#some other people think it's a curse
snooooooooppy · 7 months
yall talking about dark academia and chaotic academia posting nice photos of hundreds years old buildings, but the most chaotic dark academia shit I've ever seen is this oax's heart at the door of the portuguese centre in my university here in brazil
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who put it there? why? nobody knows! there was a letter too, but it's illegible cause it soaked in blood.
and that's why we say that magical realism is just realism!!! come to brazil, babyyy
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swampthingking · 2 months
andrew’s definitely gotten in trouble with his pr manager for tweeting things along the lines of:
“no mania inducing medication will compare to the euphoria i will feel the day donald trump drops dead”
#pr manager is like: andrew… this is the last time i’m gonna tell you#andrew: whats the point of democracy if i can’t exercise freedom of speech#pr manager: andrew it’s no longer about your image#at this point we are concerned the fbi is going to show up#andrew: neil has connections. i’m fine#they thought marketing andrew on social media would be good#they were sooooo wrong#because now andrew has a place to share every insane thing he’s ever thought#for instance—a tweet that just says ‘an alien googling: human clothes’#he’s on there advocating for lgbtq+ youth you KNOW HE IS#he’s cursing and mildly threatening members of congress for imposing these disgusting bills#one day he tweeted ‘does mitch mcconnell know he’s dead yet’#when mitch mcconnell stepped down from senate andrew tweeted ‘hopefully next he steps down from life’#unsurprisingly: this endears him to some people and makes others fucking hate him#and he’s such a shit. he does not care either way#he’s kind of just like: pr manager. you gave me a twitter and told me to tweet. i’m just doing what you asked me#they’ve threatened to change his password so many times#they actually did once but andrew reported the account so many times for defamation and fraud that it got suspended#and he made a new account out of pure spite#his pr manager is like: andrew nobody is going to want to sign you because of your public image#and andrew is like: ?? ok. they can lose every game then#(he knows he’s the best goalie)#ok i think that’s enough for now. however i will probably be back#andrew minyard#aftg#tfc#trk#tkm#the foxhole court#all for the game
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imaybe5tupid · 20 days
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Why bother? (Why bother?) It's gonna hurt me. (It's gonna hurt me.) It's gonna kill when- (Why bother!) -You desert me! (Gonna hurt me!)
Set after Nightmare. Laios is reminiscing and contemplating.
#laishuro#laios touden#i make a lot of jokes on here since part of the fun of this blog for me is limiting myself to only expressing ideas via drawings#as much as I can to try to see what I can try to convey in the limited time I have to draw each day which is sometimes like 15minutes#but laios idea of who shuro was to him and who he continues to be and how it ties into his own feelings of self worth and self hatred#not to mention being so thoroughly defined by having never been indulged before by the men in his life#are so compelling to me#and then of course you mix in toshiros own mind prisons#and their established dynamic of him begrudgingly putting up with him because he feels he has to and bc hes cursed with obedience#whilst laios genuinely thinks shuro does it because he likes it and likes laios because why else would anyone act like that#when everyone else in his life has not hesitated to Let Him Know#this is what is so fun about relationships like this…forever passing by each other’s true feelings like ships in the night#and on toshiros side umineko said it best People are riddles. They want someone else to solve their riddle#they live life wanting someone to solve the riddle that they are#the most difficult riddle in the world#without love the truth cannot be seen sighhhh many such cases#sometimes i get embarassed how deep i get for some of the characters in this series it really is that deep sometimes but not always#but WHATEVER#i never even engaged in or was interested in shipping the several years i read dunmeshi EXCEPT laishuro lol#which i sadistically wanted to stay one sided and miserable forever. I rarely get fed such genuinely fraught dynamics as their one in manga#so i became obsessed#and walked through the desert alone for 40 years and then checked in as anime started airing that other people ship this and gaf#and decided to unleash the jokes and ideas that my like 2 friend who like anime previously suffered alone as though they were jesus christ#now tho as much as I still enjoy tragedy and pain and emotional suffering I’ve let love and peace and requited fulfilled yaoi into my life#with laishuro. and its great!#my comics
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 1 year
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Stop flirting and start fighting
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rustyreveries · 3 months
decided to torture myself a bit and attempted to doodle canon sal. never doing this again
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is this what the people want. boring ass green twink /lh
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mxtxfanatic · 12 days
I’m wondering something though -
When Xie Lian and the others learned of He Xuan’s background, it was made clear He Xuan had extremely bad luck.
