#sonic and the lost relic
candycatstuffs · 1 year
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Cowboy Moment, rotating them SO hard in my brain
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antirepurp · 3 months
hot and happening guide to playing shadow the hedgehog (2005) in a manner that lets you have a good time
emulate it. your best bet is the ps2 version if your computer is closer to a potato, otherwise the gamecube version might be better as far as i've understood. use save states as much as you feel like, i've done one whenever i hit a checkpoint and that works quite well
start with neutral missions. it's largely the intended first-time experience, it's reminiscent of traditional sonic stages, and lets you get familiar with the controls which are very heroes-esque to begin with
blue gauge -> level skipping. not particularly good for most hero/dark missions but is helpful for neutral missions and some other end-game use cases
guns are friends. you will not have a good time with just the homing attack, grab a pistol and get some distance to your foes
some missions will be long. this is double the case if you're going into things blind or with little experience. most of them are a matter of patience and being thorough in eliminating enemies and the like, so explore as much as you feel necessary
avoid Central City. shit is full of hazards and has a time limit for both missions, consulting a walkthrough feels like a requirement unless you're already familiar with it. you will only play it on a pure-dark run and can avoid it by doing Cryptic Castle Neutral mission -> The Doom Dark mission
avoid following missions: Lethal Highway Hero, Iron Jungle Hero, Air Fleet Dark. all of them involve shooting down an escaping air craft, effectively putting you on the shittiest time limit known to man. while iron jungle and air fleet are on nicher paths, lethal highway is on the logical pure hero path, but can be avoided by doing Westopolis Neutral mission -> Glyphic Canyon Hero mission
honorary mention mission: Space Gadget Hero, which is on a time-limit. this is another niche routing case as it leads to Final Haunt, and you can play Lost Impact Hero to get there with no time limits
customize your playthroughs. even with the above three points you can play this game in whatever fashion you'd like, take advantage of its design and revisit stages you liked, avoid shitty missions, get some cool as fuck story sequences in your library. you have 326 unique routes you can take through the game, the sky's the limit with this bitch (though for lore and story purposes you might take the "intended" routes first)
take breaks. this game is not designed to be no-lifed, do a route or two a day and chip away at it if your goal is to unlock the true ending
shth is a relic from a particularly edgy era of video games and for that it is a goddamn masterpiece. you should play it actually because, unsurprisingly, it's not as bad as it's made out to be. go be a funny little hedgehog with guns and a tragic backstory i promise it's a cool time
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malwary · 11 months
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a little while ago @neuro-typical sent me this post by @bye2k of a popup that appeared when trying to right-click images on a shadow the hedgehog fan forum, known as Wishes are Eternal (after the SA2 line). this version of the site appears to be an archived snapshot on the wayback machine, and I'm happy to confirm that it is indeed real. though i couldn't get the popup to work in my own browser, the javascript does exist in the source code of the site, so it's very real and very cool.
i had a lot of things to say about this, but i didn't want to blast the notes of the OG post into oblivion with my big funny wall of text, so I've made my own post. below the readmore I'll explain javascript popups on the internet, some malware that has utilized this, and some very interesting sonic fan community history.
first of all: what is this? how did the webmaster manage to create a popup window in your computer to stop you from downloading images?
well, that would be javascript. because JS is just a normal script language that can do whatever you want, creating a popup is no exception. now, whoever ran the site did not write this script themself, this much is evident by the credit you can see in the source code for the site.
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this script is offered by a site called dynamicdrive.com, specifically for disabling right-clicks. you see how simple this is? javascript makes it possible to bother users in all sorts of creative ways. plenty of malware on the web utilizes javascript, and you're probably already aware of most good examples.
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you're most likely familiar with offiz, better known by the colloquial name "You Are An Idiot". though its status as malware is somewhat debated, most people can agree that the sites it was on abused a javascript function that allowed it to create hundreds upon hundreds of bouncing windows, slowing the user computer to a crawl and forcing the user to restart their machine, meaning any unsaved work they had open was now lost. in that way it was destructive, though indirectly.
offiz is an example of javascript malware that is harmless on its own, but not all JS malware is that friendly. javascript can be used to force your machine to download software, steal user data, serve you all manner of popups, employ many kinds of malicious code through xss, and more. although these cases are rarer than they were, say, a decade ago, that doesn't mean they don't still happen. here is a fascinating little instance of javascript being used maliciously very recently. it's hard to suggest ways to avoid these without just telling you to use common sense, but there's no other way to put it. as is the case with all malware, your best bet when it comes to not getting it is thinking before you click.
browser malware is extremely common. you may have encountered it going to a suspicious website. there is certainly a necessary aspect of social engineering to this type of malware, you have to be paying less attention to where you're going and what you're doing to stumble upon a site so unsecured that it could infect you. users who get themselves into these situations are typically looking for either p_rn or pirated stuff, so they're more likely to act in irrational or desperate ways to get to their content. don't be a fool online and you won't get played for one.
so, why? why does this old, obscure sonic fan forum have javascript that prevents you from right clicking images? prevents you from downloading images?
this forum is very, very old. the last posts on the entire site were about 10 years ago, even to this day. it's no surprise to me that a lot of this site is a relic of its time. the photobucket watermark on the header image, the collecton of midis of shadow themes playable on the site, the use of the term "ripped off" (as opposed to ripped) to describe the action of taking sprites from a game. it's all there on the very first page, the only one in this archive. despite what youtube video slideshows with a single text scroll that says "no copyright intended, pictures found on google" may imply, reposting images was indeed taken seriously at this time. this was a time when it wasn't too uncommon to see a credit to the person who made an anime girl image transparent (a render, for those unaware) in a forum signature. this was a time when someone got caught tracing every 5 days.
that's not to say there were no issues, but people were still very defensive over what they deemed to be theirs. this was especially prevalent in fanart. fan works are hard and are always a labor of love, so it's no surprise nobody wanted their work reposted, especially not without credit. this was especially clear when looking into some parts of the sprite ripping community. making spritesheets was much harder then than it is now, and it was especially impressive if sprites were hand-edited or even made from scratch. this incredibly painstaking work combined with sonic fans reputation for... unwavering passion... could often culminate in a very serious attitude towards doing something as simple as saving an image. in fact, for some people, this mindset has never truly left.
