#someone please be my shiro i’m in need
autisticlancemcclain · 6 months
“Pass me the — thing.”
“The thing.”
“Yes. The one.”
Hunk’s amusement is evident. “Here’s the thing about capital-T Things, Pidge Podge.”
She makes a face. Ugh, not him too. The annoying nicknames Lance comes up with always seem to end up in other people’s vocabularies. It’s the worst. (They don’t even make sense, either. Her name comes from Pascha, her Hebrew name, because she was tiny even when she was a baby. And Matt is ridiculous. But Lance’s names come from nowhere!)
(…She supposes she’ll allow it, though. Occasionally. Because she’s the best ever, basically, and endlessly benevolent.)
“Things in concept are referential,” Hunk continues, snickering to himself as he dodged her blind kick. “Ergo, you need to reference them. Specifically. Outside of your own brain.”
She makes a noise of frustration, tilting her head in the direction of the scrap pile on Hunk’s work table. “The thing! Shiny! With the— blegh!” She is Focused right now, alright. There are Processes happening in her brain. Words are secondary.
“I’m just going to ignore you now.”
“No! The thing! The thing that looks like a dreidel!”
“There we go,” he says emphatically. She scowls at him. He grins brightly. She holds her glare for a whopping three seconds, which is frankly record-breaking, so. Point to her. “That’s a referential Thing.”
He scoops up the piece and tosses it at her. She catches it without looking (which is wicked cool and something she will subtly mention next time she watches Allura drop something) and sets it on the table top beside her, finishing up a tricky solder. Leaning back to admire her handiwork, which is, indeed, quite handy, her gaze keeps getting pulled to the little part.
“You know, it really does look like a dreidel.” She picks it up by the stem, flicking the little acorn-shaped object and watching it spin. It works like one, too.
Hunk hums. After a few moments, curious at the air newly lacking the sounds of her tinkering, he looks over at her. He purses his lips thoughtfully.
“…What day is it on Earth, do you think?”
Pidge shrugs. “We left in late May. Been a few months, at least.”
“Lance has a watch.”
“Course he does. ‘Cause he’s a big ol’ nerd geek loser.”
Hunk snorts. “Indeed.”
At the same time, without either of them having to say a word, they scramble to their feet, abandoning their projects and rushing out the workroom door.
“Pool?” Hunk asks.
“Nah, training room. He was in the pool this morning.”
Neither of them is particularly fast, but after months of Shiro’s training they can handle their own. They don’t, sprint, per se, because that would be embarrassing and Lance would be all dorky and pleased about it (can’t have that), but they…hustle. Hustle would be the right word. There’s some hastiness about, some purpose to their step.
As they run past the kitchen and finally turn down the corridor to get to the training room, a door opens on the left and someone walks out. Hunk grabs the back of Pidge’s sweater (totally not Keith’s grey hoodie that she stole) to keep her from crashing straight into them.
“Hey, Lance,” Hunk says, smiling brightly. “We were just looking for you!”
Lance, predictably, gets all dorky and pleased about it.
“Well, Lancey-Lance is at your service,” he preens, brushing fake dust off his shoulders. “Of course I am happy to offer my services to such —”
“Why’d you come outta Keith’s room?” Pidge interrupts, squinting.
She’s pretty sure that’s Keith’s room, anyway. The door on the left has a dent on it from when Lance tripped and brained himself on it in their first week of space.
Curiously — oh so curiously — Lance turns a violent shade of red and cringes with his whole entire body.
“Whaaat,” he says, voice cracking so many times she actually winces in reflective sympathy. He laughs nervously. “That’s not — I’m not — Keith isn’t —”
He opens his mouth, then closes it, then coughs, then doesn’t bother. Pidge can actually feel the heat pouring off of him, which is so humiliating that she almost decides to be merciful.
“Is Keith also in there?” she says instead, because fuck that.
Lance looks at the floor like he’s considering swan diving onto it. “What did you guys need me for again?” he asks, loudly.
Hunk, too soft from years of close proximity to Lance, takes pity. “We need your watch, dude. What day is it on Earth?”
Lance’s dark eyes go a bit sad, like they always do when someone mentions the E-word. But it’s gone before Pidge can so much as register it, really, and then he’s glancing down at his dork ass bright blue Moana watch and saying, “One twenty-six on December 7th.”
Pidge cheers. Hunk grins.
“Clear your schedule!” Pidge shouts, pumping her fists. “Hanukkah starts in a few hours!”
“Yeah!” Pidge says enthusiastically. Allura leans forward, intrigued — she loves stories from Earth. Anything from Earth fascinates her, really. “Thousands of years ago, Jews — my people culturally and religiously — had just freed themselves from the cruel rule of a kingdom that resided over them. They wanted to purify the Temple — that’s where practicing Jews go to pray — so they were burning holy oil. But there was only one bottle of sacred oil, which was upsetting, since that would only burn for one night. But miraculously, the oil kept burning for eight nights!”
Allura gasps. “But how?”
Pidge shrugs. “Religious Jews believe it was a miracle from God, who is our holy deity. Whether or not you’re religious though, Hanukkah is celebrated at the end of every year to commemorate Jewish resilience and hope. The oil is our physical way of celebrating, ‘cause it burned for eight days exactly — as long as it takes to make more oil.”
“And so we get to celebrate by eating delicious fried food,” Lance adds, fist-pumping. He grins at Pidge’s raised eyebrows. “My sister-in-law is Jewish, so my neice and nephew are too. We celebrate Hanukkah every year and it rocks.”
Pidge can feel her smile lighting up her body. There are bigger celebrations, and more religiously important ones, but Hanukkah is so much fun. She hasn’t celebrated in too long — it came and went last year before she even noticed, too wrapped up in finding her brother. And the year before that, her and Mom couldn’t…not without Dad and Matt. They couldn’t celebrate with just the two of them, they spent most evenings in their own rooms.
Shiro’s steady hand comes to rest on her shoulder, squeezing gently. She glances up to find him smiling sadly at her, leaning down to press a kiss to the top of her head.
“We’ll light a candle for each of them,” he murmurs into her hair. “Colleen, too.”
“Is that what’s done?” Coran inquires softly. “Candles lit, in remembrance?”
Pidge hums, leaning back into Shiro. He holds steady, hand staying fast on her shoulder. Keith flashes her one of his quick smiles, small and comforting.
“Yeah. Eight candles, in something called a menorah. One for each night, one for each intention.” She meets Coran’s eyes first, then Allura’s, her own expression determined. “We’ll light a candle for Altea, too.”
“I would like that,” whispers Allura, swallowing.
“I can make the menorah,” Hunk offers, “if you and Lance want to help. Lance has a good eye for design.”
Pidge takes a couple more moments in Shiro’s embrace, soaking up some of his strength. No one interrupts her. Once she feels like she can stand straight again, like her family is tucked neatly where they usually are in the centre of her heart rather than spilling out all over the place, she stands, patting Shiro’s hand as it falls away, and steps towards her friends.
“Yes, let’s do. We’ll need a few things, actually, to get ready. Keith, you think you can paint the right symbols on the dreidel if I describe them to you?”
He nods. “Yep. I’ll draw ‘em out first, it shouldn’t take long. I think I’ve seen them before, anyway.”
“Cool. Allura, Coran, you wanna put up some decorations? Lance can help you out.”
All three enthusiastically agree, rushing off to make do.
“Shiro —” She falters. “Uh, dude, maybe steer clear of the kitchen. Wanna help with the menorah since Lance is on decorations? Then Hunk’ll have more time to cook.”
Shiro pouts, as he always does when he’s teased about his cursed kitchen tendencies, but the twitch of his smile gives him away.
“I guess,” he laments. “I’m sure I could fry latkes without burning the castle down.”
Keith, Pidge, and Hunk shudder in unison.
“Yeah, right,” Keith says. “You remember when you set a pot of water on fire, Hazard Boy? Because I do.”
For people who have no idea what they’re doing, the decorations end up looking really nice.
Everything does, actually. By the time Lance’s watch hits six — the time they have all collectively decided will be sundown based on absolutely nothing — everything is prepped and ready to go. Keith got the characters down after a couple tries, and the dreidel looks like any other one Pidge has used before. Lance had, from what Pidge picked up from Allura’s grumbling, channeled his inner festivity dictator to ensure all decorations were as lovely as possible with their limited materials. Of course the menorah Hunk and Pidge created looks beautifully intricate, one of the more gorgeous things Pidge has ever seen even with all the wonky mismatched candles.
“Okay,” Hunk says, clapping his hands together. “If you guys want to set up the table, Lance and I will be finished plating the food shortly. I dunno about you guys, but I’ve been smelling fried food for a couple hours now, and I need to eat.”
“Please,” Pidge groans, because she’s been smelling it too and boy is Hunk ever a head chef.
Everyone rushes to get the table set as quickly as possible. Pidge makes sure to put Lance’s favourite cup (that he has a hissy fit if anyone else so much as looks at, even though it is practically identical to ever other cup except one tiny chip one the bottom that he loves for some reason) next to the chair closest to the door, where Keith always sits, because she has not forgotten the Earlier Incident. If all goes well then something embarrassing will happen for her to witness, which is all she can ask for, really.
“Can someone who is not Allura come help me bring food over?” Hunk calls from the kitchen as Pidge places the last fork. “No offense, Princess, but I watched you and Lance walk into the same door this morning and I’d rather our hard work not end up splatted and inedible on the floor.”
“Offense taken,” says Allura darkly, and Lance’ whining echoes all the way to where they’re standing.
Keith meets Pidge’s eye and snickers.
“I got it, Hunk,” he calls, jogging over to them.
“Absolutely not!” Lance screeches. “There is no way I will allow Mullet to be entrusted with something I am not allowed to —”
He cuts himself off with a loud shriek. Whether Keith finally pinched him quiet or Lance is just shrieking for drama’s sake Pidge will never know, but moments later the red paladin is striding out of the kitchen, heaping bowl in one hand, batting Lance away with the other.
“If you drop that I’ll kill you both,” Hunk promises, setting the heaping plate he’s holding down on the table.
Thankfully, nothing gets dropped (although does it ever come close). Everyone is accounted for and seated and nothing has gone to waste, and Pidge’s stomach is growling.
“Got a little bit of everything,” Hunk says. “Classic latkes, kugel, and sufganiyot. And you mentioned the zippoli and arancini your Nonna used to make, Pidge, so I made some of that too. And Lance made lots of masitas and plátanos.”
“Hope that’s okay,” Lance says, face kind of scrunched. “I know it’s not traditional, but we had it on Hanukkah, and I thought —”
Pidge grins at him. “Looks great, man.”
Everyone takes turns passing food around and loading up their plate. Pidge takes four zippoli. She regrets nothing. She has had none in several years and this looks perfect.
Before anyone starts, all eyes turn to Pidge, so she squeezes her eyes shut and remembers her mother’s blessing: “Barukh ata Adonai Eloheinu melekh ha’olam shehakol niyah bidvaro.” She opens her eyes again. “Dig in, everybody.”
No one needs to be told twice. For a while the castle is even shockingly silent, everyone too busy shoving their faces. Keith chokes on latke. Shiro laughs at him until the red on his face is from more than a lack of oxygen.
“I love human food,” gushes Allura, inhaling more plátanos. “You guys got to eat like this every day?”
“Unless you lived with someone who regular fucks up ramen noodles,” Keith says pointedly, dodging Shiro’s under-the-table-kick.
“I think Numbers Two and Three might just be talented in the kitchen,” Coran responds. Both Hunk and Lance beam at the praise.
After dinner — and lordy it does not take long to polish it off — they clear the plates away, tidying up the table, as Pidge sets out the menorah. She carefully sets out the candles they have gathered, arranging and re-arranging the order. When she’s satisfied, she picks up the smallest candle, thin green stripes running up its sides, and places it in the space at the far right. She picks up the shamash — choosing the thickest and tallest one — and accepts the lighter Keith offers her. Once it is flaming, she holds it outwards, and begins to softly recite the blessings she memorized so long ago:
“Baruch atah, Adonai Eloheinu, Melech haolam, asher kid’shanu b’mitzvotav v’tsivanu l’hadlik ner shel Hanukkah. Baruch atah, Adonai Eloheinu, Melech haolam, she-asah nisim laavoteinu v’imoteinu bayamim hahaeim baz’man hazeh. Baruch atah, Adonai Eloheinu, Melech haolam, shehecheyanu v'kiy'manu v'higiyanu laz'man hazeh.”
She says the words slowly, carefully, allowing herself to feel the shape of them on her tongue. They are familiar. They are heavy. They get caught in her throat, tangled, and stay there until tears begin to trickle down her cheeks, softening the way out. Her voice shakes, but she feels her own strength spreading through her like the heat of the shamesh candle.
“Make it home to me, Matt,” she whispers, as she lights the first candle.
“Okay, there is no fucking way.”
Pidge cackles at Keith’s indignant protest, accepting Lance’s sharp high-five and dragging in the entire pot of tokens again.
The two of them are absolutely fucking killing it. Their token piles are high. Keith has had to begrudgingly ask Lance for a loan no less than six times. Everyone else is dangerously low, except for Coran, who’s doing alright.
Pidge thinks this is righteous. As the two youngest, she and Lance should be winning by birthright, basically.
“Suck it, Kogane,” she says gleefully. She flicks a token at him. “Take some charity.”
Keith scowls at her, but takes the token because he is too broke not to. It is greatly amusing.
Ha! Loser.
The game shouldn’t last as long as it does, but somehow it keeps going for hours. Pidge suspects Shiro has several dozen tokens up his sleeve and is cheating. Allura may also be using alchemy to make more tokens appear. Either way, Pidge and Lance’s hordes are steadily increasing, and the menorah has long since been blown out, and the food has settled in everyone’s stomach, and Pidge’s head keeps drooping.
“Think it’s just you and me, Pidge-Podge,” Lance says softly. Someone tucks her hair behind her ear, she’s not sure who. Her eyes might be closed. “What say you we call it a tie, huh?”
“There’s no tie in dreidel,” she argues. “We gotta finish.”
“I’m thinking we play again tomorrow,” Coran suggests. “I’m sure when you’re fully awake you can destroy Number Four much more efficiently.”
“Hey,” says Number Four in question, indignantly.
Pidge manages a smile. Keith sticks his tongue out back at her, and the next thing she knows there are arms around her waist and she’s airborne. She buries her face in a strong shoulder and pretends, secretly, it’s her father, even though she knows it’s not.
“Say goodnight, dork,” whispers Shiro. He pauses, adjusting slightly. “Oof.”
“You’re getting old,” says Keith gleefully.
“Respect your elders,” hisses Lance, accompanied by a swift punch to Keith’s shoulder.
“Ow!” Keith complains, but interestingly he only pouts at Lance instead of maiming him. “It’s Shiro! He’s not even an elder, he’s six! You —”
“Goodnight, Pidge,” say Hunk and Allura, loudly.
Pidge smiles. Her voice is half-buried in Shiro’s shirt. “Night.”
She doesn’t remember the walk to her room, but she feels it when she’s laid down, when blankets are fluffed over her and a kiss is pressed to her forehead.
“Sleep well, Katie,” whispers a voice, and the cool metal of the fingers brushing her hair are soothing. “Love you, kiddo. Happy Hanukkah.”
She falls asleep the the click of her door closing and a warmth burning hot in her heart.
