#so the thing is. i have a 40 min car drive to work so i share car with some coworkers to save money on gas
knightzp · 8 months
where is that post that says dont be ashamed of your hobbies interests etc etc i need it rn
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sharkieboi · 8 months
so I’m trying to move cause this apartment sucks, and my dad suggested I see if my aunt (who is also my godmother) would let me move in with her, cause she’s got a big house and she’s been living alone since her husband (my uncle and godfather) died. and she lives a bit far from work but not terribly inconvenient, and she loves me and likes animals so neither me nor my bird would be unwelcome housemates.
and like trying to move I’ve shifted some priorities cause I’ve realized I don’t actually like living in the city proper and I would like to have trees and nature around and yknow not have my home be a mice-infested basement with no climate control with the entrance off a back alley that’s filled with dead rats and broken glass.
and it is taking everything in me to not just cave and ask her if she wants a housemate asap. she’s retired, she’ll love my bird, and I will be the best resident ever if she would have me.
but she’s also 30-40 mins out of the city with no public transit that goes to the city, and my car just absolutely shit the bed so I would have to get a car and/or figure out borrowing one from her or another family member
but also. cheap rent and guaranteed meals and in-house laundry and a big house with a big yard and a big garden and also I’m genuinely worried about my aunt living alone as she gets older so like???????? I’m very very very tempted.
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shoveitevil · 2 months
god. why does no one care about me in this damned house
#two days of hanging out with childhood friends having the best fun I’ve had all holidays just to be ruined by my brother#my god#firstly you have a complete fucking meltdown right before we’re supposed to leave despite you having a full 6 hours to prepare while im#in a rush to get in the car 10 mins after waking up because my mum didn’t wake me up#then you make us call you because you were feeling left out despite you specifically saying you didn’t want to hang out with these people#then the next day you agree to go and immediately start insulting me for laughs and then hitting me with hard plastic when I respond#you continue to do things to the rest of us and then complain when we do the same#eventually going to mum and conveniently ignoring any part where he hit me#then you act moody the rest of the damn day watching youtube and then say all that time watching YouTube was stressing you out#then I get home after a 40 min drive of josh crying over some unexplained problem with all the “stress” on his face leaving immediately#my mum asks me why I wasn’t feeling the best and I explain all the shit that josh did to me#and then she has the nerve to stay “why have you stayed so mad about this” as if josh doesn’t constantly pull this shit#apparently she thought all the times we didn’t fight were just normal?? as if I don’t have to constantly walk on eggshells around josh#and I had to explain how I constantly had to comprise for him and how I just for once wanted to have fun with my friends#and even then we constantly invited him to play with us#and then refused to#the two hour later I decide for once in my life to be vulnerable with my dad and get on the verge of tears explaining how I’m treated by jo#and how despite doing the actual limit to what I can mentally handle to appease josh he still treats me like dogshit#and he decides to make this about him and his brother and how their relationship worked#and then told me basically that my brother will never leave my life and I have to stay with him forever#I love my mother#My father and my brother not so much#but when it’s not about josh getting a pinprick and having to cancel a 2 week holiday#it’s about mum and dad and how they are going through a rough patch and constantly have to let us know#the only time it feels like I’m paid any attention to at all is when I’m with my sisters or I get a grade back#ughhhhhhhhhhhh#vent
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kaimeioneclipse · 1 year
Black Christmas 🎄
Pairing: Wednesday x You (any gender)
Summary: It's the Holiday season and this time you are spending it at Nevermore Academy since your folks aren't around this year. Wednesday and the rest of the crew are also at Nevermore this year so you decided to do something special for your Girlfriend, Wednesday Addams.
WordCount: 1.5k words
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You knock on a dorm door on Christmas night the stillness in the air made you reminisce of home. you lived outside the city but your quiet town wasn't too bad, The quiet nights with barely any cars driving through and the falling snow made you feel calm.
You hear the door begin to unlock and you see a bubbly blonde girl with colorful dyed hair opens the door. "Oh hey Y/N! I'm just now heading down to the Holiday party with Thing." You can see the stitched-up hand on Enid's shoulder waving at you with his index finger.
"Hey Thing." you say to him "Wednesday inside?" You ask the two
"Yea you know Ms. Gloomy, typing away at her typewriter," says Enid with her sarcastic but bubbly grin
"I can hear you" you can hear Wednesday exclaim from inside the room
"Good luck and don't miss out on the holiday party! We definitely need you and Wednesday to complete our dancing crew"
Thing begins to tap on Enid's as if he is asking if he was a part of the dance crew.
"Of course, Thing. I can't wait to tear it up with you" She says as they begin to walk down the hallways leading to the party below in Nevermore's halls.
You walk in to see the half-colorful and half-black room the two girls share. As Enid said there was Wednesday typing away at her typewriter. You get closer and look at the sheets of paper that were typed and put to the side of her desk or the papers that were thrown away in the waste bin.
"How's the story going?" You ask
The ding of the of typewriter hits the emptiness of the room and Wednesday takes the page out and crumbles it up and throws it on the floor.
"Not that great huh?" you say as you pick up the crumpled paper and check its contents. "Wow, you are writing a Christmas section of your book?"
"Viper's partner has invited her to a Christmas gathering. I cant seem to put into words of a Christmas celebration other than setting fire to a tree and dancing on the ashes as my mother and father would do." She exclaims while putting in a new sheet of paper in the typewriter.
After you and Wednesday decided to begin dating her writing shifted a bit from being a loner. She added two new characters that help her solve her cases. A ragtag sweet talker who had the strength of 40 men and Viper's partner that always has her back. Clearly, you could tell it was based on you and Enid, Wednesady would never admit it though.
As Wednesday begins to write up another attempt of doing this section of the story. You put your hand on hers and say "How about a break?" "Let's go to the party downstairs. It could be a lot of fun" you say to her but she seems reluctant to go downstairs and deal with all the bright lights and happy times.
"No. I rather work on this section. The sooner the better I don't have to worry about this Christmas fiasco" she said. You grab her chair and spin her around to look at you. "Wednesday it's Christmas. It's time to spend time with the people you love. Your family is in the Real Bermuda Triangle....Whatever that means. So you are here with me Enid and Thing."
Wednesday looks at you with open eyes, her pupils were as dark as the midnight sky. "How about this you come with me to give you your Christmas gift and if you are still not up to the Christmas spirit, then you can go back to wringing your story" you say.
Wednesday gets up from her chair with her platform black boots. "Deal" she replies and puts on her black jacket.
"By the way, You have to close your eyes" you explain
After 10 mins of leading Wednesday through hallways and stairs. You finally make it. "Ok just hold on a few seconds," you say as you begin to shift around moving things and putting things into place. You move behind her and slowly say "Ok....open them"
Wednesday slowly opens to see the Nightshade room has been turned into a dark morbid Christmas Addams wonderland. Wednesday was stunned but as you know no emotion shows on her face. "I tried to do my best with what I had. Was tricky getting the Christmas tree black, let's just say it's a huge fire hazard."
In the middle of the room, there is a black Christmas tree that has been littered with skull ornaments. scorpions, severed baby doll heads.
"This is absolute, dark, horrid, and downright distasteful.....I love it" said Wednesday with a slight smirk as she looked at the Christmas tree. Every Ornament seemed to be brought from a shop from in town. Then Wednesday notices an ornament that seems to be a picture of You, Wednesday, Enid, Thing, Eugene Xavier and Bianca/ She raised her hand to put it on the Christmas tree and the picture as she got closer "Ash... you sprinkled ash on it"
"Yea, since we can't burn it I burned a couple branches on the campus grounds and brought the ashes here. The Groundskeepers are not gonna be happy with the scorched earth." you said as you started to rummage through a bag that was on a chair nearby. a black skinny rectangle present with a silver bow and ribbon was taken out the bag.
"Hey" you say to Wednesday.
She turns around to see you holding out a present to her.
"What's this all about?" she asks
"Merry Christmas," you say with a bright smile on her face and hand it over to Wednesday
She opens them and begins to widen her eyes it's a picture of you and her and you got her a hardcover Notepad with a Raven standing on top of a skull with her initials on it.
