#so everytime i come down for like 3 minutes she starts barking and screaming and running
oflgtfol · 5 months
augh my head hurts again and my chills are coming back
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ac3id · 4 years
hi hi! can i get uhhhhhh bakugo x fem reader, where the reader is quite strong and has a nice quirk and is great in combat (easily like Mirios level), and at first she looks intimidating and unapproachable, but after living at the dorms and having classes together it turns out normally she's super kind and gentle and isn't scared of his outbursts, she's playful and likes to tease him and gets along with everyone well, and he ends up falling for her and developing a huge soft spot for her? ty!💖
--also for the bakugo x fem reader, you can write it as HC or oneshot, fluff or smut or both, i'll leave it up to you!! i really love your blog and how you write, thank you!! 💖💖💖 ]
hell yes!!! even though im shiggy’s whore idkk.... bakugou can just get it. also thanks for the love means alot 😭
ehehe im also planning a series for yandere bakugou 😋 y’all prepare yourselves
also eeeee if u see any grammatical errors or sm pls forgive me,,,, i wrote dis w my retarted phone fjdksksk
warnings: suggestive themes, it's mostly fluff doe, baku n reader are in their 3rd year 18 years old.
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contrary to popular belief, i think bakugou is not a tsundere.
if he wants someone he does not give them mixed signals, he probably might just straight up go to his crush and claim them for himself in front of everyone.
he cherishes his s/o and would do anything for them.
with that being said, he dreams of a meaningful relationship but unfortunately. katsuki bakugou cannot fall in love that easily.
he has bigger ambitions like: training to become the number one hero. he does not have time for romance,
so when you come along, he is not really bothered. you’re just another extra, he does not go out of his way to greet you with a warm welcome like kaminari or kirishima do. he does not return the polite smiles you throw at him, he just doesn’t care. there a new girl? so what? she looks kind of scary? he couldn’t give two shits about how you look.
what really gets his attention is how you are able to keep up with him during training. you are strong, almost stronger than him. now, he’s concerned. bakugou likes being the strongest in the room and if someone threatens that, he is going to care.
both of you start off with a love-hate relationship, he is always screaming about how he is going to kick your ass, blow you up into little pieces; make you taste dirt. you always roll your eyes before attacking him and for the next ten minutes it's just the both you manhandling each other until aizawa breaks you two away with his capture weapon. you stick your tongue out to him teasingly, he scoffs and looks away.
the others tease you both all the time. kaminari is always making jokes about the sexual tension between the two of you. you laugh along with it, going up to bakugou and taunting him. bakugou always barks at your face and tells you to shut up, a pink tint forming on his cheeks.
slowly, bakugou finds himself thinking about you. thoughts about you keeps him awake at night, he has got dark circles forming under his eyes these days. all because of you. at first he does not understand, it’s just his thirst for being better than you right? then why does his heart clench everytime you look at him? why does he want to spend more time with you, talk to you?
it doesn't take a genius to understand what he is feeling, he has a crush on you. it’s unexpected, he couldn’t understand why it you out everyone he could fall for. you were always annoying him and treating him like he was an extra but maybe that was why.
once he has admitted to himself that he likes you, that’s when it's your game over.
now, whenever you are teasing him. he retorts back leaving you a flustered mess. you did not believe he had it in him considering how quickly he was to shy away before but now he is sending you mischievous smirks, flirting with you in public. you are left speechless.
the tables have turned, bakugou soon becomes the one taunting you and reducing you to a blubbering mess and after a few weeks, he asks you out.
at first, you think he is joking but the way his crimson eyes look at you with adoration and love; you know it is real. bakugou really likes you. you say yes, of course.
the relationship which blooms between the two of you is healthy and beautiful, you both joke around and have fun. you are able to keep up with each other, help each other and grow together.
in bed bakugou usually tops, with his ego bigger than his dick (which is also huge) it's no surprise how he manages to pin you down and ram his fat cock in you unforgivingly. but don’t be fooled. on good days you manage to pull him under you, and treat him like the slut he is.
neither of you are shy when it comes to sex, y'all probably have even done it in public. bakugou probably has forced you to put on a phone controlled vibrator for an entire day of school. he has the controls, he leaves it at low for the most part but while you're talking to someone he doesn't like: he puts it max without any warning. you try your best not moan, your face heats up as you bite down on your bottom lip smiling awkwardly at the other person.
he usually does it when you are talking to midoriya or todoroki, this man petty af.
make up sex is very common, sometimes the two of start arugruing over the most trivial things. those days usually end with bakugou pounding into you, showing no mercy or soft love making. it depends entirely on what you both were disagreeing about.
overall, bakugou is an amazing lover. he loves and cherishes you and feels like he is the luckiest man on the planet for having you as his girlfriend <3
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anna-pixie · 4 years
would you be up for writing Poe Dameron based off of the song Girls by The 1975? like an age gap (nothing gross, just maybe a 19 or 20 year old reader) and Poe trying to navigate dating someone significantly younger (i imagine he’s somewhere close to Oscar Isaac’s real age, probably in his 30s?)
i think i might do another part to this, with them properly dating. this is just them getting together, i guess?
Request: Poe Dameron based off of the song Girls by The 1975? like an age gap and Poe trying to navigate dating someone significantly younger
Pairing: Poe Dameron x reader
Warnings: Swearing, age gap (19/35)
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“They’re just girls, Finn.”
“They’re, what, 19? They’re adults, Poe.” Finn’s voice is condescending as he speaks to his friend, Poe scowling at him in response. 
“I’m worried about Rey finding out, you know what she’s like…” He says, voice worried as he bites his lip. 
“Poe, Poe, Poe. Where’s the fun in doing what you’re told?” Finn smacks his friend's shoulder lightly, beckoning over to the two girls, “Besides, everyone knows Y/N is head over heels for you. Go for it, man. You deserve to let off some steam.”
Poe bites his lip as he contemplates. 
Sure, he’s not that old. 35 isn’t that old, right? Poe had never had trouble with his confidence, he was gorgeous and he knew it. He could get anyone he wanted, with a mere smile. Then there’s you. He noticed the looks you gave him, the way you would stop talking and flush whenever he walked into the same room as you. He noticed the way you bit your lip every time he wore his orange jumpsuit. But you were so young. 
He hadn’t been too bothered about it, not until Rey voiced her opinion. One night when the three friends were playing cards in Poe’s room, the topic turned to you - since you and your friend Dyla had only recently joined the resistance. Of course he mentioned how pretty you were, everyone knew it. Finn hummed in agreement but Rey’s face dropped into a frown. 
“Really?” Her tone was incredulous, as if the man had just told her to fuck off or something. 
“Uh… what?” Poe looks to Finn, who is equally as confused as himself. 
“You’re old enough to be her dad, that’s so pervy.”
“She’s, like, twenty.” Poe counters, his face heating at the accusation of being ‘pervy’. 
“Nineteen, actually.” 
“Whatever, Rey. I wouldn’t actually sleep with her.”
“Good. You better hadn’t.”
