#snug gyu
missyedits · 2 years
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Felix x Date Night
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ggthydrangea · 1 year
i associate you with chan and taeyang... i also think your type are the kind and sweet ones
Hehe thank you Tsu~ I love that that's what you think my type is, I definitely love a sweet boy. 🥺
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chanrizard · 2 years
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hi berry baby! 💕
+ bonus:
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wahgifs · 11 months
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happy birthday (resident minbinjin lover) tsu @snug-gyu ♥ ©
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yangbbokari · 4 months
🩷Send this to ten people you admire🩷
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jisungshotfirst · 8 months
hi hi~ asking for some hyunjin and mingi
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here r ur boys !!!!! wonderful taste btw<3
Tell me who your ult bias is (can be multiple), and I'll go and find a photo of them that I really like
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crazy-form · 7 months
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this is a pastel. it's filled (can be either savory or sweet) and deep-fried. i just found a great nutella filled one around here and i've been eating it like, at least twice a week lol
my goodness now im even more intrigued sahfkshfla anything deep fried with nutella is like heaven fr
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applejongho · 5 months
congrats on 2k!
for the gif request, yeosang on halazia or yeosang on fireworks, please
hi tsu, thank u for requesting! 🥹🫶 this was kinda hard bc fireworks was my first era as an atiny and i think yeo had really good parts in fireworks, but HALAZIA????? ugh. thats really where he shined. like holy shit collecting vids for him i was like 👀👀 bc hes just That Guy. hope u enjoy! <3
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souplix · 7 months
felix and the color pink
im so honored thank u
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happysmilebtr · 1 year
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tagged by the lovely, kick butt and awesome sauce content maker @digitalgirls​ (thank you very much for the tag!) and another lovely mutual but for the life of me my peanut brain forgot who it was so thank you also to you too if you see this!
tagging (only if you want too!): @jinniebit​ @snug-gyu @soonhoonsol @woozification @seokmins @injunnies @chogiwapadada @jeonwonwoo
welp here you go guys! my poopy gif coloring lol. i haven’t giffed much as i just started 2ish years ago now(?) and i am now working a full time job so alas, i don’t have much to really show improvement but i do feel proud with some of my colorings and here are my top 5 (plus bonus two in the read more section hehe) i guess my coloring is more so with making things brighter if that makes sense? keeping things natural but bumping up the vibrance as you can see in certain gifs like the lights one for example. i do feel content with my giffing, granted the quality could be better but that is due to me using ezgif as a converter for making gifs on photopea (i know i can use vs but vs SCARES me like everyone that uses it? you guys are officially badass like gandalf in my books! i bow down to you all lol)
if anyone wants to hear more in depth thoughts of my coloring for each gif plus see the bonus ones that are too tiny to show in a normal gifset, readbelow but if not thank you for checking this out!
gif one: starting off with my proudest one of the bunch, this gif is from my baekhyun countdown series which you can view right here oh my when i say i am proud of this, i am SO proud of this. first of, this short video is pale, REALLY pale. more pale than casper the ghost lkdsalkjda so i struggled with making sure to not overdo the coloring where baekhyun is weirdly colored but making sure it’s no longer so bright ya know? with what i work with, i think i did a good job? it was during this series i started using a gradient map as well for my coloring and ya’ll....use gradient maps lol. i would have used them earlier but i had no clue how to well, use them as silly as that sounds! i found a tutorial on how someone used them and since then i use that. usually use brown to grey to make things neutral but also make sure skinetone is as natural as possible but of course that isn’t always the case, this is something i struggle with as you can probably tell so i am trying my best! overall, a very pretty gif coloring i think! simple but pretty!
gif two: ah yes....my og fav hehe. this was during the 17 days of 17 event that happened last year almost now and this was for of course, scoups day and i am proud of it still! granted, i would do things a tiny bit more differently even though this is just what, a 6ish months difference in giffing from the first gif? regardless, this one is my favorite and all because of one silly thing...the color changed background. as you can tell in the circle, the original was purple with the lightning background and i actually did save my coloring originally with this background still! however, i was playing around with coloring and by accident, just out of curiosity, i changed the color of the background and when i say i was super shocked...i was lol. in a good way of course! don’t ask me why but at the time, i just loved this small change. i thought it was so cool and it made me so excited so i kept it. could i have kept the purple? for sure, it bothered me to this day if i made the right call because a mutual of mine said the purple looked better against scoups skintone which i agree so it eats me to this day lol. (no ill feelings to my mutual! i liked having the feedback because sometimes that initial excitment sometimes isn’t the right call and i like being told the truth!)
