#snake boi callum week
its-leethee · 21 hours
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mother's day and a bedtime story for the little prince
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raayllum · 1 day
for snake boi callum week, day 1: prince (italicized quotes from machiavelli's "the prince")
Callum receives a book of princely etiquette on his eleventh birthday.
It's an old tome, wrapped in a bow and presented to him by Harrow alongside an awkward hug and well-meaning smile. "It was my copy once," his stepfather tells him.
Harrow has even left notes in the margins, tiny annotations scrawled in ink. Callum reads the book as well as he reads anything else, but it is rather dull. It's a lot of rules about forks and knives and bows that he's not entirely sure he'll keep straight, and even King Harrow's notes and adjustments aren't enough to keep it interesting.
Most of them are modelled after a prince becoming a king, after all, and Ez is just learning how to tie his own boot laces now so that Callum doesn't have to do them for him all the time.
Still... if he learns more about being a prince—other princely etiquette books have to exist, right?—maybe he can be a better one. He heads to the library, dodging the bothersome old lady who oversees it, and only gets distracted a couple of times on his way to the right section.
He bypasses the ones that are just about social etiquette (he's had enough of that already) or linguistics (he's plenty fluent in courtly Neolandian thank you very much) and history (the battles have funny names, but the Mage Wars don't affect things too much these days) in favour of something a bit fresher.
The Social Politics of Ruling stands out to him, and Callum pulls it down from the shelf. This might be useful as a prince, and barring that, as Ezran's future advisor someday.
He sinks to the floor and opens it, eyes scanning the chapters, then the pages. It's certainly an easier read than the one Harrow had given him, but with every sentence, the uneasy feeling in his stomach increases.
It is better to be feared than loved, if you cannot have both... That couldn't be right. Callum wrinkles his nose, thinking of Prince Kasef at the summer ball last year, older and swaggering and smug. He'd liked the way his servants had trembled. Callum can't fathom wanting fear over love if you had a choice.
And yet...
How we live is so different from how we ought to live that he who studies what ought to be done rather than what is done will learn the way to his downfall rather than to his preservation.
("You shouldn't have done it," Rayla says, later. There's a tremor in her voice and tears in her eyes. "You should've—"
"Let you die?" he snaps. He takes her by the shoulders. "How can you ask that of me?"
"But now we're all in danger, and—"
"Yes, we're in danger, not dead! You're not dead." Sighing, Callum rests his forehead against hers, relieved when she lets him. "I know what I 'should've done'... the same way I knew in the rain when we were kids, and on Finnegrin's ship. But I—I can't live without you, Rayla. I just can't.")
Maybe there's something to this book after all, just a little.
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numptypylon · 6 months
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Haven’t had a lot of time this week, but wanted to do something for Snakeboi Callum Week, so here goes
I want to experiement more with drawing, so started with a basic angle for once so I could push it more on the style
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thatartiststudios999 · 7 months
You know what I need in s6-7 of TDP?
I need Callum using Veinus Frigardis on someone who tries to hurt Rayla
I need it
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herwrittenuniverse · 6 months
For Snake Boi Callum Week 2023
Callum’s gloved hand outstretched toward the pearl. He hesitated . For a second, he caught Rayla’s eye. The elf wasn’t sure - was he determined to get it over with, or was he pleading for her to stop him?
The look is gone just as Callum gingerly placed his hand on the shining surface. His eyelids flutter closed in concentration. 
A second passes by…
Then two…
And three…
Callum’s nervous breaths pulsate Rayla’s own energy. The silence - the anticipation ! - is deafening , and anxiety rises like bile within her stomach. 
The young man’s brows deepen as his eyes squeeze deliberately shut in concentration. The mage’s palm presses fully against the outer walls of the luminescent orb, and his fingers splay flat against the round exterior. 
The setting sun dips beneath the horizon, submerging the throne room into full darkness. 
“Nothing?” she hears Soren pipe up, but the knot in Rayla’s stomach twists as Zym yelps from the far-off corner and Stella screeches and chitters her teeth - - 
Then a magnificent glow suddenly emits from the center of the room.