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in 2014, fangame creator Leemena Dan published Sonic Gather Battle on SAGE (the Sonic Amateur Games Expo) to mostly positive reception but ultimately little attention outside of sonic fans online. that is, until 2017, when after a seemingly inconspicuous update, players discovered what appeared to be an audaciously malicious form of DRM present in the game.
this malware had everything. all the bells and whistles. when a player would do any number of things from opening software made to decompile games to simply typing "sonic gather battle cheat" into their internet browser search bar, the payload would activate. (which, of course, means it tracks your keystrokes!)
it's difficult to find good footage of both layers of this DRM (or, rather, both payloads of this malware) that doesn't include a facecam of some gamer dude gawking and screaming at his computer screen. even so, I've found two decent ones. layer 1, and layer 2. this DRM also sends your IP address to a privately owned server, presumably so that the DRM would activate even when the game is uninstalled, and when trying to play it, a splash screen would show telling you to abide by the rules.
unsurprisingly, people did not consider this a proportionate way to respond to the threat of people ripping the sprites from a fangame, and the creator has since been banned from SAGE. to this very day, some people are simply so protective of their work that they'd be willing to go to any length to prevent you from saving it. as obnoxious as that can sometimes seem, it does make for some very interesting history.
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black-arms-hivemind · 4 months
Give us your favorite black arms fact or trivia
So like at the very least in Relic's Lost Journal (one of the many fics in my Sonic AU series @the-era-of-shadow that you all should totally go read) it was mentioned how Black Arms blood is bioluminescent due to the immense amount of Chaos Energy within it, and also in RLJ, as well as in the mini comic also a part of TEoS Episode Rouge: A Conclusion and the TEoS:Origins fic The Day The Moon Died Act 2: The Wave of Black it was explained that Black Arms have the ability to rapidly heal their wounds which is also thanks to the Chaos Energy in them - so this all comes together to make it so that when a Black Arm is injured, that part of their body starts to gain a subtle but still noticable lime green glow to it - which objectively is because of their blood and the healing process - but it does kinda give off the vibe of the Black Arms having glow sticks for limbs-
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7grandmel · 5 months
Todays rip: 21/11/2023
Assassin's Sneed
Season 6 Featured on: SiIvaGunner's Highest Quality Rips: Volume DQ
Ripped by Nozobot
Only a little while ago, with Windows Wonga Wappa I reminded you all of hit ripper Nozobot, the incredible YTPMVer behind Sex - Steve Harvey. To say that I've been enjoying his work is an understatement - finding out who was responsible for Sex - Steve Harvey was akin to seeing a gold mine open up right underneath my feet. There may be YTPMVers out there that I enjoy more sonically, but few are as consistently creative and funny as Nozobot - evidenced yet again with Assassin's Sneed.
It feels at times like Nozobot has a magic touch to make any source, no matter how absurd, be absolutely magical. See, there was a certain short-lived meme phenomenon that occurred during 2022, one that sort of just came and went without all too much fanfare. "Ghetto Smosh" - and stick with me here - was a parody channel built on editing and redubbing classic Smosh videos to form new narratives about the two dudes being chronic weed addicts. There's so many layers of absurdism to it: the nostalgic Smosh videos used as a basis, the "what if video game characters SMOKED WEED???" comedy of the 2000s-internet, the amateurish redubbing and crunched video quality that resembles old YouTube Poops - it feels like watching a collection of old YouTube videos that are as stupid as they are endearing, and Ghetto Smosh's social media pages maintained a sort of kayfabe similar to SiIvaGunner itself. And though a lot of it is lost on me as, yknow, a white person not anywhere near knowledgeable enough on America's ghetto culture, the videos are absurdly charming to watch even as a complete outsider.
Assassin's Sneed takes one of Ghetto Smosh's best-ever videos - ASSASSIN'S WEED RAP!!! - and mashes it up with several other songs associated with the same form of current-day ironic shitposting, mainly Replay by Iyaz (you might know it better as "Shawty's like a melody"). It's this absolute cacophony of music that, mentally, should register as not being good: Smosh's original Assassin's Creed III rap is something I've thought of as corny and a relic of the past for a long time, and I was sick of hearing Replay the day after I first heard it, yet there's something about Ghetto Smosh's absolute reverence for that stupidity that makes it all so thoroughly endearing to listen to. After all, part of what SiIvaGunner stands for as a channel is the death of cringe culture - rips like Field of Love and Cringe and so many of the channel's rips that remix otherwise-hated music are a testament to that. Assassin's Sneed just keeps playing to that sincere enjoyment, with steel drums and YOUUU's from Soulja Boy, a little sprinkling of Right Foot Creep, and samples from other Ghetto Smosh videos, it's just an all around celebration of one of my favorite little nuggets of internet history from 2022.
"assassins weed rap… ghetto smosh" - Ghetto Smosh
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ybetzarts · 16 days
random question, what draws you to knuckles as a character? do you have a favourite version of him?
Okok...bear with me, I have to start from the beginning..
I first encountered Knuckles during the time when he was mostly portrayed as, as they described him, a character merely for comedic relief. I watched the boom series back in 2015 and so my first impression of him was that he was an all-brawn-no-brain kinda guy. I found him funny, i guess...i had no clue back then. To explain why i didnt bother to do any research, here are some screenshots of my response on IG...(see below the break)
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I was a shallow "fan". I find the sonic casts' design interesting and fun to look at. At that time, that was enough...