So, he didn’t. No matter how much he wanted to stride across the Cantina and fling you against the wall everytime you so much as glanced over to him. No matter how many times he had to excuse himself to the bathroom after seeing you bite your lip. 
Until tonight. 
You’d put in more effort than usual tonight. It was the first night off for everyone in a long time, so spirits were high and drinks were flowing. Dyla had snuck a bottle of some sort of spirit into your room, and the two of you took shot after shot whilst getting ready. You take one final shot, reveling in the way your head spins slightly, and look yourself up and down in the mirror. 
Tonight would be different. Ever since you joined the resistance, the only man on your mind was Poe Dameron. The first moment you saw him was indescribable. You had been introducing yourself to General Organa when he entered the room, barking orders to some scrawny men in front of computers. You had lost your train of thought as your eyes followed him around the room, shivering slightly at the authority his presence commanded. General Organa was amused, very used to the effect Poe had on women. 
You’re not a very confident person. Actually, your shyness is crippling. So the only way you knew how to flirt with Poe was with long, lingering glances and slight lip bites when you thought he wasn’t looking. You have kept up this delusion for a while, the delusion that Poe might one day look at you and decide to sweep you off your feet. But you knew better now. 
You’d received a slap in the face from reality when you snuck into the cantina late last night, since you’d forgotten to eat dinner. There, at the far end of the room, was Poe. He had one of the other pilots, Grilda, you think her name is, pushed up against the wall. Their lips were clashing in a fervour and your legs felt wobbly as you watched the scene. It was then you realised you were wasting your time pining over a man who would never give you the time of day. 
So here you stand, your favourite red dress on, ready to go and flirt with someone who is not Poe Dameron. You stand beside Dyla as she fixes you both a drink, scanning the room slightly to see who had joined the celebration. You force your eyes to pass quickly over Poe, who is standing across the room from you with Finn. Though, you could’ve sworn he was looking at you….
3 drinks later, you finally excuse yourself to the toilet, leaving Dyla with a few other friends to keep her company. You groan in delight as you pee, it always feels so much better when you’re drunk. Before you leave you quickly ruffle your curled hair in the mirror and reapply your red lipstick. You smile at yourself, trying to give an internal pep talk. 
You can do this. Go outside. Take a shot. Find a random pilot. Kiss the hell out of him. 
You exit the bathroom with a deep breath, stopping suddenly in your tracks when you find Poe leaning against the wall opposite the bathroom. Surely this is a coincidence, right? He can’t actually be waiting for you. He looks up when you open the door and his eyes widen slightly, pushing himself off the wall towards you. 
“Y/N, hey.” His voice is as confident as ever and it takes all of your willpower to not start kissing him right there. 
“Poe… um, hi.” Your voice is soft, almost shaking as you bite your lip with nerves. Poe groans slightly and your eyes widen as he takes a step towards you, his tall frame towering over you. 
“Listen, I’ve seen the looks you give me.” He gets straight to the point, walking you backwards slightly so you’re now leant against the wall, with him trapping you against him. 
“Oh, Gosh.” Your brow furrows, he’s here to tell you to stop being a desperate loser, right?
“The way you bite your lip when you think I’m not looking.” He continues, bringing a large hand to cup your face. His thumb brushes your lower lip slightly and you release it from it’s hold, breath quickening. 
“I-I’m sorry.” It becomes clear quickly that Poe isn’t listening to you as he leans in closer, confidence growing as he pushes his thumb into your mouth. You squeak slightly, not sure where this is coming from all of a sudden. You’re certainly not complaining, though. You react quickly, not wanting to waste the moment as you suck his thumb lightly, reveling in the way he groans. 
“I’m 35.” He speaks suddenly, pulling back and cupping your face with both of his hands, forcing you to meet his eyes. 
“Um, okay?” You reply, confusion clouding your features. What does that have to do with what is going on right now?
“I mean, uh,” He takes a step back, seeming timid all of a sudden as he scratches the back of his neck, “I just want you to know. In case I’m, y’know, too old for you.” He avoids your eyes this time and you can’t help the laugh that escapes you. He frowns at your response and you quickly backtrack. 
“You? Old? Tell me another joke.” You grab his face this time, your movements encouraged by the alcohol in your system. “I know how old you are, does it really look like I care about that?”
“Guess not.” Confident Poe is back now, a smirk gracing his features as he steps forward once more. You barely have any time to react before his lips are on yours, hot and wet. 
He winds his hand into your hair tightly and tugs, causing you to gasp lightly. He takes this opportunity to push his tongue past your lips, exploring your mouth as you reciprocate desperately. You’re panting by the time he pulls away, giggling at the red lipstick that stains his mouth. 
“Let's do this again sometime.” He grins, kissing you once more before wiping the lipstick off his mouth with the back of his hand. He walks off, a spring in his step as he returns to Finn who grins at him knowingly, Dyla sitting on his lap. 
You take a moment to catch your breath and let your brain catch up with your body. Did that really just happen or are you dreaming?
If you thought that was a dream, the next month had been an out of body experience. As you lie in your bed next to Poe, watching him snore with his head resting on your bare chest, you think back to the previous month when you had barely spoken to him. 
After your encounter, he could barely keep his hands off you. You would get pulled into dark hallways and empty utility rooms, Poe would have you muffling a scream behind your hand in mere minutes. 
That’s how it always was though, in secret. 
“I can’t be what you need, you’re just a girl, this is just physical.” He told you time and time again. 
But time and time again, he would show up at your door when he couldn’t sleep. You hadn’t realised he was plagued by night terrors until he woke you up with one, screaming in terror with his eyes screwed shut. That was when he told you that he could only sleep soundly with you. Unbeknownst to him, you waited for him to fall asleep every night before he did, wanting to make sure he was in a peaceful slumber before you succumbed to unconsciousness. You always woke up wrapped in his arms, so he must wake up at least once during the night. 
“Mmmh.” Poe hums sleepily as he blinks his eyes open slowly, looking up at you from where he lies. He gives you a dopey smile, still delirious from sleep. You return it, carding your fingers through his hair as his eyes start to droop again, “Don’t wanna get up. Wanna stay here forever.” You squeal as he buries his head in the crook of your neck, biting you playfully. 
“C’mon, mister. You’ve got a meeting with General Organa at 6.” You try to remind him, but he simply ignores you, choosing instead to disappear under the covers with a wicked grin, “Poe? What are yo- Oh!” Your train of thought stops as you feel his mouth on your heat, waking you up completely as he holds down your shaking legs. 
“She can wait.” He grumbles. 
“I told you she’d be mad, Poe.” You give him a pointed look as he collapses into your bed after returning from his meeting with the general. 
“Shut up.” He glares at you from your bed as you fix your hair in the small mirror, “I don’t know where she gets off calling me immature. Me? Immature? Please.” He crosses his arms and pouts. 
“You’re pouting like a little baby, Poe.”
“You’re supposed to tell me that I’m the most mature person you’ve ever met and that Leia should never speak to me like that.”
You repeat his words back to him in a monotonous voice, grinning as his glare darkens and he falls back onto the bed. 
