#so don't judge me too harshly
firesmokeandashes · 8 months
So, I was bored and thinking about the KatsuZuku reunion panels and how they were looking at each other in chapter 403, and because my brain is constantly playing song association, have this L.O.V.E BkDk mini edit
Tagging @love-is-in-the-multiverse @zoopzopp @is-bakugou-alive-yet @adoubleneliese @a-had-matter & @emmab3mma
Because I think they might enjoy this, and I want to share what I made with others that I know! ^^
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muqingsleftnut · 2 years
I've never been part of a tag game before!
Thankyou comrade @theancientwonder for tagging me ╰(^ω^)╯♡
Rules: list 10 songs you really like, each by a different artist, and then tag 10 people to do the same
1. Cologne - Beabadoobee
3. Duvet - Bôa
4. Mother Tongue - Liana Flores
5. Everyone I've Never Met - Leith Ross
6. Silence of Travelling Alone - Jimmy Lo Fi
7. Right Side of My Neck - Faye Webster
8. Francis Forever - Mitski
9. FLOWER GIRL - Kinokoteikoku
10. NFWMB - Hozier
I don't have other mutuals besides @deepeststrawberrymoon whom you've already tagged so...Oof i guess
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barbieaiden · 1 year
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2. Aiden: [Deep breath]
3. Aiden: Fuck.
4. Sam: For future reference, please, please, use butter. You're ruining my pans.
Aiden: Ooooh. That's why it ended up like this.
Sam: How—How did you forget?
Aiden: I mean, you should be impressed I even made something semi-edible.
Sam: ...sure.
5. Aiden: You slept longer than usual.
Sam: A whole six hours.
Aiden: That must be a record.
6. Sam: You shouldn't have done this. I can make my own breakfast.
Aiden: Well, I wanted to do it for you.
Sam: Yes, but—
Aiden: Making breakfast isn't going to kill me, I promise. If the doctor people say it's fine, it probably is.
7. Sam: But if you're also going to work... I just don't think you should overexert yourself.
Aiden: Making half-assed breakfast was not that strenuous.
Sam: You're serving me "half-assed breakfast"?
8. Aiden: Well, I mean, the bread is really dry, the pancakes are rubbery, and the coffee is probably bitter, but it was made with love. Enjoy.
Sam: Shut up, Aiden. It's perfect.
Aiden: You're so cute when you lie straight to my face.
9. Sam: I mean it. The pancakes aren't nearly as rubbery as they look.
Aiden: So I'm pretty much a professional chef now.
Sam: I wouldn't go that far.
10. Aiden: Did you sleep well?
Sam: Sort of. Are you sure you're able to work?
Aiden: I feel fine, really. Worst case scenario I'll go to the ER and Jordan will take care of me.
Sam: Comforting.
11. Aiden: I feel fine. Really. I'd tell you if I weren't.
Sam: Would you?
Aiden: Yeah. For sure.
Sam: Mhm.
12. Aiden: Seriously, I feel so trapped, you know? I'm going to lose my mind if I don't get to actually do things again. Not that I mind hanging out with you 24/7, but I'd like to go outside too. Breathe real air.
Sam: I understand.
13. Sam: Are you leaving already?
Aiden: Sorry. I'll go grocery shopping on my way home, do you need anything?
Sam: Didn't I just tell you to not overexert yourself?
Aiden: You know what, just text me a list of everything you need.
Sam: Aiden...
Aiden: Have a good day I'll see you late love you byyyyyye.
Sam: I love you too.
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dangerousdan-dan · 1 year
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I can already tell this show is going to consume me body and soul
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koushuwu · 1 year
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Kakashi Hatake
*:・゚✧ for @peskyfirefly! happy belated birthday. ily you deserve everything <3
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ihave-toomanyfandoms · 6 months
So uh what if Etho and Bdubs' actually manage to be final two?
Etho was fraying at the edges. It was evident in the constant jittering of his hands, the churning of his stomach at the mere mention of food. There were days were he woke up so hyper aware of his surroundings that he wanted to pull himself apart, every sound echoing tenfold in his head, the cacophony drowning out every thought. It was suffocating, paralyzing and he could do nothing but to stay rooted to his spot on the edge of the bed, desperately trying to keep himself from unraveling completely. Bdubs usually kept his distance on these days and Etho was grateful for it. The thought of him hovering around him, or even worse, touching him in this state made his skin crawl.
