#so hopefully it'll look similar to a clip from the show
smilingsam · 8 months
I want to draw Chat Noir using spray paint, any ideas for what he might be vandalising? What he might write? Any backstory to it? Would love some ideas
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stellocchia · 6 months
Do you know what I always found messed up?
That Puffy and Foolish to people who have on several occasions seemed like trusted adults to Micheal. In fact he played with Foolish Jr, and probably knows Foolish as the guy built his house!
What I always found messed up, but people didn’t seem to talk about, is that it was Foolish and Puffy who led people to the location that Micheal was at.
It was them both who showed to Sapnap and George who taunted, mocked and threw eggs at Micheal.
Micheal a small kid who was trying to protect himself. It was extremely sad to me.
And the worse part? Neither Foolish nor Puffy should have had canonical reasonings why they would do that. Especially, when they of all people should have understood why that’s wrong considering they have children of similar age to Micheal.
Anyways the Dsmp had some messed up things in it that never got resolved RIP.
Hopefully Qsmp does a better job
Let's be honest here Anon, most characters got character assassinated by their own CCs by the end of the dsmp. cSapnap, cBad, cPuffy, cFoolish, cWilbur, cDream, cPunz, cTubbo, cRanboo, and even my boy cTommy, though I'm still not sure how much of the finale was actually ccTommy's idea.
It was an absolute mess by the end with no care put in it. There was no passion, no respect for the content or the audience who straight up made those guys' whole careers.
Because, like, you make a good point. Neither cFoolish nor cPuffy had canonical reasons to do any of that. But neither did cSapnap or cGeorge. It made no sense. They just resented the audience for caring about something they made and wanted to "punish" the audience for it. Or at least that's what the later lore felt like. It was genuinely a steaming pile of shit.
Some characters managed to hold on longer than others. Some CCs had irl reasons why their lore went to shit (like ccNiki who very much got sidelined even when she tried to do her own thing), but ultimately for most I'd say the biggest problem was a lack of care and a lack of behind the scene communication and cooperation.
As for the QSMP, from the little I've seen it's doing much better. Though, ngl, I've mostly watched clip comiplations and only very recently caught a bit of a couple of streams (a bit from Tubbo yesterday and the ending of Bad's stream today). And I don't speak any of the languages CCs speak aside from English, so following fully is very tough. I'm grateful for the people on youtube who subtitle their clip compilations because otherwise, it would be incredibly inaccessible for me.
That said, as I mentioned, from what I've seen it looks like they're doing better. There is heart behind those characters. Heart behind that story. I don't feel like the CCs resent the audience for caring either, because it looks like they themselves give a fuck about what they're doing. There are also admins, and a whole crew behind it to help it all feel much more complex and interesting. (Which is something they could have done with dsmp too if ccDream ever gave a single shit).
I don't know if it'll eventually go to shit or if they'll manage to keep it fresh enough to avoid that like series like Hermicraft and the Life series have done, but for now I'm rather hopeful.
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fayeimara · 3 years
Suna Rintaro || Found You | First Meeting
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SUMMARY. What happens when your elementary school daughter arrives home unexpectedly with a surprise in tow?
PAIRING. You x Suna Rintaro
GENRE. Can I even write anything but fluff for this man?
WARNINGS. Suggestive, sexual innuendos & references, kissing - let me know if I need to add anything else
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Haikyuu! Anthology Series | It's Fate When Your Kids Are Friends
SUNA | First Meeting > Second Date > Third Time's The Charm > Four Is Our Family
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You're on your way back to your study after grabbing a snack from the kitchen when the sound of a key in the lock of your front door halts your steady steps. There aren't many people with a key to your house that would be visiting you at this time.
Even more concerning, however, is the light soprano of your daughter's voice echoing from the foyer to reach your ears, prompting you to quickly turn and rush to meet her at the door.
"Ryoka! What are you doing here?" You skid around the corner, already calling out in concern, "How did you even get home by your-"
You cut yourself off as you meet not only one pair of eyes, the copy of yours that you expect, but a second solemn pair, both wide in small faces that peer up at you.
"Mommy!" Your daughter's look of surprise and chagrin melts into a sheepish smile as she throws herself forward into your already extended arms. "I missed you!"
You hold her small frame close for a moment before gently pushing her out with your hands on her shoulders. "I missed you too, sweetheart. But you need to tell me what you're doing here and, more importantly, how you got here."
"Well school ended early today and.." She hesitates, peering up with big eyes and a small pout, "we thought we'd just walk home together."
You resist the urge to close your eyes and place a hand to your head in exasperation, aware that even at the young age of 7 years old, she's incredibly sensitive to your reactions. Instead you look at the little boy standing patiently behind her and ask, "And who's this?"
"This is my friend, Kiyoshi!" She's a little subdued, likely aware that she'll be hearing more from you later, but perks back up as she pulls away and grabs his hand to draw him further in your shared home.
"Hello Kiyoshi. Do your parents know where you are?"
He's definitely more guileless than your own daughter, answering directly and honestly in a quiet tone, "My dad's at work and my nanny was supposed to pick me up when school ended."