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Our Farmer OCs as a vines because my brain go brrrrr again (sorry if I missed someone)
Bella (@ivquatro): "I wanna be a cowboy, baby!"
Ziana (@nimillaarts): "Are you a lost possum? Do you want a car?"
Marley (@mmarggsstuff): "Two bros, chillin' in a hot tub, five feet apart cuz they're not gay!" (When Isaac and Lance in the hot tub 😂)
Eris (@lavendel081): "Can I get a waffle? Can I PLEASE get a waffle?"
Zeke (@theambivalentagender): "Get to Del Taco. They got a new thing called freesha… free… freeshavaca-do."
Bo (@boinurmom13): "I love you bitch, I ain’t never gonna stop loving you, biiiiiitch."
Miranda (@amishasp): "I didn’t get no sleep cause of y’all, y’all not gone get no sleep cause of me!"
Wren (@girls4zelda): "You spilled - whaghwhha - lipstick in my Valentino White bag?!"
Elisa (@elisa6102): "Welcome to Pizza Hut. Let me guess - pizza?" *dies*
Lucy (@doggoneaway): "So I'm sitting there, barbecue sauce on my tiddies."
May (@poxy-domain): "Let's do the fork in the garbage disposal! DING DING DING DING DING DING!"
Hestia (@g0atmama): "People say I can't do what I love without college. I don't need no degree to be a clothing hanger!"
Thad (@reallyghostlypost): "This bitch empty! YEET!"
Rain (@silly-farmer): "AHH! Staaaahp! I coulda dropped mah croissant!"
Myra (@seharuuchan): "Look at all those chickens!"
Skylar (@justashamwithwastedpotential): "I'M A GIRAFFE!"
Shiro (@shirokumav3): "Road work ahead? Uh yeah, I sure hope it does."
Fawn (@ieatsmallorphansnamedtom): "It’s a avocadooo…thanks!"
Josephine (@jazhand): "I'm in my mom's car. Broom broom."
Willow (@vilochkaaa): "Hi, welcome to Chili’s."
Julian (my OC): "Oh hi, thanks for checking in I’m still a piece of garbage."
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zhongrin · 8 months
ー and that's a wrap!!!
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note: this is a thank-you post and i’ll be posting an ‘explanation’ post after this, just give me some time to compile all the information <3
so. obviously i just have to do this because man. that was a whole ride hahahah thank you so so so so so SO MUCH to people who participated actively in the ebg???? i am????? not worthy??????? lsjdkfjskldf
special mentions to: (ps. please check them out; these are all wonderful, talented writers. be sure to read their rules first, though!!!)
@kurikurikurisu / @risustravelogue thank you for putting up with my insanity throughout this event…. and for being the first to bring in their hubby to sneak around the teahouse! lol smart move!! i’m guessing you’ll bring your other hubby next time for the fun of it and i am. looking forward to it already hahahah also that morse code → vigenere cipher will haunt my nightmares now thanks- /silly
@crystalflygeo you precious precious gem. i am still wheezing at that meme you sent me. here’s to hoping the next time crys visits the teahouse it doesn’t smell like sea salt and frost anymore heh ;)) also fontaine tea time double date when? <3
@floraldresvi thank you for being the source of romance this ebg lol tartarin is a sinking ship so everyone better hop in to covivi!! all jokes aside, i love writing your interactions with coviello so much (and based on the comments everyone else seems to enjoy it too hahahah) i 🚢!!!!!
@silentmoths MOTH!!! YOUR WINGS 😭 will drinking tea make it grow back??? i offer the finest silk for you to munch on after this hsdlfjskdf anyway, be it the last ebg or this one, i love seeing the little moth flying about in the teahouse hehe <3
@ainescribe / @lychniis i hate (read: love) you. why did you have to bring back the nightmarish cipher into this smh /j anyway…. another event to be recorded in the record keeper’s books, eh? i hope you enjoyed this ebg too <3
@queen-belial you madlad /pos. the way you write ousldjflshdjflksd i feel a little bad i can only respond with small snippets because man. those are. yummy yummy meals you were dishing out there!!! capitano is coming for childe’s ass atp that ginger better watch out lmaoooo
@abyssmal-skies tysm for granting me the opportunities to up the creepy factor lol i’m glad you managed to piece together what happened!! looking forward if you ever decide on joining an ebg next time :3
@the-travelling-witch HOLLYYYYYY. thank you for letting me 'borrow' your husband and allowing me to make him a little... uhh... #deranged lol. honestly you’re one of the reasons why i went “ok so…. only my blog needs to simp for childe. i don’t…. time to make someone else ‘run’ the blog…. >:)” because for lord’s sake i am very much not attracted to him and i just. can’t. do. it. #chilly4ever #chillyno1
@leftdestiny-posts / @intothegenshinworld that letter almost took me out ngl i am. i am still crying and sobbing over it hsldfjskldjflksdf PLEASE. also shiro protection squad &lt;;3 *silently wipes bloodied hand on a tea towel*
@kopidense / @ask-court-genshin heyyyy fellow murder accomplice (for legal reasons, disclaimer: this does not involve any real human bodies whatsoever) 🙌🏻 thanks for dropping by!! also pls tell your two friends i said hi winkwink #truezhonglimainsstickstogether /silly
@navxry actually yk what no. no thanks for you, you gremlin /silly but thanks for the trauma i guess- /j
@i23kazu YING!!! thank you so so so so much for hosting this ebg! it has been super fun and i (and i’m sure everyone else thinks the same) really appreciate your effort in putting things together!!
and of course all of the other people who sent in asks, be in anon or non-anon, be it a silly ask or a sabotage attempt or a rp attempt — please know that i really really really appreciate each and every single one of you!!!
your participation means a lot and it’s the literal driving force behind my passion in constantly drawing and writing stuff whenever i have time these past 7 days. i haven’t written or drawn any content whatsoever in weeks. do you see the power you hold over us writers by sending in fics & silly stuff now?? i hope you do.
also, even if you didn’t participate at all, i appreciate you for still sticking with me despite having to deal with my silliness for past week 😌
sending you all my kithes /p and hugs and a cup of your preferred tea! <3
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windtooweem · 2 years
Voltron characters when your on your period
Female at birth reader but still They/Them reader
Romantic 💘
Tw! Blood, female anatomy, cussing, Violence, yelling, talking about reproduction, pads
A/n I will be calling Pidge by she/they pronouns so please don’t get confused when I call them both. Inspired by my own period. I didn’t do Shiro because I don’t really understand his character well
I’m always taking requests for this fandom! And many others!
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As a fellow female at birth as well they understand the pain of a period
Both of you rant about how shitty periods are
If someone says “Periods aren’t That painful” She will punch them with no hesitation
Their mom taught them that
Shiro did yell at her but it was worth it
Not very good at comforting you but good at getting Hunk to make comfort foods and her cuddling you
If you get angry at someone she will calm you down but will get them back later
If you get sad over a little thing she will awkwardly comfort you 
This will get her to start a project to still be to reproduce but without having to bleed every month and without being pregnant (God knows how much we need this)
“OH TALK ABOUT PAINFUL! DO YOU KNOW WHAT IT FEELS LIKE BEING IN AGONY EVERY MONTH BLEEDING WITHOUT DIEING! Did you know that a persons cramps on their period feels like a heart attack!”
☼ Keith 𐦐
This man is very uneducated about this stuff
I bet Shiro told him and I bet Shiro didn't explain correctly
When he saw your pad in the bathroom and saw the blood he thought you were dying
He is very awkward when you explain it but also gets red for the reason why you bleed
Hates seeing you in pain but doesn’t know what to do
Once you tell him what you need he goes off and gets it immediately
You have this man gripping on your finger
Still very confused about periods but gets the just
He finds it oddly attractive when you get mad about a little thing
“And that’s why we have periods. Any questions?”
You cannot tell me that this man dose not know what a period is
He is at your beck and call
This man fears you
Supports you but keeps his distance
His mom was scary on hers so he’s learned to fear a person on their period
When he found a pad in the bathroom he went to get everything that you need then kept his distance from you
When you get sad over something he comforts you but runs when your better
“Can you come here!”
“No! I’m good!”
He baby's you on your period
Will scream at you if you stand up for one second
Basically that grandma that wants you to eat more when your full
He makes sure your always comfy
Pillows, blankets, anything you need you got
When you get really angry he scoops you up in his arms
Big bear hugs
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pitconfirm · 1 month
20 Questions for Fic Writers
thank you for tagging @mars-mystic!! mwah 😽
1. How many works do you have on ao3
eight, two of which are anon teehee (but i think one is very obviously mine 😅)
2. What’s your total AO3 word count? 
60,694... soon to be over 70k 🙈
3. What fandoms do you write for?
im just here for lance nation..... writing about my pookie wookie
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
excluding my anon fics which are the actual #1 and #3...
1 - Gatito (the people yearn for kitty lance)
2 - Midas Touch
3 - Broken Glass (guys please someone else write more 141831 im begging....... i cannot be the only threesome in this tag)
4 - Venus Flytrap
5 - Kamikaze
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I love responding to comments.... i love every comment I respond to every comment unless it's just emojis or i have literally no idea how to respond 😭
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
I guess Kamikaze is my only fic with a kind of angsty ending... but not really. i don't like angsty endings 😭 i need problems to be solved. if i know a fic has an angsty ending i generally will not even touch it
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
im now realising that most of my fics on ao3 are just straight up porn..... i swear i am planning more substantial things in the future. but i guess my two tumblr drabbles have happy endings?? oh wait or Detonate.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
luckily i've never gotten any hate at all..... not even anon hate asks, i feel like im missing out. this is what I get for being kind and amazing 😔🫶
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
do i even need to answer this. every kind. almost.
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
not crossovers but there are like.... specific aus living in my mind that i want to write. hunger games au, dbh au.... beloveds.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
i hope not 🤨
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
no....... not yet 🤔
14. What’s your all-time favourite ship?
tbh I’ve read so many different fandoms and ships over the years but strollonso is the one I’ve been most feral about. or maybe arthur/eames from inception…..
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
I literally have zero wips right now except venus flytrap. the ideas in my brain have dried up like the sahara desert to work on this thing. once I’m finished we’ll see
16. What are your writing strengths?
I like to think I have good wit and flow. and maybe attention to detail… always thinking what more I can add to a scene to make it more palpable
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
I think just…. really terrible self criticism. a lot of the time I’m writing and I’m like… what if this sucks what if everyone hates this what if blah blah blah….. WHO CARES!!!!!! I wish I could be less worried about that
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
I will write a few words if I feel confident enough about them but not whole passages. I always have nando saying little bits in spanish
19. First fandom you wrote for?
TOOOO EMBARRASSING. I only ever wrote for one other fandom and I was 13 on wattpad and shudder every time I remember
20. Favourite fic you’ve written?
I guess it has to be venus flytrap for the pure amount of effort I’ve put in…. and because it’s definitely the most well written by farrrr. I cringe a little reading my other stuff now 😭 but I guess that’s just the nature of improving over time
NO idea who’s already done this so forgive me if I’m being a goof @lil-shiro @lou-who-writes @parallelplayers @boxboxbrioche @vicsy @userkritaaay and now my brain is firing blanks so sorry if I forgot any of my beautiful writer friends
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A glimpse into the future
The days to follow since the incident at the Field Day were a return to a status quo in a way. You easily slip back into that sense of normalcy with all your friends at school, partaking in the occasional Guild battle, and growing closer to a new cutie every now and again. It’s been about a month since you had that adventure with Tatsuya and Yui, but it isn’t the last time you’ve spoken to them. You manage to maintain reasonable contact with both, especially since the pair attend the same school as the jocks you’ve grown close with. It didn’t even take long to incorporate them into group activities- they just naturally fit. 
Things have been looking up for you- enjoying school life and all the freedoms of a student well before they’d be replaced with the cynicism of adulthood. Well, that’s how things WERE supposed to be. One afternoon on your way to the guildhouse…
“Man, I’m beat.” Kengo yawns as your group, sans Ryota and Toji who had taken a detour to pick up snacks, strolls back to the guildhouse for your usual guild meeting to discuss plans going forward- personal and otherwise. 
Shiro sighs in response to Kengo’s complaints. “If you weren’t busy staying up late playing video games you might’ve not fallen asleep in class today.”
“It’s not MY fault that the boss took me three hours to beat!” He whines. “And I swear it was gonna be the last thing I did that night.” 
“If only that could be applied to your studying…” Shiro laments. You do point out that since meeting with a tutor Kengo’s scores have been improving. “Fair enough. Speaking of, I noticed your grades have been on the rise as well.” You mention how with a certain someone’s tutoring you manage to boost your grade by a few points. Shiro smiles, taking pride that at least one of his peers is taking steps to improve their grades. 
Moritaka can’t help but let out a little laugh. “That’s splendid to hear,” the dog Therian says. “Perhaps one day you may even match Shiro’s intellect at the top of our class.” You ask if he really thinks so, and proceed to grow a bit enthusiastic at the idea of ranking in the top ten if nothing else. “Sure I do. I’ve seen how you apply yourself with a blade, so learning new subject material should be plenty within your wheelhouse.” You do remind him that knowing how to swing a sword around is one thing, but knowing when to do so in a fight is another thing entirely. “Also true.”
“I believe in my partner.” Kengo quips. “If they got anything going for them it’s their wits when under pressure.” You ponder aloud if that’s a good thing to have in your talent list. “Sure! Means you work great under pressure, right?”
Shiro blushes a bit at all the ideas that have been presented. You notice this and decide to tease him a bit about how the two of you could be a power couple in the academic field! This flusters him immensely. “P-Please try to be realistic here. While it makes for a nice daydream, do consider all the extra work you’d need to put in to actually match my grades. Plus a power couple would imply we’re… you know…” 
“As if they’d go for a dork like you!” Kengo declares with the widest grin on his face. “If I know my partner, then your chances are practically ze-” It’s at this moment Kengo made a grave mistake. Shiro quietly glares in his direction causing his childhood friend to freeze mid sentence. An unnatural chill washing over him as the bespectacled gaze locks him in place and throws daggers at him. Shiro isn’t using any sort of supernatural abilities, nor does he possess anything over Kengo except authority. “Ch-chill I was just teasing ya…” He nervously utters out. 
His gaze softens and becomes a more relaxed smile. “I’m relieved.” His tone isn’t out of relief, but more so along the lines of ‘you made the right choice’. Once the muscular friend lets out a sigh of relief you tell him that sadly… he had it coming to him.
“I agree,” Moritaka sighs. “You shouldn’t provoke your friend that way.”
“Aww, c’mon. I was only teasing- honest!” He whines once again. Chatter like this continues for a bit longer as you near the safehouse. All of it’s shaping up to be a good day.
But something’s amiss. Why’s Agyo standing outside of the safehouse? “Hey, yeah. That’s pretty weird.” Kengo comments. “Yo, Agyo!” He calls out suddenly. The small guardian perks up the moment he registers you’re home. 
“There you guys are-!” Agyo huffs out in relief. You ask if he’s alright since he seems to be in a bit of a panic. “I-I’m okay! It’s just um… there’s someone here to see you.” To see you? Who-
“So, you’ve finally arrived.” A deep and powerful voice declares to you. It sounds unfamiliar and when the owner of such a voice steps out you’re taken aback in astonishment. 
