#loser round 2
Loser Round 2: Meiling Li (Cardcaptor Sakura) vs. Damian Wayne (DC)
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Propaganda below the cut
Meiling Li (10):
Meiling is a primary school-aged child who moved to a foreign country where she's still learning the dominant language, does not know anyone besides the people she's staying with, and is routinely involved in dangerous magic battles when she has no magical powers herself. And this is in addition to the fact that she's, y'know, still developing theory of mind because she is 10. Despite all this, she manages to stay mostly upbeat, and is always so determined to be helpful in whatever way she can. Over the course of the series she has a really well-written character arc that sees her gradually developing the confidence to open up to people besides Syaoran, and learning to be more considerate of other people's feelings. Naturally, this all means that the internet hates her for being 'clingy', 'annoying' and 'useless'. She's 10.
Damian Wayne (9-14):
Damian is a kid who was raised as an assassin and because of that when he first appears he has some really messed up ideas of how to prove himself to his father by being aggressive with the criminals they capture and attacking his brother. Because of this people act like he is the most evil character ever and refuse to give him any grace. They make him out to be this awful irredeemable monster who just wants to kill his brother and hurt people. If the fandom isn’t making his out to be The Worst(tm) then they are ignoring his existence all-together. He is a really interesting character who has done some not so great things but he’s grown and learned a lot through various character arcs (as much of an arc as a comic book character can have) and he deserves to be acknowledged for himself and not just as a villain so that people can woobify his brother.
HES JUST A LITTLE BABY GUY!!!!! Little baby man raised as an assassin and learning how to be a real person <3. But because he was kind of a dick and also a little stabby early-on, especially to the fandom's main "so sad uwu depressed baby" blorbo (and also he's not white), people treat him like he's satan incarnate
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Gay wrongs tournament, round 2 of the losers bracket
For Vegas and Pete:
Evil babygirl & stealthily evil babyboy. Vegas, known committer of atrocities, and Pete, who didn't rise up the ranks of being a mafia bodyguard for nothing. Never forget how Pete brutally shot and killed his coworker who dared to shoot Vegas in front of him.
I mean. They both kill people all the time. They even have evil gay BDSM sex. It's all right there.
it's plainly obvious to anyone even looking in their direction how murder husbands they are. both have canonically killed multiple people, often on screen. Not to mention the onscreen scene of Vegas literally torturing someone. 
For Wen Kexing and Zhou Zishu:
you've got the founder of the fantasy ancient Chinese CIA and the leader of what is essentially the mafia and then they're soulmates and in love. they're both willing to kill anyone who dares hurt the other while also just wanting a soft domestic life together
Zhou Zishu is an assassin and spymaster who put the current Emperor on the throne, and then quit his job by faking his death (kinda, hes still dying but not as fast as he was supposed to). Had done A Lot on his old job, including murdering children (more than one, and at least one of them in a way I can't even describe without several trigger warnings), exterminating whole families, war crimes (and i dont mean this in a buzzword way, i mean "organized a public execution of foreign diplomats during war time")… btw he doesn't feel particularly bad about any of this, because he believes it was necessary. Like he wouldn't do it for fun, but he thinks the ends (putting a good Emperor on the throne) justified the means (all of the atrocities). As a retiree, he definitely cut down on the amount of morally reprehensible murder, but not murder in general. He still routinely kills ppl, he just doesn't go out of his way to kill more. Wen Kexing, meanwhile, is the Ghost Valley Master - Ghost Valley being a place where the worst of criminals are exiled. Even in such a place, he has reputation as a complete lunatic, owed partially to the fact that he either skinned a man or fed him his own flesh or both at one point, and partially to him having a rule where he would kill anyone who came closer than 3 meters to him. But in truth, everything he'd done was to survive the Ghost Valley and eventually take revenge for his parents, who were brutally murdered when he was only nine. By the start of the novel's timeline, he put his plan in motion - the plan that would drown jianghu in blood, but also deliver poetic justice to all responsible for his parents' deaths, as well as all who'd commit the same crime given the chance. And these two men, these two murderers and schemers, meet - and unexpectedly, find in each other the person who /understands/. The person who is just as ruthless and whose hands are just as bloody, but also the person who knows standing at the top of the world is not worth it, who seeks the same freedom of leaving it all behind, and who is still, underneath it all, a human, with human heart seeking connection. So you have this couple who understand each other with barely a word, and who want the same things - who are so hungry for domesticity and for people they can just goof around with when all their lives they had to measure every step and word - but ALSO where one half a couple is like "i gotta go murder hundreds in revenge" and the other half is like "ok pick you up at 6". (This btw is why I'm submitting novel's iteration of the couple in particular. Show wenzhou with their ridiculous breakups over morality could Never.) Also they were both hiding who they are when they first met, and later flirted about having figured each other out. Finally, I'll leave you my favorite quote that just. perfectly sums up their relationship: "And just like that, they fell asleep in each other's arms, steeped in the smell of blood."
