#snk smartpass
warm-starlight · 5 months
Sharing a few of the stories from the smartpass book vol.
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momtaku · 1 year
Interesting. But what about the short story where Levi sees Erwin in a dream, where he asks him whether he picked Armin "because he was more beneficial to humanity" It always felt like the fans being gaslighted to believe something that contradicts logic and reality, and thus adhering to the shonen agenda of everything being twisted for the sake of the main characters. It bothers me a lot tbh. And yes, Serumbowl in 2023. I'm still not over it.
I'll link to the story as @tsuki-no-ura translated it. “Goodnight. Sweet dreams, dear. Act II: Levi“ came out in the fall of 2019. In story terms, Levi had been exploded, the rumbling had just starting and Eren was off to Pathsland with Zeke. Because the smartpass story was so Armin-centric, I remember people thinking that perhaps it was foreshadowing that Armin would have a pivotal role in saving humanity. Tsuki can explain more about the style it was written in, but I get the feeling it was stranger than most. 
Context wise, as you mentioned, it involves a dream where Erwin expresses concern that he’d disappointed Levi and Levi thus chose Armin to bring hope to humanity. 
As soon as Levi was back in the manga and remained clearly focused on Erwin, people stopped talking about the smartpass story. Unless Isayama writes the 16 pages or so he tossed about in France, chapter 136 and 139 are the final authority on Levi’s decision. While Levi supported the Survey Corps and Armin, his final tearful vision of Erwin and the vets says it all.
Thanks for the ask!
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ngocdancamille · 1 year
"Levi & Hange, s'abriter de la pluie. La bibliothèque couverte de poussière.''
(SNK Shorts Stories - Traduction FR)
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Une petite traduction non-officielle faite de ma patte. Les short-stories (Smartpass) sont des histoires courtes officielles approuvées et relues par Hajime Isayama. Elles sont publiées dans une application japonaise ‘‘AU’‘.
Source: https://attackoncoffee1988.tumblr.com/post/615576613014454272/the-library-thats-covered-in-dust
Le Bataillon d’Exploration avait décidé de s’abriter de la pluie dans un ancien château, qui avait néanmoins une allure robuste. La pluie qui battait contre les grandes fenêtres résonnait, les plongeant ainsi dans une ambiance assourdissante. 
- C’est pas vrai… Mais quelle montagne de richesse! Ces anciens manuscrits… ce serait tellement bien si je pouvais les lire. Fichtre! Je ne peux toujours pas déchiffrer ça! 
Le dos de cette personne pleine d’enthousiasme, fouillant joyeusement dans les documents, n'appartenait à nulle autre que Hange. 
- Hé, fichue bigleuse. T’as laissé les membres de ton escouade vagabonder dans le château comme bon leur semble? 
- Oh, Levi? Non ce n’est pas le cas, car Moblit s’occupe de répondre aux besoins de tous. C' est un inestimable et excellent assistant, tu ne trouves pas? 
Sans se retourner d’un pouce, Hange parcourait les étagères, où se trouvaient divers types de manuscrits anciens et de parchemins illustrés, qui semblaient ainsi constituer une ancienne bibliothèque. Elle essaya d’attraper un livre qui se situait bien trop haut pour elle, ce qui la fit tituber. 
- Oh!
- Pff! 
Tandis qu’un amas de livres s'apprêtait à lui tomber dessus, il réussit de justesse à la saisir par la veste, pour ainsi la mettre hors de danger. 
- Ouah… Tu m’as sauvé la vie, Levi. Si tous ces livres m’étaient tombés dessus, j'aurais eu une bosse qui aurait rendu ma tête bizarre. 
- Ne t’en fais pas. Elle n’aurait pas été davantage bizarre. Sérieusement, tu devrais faire plus attention à ce qui t’entoure. 
Hange remit en place ses lunettes de protection qui pendaient. Elle dépoussiéra ensuite les livres qu’elle venait de saisir. 