1. What drew me into Knuckles then?
I'll get into that, but first...The 2nd movie...The only reason i gave Sonic(by Sonic i meant the whole franchise) a chance was because i saw how Knuckles was portrayed in the 2nd Sonic movie. Very different from what i knew of him at that time.
I began researching about him, after watching the movies. There was something. Yea, i was on an info hunt of just about the guy for months! Along the way tho, i also discovered a ton of things about Sonic, the cast, etc. BUT, i was mostly so eager to know about Knuckles. Then man! There was so much to know about the guy...He wasnt just that all-brawn-no-brain type of guy. Those character analysis videos of Knuckles explained a lot of things about him. He's the most interesting of the cast(for me)---his personality(Most of all), his backstory, his sacred duty, being the last of the echidnas, angel island as his home, what's left of his kind(relics, tech, architecture, art, etc.), so much to unpack...and YET there were almost nothing said about them??? The mysteries about the guy continues. Lots of angles to look into his character.
Hmm... I also realized that there were many ways to interpret(?) Knuckles. The tons of fanfiction you can make about the guy, tons of ways to do headcanons about him---one can look at him through his duty as a guardian, through him being a warrior, through his ancestors--and then recently in Frontiers--through the hidden and long lost and forgotten structures within angel island, also, through the M.E. and through the power that resides in the M.E. Am I making sense even???
[I should say that i liked a lot of these things first, before i even liked Knuckles for his design LOL (gawsh, those times when i struggled drawing the dude. I was so eager to learn how to draw him. Usually i would have given up, but surprisingly i didnt), and the "why did he have to be RED" XDD I didnt like red, until Knuckles...] His personality drew me in at first, then came all of these things...
About his personality/character...I can really relate to that. I also happen to like characters who are tough on the outside and are good (not exactly gentle) in the inside LOL. Knuckles looks so tough, immovable as a mountain, but deep down, he's carrying a lot. Rarely or almost never opening up. I can only imagine him as he got older, him thinking like
"No one will be left to take care of the island after I'm gone anyway...so why should i even bother? I could be doing something else, I could be anywhere, I could make use of what time ive been given, of what time i have left."
*proceeds to chuck them thoughts away* Then just like that, back to guarding duty again, still feeling loyal and determined to fulfill his role, and to who knows until when...
For that, Knuckles is the only fictional character that ive come to genuinely like and become interested in. So much so that i got out of my demotivated-uninspired-artist-prison and began drawing again, and for the fun of it!🌟💥
2. As for my favorite version of him?
My gosh! um, currently Renegade, I suppose??? Man, this is hard gah! Theres always something to like about every version of Knuckles. The Knuckles version in my head, the one i created after consuming a ton of Knuckles info, yea i also like that version LOL XDD🌟
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beardedmrbean · 8 months
The year is 1996: Britpop rules the airwaves, the National Lottery is must-see TV, and everyone knows the Macarena. Oh, and if you happen to be a kid, SegaWorld is the place to be.
Ensconced on the top floor of the London Trocadero, the indoor amusement arcade felt like a cola-soaked disco in the sky. Only here, the sounds of synths were replaced by space lasers, Formula 1 engines, and gunshots.
At the foot of this unfettered pleasuredome stood the statue of its beloved mascot: Sonic the Hedgehog. Instead of a disco ball, the blue speedster spun a globe on the tip of his finger. It was fitting because, if you were a kid in the Nineties, SegaWorld made you feel like you were on top of the world.
Now, more than 20 years after the indoor theme park’s closure, Sega is bringing back the original statue. The Japanese gaming giant has expertly restored the royal blue figure, which was at risk of being lost for good.
Sonic will make his glorious return at Sega’s booth at the Gamescom 2023 gaming convention. The three-day event kicks off this Wednesday, August 23, in Cologne, Germany.
In a timelapse video shared by Sega on Twitter, the recovered statue makes for a sorry sight. Caked in dirt, and missing part of his globe-spinning arm, Sonic looks like a neglected relic from a long-forgotten past. The clip then plays like a nerdier take on The Repair Shop, with a team of what we can only assume are restoration experts cleaning, buffing, and painting the statue and restoring it to its former glory.
With his glow-up complete, maybe Sega will take Sonic on the road. Here’s hoping he finds his way back to London at some point. The Trocadero may be an empty shell of its former self, but there are plenty of other venues that would make a good home for the fleet-footed hedgehog. The Science Museum’s permanent Power Up video game exhibition would be an ideal candidate.
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autisticbipedalcat · 2 months
I had ChatGPT write an episode of Doctor Who. It is so bad.
Title: "Echoes of Eternity"
[The TARDIS materializes in a dimly lit alleyway, the Doctor steps out followed by their companion, Sarah. The air is heavy with the scent of something unfamiliar, a mixture of ozone and decay.]
Doctor: [With a concerned look] Sarah, this isn't where we were supposed to land.
Sarah: [Surveying the surroundings] It's eerily quiet, Doctor. Where are we?
Doctor: [Adjusting the controls on the TARDIS console] We seem to have arrived in a forgotten corner of time and space, a place that echoes with mysteries yet to be uncovered.
[As they explore the desolate alley, they notice flickering lights in the distance, illuminating an ancient structure.]
Sarah: Look, Doctor! There's something ahead.
[They cautiously approach the building, its façade adorned with intricate carvings, weathered by the passage of time.]
Doctor: Fascinating. This architecture seems out of place, a relic from a civilization long forgotten.
[They enter the building, greeted by an otherworldly glow emanating from a circular chamber at the heart of the structure. Strange symbols adorn the walls, pulsating with an ethereal energy.]
Sarah: What is this place, Doctor?
Doctor: [Scanning the chamber with their sonic screwdriver] It appears to be a temporal anomaly, a nexus point where the fabric of time converges.
