#sonic 4 ep 2
slaket-and-sprash · 1 year
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Y'all remember that weird era in the late 90's-early 2010's when Modern Sonic got 2D games?
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sophfandoms53 · 11 months
I don’t think you all understand how much i love Shadow in this show
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21threjectedsoul · 8 months
Yeah, I do love Metal Sonic and I'm obsessed with him which means I do lots of edits of my special boi
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kingprinceleo · 2 months
Top 3 (or however many] sonic x episodes!!!
oguhghghgh oughghghghghhhhgg screech i cant do this im not strong enough sonic x.... my baby......
5. ep 20 cruise blues- they put that guy on a boat
4. ep 59 galactic gumshoes- they beat vector with a lead pipe
3. ep 52 a new start - RAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH slamming my head in conk crete
2. ep 73 the cosmo conspiracy- shadow kills that fucking child and i laugh the entire time
ep 67 testing time- dark sonci :]] pukes on the floor
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adventure-showdown · 6 months
What is your favourite Doctor Who story?
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The Stolen Earth/Journey's End and Day of the Doctor tied. These are the 12 stories that were closest to making it through and so have been given a second chance
synopses and propaganda under the cut
The End of the World
The Ninth Doctor takes his new companion, Rose Tyler, to the year 5,000,000,000 to see the sun expand and destroy the Earth. The observation deck space station, Platform One, is holding an event with the richest beings of the time observing the Earth's destruction, but mysterious metal spiders gifted by the Adherents of the Repeated Meme to the other guests are secretly infiltrating and sabotaging the station.
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Father’s Day
Pete Alan Tyler, the father of Rose and husband of Jackie, died on 7 November 1987, the day of Stuart Hoskins and Sarah Clark's wedding. Rose was just a baby at the time, Jackie told the young Rose that nobody was there for Pete when he died and that the hit-and-run driver was never found...
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The Runaway Bride
Killer Santas, exploding baubles, an alien spaceship shaped like a giant star — Christmas with the Tenth Doctor is anything but a silent night...
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The Tenth Doctor takes Martha Jones to New Earth, in the far future, only to find that the entire city has become a deadly trap.
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The Stolen Earth/Journey’s End
When Earth and twenty-six other planets are stolen and taken to the Medusa Cascade and the Doctor is nowhere in sight, it's up to the combined forces of UNIT, Torchwood, Sarah-Jane and Rose to fight off the thieves, who only have one thing to say to the resistance: "EX-TER-MIN-ATE!"
I will never get over the woman who thinks she's nothing being the most important person in the universe, and the huge loss she suffered immediately after. So bright and so dark at the same time. So much happiness and so much sadness. Excellently done 10/10 (NikMONSTER)
The Eleventh Hour
After a literally explosive regeneration, the brand new Eleventh Doctor survives a crash-landing to Earth. However, he has little time to recover. With a mysterious crack in a little girl's wall and a missing alien prisoner, the Doctor is in for an adventure. However, with the TARDIS damaged and the sonic screwdriver destroyed, can the Doctor capture the rogue alien before its jailers burn Earth to a crisp?
Omg i love this ep so much.  It was the absolute perfect way to introduce the new doctor to the show; Matt had some big shoes to fill after David but he did so perfectly in this episode.  All of the other doctors I had to get used to, and I especially thought I’d have to following my fav ten, but i immediately fell in love with 11 with this episode. I also feel like this was a great plot overall and I loved both Amy and Rory in it. (@lavenderlace16 )
The Time of Angels/Flesh and Stone
The enigmatic River Song hurtles back into the Eleventh Doctor's life, but she's not the only familiar face returning — the Weeping Angels are back! Following River's calling card, the Doctor is recruited to help track down the last of the Angels, which has escaped from the Byzantium starliner and into the terrifying Maze of the Dead.
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Amy’s Choice
It has been five years since Amy Pond last travelled with the Eleventh Doctor. However, when he arrives by accident and they have a reunion, Amy is left questioning what is real. Is she actually living with her husband Rory in Leadworth, 2015, or is she still travelling with Rory and the Doctor in the TARDIS? Which is real and which is fake? Dream or reality? Only one thing is clear: it's Amy's choice.
