#so anyway Thomas is 16 and with that kind of hangs in the middle
pathsofoak · 2 years
I think I'm going to explicitly mention Thomas's age The Early Rise. There is a scene where Janson shows him his file, there is no reason why that wouldn't be in it, his mother willingly gave him up, they would have gotten those documents somewhere. Since Thomas basically turns away from WCKD on the basis that he's a child in the Night Winds, I think it would make sense.
Random hc's in the tags they're just a thought dump
#his old name is also in there but it's redacted#like also the fact that the redacted line is a name is unclear but to the reader it is#a nice little easter egg#the age I'm going for is 16 in the Early Rise#which kind of fits with what Chuck guesses him to be#only it's much later in the story so it's implied that Thomas was around 15 when he entered the maze#doesn't really add up visually in the movies I guess but this deep into the fic I don't think it matters much#I was working off head canons for the ages with everyone else anyway#and then I figured out Brenda is actually one of the oldest in the books while I wrote her younger#I'm keeping Newt as the clearly older one#he'd be the only one who passes 18 I guess tho I won't make a point of it at all#I guess time has just stood still in the by then 10 months since the Maze and no one aged a day#so anyway Thomas is 16 and with that kind of hangs in the middle#Minho Teresa and Newt are all older in my mind#Frypan is either the same age or older#Gally is younger because I know he's implied to be in the books and also I think the idea#is kinda funny if you consider how many times Gally has called and will call Thomas a Greenie#Chuck is still 12 he'll be 13 by the end of the fic#Brenda I'm keeping around Thomas's age I think#like between him and Gally#so the order would be#Chuck Gally Brenda Thomas Frypan Teresa Minho Newt#or Minho and Teresa are switched idk but in years they're the same age#Newt is 19 max in this one by the end#I'm keeping them younger on purpose because that's kind of the point when it comes to showing WCKD's cruelty and also#it makes the way Jorge and Vince (& Justin) take care of them hit a little harder#and otherwise to show it I'd constantly have to push it all in Chuck's POV since he's the most obvious *kid* of the bunch#and I'm already hurting him enough *guilty look*
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mamourland · 3 years
10+4+2 for miggy 🥰
High School AU / Meet Messy / “fuck. fuck fuck fuck fuck this shit. fuck.”
Rating: T (for the cursing) 
“Hey Jules! Wait up!”
Juliet recognized that voice and turned around to let her best friend Tani catch up to her in the hallway as she was about to head out after finishing her homework in the library.
“Do you mind giving me a ride home?” The dark-haired girl asked her once she stopped next to her.
“Not at all,” Juliet answered, and in reality she didn’t, but she was apprehensive of her friend’s reaction.
They walked for five minutes past the parking lot where most students parked to go to school until Tani voiced her concern.
“Uh, Jules, why are so parked so far away from the entrance?”
They arrived near the football field and as soon as Juliet pressed the button of her key fob, illuminating a red, shiny Ferrari, Tani got her answer.
“Girl! Are you fucking kidding me? You got a Ferrari??? No wonder you’re parked so far away. Those morons with their Hyundai would scratch the paint of this baby in no time.”
Juliet rolled her eyes.
“That’s not why I’m parking all the way near the football field; I just don’t want people to know I’m driving this.”
“Why? I would so brag about it if I were you.”
They climbed in the car and Tani marveled at the leather seats and the wonderful smell.
“My father bought it for me just to make himself feel better for missing my birthday and Christmas and basically all special moments with me for the past year since he sent me to Hawaii. I just use it because I don't have another way to get around the island but in reality I don’t care for it. ”
Her friend turned towards her and Juliet hated that she could see pity in the dark-haired girl’s eyes.
“He never came to visit you since you’ve been here?”
Juliet shook her head and then shrugged.
“It’s ok I guess, I mean I live in the most wonderful place on earth and I have this great car, even if I only got my American driving license a week ago.”
Tani laughed out loud and Juliet was glad they managed to escape the sour mood that had settled before.
“Well, show me what this baby got under the hood!”
“Well, that’s what boys say when they talk about cars anyway,” Tani confessed.
The girls laughed and Juliet turned on the engine, making the car purr like a really big cat, before engaging reverse gear. She quickly checked behind the vehicle before pressing the gas pedal gently, putting the car into motion but it didn’t have time to move more than a few feet backwards before it hit something. Juliet hit the brake pedal immediately.
“What was that?” She asked Tani.
“No idea, but maybe we should check it out.”
They climbed out of the car and when they arrived at the end of the Ferrari, Juliet’s stomach dropped to her feet.
“Oh my God! You killed the quarterback!” Tani screeched and her words made Juliet become as white as a sheet.
Lying on the ground behind her car was Thomas Magnum, the football team quarterback. He was so popular that even library rat Juliet knew who he was and she had killed him with her fucking race car.
“Fuck! fuck fuck fuck fuck this shit! fuck!”
She wasn’t one to curse usually but she had just hit someone with her car so she couldn’t care less about good manners and social etiquette.
She kneeled next to the 16 year-old boy prone body and didn’t see any noticeable injury but was still worried since he was unconscious. She doubted she had actually killed him since she was merely backing away from her parking space but checked his pulse just to make sure. Once she was reassured he was still alive she turned towards Tani who was still freaking out.
“Tani, calm down, he’s alive. Go get the school nurse while I call 911,” she ordered her friend who didn’t waste any more time before running towards their school.
Juliet fished her phone out of her pocket to dial the emergency number. When she finished telling the officer on the phone the details of the accident and where they were exactly she hung up, just at the moment Thomas slowly regained consciousness.
Juliet was thrilled he managed to wake up.
“Was I hit by a Ferrari 488 Spider?” He muttered while trying to look around.
“Don’t move your head, you could be injured. The paramedics are on their way,” she explained to him.
He zeroed in on her, apparently noticing her for the first time, which made Juliet blush. She already knew he was handsome - that was part of why he was so popular in the first place - but his perusal suddenly made her uncomfortable. Boys like him never noticed girls like her.
“Did you hit me with a sports car?” He asked her and Juliet wasn’t sure why but he seemed amused.
Who, in the bloody hell, was amused after being hit by a car?
“Do you think this is funny?” She asked him in a high-pitched voice, unable to contain her frustration at seeing him laugh about what could have been a tragedy.
“Oh I don’t think being hit by a car is funny,” he winced as he brought a hand to the back of his head, probably where it hurt. “But the thought of you driving this car is hilarious.”
He was making fun of her. She hit Thomas Magnum with her car and, if it wasn’t traumatic enough, he was now laughing at her. He tried to sit up but the paramedics told her on the phone that he shouldn’t move until they got here so she grabbed his shoulders and kept him down.
“Don’t move, you might have internal injuries.”
“I feel fine, well other than a nasty bump to my head when I hit the ground,” he told her and she felt reassured by his words but it didn’t mean she was going to let him get up as if nothing had happened.
She sat indian style next to him and suddenly felt self-conscious when the skin of her leg brushed against the skin of his forearm.
“You are Juliet Higgins, right?”
Juliet was taken aback by the fact that popular quarterback Thomas Magnum even looked at her, let alone knew her name.
“Yes, how do you know that?”
“You’re always hanging out with Tani and everyone knows who Tani is,” he answered.
He was right; Tani became fast friends with her but she was the kind of person who cared and talked to everyone and was popular just for that quality.
“Besides, you’re a foreign student so everyone knows who you are,” he continued.
She was about to retort that it didn’t make her popular since no one actually talked to her except for Tani when she heard the sirens of the ambulance coming closer to them.
She reluctantly got up to move away from the paramedics’ way while they examined Thomas and wondered why the loss of his warmth against her leg left her feeling hollow. She had never felt anything like it before and it was quite unsettling.
The medical personnel transferred him on a gurney and talked about bringing him to the hospital to take some tests to check his head injury. She saw the brief instant of panic written all over his face and felt bad for putting him through all of this.
She didn’t know what came to her but suddenly she heard herself speak.
« Can I ride with him? I’m his girlfriend. »
She tried to ignore Magnum’s smirk as she did her best to keep a straight face so the paramedics wouldn’t find out about her lie.
« Aren’t you the one responsible for his injuries? » A middle-aged woman asked her skeptically.
She blushed, flustered by the whole ordeal.
« It was an accident, » she stated.
« Well, come along, we will need some informations for the statement anyway, » the woman sighed as she rolled the gurney, with Thomas lying on it, inside the ambulance.
Once they were driving to the hospital, Thomas looked at her with a smile that unnerved her.
« What? » She snapped at him.
« As my girlfriend, I think you should hold my hand, » he teased her, still mindful of the paramedic riding with them.
« Don’t push it, » she told him.
He pouted and she did not find it adorable. After a few minutes of his puppy dog eyes trained on her, she finally relented and held his hand, which earned her a sincere smile that certainly did not bring butterflies to her stomach.
« Come on, Higgy, don’t pretend you don’t enjoy it. »
She huffed to show him she didn't like the use of this new nickname and also to pretend that she wasn't affected by him. 
She had a feeling Thomas Magnum would be trouble. But what a handsome trouble he would be.
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shadowhuntertrash · 3 years
High Notes
Chapter One
Characters belong to Cassandra Clare
Thomas almost screamed when his alarm went off. Yesterday had been one of his best friends, Matthew Fairchild’s, twenty first birthday. It would be stupid to say it was Matthew’s first drink but they went out and celebrated his ability to legally drink anyway. Thomas almost never drank but since his cousin Christopher was still underage and his sister Anna was there he knew one of them would be able to drive them home.
   He was currently cussing his drunk self out in every language he could for not turning his stupid alarm off. He slammed his hand on his alarm and was greeted by the sound of someone puking in the bathroom and Matthew cursing the gods before turning his cursing to Thomas. Thomas could hear Christopher laughing in his room.
   He and his three best friends shared a four room apartment together. It was a simple apartment with a living room and a kitchenette in the middle and two hallways off the sides. Down one hallway was a door to a bathroom with two doors on either side. One of which belonged to Matthew Fairchild and the other to James Herondale’s. You would find the same if you went down the other hall, but instead of Matthew and James’ room you would find Christopher and Thomas’.
   “Thomas Lightwood I might kill you if the thought of opening my eyes didn’t make me want to throw up!” Matthew yelled from his side of the room. The pounding in his head worsened and he just groaned back in response. “God dammit Math stop screaming.” He could hear James’ voice coming from the bathroom and realized that it must have been James throwing up. He heard shuffling from their side of the house and then Matthew’s now considerably quieter voice talking to James. “I’m sorry Jamie are you okay?” 
   Thomas sighed and let Matthew worry about his boyfriend. James and Matthew had been best friends since 6th grade and they had been dating for about 5 months now. Everyone had thrown a party when they had finally got together. Everyone knew it was coming but the idiots were too oblivious to believe the other liked them. 
   Thomas got up and walked to the kitchen where he found his cousin, Christopher. Kit smiled at him and put a glass of water and some pain meds in his hand. Thomas smiled appreciatively at his cousin. “God I knew there was a reason we kept you around Kit.” Christopher laughed and Thomas greedily threw the medicine back and swallowed it with a gulp of water.
   Thomas thanked him and walked back to his room. The house stayed quiet for about four hours until someone started banging on the door which set off another round of groans. The four hours of quiet they got helped everyone’s hang over but the insistence banging was not doing wonders for their heads. 
   Christopher laughed again looking unfairly chipper. Thomas walked into the living room as Christopher opened the door to see Lucie Herondale, James’ sister, and Cordelia Carstairs, Lucie’s best friend. They barged in with wide smiles on their faces. “Thomas!” Lucie said cheerily before running up to him and throwing her arms around him. Thomas let out a surprised ‘oof!’ before hugging her tightly back. 
   Thomas had two older sisters but they had never been close. He was very close to his parents but his sisters had always kept to himself. His parents were very close with his friends' parents. His father, Gideon, and Christopher’s father, Gabriel, were brothers. Christpher’s mother was James and Lucie’s aunt. Christopher and his older sister, Anna, were James, Lucie, and Thomas’ cousin. Lucie and James’ parents, Will and Tessa, were best friends with Jem Carstairs who was Cordelia and Alastair’s, Cordelia’s older brother, cousin. Jem had taken Cordelia and Alastair in when they’re mother died. They’re father had left when Cordelia was born. It was all a bit confusing but Thomas considered them all family. Well almost all of them.
    Alastair was a different story. Thomas had been in love with Alastair since he was 15, now here he was 6 years later still simping over the boy he would never be able to have. He didn’t mind though. His mother had taught him that it didn’t matter who he loved as long as they deserved it. Alastair was not a very kind person but Thomas was one of the only ones who ever saw past that, through his rough exterior to the kind person he was on the inside.
   Just because Thomas could see Alastair didn’t make them friends though. They were acquaintances of course since his sister figure was in a band with Cordelia. They were all musically inclined.
   Lucie and Cordelia both sang and played guitar. They had started a band with just the two of them when they were 16 around the same time Thomas, Matthew, James, and Christopher started theirs. The girls had named their band The Beautiful Cordelia as a joke but it quickly caught on. The four boys created their band which they named The Merry Thieves after Lucie’s nickname for them as children. Matthew had an amazing voice and occasionally played the piano, James was an amazing drummer, Thomas played guitar and he wrote their songs, Christopher played the bass guitar for them.
   Cordelia’s older brother, Alastair, was a solo artist who wrote his own songs and performed them. Thomas had never heard a voice as great as his. It was raspy whereas Matthew’s was smooth. Alastair had so much more emotion than Thomas could even dream of singing with.
   Thomas was brought back to the present when Lucie pulled back and laid a hand on his forehead. “Darling are you feeling okay?” Lucie gave just about everyone a nickname and for some reason instead of Tom or something of the like she simply called him Darling. At first everyone was shocked because they thought that meant that him and Lucie were dating but they quickly squashed those rumors.
   Thomas grumbles in response to her question. She raises one eyebrow and Thomas feels a jolt of jealousy go through him. He’d never been able to do that. “He’s fine, just hung over. They had lots of fun last night.” Christopher said, smirking, Thomas glared at him. He lifted his eyes to look at Cordelia. She was in a pretty white sundress with flowers on it. She had open toed sandals on and her toenails were freshly painted. Thomas flashes her a smile that she returns quickly.
   “Hello Cordelia.” She rolls her eyes. Thomas was the only one who called her by her full name and most people were under the impression it was meant to be teasing but honestly Thomas just found her name beautiful and incredibly underused. “Hello Thomas. If you don’t mind would you get the other boys? We have some news!” I nod and turn to go get them. 
   They were in Matthew’s room now. The door was slightly ajar and from Thomas’ vantage point he could see James was sitting criss cross at the head of Matthew’s bed, he still looked slightly sick but he was smiling down at Matthew who had laid haphazardly down on the bed with his head in James’ lap. His eyes were closed but he had a smile on his face. I knock on the door not wanting to barge in.
   James turned to look at him and Matthew opened his eyes. “Lucie and Cordelia would like to tell us something.” James nods and Matthew stretches before climbing off the bed. He turns and reaches a hand out to help James up. James grabs it and interlocks their fingers. Thomas sighed quietly. He wanted that, more so than he would ever willingly admit.
   The boys walk into the living room, Thomas a few steps in front of James and Matthew. James goes to hug his sister and Matthew hugs Cordelia. Matthew and Cordelia were rather close because she had let him rant about James to her when he was pining. “What brings you to our beautiful home ladies?” Matthew said enthusiastically, Thomas had a strong suspicion that Matthew wasn’t even hung over. He had a very high tolerance for drinks. 
   Cordelia and Lucie shared a bright smile. “Well,” Lucie started her smile getting bigger as she talked. “As you know all of our music has been taking off.” They all nod acknowledging the statement. It was true their music was getting big. It was even being played on the radio. They had each released an album. 
   Lucie smiled at Cordelia again and Cordelia took over talking. “So we’ve been talking with our manager and we were wondering if you guys wanted to go on tour with us?” There was a collective gasp and it was silent for a second before everyone started talking over one another. “You’re kidding! This is a joke!” Matthew. “Yes! Yes yes yes! YES!” James. “For how long?” Christopher.
   The girls laugh. “I can guarantee you this is not a joke. It would be for five months. And it would be split evenly between the three of us.” There was a round of cheers and Thomas watched as Matthew shot up and tackled Lucie and Cordelia where they were on the couch. “Oh my god you are my favorite people on earth!” Cordelia giggled and James smacked him on the back of the head. 
   Matthew pulled away pouting at James and rubbing his head. “After you of course Jamie.” James rolled his eyes and pulled his sister and Cordelia in a hug as well, granted much gentler than Matthew had. “Thank you so much.” He said quietly the girls gave him a soft look and hugged him back.
