#skam stan
guess-space · 17 days
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maddy-ferguson · 1 year
This might be an odd complaint but I really don’t like how people act like Byler endgame would just excuse every other shitty thing that’s been done to everyone but conveniently attractive presumably straight white men in this show writing-wise. I’d be more than happy to have Byler be endgame and I expect it, but the amount of racism that’s been brushed off is ridiculous in and outside of the show. The weird St*ncy moments this season, the fact that she doesn’t get a storyline related to her trauma. Even season three was incredibly white of them. Joyce not getting hardly any scenes with Jonathan and Will these recent seasons. All of it and more—it won’t suddenly go away and make everyone on that writing team geniuses. And this isn’t to sound ungrateful or anything, but it really is disappointing sometimes. They exceed tremendously at some points such as the Upside Down lore but as for other aspects…
not an odd complaint at all! the only thing byler endgame makes okay is the fact that they didn't use will's feelings to fix a straight couple. there's so many other things they got wrong, and a lot of it has to do with the fact that the people writing the show are white men. and white women. white people
NOTHING they do could ever make what they did to lucas right. having their one black character go against the little white girl in season 1 which resulted in people being racist to caleb irl, having billy literally get physical with lucas and say he's gonna kill him and then saying in an interview that they "think" that billy was racist like they didn't write it themselves, the fact that it's literally never brought up again...lol. i know stranger things isn't a "this thing that happened was wrong. let's talk about it and try to make it better :)" type of show but still. it's crazy. also this regarding erica in season four
and you don't even have to dig that deep to find things that byler endgame won't fix: like you said, stncy being pushed on us and on nancy again in season 4? 98% sure it won't be endgame but like. why did you have to put us through that. WHY. and yeah lol, remember when they brought nancy back to that pool at the end of volume 1 like they remembered she was traumatized by the death of her best friend and then...nothing happened? idk, it's just so weird
also, the byers being sidelined? for will i guess you can rationalize it and come up with great and convincing meta reasons as to why his character was sidelined in seasons 3 and 4 (which, yeah, fascinating, i will still hate it ten years from now, no matter how important to season 5 will is), but what about jonathan? what about joyce? how does one justify the fact that winona went from being the reason 75% of people older than 15 started watching the show to having less screentime than fucking jason in season 4? it is annoying when people act like byler endgame will make everything right and will make stranger things a perfect show because it really won't
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maarigolds · 2 years
In the skam italia universe, if you want to be a fan favorite, you have to fail your last high school year
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maylas · 1 year
Maya & Lola | Maroon
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litrallytyrus · 2 years
Maybe I am going to stop watching. Good lord
you have strength that i do not have!
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iamshannonmcfarland · 2 years
Io fino a ieri sera: no di skam non mi importa più nulla. Nemmeno Elia può farmi cambiare idea. No.
Questa mattina dopo aver visto la prima immagine di Franz della stagione di Elia: ok ti ha ferito che preparo i coltelli?!?!? Un 🤡
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Random characters who I feel like would be Dream Stans (from the way they act,not looks so don't shank me)
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inmyarmswrappedin · 2 years
Last anon here, I was saying that if the season had a main queer love story, not a wlw one. Sorry if that didn't translated well with my ask 😉
Hi again! 🥝 Look, I'm only replying to this ask because I don't want to give you the impression that I ignore legit rebuttals to my posts. But like... Here's the thing. Please re-read my post. Because that was exactly the point I was making!!!!
If it is about specific characters: Robbe is easily one of the Skams characters I dislike the most. The only things I liked about Isi's season were David's appearances (because I'm a big David stan in case you hadn't noticed). And I haven't watched Lola's season because Skam France isn't for me. I didn't even finish Lucas L's season and when I look at Lucas and Eliott, I only see two actors who absolutely do not want to touch each other.