gif three: another of my baekhyun gif series which again.....WHY DOES SM OR WHOEVER EDITS THESE VIDEOS, MAKE THINGS SO PALE!?!??! like bro....this one baekhyun IS truly casper the ghost dsaldasl. i managed to save him in this gif set but when i kept doing double takes myself when giffing, i always went “wait, is THIS how it originally looks!?” like i was so surprised with the coloring difference
gif four: featuring my queen, lights. the only non kpop gif lol. she is the reason i got into gif making actually! my first ever gifset is for her mv “prodigal daughter” (which yes you should all take a listen too just saying) so you can thank her for my gif making! this was from her i think 3rd mv, “in my head” which you can check out the gifset here! this is a perfect example of my coloring i think, the making things vibrant but keeping it somewhat natural and for me giffing this without gradient map i feel dang proud lol. it was either this gif or another one of lights but i went with this one instead to showcase i guess my usual coloring ya know?
gif five: and lastly a baekhyun gif once again. this one is originally meant to be with a pink coloring overlay and font as seen in the original gifset but i kept the original coloring because i liked how it turned out overall! i decided to switch things up with my editing by using unsharp mask and instead of using 30% i did 135% and kinda liked the result of it! i do admit, if you are someone like me and are stuck using ezgif, make SURE the file is super hq! while this does look nice, imo it looks better with good video quality when making the gifs as i did this setting for the last 4 gifsets of the baekhyun countdown and for ones like this one, it looks nice but some weren’t very high and you can tell it looks a bit meh. this is i think my current giffing editing and i feel proud of it! this one is very natural in coloring but everything is more “pop” if that makes sense, things are more defined than smooth, the neutral colors look lively, etc. 
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you guys thought i would leave out these ones? oh no lol. so these two gfs are from my txt “good boy gone bad” mv and seventeen “hot” mv gifsets i made! i remember seeing this gifset style being HUGE back in late 2017ish up until 2019 if memory is correct by an old school content maker. i saw they had a tutorial on how they did their sets back then so i followed it and made my own for these mv’s and man i loved doing them. not only was the setting up the scenes to use was fun but finding the right font that fit the mv vibe was fun and of course, the coloring. for txt’s, there was alot of greens as you can see here and while i like me green, i wasn’t happy with just how dark and swampy it looked lol. i get it was the aesthetic in general but i wantted it to pop alot and thus the blue/purple tones in the overall gifset which i think looks really beautiful! then for hot, i didn’t plan on the pink coloring lol. i originally wanted to do the usuals, brighten and and make the colors pop out but by moving around to color the orange colors, it turned more pink so i went with it (you can see the difference towards the end of gif of how different the pink and orange are!) still my proudest coloring on both and still am proud for the “hot” as that was originally my top set with notes until somehow baekhyun and his doggo took over xD
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chrisbangz · 10 months
☆ - put this star in the inbox of your favourite blogs. it’s time to spread positivity! 🌻💖
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missyedits · 2 years
Iridescent Scales - A Stray Kids x Mermaid AU
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Title: Iridescent Scales
Genre: Fantasy, Mermaid AU
Characters: Han, Hyunjin, Felix, Minho
Length: 2.5-3K words
Summary: When Jisung’s marine biologist roommate begins to act strangely, coming back later and later from expeditions and staying annoying tight lipped, Jisung is determined to find out why. What he finds, however, is more than he bargained for.
Freezing in place, he waited, ears perked as he listened for any corresponding sound. 
Freezing in place, he waited, ears perked as he listened for any corresponding sound. 
Freezing in place, he waited, ears perked as he listened for any corresponding sound. 
The man slumped, breathing out in relief. That had been close. He had been sure that he had woken Minho up, but the lack of muffled screeching was telling.
Cursing to himself, he knelt down, collecting together the pieces of some… project his roommate had left on the counter that he had managed to knock over in his haste to leave without being noticed. He deposited the remaining parts back where they had been, wincing as he thought of the almighty chew-out he’d be getting in the morning. That was tomorrow’s problem.
Picking up where he left off, Jisung stepped – carefully this time – towards his friend’s wet suit.
Now this may seem an odd choice, to be stealing his marine biologist roommate’s scientific study equipment at three o’clock in the morning, but Jisung had never been conventional. He also had a nasty curiosity streak that had managed to rear its head over the past few weeks. It just so happened that today had been the day that it had spilled over.
He struggled into the tight neoprene suit and frowned, an image of his roommate's face flashing in his mind. His friend had been acting odd.
Well – odder than usual.
