#so then when I stop smoking
turkwriter · 9 months
Those five or so seconds where young Ahsoka is watching Anakin walk through the smoke and her expression becomes horrified as he transforms into Darth Vader for just a moment as he and the rest of her Squad leave her behind, alive but alone-
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k4r4ss · 2 months
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thecryptidart1st · 5 months
Wanna know something that just gave me a crisis? (/hj)
Events of FNAF 3 would be taking place this year.
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i’m aware
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Oh yeah
A year after moving to our current place we’re moving AGAIN
but to the downstairs unit of our building lmao
I don’t know if I’ll have to put things on another break yet. Because we’re just moving downstairs it’s more make sure small things are put in a box for carrying rather than completely packing everything up. We aren’t moving until the end of May though. The main issue is the people that have been living there have been there for like…18 years apparently? So it’s gonna be a lot of cleaning and house repairs;;; I’ll keep yall updated as we get closer to that
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egophiliac · 3 months
hi!! first of all, i just wanted to say i love your art <3 i was in the twst fandom for a while and i'm currently into toku, so it's a nice surprise to see you like both! this is kinda dumb but, out of curiosity, how have you been making your ride kamens predictions? i.e. what hints are you referring to to make your guesses? i saw some jp artists making their guesses as well so i feel like i'm missing something
p.s. i also want a meteor/fourze-inspired character but that's probably not happening lol
thank you! :> glad to see there are more of us with excellent taste out there (characters being idiots = the best).
I think we're all just working off of the silhouettes? there's the ones that are in the PV, and then the full-body ones from this tweet (plus a couple of as-yet-unreleased character logos on the bottom); if there's been any other info released, I haven't seen it. so...mostly it's just speculation and wild guesses!
based on the ones we've gotten so far, it's going to be literally impossible to tell who anyone is before they're revealed, but it's still pretty fun to guess! I'm still holding out a tender hope that maybe Fourze or Meteor is hidden in there...somewhere...😔
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amartworks · 2 years
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watching his partner discover gay people at nine in the morning
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thegoblinboy · 11 months
So like, I had this random thought. What if Eddie is in the hospital slowly recovering from his wounds in the upside down, and he is someone constantly getting his hands on a pack of cigerattes that have actual cigs in them when he first gets them. Though he isn't supposed to be smoking while recovering and well, someone has taken it in their own hands to replace his actual cigs with candy and they never fail to do so. No matter what he does. And Eddie's actually impressed with how well they are keeping up with him but god damn it he needs a smoke or else he is contemplating actual homicide this time.
Did I actually write something small for this? Yes, yes, I did.
Eddie gives a Sincere smile as he waves goodbye to the small group of people that dropped in to check up on him. Taking turns visiting him and Max, swapping rooms with the other half of the group after a while. It was exhausting on Eddie, but it was so worth it to be able to see that everyone else was okay. Though the second the last of them are out the door, leaving to head home he's shoving his pillows around and folding his body in half in a weak attempt at grabbing the pack of cigs he hid in the box spring.
Hands shaking with desperation, he thinks that he's going to finally be able to get nicotine in his system. Hospital be damned. He struggles to open the cardboard, before he pinches his fingers together like claws to reach in and grab a cancer stick. To only groan and throw his head back dramatically when he realizes it was a diabetes stick. What was once real cigs were now candy cigarettes and he was plotting murder. The amount of money that he has thrown at a brick wall to only receive sugar sticks was starting to piss him off.
Whoever was doing this was a fucking ninja. How the hell did they get underneath his box spring without him noticing. Better yet how the hell did they know he hid them in there. Once again it was very impressive but very annoying.
Sighing, he flops his head back on the pillow and turns his tv on as he slides one of the sticks in his mouth and starts to suck aimlessly.
Thing is, no matter where Eddie hides them the person finds them.
Under the bed? Found
Outside on the windowsill? Yeah, they found it.
Eddies shenanigans only get worse when he finally gets his hands on medical tape.
Taped behind the tv? They found it.
Taped under neath a chair? Found.
Taped to his ankle like a house monitor? Found.
Thing is Eddie still wasn't full recovered to really be able to pay attention to everybody when they visited. It was too overwhelming and exhausting that somedays he just fell asleep in the middle of a conversation to only wake up with his uncle in the chair next to him now.
