#sonic fire and ice
cutegirlmayra · 28 days
Boom Sonamy, Lyric comes back trying to achieve immortality. He needs an exhange of life for a life so a live sacrifice but can't read the rest of the inscription. So he kidnaps Amy again to read the rest of the message otherwise he'll destroy the village and plans to sacrifice her. The gang come to save her and stop Lyric. You can add more to make it more dramatic if you want with a better ending than I can think of ^_^'
I do tend to always just add more, don’t I? XD I’m sorry for those who I’ve taken your idea and ran with my own thoughts on it, but I hope it’s been satisfactory nonetheless! Working a lot lately, so when I do have time to do the Tumblr Prompt Series (also posted on all my writing sites for viewing pleasure!) I usually do something fun but small. I’ll give it my best, Precious Anon!
Also, Lyric is a very… how do I put this… There’s not a whole hecka lot of information on him. I did some research to look back over the games he was in, and even then, it was pretty generic and bland, sorry Lyric fans!
However, sometimes, that’s actually good news. You know why? Shocking, I know! But it means the character is wide open for interpretation and expanding upon them. I won’t be doing that for this fic, necessarily, but I think characters with great potential are usually those that have little information but just enough to peak interest. It’s one of the reasons I felt Amy Rose was a character I could put more lore and backstory on, because although I did study her character, there wasn’t a whole lot on her. It made her a canvas that felt ‘half-full’, able to be influenced and expanded upon.
However, in recent times, Amy Rose and many other characters like her in different franchises (Not necessarily in personality or role, but just the same level of character-depth and lore, I guess?) have really been given love and more games are coming out with better writing quality than ever before! I’m so glad that so many ‘side characters’ are treated as main cast mates, and not just thrown into trope roles anymore.
That being said, you can’t escape the occasional ‘One-time’ appearances like Lyric being a ‘Pops up in maybe Two Games and never again’ villain. But it does leave room for us Fanfiction writers to make some interesting depth to further their small legacy! <3
That being said–TUMBLR PROMPT REQUESTS ARE CLOSED, SHUT DOWN ON INBOX, lolol you were waiting for that, weren’t ya? >:3c
Hugs and blowing kisses, everyone. I’m definitely taking more time to heal from burnout and also work on Fanfiction Edits (Which are coming along nicely, I’m now back to Instincts, for those who are a fan of that one.), Original Stories (Sorry, probably won’t post them tho :( But books are important! lol), and of course, Tumblr Prompt Series so yall know I’m not dead xD
The tumblr inbox for prompt requests will remain down probably for a few more years. I know that upsets a lot of you, but if they ever do open again, I will be blocking ‘Anon’ because I think some people are posting more than the actual limit of how many they can submit. Due to this, I’m overwhelmed with hundreds (not joking, by the way.) of requests that I really don’t want to do? So we’ll be taking time to go back to stories I’ve wanted to write and solo-writing for my fanfictions/other works. I’ve gotta set up stronger boundaries! Haha XD
That being said, please enjoy this Sonic Boom (Feels ancient now) Prompt!
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“Ultimate power… Although sounding like sweet nectar to one’s ambitious desires, tends to lead to a faulty conclusion…” A snaky whiplash from his claw-tail sent a impulse reflex through Amy’s spine, causing her to flinch and her ears to withdraw back again.
She was so mad, tied up to a pillar inside an ancient tomb, having been ambushed while excavating what looked like a madman’s attempt at immortal life.
Roughly translated, a doctor related to Eggman, known as Ivo Robotnik had first discovered this tomb and kept it a secret. He researched and found a successful way to immortalize someone… but he failed to interpret the last section of the stone slab’s text…
A life for a life… to give Shadow The Hedgehog, his ultimate creation, immortality–to live and breathe forever in the purpose of curing the world of its vital mistakes and sins–he accidentally let his granddaughter, Maria Robotnik, die in the process…
As she read the inscription, Ivo’s account tells that her life was being drained from her… and eventually, was converted in some miraculous way into what was necessary to mechanically engineer this ancient tomb’s purpose: Infinitely Sustained Life.