It had started around three weeks ago, when the older male had gone out on a trip on his boat. This in itself was normal behaviour for his friend; his daily expeditions to research whatever it was that marine biologists researched were a staple in their household. What wasn’t normal, however, was the way that he had returned three hours late, sheet white, and gone straight to bed without dinner.
Ever since then he’d been coming back later and later, avoiding Jisung and his probing questions, and locking himself in his room for hours upon hours on end. Jisung was concerned. His hyung could be odd at times, true, but this was beyond that. Jisung was determined to find out what was going on.
Hauling the mask and tank from the sideboard, Jisung made his way out of the garage. He took a deep breath.
The salty tang of the ocean air flooded his airways, the cool night wind brushing through his hair and sending a shiver throughout his body. Jisung grinned.
The perks of house sharing with a marine biologist is that their house was right on the edge of the coast. As such it only took a few minutes of picking his way across the jagged sea rocks under the low light of a flashlight before Jisung was stood on the shoreline, the icy ocean water sweeping across his bare feet.
Jisung knelt, knees digging into the sand, as he began to assemble the equipment he needed. It was fortunate that this wasn’t his first time diving at night – Minho had taken him on enough ‘unsanctioned’ midnight dives for him to be familiar with the process – because he was sure that if he wasn’t, Jisung was desperate enough that he might try anyway.
Finally lugging the tank onto his back, he took a step forward, feeling the cool water envelop his legs. He continued to wade inwards, not stopping until he was fully submerged up to his waist before diving into the deep blue depths.
If Jisung was completely honest with himself, he wasn’t entirely sure what he was looking for. All that he had to go off was the vague location his friend had been travelling to – a sunken ship not too far from the sea cave about a half a mile out – and a gut feeling that whatever he was looking for, it would be there. But no one had ever said Jisung wasn’t impulsive.
It had been a long time since he had last dived. Jisung relished the feeling of getting back in the water, feeling the cool liquid wash past his body as he propelled himself forward; the sensation of being completely submerged. The gentle weight of the ocean enveloping his body on all sides was soothing, a feeling that dragged him far away from the worries and anxiety of life and allowed him to let himself drown in the freeing feeling of nothingness.
It took about half an hour before Jisung reached the location in question.
Dragging himself from the water and onto a nearby rock, Jisung let himself relax for a moment, huffing at the aching burn that wormed it’s way through his limbs in protest of lugging the heavy equipment for so long. He drew in a long breath before sitting up, staring into the inky depths below.
Truly, if he found nothing tonight, his time would not have been wasted. He had missed being out at sea. Coming here once more just reaffirmed the twinge of jealousy Jisung felt each day as he watched his friend leave for another expedition, the wild excitement of another dive never dimming in his eyes.
Jisung only wished he could do what his friend did; have the freedom to spend all day submerged in the water, away from the rest of the world. Unfortunately, parental pressure had forced him down the boring, yet stable route of a typical desk job, sat doing paperwork all day. Jisung longed for nothing more than to be doing literally anything else, but his life had never really been up to him anyway.
He flicked his fins absentmindedly through the water, watching the way the black liquid parted away from the plastic, and sighed. There was no point wasting the time he had out here lamenting the time he couldn’t spend out here.
He grabbed the mask that had been hooked to his waistband and pulled it over his face, flicking on the front torch and hanging the handheld torch back on his utility belt. Heaving himself around, he shuffled backwards until his hips were lined up with the flat drop of the rock. He braced.
There was only a few seconds of weightlessness before he was submerged again.
Jisung gasped, blinking as he tried to reorientate himself in the black void that surrounded him. Finally locating the upwards flow of the bubbles released from his mask, Jisung pivoted himself upright, allowing himself to sink slowly down into the water.
All around him inky blackness stretched out in every direction, barely pierced by the bright light of his torch. Honestly, it was a lot scarier being out here alone. But, Jisung knew this place. He knew this area and he knew that the wreck would be directly below him.
He trained his eyes on the area beneath his feet as he sank lower and lower, watching, as expected, as the outline of a ship came slowly into view.
The sprawling shape of the massive vessel mapped itself out below him, stretching hundreds of metres out around him. Jisung stuck his arms out allowing himself to float in place as he took in the wreck in all its dilapidated glory, illuminated in the dark waters by the bioluminescent glow of coral that had grown slowly across the deck over decades.
No matter how many times he came down here it never failed to take his breath away. It was beautiful.
But - Jisung thought, looking around - something was wrong.
The schools of fish that usually covered its surface, flitting amongst the algae and hiding behind the reefs – they were all gone. All of them; not a single flutter of movement.
