#soc blind
many people who use typology have never engaged with reality and it shows. Let me go through the two main, sadly very common mentalities which expose you as a retard who doesn't understand the real world.
"you cant develop your blindspot." Whether you can or can't develop the ability to properly give a shit about your blindspot... life is going to force you to at least pretend you care about your blindspot and fake it til you make it. otherwise you literally die. People are forced by the world to either enact their blindspot to survive (causing dumb typologers to mistype ppl as their blindspot), or perish. This especially applies if your blindspot is soc or sp. sp-blinds have to pay the bills, clean their rooms and develop a stable routine that nurtures their bodies and souls, despite their apathy towards their financial status and their personal comforts. soc-blinds have to sell a social image of themselves to get a job and then further develop an image as someone reliable if they want to get better pay, despite their apathy towards their social status. there is something in all our lives which demands us to engage our blindspot and if we dont step up, we lose at life.
"Socs are nice and groupthinky and soc blinds are mean and edgy and individualistic" shows me you're sp-blind, probably a 4 and/or 5 fix obsessed with your wet dream of how much more individualistic than thou you are too. if you think soc-blind is about being mean, you don't understand the slightest thing about what an sp-haver and a soc-blind actually thinks. I question if anyone who thinks this way has ever actually tried to provide for themselves in the sp way. sp is about AVOIDING risks and staying stable. To hold down a job and be economically stable in the safest way possible -- what sp is about -- the method is to be to be fucking nice to people and keep your head down so that you aren't deemed Bad For Corporate Image and cut off from your stream of income. to maintain your sp comforts rather than deal with the DANGER (thing sp avoids) of them being threatened, you have to not piss people off. It baffles me that so called sp-havers don't know this and go around assuming that anyone who is kind and bearable must be some sort of soc. the concept of "being nice to avoid conflict and protect myself" is foreign to these so-called sp-havers, which reeks of sp-blindness. Sp-dom is always aware of threats to their sp needs and doesn't want to drag needless conflict into their lives that could risk their financial stability and comfy routines. Sp-doms are those people who fearfully and resentfully keep their social media image as plain and as milquetoast as possible, so that their corporate job doesn't fire them. Yes even sp/sx does this, tho we struggle to tame ourselves more than sp/so because of the explosiveness of sx... we still do it. I have kept my internet rage anonymous for years and am only just decompartmentalizing my life and developing the courage to be myself on the internet with my true face because I feared losing my job over it, for years. Sp is about this soulless pragmatism. It is aligned with type 6 (soc is aligned with type 3 and sx is aligned with type 9), so even if you're not a 6 or 6 fix, having sp will add 6-like traits to you. the wimpiness and cowardice of sp (gotta keep my head down so my employers keep paying me!) applies to ppl even if they are assertive types... The only conflict sp-doms will engage in is around their resources, and in modern society the best way to get resources is almost never conflict, it is through (unfortunately) keeping your head down and shutting up so that you are hireable. almost ALL sp-doms know this. so they train themselves to be nice, and will seldom be cunts. because it is most safe + profitable to be nice. it is low risk to be nice. so sp-doms like being nice. yes we will be grumpy and low energy if you fuck with our routines and other sp things. but we are fundamentally NOT edgy (at least compared to our sx and soc siblings of the same enneatype) because starting conflict is risky and thats the antithesis of sp. Soc is the instinct about status and showing off and shining your image to the world. Socs all have 3-like traits even if they don't have any 3 in their enneatype. they are the ones who enjoy engaging in social drama and being socially mean and petty, because this is an avenue to attain status and peacock your social role in the community and define who you are to others. This trait can be used for better or worse.
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9-w-1 · 2 years
Synflow and Contraflow are silly
Launching this blog with a theory that's been in my mind for a while now, and it's the fact that old typology tumblr gave too much importance to syn and contra.
Some time ago i read a post (idr who wrote it but if i find it again i'll link it here) that explained something that made me go oh fuck, that's true actually. If we assume that sx blinds are the majority of people in the world, are we really so sure that basically half of sx blinds (sosps) are really so bad at living like people describe them to be? Like, since I've been in a new city for uni I've met lots of people. Most of them are soc doms because Italy is a soc dom country. Most soc doms I've met were sosps, and they were not the awkward anxious ridden fuckups of society that ppl think sosps are. Actually, most of them were definitely more adjusted into society than I am, and this takes me to a point I discussed with a friend: in our society soc and sp are the most valued instincts to have, so sp blinds and soc blinds are definitely gonna seem more "contraflow" than a healthy and adjusted sosp. Like, take a Fe dom 9 core sosp for example. Are we really gonna assume that this person is gonna have this extremely contra vibe to them? No. In fact, I'd say that an estp 7 core sosx is gonna vibe more contra to people than a 9 core sosp.