- Ce livre-là, par exemple… Dans ce vieux château qui se trouve au sein des murs, il y a de nombreux livres et du matériel qui sont écrits avec des lettres que nous ne savons pas lire. Cet héritage est présent partout, au sein des murs. On dirait les vestiges d’une civilisation disparue, tu ne penses pas? 
- Pas besoin de m’étaler toute ta théorie. Je sais bien que tu en as dans le cerveau. C’est pour ça que je te dis que t’avoir en vie est important. Si je n’avais pas été là en ce moment-même, et que les livres te seraient tombés dessus, les os de ton cou se seraient brisés. 
- Tu es adorable. 
Levi se sentit irrité. Il tira même la tronche, témoignant ainsi de sa mauvaise humeur. Il détestait qu’on le décrive avec de tels mots. 
- Tu fais exprès de me dire ça, car tu sais que je déteste ça. 
- Ha ha, tu as vu clair dans mon jeu, hein? 
Hange se laissa ensuite tomber sur le sol. Elle ouvrit un livre tout en redressant sa tête. 
- D’ailleurs, quel bon vent t’amène? Tu es venu me voir, non? 
- Ah. C’est au sujet d’Eren. Il voudrait avoir l’autorisation de se déplacer dans le château, et qu’en tant que soldats, nous lui donnions le droit de sortir du sous-sol. 
- Il n’y a pas de danger. Les murs extérieurs ont été construits de façon solide. Et si jamais dans le pire des cas, Eren se transformerait en Titan et détruirait ainsi le toit, il y a de nombreux points d’appui le long de la tour qui nous permettraient d’utiliser notre équipement tridimensionnel… Ah, si seulement j’arrivais à saisir le sens de ces illustrations en m'imprégnant de tous ces livres… Hange annonçait ces mots de façon insouciante. 
-Je vois. J’en suis ravi… Et aussi…
- Oui? 
-Avant de continuer à farfouiller, sèche tes vêtements. On voit à travers ta chemise, c’est indécent. 
Il montra du doigt le feu de la cheminée qui avait sans doute était préparé par Moblit, qui s’inquiétait de voir sa supérieure trempée. Levi la dévisageait comme s’il se trouvait face à la pire des immondices. 
- D’accord. Ce serait pas mal de lire par là-bas. 
Levi soupira à la vue du dos de Hange qui se déplaçait lentement pour se positionner devant la cheminée, puis il quitta la pièce.
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theysangastheyslew · 10 months
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Trying to work out some kinks with the dialogue in my WIPs so in the meantime have the rest of the old AoT x Parks and Rec crossover I never posted :x
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snk-smartpass · 2 months
Do Attack on Titan Fans still refer to this Blog for Repost of the Stories from the Attack on Titan Short Stories Booklet/Smartpass? 👀
Sorry I’m Long-Sighted now and still without a PC/Laptop plus Real Life distracting me, so typing out the Stories can get tedious! But will try start upload again soon!
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lostcauses-noregrets · 3 months
Hii Lost! I just want to thank you for everything you have done and are still doing for the eruri community. Every time I get discouraged from a bad experience with the fans, it's you, your posts, and your fics that keep me going (Momtaku, too. I miss her :( ) . Now, I have a question. Is aot tactics game canon? Are we to take anything mentioned there as an addition to canon?
This is so weird. I can see this ask on the tumblr app, but it isn't in my inbox on desktop. I usually only answer asks on desktop so I wonder how many others I've missed that only show up in the app??
Anyway, I'm glad I caught this ask because I wanted to say thank you for your kind words, which I'll also pass on to @momtaku ♡
In answer to your question I'd say that this is definitely a case of YMMV. Everyone has a different opinion of what constitutes canon. I tend to see canon as a sliding scale that goes something like this: SnK manga, official guide books & interviews with Isayama, anime & OVAs, Smartpass content, other officially sanctioned content including Tactics and other games.
I know there are fans who regard the manga as the only canon content but I think it's important not to disregard the Answers Guidebook and Character Guides. They were written by Isyama with good reason and the date of their publication was not coincidental. The Answers Guidebook was published the same week as chapter 84 and provided a wealth of detail about Erwin and Levi's relationship, among other things.