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The Doctor’s Wife
The Eleventh Doctor receives a message from an old Time Lord friend. The message brings him, Rory Williams and Amy Pond to another universe where they meet an alien who eats TARDISes.
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The Girl Who Waited
The Eleventh Doctor, Rory Williams and Amy Pond land on Apalapucia in the middle of a plague. Amy is left behind, and the Doctor and Rory must save her...but time for Amy is running at a different speed.
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The God Complex
The Eleventh Doctor, Amy, and Rory investigate a hotel of horror where repeat business is low but the body count is high, where a mighty monster stalks the corridors and the rooms hold visions of angels, apes, and creepy clowns. Who — or what — has brought them to this place? Can the Doctor solve the mystery before the residents check out in grisly style?
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The Day of the Doctor
The Doctors embark on their greatest adventure in this 50th-anniversary special. In the 21st century, something terrible is awakening in London's National Gallery; in 1562, a murderous plot is afoot in Elizabethan England; and somewhere in space, an ancient battle reaches its devastating conclusion. All of reality is at stake as the Doctor's own dangerous past comes back to haunt him.
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distant-screaming · 4 months
episode 5 yippee!!! we ended with everyone alive and in one piece, so things are already looking great! I hope next ep jeff comes back (I miss him...), we learn more about kenta and dean doesn't commit crimes if (when) he doesn't get to drive instead of babe. I know he's a little bit of a hater but I believe in you dean okay hold my hand. overall though I'm not too stressed about the next ep like I've been the last couple of episodes and that's just a sign that So Much will happen :) it's okay guys it's fine
Current Fave Character Leaderboard:
Sonic (his outfits this ep have been absolutely fantastic, 10/10 no notes)
Babe (tortured wet cat boyfriend full of Horrors and also love)
Jeff (free my boy from no screen time jail he's done nothing wrong)
Honorary spot goes to: Babe's Mannequin! it sends me into hysterics every single time and it's the only one I trust unconditionally in this show ❤️ he would never betray me
Amount of Characters I Wish To Punch Counter: 2
Tony (he has a permanent spot here but also specifically stop throwing your kale smoothie on kenta you'll never be a wine mom)
Alan (just like a little bit. as a treat. still one of my faves though)
(ep 4 summary)
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beevean · 1 month
Opinions on Sonic superstars?
I haven't played it, but honestly I don't get why people hated it so much. It looks fun to me, except for some of the bosses that rely too much on the waiting strategy. I appreciate that the game lets you choose the character at every act, a system I hadn't seen since Rush Adventure and might be the best way to appreciate all characters without needing to play the game multiple times. Except for Trip's campaign, that from what I've seen it's 3&K Knuckles' on steroids :P
Music is 🔥 too lmao. It has some real bangers, courtesy of Senoue, Lopes and Soma. I even like some the tracks others have mocked, like Press Factory Act 1 - then again I'm the weirdo who unironically enjoys the music from Sonic 4 Ep. 2 lmao. I'm patiently waiting for the official OST, because man I need those credits :(
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whynotzoidbergdotorg · 5 months
✨It’s been a while since I updated my pinned soo…..new pinned time!✨
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🎃 I’m Pumpkin (I also go by Pep(ita) or really any vaguely feminine p name tbh), she/her nonbinary woman, jewish, disabled (audhd, bpd and bipolar, as well as physical disabilities) and I’m 24 years old! I’m an artist with 12+ years of experience, and I also write and do other creative ventures! (My goal this year is to make music and possibly release an EP!!!) My latest special interest/hyperfixation has been The Simpsons, but I also really like Futurama, Disenchantment, Venture Bros, Aqua Teen Hunger Force, Mario, Sonic (mostly Shadow), as well as some more obscure cartoons (Uncle Grandpa, Secret Mountain Fort Awesome, Problem Solverz, and Gravedale High). I also love Creepypasta, Analog Horror, Lostwave, and internet mysteries in general!! I’m a closet goth (I listen to the music but I don’t have the means to dress it yet) and I LOVE the Halloween aesthetic in particular (Orange, Black, and Purple my beloveds) ✨💜
🎃 links! ao3, commissions, my shop, ig, toyhouse, cohost, bluesky, and spotify!
