceci1735 @karamelblobber @holycoldcoffee @tryn25 @thelifeofanengineeringstudent @flylikeajetpack @yannii04 @catwoman2502 @tiny-friggin-human @384-chubby-dumpling
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fanscrit · 7 years
To the Rescue
Fandom: Overwatch Pairing: Mchanzo Rating: Teen and Up Prompt: Superhero AU (Day 2) Warning: Angst
A/N: Sorry, it’s what I do best. Sorry for being late
Since he was a small child, Jesse McCree loved to watch the Gibraltar news reports of the superheroes going out to save the day. Seeing his favorite heroes like Striker 76, Lionheart, and Angel go out into battle to save innocent lives was inspiring. He dreamed of one day getting the chance to fight side by side with them, but he knew it would never be. You had to have powers, and he was nothing like them. Didn’t quench the fire burning in him to do good, though.
Jesse joined the police force and put his shooting skills to the test. He made first response and excelled. No one could match Jesse when it came to the gun. He never missed if he could see you. Some of the guys on the force joked that he was a Super himself. They even gave him his own name: Deadeye.
Jesse complained and said it sounded more like a crook than a hero. Secretly, he loved it. Captain Reyes agreed, and whenever he used the dispatch, his boss never failed to joke around about it either. Here, he felt at home. He truly felt like he was where he needed to be… but something was missing. He couldn’t understand what it was.
Half a year into his time on first response, he was accustomed the ins and outs of Gibraltar. The dispatch crackled as the word came out.
“We have a robbery on 6th and Hanamura Avenue, Payload Industries. All patrols, converge on the site. I repeat…” Jesse drowned out the sound of Orisa dispatch interface. Putting the lights on so he could avoid traffic, Jesse made for the destination.
When he arrived, there were two visible figures among what appeared to be hostages. One was a Hispanic woman in a purple jacket and leggings. He’d read up on her, Sombra was an elite hacker, and with her powers she could control anyone. The other man was new, though. Asian, by the look of it, with black hair, rugged features, blue attire with an asymmetrical chest cut, and a bow.
Jesse looked to his hostage negotiator, Lucio, who looked like he was about at wits end. The poor thing was new, just into his second week, and while he was good in normal circumstances, Supers were a whole other breed. This was his first time with them too. Jesse patted him on the back.
“What’s going on here, partner?” Jesse quipped. Lucio looked close to tears when he turned to face Jesse.
“Deadeye, she’s impossible! I’ve tried everything, and she just tosses it around and leaves me all tongue tied. Nearest Super is 20 min away, but she’s gonna set her hound on them in the next 10. I don’t like it,” the man whined.
“Now I don’t think Hana would like hearing about you getting tongue tied by another woman,” Jesse joked, “so let’s see if we can wrap this up before time’s up.”
Lucio’s dark skin grew heated, “Yeah, okay. There’s a roof entrance accessible by ladder, you can sneak in and get them that way.”
“Gotcha, keep Sombra busy while I head in. If I can get rid of the muscle, we should be fine,” Jesse took off in the direction of the building, avoiding the glass walls on the second floor.
Jesse got in easily enough. The building was three floors high, so he needed to head to the stairs and wait for the signal from Lucio. He saw terrified employees on his way through, innocent people waiting to be saved. All he could do was give them a fighting chance till a Super would show up.
He made it to the stairway door and tested the knob. It was unlocked, good. He needed it to be accessible to make this work. Jesse took a deep breath and turned the handle, gun in hand. He had not been expecting someone on the other side, but within seconds, a bow notched with an arrow was pointed in his face.
“Hey partner, now let’s just take a minute to think about what we’re…” Jesse’s words trailed as he took in the intricate Dragon tattoo on the man’s exposed left arm.
“What is your business here?” The strong Eastern accent made Jesse focus on the man in front of him again. He stared the man down, watching his stern, solid gaze for weakness.
“I reckon I take issue with that question,” Jesse laughed, “seeing as how you’re the one not meant to be here.”