[A sudden tremor shakes the chamber, as echoes of voices from the past reverberate through the air.]
Voice: Help us... trapped within the echoes of eternity...
Sarah: Who's there?
Doctor: [Eyes wide with realization] They're echoes, remnants of lost souls ensnared within the temporal rift. We must find a way to set them free.
[As they delve deeper into the chamber, they discover a series of ancient artifacts, each holding a fragment of the trapped souls' memories.]
Sarah: These artifacts... they seem to hold the key to unlocking the echoes.
Doctor: Precisely, Sarah. Each fragment contains a piece of the puzzle, a memory longing to be reunited with its source.
[Together, they decipher the symbols etched onto the artifacts, piecing together the shattered memories of those lost in time.]
Doctor: [Activating the TARDIS interface] Now, Sarah, we must synchronize these memories with the temporal rift, restoring balance to the echoes of eternity.
[With a surge of energy, the artifacts merge into a cohesive whole, resonating with the temporal rift as it begins to unravel.]
Sarah: It's working, Doctor! The echoes, they're fading away.
Doctor: [Smiling] Time has a way of healing itself, Sarah. We merely helped it along.
[As the last remnants of the temporal rift dissipate, the chamber falls silent, bathed in the soft glow of newfound serenity.]
Sarah: [Looking around in awe] It's beautiful.
Doctor: [Nodding] A reminder that even in the depths of time, hope endures.
[With the echoes of eternity laid to rest, the Doctor and Sarah step back into the TARDIS, ready to embark on their next adventure through time and space.]
[The TARDIS dematerializes, leaving behind echoes of its own, whispers of a journey that stretches beyond the bounds of imagination.]
Good thing the "we can just use ai" argument failed...
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isolaradiale · 1 year
Lost in Space #48
Howdy, Isolans! We have conducted an activity check for the month of January!
If your character isn’t on this list, make sure to check this page to see how many stars that character has earned this month! Stars can be used for purchases at the marketplace.
The blogs that were removed from the Isola Radiale masterlist are under the cut. Note that both blogs with broken links and deactivated accounts will be included both at the top of this list and in their proper categories.
If you were removed in error, please simply send a re-application message. Several different people work on the activity checks, so it’s possible there are mistakes! If this happens to you, you will be able to keep everything you previously had, you just may be placed in a different residence.
Our general activity rules regarding checks are as follows:
Make at least two in-character posts during a calendar month (for instance, if the activity check is for January, have two in-character posts between the 1st and 31st of January).
Only one meme response of 300+ words counts as activity.
Only one drabble of 500+ words counts as activity.
One-liners or minis not tagged #isola mini also do not count.
Please Note: If you are removed during two consecutive activity checks, you will not be allowed to re-apply as that character for one calendar month.
Additionally, anyone removed during the activity check will have a 12-hour window from the time of posting to re-claim their character. Any character not reclaimed during that period will be open to the community at large.
Please send in your reapplications from the account of the character that was removed.
BROKEN URLs Tony Tony Chopper (broken link) (APARTMENT 306) Rocksteady (broken link) (HOUSE 105)
Barry Bluejeans (The Jastle, Golden)
Indrid Cold (New Sylvain, Sky-Strewn Isles)
Kaname Date (HOUSE 131)
Lae’zel (TOWNHOUSE 204)
Nanao Ise (HOUSE 111)
Orihime Inoue (HOUSE 106)
Gaige the Mechromancer (TOWNHOUSE 214)
AE-3803 (TOWNHOUSE 223)
Angel Devil (APARTMENT 325)
Crash Bandicoot (TOWNHOUSE 208)
Steve (CONDO 415)
Sif the Great Grey Wolf (Sif’s Den, Mistwood)
Dwight Fairfield (TOWNHOUSE 201)
Ghost Face (Danny Johnson) (CONDO 418)
Piper Wright (TOWNHOUSE 205)
Caster (Arturia Pendragon) (Sky-Strewn Isles - Winter’s Memory)
Caster (Nursery Rhyme) (HOUSE 102)
Illyasviel von Einzbern (HOUSE 128)
Irisviel von Einzbern (APARTMENT 323)
Ritsuka Fujimaru (M) (APARTMENT 303)
Sakura Matou (HOUSE 113)
Fandaniel (TOWNHOUSE 221)
Warrior of Light (Dancer - Diana Enfield) (HOUSE 133)
Julius (TOWNHOUSE 225)
Jacket (CONDO 423)
Andrew Kreiss (Grave Keeper) (CONDO 413)
Joseph Desaulniers (Photographer) (Aesop's cottage - Mistwood)
Luca Balsa (Prisoner) (CONDO 407)
Inumaki Toge (APARTMENT 325)
Dan Kuroto (CONDO 415)
Leonardo Watch (HOUSE 107)
MK (Condo 417)
Sinbad (TOWNHOUSE 221)
Shuutarou Kurusu (CONDO 410)
Ghost (OC) (CONDO 421)
Bass (HOUSE 109)
SecUnit (Murderbot) (Preservation (4BR) - Sunset Circuit)
Tony Tony Chopper (BROKEN URL) (APARTMENT 306)
Go Eunhyeok (APARTMENT 323)
Relic (HOUSE 101)
Rosa Cervantes (Rosa Cervantes’ Penthouse (4BR) - Archimedes)
The Collector (APARTMENT 320)
Eberwolf (CONDO 412)
Akira Kurusu (HOUSE 114)
Mewtwo (Respite (6BR)) (The City of Glass)
Looney Bird (APARTMENT 308)
Death of the Endless (APARTMENT 320)
Specter Knight (HOUSE 105)
Doctor Starline (HOUSE 115)
Sally Acorn (CONDO 419)
Sonic the Hedgehog (APARTMENT 315)
Mithos Yggdrasill (HOUSE 114)
Shionne Imeris (broken link) (CONDO 421)
Rocksteady (broken link) (HOUSE 105)
Marisa Kirisame (TOWNHOUSE 216)
Bumblebee (HOUSE 117)
Floyd Leech (CONDO 406)
Malleus Draconia (HOUSE 109)
Riddle Rosehearts (CONDO 404)
Asgore Dreemurr (APARTMENT 311)
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vugarblx · 1 year
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Spring Yard Field, an old relic of SONIC Projector: RP. it was designed and added to the map in 2019, but was later demolished the next year.
for a long time, any evidence of this location was slim, and it was nearly completely lost to time.