Okay, so clearly neither parent nor temporary guardian are aware that this boy is no longer at the school. They'll be frantic. Just as you're about to ask several more questions, hopefully leading to a quick resolution, you get a call, screen indicating it's your daughter's school, so you have both kids move into the living room as you pick up.
You're not too happy to hear about the early release at this point, given the lack of heads up and you make sure to give the school a piece of your mind, letting them know you'd be by at another point to discuss this further, before hanging up. If you're this upset and you know your daughter is home safe, you can't imagine what Kiyoshi's father is feeling at this point."
Crouching down in front of your daughter's friend, you wait until you're eye level with a patient, unhurried expression on your face, "Kiyoshi, do you know your father or nanny's phone number?"
He answers with a small nod, reciting the digits so clearly from diligent practice that you have to smile as you type it in and then stand back up to make the call, "Ryoka, why don't you show him your toys while mommy makes a call? Only the ones here in the living room where I can see you, okay?"
Your daughter dutifully nods but you catch the smug smile of success she throws her friend, likely having planned this improvised playtime with him. You'll definitely be having a serious talk with her later about safety and responsible decisions but you move slightly away for now, keeping an eye on the kids while the phone rings out.
"Suna." A deep voice answers on the other end, a little clipped but mostly unreadable.
"Hi.. Suna-san- I assume I'm speaking with Kiyoshi's father?"
There's a pause and then the voice gets sharper, "If you're calling back from the school, I don't want to hear it right now. I'm leaving now to find my son, but you can expect to hear ba-"
"I'm not from the school. My daughter is friends with your son and he's safe at my house."
"He's- he's with you." There's finally emotion other than anger and annoyance, it's an odd sort of relief and slight confusion mixed with a new wariness, "And who exactly are you?"
"I'm L/n F/n, as I mentioned, your son and my daughter are friends. I was pretty surprised to see them both show up at my house just minutes ago and have a bone to pick with the school too. But I would have wanted to know that she was okay before anything else if the positions were reversed so I'm calling you now. You said you were leaving work? Your son is safe, Suna-san, and he will be while we wait for you here. I'll text you my address."
As you're speaking you've already pulled your phone away to quickly text your address to the number you're on the line with. You can still hear if he speaks though but there's another pause from him and then, "Got it, thank you. You said they just showed up? How did they get there?"
"I'm pretty sure they walked, but I was going to cover that after I spoke with you. How far are you?"
His tone is back to unreadable but you think it's calm rather than neutral. "It's about a 30 minute drive, I'll be there in 20."
"Please don't rush, Kiyoshi is safe here. If it's okay with you, I'll make them snacks while we wait. There's no really no need to drive recklessly." It'll be easy to put something small together for the kids from the dinner you'd prepped for earlier.
There's amusement colouring his voice, "Thanks for the concern, L/n-san. I'll be there in 25, then."
You chuckle at the small compromise and there's a moment of silence between you both until you think to ask, "If you haven't left yet, do you want to quickly say hi over facetime?"
"You want to videochat?" He sounds confused again and you laugh in response.
"I meant with your son. You know, to check in on him."
He pauses yet again and then the amusement is back, "It should be fine.. unless you're going to tell me you're holding him hostage or something."
"Yeah, sure, or something." You roll your eyes with your dry response. What do you even say to that coming from a complete stranger? "We'll see you soon, then."
"L/n-san." You lift the phone you were lowering back to your ear when you hear him call out to you, "Thank you again."
"No need."
"Not everyone would have reacted as quickly and efficiently. Or maybe even bothered."
You can't imagine what parent wouldn't have been compelled to react in a similar manner but you don't say anything, uncomfortable accepting thanks for such a seemingly human reaction.
He seems to either understand or realize you don't have a response and you hear him chuckle lightly, the sound tugging at your own lips in sheepish acceptance, then he finally replies, "I'll see you soon, then."
You end your call and turn to fully face the two kids again. They've already managed to create a messy pile of toys they've pulled out and then discarded from Ryoka's toy box. Almost as if they feel you watching, they both stop their odd conversation about monsters and cats, and turn to face you simultaneously.
You suppress your smile at their adorable wide-eyed expressions and ask, "Who's hungry?"
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After the snacks are quickly devoured, the kids try to convince you to play hide-and-seek and, thinking nothing of it since Suna-san should be arriving soon to pick Kiyoshi up, you tell them you'll all play later and convince them to build a Lego structure instead. Happy to have them work on an activity that keeps them occupied in one place for the remainder of their time together, the time passes by quickly as you help them put together their incredibly creative vision.
When the bell finally sounds through your house, precisely 23 minutes after your call, you find yourself opening the door and looking up to a much taller, and much younger man than you'd expected. He actually seems to be about your age, in his mid-twenties, which is surprising because you'd thought you were one of the youngest parents at your daughter's school.
There's a quick look of surprise that likely mirrors yours on Suna-san's face before it's replaced smoothly with a polite expression. You pull away from his startling, keen eyes to step back and gesture for him to enter your foyer as you welcome him, equally politely, "Please, come inside, Suna-san. They're in the living room."