🎃 I post A LOT about my OCs and self-inserts, especially OCxCanon shipping and self-shipping so if you’re against that…sorry! (But not sorry lol)
🎃 active fandoms (I post the most for these things): The Simpsons, Futurama, Disenchantment, Venture Bros, Team Fortress 2, Uncle Grandpa
🎃 other things I like (i post about occasionally): The Sims, Stardew Valley, Gmod, Portal, Half-Life, Mario, Shadow the Hedgehog, Skyrim, Pikmin 4, Animal Crossing, creepypastas, internet mysteries, lostwave (particularly Everyone Knows That, and the Most Mysterious Song on the Internet), internet urban legends, old web, y2k, analog horror
🚫 DNI: racists (nazis, other white supremacists, antisemites, islamophobes, etc), zionists, police-bootlickers, terfs/swerfs/tehms/transmeds, ace exclusionists (we shouldn’t even be having this argument in 2024, come on now), jkr stans, vivziepop stans, anyone whos friends with the users treeflower or retshirou
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uncool-hero · 10 minutes
Knuckles Series Review (Spoiler Free)
(Yes, I’m aware I’m late but I just found the time to watch it)
I don’t ever review anything but I felt like it this time so fuck it we ball.
I just watched it today with my mom since we’re both big fans of both of the Sonic movies and super excited for Sonic 3, but neither of us thought the show lived up to the first two movies, though it wasn’t necessarily bad in any way.
The main thing that made it not as good as the movies was how entirely corny it was. I don’t hate things that are corny, but this got incredibly corny at some parts (*cough cough* ep 4 *cough cough*) and it felt out of character for the franchise.
I also thought the series focused on Wade more than it did Knuckles, which I didn’t expect, but honestly it wasn’t bad. I feel like it gave Wade some much needed screen time cuz he really didn’t get much in Sonic and Sonic 2, and he’s such a funny character.
Something I did like however was the background we got for both Wade and Knuckles. We got to see Wade’s family throughout the show and a little bit of Knuckles backstory (mostly in ep 4). The growth we got from both of them was really cool too, though I won’t go into it too much since I’m trying to keep this spoiler free.
Another thing I really appreciated from the show was that they kept the animation style from the movie for Knuckles (plus Sonic and Tails in ep 1). So many movies will have a show or shorts to go with it and the animation quality doesn’t live up to the movie, but in this it absolutely did. And the action scenes looked AMAZING. Absolutely loved it.
TLDR; I thought the show was corny but funny and had some really good moments and was done well :)
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I used to watch drawfee all the time but I ended up stopping for a few years (life stuff happened and I kinda forgot about them? Idk), I started watching again but now I feel like I have so much to catch up on and there's so many memes/jokes I don't know. Is there a sort of "best of" list I could find to help me catch up again? :')
I don't have one on hand, but I'm sure me and the others following can help catch you up! And its super valid to just forget, haha! Ive done that with several youtubers now that I have to catch up with!
I don't know how far back you started or stopped, but I'll list some common reoccuring jokes I can think off of the top of my head! I'll try not to spoil them too much so if you want to watch the videos yourself, you can!
Jacob's Yogurt obsession/ Yogi boy: Jacob was spoonfed a ton of yogurt at an event while wearing ~100 t-shirts. The original video can be found here, and another lore bit can be found here around 17:30
Todd from Mario: Karina misread a suggestion for 'Toad from Mario' on stream once, and mistakenly read 'Todd from Mario'. He became a sort of deity in Drawfee, but when they tried to make merch of him, Nintendo sent a DMCA.
Sonic Butthole Saga: Karina drew Sonic naked and ass up on a bed after a shower during a Random Shape episode. It's now a running thing where if it's a Random Shape challenge or anything similar, she'll continue the saga. There's currently 5 panels, which include Y/N, Sonic, Knuckles, and Tails. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
Jacob Horse: Jacob, for the life of him, can't draw a damn horse.