Shadow, overwhelmed by the loss of his friend, turned on Ivo Robotnik, and sealed the tomb to never let the tragedy that had befallen here happen again… until now.
‘Opps.’ Amy thought to herself, annoyed by Lyric carrying on with his wicked monologue about being the last of the ancients, having envied and coveted this technology, but had lost before he could even begin to understand it. ‘I’ve been following the late Ivo Robotnik’s work in hopes of finding the ancient world… I didn’t think I’d stumble upon this buttless snake again…’ She sighed quietly, blinking her eyes as though counting subconsciously the seconds before she was to be daringly rescued by her friends.
‘Why was it always me?’ She grumbled in her thoughts before the second whipping crack of his tail colliding with the ground near her snapped her out of her thoughts again.
“You remain awfully quiet… that’s offssssseting.” He hissed to her side, which made her lean as far right as she could muster, trying to get away from his anciently stanky breath.
“Upsetting,” She appeared to be clarifying, “That I have to have my peaceful afternoon so rudely interrupted by the echoes of a delusional reptilian, but I mean, at least I’m complaining internally.” She smirked up to him, showing she wasn’t trying to help him, she was just making a snarky comeback.
He shook his head, his lips swerving in their rage as he lifted himself up, completely over her cocky and irritating behavior.
“You will read the slab for me!” He smashed down his robotic arm by her, and she had to turn her head away from the dust and flying debris of shattered rock taking off from the impact.
“Like I’d die for you!” She badmouthed back, “Sonic and my friends will be here any minute. Seems you’ve become very fond of our combined butt-whooping, Lyric! I can’t fathom any other reason you’d keep wishing it upon you, unless it truly makes you feel like you even have a butt to whoop.”
“Silence!” He roared up, having the whole of the tomb shake from his vibrating, strong sound before Amy just scoffed.
“Finally, we see snake-eye to hedgehog-eye now.” She leaned back on the pillar she was tied to, taking a nice breath out. “Ah~ Now, to await the inevitable victory-WUOO!” She was yoinked practically up, snapping her restraints around her wasit but her arms still behind her back.
Lyric had taken hold of her head, as she kicked the air and tried to hit him while he held her uncomfortably high.
She could probably be alright, but she couldn’t use her Enerbeam… Nor her Piko-Piko Hammer while her arms were still tied-up, although her legs free.
She could feel the squeezing of his robotic claws digging into her cranium, and for the first time that day, she actually showed the tire and wear of having struggled against him for so long.
Not only did she dig her way carefully as she could in here, trying to preserve the ancient relics to study them later, but she had to fight Lyric, and now…
“If you will not comply…” He pulled her face towards his own, using his tail to grab her legs and keep them tightly clamped together, making sure her struggle just became ten-times harder…
Her eyes were twitching under the pressurized hold the claws had on her head… Looking up as she couldn’t help but show the strain.
“Then you’ll remember an old friend, I’m sure…” He attached a new mind-controller on her, as he let her go and she fell to all fours,... then looked up to show she was fully under his power.
“Perfect~” He chimed, laughing manically, “Now, read it to me!” He slashed his tail against the wall, turning for her to get up and walk towards the slab.
She knelt and held out her two hands to it, reading the rock…
“At last! My robotic empire! To erase the weak and insipid existence of all living organisms…” He slithered and opened his arms to the murals around the tomb. “To eternally strive for perfect power… the influence of which only the vast superiority of machines can dictate! Eggman was a fool to try and rival me… You and your friends were mere insects to my reign! Biting and taunting me, getting in my way to distract me from the ultimate purpose of my recreation!” He twisted the wrist joint of his robotic arm and held up his claw-like hand, admiring it. “Soon, even I shall become fully mechanized! With immortality, I can improve my own being once more! No longer half-complete, a mutated cyborg with still my fleshy prison! But… I shall shed this weakling flesh to become truly–the immortal mechanized god of this new world!” He struck an all-powerful and imposing pose, but an explosion of rocks and rumbling of the tomb’s unstabilized structure shook him out of his gloating aside to himself once more.