“C’mere.” He looks back up at you and beckons you over. You comply with a wry smile and giggle as he pulls you down with him, twisting around so he’s on top of you. He kisses you deeply, biting your bottom lip hard as you try to tell him to need to leave soon, “No.” He mumbles, pushing his tongue into his mouth. Well, 10 minutes late won’t hurt, right?
You shriek in surprise as the door to your room slams open suddenly, the two of you looking over with wide eyes. It seems as though Poe’s little droid, BB8, opened the door for Rey and Finn who stand behind it. Finn seems to be holding in laughter whilst Rey sports a thunderous expression at the sight of us. Oh dear, she’s not his girlfriend, right?
I sit up quickly, pushing Poe off me and fixing my hair. Poe mutters angrily to himself as Rey invites herself into my room, stomping over to us. 
“You perv!” She points at Poe, and my eyes widen as I look between the two. 
“Wh… what?” You stumble over your words as you try to figure out what is going on. 
“Nothing, baby, Rey was just leaving.”
“Y/N.” Rey ignores Poe completely, turning to face you, “He’s old enough to be your dad! What are you doing?”
“Rey.” Poe is shouting now, his loud voice piercing through the tense atmosphere of the room. “You made me second guess approaching Y/N for months. You know what? It was never about my age. I’m only 35 for kriff’s sake, you act like I’m fucking Palpatine. What is this really about? And you’d better tell me the truth because I’m this close to losing my shit.”
You vaguely register Finn’s ‘Oh snap’ as you gaze wide eyed at the angry man in front of you. His jaw clenches and his fists are balled up, muscles bulging in anger. Oh dear, you don’t think you’ve ever been so turned on before. 
No one expects what happens next. Rey bursts into tears. 
“It’s not fair.” She wails, “I liked you first.” My eyes widen as she turns to me. I thought she was speaking to Poe, “I could tell you liked Poe instead. I wanted to keep him away from you.”
The room falls silent after Rey’s confession, no one knowing what to say. A wave of guilt comes crashing into you, but it’s hardly your fault. You speak to Rey occasionally when you see her around base, but you never had any indication that she was interested in you.
“Fucking hell.” Poe wipes a hand down his face in exasperation. “What did I say, Finn? Fucking girls, man.”
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Wondrous Misfortune
Chapter 3
Chapter 1 Chapter 2
This is a acotar fanfiction set a few years after acofas. The bone carver’s prediction is not all that meets the eye and so the next generation of warriors must navigate in the world that their parents built for them.
Please read and enjoy!
It was a physical effort for Nesta to get out of bed. Her stomach, swollen so much that she’d forgotten what her toes looked like, made many tasks a particular pain. But she’d be damned if she was going to wake Cassian up to help her to the bathroom.
She was only weeks from her due date and thoroughly tired of being pregnant. It was only the thought of the lives growing in her womb and Cassian that kept her from tearing out her stomach.
Yes, Madja had told them months ago that there wouldn’t be just one child for them to care for, but two. Nesta only hoped they were boys--girls were bitches.
Nesta swung her legs over the side of the bed, rocking her body so she could plop soundlessly on her feet. She waddled over to the bathroom, relieved herself, then waddled back.
Cassian was awake when she returned, and sitting upright in bed. He rubbed at his eyes, yawning loudly. “What are you craving, sweetheart?” he asked at last. When she made to climb back in bed, he beat her to it, lifting her onto the mattress. 
She glared at him. “Strawberry cake.”
“With buttermilk frosting?”
She nodded. Cassian’s cake was to die for, but strawberry was her particular favorite.
He arched an eyebrow. “You sure? You’re looking a little fat there.”
She threw a pillow at him. “That’s your fault. Now get me my cake, slave.”
He laughed but slid effortlessly off the bed. “Come shower with me first.”
“Nesta, you haven’t bathed in three days.”
“It’s tiring.”
He grabbed her hand, pulling her knuckles to his slightly chapped lips. “I’ll wash you and massage you after.”
“What about my cake?”
“Okay, okay. Cake, then shower.”
Nesta grinned in triumph.
She felt Cassian’s eyes on her as she waddled out of the room and down the stairs. She had prevented him from carrying her after manalically holding a knife to her belly until he promised not to. It probably wasn’t the craziest thing she’d done while pregnant, but it was high on the scoreboard.
None of her dresses fit anymore and the maternity ones barely did so most days she just waltzed around in a tank top and Cassian’s underwear.
However, Elain was in town now and visited nearly everyday. Feyre and, surprisingly Azriel, also came often enough that the blinds were shut when she wasn’t properly dressed. Today, though, she wore one of her better fitting dresses and went to one the blinds.
The early morning light felt glorious on her pale skin and she wriggled slightly in front of the window.
Cassian, retrieving the batter he had made last night, barked out a laugh. “What are you doing?”
“The sunlight is pretty.”
“You look like a deranged worm.”
Nesta flipped him off over her shoulder.
Feeling light on her feet, she wandered back over to the counter and sat at a barstool, watching her mate. He deftly seperated and poured the batter and set it in the oven, moving on to make the frosting. She tracked his movements through the kitchen--eased and practiced.
She didn’t realize she was crying until she sniffled and Cassian dropped his wisk. He was instantly there, wiping away her tears, but they kept coming. “What is it? What is it, sweetheart?”
“You’re going--going to be such a great dad,” she sobbed.
He blew out a breath, wrapping her in his arms. “Don’t worry, they’ll have a great mom too.”
“I’m not--” A sob. “They’ll hate me.”
“Oh, my love, that’s ridiculous. They’ll love you so, so much. Almost as much as I do.”
She sniffled. “You think?”
“I know." He ran his fingers through her hair. “Do you want me to finish the frosting? I’ll let you lick the bowl.”
She nodded. “I used to--” A hiccup. “--get strawberry cake for my birthday. It was the only thing I liked about it.”
“I know, sweetheart. You tell me everytime.”
“Oh. I hate being pregnant.”
“You also say that.”
Nesta giggled, which was a very un-Nesta like thing to do. She was going to curse these kids sound for making her like this.
Cassian pulled away and she let him continue in peace. The cake cooked faster thanks to the way he kept throwing his magic at it, heating it even more. It also cooled faster when he retrieved it so he could spread the frosting.
“Hey, Cassian,” Nesta said mildly while he hummed, evening out the sugary goodness.
“My water broke.”
The spreading knife dropped to the floor. “Oh.”
It was not an easy birth--births. But between contractions, Nesta got to eat her cake, laced with whatever drugs Madja deemed necessary.
The Inner Circle was gathered throughout the house. Nesta only knew this my the murmur of conversation and the fact that one of Elain’s girls had barged in, asking where her sister was hiding.
Cassian had then gently ushered the girl out while Nesta had trembled from another contraction.
It was the most painful thing Nesta had ever experienced. She actually injured Cassian’s hand from squeezing it too hard but an extra healer had reset and healed the bones. Nesta’d then burst into tears and blubbered out apology after apology before biting her lip when he kissed her brow reassuringly.
It wasn’t long after that that she’d cursed him over and over again for making her pregnant in the first place and vowed never to have sex with him again.
He laughed out loud.