“Although this scholar He’s family was very, very poor, he was a talented man. Since his youth, he was frighteningly intelligent and picked things up quickly and expertly. He was also widely known as a good son; there was really nothing bad to say about the guy in any respect. Unfortunately for him, he was also very unlucky. For him, nothing good ever lasted.”
Volume 4, Chapter 53 page 28
If the Reverend of Empty words can only shout misfortune upon its victims (and their loved ones) causing them to despair so much they commit suicide, does this mean He Xuan had bad luck all on his own even without the fate switching? 🤔
Or does the Reverend actually draw bad luck to his victims? This would actually make a lot sense but from how Xie lian explains things , this isn’t how a usual venerable works and explanations about the Reverend do not explicitly state this. 🤔🤔🤔
He Xuan couldn’t have had bad luck all on his own without the fate-switching, because his fate was to ascend. However, I think a full answer to this question would need to be a meta, cause I think that a core point of tgcf is that fates are not set-in-stone from birth, that fortune is what you make of it rather than what makes you, and that we shouldn’t fall into traps of letting superstition rule our lives, thoughts, and morality. The Reverend of Empty Words specifically chose prey amongst those with great fates, and most of those people had terrible ends. The Reverend was only able to speak on Shi Qingxuan—who had a fate of wealth—once before his family masked his presence, and yet the family still went into decline and lost their fortune. Were all of those fates fake? Was Guoshi not as good a fortune-teller as he so claimed? Or is all of this more changeable than people want to believe?
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suffarustuffaru · 9 months
Reading your tags about how people miss the very obvious "there's some fucked up shit boiling underneath" regarding Otto, just gave me a sudden realization. Otto is the only character I know in fiction where they act all innocent and drive up the "clumsy", "just in the side-lines" and "straight-man (heh)" persona. When. Like no one's in the EMT camp is buying it. They know he's way more capable than he let's on. Meanwhile, the tomfoolery is completely brought on by the Western audience.
Like Otto is failing miserably to make other characters believe that he's not up to mischief, Roswaal even thinks it can bring his downfall. But the audience, who even sometimes *sees* his fucked up thought process, is buying it.
*head in hands*
no u bring up so many good points bc ive been really thinking about this for a while T^T its such an interesting phenomenon in the difference in perception otto has between the japanese speaking half of the fandom vs the english speaking half which can be explained by—yeah. media illiteracy mainly. im also putting my head in my hands anon T^T
because—okay sorry wkdndn im gonna get into meta again but hear me out bc this pattern of the fandom underestimating otto is interesting bc i kind of sort of i cracked the code maybe??? o.o i think the nature of otto is a character is that youre SUPPOSED to underestimate him at first, just like what happens sometimes in universe. i mean wayyy back then i definitely wasnt expecting him to get more depth added to him in arc 4–which was a pleasant surprise—which is also the reaction the vast majority of people have to reading/watching arc 4, along with the other vast majority reaction which is being a bit endeared to ottosubas friendship and respecting otto for being a good friend. and then its easy to underestimate otto bc of 1. all the chaos going on in rezero at any given moment and 2. hes almost always overshadowed by other characters doing worse shit or being more insane than he is and 3. otto of course damn well knows hes easy to underestimate and counts on that. thats what he did against roswaal in arc 4. plus—i mean even aesthetics-wise hes 100% DESIGNED to be easy to underestimate. his outfit and physical features make him look either friendly or frazzled or soft. so i think that the point is that we were supposed to be kind of fooled—at first.