The awakened pearl brightly shines and casts a twinkling veil of iridescence against the walls, reminiscent of a room that’s been plunged underwater.
And it happens. 
A choked, gurgled cry suddenly emits from Callum’s mouth. His body collapses forward as if he were a rag doll - all, that is, except for his hand, which has not moved from its place atop the prison. 
His head snaps to the side to look at Rayla.
His eyes are black.
Read the rest on AO3 
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zuppizup · 6 months
Anything. Everything.
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Summary: Callum had said he would do anything for Rayla, but with both of them at Finnegrin’s mercy, just how far is he willing to go?
An alternative take on Finnegrin’s Wake…
AO3 Link: Anything. Everything.
Pairing: Rayla/Callum
Chapter: 7/7 (Complete)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Rayla soothes Callum’s furrowed brow with a gentle hand, pushing the hair back off his forehead. Sniffing, she combs her fingers through the shocking white locks now framing his face, evidence of the toll the spell exhorted on his body.
“Rayla?” He looks up at her, his eyes wide and inky black before he blinks and the familiar forest green slowly returns.
Her voice fails her, so she smiles at him, or attempts to. She runs her fingers through his hair again and squeezes the hand holding his.
His face crumbles and he closes his eyes, tears streaming down his face. “I’m sorry. He was going to kill you. I couldn’t- I did the spell, I’m sorry.”
Read More On AO3: Anything. Everything: Destiny
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thrandilf · 6 months
King Harrow had once been visited by Lady Justice in a dream- but he’d forgotten a detail in relaying her message.
She was a Startouch Elf.
Ezran, Callum, Rayla, and Aaravos all have their own set of divine visitors and trials from the stars, facing themselves and their fates, the light and the dark.
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sagegreenfrogs · 6 months
so I made an amv for snake boi callum week and its finally done and poster on YouTube!
song: writing on the wall by will Stenson (yes ik its a genshin fan song but IT FITS SO IDRC) <3
I edited this and it's my first amv so I'm very proud of it!
make sure to check out my other edits too :3
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mochi-and-dragons · 22 hours
Snake Boi Callum Week 2.0
Day 1: Prince/Pieces
As the dust settled, Callum couldn't help but feel relieved. His family was safe. He had won. So what if he had to compromise his morals again? So what if it meant betraying the trust of those closest to him? It had all turned out ok at the end, had it not?
Sure, it would take some getting used to seeing the bits of white in his hair when he looked in the mirror but conflicted was basically his base emotion now. The sacrifice was gigantic and the guilt might follow him forever but it was aaaall ok. Yep. Totally alright. Just look at his loved ones! And his loved ones' loved ones! Aren't they here? And alive and free? And (mostly) alright? That counts as a victory in his books.
All that was left to do was pick up the pieces. Patch what needs patching, replace what needs replacing and all that jazz.
He just hoped there were enough pieces left to feel like a family again.
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raylasgf · 7 months
‘dark magic has its consequences, and he knows that’
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for snake boi callum week 🫶🏻 i absolutely love seeing my blorbos getting mentally challenged. /j
(also abt the title, im pretty sure i saw aaron say something like that in an interview?? not 100% sure)
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its-leethee · 7 months
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raayllum · 1 month
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Do you like tragedies, and even the best (or worst) of intentions leading to ruin? Are you interested in how Aaravos may manipulate Callum next season, or how his love for this loved ones may manifest even years later post canon? Then Snake Boi Callum Week 2.0 (the hiss strikes back) is the fandom event for you!
Last autumn the fandom had an event to celebrate and explore some of Callum's most interesting traits — his obsession with magic, his deep love and protectiveness over Ezran and Rayla, his sometimes icy and explosive temper, his fear of Aaravos controlling his destiny, and just about anything else that makes Callum, well, Callum.
As such and by popular demand, we're having another one. Just like last time, all forms of creation are welcome including works that explore darker or more intense material, provided they're rated and tagged accordingly.