He hesitates only a moment before stepping into your home, stopping again to toe off his shoes before following you deeper, into the living room. The sounds of the kids chatting reaches you both well before you enter and you notice him watching his son with a small smile on his face before he catches you looking. His only response is the quirk of an eyebrow as if daring you to say something.
You only smile and call out, "Ryoka, it's time to say goodbye to Kiyoshi. His father's here to take him home."
The two kids look up, smiles fading as their eyes tear up. It's safe to say neither you nor Suna expect what comes next, as both children break out in tears.
Suna exchanges a surprised look with you, then crouches down with his arms stretched out, voice soothing as he calls to his son, "Kiyo, come here. Daddy missed you. Didn't you miss me too?"
You're surprised at the sweet, gentle tone from the intimidating man, even more so by the pure affection he easily displays for his son. He's nothing at all like his first impression on the phone, the cold, clipped tone nowhere to be found. You relax a little, not having noticed the uncomfortable tension that had slowly crept in by the thought of inviting an unknown man into your home, even if for the most innocent of reasons.
It doesn't work to relax his son, however, who only breaks out into unbelievably loud wails, particularly unexpected from the quiet boy you'd gotten used to over the past half hour. Ryoka's cries rise with Kiyoshi's and their chubby arms encircle each other as if to send home the point that you'd have to literally pry them apart.
You're pulled from your thoughts when Suna looks up at you a little helplessly, also seeming to be thrown for a loop, "It looks like Kiyo has grown very attached to your daughter. I'm sorry, I can just pick him up and go but..."
He trails off and you find even more respect rising for the man, he's clearly trying not to just completely run his son's life on a schedule or in a way that works only for him.
"But you don't want to break his heart when he's having so much fun?" You finish his sentence with a grin that prompts a self deprecating smile from him.
"Yeah, great parenting, huh?"
"It's really different parent to parent and, trust me, no one's an expert." You pause as you consider an idea, his peridot eyes steady on yours as if he can see you might have a solution to present. Impressive perception, and patience too.
You have a positive vibe and good feeling, so you don't ponder it too long before offering, "Why don't we let the kids play a little longer? They still have an abundance of energy and excitement from the improvised change in their daily schedule but once they've tired themselves out, I'm sure it'll be easier to separate them."
It's Suna's turn to pause, still holding your gaze with a carefully neutral one himself as he contemplates your offer. "I don't want Kiyo and I to be an inconvenience..."
"Not at all, it's just me and Ryoka as it is and dinner's already prepped so we'll just play some games with them and wait them out."
It's just as you say the word dinner that you hear a low, hungry rumble and there's another moment of silence but this time, you only see the tips of Suna's ears, which tint red as he hangs his head for a few seconds.
Biting your lip to hold back your laugh, you add, "You and Kiyo are more then welcome to join us for dinner first. I only gave them light snacks before and if there's one other thing than playtime that makes children more at ease, it's food. As I mentioned, it's already prepared and there's more than enough for four."
He keeps his head bent for another second before finally raising it and with the motion, he stands back up to his full height so you're tilting your head back to look up at him again. His smile is both sheepishly thankful and appreciative when he accepts, "If it's really not too much trouble, we would love to. Thank you."
The children cheer, tears still drying on their faces, but it seems like they've actually been eavesdropping through their shared tantrum and have grasped that playtime is extended. What an eventful day for them.
Suna offers his help but everything's pretty much ready so you put him to work setting the table and helping the kids wash their hands. He's equally gentle and no different with Ryoka, chuckling and treating her like royalty when she insists she's a princess from her most recent favourite movie. He's got them talking about the structure they're building and the two almost seem to finish each other's thoughts, eliciting a grin from both you and Suna when you share another look.
When you're seated at the table, across from Suna with Ryoka at your side and Kiyoshi across her, you notice how relaxed and comfortable the atmosphere is, enjoying it for the space of several heartbeats before realizing you forgot to offer the man a drink.
"Suna-san, would you like a beer? Or something else to drink?"
"I'm good, thanks, I can't really drink right now." He must see the inquisitive look slide on and quickly wipe off your face because he laughs and elaborates, "I play volleyball, professionally, so I have to be strict with my diet even if it's off season."
Your mouth drops in surprise, his stature and build making perfect sense now. Of course, how fitting. Your tone is heavy with respect when you reply, "That's incredible! I was a setter in high school so I know the discipline that comes with going pro, I could never have thought to pursue it professionally. You must be really dedicated."
So it would seem the light blush doesn't just kiss his ears when he's flustered or embarrassed, you can see the flush dust across his cheeks, however faint. It's pretty adorable, not a word you thought you'd use to describe this towering man but here you are, eyes sparkling and a soft smile teasing your lips.
He pauses before placing the meat platter back down in the center, eyes definitely not shy as he studies your expression with a small smile of his own gracing his lips. "Ah..thanks. And you can drop the honorifics by the way."
You already have in your head so you're glad he brought it up because you would have hated to slip up accidentally. "You as well then."
There's a moment of silence in which you think to ask, "How about any alternatives? I've got wine but also various other options if you want to take a look through the fridge."
"A glass of wine should be good, actually. Thank you."
"Mommy, can I have some too?" Ryoka looks up at you with pleading puppy dog eyes which has Kiyoshi attempting to match the look aimed at his dad with a low, "Me too?"