because yeah, we’re endeared to otto. we respect him for helping subaru the way he did. we think that hes a nice person and we now support his actions especially after feeling sympathetic towards him after learning his backstory. (or at least the average audience member will think this wjdndn.) but like—you dont even NEED to look at any side content at all for it to dawn on you that theres something Wrong. with him. like all you need is main route arcs 3-8 aka ottos entire screentime thus far, because at arc 4 its so easy to overlook otto unless youre thinking a bit deeper (for example—he gets violent with subaru. like yeah its entertaining, its played for laughs a bit, yeah subaru needed to be snapped out of his own head, but was it 100% necessary??? why did otto have this response??? bc if you just look at the main timeline otto really decided to beat up subaru first. and bc this tendency is now Less Funny in arc 8).
but even if youre just looking at rezero face value, when you get to arc 5 its starting to get even more clear that ottos weird in the head. like we already saw him being very good at scheming and planning in arc 4–in arc 5, we find out about otto hiding the tome for a year. we find out WHY hes been hiding the tome for a year. the tome then leads the witch cult into priestella, so like—in the sense, otto is RESPONSIBLE for arc 5. but theres STILL a tendency sometimes for the audience to continue underestimating him even though by this point we’re getting more clues and many characters around otto, like you said anon, KNOW hes very capable. i keep wondering why this is, but arc 5 is, again, FULL of chaos and different storylines happening at once, so its so easy to almost kind of forget otto there in the background until he occasionally pops up again. plus otto serves an additional role as comedic relief sometimes—he spends all of arc 5 being bitchy and whiny (i say this affectionately HAH) about his camp being full of disasters, for example, so i think the natural response from the audience tends to be “aw otto!! what a silly guy!!” sometimes. you know? so its like. i think at this point some people tend to be like “yeah fair that otto was wary of roswaal and thats why he saved the tome…. anyway ooooh whats going on with these other plot points” wobsbss. its so fascinating bc—ok this might be my own personal experience but anyone reading this pls tell me if you agree or not—i dont think ive seen a lot of people actually even MENTION otto bringing the tome into priestella attracting witch cultists. and the english speaking fandom LOVES to go into certain characters’ wrongdoings so why gloss over otto????
the only explanation i have for this is that from arcs 3-4 underestimating otto is. kind of the point of his character UNTIL you get to arc 5 and the clues in the main story start seeping in even more. and also the western audience DOES have media illiteracy a lot. theres that too. just look at rezero content on youtube or reddit or fanfic sites or other things of that sort T^T but no yeah i think ottos nature as a character exacerbates it. youre supposed to start asking questions about him. youre supposed to start connecting the dots and then SUDDENLY its now EXTREMELY obvious in arc 7-8 and even while theres so much chaos going on its basically shoved in your face. arc 7-8 is just delivering on all the leadup that was arcs 3-5.
and i think that youve gotta be media illiterate for sure to NOT get that otto is not squeaky clean and innocent BY ARC 8. i think that ottos the deconstruction of the loyal best friend trope, and also a mirror into what subaru couldve been like if he decided to be more ruthless instead of jumping right to forgiveness and saving everyone, except sometimes that flies right over the audience’s head wkdndnd. it confuses me bc ive seen some people completely miss the point or completely agree with otto and overlook the Bad Parts of it or, you know, STILL think ottos perfectly sane—like T^T please.