The archer’s eye twitched in annoyance, “I will play no games with a cop. State your business or die.”
“But we were getting to know each other so well,” Jesse poked, hoping for a response.
“No we were not.”
“But we could, if you wanted,” Jesse gave the man a winning smile. He watched the man’s brow furrow for a momemt.
Jesse coughed, “Let’s start with names. The name’s… uhhh… well most just call me Deadeye.”
The eyes narrowed, as if looking for a trick. After a tense moment, the reply came.
“Well, sounds nice and tough if you ask me,” Jesse eyed the tattoo again, “What’s with that on your arm?”
“Why do you care?” Stormbow questioned. He was getting suspicious. His gaze turned to a clock on the wall. He needed to hold out for a few more moments. He needed a bold move.
He relaxed his grip on his gun and pocketed it in his holster. He held his hands up a took a step forward. Stormbow backed into the wall.
“Come on, I’m sure your girlfriend down there is nice, but a friend couldn’t kill ya, right?” Jesse mused.
“She is… we a have strictly professional relationship,” the man corrected. Jesse would deny that his heart did a flip when he heard that. He had assumed they were a power couple. It wasn’t uncommon. Why was he so happy to hear that…?
Jesse through caution to the wind and took a few more steps until he was right in front of Stormbow, “Well maybe we can have one a little more… off the books?”
Stormbow turned a shade of red that was completed confusing to Jesse until he went over what he’d said. His cheeks burned as he tried to back track his words.
“I mean, not like that! Not that there’s anything wrong with that at all, I mean I just don’t know you well enough! You’re probably a great guy and all but I just got away from a bad break up and I’m in no position to-”
“Storm, we need to go, did you get…” the voice, belonging to none other than Sombra, trailed as it looked up at Jesse. Immediately, her eyes went wide and she threw up her hands, glowing a dark purple.
Jesse suddenly found himself on the floor in a crumpled mess. He couldn’t move his limbs at all. Sombra must have hacked him! He struggled to move but failed again and again.
“I’ve got you in my sights!” The call denoted the arrival of Striker 76. Stormbow and Sombra whipped around and the man himself was at the door to the second floor steps. Sombra cursed.
“Mission failed, we need to go. Say goodbye to you friend,” she snarled as she typed into the holopads she created.
“He is no friend of mine,” Stormbow snapped. He did, however, look back at Jesse with a look of confusion.
“Whatever, translocating,” and with that they disappeared. Seconds later, Strike 76 appeared. Jesse craned his neck to look up at him
“Does this wear off or am I stuck like this?”
Jesse started running into the pair all over the place. And each time, he would run into Stormbow again and again. He had to admit it was something he looked forward to. Jesse was man enough to admit he was smitten with the man. Just a crush, though, nothing more. It wasn’t like anything was gonna come out of it.
Each time they talked, he learned a little more about the man. Like that he loved seafood and cheese, that he had recently discovered jazz and was quite fond of it, and that he’d been trained in archery since he was a child. Each time, Jesse fell for Stormbow harder and harder.
It got to the point that at the last time they had a run in, Jesse had yelled dinner reservations at the archer as he sped away. He’d received no confirmation about if Stormbow would even be there, but he made the reservations anyways. His friend’s mother, Ana Amari, owned a four star Egyptian cuisine restaurant that he convinced her to get them a table at instead of waiting weeks for the reservation.
Jesse made the reservation under Deadeye since he hadn’t given Stormbow his actual name. He was smitten, not an idiot; he still had his gun on him. It was the longest hour of his life. So many feelings went through him, from anxiety to fear, disappointment to embarrassment.
When we was all but ready to call it a night with he head in his hands, Jesse heard a chair being pulled back. He looked up to see the refined archer in all his formal attire. Jesse had never been a man to have a particular interest in a man in a suit, but the one before him truly made him reconsider it.
“You came…” Jesse was not a fan of how surprised and afraid he sounded in that moment.