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solarwynd · 26 days
So I've been in many fandoms mostly because I don't stay in one for long, being a Jimin stan is the longest I've been in a fandom ever. But anyway in a lot of English speaking fandoms you'll end up meeting a lot of North Americans because by population there's just so many of them. Of course the fandom subject makes a difference too, but it's something I've noticed. I'm not american by the way. While I've been in fandoms with different fan-makeups (Indians in Bollywood fandoms or Europeans that time I was really into skam, sea countries for kdramas), armys were the first time I felt the true depth and scale of a truly global fandom. However the more time I spent I did notice there were some clusters within as well - a lot of tkkrs were made up of Indians and filos, a lot of jkkrs were made up of latam armys and so on.
When I became a pjm last year though, suddenly I was back in that scenario of a fandom filled with north Americans again. Dont misunderstand, Jimin has a lot of international fans too and I've met plenty of Indians, filos well Asians in general, latams, europeans, Africans and middle eastern folks who solo stan Jimin but proportionally I feel like the number of Americans is higher among pjms than among armys.
Anyway all of this is just my personal experience so it's not scientific in any way but it's just something I felt during my time here
This all makes total sense though. Fandoms being more made up of the demographic where the subject originates. For Jimin his strong holds are definitely LATAM, SK and North America.
All those US appearances and performances really solidified his reach here. Especially SNL and carpool karaoke cause both were super key for him. SNL showed off his performance skills and how he commands the stage while carpool showed of his great personality. Yea, they were almost a year apart, but most people aren’t gonna forget a face or a performer like jimin. Pair both together and you get a charismatic super star. And not all the US fans are just casual (even though I’m positive he has a lot of those) like he gained such a good amount of real stans here who are willing to spend money on him and stream. That’s invaluable. He really lucked out.
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lovelylittlelosers · 1 year
>:^) quiz
QUIZ: Answer some SKAM questions and I'll assign you a Young Royals character and if I respect you
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pollyaunt · 1 year
people obsessing over nicole x gabriel now when real stans been knowing em since skam españa
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mobumi · 7 months
Do you mind if I ask your top 10 favorite characters (can be male or female) from all of the media that you loved (can be anime/manga, books, movies or tv series)? And why do you love them? Sorry if you've answered this question before.....Thanks....
Hi! Sorry for the late reply, i started to write my answer and completely forgot about it. It's been in my drafts for months, i feel so bad omg! 😭 It was also really difficult to choose and i have only two female characters i am truly ashamed... But thank you very much for this ask, it was fun!
Here's my top 10! 😊
1. Mob/Kageyama Shigeo (Mob Psycho 100 - Anime)
I love him so much! I think he has the most wonderful character development in any anime i've watched! He has such a pure soul and compared to other shonen MCs, he just wants to be a normal teenager and be happy. So much growth and strength with this character, i love it! The series finale was incredible and I was so happy for my boy🥹
2. Megumi Fushiguro (Jujutsu Kaisen - Anime)
I think he's an interesting character with so much potential for the future. I love the way he always appears reserved and cold but he's actually a softie on the inside and how his own sense of justice contrasts with Yuji. He's just a pretty cool character and stronger than he appears to be and he cares so much about his friends. Haven't read the manga but currently watching season 2 so I'm excited about what's in store for him!
3. Dream of the Endless (The Sandman - TV)
New favorite character alert!! Not a surprise 'cause my favorites are always the cold and broody ones tbh I just love how Dream is so imperfect and still learning and his whole vibe, the long black coat and the emo hair like he's in a indie rock band is just chef's kiss! Incredible character on the show, so charismatic and mesmerizing.
4. Five (The Umbrella Academy - TV)
At this point, there's a pattern here. Maybe it's because i'm an INTJ myself, but Five seems like he's very INTJ to me. It's just the whole attitude and the way he calculates and plans everything, very rational and precise, sarcastic and (though pretty mean sometimes), exactly how i like my characters! All his scenes are top tier and his power is very cool (not explored enough on the show unfortunately.)
5. Minho (The Maze Runner - Book series)
The sarcastic character? Asian as main? Hell yes! Finally more Asian representation and not stereotyped! The book series would have not been as good without him! I was pretty gutted when he was barely there in the Death Cure movie, but Ki Hong Lee was so great as Minho, he perfectly captured his smug and smartass attitude that I fell in love with. He's also very courageous and loyal to his friends which I love too. Overall a very cool character!