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caiman-the-chimera · 2 years
Time for your daily dose of Sonic GP lore!
Chaos Energy, Chaos Emeralds, and Chaos Radiation
Chaos Energy is a form of powerful supernatural energy that flows throughout Gaia Prime. Chaos Energy itself however has a rather tragic origin, you see, Chaos Energy is actually created from the souls of dead Mobians, and knowing that humanity was kinda partially if not entirely to blame for the extinction of the Mobians, it doesn’t take a genius to imagine the sheer amount of Mobian lives had been lost in order to make Chaos Energy as powerful as it is today. 
Arguably the most powerful sources of Chaos Energy are a set of seven legendary gems known as the Chaos Emeralds. These are a set of highly sought-after relics said to grant limitless power to anyone who possesses them, a single emerald can supposedly turn thoughts into power, allowing the user to draw from the stone’s seemingly limitless energy and preform incredible feats such as warping reality to their will and producing powerful blasts of energy. Gathering all seven emeralds is said to cause miracles, and some individuals (specifically Faunoids) can use the Emerald’s power to achieve a higher state more commonly known as a “Super form”, allowing the user to achieve godlike powers including but not limited to flight, enhanced forms of their natural abilities, unlimited access to reality-altering power, and the ability to share this incredible power with others. Thankfully for us one cannot reasonably remain in a Super form indefinitely, as this power requires a significant amount of the user’s energy to maintain, the form can be maintained by absorbing rings and using their energy, but constantly collecting these rings is often unreasonable for most. When one exits the Super form, the seven emeralds will disperse again, restarting the hunt for these mystical jewels, though seeing how Chaos Energy and by extension the Chaos Emeralds are formed from the souls of millions if not billions of dead Mobian souls, use of this energy unsurprisingly has a few, side-effects…
Chaos Radiation is a strange byproduct of Chaos Energy usage, known to have strange effects on all manner of beings. In humans Chaos Radiation causes disturbing hallucinations, those exposed to it often describing these delusions as “a horrifically mangled and disturbing hellscape of anguish, ungodly suffering and unfathomable malice and spite”, which is honestly not too surprising considering the fact that humans were at least partially responsible for the Mobian’s extinction. Faunoids and Chao seem to take the Radiation a bit better, and often seem to absorb at least trace amounts of it into their bodies, though this Radiation will oftentimes, change them…
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candycatstuffs · 9 months
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yugiohcardsdaily · 1 year
Posted Cards Master Post - 36
April 2022
Hiita the Fire Charmer
Fox Fire
Blazing Hiita
Familiar-Possessed - Hiita
Inari Fire
Hiita the Fire Charmer, Ablaze
Awakening of the Possessed - Greater Inari Fire
Spiritual Fire Art - Kurenai
Eria the Water Charmer
Raging Eria
Familiar-Possesed - Eria
Giga Gagagigo
Gogiga Gagagigo
Gagagigo the Risen
Eria the Water Charmer, Gentle
Awakening of the Possessed - Gagigobyte
Spiritual Water Art - Aoi
Wynn the Wind Charmer
Petit Dragon
Storming Wynn
Familiar-Possessed - Wynn
Wynn the Wind Charmer, Verdant
Awakening of the Possessed - Rasenryu
Spiritual Wind Art - Miyabi
Wynn the Wind Channeler
Blessings for Gusto
Caam, Serenity of Gusto
Contact with Gusto
Daigusto Eguls
Daigusto Emeral
Daigusto Falcos
Daigusto Gulldos
Daigusto Laplampilica
Daigusto Phoenix
Daigusto Sphreez
Dust Storm of Gusto
Gusto Codor
Gusto Egul
Gusto Falco
Gusto Griffin
Gusto Gulldo
Gusto Squirro
Gusto Thunbolt
Gusto Vedir
Kamui, Hope of Gusto
Musto, Oracle of Gusto
Pilica, Descendant of Gusto
Reeze, Whirlwind of Gusto
Tailwind of Gusto
Whirlwind of Gusto
Winda, Priestess of Gusto
Windaar, Sage of Gusto
King Beast Barbaros
Witch's Apprentice
Backup Operator
Backup Secretary
Backup Supervisor
Wee Witch's Apprentice
Hip Hoshiningen
Star Power!!
Link Party
Last Day of Witch
Effect Veiler 
No cards were posted in May 2022.
June 2022
Alice, Lady of Lament
Malice, Lady of Lament
Loris, Lady of Lament (Japanese)
Lilith, Lady of Lament
Armory Call
Protector of The Agents - Moon
Blue-Eyes Jet Dragon
Blue-Eyes Tyrant Dragon
Branded Disciple 
Breath of Resurrection
Castel, the Skyblaster Musketeer
Chaos Nephthys
Clear New World
Dark Contract with Patent License
Dark Dimension Soldier 
Darton the Mechanical Monstrosity
D/D Gryphon
D/D/D Deviser King Deus Machinex
D/D/D Headhunt
Dictator of D.