You both laugh and Suna tries to explain that wine isn't good for growing kids but you shake your head at him, prompting him to arch an expectant eyebrow while he waits for you to handle the denial.
"Ryoka, Kiyo, the wine mommies and daddies drink would just make you feel sick and bad. But I have something better for little princes and princesses that even adults like your dad and I aren't allowed to drink. Would you both like to have that instead?
Thank god they're not at an age to question every word out of your mouth just yet because they cheer for this 'special drink' so you move back over to the kitchen to pour it out, along with Suna who offers to help but by the playful look in his eyes, he's just curious to see what you'll pull together.
You direct him to the glasses and bottle opener as you take two plastic, stemmed glasses that mimic wine glasses in different colours and pour out cranberry juice in each. You hear Suna's chuckle and turn to find him already holding an open bottle in one hand and two glasses caught between his fingers by their stems in the other.
Wow, he looks really good in your kitchen, doesn't he? It's your turn to blush and he doesn't miss a thing, eyes tracking the heat as it flushes your face before his gaze drops to your lips, his own tilting from a grin to a teasing smirk.
Your only defense is to roll your eyes and turn to head back to the table, where the kids are now picking through the items they like versus the ones they don't and trading their unwanted portions off onto each other's plates. Okay, and that's even more adorable. It's only been weeks since they started classes and likely met, how have they become so close so fast?
"Cute, huh?" You startle at the low whisper in your ear, a small puff of air caressing the shell of your ear, when you realize Suna stopped right behind you to observe the same scene. His body heat seems to seek you out once you're fully aware of him, instilling you with the crazy urge to just lean back into his broad chest as he continues to whisper to you softly. Or just wrap his arms around you and hold you tight.
Wait, what- You stop yourself from looking back to meet his gaze, because you'd definitely expose your thoughts then but you have a feeling he's very aware of exactly what he's doing and not opposed to the reaction you just had. Either way, you just met this man today, right?
Ugh. You move forward instead, placing a cup in front of each kid, both reaching for it instantly. Ryoka tastes hers right away but Kiyo examines it first before tentatively attempting a tiny sip. And it works!
Each of their faces twists slightly at the tangy taste of the cranberry juice but seem to have picked up enough to know that 'wine' isn't exactly a sweet drink so both exchange a look before smoothing their faces out into haughty imitations of bored satisfaction. Haha. Little con artists.
You and Suna are grinning at each other too, as you each reclaim your seats and he pours out the wine for you both. The conversation flows easily once you're all settled and digging in, kids chiming in with random questions or requests for help with certain foods, but then zoning out constantly as they talk about their plans for the structure and something about cats again, as if it's just the two of them at the table.
Suna asks about your time playing volleyball and you ask him about his, noticing he has the same passion for the sport as you but definitely also an impressive dedication. He talks about his mindset in high school compared to now and you talk about your chosen vocation.
You both even have a chance to pull the full story about the events from earlier in the day, kids explaining that there was an unplanned early release, you and Suna putting two and two together to realize that the school did mess up big time. You both put it aside to deal with later and when he asks what you've covered with the kids already, you mention you didn't think it was appropriate to give Ryoka a lecture in front of Kiyoshi, keeping in mind that Suna might want to handle the discussion differently with his son.
He seems taken aback in a good way, throwing a very appreciative look your way and states that you're an incredibly considerate person and an amazing mom, prompting a full blush to work it's way back onto your face as your daughter throws her little arms as far around you as she can, agreeing very vocally with the amazing mom part.
You have to send her a teasing but firm look, adding that you're definitely saving a lecture on safety and responsibility for later since they shouldn't have left school grounds without an adult they know and trust. When Suna sees Kiyo's small look up at him, it's as if all he needs is a look to convey the same sentiment to his son but he places a hand on his head to ruffle his hair in a soft gesture.
It's near the end of dinner that conversation about each child's other parent arises. Your answer with a nonchalant shrug is to easily state, "Like I said before, it's just me and Ryoka."
Suna borrows a page from your book with a cheeky smile, right down to imitating your casual shrug and stating, "Likewise, just me and Kiyo."
There's nowhere to look but the steady gaze of his piercing eyes. Actually there are many other places but you're drawn in by a seemingly mutual pull.
"Mommy!" You're daughter's call has your eyes finally glancing away to meet hers instead, "You promised we could play hide-and-seek later!"
"Oh," You blink in shock at the long memory of children, "I did say that. But.."
"Please?" It's Kiyo's small voice that makes you pause and look towards Suna with wide eyes.
Oh, he's trouble because he's looking back at you and rounding out the group as the third pair of sparkling, mischievous eyes as he too asks with a teasing lilt, "Please?"
You have to laugh and agree, but only to a few rounds and only after the dishes have been cleaned. So Suna helps the kids wash their hands again before joining you at the sink, waving away your objections about being a guest and insisting he return the favour of an incredible meal.
Between the two of you, you make quick work of the dishes and it's time to deliver on your promise. You start of as 'it', counting down loudly by the front door while the kids rush off with Suna to find hiding spots around the house. You make sure to find Suna first and he trails after you as you hunt down the darling little treasures, finding Kiyoshi last. He really is good at hiding and staying quiet.
