#someone wanna buy me a sammich?
hewwocopter · 1 year
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Pokémon Scarlet and Violet? More like Pokémon Subway and Violet
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mtnkat3 · 1 year
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3.56pm. I am back at the house my loves.....
I swear I have never met someone who can eat like a hog at a food trough then demand to sit there for +1hrs. Then complain too much time spent at the grocery store. Especially when not buying "food." But Rx, milk, water, & tortilla chips. Jimney cripes!!!
Me, I go run errands & get something to eat on the way home. I will go into a place to order food, but I rarely sit down & eat. Wastes too much of my time. Or. Makes sure I have "fixin's" for meals. Sammiches, salads, steaks, casseroles, etc.. just me.
Now back to work because hog has me so frustrated I wanna ring his neck & hit him upside the head with a fryin pan!! Argh!
Time to cut off goliaths head!!!
I am! Yours . . . . . dang it!!!!!
~TkP. 🤬😤🤯
Th.12.29.2022 4.07pm
it was supposed to be quick. 🙄🤨🤔🤥🤦‍♀️🤷‍♀️
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skin-slave · 3 years
Do you buy a friend's nsfw content and say hi? Is that weird? Does it make things weird? Is it better or worse to not say anything, and just hope they don't know it's you, so they don't feel weird? Is that worse? If they found out, would it be weird? Do most ppl find it weird to buy nsfw from friends? Does it depend on the material? Like, vanilla panty shots are all in good fun, but special request kink is no bueno? Do you ask whether it's weird for that individual friend? Does asking make it weird? Is the whole thing too weird? Should it just be avoided?
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citrusveins · 4 years
50 Questions You’ve Never Been Asked
Tagged by the magnificent @baqukou~ I just love talking about myself.
1. What is the color of your hairbrush?: BLACK.
2. Name a food you never eat?: I wanna say tomatoes, but I guess I technically eat them in sauces. But if them bad boys be sliced up on a sammich, I say good day.
3. Are you typically too warm or too cold?: TOO WARM.
4. What were you doing 45 minutes ago?: Playing RDR2 🤠
5. What is your favorite candy bar?: KitKats
6. Have you ever been to a professional sports event?: Yeah, a few hockey games.
7. What is the last thing you said out loud?: I’m singing a song rn soooo lyrics.
8. What is your favorite ice cream?: If I can get a chocolate raspberry thing going on, I am pleased as punch. But birthday cake or coconut is also top.
9. What was the last thing you had to drink?: Cream soda!
10. Do you like your wallet?: Yep. It’s IT related.
11. What was the last thing you ate?: Salad with some chicken.
12. Did you buy any new clothes last weekend?: NO. I am desperate need to go shopping.
13. The last sporting event you watched?: Probably... hockey... from a long time ago.
14. What is your favorite flavor of popcorn?: I love that salty shit from the theaters or caramel corn. OR OMG CHICAGO MIX. (@baqukou I don’t think I’ve met a person who doesn’t like popcorn! Not that you’re not allowed to not like it baha 🤷)
15. Who is the last person you sent a text message to?: My sister.
16. Ever go camping?: Not for a few years now, but I’ve been!
17. Do you take vitamins?: Nah.
18. Do you go to church every Sunday?: Haaaaaaaa. I’ve literally never been to church.
19. Do you have a tan?: I am white as all hell, my brotha.
20. Do you prefer Chinese food or pizza?: Don’t make me choooosssee. I love pizza though.
21. Do you drink your soda with a straw?: I prefer to if there’s ice in a glass simply because the ice bumps against my teeth and it makes this horrid slurping sound because apparently I don’t know how to drink like a human.
22. What color socks do you usually wear?: White.
23. Do you ever drive above the speed limit?: Only a wee bit sometimes, but I’m pretty good. Got pulled over once and my anxiety says “No thanks” to letting that happen again.