"Just a little something to have me always with you and while you are gone something to write when you don't want to move over to the typewriter." you say.
Wednesday looks at the picture of you two, the day was very special for her. This was the day you both did a cemetery date on a full moon. It was interesting to watch the Wolf Pack wolf out and have a great time. You made ink black pasta which took you a couple mistakes until you got it right but it was worth it.
"Thank you," she said with her normal Wednesday tone. She looked around and put her picture of you two down then reached inside the book and found an ink fountain pen inside. She began to write inside the book. You tried to look over her shoulder but she was blocking it with her small stature.
She got up and held the book to her chest.
"You ok?" you ask
She turned around to face you and held up the book and opened up the first page to show you a page writing that says "You are the candle in my dark ice path in the night. I love you, Merry Christmas." You smile at the gesture, Wednesday pulls the book down to reveal her face and shows she was slightly blushing but still had her half-dead emotionless face.
"I love you too Wednesday....my" You say then try to remember what her father says to her mother. "Mi Caria"
She smiles and chuckles at your horrible pronunciation but you did your best. "Mon Cher" she says laying the book down on the chair and hugs you and looks up at you.
You take out your cell phone and begin to play some classical music to dance to from a nearby Bluetooth speaker. You hold up your hand and grab it and you dance and look into the eyes of each other. Wednesday lays her head on your chest as you dance and you smile since you never felt so vulnerable and loved from one person.
"I think i know how im going to end that section of the story now with Viper." Wednesday says to you as you two continue to dance.
"Oh how so...." you say looking down at her
Wednesday Addams the little dark starlight of Nevermore Academy looks into you with her black eyes as if she is pulling you in with magic.
"Like this" she says as she places her hands on the sides of your face and pulls you towards her and kisses you on the lips. She is usually super cold but this time her lips are warm as if she is melting away any ice between you two.
"Now that is my kind of ending" you smile and so does she. "Wanna go to the holiday party, I know Enid and Thing are waiting on us" as you gesture towards the top of the stairs to go back to the school.
Wednesday nods "But I have a Christmas present for you back in my room....Well, two now. So we have to get that first"
"Awesome! I can't wait to see what it is." You exclaim
"Let's just say one of them you are going to need to stretch." she says with a smirk
(Didn't think I would be able to write another Wednesday story. I just finished watching the show and wow loved it. For this one, everyone is aged up just because of the way it ends.
Its Christmas and i wanted to write another story. So here we are. It was a fun one to do after my Christmas events. So it was a good time. The funny thing about this story is it was going to be short then turned into this ahaha. But either way if you have any ideas for another story hit the Ask button below!
Thanks and love you all and be sure to leave a comment on the story to help me improve. I know I'm not the best writer but its fun.)
Ask for more Ideas for stories
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lizzieislife94x · 6 months
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Mafia Boss (e.o)
Lizzie x G!P Reader
Y/ns POV:
"Just get it done keep it clean and call me when it's done!" I spit out at the idiots I call employees they can't do anything right, I hang up slamming my phone on the table "baby is everything ok" my beautiful girlfriend Elizabeth says walking over rubbing her hand up and down my arm "yeah everything's ok baby just work hey I got you this dress for the party tonight" I say softly handing her the dress I bought I won't lie it's short and tight and I know its gonna hug her ass and tits perfectly "babyyyy thank you so much" she exclaimed excitedly jumping up and down as I pull her into a passionate kiss after a minute of her soft lips working against mine I break away and slap her ass "go get ready sexy we leave in 2 hours" I say as she turns and walks away.
Finally she's ready I look at her as my eyes almost pop out there head "fuck me lizzie you look wow" I say flirting with my sexy ass girlfriend "by the way you take forever to get ready" I giggle as she slaps my arm "and you wouldn't have it any other way by the way you look sexy y/n I don't know why but seeing you in suits does things to me it really does" she bites her lip as she runs her hand over my crotch knowing exactly what she doing "ah ahah I don't think so lizzie not right now behave we need to get to this party I have a little business to take care of" she pouts and walks out to the car as I shake my head and laugh at her "someone's pouty" I tease as I get in to drive it takes almost 40 mins to arrive as i hand my keys to a valet "my lady shall we" I smile offering my hand to my frustrated girlfriend "boss they're here and waiting we've checked no weapons so all clear to go in" my right hand man whispers as I nod to let him know I understand "hey princess I need to take care of business go have a drink ill be done in 5 minutes" I say as I kiss my girlfriend on the head.
Lizzies POV: 
Fuck she's so sexy walking away no lizzie don't think about how sexy y/n is she's in the bad books she left you wet and needy and she didn't even know it, I honestly have no reason to be annoyed but i just am she knows it turns me on, I strut over to the bar and order a drink as I patiently wait for my girlfriend I hate when she's dealing with business I don't want her to get hurt, I let out a sigh as I drink my drink "well what's a beauty like you doing alone care to dance" a charming 6 foot blonde man asks trying to hit on me I should tell him who my girlfriend is but decided against it i think its time to really annoy y/n "omg yes thank you I'd love to dance" I say as I take his hand and follow him to the dance floor we continue to dance for a while until I spot y/n glaring at me I decided to push a little further and really play with fire so slowly start to grind on him smirking as I do. 
Y/ns POV:
We walk out and shake hands with the leader of the opposite gang as we just finished laying some ground rules as soon as I turn my head I see lizzie with some guy all over her dancing what the fuck is she doing is she trying to end this guy, as soon as she locks eyes with me she starts grinding on this idiot "find out who that is that's all over her before I start fucking hurting people" I spit out as the jealousy bursts out of me "umm ahh actually y/n that's my son" the man I just finished the meeting with chimes in "well if you don't get him away from my fucking girlfriend right now I will make sure he sleeps with the fishes and ill do it personally you have 10 seconds 9..8..7" i start to count anger spilling from my lips as his 2 of his people run over to pull him away from lizzie i take a second to calm down before I walk over to her with a smile "now princess what was that all about I think we better get going because your in trouble "
I see her visibly gulp and take her hand leading her out to the car as we wait for them to bring it round lizzie whisper just loud enough for me to hear "baby I uh..I.. nothing happened I just wanted to push your buttons you left me all needy" awh she's trying to seem like butter wouldn't melt "and you think rubbing your ass against some dude is nothing oh honey you need to be taught a lesson you need to remember who you belong to" I say loud enough for people around to hear and I see her face turn red as I open the door for her to get into the car and climb into the drivers seat "what's wrong princess " I taunt resting my hand on her thigh as I drive home slipping it higher every so often "baby I'm yours no one elses" she says out of the blue making me giggle "and I'm yours but you need to learn that no one gets to touch what's mine your lucky that dude was 5 seconds away from taking a nap in the Hudson " I say as she bites her lip when I'm in full business mode she loves it she loves the power I hold "fuck baby I wouldn't have been dancing with him if you didn't leave me wet and needy before we left" I look at her shocked and laugh "what are you talking about I didn't tease you before we left you tried to grab my dick princess " she huffs and folds her arms "you know what you in suits does to me you could have fucked me before we left "I squeeze her thigh and smirk "princess I had business to attend to but trust me your getting fucked as soon as we get home" I say sweetly giving her a smile after 10 minutes of driving we arrive home and lizzie rushes out and runs outside as I giggle following her so needy I head straight upstairs knowing she'll be in the bedroom and stop in my tracks "how did you get naked so quick" I say as I bite my lip walking over to her "I have my ways" she smirks pulling me down into a Firey kiss as she works on getting my clothes off after a minute I stand up to remove my boxers I slowly rub my dick as I look into her eyes and grab her ankles pulling her to the edge of the bed "mhh good girls get lots of foreplay bad girls get pounded till they can't take it anymore " I husk out into her ear as I feel her full body shiver I bite my lips as I tease her entrance with the tip of my cock fuck she wasn't lying about being wet "please y/n please fuck me I've been a naughty girl" as soon as the words leave her mouth I sink deep inside my girlfriend bottoming out in one thrust "yesssssssss y/n fuckkkk aaaah" she screams as she arches her back "is this what you wanted you naughty girl my cock deep inside you?" She nods with her eyes closed as I thrust hard and deep "words Elizabeth words is this what you wanted" I continue my relentless pace pounding into lizzie the sounds ofher wet cunt as my dick slams in and out is music to my ears her moans make me so fucking hard "yes yes yes this is...what..I.. wanted baby fuck don't stop I'm cumingggg " I moan as I feel her walls hug my cock tighter "fuck lizzie this pussy is mine" I moan as I fuck her faster not giving her time to recover I feel the knot in my stomach getting stronger "fuck baby I'm so close I'm gonna fill your little cunt is that ok" I moan out as I lift her leg over my shoulder getting deeper "uhh...fu...oh god yes baby cum inside me please I want to feel you" i look down and notice lizzie cumming again as she creams over my cock I feel my thrusts getting sloppy as my orgasm approaches fast after a few more thrusts I slam deep inside her filling her with my seed as I lean my forehead against hers breathing fast "fuck princess" she moans and I smirk "yeah it was amazing but remember your mine if anyone touches you again ill make them disappear " I say with a smile as I lay next to her pulling her close "so protective I love it y/n I love you" she whispers against my ear making me smile.