   The girls got up and started walking to the door. “I would start getting ready if I was you. We leave in a week.” Lucie said with a wink Matthew paled and put a hand to his forehead dramatically. “Lucie! You can’t spring this on me and only give me a week to get everything together!” Lucie laughed. “Calm down Matthew! You just have to pick comfy clothes and the costume people will pick our concert attire.” Matthew nods seemingly relaxing at the thought. 
   The girls were almost to the door when a thought occurred to Thomas. “Girls?” They turn to look at him waiting for him to continue. “You said it was split evenly between three? Who else is going with us?” Lucie and Cordelia seemed to have a silent conversation before reaching a conclusion. Cordelia was the one to answer. “My brother.”
   Thomas stared at them blankly. Cordelia’s brother. Alastair. Thomas groaned internally. He was so screwed. 
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babysizedfics · 4 years
Oo can we know about Roman's middlespace? I think it was 6 on the list??
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Roman has a middlespace! for thise who dont know middlespace is another aspect of age dreaming and age regression - but in a more teen headspace! littlespace is 0-12 years, middlespace is 13+ years!
it's much less tapped into than his littlespace, and it's kind of hard to tell if it's just big roman since he almost acts exactly the same. But his middlespace is mostly defined by nostalgia!
so if theres a day when roman wants to watch old disney channel movies and listen to noughties music and play pokemon on his old nintendo DS then thats usually him indulging his middlespace.
honestly this headspace might be slightly involuntary! he doesnt really control when he wants to do these things, he just wakes up in this mood some days. but he is still self aware and understands he isn't a teen but he sure feels like one
again theres no defined age range for roman, he doesnt like fussing over it so the family dont dwell on it. but if you had to you could probably pinpoint his behaviour as typical of 13-16 years old. still though they dont focus on that part
one interesting feature of romans middlespace is he actually has more motivation to write!! when big he tends to gravitate more towards art for a hobby - his job as thomas' creative side includes scriptwriting so its hard for him to let go of that perfectionism and write just for fun. but when he's in middlespace he lets go of that a bit and writes!! he tends to go for fanfiction fix it stuff but also original work that tends to be fantasy worlds!
in terms of his relationship with everyone when he feels like this:
he loves patton a lot but he gets a little bit annoyed with his dad when he's in his middlespace. patton's instinct is to treat everyone like a kiddo and if he hears someone is little he likes to baby them. generally the childish treatement doesnt bother roman when he's big and he loves it when hes little, but when he feels like a teen its embarrassing and frustrating. this is probably the easiest way you can tell if roman is in middlespace - he will be a bit moody with his dad
middle roman is cheeky and is very very likely to play pranks on his mom. i cant think of any though :((
actually yes i can. inspired by my sister pranking our mum: he buys a life size cardboard cutout of danny devito and keeps hiding it around the house where he knows logan will find it. eg. in his closet - roman heard a muffled 'AAAAH! Roman!!' through his bedroom door before running downstairs cackling - and in the bathroom before he knows logan is going to jump in the shower - that time he only heard a gasp and then a deep deep sigh 'that damn kid'
but the time he is most proud of is when he knew they were running out of ice in the refridgerator and purposefully used it all then later asked his mom to get him some, knowing logan would have to go down to the basement for more. roman heard the stairs creak beneath logans feet as he went down. then while logan was down there roman quickly set danny devito up just around the corner of the stairs in a dark spot.
he heard logan come up from the basement and then there was a VERY loud scream 'aaAHH!!' and the ice got dropped all over the floor and roman started howling with laughter. it stopped when he heard logans heavy footsteps coming towards him 'LITTLE PRINCE YOURE IN BIG TROUBLE!' (dont worry he wasnt that much. he just got tickled)
if virgil is big roman likes to hang out with him if he is in middlespace! this is actually a way for them to bond, virgil feels less intimidated by him (he's not much anyway but a little bit still) and can be more open about his interests since roman constantly goes on about these nostalgic things. they tend to spend most of their time together if roman feels like a teen because they bond over nostalgic stuff like music and games and movies and they actually end up in giggle fits!! me and my sister used to get these, when you fall down a rabbit hole of high school musical and bratz dolls and scoobies and you just laugh at everything and everything is so exciting and you end up losing your voices from laughing so much
also virgil tends to write as a hobby and never shows anyone, but roman likes to show him his writing he does while in middlespace!! and virgil feels comforted seeing how roman is so carefree about it. romans writing isnt perfect and theres spelling mistakes and plot holes but middle roman doesnt care and that gives virgil confidence in his own writing! i dont know if i want virgil to share his writing with anyone - i think it might be cool for virgils writing to be literally just for him. so much of his life is exposed to his family because of his regression - he doesnt even bathe on his own most of the time - so having a private hobby is sweet. but roman's attitude to his own writing still makes virgil feel better abt his own -- and if virgil was ever to share his writing it would be with middlespace roman!
if vee is regressed though it goes a very different way
middle roman is halfway between protective babysitter and teasing big brother. so yes he still loves his baby brother to pieces and will look after him if he regresses around him, but he loves to trick baby vee for a bit of a laugh (only harmless stuff, like the cookie monster bit he pulled a while ago!)
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notalwaysthevillian · 4 years
Shattering Stereotypes
Warnings: Food mention, swearing, innuendo
Pairings: Romantic Moxiety, Remile, and Logince
Word Count: ~1.5k
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Read from the beginning
Chapter 16
The rest of the morning seemed to go by in a blur. Logan couldn’t help but hear the gossip as it swirled around him, quickly making its way through the school.
When the bell rang for lunch, Logan’s stomach dropped.
The moment he entered the cafeteria, his arm was grabbed. He let out a yelp as he was dragged straight to his table, pushed down into the seat with a firm hand.
“I heard a rumor.” Remy said as he slid over top of the table to look Logan in the eyes. “Care to explain?”
Flushing bright red, Logan rubbed the back of his neck. “...Roman and I are dating now.”
“Fucking FINALLY!” Despite his excitement, Remy was able to keep his voice somewhat low, something Logan was grateful for. “First of all, you should’ve told me immediately. But whatever, that time has passed. How did it happen? I heard you kissed, is he a good kisser?”
“Is who a good kisser and why do you care?”
Emile sat down next to Remy, a look of extreme jealousy in his eyes. Remy’s expression turned soft in two seconds flat. “I’m curious, babe. It doesn’t matter anyway, you’re the only one I ever want to kiss again.”
“Who are we talking about?”
“Roman. He and Logan hooked up.”
“We did not ‘hook up’.” Logan interjected, face burning even more. “We got together. There’s a big difference between those two phrases -”
“Aww, you’re finally together?” Emile cooed, his jealousy gone. This was proven by the fact that he snuggled closer to Remy, who’d tentatively wrapped an arm around the smaller boy. “It’s about time.”
Remy coughed, and Logan realized he was still waiting for answers. “He um...well we were doing our project for English. Ours had a bit of everything, drama, fantasy, romance. During the romance bit he leaned really close and I kind of ranoutoftheclassroom.”
There was a smacking sound as Remy face palmed. But he didn’t interrupt, and neither did Emile, so Logan continued.
“He chased me down and found me under the stairs. Turns out, when I was sick, he’d grabbed the folder I’d slipped my poem into. The one I was gonna ask him to homecoming with.”
Emile gasped. “Oh my gosh!”
“Yeah, it wasn’t how I wanted him to find out.” Logan could feel his face returning to a bit of a more normal temperature, though it was still a bit warm due to his embarrassment. “But he told me he reciprocated the feelings. And then he kissed me. And then Mx. Stokes found us and told us to come back to class.”
“Ooooh, busted by a teacher.”
Emile rolled his eyes. “We’ve been busted plenty of times.”
“We’ve also gotten away with it plenty of times.” He kissed Emile just to make a point, smirking when none of the lunch monitors saw them. While Emile was reeling from the kiss, Remy turned back to Logan. “So? The kiss?”
“It was perfect.” Logan admitted, sliding out of his seat so he could go buy some lunch. “Not really what I’d pictured, but the spark was there regardless.”
There was more squealing by Emile, which continued when Logan came back and started gushing about Roman.
“He was just radiating heat and I felt so safe.”
Before either of the others could respond, the bell rang, signalling that lunch was over. They said their goodbyes before heading out their separate ways.
When study hall rolled around, Virgil didn’t say a single word. All he did was raise an eyebrow, and Logan found himself relaying the entire story once more.
“That’s pretty adorable, not going to lie.” Virgil said when Logan was done. “Definitely a great story to tell at your wedding.”
Logan, who’d taken a drink of water, practically spit it all over the table. “Virgil!”
“I’m just saying.” He said in a singsong voice. “There’s three ways it ends. Breaking up, just staying boyfriends, or getting married. And if there’s anything I’ve learned about Roman since we started hanging out, it’s that he’s a hopeless romantic.”
Rolling his eyes, Logan wiped some excess water from his mouth. “Well, we’ll see when we get there I suppose. No use in planning that far ahead.”
The two of them spent the rest of the period talking about how cute their boyfriends were. Virgil was in the middle of talking about how Patton had saved a kitten off the street, despite his allergies, when the bell rang.
“TGIF, am I right?”
“Virgil, it’s Thursday.”
There was a thunk as Virgil let his head drop onto the table in front of him. “Fuck me.”
“I’m sure Patton wouldn’t mind.” Logan commented, unable to resist such a perfect setup.
His desired effect happened in an instant. Virgil’s face turned bright red and he started gaping like a fish. “You - no fair!”
“You got your teasing in, I’m just getting my daily dose.”
With a wave, Logan headed off to his locker. He laughed to himself as he heard Virgil sputtering behind him.
As he was swapping out his books and grabbing what he needed for homework, Roman appeared, leaning against the locker next to him. “So, do I still get to come over every day?”
Logan’s eyes flew wide. Roman started to backtrack, but Logan shook his head. “No, I’m not - it’s fine, I just...my dads don’t know.”
“They definitely suspected something.” Roman’s eyes swept over Logan’s face. “If you’re not comfortable with it today, that’s fine. I get that.”
“I want you to come over.” Logan’s heart was beating quickly in his chest. He knew his dads were going to make a bigger deal out of this than they needed to, particularly Preston. “It’ll make it easier to tell them honestly.”
Roman nodded. He waited for Logan to finish grabbing his books, a mischievous look in his eyes. Once Logan was done, he grabbed his hand, lacing their fingers together. “Is this okay?”
A blush bloomed on Logan’s cheeks as he noticed a bunch of other students staring at them. For a moment, he was tempted to pull away. Before he realized that he didn’t care what they thought. He had his friends, he had Roman, and that was what really mattered.
The two of them walked out of school hand in hand, heading to Logan’s house.
“Oh, by the way,” Roman started as they crossed a street. “I texted my mom at lunch. She’s really happy for us, but she said that you need to come over for dinner again sometime and bring your dads.”
“That seems fair.”
As they walked, they talked about the rest of their day. Apparently Remy had a similar conversation with Roman in their Chem class, which resulted in the gossip nearly starting a fire.
Logan was laughing as he walked in the door, which immediately alerted his dads that he was home.
“How did it go today?” Thomas asked as he walked out of the kitchen, Preston hot on his heels.
They seemed to notice the boys joined hands at the same moment. Thomas gave them a soft smile, but Preston had a different approach.
Thomas poked his husband in the side. “Leave them alone, Pres.”
“I’ve had to endure the pining for months.”
Ignoring them as they started play-fighting, Logan called out, “We’ll be in my room!”
They headed up the stairs, Logan dragging Roman inside immediately. “Sorry about them, I knew they were going to be embarrassing -”
“Lo, it’s fine.” Roman insisted, stepping closer. He reached out and wrapped an arm around Logan’s waist, pulling the shorter boy to him. “My parents will be the same way.”
Letting his brain short-circuit due to their close proximity, Logan leaned forward, connecting their lips together for the second time that day.
It was just as dizzying as the first time. Logan cursed the human body’s inability to hold in oxygen as he pulled back to breathe.
He snapped out of his fog in seconds when he realized his bedroom door was closed.
“Lo? You okay?” Roman stepped back, turning Logan’s brain function back on.
“Yeah, I - can we keep the door open?” He felt awful the second the question was out of his mouth. “I’m sorry, I just -”
“Hey, you don’t have to be sorry.” Letting go of Logan’s waist, Roman pulled the door open, going so far as to block it with a stopper. “This is your first relationship, right? My mom always says communication is key, so don’t ever feel sorry or stupid for asking about something.”
The tension slid out of Logan’s body with those words. He nodded, before grabbing his laptop. “So, Netflix without chill?”
Roman laughed and nodded. They got settled on Logan’s bed, Logan curling up into his side immediately.
It wasn’t long before Roman was hearing soft snores. He glanced down, seeing his boyfriend completely passed out.
Sliding his phone out, Roman pressed his lips to Logan’s cheek, snapping a quick picture and setting it as his new background.
When Thomas came up to get them an hour later, he found both boys curled up together, fast asleep.
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burningivy · 3 years
Thank you!!!!😀😀😀
This is going to get long but I’m going to explain character backgrounds for my sci-fi fantasy wip (so like 6 different characters with varying levels of backstory) which is why I’m putting a cut
So the story is about Thomas, Anastasia (Ana/Angie), and Kell (L) at the beginning but Margo (Gogo/O) and Shaw (Cameron/Cam) show up and Olivia (Ollie/Via/V) is really important
The story takes place in a sort of cyberpunk dystopia (kind of) and the world is the way it is because of bombs falling and destroying a lot. Most people either died in the bombings or if they survived they joined a gang. If they had enough money they “sucked up” aka they transferred their brains into the vr world. Other people can still access said world but they can’t live in it.
So Thomas and Ollie are siblings and he was 6 and she was 11 when the bombs fell. They’re mom died/never came home so Ollie took them out to the bunker in their backyard and she ended up raising Thomas for 5 years. At that point she was 16 and kind of sick of constantly being around her brother and the fact that she completely lost her childhood to trying to raise him. So they get into a fight and she leaves (he’s 11 now). She’s been gone for a day at most when she starts to feel bad about abandoning him so she turns back but he’s gone (she did actually look but he was gone). So Ollie turned back and headed to the nearest city to try and find a job/access to the vr world.
Thomas ends up joining a gang that takes him in which is how he meets my favorite character Shaw.
Cameron Shaw time! He’s trans (which has nothing to do with the story but he’s my favorite so transgender be upon ye) and he’s a witch. There are a whole bunch of different kinds of witches and most are either trained by family members or sent to a witch school. Cameron’s parents chose the latter which is where he met Margo Valentine and they became Cam and Gogo (for a bit at least). Cam is a shadow witch (think dr. facilier from the princess and the frog but not evil) so his shadow is semi-alive and can talk to him and interact with real objects and Cam can also travel short distances through shadows. When the bombs fell Cam and Gogo were 14 and he remembers nothing (his shadow protected him but it also caused him to black out from too much magic use) and when he came to Gogo was gone so he joined a gang.
Anyway Thomas joins the gang and Shaw decides to take him under his wing. This marks the second time Thomas let himself get close to someone (the first being Ollie). Eventually Shaw needs to get out of the gang because he’s close to being exposed as a witch (no one really likes witches) (also Thomas is old enough to care for himself at this point) so he fakes his death leaving only his coat for Thomas which of course Thomas clings onto.
Back to Ollie. She’s around 19 when The Organization (I don’t have a name for them yet but their like a detective/spy agency in both the real and virtual worlds) starts so joins doing whatever she can (she’s got her whole “a job’s a job” thing). A couple years later they roll out their Codename program (which is where the spy/detective part comes from) and Via signs up. She gets partnered up with Kell and they work as detectives in the vr world (Codename_V and Codename_L).
Kell was from a much better off family than everyone else in the story. They were 10 when the bombs fell but their parents (and pretty much everyone else who was wealthy who didn’t suck up) ignored the damage and instead focused on the technology (holoscreens and weird futuristic fashion and modification chips and the like). Eventually they got sick of this and when they were 18 Kell ran away from home and joined The Organization. They joined the Codenames and eventually end up dating Via.
Another member of the Codenames is Margo Valentine aka Codename_O. She’s a portal witch, meaning she can open portals to send things and people through (there’s a lot witches can do with their magic but they all have one main power). After the bombs fell she lost Cam and decided to strike out on her own (she’s still pissed and him because she thinks he abandoned her). She works what jobs she can and eventually joins The Organization and then becomes a Codename doing more spy work in both worlds. She’s also one of the highest ranking Codenames.
Back to Thomas. Eventually he leaves the gang and ends up working at The Organization (he’s not a Codename and just does odd jobs here and there). Codename_O takes a liking to him (says she reminds him of someone she used to know and will often stare sadly at the jacket he’s always wearing). He also meets Codename_J aka Jason/Jay. The two become really good friends and it’s the first time Thomas has had a friend the same age as him. Anyway Thomas is hanging out with Jay in an area mostly reserved for the Codenames (it’s fine because he’s with them) when he sees Codename_V.