I don't think synflow and contraflow is inherently a bad theory, I think it needs some more expansion and thought because it fails to stand on its own, it's wonky:
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Like, maybe it's a bit overemphasized. I don't wanna discard the theory completely, but it needs something more to work in my mind.
By default I still think that having both soc and sp puts you at an advantage in our society, and you're automatically more well adjusted. I've met some sosps with a wonkier sp, but most of them had normal sp like you would expect from a sxsp. My gf is a 3 core sosp and her sp is normal. It's not always there, but you can feel her sp wall sometimes, it's sudden, maybe then that's what contraflow is about, but she's not bad at socing at all. So yeah, stop being mean to soaps >:C But yeah i probably forgot to add other things i had in my mind so if anyone wants to add anything feel welcome to do so :3
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Jesper: Bisexual and confused
Wylan: You’ll figure it out 🫶🏻
Jesper: Im not confused about being bisexual, I just never know what the fucks going on
Wylan: Oh, yeah you’re not figuring that out anytime soon I fear
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soc-blind love hits different <3
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jeremysknoxes · 11 months
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jesper a fortune is standing right in front of you
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vampirepunks · 1 month
Higgs Monaghan's MBTI + Enneagram Typology (pt. 2)
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(disclaimer: this is my opinion based on deep character study, eight or so years of special interest in typology, and subjective interpretation. if you wanna argue, good luck finding my PDB. friendly debate is fine.)
MBTI: ENTP (Ne-Ti-Fe-Si)
Enneagram: 7w8
Instinctual Variant: sx/sp
Tritype: 782
(part one: mbti deep dive)
(Sam analysis)
As an ENTP, Higgs is right at home in enneagram 7. However, he's an interesting flavor of ENTP 7, due to his sexual instinctual variant, 8 wing + secondary fix, and emotional center in 2. Let's start with the basics.
Enneagram 7 Overview Basic Fear: Of being deprived and trapped in pain Basic Desire: To be happy, satisfied, to find fulfillment Fixation: Planning Trap: Idealism Passion: Gluttony
Deprived and trapped in pain, huh? Considering Higgs' backstory as an abused child locked away from the outside world, forcefully told there was no life outside the four walls of his home, denied the ability to explore and discover, punished for basic curiosity, this makes perfect sense. Higgs experienced extreme repression of his natural instincts, denial of his basic emotional and psychological needs, and had no means to escape the constant abuse he suffered. Remember, the common belief is that one's MBTI type is innate, while enneagram theory hinges on the acquisition of negative traits stemming from warped self-beliefs manifested by the impact of inevitable social oppression and possibly even trauma. The enneagram dips closer to psychology and sociology than MBTI (still pseudoscience tho, Naranjo was a hack and is very worthy of criticism) and thus is a lot more logical in its foundations. Hence, I strongly believe that any MBTI type can be any enneagram, due to the breadth of human experience, it's just a matter of conflicting cognition and instincts. Don't fight me on this one, y'all, I'm working on my sociology B.A., I can go back and forth all day about this stuff. I'm gonna get banned from PDB any day now for the arguments I get into.
It's not hard to understand why "be happy and fulfilled" became the crux of Higgs' pursuits. Enneagram 7 takes this most basic human desire, "be happy," and crafts it into an obsession. Until they overcome their fix and passion, 7 will never be satisfied. (cough cough, intelligent eyes in a hunger-pang frame... ahem. sorry, sorry, something stuck in my throat there. moving on.)
Enneagram 7 treats life as one grand stage, where anything can happen if you just want it badly enough. Thus, 7 is hedonistic, rebellious, undisciplined in one way or another, driven towards wish fulfillment, egotistical, persuasive, and extremely seductive, with some variants of 7 exhibiting charlatanism and fraudulence.
Sexual 7
Instinctual variants are the result of the enneagram type's passion invading an area of the social life and self, dominating its expression. There are three realms here: sexual (not always explicitly in the adult sense, this refers to one-on-one relationships, intimacy, etc), social, and self-preservation.