AN: if you have any requests let me know, hope this was OK word count 1.5k 
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skyziej · 4 months
Gavril x y/n: To the beach
so, um, hi yall again, yep im back to just put a fanfic here, for @peaches-blook0-0 and my inspo writer is @nebulous-nevermore
Because of slinking shadows by @nebulous-nevermore i wanted to do a fanfic of gavril, so enjoy, u lil critters :))
(also it's very long, so u can skim read if u want :))
Y/n x Gavril: to the beach (part 1)
Today was a slack day, you had no work and Gav, like always, had nothing to do. He was supposedly going out today to “borrow” people’s food from their houses, but why would he have to go, if the fridge at y/n’s house was already stocked up with cheese, fruit and many other delicious delectables, hence, there was no reason for Gavril to go to other people’s houses. After you had finished cutting up some watermelon and putting some cheese on an extra plate, you met Gav on the sofa in the lounge room before sitting next to him.
“What’s on the agenda today?” you asked Gavril, as you put the plates down on the coffee table Infront of youse.
 “Oh nothing darling, just relaxing for today before heading out, again, that is” he said with a relaxed sigh.
 Y/N:  “Uh huh, and don’t you always relax anyways, because u get to live in my house rent free?” you say picking up the tv remote.
 “Ha! Good one!” he said picking up a piece of cheese.
 U just roll your eyes at him before turning the tv on. As you turned it on, a wine commercial, with the beach as the background, played, making a sudden idea light up like a light bulb in your head.
“Gav, I know what we’re doing today.” You said as u turned the tv off.
 “What?” he asked.
“Were going to the beach.” U said.
“The what?”-Gav.
Gavril x y/n: to the beach (part 2)
After shopping and packing the car, u, Gavril and Sabolan (yes, sobolan is included 😊), were heading off to the beach.
“I can’t believe u don’t know what a beach is!?, What have u been doing Gav!?” you said as u were driving.
“Well, trying to survive, playing music, and being, well, a man of the night.” (he’s secretly batman peoples :33 (jk jk))” he said as he looked out the window.
 “Well that clearly hasn’t gotten u to see the most” you said.
After an hour of driving, youse finally got to a beach.
 “Up! Sleepy heads!” you said as u unbuckled yourself.
 Gav woke up drowsily, rubbing his face to wake up. “5 more minutes” he said as he fell asleep.
“Nope! Were all going, come on!” you said as u got out from the car, walked over to the passenger side, opened his door, and headed off to the boot of the car. You were unpacking the car until Gav came to help u too. After 40 mins, youse were all set. You both had all your stuff out and were ready to enjoy the beach.
You then walked onto the beach and ushered him to follow. He walked onto the sand with a precautionary step, taking him 5 mins to really feel the soft, warm, sand, between his grippers. Looking up from the sand, out into the vast blue.
He stood immobilized in thought, as he tried picturing his remembrance of the resonating feeling within him right now, a foggy memory, that wouldn’t clear up, he couldn’t quite put it together. But he swore he had felt this feeling somewhere before.
 The breeze made up for the heat that the sun was radiating, as it flowed through his hair. It was quite, quiet as the only thing that could be heard was the waves flowing up and down onto the bank of the beach, and the breeze that whistled by.
As he was lost in thought, you were waiting for him, but then realized he was spaced out. So, what u did was wave your hand Infront of him to get his attention.
y/n: “Hello, Gavvv, Gav to earth!?”.
 Gav: “huh? Oh, sorry was caught up in thought for a second, it’s just… this place feels familiar, like I’ve been here before” he said as he looked at u.
 “Well… maybe it’s a childhood memory?” u say.
 “Maybe...” he says looking out again.
 You then roll your eyes and shake ur head a bit before taking his hand and starting to walk. “Come on! What r we waiting for?! Let’s go!” u say as he follows u.
Gavril x y/n: To the beach (part 3)
You both enjoyed the day at the beach, which was chaotically eventful. First u both wanted to go swimming, and youse did. You were first into the water, then Gavril, but as soon as his tail submerged, he ran out as if something bit him. When u went to go and check up on him, he said that his tail (the goo) had responded in a ick way, making a sharp pain shoot up his spine, meaning he couldn’t stay in the water any longer, which meant that swimming was off the list (this fic includes Gav’s goo NOT being able to goo the whole ocean version, lol). Next you and him were playing in the sand, drawing in the sand with sticks found from nearby vegetation, before eventually being thrown at each other, as a joke, which, thankfully! Neither of u got hurt.
Youse then made sandcastles for Sabolan which was fun, and Sabolan went into nearby bushes to get small things for his sandcastles as well, which was all fine until he started getting chased by seagulls. Luckily Gavril saw what was happening to Sabolan, and ran to Sabolan’s aid, whacking the nearby seagulls away and making one of them fall to the sand, saving Sabolan.
Gavril then cupped his hands and bent down close to the sand for Sobolan to climb into his hands. Sobolan then quickly scurried into his hands, trembling a little from the deadly experience. Gavril then calmed him down by gently caressing his fur and holding him close to him. After that, Sobolan then learnt that he did not favor the beach after that experience, so he always stayed close by to Gavril.
Then for the afternoon you both had a small after-noon tea beach picnic, enjoying the chatter of each other, as u both ate some sandwiches you had made, followed by a home-made platter.
 After that you both had ventured along the beach in search of some shell’s At first, Gavril wasn’t sure what shell’s were, until you showed him, and after about 15 minutes of Gavril picking up every shell he could, his hands were full of different shaped and colored shell’s, which u had to put in your tote bag (You were carrying with u), because he had refused to let them go.
Gavril x y/n: to the beach (part 4)
After both of your mini little activities on the beach, youse had finally rested on a fallen log, that looked like it had been there for quite a while now. You both  sat next to each other.
With the sunset umbre of the afternoon sky, and the gentle and cool breeze rustling the nearby palm leaves above you two, Gavril couldn’t think of a better opportunity then to try something with u, that had been bobbing in his minds for months. He was about to break the silence, but you beat him to that first.
You: “So did u have fun?” you said as u look at him.
Gav: “ I did, it’s the best fun I’ve had in ages, except I couldn’t stay in the water, and that Sabolan nearly became seagull food, but apart from those things, I enjoyed the day most with you” he said quite heartedly. You then awkwardly chuckled, before quickly changing the subject.
You:  “Ha…yeah…but I enjoyed it with u too, and u Sabolan!”
You said as Sobolan, at the mention of his name, quickly scurried off Gavril and onto u, with a slight happy squeak. The conversation’s kept going until you felt Gavril’s hand take hold of yours.
“Hey, Y/N, may I try something with you?” he said as he looked at u with a slight red tint on his face.
 “Um…okay? What is it?” you said as you shifted to face your body in his way. He then turns to face you, holding both your hands in his. “Y/n, thank u for letting me and Sabolan stay with you. Even when I broke into your house, you still let us stay, and I am truly greatful” He said softly.