“Wh-what? OFFPH!” A red, shiny shoe smushed with great force against his face, crushing it as Sonic sped into the fight, and Shadow rushed to Amy’s side.
“Snap out of it!” He could tell by her faint breathing that she was already losing her life force, the stream of which was moving through the air into the large center dome-like structure above the tomb.
“No… not again..!” Shadow cried out, seeing as Lyric was able to actually combat Sonic, who had tried to pin him down but was flung off of him.
Lyric laughed again with the added strength of immortality slowly being converted into him by the strange process of the powerful stream of light waving through the air, coming out of the ball, to then attach to him like a leash.
“Soon, Sonic, all your friends will contribute to is merely delaying the eventual takeover of this planet..!” Lyric, slithering towards Sonic as he kept backing up, felt his body powering up. “Every muscle in you will eventually wither and die… while mine shall stay immaculate… and whether you continue to prevent me from my destined course of fate or not, sooner or later… You will die.” He lunged into Sonic’s face, who looked horrified at what he was saying. “While I’ll still yet have endless time left in me… to conquer, maim, and entirely transform this pathetic mossy rock into yet another perfect rendition of what I shall become… Immortality pristine, everlasting, and most importantly…” He rose himself up into the air, his tail whipping around underneath him. “A robotic masterpiece..!”
“Amy..!!!” Shadow gripped at her mindcontrolling device on her head, but it was wedged on tightly this time, “Darn it, woman!” He looked to the slab, she was almost done..!
He closed his eyes, realizing what he must do.
“Forgive me… Maria.” He covered Amy’s mouth so she couldn’t speak. “I will have to belay my promise to you… and save this pathetic excuse for a world… if only to bring your perfect idealisms to light… perhaps… another day.”
He lowered his head and read the last of the inscription, which took his immortality and-
The beam redirected.
“WHAT?!” Lyric landed back on the ground, looking at his robotic arms before turning to finally notice Shadow as he held Amy, giving her back her life force…
“NOOO!!!” Lyric began to move quickly towards him, but Sonic thomped him yet again to the ground.
He folded his arms, standing triumphantly over him, “Looks like your brilliant plan at eternal robotization backfired yet again, Lyric! Now, you’re just softly singing the poetic justice of what happens to those who try and metallically make their own butts to be kicked!” He kicked Lyric as he moved forward with a humorous cry of pain from it.
“Shadow?” Sonic then raced to his side, looking at Amy in his arms and having her transferred to his own.
Shadow… slowly shook his head.
Sonic, worried now, looked down at Amy. “Amy?”
She didn’t move… the light breeze from their entrance now sending the wind to move her three bangs.
“... Amy?” There was a long… hard pause…
The air was still, even Lyric pushed up off the ground, holding his push-up position, and looked to see with a swishing tail if immortality could still be his afterall.
Then… her eyes blinked…
“Miss Rose?” The little blonde human girl was bending down to speak to her, as she got up, rubbing her head.
“Wha-... H-huh?” She looked around what seemed like a white space. “Am I… dead?” She looked at the girl, gasping, “Maria Robotnik!?”
The little girl shyly giggled, gently covering her mouth, “Oh, I’m sorry for laughing, this isn’t the time nor place for that.” She then curtsied and offered her her hand, “You’re not dead. I’m giving you my life’s essence… the same essence… that was used to give Shadow his immortal life.”
