#singularity v
valfeathers · 7 months
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the way it ends.
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snek-eyes · 7 months
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"You do not know me."
(But oh, how he wishes you did.)
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btsstaysgold · 2 months
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Singularity Taehyung is one for the history books I said what I said!!
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vinewoodclassics · 2 months
not to sound insane or anything but there’s something sooo interesting to me about the parallel between Michael’s “I was running with a bunch of crazy motherfuckers with nothing to lose” and Trevor’s “I could feel like I was losing you, so I pushed you harder. I didn’t want to lose you” because it’s like. god. they are so disconnected in this area. and that specific disconnect means So Much
to michael, trevor was acting out and taking more risks because he didn’t understand what it meant to have something to care for. trevor doesn’t get what it’s like to have more than just your life at stake when you put it on the line
but to trevor, michael and their partnership was kinda the only “thing” he Could have lost. michael was slipping away, and what would he have then? brad? fuck brad. brad is a terrible replacement, in hindsight. trevor said he was planning to cut michael off, and maybe he would have, but not so soon. of course he desperately clings onto what they have. how could he not? their shared love of danger and risks and adrenaline brought them together in the first place, so surely it would bring them back. it had to or he’d have nothing left
and of course michael doesn’t get that. i mean why would he. he’s holding back for the sake of his family and suddenly his crew (trevor mostly) is trying to get them all killed. he thinks they just don’t get it and they probably never will. and in turn, trevor doesn’t think michael gets what it’s like to feel yourself slowly being deprived of someone who means absolutely everything to you
now don’t get me wrong, i don’t think michael “should” have understood what trevor was doing because that’s not really fair. he’s not psychic. i just think it’s sad. trevor was trying so hard to show michael what he was missing by “going soft” and leaving him behind, trying so hard not to lose him for good, that it sent the complete opposite message. Like, entirely opposite. that’s so sad
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hopefulngold · 3 months
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i'm thinking about you
jungkook / hoseok / namjoon / jimin / seokjin / yoongi
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ireallydolikeyou2 · 1 month
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lucielovekj · 3 months
I’ll never forget going to the pony convention that brony documentary spoke abt bc it was in the UK and they spoke at such length about how welcoming and lovely the atmosphere was and teenage me was so excited to go somewhere like that and be around people who shared my interests and I lovingly put together a fluttershy cosplay and drove hours to get there but when I did it was almost entirely men at least a decade older than me selling nsfw-adjacent art on body pillows and shit who either looked at me in utter disgust or tried to take sneaky pictures of me. I don’t think I could’ve felt less welcome tbh, and the place was barely safe for me, never mind the people the show was actually for.
It became very apparent that the idea of “welcoming” being pushed was specifically about excluding and alienating anyone who clashed w the idea it was a mature show for adult men.
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valfeathers · 1 year
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hairstylists hate him
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aq2003 · 3 months
my verdict on the day of the doctor novelization is that the plot is still so stupid to me but at least i can live my life knowing moffat can write ten marginally correctly but he only keeps it in a novelization where nobody is going to see it. (my personal highlights under the cut)
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him. aroace
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this is a really good take on the ten and river dynamic, they're acquaintances and ten purposefully keeps it that way. the "time can be rewritten maybe her horrible death that happened in front of me can be prevented if i stay away from her" really goes well with how he's left after the events of journey's end
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"he had to stop thinking before it tore him apart!" is THE most ten narration i've seen in my life. i need to eat rocks
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this part just makes me really really sad. the dissociation between the tone and what's actually happening (him getting tortured. for months). how he's so clearly not acknowledging what's happening to him (he won't describe the screaming as his own). how he latches onto the only other presence there and focuses on charming her and making her laugh??? this also makes the hinting at a romance between ten and elizabeth that moffat does, extremely fucking upsetting because you can see how ten is just so fucking lonely and on instinct attaching himself to anyone who has any amount of regular presence to him. even if. well. you know. the torture.
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like this. see. i need to be shot
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you will hear from my lawyers steven.
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[coughs up blood]
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the "over and over". i need to be put in a blender
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flockoff · 21 days
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hirvenxsoturi · 6 months
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"The greatest frozen treat on planet Earth is frozen York peppermint patties."
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peachjagiya · 4 months
s i n g u l a r i t y
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merrysithmas · 2 years
i will never, ever be over obi-wan siccing vader on reva like a rabid dog with the ice cold threat, "you're not bringing me to him, i'm bringing him to you."
it's like the obi-wan version of this moment:
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gxlden-angels · 7 months
Idk I think it's funny seeing people on twitter say things like "Christians want to tell you it's all a part of Jesus's plan until it's them!" cause like idk about you but I've had family members 100% say they're ready to meet the Lord than interfere with his plans via a Tylenol and a flu shot
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candycoatedrox · 2 months
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jensensitive · 2 years
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