The Smartpass content tends to get overlooked these days, but it's really worth delving into as it includes lots of really lovely stories and "interviews" that give real depth to the characters. You can find Smartpass translations on @yusenki's blog (X), @momtaku's (X) and @tsuki-no-ura's (X).
Tactics content is harder to come by but I've just discovered that some fabulous nerds have posted *everything* on reddit. Bless them. The "Attack on Titan: Tactics" Complete Archive.
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levmada · 3 months
levi is so bad with kids even though he’s really trying to be kind like usual😭the smartpass au where the little girl is asking a bajillion questions about titans and levi is like ‘some crush us before they eat us, and others only bite off half of a person before throwing us away’
‘some of them howl but i don’t know what they’re saying’😭😭😭😭😭💀💀💀WHY IS THUS SO CUTE TI ME
he wants her to go away but then she’s like :D ‘cool i wanna see the outside world so i’ll become a scout!’
and💀levi’s like: ‘do you like your parents?’
😟’what? i love them’
‘what if you suddenly couldn’t ever see them again’
but he’s really trying his best to say if she wants to be a scout then she has to understand what she’ll potentially sacrifice and UGH he’s so cute. and like usual he emphasizes making a choice she won’t regret.
in the moment she changes her mind and is like ‘:DDD i’ll become a merchant like my dad and give the survey corps lots of money’
this is a flashback, and in the present after levi’s told this story eld is instantly like: ‘that’s amazing captain😸just when i thought you’d be drained from dealing with a child, you’ve secured us future funds!’
everyone laughs and levi just 😒😒’i just told her the truth don’t laugh😒’
(even though he’s just as glad as everyone else)
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Hi! I am a sucker for hc where Levi is illiterate when he first joined the scouts, tried to hide it from everyone but eventually Hange notices..LEVIHAN FLUFF ❤️✋💀
This was an awesome ask! Thank you so much for sending it to me. I love writing canonverse, especially when I get the chance to work in a hc amongst the source material. I added some of my hcs for Hange too. Hope you like it - let me know what you think! A World Without Words Characters: Levi x Hange Word Count: 1632 words Canon universe
A hush had settled over the Mess Hall, broken only by the occasional clinking of cutlery and low hum of voices. A pair of fresh recruits were heatedly debating a topic in low, urgent tones. The newly-appointed leader of Second Squad sat staring into an empty tankard. On the far side of the room Hange had taken a lone seat at one of the long, wooden tables. Their hands were clasped upon the tabletop; in front of them a plaid tea towel had been draped over two dishes. Eyes alight, they spied Levi as he entered through the main doors. Slyly, and without turning their head, Hange mapped his progress as he crossed the hall towards them.  
“Evening, Levi!” they began animatedly before he had even reached for the backrest of the closest chair. “Now, I know this dinner is seriously overdue, given how long it’s been since your first expedition…”
Levi scraped his chair against the flagstones noisily, causing several heads to whip around in their direction. 
“...I’m sorry that I couldn’t afford anywhere more fancy! My measly wages just don’t stretch that far,” Hange laughed. “But luckily, I was able to save us -” Theatrically, they flung back the plaid cloth to reveal two floral-patterned plates bearing thick slices of flaky pastry, each deep-filled with cold offcuts. 
“The last two pieces of pie!” 
“You needn’t have gone to any trouble,” Levi said in a low voice. “I’m not hungry.”
Hange’s hand dropped to the table in defeat. “So much for that then. I guess I could always give the other slice to Moblit…”
Levi took a seat beside Hange, one arm leaning on the table’s edge. “You brought those papers, right?” 
“Right! The purchase order forms.”
Hange reached down to retrieve several crumpled sheets, a pen nib and a small well of ink from their bag. They pushed the plates aside and laid the materials out between the two of them.
“I’ve been curious since you mentioned it, Levi… what exactly do you need these for?”