Suna's next and then Kiyoshi, then finally Ryoka is caught first and it's her turn to find the three of you. You follow the middle blocker's lead in allowing Kiyoshi to settle on a hiding spot and when he gestures to a closet in one of the guest rooms you quickly tuck yourself into the empty space.
But it seems the little boy has either run out of ideas of places to hide, or he's feeling rushed by Ryoka's faster countdown because he pushes his dad in with you and, frantically looking around after studying the lack of remaining space between the two adults, closes the door instead and you hear his little feet patter off.
Leaving you and Suna almost pressed together in the small, dark space. The silence between the two of you is heavy with restrained tension, the flirty comments and teasing glances throughout the evening hitting you full force as you realize the unintentionally intimate position you're in.
There's a thin beam of light streaking in from the crack between the doors that falls across Suna's face, making his already ethereal eyes appear even more unearthly, like glowing gems in the shadows that mask the rest of his face. They're trained right back on you as if he can see clearly in the dark, his intent gaze probing your own.
"I'd have suggested buying me dinner first..." His voice rings clear with mischievous amusement, quiet enough to reach your ears through the heavy gloom, "but I guess you already did."
You bite your lip to stop your smile, trying to shake off your overwhelming awareness of the man a breath away from you, "Isn't that supposed to be my line?"
Suna's chuckle is low, sending curious shivers resounding through you and his husky response succeeds in spiking your temperature, "If you want it to be. Or we could just save that part for later."
"Later, then." Why is it that your voice sounds so seductively throaty?! Is that really you?
In the inky darkness, all your other senses are on high alert so you almost jump when you feel his fingers brush at yours, trying to calm your racing pulse to no avail, as they tangle with yours oh so briefly. Then he's sliding them lightly up, brushing past your sensitive wrists, skating over your arms and shoulders and leaving a trail of goosebumps in their wake before one slides under the fall of your hair, to curve around the nape of your neck.
While the fingers there tangle into your hair, gentle pressure drawing you forward and up on your toes, the other hand only caresses the side of your neck before finally settling softly to cup your cheek. Is this really happening? With a quiet but charming man who was all but a stranger to you until today?
Any further questions slip from your mind and you only have a second to register the smallest shift of his head before his lips are softly pressing down on yours. Instead of butterflies or tingles, you feel as if the very floor beneath your feet tilts, disorienting you further in the inky darkness. But it doesn't matter much when his arms slide around you to gather you close, eliminating the already laughable amount of space between you.
Suna finally deepens the kiss when you give in to the urge to press yourself closer, a new ferocity seeming to overtake you both as you each devour the other. You have no idea where he ends and you begin, only focused on the sensational moment, as you chase each other's lips in the darkness.
It could have been seconds or minutes, or longer still, but you've lost track as you match his intensity. The desire only deepens when he elicits a deep groan, drawn out by your delicate bite on his lower lip and reverberating through you like am electric current. His grip in your hair tightens and you feel almost delirious, caught in this ardent spell.
You two finally separate for air, short gasps from you both gradually slowing until it's silent again. There's a new tension but also an undeniable relief in the air between you. You feel compelled to say something so you hastily drop the first thought that pops into your head.
"Talk about seven minutes in heaven."
He laughs, louder this time, as if he's forgotten why you're both hiding there in the closet in the first place. To be honest, so did you for a couple minutes there. And you suppose it probably only has been that long, an assumption he corroborates with his response. "Can I get the full seven, then?"
But before you can respond, the closet doors are yanked open with a dramatic move that can only be your daughter, her voice happily calling out her delightful victory, "Found you!"
You send a wry look Suna's way as your eyes slowly adjust to the light, "I'm sure your laugh just now gave our spot away."
He places a hand to his chest, acting wounded with a sad look thrown at Ryoka who only nods excitably in response. Kiyoshi is standing behind her with a smile on his face, proud that it took longer than usual and he makes it a point to state, "I gave them that spot. It was my idea."
They start to walk away with her congratulating him at being a hide and seek master, her acknowledgment prompting a change in their focus to discussing classic versus strategic spots at school. You're thankful for the moment to completely regain your composure and you make sure to settle your expression into something nonchalant when you look back over at Suna.
Yeah, you're probably not fooling him if that teasing smirk is any indication of his keen awareness.
"Suna, that-"
"That's my name. Rintaro."
"Oh I- That wouldn't be very appropriate." You realize the irony too late as the rebuttal slips automatically from your slips.
His eyebrow raises in a sardonic salute, both of you aware that you're each well past the point of being worried about that now.
"Call me Rin, then, or any variation. But don't kiss me like that and then call me Suna." He sounds torn somewhere between teasing and serious but you understand the sentiment.
Licking your suddenly dry lips, conscious of the speedy pace your.. relationship with this man has been moving, you don't give yourself a chance to hesitate before you respond, "Then call me Y/n."
That slow, answering smile is everything you didn't know you wanted. You're not going to question this unexpected attraction. It's mutual, it's consuming, and it's something you don't think you can walk away from at this point. You're both adults as it is and, it seems, both in silent agreement to let this unfold as it may.