You’ve probably already had submissions for them but I’ll add on. One of them founded an assassin’s guild and killed a staggering number of people. His malewife is the leader of a sect of insane murderous outcasts, and he attained his position by proving to be the most crazy and murder happy of them all. Most of the plot involves him wandering around watching his schemes get more people killed. Together they adopt a kid that was only orphaned due to said scheming (oops). They’re terrible and I love them.
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hotvintagepoll · 5 months
Please let’s make Cagney an unofficial mascot or give him his own poll or something, justice for Cagney, top of the world for that Yankee Doodle Dandy, please and thank you
do you like my new profile pic :)
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tmntaucompetition · 11 months
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B.E.A.S.T - skylerskyhigh
Adopted Donnie - tblsomedoodles
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Loser Bracket Round 2 Match 5: Emperor Belos vs Principal Bump
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The winner will progress in the loser bracket. The other is eliminated.
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Loser's Bracket 5, Round 2
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This is a poll for characters who lost in the first round of each bracket in the Orange Character Smackdown
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Giraffe Girumble - Losers Bracket 2B
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Propaganda below (May contain spoilers, or may not contain spoilers!)
Dangiraffe Propaganda:
In the episode "The Beak" Candace takes on the identity of a supervillain she calls "The Dangiraffe" in order to bust her brothers who have decided to become superheros in a bird-themed superhero suit. She doesn't actually have any powers but dresses up like a giraffe, I guess because of her famously long neck.
GG propaganda:
Is the best. Great and squeaky and silly and beautiful.
She's silly! And also a robot giraffe. And she plays piano sometime! Multitalented!
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⚠️Vote for whomever YOU DO NOT KNOW⚠️‼️
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azumeliablorbobracket · 9 months
Losers' Round 2 Match 3 - Penny vs. Moss
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Vote for whoever you like better - if you know neither, voting off of appearance or something like that is fine! NO NEGATIVE PROPAGANDA, please!!
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Loser Round 2: Nagisa Momoe (Madoka Magica) vs. Monaca Towa (Danganronpa Ultra Despair Girls)
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Propaganda below the cut
Nagisa Momoe (~12):
I think this might just be the fandom circles I'm in,but a lot of people don't like how Nagisa killed Mami?Even though she herself was dead duue to being a witch at that point guys come on.Also how her wish was selfish and pointless even though the fandom doesn't criticize characters who made objectively worse wishes when they were older.There is some criticism that her inclusion in rebellion was unnecerssary and just bloated the cast while contributing nothing significant to the plot but it's been a while since I've watched rebellion so idk .
Monaca Towa (10-12):
her existence makes the game and its world more interesting, when you think about it she is the one who manufactured and designed the evil robots. Basically funding the destruction of the world for the only person she thought understood her. And she knows she was being manipulated and just is ok with that because everyone in her life is manipulative. Reading her diary one of her last pages is about how much she wants to die.And for a game about how adults should protect children, she is the only child to not get saved. I’m not saying she should’ve been redeemed she’s a manipulative liar, abuser, and murderer but her existence shows the corruption of this world.
I understand most people don’t like her. That’s understandable she’s completely and purposefully designed to be hate able but I love her. And the game is more interesting with her than without
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Gay wrongs tournament, round 2 of the losers bracket
For Jonathan and Martin:
Season Five is so funny for this. Jon is like nooooo I can't kill these people I'm enjoying it what does that say about me and Martin is like FUCK EM UP. I think they end up killing like three or four people as part of that. Very swag of them
they go around an apocalyptic london smiting people but only if jon feels like it
One of them is an avatar of an eldricht god of fear, the other one serves a lonely god at some point. They try to be good but they actually did some terrible things. Jon ate some people's fear, re-opening their trauma. Martin is all about murdering the people who hurt them, once the apocalypse rolls around. They're canonically in love.