and yeah so back to what you said about otto Not being underestimated In Universe—its such an interesting detail bc hes ALWAYS been simultaneously pathetic and Very Competent wjdndnd. but yeah no all of his friends have seen various hints and clues and evidence of what hes capable of. like even though he hid the tome from them successfully and even though hes hiding info now its INEVITABLE that its gonna blow up in his face one day. like you got characters like garfiel who literally saw otto punch the wall and break his hand in an unhinged fit of rage, julius who got snapped at by otto and while julius is a Bit naive definitely knows somethings off there, anastasia whos smart as hell and definitely knows not to underestimate otto, and roswaal who, like you said anon, literally went out of his way to stop otto from breaking his hand in another unhinged fit of rage and warned otto that he will literally be destroying himself if he keeps going on like this. its this fascinating dichotomy bc otto is NOT fooling anyone around him but at the same time his current schemes are mostly unnoticed—for now—which yeah i havent seen that in a lot of media!!! its an interesting balancing act bc people around him realistically know hes competent after seeing the Proof of that for the past couple arcs, but otto is still finding ways to try and Win…
which—again, the anger and violence is an extension of arc 4 otto!! this is the same guy!! hes always been like this!! ottos kind of stayed the same, deep down, this whole time and as an audience its ONLY shoved in our face with a big gigantic spotlight on it FOUR ARCS LATER, but it was hinted to all this time. and like you said anon—we LITERALLY see ottos fucked up thought processes. literally what sane person thinks any of that shit. its spelled right out for the reader HAH T^T which—yeah. media illiteracy…. and also this whole ask was a longer way of just saying that otto is VERY easy to see at surface level if youre media illiterate. but at the same time it should be very easy to figure out otto is A Bit Fucked Up bc tappei underlines it in bright red print!!! i think people sometimes just hang onto soft awkward silly otto and forget about the rest T^T either that or they dont think he cares about subaru at all. which. that phenomenon of thinking characters that do care about subaru Dont Care is also interesting to me bc why????? we’re at arc 8 and you STILL dont get it??? o.ooooo
but yeah apart from that….. i said this earlier but yeah sometimes some people agree with ottos realism in arc 8 which is. understandable, but the whole point is that he is EXTREME. with it. hes Not in the right here, but the same crowd that wants wanton revenge in rezero is gonna agree with that kind of stuff T^T ottos been lurking in the background so much so that tappei made it meta by doing the whole “walking in darkness” part of his character, so i guess people just. dont see ottos ACTUAL worst traits and instead think he would ditch subaru at the first opportunity or something. but at the point we are now, arc 8 ottos problem isnt that hed ditch subaru. his problem is that he would sacrifice the world for subaru. his problem is that he gets extremely angry at subaru for trying to do good. his problem is that hes trying to micromanage everything around him and is willing to sacrifice anything necessary to get what he wants. but sometimes people dont get that bc otto doesnt look sound or seem like a character thatd do that. the Underestimation part of his character is doing too well on. certain audiences. please T^T the soft and awkward and silly parts ARE part of his character just like all the Darker parts are!!!
additionally im also wondering if western audience perception of otto is also clouded by the fact that otto looks and sounds more feminine / androgynous and he doesnt have the appeal of Overt Power either……. he cant Really be waifu-ified… and he cant be used as a weird self insert like subaru…. and you Have to look at him closer to understand him…. and for some reason people dont tend to hate on him so aggressively, if anything people cant even see his actual canonical flaws half the time wkdndn so if youre not paying attention otto CANT be aggressively hated on bc theres nothing there if ur not looking at it….. and if youre not paying attention otto seems more “boring” compared to the others…… (not that people arent allowed to not have otto as a favorite character bc thats totally fair but im talking about the tendency to think hes Saner than he actually is.) but yeah these are just my guesses. i have no clue the western fandom is a little T^T some people unfortunately cannot read.