Nesta had screamed when the first baby came out in one mighty push, then screamed louder when the next one did, exactly twenty minutes later. Then she’d collapsed onto the sweat and blood dampened sheets.
She awoke only seconds later to the sound of a babies cries and then to the sound of her mate’s. He was holding two squirming bundles, weeping and smiling at the same time. Nesta wished then for Feyre’s paint if only so she could record the moment in all its poetic beauty.
Cassian looked up gently, so very gently, passed one of the bundles over to Nesta.
Nesta had never believed in love at first sight but she would tear down every wall in herself, lose everything she owned, take a knife to her own heart, for this child in her arms.
It was a boy. And the one Cassian held--a girl.
Nesta started crying.
She took the girl from Cassian, sobbing slightly. Cassian came to sit in front of her on the bed, pulling her--all of them--into his large arms. Together, Nesta and Cassian sat that way for what could have been ages, staring at the two children.
“They need names,” Cassian whispered after a while.
“I know.”
But with them so young, Nesta was afraid to taint their existence with such a strong thing as names. They had already picked some out--two boy names and two girl names--but they had never thought of the possibility of having a boy and a girl. Now they had to choose a name from each category which was more difficult than it seemed.
There was a polite knock on the door but neither of them bothered to answer it. The door creaked open and then Feyre and Rhysand were there, gaping at them.
Nesta looked up at last and saw the tears shining in her sister’s eyes. In Nesta’s arms, the babes began to squirm.
“Can I… ?” Feyre asked, unable to form full sentences.
Nesta hesitated. Now that she was holding them, she didn’t ever want to give them up.
“I--they. I--” She couldn’t speak. Couldn’t deny her sister this, who had lost a child of her own. Who now had that careful fragile hope in her eyes.
“They’re hungry,” said Cassian, pointing out the way the boy kept opening and  closing his rosebud lips, searching for his mother’s breasts while the girl just peered in confusion around the room. Her eyes--oh gods those eyes--one was the clear hazel of her mate and the other was cornflower, baby blue.
The boy’s were the exact same and his tongue darted out still searching.
“At least tell us there names?” Rhysand asked, kneeling before the bed. The boy stared quizzically at him.
Cassian and Nesta exchanged a glance.
“Titus,” Nesta said to the boy.
“Aralyn,” Cassian said to the girl.
And Nesta could have sworn her high lord and lady trembled in response.
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smokingtomas · 6 years
Souma: A Necessary Closure
Akai Ito: Fear (ch. 6)
“Where the hell have you been, Yukihira?! Are you trying to rip me off?!”
Nakiri Alice-- her voice could possibly wake dead people back to live. “Whoa, whoa, chill! ‘Sup with the screaming now?”
“Do you know how much roaming costs because you decided not to answer my Facetime?! Now here I am, back in the 90s yelling at your imbecile, headless self!”
Is she forgetting the fact that having her last name means a lot of money? “Aight, aight! It’ll cost ya more the longer you are yelling at me! What d’ya need?”
“As much as I want to bark more at you right now for leaving Erina, which you better believe I will once I see that red hair of yours, I will get straight to point.”
“And that is…?”
“Erina went to Eishi’s hotel in London.”
His heart skips a beat, and in the worst way possible.
“Oh! And he tried to kiss her.”
Aaaand now it’s on his feet.
It’s as if his sanity drops together with it when the little person in his head starts berserking through and throwing things out of the broken window. Guilt is washing over him all over again-- is it his fault?
Megumi’s right-- he shouldn’t have left her. But God has fucked him over his stupid decision and of course Erina goes straight back into his arms.
“Mou, Yukihira! Say something! I’ve given you a very useful information. Don’t tell me you--”
“H-Hello? Is this Alice-san?” Megumi snatches Soma’s phone from him and put her on speaker, and amidst his train of thoughts, he really doesn’t care.
“Oh? You’re with Tadokoro-chan? My, my, so scandalous.”
Alice’s leer triggers Megumi’s nervous button once again, “E-Eh?! It’s not what you think it is! W-We just happen to be in the same city and he… he came for advice! I-I’m actually carrying Takumi’s baby!”
“Gee, Tadokoro-chan! Don’t worry too much. I trust you, unlike the prick that you’re with.” After a brief pause (and a whatever-you-say shrug from Souma), her tone changes to glee, “Oh! Congratulations on the baby, by the way~!”
“Thank you, Alice-san, but Souma-kun can’t really talk right now, so umm… where did you get that information?”
“What do you think? I followed and spied on her, duh! Mimasaka-kun isn’t the only one who does it.”
“Do you know what else they talk about?”
“Nope. They were too far from the door. My hearing device only caught muffles.”
“I see. Thank you for the news, Alice-san. I’ll make sure Soma-kun flies home tonight.”
“He better be! Or else, the last thing going down his throat will be my--”
Megumi hangs up and hands his phone back. “You don’t need to hear that sentence, do you?”
“Guess not.” Soma sighs frustratedly, obviously still a mess, “And guess coming back home ain’t gonna change anything now.”
“Don’t say that. I’m sure Nakiri-san won’t get back to him that easily.” She pats his shoulder, “And I’m sure you know that. I’ve told you the bond you guys have is special.”
A promising look from Megumi is all it takes for Souma to feel convinced once again when he was practically down in the dumps just a second ago. Yes-- what a rollercoaster, but now, after a conversation with her, he’s settled on an action. An action that isn’t encouraged by her in the first place, but it somehow clicks and makes sense.
“It’s time for you to go home, Souma-kun.”
After going through the hassle of booking a last minute ticket out of Phuket online (in his hangover state, everything is a hassle), he manages to go back to his own hotel, shower, and pack his bags on time for his flight.
And at this stage, he’d wish that said flight only takes an hour max, but the frustrating bit is 6,000 miles is impossible to be traveled in an hour, unless rocket is an option.
But on the bright side, 17 hours of travelling (including a painful 3-hour layover in Bangkok that feels like forever) means he gets the chance to gather his sanity back and feeds himself with a hearty portion of pad thai.  Yes-- and he also manages to refuse the free champagne offered during the flight.
Though he wish he had a glass on the cab ride, as he hasn’t prepared for what he’s about to encounter tonight. The worst possibilities that could crush him, and it only sinks in after he knocked on the door.
“Tsukasa-senpai.” Souma greets coldly. “Where’s Erina?”
“Oh? I-I wouldn’t know, b-but how did you know where I--”
Liar. “No need to cover it up, senpai.” He lets himself in. “I knew she was here.”
“Yes, she was, but I really don’t know where she went after she left.” Eishi closes the door behind him and walks towards him. “But you shouldn’t be worried. Nothing happened.”
At that, he raises a brow cynically, “Nothing happened? So you didn’t try to kiss my girlfriend?”
“W-Well, alright, one thing happened.” Eishi waves two hands in the air, “But you can relax, Yukihira. She uh... rejected me.”
“Oh.” He says-- of course Megumi is right. “But still, what you were tryna do is a dick move. Thought you wouldn’t go that far.”