The individual towers over most of your peers, roughly 210 cm tall and packed to the brim with powerful muscles. His medium skin covered in blond hairs matching the spiked up hair atop his head. Said hair also had a lighter patch in the middle which looks more odd than anything else. The man is dressed in a form fitting tank top and orange athletic shorts along with mismatched black animal skin boots. The most distinct part about this man however, are his eyes- one yellow and green, looking right at you. For a brief moment an unfamiliar chill shudders down your back as he looks at you the way a predator gazes at its prey. 
Then, almost in an instant, his expression softens and gives way to a smile. “I’ve been anticipating this meeting, Guildmaster of the Summoners.” You wonder to yourself just who this stranger even is?
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Id just like to say that I love all of your demon slayer stories,it's so rare to have good stories about this,especially with a demon...so good job !👏
If it's not a bother could I request a demon slayer douma soft vore story with a reader who just wants to die(he can't feel pain, everyone hates and fears her,they often throw rocks at him and lure him into traps,(that's where douma comes in) and asks douma to kill him to put him out of his misery)
Idc if hes a demon or not,his name is Mashiro,known as Shiro,he has Long black hair and ice blue eyes,quite skinny and looks like he hasn't eaten in a while,very shy and quiet,but polite.
Id appreciate it if you did,but you don't need to,just a question...
(AAAaaHHHhhhh thank you!! I’m so glad that you love my stories! And yeah finding good demon slayer vore is really hard so I’m glad that I can supply it! I’m planning on writing a Rengoku x Giyuu vore fic from my AU so keep an eye out for that! Anyways, enjoy your fic!$
Bunny in a Snare
(A Douma Soft Vore Fanfic)
Warnings: abuse, suicidal thoughts and requests, and comfort vore
It happened again. Cruelty had chosen Mashiro once more as he was tightly constricted by a net made of wire. The wire dug into his skin, but he couldn’t care less. Mashiro couldn’t feel pain, not anymore.
Everyone acted like Mashiro was nothing more than vermin and they constantly tortured him. Whether it be by throwing rocks at him or getting him snared in a trap much like this one.
He wasn’t exactly sure why they treated him this way. Maybe it was because of his long black hair and beautiful blue eyes that made him look like a girl or maybe it was because of his family’s history as thieves. No matter the reason, the people of his village treated him like a pest.
Mashiro laid still so the wires wouldn’t cut further into him. His stomach growled as he lay there. He wanted to end it all. Mashiro had no reason to live and no one to live for.
“Oh? What’s this?” Someone said curiously. A large shadow loomed over Mashiro. He looked up to see a pale muscular man with platinum blonde hair and rainbow eyes.
“A little bunny caught in a snare? Now this is quite the surprise.” The man smiled as he looked down at Mashiro. He saw the fangs that the man had. The man was a demon!
“Who..are you?” Mashiro winced as the wires tightened against his body. “I’m Douma, darling.” The man said with a grin. “Here, let me help you get out of that snare.”
Douma raised his hand, revealing his sharp blue claws. He then sliced through the wire net as if it was made out of paper. “There we are. Now, what’s your name, little bunny?” The demon walked up to the boy and sat down next to him.
“I’m Mashiro, but some people call me Shiro..and thank you.” Douma gave Mashiro a pleasant smile. “It wasn’t a problem. Human life is too precious to waste.” Douma sat there next to the injured boy, waiting for him to leave.
However, Mashiro didn’t move. He hoped that the demon would devour him so that his suffering would end. “Why aren’t you fleeing, little bunny? I set you free and it looks like you need some food.” Douma asked, confused.
“Please..I can’t stand my life anymore..I know that I’ll get trapped again..so please just kill me.” Mashiro whispered as tears streamed down his face. Douma tilted his head and gently picked up the frail boy.
It was clear that Mashiro hadn't eaten much. He was incredibly skinny and light. “There’s no need for that. I’m sure that there are others who care about you. Like your family or friends.” Mashiro shook his head. “No..I have no one.”
Douma frowned as he put a hand to his chin, thinking. He didn’t eat many males, but there was no way that this boy could survive on his own. It would be cruel to leave him alone. Then an idea popped into his mind.
“Your wish is my command.” Douma gently picked up Mashiro. Mashiro closed his eyes as he awaited his fate. Douma opened his maw and carefully put Mashiro inside.
Mashiro felt the warmth of Douma’s maw and sighed. At least, he would die soon. Douma tilted his head back and started to swallow the boy. His fangs brushed softly against the boy’s kimono.
The demon’s throat was a warm, plush tunnel that guided Mashiro into the demon’s belly. Mashiro was confused why Douma decided to swallow him whole instead of ripping his flesh apart, but he guessed that being chewed would be incredibly painful.
Douma was quick to finish swallowing the boy. He could feel Mashiro entering his belly and he gently rested a hand on his stomach. Douma’s stomach felt like a soft, protective blanket that wrapped around Mashiro and kept him warm.
Mashiro opened his eyes and looked around him. Douma’s tummy was dark, yet comforting. The soft sounds of the demon’s heartbeat and belly were incredibly soothing. Mashiro had never felt so comfortable.
“Thank..you.” Mashiro said as he let his body rest against the soft walls. “You’re welcome, little bunny.” Douma’s voice was muffled by the walls of flesh that surrounded Mashiro. Douma took a deep breath before continuing. “I..I’m not going to digest you.”
“You’re not?” Mashiro was confused. He thought that demons would jump at the chance of a free meal, so this was strange. “Why not?” Mashiro’s voice was quiet and soft.
“I may be a demon, but I’m not a rabid beast and besides, that would be cruel to kill somebody as unfortunate as you. Especially when I could take care of you.” Douma purred as he gently rubbed his belly.
“Oh, you..would do that for me?” For the first time in his life, hope could be found in Mashiro’s voice. “Of course, little bunny. As I said before, human life is too precious to waste.”
“Thank you! Thank you so much!” A soft smile appeared on Mashiro’s face as he snuggled into the soft walls of Douma’s tummy. “You’re very welcome.” Douma chuckled.
The soft movements and sounds of Douma’s belly were gentle and soothing. Mashiro yawned as he curled up inside the demon’s tummy. “Are you tired, little bunny?” Douma asked softly.
“Yeah..” Mashiro said weakly. He was having trouble fighting the urge to sleep. Douma noticed this and chuckled. “No need to worry. Go to sleep, little bunny. You’ll feel better soon.”
“Thank you.” Those words left Mashiro’s lips as he fell asleep. His body rested inside the demon’s belly. Once Douma felt the boy sleeping, he stood up, held his belly close, and headed back to his home.
Mashiro woke up a few hours later. However, he was in a new and strange place. His icy blue eyes looked around him. Mashiro found himself resting in a cozy bed in a purple room. There was a small table in front of him that had a plate of peaches and strawberries on top of it.
The room didn’t have much in it, but it seemed rather comfortable. There was a red cushion in the back of the room that was surrounded by a few other small cushions and blankets. Sitting on the red cushion was Douma sipping tea.
Once the demon saw Mashiro awake, he instantly put down his tea and crawled towards him. “Good morning, little bunny! Do you sleep well?” Douma’s voice was sweet and playful.
Mashiro nodded as he gave the demon a soft smile. “Thank you. I owe you my life.” Douma hugged Mashiro tightly. “Don’t worry about repaying me. Just eat up and enjoy yourself!”
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minaramen · 2 years
Thanks for the 7th Anniversary - Part 5: There’s always trouble afoot
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Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7
[Disclaimer: I’m NOT a professional translator. I’m using my knowledge from 4 years of university. Please, feel free to let me know if you notice  mistranslation/typo/error of any kind]
Tsumugi: …! Banri san…!
Banri: Tsumugi san! Did Momo kun contact you?
Tsumugi: Yes! He said that he needs help for some kind of emergency
Kaoru: Takanashi san! Ogami san!
Tsumugi: Anesagi san!
Rinto: Did you run into some sort of trouble?
Banri: You’re here as well, Okazaki san. Everybody seems to be joining today’s festival
Kaoru: I’m here to escort Trigger, since they’re invited
Rinto: Our president will be the head of the jury
Kaoru: What kind of trick did he use to be the head of the jury instead of president Yaotome or president Takanashi?
Rinto: He didn’t use any trick! He’s been selected by the festival’s executive committee
Kaoru: Wah, what was that?! Is there a horse?!
Banri: Must be the horse from the amateur petting zoo 
Kaoru: Didn’t they exaggerate a little bit for this school festival?!
Banri: Well, we’re talking about the seventh anniversary
Tsumugi: Yes, that must be the reason!
Kaoru: There’s something sweet about the seventh anniversary, isn't there? They put equipment even around here. I wonder what this silver cloak is…
Banri: Must be Starbi. The mascot for the “A Nanahoshi star is born” project
Kaoru: And what is it supposed to be? An alien?
Banri: A microphairy, I think
Rinto: At any rate, it looks like a gentle horse. Here, have some carrots
Banri: Do you walk around carrying carrots with you?
Rinto: No, I was suddenly held down by several foreigners
Banri: What?! Are you okay?!
Rinto: Yes. They said I was the wrong guy and gave me these carrots to apologize
Kaoru: That’s weird…
Shiro: Ah…guys…!
Rinto: Utsugi san! Momo kun called you as well?
Shiro: No, Ryo kun called me…
Rinto&Banri&Kaoru: Ryo kun?!
Rinto: When you say “Ryo kun”, you mean... Tsukumo Ryo?! Is he here?!
Kaoru: I’m not sure I can control myself, if I happen to meet that man!
Banri: Does he have something to do at the Nanahoshi school festival?
Shiro: Apparently, yes…  I apologize, but…it’s better if we split up!
Banri: Utsugi san! Would you mind explaining what's going on?!
Shiro: I’m not sure, but apparently he must reach a temple close to this place
Student: Senpai, senpai! Are you still keeping up with with your hundred times worship? Aren’t the stairs super difficult to climb?!
Student: They are. I mean, we’re talking about 500 steps. But I will do it!
Student: You’re amazing, senpai…!
Shiro: The stairs count 500 steps…
Shiro: May I borrow this horse?
Kaoru: I…don’t think so?!
Banri: Utsugi san, calm down. What do you want to do with this horse?!
Shiro: Well, it’s 500 steps after all…but no, I…I will take responsibility for anything my predecessor did with tears in my eyes…
Banri: With tears in your eyes…?
Shiro: I must go! If anything happens, contact me!
Tsumugi: Be careful!
*Cut to a park*
Shiro: Where’s the temple….? Maybe, it’s on top of that little mountain over there…?!
Momo: Utsugi san!
Ryo: Tsk, Shiro…
Shiro: Momo san! Ryo kun! You’re here…what’s going on?!
Momo: He dropped a very, very, very important document! Please, help us! We’re in a big mess!
Shiro: Okay. What should I do?
Momo: I’ll look for the document at school with Ban san and the others! You go with Ryo san to the temple!
Momo: You should look for a blue carrying case in front of the bonfire. Please, take it! Don’t let them burn it!
Shiro: Understood
Momo: I'm counting on you
*Momo runs away*
Ryo: Well, I'm counting on you as well…bye bye
Ryo: Ugh…!! How dare you grab someone who was a superior of yours by the neck?!
Shiro: You will lead me to the temple. C’mon, use your Achilles tendon's full strength
Ryo: I don’t wanna climb up those stairs
Shiro: Me neither. But you’ll tell me about the situation at hand while climbing up those stairs anyway
*Cut to a street*
Banri: He dropped the secret document about Riku kun and Tenn kun’s birth...?
Momo: Exactly! I’m so sorry…
Banri: You don’t need to apologize. However, we need to find it before somebody else gets to read what’s written on that document
Momo: Kaoru chan, can you help us?!
Kaoru: Obviously! In case you didn’t notice, it’s something concerning Tenn as well!
Banri: Let’s find it! Tsumugi san, could you inform the president about what’s going on? Just in case
Tsumugi: Yes!
Momo: Thank you, maneko chan! I’ll look for it inside the school. I don’t want this situation to have an impact on Riku and Tenn
Rinto: Okay! We’re in trouble if the document ends up in the hands of a recruiter or a music journalist…
Touma: Momo san…!
Momo: Touma! Ah, and the others from ŹOOĻ as well…!
Momo: It’s good you're here! We’re in the middle of an emergency! Could you guys help us…?
Music journalist: An emergency?
Banri: And this person is…?
Minami: He’s a journalist from an extremely famous music magazine. We met him at Redfest
Music journalist: Ahah. I was sure I would have written a pretty bad review of you guys, and I ended up becoming a huge fan instead
Music journalist: I also interviewed you in the past, Momo san. It’s always an honor to meet you
Momo: Ah, I remember! You wrote some very good stuff about me…
Music journalist: What’s the emergency?
Torao: Is it something concerning Idolish7?
Kaoru: Aaah, I feel dizzy…
Rinto: Anesagi san, please, stay strong!
Momo: Ah, Kaoru chan doesn’t feel well…!
Kaoru: I’m just anemic! Don’t worry about me, go inform the presidents right now!
Banri: Got it…!
Rinto: Leave it to us, Anesagi san!
Tsumugi: I’m sorry about the mess, Zool san! I’ll be back to greet you properly…!
Touma: Well, then…let’s go
Music journalist: Yes. I’m coming as well, since I want to do some research on the school. It looks like a lively festival. I’m sure a good article can come out from it
Torao: I’m happy for you
Minami: Inumaru san, Midou san, go ahead. I’ll stay with Anesagi san a little while longer
Touma: That’s so kind of you. Mina…okay, then! Take care of her! 
Minami: Momo san, Anesagi san, Takanashi san. Tell me what’s happening
Momo: Minami…
Minami: You went pale when you saw the journalist. If there’s something going on, I’ll offer my collaboration
Momo: Actually…
*Cut to the stage*
Shizuo: Yuki kun…where’s Yamato…?
Yuki: I'm asking myself the same thing, since I left all the preparations to Momo
Shizuo:...I want to reconcile soon…
Yuki: Yes, I got the gist….ah, it’s the school music band
Yuki: Do you mind if we take a look?
Shizuo: Mh…? Ah, yes…if it’s a quick one….
Student: Ah, it’s Yuki from Re:vale!
Student 2: Aah, the idol…instead of thinking about such things, let’s fix the problem…
Yuki: The sound isn’t coming out? May I give it a look?
Student 2: You know, that’s a real guitar and you’re just an idol. I don’t think there’s much you can do about it
Shizuo: You’re making quite an angry face, Yuki kun
Student: Don’t be rude! He's a composer!
Student 2: Yeah, using some smartphone app, I guess
Yuki: Hey, kid. Get out of the way and look
Students: O-oi! Give me back my guitar…!  Don’t touch the amplifiers, you have no right to do that…!
*Sound starts*
Student: Ah, the sounds came out! Wooh, you’re very good! That’s a brilliant cutting technique!
Shizuo: Despite your childish attitude you’re very talented, Yuki kun!
Yuki: Thanks. I think you want to express your gratitude somehow, right?
Student: Tsk…
Yuki: I won’t leave until you say thank you
Shizuo: But…Yamato….
Yuki: I won’t leave, I said
*Cut to a car*
Driver: I deeply apologize, Mr. President. Apparently a car accident occured and we’re now stuck in traffic…
Soshi: Understood. I have no pressing plans for the afternoon. I’ll take a short walk to get refreshed
Driver: As You wish. Do be careful
*Car door opens and closes*
Soshi:..the closest station is 10 minutes from here…mh?