He was slowly starting to not have the urge to smoke, but out of spite he was still going. He was still bewildered at how the guy pulled the swap out with it being taped to his actual body. Besides spite, he was also doing it for the candy cigarettes. Swapping one addiction for another.
Its been a few weeks, and Eddie was starting to be able to stay awake for long periods of times. Along with that but he was able to stand on his feet longer to hide the cigarette boxes. Now, you would think he would smoke immediately after buying them, but he couldn't. Not with the nurses around. That and a million of other excuses he finds himself making when he sees a opening to smoke.
Even though he bought a pack once a week, it seemed like the culprit was always able to swap them out the same day he got them. This meant that it must be a inside job, but all of the nurses really didn't seem that invested to commit to this for so long. Not only that but he was positive he would be more hypervigilant about a nurse getting up into his personal space. So, it has to be one of the children.
So now whenever they come in, he's so busy watching them that he doesn't catch whose switching them out.
It was slowly starting to grow old, not nearly as exciting as it used to be. To be rebellious.
So, if that's how he finds himself purposely buying a pack of cigarettes, using a old empty box and making sure to act normal so be it. And if a piece of paper is hidden in the box challenging whoever to find every single cigarette in the room than that was god's plan. And if Eddie proceeded to sit in his bed with a cocky smirk the next visit around then that was for him to know.
Though he is caught off guard when he finds a note finding its way in the box. Handwriting sloppy as it read
"I knew there was a reason why I never liked you."
It was obviously a joke, one that causes Eddie to laugh harder than what he has in a long time.
And if he finally ones up the culprit, putting a cigarette in his ear and "Falling" asleep, to only jump up and make King Steve piss himself.
Well then, that is only for him and everyone else who watches the video the staff gave them for their wedding. Numerous clips showing Eddie walking around like a goblin hiding his boxes. He feels dumb about forgetting the cameras. But what he is more shocked about is the two-gallon sized bags of cigarettes that Steve pulls out to show just how many he prevented Eddie from smoking.
Like, I wrote this while falling asleep so I know it isn't that great so if anyone wants to run with the idea go right ahead. I found this whole concept adorable. I know there are plot holes but it was just a quick drabble.
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cienie-isengardu · 5 months
Tomas brought that mean talk Bi-Han gave him on himself. Bi-Han only said he's tired of waiting and Tomas went on a speech why that's disrespectful to their dad. Tomas was out of line. Bi-Han should have been even harsher.
Mortal Kombat 1 made it clear that Bi-Han was not at his best mental state. Kuai Liang himself admitted to be aware that his brother’s frustration ran deeply while at the same time apparently neither Scorpion nor Smoke figured out it was their own behavior and treatment of Bi-Han that fueled the frustration in the first place. The one thing the game consequently showed is that whatever Bi-Han will say, be it an opinion about Lin Kuei’s future or just angry complain, all his brothers have to say back to him is father this, tradition that and I think even the most patient person at some point would reach the breaking point. And Bi-Han did reach his, otherwise I doubt he would openly confront Kuai Liang about their father’s death. 
So as much as it is understandable (human) that whenever Tomas or Kuai Liang mentioned father or the tradition Sub-Zero lashed out in frustration, anger alone is a poor excuse for saying mean things - unless in that scene Bi-Han did in fact speak his mind about not considering Smoke to be a true Lin Kuei. Which I doubt is the case, as they were called for the first big job in a while, and looking how
Liu Kang did not recognize Tomas through the whole story mode
Bi-Han had a final say in who is accompanying him, as he rejected aid of Raiden (Fire Lord’s current Champion) and Kung Lao and Liu Kang did not try to impose them on him
I think if Grandmaster truly had an objection to Smoke performing Lin Kuei duty or not deserving being one, he wouldn’t take Tomas on the top priority mission ordered by a very concerned Liu Kang when there were plenty of other more experienced warriors to pick up. Frankly, even if Bi-Han had a doubt about his younger brother’s skills, it wasn’t a baseless assumption, as the infiltration of the enemy's fortress proved Tomas lacks battle experience in that regard. As was seen during his fall after Nitara’s attack - instead of using his powers that literally allowed him to fly, he screamed in panic and using a knife to stop the fall was his second option after instinctively grabbing the wall with his hands failed. Which proves Bi-Han’s point but it didn’t override the decision to include Tomas into Lin Kuei duties. 