“Well, I’m sorry.” Eishi sits on the frame of his couch. “She came to me, she looked beaten… What was I supposed to do when all I wanted to do everytime I see her is…”
Souma waits for that answer. He wants him to say it. He knew his suspicion is right, and then he can finally punch him in the face, but it’s as if something is choking him that the words just don’t come out.
“Just… forget it.” He sighs. “But what you did to her is no better. How could you let her wander around like that?”
“It’s complicated. You wouldn’t get it.”
At his brief answer, Eishi curls his lip for a while. His eyes darts to the half-empty bottle of whiskey on the table.
“You know, Yukihira. I’m an idiot.” The white haired male finally decided to pour himself a glass, “But you’re even more of an idiot if you think I wouldn’t get it.”
“Oh, I’m sorry. Drink?”
That really isn’t what he’s asking (plus, he’s planning on keeping his kidney), “Nah, I’m good.”
“Okay, ah… I’m not sure if you really want to hear about this, but uh… when Erina and I dated, I’ve never felt so completed. I have flaws, which she gracefully accepted. We had a great time and a meaningful relationship at the same--”
“Aight, senpai. I don’t think bragging’s gonna help.”
“No, no. Just hear me out first.” He takes a short pause to drink. “But I-- I took her for granted nearing the end. I was always busy, cancelled a lot on our dates because I thought I needed those Michelin stars. Hell, I wasn’t even being supportive when she told me her decision to accept your shokugeki. Of course, she eventually grew tired of me, and I couldn’t blame her for it, so when she broke things off with me, I accepted.”
Erina did tell him briefly about the reason she ended things with him, but never in his life he thought he’d be hearing this from Eishi’s point of view. And just when he thought that is all he wants to say, he continues.
“Days went by, months just flew like that, yet I never gotten over her, so one night, I asked her if she wanted to take me back, but… she’s moved on. She was in that same place when I was so hooked on my career and abandoning her. It was too late for me and I knew I blew it.”
Normally, he’s not a good listener to a long, sappy stories like these (heck, some people have called him out for it), but for some reason, with the pain ringing through every word he says, his hearing has seems to intensify.
“And now she found you.” Eishi then chuckles ironically, “Well, she never really lost feelings for you even then, but uh… can I give you a piece of advice?”
His question jolts him up. “Um sure, I guess?”
“Don’t… end up where I am right now.”
“She seems to really love you.” That sad smile of his emerges again, “Don’t you ever give up on her, Yukihira.”
Coming from him, not only it knocks on him, but it also opens his eyes to a worse outcome if he ever does give up on her.
He could end up like him. He let her go once, and he’s no longer the grande, 4-Michelin-star guy he always sees him as. In front of him is a broken man, full of regret, which biggest fear always haunts him in the back of his mind.
“Whatever problems you’re going through with her may not be easy, but if you’re willing to change her mind little by little each day, it’ll be worth it. Trust me.”
“But why the hell are you telling me all these things?”
When his curiosity comes out, Eishi only answers simply, “Because you make her happier than I ever did.”
“Why so sure about that?”
“I just know.” Then his eyes wander off, “It pains me that it’s not me, but I want her to be happy, so I… I’m gonna finally let her go.”
Souma doesn’t say anything after that, and as if Eishi takes it as a confirmation that he’s settled on what he wants, he swallows all his pride and give Souma one last inch of strength he has to let go of what he’s been holding onto with another smile that doesn’t reach his ears.
“Take good care of her for me, Yukihira.”
So with those last words, Souma rises to his feet and double pat his shoulder on his way out.
He’s coming home.
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blueskyheadleft010 · 7 years
Voltron Powers Headcanon [Part 5]
[Part 1]  [Part 2]  [Part 3]  [Part 4]  [You are Here] [Finale]
Shiro was a tired person.
He was tired of fighting off nightmares, tired of dealing with Zarkon and his army, tired in general, even though his robotic arm never seemed to wear out, and tired of having to separate Keith and Lance whenever their spats got to be too much.
“Come back here so I can shave that stupid mullet off your head Keith!” Lance yelled as he chased Keith up and down and in and out the main hallway. Despite his long legs Keith was gaining the upper ground due to his better endurance and Lance was beginning to realize just how futile it was to chase him. Still, the boy was determined, Shiro could give him that.
They’d been at this for three hours. One would chase after the other over something, screeching incoherently as they ran until they found a spot to hide and then the process would repeat when they were discovered.
It was giving everyone a headache on the ship, and Shiro swore if Pidge could catch up to them she’d show them what true rage was. (Not that he’d let her get away with it; mostly.)
And this is when Shiro had enough.
He’d been watching them fight for a long time now and something had to give. “Alright Lance, Keith, stop!” He’d commanded as he felt some sort of pressure build up inside him and put both his arms out to the side and separated the two before they ran into him.
“Shiro?” Lance spoke up confused, as Shiro lowered his arms and sighed. “What is going on with you two lately?” Shiro asked as he moved them over towards the couch and- wait did he actually move them with his mind?!
“Oh my crow guys, look! Shiro’s got Keith and Lance in a force grip!” Hunk chose this time to poke his head out the hallway and grinned.
“Well looks like it’s time out for the rugrats.” Pidge interrupted Shiro’s blatant confusion as he gently put the two back down on solid ground and felt the pressure ebb away from him as the two just stood and stared wide eyed at their leader.
“Hey we’re not toddlers!” Lance turned to Pidge and frowned, earning a chuckle from the girl as she rolled her eyes.
“Then why were you guys running around the castle screaming like ones then?” She challenged, as Lance was about to retort but Shiro quickly intervened.
“Why were you two yelling and carrying on like that?” Shiro asked as he activated concerned parent mode, “Keith? You’re not usually an enabler of these arguments, so what changed?” He was asking him first, knowing the boy could usually give the simplest and most effective answer.
Keith huffed and crossed his arms, “Lance decided to barge into my room this morning and wake me up singing some song is Spanish. It was annoying!” He scowled as Lance made an offended noise.
“It was supposed to cheer you up!” Lance countered as Shiro could already feel a migraine coming on. “You kept avoiding me this week so I figured I must’ve screwed something up again!”
“And you thought I’d forgive you if you sang to me?!” Keith argued confused.
Lance huffed, “Well I was going to do other things as well, but then you stole my facial cream and I decided fair’s fair, so that’s why I took your bayard so you’d have to spend time around me!” He sputtered as his face turned red and his voice simmered down a bit after he said that.
Keith looked at him confused, “Why are you so insistent on aggravating me to death?!” He clawed at his face annoyed as he slumped against the wall defeated. “Can’t I just have one night to myself where we’re not fighting each other?” He looked away from Lance as Shiro backed up to give the two space to talk without him interfering. The others, Shiro noticed, had done the same.
“I thought you liked picking on me.” Lance whispered as he crossed his own arms and leaned against the wall vertical from him. “Telling me how much I suck when we’re doing a maneuver or forming Voltron.” He chuckled darkly.
“Lance I- I never meant it that way.” Keith sucked a breath in as Shiro realized the two really needed some time alone.
“I’ll just be across the hall.” Shiro said as everyone had already left prior to five minutes ago and now it was just the three of them. “Yell if you’re being attacked.” And with that he was gone.