Soshi: “Nanahoshi school’s seventh school festival”...A talent school? Must be attended by budding talents
Soshi: “Everyone’s dream can come true”...?
Soshi: It’s easy to give hope to promising young people by dumping a bunch of irresponsible, pompous words on them…
Soshi: However, allowing them to wallow in such dreams robs them of the only life they have. It’s what happened to Satoshi and Sogo…
Student: Welcome to the Nanahoshi school festival!
Student: I’m distributing special coupons, so you can enter the festival even if you don’t have an invitation
Student: Please, have a look!
Soshi:....I have time
Soshi: I want to check what kind of young people are about to lose themselves in this vale of tears
*Cut to a classroom*
Sogo: Yotsuba kun
Tamaki: Mh? Ah…! Sou chan! Rikkun!
Riku: We found you, Tamaki!
Sogo: You thought we were classmates of yours?
Tamaki: Yeah! ‘cause they also call me “Yotsuba kun”
Sogo: Ahah. I succeed, then
Tamaki: But then I was like, “what?!” because it was your voice, and then I turned around and I saw you!
Sogo: I could guess by looking at your face
Tamaki: I was super shocked!
Riku: This strategy is a winning one to knock you for a loop. When we greeted Iori like that, he caught on right away!
Tamaki: So you met Iorin?
Riku: We did! He looked handsome with his white uniform
Sogo: Riku kun was deeply impressed by Iori kun’s cosplay, since he has a strong feeling of trust towards doctors from when he was a child
Tamaki: Eeh, really?
Riku: Eheh
Tamaki: Are you interested in transformation heroes at all, Sou chan?
Sogo: Not really
Tamaki: No…?
Riku: Sogo san considers rockers as heroes
Tamaki: Ah! Dudes like Douglas! I should have done a Douglas Rootbank cosplay, then!
Sogo: Douglas is a true hero, isn’t he? I was so happy I could meet him again. But there are no chances it'd happen a third time…
Riku: Tamaki, try to cosplay as Douglas!
Riku&Sogo: Well done!
Tamaki: But it’s weird to have you two at school…!
Sogo: Ahah, you’re right
Riku: I was wondering if the callout we used before could fit in other situations
Tamaki: Mh? What? What?
Riku: Just try, Sogo san!
Sogo: Yotsuba senpai
Tamaki: Ah, the senpai mode! Yeah, what happened, Sogo?
Sogo: Citric acid
Tamaki: Citric acid?
Sogo: A little treat
Tamaki: Ah, to help me recover from fatigue. Thank you!
Sogo: It’s nothing! Give it your best in the match
Riku: Part 2! 
Sogo: Tamaki, take your seat
Tamaki: A teacher! You just entered teacher mode! 
Sogo: Did you do your homework?
Tamaki: I’m sorry, Osaka sensei. I didn’t
Sogo: Why?
Tamaki: Ehm…I was playing games…
Sogo: Homework is more important. Don’t forget to do it by tomorrow
Tamaki: Roger
Riku: Part 3!
Sogo: Taa kun!
Tamaki: Stop…! That’s embarrassing…! Rikkun, you trained Sou chan too much!
Riku: I’m frustrated that Iori just ignored me
Sogo: Are we done already? I have also the role of the rival in a delinquent school ready
Tamaki: Do all these roles in front of everybody once we get back home
Sogo: I will
Tamaki: Where are you going now?
Sogo: Actually, we were thinking of going back to the School Festival Executive Committee's headquarters. Just in case they need some help
Tamaki: Ah, got it. I’ll do the same when my turn ends. Do you want the stamps…?
Sogo: Oh, right! “ We’ve met here for the hundredth year!”
Riku: “ We’ve met here for the hundredth year!”
Tamaki: Alright! Look at my transformation pose! 
Riku: You have one?
Tamaki: Nyan! Transformation!
Sogo: How cute
Riku: That’s cute! Do it again
Tamaki: Nyan nyan! Transformation!
*Cut to a hallway*
Ryunosuke: Do you think they’ll be fine? We left those guys alone, but…
Gaku: One of them can speak japanese. They’ll be alright
Tenn: They were our fans. I’m glad we could meet them 
Gaku: Yeah. I’m getting hungry, should we go eat something?
Ryunosuke: There’s a seaside clubhouse over there. They even used sand to make it look like a beach!
Tenn: They put so many ideas into this festival. I can see many interesting shops
Gaku: There are a lot of kids' lunch shops, with flags on omurice… I bet you like it, Tenn
Tenn: It feels like going back to childhood
Ryunosuke: There are also mini hamburgers, napolitan and puddings. Kids’ lunches are pretty luxurious!
Gaku: Yeah, and now I'm even more hungry. However, I feel quite embarrassed… Should we make an assault following the festival’s excitement? 
Tenn: I think we should
Ryunosuke: Let’s go!
*Cut to a classroom*
Student: Welcome!
Gaku: Hello, three kids lunc-waah!
Sosuke: Gaku.
Otoharu: Gaku kun
Rintaro: Oh, it’s TRIGGER
Gaku: Dad! What are you doing here?!
Tenn: President Takanashi and president Okazaki too…
Otoharu: Come here, let’s eat together!
Ryunosuke: Well, if you insist…
Gaku: Are you eating together, the three of you? Your relationship must be pretty good
Rintaro: You know, I need to build up a relationship of trust with Yaotome san and Takanashi san. Do you want my flag?
Gaku: No, thank you
Otoharu: I’m happy when I get the chance to have meetings like this. When we meet at each other’s companies, we always have to act formally. Do you want my flag?
Gaku: I’m fine
Sosuke: Mpf. Even if we meet outside,we’re still grumbling about business. Why don’t you take this fl-
Gaku: I said I don’t want it! Why do y’all keep asking me?!
Rintaro: Because this is exactly the topic we were talking about when you entered the room. Apparently, you loved flags struck in food when you were a kid
Gaku: Really?!
Sosuke: You don't remember? There was a time when you were obsessed by them
Ryunosuke: How cute, Gaku! My brothers also loved these flags when they were children!
Tenn: I can give you my flag as well, if you want 
Gaku: I don’t!! Aah, I’ll be teased for the rest of my life because of that
Otoharu: I think it’s a wonderful story. As simple as this device can be, a standing flag can make children happy
Otoharu: I was saying that we’d need devices like these in the entertainment world as well
Tenn: That’s why you came into a kids’ lunch shop…
Otoharu: Actually, we chose this place because it offered a huge range of choices. It looked very sumptuous
Sosuke: They said it gave off a school festival atmosphere or something like that…
Rintaro: Yeah, it’s like going back to childhood. How about you?
Tenn: The reason we came here is the same as yours
Rintaro: Well, it’s a luxurious choice from every perspective. You’re really cool, Trigger
Sosuke: Mpf
Rintaro: I bet you had a lot of fun raising Trigger!
Otoharu: It must have been fun. The material was already good, and the guys are tough and honest themselves
Ryunosuke: Thank you!
Student: Three kids’ lunches ready…! Aah! Trigger?!
Tenn: Thanks
Student: Trigger came here?! I’m so sorry, I had you sit with some weird old men…!
Tenn: They’re all presidents
Student: They’re…what?! Presidents?!
Sosuke: Talent school’s students have guts, I can’t deny it
Rintaro: Yes, but I’d like to know if I’m included in the “old men” category
Student: You’re not!!
Rintaro: Good! Okay, then!
Otoharu: In other words, I’m…
Student: You’re included!
Otoharu: Aah, I see
Sosuke: You’re pulling your luck, Takanashi
Otoharu: Well, Banri kun always praises me saying I'm young! He asks me “are you sure you’re not Yaotome Gaku?!”
Sosuke: Basically, you selfishly became my son
Rintaro: Daddy, can I have dessert?
Sosuke: You took advantage of this huge mess to become my son as well?!
Ryunosuke: Is there anything you want, Gaku? You’re his real son, after all
Gaku: Well…yeah…I saw they have pudding…
Tenn: What a good kid. I’ll buy you a snack on the way home
*Cut to a street*
Soshi:...that’s the talent school…
Soshi: …! They even brought a horse. They must have no idea what moderation means
Soshi: However, young children look at it with bright eyes…
Soshi:....! Over there…is it Sogo? He’s coming here…
Soshi:....! This is bad! 
Soshi: I’m against the entertainment world, and if he sees me here he could wrongly assume that I’m showing some kind of comprehension or interest…!
Soshi: This is…!
End of part 5 
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nasuversekinkmeme · 7 months
Weekly Roundup: Prompts
Luvia Edelfelt/Emiya Shiro For some reason Luvia is one of the only women in fate Shiro isn't shipped with. I will fix this by force if necessary, but would rather just do this. threesomes are acceptable.
Penthesilea "I will literally murder you if you call me pretty" x Medb "I am horny for everyone that is heroic" I think they'd make a weird but cute couple
anyone done sakamoto ryouma / possessed ryouma? the idea haunts me. evil ryouma's hot. sfw or as nsfw as you like, i'm not picky, but it's nsfw in my heart.
smut, Caenis pounds Altera into the bed
Oryou and Ryoma are called Fujimaru parents while out. Oryou takes the rolled very seriously whiles Ryoma just laugh it off. But when Fujimaru asked them to be his parents both agree to do so right of the bat.
Izcalli and Tlaloc having straight yuri energy, maybe reminiscing their time back when he was king and the garden he loved. I just want more melancholic and nostalgic servant interactions. This can be romantic or not it is up to you.
I want Jinako to let slip one day the her parents died when she was young (we can assume it’s understood that she means “her” parents and not Ganesha’s parents) and Salieri hears this and just goes “Alright, guess I’m your new father now.” And she think he’s joking but he absolutely is not, she is his daughter now and that is final. Salieri was a father when he was alive, and he wrote about how much he loved his kids, so I just think it could be nice for Jinako to have a loving and supportive father figure. Also they both really like sweet things, and it’d be nice to see them bonding over it, especially since Salieri probably wouldn’t be judgey about Jinako having sweets. He can platonically co-parent with Parvati, Durga, and Kali
smut, Izo is allowed into Ryouma and Oryou’s relationship, as their cuck. And watches them have sex.
smut, After Takasugi is followed following the events of Guda6, he makes good on his dying wish to hook up with Okuni. She graciously accepts and the two fuck nasty. The flirtier and more intense things get before the bedroom the better. That's all.
Just finished lb4, can I get some Ganesha being unable to return to her shut-in lifestyle bc of the thousands of years she spent alone, and (character of your choice) helps make sure she knows she's not alone anymore?
"Wait, what do you [servant couple of writers choice] aren't married?" Cue all of chaldea arranging a wacky but personal wedding ceremony
smut, Castoria is Excalibur, right? Ergo, I want to see someone polish her (because she's literally a sword) (gone wrong) (gone sexual) (gone right)
Martha tells the Christians of Chaldea, along with anyone willing to listen, what sort of wacky shenanigans Jesus got up to. Apparently, one such thing was Jesus being so good at being a carpenter that anything he worked on could be considered an angel of heaven because of how well done the job was and not because he was the Son of God.
Izou gets some tender love and care and appreciation
smut, man idk i just want izo and oryou to spoil ryouma and give him a wildly fun and hot and tender night that leaves his face hurting from smiling, his ass hurting from taking them both, and everywhere else hurting from bites. man works so damn hard Please he needs a break and a nice fuck. also oryou and izo bonding over their love for this man is always 👌
smut, Any one/robin hood, but mlm is preferred! Robin with a praise and humiliation kink being showered with love and praise. I'd love to see his low self image and self defeating attitude be bludgeoned with love. ☺️❤️
Guda and Castoria kiss for the first time. It would be a great, intimate moment... except they quickly discover that Castoria has a barbed tongue like a cat. It doesn't have to be a dealbreaker, but I do want the fic to have an emphasis on how different (and slightly painful) that tongue feels compared to a normal one.
smut, All the artoria variants (except for lily ofc) have an orgy, bc that girl deserves some self love
Izo talks about stabbing a british guy who had a blue policebox with him and being scared off when he started shooting fire out of his arms and head as everyone listens on in horror as they realize that not only did he nearly permanently kill The Doctor from Doctor Who, but also that apparently The Doctor is a real person and was nearly killed by Izo of all people.
A perhaps annoying patron asks one half of a romantic couple (doesn't matter which canon or even if its canon) for a good time. What leaves after can no longer be identified
The backlog of unfilled prompts, framed like pets in an adoption center.
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kickis-conan-king · 1 year
Keith was resigned.
It wasn’t a bad thing but it was becoming an increasingly inconvenient thing. Keith kind of liked it- he’d never had a crush on someone like this before and it felt like the first normal, age appropriate milestone he had had. However, he knew it was something he had to get rid of. It was way too distracting, and he had to focus.
Focus, Keith.
He breathed out slowly through his nose and tried to ignore the devastating way that Lance was taking out training droids. He did not watch the way Lance’s shirt rippled over his stomach as he raised his rifle, did not follow the trace of Lance’s tongue as he licked sweat off his upper lip, and absolutely did not feel his stomach swoop as Lance dropped seven droids in a matter of moments.
“...and then that should be it. What do you think, Keith?” Shiro asked, turning to Keith from where he had been talking to him for the last couple minutes. “Sound like a plan?”
Keith startled and tried to remember what Shiro had been saying.
“Uh, well…” Keith licked his lips to try to bring some moisture into his dry mouth. “Yes?”
Shiro’s face dropped. “You weren’t listening at all.”
“Unfortunately.” Keith said with an apologetic grimace.
Shiro sighed. “Whatever. I just wanted your input on some of the hand to hand combat drills I have planned but if you're too busy..”
Shiro’s tone was one Keith knew all too well. It was dry as an aged white wine.
Keith rolled his eyes.
“As if you really need my input.”
Shiro nodded amicably. “True. I don’t need it.” He chuckled as Keith frowned, then continued.”But I do want it. You have a natural ability for hand to hand and can often see something where I can’t. Speaking of which..”
Shiro leaned in conspiratorially, a twinkle of knowing that Keith disliked in his eye. “What were you staring at?”
Keith sputtered and felt his face go red. His eyes slid away from Shiro’s just to land back on Lance, where he was smiling a goofy, triumphant grin and prancing in front of Pidge and Hunk.
“No one!” Keith said, too quick. Shiro was smarter than that, and Keith wanted to slap his palm over his face as soon as the words left his mouth.
“I didn’t ask whooo.” Shiro sang teasingly.
“Please drop it, Shiro.” Keith was just going to look at the ceiling. He swallowed. His face was burning and his hands were suddenly wet with sweat.
“Okay, sure thing, kiddo.” Shiro nodded. “Dropping it.”
Then, with the kind of dangerous smile that has only ever been worn by a sibling up to no good, Shiro turned away. He stood a little straighter, suddenly a commander again, and barked out words that made Keith’s heart simultaneously rise into his throat and drop to his knees.
“Pair up everyone! Lance, you’re with Keith. Pidge, with Allura. Hunk you’re with me. Hand to Hand. We are going to practice grappling. The first one pinned for a 3 count is a rotten egg.”
Keith groaned. Shiro turned around and sent him a sly wink.
“I hate you.” Keith hissed at him.
Shiro couldn’t respond because Lance was already bounding over to Keith. He stopped in front of Keith with an open- mouthed grin, an eyebrow raised mockingly. He bounced from one foot to another like an MMA fighter before a match.