Julia can't do Pokemon: Julia has little to no experience with Pokemon whatsoever, which gives us things like Spheal and Shuckle, as well as Back Sprites and Vibe-emon
Karina and Yu-Gi-Oh: Damn does she like Yu-Gi-Oh. Includes favorites like "Is it a Yu-Gi-Oh episode we're doing?", Karina's episode of Yu-Gi-Oh flavor text, and her technically not Drawfee Kaiba-Defence-Hour
Bone Game: Series where they draw animals based on their skulls. Found here, here, and a reverse
Cats 2019: We can't make it a month without a Cats reference.
I'm sure there's others that folks can comment, but for now, some honorable mentions of some fan favorite episodes:
The April Fool's video that lost them 300 subscribers and had me actually crying from laughter
Is the nose... big?
If anyone asks, I did this.
Do you know what a rectangle is? Artists Draw Perfectly Normal Cats
Shod toes contitty and I'm not afraid to say it! Mixed emotions ep
The Tarot Ep is a CLASSIC
I'd also recommend checking out @deepblueink2d 's YouTube under DeepBlueInk! They do some (incredible) Drawfee animations of some of the best bits and jokes! Also, the •classic• tag has a list of some really popular quotes and the video name underneath! I'm sure others will add on too! Welcome back freak (affectionate)
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cobainqueer · 5 days
Kurt Cobain’s Art: Collages & Sculptures
Surfaced Original Collages: 7
(0:12) 1. Anatomical Models, Cutouts and Toys
(0:32) 2. Nevermind's Inlay
(0:52) 3. In Utero's reverse cover
(1:12) 4. Kurt Cobain's self-portrait
(1:37) 5. Heart-Shaped Box cover
(1:57) 6. Early Demos J-card
(2:17) 7. Madonna Statue fragments
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Surfaced Original Sculptures: 2
(2:40) 1. Whores Moaning Clay Doll
(2:48) 2. Clay Dolls
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1. An assemblage of magazine cutouts, anatomical models and toy figures. This collage includes a Batman toy holding a cotton swab, a picture of The Rolling Stones, a Chim Chim toy, anatomical bodies, baby figures, diseased vaginas, $50 dollars, an emaciated body, a monster baby, etc.
2. Chim Chim toy figure set against a collage of medical magazine cutouts of diseased vaginas and a picture of Kiss, used for the inlay of the Nevermind release.
3. An assemblage of Stargazer lilies, anatomical models, baby figures, skeletons, turtle shells, and a heart-shaped box. Photographed by Charles Peterson for the reverse cover of the In Utero release.
4. Kurt Cobain's self-portrait composed of a Nirvana comic book tearout and a pencil drawn, emaciated body. This collage was published in Journals, but according to an article written by Tim Appelo in the Seattle Weekly in 2002, journalists were banned from printing this page in articles or reviews, ostensibly because of its dark content. Above the drawing-collage are six lines cut-and-pasted from an Alicia Ostriker poem called "A Young Woman, A Tree". The six lines, which begin the poem, describe a girl who passes a blooming tree, and envies its beauty, and on top to the poem is the word "Swingers" (in Cobain's handwriting); it has been suggested that by juxtaposing these lines with his emaciated self-portrait, Cobain was making a comment on his own loss of creativity and his personal image being in contrast to his public one. The poem fragment is:
Be making love,
Be making poetry,
Be exploding, be speeding through the universe
Like a photon, like a shower
Of yellow blazes—
5. An assemblage of Stargazer lilies and a heart-shaped box on tin foil, used for the front cover of the Heart-Shaped Box single release.
6. J-card of an early demo tape Kurt sent out to get Nirvana signed. The songs he sent are: "Floyd the Barber", "Spank Thru", "Hairspray Queen", "Mexican Seafood", "Beeswax", "Beans", "Paper Cuts", "Big Cheese", "Love Buzz", "Aero Zeppelin", "Pen Cap Chew", and "Montage of Heck"
7. Madonna statue fragments with three birth announcement dolls, arranged in a suitcase.
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1. Clay marionette doll, xeroxed by Kevin Kerslake for the front cover of Sonic Youth's Whores Moaning EP release.
2. Clay dolls, shown in Nick Broomfield's Kurt & Courtney documentary.
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The songs that appear in this video by order are:
• I Hate Myself and Want to Die - Nirvana
• Moist Vagina (MV) - Nirvana
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crusherthedoctor · 2 months
Thinking of secondary video media rep of him
AoStH Robotnik: Goat. Very involved, very entertaining, very memorable.