Keith turned to Lance, who’d been awfully quiet since Shiro had left. “Lance, you okay?” He tried asking as he scooted around the corner to meet his gaze. “You normally have a lot more to say than that.”
Lance turned his whole body around to face away from Keith. “-s’not like you care what I have to say.” Keith heard him sniffle.
“What the- Yes I care what you have to say Lance! What the hell makes you think I don’t?!” He waved his arms around for emphasis. “You’re a part of the team! We’re not Voltron without you!”
Lance barked out a laugh, “So you only care about me when you think it affects the rest of the team, huh?” He sighed, “I knew you didn’t like me.” He said as he curled up into himself tighter.
“Lance-,“ Keith started but then stopped himself, turning the words Lance had said over in his mind. He sighed and leaned his back further against the wall. “I-… I’ve been avoiding you because everytime I walk into a room with you, you get this big dopey looking grin on your face and I start to feel funny…” He admitted.
Lance laughed, “Oh mi inocente dulce Keith, you kept walking out of the same room as me because you felt weird?” He was grinning again. Keith’s face flushed a bit red.
“This is serious!” He sputtered, “What if it’s some kind of virus or something to do with these weird powers we’ve got?!” He said as he stared at Lance in surprise. “That’s why I’ve been feeling so weird, I just know it!” He looked away from Lance’s face. “So I didn’t want to make you feel weird everytime you saw me either.” He buried his face in his hands embarrassed.
Lance didn’t say anything for a moment, opting to let the silence speak for the both of them as Keith scrunched up his face and waited for the shouting to resume.
Instead Lance did something unexpected… He reached over and hugged Keith.
Keith’s breathed hitched, the funny feeling returning in full force as his face turned bright red. “L-Lance?” He croaked out, the feeling overwhelming his senses to the point he couldn’t think straight.
“I think I get it now.” Lance said quietly as he sighed in relief that Keith didn’t try to move away from him as he held him close. “This feeling…” He hugged him a bit tighter, “It’s a tingly sort of feeling in your stomach, right? The kind that makes your face go all red and you can’t think straight?” He asked as Keith just nodded, his tense muscles already loosening under his grip more by the second.
Lance chuckled and slowly let go of Keith, allowing the boy to face him rather than his backside which wasn’t the most important thing to be staring at right now. “You… Like me?” He asked surprised as realization dawned on Keith’s face.
“Oh.” Oh. Keith realized dumbly as he just sat there and stared just as equally surprised at Lance’s face. “Y-Yeah… I actually do l-like you.” He was crying. Why was he crying?!?
Lance let out a brief chuckle as he grabbed Keith’s face and tenderly wiped a tear from his eye. “Hey, it’s ok. This is kinda new for me too…” Lance admitted as he blushed. “I’m just glad it wasn’t something I actually did that upset you.” He smiled as his eyes got all misty.
“You quiznak.” Keith choked out a sob in relief as he wiped the tears from Lance’s eyes this time and then hugged him. “All this time I was doing it to protect you!” He admitted, as the two boys didn’t quite know what to think about the situation and settled for crying and laughing next to each other instead.
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12th June 2017
By 0600, I got up. I couldn't lay in that bed any longer. I got dressed and went outside. Steve was awake too but he stayed in bed. It was freezing outside but I wanted Julie-Ann to see we was awake so I could have a cup of tea. I walked along the balcony/decking area and looked over the lake. A noise made me jump and I turned around. Turns out, I scared the kangaroos and they scared me! Three of them were within 2 metres of me and just stared. I walked towards them and said hi. They just sat there. I quickly and quietly walked back to the room and told Steve to wake up. I grabbed my GoPro and we went over to them. Only one wasn't too scared to stay near us. The jumped off and we went for a walk around the house. There were Kangaroos everywhere. It was amazing.
There were cockatoos in the trees making the funniest of noises, making me laugh everytime they chirped. The kangroos were hopping round us. It was like a dream. I can imagine in the summer it would look beautiful with all the flowers and trees booming. The house is called Banksia B&B because of the banksia's surrounding. Julie-Ann said she provides flowers for the local florists because she gets so many.
By 0800, Steve was frozen. We jumped back into bed to try and warm up. I heard Bouncer barking away so I thought Julie-Ann was awake. Bouncer sleeps outside and he often barks at the kangaroos. Steve and I were still the only ones awake. We went back outside at 0830 where Julie-Ann finally was up and ready, she invited us in for tea and coffee.
We had two slices of toast and I had tea, Steve had coffee. She had cereal in the tiny boxes you used to have as a child, too. We felt too rude to ask for more. We sat in the front room watching Australia's version of This Morning. I miss Holly and Phil though, they are brilliant. Steve was talking to Oscar the cockatoo for a while as he was lonely. The second Steve would walk away, he would start screaming. He was so loud! He said morning to us and 'would you like a coffee?'. Steve would love a parrot if he could have one.
Eventually, the other 4 woke up. It was about 0930. Steve and I went to shower as they were eating. Steve got in first and washed and I got in second. As I was shampooing, the water went freezing. I've never felt cold water like it. Steve reckons Julie-Ann put the dishwasher on. I had to wash the shampoo out in what felt like ice on my head. It was awful. The worst part was, my towel was still soaking from the jacuzzi the night before. The house was too cold to dry it off. I almost cried (again, obviously) it was that cold. I got dressed and ready as quickly as possible.
Steve was outside speaking with Julie-Ann for ages. I went outside and she was feeding the birds. The birds were bright red, almost tropical. She said they get so many different wildlife animals here. Julie-Ann takes photos and puts it into an album when she sees something different. She gets different plantation, flowers and toadstools too. She let us flick through the album which was great. The red deer look amazing. I wasn't all that fussed abut the Emu's though because they scare me. The Kangaroos came over and scared the birds off. They then started to have a fit over the bird seeds. It was comical to watch. Bouncer used to chase the Emu’s but one time, they turned around and chased him. They rolled him over, so now he’s scared of them. Lesson learnt! 
She said she would take us for a walk around the forest if we wanted, which we said yes too. We were all waiting for Dan to get ready, as we do every time we go anywhere with him. He was laying on the bed for ages before getting showered. He wasn't ready until 1130 which was slightly annoying but never mind. He got a really hot shower too. Boo.
We all left and walked around with Julie-Ann and Bouncer. He was 12 years old but I can see how he got his name - he jumps and runs everywhere. He's so full of energy. Julie-Ann said that fires happen so often here, which we all knew about Australia anyway. Three years ago, a massive bush fire spread and she almost lost the house. Gum trees were falling (they're absolutely MASSIVE trees). The firemen took all the local residents into a hall and one by one they went out in the trucks to see whether they had a house or not. Julie-Ann and Rob lost their shed but not their house thankfully.
We came across loads of kangaroos, emus and toadstools. The toadstools were absolutely massive, bigger than 5 human heads! It started to rain but we carried on walking. We went to one of the fallen Gum trees. I couldn't believe how big it actually was. We stood inside of one that got half burnt but didn't fall. You cant touch the tree even when your arms are out wide.