24. What terrifies you?: Doctors.
25. Look to your left, what do you see?: Lilacs I picked~
26. What chore do you hate?: DISHES.
27. What do you think of when you hear an Australian accent?: Australia? haha
28. What’s your favorite soda?: Rootbeer. Or Vanilla Coke just because it’s only out sometimes in Canada :’(
29. Do you go in a fast food place or just hit the drive-thrus?: I love me some drive-thrus.
30. Who’s the last person you talked to?: My sister.
31. Favorite cut of beef?: Hahah legit like steak? I... I don’t know. Shit that’s not fatty? I hope this isn’t some hip young kid innuendo I’m too old for.
32. Last song you listened to?: Candles - Daughter
33. Last book you read?: I’ll be Gone in the Dark by Michelle McNamara
34. Favorite day of the week?: Saturdaaaayyyy
35. Can you say the alphabet backwards?: Not without severe complications.
36. How do you like your coffee?: Iced baybee
37. Favorite pair of shoes?: My zombie heels I never wear.
38. The time you normally go to sleep?: I prefer 3am but WORK likes to RUIN that. So typically it’s 11 or 12.
39. The time you normally get up?: I prefer 10-11, but again, WORK. So usually it’s 6:55.
40. What do you prefer, sunrise or sunsets?: Sunrises because I am rarely up that early so when I get to see them it’s in that weird “I haven’t slept yet and should’ve done so hours ago” stage and it’s all dreamy and calm and magical.
41. How many blankets on your bed?: Two~
42. Describe your kitchen plates: White with black flowers.
43. Do you have a favorite alcoholic beverage?: I love margaritas and long island iced teas. Or really if a drink is blended, I’m down.
44. Do you play cards?: Go Fish?
45. What color is your car?: Grey-ish?
46. Can you change a tire?: I’ve been shown once before so I think I could figure it out with some difficulty.
47. Your favorite province?: We like... We like talking Canada here? I love my BC, but it’s expensive as shiiiiittttt.
48. Favorite job you’ve ever had?: Working at the piercing jewellery kiosk at a mall.
49. How did you get your biggest scar?: It was from when I fell out of the tub as a kid and scraped my knee on some mangled metal sticking up from a bolt on the toilet.
50. What did you do today that made someone else happy?: I drew a dumb drawing for my co-worker that she was surprised with in the morning.
YO. I tag @todokiis @gummyconcrete @milkofthewildpoppy @quirkle2 @arcticgraham ONLY if you all wanna ramble about yourselves. AND OF COURSE, anyone else. Don’t be shy. I steal tag games all the time.
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justmilah · 4 years
I had a dream that a group of friends and I went to this restaurant where we had to wait in line with trays kind of like in school. They had really good waffle fries so we were gonna get one each and then split one, which at first they were gonna get one for themselves and split the third with me and I was like ‘nah I wanna get myself a waffle fry, too.’ But I also wanted a burger, but a chicken bacon avacado thing I’d had at Wendy’s before. 
It was about my turn and a bunch of people just cut on in front of me, separating me from my friends and that was the last I saw of them. And the guy taking orders from everyone is Kev from Shameless, only he’s kind of not nice. When its  my turn I try to order but he can’t hear me, so he shouts over the stove the third time telling me it’s getting ‘really fucking annoying’ that he can’t hear me, and I guess even in my dreams I’m not loud with my vocalness. 
So, as someone who wants to curl up in a ball and die at even a polite hint I’m being annoying, I take a pen from him to write down my order instead. I’m so upset that when I bump into Goon Number One and he stands in a threatening manner with a knife I snap ‘I SAID I WAS SORRY!’ and storm off. Only the paper I found has weird lines and they’re the same thick blue as the ink of my pen, and my words aren’t standing out at all, so I finally forgo my dreams of a chicken avocado bacon sammich thingy and instead tell him I just want waffle fries and some onion rings. 