He then squeezed your hands gently and sighed, before speaking again. “You know….. how I said we could be more then roommate’s and u agreed to it?…..well…I’ve been thinking about it for some while now, and I didn’t know when to do it….but…this here…seems like the right moment to do so” he said as the red plastered across his cheeks increased, as he looked at you softly.
“Wha- what do u mean?” you said more quietly, as your blush deepened and your heart-rate increased, as you waited for something from him.
Gav: “Here let me show u” he said. You then watched him entangle his fingers with yours, before looking up at him. He saw how the sunset’s warm light, from the downing afternoon, made your features look twice as more beautiful. He then gently placed his hand upon your cheek, making your blush deepen again followed by a soft smile, which also made him smile.
He then lightly caressed your cheek with his thumb, before gently brushing some of your hair back behind your ear with the same hand, placing his hand on your shoulder. He then moved his face closer to yours, his eyes darting down to your lips, before back to your eyes.
So you too, moved in slowly as well until both your lips softly touched each other’s. He kissed you and you kissed back, both melting into the moment, as he then caressed your cheek once again, his tail gently touching your back, as if to keep you close and protected.
Gavril x y/n: to the beach (part 5)
You both pulled away after a minute and looked at each other with faces full of red, both reacting with a short, soft chuckle.
“Soooo…is it official?” he asked after a minute, as he looked at u.
“Hhmmmm…alright, but we’ll keep working on it, okay?” you said, as he looked at you with a soft smile, nodding a bit in agreement.
 “However that was good for your first move, I’ll give u that” you said looking at him.
“Thank you, y/n….so does that mean I get to continue staying at your house for free?” he said trying to get a reaction out of you.
“Don’t push it, lovey” you said as you gave him a look.
Gav: “Lovey? Now that’s a new one, better start calling you that too” he said with a light laugh. You just sighed, and shook your head a little, with a smile, as he smiled and held u close to him, leaning your head back onto his shoulder as he wrapped a comforting arm around you, before giving you a small kiss on the top of your head, and resting his head on yours, with a slight nuzzle, continuing to watch the remainder of the afternoon’s beautiful sunset.
(Anyways, that's all folks! hope u enjoyed it :))
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xxxninjaxxx23 · 19 days
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You’ll always be strong to me no matter what.
Sibling bond between the Carpenter sisters!
Tara carpenter has always been the follow up to her older sibling, well not like that exactly. More like how Sam would always carry Tara’s things or most of the groceries herself. Tara insists on helping but Sam always told her the stuff she carries is “too big or “heavy” in her words.
To this day, Tara wished she could prove to Sam that she is just as strong and capable as her.
When it was time to go grocery shopping for this months food, Tara took it as her chance to help out. At first Sam didn’t intend on bringing Tara but the little one wouldn’t stop bugging her about it so she gave in.
As they entered the big supermarket, Sam grabbed a cart and headed down the main isle “Ok Tara, stay next to me. I don’t want you getting lost or hurt in this big store.”
Tara grabbed a bag of candy for herself and tossed it in the basket. She folded her arms hearing what her sister said “I’m not a kid anymore Sam, I can handle myself you know?”
Sam smiled “Yes you can Tara, yes you can.”
The first thing on the list was bread which the siblings headed to “Sam. Can I please push the cart?” She shook her head “No Tara, I got it.”
Tara flailed her arms “But Sammmm”
Sam didn’t respond until they got to the bread isle “Most of this stuff I’m getting is pretty heavy Tar. I wouldn’t want you to break your back or drive the cart into the shelf.” Tara sighed “Fine but at least let me get the bread at. I’m sure it’s not “heavy!”
Sam nodded “Tell you what, I’ll let you get some of the items we need then put them in the cart, starting with the bread.”
Tara beamed in joy as she dashed over to the bread. Unfortunately the one they need is at the top shelf out of Tara’s reach “Eh. No matter” the young sibling stood up on her tippy toes, giving her the length she needed to get the bread.
As Tara was about to grab the item, she felt herself hovering over the ground “What the-“ she looked to see her sibling holding her by her legs, smiling “Go on sweetie. Get that bread we need for our breakfast. Two loafs to be exact.” Tara groaned as she got two loafs of bread.
Next up was the 40 pack of water. “I could have gotten the bread myself you know.” Tara said with a pout.
Sam nodded “I know.”
As the siblings made their way to the beverage isle, Tara was about to grab the water before being tugged away by Sam. “No,no,no. This is too heavy for you, I got this.” Tara rolled her eyes
“Sam I can handle-“ before she could finish her sentence, Sam was already lugging two cases of water over her shoulders before quickly dropping them into the basket.
“Sorry what were you going to say?” she asked, wiping some sweat off her forehead. Tara shook her head “Never mind. Let’s just get the rest of the food.”
As the trip went on, getting the rest of the groceries was no struggle but it took longer because Sam was “Doing most of the work” in Tara’s words. As she loaded the last of the items into the basket.
Ironically the only thing Tara got to “help” out with was the bread but that was from her sister’s unneeded boost.” The rest was just her standing off to the side like a kid waiting for their mother to finish shopping.
After the sisters went to check out, an employee loaded the items into the car for them. Her and Sam flirted for 20 mins and Tara had to watch that too, whilst gagging in the process.
“She’s cute. Maybe I’ll call her tonight.” Sam said as she started the car. “Oh brother” Tara said.
The car ride was quiet until Tara connected the phone to the stereo and picked out a song. She was shuffling through her playlist until it randomly selected “I just wanna party” by YG.
Unfortunately she only heard the first minute before Sam disconnected the Bluetooth and changed the station to a cheesy 60’s group. Sam hummed and tapped her fingers on the wheel to the rhythm.
Tara lightly slapped her leg “Aw come on! I was listening to that! What the hell is this hippie shit you put on?”
Sam shot a glare at Tara “Sis that music you were “listening” to is inappropriate and offensive.”
Now Tara was mad “So?! It’s just music, Sam! Put it back, now!”
Sam shook her head “Nope. I’m not listening to that garbage. Honestly I don’t know why you or anyone likes that kind of music. All they do is degrade themselves with their massive ego and treat women like sex toys.”
Tara crossed her arms “Like I said. It’s just music and who the fuck are you to insult my playlist?”
Sam huffed “You insulted my music first and second, maybe you shouldn’t be listening to that genre If all it’s going to do is turn you into a potty mouth.”
Tara laughed “Oh my god you didn’t not just say “potty mouth” I’m not a kid anymore Sam!”
“No but your sure as hell acting like it. I don’t want to argue with you anymore Tar just let me drive home and you can listen to whatever you want.”
Tara hits her head on the door “First you wouldn’t let me help you with the groceries and now you want me to listen to this junk? What a great sister you are Sam.”
Sam shook her head as she drove the last few minutes home. As they got there Tara opened the back door and was about to grab the groceries until Sam swooped them all and the waters “Hey!”
Sam looked down and handed Tara a few bags, light ones to be exact “Sorry, here.” Tara snatched them and went to open the door. She held the door open as Sam made her way to drop off all the items on the counter.
Tara decided to head to her room, seeing as there’s no point in asking to help now. She took her shoes off and laid down on her bed before selecting another track from her playlist.
She was getting into the music before Sam hit the wall “Tara! Do not blast that music out loud. Use the headphones I bought you.
Oh right. She means the “hello kitty” headphones. Surprisingly they worked and sound good when Tara got them but they were for kids and Tara wasn’t a kid.
But she reluctantly put the headphones on and continued to listen to music until Sam knocked on her door and called her for dinner.
Sam made lasagna but as Tara took the big knife to cut it, Sam quickly snatched the knife away and cut Tara a piece. She lightly shoved her sister away “Sam! Will you stop hovering over me and acting like I can’t do anything by myself.”
Sam patted her sister’s shoulder “I just want to make sure my little girl didn’t get a cut on her finger.” Tara gritted her teeth and had to restrain herself from punching Sam in the stomach.
‘Bitch, did you forget I was STABBED SEVEN TIMES while you were in Modesto! Did you forget we fought masked psychos twice who had buck knives?!’ Tara thought.