"Daddy," Kiyo pokes his head back into the room, "You're it this time! Hurry up."
Suna walks ahead to pick his son up and swing him in the air, asking, "Weren't you caught first, kiddo?"
"Yeah, but I'm tagging you in because I don't want to be it this round." He aims wide, earnest eyes at his dad. Suna chuckles, likely at the whimsical but simple reasoning, but unsurprisingly complies.
"Okay, but this is the last round, then. And you all better find some really great spots to hide." With a brief pause just before he walks out of the room, he looks back over his shoulder to you, gaze holding yours steady with a confident smirk, "I'm really good at getting what I'm after."
You're left alone to digest that pointed declaration, holding your hand to your warm cheeks for a quick moment before dropping them and following the others out.
As promised, you all play one more round in which you're found first, probably by design, if the challenging smirk Suna throws your way is any indication. Then Ryoka and Kiyoshi are found in equally short order, the latter claiming the title of ultimate winner - at least for today's game, as Ryoka makes a point to stubbornly state.
The kids are still really energetic, remnants from the excitement of the game, so you settle them down to continue their Lego project with the hopes it'll help them wind down quickly. For additional guarantee, you also set a children's movie to play in the background, hoping it'll catch their attention and hold it long enough to help finally relax them.
Suna joins you on the couch, handing you another glass of wine while he settles in just beside you so that his side is as close to pressed up against yours that he thinks he can get away with. Not that you're complaining, no, but it is very distracting when his thigh shifts against yours or his arm moves to settle on the couch behind you.
It's distracting every time he makes a comment in between the silent moments, teasing remarks that steal your attention for long stretches after he's done speaking. It's distracting when you think you're both engaged in pretending to watch the movie, only for his breath to brush your ear whenever he leans in to speak.
It's distracting when he tucks a lock of your hair behind your ear before letting his next playful words slip from his tempting lips. And it's distracting when you look over to make a comment of your own and find him already studying you.
You wonder what he sees, but it's undeniable that his interest in you seems to only get stronger rather than wane. You feel the same, undoubtedly drawn and inconceivably connected to this man you've known for hours. It feels more like you've known him for years.
Finally winding down near the end of the movie, Ryoka and Kiyoshi move to the couch, one on each lap and holding hands between them as they start to slump down with heavy, sleepy eyes.
"I'm sad to say, I think it's time for Kiyo and I to head out." Suna's caught it too, the kids are well past the capability of throwing a tantrum again. But even more so, they're both happily sated with their time today, left with great memories of a fun, impromptu play date.
It's time for them to leave, and you and Ryoka see them off to the door.
As he helps Kiyoshi with his shoes, Suna thanks you once again, sincerely and without motive, "Thank you so much for everything today, Y/n."
"Me too, but as I said before, don't thank me for any of it."
"Hm. Well, it wasn't really a great situation to start, but I'm glad with the way it turned out. Meeting you is something I can't regret." His smile is flirtatious but sweet, and you do get butterflies now, finding yourself at a momentary loss for words.
You're thankfully both distracted once the kids move to give each other hugs and when you and Suna comment on their closeness, Ryoka simply states, "Yeah, of course. He's my brother now, right Kiyo?"
"Mhm. We both said we wanted a brother or sister-"
"So now we have each other!"
That's so completely adorable. You glance back over to Suna, who's already looking at you with amusement. Children can be so heartbreakingly precious.
Of course, Suna just has to comment, trademark smirk right back on his face, "Brother and sister, huh? Sounds good to me. What do you think, mom?"
Did he really? Just.. wow. You're definitely red all over, that was so highly suggestive on so many levels. You're okay with the fast pace that swept you off your feet today, but really- acting like co-parents... buy a girl dinner first. Damn.
"I think it's great you two have such a strong bond. You'll keep watching out for each other, yes?"
They enthusiastically nod their agreement and you send a challenging look Suna's way to see if there are any more awkward comments he wants to drop on you before the night is over. He takes pity with a small smile though, sending you a playful wink before turning to open the door with Kiyo's hand slipping in his.
They both wish you and Ryoka a good night as her own hand finds yours and two of you watch them walk over to, and settle in, Suna's car before you finally close and lock the door. Looking down at your daughter with a gentle smile, you say, "We'll save the talk about your choices from earlier today for tomorrow. But I hope you had a good day, munchkin."
"Yes, yes! Thank you so much, mommy!" She wraps her arms around your legs as you place a soft hand on her head, "I love you!"
"I love you too, baby. Let's get you to bed. Why don't you go pick out your pajamas for the night while mommy quickly finishes up here?"
She nods before running off to her room while you go over to the living room to turn off the TV and lights. When you're placing your wine glass in the sink, thinking of the moment Suna had brought it to the couch for you as if he somehow knew what you might want, you hear a text come in from your phone.