So, obviously sexual 7 is the result of gluttony + the sexual instinct. sx7 traits include: talkativeness, grandiosity and exaggeration, exhibitionism of personality and style, invasive tendencies, brazen audacity, obliviousness, magical thinking, relationship difficulties, self-indulgence, hypersensitivity, anti-hierarchical escapism, and intolerance for frustration.
Put simply, sx7 has their head in the clouds. Ichazo nicknamed this subtype "suggestibility." Although I really dislike Naranjo, he made an excellent point when he said, "The sexual seven is not earthly, but heavenly. He is not interested in the things of this world. It is the gluttony of the things of a higher and more advanced world. The sexual E7 is what we could call a dreamer[...] His passion is to dream, to go towards the sweetness of the imagined instead of contacting the ordinary and not so interesting reality."
Higgs is a showman. He paints everything in metaphor, in literature, in poetry, in history, in performances and masks and shadow theater. When captured in the literal view, Higgs' life is one tragedy after another, with no rhyme or reason, no grand answer to "why me," no satisfying conclusion to make an adoring audience cry for him. In the meta, fourth-wall breaking sense, the player becomes that for him. He looks us in the eye and asks, "Isn't this what you've been waiting for this whole time?" and prances around putting on a good show as we give him the attention and recognition he craves; we observe, we react, and a few of us see him. For a few moments, we live in his tragedy, we smile at his one-liners, we laugh at his bad behavior, and in those precious moments, he isn't alone. He's still at it, winking at the camera in the DS2 trailer when he quips about porters having to pull the trigger sometimes, a sly little, "I know what you did. You're not better than me. You get it."
But let's peel back that layer. Higgs is a mask. Let's talk about Peter.
Yeah, Peter, who was destroyed time and time again by his stubborn drive to believe, no matter how many times it got him hurt, nearly killed, even. Peter, who believed his way into stepping into a new world with a new sky. Peter, who believed his way into becoming a terrorist. Peter, who believed his way into Amelie's puppet master hands. Peter, who believed until the moment the carrot was snatched away and he met the stick face-first. Peter, the child whose only crime was being curious, became a grown man with his dreams shattered entire, with no innocence left to call his own, no one to save him, and no way out. So what was there to do but construct new dreams, nightmares made ideal, to build anew an image of himself as "the bridge that brings the extinction" in service of a greater power? Dreamer turned apostle, Saint Peter having the faith that he could walk on water. Except Amelie didn't pull him out when he sank. (Sam did, but that's a completely different conversation.)
Higgs built up a world of magic, because his real life was tragic, and in the end, Amelie forced him to bury the castle.
sx7 traps themselves in false hope, breezing through the world with witty speeches, talking, talking, talking, coasting by on charm and an energetic demeanor to mask their anxiety. This is right at home in the possibility-obsessed, silver-tongued ENTP, but the sensitivities of sx7 soften the ENTP personality quite a bit, amplifying their vulnerabilities and making them all too easy to manipulate. This is a personality that needs someone to protect them, and to teach them to protect themselves, which Higgs never had. Coffin tried, but fate had other ideas, and she became another loss upon his shoulders.
Self-Preservation 7 (secondary)
Now, on PDB, almost everyone has voted Higgs as sx/so, and I get why, but I believe Higgs is very social-blind and not countertype. The last instinct in a stack is a personality's blind spot, their weak point, the thing they struggle with, try to ignore, and overcompensate for. For Higgs, that's the social instinct. The self-pres and social instincts are conflated a lot in 7, due to this type’s inherent need for outward validation; their cool exterior conceals fear of inferiority and deprivation. 7 is arguably the most extroverted of the enneagram thus their self-preservation needs are heavily dependent on the presence of other people and having a clear role within a group. They often create family units and can appear similar to the so8 via their proclivity for creating a “tribe” for themselves, a group they nurture and in turn are protected by. Thus, sp7s are characterized as defenders in spite of their obvious self-interest. sx/sp 7s are often warm, charismatic people. Combined with an 8 fix, they're quite intense. In a well-read ENTP, this is a personality that could sell ice in the Arctic, and people gravitate towards their ability to sell their dream. "Together, we'll carry packages from sea to shining sea."