Sam took the plates over, setting them down and pulling out a chair for Tara to sit, the little sister threw her hands in the air before eating.
Halfway through their meal Tara spoke up “So are you gonna call that girl later?” She teased. Sam smiled “Maybe. If she’s into me.”
Tara laughed “I know she is, you just have to call her.” Before whispering “So you can finally get out of my hair and dump all her mommy protection on her.”
(The next day)
Tara was reaching for a box of cereal that was on top of the fridge until she felt Sam pick her up again “Sam put me down please. I got it.” She said. “It’s ok Tara, grab the cereal you want sweetheart.”
Tara felt anger build up inside her “Sam I can stand on my toes and reach. Put. Me. Down.”
Sam wasn’t letting up “Tara, I don’t want you to hurt your-“
“I SAID PUT ME DOWN!! RIGHT FUCKING NOW!!” Sam quickly did what she was told, startled by her sister’s outburst.
Sam stood there for a minute while Tara kept staring her down. Then heavy tears start to pour from her face “I-I’m sorry…..I’m so sorry.” She said as she quickly ran into her room and closed the door.
Tara sighed as she grabbed the cereal, pouring herself a bowl. As Tara was eating her cereal. She felt bad for snapping at Sam but was never going to let up if she didn’t speak up.
Finishing her cereal, Tara washed the bowl and spoon in the sink before sitting on the couch, watching a movie (readers choice of the movie)
Two hours have passed and Sam still hasn’t came out of her room. Tara was a bit worried but was debating on either leaving Sam alone for the day or going in there herself.
She didn’t take long to make that decision
As Tara got to Sam’s door, she didn’t hear anything “Sam….can I come in?” She still didn’t get a response. “Ok I-I’m coming in sis.” Tara said as she opened the door.
The room was a mess and Tara found Sam on her bed facing the wall with a photo album in her arms. Tara felt like she was about cry but went over to Sam’s bed and laid down next to her.
Sam turned around to face Tara, her eyes red and puffy. Tara extends her arms for Sam which she falls into.
She cried and heaved in Tara’s embrace “Shhh, shhh it’s ok. It’s ok” Tara said while lightly stroking Sam’s hair and back. They stayed that way for a bit until Sam calmed down and both pulled away.
“Can we talk?” Tara asked
Sam nodded “yeah”
Tara took a breath and began to speak “Look Sam. I love you and I know you’re scared of losing me again. I don’t blame you but……you can’t keep treating me like a child or some fragile object. I may be small but I can still handle myself sis.
Sam nodded in understanding “Ok. I won’t do that anymore. Is that why you were in a bad mood yesterday at the store?”
“That, yes but I just wanted to prove to you that I can lift heavy objects and be a big help. All my life I’ve been made fun of because of my height and weight. Mom didn’t do anything to help either, agreeing that I would struggle with a table.”
Now it was Sam’s turn to comfort Tara “Please just let me prove that I can be just as strong as you Sam. I may not have your figure but I want to try.”
Sam kissed Tara on the top of her head, smiling “You already did.” Tara was confused for a minute “Weren’t you the one comforting me earlier when I was down.”
“That’s different Sam. That wasn’t physical strength.”
Sam shook her head giving Tara another head kiss “Physical and Emotional fall on the same category. You showed that you can be emotionally strong and comforting in situations like this.”
Tara took a breath “I guess you’re right. But can I still help out more with the groceries next time? Watch me carry a case of water by myself.”
Sam laughed in joy “Alright my little one. I’ll stand off to the side while you get most of the food and push the cart…I’ll even, Eh let you choose the music too.”
Tara laughed “I may be little, but I can still go for your stomach with a good punch.”
“That’s won’t be needed Tara because
You’ll always be strong to me no matter what.”
Yeah this story was more on the silly side buts it’s pretty relatable that some people deal with siblings or mothers like Sam.
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okay that was a great weekend with an excellent and hilariously witty crew of people lol. I am glad I went but also my body is broken from travel and I badly need to be back in my little routines!! 2.5 hours left in this flight then I gotta get the shuttle to my car and drive 40 min home before I can crash in my own bed at last!!! thankfully I have three full days of solitude before bachelorette weekend activities begin which should be enough time to get back on a normal sleep schedule, go for a couple short runs and a few long walks, and cook myself food that includes actual vegetables. I’m still responsible for the pugs which means I’m not fully relaxed (so many dogs and only half of them housetrained 🫠) but it’ll still feel REAL good to be in my own space with nowhere to be.
somewhere between four and nine business days left on the job decision wait. it might be sooner than that as the first round went a lot faster than they originally said, but I’m not going to count on it! I sent a thank you email to the committee earlier today and I feel like I’ve done everything I can to demonstrate that I’m a good fit. if I look deep into my heart I feel like I don’t expect to get the job, mostly because I am my mother’s daughter and that means I assume that if I want something too much the universe will choose to shame/humiliate me for wanting it. fun feelings to unpack someday or never! but I still really enjoyed most of the experience (except the last 24 hours of working on that talk lmao) and I feel like this experience has fully reinforced for me that I just really really REALLY want to get back into a university setting. I don’t find learning & development work interesting enough to find another job in my current field and I can’t stay in my current job—I’m too emotionally checked out. so if I don’t get this job, I’m going to give myself a day or two to be crushed, and then I’m going to turn around and apply for two open positions at the same campus (I really liked the general vibe there apart from the meh feelings about how white the faculty/staff seemed to be). I may also apply for a lower-ranking job in the same office if I feel like they let me down nicely/seem generally positive about me. anyway I know I am doing the thing where I try to preemptively rehearse and rationalize my feelings away so they can’t hurt me when they happen but just let me practice my silly little coping mechanisms okay.
mm ok I think I’m gonna read fanfic because I feel too tired and bleh in my body to do anything more productive than that.
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redflagromance · 11 months
Superdim Sunday: Chapter 5
Ji-Min knew it was time to go when the sky went dark and then dotted awake again with thousands of neon signs.
She'd been popping gum and cycling through Hammer's messages all evening. It was obvious that something was going to happen. He'd been sending and getting enough ⭐✨ and 🌙 emojis that she knew whatever it was had been scheduled for after dark.
But the details?
"Jackshit," Ji-Min said sourly. She spat out her gum and crinkled it up in paper before tossing it in the bin. "Asshole." She paced in front of her hotel bed.
Sunspot wasn't involved, that was clear. She'd done some organizational work, but she wouldn't wish Hammer good luck if she planned to show up.
That was for the best. Sunspot had a gun. Like, some kind of fucking purple laser. Ji-Min wanted no part of that trash fire.
Ji-Min raked her fingers through her hair and blew out air.
There was nothing to indicate a planned rendezvous. There was no-
There was a new draft post.
Her body froze in place, except for her shaking fingers. She clicked edit and let the video play through.
Hammer's smug jaw greeted her. "Fun plans tonight," he started. There was the sound of a car engine running.
Ji-Min held her breath and rested against the wall, transfixed by the phone. She was listening so hard for something distinctive. She watched the background too, but Hammer wasn't a total clown. All she could see was the inside of the car- and a reflection of red paint in the mirror.
"Red car." She tapped her fingers on the wall.
"I'm here in Chicago, and I'm gonna do something that's never been done," Hammer said lazily. He raked a hand through his hair. It caught the light.
He had a stupid voice, Ji-Min thought spitefully. Kind of a scratchy tenor.
"Anyway, it's gonna be a glittering party. I'll see you at the Planetarium." The video ended with a wink.
Ji-Min ran out the door.
It was a matter of seconds to pull up directions. She groaned when she saw the time estimate. "Almost 40 minutes." Ji-Min wanted to hit her head against the steering wheel. Instead she flicked on her blinker and got on the road. "Fucksake. He could be gone by the time I get there," she complained.
There was nothing to do but drive the speed limit and pray. Hammer probably hadn't been right next door either, she reasoned. He'd clearly made the draft post in his car and then saved it- but he might have stayed parked for a while after. He might not even be moving yet, depending on what kind of heist he had in mind.
She stopped at a yellow light and frowned. That was a good question to be asking. What the hell did he want from a planetarium? Hammer didn't strike her as a scientifically minded person.