“Oh, I am sooo kicking your ass on this one, mullet head.” Lance rolled his shoulders, sure and cocky.
Damn, Keith liked him so much.
“Alright, yeah.” Keith matched his energy, feeling himself get drawn into the familiar back and forth. “Go ahead and give it a try, string bean.”
Just like Keith knew he would, Lance squawked in affront at the offense to his appearance.
“Okay now you’re really gonna get it.” Lance said, his smile bouncing away on his face even as he raised his fists to punch the air in front of Keith.
“I’m shaking in my boots.” Keith sneered back.
"You're underestimating me, Keithy baby." Lance's grin was sharp and Keith's guts were thrilling over the use of 'baby'. "But I'm a middle child and you don't know the meaning of 'grapple' until you've been fighting for your life between an 11 year old and a 17 year old trying to claim the tv remote."
Keith scoffed just for the delight of doing so. His ears were burning. He was enjoying this too much. He felt like everyone could see it if they looked at him. He felt simultaneously embarrassed and self satisfied. He tried to keep it off of his face, but looking into Lance's challenging, sparking eyes, Keith could feel his own grin tugging his mouth into something fanged and thirsty.
He pushed Lance's shoulders. "Grapple me then, tough guy."
Lance's eyebrow quirked and an exciting spike of fear raised Keith's blood. Was Lance picking up what he was putting down?
"Ready for me?" Lance said, advancing a step and raising his arms.
"Always am." Keith said proudly, and then the two of them were clashing.
Of course Shiro would make them grapple. What better way to torture Keith in a way he can't protest against? Curse his observant bastard brother.
Lance's arms were strong and tan. Watching Lance's forearms flex while trying to keep Keith in a hold was making him warmer than the actual exercise.
Lance wasn't kidding about being good at grappling, either. His limbs were long and he was flexible and he was strong. It was one thing to know Lance was strong- Keith obviously knew he was, they were soldiers for Christ's sake- but it was a completely different thing to experience it. Keith was getting manhandled and he tried not to find it hot.
Keith dug in his heels to give as good as he got. He bucked and evaded and twisted his body out of Lance's grasp. The problem was that their bodies always remained close, heat trapped between them, sweat making their skin slick. Keith could feel Lance's heartbeat pounding against his back as Lance held him in a headlock. Keith tried to arc his body away, but he just ended up curving his spine so that his hips aligned snugly with Lance's. Lance grunted softly against Keith's ear and Keith panicked.
Keith's butt was practically rubbing against Lance's crotch. Keith could almost feel it. His body flushed with a mixture of embarrassment and desire. He needed to get out of this position, now, before his body reacted in a way he would regret. He was already in a heightened state from all the closeness and panting and fighting-not-fighting.
Keith thrashed a little desperately, his face heating. Lance's arms were so firm around him he barely had the space to maneuver, but he managed to toss back his head and with a sickening crack! the back of his skull met Lance's nose.
Lance staggered back and fell, holding a hand to his face. Keith wheeled around and dropped to his knees next to him, watching blood well up between his fingers.
"Shit, Lance." Keith said, forgetting about the match and his own embarrassment. He reached his hands out. "Are you alright?"
Lance levelled him with a glare. Their faces were so close that Keith could see the flecks of brown, like amber islands, that dotted Lance's ocean irises.
Keith got lost in them.
Then, lightning quick, Lance tackled him. He straddled Keith so he was pressed between the cool metal of the training room floor and the fever-heat of another body. His hands were pinned above his head and he could feel Lance's blood around his wrist, slippery and warm, from where it had puddled in Lance's palm. Above him, Lance's nose was dripping, streaking his lips and his chin bright red.
He was still smiling.
"One…" Lance whispered. Keith felt a speckling of blood spray off his lips and land on his cheeks as Lance spoke.
Keith gave a feeble attempt at kicking out. Lance leaned all his weight on him. Keith felt completely compromised. He fit perfectly between Lance's thighs, and Lance wasn't letting gravity do the work of holding him down- he was pressing forward into Keith with the kind of single mindedness that came out in him during battle.
"Two…" He sang, opening his mouth so Keith could almost see his back teeth.
Keith tried writhing away, his fight-or-flight triggered by the intensity of the moment. Lance was far too close. Keith's heart was pounding. He was aroused and agitated all in one and he wanted to bite Lance and kiss him and laugh and scream.
"Three!" Lance crowed, victorious. Lance sat back so all his weight was put on Keith's pelvis. He crossed his arms and chanted mockingly. "You're a rotten egg, you're a rotten egg!"
"Lance!" Keith shouted. "That wasn't fair!"
"Why not?" Lance pouted. "You're the one who hurt me!"
Keith groaned because what could he say? Sorry, Lance, foul play due to being too goddamn sexy? Lance would literally incinerate him on the spot and never let him live it down.
So instead Keith just seethed on the ground in a puddle of his own shame, waiting for everyone else to go. Eventually Shiro came to pull him to his feet. He held out a hand.
"Okay, I admit." Shiro said sympathetically. " I wasn't expecting you to be that gay. Sorry, Keith."
Keith just moaned in dismay and let his brother pull him to his feet.
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snarky-magpie · 1 year
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You can read the whole fic on AO3.
The memory of kissing him only a week ago taunts me. I need to claim his mouth for real this time, but the thing between is so complicated I’m not sure if the kiss would solve it or twist it up even more. 
I could swear the way Keith looked at me in his trailer or during our scenes, he wanted things to be real. He wanted to take them further. Or, another, more likely, possibility—I’m having a dry spell, and I’m hung up on my colleague. Whatever the case, I don’t fool around with closeted guys, despite how hot they are.
“Please, Shiro?” He repeats when the silence between us lingers.
“Okay, I’ll go with you.” Yeah, not a drop of reason left in my body. “When are you meeting her?”
Keith blows a relieved breath. “On Sunday, also known as the only day when we’re not shooting. Thanks, Shiro. I owe you one.” 
“I’ll think of a way you can repay me,” I say, sending him a grin, and he responds in kind. The night chill borders on unbearable with only a sweater, yet I can’t seem to say goodbye and disappear into the house. No, apparently, I prefer turning to ice in Keith’s company over toasty warmth and Hank’s cookies. 
“Did you have fun on your date?” Keith asks.
Does he only ask to be polite, or is he actually curious? My heart gives an excited jolt at the idea Keith might be a little jealous of me. That’s how pathetic I am. 
“It was okay, but that’s about it. You know how it is sometimes. No chemistry. Not like with…”
He arches an eyebrow. “With?”
“No one.”
“Come on, Shiro, you can tell me.” 
“There is someone I’m interested in, but it can’t go anywhere.”
“Why not?” 
I shrug, painfully aware that I’m discussing my crush on Keith with Keith. Could this night get any weirder?
“Don’t tell me someone could be so dumb to ignore what a great guy you are. Is he completely blind? No, wait, he’d have to be deaf, too.” 
“Nothing quite so dramatic. He’s straight. Or deep in the closet.” 
Keith’s breath hitches a fraction. His eyes are wide but defiant as he tilts his head to return my gaze.
“Maybe he just needs some time to sort things out.” 
Heat crackles up my back. Is he suggesting what I think he is? Only one way to be sure. I lean in and whisper into his ear. 
“Then he should know that I’m a patient guy. Some things are worth waiting for.” This time when Keith shivers, it’s not from the cold, but I don’t intend to push further. I made myself clear, and the ball’s in his court now. With a brief nod, he stalks off into the night, still wearing my coat, while I step inside the house, where my friends are ready to assault me with a barrage of questions about my date.
Thank god they don’t have a clue about my meeting with Keith in the driveway, or I wouldn’t get any sleep tonight.
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“Simulation complete.”
The first Black Paladin turns to his team, smiling widely. “Great job, everyone! That’s the highest level we’ve managed so far!”
The rest of team Voltron turn to each other to celebrate, cheering and high-fiving, smiling all around.
“Your new axe is amazing,” Keith informs Allura, clapping her shoulder. She grins at him, and then holds her bayard in front of her appreciatively, admiring it.
“I was, wasn’t I.”
She spins it in a show of skill, bright blue shine of it catching on the bright training room lights.
“Everyone did really well,” Shiro agrees. He faces to each of the paladins in turn, complimenting them in turn. “Keith, your reflexes were wicked fast today. You definitely shaved at least five full minutes off our time.” Keith preens, pleased. Pidge and Hunk roll their eyes in tandem, and they advance on him at the same time, play-wrestling him to the ground.
“Someone needs to humble you, Dropout!” Pidge yells teasingly.
“Never!” Keith shouts, wiggling out of Hunk’s chokehold.
Shiro snorts, walking over to separate them before things get out of hand. “Alright, alright, you three. Pidge and Hunk, you two did awesome as well. I won’t pretend to understand what that new gizmo that you made does, but it was really cool.”
Hunk and Pidge both beam at the same time.
“Thanks, Shiro!”
“And you, Lance.” Shiro turns to the final paladin, smiling warmly. He’s lying flat on the ground, slightly away from the rest of them. “None of us had to watch our own backs even once. Our Sharpshooter had us the whole time, huh?”
Without looking up, Lance lifts the hand not resting on his chest, forming a thumbs-up. “Yep,” he says weakly.
The rest of the team frown at each other. Coran steps away from his place on the wall, setting down the clipboard he was using to take notes.
“Lance, dear?” he asks, concerned. “Is everything all right?”
“Peachy!” Lance says quickly. He tries to sit up, and manages, but it’s obvious that it took way more effort than it’s meant to. He’s wheezing slightly, breaths quick and shallow. “Just — tired, man. Keith ran us through all those wicked drills beforehand, and the training was intense. You know how it is.”
Keith’s brow furrows. “They weren’t…that bad,” he says slowly. He’s not even trying to get a rise out of the Blue Paladin; his voice is one of genuine confusion. “No worse than usual.”
Lance waves a dismissive hand. His other attempts to find a comfortable resting place somewhere on his chest area, moving from his sternum to his left pec to just above his waist before he gives up, setting it slowly on the ground. “I’m just tired, I guess. Haven’t been sleeping super well.”
The team all exchange looks, again. They all know about Lance’s insomnia, the nights he spends on the observation deck, painfully homesick and unable to force himself asleep. They have a schedule, for it. It was Allura’s turn to keep a half-eye on Lance yesterday evening, make sure he went to bed. She was excited about it and had them do facemasks and watch a movie together before finally heading their separate ways around midnight. If Lance really was struggling to sleep last night, he went to great lengths to conceal it.
Pidge takes a couple steps forward, the first of them to move. She sits next to his extended legs, her own legs bent in a W — a bad habit she’s yet to break — and plays with her glasses. She watches him carefully, but he avoids her gaze, looking pointedly at his lap.
“You can come to us, you know,” she says hesitantly. “I mean, I come to you all the time when I’m homesick. And you’re always nagging me about a sleep schedule, mom.” She punches him teasingly on the shoulder, intentionally very gentle, but Lance still inhales sharply, trying to disguise it last-minute as a cough.
“Okay, that’s enough,” Keith snaps. “Something’s wrong. Out with it, Lance, or I swear to God —”
“There’s nothing wrong, Mullet,” Lance snaps right back. “So how about you keep your nose out of my business —”
“Well how about you quit being a stubborn dumbass and tell people when you’re hurt —”
“I’m not hurt! And who are you calling stubborn, Mr I’m Gonna Run After Lotor Even Though My Entire Team Is Begging Me Not To —”
“At least I didn’t pretend I didn’t have a fever until it got bad enough that I collapsed right into my goo at a diplomatic dinner!”
“At least I didn’t train myself into heat exhaustion!”
“At least I didn’t —”
“Both of you!” Shiro shouts, making the two of them freeze. “That’s enough!”
The second he’s done speaking, both paladins point aggressively at each other, yelling: “He’s not listening to me!”
Or, well, Keith does. Lance tries, but the sudden movement of his left arm makes him shout in pain. He tries to cut it off, dropping his hand back down, but the damage is done.
“Shit, Lance, I’m sorry, I didn’t mean — are you okay — ” Keith rushes over to Lance, tripping over himself in his haste and very nearly crashing into him. Lance swats him away as he gets close, insisting he’s fine.
“Go away, Keith, I’m fine, I appreciate your concern but —”
In his attempt to twist away, he bends his torso strangely, causing another half-strangled shout of pain to come from his throat.
“Okay, no, this isn’t happening,” Hunk snaps. Before anyone can react, and before Lance can stop him, he rips open his fanny pack, yanking out a smooth white cylinder and pointing it in Lance’s direction. It beeps once, then shoots a wide, blue beam of light onto Lance, scanning him from head to toe.
“Several injuries located,” the device reads. “Ready to list and suggest treatment.”
Six pairs of eyes whip towards the Blue Paladin, varying from disappointed to scared to furious. For a moment Lance’s expression is open, shocked, deer-in-headlights, and then it shutters, replaced with something determined and endlessly, endlessly stubborn.
“I’m fine,” he insists. “If anyone comes any closer I’m going to throw a hissy fit.”
“You’re already throwing a hissy fit,” Allura points out. “When normal people are injured, they just get treated.”
Lance sets his jaw. “I’m already treated.”
Keith scowls. “Well, obviously not, because you’re hurt. Dickhead.” He reaches forward and tugs on Lance’s jacket, clearly meaning to take it off to assess further damage, but Lance hisses at him, snapping his jaw.
“Are you a fucking scorned chihuahua?” Keith demands, snatching his hand back.
“Put your hands on me again and find out.”
Before Keith can argue any further, Hunk plops down in front of them, pressing the scanner’s button again so a loud beep rings through the room.
“Listing injuries and assessment now,” it says. “Injured person: young human adult. Injuries: newly broken rib. Heavy bruising around chest area. Set and healing sprain around left shoulder joint, previously dislocated. Deep laceration on right thigh, early stages of healing. Joint abnormality in left knee. Several small wounds in mouth, inside of cheek and lower lip. Minor hearing damage, old injury. Minor brain damage, old injury. Highly elevated heart rate. Shallow breathing.” The machine pauses for a moment. Six pairs of eyes now stare at Lance in shock, jaws dropped.
Lance shifts, and if possible his jaw sets further, chin raised stubbornly and brown eyes hard and defiant.
The machine prompts again. “Proceed with treatment suggestions?”
No one speaks.
“Shut down, Scanner 6X427,” Lance says.
“Shutting down,” the scanner responds pleasantly. It beeps one more time and then grows cold in Hunk’s hand.
Everyone erupts at the same time. There’s so much panicked yelling that it kind of all amalgamates into the sound of three crowded rooms, all voices competing with another, u til eventually it settles into: “Holy shit, we need to get you to a pod!”
“Not happening,” Lance says firmly. “You can’t make me.”
“Um, yes I can,” Keith says. “As the Black Paladin, I order you to go to a pod right fucking now.”
“Seconded,” Shiro says, eyes narrowed. “That’s double Black Paladin orders.”
Lance shrugs. “As the Red Paladin, I say no, and also piss off, just as a little extra treat.”
“Lance, get in a fucking pod or so help me God,” Hunk says through grit teeth. “I will carry you out, you little shit.”
Hunk’s threat seems to shake some of the irritating calmness from Lance’s frame, and his voice gets a little angrier, a little more desperate.
“Well it’s going to be a struggle and a fucking half for you, because I’m not going in that fucking death trap conscious!”