Many of Higgs’ deeper issues can be explained through the aforementioned developed Fe + social-blindness + a 2 fix in his emotional center. Having grown up completely isolated from the world, there’s no way he could be anything but soc-blind. His self-sacrifice is cognitive compensation for social deficiency and expression of a moral righteousness generated by his sx7-driven idealism, not an instinctual social egotism and rejection of gluttony. More on this when we get to his 2 fix. sp7 is the closest of the 7 variants to the literal definition of gluttony. They yearn for indulgence in every way.
Now, let's talk about that 8 wing and tritype secondary fix
Enneagram 8 is known for its aggression before all else, and it has a strong pull on any personality that has it in their wing or tritype. The 7w6 is flighty, much more risk-averse, and they work to satisfy their gluttony by seducing others into feeding their cravings for them, holding back to explore all possibilities, and they seek assurance that they're making the right choices, whereas 7w8 knows what they want and they'll take it if they have to. The 8 wing adds a heavy-handed, decisive edge to the 7 personality; 7w6 pushes back when the world closes in on them, 7w8 pushes forward against the world to make sure they're never restricted to begin with. Thus, the sx7 with an 8 wing displays much more sexual aggression (licking people!) and is inclined to show dominance. They're self-protective, they don't like to share their toys, and they won't let anyone take what's theirs. See: "gonna make [Sam] regret ever fucking with me and mine." This makes the 7w8 a powerful protector, a fierce enemy... and a nervous wreck prone to covering up fear with violence, anger, and provocation. This sort of aggression is a tendency in the standard 7w8, but with an 8 fix added to the tritype, it becomes a leading trait. This is particularly interesting in an ENTP, as they aren't typically aggressive by nature; they seek conflict for entertainment's sake, without malice, looking to test people and expand their own worldview through discourse. The ENTP 7w8 with an 8 tritype fix, on the other hand, takes up stronger convictions, greater stubbornness, and an impatience for people who won't bend to their whims. They often go looking to convince people they're right, getting frustrated when they aren't heard. ("You just don't get it, do you?") Further, when 8 invades the sexual instinct, secondary to a 7 fix, you get a personality that wants to possess the hearts and minds of their closest loved ones, fears abandonment, would die to protect one of their own, and knows better than to bite the hand that feeds.
Finally, the tertiary 2 fix
Enneagram 2 is a nurturer. 2 generously gives of themselves, constantly fixating on everyone else's needs. This is a personality that would give another person the shirt off their own back if they asked. Important thing to understand: their help isn't free. They might say it is, but 2 unconsciously expects to be rewarded and praised for helping others. Overall, this fits well with Higgs' secondary instinctual alignment in sp7. 7 fears being deprived, while 2 fears that no one appreciates them, and they mask this insecurity with a show of humility and an insistence that they were merely doing the right thing. They reason that if they meet everyone else's needs, their own needs will be taken care of in reciprocity. Meanwhile, they minimize those needs, making themselves as small and convenient as possible, denying they have needs at all. With an sx/sp alignment and a secondary 8 fix, this becomes a push-pull internal conflict between "I don't need anything, really" and "Give me what I need or else." I firmly believe that part of why Higgs' betrayal of Fragile was so malicious was a subconscious urge to punish her for not being... you guessed it... what he needed.
Let's go back to the point from post no. 1 about Higgs having highly developed Fe. In his youth, every time Higgs found himself in a new social situation, he responded with skepticism and instinctual aversion to social connection. It took time and persuasion for him to warm up to the idea of group politics; he’s only convinced when he realizes he’s needed and stands to have his own needs fulfilled in turn. Most people try to place Higgs' emotional center in enneagram 4 (which, when modulated by the sx-instinct and an 8 wing, can get downright nasty due to the fixation with envy and the aggression of 8) but frankly... I think that's lazy analysis.
Higgs’ initial reluctance to accept his DOOMS for what it was and subsequent secretiveness about killing to maintain it for his own survival screams 2. Higgs doesn’t self-victimize or wish to be special. Rather, he conceals his own needs and justifies his actions through a belief that he’s undertaking a selfless path. (“I’m an altruist now, I live to help other people[…] Community’s what it’s all about.”) He needs the world to need him and deteriorates when his role is threatened. In his time leading the West, people loved him and relied on him, but that wasn’t enough for him. Because he’s soc-blind and sx-dom, he only feels truly seen, fulfilled, and appreciated when he has attention and approval through a one-on-one relationship, such as with Coffin, Fragile, Amelie, etc., and he obsessively pursues the same recognition from Sam. (It’s worth acknowledging this is also indicative of disordered attachment, anxious-avoidant type.) When he fails, he falls back on the self-pres instinct, so… pizza, anyone?