"...Must not be a heist," she reasoned. "Maybe it's a staging ground." Ji-Min scrunched her face up. The light turned green. She eased on the gas. "There's probably something really photogenic he wants to use there."
He wouldn't… he wouldn't blow it up, right?
Ji-Min didn't think that was likely, but she couldn't eliminate the possibility either.
"I'll be careful," she promised herself. Wow, she hoped she wasn't driving to a death trap. "Ugh." She tightened her fingers on the steering wheel.
She turned the music up pretty loud to distract from those thoughts. She turned the volume down when she was relatively close, and started looking for an unobtrusive place to park. She settled for parking along a deserted boulevard lined with trees. If she had to leave her car till the morning, it would definitely get a ticket.
The finishing touches of her costume went on at that point. She'd already put her hair up, so it was a matter of seconds to secure the full mask in place using the ribbons and hairpins. Her top was body hugging with snug sleeves, so that it didn't do things like flop down and cover her face if she had to move around too much. She had exchanged her black jeans for thick black athletic pants.
She'd deliberated between her clunky boots and the soft soled things she liked for sneaking around. In the end, she'd decided she would be more likely to need to kick someone in the face with a heavy boot than go sneaking around guards.
Before she put the gloves on, Ji-Min ran through her toolkit and what she was bringing. Her phone needed to be on silent, she needed the heavy stick for hitting, she had a sharp letter opener that would work for multiple purposes-
"I guess I'm good." Ji-Min zipped up her pockets and left the car. The key went in her bra.
She found the building easily. There was a main set of stairs that she avoided. She was slinking around to look at the other entryways when she heard a car engine purring.
Ji-Min found it. A red car was gliding down the road. Hammer stopped it there and got out without turning it off. She could see his outline in the distance, broad shoulders and a distinctive walk. He set up the incline and to the Planetarium.
He went up the main stairs.
She bit her lip, torn. It…
It felt like a trap. Him, alone, with his back to her?
Ji-Min found another door, obviously meant for staff use. A lock crunched in the wooden frame when she forced it open.
She went in.
She found herself in a service hallway. A minute of cautious walking took her to the entrance for a theater.
The only sound was the humming of the electronic security system.
…It had probably gone off when she opened the door, right? Or had Hammer done something to prevent the security team from being alerted?
Either way, she didn't want to spend a lot of time here.
'Get in,' Ji-Min reminded herself. Her steps up a flight of stairs were silent. 'Hit Hammer really hard. Leave him for the cops. Get out.'
That was what she'd done last time, and it had worked. He'd gone directly to jail. His only mutations were being really strong and handsome. If he wasn't willing to crush people to death, he couldn't really do much to resist arrest.
'God forbid he ever thinks to get some kind of training.' Ji-Min smiled under her mask. 'If he got over his ego long enough to learn wrestling or something, he'd actually have some recourse.' She glanced at the blinking red of a security camera as she entered another rounded tunnel.
She could hear movement overhead. She was on the second floor now- Hammer had to be on the top floor. Ji-Min moved quickly now, sticking to the wall rather than the middle of the hallway. She found one more set of stairs and mounted them two steps at a time, heartbeat pounding in her chest.
She found one more curved hallway. It was wider than the others. The first entrance was to her left.
It took control to avoid holding her breath. She crept to the edge of the entrance and took two quick steps to clear the side and survey what was in there.
A café.
The shapes of tables and chairs were eerie in the dark and silent room. Her eyes darted over everything as she cautiously crept in. Could Hammer be hiding? Yes, honestly. He could fit behind the counter, or in the kitchen, or-
She was turning as soon as she heard the scuffle of a shoe. It was too late to avoid the projectile that hit her in the head.
Ji-Min staggered back and crouched. It took a few seconds to register that she wasn't really hurting, no blood.
Hammer was standing in the entryway, casually tossing something round up and down. Whatever had hit her was still bouncing away.
"Hey," he said.
She violently repressed the instinctual "hey" that tried to well up. Ji-Min just looked at him, mind racing.
Hammer smiled. She could see it as he stepped into the faint light. He was tossing a ball- no. A model of planet Earth.
She stole a look to get left to see that he'd pinged her skull with … was that Mercury?
"Already been to the gift store?"
"Yeah, it's back there." Hammer put a thumb over his shoulder. "Pretty fire. They have this light that projects the sewer system."
"The-" She cut herself off, but it was too late. She'd already engaged.
"I want one," Hammer said. He took a couple steps into the cafe. "Remind me to grab one on my way out, Nemesis." He cocked his head. "Shadow?" He pursed his lips and gestured at her. "You're not giving me much to work with." He gestured again. "Did you think of any branding? I really don't mind helping, but I need something to go off of." He paused. "Night strike?" Hammer tried.
She stared at him, uncomprehending. Then she took the hitting stick off of her belt.
He grimaced and raised a hand. "Hey," he protested. "I don't have adequate medical insurance."
"No one does!" Ji-Min darted forward, intent on head trauma. He flung the model of Earth at her. She dodged Earth and came in fast, eyes narrowed under her mask. "Do you think you're better than everyone else?"
He shoved a table at her and ran. The table hit her hip and she rolled over it, landing on the ground with a clatter and a pained thunk of her knee on the ground. She gritted her teeth at the shooting pain.
'I should probably wear knee pads,' she realized. 'Like a volleyball hottie.' She managed to stand, hissing in an angry breath through clenched teeth. Ouch, Jesus fuck, ouch.
"Come back here and get your concussion," Ji-Min demanded.
"No, that sucks!"
Hammer's voice was faint. She followed it into the darkness.
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igotmyionyou32 · 2 years
\\Some highlights and a recap of my first day back for my junior year in american public school (Midwest) for my 2 mutuals. For timing reference my first period starts at 7:50 am. 
Driving to school: A grown ass woman honked at me for trying to pull into the school parking lot. Not even a parent just a mean ass lady. Hoping she has a terrible day.
Homeroom: Was in wrong homeroom class and then was extremely anxious. Group of straight cis football men who for some reason think that we are friends kept saying hi to me.(I only refer to to their sexuality in this way because they are verbally homophobic and say faggot as members of society who have been explained to MULTIPLE times (by me) that the use of this kind of language by someone who is at the top of the food chain is gross and unnecessary). They do not care but will keep saying it over and over idc.
1st Period (Computer Science A): Sat in the wrong seat and had to move. Almost had a meltdown over ice breakers.
2nd Period (AP Environmental Science): I think I’m really going to enjoy this class. I have good amount of people I know/newish friends so I wasn’t too anxious and the get to know you form asked for my pronouns which always feels nice. Teacher already knew who I was because apparently my Earth/Space teacher had said good things about me. I also once showed her the pictures I took of the moon with my telescope (I do this often and always email them to my favorite female science teachers cause they are amazing).
3rd Period (Dual Credit Ivy Tech Solar System Astronomy) I am the ONLY one in my whole school taking this. So excited but it doesn't start until the 22nd cause its through a college. I just sat in the library and went and picked up parking permit from the office.
3rd Period/Junior class meeting: Sat with two of my best friends and goofed tf around just like last year and listened to why keeping the doors locked at all times is a better solution to school shootings than just not allowing guns??? Also no hats cause if you try to bomb the school they cant recognize you ofc. Love America so much.
4th Period. (Physics) Was very excited but the teacher is very sexist and a bit creepy. Just leaving it at that I’m not getting into it yet I’m still mad.
5th Period (AP Chemistry): Very excited for this course. Struggled a bit in honors last year but that’s cause I did not study lol. Fav teacher and its a small class. Very comforting to see my school mom after being stressed out.
Lunch???: Took like 12 mins to get my food (we get 30 mins to eat) takes me 8 mins to get there so  I get to sit for like 10 mins in an extremely overcrowded room because they took away C lunch. (They were out of a vast majority of the food too).
6th (Pre-calculus/Trig Honors): Least fav class probably. I love math but I struggle with it and i was extremely anxious cause the friend I had in there was very loud (not her fault she can act however she wants) but it kept drawing attention to us and I felt dumb. Also I forgot my fav calculators so I was upset. Very nervous for this course in general. If anyone knows resources to help rebuild bad math foundations and teach yourself algebra 2 then i beg of you.