anyway. big thank you to the japanese fanbase for understanding ottos character more and making so much wonderful fancontent for him T^T also i think that we as a collective fanbase should stop underestimating otto in general bc its exactly what he wouldnt want and i think itd be really hilarious. <3333 make him explode with rage please
#rezero#ask#yeah sorry this response was so long wkdndnd but yeah ive been thinking on this for a while…#like ottos a very key side character thats given a lot of focus and yet hes?? largely ignored in english fanbase#but also rezero is a special case i feel bc for some reason a LOT of people misread it so easily. all the time. even fans thatve made it to#arc 8. why???? T^T rezero is so divisive i feel and for what??????? why?????? why do people miss this the story makes it obvious what its#about??? not to mention the LITERAL anime episode called THATS WHAT THIS WHOLE STORY IS ABOUT WNDNDN#tappei basically slamming u in the face with otto being fucked up fr too HAH….#its like ottos falling into almost the same kind of stuff that rems perception by some people does. which is u know ignoring her problemati#traits of Being Obsessed With Subaru. shes a loyal ‘waifu’ and ottos a loyal friend but he cant be waifuified so easily and hes not front#and center in the sense that rem was also the second main love interest skdndnd#which i think might be the common fandom problem also of overly focusing on romance bc people notice rems loyalty more than they do otto at#this rate. bc rems the waifu. ottos only the friend. hes ‘less important’.#its interesting to me. bc why??? with other characters ppl either erase all the good or the bad out of them but with otto hes just in stasi#hes just kind of. there.#rip otto the bad luck made him cursed to always be in the background#it just confuses me so much T^T the difference between jp fandoms perception of otto vs english fandom is STAGGERING#otto suwen#the other day i accidentally got dragged into an argument on reddit bc someone tried to correct me on otto and i was like ?????? WHAT SANE#PERSON DOES ANY OF THE STUFF ARC 7-8 OTTOS DOING…???#they were like ‘otto wouldnt do anything for subaru’ and i was like ‘lmao whys he trying to have louis killed then 😭😭😭😭’#‘whyd he try to let 50 million ppl die then?? 😭😭’#‘WHY DID HE DIE FOR SUBARU THEN’#like ottos not gonna indulge subaru with everything thats not what i mean by he would do anything for subaru. he would do anything as in he#would sacrifice so much for subaru. but some people just see subaru doing it then ignore otto trying to do the same thing but in a differen#font???
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the-acid-pear · 10 months
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These two lines really make me feel like Susie is only a bully for, let's say, survival reasons. But that's as coherent as i can get so i'm going to ramble the rest of my thoughts on the tags.
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redbootsindoriath · 1 year
I had a friend come to visit last week, and one evening as we sat around drawing together we decided to both draw that scene where Pippin finds Merry after the battle.  I’ve drawn the scene before but not in a while and I’ve changed the design for both the characters.  And even though I am still getting over that art block from this year I had fun.  (Also that Merry-with-braids post has been doing well lately so I decided maybe I should finish off today’s art dump with this one since he has braids here as well.)
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#merry#pippin#the man the myth the legends#one shiny#my trash#heck yeah bromance#the worst sort of trouble#/end classification tags#you guys i don't know WHY it has been so hard to draw lately and i kind of hate everything i make#but there are elements to each piece that trick me into sharing them#and then i come back and only see the mistakes and then kick myself for sharing it#it's the worst with the commissions because impostor syndrome comes at me for ''charging people money for this garbage''#at this point i'm just ignoring the criticism side of my brain because otherwise i'd never show anybody any drawings#but that does mean i don't fix some of the mistakes that i would have no problem noticing and adjusting otherwise#so apologies for basically everything i've posted this week lol#i am aware of many of the problems with the drawings but am too lazy to fix them#at least this is really the only one i mind because the others were comedy doodles#on a more positive note i keep drawing hobbits with bigger and bigger ears which makes them look more and more unique and charming (i think)#on a neutral note i finally caved to the intrusive thoughts and added fur in the arches of hobbit feet to explain why they walk so quietly#i know it's cursed but nobody minds it on cats and dogs so maybe you guys will let it slide on hobbits too#anyway#so ends the week of activity after months of radio silence#i shall now go back into semi-hibernation and i'll see you guys again whenever fate decides it shall be so