She took us back and our feet were soaking wet. I changed my socks and put on my slides (slipper sandles) and put my trainers into the front of the car to dry. We all packed our stuff, said our goodbyes and left around 1230.
We went to Mackenzie Falls as we decided not to do it yesterday. Unfortunately, the weather was rubbish today but we still wanted to see it. We got to the carpark after a 30 minute drive as we were following Jack and he took a wrong turn. The falls were down the bottom of a steep hill/stairs. Going down was easy but coming back up was going to be hard, again. My poor legs!
We couldn't see much outwards due to the fog but we were up high. Hopefully, it was going to be better the lower we went. We climbed to the bottom and the waterfall was beautiful. It was cold, cloudy and rainy so it wasn't appreciated as much as it probably could've been. We all took our photos and decided to leave. My legs were in pieces going back up. After all the strenuous climbing yesterday, with no sleep and no food, I wanted the world to swallow me up.
With Steve's help pushing and pulling me, we got to the top. I managed to stay in the lead for the majority of it too which was good. Megan and Dan struggled and they were last up. We were all very tired and sweaty.
That was the last climb, hopefully ever. We went on to drive down towards Halls Gap where the shops were. Everyone wanted to go to the Chip shop but I said nothing would be open being as it's Bank Holiday Monday... Steve said they would be because they'd make loads of money.
Steve started to drive and took a detour to the 'Borocay' lookout which is something we all wanted to see. As we were passing, he took the opportunity. Unfortunately, it was too foggy to see anything at all. He also took us down a dirt track into the middle of nowhere. We decided to turn around after 15 minutes of driving. There was a sign saying that we would hear gunshots due to pest control. We didn't want to get hit so we left. We were worried about turning round incase the car got stuck in the mud/sand but both cars managed it. We were in Toyota Stylers, so we named our car Susie Styler. She did us good. Ours was white and Mel's was red. The carhire called them Stylers but I actually think they're Corolla Ascent's but never mind.
When we eventually got to the bottom, the chip shop was shut. JUST LIKE I SAID! But, I'm not one to boast... We went into the little newsagents and ordered food. The newsagents is ran by fairly old people which is nice because they're probably very bored otherwise. The service was really slow though. It was one man and one woman, but we never see the woman do anything. The man would take one persons order and make the coffee, then the toastie and onto the next person. You would wait a good 15 minutes for your drink and a further 15 for a toastie. We weren't in a rush which was okay. We wanted to order foods like jacket potatoes but everything had sold out apart from toasties. Megan and Mel are vegetarians so the man had to make new sandwiches from scratch as he only had ham and cheese left. We were there for quite some time.
We left after having a toastie and went to see if we could do Mount William before leaving for home. It was about 1500. Apparently, we could drive to the top of the moutain for the lookout point rather than climb. It was right at the bottom of the Grampians park so about a half an hour drive away in the opposite direction from Halls Gap. Steve was driving and I was reading the map...
We got there eventually and the car was climbing uphill for ages. It was so circular too. The visability and rain was getting worse so we decided to abort this mission (when we could). There wasn't anywhere to stop for at least 15 minutes. We pulled over, told Mel it was pointless and headed back down the mountain. Time to go home.
I was driving us home so Steve and I swapped over and on the road we went. Home would take us just over 3 hours which didn't seem all that bad until midway through. The motorway got dark so quickly, and again, there weren't any lights. They work in KM instead of MPH here too. Psychologically, when you're going 100kmph, it feels like you're going stupidly fast when in reality, its about 60mph.
We got about half way through when a lorry decided to be an idiot and get the hump with me for no reason. I was continuously in the slow lane following Jack. I was going 100 and the speed limit was 110. He got within 1 metre of our car 3 times before holding his horn down at me. I'm not sure what he expected me to do - I was going as fast as I could, I wasn't going to break the speed limit, I was in the slow lane... He tried to overtake me about 3 times but couldn't get in front of another car that was doing the speed limit too. He was being a right arse! (sorry Dad). He made me so nervous. He eventually overtook us by going stupidly faster than the limit and overtook Jack, too. We ended up overtaking him a while down as we were going through a town. The speed limit dropped to 60kmph and he got stuck at the traffic lights. I was so happy because a lorry of that size should not be within 1 metre of my back window on a motorway at 100kmph. Idiot!
We carried on the motorway when the lorry ended up behind my window again after about half an hour. He must've been going so fast to catch us up... He did the same again and overtook us. I was getting so stressed mainly because there were 3 other people in the car in my care... It was pitch black and when he got close, his headlights were in my rear window. I wish I could report him!
Eventually, I pulled over in the 'services’. We tried to find a proper one for miles but nothing was there. SES (state emergency services) had a tent in a lay-by with free tea, coffee and biscuits for motorists which was great. We went for a wee in a brick 'house' that was FULL of spiders. I didn't tell Meg otherwise she wouldn't have gone. The SES do it every time there is a long weekend because motorists travel so often. It's a great idea. They had stickers, leaflets, activity books and all sorts. Free coffee and biscuit was the best. My stomach felt empty. I only had 2 toast and 1 sandwich today.
I was too scared to drive but I knew we had lost the nutcase lorry driver. Steve took over and we led the way. We had about 1.5 hours to go still which went quite fast luckily. The worst thing was, we had to go into the city. Steve doesn't do well when he's under pressure. We had to fill the petrol tank up before we gave it back too which gave him more stress. We followed the satnav which was difficult as Steve couldn't see it, he could only go by what we were saying from our phones. The lanes changed and trams were everywhere. The traffic lights are different here because you can turn on red too. Steve got really stressed and I'm almost sure he went grey. We took loads of wrong turns but luckily we ended up on the right road with a petrol station. We filled up and managed to turn in Jucy and leave the car with us all, including Susie, in one piece. Successful trip in my eyes! Steve calmed down after and apologised to us - we told him that we couldn't have drove in the city so well done to him. Especially as he's still a 'new' driver.
Mel and Jack weren't in the car park. We sorted our stuff out, made sure it was tidy inside and I rang Mel. She was having a mental breakdown, lost in the city somewhere. She was being honked at and all sorts. They eventually pulled up and she was shouting in the car 'I HATE DRIVING IN THE CITY!!'. I don't blame her. We dropped the keys in the 'letterbox' and left for the tram.
The tram took about 15 minutes, we jumped on and it took us right to Flinders station. Jack stays in a different hostel so he stayed on. His hostel is called Space Hotel (its really expensive, I wish we could stay there). We got back to the hostel around 2130. Everyone got McDonalds but I didn't want fastfood. I went without. We sat down in the kitchen, sorted out who owed who what money and everyone went to bed.
I sat in the kitchen on my own for a bit, having a breather. We just had the weekend of a lifetime and now we're back to reality. Dead excited for a good nights sleep, though. I was the only one who didn't have work in the morning.
I got into bed and died within a few seconds!
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misshollander1 · 7 years
Request: Could you write something where the reader is popular and is friends with Liz and has a crush on Peter. But could it be like Spider Man 3 where he gets cocky and hits on the reader, and she doesn’t like this new Peter? I don’t know how you would end that but I thought it was a good idea.