But I digress, so let’s come back to the awaiting scene alone. 
Bi-Han: “How long are we expected to linger?" Kuai Liang: “Patience, Bi-Han. There are many demands on Liu Kang's attention." Tomas: "Were he here, Father would advise us to wait without protest."
For one, Tomas did not say anything about Bi-Han being disrespectful to their father nor even to Liu Kang, only that the man would advise them - mind you, them, not Bi-Han alone - to wait as long as needed without a protest. Considering the real possibility that up to his death, their father was the final authority whose words settled any dispute between brothers, Smoke brought an argument to support Kuai Liang’s Patience, Bi-Han. There are many demands on Liu Kang's attention. He simply said what father would do himself in their situation. Something he and Kuai Liang take comfort in, as they held father’s teaching in high regard, while Bi-Han did not recognize the man’s authority any longer - what the younger brothers may know already but still ignore due to their own grief, or Bi-Han up to this moment managed to keep down his frustration under more or less effective control.
This exchange led the discussion away from Liu Kang’s treatment of high-ranked Lin Kuei to the more dangerous subject of father’s teaching and tradition:
Tomas: "Were he here, Father would advise us to wait without protest." Bi-Han: "But now he is gone and I am Grandmaster." Kuai Liang: “His teaching did not pass with him. They should still guide us." Bi-Han: "Guide us, yes. Shackle us, no." Tomas: “We can't abandon tradition." Bi-Han: "Mind your place, Tomas. Father may have taken you in, made you one of us... but your blood will never be Lin Kuei."
For me, Bi-Han’s response was harsher than Tomas’ words deserved, especially as the “your blood will never be Lin Kuei” has nothing to do with the main course of the argument - i.e., following father’s teachings and upholding tradition. If Bi-Han wanted to point out that Tomas is not in position to decide the course of the clan's politics, as it was Grandmaster’s choice alone, he could have said so instead of bringing Tomas’ past. However, at the same time, Sub-Zero’s words could be much harsher and hurtful, for example to deny him the brotherhood or right to consider himself one of Grandmaster's sons. 
The whole bicker was avoidable or at least could be toned down much better if Tomas did not bring their father into discussion. Considering that Kuai Liang was aware his older brother’s patience is a thin ice due to deep frustration, we can assume Tomas knew that too. I feel like if they acknowledged Bi-Han’s complaint or at least allowed him to vent his anger in peace, none of the following arguments would follow. 
I mean, Liu Kang called Grandmaster for top important mission (capturing Shang Tsung and destroying soulstellers), so we can assume Bi-Han and his brothers drop whatever they were doing at that moment and came ASAP only to be forced to wait for unknown to us period of time - that could be a ten minutes or hours, so Bi-Han’s complaint is not baseless. 
At the same time, I feel it is unfair to accuse Tomas of stepping out of line, as that was no formal meeting and he did not undermine the authority of the Grandmaster and older brother before outsiders. The scene was solely about them and their relationship and if Bi-Han felt comfortable to break out of his Grandmaster’s role to vent his frustration to younger brothers when they were all alone, Tomas had the same right to feel comfortable enough to state his opinion in the following discussion. This is them being brothers not the leader and subordinates, the way they were during the war meeting with Liu Kang.
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Please, note, Bi-Han  as Grandmaster is singled out and to whom Fire Lord addresses only, while Smoke and Scorpion stood in their place in silence and won’t speak until the meeting is officially over, i.e. after Sub-Zero’s final decision (“We will leave immediately”). If Tomas spoke during that meeting anything contradictoring Sub-Zero’s words, even if his words were correct, then yes, that would be stepping out of line and deserves any lecture the Grandmaster would consider fitting or even dealing with Tomas’ behavior once they returned to home. 
But during the moment between brothers alone from any outsiders? It is different situation, different power balance to begin with (and really, if they didn’t feel comfortable in each company and didn’t consider waiting together as the quiet moment between just them as brothers, outside the clan politics, I doubt Tomas and Kuai Liang would sit while Bi-Han, their leader, was standing).