“You made it sound so important, I decided to see what this was about,” Stormbow quipped back. The familiar banter helped ease Jesse’s nerves.
“Well, I guess you could say that, but it’s not really-”
“Ah, so I was right then. Good,” The Asian pulled a wicked smile and Jesse’s face turned beet red, “So Deadeye, tell me-”
“Actually, it’s Jesse,” he hadn’t meant to go there, but some part of him wanted this to feel real and Deadeye was a joke. Stormbow laughed.
“Hanzo. So Jesse, tell me,” his ears burned and the sound of his name coming from Stor- from Hanzo. He could get drunk off the sound alone, “what is it that you want? Info on my partner? Her powers? My cooperation in a takedown on her?”
Jesse’s eyes widened, “No, no, nothing like that. I just wanted to get to know you a little better… see where things go. I’m sorry if you got the wrong impression from what I was looking for here.”
Hanzo didn’t move, didn’t speak. Thankfully, the waitress saved him from embarrassing himself further by ordering wine and some appetizers. When she left, he turned back to Hanzo to see a face of stone. Jesse panicked inside. What had he done? Was this a mistake? Maybe he should go?
“I can leave if you-” he made to rise and leave the building but Hanzo stopped him with this hand.
“I am not opposed to getting to know you,” he started.
“Good,” Jesse breathed, taking his seat again, “cause I wanna know all about you.”
They spoke on many things. Hanzo would laugh when he told a joke, and Jesse would let Hanzo try what he ordered since Hanzo wasn’t as familiar with Egyptian food.
Halfway through, a storm kicked up and Hanzo excused himself to the bathroom. As soon as Hanzo turned the corner, Jesse broke out in a sweat. He was hooked. Everything about Hanzo made him desire the man more and more. He was obsessed. He wanted the chance to really know who he was.
After several minutes had passed, Jesse got up himself and went to check the bathroom to make sure Hanzo was okay. When he found the restroom to be empty, Jesse became immediately concerned. He found Ana in the kitchen and asked if she had seen anything. She shook her head and said to check the upstairs hall before the doorway too the roof.
Jesse hopped up toward the roof and came to the door. He put his ear to the door and listened for words. Maybe Hanzo was making a long phone call, or maybe he was just as nervous as Jesse was. He could pick up distant yelling.
“What are you doing,?” It was Sombra… Jesse’s heart skipped a beat in panic.
“I never wanted this! I did not ask to be here with him,” It was Hanzo, and what he was saying… Jesse was close to tears. He really was stupid if he thought this would work.
He kicked the door in and pointed his gun at Stormbow, “Sorry, didn’t realize I was that bad of a date.”
“Jesse…” Stormbow took a step forward but Jesse fired a warning shot into the ground in front of him.
“Don’t you dare!!” He lost it, “so what was it, huh? Bad conversation, poor food, or was I just a side piece till the main course came back around?”
“Jesse, please, let me-” the archer tried again, but another warning shot fired closer to him.
“It was from the start, right? All the talking and back and forth was a lie, right?” Jesse couldn’t tell if it his blurred vision was from the rain or the tears, but his heart snapping in two definitely felt like it was the tears.
Sombra laughed, “What, you thought you would make him fall in love with you, make him leave everything behind to be with you and you both would love in peace? How small minded. Stormbow, kill him and let’s go. I’ve had enough of this.”
“No one moved, Jesse pointed his gun at Stormbow’s head, waiting for him to make a move. Slowly, he notched an arrow onto his bow.
"Jesse, please understand…”
“Understand what, that you made a fool of me? Did you get a good laugh? Did it make you feel like you were a man? I’m done talking, I don’t wanna hear anything you got to say. You make me sick,” with each word, Jesse’s voice began to break. He was all but sobbing. He was worth less than nothing foretting the enemy use him like this. He was more angry with himself than anyone else.
Stormbow didn’t make a move to shoot. He turned to Sombra, “No.”
Sombra whipped around at him, “What was that?”