There were other days, where he woke up but didn't feel like he did, a thick blanket of fog between him and the world. Etho had regarded these as his good days, even though he sometimes startled back into his body in strange places with no memory of how he'd gotten there. It was dangerous, of course, to be so disconnected from himself, from reality. Once he had found himself standing on Bdubs' side of the bed at night, hands hovering inches away from his throat. He had stopped thinking of these days as his good days after that and lived in silent, agonising fear that one day he would wake up to his hands around Bdubs' throat or a bloody knife in his hands.
It was on one of these days where he had snapped back to the sound of his own name ringing in his ears and a hand gripping the back of his jacket, choking him as he leaned precariously over the edge of a ravine. He had a moment to marvel at the swooping feeling of vertigo in his stomach before he was yanked back, nearly tumbling to the floor. Bdubs' hand was steady against his back.
"Woah there, watch your step." He said and pulled his hand away again. Etho turned around to face him.
"Bdubs." He rasped, his throat itching like he hadn't spoken in days. Judging by the way Bdubs' eyes lit up at the sound he probably hadn't.
"There you are." He whispered with a smile and reached up to cup Etho's face with his hands. "Thought I'd lost you there for a second."
It wasn't clear wether he was talking about the ravine or the static that was still threatening to suffocate him again.
"I'm still here." He muttered and let himself be pulled down into his arms.
That night, they spend two tense hours lying in silence, Etho feeling less like a human and more like a loose collection of strings, trying it's hardest not to shake apart, until Bdubs' finally gets up with a sigh and pulls him outside.
It's a moonless night, the star seemingly twice as bright in its absence and Etho is unsure if lying out here on the grass is better, his mind threatening to untether itself to float up into the endless sky above them. He clings to Bdubs' hand like a lifeline, the weight of the body next to him the only thing still grounding him in this world, in his own body.
"Etho." Bdubs' says into the quiet and Etho rolls onto his side to look at him. There's a quiet, exhausted smile on the other's lips as he carefully reaches out to smooth his hand over Etho's forehead. He nearly winces at the contact, his skin burning where Bdubs' fingers slide over it. He still leans into the contact.
"I'm sorry." Etho forces out around the lump in his throat. Red static dances at the edges of his vision. "I don't think I can hold on any longer."
"It's okay." Bdubs whispers and leans forward to press a burning kiss to his temple. Etho let's go of his hand in favour of cupping Bdubs' face. He stares at him, searching for a hint of resentment, of anger, of anything that would make this any easier but there is nothing but understanding and forgiveness there. Etho has never loved him more than in this moment and he hates himself for it
"Thank you for trying anyway." Bdubs says and splays his fingers against Etho's cheek, wiping away the tears in the corner of his eyes. "I know it was hard for you."
"I'm sorry." Etho repeats, because it's the only thing he can say right now, the only thing he has left to say.
"It's alright." Bdubs says as he grabs Etho's wrist and pulls them down, forcing Etho's hands to curl around his throat. Red floods his vision as his fingers dig into the tissue, nails breaking the sensitive skin.
"I told you I wanted you to win anyways."
Etho squeezes.
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Can't believe this book is 20 years old.
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hillbilly---man · 10 months
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When your roommate brings up the embarrassing things your boyfriend did when they were in class together back in high school
My 30-something post-canon Saiki characters from my fic Friendly Fire (these guys are in the last chapter)
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cosmic-kaden · 3 months
Me? Roleplaying (in a sense) as I sleep? Uh yeah.. I may or may not (I do) have a few ASMR "in space" videos, just a deep consistent rumble as if on a space ship and it's playing super relaxing low instrumental music that feels more like ambiance than anything else with visuals of a room and large window outlook the vast space and twinkling stars as we gently glide past them...
Yes, I close my eyes and imagine I'm with ben, in our shared room on a ship, cuddled up together as we let the days stresses melt away as we fall asleep intertwined in each others loving embrace, whispering soft good night's and I love yous..
Is it weird? Probably to others but to me it's very comforting and makes me feel closer to Ben 💜 it makes me happy.
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hairtusk · 11 months
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Why is starting drawings so easy but finishing them is so hard I have like 10 Villainous WIPs that are just sitting there on my desktop TAUNTING me and instead of finishing ANY of them I'm out here starting ANOTHER drawing WHEN DOES IT END
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homoeroticgrappling · 10 months
Haven't been able to stop thinking about the tag @piratewithvigor put on this post
Anyone remember the Grape twins from Strawberry Shortcake, Sweet and Sour?
Anyway I'm just gonna leave this here
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zackmartin · 8 months
alright i might be a little too obsessed with this thought
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ghostshadowmx · 11 months
Mmm not particularly proud of this but it's not like. Burn in a fire and never look at it again level bad. So I'll live.