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A/N: Okay so this is the final draft of a scenario that's been taking some space in my head every night when I'm trying to get some sleep. It was initially planned as a set of short scenarios for my Fayevourites (you can find the link to the anthology series up above, the other character concepts are explained there) but when I started writing Suna's story, it stretched much longer than anticipated. He has a habit of doing that to me but regardless, all it means is I've had to change some ideas and break the rest up into more manageable chapters. That said, there are three more chapters I plan to release. I'm hoping to start working on the other characters for this series first to keep it even, but I'll basically go where my writing takes me (: I hope you all enjoyed reading this one as much as I enjoyed writing it <3
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© 2021 fayeimara. All rights reserved. Please do not repost, modify, or claim as yours.
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salvatoreschool · 5 years
25 "Legacies" Details That Will Get You Excited For Season 2 Of "The Vampire Diaries" Spinoff
The cast of Legacies swung by San Diego Comic-Con 2019 to chat about the show and reveal some amazing Season 2 details. Here's everything we learned:
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🚨Obviously spoilers ahead for Season 1!🚨
1. First, Malivore will still be a major threat in Season 2 despite Hope sacrificing herself to stop him during the Season 1 finale.
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Creator Julie Plec said that Hope "may or may not have gotten a few ingredients in the recipe wrong."
2. Season 2 picks up with Hope being "in Malivore" and her "entire goal as we begin is to get the hell out."
3. Hope will basically be dealing with "the other side of a sacrifice."
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Julie hinted at Hope's time in Malivore, saying, "It's not gonna be a fun place to spend her summer break."
4. Danielle Rose Russell said it will be "heartbreaking" to see the development Hope went through in Season 1 seemingly "ripped away" from her.
Danielle also teased that we'll see what life is like outside of Malivore and how everyone is living in a world without Hope.
5. Executive producer Brett Matthews said Hope disappearing from existence will be different than when Lizzie wished Hope away in Season 1.
Brett elaborated, saying, "I think the difference is that was a world in which Hope never existed. The difference is that Hope has affected this world greatly and these characters greatly, they just don't remember that she ever existed."
6. Aria Shahghasemi said Landon will be "completely lost" when Season 2 picks up because "Hope is sort of his rock."
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7. Also, looking back at Season 1, Aria said he had "no clue" that Landon would be a phoenix when the series began.
8. Matthew Davis said that Alaric is harboring "some sort of resentment" in Season 2 after being removed as headmaster from The Salvatore School.
9. Also, Matthew hinted that Alaric is looking for another teaching job "perhaps at a different school. Some local school."
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*cough* Mystic Falls High *cough*
10. And, it was just revealed that Angel and Buffy the Vampire Slayer star Alexis Denisof will join the cast as Professor Vardemus, who will teach at The Salvatore School.
11. Alaric will be getting a new love interest in Season 2. She'll be Sheriff Mac, who is named after Marguerite MacIntyre who portrayed Sheriff Forbes on The Vampire Diaries.
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Marguerite also wrote two episodes of Legacies last season.
12. Kaylee Bryant teased that Josie will be dealing with her knowledge of The Merge and she'll be trying to find out answers.
Kaylee said, "She's staying home over the summer, and she's doing a lot of research. And she's going to be asking a lot of questions." The twins will also learn more about their Uncle Kai.
13. Meanwhile, Lizzie will be have a "positive outlook on life" according to Jenny Boyd.
Jenny also said that Lizzie will be having "a semester of yes!"
14. Descendants star Thomas Doherty will join the cast as a "very old vampire" that'll be a potential love interest for Lizzie.
Jenny teased his arrival, saying, "He has some old ideas about the way things work, but Lizzie might be kind of into that."
15. Fans loved Josie and Penelope's relationship in Season 1 and even though Penelope is gone, Josie "isn't in the mindset to start anything new."
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Kaylee said, "Now, whether anything comes from the people that she's already known, maybe. But it's definitely not something that she's seeking at the moment."
16. One storyline that's being debated in the writers' room is about Rafael's parents and whether he has a connection to the community of Mystic Falls.
Julie said, "I can't tell you what the story pitches that we're debating because it might not make it to the table because I disagree with it. But it has something to do with his link to the community of Mystic Falls and what maybe brought him here."
17. Rafael currently being stuck as a werewolf will have parallels to when Hayley went through a similar thing on The Originals.
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Rafael spending the entirety of his summer break as a werewolf will "do a number" on him. Peyton Alex Smith, who plays Rafael, said being on his own will also affect what he's like when he returns.
18. While MG was starting a relationship with Nia at the end of Season 1, she will NOT be returning for Season 2.
Julie explained "Every snake that moves on that girl's head is like $7,000 which we didn't know when we wrote the gorgon. And when we planned the Gorgon, when we shot the gorgon. He can have his gorgon girlfriend, but six of the other cast members on this stage would have to go."
19. Season 2 will hopefully feature a Christmas episode with an "evil Santa Claus/Krampus-like monster."
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20. There's also been talk in the writers' room to bring in an evil version of Cupid for a Valentine's Day episode.
Julie joked that it would be "Cupid's asshole brother who feeds on lovers as a way of sustaining himself."
21. While we don't know the context, we'll be seeing a clip from Gremlins in the first episode of Season 2.
22. Season 2 will feature an adorable appearance by Pedro's little brother — he'll be played by Reznor Allen real-life little bro.