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infizero · 6 months
why isgrian shipping the warden and the wither
#?#serena.txt#serena.live#slsmp spoilers#also grian reeling from jimmys death only to shriek mumbo's name when he dies immediately after and saying ''this wasnt the plan!!''#do i even need to say my whole spiel at this point#so funny to me how grian has multiple times done a thing where hes accidentally caused violence/death for ppl he likes#in the middle of INTENTIONALLY causing violence/death for others#like him killing ren only to realize afterward he'd inadvertently killed big b as well. i dont know#something about him cackling and laughing at scar being chased by the wither#only for him to be all shocked by mumbo dying to the warden. i feel like he had two very different responses there.#if you're someone who takes every opportunity he can get to hurt people. is it any wonder you keep ''accidentally'' hurting#those around you as well?#that girl is dangerous to be around. thats all im saying#we all know this but like friend or foe being with grian is not going to end well for you its just not#now idk if this really counts for widows curse. its tricky this season#etho and cleo are grian's teammates but are they really who hes CLOSEST to? idk.#for me i'd say i don't think either of mumbo's deaths count as like The Death that would continue the tradition#i think it'd have to be etho or cleo for me to count it. but mumbo's deaths definitely fall in line with this same pattern of#people close to grian dying due in some part to him#and hey if etho and cleo dont end up having a death that fits the bill then you KNOW i will actually be taking mumbo's as the one#this is all about my silly little ideas and what suits them best
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bijoumikhawal · 1 year
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Happy Shom Ennesim, may you not be subjected to the horrors of someone trying to kiss you after eating fesikh.
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the-terrible-theys · 1 year
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silli goofi alignment chart
elaboration in tags (i think i’m so funny for it)
#i genuinely can’t picture zach saying anything more extreme than “crap” and neither can any of the other characters#pilot zach though? completely different question#i was torn between saying aviva would curse a lot vs only having her curse when extremely angry (no there’s no in-between)#i now picture her trashtalking whatever project she’s frustrated with for hours on end and lowkey scaring everyone#and then when she’s talking to people she doesn’t curse AT ALL (unless she’s really super pissed)#uses “oh fiddlesticks” or some other silly replacement#let’s see and then jimmy would TOTALLY take the scooby doo route#”zoinks!”#”jenkies!”#”jeepers!”#”ruh roh!”#yes all of those#everyone thinks jimmy would curse though because he’s a#gamer#alternatively! no one expects the bros to curse because y’know. they’re the most family-friendly people ever#except they do actually curse#i don’t know where i picked up the headcanon of martin actually cursing a lot but i like it#the “no one would believe you if you said they curse” is extra true for them because one time jimmy heard one or both of them drop f bombs#and no one believed him about it for months until they themselves witnessed it happen again#uhh i don’t have a lot of thoughts about the other three#koki only curses when she’s emotional in some way (especially mad or grossed out by something)#and she tends to stick to milder words. “shit” “goddamn” et cetera#i stuck donita in the middle because i can’t really imagine her as being/perceived as being big on cursing#but i also can’t imagine her NOT cursing#so in the center she goes#and uhhh gourmand is what gave me the idea to throw this together in the first place#i looked at him and i was like Yeah he needs to eat soap and everyone who’s ever met him would agree#wild kratts#longggg tags. props to you if you read this far lol#alignment chart
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airenyah · 8 months
really tempted to rewatch both simm and hidden agenda and write up a defense of dunk's acting