Ollie and Thomas eventually make up and become close again (it takes a lot because of how much they’ve been through) and things are good. Thomas has his best friend and his sister (and also O) and Ollie has her brother and her partner. Things are great. And then Thomas ends up going on a Codename mission with Jay because their usual partner is gone. Things are going smoothly until they’re not. Jason ends up dead and Thomas ends up feeling really guilty and starts pushing everyone away. Eventually Via ends up also dying on a mission which is the last straw that makes Kell and Thomas quit and go their separate ways (they never got along very well to begin with).
Thomas ends up moving into a small cottage just outside of a town where he takes to doing small jobs. This is how he meets Angie.
Anastasia Garcia is a witch who was raised by her grandmother. She was partially trained but there’s a lot she doesn’t know about being a witch (like how to control her magic or what kind of witch she is). She was 7 when the bombs fell and her grandmother kept ut secret from her. They lived in the middle of a forest so Ana was never really around people growing up. When her grandmother died she moved into town and everyone thought she was weird. Eventually she met Thomas who was hesitant to let her in but she was persistent and they became friends. Two years later Thomas gets a call from Kell and decides to take Angie to go to see them which is where their part of the story starts.
Kell stayed in the city and tried to get in with life using the money they saved up from The Organization. Via and they had a fund they were planning on using when they retired. They’re not doing so hot when two years since they left they get a letter from Via. This freaks them out because Via is dead. They call Thomas and that’s basically where the story starts.
Sorry this got so long I went overboard but thanks for the ask!!!😀😀😀
(And bonus points to anyone who actually read all this)
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the-trans-otter33 · 4 years
Sanders Sides The Martian AU
Note: I used canon information from the original The Martian characters so jobs, education levels, and other facts could be accurate to the story. It will remain this way just for the sake of accuracy. All original character info can be found on The Martian Wikia and all credit is due to Author Andy Weir, creator of The Martian
Introduction Post
Commander: Thomas Sanders
Doctor: Patton McManus
Pilot: [Major] Roman Cone
Computer Specialist: Logan Locke
Navigator: [Dr.] Remus Cone
Botanist: [Dr.] Virgil AsheFord
EVA Specialist: D. Dain Dechard
Character Info.
April 24th, 1993, 42, Thomas Sanders- Thomas was the first to be chosen for the Ares III mission. He graduated with honors from the US Naval Academy with a Doctorate in oceanography. After the navy, he entered into CalTech's Division of Geological and Planetary Sciences before joining NASA and taking trips to the SpaceX Station. He takes a lot of time to speak at public gatherings and conferences, encouraging others to achieve their dreams as he did and living life to the fullest. Thomas has dedicated his recent months as Commander to making sure his team bonds and remains safe, oftentimes treating them like family or adopted sons. Thomas is NASA’s first openly gay commander and is proud of it and his 22 year long marriage with his husband, Daniel.
Appearance: Thomas Sanders is 5' 10" with a healthy body. He is not lean nor pudgy, being in a somewhat perfect balance in-between. Sanders wears a classic brown undercut with no ability to grow facial hair, much like Patton. His eye color is brown and he enjoys staying in old and new uniforms more than regular clothing.
January 15th, 2001, 34, Patton McManus- The youngest member of the 7 person crew on Ares III, Patton McManus is not someone to be trifled with, especially when it comes to his intelligence. Due to his young age, he finds himself underestimated a lot of the time, and not listened to. It was no surprise to him and his parents though when he got accepted into the Yale School of Medicine, receiving the Norma Bailey Berniker Prize, and his extensive training in Aerospace Medicine as a Captain in the United States Air Force Reserves. He joined NASA in 2029, increasing his training with a Masters Degree in Biomedical Science and was the second person chosen for the Ares III mission. Kind, caring, and generally just a sweetheart, Patton hopes to lighten all spirits on the mission and hopes to bond closely with everyone on board. Dr. McManus hopes that one day his 4-year-old son [from a past relationship] will follow his views on the world and grow up to help people just as his father does.
Appearance: Patton McManus is a soft healthy, 6' teddy bear. Dr. McManus is ginger, his hair always messy with untamed short curls. Freckles spot his face around his nose and under his eyes. He's a bit pudgy around the middle, having close to a dad bod [even though he has no kids]. He cannot grow any facial hair and wears round glasses with thick light blue frames, matching the color of his eyes. Patton tends to wear light-colored polo's and khaki's if he can but jeans work out just fine too. He is also almost always seen with a grey jacket tied around his waist or his neck resting on his shoulders.
June 4th, 1995, 40, Roman Cone- Roman was the third person to join the Ares III Crew, immediately getting along with Commander Sanders and Dr. McManus. Before joining the crew, Roman spent eleven years in the United States Air Force. Originally trained as a fighter pilot, Major Cone worked his way up to the USAF Test Pilot School. Continuing to keep up high marks and great performance he quickly gained respect from his peers and commanders. From a young age, he knew he was destined for NASA so he gained a bachelor of science in astronautical engineering at USAF Academy. At NASA he also became an MDV/MAV Specialist. Witty and outgoing, Roman enjoys taking up all the attention in the room, often doing dramatics to do so.
Appearance: Roman Cone is a sight to see, standing at 5' 9". He is more on the muscular side, though nothing near Dain's level of muscle mass. Major Cone is dirty blond, sporting a magnificent pompadour, never seen without it perfectly done, he has long sideburns that transition from blond to brown the more he grows them out. Roman tries not to let them grow into mutton chops but sometimes finds them there anyway. Surprisingly Roman enjoys sweatpants and baggy shirts more than anything fancy or dramatic. Roman's eyes are light green.
November 3rd, 1998, 36, Logan Locke- Logan graduated at the young age of 16, winning in NASA's largest hackathon a year later. Afterward, Logan moved onto MIT for dual undergraduate degrees in math and computer science. While starting graduate school, Mr. Locke started a private software company in the hopes of becoming a software engineer and CEO. Though his plans changed suddenly when he came into contact with a SpaceX executive who was impressed by his work. His decision to join NASA was later founded when she helped develop software that would later become an integral part of the Hermes operating system. With that knowledge of the Hermes, he wiggled his way into the Ares III crew, being the fourth one to join as the System operator and Reactor Technician. Logan found himself seemingly alone among the crew due to his introverted lifestyle along with his inability to "take a joke" [said by Roman after joke about MIT]. His emotionally repressive behavior got especially worse when Remus joined a few days after, mocking Logan for his OCD. These habits and behaviors seemed to only start getting better after meeting Ares III Botanist Virgil AsheFord, who shared some of these traits. Locke never includes his thoughts though when anyone bring up parents or family back home, no one knows why.
Appearance: Logan Locke is a lanky 5' 8" nerd. Wearing rectangle-shaped glasses with white half frames. Logan has thin cheekbones with a thick chin strap beard connected with a black goatee. His hair is slicked back but not as tightly nor as long as Dain's and without curls in the back. Logan's eyes are dark blue shade, often matching his professional outfits. Mr. Locke often wears button-down shirts or polos with a blue or black tie running below his belly button. he usually tucks his shirts into his pants, which are almost always jeans held up with an always new looking leather belt. he also wears what Roman calls "old man shoes" though he is quite proud of their permanent shininess. Logan actively chooses to not work out, instead, he just makes sure to eat as healthily as he can.
June 5th, 1995, 40, Remus Cone- Remus was the fifth person to be chosen for Ares III. Remus was invited to join the crew through NASA and the European Space Agency after being located in Germany for several years. Holding two master's degrees in chemistry and astrophysics. Remus has also earned a doctorate in chemistry from spending six months on Antarctica. Remus has published dozens of papers in international journals to pass time. Dr. Cone felt the need to assert himself with the family name after his brother Roman upstaged him constantly in college. Remus is fluent in French and German, often using those languages to swear when visiting his brother in the USA. Remus has a knack for being a trouble-maker around almost everyone he meets, making messes mostly on accident due to his childish clumsy nature. Dr. Cone is only found being serious when there's work to be done, the dedication to his job is one of the only things bonding him with the rest of the Ares III crew.
Appearance: Remus us a 5' 10" pure blond man. he is often found wearing unmatched clothing that some would call ugly af [but he likes it that way]. Sporting a low hanging man bun, his hair just might be the most yellow thing at NASA HQ and on the Hermes, but it's completely natural! To go along with his man bun, Remus has a majestically neat handlebar mustache. Remus resembles his older twin brother Roman a lot with his light blue eyes and wide chin. Baring a bigger nose than Roman though. He also cannot grow any other facial hair. Remus isn't as muscled as Roman, being a bit round in the middle but tries his hardest to remain interested in working out. Nowadays his interest is kept by working out with his gym buddy, Dain.
December 19th, 1999, 34, Virgil Asheford- Virgil had spent eleven months already working at NASA when he was chosen for Ares III. Originally attending the University of Chicago, Doctor AsheFord moved to Northwestern University to earn his Ph.D. in Plant Biology and Conservation with an emphasis on hydropedalogy and environmental engineering. When joining NASA, his work focused on hydrologic flow paths and sustainable water resources management within Earth's Critical Zone. Virgil spent the next two years in the peace Corps engineering sustainable agriculture and water irrigation systems for developing nations. Afterward, Virgil applied to the NASA Astronaut Candidate Program and was ultimately selected. Throughout his life Virgil has had a constant battle with his depression and anxiety, growing more introverted over time. His interest in Botany helped him through the battle he has fought so hard to win. Despite over complicating many different thoughts, solutions, and ideas, Virgil often finds the outcome satisfying and without flaw. Emotional repression from before and after his little sister's death made him hesitant to accept his part in Ares III until he met Computer Specialist Logan Locke, who also dealt with emotional repression. The two instantly bonded due to being different from the rest of the team as well as their inexplicable ability to fall into intensely deep existential crises.
Appearance: Virgil is a 5' 6" pale, thin man. He is healthily thin despite eating a lot [his fast metabolism runs in the family]. Virgil's hair was dyed crow-black before being selected for Ares III but is naturally brown in a Faux hawk style. Virgil usually has short stubble lining the bottom half of his face, never letting it grow longer than 1-2.5 millimeters long. Virgil regularly applies eye shadow around his eyes, earning him the nickname Plant Raccoon from Remus. AsheFord can always be seen wearing dark if-not-black clothing, unless in his NASA jumpsuit or his Ares III Mars EVA suit [he hates that it's mainly white and orange]. Virgil also wears many different types of boots, specifically requesting some from NASA for the Ares III trip to Mars. he takes extra time to make sure they are neat, clean, and shiny each morning, something he now does with Logan.
[Deceit] February 3rd, 1996, 39, D. [Dain] Dechard- The last member to join the Ares III crew, yet welcomed with open arms. Dechard often says little white lies to the crew and others around him to rile them up when he's bored and wants some action. He has a severe disliking towards his first name, so he tells people to call him Dain. The crew is always theorizing what his real name is. Dain was first brought into NASA by his father, a Rocket Engineer, and was immediately interesting in becoming an EVA Specialist so he could travel into space for Ares III. Before specializing in EVA, Dain had been a NASA Mathematician with an associate's degree, bachelor's degree, master's degree, and Ph.D. in Mathematics. From the age of 18 to 34, Dain was in College constantly to earn these degrees and never gained any friends because of it. Dain promised before leaving for the Ares III, that he’d keep in contact with his 9-year-old niece.
Appearance: Dain is a 6' 4" lean [ripped] gym rat. He's got slicked back ink-black hair with lines of grey coming in at his temples due to years of work and school. The back of his head is riddled with curls coming from the ends of strands. Sporting a lighter coal-black Van Dyke goatee [and quite proud of it too] he also has scars riddled across the side of his face from chin to forehead. More scars can be found throughout his body in an inconsistent pattern but suspiciously only on the right side of him. Dain's eyes are dark green and he tends to wear joggers and shorts along with skin-tight shirts. While his gym buddy has an ugly sense of fashion, Dain has no fashion sense whatsoever.
Not-the-boys cast:
The administrator of NASA: Teddy [Theodore] Sanders [No relation to Commander Thomas Sanders]
Director of NASA Media Relations: Annie Montrose
Director of NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory: Bruce Ng
Head of Mars Operations: Venkat Kapoor
Flight Director for Ares III: Mitch Henderson
NASA Analyst/Satellite Coverage: Mindy Park
Physicist: Rich Purnell
Feel free to request to be on the tag list and send asks about something you’re curious about within the story! Your asks will strive to be the main drive for the story!
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f4liveblogarchives · 4 years
Fantastic Four Vol. 1 Annual 1976
Special thanks to @maxwellelvis for taking most of this one off my hands!
Mon Aug 12 2019 [09:46 PM] maxwellelvis: Okay. This is that Event I told you about. [09:46 PM] Wack'd: You tell me about a lot of Events [09:48 PM] Wack'd: Man it's weird that the Fantastic Four have a Danger Room [09:48 PM] Aleph Null: yes but you can't fuck this one [09:48 PM] Wack'd: If this were the 80s and 90s when suddenly the X-Men were the next big thing and people were bending over backwards to make the Fantastic Four fit that mold, sure [09:48 PM] Wack'd: Here in the 70s it's just weird [09:49 PM] Wack'd: God this is such a mom joke
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[09:50 PM] Wack'd: A running gag that's gone unacknowledged as of late is Ben interrupting Reed before he can finish his technobabble
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[09:51 PM] Wack'd: It's always hard to know spur of the moment what's worth pointing out and what isn't, until suddenly you realize that a pattern has been continuing for like six issues and you haven't said anything [09:51 PM] Umbramatic: rip [09:52 PM] Wack'd: Reed didn't you build a robot to fix things for this express purpose?
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[09:52 PM] Wack'd: You did, way back in #119! [09:53 PM] Wack'd: Roy Thomas remembers 1962 better than he remembers his own damn issues
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[09:54 PM] Wack'd: "Wait a minute! You guys are Nazis!"
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[09:55 PM] Umbramatic: KILL THE NAZIS KILL THE NAZIS [09:55 PM] maxwellelvis: *Venture Bros music* [09:56 PM] Wack'd: I don't think you are going to be embarrassed. Not because these guys are Nazis but because beating up Nazi cosplayers is still a good thing to do
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[09:57 PM] Wack'd:
Sue: Why are these men still fighting World War II more than three decades after it ended? Johnny: You might as well ask the Late Late Show the same thing, Sue.