“Come on Y/N! We’re going to be late!” Liz said, in front of me. I snapped out of my thoughts and turned to her.
“Liz Allen, you better calm down.” I teased. She made a face and held her arm out. I took it and we walked down the halls arm in arm.
“Why were you so distracted today?” she asked.
Honestly… I was admiring Peter Parker. His goggles kept slipping during the lab and it was cute how he would push them back up. Ned would flick little paper swabs at him and they would have to be shushed by Mrs. Lynon.
“I uh… Was thinking about the next test.” I said, blushing. She looked at me from the side, smirking.
“You sure?” she said in a sing songy voice. I nodded and we got to her car, driving to her house to get ready.
“It’s so cool how your sister is helping the DJ.” Liz said, holding up an earring to her ear.
“Yeah…"I said, smiling as I applied Moroccan oil to my damp hair. I hated that everytime in art, paint found its way to my hair.
“Do you miss them?” she asked, putting the earrings she had in her hand down. She meant my parents.
“I do but… I have my sister and that’s all that matters.” I said, grabbing her blow dryer.
They died two years ago, my mom was driving home from a business meeting and picked my dad up when a cat ran in front of them, making my mom swerve and hit a tree. My mom died instantly but my dad died in the hospital. He kept loosing a heartbeat and gaining it. I’m pretty sure from shock. My sister was leaving for her dream college in California but couldn’t because well… She was my only guardian who was near and we didn’t feel like it was necessary for me to move with her. She decided to stay and actually loves college here in Queens, despite what her friends say from California.
“I love how curly and soft your hair is Y/N. I want it.” Liz said, running her fingers through my hair.
“The secret is… Water.” I smiled. She swatted my arm and we changed into our clothes.
Liz wore a beautiful black top with a white skirt and cute little booties while I settled for a shoulder cut maroon shirt and some ripped skinny jeans. Paired off with some Converse.
“You’re so edgy. I love it.” Liz giggled. I rolled my eyes and we drove over to the party. As we entered the party, I was a bit nervous. Peter was here, in the corner with Ned, looking really good in his shirt. Ned wore the classic Ned, which was adorable. But Peter… looked different. It was…a good different I guess.
“Come on Y/N! Show off your moves!” Liz said, dancing with some of her friends. I went in and danced a little until everyone started to form a dance circle. I somehow got pushed in and I busted a few moves, getting a louder response from the other dances before me.
“You’re killing it Y/N!”
“Man! I didn’t know Mexicans could move so gracefully!”
“You’re a natural Y/N!”
I laughed as I made my way back to Liz, breathless.
“You were amazing! Better than all the girls dropping it low and acting all promiscuously for boys to notice.” Liz said, hugging me.
“Thanks… I guess aha. Hey, I’m going to get some air. Be back in a few minutes.” I said. She nodded and I went out the back way, finding myself a bench a few steps down.
“I didn’t know you could dance like that.” a voice said, startling me.
“Oh Peter! You gave me a fright.“I laughed.
“A fright?” he teased. I smiled and blushed. He came and sat next to me, a weird feeling radiating off of him.
“Do you want to get out of here? Go for a walk?” he asked. I swallowed and bit my lip.
“But what about Liz? And Ned?” I asked. He shrugged.
“You can text her. Come on Y/N. It’s just for a little bit.” he smirked.
There was something odd about Peter… Her wasn’t the Peter I knew yet I found myself agreeing, texting Liz and letting her know I was going for a walk.
We walked down the trail when he gripped my waist and we were flung up into the air. I gasped and closed my eyes, trying not to scream my lungs out.
“Put me down Peter!” I said, eyes still closed and my heart begging to come out of my chest. He chuckled and I felt the elevation change. My feet touched the ground and I opened my eyes, turning around and hitting Peter in the shoulder.
“What the hell Peter!?!” I yelled, backing up and crossing my arms. He just looked at me, up and down, biting his lip.
I felt uncomfortable and shifted my weight onto my left foot, propping my hip out to the side. He flung his hand out and something white shot out, sticking to my waist. I was flung towards him, our foreheads touching.
“I hope you think superheroes are attractive.” he whispered, leaning in for a kiss. I wrenched myself away and something flickered in his eyes.
“What the hell Y/N? What’s your deal?” he barked. I blinked.
What happened to my Peter?
“My deal? What’s your deal? Where’s Peter? MY Peter?” I said, crossing my arms. He smirked.
“I’m Spider-Man for Pete’s sake. Forget Peter. He’s a loser and babes like you deserve someone who can satisfy you.” he said winking.
I went over and slapped him against the cheek, hard. He hissed and clutched his cheek. His face started to contort in agony and I got scared. He shook his head and rubbed his cheek.
“Y/N? W-what happened. Where are we?” he said, his voice soft.
What the-
“Peter? Is it you?” I tested.
“Uh… Yeah. Who else?” he said.
“Who else? I don’t know Peter. One minute you’re sweet then you turn into.. A douchebag and then back to sweet? I just don’t understand. Oh! And you tell me you’re Spider-Man and basically kidnap me.“I huffed, taking a seat in the grass.
"I-I did? Oh no… It’s the suit. This…thing is controlling me. I had Mr. Stark try and fix it but I need the suit for emergencies and I-”
“What thing Peter.” I said. He sighed and sat next to me.
He explained everything, even when he got bit and how this ‘thing’ latched itself onto him when he was fighting in a science lab and he can’t get away from it.
“I’m really sorry Y/N. I messed up. Big time. I never meant for this ‘thing’ to control me and it basically ruined my chances with you.“ he blurted, covering his mouth as soon as it came out. I moved his hand and kissed his cheek.
"You didn’t ruin it Peter. The ‘thing’ did.“ I said smiling. He blushed and scratched the back of his neck.
"So… Would you mind going to lunch with me tomorrow?” he asked. I smiled and nodded.
“I would love to Peter.”
“Great.” he said, looking down at my lips. I smiled and we found each other leaning in. Right before our lips met, his phone rang. He looked down and nervously chuckled.
“Yes Mr. Stark? Yeah no, I’m not busy.” he said sarcastically. I smiled and watched his facial expressions.
“Really? Great, I’ll be there! Thanks so much Tony.” Peter exclaimed.
“What happened?” I asked.
“He found out what the thing was and how to get rid of it. Let me drop your off back at the party.” he said, extending his hand out. He swung us back and lowered me down softy.
“See you tomorrow.” he said, lowering himself down to meet my eyes, hovering a few inches off the ground by his web.
“You too.” I smiled. He leaned in and as our lips brushed one another, his phone rang again. He pulled back annoyed and I laughed.
“Yes May. I’m okay. Look, I need to use the restroom so I’ll call you back later. Love you.” he said hanging up.
“Where were we?” he asked. I grabbed his shirt and brought him and his lips closer down to mine, until they connected. We pulled back and he smiled.
“See you tomorrow.” he said, swinging away. I smiled.
“There you are Y/N! Come on, the music is getting better!” Liz said popping her head out. I nodded and looked up, taking in the moonlight. I smiled and went inside, happy that I kisses Peter Parker.
A.k.a Spider-Man.
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