#it makes me kinda sad when people bash him :(#does he nail every single moment?? no ofc not#but he's definitely not as bad as i've seen some people say#there are also many things he does beautifully. that have me go yessss!! this is what it's all about!!!!#maybe i should just start a youtube channel#how do i talk about acting in english tho#i'm missing essential words such as spielrichtung‚ anspielen‚ das miteinander‚ sich einlassen auf‚ aufeinander eingehen‚ abnehmen‚ etc#(not my uni profs in my head telling me to go find some parallel texts to solve that vocabulary issue but the thing is!! i'm too lazy kjdfk#having an education in something is a blessing and a curse sigh#airenyah plappert#dunk natachai#adrm#and so what if he doesn't nail everything!! so what if there's room for improvement!!#newsflash: even fandom favorites have their moments that aren't the best of their acting#oh baby i have opinions about [redacted] in [redacted] that you could never even imagine#and the show in question is even one of the only 3 dramas that i have rated a 10/10 on mydramalist#once again i'm thinking about that time the other week where i showed my mom some concert performances#and mentioned how some people were saying dunk is a bad actor#and halfway through the video she went#''also wenn ich mir das so anschau‚ is er hundertmal ein besserer schauspieler als der‚ der so aufgehypet wird''#i refuse to say in public who she's referring to with ''der der so aufgehypet wird'' but trust me it's a beloved fandom favorite 🤭🤭🤭#also the people saying this clearly never watched that one mv they starred in a while back#my boy dunk natachai fucking carried that whole story line
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birdmenmanga · 8 months
LMAOOOO LITERALLY... one shot in my heart as well... I KNOW it was 5 chapter I KNOW it was a whole ass volume but it just FELT like a oneshot you know?? like it was only the tiniest glimpse inside this huge huge world...
It's not even like it was a self-contained story that had no more story left in it either. There was a CLEAR thing that the narrative would have eventually built up to, which is that if their way of living is hunting down the demons they'd eventually collect all the mouths... and then what? it really begs the question y'know???? the demon's coming back?? what's going 2 happen to haru and luca?
I have never watched or read demon slayer so idk how the two measure up but yeah. where I live anyways demons slayer has so much hype. it genuinely sucks (to ME) that miss tanabe's works are always so underrated </3
#asks#anonymous#laughter in the end of the world#I guess they both have guys with a little sister who's cursed in some way?#I will say that just based on my impressions haru seems to have much more agency than that other girl. nezuko?#like just in fanarts it seems like she's either depicted as 'girl who is seen but not heard'#or 'going feral and losing control of herself entirely'#I have so many feelings about haru specifically. I think it she really began the age of completely unfuckable girls for miss tanabe#good for her#like it is SUCH a good subversion of the 'girl who looks young but is much older than she seems'#because like. genuinely. her character design is unsexy. it veers so hard into abstract symbolism there's nothing there to sexualize#and like I think it's such a good depiction of kids too#like you know she's acting but these 'old but younglooking girls' often act childish in a cute way you know!!#but haru's like childish in a 'I have not yet learned self-control and I am going to pull your hair out for saying mean things :((('#which again. completely unfuckable. it's so great#but also the setup between the siblings is so crazy... they're literally built to be codependent#they actually can't live without the other and they will never be able to form longterm meaningful relationships with other people either#just the two of us we can make it if we try type beat#like haru will look like a kid forever. she will literally never be respected and will always need a chaperone in regular society#and then luca committed so hard to the bit that he also can't just... go back to being a normal person either#in my mind if it became a longer series I imagine it'd be a bit like mushi/shi... like standalone stories of a wanderer
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hershelwidget · 8 months
Giggles !! Hey here’s seven stupidly powerful characters in the Octonauts AU. Only three of them look even remotely like Octonauts characters btw
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From right to left:
Rosemary, Philliam, Polly & Jarvis, Charley, Lars, Theatre
I’m just gonna say what they are (not in order) so that you can have a GRAND time wondering who’s what :) In our roster we GOT
• Someone who figured out the secret to immortality
• Some Guy™️
• The Literal Actual Grim Reaper
• Act of Love gone horrifically wrong
• Narrator^2
• Colours Georg
Closeups :)))))
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can i just say that is the most gorgeous these characters have ever looked
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jojojooo33 · 1 year
Lilith and Eda being swapped or otherwise having Lily in Eda's position would be funny because she would take the time to actually get permits for everything. The guards try to arrest her for running a stand without a permit and she's like um actually :)
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