Jisung held his breath as he dropped down, letting his feet land on the wooden deck of the ship. He leaned forward into the patch of red coral that had sprung up over here and – nothing. Jisung frowned, heart pulsing.
He had hoped that it had been a fluke, that maybe the biodiverse culture that Minho had been so excited to discover thriving amongst the wreck had been hiding for some reason or another. But – no. It was gone.
Completely and utterly gone.
Jisung pushed himself backwards off the deck, looking around for any signs of life to no avail. It was eerie; the utter stillness of the normally bustling area. It was like walking into the middle of Seoul only to find every store, street and house empty. Devoid, as if they had never been there at all.
A cool wash of water brushed past his arm.
Jisung startled, spinning around to find whatever had swam past him. There was nothing.
Jisung stared, heart beating in his throat.
He needed to leave.
Frantically beating his feet beneath him, Jisung kicked his way upwards. Before he could make it so much as a couple metres, however, a dark shadow slammed into him, pushing him sharply down into the deck.
Jisung gasped, a flurry of bubbles erupting around him as pain exploded through his back, the hard wooden surface slamming into his back with the force of a truck.
He stayed frozen in place, eyes wide as he waited for whatever had attacked him to emerge from the depths. He didn’t have to wait long.
“Minho?” A deep voice rang out waveringly from just behind him and Jisung jumped, hands flying up to protect his face.
But before he could even attempt to move, a loud shriek rang out.
Jisung baulked.
His mouth opened wide, morphing into a silent scream as the piercing note rattled through his ear drums, a harsh pressure building inside his head. It built and it built and it built, rising like a crescendo and Jisung writhed, vision darkening as the pressure mounted.
Warm tears dripped down his cheeks as Jisung curled up in pain, certain that he was going to die.
But just before the pressure built up to an unbearable amount, it suddenly released.
Jisung stayed curled up, hands fisting at his wet suit as he kept his eyes squeezed desperately shut, breaths heaving from his lungs in stuttered gasps. It took a while of regulating his shuddering sobs before sound slowly began to filter in again, along with it the belated realisation that the sudden silence had been as a result of the persistent ringing in his ears.
“-Hyunjin, what the fuck! Stop it!” The deep voice from before demanded. Jisung flinched at the sound, a whimper lurching from his chest. He spared a brief thought to the unknown state of his breathing tanks before the voice began to speak again and all rational thought fled his mind. “Look at him! He’s terrified! He’s harmless! Leave him alone!”
A low growl was the only response. “No, he’s not. Minho said humans were dangerous, Felix. That we should stay away from them.”
“That doesn’t mean kill them!”
There was a brief pause as Jisung presumed they stared each other down. Finally, ‘Hyunjin’ relented. “Fine.”
Before Jisung knew what was happening, surprisingly warm hands were cupping his face, soft on his skin. Jisung’s eyes shot open, lurching backwards, but the unexpectedly strong hands held him in place, rubbing soothing circles into his cheeks. “Hey, hey. It’s okay. You’re okay. You’re safe now.”
As Jisung’s vision finally cleared, he gasped. Swirling, pale blue eyes stared at him through a mess of soft pink hair, wide with earnestness. Jisung’s eyes flashed across the person’s face, taking in the unnatural pinkish hue of his skin and the opalescent scales spattered across his cheeks like an odd imitation of freckles.
Jisung stared, slack-jawed, in wonder.
“Are you an angel?”
The man giggled, voice starting high before dropping startlingly low as he released one hand from Jisung’s cheek to cover his mouth. “No, not quite. Try a mermaid?”
Jisung blinked dumbly at the other, before-
Stretching out far behind the man a long, slender tail swished idly through the water, strong and powerful-looking, yet completely covered by the same iridescent scales that flecked across his face. Jisung stared, the only word his barely functioning brain able to come up with-
The mer flushed pink, all the way from his neck to his ears. Jisung frowned. Oh. He’d said that out loud.
“Yes, you did,” A higher pitched voice growled and Jisung jerked, mind snapping back into motion.
He looked over to find another blue eyed… mermaid staring straight at him. This one, however, instead of having unnaturally pale blue eyes, shone electric blue, practically a beacon in the darkness of the ocean. Matched with the long, dark hair that framed his face in waves, and the similarly coloured tail that stretched out for metres behind him, it resulted in an altogether breath-taking – if not terrifying – effect.
The man’s eyes didn’t soften as they met his, however. They only hardened in intensity.