Amelie initially lured him with the deceptive promise of enough power to create the better, freer, fairer world he was striving for. In his mind: save the world = save himself. Can’t save the world? Can’t save himself, time to take the whole thing down with him and call it mercy. That’s an unhealthy 2 heart center, believing he can only meet his own needs by rescuing everyone else, projecting his own turmoil onto others. He convinces himself he’s doing the right thing, giving the world what it needs. While his thirst for wide-scale justice is genuine, he exhibits an intense craving for attention, intimacy, and recognition, becoming suddenly naive and vulnerable when someone offers what he lacks. Conversely, he’s antagonistic, aloof, aggressive, and ego-defensive when his needs are denied or threatened.
Higgs' most basic of needs were denied from a young age, and as an ENTP, he's inherently driven to hedonism, has a need for an intellectual playmate/trustworthy equal, and craves a balance between novelty and safety, so he’s gluttonous towards intimate relationships and a sense of security. His sx7 alignment means he dreams big and loud, constructing kingdoms in his mind and a personal narrative where he's the hero in shining armor, free to explore the world as he wishes and save it while he's at it. His sp7 secondary means he thirsts for his own means of survival and the assurance of it, going out of his way to endear himself to others and become indispensable to guarantee that survival. His 8 fix means he's assertive, strong-willed, aggressively self-protective, and highly possessive of anything he views as "belonging" to him. His 2 fix means he needs others to need him, needs to feel important in his loved ones' lives, needs to have his efforts rewarded, needs a larger role to fulfill, and most of all, needs to know that he's allowed to need things. As an sx7, he's comfortable with wanting things, but that 2 fix means needs are unacceptable for him to express.
Becoming Higgs—embodying a self-righteous, pharaoh-inspired persona—was the only way he could cope with the injustice and deprivation he suffered. (Coffin: “There was such a fear in him, but beneath that a terrible anger[…] That poor boy…”)
Mature-but-unhealthy ENTP 782 at its finest. Feet on the ground, head in the clouds. In conclusion, I want to fuck him so bad it makes me look stupid. What a man.
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isekyaaa · 9 months
The closest character to Kokomi in terms of similarities is Alhaitham. They both want to essentially do what interests them the most (read) and be left alone. Both are quite intuitive about understanding and predicting situations and people. The difference is that Kokomi feels a higher level of responsibility over her environment then Alhaitham. She feels more obligated to do what she doesn’t want to do while Alhaitham just cannot be bothered.
#character analysis#where they differ in typology is that alhaitham is an istp while kokomi is…. i think an xntj#perceivers seek control over their inner environment while judgers seek control out of their outer environment#i.e. perceivers are constantly working and reworking their internal logic/values so they remain consistent and harmonious#on the other hand judgers are constantly arranging their outer environments so that they run the most (socially/logically) efficient#also the difference in temperament is bc alhaitham is a 9w8 while kokomi is a 5w6#the former’s emotional driving force is anger while the latter’s is fear#what i can’t tell is if she’s soc-blind or not#she can go either way#the hard thing abt typing judgers is because they are primarily concerned with their outer environment they are forced to interact with it#so they can unintentionally look soc when they are really not#the primary concern with the soc(ial) variant is to upkeep their place in society#speaking from an evolutionary standpoint this is how they ensure their survival#they share their resources with others and they treat them in kind. that’s why they upkeep their place in society#realistically tho these people are the types that remember everyone they meet. they always know what’s going on with everyone etc#people that fall mainly in this category are yoimiya amber bennett thoma#people that are like this but less strong are kazuha chongyun lisa ayaka shinobu#people that don’t fall into that category at all are tighnari alhaitham keqing yelan ayato#so hmmm
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If anyone was in need of a good laugh, I highly recommend watching abnormallyadam reacting to the show. I'm in tears. You're welcome.
Link to the playlist: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLsogXS3u_3yysq5z-UxK7WNcfCHEwslxp
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quatregats · 1 month
I know I am a hater of daylight savings for many reasons but the one week where Europe and the US decided to be off is going to be the death of me
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subconsciousmysteries · 7 months
sp/sx is the glorified type 8 of dumbogram. What I mean by this is that enneagram cult leaders see this stacking as The Cool Stacking For Edgelords and they gatekeep it like hell. In reality no actual sp/sx would gatekeep sp/sx because the nature of this type is that we do not care what you identify as, we are too self absorbed.