“W-What?!” Amy scooted away, kicking her feet out from the girl’s hand. “That’s ludicrous! I don’t want eternal life!” She exclaimed, “I… I want to grow old with my friends, and have countless adventures… a family and eventually… make global peace and end world hunger.” She looked down, “Set up an all-women government and prove that we can organize a better democracy and-”
Maria just giggled again, “Many. Big. Dreams.” She gave each word a single note and pause, not necessarily for dramatic flavor or effect, but to show how much they meant to her.
“Many times have I wished for a better world. Bigger and bigger have my heartfelt prayers become. Dreams of an absolution… from misery and fire, to passion and compassion reigning evermore on the earth.” She gently offered her hand to Amy again.
“If you can’t accept an immortal life… then accept entirely your own life. All it’s happenings. Even the mistakes…”
Amy looked at her hand… realizing that without Maria, she would likely never be able to return to life at all…
“Is this… really the only way?” Amy held up her hand, but hesitated, looking sweetly at the girl. “I’m sure… W-We could ask Tails… We could find a way to bring you back!” She formed a fist, “We can reverse what this place has done to you!”
Maria just smiled like the angel she was. “... This is the only way…” She quietly stated, “Come, be at peace. Your friends are waiting for you.”
Amy dropped her head, her hand loosening from a determined fist to an open hand again, and looked at it. “... Dying sure does suck… doesn’t it?” She looked with teary eyes up to the kind, optimistic girl. Her heart wanted to help her, but she was sacrificing herself–yet again–for the greater good.
“Thank you… Maria.” She took her hand… as a white light engulfed them.
“No, Amy Rose. Thank you… for never giving up on the world we live in. In it’s present, so many seek to extend their lives, in fear that they will live to short or not greatly enough. The real life we should long for, is the one we’re currently on right now. With so much possibility, with so many endless adventures to take… When one begins to stop fearing the future, then can we really live and create it at last… the way-...”
“We want to.” Amy finished, as Maria’s voice faded and she opened her actual eyes.
Sonic and Shadow were over her… Shadow having lost his Immortality, but Amy not gaining it.
Instead, Amy had died and Maria used her life force to give it back to her.
Both mortal now, Amy looked from Sonic to Shadow, and held up a hand to grace his cheek, “She’s lovely.” She smiled kindly to him. “Maria was such a beautiful young girl.”
Shadow couldn’t hold it back, and cried.
He ducked his head as her hand came gently off and moved to Sonic’s chest, patting it lightly, “Boy, does that heart never cease to slow down?” She teased, as Sonic sighed in relief.
“Happy to have you back… Ames.” He gave her a fond expression, and she leaned her head into his embracing arms, resting in that soft gaze of sweetness he gave her.
“ARRGGGAHHH!!” Lyric arched his back, crying out in further outrage. “HOW!? You fools! I will return, I will bring a bigger robotic army, I’ll have you ruing the day you-!”
There’s was a large ‘KONK!’ sound as mechanical birds flew around his head while he circled a little in the air and then fell forward, revealing Tails with a large wrench held like a thrown baseball bat, Knuckles with his fists positioned as though they had just hit something as well, and Sticks with her boomerang and one hand on the ground to show she had just caught it.
“Man, to think. We’ve stumbled upon a literal ANCIENT secret governmental conspiracy! Whoo! Glad I’m only living in a time where we have to deal with our modern governmental conspiracies!” She spouted out, looking relieved for some odd reason.
“Oh, hey Bestie!” She waved enthusiastically to Amy, who lightly waved back at her, giggling as she came over.
Completely unaware…
Of what just happened here moments before.
“What were you up to?” She asked, innocently.
Shadow covered his face from the view of the others, as Sonic looked to him and then to Amy, and helped her to lean up more so she could be sitting comfortably as she twisted her torso to address the others, and mostly answer Sticks’s question.
“Changing fate.” She replied, smiling from ear to ear. “And hopefully…”
“Making all of ours a good one.”