6. Deadpool/ Wade Wilson (Deadpool - Comics/Movies)
Deadpool is just Deadpool... Bro he's just vibing killing people or whatever. He's completely unhinged, crazy, over the top and just a fun ride. Pansexual king! What else can I say, he's just one of my favorite comic book characters ❤️
7. Miles Morales (Spiderman - Comics/Movies)
Another comic book character in my list. Miles is a cool addition to the Spiderverse and the movies they made are just INCREDIBLE! The animation, everything is top notch. Also Miles is very relatable and has an intesresting development. You get attached to him quickly and he's just so lovable, idk he's my son, i stan.
8. Stiles Stilinski (Teen Wolf - TV)
Honestly asfghjkl!! I've always loved this character, more so when i was a teenager watching Teen Wolf. Looking back now, the show was not that good but at the time I was pretty obsessed. Stiles was everything i loved about a character: funny, sarcastic, entertaining, likable... He made the show a lot better and kept me watching! He's low on this list only because i'm not into Teen Wolf as much as i was back in the day.
9. Sana Bakkoush (Skam - TV)
She's so cool?? I wish i had been like that when i was a teenager, well for the most part lol. I really like her unbothered attitude and her snarky comments. She is fierce, not afraid to say what she thinks and is loyal to her friends and trustworthy. She's a teenager who has still a lot to learn but she's already wise for her age and just a good character overall. I really like female characters who are confident and charismatic! Her season wasn't perfect, but for me she was the best character in the whole series 😊
10. Sidney Adamu (The Bear - TV)
She's last on the list mostly because she's a new favorite, but she's very cool. I can relate to her, she's fresh and real, she knows her worth, she's courageous, hard-working and just very lovable as a character! Sydney captivated me from the beginning and her scenes were always my favorites. Haven't finished season 2 yet but I can't wait to see where her character goes! ✨
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theinvisiblemuseum · 3 months
19 28 and 29 <33
laneee hiiiii :))))
19. what do you think is the greatest love song of all time?
head over heels by tears for fears !! maybe it’s the former skam stan in me.. maybe i just have taste!
28. most underrated band or artist?
my girl raffaella <3 i will ride or die for her forever <3
29. most overrated band or artist?
listen… i say this as a taylor enjoyer… but taylor swift LOL
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ctrl-alt-vibeshift · 5 months
i will die for my country twitter
i've traveled through many different social media lands in my time on the internet, and my netizenship has lasted almost as long as my citizenship offline. i got an instagram account behind my parent's back in the early days before it was purchased by facebook, i lived through the rise and fall of vine in middle school, and witnessed tiktok subsume musical.ly in high school. none of these changes in power, re-drawing of borders, annexations, or flag design overhauls have hit me as hard as the recent twitter coup.
as someone who often touts that i was raised on stan twitter, i haven't been dealing with the rebranding of twitter very well. i've been stuck in the first stage of grief (denial) ever since he-who-musk-not-be-named first announced that xtraordinarly terrible new name and logo. twitter was where i found my place online, where i could meet and become online friends with people just as parasocially attached to my latest obsession as i was. i first joined for the norwegian teen drama SKAM, which i actually found out about here on tumblr. once the series wrapped i gradually shifted to devoting my page to troye sivan and connor franta, before a complete descent into the gloriously hellish world of k-pop stan twitter.
regardless of whose face my profile picture was, i always had twitter to turn to when my socializing needs couldn't be met in my little suburban town where i was always one of the few resident stans of [insert past obsession here]. it largely influenced how i interact with people to this day, both on and offline, as well as my sense of humor, my politics, my music taste, my way of speaking, my aesthetic sensibilities, my viewing habits, my identity, etc. while i've informally revoked my stantwittership since late 2020, i still actively use a "personal" account to tweet about whatever i feel like, although i often fall back into reacting to and commenting on the k-pop and other culture happenings i do still keep up with, and if you scroll through my profile quickly my account could be mistaken for a stan one.