Dimension Conjurer
Dinomorphia Alert
Dinomorphia Brute
Dinomorphia Diplos
Dinomorphia Domain 
Dinomorphia Kentregina
Dinomorphia Reversion 
Dinomorphia Shell 
Dinomorphia Sonic
Dinomorphia Stealthbergia
Dinomorphia Therizia
Doll Happiness
Doll Monster Bear-Bear
Doll Monster Miss Mädchen
Box of Friends 
Doll House
Grandpa Demetto
Princess Cologne 
Dracoback, the Rideable Dragon
Dunnell, the Noble Arms of Light
Emergency Teleport
End of the Line
Epigonen, the Impersonation Invader
Epsilon The Magnet Warrior
Fateful Adventure
Fire Opal Head
Forest of Lost Flowers
Ghostrick Festival
Ghostrick or Treat
Ghostrick Shot
Ghostrick Siren
Groza, Tyrant of Thunder
Guardian Chimera
Hidden Armory
Illegal Knight
Illusion of Chaos
Imprudent Intrusion
Insect Imitation
Kaiza the Hidden Star
Leafplace Plaice
Libromancer Agent
Libromancer Doombroker
Libromancer Firestarter
Libromancer First Appearance
Libromancer Geek Boy
Libromancer Intervention
Libromancer Magigirl
Mad Hacker
Magicore Warrior of the Relics
Maple Maiden
Master of Chaos
Monster Rebirth
Myutant Mutant
Neiroy, the Dream Mirror Traitor
Nordic Beast Gullinbursti
Nordic Relic Hlidskjalf
Nordic Relic Svalinn
Nordic Smith Ivaldi
Nowru Aries the Vernal Dragon
Onibimaru Soul Sweeper
Psychic Tracker
Psychic Wheeleder
Risebell the Star Adjuster
Risebell the Star Psycher
Risebell the Summoner
Saambell the Star Bonder
Saambell the Summoner
Rite of Aramesir
Rock Scales
Sales Ban
S-Force Lapcewell
S-Force Retroactive
Shining Piecephilia
Silvervine Senri
Simorgh, Bird of Perfection
Skilled Brown Magician
Smile Potion
Smoke Moquito
Sol and Luna
Starlit Papillon
Submareed Tour Ride
Swordsoul Sinister Sovereign - Qixing Longyuan
Swordsoul Strife
The Great Double Casted Caster·
The Zombie Vampire
Thunder Discharge
Timaeus the United Dragon
Top Share
Torrential Tribute
Tribe Drive
Ultimate Fusion
Unending Nightmare
Unwavering Bond
Uradora of Fate
Vampire Fascinator
Vampire Ghost
Virtual World Hime - Nyannyan
Vision with Eyes of Blue
Wandering Gryphon Rider
Water Enchantress of the Temple
White Relic of Dogmatika
XYZ Combine
Xyz Universe
Zaralaam the Dark Palace
Zektrike Kou-ou
Gagaku-P.U.N.K. Crash Beat
Gagaku-P.U.N.K. Wagon
Gagaku-P.U.N.K. Wild Picking
Joruri-P.U.N.K. Dangerous Gabu
Joruri-P.U.N.K. Madame Spider
Joruri-P.U.N.K. Nashiwari Surprise
Noh-P.U.N.K. Deer Note
Noh-P.U.N.K. Foxy Tune
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Khalid: None have dared to fail the mighty Khalid even once... But you, Lancelot-- You have failed me TWICE!
Lancelot:[shaking nervously] G-great, mighty Khalid, it was that accursed, blue hedgehog!
Khalid: From deep inside my underground prison, I've sent you simple instructions to follow. But you've the relics, you've lost the Chaos Emeralds, and I have lost my patience! There is now no other power source left in this world!
Lancelot: Well, I know we've had a few, unfortunate... Eh, setbacks.
Khalid: --and failed. But since your bumbling has managed to set me free, I am feeling...generous. There is still a way to amass the power, needed to enslave the other nine worlds. And this time... This time, the mighty Khalid will make sure that you do it right!
[cue Dr. Eggman]
-Original source taken from © Crash Bandicoot: Warped
Illustrated by © Lightningblade1994
For © KatarinaTheCat
© SEGA/Sonic Team
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fuzzyzombiebanana · 4 days
Diary of Sir Cedric of Wiltshire
Entry 1: April 29, 1145
The world has shifted beneath my feet, and I find myself in a land far removed from my own. The air smells of damp earth and wood smoke. The villagers eye me with suspicion, their rough-spun garments and thatched roofs a stark contrast to the polished halls of my own time.
I am Sir Cedric of Wiltshire, a knight displaced by some cosmic jest. My armor feels heavy, and my sword—forged in the fires of my homeland—seems out of place here. The language they speak is foreign, yet I manage to communicate through gestures and broken phrases.
The year, they tell me, is 1145. England is a patchwork of petty kingdoms, and the Normans still hold sway. I am an anachronism, a relic from a future they cannot comprehend.
Entry 2: May 3, 1145
I have taken refuge in a humble cottage on the outskirts of a village called Dunham. The thatch leaks, and the fire smokes, but it is shelter. The woman who tends to the hearth is named Agnes. She has eyes like ancient oaks and hands gnarled from years of toil. She speaks softly, as if afraid to disturb the fragile threads of time.
Agnes tells me of wars and famines, of kings and queens who vie for dominion. She weaves tales of knights and chivalry, and I listen, hungry for any connection to my past life. I wonder if my family still exists, if my name echoes through the centuries.
Entry 3: May 12, 1145
I have joined a band of mercenaries led by a grizzled warrior named Leofric. They fight for coin and survival, their loyalty shifting like the tides. Leofric eyes me suspiciously, but my sword arm is strong, and I prove my mettle in battle. We raid Norman outposts, striking blows against the invaders.
Yet, in the quiet moments, I yearn for home. The taste of ale in a warm tavern, the laughter of friends, the soft touch of a lover’s hand—all lost to me now. I write these words by firelight, ink staining parchment, hoping that someday they will find their way back to my time.