“Lance, you’re really hurt!” Pidge cries. Frustrated and angry tears have started to drip down her face. “You’re scaring me! Get in the fucking pod!”
Shiro and Coran are so worried that neither of them correct her on her language, as they often do almost reflectively.
“I’m afraid no medical attention is not an option, child,” Coran says, firm. “You know the rules as well as I.”
“The rules don’t say jack shit about a pod,” Lance says harshly.
Keith blinks at that, flinching a little in shock. Lance is — Keith is well versed in Lance’s volatility. As much as they love and rely on each other, they’re both very stubborn, and still fall into the occasional screaming match. Lance also ends up arguing with everyone else on the team, really, as people living in close quarters tend to do; with Pidge about her sleeping habits, Hunk about working himself to exhaustion, Allura about her reckless tendency to self-sacrifice when it’s not necessary — those fights are always particularly hard to witness, because Lance is right, but he of all people can’t get angry at her for it — and Shiro’s stubborn insistence that he comes last. About stupid shit, too, although usually much less angry; dirty dishes left on the counter; chore schedules ignored, outside clothes on the bed.
But Keith has never, not once in their three years in space, heard Lance raise his voice at Coran. In fact Coran is usually the one that Lance listens to without question, the one he trusts to know more than he does in every subject. Lance may roll his eyes and groan about things, but he has never outright refused. Coran has his best interests at the forefront of his mind, something he’s made abundantly clear.
But Lance has just snapped at him. And while some guilt bleeds into his eyes, none of the stubbornness leaves his expression.
Coran looks hurt, but his voice is still firm. “I’m not asking, Lance.”
It’s a rare thing to have Coran use Lance’s real name.
A tear drops from the corner of Lance’s eye. His chin trembles. “And I’m not going.” His voice wobbles; begging, almost, desperate, instead of the angry tone it had before. “I’m not.”
“Everyone stop,” Allura says. “Pidge, Keith, move.” Her voice is not rude, but leaves no room for argument. Both paladins follow her instructions immediately, scrambling back. Allura kneels in their place, right next to the Red Paladin, and places a gentle hand on his. She squeezes.
“What’s going on?” she asks, in a creole of Altean and Cuban Spanish. “This isn’t a trick. I’m not going to move you, or force you to go anywhere. Talk to me like you make me talk to you when I’m upset. Why this reaction?”
Lance’s face crumples. It’s slow, like he’s fighting with all he has to stop it, to keep his face blank or at the very least hard, but it doesn’t work; tears fill his eyes and overflow rapidly, and his breath hitches in his throat, and then again, and his shoulders shake and his hands tremble and he starts to sob.
“I won’t go in a pod,” he says. “Please. Please don’t make me. I don’t want to get stuck again. There’s no internal release, I checked the manuals, and when they defect sometimes they get sucked down into storage and they stay down there and no one would hear me and the BLIP reader wouldn’t find me ‘cause of the radiation reinforcement in the walls and I’d suffocate and die and I can’t I can’t I can’t I can’t do it I’ll die I’ll suffocate I won’t be able to breathe —”
His already shallow breaths get even shallower, and soon he genuinely can’t breathe, wheezing, panic making his limbs flail slightly and his pupils to shrink down to pinpricks. Allura is the first to react, close as she is, firmly grasping both of his shoulders and straightening his neck to keep his airway open.
“Lance, you need to breathe through your nose,” she orders. “Close your mouth. Now. Yes, that’s it. Through your nose, okay? Like that. Exactly. Now purse your lips and exhale slowly out your mouth. Yes, perfect. Keep doing that. Do it with me. See how I’m doing it?” She breathes exaggeratedly, indicating for him to follow. “Good, good. Just like that. Keep going, asteraki. You’re doing great.”
Carefully so as to not crowd them, Keith sits on Lance’s other side, reaching forward and squeezing his ankle. Pidge follows suite, and then the rest of the team; sitting in a poorly-formed semicircle around their friend and teammate, chiming in with Allura with encouragement.
This is not their first panic attack, and it won’t be their last. Although this one was one they all could have prevented, as evidenced by the guilty way they look at each other.
Finally Lance begins to calm down, breaths evening out to a steady hiccuping, tears slowed to a trickle instead of a stream. Hunk digs in his fanny pack to hand Lance a tissue, but Lance grasps Hunk’s hand instead. Hunk smiles, tangling their hands together and keeping them that way, regardless of the awkward position and the strain on his arm.
“I dressed them,” Lance says, when he finally has his voice back. It’s hoarse, but earnest, pleading, almost.
“Dressed what?” Coran asks carefully. Out of all of them, he feels the heaviest guilt; knowing the role he plays for Lance means this was something he should have noticed first, not left for Allura to handle. It makes sense that she did — her own debilitating homesickness and depression means that she and Lance spend quite a lot of time with each other at their worst — but he still knows the paladin, knows him well, and he has the experience to identify that kind of fear. He has no excuse for failing to do so.
“All the injuries,” Lance answers. “I didn’t — I wasn’t ignoring them. I dislocated my shoulder two weeks ago, so I put it back into place with one of the x-ray machines to help and kept it stable for a while.”
“Is that why you kept stealing my hoodies?” Hunk asks quietly.
“Yes.” Lance smiles slightly. “And because I like them.”
Hunk snorts, smiling back despite himself. “Yeah, bud, I’m well aware. I’d say I want them back, but you can keep them for now.”
“Nice. I should get hurt more often.”
“Not funny,” each of them says immediately.
Lance winces. “Sorry, just trying to lighten the mood.” He clears his throat. “Anyway, the rest of them are handled, too. I took a spear to the leg when I was training a few days ago, so I fixed it and stitched it myself. It was fine and it’s healing nicely and it’s not even a little bit infected,” Lance says to Pidge, who opens her mouth to protest. His insistence calms her a little.
“If you say so.”
“I do. I’ve given myself stitches lots before, don’t worry.”
“That is very worrying,” Shiro says. “All of us could help you with stitches, Lance.”
“You’d make me go in the pod,” Lance points out. “And none of my injuries are primary emergencies. I worked at the Garrison clinic for five years, and trust me when I tell you the staff there took student help way too seriously. Half of them straight up slept for their whole shifts. I know how to handle myself.”
“Some of that stuff is fine,” Keith admits. He’s been guilty of setting his own strains and pulled muscles so he can keep training. “I know you hurt your knee when we were doing that sim a couple months ago and putting a brace on was fine, we checked.” He hesitates. “But that other stuff sounds pretty serious, Lance. Numerous mouth wounds? Hearing loss? Brain damage?” He throws up his hands, frustrated. “That’s bad!”
“The mouth wounds are just me biting the inside of my mouth,” Lance explains. “That’s not even a real injury. I’ve been doing that my whole life. I’m never not done that. As for the other stuff…” He trails off, looking at his lap.
“From the Sendak explosion,” Coran says quietly. “Permanent damage.”
“But we’d know about that,” Pidge argues. “The pod says all that kind of stuff when the person comes out. It didn’t say any of that stuff for Lance. He was fine!”
Keith’s face goes white. “None of us were there.” As he says it the rest of them go pale, too, remembering that day. “We were — God, we were arguing about something stupid. I don’t even remember. Did you…”
“I caught myself before I fell,” Lance says, correctly guessing what Keith is too horrified to say. “I wasn’t — I’m not mad, guys. I don’t expect everyone to have just stayed waiting around a guy who most of you barely knew, at that point, in a medically induced coma. Besides, we were busy.”
“I’m sorry,” Hunk says. He’s started to cry, now, dark eyes blurry with tears and nose running. “I’m so sorry, Lance. I didn’t — I should have been there to catch you.”
“I promise you I’m over a thing that happened four years ago,” Lance says drily.
Allura pinches his ear. He yelps.
“Hey! No pinching the brain damaged person!”
“Not funny,” she says, although her mouth twitches. “And accept our apology, you jerk. I know it’s been eating at you. You’re a Leo and you told me that that means you hold grudges for a thousand years.”
“I regret teaching you astrology,” Lance mumbles. He is visibly relieved. “But, fine. Apology accepted, you bunch of goobers. Can we forget this happened, now?”
“Absolutely not,” Shiro says. “You still have hearing loss and brain damage. And a broken rib! I won’t force you into a pod, but we need to figure something out, kiddo.”
“Eh.” Lance waves a dismissive hand. “I’ve had two of the three for four years, now, so I barely even notice them anymore. The hearing loss isn’t that bad, plus I’ve always had audio processing disorder so I know how to read lips and I’m used to asking people to repeat themselves a bajillion times. And I’m pretty sure the brain damage thing just means I get more migraines than usual, which I already know how to deal with because of the ‘tism. The broken rib —” He falters. “Well, the broken rib doesn’t look great for me, but there’s no cure for that anyway. You’re just supposed to wait it out until it heals itself, basically, and the scanner thing didn’t say anything about a punctured lung so I’m good.”
“How you humans have managed to stay alive as long as you have astounds me,” Allura mutters.
“Fair,” all five humans say at the same time.
Lance moves to get up, swiping his cheeks to wipe away the tears. “Are we good now?” he asks hopefully. “Lancey-Lance is secretly a medical genius, all mistakes have been forgiven, we can go do literally anything else? Food would be great. I don’t know about you people but personally, being vulnerable makes me horribly famished.”
“Sit down, dear,” Coran says, steadying a hand on Lance’s shoulder. “Alteans have better medical equipment, you remember. Not everything is a pod, they’re simply faster.” He turns to Pidge and Hunk. “I need the two of you to get the bone stitcher from the MedBay. Allura, go with them, the label is in a dialect of Altean they haven’t yet learnt, they’ll need your help to get it. It’s also quite heavy and quite high up.”
They nod and scurry off.
“What can I do, Coran?” Shiro asks.
“Get him his headphones and some water,” he suggests. “It’s been a lot of stimuli for one varga.”
“On it.”
“I can get my own shit,” Lance grumbles. “I don’t want people digging through my stuff.”
“Get up and I’m going to dislocated your other shoulder,” Keith threatens, half-joking. “Stop being a dweeb about needed help. It makes you look like a straight guy.”
Lance opens his mouth and then closes it again. “I hate when you use my words against me. It’s three quarters of the reason you’re irritating.”
“Shut up,” Keith says pleasantly.
They’re both grinning. Coran shakes his head at the two of them, knowing he will likely never understand their relationship.
The rest of the team comes back quickly, and they work together to set Lance’s rib, get him hydrated, move the mood into something lighter. They all head to dinner when he’s stable, eating their goo in exhausted but comfortable silence.
Tomorrow, Coran will have Lance run through some brain scans to make sure everything is as alright as it seems. Tomorrow, Pidge and Hunk will start working on a pair of hearing aids. Tomorrow, Keith will insist on helping Lance change the bandages on his leg wound; red to his hairline but stubborn and steady and gentle. Tomorrow, Shiro will sit with Lance on the observation deck, and they will discover that both of their mothers are nurses, and they will laugh about ridiculous ER stories they’ve heard. Tomorrow, Allura will help Lance bedazzle his knee brace as obnoxiously as they can.
Tomorrow, they will fix things. Tomorrow they will make things right.
But for now, they sit, and they eat, and they enjoy each other’s company and take great relief in the knowledge that their Blue and Red Paladin is truly, possibly for the first time in years, safe.
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vldkeith · 2 years
julance☀️🌊🚀 week four: birthday 🎂🎉 or blue paladin
a/n: HAPPY BIRTHDAY LANCE!! i love you so much and i've only grown to love you more over the years. i hope everybody had fun with this julance and enjoyed these fics! thank you, hbd lance my love <3
🖼 companion art by @vldlance 🥺
read on ao3 (leave a kudos even if u read it on tumblr please!)
On one offhanded afternoon, Keith had happened to glance at the Earth calendar Lance and Hunk insisted on keeping in the shared living space as a reminder of home. He’d examined it rather apathetically, trying to figure out what the date was on Earth more out of boredom than any real need to know. By his calculations, it was July 21st—oh, so, after July 4th… Keith had thought, mind already wandering away from the task.
It wasn’t until he’d reached the door to leave that he realized July 21st was only seven days before July 28th—A.K.A., his boyfriend’s birthday.
He had a week.
Keith allowed himself one day to panic, one day to desperately try to come up with something to get Lance without help from anyone, and emerged the next morning with a crushed spirit and nothing to show for it. He’d never been very good at gifts—the first gift he’d gotten Shiro was a gift card to Lowes, for god’s sake—and this is his and Lance’s first event together as a couple, Keith’s first opportunity to prove that he can make his boyfriend happy with a thoughtful present.
And he couldn’t think of anything.
Despairing, Keith had resolved to consult the advice of the first person he saw (other than Lance, of course) that morning after he emerged from his room. Perhaps the fact that he then almost immediately ran head-long into Coran the second he stepped out of the doorway was a sign from god.
Or the devil. It depends on how things go right now.
“Keith, my boy!” Coran exclaims, hand raising instantly to fix his mildly-tousled hair from their collision. “You nearly scared the living daylights out of me! Watch where you’re going, eh?”
The way Coran says it is good-natured, but Keith still has the teenage impulse to roll his eyes and snark back that maybe Coran should also watch where he’s going, thank you very much. He tamps that down, though, because he has learned the hard way that antagonizing someone you need something from is never the best way to get what you want. “Sorry. Hey, can I ask you something, though?”
Coran raises an eyebrow, a glint in his eye that instantly makes Keith feel like a child seeking advice from a wise uncle, or perhaps a grandfather. Keith’s not sure Coran fits either of those bills. “Of course! What can I help you with?”
“Lance’s birthday is coming up…” Keith begins hesitantly, reluctant to admit he’s having so much difficulty with this, “…and I have no idea what to get him. Any ideas?”
Instantly, Coran’s eyes are shining, and a wide smile stretches across his face, crinkling his mustache. He throws his hands up and declares, “I’ve been waiting for you to ask, my boy! Yes, yes, I have the perfect idea! Come, come!”
Bemused and a little unsettled by the enthusiastic response, Keith allows Coran to lead him to the front of the castleship, where he begins to quickly fiddle with the holographic maps.
“I had an inkling that you would need a little help, you see,” Coran says as he does this, bustling around and making noises that sound like several pots and pans banging together, “so I took it upon myself to think up a truly fantastic, show-stopping gift idea ahead of time! Oh, ever since you and Lance sealed the ol’ smackaroo, I had a premonition, of sorts, that you would seek my counsel for this ever-important matter because, and I’m sorry to say this, Red Paladin, but you are not exactly the tip of the Quindylzic when it comes to emotional intelligence!”
Keith is still trying to figure out how offended he should be by Coran’s when suddenly, with a great whooshing sound, blue stars and planets snap into being around him, twinkling and hovering idly. Coran claps his hands, satisfied.
“Perfect! Now, Keith, let’s get you over here—”
Coran grips Keith’s shoulders and steers him to the completely opposite side of the room, planting him squarely in front of the floating holographs of the universe. Keith can’t help but feel a bit in awe of the whole thing, even though he’s seen it multiple times by now, and even though Coran seems to have no trouble in manhandling him without his consent.
“There we go. Now then!” Coran clasps his hands together excitedly, taking up position to his right and gazing toward the map. “Your gift to the Blue Paladin, my bumbling Whizzmawoll, is going to be his very own star.”
There is a beat of silence in which Coran beams at Keith and Keith becomes increasingly confused and agitated.