7. (AP Language): Very excited for this class. Teacher is hot and two of my best friends are in there. Goofed around. Half of the boys that were in my homeroom are in front of us but I feel better that my girls are with me. Very small class too and me and my friend can just walk to our cars cause we park next to each other this year and we can hang and just leave. Although not much hanging today because it was extremely hot and I had to work from 4-8. So since i got out at 2:40 and wait till traffic lightens up around 2:55 I had to book it home if I wanted to drop my shit off and grab a snack.
Overall Id say its not too bad but I’m really just focusing on mt grades this year and trying to actually learn since I’m taking courses in stuff I have actual interest in. I already have some notes and a lab tomorrow in ap chem so I’m gonna read and probably try to sleep. Hope everyone is having an amazing day and thanks for reading lol.
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alwaysxyou · 2 years
Hi maggie! I am seeing h in LA and have never been. Can I ask if the area around the forum is safe to walk to a hotel to? It would be me & friends so safety in numbers and all. Or would it be better to find a Uber after?
Also any hotel recs by chance? Sorry to bug you with this!
Hi love! How exciting!!
Okay so short answer uhh no. It’s not a great area and I definitely wouldn’t recommend walking to a hotel even with numbers. The area really has the forum and then the stadium across the street and that’s it, there’s not really any hotels in walking distance. you know in a lot of other cities how after the show there will be groups of people walking away from the venue and you can just follow the pack - that doesn’t happen at the forum and I wouldn’t wander.
I’d definitely recommend taking an Uber. there’s a waiting area for Ubers to pick up, it just can sometimes take a while and you might get surge pricing. or if you drive and are able to, it actually might be more cost effective to rent a car. the parking for the forum is $40 I think and is right on site and safe. (Also I know that sounds like a lot but i’ve had to take a $50 Uber home from the forum before - Ubers are expensiveeeee here)
for hotels, if you’re trying to stay near the forum, look at the airport hotels near LAX. it’s about a 15 min drive. they’re the closest and are safe (do not stay in a Cambria brand hotel tho, that’s not LA specific just don’t) and there’s a lot around there as far as food and stores.
if you’re flying in and aren’t renting a car most also have shuttles from the airport to your hotel. taking an Uber out of LAX is kinda complicated - if you’re planning on flying let me know and I can explain how it works.
and if you’re planning on doing more than just the harry shows while you’re in LA let me know and I can help explain what makes the most sense!! LA isn’t a traditional closely packed city like NYC where everything is right around the corner and easy to hop on a train to, so if you’re planning on sightseeing or going to certain things I’m happy to help figure out the easiest and safest way for you!! I love planning and itineraries!!
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mello-jello · 2 years
Does Jello drive?
Jello has to drive an hour and a half every gotdamn day ✌️
Public transit is *getting* better and if I could afford to live close to where I work, I might consider selling my car.
I wish we had better infrastructure 😔 talking to some European moots has opened my eyes to the possibilities. Canada and the US are just so frickan massive. If you're not in the cities, everything is at least a 20 minute drive. Growing up, if you didn't have access to a car, it was a huge inconvenience. Buses only ran like 3 times a day and before Uber was a thing, most taxi companies charged a premium for fares so far away.
My sister went to a college that was an hour and forty minute car ride, but it took her close to four hours if she took public transit. 😭
When I got my first job, I knew the first big thing I would buy for myself would be a car. I started working at 15 and saved until I bought an old beater at 17. The walk from my highschool to the Tim Horton's (my job) took 40 mins. I could bike in the summer, but not the other 8 months of snow.
For me, having a vehicle is synonymous with independence.
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6lost6but6trying · 2 months
April 7 1:53am
Im here sitting in front of my tv after a gaming session with my best friend…
Wishing u were playing with us
I miss ur voice
I miss u giving us heads up and knowing where they are
I don’t know how you know but you do in detail which amazes me
If sitting here in front of my tv about to cry myself to sleep
Because I feel like I got nothing figured out
My relationship I have is feeling like it’s turning bad
But besides that I just feel useless
Like I’m not anywhere I wanna be yet
No goal
Just here
When I don’t wanna be
I wanna cry myself to sleep
But I don’t wanna cry myself to sleep…
I don’t know
Im just really tired
Im overthinking so many stuff and as I hear my thought telling me I’m useless and i will never reach whatever goal I may have or a better future
I found myself just remembering the time I laid with u with my head on ur shoulder so close to your chest telling u that I’m nowhere financially stable and feel useless and I shut me up as u play with my hand that I had up and gently point to the middle of my palm tapping it gently telling me “ you will catch up to her financially, u will have money, you’re not useless, you’re somebody, you will make it, I believe in you”
Your words still run through my dull brain and it’s making me miss u more
I know if this ends,
You May or may not take me back in as a friend and I’ll respect either choice…
I just know I probably won’t be over you even tho I haven’t seen u in a while…
Haven’t heard that voice in a while…
I found myself the other day hearing ur voice saying “ look you little shit” and I smiled…
I was at work and he asked me why I was smiling and I just told him I remembered something funny that’s all
It’s not something funny
It’s something I like u calling me
I find it cute I don’t know why…
Im still so sorry all this happened this way
I just feel like I’m now being pushed against a corner of a wall and I want to be killed….
Don’t get mad at me
I thought about it again but then remembered that I promised you I wouldn’t do it…
I didn’t
But I did hurt my leg physically
It may be bruised in the morning, I have no idea but I got some sort of high which made me take deep breath and wanted to keep doing it til my thigh purple…
I stopped…
But please don’t get mad…
I turned to alcohol
I drank a little bottle I had then I created a ice tea drink and put the last bit of alcohol mix into my drink
I was feeling a buzz as I played my game
I told him I didn’t wanna video and just play
I didn’t want my best friend knowing I wasn’t ok
I did squats and spins in my room to feel a buzz and it somehow worked…
Im not ok.
Just glad there wasn’t anymore alcohol
All I want rn if to have things calm…
I just still catch myself missing you when I shouldn’t be
Im with her, I do love her but what does it say when I do love her and don’t wanna lose her but the more we fight the more im craving YOU …. You’re so close to me that I can walk to you…. C
I can drive 3 min just to see you…
With her it’s 10 mins by car…
That’s more than a 40 min walk….
I asked god so Many years ago when I came out to give me a gf so close to me….
He gave me you two…
At the same time…
I met you both in July 2022
Im so mad at god for doing this…
Im not even religious anymore but a part of me is still kinda religious….
I begged him for a person close to me and gave me you both…
Obviously you’ve always been the first choice….
I just choose her
And you already know why…
But then I question if I made the right choice or if I should’ve stayed friends with u and see where that could’ve gone before I did anything with her and kept her as a friend…
It’s all stupid and I wish I had a manual but that’s impossible….
When I find myself depressed I still think of me laying with u and I feel safe…
I know if I got to know u way more…
I could’ve loved you
Yes I was “ in love” but like as in “crushing hard on you” where my tummy gave me butterflies everything im around u….
I just wanna be in your arms again….
I even miss your natural scent I don’t know what it is but it’s YOU
You see right through me when I’m hugging you and I miss you not letting go til I do…
This sucks… I’m sorry
I hope I do see you again…. And everything isn’t so hectic …
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melancholybluu · 5 months
turning 20 in a few months and i have many thoughts about it because tbh i am really unhappy with what im doing and where i am in my life bc I should’ve been doing so much more but i genuinely just can’t afford to, and it’s so disheartening that I have all this talent and intellect and i can’t afford to be recognised for it because university costs money and i live on my own with no help from family or really anyone in an apartment 40 minutes away from town when it’s under 10 mins drive, and I can’t get a job anywhere in town because of my fuckass dad and mum because as soon as ppl see my last name or even me they know whose daughter I am and turn me away and irs soooo annoying it makes me wanna explode!!!!! last year was a string of situations hips and heartache and I really wanna open my heart and really be in love with someone again because for some reason it’s clicked in my head this year that I deserve more than I’ve been given romantically. I want to fall in love as hard as I did when I was 14 with someone who can actually reciprocate those feelings and not bounce around how they feel or be a terrible person overall. I just wish I was in Canberra going to uni and working and meeting new people and seeing new things and just being somewhere where I don’t have to be reminded of every single bad thing that’s ever happened to me because I’ve lived in the same town my whole life!! I just need a car or something and I will be set I think, but honestly I just wish I was able to do more.