23. Also, there will be a new brother and sister duo who both "have a little crush" on Hope.
Danielle joked, saying, "Everyone in this show has feelings for Hope in some way, which I don't understand, really, because she's not nice."
24. Julie hinted that we'll see more of the Mikaelson family this season, especially since Hope disappeared. She recently wrote an episode with Freya Mikaelson, but due to Riley Voelkel filming Roswell, New Mexico, the cameo may change.
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Julie said, "It is obviously our intention to pay great service to the fact that a girl disappeared from an entire family. And they're somewhere in New Orleans, not really understanding what happened there. So we definitely want to tell that story. No matter how we do it."
25. And finally, in terms of seeing Caroline Forbes on Legacies, it's something that we'll hopefully see, but it's not confirmed as of right now.
Julie said, "Hopefully one day we'll get to have a family reunion and maybe that day will be sooner, maybe it'll be in a little while. So, we shall see."
Legacies Season 2 premieres Thursday October 10 on The CW.
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olivereliott · 6 years
Red Hot: deBolex’s Ducati Scrambler Racer
There’s always some trepidation when you meet a custom motorcycle builder for the first time. Is their work really that good in the metal? Or do they rely on expensive photographers and Photoshop to hide hack-jobs and shortcuts?
I’ve been lucky enough to hang out with Calum Pryce-Tidd of deBolex Engineering in south London a few times now. But it wasn’t until he took along a couple of his bikes to the Wildays festival in Italy that I finally saw deBolex’s work in the clear light of a crisp Mediterranean day.
When Calum rolled this alluring Ducati racer out of the van, I was gobsmacked. And I wasn’t the only one—the Duc stopped passersby in their tracks, all weekend long.
It started life as an 803 cc Ducati Scrambler, booked in by a very relaxed client. “We had full freedom on the project,” says Calum, “so it was a chance to build a bike that was true to our style.”
“We found a distinct style while building our Ducati 749 project. Since then, we’ve honed in on this, and carried some of the fundamental design elements through to our Thruxton build, and now onto this recent Ducati.”
Calum and his partner, Des Francis, are methodical and traditional in their approach. Their bodywork is always hand-formed from aluminum using age-old metalworking techniques, and they even do their own paint and upholstery.
“We’re forever inspired by classic race machines,” says Calum. “And we always had one direction planned for this project: a full fairing.”
“This diverted us away from our distinctive belly pan and radiator cowling design. And required a re-think on how we could incorporate more intricate elements, such as the oil cooler and air intake openings, using similar build techniques.”
That full fairing is undoubtedly the star of the show—mostly because deBolex got every last angle and contour just right. Though it encapsulates the Ducati’s motor, there are openings to channel air to where it needs to go.
The sides pop on and off in record time for easy maintenance, and are fitted via rubber rivnuts to help keep vibrations down.
The fuel tank’s another aluminum one-off, and traces a stylish retro racer line. Out back is a custom-built tail section and seat pan, complete with a signature deBolex mod. Using a combination of a custom-made latch and the original key lock, the seat pops right off, giving the rider access to the electronic components under it…just like on a stock bike.
Sitting underneath the new tail is a fully custom subframe. deBolex tweaked the main frame too—adding tabs in to mount the fairings. Every part is tasteful and harmonious—like that criss-cross on the new subframe.
The exhaust is another perfect fit. It’s a full, custom-made stainless steel system, front to back, and it complements the rest of the bike’s lines. Even the bracket that secures it to the tail is an exquisite little piece of engineering.
On the performance side, deBolex boosted the Scrambler’s suspension with Andreani fork cartridges up front, and a Maxton shock at the back.
The wheels are now matching 17s, with new rims laced to the stock hubs via stainless steel spokes. They’re shod with Metzler RaceTec RR rubber.
The controls are well sorted too. There’s a set of Renthal clip-ons and grips, sporting a Domino clutch lever assembly, and a brake master cylinder, throttle and switches from Accossato. The brake lines are from Venhill, and the rear-sets are Rizoma items.
Peek behind the fairing, and you’ll spot the Scrambler’s stock speedo, mounted on a custom bracket. Calum explains the reasoning: “We used the stock dial mainly because it looks great—it’s simple, clean and does the job it’s there to do.”
And it’s in daylight that this svelte racer really glimmers, with an almost-all-red livery that draws inspiration from cars like the Ferrari 250LM.
The all-red Alcantara seat’s a nod to classic racing MV Agustas, and the racing roundel on the nose has become a common theme in deBolex’s race-inspired projects.
The Scrambler wears a classic Ducati logotype on the tank, and deBolex’s ‘1/1’ motif on the tail, signifying that only one of its kind will ever be made. That’s their usual approach to projects, but Calum tells us that they’ll be branching out into limited series builds soon.
“With a new series run on the horizon this emblem will become less frequently seen,” he explains. “Using the fabrication and design skills we have perfected on the specials, we’ll be creating a unique (and customizable) limited edition run.”
If those bikes are even a frazione as cool as this incredible one-off, we’re predicting they’ll sell like hotcakes. Please form an orderly queue behind us.
deBolex Engineering | Facebook | Instagram | Photography by Tom Horna from Autohouse London
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