Just like last time the usual components of Snake Boi Callum (i.e. Ezran and Rayla alone being his inner circle) are just suggestions (you want to add Soren or Sarai, or anyone else? Go for it!) as are the prompts for the week. Like before, they take inspiration from concepts / quotes from the show itself, common turns of phrase, and quotes from the novelizations.
Sunday May 12th: Prince (feel free to take insp from Machiavelli's work by the same name!) / Pieces
Monday May 13th: Snakes / Stars
Tuesday May 14th: High Mage / But Rayla Was In Trouble ( * Rayla specific prompt but if you wanna rework it, go for it)
Wednesday May 15th: As the Ocean Is Deep
Thursday May 16th: Goeth Before the Fall
Friday May 17th: King / You Mean Everything To Me (* Ezran specific prompts but can go any direction ofc)
Saturday May 18th: Darkness / Light
If you have any questions, don't hesitate to DM or send me an ask! Tags will be "Snake Boi Callum," "Snake Boi Callum Week," and "Snake Boi Callum week 2.0".
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imminent-danger-came · 5 months
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The Devil and the Lovers
Stills Under the Cut!
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thorne-antics · 6 months
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zuppizup · 7 months
Anything. Everything.
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Summary: Callum had said he would do anything for Rayla, but with both of them at Finnegrin’s mercy, just how far is he willing to go?
An alternative take on Finnegrin’s Wake…
AO3 Link: Anything. Everything.
Pairing: Rayla/Callum
Chapter: 2/7
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Finnegrin stares at him in dumb disbelief for a moment. Callum almost smiles at the clear shock on the older man’s face. There’s no time for triumph though, he needs to finish this.
Perhaps Finnegrin sees this determination on his face, or simply recovers himself, but his keen eyes quickly take in the situation as he glances at Deadwood once again. “Deadwood-”
Callum braces himself, preparing for a blow while attempting to harness the sea breeze gently teasing the sails, spells coming unbidden to his mind. He cannot hold back, hesitate, not for a second. He needs to finish this now, finish it permanently. He tries to channel his rage, his fury into his connection to Sky, use his anger to fuel his magic.
Finnegrin has underestimated him before. Callum will show him that was a mistake. He can feel the air crackle and spark with Sky magic as Finnegrin steels his face.
“Pick up the girl,” Finnegrin instructs Deadwood, as his eyes narrow on Callum.
Read More On AO3: Anything. Everything: Power
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jelzorz · 16 hours
sbcw2.1: prince
When Callum is thirteen, he is told he has to study philosophy.
"You're not just a prince," King Harrow—his stepdad, he supposes—says. "You'll be one of Ezran's closest advisors one day, and knowing how to think, and how to argue, and how to weigh decisions are important skills."
Callum looks up at him sceptically, because philosophy is not interesting, and no amount of debate has made it interesting so far, but Harrow only chuckles and claps his shoulder. "Your mom would have wanted you to know it," he says gently.
And because it's what his mom would have wanted, Callum does it, and he learns about truth and happiness and Justice; about people with long names and the basis of morality; about theoretical ethical dilemmas that he expects he will never have to think about beyond these lessons.
"It's not about the right answer, my prince," his tutor says. "It's about justifying the choices you make and living with the consequences that follow. That is the burden of being a prince."
Four years later, his choices are laid bare: it is one, or it is many; a single elf, or the fate of the world; love, or the loss of everything else he holds dear.
It is the cube, and the release of the most dangerous elf in the world, or it is Rayla.
Callum wishes he could say the choice is harder than it is, but what it comes down to is what he can and can't do—and he can't lose Rayla. Not again. Not ever.
It's not about the right answer, he remembers vaguely. It's about justifying the choices you make and living with the consequences that follow. That is the burden of being a prince.
Well, thinks Callum, surrendering the cube to the elf in the void. He was never very good at being a prince to begin with, and if it's about living with the consequences, then he knows in his heart the one thing he cannot live without.
If the rest of the world burns, so be it.
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