Levi leaned back so that his elbow rested on the back of his chair. “Well… since I’ve been made Captain, it means I’ve gotta sign formal papers, right? Let’s just say someone suggested I take a look at a few examples.” 
“Ah, then say no more!” Hange brought the top sheet closer, tracing the lines of cramped, untidy scrawl with their finger. “The item you’re ordering goes in this column, reference or serial number if needed in the second column, and then the cost goes here.” Their finger travelled to the bottom of the paper. “Then you need to sign and date it before it goes to Erwin for approval.”
Hange sat back as Levi pored over the contents of the page. “Do you use the same form for everything? Food, equipment - things like that?”
“The same type of form, sure, but you would order food provisions separately to, say, housekeeping supplies or weaponry.” Hange pushed their glasses further up their nose. Levi’s brow was furrowed in concentration as he read, his mouth silently shaping the letters. Hange felt compelled to offer an apologetic shrug.
“This one is for specialist equipment,” they tried meekly. “The top row says ‘microscope.’ It’s not easy to read thanks to my bad handwriting!”
Without reply, Levi shuffled the papers so that a bank sheet was placed beside Hange’s order form. His expression, if anything, grew more intense as he dipped the pen into the inkwell. Hange glanced around the sparse hall, listening to the scratching of Levi’s writing amidst the murmur of voices. It was only as he drew to a sudden halt that Hange looked down at the page. They were astonished to see it empty.
At first, Hange wondered whether the pen nib had finally broken. It was one they had long meant to throw out. But - no - Levi had only managed to produce a few disjointed letters before the pen had come to a rest, point-down on the page. His arm was trembling as he pressed the nib down hard. The metal buckled, threatening to snap. 
“Levi!” Hange grabbed the tea towel to mop up the ink which had spurted onto the paper. “Stop - you’ll tear a hole in it!”
But Levi was still glaring, the pen clutched in his whitened fist. All of a sudden, Hange felt like a fool. They removed the towel, twisting it upon their lap as they sought for a tactful way to address the obvious, but unanticipated, obstacle which lay before them. 
“Sorry. Perhaps one of Miche’s reports would have been easier - clearer -  to follow.”
Hange swallowed uncomfortably, the heat rising in their cheeks. 
“No.” Levi’s voice was calm, at odds with his squared shoulders and stiffened arm. “It’s not the handwriting.”
“Then… I’m sorry that I didn’t make the connection.” Despite their desire to avoid any further embarrassment for him, Hange could not help but scrutinise Levi’s writing. “I’m sure things in the Underground were very different when it came to education…”
Levi met their enquiring gaze, his eyes narrowed.
“I can read and write. I know the words I need,” Levi dropped the pen upon the table. “But when it comes to certain technical words like these…” He gestured at the paper. “...they never mattered as much. In that place, you didn’t need to know how to spell to go on living.”
“That makes sense.” Hange’s own shoulders relaxed a little. “Perhaps you never had a formal education, Levi, but you have combat skills and street smarts. You’re good at reading people.” 
Levi scoffed bitterly.
“Believe me when I say that Erwin doesn’t hire leaders based on their literacy levels.” Hange regarded him warmly over their clasped hands. “Not when they have so much more to offer.” 
Levi held their look for a moment before he glanced away uncomfortably. 
“And in the meantime, I can help!” Hange took a fresh sheet of paper from their bag and passed it to Levi for him to etch out a copy of the three columns.
“For instance when you write ‘grapple hook,’ ‘grapple’ has the ‘l’ and the ‘e’ the other way round.” Hange watched as Levi carefully transcribed the correct spelling onto the sheet.
“Underneath you wrote ‘gas’ before you stopped. Is that for a new batch of gas cylinders?”
Painstakingly, Levi copied each letter as Hange spelled the second word. They continued in this way until Levi had populated the columns. 
“I bet you picked all this up from books, huh Four Eyes?” Levi lifted his hand to check his penmanship. The letters were a little uneven and spaced out. Like a child’s writing, the dark ink glistened from the exertion of pressing the pen nib a little too hard against the paper. “Tell me you weren’t huddled under the covers each night, reading until morning?”