“What are you doing here?” The merman questioned sharply, flicking his head towards Jisung. The movement caused the light of Jisung’s torch to flicker across the mer’s face, causing his eyes to glow almost like a cat’s in the dark and illuminate the crystalline, sea-glass tiara perched atop his head. Jisung wondered if Felix similarly had one or whether this was just a ‘Hyunjin’ thing, but didn’t dare to spare a look.
“Hyunjin,” Felix began admonishingly, but went silent as soon as Hyunjin lifted a hand.
“How did you find us?”
Jisung wilted under the harsh glare of the other male, the throbbing pain across his back and head flaring up once again. “I- uh. I wanted to know what – well – what Minho was up to, but-“
“You know Minho?”
Hyunjin cut in sharply and Jisung’s mouth snapped shut, nodding frantically. He had the brief realisation that one of Felix’s hands was still gently cupping his cheek, but didn’t say anything. It was oddly comforting.
“How? Did he sell us out?”
“Sell- what? No?” Jisung answered, eyes narrowing in bewilderment, before cold realisation flooded through him. Minho’s tight-lipped silence. The late nights. Them knowing his name.
Minho had discovered mermaids. Minho had discovered mermaids and hadn’t told him.
What the fuck.
“That bastard!”
Hyunjin startled, but before he could do anything, Felix was yanking Jisung back and out of the way, arms curled protectively around his waist.
“Felix! Get away from him!” Hyunjin growled, reaching out towards him, but Felix returned his anger just as fiercely, jerking away. Hyunjin halted, eyes wide in surprise.
“Leave him alone!” Felix’s deep voice rang out from behind him and Jisung blinked, a mixture of bewilderment and thankfulness flooding through him.
“He's dangerous!”
“He’s a friend of Minho’s! Aren’t you?” Felix stated, more than asked, and Jisung slowly nodded, looking between the two mermen who’s eyes hadn’t left each other.
Mermen. Jisung felt faint.
“See? He’s not dangerous.”
Hyunjin frowned, face twisting in displeasure, but he didn’t make a move to express his disagreement or otherwise.
“Whatever. Just get him out of here. I need to speak to Minho.”
Jisung felt Felix nod against his neck, soft hair brushing against his skin before there was a low murmur. Again, Jisung felt a deep note roll through him, tingling down his spine. This time, however, the all-consuming terror that had overtaken him before when Hyunjin had done it was no longer present. The smooth sound washed over him like the waves on a beach, pulling him gently out to sea as the world faded out around him, gentle arms keeping him safe.
Jisung awoke to aggressive shaking, his body tensing as a wave of pain coursed through his back. He groaned, hands curling into the coarse sand-
Wait. Sand.
Jisung shot up, eyes snapping open, and immediately regretted it as his body screamed in protest. But nothing mattered more than the sharp eyes of his best friend, hovering over him with an expression best described as worry poorly concealed behind anger.
Without preamble, he threw his arms around his friend, clinging tightly to his back as deep shudders began to rack through him.
Minho paused in his tirade, shocked at the blatant show of emotion. Eventually, his worry won out and he wrapped his arms gingerly around the younger male.
“Jisung?” He asked gently, hand coming up to card through his hair.
Jisung buried his face into the older man’s shoulder, arms tightening. “Hyunjin.”
Minho froze. His hand paused in its ministrations and in a moment, he was pulling back, looking Jisung over with wide eyes.
“Oh my God, Jisung! Is that blood-?” He asked shakily, hand coming up to wipe under Jisung’s ear.
Jisung just shrugged, slumping forward into Minho’s hold. “My back and head are busted too.”
Minho’s mouth opened, ready with a million questions, but Jisung cut him off before he could begin, hands fisting in his shirt.
“Home? Please?”
Minho’s mouth closed, and he paused, before giving a short nod. Whatever this was, they’d sort it out in the morning. But all Jisung wanted now was to curl up in bed with his best friend and pretend the last night hadn’t happened.
To be safe in his arms.
“Also, Minho?”
“You’re a dick.”
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ggthydrangea · 1 year
chan or taeyang? 😇
Going straight for the kill huh? 😭
While I love them both a lot, and I consider Taeyang a little more of an ult, I think if I had to pick the one that's closer to what I would want from a partner, I think Chan wins.
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chanrizard · 2 years
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surprise! 🎉
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leenope · 10 months
☆ - put this star in the inbox of your favourite blogs. it’s time to spread positivity! 🌻💖
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ambivartence · 1 year
sorry i love you
red lights
the view
mixtape: oh
star lost
gone away
secret secret
silent cry
> Send me an album and i'll rank its songs <
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