Satam: Has 4 uvulas for some reason. Besides good VA, just sits. Fucker can't make his own robot army
OVA: Fun, but the film overly hyped Metal to where he's overshadowed. Plot contrivances in later half of Metal Robotnik so he loses notwithstanding
Underground: Underwhelming VA, but he at least tries. Bad animation aside
X Eggman: Is a roulette wheel on whether he's on point of not giving a fuck and wrecking shit, or severely hapless and disappointing or oddly remorseful. No, 4Kids didn't fuck him up in the Dark Sonic ep, that's on the OG writers too. But look at this delicious banana~
Boom: Not him. At least he's classed as not him legitimately
Prime: Bitch, where? What do you mean we have 5 Gru rejects?
I wouldn't call OVA Eggman overshadowed. Metal Sonic may get a lot of the limelight, but he was still created by the doctor, and unlike Heroes, he didn't go rogue, so Eggy's still the puppetmaster. Plus we still got classic lines like PAIN IN MAH EGGGG.
Otherwise, this mirrors my stance on each of them. X Eggman had some concerning moments in season 1, but they were fewer and farther compared to seasons 2 and 3, where they went into overdrive.
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egg-emperor · 5 months
Here are all the Eggman related things that arrived here in time for Eggsmas!
My biggest and favorite, THE DEATH EGG WITH EGG HEART!!! This is so fucking cool and I love how they went with modern Egg and the Egg Heart because I love Sonic 4 ep 1 and 2. And finally having the Death Egg in merch form at last is epic 🥰
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Eggman and Knuckles Comic Ons! They're 3D on one side and flat on the other to stick to the wall and look super cool!
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EGGMAN GUN!!! Some of the others also had Eggman on the decal but this is the Xshot called "Robotnik" and features him most heavily!
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Goo Jit Zu Eggman (and Tails)! They're funny and cute and squishy and stretchy. For some reason the Eggman has a lot of stick to him and can stick to walls but Tails can't lol
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Mr. Dr. Eggman! Yeah I know, I wasn't planning on getting him because I'm not the biggest fan of him but he's Eggman related and if I close my eyes I can imagine he's him XD The size and articulation is really cool though, I'm jealous that Jakks gave him more articulation and is bigger than their modern Eggman figure
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A Sonic magazine that has some Eggman related games and stickers inside! This really takes me back ten years to the last Sonic mag I got, even the toys that come with it that I've posted in another post are similar. There's something really cool in this one that I HAVE to show, I'll definitely show the contents soon
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I'll definitely take better photos of these in time! And also the other couple of Eggman related things that have yet to arrive. Really happy with the stuff I got! 💜🥚
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ianduncankinnie · 6 months
So the new stupendium song about the theorist channels has MV made by editor Ty of the theorists. And ho boy there's so many Easter eggs bro makes it look like it's April.
Here are the ones I could find purely by looking.
1) Count Bleck reference from the Luigi Brainwashed ep
I won't lie I didn't not expect to see him so when I saw this man in literally the first 30 seconds of this vid I knew I was gonna be busy going frame by frame on each part of the vid
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2) Allay, Bees, Pigs, An Enderman and An Illager From the Minecraft Lore series
This one was kinda obvious but I liked it regardless but I can't remember the significance of bees here for some reason
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3) The Bendy Posters + Stupendium reference
There's a bendy, Boris and Alice angel poster and I think they're signalling to the first ever bendy theory but I don't really know. Also in a blink and you'll miss it moment there's a frame before the jumpscare where the film playing changes into the words "stupendously stupid" which I really like ngl.
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4) Garten Of BanBan Missing Chapter Theory + Editing Dungeon mention
In the lyrics stupendium mentions about missing pieces and in the visuals it refers to the fifth chapter of Garten Of BanBan in which the sixth chapter is advertised as the next part rather than the fifth. Also I love the little insult to BanBan as a series purely made to sell merch like girl- And I absolutely love this Easter Egg so much omg it's the editing dungeon!!!! The editors being called dungeon dwellers with Head D̶u̶n̶g̶e̶o̶n̶ ̶D̶w̶e̶l̶l̶e̶r̶ Editor Dan in red with 2 Asset Allies and THE ALL POWERFUL WAVEFORM WIZARD YOSI. Also the console is the ts4 which is peak .