A wistful smile appeared on Hange’s face. Then the light dimmed in their eyes.
“I wish…” When they laughed this time, it was a hollow sound. “... but we didn’t have books at home.”
Levi placed the pen down. Hange lowered their hands to grip their knees, their gaze averted to the tabletop.
“I managed to get a couple of books from a trader in town. They were black market goods. I thought I’d hidden them well enough but my parents found them and burned them.”
Levi raised his eyebrows.
“Wallists,” Hange explained in answer to his surprise. “They were simple farming folk. Small town people with small minds. They were wary of outside influences and with good reason too. Each week came reports of disappearances, killings… the inescapable fates which awaited those who asked too many questions.”
They gave a small sigh.
“My school, like the others, banned all books other than those which were government-approved. We weren’t allowed to read for ourselves, think for ourselves or question what we were being told. It was all so -” They brought their fist down upon the table, sending the long-forgotten plates of pie clattering. “- infuriating!”
Levi’s mouth hung slightly open.
“We never really had books in the house either,” he admitted. “I remember there was one that Iz-” He stopped himself. Hange said nothing, for Levi had not so much as uttered the names of his two closest friends since their first disastrous expedition almost one year ago. 
Levi drew a breath and continued.
“We didn’t have much… what we did have was either traded or sold.” He rubbed an eye with the heel of his hand. “I can’t even remember what it was called now. I think it had a horse on the cover? Guess it’s just another lost thing.” A faraway look had come into his eyes.
Before Hange could offer comment, Levi seemed to shake himself out of his thoughts. He took up a fresh sheet and, laying it by the side of the first, began to copy out his lines neatly. Hange watched in quiet amazement.
“But look at this improvement already! I’ve never seen such progress before!” They gripped Levi’s shoulder.
“Careful, idiot! You’ll jog me.”
Hange released him and continued their proud observation as Levi dipped the pen in the inkwell. “Your writing is so neat, Levi. In a few more tries it’ll look as professional as newspaper print!”
Levi completed his final line slowly.
Above, approved. Levi.
“No thanks to this mess of a report.” Levi glowered at Hange’s original document. “...but I do owe you for the spelling lesson, at least. Thanks Hange.”
“Hmm.” Hange tapped a finger against their chin. “How about this then? You treat us to dinner next time. Call it payment for my tuition?”
Levi managed a husky laugh as he stood and gathered the papers into a pile.
“Let me think about that, Four Eyes. For now, I’d better go hand these in.”
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nenithil · 2 years
Hi! I was going through some of your old posts, and you mentioned somewhere that Hanji calls Moblit "kid". I was wondering: where does that happen?
in the close-up interview of Hanji:
J: What's your impression of your adjutant, Vice Captain Moblit?
H: Moblit? He’s an excellent aide! And an expert at sketching, which is a useful skill to have in our field of research. But he always holds me back during critical moments; this, I think, is something that can be considered a minor fault to his otherwise fine character.
J: Could it be that his actions mean he cares about Hange-san? We’ve also received words that express concern for him, such as: “He has to worry too much;” or: “Please let him rest sometimes too.”
H: Eh … Did I cause him to worry about me? I don’t see how?
J: It’s very dangerous to study titans, isn’t it?
H: Of course, it’s titans! They’re always ready to come over and bite off a few heads.
J: … Maybe this is what the Vice Captain is worried about?
H: Ah … I see … That explains it. Such a gentle kid he is, too. Well, I should be nice to him sometimes, then, cause I’m also a boss!
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ourmondobongo · 6 months
what is the name of the smartpass wgere levi and eren talk about mikasa and how she was almost kidnapped
Hi!! It's this one: “The Streets of Corruption”
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warm-starlight · 5 months
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Even when Hange pretended to be their old self, Levi knew how depressed they felt inside.
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cosmicjoke · 7 months
Did you know that the official SnK afterparty event is rumored to feature audio drama stories by Levi Hange Jean and EMA's VA's, telling "what if" scenarios. I wonder which topics they will go through sounds like it will be in the style of Smartpass stories.