Have some Theatre Kid Duo. I didn't write this with Shadowpeach or Spicynoodles in mind but you're certainly welcome to take it that way if you get more enjoyment out of it that way.
I would refine this more but it was kinda meant to be a rough draft anyway so. Have. Lemme know if I should throw this on Ao3 as well.
Inspired by @pumpkinspice202's prompt. I kinda detoured from it a bit (whoops) but meh. Hope it still works.
   Red Son sat down in his “secret lair” with a huff of annoyance.  “That – little –!”
   “Kid beat ya again?” Macaque’s voice startled Red Son out of his seat with a yelp.
   “What the – what are you –?” Red Son cut himself off with a growl of annoyance and sat back down, resting his elbow on his desk and his chin in his hand.  “Unfortunately.”
   Red Son felt the uneasy prickle up his spine of Macaque’s eyes on him as he glared ahead.  The silence stretched out an uneasily long time, feeling physical enough Red Son felt like he could grab it and crush it in his hands.  Fire caught on the edges of his hair, emitting a small warmth that did not match the burning annoyance threatening to burst from his chest.
   Finally, Macaque broke the silence.  “Y’know, usually you’re not so glum after losing a fight.” Macaque rested his arm on Red Son’s shoulder, completely ignoring the glare Red Son sent his way.  “What happened?”
   Now, usually, Red Son was above dumping his issues on a stranger.  Usually, when the flames burst, they burst out in waves of bright hot fire in place of his hair, and irritated insults he could barely push past the thickness of anger in his throat.
   But this time, he couldn’t sputter out an insult or relatively empty threats, because his annoyance was from the Noodle Boy, and the Noodle Boy wasn’t there.
   “It’s so dumb!” Red Son snapped as he slammed his fists down on the table with a small thump and the click clacks of a couple plastic bottles vibrating against each other.  “He’s just so –“ Red Son hesitated as his fingers curled, struggling for words.  “S-stupid!”
   “Stupid, huh?” Macaque asked with a grin. 
   “You’re enjoying this too much.” Red Son muttered flatly as more annoyance bubbled in his chest.  “Yes, stupid!” He clenched his jaw and groaned softly.  “He runs right into danger, and he still wins!  Does he even know what impulse control is?”
   Macaque laughed softly.  “Sounds like someone I used to know.” He sighed and shook his head.  “Thought everything would be fine, as long as we were together.”
   “But he doesn’t understand that it’s not fine!” Red Son groaned.  “These things take planning, and time!”
   “But he thought he didn’t need to, because –“
   “’I’m the Monkie Kid!’, ugh!” Red Son growled.  “I hate his endless optimism.” He grumbled as he shoved his face into his hands.   “It’s going to get him killed.”
   “I hated how carefree he was.  I knew it would get us in trouble.”
   “I hate how he kids around mid-fight.  Like he’s never taking these things seriously.”
   “I hated how light he always kept things.  Like he never cared about danger.”
   “I hate how he’s always ready to run into fire to help his friends.  He never thinks about the danger!”
   “I hated how far he would go to protect the ones he cared about.”
   “I hate how he refuses to give up on anyone even if they’re beyond gone.”
   “I hated how stubborn he was.  How he’d never give up, no matter who he was against.”
   “I hate how he lights up the room just by being there.”
   “I hated how he always knew how to lift us up.”
   “I hate his stupid laugh.”
   “Dumb smile.”
   “The way he jumps around when he’s figured something out.”
   “The flip he does when the first firework goes off.”
   “The doodles he does.”
   “The paintings he did on the walls.”
   “His grin when I agree to hang out.”
   “How he lights up when I handed him the last peach.”
   “How his face softens when he’s really relaxed.”
   “The warmth in a genuine smile.”
   Red Son smiled.  The burning annoyance in his chest melted away to a softer warmth.  A warmth that came with seeing the Noodle Boy’s eyes glow when Red Son stayed a little longer.  A warmth that came with watched Noodle Boy hum contently as he doodled his family.  A warmth that came with seeing the soft smile, the joyful smile, the determined grin, every angle of every little type of real smile MK gave.
   And Red Son couldn’t help but find even the parts that annoyed him a bit endearing, too.
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heavywoolcoat · 2 years
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pmdlg · 8 months
I have successfully uploaded my first fic. On fanfiction . Net it is not the main story (although I might change it from 'comic' to text form) it's instead a story from the pov of the sinkers when they formed their team.
Hopefully that link works
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