twitter is where i've met many oomfs over the years, some I still keep in touch with solely online, others have transitioned into oomirls. it's been somewhat of a home to me, at least to the digital persona that embodied everything i couldn't in my real one. it still had that feeling after that musky fellow initially took over, although some of my more impassioned countrymen immediately cut all ties with the platform, becoming refugees harbored by other social networks and encouraging others to jump ship with them in foreboding final tweets. nevertheless i've persisted, disappointed but not surprised at the monetization of twitter blue and verification checkmarks, unaffected by the changes in moderation and community guidelines. it wasn't until july 2023, when the rebrand was first announced, that my faith in my homeland began to waver.
i've refused to update to that dreary new version of the site, with its grim and cheaply assembled app icon. i will hold onto my little blue bird as long as i can, even if it means being shot out of the sky with it. i've turned off auto updates and have hastily canceled the download on the few occasions where i've accidentally tapped "update" on it while installing others. fortunately, the app still functions for me without issue, although subtle changes have implemented themselves regardless, like my notifications tab now reading "[user] liked your post" instead of "tweet." recently, i've been unable to look at quote tweets on tweets, but can still view individual ones in my feed. i'll continue living like this until the app is rendered functionless without updating, a day i pray never comes.
i wince in pain every time i see "X" written in place of twitter now, although i'm slightly relieved that it is typically followed by "formerly known as twitter" in parentheses. i can't imagine calling stan twitter "stan X," such a moniker sounds like telling someone to literally stan an artist or piece of media called "X," like exclaiming "stan LOONA!!" saying "i'm an X user" or "are you on X?" sounds like banter about the latest designer drug (or perhaps a colloquial shortening of ecstasy?) but let me stop myself before i write another essay solely about the preposterousness of using the 24th letter of the alphabet as your brand name.
i don't know what the future holds for twitter, and with each passing day i hold my breath when i tap my blue app icon with white bird graphic, a quickly disappearing relic of tweets past. i now feel like i'm the member of a stateless nation, joining the likes of the kurds and their longing for a kurdistan. while my flag no longer flies, i remain a reluctant patriot, holding fast on stolen land. you'll have to force me off my lot before i rise for the pledge of xllegiance.
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lucidpantone · 6 months
There is a chance that we will get a Bobbie season, but I don't think it will be the next season. I hope at least. Honestly, I'm also curious about other characters. I would love to see a season of Otis, Hanne and even Finn.
Okay am a universe Stan meaning I am invested in the universe of skam and not just one remake and as much as I would love an Otis season. If there is one thing SKAM can not do and has never done well is write a decent season for MOC. And to be quite frank wtfock has a terrible track record trying to feature narratives around prejudice or race concerning MOC.
After wtfock S4, Skamfrance Bilal I hate to say it but its almost like I would rather not see an Otis season if wtfock is going to treat Otis like they treated Moyo or how skamfrance treated Bilal. Ughhhh its such a dilemma because of course I want another season that features a MOC honestly the fact that we only have 1 actual named main as moc just sucks but also man I do not trust wtfock to pull off a season like that. But also I think it's unfair to give Finn a season over Otis. Even tho I wouldn't mind one I just think Otis deserves one more. We will def get one non female identifying season because every newgen has one but idkkkkk....... wtfock isn't good at doing original. Between Hanne or Bobbie for a season I think I would prefer bobbie she just has more texture to work with but I wouldn't be mad at Hanne either.
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alexiaugustin · 2 years
Skam France really said "it's not just that I'm going to deliver a good season, but also I'm going to do the same plot as Druck and make them look like garbage"
not only that but they also said fuck you johnny depp and all of his weird tiktok twitter stans who love to memify the abuse of a woman all so they can stan a man who said that he wants to burn and r*pe a woman's corpse.
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the fact that they're really putting a season about how men will find ways to victimize themselves and villainize women when being faced with r*pe allegations and the fact that this is a season about a woman publicly calling a r*pist a r*pist right after johnny depp won his defamation lawsuit is everything to me. hope this show gets renewed like actually
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