I didn't know that! That sounds really cool though! I guess they're going all out for the finale of SnK, deservedly so. There's really never been anything like it, and I doubt there'll ever be anything quite like it again. I'm psyched for the final episode. I know it's going to be amazing.
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ngocdancamille · 2 years
''Armin & Connie: S’abriter de la pluie” (SNK Shorts Stories - Traduction FR)
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A Shelter from the rain, Vol. 04 Armin Arlert & Connie Springer
Une petite traduction non-officielle faite de ma patte. Les short-stories (Smartpass) sont des histoires courtes officielles approuvées et relues par Hajime Isayama. Elles sont publiées dans une application japonaise ‘‘AU’‘.
Source: https://snk-smartpass.tumblr.com/post/188473199629/shelter-from-the-rain-vol-04-armin-arlert
- Par ici, Connie!
Les nuages qui avaient recouvert la ville en début d’après-midi, prirent en ampleur et devinrent gris, pour soudainement dévoiler une averse. Les deux jeunes hommes qui faisaient leurs emplettes au marché, coururent pour s’abriter sous un bâtiment qu’ils trouvèrent au fond d’une ruelle. 
- Hé, Armin, ça devrait bientôt s’éclaircir, non?  - Oui… Les nuages se déplacent vite.
Armin pointa du doigt le ciel, où les nuages défilaient. Or, à côté de lui, Connie regardait tout autre chose. 
- Regarde ces petits morveux… - Ils ont l’air de déborder d’énergie… 
Ils purent entendre les enfants s’exclamer de joie tandis qu’ils gambadaient innocemment sous la pluie soudaine. 
- Ça doit être bien… 
Armin et Connie se regardèrent après que ces mots soient sortis de leur bouche en même temps.
- Pourquoi tu dis ça?  - Et toi, pourquoi tu dis ça?  - Hé bien… répondit Armin, détournant le regard tandis que la pluie battait contre le toit. Je n’étais pas le genre d’enfant qui jouait avec les autres. Voilà pourquoi. 
Armin était perçu comme un dissident lorsqu’il était petit. Il s’intéressait à ce qui se situait au-delà des murs, et lorsqu’il essayait d’en parler aux autres enfants, il finissait par se faire rejeter et harceler par ces derniers.
En écoutant son histoire, Connie fut grandement surpris. 
- J’étais persuadé que tu étais populaire vu que tu es intelligent.  - Et qu’est-ce qu’il en était pour toi, Connie?  - Je me faisais aussi harceler dans mon village parce que j’étais bête et petit. Connie se gratta le nez et regarda les enfants. Et je suis vraiment stupide. Ils m’ont même abandonné dans les bois à l’extérieur du village, en pensant que je n’arriverais pas à retrouver le chemin du retour.
- Et tu as réussi?
- Je n’y suis pas arrivé… A ce moment-là, il a commencé à pleuvoir d’un coup, tout comme aujourd’hui… Je me suis perdu, et j’étais trempé. Je me suis mis à pleurer.
Alors que la pluie s'intensifiait, les enfants qui jouaient commencèrent à prendre refuge sous un toit. 
- Ma mère est finalement venue me chercher. J’ai honte de dire ça, mais… - Pour moi aussi… C’était pareil, renchérit Armin. Il vit les enfants se rassembler afin de s’occuper d’un de leur ami qui avait attrapé froid. C’était un jour de pluie… et je ne pouvais pas bouger car on m’avait frappé. Mais Eren et Mikasa étaient venus me récupérer et nous étions rentrés tous les trois sous le même parapluie. J’avais tellement honte à l’époque, mais… 
Armin leva les yeux. 
- Maintenant que j’y repense, ils me prouvaient qu’ils étaient mes amis. Je suis content de ne pas avoir décliné leur aide.  - Oh. Donc j’aurai dû voir que ma mère me montrait qu’elle tenait à moi, mmh.  - Oui… sans doute. Armin opina du chef puis observa le ciel. Les épais nuages se dispersaient, et se reflétaient dans ses yeux.