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5) Stupendium solving the Tom Nook Theory in the background
I don't have anything to say other than it's very cute.
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The creators of Hello Neighbor constantly tagging matpat, Matpat react, I KILLED THEM?ooc, THERE'S A PHONY BETWIXT YALL, pimp!pat, THEORY THEORY, #BLAMEJASON, every child is the crying child and whatever that pic is.
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7) Stupendium as a GT Thumbnail
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8) Sonic's Speed
The antithesis to Mario's height.
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9) Frogger Dissection with cute mysteries in the bg
First off, The Super Mario Maker is infinite theory on the whiteboard. Mr. Tomato on the shelf alongside with a maxim tomato from the time they tried to theorize Kirby
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And I'll have to end here rn cuz there's a ten images per post limit on Tumblr
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borrelia · 5 months
batch 3 summary.
ep 1: cool fight scene. plot advances.
ep 2: sonic fights the same 3 birds for a very long time. all the characters finally team up.
ep 3: half the ep is spent fighting birds again, but this time with everyone. at the very end, sonic decides to actually advance the plot.
ep 4: fight scene
ep 5: fight scene.
ep 6: fight scene
ep 7: THE PLOT.
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LITA Ep. 4 Rewatch Thoughts Pt. 2
Part 1 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6
I see you being a GIANT SOFTIE Phayu, nice try
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Rain looks so smug in this sequence, as he should be. Also appreciate the positive reinforcement Rain provides with his compliments
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I love Phayu's side-profile right here! The reddish-brown tint of his hair is apparent and pretty, and it's just a nice shot all around. P' Saifah walks in and calls him a meanie, to which Phayu replies "don't piss me off." Look at poor Phayu being all grumpy bc he couldn't tease his Rain more.
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P' Saifah, the voice of reason, reminds Phayu that while it's good that Phayu is worried about Rain losing focus, he shouldn't be too mean or Rain will run away.
Sidenote: P' Saifah, I don't think you'll get through if you're "straight" with him, just saying...
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Ok I LOVE this sequence because yet again, we have Phayu having full faith in Rain's abilities AND confidence in his feelings as well as Rain's reciprocation of them. We stan one confident king <3 I also love the upbeat, kinda jazzy background music here - it makes me think of the word whimsical for some reason, except the point being made here is that neither Phayu nor Rain are acting on a whim. Weird mental contrast...
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And then P' Saifah summarizes the whole PhayuRain situation for us in one sentence with a necessary addendum:
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And then we cut to Rain taking his work seriously while my other son, Sig tells us about his atrocious hygiene habits
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I love how even while showing us that Rain's working hard, we're also made aware that he's prioritizing his time with Phayu too. Yay work-love balance!
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Only someone with the brilliance of Sig's single braincell could come up with a nickname like Cloud Jizz for Rain. Unparalleled and highly perceptive
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Poor Sky, being responsible for 3 grown children on the daily
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Then we cut to the next day, after everyone has turned in their homework. Ple invites Rain out for food together, and Rain's face goes through the funniest sequence of expressions as he tries to figure out a way to get out of it bc he planned for this time to be spent parading in front of Phayu dammit! He ultimately fails though and presumably goes to eat with her.
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Ok folks, here begins Phayu's complete and utter descent into ruination courtesy of Rain. We know Phayu is attracted to Rain from the beginning, but to me, this is when we really get to see what that means.
But first, Rain what is this sleeping posture? How are you breathing with your windpipe nearly smushed like that? Also how is your tummy not cold? Are your feet getting any blood circulation? Seduction should not come at the cost of safety
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Then we get Phayu coming in wearing yellow and blue, a color combination I never thought I'd see on someone who wasn't Sonic the Hedgehog, wearing a fuzzy soft smile
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This is honestly just a really good angle for Boss. Petition for over 50% of shots to be taken of this particular angle. Also there's something so sweet about Phayu helping Rain out with this little task - this scene makes me feel so warm. Loving the trend of backlighting with bi-colors every time they're in this room!
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Part 1 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6
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