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pastelspindash · 4 months
boom fire and ice is hilarious actually. the detailed cutscenes literally just look like the show
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"knuckles's fire powers in the trailer are so cool! but i can't remember that ever being in the games" you FOOLS
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cold-fire-yo · 9 days
Explain why in the notes! 🎶
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irradiated-imp · 5 months
The Toa Sinis
The former toa Protectors of Metru Nuva, a massive metropolitan city built on Spherus Magna.
The Toa Sinis were infamouns amongst Toa for the ruthless efficiency they operated on thanks to their leader, Toa Ohtto. EVentually, the city turned on the Toa after they broke the Toa Code and the team never got over this and themselves have turned on the city they used to protect.
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Toa Sinis of Ice, Ohtto
Ohtto was the leader of the Toa Sinis. He is incredibly intelligent and used to work as a Scholar in the city's knowledge towers before he became a Toa. His inteligence however gave him a massive ego, which only got worse upon becoming a Toa.
His Toa tool is the mechanical arms her wirlds.. They were oroginally a device he attached to himself to help with his work as a matoran, but the process of becoming a Toa fused them to him. They have numerous alternative weapons the claws on them can become.
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Toa Sinis of Stone, Lehks
A powerful brute of a Toa, towering over his team mates, and with unparalleled strength. Lehks is absolutely the muscle of the team. He's well known for his incredibly short temper, something that was only really kept in check by Ohtto and the rest of his team.
As a Matoran he worked as a City Guard. Like many Guardsmen, when the Vahki 2.0 were created and introduced to boost law enforcement, he despised them. He didn't trust them, nor did he like the threat they posed to law enforcement jobs. To try and show the Vahki as redundant, Lehks agreed to test out a prototype set of power armor. He loved it, and was always seen with it. Upon becoming a Toa, however, the proto type armor was melded to his body.
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Toa Sinis of Air, Tuum
Tuum was an inventor as a Matoran and created numerous useful gadgets that are often still used in Metru Nuva today. His final invention, before becoming a Toa anyways, was a wing pack that allowed Matoran to fly. It never got past the prototype. The prototype functioned, but manufacturers saw no reason to make it with the numerous other air born vehicles Matoran had access to. Tuum spitefully kept the Prototype and used it on a regular basis. The Wing pack even became his Toa Tool upon his transformation.
After becoming a Toa, Tuum found more comfort in the air with his now much more advanced wings.
He was known for his spiteful nature, and tendency to hold grudges. Even before the team went bad, Tuum often went out of his way to inconvenience or bully those who'd wronged him as a Matoran.
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Toa Sinis of Fire, Ghob
Ghob was always a little cross wired. Though he kept it in check, he had a destructive nature, and greatly enjoyed breaking stuff which played into his chosen career path in demolitions.
Upon becoming a Toa, Ghob's sky board changed into the new, current shape as a sort of powered glider. It holds within it empty canisters that Ghob is able to transfer fire energy into to turn into bombs.
Ghob was easily amongst hte most destructive of the Toa Sinis, rivaled only by Lehks and even then, Lehks had more self control than Ghob did. This often left Ghob at odds with his team, and the Matoran of Metru Nuva.
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Toa Sinis of Sonics, Shuul
Shuul is one of the most pragmatic of the Toa Sinis. When he was on a mission his primary goal was to get in, and get it done as quickly as possible as effectively as possible. Thanks to his sensitive hearing, he had difficulty using his element, until Tuum and Ohtto modified his gauntlets. The new modifications they made allowed him to channel elemental powers into silent shockwaves.
As a Matoran he worked in tectonics, helping monitor for seismic activity.
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Toa Sinis of Lightning, Illhon
Illhon is effectively the only member of the Toa Sinis who lacks a Toa tool, channeling electricity through body alone. Initially he had difficulty controlling his element, but he got the of it quickly. He quickly became obsessed with the new found power his element gave him, and the further boost to that his Kanohi Voriki gave him. It wasn't uncommon to see him draining buildings or other powered structures of their energy.