[09:57 PM] Wack'd: Johnny confirmed for a big fan of Irish television [09:58 PM] Umbramatic: pffft [09:59 PM] maxwellelvis: I've got my 2-in-1 TPB with me so I can read this along with you. [09:59 PM] Wack'd: AND NOW THE RESOLUTION OF A PLOTHOLE THAT HAS BEEN BOTHERING PEOPLE FOR YEARS [10:00 PM] Wack'd: Yes, Doom did take his time machine back. Reed just copied the blueprints first and then made a new one [10:00 PM] Wack'd: Problem solved [10:00 PM] Umbramatic: oh my [10:01 PM] Wack'd: Anyway, Reed is started to learn that the Nazis came from 1946 London. Willing to bet this is something to do with the vibranium that fell in there [10:01 PM] maxwellelvis: You skipped over the part where, when Reed and Sue first start puzzling out how the heck these guys got here, the next page shows Ben just WAILING on one of the troops and yelling at him for making his friends all upset. [10:02 PM] Wack'd: I skip over a lot of things if they insufficiently amuse me or aren't relevant to any particular narrative [10:02 PM] maxwellelvis: "Now see whatcha gone an' done, Otto? You got my ol' buddy here upset an' I ain't even hit ya yet." [10:02 PM] maxwellelvis: I know, but I just found that amusing. [10:04 PM] Wack'd: So the Watcher shows up but is doing his damndest not to interfere after having been put on trial over in Captain Marvel [10:05 PM] Wack'd: *siiiiiigh* Okay, guess we're doin' this
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[10:05 PM] Wack'd: I hate "what if the Nazis won" stories that don't account for the historical reality that these guys were kind of dipshits [10:05 PM] Wack'd: I hate them so much [10:05 PM] Wack'd: THEY DIDN'T EVEN WANT TO CONQUER THE UNITED STATES [10:06 PM] maxwellelvis: Yeah, but these are comic book Nazis, remember that. [10:06 PM] Aleph Null: not now max [10:06 PM] maxwellelvis: Shutting up [10:07 PM] Umbramatic: oh great the one way you could make Cleveland worse [10:07 PM] Wack'd: Thomas knows juuuuuuust enough history to irritate me
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[10:07 PM] Aleph Null: LMAO [10:07 PM] Larena: People like to pretend the Nazis were these tactical geniuses but they really fucking weren't [10:09 PM] Wack'd: Seriously Thomas knows the Lee/Kirby lore better than he knows his own
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[10:09 PM] Umbramatic: heck [10:09 PM] Wack'd: Also, all the long-range missiles in the world aren't going to change their lack of tactical proficiency, or Ally advantages, or the fact that the ground war was going poorly... [10:10 PM] Wack'd: Whatever, the longer I complain about this the longer this issue lasts [10:10 PM] Wack'd: Watcher, satisfied Reed has cracked this, vanishes, and the Four head off into the past [10:12 PM] maxwellelvis: Smack-dab in the middle of a strategy planning session being overseen by THE INVADERS in London HQ. They're planning a raid of Castle Wolfenstein--sorry, Castle Cherbelle. [10:12 PM] Umbramatic: lel [10:13 PM] Wack'd: Hey Max? I know you're enjoying having the issue on hand but if I have to wait for you to say things it's gonna drag this out and, as mentioned, I'm not super into this one [10:13 PM] maxwellelvis: Sorry [10:13 PM] Wack'd: Anyway yeah, what he said
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[10:14 PM] Wack'd: ...actually...do you wanna do this issue for me? And I'll just put relevant images where needed [10:14 PM] maxwellelvis: Sure. [10:14 PM] Wack'd: Thanks! [10:14 PM] maxwellelvis: So the inevitable fight happens. [10:14 PM] maxwellelvis: Some things of note: [10:14 PM] maxwellelvis: Namor is a hotheaded dick no matter what decade it is [10:14 PM] Wack'd:
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[10:15 PM] maxwellelvis: Powerless or no, I feel like Namor calling Ben a Nazi would result in him being ripped limb from limb [10:15 PM] Wack'd: Hint that Ben is Jewish #354
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[10:15 PM] maxwellelvis: Johnny is rather awestruck to see the Original Human Torch and Toro, and just barely manages to parry their last volley of fireballs [10:16 PM] maxwellelvis: Bucky is useless as always [10:16 PM] maxwellelvis: and Cap almost immediately realizes that the smart thing to do is to break up this little ballroom blitz. [10:16 PM] Wack'd: THE WINTER SOLDIER EVERYONE
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[10:17 PM] maxwellelvis: Reed does the same, dousing the Torches and getting everyone to cool off. [10:18 PM] maxwellelvis: So the FF explain who, what, where, when, and why, a French Resistance liaison confirms that something rotten is up in Castle Cherelle, especially that the operation there is being overseen by one Baron Heinrich Zemo. [10:19 PM] Wack'd: ...was this really their catchphrase
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[10:19 PM] maxwellelvis: Probably? [10:19 PM] Wack'd: Hehehehe [10:19 PM] Wack'd: What dorks [10:19 PM] maxwellelvis: I've not read much Invaders, but it seems like they're trying to channel the spirit of the All-Winners Squadron [10:20 PM] Wack'd: Every comic book website ever uses it as a headline when there's Invaders news [10:21 PM] maxwellelvis: So, they make it as far as France in one of Namor's airships, but are ambushed by Stukas. Toro is even more hotheaded than Johnny and wants to go out and flash-fry them, but Hammond tells him to stand down, they can't afford to give away their position to Zemo before they even reach the castle. [10:21 PM] Wack'd: This is even dorky or when you consider that the Invaders are an invention of the mid-century war comics scene [10:21 PM] Wack'd: And not a team that ever actually existed in the 40s [10:21 PM] maxwellelvis: Well, the All-Winners Squadron I think was a thing, not sure if they ever all teamed up though. It might have been before the JSA. [10:22 PM] Wack'd: Oh! Yep [10:22 PM] Umbramatic: oh huh [10:22 PM] Wack'd: Line-up did have Cap, Bucky, Namor, Toro, and Human Torch back in the 40s [10:23 PM] maxwellelvis: Just before the reach the castle, we get a shot of the Watcher's face in the clouds, indicating that yeah, they're on the right path. Bucky gets creeped out by it. Ben just feels even more nervous now. [10:23 PM] Wack'd: The name "Invaders" is a flagrant retcon though, as is the absence of Whizzer, Miss America, Blond Phantom, and Angel [10:23 PM] maxwellelvis: Miss America is elsewhere now. More on that later. [10:24 PM] maxwellelvis: Anyways, they land mostly undetected, have time for a character bit or two, and split up to cover more ground [10:24 PM] Wack'd: Well hang on! [10:24 PM] Wack'd: Don't gloss over character bits! Love character bits! [10:24 PM] maxwellelvis: Ahh [10:25 PM] Wack'd: Oh this is just exposition [10:25 PM] Wack'd: Moving on [10:25 PM] maxwellelvis: Reed realizes that while they're here, he and Ben are also just now signing up and gets goosebumps, which is rare for him. [10:25 PM] maxwellelvis: Namor professes his hatred of stealth tactics, showing yet again why he will be a Good King [10:26 PM] Wack'd: (So long as I'm tracking when the sliding timescale kicks in, the fact that Reed and Ben are still WWII vets is probably worth noting) [10:26 PM] maxwellelvis: Speaking of which, Reed also gets weirded out at teaming up with a younger Namor and scolds himself for playing Jealous Husband [10:26 PM] Wack'd: And Sue is apparently still a bit hot under the collar [10:27 PM] Wack'd: viagra joke
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[10:27 PM] maxwellelvis: I can't blame her here. Dude just refuses to age. How DARE he be so good looking for so many decades? [10:27 PM] Wack'd: The Face of Beauty
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[10:28 PM] maxwellelvis: The Torches all team up and it's... interesting at least in black and white to see how the pencils and inks try to make three guys with the same power all look distinct. [10:28 PM] Aleph Null: sue was a star trek fan and really liked spock [10:28 PM] Aleph Null: that's what i'm going with [10:28 PM] Wack'd: Historically what happens here [10:28 PM] maxwellelvis: How does it look in color, Wack'd? [10:29 PM] Wack'd: Is that Johnny is stuck with the all-red-with-stripes look, while Jim looks like actual flames are coming off him--in accordance with how he was drawn in the 40s [10:30 PM] maxwellelvis: And Toro has that look even moreso, at least here. [10:30 PM] Wack'd: I'm going to be completely honest, in this issue, I can't tell any of the three apart [10:30 PM] maxwellelvis: So Namor and the Richards' bust up a weapons plant. [10:30 PM] Wack'd: It's all down to dialogue quirks [10:31 PM] maxwellelvis: He floods the place in his temper. [10:31 PM] maxwellelvis: Skipping over that because the NEXT part is fun. [10:31 PM] maxwellelvis: We get to revisit the events that lead up to Cap getting frozen and Bucky's "death" [10:32 PM] maxwellelvis: Johnny's turn to get the willies as he realizes who these two guys are and what's going to happen to them, things he can't try to prevent or risk more damage to spacetime [10:34 PM] maxwellelvis: So they bust up central ops, then Cap has a confrontation with Zemo. The shield shatters the tank full of Adhesive X, trapping Zemo in his hood for the rest of his days, though in this retelling, Cap actually tries to help Zemo, who refuses and says that not only can nothing get it off him, but he'd rather die than surrender, or better yet, he'll just kill Cap. [10:35 PM] maxwellelvis: Zemo escapes down a tunnel and though Johnny CAN keep up with him, he simultaneously CAN'T because he has no way of knowing if the escape tunnel is booby-trapped and so he loses Zemo in his hesitation. [10:35 PM] maxwellelvis: Meanwhile, Ben and the other Torches take out the V2 bay. [10:36 PM] Wack'd: Yeah they're really going all in on the 60s look for all the Torches here [10:36 PM] maxwellelvis: One of the missiles gets fired, with Ben on it. Jim and Toro can't keep up, but Ben manages to sabotage the missile in midair and steer it back to the castle and pull a Slim Pickens. [10:37 PM] Wack'd: Just a little scruff of hair on the top to tell them apart
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[10:37 PM] maxwellelvis: Which is weird because you wouldn't suspect that from just the lineart [10:37 PM] maxwellelvis: which is what I have. [10:37 PM] Wack'd:
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[10:38 PM] maxwellelvis: "I thought I died an' went ta Heaven, but then how come I'm lookin' at YOUR ugly kisser, Stretcho?" They managed to get out in time and save Ben from scattering himself all over France. [10:39 PM] maxwellelvis: And assuming that no Vibranium survived the explosion, all is well that ends well. [10:39 PM] maxwellelvis: Well... [10:39 PM] Umbramatic: something something dr strangelove [10:39 PM] maxwellelvis: except Uatu is still in the Baxter Building [10:39 PM] Wack'd:
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[10:40 PM] maxwellelvis: Ben realizes that, if the Watcher is still here, that means, that not all of the Vibranium was in the castle. Uatu says nothing, but subtly smiles, leading us in to Marvel Two-In-One Annual One [10:41 PM] Bocaj: Dammit Uatu [10:41 PM] Bocaj: And also the Watchers [10:41 PM] Bocaj: Just your presence is interfering [11:01 PM] maxwellelvis: Okay so, on to part 2 of this story: [11:01 PM] maxwellelvis: MARVEL TWO-IN-ONE ANNUAL #1 [11:03 PM] maxwellelvis: I'll just get the highlights out of the way. [11:04 PM] maxwellelvis: Whizzer. U-Man. Giant flying swastika. There's a guy called The Thin Man. Whizzer. The original Patriot. Ben throws himself off a flag pole. Roy Thomas shamelessly inserts himself into the story. Whizzer. [11:05 PM] maxwellelvis: Also there's a superhero called Blue Diamond. For some reason I thought that's funny in 2019.
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highwiredazeken · 3 years
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Interview by Ken Morton - Photo by  Allen Ross Thomas 
Royal Hunt has returned with their 15th studio masterwork entitled Dystopia, and it’s guaranteed to intrigue progressive power metal fans all over the planet. From the imagination of founding member André Andersen and featuring the mesmerizing lead vocals of long time collaborator D.C. Cooper, Dystopia’s rock opera style presentation also contains guest performances from the likes of Mark Boals (Yngwie Malmsteem, Ring Of Fire) and Mats Leven (Candlemass, Therion).  Highwire Daze recently interviewed André Andersen to discuss the world of Dystopia, working with former Royal Hunt vocalist Mark Boals on the new album, opening for the legendary Uriah Heep right before the beginning of the pandemic, a solo album he did for Frontiers Music Srl with Paul Laine (Danger Danger) and David Readman (Pink Cream 69), and others topics from a vast and epic career.  Read on…
Is there any overall story or concept behind the new studio album Dystopia? The album name is inspired by a Ray Bradbury famous novel Fahrenheit 451. So, I was looking for a name for it, and in every article, I would dig up, they would describe it as a Dystopia – the world-famous novel. So, I just settled on Dystopia.
Mats Leven of Candlemass, Therion, and Treat appear on the single The Art Of Dying. How did he become involved with that song and the album? I knew Mats for a bunch of years and when I was thinking about creating this kind of dialog in the song – a duet if you wish – I was looking for a specific kind of voice which was different from D.C.’s our original singer. Mats was just right there, so I just gave him a call and we worked a little bit on the song – and it turned out great!
Mark Boals is also on this new album in a guest appearance. What has it been like to work with Mark again? It was fun! It was fun, because we made like two albums together, so I knew exactly what he likes – what kind of melodies and stuff like that. So, it was very easy working with him again. I just gave him a call and we talked a little bit – I explained to him that every singer will have a specific character in the story – and he got involved right away – he was into it. And it was pretty painless – it was pretty quick – we just exchanged some files here and there because for obvious reasons we couldn’t do it in Copenhagen, Denmark. So yeah, we exchanged files a couple of times and did some little corrections and adjustments – and that was it basically.
When you look back on those albums you did with Mark Boals as the lead vocalist, what do you think of them now in retrospect? Excellent albums – especially the second one – because Mark is very well known for his high-pitched voice – I mean working with Yngwie Malmsteen and Ring Of Fire – so on purpose we shifted every single song down almost like half an octave to put him down a little bit – and realized he has excellent low range – very colorful – and we really exploited it on that particular album. So that’s my favorite of him.
What do you think has made you and D.C. Cooper work so well together on many of these Royal Hunt albums, including the new one Dystopia? That’s hard to tell. I don’t know. We started way back in the 90’s on the first run. Yeah, we just clicked – maybe we think the same with this kind of music – it’s hard to tell. And on a social level as well – we’re getting along really, really well. So that probably some of the main reasons.
You have two members of Narnia in your band. One current – Andreas “Habo” Johansson (drums) and one former – Andreas Passmark (bass). How did they become involved and are you a fan of Narnia? To be completely honest, I have never heard of them back in the day. Andreas the bass player – I think he joined in 2009 – a great player and a great guy. And then I kind of realized that he was playing in Narnia and this and that, so I had heard them for the first time. He’s been in the band for a few years. So, by the time Allan Sorensen our original drummer left, I started talking about drummers and Andreas suggested Habo – they were playing in Narnia together which was a great thing – because both of them living in Stockholm and they know each other – and it’s pretty important for a rhythm section. So, I said, “Let’s try it” and it worked out. Great guy!
Has Royal Hunt ever played here in the States? Way back! We went and played there – I guess it was ’95 or ’96 or something like that. It was way back. We played support for a lot of bands. It was a weird time in the States – very weird. I think we played like 45-50 shows – in small clubs of course. And that was basically it. And since then, the only place we went back to twice is the Prog Power Festival in Atlanta. The last time I think was in 2015-16 or something like that. A great festival – a lot of great bands and nice people. We also played in I think 2010 with Mark Boals and the second time I believe was 2015 with D.C.
What has it been like to write and release new music in the middle of a pandemic and so much social unrest in the world? We were actually a bit lucky in that respect because when we started writing and working on the album, it was actually before the pandemic started. We actually had a new plan, so I feel a little bit sorry for some of the bands I know – they were kind of planning tours and stuff like that, so it was chaos literally. But we started working on the album at the time, so when the pandemic hit, it didn’t change our plans that much. Of course, some things became a little more complicated, because you can’t travel and stuff like that. Generally, it didn’t affect us that much I’ll say.
And with the worldwide Internet you could do just about anything. You don’t even have to ever meet your band members… Yeah, well we prefer to work in the studio all together – and we were actually fortunate enough to do most of the work even before the pandemic hit. But of course, some overdubs and the special guest singers has been done on Internet. Of course, we’re supposed to be on tour now – we were planning to tour in October / November 2020 but of course it never happened. We knew about that in March and April that it was not going to happen, so we didn’t suffer as much as so many other bands.
I haven’t seen a live show since March (2020). Live concerts, what are those? Everything’s dead! It’s unbelievable.
What was the last live show that you saw? Actually, it was the last show that I played. It was last year (2019), we played in October I believe – we played support for Uriah Heep here in Copenhagen.
What was Uriah Heep like? Did you get to hang out with them at all? They’re wonderful live! Of course, yes – very nice guys. Very nice guys! I met them before. But it was fun – it was one of those bands that I listened to when I started out in the 70’s. It was unbelievable. I saw them a few times – such a jolly bunch!
Definitely a jolly bunch. Phil Lanzon their keyboard player has released two amazing solo albums. Let’s talk about your solo work now. When you look back on that Andersen / Laine / Readman album you did entitled III, what do you think of it now in retrospect? Oh, I didn’t listen to it at all – I’d rather do my own albums. It was a fun project. It was very strange in the beginning because the idea was completely different when it started. I’d been in touch with Frontiers Records and they suggested I write a few songs for the at the time unknown and unnamed project. So, I did a few songs and then all of a sudden, they said “Okay, we’ll have different singers on it.” So, I said “Okay, whatever.” For some reason, like a month later they called me back and said, “Can you write the rest of the songs as well?” That was something completely different – not what I expected, so I ended up writing ten songs – and they actually came up with those two singers – Paul Laine and David Readman. So, it was a strange project but somehow it worked, and it came out fine.
It just seemed so unusual to have André Andersen from Royal Hunt working on an album with Paul Laine from Danger Danger – but it works like you said… It was a strange combination, but it was one of those ideas that Frontiers has. They kind of became famous for doing these kind of projects – they have a few musicians – brought them together and see what’s gonna happen – and the album comes out. This particular one was probably one of these.
Do you have any other solo albums or projects on the horizon? Not on the horizon – not at the moment because this Dystopia thing – it’s only the first part. Actually, it’s called Dystopia Part 1 – so I’ll continue working on Part 2 with different guest singers. So, it’s basically what I’m doing right now – because we can’t tour, so I might as well write. And we’re planning to release it – if everything goes well – in winter of next year (2021). And hopefully by that time we’ll be able to tour. So, let’s see what’s going to happen.