“Um…” Keith tries to keep the disappointment out of his voice. “Well—we, uh, have something like that on Earth. I kind of feel like it’s not really…enough.”
The smile on Coran’s face wilts slightly. “Do you? I’m surprised, I—I must confess, I did not think Earth had reached far enough into space to deal in the star business.”
Keith shrugs helplessly. “I don’t know, you just contact NASA or the government or whatever, pick a star, and then get a piece of paper saying the star is yours. It’s not like you own it in any real way.”
“Ohhhhh!” Coran breathes out emphatically—and then, wide grin back on his face, continues, “I see!”
He throws an arm around Keith and winks. “Well, Emo Paladin of Fire,” he proclaims, voice infused with triumph, “I can safely assure you that, with my method, he will receive much more than a paltry piece of paper.”
Keith stares at the glass of his helmet, lit up to tell him that he’s arrived at the place he needs to be in order to purchase a star. Coran had spent a good 45 minutes detailing the grandness of owning a star, the status it confers upon the owner, the rich history of privatization and battles through which the industry finally emerged. It had been more than a little overwhelming, and Keith had wondered briefly if he’d even be allowed to step foot into such an extravagant place, convinced that star dealings must happen in opulent casinos and hotels meant for the superrich, plated in gold or Quintessence or whatever stood for value out in space like this.
The place Keith is standing in front of, though…God. There’s no way around it.
It looks like the fucking DMV.
A bland brown box-shaped building looms unimpressively in front of Keith, it’s double-doors thrown open enough so that Keith can get a view of the inside, which is lined with chairs facing toward a large desk counter where five aliens sit, conversing with customers. As Keith stands, frozen, trying to figure out if he’s made a wrong turn somewhere, an amplified voice calls out a series of garbled words Keith cannot understand, and an alien rises from the chair and makes its way slowly to the front.
Keith can already feel the itchy restlessness crawling up his skin. He hates the DMV. He hates anything that operates like the DMV. This…is his own personal form of hell.
After triple- and quadruple-checking that he’s got the right place (he does, and the thought makes him want to kill himself), Keith trudges morosely into the building, leaving Red outside and feeling massively stupid in his full Paladin getup.
He approaches the counter. The alien—a small gecko-like creature with pink scales and bulbous eyes—says something to him in a foreign language.
“Sorry—what?” Keith says helplessly. The alien sighs, rolls its eyes, and switches to English.
“What can I help you with today?” Its tone is monotonous and bland, as it’s liable to be after presumably hours dealing with the same mundane tasks. Keith hopes these employees are paid well.
“Um, I’d like to buy a…star? If I can?”
“Hmmm.” It looks him up and down, apparently unconvinced. “You’ll need proof of residence and identity. Can you provide that?”
Panic shoots through Keith. “I don’t—Well, no, because I don’t live anywhere,” he says, blinking.
The alien blinks back at him. “You don’t live anywhere,” it repeats, voice flat. “Well, then I’m afraid I can’t—”
“W-Wait!” Keith scrambles closer, leaning in nervously. He has to make this work. “I—I don’t live anywhere permanent, I live on—on a ship that, like, travels around the universe a lot. I can show you a picture of the ship? If you want?”
“A picture is not proper documentation, sir.”
He’s losing the alien, and fast—he needs to change tactic. “Look,” Keith lowers his voice anxiously, eyes darting around him, “I don’t live anywhere because I’m a Paladin of Voltron. You’ve heard of Voltron, right? Defender of the universe or whatever? That’s me. Or, partly me. Me and four other people. A-Anyway, we travel around and go where we’re needed, that’s why I don’t have an address. Or an identity. Okay?” Keith’s voice is a high-pitched whisper by the end of his explanation, and he knows he looks frantic and crazy. He can only hope that that makes him a little bit more believable.
The alien levels him with a critical, deadpan stare. “You expect me to believe a Paladin of Voltron just walked in here wanting to buy a star? Really?” Its voice is so convinced of Keith’s foolishness that Keith almost opens his mouth to apologize, before realizing that yes, that’s actually exactly what’s happening!
The two look at each other for a moment more, sizing each other up, before the alien sighs and, reaching to tear off a slip of paper from the machine next to it, mutters, “Frankly, I’m not paid enough for this. Here you go.”
Nearly sagging with relief, Keith receives the paper with gratitude. “Thank you,” he says earnestly, and escapes quickly to a seat before the alien can change its mind.
Keith spends nearly two hours that day in that stuffy, crowded, beige monstrosity of a building, but by the time he emerges—worn down and dragging his feet like he’s battled fifteen Galra soldiers at once—he’s armed with coordinates to a star and an elongated box clutched under his arm. He’s exhausted from the bureaucracy of it all, but he can’t deny the sense of glowing accomplishment he feels at having secured such a magical gift for Lance’s birthday.
That is, if this whole thing isn’t a scam. He’ll have to wait a few more days to find that out.
Nervousness buzzes through Keith’s body as he sits in Red’s cockpit waiting for Lance to arrive. It’s the day—July 28th, Lance’s birthday. So far, Keith’s felt pretty good about how it’s been celebrated; Hunk managed to get his hands on some Earth ingredients and was able to make, with minimal substitutions, a pretty skilled replica of Lance’s mom’s garlic knots. Well, Keith assumes it was a good replica, anyway; Lance nearly started crying when he bit into one, and had to leave the room for five minutes to collect himself.
Pidge and Allura teamed up to make Lance a small, stuffed Blue Lion, using Allura’s sewing skills and Pidge’s penchant for precision to make a damn-near perfect replica of the robot cat that somehow still retained the plushness associated with stuffed animals. Lance has insisted on carrying her around with him wherever he goes, like a child given a new toy on Christmas. It’s adorable. She’ll probably be coming with them on this trip, too.
Finally, Shiro presented Lance with a set of blue-topaz earrings that made Keith a little weak at the knees when Lance tried them on—something that Shiro had not missed, if his mischievous smirk was anything to go by. Lance had been overjoyed to receive them, rambling on about how nobody ever got him earrings and of course becoming besties with another gay man would be the perfect way to remedy that situation. He’d then put them carefully back into the box, claiming he wanted a whole day to enjoy them, that half a day didn’t fully appreciate their majesty the way he wanted to. The whole scene had had Keith smiling uncontrollably, because it had felt like his boyfriend and his dad were getting along, even though Shiro was more than that to both Keith and Lance. Still, it had warmed his heart.
Throughout the day, though, Lance had been making comments about Keith’s lack of a gift for him, betraying his impatience by turning to Keith expectantly after opening and cooing over every other gift. Keith had kept his mouth shut with playful feigned ignorance, and had told Lance simply to meet him in Red after dinner that night.
That time is now. And, on cue, Keith hears Lance’s footsteps approaching.
“Alright, Keith, you’ve made me wait long enough,” Lance declares before he’s even fully inside of Red. Keith turns to greet him as he steps into the cockpit, holding plushie Blue in his hands. “What’s my present? Tell me!”
Keith presses the button to close Red’s entrance. “I’m going to show you, actually. Just a little bit longer.” Keith reaches for the oblong box he’d gotten earlier that week, whisking it carefully off of Red’s controls. “But first…”
He hands it bashfully to Lance, keeping his eyes trained on his own hands as he does. Lance blinks, gazing at it with bemusement. Without much preamble, though, he pulls the lid off gently, revealing a glimmering necklace with a blue cord attached to a small, pink-and-gold glowing orb encasing a bright bundle of blue waviness made of fire and gasses. It blazes and rotates, a living piece of jewelry, reminding Keith of the sun in shape and planet Neptune in color.
Lance gazes at it with awe. “Woah. Keith, this is—” He turns his intense stare on Keith, instead. “This is beautiful. Thank you. I…” He coughs a little, and then laughs at himself. “I don’t know what to say.”
Keith’s heart swells with pride. “That’s not even the best part!” he replies eagerly, now twice as excited to get to the real thing. He turns around, then, not wanting to waist another moment—and pauses. “You should put it on,” he adds quickly, giving Lance a slight smile over his shoulder.
Lance, who had been staring reverently at the necklace still in its box, blinks as if coming out of a stupor. “Right!” Quickly, he slips the necklace over his head and allows it to settle across his throat. It looks enchanting on him.
Satisfied, Keith starts Red up and flies them into the vastness of space, barely able to contain his enthusiasm. He’d plugged the coordinates into Red’s system in advance, so the most he really has to do is keep them gliding along that path.
As they near their destination, Keith notices, Lance’s necklace lifts off of his body, floating into the air like a magical object aware that it is approaching its creator, unencumbered by something so trivial as gravity. Lance ooohsand ahhs at this, experimenting with it by trying to push it back down, and reveling in his failure to do so.
By the time Keith puts Red into standby mode, the necklace is hovering at the height of Lance’s mouth, though Keith has instructed Lance to turn away from all windows, lest the surprise be spoiled. Once he’s sure Red is stationary—he doesn’t need to confirm that they’re in the right place; he can see it, right in front of him, in all of its glory—he takes Lance’s hand and leads him to the pilot’s chair.
“Sit down.”
Lance obliges, and Keith makes himself comfy on Lance’s lap, an action that has Lance chuckling and sliding his arm around Keith’s waist, pulling him closer. “Can I open my eyes yet, pretty boy?” he asks suggestively, alerting Keith to the fact that maybe Lance thinks his present is of a bit of a different nature than it is.
Despite his blush, Keith snorts. “Yeah, go ahead.”
Lance opens his eyes and witnesses his star.
It is the blue ball of light, fire, and gas housed in his necklace, but thousands of times larger, taking up nearly the entire visage of the cockpit window with its magnificence. They’re far enough that it isn’t technically dangerous, but it still feels like being in the presence of a god, of something with far greater power than any human—even Paladins of Voltron—can ever hold. Blue fire spews from the constantly-moving ball of light, and it swirls amongst itself, radiating a luminescence so brilliant that Keith briefly considers shielding his eyes, but decides not to.
They both revel at the star, at the proximity of it, and Keith keeps an eye on Lance, waiting for him to put the pieces together. It is only when Lance notices his necklace floating pleasantly closer to the star, however, that he gets it.
“Wait a minute—” Lance begins, turning a wide-eyed gaze to Keith, “Is this—?”
“Yeah.” Keith nods, his smile lopsided and emotional. “All yours.”
Lance is silent for a moment, staring up at the star. It is reflected in his eyes, making their blue color all the more transfixing and bright.
“You got me a star?”
Keith is not entirely prepared for the genuine emotion in Lance’s voice, or the way he can see tears begin to prick at his eyes. He’s about to double back, ask if Lance is okay, when Lance suddenly buries his face in Keith’s neck, shaking with musical laughter.
“How am I going to outdo you for your birthday, Kogane? Holy crow,” he says after a moment, lifting his head and giving Keith a binding smile. “Screw you!”
“Please,” Keith scoffs, though he’s absolutely radiating pride and happiness. “I’d be happy if you let me suck your—”
“Oh my god!” Lance shoves his hand over Keith’s mouth, collapsing into more laughter. “Shut up! You’re so annoying!”
Keith’s chuckling joins Lance’s as he pries Lance’s hand away from his mouth. “Well, it’s true!”
Lance doesn’t deign that with a response, instead simply shaking his head and turning his attention back to the star in front of him, his star. “So,” he says after a moment, gesturing vaguely to his necklace, “this proves the star is mine, right? I basically have this…mini-star with me all the time?”
“Pretty much. It’ll float more the closer you are to the star. It’s kind of like a little piece of it that’s yours forever.”
“Wow.” Lance lets out a low whistle. “That’s way better than the pieces of paper they give you back on Earth.”
“Right?!” Keith nods emphatically. “Plus, like, we can actually see it out here, not just have a random blurry picture!”
Lance shakes his head, still smiling. “Earth is way behind the times, what’s new?”
They are quiet for a moment, lost in their respective thoughts as they gaze up at the star. When Lance breaks it, he’s quiet.
“Hey,” he murmurs, nuzzling against Keith’s throat, giving him goosebumps, “thank you. Seriously. This is—It’s maybe the best present I’ve ever gotten. Don’t tell anyone that, though.”
Keith laughs a little. “I won’t. Happy birthday, though. You deserve it, Lance.” He makes sure to look away when he adds, “You deserve it and more.”
“Keeeeeith,” Lance whines loudly, making Keith jump where he sits on top of him, “don’t make me cry again, I’ve already embarrassed myself once today!”
Keith rolls his eyes and swings a leg across Lance’s middle, resituating himself to be facing Lance instead of the large window. “Alright, alright, enough of being sentimental. I have another part of your gift, too.”
Lance raises an eyebrow. “Oh? Whatever could it be?” he asks playfully, hands settling on Keith’s hips.
“I’ll show you.”
The space between them closes, and the last thought Keith allows himself before giving in to the sensation of kissing Lance McClain, is Thank god, I finally got it right this time.
He’ll have to thank Coran with some Nunvil, later.
☕️ko-fi - please consider buying me a coffee if you enjoyed my work this month! thank you!
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This is based off a mix of my own post and @klance-brainrot tags on the post. Post (with tags) here! 
Authors Note: 
I’m not condoning or encouraging people to pierce themselves, please go to a professional for your piercings 
Lance was aware he was staring, he didn’t need Hunk to be shaking him slightly or Pidge to be waving their hand in his face. He knew he was staring. Staring was bad and rude and he knew he shouldn’t but he wasn’t sure if he was going insane or not. 
His rival, Keith fucking Kogane had facial piercings. Not just one, not just two but six piercings. The silver metal shined under the sun where he sat with Commander W, or Adam as he preferred to be called by everyone. 
Keith nodded his head at whatever Adam was saying, fiddling with the metal hoop to the left side of his lip with his fingers. 
Lance rubbed his eyes, hard. Hard enough to leave black spots dancing in his vision. He had to be hallucinating. He had been toe to toe with him, they shared classes together, and he had spoken to him for crying out loud. Lance would have noticed a piercing, let alone six. 
“Lance! Snap out of it. You’re scaring me,” Hunk anxiously spoke beside him. 
“I’mma smack him,” Pidge raised their arm and Lance raised his own to stop their swing. 
“Am I dreaming or does Keith have piercings?” 
Hunk and Pidge turned in sync to stare at the raven-haired boy, Lance groaning at their lack of stealth. 
“Looks like he does,” Pidge said in a slightly monotone voice. 
Hunk nodded, turning back to face Lance. “He looks good in them.” 
“They have to be real right?” 
Hunk and Pidge nodded. 
“Does he like...take them out for school hours?” It was a Sunday, the only day of the week they didn’t have to wear the orange uniforms or follow most protocols. 
Pidge shrugged their shoulders, “probably, he doesn’t seem like someone who would wear fake jewelry.” 
Ever since that day, every Sunday became a slight adventure for Lance. He slowly began to notice more and more metal on his rival. An industrial on his right ear, how both his ear lobes had three piercings all the way up, some other ones that Lance didn’t know the name for. He was decked out.  
Lance was walking to meet up with some classmates for a small study session, passing Keith and Adam sitting outside in the sun. Adam was scooping some ice cream onto a spoon while Keith had a cone. 
Lance nearly walked into a wall as Keith licked his ice cream; did he have a tongue piercing? 
Lance never found out if what he saw was actually correct. A week later news was released that the Kerberos mission failed and all three members were supposedly killed due to a crash. Pilot error.
Keith and Adam stopped hanging out on Sundays. 