“I refuse. I will not take his life, I will not make the same mistake twice. We will go and-”
“No, you will do as I say and get rid of him, he knows too much. My operation will not fall because of some cliche romance,” Sombra snapped.
“I said-”
“No I SAID he dies!” Sombra ensnared Jesse in her hack. The cop glowed a sickly purple as he dropped his gun to the floor. He felt as if he had to retch.
Stormbow made as if to shoot Sombra, but she was one step ahead of him. She pulled her own gun from her side and aimed at Jesse. Stormbow hesitated.
“Nope, not gonna happen,” Sombra cackled. She made Jesse wall to the end of the building. He stood, overlooking the busy street below.
“Now, let’s have some fun, since you don’t seem to understand who’s in charge here." She released Jesse from her control. He turned to see Stormbow glowing a sickly purple, bow drawn at him.
The first one launched, embedding itself right into the crook of his elbow. Jesse hollered in pain while Sombra laughed.
"Stop this!” Stormbow yelled.
“I can. But you have to ask me to kill him. Otherwise, I’ll turn him into a cowboy pin cushion,” Another arrow went into his shoulder. Jesse buckled down onto his knees. His vision was hazy. He couldn’t feel his arm at all.
Another hit his thigh, and a fourth one punctured a lung. He was all but dead on his feet. Jesse was a mess of tears and blood being cleansed in the rain.
“Just, may I have a moment? Please, I wish to say goodbye,” Stormbow pleaded.
“Sure thing, cabrón. Hurry it up.” She walked Stormbow over to Jesse, who lay there on the ground, breathing heavily.
"I am forever sorry, I never intended to hurt you. I merely deluded myself into thinking I could have something I always wanted,“ Jesse turned his head and looked deep into Hanzo’s eyes. He could feel something just beneath the surface.
"Huh, what’s that?” Jesse coughed.
“Happiness,” tears fell from Hanzo’s eyes and he brought himself down to kiss Jesse. It was sad, as if two long lost lovers were saying goodbye once more. Jesse sighed into the kiss and reached to hold Hanzo’s hand. The sound of the rain seemed to stop as he lost himself in were his final moments.
He felt something enter his grip and looked down. It was his gun! Jesse barely had enough time to think before Hanzo whispered in his ear “Shoot me.”
Whatever was beneath Hanzo’s skin started to roar, to Jesse it felt like the world was shaking.
“Do you feel that?” Jesse sputtered.
“Do not worry, it is of little consequence. Just do what you know you must,” Hanzo smiled as he squeezed Jesse’s hand.
He could feel in inside him, begging to burst free. He needed to let it free.
Jesse leaned leaned up into Hanzo’s face, “Let the dragon consume.”
Hanzo looked at him in shock. Jesse shook his head. Where had that come from? But his hand burned with raw energy. It wanted out.
“I’ll point and shoot, you just say the words,” Jesse coughed.
“They speak through you, with you…” Hanzo closed his eyes. When he opened them, he had a look of determination, “Very well.”
Jesse gripped the gun and with what little strength he had left, aimed the barrel at Sombra.
“Now Hanzo!” Jesse screamed.
“Ryuga Waga Teki No Kurau!”
Electric power rushed through his entire body, traveling through him all the way out through the barrel of the gun. Jesse pulled the trigger, but no bullet came out. Instead, a dragon the size of a baseball sped out of the pistol. It moved so fast, one would mistake it for lightning. It hit Sombra dead in the chest, causing her to stumble back in agony.
Hanzo took the distraction, took Jesse in his arms, and ran for the hallway. Jesse faded in and out of consciousness. He remembered seeing Ana and her scream. The police and ambulance carrying him into the van. Hanzo praying ‘please do not leave me, please, not when I am finally ready to be happy again.’
When he fully awoke, he was in a hospital bed. He looked over to see Hanzo passed out beside him. His fingers were intertwined with his. Jesse smiled as he felt sleep try to take him once more. He whispered to Hanzo in his sleep.
“I’m not going anywhere. I’m gonna be right here, with you. Always.”
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