Did Smoke really need to bring their father into discussion, especially if he knew the late Grandmaster was a sensitive topic around Bi-Han? It could be easier to just avoid that topic however if we can acknowledge Sub-Zero’s frustration as the reason for his harsh behavior and lashing out in anger, I feel we should also acknowledge that Tomas, the same as Kuai Liang, was a son mourning the loss of father. As Smoke and Scorpion had no idea about Bi-Han’s (passive) role in their father’s death, and we don’t have an idea how long time passed since that incident, so there is a chance it was still recent occurrence and the brothers tried - and failed - to find a common ground between Sub-Zero’s ambitions and Smoke & Kuai Liang’s mourning.
Maybe Tomas was so wrapped up in his grief, he didn’t care or didn’t notice he was provoking Bi-Han? Maybe he on purpose kept bringing the late Grandmaster (tradition) into discussion to force his brother to talk about their father, because grieving people sometimes avoid talking about the dead and he did not want repeat what happened to him not speaking about mother and sister, as intro dialogue implied he did not talk about his biological family after their death (Scorpion: You never speak of your mother and sister.)
For me personally, this scene is not about who stepped out the line and who should be lectured, but rather a needed indication from the narration point that the brothers are drifting apart after their father’s death. Both sides have said things that rubbed the other in the wrong way (hearing non stop about father and tradition adds fuel to Bi-Han’s frustration, Tomas’s hearing no matter how hard he will try, he will never be a true Lin Kuei hits into his sense of self-worth), but even the closest siblings sometimes argue and it happened here.
The argument should not even happen in the first place, and maybe would not happen in any normal circumstances  but since Bi-Han and Tomas and Kuai Liang are affected by things outside their control - frustration and mourning respectively - it is understandable the heavy emotions led them to clashed over relatively small things. 
If there is one thing to say for sure, they have some serious communication problems and that is only partially about Bi-Han not saving their father and lying about that. The story mode showed us Bi-Han trying to explain his reasoning - and as much as game keeps his arguments as vague as possible, he still openly states what he wants for Lin Kuei and himself, while his brothers cling to "tradition" and "father said so" but won't present any countrarguments why those things should matters. Which is a major problem, as both sides want different things and can't find a common ground to agree on.
So no, I don't think Tomas was at fault in this scene, at least not in the sense he wanted to hurt Bi-Han by bringing father into discussion, the same as I don't think Bi-Han should be harsher. What they should have done was to talk about the issue in peace and work out the solution, but alas they weren't given a time nor opportunity until it was too late.
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frnkiebby · 2 months
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oh yeah that’s fine yup this is fine THIS IS FINE!
(disclaimer: i know smoking is bad for you. 100% i get it. i’m not glamorizing it. neither of us are.)
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butchsophiewalten · 3 months
how do we feel about canon pothead jenny
Oh, incredible. I've been championing this concept for so much of my life now. I really think she'd be the kind of stoner to talk a lot about the medicinal benefits of weed. Also a belief I've held for forever is that she's the kind of person who thinks tobacco ruins the taste of weed, so if she's smoking her preference is definitely for a joint over smoking a blunt or a spliff.
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lesbianlucius · 8 months
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So yeah I'd say that episode was pretty good!
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ggigigoode · 1 year
i’m never going to get over this serve
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corvidaedream · 2 months
roommate w no self-awareness sent an angry text to the group chat about how he was finally pushed to "deep clean the kitchen" bc no one was cleaning up after themselves
get home half an hour later
counter covered in dirty dishes. it looks like he wiped down the stovetop. the cleaning supplies are all out. several dishes and things on the counter and table are all his.
great uh. deep clean, man.
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nailgunstigmata · 5 months
the macden peeled apple is so cool because its not just an act of service, its mac convincing dennis he needs him to peel his apples and protect him from dangers, when in reality theres no health advantage and if anything a health disadvantage in it, and eventually dennis realizes that which just helps to further erode the trust he had towards mac. its not just an act of service, its an act of service that was never actually necessary that mac has convinced them both is needed <3
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spaciebabie · 1 year
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oc brainrot time feat. more of the Worst Siblings in the World™
fun fact! all of the gem siblings have curly blond hair but spinel and citrine dye and straighten theirs. thats not important tho so dont worry abt it
you best believe that when citrine and spinel work out tagether, citrine complains the whole time.
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perelka-l · 7 months
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When you both are in a shitty situation and can't even get up and are waiting for someone to arrive (whoever it is, really) and one of you has cigs and other access to fire so you just. Kinda chill for a moment. Like, it's just once, it should be fine, you can forget about it later.
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