- Et si on y allait? On dirait qu’il va s’arrêter de pleuvoir.  - Hé… - Qu’est-ce qu’il y a? Demanda Armin, qui regarda Connie rire, de façon perplexe.  - Pour être tout à fait honnête, je pensais qu’on avait rien en commun, toi et moi. Je n’ai pas pu m’empêcher de rire.  - Vu de cette façon, c’est vrai. Armin gloussa à son tour. 
Tandis que la pluie s’estompait, la radieuse fin de journée assécha le sol pavé, puis illumina les deux jeunes hommes qui regagnaient la ville en courant. 
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snk-smartpass · 1 year
TEXT Vol. 03 Nick’s Notes on Remonstration
It was Minister Nick’s turn to take the pulpit himself that week, and he found himself thinking about what he would say as he carried out this responsibility.
[Welcome, everyone. Today’s lesson will be on the great mercy of Goddess Rose.]
The Wall Religion’s three gods represented each of humanity’s three Walls, and this was the goddess that now needed to be taught most, as the Wall bearing her name had just been exposed to danger.
Nick wanted the words to sound even better than usual, and they would be later printed and delivered to churches around the land. As such, Nick repeatedly wrote and erased the words of his sermon on a sheet of paper separate from his holy texts.
Many religions—though only a small handful remained within the Walls—had holy texts that were esoteric and tricky to read, and the Wall Religion was no exception. Close readings often turned up no meaning at all.
“…It’s intentionally vague so that it can be interpreted in a way that matches what the masses are focused on, whether the topic is good or bad. If a robbery takes place, it was because the victim lacked devotion. If a believer has a child, it was because their prayers were received. This is how you need to guide their thoughts,” a high-ranking member of the clergy once instructed Nick about preaching when he had just become a minister.
In other words, he had it all flipped around.
It wasn’t that the goddess was the one who saved you.
It was that you were saved, and that was because of the goddess. A minister’s job was to create the reason after the fact.
[Not long ago, the greatest enemy to the gods, the Colossus Titan, appeared in Trost District. However, the goddess answered our prayers. The Wall was miraculously plugged without being further destroyed. The goddess’s protection was bestowed upon our soldiers…]
Nick got this far before stopping his pen. His pious believers would surely believe this, just as they always did. Now that the attack on Trost District had left its society uneasy, though, this was an opportunity to gain new followers. The now-fearful masses may come running to the church, seeking rescue in religion. How could he give the impression that it was the goddess, not the soldiers who saved them…?
He erased the word “soldiers,” writing “citizens” in its place.
[The goddess’s protection was bestowed upon our citizens. The fact you were all able to take shelter without a single wound is a miracle, just as described in our holy text.]
Nick made sure to avoid any mention of the soldiers who plugged the Wall. At times like this, there is meaning in omission.
The sermon went well. Nick moved even curious bystanders by the end and joined him in worship. The Wall Religion’s service involved creating three rings, after the three Walls. Believers stand side-by-side, their arms linked.
Long ago - when Nick had joined the Wall Religion and rose within it to eventually become a minister, he had learned the truth of the Walls. The services felt like a dreadful thing in light of that knowledge.
“Let us pray for the security of our three goddesses: Maria, Rose, Sheena…”
There was no place for such emotions, though. Nick needed to lead those before him.
(Whatever the case, the reality was that no one man could change the situation that society and humanity within the Walls had been placed in.)
Nick took the strung-together words of convenience written on the scrap of paper that he called his “remonstration” and placed it in his breast pocket. He too could do nothing but pray.
SOURCE: Attack on Titan: Short Stories 3
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lostcauses-noregrets · 3 months
Are the aot cd dramas canon? 🤔
I tend to think of them as being part of the wider canon as they're officially released materia, but YMMV. Most, if not all of them, started life as Smarptass stories, including the devastating Crumbled Castle Gate.
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levmada · 9 months
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the way this is a nightmare levi canonically had in a fuckin canon story 😭😭
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