Once again I stress that if you are concerned with your social image of being an Edgelord, like if it's so important to you that you type yourself and others based on it then you probably aren't soc-blind. The exception here is soc-blind 4s and 4-fixes, since 4s are an image type invested in their image of being an edgy outcast no matter what their stacking is. If you aren't a 4 or a 4 fix and you care about your image of edginess, that is soc.
I only gatekeep sp/sx from idiots who preach that being sp/sx means being edgy and being a busybody who tells other people their unwanted opinions about how they're supposedly mistyped. This is literally the opposite of what an sp/sx does or cares about doing. The whole art of going around saying this and that person is mistyped, and dishing out battletypings, is a social power game. Soc-blinds might briefly engage in that stuff then drop out of it and avoid it, because social power games are exhausting and confusing to us. Nobody who does this shit chronically or regularly is a soc-blind.
Regarding being edgy, soc-blinds are often provocateurs but we end up being so unintentionally. Soc-blinds often express our opinions which are detached from the social consensus and get backlash. This is different to being an intentional provocateur... The kind of person who knows they are going to get backlash and speaks anyway because they enjoy the conflict and the arguing. The intentional provocateur stacking is sp-blind.
No sp-dom enjoys conflict unless it has a direct money or resource prize on it.
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fanaddicted2000 · 1 year
Ketterdam didn't have many sunny days. Most of the time, the sky was dark and heavy with the despair of its own people, who were left to crawl through the dirty darkness of the streets. But sometimes Inej would catch a glimpse of the light above and she would climb. She would climb buildings, towers, roofs, and reach for the sky. She felt like light - real and pure sunlight - was right at the tip of her fingers, daring her to catch it, waiting to be caught. It felt like a challenge, like an invitation. In the end it was a surprise. 
She was feeding the crows at Kaz's window, waiting to update him on her latest finds, when a ray of sunlight broke free from the clouds and danced to her. It was gentle, bright, and everything she had missed. She closed her eyes and subtly tilted her face to savor it fully. She smiled blindly at the sun and felt its warmth answer her. She didn't hear the door, but she recognized Kaz's footsteps on the floor. Her eyes still closed, she waited for the usual What business, Wraith, but it didn't come. Intrigued, Inej turned to look at him and found him still at the door, frozen in mid-step, his gaze on her. She had never fully appreciated the depth of his eyes until light swirled in them - but already he blinked it away and took off his gloves. 
Hello, Inej, he said as if nothing had happened, as if he hadn’t look... younger -one might even dare to say gentler. Perhaps he had also missed the sun. 
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sweetestofchaos · 2 years
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"𝑆ℎ𝑒 𝑟𝑒𝑎𝑙𝑙𝑦 ℎ𝑢𝑟𝑡 𝑦𝑜𝑢, ℎ𝑢ℎ?" 𝑌/𝑁 𝑙𝑜𝑜𝑘𝑒𝑑 𝑎𝑡 𝐽𝑎𝑐𝑘𝑠𝑜𝑛 𝑤𝑖𝑡ℎ 𝑎 𝑓𝑟𝑜𝑤𝑛 𝑜𝑛 ℎ𝑒𝑟 𝑓𝑎𝑐𝑒. 𝑆ℎ𝑒 𝑐𝑜𝑢𝑙𝑑𝑛'𝑡 𝑢𝑛𝑑𝑒𝑟𝑠𝑡𝑎𝑛𝑑 ℎ𝑜𝑤 𝑎𝑛𝑦𝑜𝑛𝑒 𝑐𝑜𝑢𝑙𝑑 ℎ𝑢𝑟𝑡 𝑠𝑢𝑐ℎ 𝑎 𝑠𝑤𝑒𝑒𝑡 𝑚𝑎𝑛.