Do you have any messages for Royal Hunt fans here in the States? I know we haven’t played in the States that much and not everybody was able to see us in Atlanta at those Prog Power Festivals – and by the way I hope we’ll play that Festival again. But anyway, we have a new album out – and it’s a very interesting one with different singers – it’s kind of like a rock opera in a way. So, give it a listen – give it a chance. I’m pretty sure you’ll like it.
That would be pretty amazing if you performed the entire album live with all of the guest vocalists… Actually, that was the original idea. And that’s why it was very sad when October November didn’t happen, because we had already talked to Mark Boals and Mats Leven about participating – and we couldn’t at all. But now we have another person who is able to do Part 2 by next year (2021) when we start touring. So now we’ll have the entire concert built on those two albums (Dystopia Part 1 & 2) with all the singers. And that will be excellent.
(Interview by Ken Morton)
Follow the band on Social Media: https://royalhunt.com/ https://www.instagram.com/royalhuntmusic/ https://www.facebook.com/royalhunt https://www.twitter.com/royalhuntband
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jayykesley · 7 years
can I ask for all of the oc questions for both of my sons
absolutely you can;
1. what do they look like?
Derick’s about 5’9, with slightlytanned skin, golden blond curly hair, and blue eyes
Roswell is a tall, lanky, 17-yearold with ridiculous dark hair and big round grey eyes
2. describe their personality inthree words:
Derick: Nervous, shameful, and sweet
Roswell: Excited, enthusiastic,empathetic
3. how tall are they?
Derick’s 5’9, and Roswell’s about 5’11
4. favorite foods?
Derick loves anything sweet – cookies,brownies, cake, coffee with more sugar than actual coffee
Roswell will eat anything andeverything, he’s a growing kid
5. any allergies?
Not that I know of
6. what is their build?
When the gang first meets Derick,he’s real real skinny because he can’t afford to eat a lot. After they get himsome real food, he still somewhat skinny, but a little more filled out?
Roswell’s just lanky like a noodle
7. do they have curly, wavy, orstraight hair?
Derick’s got super curly hair thatsticks up everywhere and gets in his eyes
Roswell has straight hair that lookslike he stuck a fork in a socket
8. do they like books? if so, howoften do they read?
Derick doesn’t read a lot – not alot of good reading material in Cirsca, it’s mostly just manuals and journals.Roswell’s kind of the same way, he doesn’t mind them but reading’s not his ideaof fun.
9. what are their talents?
Derick’s not half bad at drawing,though he usually only draws Ragsy.
Roswell: Talking absolutely non-stop
10. two or more other fictionalcharacters they’re similar to?
Shoshanna from Inglorious Basterdswas the inspiration for Derick, though I guess the two aren’t wildly similar interms of personality. Maybe Cress from Lunar Chronicles? Or Noah from RavenCycle? I’m actually not sure…
For Roswell, definitely Dick Graysonfrom the Lego Batman Movie
11. what is one strange hobby/talentthey have?
Derick’s freaky good atcommunicating with animals. Like, “Disney Princess” good.
I actually don’t know one forRoswell…and here I thought I knew my ocs….
12. five songs that fit them:
For Derick, here’s three:
“The Letter That Never Came” –Thomas Newman (yeah its instrumental, but its just so sad at the beginning thatI think of Derick every time)
“Beauty and the Beast” – BATB OTS(the original with angela Lansbury – technically derick/Rosalyn but still)
“I Went TooFar” – Aurora          
I swear I have more, I just can’tthink of them atm
And Shut Up and Dance definitelyreminds me of Roswell
13. who do you think could play themin a live-action rendition?
Evan Peters, who is also myface-claim for Derick.
A young Nicholas Hoult is my faceclaim for Roswell too..
14. do they just want to rest?
YES oh my gosh yes that’s all Derickwants. Roswell’s the opposite; there’s too much to do!!
15. which OC did not sign up forthis?
Derick, for sure
16. who’s their favorite person?
It takes him a while to warm up toher, but overall I think Rosalyn is his favorite person. He also really enjoyshanging out with Carson and Lorelei, because they’re like the siblings he neverhad.
Funny enough, Rosalyn is alsoRoswell’s favorite person, right next to Dr. Anaya Gatling! Gatling’s like amentor to him, so he loves her so much too.
17. who do you ship them with?
ROSALYN with Derick, and Roswell’sperfectly fine on his own
18. have they experienced the deathof a loved one?
Derick hasn’t, Roswell has (he and Rosalynused to have an older brother)
19. have they ever been tortured?
For Derick, doesmental/emotional/physical abuse count? For Roswell, no, not yet (?)
20. what’s the worst thing you’vedone to them without spoiling anything?
Gave Derick to parents who mentallyand emotionally abused him then abandoned him, so now he genuinely doesn’trecognize real love when he’s shown it.
For Roswell, killing his big brotherreally sucks so…
21. any mental illnesses?
Derick probably does, but he hasn’tbeen diagnosed. Roswell’s mental health is great, so no.
22. what’s their favorite animal?
Derick’s is cats, Roswell’s is dogs.
23. what are their flaws?
Derick’s kind of a coward, veryabsorbed in his own mind, overthinks everything.
Roswell can be too trusting and tooeager to see the best in everyone. Also could accidentally share secret infowhile rambling.
24. what’s their favorite color?
Derick likes green, and Roswelllikes purple and yellow and blue and red and….
25. pet peeves?
Derick dislikes people who just gogo go!Roswell dislikes grumpy, pessimistic people.
26. bad habits?
Derick’s always chewing on his nailswhen he’s nervous. Roswell’s is obviously his oversharing.
27. an OC they hate:
Derick hates Rosalyn when he firstmeets her, Carson kinda too.
Roswell really only hates Chief Knoxfor killing his brother.
28. random fact about them:
Afternoons at Marni’s shop are someof the only happy childhood memories Derick has.
It’s safe to assume that, at anygiven moment, Roswell’s wearing at least one brightly colored bandage for anynumber of minor injuries
29. family members?
Derick just had a mother and afather, nobody else.
Roswell only has Rosalyn now, but heconsiders the rest of the unground dwellers his family.
30. Hogwarts house?
Hufflepuff and Gryffindor (?)
31. what makes them happy?
Derick: Ragsy, coolmornings/evenings in the Burjeok forest, watching the stars and moon at night
Roswell: Lots of things! Warmsunshine, new flowers in spring, talking to anybody, going to town, pettinganimals, etc.
32. middle and last names (ifthey’re established)?
No middle names, Denmeyer is Derick’slast name and Tate is Roswell’s.
33. introvert, ambivert, orextrovert?
Derick’s heavily introverted andRoswell’s heavily extroverted
34. how old are they?
Derick’s 22 and Roswell’s 17 (he’sthe dancing queen)
35. strange quirks they have:
Does Derick’s nail-chewing count?
36. any unhealthy obsessions?
Why did mom and dad leave, why wasn’t I enough?
For Roswell, nothing really. He’spretty healthy overall
37. looks like they could kill butis actually a cinnamon roll, looks like a cinnamon roll but could actually killyou, looks like a cinnamon roll and is actually a cinnamon roll, looks likethey could kill you and could actually kill you, or sinnamon roll
Both are totally pure cinnamon rolls
38. how smart are they?
Derick’s actually fairly smart. He’sgot a lot of practical knowledge from several years on his own.
Roswell’s fairly smart. He’s still ateen, so he’s got a lot to learn, but he’s intelligent!
39. master planner or masterimproviser?
Improviser, and about half-and-half
40. species/race?
Both human, both white
41. cat or dog person?
Derick loves both with all his heart
Roswell prefers dogs because they’remore open and obvious with their love and affection
42. where are they from?
Both are from Cirsca!
43. moral alignment? 
Derick’s Lawful neutral, and Roswell’sNeutral Good
44. what is their dominant hand?
Both are right-handed
45. do you have headcanons for them?
46. can they sing?
Derick’s not terrible, but he wouldnever draw that much attention to himself. Roswell probably shouldn’t
47. what horror-movie characterstereotype are they?
Derick would be the one that refusesto investigate the creepy noises, gets left in the living room by himself,probably winds up dying then.
Roswell is one of the first to die,he was probably the one that went to check out the creepy noises
48. how well can they worktechnology?
Derick’s better than most of thegang, since he worked in the capital city. Roswell doesn’t have a lot ofexperience with technology, so he probably wouldn’t be very good
49. which Marvel or DCsuperhero/villain would they be?
Both would actually fit CharlesXavier pretty well. Just with his whole “I don’t want to fight, I just want tobe accepted” thing?
50. how well do they develop overthe course of the story?
I want to say pretty well? I’mhoping to have Derick go from “coward who would rather stay home thanpotentially help others and stand up for his beliefs” to “scared guy who bravely facesdanger anyways for the sake of his friends and what’s right”
Roswell gets his own development,but you know, spoilers.
51. are they more humble or moreegotistical?
Humble, definitely
52. who would they be in a Disneymovie?
Derick would be snow White, justhappily traipsing through the woods with a flock of animals
Roswell would be the comedic sidekickor loyal animal companion
53. how many languages can theyspeak?
Just english
54. early-bird or night-owl?
Derick’s a night owl, and Roswell isboth since he never sleeps
55. how meme-y are they?
Derick would probably know more memesthan he’d like, because Carson and Lorelei would share them all with him.Roswell would be one of the meme-iest
56. how close are they to theirfamily?
Biological family? Derick’s not atall close, and Roswell is very close to Rosalyn.
57. do they have suicidal thoughtsor actions?
Derick kinda does but not like another oc of mine andRoswell doesn’t – he’s doing well
58. what is their preferred weapon?
Both can work a gun, but neitherlikes to fight (except I think I’m gonna give Derick a shield instead)
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apexart-journal · 6 years
Radha Gomaty in NYC Day 16
Schedule meant finding my way to the National Mall and looking for all kinds of monuments &memorials  that had been listed out to me to visit. As things stood  I was already quite late finding my way to my hotel , settling in and getting out again finding my way in the Washington  Metro .
What hit most in Washington are the interminable distances ,not quite friendly for a walker. It’s not even actually just the issue of distances but the fact that the scale is not human scale as in NYC.
You could ask me who am I kidding !
“NYC with its skyscrapers … human scale ,huh?we sure have heard that Love is blind ,baby …but this one hits a new high!”
No, Not that really .What i meant is this - down there on the road things are placed closer together .Even the skyscrapers that are all infinitely vertical than horizontal take up less space on the ground and are all  closely set together at a fair level of the eye.
Our (“Our ,eh?!this woman who is ‘inbound from South Eroor’ in all her hash tagged posts on the apexart journal on Tumblr says ‘our ‘ for NYC’s roads now? Wow!”) roads are narrower too ,and so yes,infinitely and comfortingly ,more crowded.
It is also a question of layout-No friendly corner pharmacies, No small eateries  spread out over the place but only in specialized pockets almost .One can  walk  blocks and blocks without catching sight of even one.
The overwhelming feeling was that one was staying in an overly manicured ,scaled up picture postcard park.
That feeling was certainly heightened on reaching the National Mall, a huge sprawling over sized lawn spread over several football fields.
I haven’t really worn shoes & socks since was in school a few decades ago and I always hated socks because my feet perspire.
Already  having tasted the pleasures of kicking off my shoes the previous evening with the feisty Elizabeth Larison, who was assigned to guide me on a walking tour over the old Brooklyn Foot Bridge that being really old was still actually paved with timber  , I decided to do an encore.
So peeling off and  rolling up my socks together in one  grey woolly smelly ball stuffed into the innards of my bag and my walking shoes , tied firmly by their laces hanging to either side from the handle of my grossly overstuffed shoulder tote that was already weighing me down enough, I set off .
Sole and Soul sang a sweet duet.
Ah bliss! to walk with soles bared on the cool lawns , the gritty gravel , the textured earth …
It was like going back to my nine month barefoot existence when i was 17 year old undergrad Design student in NID, Ahmedabad when I gave up the use of footwear  for  nine months for some abstruse reasons related to Gandhi ,Thoreau, altering the feel of being or some such thing and also to cut the sheer bother to have to take off my footwear each time I chose to walk the grass and not the foot walks!
So the walk turned some other way .It was no longer about dragging myself across  Memorials .
Memorials and the insight that physical Memory too is essentially a construct came with the passing of a much loved One.
The whole process of Memory has been a personal journey as well for me over the past some months and days.
Being an artist is also about inhabiting that State of Being that glows up in rare moments of incandescence that total self absorbed engagement  evokes .
Inhabiting such a Form of Being in itself is the first and most primal Form of Art .It is infinitely easier for a creative spirit to understand that History, and every other story for that matter even our own autobiographical ones, is just  one thread amongst a hundred odd possible others by which these glowing beads are sought to be strung together ,’made sense of ‘. We have this inner compulsion to arrange and order things into Time and duration .We are conditioned to  simply not be content with the moments in themselves .We cannot leave these moments be in their singular ,pristine ,self born glory and have to compulsively tinker with their glorious This -ness …
The  notion of Time was invented in this itch -like tinkering .
Is it not the notion of Time that births the illusion of Gap  between a thought and its fruition,an action and its reaction?The inventor of Postponement?I n fact ,isn’t Time the Serpent in the Garden of Now that invented Desire because in the very notion of Desire is inbuilt the notion of Postponement?
NOW is raw .
It wears no clothes and in the upsurge of its sheer incandescence it scalds all masks &clothes away.
That is why in the aftermath of the serpent’s visit ,Adam & Eve.teh notion of clothes entered the picture alongside the notion of shame &guilt & fear & sin.
But in the aftermath of the serpent’s visit, the notion Labor too was born and brows that knew not what sweat was or hands the need for the intermediary of a tool became callused and worn because Hunger was born too as a postponement between the need for Nourishment and its fulfillment .In  the cool white intensity of Satya yuga(or the Eon of Truth ,the first of the four described in Indian scriptures  Light can assume a life form with just the meeting of the intensities of intentions  bypassing the messier commingling of physical bodies.
But in the aftermath of the serpent’s visit,instead of the bliss of a play like fluidity of boundaries that can shift and change at will,Sex, now reduced to a specific  act between two kinds of bodies designed for the purpose    entered the scene .Birth  now entailed the processuality of a prolonged Pregnancy & Labor…    
As the Buddha observed succinctly-Things compounded tend to fall apart  . So it is with History  as well which is a composing  or threading by the string of a chosen strand of whatever narrative that serves best the pre defined purpose at hand ,the many moments of a collective existence together .In administrative interest it is important to keep certain narratives stronger  and more compelling than others are .
This can be created  through frequent repetition one over the other like the devices of chorus in music or alliteration in poetry  .Overlaying it with sentiment and other sensory cues  that can be triggered then easily by the slightest suggestion later by which the needle correctly falls in ,running through and playing out what has been already  etched in through repetition through the grooves  as Habit.
Of course some moments are always there , the sort that poets swoop on with the alacrity of falcons ,that do not quite jell with the chosen  main narrative .These are easily dealt with the oft used devices of omission usually by   ignoring and  passing over in silence .If that doesn’t work ,then by  invoking processes of demonization that lead to the convenience of a Graveyard  like silence once Taboo  buries it under one of its its leaden headstones.  
Some moments of the inaasimilable-as-they-are may lend themselves to some  photoshopping (tweaking).Which also works to build the edifice of Memory& Memorials …
Oh Well.
Whatever .
Perhaps that is why whenever i encounter a proliferation of memorials in one place a pinch of salt immediately finds its place between my thumb and forefinger .Well and truly ,I dont know how it gets there .But that pinch of salt  is what carries me safely through all the machines of history making without getting unduly caught in any of its busily grinding teeth.
The Washington Obelisk Tower has great light effects with the sun breaking out through the gathering clouds. A man from the Philippines and I helped each other snap the customary  “I have arrived.Look at me!” portrait-before-famous-monument scrapbook memory shots.
I am supposed to cover an impossibly high number of memorials in this one evening walk -the Vietnam memorial ,the t World war 2 Memorial,the Martin Luther King Memorial, The Lincoln Memorial  and if possible ,also the Thomas Jefferson Memorial across the River.On the way I notice plenty of museums as well  .Two suddenly draw me to them with that light visceral tug that always is a right indication that there is something in there for me . They were  the Museums of Asian Art in America and The  Museum of African Art.
No time to enter and it is almost closing time anyway .
I’ve a schedule to cover,you see!
(the schedule  !the schedule! oh… the schedule!)
It is already getting late into the evening.
I hear strains of music far away and somehow feel that following it will lead me to Martin Luther King’s memorial and decide to follow the sensations in my feet and in my ears.
On the way I see a sunken plaza of fountains,cascading streams with a pool in the centre and scores of people taking pictures around them .This is the World War Two memorial.