So he rings me up and pulls out a bunch of other bags, and it turns out my friends left me in charge of buying their stuff, too, even though they left me there and I haven’t heard from them since, and it turns out to be $77. Only then do i remember I left my wallet in the house of Rumplestiltskin’s sister, Rose Gold (even my sleeping brain makes gloriously bad puns...) and I’m trying to figure out how to get there and back fast enough without making things even MORE inconvenient for Kev than I already have. 
Only I don’t get the chance to because as I’m rifling through my pockets he announces to the restaurant that my finale will once again be crap. I stare at him, feelings all hurt, because while I can’t place what he’s talking about exactly I know I worked on it hard, and he just told EVERYONE it would suck, so I just left without my waffle fries, my onions rings, or paying for any of it.
Then I woke up really mad at Kev, and it sucks, because he’s my favorite on the show and he’s the one that yelled at me.
I think I might have roleplay related anxiety. Or writing anxiety. Or heck, Milah Blog anxiety. I don’t even know. But either way, now i really want waffle fries even though I’m too upset to eat them.
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thelegendarymousie · 7 years
25 Random Facts About Me
In honor of surpassing 100 followers, here’s 25 random facts about me!! (I decided on 25 because I didn’t want to bore people too much with all 100 like someone suggested)
1) I am EXTREMELY ticklish. Especially around my neck. If you even just poke me there, I will flip shit.😬
2) I’m from a family of witches! Seriously, it’s a part of my family’s culture. We’ve got old spell books and special candles and stuff. It’s pretty cool🌝⚡️
3) I’m a natural ginger😘 (I’m very Irish so…) I’ve got the copper top hair, pasty white skin, and freckles all over!
4) I’m pansexual💗💛💙 (means that I am sexually and romantically attracted to people of any and all genders)
5) I am a huge theatre nerd. I’ve been singing all my life and I plan on being an actress one day. Plus I wanna make movies too.💃🏻
6) My eyes change color almost every day. Some days they’re green, some days they’re hazel, some days they’re even blue! I don’t know why, but I’m convinced it’s because of the witchy thing😏
7) I am a certified makeup artist💋💄 I love makeup so much! It’s such a lovely way of expression. I like to think of it as painting, but the canvas is your face and the paints are the makeup.
8) I have the biggest crush on James Deen (yes, the pornstar). He’s so attractive and such a passionate lover. 😍
9) I can’t even look at bull terriers. Don’t get me wrong, they’re adorable dogs, but they make me automatically burst into tears. (They’re the breed Frankenweenie is, and that movie make me cry from a young age)😭
10) I have always been very short and tiny. I’m only 4'9" and I’ve stopped growing, so there’s no hope for me☹️ But I love being petite! Us short gals are adorable!
11) I’ve suffered from anxiety and severe depression for most of my life. However, I’ve been going to therapy and taking antidepressants and anti anxiety pills, so I hope to go down a better path!💙
12) I have Trypophobia (fear of holes and hole-y things). 🤢DO NOT LOOK IT UP ITS TERRIFYING. I physically cringe and freak out when I see or touch something with holes. (Ex: sponges, honey combs, vesicular rocks, etc.)
13) I’ve always wanted to have kids. However, due to a medical condition it will be impossible for me to produce a living, health baby. So I will happily adopt when the time comes😊
14) I pronounce the word bagel (bag-el, not bay-gul), pillow (pellow), and sandwich (sammich).😬
15) I’ve never tried any drugs or alcohol, and I never plan to. Not because of religion, but because it’s been a problem in my family and I’ve seen how it can completely destroy someone. 🚫So stay safe and stay away from drugs kids!!
16) I’ve never been on an airplane.✈️ Whenever we go on vacation (which tbh isn’t a lot, but still always so fun) we always drive no matter how far.