𝐽𝑎𝑐𝑘𝑠𝑜𝑛'𝑠 𝑙𝑎𝑢𝑔ℎ 𝑤𝑎𝑠 𝑒𝑚𝑝𝑡𝑦 𝑎𝑛𝑑 ℎ𝑢𝑚𝑜𝑟𝑙𝑒𝑠𝑠 𝑎𝑠 ℎ𝑒 𝑠ℎ𝑜𝑜𝑘 ℎ𝑖𝑠 ℎ𝑒𝑎𝑑. "𝐻𝑢𝑟𝑡 𝑚𝑒? 𝑆ℎ𝑒 𝑟𝑖𝑝𝑝𝑒𝑑 𝑚𝑦 ℎ𝑒𝑎𝑟𝑡 𝑜𝑢𝑡 𝑜𝑓 𝑚𝑦 𝑐ℎ𝑒𝑠𝑡 𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝑙𝑎𝑢𝑔ℎ𝑒𝑑 𝑖𝑛 𝑚𝑦 𝑓𝑎𝑐𝑒...𝑠ℎ𝑒 𝑘𝑖𝑙𝑙𝑒𝑑 𝑚𝑒."
𝖠𝖿𝗍𝖾𝗋 𝗁𝗂𝗌 𝖿𝗂𝖺𝗇𝖼𝖾́𝖾 𝖼𝗁𝖾𝖺𝗍𝖾𝖽 𝖺𝗇𝖽 𝗅𝖾𝖿𝗍 𝗁𝗂𝗆 𝖿𝗈𝗋 𝗍𝗁𝖾 𝗈𝗍𝗁𝖾𝗋 𝗆𝖺𝗇, 𝖩𝖺𝖼𝗄𝗌𝗈𝗇 𝖶𝖺𝗇𝗀 𝗐𝖺𝗌 𝗅𝗈𝗌𝗍. 𝖨𝗍 𝗐𝖺𝗌𝗇'𝗍 𝗎𝗇𝗍𝗂𝗅 𝖸/𝖭 𝖼𝖺𝗆𝖾 𝗂𝗇𝗍𝗈 𝗁𝗂𝗌 𝗅𝗂𝖿𝖾 𝗍𝗁𝖺𝗍 𝗁𝖾 𝖿𝗈𝗎𝗇𝖽 𝗁𝗂𝗌 𝗐𝖺𝗒 𝗈𝗇𝖼𝖾 𝖺𝗀𝖺𝗂𝗇.
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itssideria · 2 years
yknow what actually i think the reason i'm so disillusioned by a lot of modern storytelling is the physical aspects of it, actually. like when i'm on bookstagram or writeblr or whatever the way books and shows are always, always advertised is like "omg do you want a period setting do you want enemies to lovers do you want cottagecore aesthetic do you want teenagers do you want x fight scene do you want a HEIST" and it's like no! no actually!!! i don't want ANY of those!! controversial as hell opinion but i don't want that, i don't care what the content of the novel is!! i want to know - is the theme a powerful, pulsing thing that drives the story? are the relationships, romantic or not, good? did the author make FULL use of the medium, whether that's with imagery or chapter titling or organising the words a certain way? does the author actually, honest-to-God have something to say? something to say doesn't mean dramatic and poignant btw. slice-of-life fluff fanfic between two unknown characters can have something to say when written with love and intention. i dunno im trying very hard to articulate something unarticulable but i'm tired of stories being presented as their content rather than their heart
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missnmikaelson · 2 years
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Saw one so I had to give it a try.
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kiss2012 · 1 year
finally finished sab….um im rereading the duology to cleanse myself…what can i say that hasn’t already been said. well i am a zoya & nikolai and malina stan 4 life but they rlly made nikolaimalina real.
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WAIT I JUST SAW YOUR POST ON PLATONIC RELATIONSHIPS IN ORV MY BAD,,, i do agree tho sometimes platonic relationships are soo !!!!
kind curious as to what you do ship tho,,, if you don't mind me asking
Bwahahahaha. Don't worry about it at all XDDD. I love rambling, though I don't think that was as spiteful as I hoped to.
It's your fault....YooHanKim is just - *shakes them like a carbonated drink*
Oh. And what do I ship, huh?
Hang on.........okay. What comes to mind first is Eugene and Rapunzel from Tangled because I've been wondering about Tangled for a bit. But head empty no thoughts.....maybe the couples in Six of Crows as well (they're just very well written)? And maybe (maybe) this one couple from a series called The City Between (but it's spoilers. But there is blood involved, which is a plus).
....you know. I think if it's canon, one of the characters die, and/or there is violence involved, I will probably be very tempted to ship it. I'm a sucker for sacrifice and it's why I'm weak to the KimCom everything.
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