Something no one on his team let's him forget is that in his Matoran days he was an electrician.
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The Toa Sinis as Matoran
Been on a Spider-Man hyperfixation lately, and had the idea for a bionicle Spider-man cross over. I'll have a team of Spider-men made later on, once I've settled on the team comp and their elements. Got it, mostly, figured out but still figuring it out.
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tatck · 2 years
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they are simply lovable
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sonichedgeblog · 8 months
'Sonic Boom: Fire & Ice' was released on the Nintendo 3DS 7 years ago today in the US.
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randomthefox · 9 days
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This also applies to adaptations of things that are not books
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suna1suna1 · 4 months
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So this is the beginning of my posting about yet another AU, this time sonaze-centric (don't worry I'm not abandoning anything else I just need variety and I have big AU plans for this year lmao).
The idea of the AU is that Blaze is a competitive figure skater forced into trying pair skating by her coach... but things turn out way different than either of them expect as she falls for her new skating partner lol.
Now I know this picture has nothing to do with figure skating but bear with me, this is important overall (or maybe it's not and it'll get scrapped as I develop it further lmao)
Edit: I finished it!
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galionne-vibin · 2 months
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Really gotta finish and elaborate on this chart of 'natural' Zeti powers and how they work because not only is it really important to my headcanons/personal Zeti lore but it's also really, really important to Sonic Pantheon
Because (in the au) each of the D6 has developped their own specialty and aside from Zor (and Zavok but only kinda) it's based entirely on this
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hedgehoghavoc · 6 months
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Look at him. He's having the time of his life. He loves fighting his rivals so much gdjlg
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pastelspindash · 4 months
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bb-blueyellow · 1 year
Theory on why society is a mess in Sonic Boom!
Tails being legally allowed to fly a plane makes alot of sense in Boom! Bygone Island clearly doesnt have the ideal goverment system or laws.. Thats because their society is actually not as old as you may think! Im gonna try to explain why that is!
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All across Boom, there are ruins of a highly advance society, with a newer way less advance looking society build ontop of the ruins! I think the village is the best example of this! You can clearly tell the ancient overgrown structures apart from the poorly build ones!
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According to Rise of Lyric, there is a gap of exactly a 1000 years between Lyric's generation, and Team Sonic's generation. While this doesnt say it exactly took 1000 years for them to disappear, we do know it happend within this timeframe!
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This is all the canon imagery we have of said Ancients! Do you notice anything particular about them? They look EXACTLY like the species the villagers are in the newer society!
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So what Im gathering from this, is that something catastrophic happend to the ancients within a 1000 years timeframe, but a few of them surived! Those surivors would attempt rebuild society, but alot of knowledge has been lost in the process..
Thats right, this new society was made within 1000 years, it took our society alot longer to get to the point this new society in Boom got! But its clear that society hasnt fully recovered from this catastrophic, and you can tell by its many inperfections!
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This includes laws! The laws in Sonic Boom are unreliable, and the goverments pretty corrupted.. Alot of stuff that should be illegal is actually 100% legal in the Boom universe! And with a corrupted goverment I dont see that changing for them anytime soon..
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Joker: You’re Shadow the Hedgehog. Sonic’s rival.
Shadow: *snorts* My greatest accomplishment. And you... you’re Ganondorf’s bastard. Aren’t you.
Joker: ...*he begins to walk away*
Shadow: Did I offend you? Sorry.
*Joker stops and turns to shoot Shadow a dirty look. Shadow begins to approach him*
Shadow: You are the bastard, though?
Joker, stiffly: King Ganondorf is my father.
Shadow: And he’s not married to your mother. Making you... a bastard.
*Joker clenches his jaw and looks away*
Shadow: Let me give you some free advice, bastard. Never forget what you are. The rest of the world will not. Wear it like armor. And it can never be used to hurt you.
*Shadow begins to walk away*
Joker: The hell do you know about being a bastard!?