17) I have a serious problem with collecting mugs. ☕️Everywhere I go, I need to buy at least three. My mom has limited me to how many I can buy when we go out though! Hehehe
18) I’m extremely shy when you first meet me, but once I start talking with you a while I am very friendly. I’m still probably the most introverted quiet person you’ll ever meet, but I really love people. (Can you feel my struggle?😂)
19) Despite having a fear of food and eating (due to medical issues), I really love to cook and bake.🍳 I just struggle actually eating it once I make it…
20) My favorite video game will always be The Elder Scrolls: Oblivion. It’s just so amazing and the story is fantastic😍 Lucien Lachance and Martin Septim tho too👌🏻👌🏻
21) As a kid, I used to collect snails and slugs from my family’s garden and sneak them inside. I would keep them in a plastic box in my room and feed them and everything. It actually lasted a year before my mom would it and threw all of them out. I still miss them😭
22) I once accidentally hung out with a Sugar Daddy at a Soup Festival. He didn’t seem that old so it didn’t even occur to me what happened until my mom explained. So I was just talking to him and he wanted to buy me a bowl of soup and I was like heck yeah free soup. But then he asked for a picture with me and I was like heck why not everyone’s taking Instagram pics. And then before ya know it he slipped me two hundred dollar bills and I was like WAIT WHAT DUDE NO WHY and then he left and my mom just laughed. I can be quite clueless sometimes😬
23) I once met the actors of SNL and they all commented on how tiny I was. It was pretty funny😂
24) Although I’ve played Legend of Zelda games all my life, I’m ashamed to say I’ve never actually completed one😥
25) And lastly, I used to run around my local library naked when I was a young child. I would go in wearing a full set of clothes, strip down, then put my sneakers back on without socks. I was a very strange child.😝
Well I hope you all enjoyed the 25 Random Facts about me! Some were very weird, some very personal. But I want us to get to know each other better!
So, if you want to tell me something about yourself or you want to know more about me, I’m always open to chat! Just send me an ask!😚 Love you guys! Have a nice day!
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kitten-kutthroat · 7 years
Warning. Rant.
First off, for all my newer followers, because I've blown up this past week for some reason, I stray from having real life friends on tumblr, this is my one social media away from everyone I know so it's more like a personal diary. Sorry for boring you. I find myself more educated these days. It all started in middle school when my older brother showed me some neko anime and I fell in love. I wore cat ears and colored tights everyday to school, eventually finding out that it wasn't just an animated lifestyle. In about 8 or 9 grade I had a friend send me links to tail plugs as a joke, for them at least, but I became very interested and once linked in, I found a whole new world of petplay, kittenplay more pertaining to me. Since then I have read article upon article of care and anxiety, love and relationships revolving around ddlg and petplay. And all these years I've struggled to express myself or bring myself to tell anyone about it at all. And now that I have a job I'm able to buy ears and collars and tails and life is wonderful! But now, as I age, although more able to cope with my anxiety and depression, I find myself wanting a daddy figure. Not just a regular boyfriend but someone who can tend to my needs as a daddy. I want a daddy to order my food. To fix my hair. To tie my shoe. To tuck me in at night. To be okay with my hard nights. To help me put my clothes on. To give me forehead kissies. To buy me stuffies. To give me rules. To give me punishments. To draw my bath. To pet me. To call me his good girl. To make silly faces with me. To hang up my coloring pages. To tell me he's proud of me. To cut my sammiches in half. To let me put stickers on him. To have tea parties with me. To scare the monsters away. To surprise me with candy. To make sure I take care of myself. To brush my hair. To wash my hands. To hold me at night and make sure I don't cry anymore. But it's so hard, so damn hard to communicate all that. I just want to be your baby girl, your little kitten but it's all so new to me as well. Most of the time I'm shy and I don't wanna be like this anymore. I wanna be me. I wanna be comfortable with it all. I want to put my ears, collar and tail on and curl up in your lap while you play video games. I want to give you googly eyes and beg for a kiss. I want to be petted as we fall asleep together. And it feels so close yet so far. I'm usually always in kitten space when I'm home but it's really hard reaching it outside of home or with you there. I just want to be comfortable with myself and it's a battle. A battle I need you on my team in. I want a daddy. I want MY daddy. I feel like this doesn't even make sense. It just feels better scrambling out what my mind has to stay.
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