I walk through it skirting the crowds and continue my engagement with bare feet upon earth till I at last see the source of the music far away in what looks like a rather severe Greco-Roman looking structure.
A revelry is on on there in complete contrast with the mood of the building itself . I go closer and see the band playing .Playing is not the word .They  are rocking ,belting out lively Latin American Music  to which all kinds of human bodies-youngsters,hipsters, teenagers,school kids,senior citizens , folks in their middle years, all kinds of couples from various nationalities and sexual orientations are flowing together in  a River of revelry.
Ol’ man Lincoln meanwhile looks on with his rather saturnine expression  from atop his stone throne set high on the many tiered stone steps at the saturnalia there in uninhibited progress.
I choose not to climb up the steps and read speeches but weave my way through the infinitely more interesting human throng.
I have been walking nonstop so long I think it is wisdom to calculate the distance that I have to walk back now and  turn to retrace my steps .
Half way through as i walk the cold breeze gathers strength  ,the darkness deepens .Walking endlessly i find myself in line again with the Washington obelisk where I began my barefoot sojourn and the gathering rainclouds begin to pour  .
A true New Yorker & and a true  Keralite have one thing in common  -a handy all season umbrella in the bag at all times to brandish against all inhospitable weather.
It looks like I am the only one on National Mall with an umbrella.
Well,I looked around and I realize ,with or without umbrella .I am perhaps  the only one left in the National  Mall!
I sing out loud in the rain splashing little puddles as I walk…Bob Marley,Louis armstrong ,the songs of Ella what have you in my best possible jazz imitation voice.
The Red brick  Cathedral  that I had passed earlier rises to view on my right .For a moment I have this urge to enter and kneel in silent prayer in one of the old wooden pews in the high domed interior I imagine hung over with paintings&chandeliers  .
Its entrance  up  a flight of stairs was however cloaked with ink dark shadow. I put out only one tentative indecisive foot to the right in a step when something  stirs in the dark and calls out in a low male voice .A glint of eyes: “Hello Ma’am…”
i immediately changed plans, withdraw that outstretched foot as gracefully and unobtrusively as I can (What if it was just a homeless man calling out for hope of some financial assistance that i am anyway unable to give now?why hurt his feelings?) and maintain my brisk pace.
There is not one person to whom I could ask directions to the closest  metro station whose terrible signage is legion in Washington.
Not a soul on  the road after just about 7.30 pm?!
Ugh! What a stick-inthe-mud respectable town , i say!
Give me my crazy swingin’ old NYC any day !
I finally spot a man and a woman from afar.
But as I approach to ask there is a sudden scene change. She on second thoughts turns to gaze into his eyes  and soon in that deserted bus shelter,they are locked in a long lingering gentle kiss in a little pool of light  with the rest of the roads  looking like a neutron bomb had fallen on it exterminating all signs of Life.
Except me ,who stood there turned into the all-seeing -eye -of -God looking upon a wonderful moment when time stood still for two people.
Directions to the Metro station be damned! I walk on feeling very pleased .Overall ,in this country I love the fact that people express their intimacies without reserve-I recall my  moments of Subway joy in NYC- an old couple twining and untwining palms with slowly caressing fingers at the metro station as they stand talking about perfectly ordinary things, A couple basking in the park calmly leaning on one another in the sun -she is dozing lightly with an open book across her belly and  he is texting with one finger supporting her weight upon his chest.Two youngsters in love lingering over a kiss to say goodbye as they prepare to catch trains in opposite directions for the night.Two men , both in skirts sitting in each other’s laps chatting happily oblivious to the world.
It’s nice.
How uptight are we back home!How merciless are we in our censorship while hunger & desire claw our innards to the point of near manic violence that we do our best to keep declawed,defanged or at least chained and hidden in a cage in the cellar ,dark and redolent with droppings.
Meanwhile a Japanese man in a suit looking almost as lost as me zero in into one another asking directions and we decide to team up in a spot-the-metro station contest .
Though we fail first attempt , the distance covered becomes time for mutual self introduction .At last we find ourselves before a drab grey building and spotting a man in uniform decide to ask him where the Metro is .He pointed into the building with an equally grey drab  expression.That  anonymous hulk of a building   happened to be just it!
Back home it would have immediately drawn out an indignant interjection -“ithenthaa!valla vellarikka pattanamo?!”
(Lit.Transln: “is this some kind of cucumber town or what?!”
Meaning  :”is this some sort of ridiculous village or small town growing cucumbers?
(The  smallness of the town is measured metaphorically in terms of a settlement that raises low value produce like cucumbers!!!)
Really ! is Washington an overgrown village where everyone is just supposed to know where things are ?(Actually ,that’s all I meant to say ,folks!)
My gentlemanly escort, though going opposite way ,graciously waits till I get the gate opening-with metro card -ritual straight and waves with that slight inflection of his spine that his culture has unmistakably ingrained in him as he moves on.
This is  just like I do instinctively  the first touch-on -forehead-and-then-the centre-of-chest routine  every time my feet unintentionally touches someone on a train .It is an ��I respect your sanctity’ gesture that we pick up as children because where we grew up  to place one’s feet on anyone  is construed a disrespectful act.
(In fact even crossing over any living being is seen as a no-no because the physical body also includes the invisible aura of energy around it that should not be desecrated by the touch of feet!)
I get off finally at Farragut North station with disrupted Late running  trains due to repair work & dysfunctional elevators of which I counted at least  five in my two and half days stay there .
That certainly made me feel very good indeed about our stuff back home. If this is the scene  in Washington, the power capital of the world,you are excused ,little Kochi !
I am starving after ,I suppose, my ten kilometer circuit walk today .
Finally losing my way to the hotel ,I   stumble into small shop where a man of Caribbean descent sells baked stuff he makes himself  starting with what we call savory puffs back home for about 5 dollars each .
When i call the lobby a fourth time to please send someone to to teach me how to use the coffee maker , a slightly tired looking but attractive african origin woman walk in. Alice Walker ,66 ,is a generous soul who warms up to me and begins to chatting even fetching me extra satchets  of coffee .We chat on about her decision to quit the US and go back to Sierre Leone where her husband waits for her leaving behind her three married daughters in Washington  because “… no-one knows how to live or eat properly here and my knees are killing me with all this standing on the job and boy! dont I need some rest now! ”
I do too …
A large watery cup of coffee later , I chat with a friend and in one on the two large looking beds in a room far too big for one small lone me.
I fall into a deep untroubled sleep.
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0 notes
shadowhuntertrash · 4 years
High Notes
Thomas Lightwood x Alastair Carstairs
James Herondale x Matthew Fairchild
Background Lucie Herondale x Jesse Blackthorn
Also obviously I own nothing but the plot. Characters are from Cassandra Clare
Chapter One
Thomas almost screamed when his alarm went off. Yesterday had been one of his best friends, Matthew Fairchild’s, twenty first birthday. It would be stupid to say it was Matthew’s first drink but they went out and celebrated his ability to legally drink anyway. Thomas almost never drank but since his cousin Christopher was still underage and his sister Anna was there he knew one of them would be able to drive them home.
   He was currently cussing his drunk self out in every language he could for not turning his stupid alarm off. He slammed his hand on his alarm and was greeted by the sound of someone puking in the bathroom and Matthew cursing the gods before turning his cursing to Thomas. Thomas could hear Christopher laughing in his room.
He and his three best friends shared a four room apartment together. It was a simple apartment with a living room and a kitchenette in the middle and two hallways off the sides. Down one hallway was a door to a bathroom with two doors on either side. One of which belonged to Matthew Fairchild and the other to James Herondale’s. You would find the same if you went down the other hall, but instead of Matthew and James’ room you would find Christopher and Thomas’.
   “Thomas Lightwood I might kill you if the thought of opening my eyes didn’t make me want to throw up!” Matthew yelled from his side of the room. The pounding in his head worsened and he just groaned back in response. “God dammit Math stop screaming.” He could hear James’ voice coming from the bathroom and realized that it must have been James throwing up. He heard shuffling from their side of the house and then Matthew’s now considerably quieter voice talking to James. “I’m sorry Jamie are you okay?” 
Thomas sighed and let Matthew worry about his boyfriend. James and Matthew had been best friends since 6th grade and they had been dating for about 5 months now. Everyone had thrown a party when they had finally got together. Everyone knew it was coming but the idiots were too oblivious to believe the other liked them. 
   Thomas got up and walked to the kitchen where he found his cousin, Christopher. Kit smiled at him and put a glass of water and some pain meds in his hand. Thomas smiled appreciatively at his cousin. “God I knew there was a reason we kept you around Kit.” Christopher laughed and Thomas greedily threw the medicine back and swallowed it with a gulp of water.
Thomas thanked him and walked back to his room. The house stayed quiet for about four hours until someone started banging on the door which set off another round of groans. The four hours of quiet they got helped everyone’s hang over but the insistence banging was not doing wonders for their heads. 
   Christopher laughed again looking unfairly chipper. Thomas walked into the living room as Christopher opened the door to see Lucie Herondale, James’ sister, and Cordelia Carstairs, Lucie’s best friend. They barged in with wide smiles on their faces. “Thomas!” Lucie said cheerily before running up to him and throwing her arms around him. Thomas let out a surprised ‘oof!’ before hugging her tightly back. 
Thomas had two older sisters but they had never been close. He was very close to his parents but his sisters had always kept to himself. His parents were very close with his friends' parents. His father, Gideon, and Christopher’s father, Gabriel, were brothers. Christpher’s mother was James and Lucie’s aunt. Christopher and his older sister, Anna, were James, Lucie, and Thomas’ cousin. Lucie and James’ parents, Will and Tessa, were best friends with Jem Carstairs who was Cordelia and Alastair’s, Cordelia’s older brother, cousin. Jem had taken Cordelia and Alastair in when they’re mother died. They’re father had left when Cordelia was born. It was all a bit confusing but Thomas considered them all family. Well almost all of them.
    Alastair was a different story. Thomas had been in love with Alastair since he was 15, now here he was 6 years later still simping over the boy he would never be able to have. He didn’t mind though. His mother had taught him that it didn’t matter who he loved as long as they deserved it. Alastair was not a very kind person but Thomas was one of the only ones who ever saw past that, through his rough exterior to the kind person he was on the inside.
Just because Thomas could see Alastair didn’t make them friends though. They were acquaintances of course since his sister figure was in a band with Cordelia. They were all musically inclined.
   Lucie and Cordelia both sang and played guitar. They had started a band with just the two of them when they were 16 around the same time Thomas, Matthew, James, and Christopher started theirs. The girls had named their band The Beautiful Cordelia as a joke but it quickly caught on. The four boys created their band which they named The Merry Thieves after Lucie’s nickname for them as children. Matthew had an amazing voice and occasionally played the piano, James was an amazing drummer, Thomas played guitar and he wrote their songs, Christopher played the bass guitar for them.
   Cordelia’s older brother, Alastair, was a solo artist who wrote his own songs and performed them. Thomas had never heard a voice as great as his. It was raspy whereas Matthew’s was smooth. Alastair had so much more emotion than Thomas could even dream of singing with.
Thomas was brought back to the present when Lucie pulled back and laid a hand on his forehead. “Darling are you feeling okay?” Lucie gave just about everyone a nickname and for some reason instead of Tom or something of the like she simply called him Darling. At first everyone was shocked because they thought that meant that him and Lucie were dating but they quickly squashed those rumors.
   Thomas grumbles in response to her question. She raises one eyebrow and Thomas feels a jolt of jealousy go through him. He’d never been able to do that. “He’s fine, just hung over. They had lots of fun last night.” Christopher said, smirking, Thomas glared at him. He lifted his eyes to look at Cordelia. She was in a pretty white sundress with flowers on it. She had open toed sandals on and her toenails were freshly painted. Thomas flashes her a smile that she returns quickly.
"Hello Cordelia.” She rolls her eyes. Thomas was the only one who called her by her full name and most people were under the impression it was meant to be teasing but honestly Thomas just found her name beautiful and incredibly underused. “Hello Thomas. If you don’t mind would you get the other boys? We have some news!” I nod and turn to go get them. 
   They were in Matthew’s room now. The door was slightly ajar and from Thomas’ vantage point he could see James was sitting criss cross at the head of Matthew’s bed, he still looked slightly sick but he was smiling down at Matthew who had laid haphazardly down on the bed with his head in James’ lap. His eyes were closed but he had a smile on his face. I knock on the door not wanting to barge in.
James turned to look at him and Matthew opened his eyes. “Lucie and Cordelia would like to tell us something.” James nods and Matthew stretches before climbing off the bed. He turns and reaches a hand out to help James up. James grabs it and interlocks their fingers. Thomas sighed quietly. He wanted that, more so than he would ever willingly admit.
   The boys walk into the living room, Thomas a few steps in front of James and Matthew. James goes to hug his sister and Matthew hugs Cordelia. Matthew and Cordelia were rather close because she had let him rant about James to her when he was pining. “What brings you to our beautiful home ladies?” Matthew said enthusiastically, Thomas had a strong suspicion that Matthew wasn’t even hung over. He had a very high tolerance for drinks. 
Cordelia and Lucie shared a bright smile. “Well,” Lucie started her smile getting bigger as she talked. “As you know all of our music has been taking off.” They all nod acknowledging the statement. It was true their music was getting big. It was even being played on the radio. They had each released an album. 
   Lucie smiled at Cordelia again and Cordelia took over talking. “So we’ve been talking with our manager and we were wondering if you guys wanted to go on tour with us?” There was a collective gasp and it was silent for a second before everyone started talking over one another. “You’re kidding! This is a joke!” Matthew. “Yes! Yes yes yes! YES!” James. “For how long?” Christopher.
   The girls laugh. “I can guarantee you this is not a joke. It would be for five months. And it would be split evenly between the three of us.” There was a round of cheers and Thomas watched as Matthew shot up and tackled Lucie and Cordelia where they were on the couch. “Oh my god you are my favorite people on earth!” Cordelia giggled and James smacked him on the back of the head. 
Matthew pulled away pouting at James and rubbing his head. “After you of course Jamie.” James rolled his eyes and pulled his sister and Cordelia in a hug as well, granted much gentler than Matthew had. “Thank you so much.” He said quietly the girls gave him a soft look and hugged him back.
   The girls got up and started walking to the door. “I would start getting ready if I was you. We leave in a week.” Lucie said with a wink Matthew paled and put a hand to his forehead dramatically. “Lucie! You can’t spring this on me and only give me a week to get everything together!” Lucie laughed. “Calm down Matthew! You just have to pick comfy clothes and the costume people will pick our concert attire.” Matthew nods seemingly relaxing at the thought. 
   The girls were almost to the door when a thought occurred to Thomas. “Girls?” They turn to look at him waiting for him to continue. “You said it was split evenly between three? Who else is going with us?” Lucie and Cordelia seemed to have a silent conversation before reaching a conclusion. Cordelia was the one to answer. “My brother.”
Thomas stared at them blankly. Alastair. He was so screwed. 
Hello!! Feedback is welcome but please don't be mean. ❤
19 notes · View notes
Notes taken during Super Bowl XXVIII
This is the Channel 4 version of an NBC broadcast. Again. Dick Enberg on PBP. Trumpy on color commentary.
Enberg: Both kickers are Canadian. Steve Christie and Eddie Murray.
Huge kickoff return from Kevin Williams on the opening kick. Nearly takes it to the house. Returns it to the Buffalo 48.
First play from scrimmage: Aikman to Irvin across the middle for 20 yards. Bills blitzed and went single coverage and got burned.
Cowboy drive stalls there. Aikman didn't see an uncovered Alvin Harper on third down. Would have been an easy touchdown, but he threw to Williams instead.
Dallas settles for an Eddie Murray field goal. 3-0, 2:19 into the game.
Bills moving the ball well on this drive. 24 yard swing pass from Kelly to Thomas beats the Dallas blitz. Buffalo is inside the Dallas 40.
Enberg: Bills RB Kenneth Davis owns an auto repair shop in Dallas. He got a bunch of crap last year after the Super Bowl.
Third and 7, Bill Brooks drops what would have been a first down. Steve Christie will come on to attempt a long field goal. 54 yards. It'd be a Super Bowl record. And it is. Would have been good from 60. Tie game, 3-3.
Hey, that's not Mick Luckhurst. Someone new is hosting for Channel 4. Bob Golic and Mike Sherrard are the expert commentators. UK host takes a swipe at Scott Norwood in referencing that Christie field goal. Not cool, man. Not cool. Scott is family for Bills fans.
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Sounds like a pro-Bills crowd. They let loose with a "BRUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCE" after Bruce Smith stuffed Emmitt Smith.
Third and 11, Aikman trips over an offensive lineman's foot on the snap. He gets up but gets sacked anyway.