Shadow: *pauses. turns* All lancers are bastards in their writers’ eyes.
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Loser Round 2: Sansa Stark (A Song of Ice and Fire) vs. Tails Nine (Sonic the Hedgehog)
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Propaganda below the cut
Sansa Stark (11-13):
Ok so she's doing some mean things in the first book (lying, saying she "forgot" if her fiance attacked her sister or the other way around) and ratting out her father's plan to Cersei the evil queen™ so she's annoying in the first book
After, she's a child hostage in a court where she has 0 ally apart from maybe the creepy guy who sees her as both the child he never had and his crush (who is sansa's mother)
And she's constantly hated on and getting call names
Sansa is constantly accused of betraying her family and causing her father’s death despite being 11 at the time of his death. People hold her responsible for the actions of the real villains around her and claim that she deserves every bad thing that happened to her because she chose power over family. Her innocence was manipulated and then ripped away from her in a series of events no one could have predicted (and that’s literally why the series is popular, because no one saw it coming) but she is blamed for not knowing the outcome of these events. Her childhood is denied to her, both in and out of universe.
Sansa is 11 when she tells her future mother in law who she trusts that her father is taking her and her sister out of the city because she doesnt want to leave. Despite the fact that her father was not going to leave the city, fans say she should have been executed along side her father for betraying her. It was also common for people to blame her for not loving Tyrion enough, after she was forced into marrying an adult man who is part of the family that killed her parents, brothers, and beat/publically humiliate her on a regular basis. She is "a moon away from turning 13" when the marriage occurs
Tails Nine (8):
it might just be me, but i still keep seeing posts where nine is just summarized as "tails but emo" and it. kinda ticks me off because. nine is very obviously a version of tails that didn't have a sonic – or anyone – to save him, so he grew to rely on himself and *only* himself, and it shows.
there's just... it could've been so easy for the tails we know to have become just like nine if it weren't for sonic. nine never had a sonic to protect him, so he made himself seven metallic tails to utilize instead. nine never had a sonic who made him be proud of his tails, so he makes it look like he only has one. nine never had a sonic who made him feel loved, so he stuck to the ground, because reaching for the sky is something only idiots can hope for.
until he met sonic.
and god, just watching the episodes where these two interact can make your heart feel *so* warm, because nine is finally getting the love he deserves. you watch him reach for the instinctive snark before being shocked by sonic's genuine kindness. you watch him praise sonic even if they had only just met because finally, finally someone cares about him. you watch him *fly*, in front of sonic, and only in front of sonic.
of course, good things can't last forever.
[sonic prime major spoilers territory, don't read unless you've watched all of s2]
this fox has been beaten down by the world around him, it should come as no surprise that when he found out what the full extent of what he could do with the shards is, that his first idea was to create the ideal world out of a wasteland just for him and sonic. only them. because sonic was the only one who showed him kindness. hell, he even remembered the palm trees sonic mentioned. the ideal world just for him and the hedgehog that insists that he's his friend.
and that's where their views collide.
because while nine wants what he never had, sonic wants what he lost.
and doesn't that just hurt? it's rejection. something that he's grown used to. because as much as sonic tries, he never saw nine more than just another alternate version of tails. all those words of his were for someone nine wasn't.
it's rejection, and it just confirms to nine what the world forced him to believe.
he's all on his own.
it's really no wonder he took control of the shards to create his own paradise.
(side note: i don't *fully* blame sonic for this either. while yes, it's primarily his fault, i feel like he's been dealing with the consequences plenty by now. he's just doing his best to fix things back to the way it was before. sonic may be fast, but even a few days isn't enough to process all of that for the world's fastest hedgehog.)
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egg-emperor · 4 months
Boom Eggman is literally just super woobified Eggman but official and that generally isn't my taste at all but he gets a pass just because he can be funny and cute about it and it at least wasn't claiming to be main universe Egg/accurate to him lol I just wish fandom could tell the difference between them too but ya know
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