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parttimedragonslayer · 5 months
Day 40 (Day 53) - Incomplete 22 December 2023
I’d been expecting that I’d be allowed to leave work early today seeing as it’s the last day of work for the year, but no such luck. The cynic in me suspects that I’m not being given the lenience I once was because I’ve advised that I’m not recontracting for another year. I’m not sticking around so they’re not laying out the red carpet for me anymore. Or maybe just no one thought to say, “Hey, you can probably go home now”. I was thinking of going to the gym for weights after work, but I didn’t really have time in the end because I had to pack for our holiday! Yay! I’m very excited for our holiday, but I’m not sure if I’ll get much running done.
Day 40 (Day 54) - Complete 23 December 2023
I’m being a little lenient with what counts as cross training, but I’m going to count the hour plus walk around Fushimi Inari shrine. We went to Kyoto earlier this year but it was in the middle of summer so we didn’t do much sightseeing. I was disappointed I didn’t get to see this place so we stopped on our way through Kyoto this time around. It was packed with tourists, of course, but it was still amazing to see. I didn’t quite get to see it all, so I’d still like to go back again if I can, but I’m pretty stoked with what we got to visit anyway. 
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Day 43 (Day 55) - Complete 24 December 2023
We’re staying on Lake Biwa for this leg of the trip and we didn’t have any activities planned for the day so I got a run in along the lake. It was really cool to run in a new place and I’d love to be able to run on a lake everyday. 
The run was 5.5km, but I set out unsure if I would complete the full run. I didn’t really have a course planned or anything, I just set out to follow the lake. As usual, for the first km or so I thought there was no way I was going to make the full distance. Is that something that ever goes away?
Day 45 (Day 56) - Complete 25 December 2023
Rest day.
It took a bit longer than I had expected for us to drive to the next stop on our trip so there wasn’t really time for any sightseeing or running. 
Day 44 (Day 57) - Complete 26 December 2023
Today’s cross training was more walking while sightseeing. Today we went to see the snow monkeys! It was so awesome, one of the best things I’ve done while we’ve been here. It was about three hours walking around on icey, snowy trails and standing about watching snow monkeys jump in and out of the hot springs. Would absolutely recommend you go see them if you get the chance.
Day 47 (Days 58, 59, 60) - Incomplete 27, 28, 29 December 2023
Got caught up in holidaying and didn’t have time for running at all. Did lots of walking though so technically could count any of these days as cross training, but I have something else in mind for that. 
Day 47 (Day 61) - Complete 30 December 2023
We arrived home yesterday and this morning I had to return the rental car. The rental place is about 2.5km from us so I figured I would run home after dropping it off and that would be my easing back into running after nearly a week with no runs and it would count as cross training, since the schedule now says cross training OR running. The cross training day runs are much shorter than regular day runs though. 
I made the 2.5km in about 18 mins, but it felt pretty awful. I didn’t think I was going to make it without breaking for a walk, but I did. I did have to stop for traffic lights once, but it was for less than 10 seconds. My pace was quicker than usual though, so maybe that’s why it felt so hard. I still have a lot of trouble with knowing what my pace is.
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its been over a year.. a year and almost a month to be exact, since you last heard from me.
don't worry don't worry. I didn't kill myself. i am alive. yippee I guess.
2023 has been...interesting. here's the recap:
January 2023
I got a new car and got to go to mobile for the new year. it was fun but it also sucked. it was the first time I realized how different Elliot and I were. I was working a, at first, good job, and I had my own place with a friend's sister.
February 2023
I was deep in my depression and trying hard to cope with being an actual adult with bills, and was overly stressed
march 2023
It was a good month, I went to the beach with Elliot, we bonded..alot and it was amazing. I realized our differences were the same, but we had our own way of voicing the same problems we were noticing. I also learned that my depression was always there, and it affects me to a point where I do not think I can come back. I also got a new job
April 2023
I was working my new job. it was amazing. I started to really want to be my own person, but couldn't figure out how. I also got really bad ocd about cleaning bc of my roommate..she was not that clean of a person.
may 2023
alot happened here and it was a big turning point for me. this entire month was way harder than anything I have felt since my ex. I was depressed and stressed and was fighting hard to keep myself from projecting and worrying people I love. Elliot and I went to ATL to see the braves, and that Monday night on our way back, I asked him what would he do if I just killed myself, unprompted. he was shocked and concerned. that night I was going to kms once he left. I had an amazing trip and I loved and love Elliot dearly. but I think I was so far in the depression that it was hard for me to mask these things at this point. he stated with me that night, but we went no contact for a few says after this incident. a few days later, he asked me to get therapy and the help I needed or he was going to have to walk away.. I choose to keep working on myself and our relationship. I went to therapy that next week. Elliot and I set great boundaries in our relationship and it was a big turning point in our relationship.
June 2023
Elliot and I are doing better. boundaries are being met. I'm in the full swing of therapy, and feeling alot better, with some ups and downs here and there. Elliot went on a beach trip, and I felt so lonely without him. its when I realized I needed to make more friends and not want to rely on him so much. I learned that I needed to love myself and being alone With myself. Elliot also got ready to study abroad, so this would help. I also got to help Elliot and his sister with a Minecraft camp they do!
July 2023
I was diagnosed with anxiety and depression and the big one, Bipolar 2. welp. all those years saying I was bipolar as a joke became true lmao. I started go to a psychiatrist in the middle of this month. I also moved out of my apartment because I was drunk and said some fuck shit lmao. oh whale.
august 2023
Elliot is back, I'm finally getting into the full swing of my medications and I am feeling more...okay I guess you could say. we are really happy and he and I are doing well. I am back at home with my parents but I am working hard and doing all I can to see and be with Elliot. so far I am nervous and scared to tell them whenever I am going to his place or just going to be with him in general.
September 2023
I left my job and got a new one, the drive was my main factor. it was about 40ish minutes away from my house, and 1hr 10 from Elliots. I needed a shorty commute. got a new job, and its cool. decided to lay low and keep to myself like I did at my old job but alloooooootttt less. it also came with a whole 2 dollar pay raise sooooo hell yeah. 30 mins from my parents. 40 from Elliots. ill take it.
October 2023
short month. don't recall alot happened here. just wanting to spend more time with Elliot.
November 2023
its our birthday month. I also have been medicated for about 6 months from this point. I'm pretty chill now I suppose. I am enjoying life. and oh yeah, I did mushrooms for the first time while crossed with weed. it was amazing. 10/10 want to do it again asap lmao. I also moved back into a babyroom. I really start to bond with the baby teachers and have been loving it. it is more of a family here than the last place.
December 2023
well here we are. this year has been pretty amazing. I have enjoyed it. honestly..this year was my 2018 year. how well everything was going. now that means 2024 will be my 2019...the best year I have had yet to date.
I am asking for an amazing year next year. to finally stick to routines, working out, being energetic, being productive, staying onto of me writing and reading, and having people to hold me be accountable for once. I am hoping for the best year I could ever have. I am hoping Elliot and I continue to have the best time together and just work through all the hardships we could possible have. for us to both be strong individually and to mentally prepared for this new time in our life that is about to happen. I am asking the universe, god, and anyone else who will listen, to allow him to get all his dreams to come true, all his worries to go away and from him to continue to have the guidance and maturity he has. I am asking the universe, god, and anyone else who will listen to allow me to continue to be strong. for me to continue to better myself and let go of the things and people who do not better me in anyway. I am asking for financial guidance, mental guidance and anything else you could give me. I am asking for you to cast all my self doubts of not being able to lose weight, stay healthy, going to the gym, being productive and so much more away. I am asking that you to keep me going.
2023. thank you. its been something. until next time.
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