End of Diary
Epilogue: July 15, 1145
The sun hung low on the horizon as I trudged through the ancient forest, my heart heavy with longing. I had grown accustomed to the rhythms of this distant age—the clash of swords, the scent of pine, the ache of solitude. But I was no longer content to be a ghost in the annals of history.
And then, as if conjured by some sorcery, it appeared—a blue police box nestled among the trees. Its wooden panels were worn, its windows frosted with age. But there was something otherworldly about it, a hum in the air that set my nerves on edge.
I approached cautiously, my hand on the hilt of my sword. The door swung open, revealing a figure—a man with wild eyes and a shock of unruly hair. He wore a long coat and carried a strange device—a sonic screwdriver, he called it.
“Ah,” he said, his voice a melodic rasp. “Sir Cedric, I presume?”
I nodded, unable to find words.
“I am the Doctor,” he said, stepping out of the TARDIS. “Time traveler, adventurer, and occasional meddler. And you, my dear knight, are quite out of your depth.”
He explained the nature of the TARDIS—the time machine that was “bigger on the inside.” He spoke of paradoxes and fixed points, of wibbly-wobbly timey-wimey stuff. And then he offered me a choice—to return to my own time or to continue wandering the ages.
I hesitated, torn between duty and desire. But Agnes’s face swam before my eyes—the warmth of her hearth, the weight of her stories. I could not abandon her memory.
“Take me home,” I whispered.
And so, with a twist of the TARDIS key, I stepped across the threshold. The Doctor grinned, and the world spun around me. The air crackled with energy, and then—
I was back. The familiar hum of traffic, the neon glow of billboards. I fell to my knees, tears streaming down my face.
“Goodbye, Sir Cedric,” the Doctor said. “Remember, time is a river, and we are but leaves upon its surface.”
And then he vanished, the TARDIS fading into the night.
I stood there, my heart aching, and whispered a prayer for Agnes. And then I walked toward the future, my steps lighter, my soul forever touched by the magic of
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maguro13-2 · 3 months
Shattered Hero ~ Origins of the Ink Demon : Episode Maka Pt.1
"it has been 1000 years after the Time Eater destroyed 50% of the Ohkuboverse, Yet light and darkness manage to bring another conflict that is the beginning of Soul World's existence. To maintain public order in the real world, the humans and witches worked together as detectives that works in the force and the Majo Detective Force organization was established by the Majo Order, part of the Massachusetts State Government in the United States."
"Majo Detective Force claims that the organization was the true peacekeeping forces after the lawsuit of a school called Death Weapon Meister Academy, known as the DWMA, officially lost it's case. This was the last time that the DWMA's frustration over witches was a little too xenophobic and never make them Majo the sworn enemies to school. Thanks the family of Kaoru Enma, the State of Massachusetts is the global super power for all the witches to live, work, and play."
"Guess that means Neveda was never my home in the real world. But the place that I grew up on was something else. One place is where I officially grew up in the real world. San Francisco, the big city in the great state of California. And it's where the city took a major role in the Space Colony ARK incident when the famous Blue blur was mistaken as the Ultimate Life Form, Shadow. But before that and the Perfect Chaos Attack. Let's just say one big question about me...that destroyed everything in plain sight."
"Four years after my birth, when others picked on me and teased for do something stupid, I, Maka Albarn, wiped out four-fifths of Japan's population by creating an explosive shockwave triggering the Shattered Resonance, a deadly force that is powered by a person's hear combining with Anger and sadness and even those who were affiliated with despair. This power of mine cause me so much death and destruction and then the boy who saved my life changed everything. To Prevent Shattered Resonance's triggering power, the I used one of the four vibes to lower it down and there was many reports that a warrior called the Shattered Meister is responsible for the destruction in Japan."
"Around years after the Perfect Chaos Attack and the Space Colony ARK Incident, a second explosion in Japan was occured in Tokyo when the renowned Majo Detective, Kimial Diehl, was teased by people who were killed her and including the one she trusted before she ran away and moved back to the witch city of Salem. Not only that she was being bullied by humans to reveal that she is a witch. But seems to have no idea she was one of the warriors that carries out the destruction by us, the Shattered Meisters."
"All it's left for me is to redeemed my honor."
"So it's time for me to bring payback to Inky Albarn, the perpetrator that mistaken for all of my misdeeds and the attack on Tokyo."
"Around 3 years after the Black Arms Invasion."
"Hang Castle Zone - 2006 AKA The 06 (LOL!)"
Moirai Albarn : So, Reaper. This is where my sister was imprisoned at. You kept her here for a long time after we helped the Sega Representatives to defeat their foes. Who calls their self a God? Was it Broly?
Grim (Metal Sonic) : No. Nothing necessarily in that order. We secured your for a long time after she was mistaken for her misdeeds against the American Public and for the attacks in Tokyo since she was framed by that Imposter Inky Albarn. We had to lower that power of hers after many reports of that eighty percent of Japan's population was wiped when people picked on her while the young Makoto, the Phantom who saved her life, changed everything when she used calmness to stop Shattered Resonance from ever triggering it. If Shattered Resonance happens, then this planet might meet it's doom. So we had no choice but to secure her. So this is where we are arriving here, her imprisonment should be right inside the castle.
[RELICS - Hideaki Kobayashi]
Moirai Albarn : Wait. She was locked up in here? What is this place?
Grim : This entire castle's dungeon has been secured by my servant a for a quite some time, we had people that were brought to justice by us or we even brought them for execution events. But some people died of starvation after no idea they committed suicide or seppuku. But we did know that this dungeon closed off and sealed away. Luckily, we had found out that the dungeon was full of bones and darkness thinking that this place was built by Dr. Ivo Robotnik.
Moirai Albarn : What? Robotnik built this place? How come you and that scientist build this place for it's protection?