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Tasker gets held flagrantly (and facemasked) as he attempts to block the punt. No call. Bills take over at their 41.
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This is a violation of the agreed-upon rules.
Thurman Thomas fumbles on the first play of the drive. Dallas recovers at midfield. Washington forced the fumble. Woodson recovered.
Aikman sees Harper open this time. Gains around 25 on a down and in. Tackled at the Bills' 15.
End around to Kevin Williams. It's not a reverse, dammit. Gains six yards.
Enberg: Marvcus Patton's mom was a pro football player for the LA Dandelions.
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Cowboys stall again in scoring position. Murray hits a chip shot. 6-3 Dallas.
Bills moving the ball well, but Bill Brooks drops another pass on third down. Great throw, just dropped. Argh.
Dallas gives the Bills a get out of jail free card. They run into the punter on fourth and 3. Buffalo has it, 1st and 10 at its own 46.
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Punters aren’t supposed to be on their back.
Jim Jeffcoat hits Thurman Thomas almost immediately after the handoff. A weird-looking play - It almost looked like Thomas didn't even try to get away, but I imagine he didn't expect to have a 300 pound dude falling on top of him the moment he got the ball.
Buffalo still moving the ball as the first quarter ends. Kelly to Andre Reed, down to the Dallas 34. 6-3 Dallas after a quarter.
Andre Reed is in pain. Reed's right leg bent funny when he got tackled at the end of the first quarter.
Cutaway: Former heavyweight champion Ken Norton Sr. Enberg says the Nortons are feuding.
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Trumpy: Bills are throwing the ball all over the place, throwing well. High percentage stuff, short passes underneath.
Kenneth Davis with a nice run up the middle, gets around 10 yards, inside the 20.
Third and 3, Kelly to Beebe for a first down at the Dallas 5.
Cowboys DBs are trying to strip the ball on nearly every tackle.
First and goal, Thomas dances his way into the end zone. Touchdown. 10-6 Buffalo.
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Trumpy: "That was a beautiful drive."
17 plays, 80 yards, nearly 7:30 of possession on that drive.
Golic: Bills needed to stretch the Dallas defense laterally, Kenneth Davis did that and it opened up the middle for Thomas.
Host asks Golic whether that drive will give the Bills the confidence to play their normal game, instead of doing what they did in the last two Super Bowls. Golic says yes, it would certainly make it easier if you stuck with your gameplan instead of throwing it away.
Speaking of sticking with your gameplan, the Cowboys run another deep in route on the first play of their next drive. Aikman to Irvin for 15.
Now Emmitt Smith up the middle, rumbles to the Buffalo 49.
Cutaway: Dallas backup QB Bernie Kosar.
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Trumpy says Aikman told him he was having trouble sleeping and doing basic things after a concussion in the last game. Aikman said he didn't tell his coach or trainer. This was meant as a funny anecdote, but kind of makes me feel icky.
Bills continuing to do what they've done. They're moving the ball 5-10 yards at a time, methodically moving up the field. Kelly has plenty of time to throw.
Kelly: 13-16, 127 yards. Enberg says he hasn't thrown an interception in 14+ quarters.
Kelly fires deep down the left sideline to Beebe. Just barely overthrows him. Trumpy says that play is intended to make sure Dallas knows they're willing to throw deep.
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Third down, Dallas with seven defensive backs and a defensive lineman dropping back into coverage. Nearly picked off by Kevin Smith, but Smith drops it and they'll punt.
Great punt by Mohr, all kinds of hang time, caught by Steve Tasker at the 1. Trumpy: Tasker is the first player Levy went out and got when he took over in Buffalo.
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Cowboys offense moving in fits and starts, but they've made it into Buffalo territory. Less than 2:00 left in the half.
A short pass to Emmitt Smith gets Dallas to the Bills' 32. Being the smart player he always was, Emmitt gets out of bounds to stop the clock.
Aikman drops to pass, nearly has the ball knocked out of his hand by an onrushing Bruce Smith. Nate Odomes picks it off, returning it 40 yards into Dallas territory.
Swing pass to Thurman Thomas for 13. Inside the Cowboys' 35. 0:36 left in the half.
Andre Reed wide open, gets to the 12. For some reason, he doesn't get out of bounds. Bills burn their second timeout. Argh. Get out of bounds, Andre. 0:27 left in the half.
Kelly: 17-23, 173 yards. Has thrown 126 consecutive passes without an interception.
Second and 9, Kelly throws an ill-advised pass as he gets pressured. THROW IT AWAY, JIM. Goes through McKeller's hands, maybe should have been picked but wasn't.
After a Thurman Thomas shovel pass, the Bills use their last timeout with 0:02 left on the clock. Steve Christie comes on to attempt a field goal.
Enberg: Steve Christie replaced Scott Norwood, who missed blah blah blah wide right.
Trumpy opines that nobody in Buffalo will ever forgive Norwood for that, ever. Perhaps he missed the time, a couple days after the miss, when tens of thousands of Bills fans chanted Norwood's name and cheered him wildly when he spoke. F that noise, Trumpy. We protect our own.
Norwood splits the uprights. The underdog Bills lead Dallas 13-6 at halftime.
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Okay, second half. Here we go. Time to watch my heart break in real time for the fourth week in a row.
Bills get the opening kickoff. Al Edwards takes it out to the 25 or so. Kevin Smith, the Cowboys' best cover man, is injured and it looks fairly serious. Eventually he gets up and walks off under his own power.
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Buffalo moving the ball well early in the second half. Thomas up the middle, then a short hitch to Bill Brooks out to the 43.
Third play of the Bills' drive, Thomas fumbles on a run up the middle. The Cowboys' James Washington picks it up and weaves his way through the Buffalo offense for a touchdown. 13-13 tie, less than a minute into the second half. Leon Lett stripped the ball from Thomas, atoning for last year's botched fumble return.
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I hate this so much.
Decent kick return from Copeland, out to the 35 or so and the Bills start again.
Trumpy: If things go badly, Thurman Thomas can begin to turn on himself and struggle.
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Speaking of things going badly, Jim Kelly is sacked on third and long. Buffalo goes three and out. This half almost couldn't have started any worse. Dallas starts at its own 36 after the punt.
Trumpy: This is a dangerous drive for the Bills. If Dallas scores here, it will give them a psychological boost.
Cowboys driving, pounding the ball with Emmitt Smith. Into Bills territory. Trumpy says the team that adjusts better at halftime generally wins. That's obviously been Dallas so far.
Emmitt blasting his way through the defensive line. Another chunk of yardage, inside the 25.
Cutaway: Bills LB Darryl Talley injured on the sideline. Shoulder injury, it seems.
Now Bruce Smith is injured. Trumpy suggests maybe he hit his "crazy bone" on the Astroturf. Talley comes back onto the field.
Not that it matters. Emmitt Smith is unstoppable. He almost singlehandedly took them the whole way down the field. Breaks a Jeff Wright tackle and gets into the end zone. 61 yards rushing, just on that drive. 20-13 Dallas.
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Le sigh.
Bills DL Phil Hansen injured on the touchdown.
Buffalo offense trying to get Thurman Thomas back up emotionally.
Enberg: This possession for Kelly and Thurman Thomas, if they go three and out, we may have just seen the end of the game.
Big return from Beebe on the kickoff. Finds a seam and gets out to the 36.
Kenneth Davis starts the next drive at RB for the Bills. He gets decked in the backfield on a screen pass. Loss of 8.
Davis gains 18 yards rushing on the next two plays, just barely gets a first down at the Buffalo 46.
Now a completion to Bill Brooks, gets into Dallas territory with a first down at the 43.
Cowboys go to a 4-0-7 defense on third and long. Kelly throws incomplete and the Bills will punt. A poor punt from Mohr, 22 yards and out of bounds at the Dallas 23.
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I know, Jim. I know. I feel it too.
Dallas doesn't do much and will punt. Downed at the Buffalo 15. 3:05 left in the third quarter.
Enberg: Cramps are keeping Thurman Thomas on the sideline. I was just about to say that Kenneth Davis was dramatically outplaying Thurman, and then Davis dropped a direct snap. Chris Mohr comes on to boot it away.
Lincoln Coleman (who?) is in the backfield for the Cowboys. No word on Emmitt Smith's health. Looking it up, he's an ex-Arena Leaguer, was the third running back behind Smith and Derrick Lassic. Coleman ran for 57 yards in the Thanksgiving Day ice bowl against Miami, the one Leon Lett lost with a brain fade.
Cowboys go three-and-out, and we seem to have settled into a field position battle. Somewhere in Youngstown, Jim Tressel smiles.
Third quarter ends. It's a 7-point Dallas lead. The Bills have the ball and are still in it.
Golic: The Bills aren't doing anything dramatic or remarkable right now, but they're not letting Dallas get momentum.
Channel 4 shows the Phil Hansen injury. Blame Astroturf - his foot planted, then didn't move when someone fell on his leg.
Channel 4 host suggests Thurman Thomas isn't suffering from cramps, but is suffering from embarrassment. I really don't like this guy.
First play of the quarter: Kelly telegraphs a throw to Don Beebe. James Washington picks it off. That was Kelly's first interception in 16 quarters, 140 passes.
Cowboys getting the ball to Emmitt Smith on the ground and through the air. He takes it to the Buffalo 25 for a first down. Trumpy says he wants to watch this game again and count Emmitt's broken tackles.
Bills blitz, leave Nate Odomes in single coverage on Alvin Harper, and it's first and goal at the 5 after a 20 yard completion.
Third and goal, Emmitt Smith tackled inside the 1. Cowboys will go for it on fourth down.
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Touchdown. Emmitt goes left on a pitch and makes it to the end zone without much trouble. 27-13 Cowboys.
Emmitt: 25 rushes, 117 yards, 2 touchdowns
Bills moving the ball a bit on the next drive, but the clock is at 8:00, they're at their own 35, and they need two unanswered touchdowns.
And as soon as I say that, the drive stalls. Kelly sacked on third and 10. Chris Mohr will punt, and I suspect we're about to see a whole lot of Emmitt Smith.
Poor kick. Cowboys take over near midfield with exactly 7:00 on the clock.
Smith: 340 touches this season, 1 fumble.
Cowboys drive: Run, run, short play-action pass. First down. Clock still rolling.
Enberg: No team in the history of American professional pro sports has lost the championship four years in a row. Bills: Hold our beer.
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4:17 left on the clock. Cowboys still have the ball. Aikman goes deep to Irvin, trying to twist the knife and end it. Just barely overthrows him.
Enberg: 1988 draft top three WRs: Sterling Sharpe, Tim Brown, Michael Irvin. So that was good.
Aikman goes deep to Harper. Tackled at the 1. First and goal. Cowboys call timeout with 3:23 left on the clock.
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Trumpy: Do we talk dynasty for the Cowboys? Enberg: The scary thing is that the Cowboys are such a young team. This might be the end for the Bills' dynasty, but the Cowboys will be around for a while. 
Enberg: If Emmitt Smith scores a rushing touchdown, he would be the first to score three in one Super Bowl. Trumpy: Well, let's give it to Emmitt.
After a false start penalty, Smith gets back to the 1 on first down. Second and goal from the 1, Daryl Johnston stuffed.
Trumpy: Emmitt Smith was the first Dallas Cowboy to be named NFL MVP.
Enberg: Thurman Thomas and Emmitt Smith are close friends, worked out together last offseason.
Trumpy: It's almost painful to look at the Buffalo bench. Almost, Bob? ALMOST?!?
Bills call timeout after Johnston's second down run. Third and goal from the 1. 3:01 left.
Buffalo stuffs Emmitt on third down. They call their final timeout. 2:54 left. Eddie Murray on to put it away with a chip shot.
Yep. Got it. 30-13 Cowboys. 2:50 left.
Trumpy: Bill Bates, Jim Jeffcoat, and Mark Tuinei are the only players left from the Tom Landry era in Dallas.
Cutaway: Bernie Kosar being congratulated by teammates.
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Bills moving the ball down the middle against a very loose Cowboys defense keeping everything in front of them. Well, they were until Keith McKeller got called for offensive pass interference.
Two minute warning. Bills still have the ball, but it's academic at this point.
On third down, Kelly rushed and tries to throw the ball in desperation to offensive lineman Glenn Parker. It's knocked down and somehow there's no intentional grounding penalty.
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Fourth down conversion: Kelly to Brooks down the middle to the 30. 1:20 and counting.
A weird play on first down. None of the linemen do anything, for either team. They all just kind of stand there, except for Jeffcoat, who decks Kelly on an incompletion.
Bills get inside the 20 on this drive, but nobody really thinks it matters.
Fourth and long, Kelly throws to Beebe, it's complete and Beebe immediately goes out of bounds. Which would have been smart if he weren't way short of the first down marker.
Emmitt Smith is the MVP.
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Bernie Kosar takes the final snap and takes a knee. Game over. 30-13.
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Immediately after the game, Emmitt Smith went to console Thurman Thomas, who told Emmitt that Smith is the best running back in the NFL. Smith returned the favor.
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Enberg on Smith calling Thomas the best: "That's kind, even if it's not necessarily correct." Harrumph.
Golic: Bills came out and played well, but it was like one play (the fumble recovery touchdown) completely destroyed them.
Sherrard: Cowboys will keep this team together for a long time.
Golic: Bills aren't losers, they're the second-best team in the NFL for four years in a row. They see themselves as a very strong, very successful team.
Sherrard: Emmitt Smith is the offensive MVP. Golic: James Washington is the defensive MVP.
Host: Jimmy Johnson may want to leave Dallas and coach an expansion team. Golic: Jerry Jones won't want him to leave. Jones: Hold my beer and watch this.
Jerry Jones: This is possible because Jimmy Johnson has given everything he had since he got there, and his spirit is reflected in the way this team plays.
Jimmy Johnson: People say we've been at each other's throats. When you win Super Bowls, the only things you're going to do with each other's throats is hug them.
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Johnson: Didn't change much at halftime. We made some mistakes in the first half, second half, they made more mistakes than we did. Bills are an excellent team, otherwise they wouldn't have been here four years in a row.
Host: Sounds like Johnson wants to stay. Golic: We'll see what happens. I don't think Johnson's going to want to sue, and will honor his contract.
Apparently the host is Gary Imlach. Good to know.
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irenenorth · 7 years
New Post has been published on Irene North
New Post has been published on http://www.irenenorth.com/writings/2017/08/photo-essay-total-solar-eclipse-at-agate-fossil-beds-national-monument/
Photo Essay: Total Solar Eclipse at Agate Fossil Beds National Monument
The road wasn’t as busy as I had thought it would be at 5 a.m. I suppose it’s because several people traveled up to agate Fossil Beds National Monument the night before and many more came later in the day.
About 10 miles before the park, cars, trucks and RVs dotted the sides of the road. They were all out of state vehicles. Most were pulled off the road and parked against fences. The fences are to keep livestock in. It doesn’t mean it’s free land to park your car or pitch your tent. But they did so anyway.
It angered me in a way. It’s great that people travel from places far away to see an eclipse at a great site, but disrespecting others and their land rubs me the wrong way.
Later in the day, I heard one gentleman say, “We’re so far out in the middle of nowhere, the owners, if there even are any, probably wouldn’t have seen us anyway.”
I was wearing my Star-Herald polo shirt and I was working. I chose to let that comment go. I also didn’t want it to ruin my day.
I turned into the park. The rangers smiled as they saw me. My day was already better. This is a photo essay of my day. I wrote two stories for the Star-Herald, took more than 700 photographs, met some new people, and experienced a phenomenal event.
As we began our day at Agate Fossil Beds National Monument, three hawks (one is hidden within the leaves) rested in a tree near Park Ranger Alvis Mar’s home. Mar allowed us to park our car at his home. It’s 6:04 a.m.
A spider web can be clearly seen thanks to the early morning dew at Agate Fossil Beds National Monument.
Cars line the road to the visitors center at Agate Fossil Beds National Monument at 6:05 a.m., Monday, August 21, 2017. Paul and I are walking on a service road within the park.
Moments before sunrise, the visitors center at Agate Fossil Beds National Monument is still obscured in fog. It is 6:06 a.m.
The sun is nearly here as the waters of the Niobrara River are gently moving at Agate Fossil Beds National Monument.
I know it’s two photos of the Niobrara River, but this is a different angle from the photo before. It is 6:14 a.m. at Agate Fossil Beds National Monument on August 21, 2017. Eclipse day.
The sun peeks over the horizon at Agate Fossil Beds National Monument. The visitors center and the sun are partially obscured by fog. It is 6:17 a.m.
Taken from the view of the road, Paul and I finally reach the end of the service road at Agate Fossil Beds National Monument. We now begin our walk to the visitors center, about a mile away.