They literally bring the end of the world about, and Jon is the human embodiment of the fear of being watched. They also both have no concept of private property or privacy in general (they have broken into so many places). They also both share an affection for cows. They were living their best cottagecore life as the entire world was being thrown into a fear filled apocalypse that they caused.
For Legolas and Gimli:
They literally have a running competition between the two over who has more kills. And non-canon my ass, Legolas took Gimli to valinor
They kill alot of orcs together. They make it into a competition. Better minds than i have spoken about the couple ness
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Losers Bracket Season 2 Round 2
Karmin ( @artblock-tm ) VS Mateo ( @fenscranberrycabin )
Read about Karmin here
Read about Mateo here
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guess-that-ship · 3 months
S10 Loser's Bracket Round 2
Call me page me if you wanna meet me
cw: spoilers
Character A has been haunted for years by an evil that ruined his childhood, leading him to try to learn as much about it as he can. In his research he learns of character B, who spent his life saving people from said evil, and A becomes somewhat parasocially fond of him. Unfortunately for him, B died before they could meet. A refuses to believe it though, and travels around the world to try to find him.
A actually manages to find him, but B’s in a lot of pain and being artificially kept… sort of alive. B doesn’t trust A at first, assuming he’s just going to hurt him like everyone else does, but when A puts himself in harms way for B despite them just meeting, B tells A everything he knows. B dies for real, but before doing so trusts A with something he’s never told anyone- the name he wanted to be called.
friendship in solitude
cw: bullying, suicide implication, spoilers
ever since he was a child, K has been shunned. everyone at school saw his ideas as dangerous, and him as weird. A is in the same boat. their way of dressing was thought to be weird since childhood, too. at home, K had his mother and the kid next door, and A had their family. but at school, both were alone. until junior high school.
one time, in junior high, A went up to the rooftop for "no reason", and found K. the two became friends, and when they were at school, they would meet on the rooftop. they kept each other alive. while they were alone for the most part, they had each other. everyone else thought of them as freaks, but they thought of each other as friends.
however, K was a year older, and so eventually, he graduated from junior high without A. that year was awful for both of them. A would go to the rooftop, and remember… their only friend had already graduated. K wasn't better off, as nobody in his new school would be friends with him, either. they were both back were they started: friendless. shunned. alone.
the year had passed, and a new one began. A had now graduated from junior high. K moved schools. it just so happened that they were now in the same high school. they'd changed quite a bit in that year, but now, they had each other once again. they had other friends, as well, but what's important is that, while they were still seen as weirdos by some, they had reunited with the one who had once been their sole comfort at school.
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web-novel-polls · 9 months
Aroace-spec Character Losers' Tournament
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[Please vote for who you believe has the most canon evidence to be aroace-spec, not the most popular. It will never be acceptable to post "anti-propaganda" in this tournament or invalidate a suggested identity because "they're not aroace enough." You will be blocked unless it's clearly a genuine mistake / misphrasing.]
Propaganda underneath the cut
Yin Hanjiang from Devil Venerable Also Wants to Know
Submission: Demisexual demiromantic
Resubmitting him too because, having read the book, he is also not allo. He very clearly draws a line between love and desire, which allo people usually don't do. He spends the entire book being fairly platonically loyal to Wenren E and then when someone explains what love is and he notices that it lines up with how he feels about Wenren E, he's mad about it. Plus the aroace feeling of falling in love with someone and having that shake your entire being to the core. Also, when asked, he doesn't know what love is, but none of the characters in this book do, so.
Mod Propaganda
Literally only cares about Wenren È
“And as for Yin Hanjiang, he actually seemed to deeply believe he was an ice-cold sword, blind and heartless, not caring if what was in front of him was a man, woman, or beast, so long as it wasn’t Wenren È.” - Ch.6
One of the only characters that’s clearly in love/obsessed with someone at the very beginning, but the story clearly talks about how he Only Likes Wenren È specifically, romantically and sexually (probably. Haven’t gotten that far).
Chung Myung from Return of the Mount Hua Sect
Submission: Aroace
He's so aroace! to me!! He's hard on the outside, but soft on the inside, no matter what he wants us to believe. He also says it multiple times that what he loves the most is the Mount Hua sect! He clearly loved his father/older brother figure, and his best friend, and thinks of them every chapter (they have passed away). And his current friends!! I wasn't expecting them to 'found family' this hard and fast, but they did! These kids care about each other so much </3
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