The last Lance knew about him was he flunked out or was kicked out, the rumors changed a lot. Lance didn’t care, due to his leaving he was able to score a fighter pilot spot. 
“Why are you staring at me?” Keith glared at Lance from across the table; holding his spoon tightly with annoyance. 
“Don’t flatter yourself, I wasn’t staring,” Lance averted his gaze. Maybe he was staring a little bit but Keith didn’t need to know that. 
“You were. You’re always staring at me.” 
The air felt tight, everyone was watching the two. Keith was usually pretty tolerant of his fellow blue paladin but everyone has a breaking point. 
“Maybe I just think you need some skin care in your life,” Lance crossed his arms and sat back in his chair some. 
Keith put his spoon down, standing from the table, “whatever.” He left the room quickly, leaving a suffocating silence. 
“Lance, could I talk with you?” Shiro poked his head into Lance’s room. 
“Uh sure?” He stood from where he was laying on his bed. 
Shiro motioned for him to sit back down so he did. He wasn’t as freaked out around Shiro anymore but Shiro was still untouchable in his head. Almost like that cool kid in class you don’t talk to unless you’re in their circle of friends. Shiro was his idol, he never expected to be living on a spaceship with him, sharing meals, and training. He never expected Shiro to know he existed. 
“So I talked with Keith.” 
Lance internally groaned, that was never a good way to start a conversation. “Okay.” 
Shiro took a deep breath, seeming a bit uncomfortable as well. “He says that you stare at him a lot and he would like it if you didn’t.” 
“I don’t!” Lance stood, trying to will his embarrassment down. 
Lance looked at the ground, suddenly feeling like a scolded child. “I don’t mean to, I promise. He just...”
“He what? If he does something that bothers you, tell me so we can work on it with him.” Shiro's voice was light, he clearly was hoping for an easy solution to fix this problem. 
Lance chewed on his lip, trying to come up with something on the spot that wasn’t just ‘I find his piercings attractive.’ “Umm...well....” His mind was blank. 
“You can tell me, Lance. If it’s bad it can stay between us.” 
“Ithinkhispiercingsarehot.” Lance mumbled out the words, slapping his hand over his mouth as soon as he realized what he said. 
Shiro smiled for a brief second before his face fell bad into 'Dad Mode' as Pidge called it. “Okay.” 
“I don’t mean to stare, but they’re cool okay? And he looked good with them...really good. And at the Garrison he didn’t have them in all the time so I didn’t get to see them and now I can look at them and I find them...cool.” 
Shiro smiled, “I understand. You should ask him about it someday. He likes to share them with people.” 
“Uh sure.” They talked for a bit longer before Shiro left, encouraging Lance once more to ask Keith about his piercings. 
It took Lance three weeks to finally approach Keith. He did his best to only look when Keith couldn’t catch him. He didn’t want to give him the satisfaction that he found him attractive or admire him in any way. 
But he needed to know. Why did he only have them some of the time at the Garrison? What were they called? Did they hurt? Which one hurt the worst? And the most important question, did he actually have his tongue pierced? 
“Hey mullet, can I talk to you?” He walked onto the training deck as Keith called for the bots to stop. 
“Can I ask about your piercings...?” Lance hated how unconfident he sounded but Keith intimidated him in a sense. He had a crush on him, I mean look at him but Lance was never good at talking to people he found attractive. And piercings were his weakness.
Keith gave him a skeptical look, using the bottom of his shirt to wipe the sweat from his face. “Let me shower, and then yeah."
Lance nodded, “okay. Meet in the common room?"
Keith nodded and Lance bolted out of the training deck.
He waited anxiously in his common space, pacing back and forth, his fingers pulling at his hair. His heart was beating in his throat and he felt like he was going to be sick. He didn’t ever spend time with just Keith, he did his best to actively avoid it. 
He knew his crush on Keith was small but after their bonding moment, he was head over heels for him. He didn’t really know how to navigate his feelings so he buried them under a false rivalry. 
Keith entered the space about 10 minutes later. His hair was dropping slightly and the smell of his soap filled Lance’s senses. 
Keith nodded and sat on the edge of the one couch. Lance opted to sit on the couch across from him. The silence grew around them and Keith shifted a bit in discomfort, “what did you want to ask?” 
“Didtheyhurt? And which one hurt the worst?!” 
Keith blinked a couple of times, his mind trying to decipher what Lance said. “I mean...they didn’t not hurt, it’s a needle going through my skin.” 
Lance nodded, that made sense. 
“And for the pain, the healing process was the worst for them. My industrial,” he gestured towards the bar going between the upper cartilage of his ear. “The healing process for this was long and kind of annoying but not too bad. My septum,” he touched the horseshoe metal going through his nose, “felt like I was punched in the face for a week after. That healing time was really annoying. I won’t even lie. But the most painful that actually made me swear was my right nostril.” He poked the small stud that sat in his nose. 
“Why did that one hurt so much?” 
Keith shrugged, “I don’t know, the left one didn’t hurt at all.” 
“You got them done at the same time?” 
“Basically, same session.” 
Lance leaned forward some, “what’s that one called?” He pointed towards the metal that sat at the top of Keith's nose between his eyes. 
“I don’t know which one you’re talking about?” 
Lance stood from his couch, making his way over to the other boy; flopping down right next to him. “This one.” He hovered his finger above the spot, not daring to touch the other boy's skin. 
“Oh, it’s called the bridge.” 
“Did that one hurt a lot?” Lance reached up and pinched the same spot on his face, wincing a bit at the pain. 
“Not as much as the other ones.” 
Lance lowered his hand, “what’s that one called?” He pointed towards his ear. 
Keith smiled softly and began listing each piercing as he gently touched each one. On his right ear, he had his industrial, his daith, anti-helix, and the three up his lobe. His left ear had the three up his lobe, his tragus, helix, rook, snug, and conch done, and apparently had had plans to get his anti-helix done on that ear as well. 
On his face he had his bridge, an eyebrow piercing on his left eyebrow, both of his nostrils, his septum, and a hoop on the left side of his bottom lip.  
He explained how he did some of them himself but most of them came from professionals that didn't ask for an ID or parental consent.
"Why did you only have them in on Sundays at school?" 
"I had to take them out for classes. Thankfully none of them ever closed up since I put them back in after dinner. Took like thirty minutes to put them in and take them out." Keith chuckled. 
“Is that all you have?” Lance didn’t realize how close he was to Keith's face until Keith moved his head back slightly; his cheeks tinted pink. 
“I’m not taking my shirt off.” 
Lance blinked, “wh-what?! Why would you do that? Do you have your belly button done or something?!” 
Lance crossed his arms some, leaning back from the other boy. “You don’t have any more in your face area?” 
Keith smirked at him, “no.” 
“Show me your tongue!” 
Keith clenched his jaw, shaking his head no. 
Lance borderline lunged at him, tackling him down on the couch slightly, “come on Keithhhhhh just show meeeeeeee.” He managed to grab his jaw slightly, trying to push his jaw open from the outside of his cheeks. 
Keith grabbed his wrist, gripping slightly as he shook his head no, a playful smile on his face. It was a game for both of them. 
Lance felt his jaw open ever so slightly, his lips still pressed closed. “Come on Keith, if you have nothing to hide why can’t I just see it-”
“What is going on in here?!” Shiro stood in the doorway, his face scrunched up in a confused expression. 
Lance borderline flew off the other boy, his face burning with embarrassment. “I uh..I..” he looked at Keith who was chuckling slightly, pushing himself up some.
“Everything is fine. I was just showing Lance my piercings.”  
“Oh...well,” Shiro cleared his throat, “I was looking for Keith and Hunk said he saw him come in here. Sorry to interrupt whatever that was.” 
“You’re fine, I’ll be right there," Keith gestured to Shiro to leave the room who did quickly. 
Keith turned to look back at Lance who was still fighting the urge to fall into a ball and cry from embarrassment. “See you around sharpshooter,” he stuck his tongue out slightly, just enough to show the silver ball that sat on his tongue. 
He left the room with a smirk and Lance slumped to the ground; his knees feeling a bit weak. Keith was officially the death of him. 
This was so much fun to write!!!!!
Thank you for reading <333333
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i7scenarios · 1 year
I am thinking of opening up Matchups for the holidays! - please indicate your interest below- and if I get enough likes I will be opening them maybe on the 23-25th of December
Here are the rules I had last time with some changes of course!
(They are not open just yet so please don’t send anything in yet- just respond to this post to show interest!) 
What that is, is you send me a description of yourself, personality, likes, dislikes, hobbies, dreams for the future, etc. I will then match you up with one of the IDOLiSH7 characters based on who I personally think you would be suited for.
I don’t need you to give me a description of what you look like, gender, or whatever. You will only be matched with males. Here are the list of the boys I will do matches with.
Iori, Yamato, Mitsuki, Tamaki, Sogo, Nagi, Riku
Gaku, Tenn, Ryuunosuke
Momo, Yuki
Haruka, Toma, Minami, Torao
Banri, Rinto Okazaki, Shiro
(I was going to add Anesagi, but since she is only attracted to men, it would just be easier without her) (I’m also not including Ryo because I do not wish that bastard on any of you sweet lovely people ^^)
When submitting, it is likely you will go over the word limit, in that case please do a 1/3 2/3 3/3 at the top so if you are anon I will know it’s the same person. If you don't and are on anon then I won't be able to do your matchup~
Here I will give you an example of what to write and say about yourself- Note- you don’t have to be as personal as me, I’m just rather open ^^
I am a passionate person who is a huge animal lover. I was born a vegetarian, although I have a big sweet tooth. I love nature, be it the ocean, forests, parks, etc. I’m not the biggest outdoors person, but I do need to get out every now and then. I’m the kind of person who takes scenery photography vs selfies. I have had many health issues through my life, especially the last 10 years of my life. However, I became quite fascinated with Psychology due to my time suffering from multiple chronic diseases. I am very close to my father, however I no longer have contact with my mother. She was abusive and eventually it came to a point I had to end things with her so I could someday be happy and healthy. I love singing, hitting high and long notes feels really good. I enjoy drawing, reading and writing and am a huge otaku. I have a giant collection of goods which I treasure. I’ve always been a little odd, never really fitting in with my own age group. I never lie, I see no point to it. Due to this I can be rather blunt, but I don’t do it to be mean. I am a very kind person who is always thinking of others. I may seem gentle but I have a slight extreme streak. I have trouble dealing with people who aren’t very intelligent. I don’t cry easy anymore, if I do it’s for someone else. Animals really do mean everything to me, my biggest wish for this world is that people learn to treat them with respect, that they are living creatures like us who have emotions and feel love too. I believe nothing in life should be free, people need to work for things. If you want to succeed in life then you need to put in the effort. I believe everyone has struggles of their own, if people could just see that then I think this world would be a better place. I love IDOLiSH7 because watching and listening to them all makes me so happy. I love them all with all of my heart.  
A post that explains things like that about yourself is good! Of course you don’t need to get into personal details! I’m just personally rather open- but again the more info I have the more accurate your results will be! 
Here is an example of what NOT to write!
I’m 5′3″ with long brown hair and green/blue eyes. I’m a Sagittarius and I love any shades of blue, purple, pink. I love anime and music! I have a cat and he is really adorable <3 I love to sleep and snuggle with him! I love IDOLiSH7 and think Sogo is just the cutest thing ever <3333
See? From posts like that I really don’t learn anything about you... I will NOT respond to posts like this!
1. Do NOT state which character you like/want to be paired with! I want to match you with someone based on who you are and who I think would be a good partner for you.
2. Ages don’t matter! (DON’T POST YOUR AGE!) If you are 27 and I pair you with Tamaki who in the series is 17/18, just imagine your in a time when your ages are closer. It’s all for fun anyway.
3. Please please include page numbers like I stated above 1/2 2/2 on your requests.
4. Be as descriptive as you can, state your strong points and your weak points! Everyone has them so don’t feel ashamed at all.
5. You will only get ONE matchup! If you don’t like who I paired you with, I’m sorry but I will choose who I think will be a good life partner for you.
6. Note, I don’t believe you have to have everything in common with someone or like the same things to be with someone. For example, if you like sweets and dislike spicy food, that doesn't mean I won't pair you with Sogo, same if you love anime! That doesn't mean you will get Nagi. I will pair you based on what each other lack and what each other needs in their life.
7. This is all in good fun so please don’t be upset if I don’t match you with who you want. And please don’t purposely try to get a certain character, you already know you like them, so why not find out who I think is suited for you?
8. Please don’t include your gender label- it doesn’t make a difference in the results!!
I will write a small entry on what they love about you and why you two work as a couple. (Ignoring all the idol stuff and dating restrictions etc)
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alazyparallelworld · 1 year
(i’m terribly late, you don’t need to answer this, but—) maybe amatojo for the ship bingo, and/or shiromatsu?
i'm splitting this up into two posts -!! this is the amatojo one
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off the bat there is smth... unusual... the purple'd. the purple is, uh, 'my kneejerk response would've been this,' - as you (rumi) (Some viewers) know i have a very mild tilt of like for tojo... it used to verge on, ah, Dislike, but when you follow a kinnie (dry laugh)
so. when i got this ask, i was immediately thinking. "ah, but, this will be such an empty board. 'i have nothing to say about it, indeed,' i feel bad. it's gonna pale in comparison to the shiro/aka answer,"
and. here i am. SHOCKED THAT I HAVE A LOT TO SAY ABOUT AMATOJO ? the ship leaked through . Rumi's influence.
okay but for real
FIRST i have to clarify, "enable the worst out of each other" - i do not think amami would approve of, seedier implications of being everyone's puppet. What she's had to do for the 'greater good,' -- I think, amami would be at best horrified and at worst having to physically restrain tojo in some way.
"it's not someone else doing this.... it's you! this is your decision! you don't want to actually hurt people!" sort of argument.
when i say, 'enable the worst,' i mean more of their... Mutuals desires to please and their own obsessive fixations. amami is kept awake at night, whiteboards filled back-to-back with stickynotes and pinned down worldmaps, he has plane tickets reserved for 3/4th quarters of the year to continue his search. he loves his sisters so much it destroys him
and love... is a good, thing, right? tojo would not encourage in the way of - yes, stay up until 5 am, lose sleep - but rather tolerate and comfort him in these moments. she doesn't (at least not initially) have the heart to pull him away. It'd be cruelty.
and the vice versa - when her personhood and employment isn't ethically questionable - amami is amazed at tojo's competence. some of the things, she partakes in, even daily flies right over his head... and he too enjoys, 'the facade,' at least initially? She's so beautiful, she's so smart, she can do anything.... how are you supposed to sit someone down and rip their identity away?
so. It would be. AWHILE, or it would take special circumstances for them to have the argument of - "you are destroying your body! you need medical help! you are not responsible for the livelihood of your family!!" & "you aren't all you say you are! you need to stop! you - when you are off, it's like you're all alone despite being surrounded by everyone... i can't stand to see you like that anymore,"
and it would be. Really.
REALLY messy. and thematically interesting. and fucked up. and -
idk i think entering a relationship with either of these people is. Uh. a strain on one another, pff... how can you feel like she's your girlfriend when she's - IDK, away at other people's homes more than in your apartment? when she's cooking meals for other people? when you barely see her, at least not 'off the clock'
and how can you dare impede yourself on his grief? how can you 'demand' love, affection, from such endless n continuing sorrow of being Alone? this is enough. this has to be enough...
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