Grim (Metal Sonic) : Who knows, perhaps that I built place with the help of my defense force that were sealed inside portraits and build a statue of him, but under it was the criminal Mastermind, Neo. Needless to say, Shadow was supposed to be meeting his Fate after the media reported that she died during a fight with his sibling, I tried to warn him, but he wouldn't listen. So we had no choice to bring him back to life before that bat re-recruited and one of the E-Series as well!
Moirai Albarn : I get your point. So what's status update now it is the year 2006? You got my sister imprisoned for a 10 year sentence in prison that would be the system. I heard that a Shattered Soldier was a given a long prison sentence after being framed for a crime he did not commit. Oh wait, that's Konami. He did got framed by the People in power when his "Player two" partner got killed by them and He realized that it was their fault that used hims as tools to wipe out the invaders that were guards on Jupiter which they were ordered protect the relic that they stole from and we realize the Contra universe is dark. All because of a miner that went to Jupiter. Because it's evil in a can trope. You gotta admit it to understand. How's my sister doing?
Grim (Metal Sonic) : It's worse than I Imagined. Her powers could easily demolish the entire fortress if we don't lower her powers. Anyone who goes near her gets their heart torn to pieces. We are needed to prepare the vibes in the exact same that the Princess unleash the power of vibes. So we found the Vibe Secpter that it was founded after the Black Arms Invasion.
[The Sign - Kenichi Tokoi]
Grim (Metal Sonic) : To unlock her imprisonment. We need three key codes and we manage to borrow them from the scientist. Luckily, we these the keys that represent all three types: The Blue key is for Speed and to freeze the key, the Yellow Key is for Fly and Thundering Sunshine.
Moirai Albarn : And let me guess, the Red one is for Power and to warm the key. Well, let's get started. (inserts all three type formation insignias into the slots)
[Puzzle - Seirou Okamoto]
Grim : Let's get started. We need something to unlock the imprisonment of your sister.
Moirai Albarn : So...If I turn the Power Formation this way...(turns the Power Type insignia the right way) And the Speed Type formation this way...(turns the Speed Type insiginia to align with Power Type) Okay...And the last should be right...now. (turns the Yellow Type insignia to align with the two insignias) Alright! Looks like I used all three insignias to aligned them. Now we're ready to release my sister.
Grim (Metal Sonic) : Indeed.
Moirai Albarn : (gasped in shock) Sister! (sees Maka in a cell, sitting on chair completely naked and all chained up)
Grim (Metal Sonic) : Wake up, Meister! It is the year 2006. You have been in a deep sleep for about 3 years since the Space Colony ARK Incident. We wonder why you are upset because of the misdeeds that you were mistaken by the public eye. The mess you've made in the American Public and the attacks in Tokyo were caused by queen of the Ink Demon. I know that it wasn't your fault that we had to capture you in order to keep you safe. It's been three years since San Francisco or Central City has became the first of the Black Arms Invasion. Including Westopolis, things sure left quite a mess over Mobius' cities. But I've been in this castle for quite some time since we brought you here to keep you safe from dangers. The Councils of Celestial 9 ordered me to release in prior of completing your sentence of your actions of saving humanity inter-related crimes across the globe. Evil forces have been spreading like wildfire, including a group of thieves.
Maka Albarn : I will do it. I will become a hero and reclaim my redemption. I deserve anything for what I was told to do. You'll help me if I would understand the true meaning of a reaper. So who is going to be my Watchdog?
Seto : I am. That would be a blonde girl with a giant I sword wield and I will reclaim title as Shinigami, Hero of the Real World. And I will be your watchdog. That cool guy names Soul Evans you were thinking about is not here, so that is why I decided to keep an eye out on you. You will face everything and listen to me if you will cooperate, I'll treat you something good. An evil entity known as Dark Nebula, pseudo ruler of the Underworld, is broken out of prison called the Chest as a thief manage to steal in search for food. They weren't hunting for riches, they were hunting for food. If hadn't been for Daroach's foolish orders or Kirby's frustration that his sweet Strawberry Shortcake got stolen, he would've figured it out who or what took it from that lead on a murderous killing over a cake. But these buns are not just your cakes, this is the cake that you'll be serving. You are going to work for me! A hero who knows how do to with evil itself, true evil.
Maka Albarn : I'll do it! *CHAINS BREAK*
[Risk - Akira Yamaoka]
(scene transits to Maka now fully dressed and puts on her gloves and shoes)
Maka Albarn : I'm ready reaper! I decied that I'll do something prove useful to me and not anyone!
Seto : Don't forget about me! I will help you by cooperating with each other. Remember, this is a team of three task to look out on the enemy threats. So don't get too crazy on this one. There's trouble in Real World AU. But first, we need to do some serious in the VR fields. And it's just right above.
Moirai Albarn : With all do respect, this traning shall be cool for us to handle this one out. Stay sharp, steady as you are.
Maka Albarn : No worries. I already got it covered.
"My name is Maka Albarn, I am the hero of the real world that got framed by the inky look alike. I've been locked and strip bare skin in a cryogenic prison at a castle between the Real World and Sonic's world."
"I've been released by the Councils of Celestial 9, a group of nine people that are somehow mysterious and they are giving me specific orders to take down the the evil threats of Dark Nebula, pseudo ruler of the Underworld, who said to be imprisoned for a long time and now a group of thieves would able to open it's prison, Kirby never thought he was taking it from Dedede without asking permission."
"So now...I'm on a mission to stop Dark Nebula, and save both Milky Way and Gamble Galaxy, the homeworld of Kirby's universe. I'm thinking someone who disappeared after a tremendous kidnapping by Ansem, Black Star, one of the trio of Soul World, went missing and now I'm here to recruit the people of Soul World that are friends of mine."
Maka Albarn : It's time to show the world what my courage can do for myself!
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