Someone who camped out at Agate Fossil Beds National Monument goes for a run at 6:41 a.m. I am able to just glimpse this man. Paul and I were picked up by the Scotts Bluff National Monument shuttle, which was on loan to Agate Fossil Beds National Monument for the day. This photo was taken while the shuttle was moving.
This gentleman was taking photos of sunflowers. The bright morning sun made for unique photo opportunities at Agate Fossil Beds National Monument. It is now 6:58 a.m.
The spider webs were everywhere in the early morning at Agate Fossil Beds National Monument.
This guy was one of many who arrived early, staked out their spot for the total solar eclipse and then promptly took a nap. It is 7:16 a.m. at Agate Fossil Beds National Monument. In a little over three hours, a total solar eclipse will begin.
Chuck Cynamon with Citizen CATE looks like he’s running around his telescope, but he’s really making final calculations for his project. He arrived at Agate Fossil Beds National Monument at 3:15 a.m., Monday, August 21, 2017.
These two stamps were made available to the public for the day. The stamp on the left was only available on August 21, 2017. The stamp on the right is the normal stamp for visitors. Many people stamped both into their National Parks passports. Others stamped them onto a piece of paper like you see in the photograph.
While people did yoga, Aurora McCord, of Denver, looked at the sun. She and her father, Matt, left Denver at 3 a.m. to make it Agate Fossil Beds National Monument in time for the total solar eclipse.
This is just an onion holding down napkins.
This is the only meal I had on eclipse day. It was really good. It’s 8:25 a.m. Eclipse starts in two hours.
The beans were as good as they look.
I don’t know where this girl was going, but it must have been fun getting there.
Someone decided 9:05 a.m. was a good time to go fly a kite.
Volunteer Jeff Bradshaw attempting to hide his phone. Sorry Jeff. You’ll have to find a new hiding place now that the whole world knows.
Thirty-nine wonderful folks from The Netherlands came to Agate Fossil Beds National Monument to view the eclipse. They are getting the final settings just right on their telescope.
See those two guys in the back? They’re called assholes. They climbed under the roped off area at Agate Fossil Beds National Monument and went hiking on the trails. It’s a shame they didn’t get bit by a rattlesnake. There was no cell service and park rangers were elsewhere in the park. Don’t be an asshole. If an area is roped off in a national park or monument, it’s been done for your own safety.
Just hanging on a leaf. This little critter is waiting for the total solar eclipse to start at Agate Fossil Beds National Monument. It’s 9:36 a.m. It will start in less than an hour.
Many families with children spend time doing projects on their own, with their parents and with the help of park rangers. Here, Hanya Simon, of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, stares off into the distance after making a picture with feathers in the sun. She and her family spent time in several national parks in South Dakota before comeing to Agate Fossil Beds National Monument for the total solar eclipse.
This is Ron Banfiel’s camera. Three years ago, he and his wife traveled by car between Denver, Colorado and North Dakota. They made a stop at Agate Fossil Beds. The Banfiels have an interest in paleontology and astronomy. when they saw the total solar eclipse was coming through Agate, they thought the park was their best chance to see the event. The couple hail from Flagstaff, Arizona. Banfiel said he couldn’t image a better place to see a solar eclipse.
Lakota Kelly Looking Horse speaks to the crowd in full regalia at Agate Fossil Beds National Monument. This is one of my favorite photos.
If you’d like to read my story about what Kelly Looking Horse had to say, you can find it at the Star-Herald.
As Kelly Looking Horse turns, you can see part of the feathers that make up the back of his outfit. He knows every previous owner of his clothing. It is part of his heritage and he will one day pass it on to another Lakota.
Just some of the crowd who gathered around to listen to Kelly Looking Horse at Agate Fossil Beds National Monument.
Paul North looks at the total solar eclipse at Agate Fossil Beds National Monument. He called first contact about 15 minutes ago.
After talking to the crowd for about 45 minutes, Kelly Looking Horse gathered the people together in four circles to dance. At the end of the dance, they turned around and greeted each other as friends. Eventually, the crowd dispersed to view the total solar eclipse at Agate Fossil Beds National Monument.
Though it may seem as if a spotlight has been turned on Kelly Looking Horse, this is how the sunlight was projected onto the Earth during the partial phase of the total solar eclipse at Agate Fossil Beds National Monument. It is also my favorite photograph of Kelly Looking Horse.
Jeff Leanna takes photos of the total solar eclipse during first contact at Agate Fossil Beds National Monument. Jeff was kind enough to loan me his tripod and filter so I could snap a few photos. But that’s what the day was all about – people sharing, talking, laughing, and experiencing a moment in time.
This isn’t the best photo ever taken of Matt Salomon, but I use it here to demonstrate what we saw with our eyes. As the sun neared totality, the sky and everything around us looked as if it was illuminated by an artificial spotlight.
Moments before totality, you could see the Moon’s shadow approaching Agate Fossil Beds National Monument. When it finally arrive and blocked the sun, a cheer came over the crowd.
The moon begins eclipsing the sun over Agate Fossil Beds National Monument. Sun spots can be seen on the sun.
This is the best photograph I have of totality. It is over Agate Fossil Beds National Monument. The spot on the left is, I think, Regulus, but I’m not an astronomer and I can’t be 100 percent sure that’s what it is.
My best photo moments after the total eclipse of the sun at Agate Fossil Beds National Monument. You can see the beginning of the diamond ring effect.
After totality, everyone was sharing the pictures they got. Here, Matt Salomon, of Scottsbluff, takes a picture of the photo Ron Banfiel, of Flagstaff, Arizona, took. Matt jokingly said he was going to take credit it for it.
Once the total solar eclipse was over, park rangers opened the trail at Agate Fossil Beds National Monument.
Folks hike along the trail at Agate Fossil Bed National Monument after the total solar eclipse on Monday, Auguse 21, 2017. I can’t tell if the guy in the striped shirt stole that sunflower or if it’s just a trick of the eye.
The Bone Bed trail. You have to travel along this trail to get back to my car, which was parked at a park ranger’s home. On this trail, you’ll see Thomas Cook’s grave and the Bone Cabin.
The visitors center at Agate Fossil Beds National Monument at 1:35 p.m. There are still thousands of visitors in the park after witnessing a total solar eclipse.
John Cook’s grave is just a short walk off the trail to the Bone Cabin. Near his grave is a bench to rest on. From the bench, there is a beautiful view for you to take some time to reflect on nature, or anything else.
John Cook’s grave at Agate Fossil Beds National Monument.
The Bone Cabin at Agate Fossil Beds National Monument. You can see my car in the left, middle part of this picture. You can see some of the cars parked on the side of the road in the distance.
There is a rattlesnake in this hole. Paul and I can hear him. I walked up to the Bone Cabin and tried to look in the window. I’m too short to see inside. I think I walked on past the rattlesnake. The window is about six feet up and two feet to the right of this hole. When Paul walked up to the window, he said, “Oh shit! There’s a rattlesnake. Quick come take its picture.” I wasn’t quick enough. I saw its rattle and about six inches of snake before it disappeared. Paul was happy. He got to see a total solar eclipse and his first live rattlesnake in the same day.
I didn’t get a photograph of the rattlesnake, but here’s some snake skin.
Though I didn’t get to photograph the rattlesnake, I did get this picture of a dragonfly outside the Bone Cabin at Agate Fossil Beds National Monument. I then walked to my car about 100 feet away and drove to get a signal so I could turn in my stories and photographs to the Star-Herald.
This is my collection of eclipse glasses I gathered. I will keep a couple for sentimental reasons. The rest, I have given to Paul to take to work at Gering High School. Kory Knight is collecting them to send to Astronomers Without Borders. They will distribute them to folks who can’t afford glasses for the next total solar eclipse in the world. If you want to get rid of yours, drop by the Star-Herald and give them to me. I’ll make sure they get where they need to be.
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20 years, 20 facts 6/27/17
1. My full name is Kelsey Patrecia Lachance. I hate my middle name because no one can say it right. (pa-tree-sha)
2. Even though, I am 20 years old I still use kids mouth wash. Act Kids Bubble Gum Blowout. I like the taste of it and the fluoride in it helps keep my teeth strong. I use whitening toothpaste so the mouth was is a must.
3. My best friend doesn’t live in the United States. My best friend is from France. We met when I was attending the University of Maine at Augusta. He was a foreign exchange student and we really hit it off. We have been friends for three years now!
4. I’ve worked as a barista for Starbucks for the past four years, and it has been a great job. You have the opportunity to experiment with different flavors and make new drinks. This comes in handy when a guest comes up and asks for a random drink. If you ever have the chance to become a barista, DO IT!
5. I graduated high school a year early. I graduated a month after my seventeenth birthday. This year I will be graduating from college and I’m so thankful for all the opportunities I've been given.
6. I go to Thomas College in Waterville, Maine. Everyone complains about the school, but I absolutely love it. It’s everything I could have wanted in a college. The professors are so nice, the campus is small, and everyone in our small community acts like family.
7. I only keep in contact with one person from high school. I’ve learned that high school friends are not forever friends (other than my one). College is different though. I met one girl during orientation and we have became best friends. Along the way after some misfortune, I’ve made some other really good friends, and even my best friend.
8. Most of my friends are guys. I mean, I do have friends that are girls, but girls in general cause a lot of drama. I want absolutely nothing with drama. I just want to live a happy life, drama free.
9. I’ve cut many, many friends due to their excessive involvement with drama. I recall many instances.
10. My favorite color is green. Green is what you see in Maine in the summer. All the trees have tender green leaves. I spend a lot of time around the color green. On my hiking trails, kayaking trips and even just in my room (my walls are painted green.)
11. My mom and I are super close. She knows everything, and by everything, I mean EVERYTHING. There isn’t anything I haven’t told her. We are basically best friends.
12. When ever I get super upset to the point where I am going to break down, I have the urge to runway. I runaway to any body of water and just sit and think. The water calms me, and makes me happy. It reminds me that no problem is as big as it seems in that moment. While I’m sitting near the water reflecting, I always debate throwing my phone into the water. Sometimes things are better without social media.
13. I live on snapchat. Snapstreaks are sooooo important to me. You’re probably thinking this is silly, but I doubt you’ve ever had a snap streak that was higher than 200 so stfu.
14. I drive a 2006 Toyota RAV4. It’s honestly the best car I’ve ever driven. 100% chance that my next car will be an updated version of the RAV 4. It’s an SUV, but a pretty small one. On my car, the back door opens sideways instead of up and down, and I love that. My kayak fits perfectly on top of it without any extra straps.
15. My favorite song constantly changes. Right now, It’s Crying in the Club my Camila Cabello. One thing I do hate about the song though is that it talks about drugs in it, and she’s a big star for many teens, and knowing what I know about juveniles, it pisses me off, but the song is super catchy.
16. My dog is also my best friend and my partner, as you know she comes with me on my travels. She’s good to hike with, or just hang out with. Julie, my eleven year old black lab, still acts like she is only two years old. She is pretty small, she only weighs 52 pounds.
17. I never ever though I would be depressed in my entire life, but when my dad left I was depressed for months. I honestly didn’t think I would make it through it. I thought that I would just shut down. Trust me, I wanted to, but knew it would be no good. I had been hurt so many times by people that this was the last straw for me and I lost all of my emotions. To this day, it is hard for me to express my feeling to the people I love so very much. I feel bad, but I just need to learn how to express and show my emotions again. Honestly, to trust myself again. I’m so shocked that I let these people hurt me.
18. I recently learned that life is a journey, so you should make it one you are proud of. Don’t do things because others want you to. Do them because you want to. In the long run you will be happier.
19. “Nothing is ever easy.” A quote I have heard many times. I still have an unanswered question that I’m curious about. “Is anything that is worthy, easy?” It seems as if something you really want is never easy to come across. It seems like I have to climb the steepest mountain just to complete one task towards my goal/s. I mean, I don’t mind it just gets tiring sometimes.
20. “You find love when you’re not looking for it.” Everyone says this, but is it really true. I mean, I didn’t believe so. I was one of those people who thought I might never find the “right” person. I would have just settled for anyone. I haven’t had much experience in the love department until recently. I had been with all the wrong people. My list of people was like a featured subscription on snapchat where it lists all the wrong people to be with. In a time where I thought I would be single for awhile, I tried to make the best of it. I was young, blonde and single. I had many possibilities ahead of me, especially going into summer of senior year. Then Jacob appeared in my life and I wouldn’t change it for anything. It just felt right. He is one of those guys you can tell that is genuine to his word, and always tries his best to do the right thing. I never though I would find someone to have the ideal relationship I’ve always wanted. I wanted that relationship where we can just be ourselves and do goofy relationship things. Not only do we have my ideal relationship, he’s my ideal kind of guy. He has a good personality, he is genuine, like I said. He told me he wouldn’t hurt me and that meant a lot seems I had recently had the loss of all feelings from the whole situation with my dad. Not only was he ideal with the things that matter most to be, but he is cute and tall. He came into my life when I least expected it, but it happened. Anyways, what I’m trying to say is don’t give up on love, just have patience. Your Jacob could appear when you’re not looking. 
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junker-town · 7 years
The Warriors kicked the Blazers out of Portland
Good morning. We have that and more in Tuesday’s NBA newsletter.
Chance The Rapper doesn't have to reschedule his show at Oracle Arena after all. Much was made of the fact that his show was scheduled the same night as a potential Warriors vs. Blazers Game 5. While there was an innocent explanation, we all kind of knew the Warriors would have no problem wrapping up the series.
The logistics staff at Oracle can count their blessings: Kevin Durant came back in Game 4 in Portland. How great Golden State looked all night. Now the Blazers can go hang out with summer friends while the Warriors continue toward the finish line. In the West's second round, right now the Warriors are all we got.
The Warriors dropped 45 in the first quarter on Monday and never looked back. Durant looked incredible. By the end of the night, the Blazers were not just on summer vacation, but I think the Warriors actually took physically ownership of the Moda Center and the city of Portland. I think the Warriors legitimately evicted the Blazers for the summer.
I predicted Golden State would go 16-0 on their way to winning the title. Friends, that is absolutely still in play.
Playoff Scores ...
Bucks 93, Raptors 118 (TOR leads 3-2)
Wizards 101, Hawks 111 (Series tied 2-2)
Warriors 128, Blazers 103 (GSW wins 4-0)
... And Links Galore
The Raptors took control of their weird series with Milwaukee on Monday. But it wasn't DeMar DeRozan and Kyle Lowry who showed out. It was Norman "The God" Powell and Serge Ibaka! As an avowed Norm fan, this pleases me. Look at this dunk! Giannis Antetokounmpo was quite good in defeat, but the Bucks' defense wasn't able to stop Toronto's assault. And also, Serge put Giannis on a poster. All of Giannis's victims smile in unison.
The Hawks evened up their series with the Wizards -- the home team has won all four games. How'd Atlanta do it in Game 4? The only thing that stands out much is that the Hawks were awesome when Jose Calderon (?!) and Kent Bazemore were on the floor together (+24 in 14 minutes). That might have something to do with the Wizards bench, of course ... anyways, check out Marcin Gortat tying his shoe in the middle of a possession!
Tuesday's schedule: Thunder at Rockets, 8 p.m. ET, TNT (HOU leads 3-1) Grizzlies at Spurs, 9 p.m. ET, NBA TV (Series tied 2-2) Jazz at Clippers, 10:30 p.m. ET, TNT (Series tied 2-2)
There is nothing more NBA In 2017 than two teammates accidentally wearing matching $990 dinosaur sweaters to a game.
New Ricky O'Donnell mock draft with the Sixers winning No. 1 overall, as it should be, frankly..
I wrote about how the Clippers should run it back ... if Blake Griffin is willing to return to Los Angeles.
Charlotte Wilder broke out 17 takeaways from the tense Russell Westbrook-Steven Adams press conference following Game 4. Sean Fennessey used it as part of the basis for his piece delving into his anti-Westbrook feelings.
Henry Abbott goes long on LeBron's mileage and whether this is the beginning of the end for his peak.
It turns out it's not fun watching Andre Roberson brick free throws, just like it isn't fun watching anyone brick free throws.
Kawhi Leonard is having the best statistical postseason in NBA history so far.
How interesting! Given that All-NBA status matters so much for contracts and cap sheet management these days, the league has decided to announce those honors before the late June awards show so teams can plan around it.
Isaiah Thomas credits his teammates with lifting him up during an emotional time.
Rachel Nichols on what we lose when we lose Steve Kerr's voice.
Nene almost retired last summer. Now he's an integral part of Houston's playoff run.
Whoops! Joe Ingles should have been a Clipper. Instead he's helping to hurt L.A.
And finally: an adult Clippers fan was quite rude to a tiny Jazz fan during a bubble race, so the Jazz mascot avenged him by viciously attacking said Clippers fan. All is fair in love and bubble races.
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